Newspaper Page Text
Wide Gains of Fractions to % Point or More Scored. U. S. Issues Ease. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust Util. F*n Net change, unc. +.1 unc. +.2 Today, neon 97.5 104.2 102.4 71.4 Previous day 97.5 104.1 102.4 71.2 Month ago.. 97.4 104 0 102.3 71.2 N Year ago_ 85.6 101.6 99.5 69.4 1936 high... 97.9 104.4 103.1 72.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99 3 67.6 1935 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1936 low.... 76 4 92.2 84.5 65.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40 0 64.6 422 1928 high...101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon-113.4 Prev. day. 113.3 Month ago 113.1 Year ago. 109.6 1936 high- 113.4 1936 low.. 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107 9 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Complied t>j the Associated Press.) B» the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 9.—Rail road liens came into prominence in the bond market today. Revival of trading interest in the di vision was reflected by a fairly uniform advance which lifted some a point or more. In recent sessions they had been reactionary. The general corporate t list tended toward moderate improve ’ Blent in late trading. United States Governments were mostly lower. The principal exceptions were Treasury 4'4s and 338s of 1949 1943. up about >8 each. Bonds of Baltimore & Ohio, South ern Railway and Frisco had some of the larger gains. -% ...... Exchange Rescinds Dual Market for Greyhound Shares 9/ Bt th« Associated Press. > NEW YORK. December 9.—The New York Stock Exchange made and later rescinded a ruling calling for a dual market in the shares of Greyhound Corp. The rule had stated the stock would carry due bills for both the recently declared 75 cents extra dividend in cash and for the optional dividend In 6! 2 per cent preferred stock. The order had provided the ticker should record sales in the former un der the designation ‘‘Gey A” and the latter as "Gey B." The stock will carry due bills for the cash dividend enly under the revised rule. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK December 0.—Dividends declared 'prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp.;; Extra. Pe- Stk of Pav Rate. riod. record, able. Chain Store Invest Trust Benefic Int _ toe 12-15 12-22 Emerson Drue A ... 4<'c 12-9 12-18 do B 4oc . _ 12-9 12-18 Air Reduction _ 25c 12-31 1-15 Amer Dlst T»1 __ «1 12-15 12-18 Garlock Packing ST'jr 12-12 12-24 do _ (XI §2 12-12 12-24 McGraw Elec *1 . 12-18 12-24 Melville Shoe *1.12'j __ 12-18 12-23 Merchants Ek of N. Y ¥1 . . 12-21 12-31 Packer Corp - --$112-10 12-19 Special. Federal Knit Mills 82>ye ... 12-15 12-21 B. F. Goodrich *1 . 12-19 12-24 Year-End. Eagle Picher Lead 4nc 12-12 12-19 Florence Stove *4.25 12-15 12-21 Gen Print Ink *2.50 13-17 12-23 NYAHonduras R M *1.85 12-14 12-24 Per.ick A Ford Ltd 75c 12-11 12-34 Taylor Milling *2 12-15 12-23 Waldorf System 25c 12-18 12-23 j Resumed. ’ Beth 8teel *1.50 . 12-17 12-24 1 Increased. Southwestern Bell Tel Q 13-24 12-31 i Crystal Tissue 8uc 12-12 12-10 Accumulated. Carman a* Co A *1.50 12-15 12-18 fnternatl Util *7 pr Pt $3.37'a 12-15 12-23 ; *3.50 pr pf *1,88s. . 12-15 12-23 • Jones A Laugh Stl pf ¥3 . 12-11 12-23 Omitted, N Y. 8hipbldg 7% cum pf $1.75 Q - - Regular. Air Reduction_ —25c (3 12-31 1-15 Amer Dlst Tel---$1 Q 12-15 12-18 do Pf _$1.15 Q 12-15 l-lo Cham Store Invest Tr Benef Int 25c Q 12-15 l-lo Cincinnati Gas A El . „ pf A _ $1 25 Q 12-15 1-2 Bconomical-C Drug 37>2c Q 1-5 1-20 do pf B _$1 50 (3 1-5 1-20 do $3 pf A_$3 S 12-10 1-2 garlock Pack-__25c <3 12-12 12-24 oodyear Tire A Rub 03c Q 12-31 1-15 do pf . _ «2>*c Q 12-15 1-2 Merchants Bk of NY $1 Q 12-21 12-31 Old Colony Trust As 15c Q 12-15 1-2 Pacific Greyhound $3.50 cv Pf 87'.c O 12-10 12-2^ Parker Corp - . .25c Q 1-5 1-15 Procter A Gam 8*7 Pf $2 Q 12-24 1-15 I Western Union - 75c __ 12-18 l-lo txi Payable in 4'2r- 10-year cv notes. ' •enes 1930. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK December 9 >.P.—New York 1 Security Dealers' Assofiation: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock ! Bid. Asked. ! Bank of Man il'a)- 32 34 i Bankers' Tr (2) - 00 08 | Cen Han Bk A Tr i4)_. 117'j 12n's l Chase Nat M.401 44 4ii Chem Bk & Tr '1.801- 59 til Commercial (8) 200 212 Cont Bk & Tr (.SOI_ 17 18'r Corn Ex Bk A T (3)_ o.'t'i, at', Empire Tr (ll - 20", 27", First Nat (Bos' (2) — — 50 52 First Natl UOOI __2000 2130 Guaranty Tr <12> 313 318 Irving Tr i.OOi 14'2 1"'j Manufacturers' Tr <2>- ol o3 Manufacturers’ Tr pf (2>_ o4 on Natl City >1' - 3; 'j 39>'a N Y Trust >51-129 132 Public (l'i) - SSI? S'I* Title G & T- 13", 14", I Washington Produce BUTTER—Range of prices to stores gathered from wholesale dealers (prices to nearby shippers based on Philadelphia and New York prices): One-pound prints, car ton (92 score). .36; 1-pound prints, carton <90 score) 36; v«-pound prints, carton <92 score). 37. '.-pound prints, carton <90 score), 35; tub (92 score). 36; tub 190 score). 34. _ MEAT6—Choice beef. 17: calves, 1«: lambs. 16: fresh ham. 23: smoked ham. 27; pork. 20: bacon, slab. 27: bacon, slice. 33; compound. 13; lard. 14’.a. ♦ LIVE STOCK—Pigs, 8'bait'4: light hogs. pi-aP V medium hogs. 934al0: heavy hogs. Pa?)3*; roughs. 6a8s4: calves. Sail: lambs. fiaprices paid shippers—net. f. o. b. Wash ington. By the United. States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGOS—Market weak on Government graded eggs. Prices l to 2 cents lower. Current receipts. 39a31: hennery whites. 34a36. Government graded and dated white eggs (net prices paid shippers, f. o. b. Washington)—U S. extras, large, 3fiJ/2: IJ. 8. extras, mediums, 32Mi: U. S. stand *r?JVE "POULTRY—Market barely steady on turkeys at unchanged prices: slightly easier on chickens. Fowl, colored, heavy. 16al8: Leghorns. 10: No. 2 s. Salt) Chickens Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers. l«V2al,i2: Delaware Crosses, lba 17: mixed colors. 12al4. Guineas, younc. 2 pounds and up. 40 each: under 2 pounds. 25a30 each: old guineas. 25a30 each. Turkeys, young hens. 20: young toms. 18. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receivers pp to 8 am. today: CABBAGE—One Pennsylvania arrived; two broken and four unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand light' market dull South Carolina. IMi-bushel hampers, pointed type, freight receipts. 1 00' Virginia. 1 Vg-bushol hampers, domestic round type. 76*1.00: New York and Penn sylvania. 60-pound sacks, domestic round * typp 70*80. CARROTS—One California arrived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market <JuU California. Western lettuce crates, fl-dozen. 2.60*2.76: Pennsylvania, bushel baskets topped washed 1.1 o. MIX ID VEGETABLES—Tw o California arrived# two broken and four unbroken . aars on track. 4 *< X BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to ine our. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bond*-.... , 860.000 Foreign Bonds_T_. 2.140,000 Domestlo Bonds_ 12.480.000 TREASU RY. HlKh Low. Close. 2448 1945-47_ 106.25 106.22 106.26 2*48 1948-61__ 104.16 104.9 104.9 2448 1951-64_103.2 103.1 103.2 244s'56-59_ 102.23 102.17 102.17 2 448 1965-60_ 104.12 104.10 104.10 is 1948-48_ 108.4 108. 108. Ss 1961-65 __ 106,15 106.12 106.16 2448 1946-49_ 108.30 108.30 108.30 3 44s 1949-62_ 108.3 108. 108. 1448 1941 109.16 109.16 109.16 344a 1944-46_ 110.11110.11110.11 3 44s 1940-43 Juns 108.15 108.16 108.15 3 44 8 1 941-43 Mar 109.19 109.19 109.19 *44 8 1 9 4 3-47 _ 111.8 111.3 111.3 3448 1946 66. 114.18 114.18 114.18 4S 1944-54 _ 116.5 116.4 116.4 4448-3148 1948-45 110.14 110.13 110.18 4 44 8-3 44 s 4 3-45rg 110.8 110.9 110.9 444s 1947-62 121.26 121.23 121.24 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. Ss 1947 _ 105.19 105.19 105.19 38 1949_185.7 105.7 105.7 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 244s 1942-44 _ 108.4 103.8 103.3 2*48 1939-49_ 103.6 103.6 103.6 Ss’1952_ 104.28 104.26 104.27 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbl PaAPw 6s '63 76H 754i 7544 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6a '47 Febr coupon on 2344 2844 2344 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6a '48 April coupon on. 2344 2344 2344 Akershus 5a 63 __ 98'* 98V* 984* Antloqula 7a'45 A__ 12 10 12 Antloqula 7a'45 B__ 114 9** 1144 Antloqula 7a'45 C.___ 11'4 10 ^14* Antloqula 7s'45 D_ 114* 914 1144 Antloqula 1st 7s‘67 1 044 1 044 1 044 Antloqula 2d 7s'57 new 104* 9% 104* Antloqula 3d 7s '67_ 1044 9*4 1044 Antwerp 6a '6* _ 97 97 97 Argentine 644 s'62_ 102% 1024* 10244 Argentine 6a'57 A_ 10244 102*4 10244 Argentine 6s'6* B_ 10244 1024* 102*4 Argentine 6s'69 June 102% 102*4 1024* Argentine 6a '59 Oct 1024 1024* 1024 Argentine 6a '60 May 10244 102*4 1024* Argentine 6a'60 Sept 1024* 102% 102*4 Argentine 6s ’60 Oct 10244 10244 10244 Argentine 6s 61 Febr 10244 1024 1024* Argentine 6s 61 May. 102*4 102** 1024* Australia 44** 66_ 102*4 1024* 1024* Australia 6a '65___1104* 109*4 IH'4* Australia 6a'57_lin 1094* 1094* Austrian 7a '57__ 98 98 98 Bavaria S 6 4*s '45_ 23*4 23** 23** Belgium 6%s ’49_ 1084* 1084* 1084* Belgium 7a 56_ 1154 1154 1154 Barlln 6 4*8 '50 __ 23** 23\ 234 Berlin Elec 64*s ’51_ 24*4 24*4 24s* Brazil 6 4*s 2«-’67_ 364 36 36% Brazil 6 4*a'27-’67_ 36!* 36 364 Brazil 8s '«1 -_ 404* 39*i 39% Brada Ernesto 7s ’54— 60 60 60 Brisbane 6s'67_ 103*4 1034 1034 Brisbane 5s'58_ 102** 102** 102** Brisbane 6s '50_ 104}* 1044* 104.4* Budapest 6s ‘62 unmat coupon on_ 284 284* 284 Buenos A C 3s-84 f0»* BO 80** Buenos A C 64*a'55 . 102 102 102 Buen A 4 4*8-4%s 76. 81 80?* 80*« Buenos Aires 4 6*8-4%a '76 April- 78 77% 78 Buenos Airea 4 4*8-3 % s *77 Pv 754* 74’g 74% Buenos A C 6b'61 Pv. 93 93 93 Buenos A 6s '61 St Pv 85 85 85 BuenosAC64*s'fitstPv 85 85 85 Bulgaria 74*s '68 May coupon off_ 204* 20 20 Canada 3%s 61_ 103% 103% lo3% Canada 4s 60_110% 110% 110% Canada 6s'62 _ 114% 114% 114% Carlsbad 8s '54_ 47% 47% 47% Chile 6s'60 _16 15*4 16 Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s '61 Febr_ 15s, 15% 15% Chile 6s '61 Sept_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6a 62_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s'63_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 7s 42 _ 15% 15% 15% Chile Mte Bk 6s'61_ 13% 13s, 13% Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 — 13% 13% 13% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s'57. 13% 13% 13% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s'61. 14 13% 13% Chilean Mun % 7s '60. 12% 12% 12% Colombia 6s'61 Jan_ 28% 26% 28% Colombia 6s'61 Oct... 28% 26% 28% Col Mtg Rk 6%s'47_ 23W 23% 23% Col Mtg Bk 7s 46 _ 23% 21% 23% openhagen 4 %s'63.. 98% 98% 98% Copenhagen 6s '52 .. 99% 99% 99% Copenhagen T 6s '54.. 100% 100% 100% Cordoba 7s '42 Prv_ 95 94% 95 Costs Rica 7s A '61... 26% 26 26% Cuba 58'14-'4S_101 101 101 Cuba 6%s 45 _ 68 65% 16% Cuba 5%s 63 _ 102% 102% 102% Czechoslovakia 8s’61 102 101% 102 Denmark 4 %s 62 99 98% 99 Denmark 6%s'55_ 100% 100% 100% Denmark 6s 42 .. 105% 105 105% Dominie 1st 6%s'40.. 72 72 72 Dominic 1st 6%s'42 . 73% 73% 73% Dresden 7s'45 _ 21 24 24 El Salvador 8s '48 ct 70 70 70 French Gv 7s 49 un St 123% 123% 123% French Gov 7 %s'41 129 128 129 GerC Bk A 6s ’60 July 25% 25% 25% Ger C Ag Bk 6s'60 Oct 25% 25% 25% Ger Gen Elec 7s'45_ 40 40 40 Ger Gov 5%s 65 st 21% 21% 21% Ger Gov 6%s "65 un st 20% 20% 20% Ger Prv ft City Bk con Ag 6%s '68 ... 26 26 26 Gar Kep 7s'49 stpd... 29% 29 29 Ger Rep 7s 49 un st . 23% 23% 23% Grt C El Jap 6%s '50. 87 87 87 Hungary 7 %s '44 Febr coupon on 48% 48% 48% Hung Con M 7%s '45 unmat coupon on 22% 22% 22% Italy 7s 51 81% 81% 81% Ital Crd P W 7s '47 B. 77% 77 77 Japan 6%s ’65 _ 84 84 84 Japan 6 %s ’54 _ 99% 98% 98% Karstadt 6s'43 _ 40 40 40 Kreug&Toll 5s 59 cfs 45 45 45 Leipslg 7s '47 — 24% 24% 24% uombard Elec 7s *62 68 68 68 Medelln 6%s 64 11% 10 11% Met Wat 5%s 50 103% 103% 103% Mex 4S'10-’45 asst Igs 6% 6% 6% Mex 4s ’10-'45 em 6% 5% 5% Mex sf 5s '46 asst 8% 8% 8% Milan 6%s 62 65% 65% 65% Minas Cere 6 %s 58 Sept cou pon oft 21% 21 21 Mlaas Geras 6 %s 59 Sept coupon on 21 21 21 Montecattnl 7s '37 .. 98% 98% 98% Mew SO We'esbs’SI 104% 104% 104% Mord Kv 6 %B '50 ... 107% 107 107 Norway 4 %s'65 ... 101% 101% 101% Norway 4%s 65_ 103% 103% 103% N'orwav 6s'63 __ 101% 101 101% Norway 6s'44 .. 109% 109% 109% Oriental Dev 6%s ’58 74 74 74 Oriental Dev 6s 53 77% 77 77 Panama 6s'63 stp as 72 71% 72 Parts Orl Kv 6%»’68 103 103 103 Paulista Ry 7s'42_ 85 85 65 Pernambuco 7s '4f Sapt coupon off—19% 19% 19% Peru 6s '60 _ 14% 14 14% Peru 6s '61_ 14% 14 14% Peru 7s ’69___16 15% 15% Poland 6s '40_ 58% 68% 58% Poland 7s 47- 77 76% 77 Poland 8a '50_ 59 68% 58% Prussia 6s '52 _ 22% 22% 22% Prussia 6%1 '61_ 22% 22% 22% Queensland 7s 41 ... 113(4 113(4 113(4 Rhine W El P 6s *63 ... 25(4 26(4 25(4 Rhine W El P 7s '6025(4 25(4 26(4 Rio de Jan 6(%s '61 Aug coupon oft 19(4 1854 19(4 Rio Or do Sul 6s '61 June coupon off .. 20 19(4 20 Rio Or do Sul 7s 66 May coupon off ._. 21H 21(4 21(4 Rio Or do Sul 7s 67 June coupon off _ 21(4 21(4 21(4 Rio Or do Sul 8s '46 April coupon off . 28 28 28 Rom* 6(4* 62 - 68(4 68 88(4 Rumania 7s '49 Aug coupon off _ 24(4 24(4 24(4 Sao Paulo C 8s '62 coupon off _ 23 23 23 Sao Paulo St 6a '66 July coupon off .„ 23(4 23(4 23(4 Sao Paulo St 7s-40 ... 91*; 91(4 91(4 Sao Paulo St 6s '66 July coupon off 30(4 30(4 30(4 Serbs 7s'62 unm e o.. 23(4 22(4 22(4 Serbs 8s '62 unm e O— 24 24 24 SI tests Prov Ts '68 .. 51*4 51(4 »1(4 Silesian Bank 6s’47--. 34(4 34(4 34(4 Toklo 6(4* *61_ 74 74 74 Uruguay 6s '60__— 61 60(4 61 Uruguay 6s '64._____ 61(4 61(4 61(4 Uruguay 8s'46_ 62(4 60(4 62(4 Vienna 6s '62 Mar eo. 86(4 86(4 86(4 Hlgn. low. i;iose. i Warsaw Ta *61_ 494 494 494 Westphal El Pw «■ >5* 244 244 244 WuerttsmberK 7s ’56. 284 2«4 234 Yokohama 6s ’61 . 774 764 77 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s 47. 1034 1084 1034 Adams Express 4s’46 1034 1034 1084 Alb&Sus 3Hs ’46 ctd. 1044 KN4 1044 A lies Corp bs 44 _ 101 1004 101 AUegCorp6s 46_ 974 974 974 AUeg Corp 6s ’50.904 9«4 904 Alleg Corp 6s '60 sto.. 684 68 68 Alleg & Westn 4S’68.. 1034 103 103 Allied Stores «4a'50 101 101 101 Allis Chalmers 4s '46 . 2064 2024 2054 Am & For Pw 6s ’2030 814 804 814 Am 1 QCh 64s '49... 1104 110 1104 AmT*T«4»'*9._ 1144 1144 1144 Am T % T deb 6s '65— 1104 H04 1104 Am T & T 64a ’41 ... 1124 1124 1124 Am T F *4s-6a 38-’50 1614 1«1 l«l Am Writ Papar 6a >47 764 70 764 Am Writ Pa 6s '47 cfs 76 70 76 Anaconda deb «4s’60 1064 1064 106 Anelo-Chl) Nit 7s’67. 414 394 414 Ark & M B & T 6s ’64. 104 104 104 Armour & Co 4 4s '39 104H 1044 1044 Armour! Del 11 at 4S’66 994 99 994 A T&S Fe 4s 05-’55 1094 1094 1094 A T&S Fe een «s '96 117 1164 1164 A T&S F TCSL 4s '68. 1134 1134 1134 Atlanta* Birm 4s '3* 284 284 284 Atl Coast L 1st 4s '62 1054 1054 1054 Atl Coast Lclt 48 -62 . 984 98 984 AtlC L un 44s 64 - 984 98 4 984 Atl Coast Lilne 6s’46. 1064 1064 1064 Atlantic & D lst4s 48 614 «0 6O4 Atlantlo & D 2d 4s >41 63‘* 634 534 B «t U 1st IS IS__ 1UB5S 1UOT1 tuttlt B A O 4 4* 60 __ 81 80 804 B A O 1st 6s '48_1154 115 115 B A O ref 5s '*5 A- 924 924 924 B AO 6s'96 F _ 924 914 924 B AO ref 6s 2000 D 92 914 92 B & O PL.EA W V 4S’41 1044 1044 1044 B A O Toledo 4S '69 99 4 994 994 Bang & Aroosev 4s '61 114 114 114 Bell T of Pa 6s-60C- 1314 181 1314 Beth Steel3?*s’66_._ 994 994 994 Betb Stl 4 *4S'60 sf__ 1054 1054 1054 Bor A Me 4 %s-61 J_ 804 804 804 Bos A Me 5s '56 _ 85 4 85 85 4 Bos A Me 6s '67 844 »44 844 Boston N Y A L4s'6 6 224 22 224 Bot con M 64s '34 40 39 394 Bot Con M 64s'34 ct. 40 39 394 Bklvn Cy RR 6s '41 101 101 101 Bklyn Ed Con34s'66- 1054 1061* 1054 Bklyn Man T 44s 66 104 1034 104 Bklvn (Jn El 6s 60 111!* 114** 1144 Bklyn Un Gas 6s'57 B 110 110 110 Brown Shoe 34»'50 l08 1°8 1°8 Buff BAP con 44s '57 914 914 914 BCRANcl6s’34 ... 22 214 22 Bosh Term con 6s '56 714 704 714 | Bush Term Bldg 5s '60 6 5 4 56 4 554 By-Prod Ck 6 4s '45 1004 1004 1004 Calif GAE rf 5s '37 ... 1034 1034 1034 Calif Packing 6s 40.. 1054 105 1054 Camag VS'42 Ctts .. 4H* 40 40 Can’dlan N R 44* ‘61. 1154 1154 1154 Can'dian N R *4s'66 116 1154 11* Can'dlan N R 4 4» 67 115 115 115 Can dian N 6s'6a July 1184 1184 H8'i Can'dlan N K 6s'fi» Uci 1204 1204 1204 Can'dlan N R5s'70._. 12o», 1204 12«4 Can’dlan N db 6 4s'46 1271* 127V* 1274 Can’dlan P db «s uerp 974 964 074 Csn'dlan Pao44s 46 1034 1034 103** Can'dian Pac 6s 54 1094 109Vs 1094 Caro Cent con 4s'49_ 70 70 70 Caro Cl A U 6s ’38 106 106 106 Central Fdry cv 5s ’41 1024 102V; 1024 Central Fdry cv 6s '41 156 156 156 Cent of Ga 1st 5s'45.. 80 4 804 804 Cent of Ga con 5s'45. 814 31 314 l ent of Ga 6s'59 C - 19*1 19'* 19'* Cent of Ga rf 6 4*’59 20 194 20 ent 111 E&G6s 61 1044 104'* 1044 Cent N England 4s ’61 66** 55** 564 Cent of N J 48 ’87 81*-* 81** 81** Cent of N J gen 6s '87 89 874 88 Cent of N J gn 6s’87rg 84 83** 84 Cent Par 1st rf 4s '49 1124 1124 1124 Cent Pao 6s 60 _ 1031* 102*1 1034 I Cert’d deb 5 Vis '48_ 931, 93V, 93*4 I Chemp C c» bs 44_ 1374 1374 13714 Chesan Corp 6s 47_ 152 152 152 Ches &0 3Vis'9« D_ 102V, 102*4 102*, Che* & O 3 Vis '96 E 102*4 1021, 102*4 C A O pen 4 >,s 92 ' 128 128 128 C & O con 5s ’39 rep 1081, 108V, 108V, C & O Greenbr 4s ’40. 108*4 108*, 1084 Chi B&g J dlv 4s ’48— 113 112** 1121, Chi A E III 6s '61 . 34*4 33 3414 Chi A E 111 6s ’51 ctf S- 83V, 33 331, Chi & E 111 con 6s '34.. 984 984 9814 Chi Grt W est 4s '59 .. 46V, 45 46*4 Chi 1 A L pen 6s ’66 2014 191$ 201$ Chi Ind A L gen 6s '66. 201$ 20 20*4 CMAStP 4s’89 .. 601$ 6014 6014 CMAStP pn ms '89 C 65 641, 66 CMAStP s '89_ 66V, 66V, 661, CMAStP 6s '76 _ 27*4 2614 274 CMAStPAP adl 6s2000 8V, 8 8V, Chi A NW gen 31,8'87 391, 391$ 391$ Ch! A NW 4l,s 2037 26*4 25*. 26*, Chi A NW 41$s 2037 C 26*, 25?, 26*4 Chi A NW 4618 '49_ 15 14*4 15 Chi A NW 41i»'87_ 45 44*4 44*4 Chi A NW gen 5s '87.. 46*4 45V, 46*, Chi A N W rf 6s 2087 28 27*4 27*, CANVV Nr W 6V$s 36 49*4 49*4 491,1 Chi R IAP rf 4s 34 18'4 171, 18V, \ Chi R l&P rf 4s '34 ctf 16 15*. 15*4 Chi H IAP gen 4s'88 38*4 371$ :18*« I Chi R IAP 4 >48 '62 18*4 18 18*4 j Chi R IAP 41,8'52 ctf 16V, 15*4 16 Chi R 1AP4V,* *0 9*, 91, 9V5 Chi T HAS 1st 6s'60_. lOol, 100*, 10(0, Chi T HAS Inc 5s '60,. 88*, 871, 871, Chi Un Sta 3V$s'51.. 108I4 1084 108*4 Chi Un Sta 34s 63 E 111 110,4 1101, Chi A W 1 con 4s '62 108 1074 1074 Chi A W Ind 4V4s '62. 1054 105 105 Childs A Co 6s'43 .. 93 4 93*4 934 Chile Cop dab 6s'47 .. 1014 1014 1014 CCCASt JL gen 4s'93.. 106*4 1064 106*4 CCCASt Lrf 4V4S-77 E 984 984 984 CCCASt L ref 6s '63 D 102*4 102*4 102*4 CCCASt L ref 6s'41 C 105*4 105*4 105*4 CCCAStL SLLdv 4s'90 103 4 1034 103 4 Clev Ln Tel 4V,s’77 1064 106 105*4 Clev Un Term 6s’73 B 1094 1094 1094 Colo Fuel A Iron 6s '43 1074 1074 1074 Colo Fuel A ir 6s'70.. 934 93 93 Colo A So 4Vis’80 774 764 764 Columbia G A E deb 6s ”52 April _ 1064 1054 1054 Columbia G A E 6a '52 May ... 1054 105 105 Columbia GAE 5s ’61 105 1044 104*4 Com Inv Trust 3Via’51 1044 1044 1044 Cons Coal Del 6s '60 644 634 644 Cone Ed NT 3 Vie '46 n 1064 106?, 106?, Cons Ed NY 3Vis '66 n 1074 1074 1074 Cons Gas N Y 44s '61 107 1064 106*4 Consol Oil 3Vis'51 .. 105 1044 1044 Cons Pwr 3 Vis'70 . 108 1074 1074 Consum Pwr3*,s’65. 110 110 110 Container deb 5s’43.. 1024 1024 1024 Crane Co 3 V$s'51 _ 1024 1024 1024 Cuba RR 1st 6s 62 - 644 644 644 Cuba RR ref 7 Vis’36. 744 744 744 Cuba Northn 6Via'4* 64 4 64 64*4 Dei A Hud ref 4s 43 894 894 8»4 Den A R G con 4s 36 33 4 32 324 Den A R G 4Vis'36 .. 334 33 334 Den A K G W 6s 66 174 174 174 Den A RGW 6s'65 asst 174 164 164 Den A R G ref 6s '78 29 28 29 Det Edison 34# '66 .. 1084 1084 1084 Det Edison 4 4s'61 D 1164 1164 116), DetAMac 1st 4s '65 as. 50 50 60 East Cuba 8 I Vi*’31 . *6 <34 *44 Elgin JAE6s'41_1144 1144 114*4 Erie cons 4a '91._106 106 106 Erie pen 4s ’96_ 92 914 914 Erie ref 6i'67_______ 874 87 874 Erie ref 6a ’76_ 874 864 874 Fla ECRy 4Via’59.„ 794 784 794 Fla EC Ry 5s'74 . 164 164 164 Fla E C Ry 6s *74 otfs 164 154 154 Fran Sug 7 Via’42 136 1 34 135 Fran Sug 7Vis '42 ctfa 136 1334 136 Galv HA H 5 4a’38... 964 954 964 Gen Mot Aco 3s 46 — 1044 1044 1044 Gen Mot ACC 34s‘51. 1044 104 1044 Gen Sti C b Via'49 — 98 4 98 984 Goodrich 6S ’4* _ 1UOV4 luoy» luo* Goodyear TAR 6s '67 104*4 104 104 Goth Silk H 6s 46 srw 107 107 107 Great N Ry 4s 46 O . 119*4 119 119*4 Great N Ry 4s '46 H 108*4 108*4 108*4 Grt N R ref 4*4s’61 A 116** 115*4 116*4 Grt N R (ten 4*4S *76 E 109*4 109*4 109*4 Grt N R gen 4*4 11 B. 109 108*4 108*4 Grt N R gen 6s ’73 C~ 113*4 113*4 113*4 Grt N R 6**s ’62 B — 117*4 117*4 117*4 Green Bay 6s *62 B._. 11*4 H 11*4 Gulf MINIS ‘60 101 100*4 101 Gulf States Util 4s 66 106*4 105*4 105*4 Har Ry P C 1st 4S ’64 90 *9*4 89*4 Hoe (R) ACo***s ’l4 94*4 93 94*4 Houston OH 6*4s’40 101*4 101*4 101*4 Hous BAT 1st 6s ’37 102*4 102*4 102*4 HoustonAT C 1st 5s’37 102*4 102*4 102*4 Hudson Coal 6s ‘62 54'4 64*4 64*4 Hud A Man lne 6s '67. 34*4 34 34 Hud A Man ref 6s '67. 82*4 81*4 82*4 111 Cent col tr 4s‘63— 93 92*4 92*4 111 Cent col tr 4s’51.. 89 88*4 88*4 111 Cent ref 4s '66 _ 94*4 94 94*4 111 Cent 484 s '86_ 80 79*4 80 111 Cent ref 6s ’66 104 108*4 104 111 Cent Lou 8%s ’61— 102 102 102 111 Cent St L 3s ’61_ 90. 90 90 tCCAStL N O 4*4s’83. 86*4 86*4 85*4 ICCAStL N O 6s ’*8 _ 90*4 90 90*4 111 8tesl deb 4Vfcs '40_ 107 106*4 106*4 L iliKn. low. Liose. Ind 111 & Iowa 4a '60.. 106** 1064 1064 Inland Stl 14a '•!_1074 1074 1074 int K T lat rt 6a 'll_ 954 964 964 Int R T 6a 'IS_ 494 484 48*4 Int RT 7a *32_ 964 964 964 Int KTIi '32 ctfa_957* 954 954 Interlaka 6s *61_ 984 984 984 Int Cement 4a '46_ 164 163 164 int Grt Nr 6s‘62 A_ 834 884 884 int Grt Nr ad) 6s’63 A. 114 U 11 int Hydro El Is ’44_ 824 814 814 int Pap lat 6a'47 A_ 1024 1024 1024 Int Pap rsf 6s'66_ 984 984 984 Int Ry of C A 6s '41... 1024 102*/* 1024 Int Ry of C A 6 Ha '47. 99 99 99 Int TAT ov 44* ’39_ 844 82 834 Int TAT 4Hs ’63_ 72 704 72 Int T&T Ss -65 _ 76 734 76 Iowa Cant lat£rf4a*51 24 24 24 James F AC 4a'89 .. 101 1004 1004 Jonea&LStl 44tfllA. 105 1044 106 Kan C F SAM 4a 'It 6«4 664 664 Kan CFSAM rf 4a’36et 62 62 62 Kan C So 1st la '60... 924 924 924 Kan C Sort in 6a’60.. 984 984 984 Kan C Term 1st «s '60 1094 1094 1094 Keith 6s 46 _ 984 984 98.4 Kings County El ft Pw pur mon 6s '97__ 1624 1624 1624 Kings County Light 1st ref 5s'54 _ 1154 1154 1154 Kresge Found 4s ’46.. 1124 1124 1124 Laclede Gas 6s'42 A.. 69 69 69 Laclede Ub4a'63 C.. 684 674 68 Laclede U 64s’60 O . 674 674 674 Lake E & W 1st 6s ’37 102*4 102 1024 Lake Eft W 2d 5s ’41. 1054 1057* 1054 Lake S&M So 3 4*’97. 107 107 107 Lautaro Nltr 6s'64 34 34 34 Leh C&N 44s '64 A ... 1044 1044 1044 Leh ft N E RR 4s '65-. 105 105 105 Leh Val Coal 5s'44_ 1004 1004 1004 Leh Val Coal 6s ’64_ 75 75 75 Leh Val Coal 6s'74... 75 744 75 Leh Valley Har 6a ’ll. 1064 106 1054 Leh V p oon 4s 2001 . 714 704 71 L V Pa cn 4s 2003 reg_ 65 65 65 Leh V Peon 4 4a 2003 764 76 76 Leh V RR con 6s 2003 854 85 4 854 Leh Val Ter 6s ’41 ... 1094 1094 1094 Llgg * Myers 6e '61__. 126 126 126 Loew e 3 4s '46 _ 10141004100** Long la) ref 4s’49 IO64 1064 1064 Lone Island deb 6s’S7 101** 1014 101** Lorlllard 6s 5!_ 125'* 1254 1254 Lorlllard 7s'44_ 136 136 136 I .a Ark to MSI* L & Nash 3 *4 ■ 2003_ 97* 97?. 97s* E & N lat 4S 2003 _ 104 104 104 E* N unit 4S ’40_ 1094 1094 109** L&N»S’37 _1014 1014 1014 E & N So Mon 1t 4s ’52 100 100 100 alcCrory Stores 5s '51 1054 1054 1051* McKessAKob 64s'60 1044 104* 104* M«C RR Clt 48 '45 A . 104«* 104** 104** Me C RR gn 44S'60A 82 4 82 824 Manatl Sug 74s'42 92 914 92 Man S 1st 7 4s'42 ctfs 91* 90 91 Manhat Ry 4s 90 .. 55 63 4 53?* Mantiat Ry 4S'90 ctts 504 494 394 Met Ed 1st rf 44s 6* 109?* 109* 109!* Mil E R A S L rf 6s’7l 105 104?* 104?. Mil Spa & N W 4s '47.. 364 364 36?* Minn & S L rf 4»'49 - 6 4** 6 Minn & S'* 6s'34 ctfs 134 134 134 MStP&SSM cn 4s '3* 36»* St* 36!* MStP&SSM 6s '38 gtd. 41 40»* 41 MStP&SSM 64s'49._ 294 29 4 294 MStP&SSM 64»'7S- 93 93 93 Mo 111 6s "59 . _ 47 47 47 Mo K & T 1st 4s '90_ 96 4 96 964 Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 72 4 724 724 Mo K & T 4 4 8 '78_ 76 * 754 75s, Mo K & T 5s 62 A_86 85* ' 86 Mo K & T adj 5s'67_ 69** 69* 694 Mo Pac 4a'75_ 15 14** 15 Mo Pac 6s '65 A_40s* 404 40s* Mo Pac 6s '77 F_ 40?* 40* 40’* Mo Pac 6s "78 0 _ 404 40*g 404 Mo Pacific 5s 80 H-__. 40?j 404 404 Mo P,c 6, '81 1 .1. 40«i 40?* 40s* Mo Pac 6s '81 I ctfs._. 394 394 394 Mo Pacific 6 4* 49 a! 114 114 11s* Mob & Ohio 44s'77.. 26?* 25?* 26?* Mob & Ohio 6s'38 , 27 26 27 Mob & O M dlv 6s '47l 39 38 39 Mohawk & M 4s ’91 . 984 98 98 Monong Ry 1st 4s 60 111* 111* 111* Monong Pub S 44s'60 108 108 108 Monong Pub Svc 6s'65 108* 108 108 Mont Pwr ref 6s *43 106?* 106* 105!* Mont Power 5s 62 A 1044 1044 104!, Morris & Co 44» '39 103* 103?* 103V* Mor &Essex 8 4s 2000 974 97 974 Morris & Essex 4 4*66 94 94 94 Mor A Essex 6s ‘55 1004 100?* 100?, Nashv CASt E 48 "78 97 4 96s, 96s* Nassau Eiec 48 '61 gtd 63s, 63* 634 Nat Dairy 35*s ’61 ww 107 106?* 106* Nat Dis P C 4 4 s '45 106?* 106 106** Nat R M lat 4s ’61 sssi 84 84 34 Nat Ry Mex 4s '77 April coupon os_ 2* 2** 2** Nat Steel 4B’66 ._ 1074 1074 1074 Newark C Gas as ’48.. 122". 122* 122* New Eng RR 6s '45 _ 634 634 634 New E T&T 1st 6s 52 126s, 126s, 126s, NewurUNRbs 83 A 93 93 93 v^r o: a a -a* _ a,;, aa a,„ New Orl P S 5s 52 A 1U04 100‘, 100'., New Orl P S 5s 65 B 1004 1004 1004 New on Ter 1st 4s ’52 100 994 100 New Or T&.M 4 4s’56 45 4 45 4 454 New Orl T&.M 5s ’64 B 484 48', 484 New Or) T&.M 64s’5 4 50 50 50 N Y Cent 3 4s ’97 1044 1044 1044 N Y Cent 3 4s '37 reg 1004 1004 1004 N Y Central 34s 46 1034 1034 lo34 N Y Cent con 4s 98 1044 1044 104', N Y Cent rf 44s 2018 95 944 944 N Y C rt 4 4* 2013 n__ 95 94** 944 N Y Cent rf 5s 2011... 1004 1004 1004 N Y Cent cv6s 44 ... 1147,114 1144 NY C L, Sh 34s '98 ._ 98.4 974 974 NYC&St L 1st 4s '3T_ 103 103 103 NYC&St L 44s’78 ... 94 934 934 NYC&St L 64s ’74 A. 1044 1044 104", N Y Chi & St L 6s '3*. 100 100 100 N Y Conn 6s '63 B_ 1084 1084 1084 N Y Dock 1st 4s '51_704 70 704 N Y Dock 6s '38 _ 71 697, 694 N Y Edison 8 4 s '65 D 1064 1054 1054 N Y Edls ref 3 4s '6«_. 105), 1054 105 4 N Y G El H&P 6s '48.. 1264 1264 1264 NYL4W 1st 4s'73. 1044 1044 1044 NY NH & H 3 4s '54_ 32 32 32 NY NH & H 34s'66-_ 324 32 82 NY NH & H 4s ’47_ 33 33 33 NY NH & H 4s ’65_ 334 33 33 NY NH & H 4s ’66_ 83 33 S3 NY NH & H 48 ’67_ 23 22 23 NYNH&H44s’67 374 374 374 NY NH & H Cl tT 6s ’40 48 474 48 NY NH & H c, 6s'48 384 374 384 N Y N H & H Cons Rys «s’54. . 254 254 254 NY O&W gen 4s ’86_ 414 40s, 414 NY U*W ref 4s '91_ 467, 44 4 444 NY Putnam 4s '93_ 94'4 934 944 NY Queens con S4»’S6 1094 1094 1094 NY Rys Inc 6s 65 604 694 604 N Y Rys 6s '65 A stpd- 1054 1054 1054 NY Steam 1st 6s’47 . 1084 1084 1084 NY S&W 1st rt 6s’37. 88 87 88 NY S&VV gen 6s'40... 67 67 67 NY Tel gen 4 4s ’39._ 1104 110 1104 NY W & B 44s '46_ 144 144 144 Nlag Sh 6 4s '60 103 103 103 Nort So 1st ref 6s '61. 194 184 184 Norf S 1st rf6s’61 cfs. 184 18 184 Norf & W 1st 4s ’96 1234 123 123 North Am Ed 6s 69 C 1054 1054 1064 North Am Ed 64a '63 1084 1034 1034 Nor'n Pac gen 3s 8047 824 814 824 Nor'n Pac 4s'97 ... 1114 1114 1114 Nor’n Pao 44s 2047.^ 1044 104 1044 Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 C_ 1094 1094 1094 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 ._ 112 112 112 North Sts Pw 44s ’(1 1064 1064 1064 North S P 1st 6s '41 A 1084 1034 1034 North Sts Pwr 6s ’64 1084 1084 1084 Nor’n Sts Pw 6s 41 B. 104 104 104 Ogden L C 4s •«*_ 29 29 29 Onto Edison 4s '65_ 1074 1074 1074 Ont Pwr Nlag 6s’4«._ 1164 1154 1154 Oreg Sh Line 5s '46... 1214 1214 1214 Oreg W RR * N 4» *«1 107), 107 1074 Otis Steel 6s‘41_ 102 102 102 Pac Coast 6s'4*_774 774 774 Pac Q&KS%s (1_108V* 1084 1084 Pac Q4B4S ’(4 .. 1104 1104 1104 Pac KR Mo 1st 48 'IS. 1024 1024 1024 Pac TAT rf 3 4s ’64 B 1064 1064 1064 Pac TAT 1st 6s 87_ 1004 1004 1004 Pan Am P C 6s '40_ 664 66 66 Pan Am P C 6s'40 etfs 664 554.664 Parm Broadway 3s’66 714 714 714 Paramount Pic 6s '6b 1004 1004 1004 Park-LiX 64s '63 ctfs. 37 364 87 Parmelee 6s 44__ 73 724 78 Penn Co 4s ’63_ 1064 1064 1064 Penn Dixie C 6s '41_ 994 994 994 Penn O A D 4 48 ’77_. 103** 1034 1034 Penn P A L 44s'81.. 1064 106 106 Penn RR 34s 70 C .. 1084 1034 1034 Penn RR cn 4s'48 stp. 1154 1154 1154 Penn RR «4s-St 111 1H HI Penn RR con 44 ’60.. 1244 1244 1244 Penn HR an 4 4s'66 1144 H44 1144 Penn RR deb 4 4s '70 107 1064 106^ People G LAC rt 6s'47 1164 H64 H«4 Peoria A E Ino 4s '90 16 15 15 Peoria A E 1st 4s'40. 974 974 »14 Pere Mara let 48-58-. 1014 101 1014 Pere Marq 44s 10_ 1034 1084 1034 Pere Marq 1st 6s '66_ 1054 1054 1054 Phils Co 6s '67 _ 1064 1064 1064 Phila Elee Co 4s 11_ 104 104 104 Phila Ele®Co44»’«t. 1064 1064 1064 Phila ARCA1 6e1S— 47 464 4*4 Phila A RCA1 6s'4f- 254 244 26 NEW HIGH IS SET Actual Production Climbs Also to Another Peak, Institute Reports. £j the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 9—The As sociated Press index of electric power production, with 1929-1930 taken as 100. advanced to a new high for the week ended December 5 at 119.0 from 118.1 the previous week. A year ago the index, which is adjusted for sea sonal and long-term trend, stood at 104.6. The range for recent years follows; 1936. 1935. 1934. 1933. High_ 119.0 105.5 97.4 91.9 Low.. 102.0 94.1 91.9 80.2 Actual production as reported by Edison Electric Institute, also was at a new high. Output of 2,243.916,000 kilowatt hours was an increase of 5.2 per cent over 2,133,511,000 kilowatt hours in the preceding week and a gain of 13.9 per cent over 1,969.662,000 kilowatt hours in the same week last year. All major geographic regions shared in the increase over 1935. Percentage changes follow: New England, 11.8; Middle Atlantic, 13.8; Central Indus trial. 16.8; West Central, 10.3; South ern States, 18.8; Rocky Mountain, 12.3; Pacific Coast, 8.2. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK December fi tiPi.—Revenue freight carloadings on railroad* reporting today for week ended December 6 in cluded: Week Prev. Last Dec 5. week. year. Pennsylvania 111,954 105,313 91.593 N. Y. Central _ 89.3x7 xo.059 75.855 Illinois Cent 42.193 :i:i.9o9 30.790 Pittsb. A L Erie 13.738 13.0311 9.788 Norlolk A West. 29.128 27,879 21,528 RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. December 9 OPI.—Crude rubber futures opened batelv steady. 8 to 7 lower December unquoted. March. 19.24 25: May. 19.15 bid. -•-■■■ Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc.—De clared a dividend of 60 cents on com mon stock, payable December 24; last previous distribution on common was 12 >3 cents & share on July 1, 1932. High. Low. Close. Philippine Ry 49 ’S7„ 21V* 20 21!« PCC&St B 4 4 s '63 1_124s, 1244 124s, PCC&St 1, 4 Vj 8 ’64 J — 1244 124 4 1244 PCC&St B 448 ’77 C— 1074 1074 1074 PCC&St B 6b 70 A_ 123** 1234 1234 PCC&St L6«’75 B 1234 1234 1234 Pltts&W Va 44* 59 B 944 944 944 Pltts&W Va 44s-60 C 944 944 944 Port A C & D 6s 63 A 105s. 105s, 1054 Port Ar C&D 6s '63 B 105s, 105s, 1054 Port lien (£1 4 4 8-6 0 73s, 73‘, 734 Postal Tel & C 8s "5* 414 40V, 4t Pressed Stl Car 6s'51. 984 984 984 Pure 011 4*48 50 m 1164 116 1164 Purity Bak 6a '48_ 1004 1004 1004 R-K-O «• 41_1164 1164 1164 Reading Jer C 4S’51-. 104' . 1044 1044 Reading K 44* 97 A 107s, 1074 107*, Rem-Rand 4*4 e'56 ww 112V 112 1124 Republic Stl 44a '61 994 994 994 Republic Stl 44s '60 1274 126 126 Republic Stl 64s'54. 108** 1084 1084 i Revere Cop 4 4s'56 . 105>* 105V* 105V* Richfield Oil 6a '44 65 644 64V* Richfield O 6» '44 ctf a 65 644 64** R G W 1st ex in 41'39 80 80 80 Rio G W COl 4s'49 A.. 464 45 4 454 R 1 AAB 1st 44e '34.. 194 18V* 18V* Rutland RK 44s ’41.. 33 33 33 Saguenay Pw 4 4* '6* 105 105 105 St Jo Ry B T&P be '17 102Vi 1024 lu24 SI B 1M&S K&G 4a 'II 84*4 84 4 844 St B IM&SR*S4s'33ct 83>* 83Vi 83V* St B P & NW 6s'48___ 41 41 41 St B R M & P 6s '55... 84 4 844 844 St B-S Fran 4s'60 A . 28 4 27 28V, St B-S F 4s '60 A ctfa 264 25»i 264 St L-S FrulHidt 27V, 26** 27 St B-S F 4 4s -78 Ct St 25 244 25 St B-S F 5s -60 B ctfS 26 26 26 St B S W 2d 48 '89 72?* 714 71** St B S W 1st ter 5s '52 64 634 634 St P K C S B 441 ’«1- 2PH 20 20V, St P M&.M ext 5s '48 104 104 104 San A & A Pass 4s 43 1024 1024 1024 Schuico64a 46 A Stp 43 43 43 Seabd A B 4s '60 stp 26 24s* 26 Seabd A B ret 4s '59 134 134 134 Seabd A B rf 4s '69 cfs 134 13V, 134 Seabd A B 6s 45 A 17 16 17 , Seabd A B 6s 45 cits 164 154 16V* Seabd A-Fl 6*35 Act 11** 11 114 Seabd A-Fla 6e'35 B ct 104 104 104 Sbaron Stl cv 44a '61 1124 112V, 1124 Shell Un deb 3 4s'61 101 1004 101 Silesian Am 7e '41_ 69 69 69 Skellv OH 48 ’61_ 1024 1024 1024 Socony Vac34s’60 1064 1064 1064 South Bell T&T 6s '41 1084 1074 107*, Sou Pacific I%»’4«— 102V* 101»» 101** So Pac rsl 4b ’66__ 108 1074 1074 SO Pac 4 4 S '88- 9o»* 95** 95** So Pac 44* '89- 94** 94V, 94s* So Pac 4 48*81- 944 944 944 So Pac Oreg 4 4« *77 — 99** 994 99V, So Tac S F T 4s ’50 rg. 109>* 108** 108»* So Ry gen 4e ’66 A_ 80V, 78?* 804 So K; 6s '94 __111!, UlV* 1114 So Ry gen 6s ’68__ 99!* 99?i 99** So Ry 64s’56 _ 103 102V* 102?, Un R, MAO 4, '28 _ 904 90!, 90C SoRy Memdiv5s’96_ 105 105 105 Sou Ry St Ddtv ts’tl. 1014 1014 1014 S VV Bell Tel *4» ’«»- no 110 lio Spokane Int 5e’55 38 38 38 Staley A E 4» '46 - 1064 106 106 Sund OH N J 8a 'll_ 1004 1004 1004 Studebaker ct 6a'46.. 1154 1154 1154 Swift & Co *4a’50_106!* 1064 106!* Symgn G&G’56a xw—. 1164 116 1154 Tann Cent 6a’47 ...105 1044 1044 Tenn El Pw 6a 47 A... 994 994 994 Texarkana 6 4s’60—. 1074 1074 1074 Texas Corp IHi ’61— 1054 1064 1054 Texas A Pan 6s '79 C— 1071* 1074 1074 Third Ave ref 4a 60 704 694 70 Third Av ad in ex 6a’ti 884 38 384 Truax T C (Hi ’4*_ 1004 1004 1004 Un El 4 A P 6s ’67_ 106 106 106 un Oil Cal 4a 47 _ 107 107 107 Un Oil Cal 6s 42 A— 1214 1214 1214 Un Pac 3 4a’71 ... 1024 1014 1014 Un Pao 1st rf4s 200*. 1094 1094 1094 United Biscuit 6s’60. 1084 1084 1084 United Drug 6s ’6* _ 1034 1084 1084 United N J RR 4s ’44_ 1144 1144 H44 United Rya St L 4s'34 344 344 344 U S Rubber 6s ’47 ... 1074 107 1074 Utah LAT61 '44 A_ 1044 1044 1044 Utah PAL6a '44 _ 1054 1044 1054 Util P A L6a ’69 ww„ 684 68 68 Util PAL64s'4T-_ 70 694 70 Vanadium cv 6a ’41— 96 96 96 V C A P 1st 44a’34aa 34 84 34 Ver Bug lat 7a ’42 ctfa 404 394 394 Va E A P 1st ref 4a ’66 1094 109 109 Va Ry 1st 34s •66 A- 1074 1074 1074 Va S W cod 6a '68—_ 994 994 994 Wabash 4fts '7»____ 36 36 36 Wabaab 6s '76 B- 374 874 374 Wabash 6s '80 D.__. 874 374 874 Wabash 1st 6s 39- 104 1034 104 Wabash 6 4s '76 - 384 384 384 Walker H A 8 44s *46 1094 1094 1094 Walworth 4a ’66 - 86 864 854 Walworth fa '65 n- 96 96 96 Warner Broe ct 6e It 984 984 984 Warner-Quln fa’ll — 654 62 644 Warren Brcv 6a *41.. 834 82 82 Warren Br «s '41 rets. 834 824 824 Wash Cent 4s ’48-101 101 101 Wash Term 4s ’46-1104 1104 1104 Westchester L 6s ’60. 1254 1254 1254 West Penn PS 4s’6«. 1094 1094 1094 W Sb 1st 4s 2061 reg_. 984 984 984 West's Md let 4a ’68.. 1064 1064 1064 West’n Md64» '77— 1074 107 107 West’n Pso 6s ’46 A 344 34 344 West’n Pao 6a ’4t A me 344 34 84 Weatn Un el tr ts ’88 1044 1044 1044 Wsst’n Un 6a *61. 1074 1074 1074 Weat’n Un 6e *60_1U9 1084 1084 WhALB con 4a ’49— 1124 1124 1124 Wheel Steel 44e'66 1024 1024 1024 W Bp Stl con 7e 86 Ct. 39 884 39 White Sew M 6s’40... 1034 10*4 1084 Wilson A Co 4a’66 . 1044 1044 1044 Wla C let gn 4a’40 ct. 304 294 304 Wla Cant 1st ga 4a‘40 34 814 34 Wla C SAD Trm 4a 'If 26 244 244 T’ngatn SAT 8 4 a '61. 181 130 181 T’agsta BAT 4a '•!— y*4 104M 1044 A. T. & T. Will Get Big Dividend From Southwestern Bell By the Associated Press. ST. LOUIS. December 9.—South western Bell Telephone Co. directors voted a fourth-quarter dividend yes terday of $3 a share, or a total of $5,« 190,000, on its 1,730,000 shares of com mon stock. 99 per cent of which are held by the American Telephone Si Telegraph Co. The dividend brings payments for the year to $9 a share, $1 more than in any previous year. The regular quarterly dividend of *1.75 a share on the 7 per cent cumula tive preferred stock also was au thorized by the directors, payable Jan uary l to stockholders of record De cember 21. The common stock divi dend will be paid December 31 to stockholders of record December 24. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO December 9 UP>.—Poultry, live. 41 trucks, steady; hens. 41* pounds up. 16; less than 4‘j pounds. 12 V Leg horn hens. 11: Springs. 4 pounds up. col ored. 141 a: Plymouth Rock. 14’a: White Rock. 15; less than 4 pounds, colored. M/a: Plymouth and White Rock. 14'a: colored broilers. 17: Plymouth and W'hite Rock. Ik: Leghorn chickens. 12: roos*ers, 12. Leghorn roosters. 11; turkeys, hens. I 1*: young toms. j.V old, 13; No 2 tur- j keys. 12; ducks, white 41* pounds up. , 14. colored 13; small white and colored. ' 11: geese. 141 a; capons. 7 pounds up, 19; less than 7 pounds. 17. Dressed turkeys, steady: hens, young. -1: old. 18 toms young. 18 pounds up. 20*2 less than 18 pounds. 21; old 18; No 2 turkeys. 15: youth western turkeys, young toms and hens. J8*a. Butter 6.516: unsettled: creamery, spe cials (93 score) 3:<1«aa4: extras (92*. 32V extra firsts (90-91). 32V4a'a: firsts • sK-89). 3P4a34 standard; <90. central ized c a riots» 32 34 Eggs. 4.830; easy: ex tra firsts, cars and local 32 V fresh graded firsts, cars and local. 31 : current receipts. 30: refrigerator standards, 27V refrigera tor extras 28. Potatoes. 82: on track 274: total United States shipments. 496: best quality large Russets about steady fair quality medium size Russets and other stock slightly weaker supplies moderate: demand slow Sacked, per hundredweight- Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S No 1 2.37'ia70: U S. No 2 2 oo; Washington Russet Burbanks, u S. No. 1 fine quality large. 2.95: Colo rado Red McClures. U. S No 1 2 35*60 Wisconsin Round Whites U S No i. few sales 1 90a95: U H commercial 1 75: U S No 2, 9«i Michigan Russet Rurals. U S. No. 1. 1.90 REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN December 9 </P .—The Reichs bank statement as of December 7 (in thousands of reichsmarks* • Notes in circulation 4.502.oon —112.non Gold 60 409 a- 312 Foreign currency res. 5.516 4- 107 Other bills of ex change and checks 4.704.575 —20.3 764 Other daily maturing obligations 671.354 — 949 Advances 57.271 — 10,187 Investments 219 369 - 6.3 Ratio of gold and foreign currencies to notes. 1.6 per cent. Rate of discount. 4 per cent. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. 'Reported by Chas D. Barnev a Co.’ B:d Offer. Amer Tel A Te!. 5%s 1943 . 112% 112% | Atl Refining Co. 5s 1937 102*11 103 Calif. P< Corp. 5s 1040 105% 105% j Caro. Clinch A' O 5s ] 938 106 100% Che.vjiD A Ohio R 5s 1030 109% 1103* i Ch. Gas L' A* Cole*1 5s 1937 102s* Cumberland T Ac T 5s 1937 100% 101% Delaware .V Hud 5%s 1037 101% 1<*i% Duluth A* Ir Rang* 5s 1937 102% lot Edison El Illu. 4s 1939 lo7% 107% Oon Pub. Service 5*25 1930 102'** Or. Ran. A Ind. 4%s 1941. Ill5* Houston Oil 5%s 1940 _ lop lop* Inti. Tel A Tel 4%s 1939. 82% 84 Laclede Ga* Light 5s 1939 99% Ion Lake Erie A West 5s 1037 102% I"’% Lehigh Valley Coal 6g 1938 997* 100 Long Island Gen. 4s 1938 104 % 104*4 Louis. A Nash 5 s 1937_ lop* lo2% Mich Cent. RR 4s 1940 104% Morris A Co. 4%s 1039.. . 103% 104 V Y.. Chi. A- St L. 4*- 1937 102% 1 *»:P* New York Dock 5s 1938 67% 69% N. Y. Sus. A West. 5s 1037 .. 88% Pac. RR of Mo 4s 1938 102% Pac. Tel. A Te! 5s 1937 100V4 Pcnn-Dixie Ccrren’ 6s 1041 P034 99% Penna. R R Co 4s 1043 113% 115% Rio Grande West. 4s 1939_ 80% 81 Sou. Bel! T AT 5s 1011 __ 107% 108% So Pa R R of Ca. 5s 1937 103*4 Vanadium Coro. 5s 1041._ 94% 06** Wabash Rwy Co 5s 1939 103% 104% Warner Bros 6s 1030_ 08'4 08% Westn N. Y. & Pa 5S 1937 in-)', H»0% Western Un. Tel. 6s 1938 104% 104% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. December 9 l/Pt <U. 8 Depart ment of Agriculture).—Hogs. 35.000. in- j eluding 12.000 direct; slow, around 10 lower than Tuesday's average: pigs and underweights mostly steady top. 10 10: bulk good and choice. 190-300 pounds. 9.80a10.00: best sows. 9.60; choice strong weight pigs. 8 75a9 on. Cattle. 14 000; calves. 1.500; yearlings and light steers unevenly steady to 25 I iower. top choice to prime yearlings. 12.75: I comparable heifers. 12.00: steer run com i prises better grade medium-weight and i weighty offerings mostly, with quality best ] of week trade on such cattle. 15 to 25 lower. little done bulk on early rounds ! 11 1)0812 oil- common and medium short-] feds comparatively scarce, fairly active and , steady: stockers and feeders steady; better j grades 7.25a8.25: she stock weak to 25 ! lower, mostly weak early: bulls firm and active with weighty sausage offerings up to 5 65: vcalors fully steadv at O.OOalo.oo on light kind*- ana 10.50all.00 for shipper weight offerings. Sheep. 12.000. including 2 000 direct: fat lambs acti\e. strong to higher, quality considered: bids and sales good to choice native and fed Westerns 8.75 downward: choice offerings frequently held 9.00 and above: best above 9.15: sheep firm: native ewes. 3.50a4.23: feeding lambs scarce. -• METAL MARKET. NEW YOFK. December 9 ■ A* —Copper t steady: electrolytic, spot and future. 10.50; i export. 10.75. Tin strong soot and nearby. 52.37 %a50; future. 51.9Oa52O0. Lead steady: spot. New York. 5.20a25: East St. Louis. 5.05. Zinc dull East St. Louis, spot and future. 5.05. Iron, aluminum anti- j mony. auicksilver. platinum and wolframite unchanged. MAY I HELP YOU? You can make money if your costs of operation do not exceed certain percentages of sales By comparing with other profitable firms in your line, you will be able to detect and correct ex cessive costs. Rates according to size and importance of work. V. W. Chapin. Accountant—Office Natl, dim—Residence Shep. lill.'t Immediate rands lor Small Business Property, Home Building or Refinancing— quick action. Applications invited. 1506 a St. N.n. N*. *340 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th StrMt Natl. 2100 AT STEEL PLANTS 1 Orders Still Pouring in Ex cept on Lines Where Books Are Closed. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 9.—Steel companies have the heaviest unfilled tonnages on their books since 1929, and orders are still pouring in except in those products for which books have been closed r.t fourth-quarter prices. Iron Age said today in the weekly review of the Industry. Makers are exerting all pressure to complete shipments of these orders by January 31 so they can realize at the earliest moment higher prices announced for first quarter, the trade journal says. “Mills have announced that on identified construction projects, in cluding railroad equipment," the re view said, “they will protect con tractors at fourth-quarter prices on all jobs quoted on by December 31 with the understanding that binding contracts shall be entered into by Jan uary 31 and specifications shall be in by March 31, with rolling and shipment at mill convenience." This concession to the construction field has revived many inactive projects and will hasten others that have been lagging. As an example, one steel company has given price protection on 17 oil refiners. Much of such busi ness will not be rolled until the second quarter. Recent railroad buying, the publica tion said, which mills estimate at 900,000 tons ot rails and about 270,000 tons of track accessories, will con tribute in large measure to the support of steel production in the first quarter. Steel ingot production this week was estimated at 76’ t per cent, but. the review said, it was possibly higher in view of the fact that actual output in November, at 79.05 per cent, was several points above weekly estimates, indicating tonnage records are being made at several plants. The Iron Age composite price ad vanced to $16.50. within 25 cents of its peak for the year. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. December 9 <JPFederal Land Ban* bonds 4‘$s Nov. 1958-98_ 107 107‘2 4J«s May. 1957-97 _ _In]7, 4‘4s Jar. . 1957-97 _lorn4 loO*,a 4s May. 1958-58 105 105*4 4s Nov.. 1957-57 _ _1<m34 104 4s July. 1940-44__112** 115** 5*4s May. 1955-45 _ 105** W.V* 5« July. 19.55-45 __ 1<»4 104A 9s Jan. 1956-46 _ _ 104 104,\ 95 May. 1956-46 _1**4 104,’* MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. December p T.—Silver future'* opened easier. *25 lover. Decem ber 45 «5b; March. 45 95b. May. 45 r»5b b—Bid. A Compact, Complete Program of Fall INSURANCE May we advise you regard • ing your needs, and arrange a complete coverage all in one unified program? We handle all kinds of protective insurance. J. Blaise de Sibour and Company INSURANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. XAtl. 4673 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia Nearby Maryland — T”“ Homes Apartments Business Properties I Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York Lite Insurance Co.. 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 360S 5/2% Conservatively placed first mort rage notes in denominations of 125# up. The type of investment that means a definite return on your funds. Chas. D. Sager 924 14th St. N.W. National 0036 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties 51/2% FIRST DEED OF TBCST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Are. N.W. Nat’l 0350 5‘/2% MONEY AVAILABLE For Construction Loans ant Loans on Improved Propertie' in the District of Columbia Prompt Action on Application Real Estate Mortgage I & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St N.W. NAU. 1403 Notii f of Redemption ol CHEVY CHASE (LIB First Mortgage Five and Ono-Half Per Cent Gold Bonds. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PUT. suant to the provisions ol an Indenture dated July 1 102»5 between Chavy Chaaa Club and The Fidelity Trust Companju Trustee and American Security and TruSf Company. Registrar under which the above bonds were issued Chevy Chase Club has elected to exercise its option to and will nay and redeem all of its outstanding First Mortgage Five and One-Hall Per Cent Gold Bonds, due July 1. I97« issued under said Indenture, viz: Bonds In the aggregate principal amount of S341.000.00 on January 1 i937 at the redemption price of Ki‘1'7 of the principal thereof, together with the accrued Interest thereon to said redemption date Accordingly upon surrender to the said Registrar American Security and Trust Company at Its princlpa, office. 15th street and Pennsylvania avenue n w Washington. D C of the aforesaid bonds called lor. redemption as aforesaid together with ill unmatured coupons appertaining thereto, the prmcmal amount ol *aid bonds, the premium ol 27. Drov.ded In said In denture. will be paid or. January 1. 1937, and the Interest payable on January 1. 1937 on said bond' will be paid to the holders ol th- coupons appertaining to said bonds maturing on such date Said bonds will become due and payable cm’ January 1 1937 at the place and at the redemption price above provided and from and after January t 1937 will cease to drew interest, and the coupons maturing subsequently to said date will be void Reg.stered bonds must be accompanied by duly executed Instruments ol assign ment and transfer Dated November ‘in. 1030 CHFVY CHASE CU B. _Bv H. PRESCOTT GATLEY President. ca ====n LO WS FOR BLILDIXG We have ample funds to loan for the con struction, purchase and refinancing of homes. INTERSTATE BUILDING ASSOCIATION John L. Weaver, President Edward K. Jones, Secretary Washington Phone Bldg DIs. 9486 HOME LOANS to build or refinance mi-EREST a* low at PAYMENTS at low at *P / .DU par $1,000 9 COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th St. N.W. rr Make the Reindeer Go t Christmas giving would not be the popu lar custom it is today unless people saved. Money is accumulated during the year by those who make regular bank ' deposits, thus making possible the holi day spending period. Will you be ready for next Christ mas? You will if you start making reg ular deposits with us now. 0 McLachlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREET, N. W. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation