Newspaper Page Text
IN 1937 FORECAST Babsori Believes Present Low Interest Rates Will Continue. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Roger W. Babson. economist and statistician, declared that general business will be better in 1937 than in 1936, In addressing a conference of Client* at the Raleigh Hotel this forenoon. The economist g 1 s o predicted Improvement in retail sales, said present low in terest rates would Continue and forecast an in erease in real estate prices. In • u 11 i n ing his Shews, Mr. Bab eon said: •’Retail sales should continue Roger W. Babson. to hold up. la order, nowever, lor retail tales to continue to increase, Bew products must be developed. "Commodity prices will continue to strengthen, going up for a few months and then sagging for a while. This process will continue for some time to come. "There will e increases in skilled labor rates and some increase in the general wage level. There, however, cannot be any marked Increase in general wages so long as so much unemployment exists. Wages are determined, not by the cost of living, but by the number of unemployed j who stand ready to take vacant positions. Sharp Building Gains Seen. "There should be a marked in crease in new building and in the out put of the heavy industries. The latter has been held back thus far by politics, now pretty much settled for the next two to four years. “Interest rates will continue low for ft while longer and, in fact, until the Government refunds the present debt for 20 years at 2t4 per cent. The general bond market today, however, looks pretty high to me. "If the utilities get a favorable de eision from the Supreme Court, utility stocks should jump. Utility holders, however, should not be elated with such a decision. It will be followed by further legislation, which will ac complish the same thing in an other manner. "The railroads should do better in 1937 than in 1936. but they are still confronted with a great many handi caps.. I prefer airline, motor coach and equipment securities. “Inflation is already under way and ■hould cause an increase in real •state prices in 1937,” Mr. Babson concluded. His predictions were both optimistic ftnd conservative, many of his remarks being carefully qualified. He urged usiness men and investors to watch the charts closely and if any "large black area*” should develop rapidly, to "reef their sails." Maryland Crop Yields Mount. The Federal Reserve Bank of Rich mond has just reported that as the tesult of favorable weather crop esti mates on November 1 were nearly all aomewhat higher than the estimates made on October J. and prospective per acre crop yields for all crops com bined rose in all Fifth district States except West Virginia, which dropped 3 per cent. Prospective per acre yields on No vember 1. expressed as percentages of the 10-year averages (1921-1930), were as follows in States in the dis trict: South Carolina, 129 per cent; North Carolina, 108 per cent; Mary land, 102 per cent; Virginia, 91 per cent, and West Virginia, 78 per cent. South Carolina rose 7 points during October, North Carolina rose 3 points, Maryland 2 points and Virginia 1 rint, while West Virginia declined point. The national average was 86.5 per bent on November 1, a rise of 2 points during the past month. Investment Interest Growing. Chaunoey G. Parker, partner in the Hew York Stock Exchange firm of Auchincloss, Parker <fe Redpath, Na tional Savings Building, reports that a larger number than usual of small Investors are now buying stocks and showing keen interest In all the secur ity markets. This is not only true in Washington, but in Baltimore, Phila delphia and other cities, where he has made Inquiries. There has also been ft decided increase in interest in new Issues, which were in lighter demand ground election time. While there Is likely to be more or less Irregularity In the markets during the next few months. Mr. Parker is highly opti mistic on the general 1937 outlook. Heard In Financial District. Francis G. Addison, jr., president Of the Security Savings & Commer cial Bank, recently Injured in a hunt ing accident, has left Emergency Hos Sltal and is now at his home, where e is Improving steadily. National Bank of Washington stock •old on the Washington Exchange yes terday at $126 a share, a new 1936 high mark. The previous high was 136 and the last previous sale was made at 121. Yesterday's sale was ft block of 24 shares. W. J. Waller, vice president and Cashier of the Hamilton National Bank, leaves here tomorrow for Chi cago to attend a meeting of one of the leading committees of the Na tional Bank Division of the A. B. A. President Harper Sibley of the Na tional Chamber of Commerce is now In South America seeking ways of stimulating this country's foreign trade and looking for ideas on the development of agriculture. The American Bankers’ Associa tion executive council will hold the •anual Spring meeting at Hot Springs, Ark., April 18-21. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NIW YORK. December 12.—Dividends declared (prepared by the Standard Statis tiea Coro.): ■itra. Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. Ideal Oement_$3.26 __ 12-16 12-21 XMrMHi. Ideal Cement-$1 — 12-16 12-21 IndUnap Bond * Sh 46c __ 12-10 12-17 1 III Assam elated. VtST7% ft*_SB_J2-8 12-18 Hat Refining 8* pf_$8 .. 12-14 12-21 Basel ar. AM Bak $3 A_76c Q 12-16 12-24 Am Bak 1% pf_$1.76 Q 12-16 12-24 A^n Fisher Tob A__80c Q 12-18 12-31 So.. B_ 40C Q 12-18 12-31 Bore it HarjartBaftlli.50 8 W METAL MARKET. umber 12 (F>.—Copper spot and future. 10 60: Tin easier: spot and ftiture^6l.37Vi. Other TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star Prev 163(1 Stock and Sale*— Net Hlkh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. HUh. Low Close Chge 74% 59 Acme Steel (4) _ X 66% 66% 66% + % 15% 9% Adams Exp (a55c)-. 8 14% 14% 14% + % 35% 17% Adams MllllaialK) 1 27% 27% 27%+% 21% 1% Advance Rumley-.. 3 3% 3 3% + % 86% 68 Air Reduction m). 2 78% 78 78% + % 6% 2 Air-Way Elec Apptl 2 4% 4% 4% 17% 13 Alaska Jun (TSOo). 2 14% 14% 14% 5% 2% Alleg Corp (d>. 31 4% 4% 4% + % 61% 12% Alleg pf w|80w (d) 5 53% 52% 53 +% 64% 27 Alleg pr pf (d) .. 1 44% 44% 44% + % 40% 26% Alleg Steel (al.40). 4 37% 37% 37% 245 167 Allied Chem <•) ... 2 233 233 233 -1% 34 23 Allied Mtlle <e£0c). 5 31 30% 30% - % 20% 6% Allied Stores .. 6 18% 18% 18% - % 76 85% Allls-Chalm (tl%). 14 75% 75 75%-% 34% 19% Alpha Port C(al%) 1 30% 30% 30% 6% 4 Amal Leather__ 4 6% 5% 5% + % 125% 75 Amerada Corp 12).. 10 103% 100% 102 +1% 89 49 Am AgCh (Del) a4. 2 88% 88 88%+ % 65% 37 Am Bank Note (tl) 8 40% 39% 39% 73 65 Am Bnk Note pf (3) lOe 65% 65% 65% -2% 68 40 Am Brake Sh (t2)_: 1 65% 65% 65%+% 137% 115% Am Can (V4) 30 114 110 110 -4% 169% 162% Am Can pf (7)_ 1 168 168 168 56 30 Am Car A Foundry. 5 55% 55% 55% + % 93 67% Am Car A Fdry pf.. 3 93 92% 93 +1 72% 31 Am Chaln(al)_ 12 73% 72% 73% +1% 116% 111 Am Chain cv pf (5). 1118 118 118 +1% 16% 7% Am Colortype 82 15% 14% 14% + % 36% 20% Am Cornel A1 (a50c) 6 29% 29% 29% - % 32 16% Am Crystal S(aSOc) 15 29% 28 29% + % 7% 8% Am Encaustic_ 10 6% 6% 6% + % 14% 9% Am European Sec.. 3 IS 12% L3 — % 9% 6% Am A Foreign Pwr. 161 8 7% 7% + % 46 25 Am A For Pw tc pf- 3 50 49 49 +1% 68 29% Am A For Pw *1 pf. 83 60% 68 69% +2% 20% 12 Am A For Pw 2d pf. 115 22% 20 21% +2 21% IS Am Hawaiian (1)_ 6 18% 18% 18%—% 8% 4% Am Hide A Leather. 10 7 6% 6% 46 31% Am Hlds A L pf (I) 1 39% 39% 39%-% 4% 2% Am Ice.. 6 2% 2% 2% 24 16% Am leapt (2) 1 19% 19% 19%+% 15% 9% Am Intrnat'l (a40c) 7 14% 14% 14% 45 28% Am Locomotive 13 44% 44 44 + % 122% 66 Am Locomo pf (13). 2 120 120 120 -% 29% 21 Am Mach&Fdvttl) 15 22% 22 22 - % 15 10 Am Mach A Mat 60c. 6 12 11% 11% 54% 27 Am Metal 1 50% 50% 50% +1 14% 7% Am Power A Light. 71 12 11% 12 + % 74% 86% Am PwrALt pf (6). 2 68 68 68 87% 43 Am PwrALt pf (6). 2 80% 80% 80%+ % 27% 18% Am Radiator(t60e). 120 24% 24 24 37 23% Am Roll M (tl.20>_ 17 35% 35 35% + % 39% 35% Am Saf Razor 4+2)_ 6 33% 32% 32%-% 28% 18 Am Seating<a2%).. 2 23% 23% 23%-% 103 56% Am Smelt&Ref (3)- 13 96% 95 95%-% 61% 20% Am Steel Fdry (tl) 11 60% 59% 59% 36 24% Am Stores (2)_ 1 26% 26% 26% - % 190% 149% Am Tel A Teieg (9). 17 188% 188% 188% - % 102% 87 Am Tobacco (6)_ 2 96 96 96 +1 104 88% Am Tobacco B <£)_ 6 97% 97% 97% 17% 8!i Am Type Founder*. R4 17% 17% 17% + % 27*4 18% Am Wat Wki«40c- 28 26*t 25 25% 11% 7% Am Woolen ... 6 10% 10 10 - Vi 70% 52% Am Woolen pf (34). 6 67% 66% 67 -% 2 % Am Writ Paper (d). 1 1% 1% 1% 10 4% Am Writ Pap pf <d) 6 7% 7% 7% - % 7% 3% Am Zina A Lead_ 89 6% 6% 6% + % 43% 24 Am Zinc A L pr pf.. 4 45 43% 45 +1% £5% 28 Anaconda Cop (tl). £0 £1% 50% 50%+ % 26% 15% Anchor Cap «6001 19% 19% 19% - % 43 9 Andes Copper. 2 32 32 32 60 87 Archer-Dan-M ( + 2>. 1 43% 43% 43% -1% 7% 4% Armour (Illinois) 107 6% 6 6 + % 62% 47V* Armstrong C'k tl%- 2 59 58% 68%— % 18% 7% Arnold Const (500. 1 15% 15% 16%+ % 22% 8% Artloom Corp_ 4 16% 16% 16% 27% 12% Asso Dry Goods . 3 22% 22% 22% - % 112 103 Assoc DG lstpf(6). 1 102 102 102 88Vj 59 Atch To&S Fss2 . 10 72% 71% 71% - % 107 90% Atch To&S Fe pf(6) 2 103 103 103 + % 49 21% AtlCoastLlne(al).. 6 47% 47% 47V* 54% 13% Atl G & VV I pf (a3)_ 1 42% 42% 42%+% 36% 26% Atlantic Rehn (tl). 17 30% 30% 30% — % 131 112 Atlas Powder pf(5). 10* 129 129 129 +% 89% 14 Atlas Tack <a76c).. 1 15% 15% 15%-% 54% 26% Auburn Auto_ 6 32% 32% 32% - % 10% 6% Austin Nichols_ 4 7% 7% 7% — % 7% 4% Aviation Corp (Dal) 38 6% 6% 6% + V* 114 24 Baldwin Loco <d) 33 '94 9% 94-4 934 294 Baldwin Loco pf (d) 2 934 924 914 + 4 94 24 Baldwin Loasd(d). 11 84 84 84 -4 934 834 Baldw Lpf asd<d)_ 3 924 924 924 -1 264 164 Baltimore & Ohio_ 16 224 224 224 + V* 414 21 Baltimore * Oh pf.. 2 36 36 36 + 4 494 414 Bang & Aroos <2%1 2 44 434 434 - 4> 4 4 Ban & Ar rts Dec 2S 7 4 4 4 —4 354 21 Barber Co (a75c>_ 112 374 354 374 +24 284 134 Barker Brothers . _ 3 27 264 264 - 4 214 144 Barnsdall Oil <IOc) 64 214 204 214 +4 224 16V. Bayuk Cigars t76c_. 2 194 194 194 +4 1144110 BavukC 1st pf (7). 10*115 115 115 +24 284 18 Beatrice Cream(tl) 2 25 244 25 + 4 106V, 86 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4) 1 106 106 106 - 4 164 134 Beldtng Hero ll) 1 134 134 134 + 4 324 214 Bendix ATlat(al4) 9 284 274 274 -4 25V* 20 Beneficial L «ti 4 i 7 224 224 224 + 4 764 454 Bethlehem Stlal4. 21 744 734 734 -4 61 23 Bigelow-San <tl) _ 1 594 594 594 + 4 32V* 184 Black & Decker 25c 6 314 304 314 + 4 14 14 Blaok&D rts Dec 23. 31 2 14 2 +4 214 144 Blaw-Knox <a*0c)_. 25 214 204 21 +4 374 164 Boeing*Airplane .. 22 354 344 354 + 4 634 41 Bohn AlumftBr <S). 2 44 43V* 434 + 4 1004 804 Bon Ami (A) (a5)_. 10* 914 914 914 +14 47 39 Bon Ami (B) <a3)__ 10s 444 444 444 +14 324 254 Borden Co <1 60)_ 5 264 264 264 + 4 904 64 Borg-Warner (4)_ 4 854 85 85 - V* 54 14 Botany Min A <d)._ 3 4 4 4 184 124 Brldgp't Brass t40o 10 164 16V* 164— Vi 644 43V* Briggs Mfg <T2) . 4 594 59 59 - V* 69 474 Briggs &Strat (3) 1 504 504 504 -14 504 41 Bristol-Myers f2.40. 1 434 434 434 -4 58V* 40V* Bklyn-Man Tr <4)_ 6 544 64 54 - Vi 57 444 Bklyn Un Gas <3>_ 1 49H 494 49H - 4 214 84 Brunswlck-Balke... 5 194 194 194 + 4 194 84 Bueyrua-Erie _ 26 19V* 184 19 154 94 Budd (EG) Mfr - 32 14 13** 13** - 4 14 84 Budd Wheel <a20c). 17 104 104 104 - 4 344 20V* Bullard Co (al%)-. 2 32 314 314 -4 594 114 Bulova Watch _ 4 584 58 68 —4 344 25 Burr Ad Mch(T60c) 1 294 29V, 294 9 24 Bush Terminal (d) 10 74 74 74 —4 164 74 Butler Bros (a60c). 2 154 154 154 33V* 304 Butler Bros pf 14- 2 31 304 304 -4 6*. 2V> Butte Copper&Zlno 11 5 5 5 . 27V* 164 Byers (A M)_ 18 264 26 264 +4 864 544 Byers (A M) pf_130s 854 844 85 44% 30% California Fkg(l%) 10 43% 42% 43%+% 3 % Callahan ‘/1nc 29 2% 2% 2% + % 16% 6 Calumet *Heca750 22 14 13% 18% + % 40% 30 Campbell Wy itl)_ 4 34% 33% 34%+ Hi 23% 10% Canada Dry O A_ 66 24% 23% 23% + % 16 10% Canadian Pacific_ 8 13% 13% 13% + % 68% 37 Cannn Mills <a4)„. 4 66 66% 66 +1% 103% 91 Car Clin&O etpd(6) 60* 103 103 103 +% 9% 6% Carrie* a & Gen 20c- 6 7% 7% 7% + % 186 92% Case (J I) Co (4)- 9 153% 149 153% +5% 91 54% Caterpillar Trao t*. 7 89% 89% 89%-% 32% 21% Celanese Corp al % . 47 28% 28 28% + % 35% 19 Celotex Corp. 15 36 35% 35% +1% 86 54 Celotex Corp pf 35. 220a 76 76 76 +1 35% 26% Cent Agulre (tl%) 8 35 34% 34% + % 8% 6% Central Foundry Co 264 9 8% 9 + % 57 35 Central R R of N J. 1 38 88 38 -1% 12 6% Century Rib Mills.. 1 11% 11% 11%+% 74 47% Cerrode Paaco ««)_ 4 69% 68% 68%-% 19% 8% Certain-teed Prod__ 4 14% 14 14% + % 37 19 Champ Pap & F <1). 6 36 36 36 100 59 Chesapeake Corp(l) 1 86% 86% 86% - % 77% 51 Cbea&Ohio (t2.IO). 25 67% 67 67%-% 8% 2% Cbl & East ill pf (d) 2 7% 7% 7% 2% 1% Chi Ort West (d)_ 12 2% 2% 2% 13% 4 CbiOrtWpf(d)— 4 11% 11% 11%-% 2% 1% Chi Mil St P&P (d). 2 2 2 2 + % 5% 2% Cht M St P&P Pt (d) 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 2% Chi & N W (d). 6 3% 3% 3% - % 24% 12% Chi Poonmatlo Tool 8 23 221* 22%-% 66% 40% Chi Pn Tool pf 31%. 2 62% 62% 62%-% 3 lHChl R l&Pao <d) 5 2 2 2 8 3% Chi RI&P6* pf id) 1 6% 5% 5% - % 8 8% Chi R I&P 1% pf(4> 2 8 6% 6% - % 80% 17% Chlckasb Cot Oil_ 3 22% 22% 22% - % 14% 7 Childs Co. 10 13% 13% 18% - % 60 26 Ohtla Copper (1). - 80s 45 46 45 188% 86% Chryslsr Corp (alt) 16 124 123 123 -% 28 16% City lea & Fuel (1). 7 19 18% 18% 89% 72% City lea&F pf <•% ) 230a 87% 86% 87% - 1% 13% 4% City Store#.. 4 11% 10% 10%-% 46* 23* Clark Bqulpm.tO). 6 34* 34 34* + * 111* 107* Clea G1 lllu pf 4*.. 30a 111* 111* 111* + * 129 124 Cluett Paab pf (7).. 60a 127 127 127 134 84 Coca-Cola (tl). 8 124* 123* 123* -1* 20* 13 Colgate P-P (t60c). 281 20* 19* 20* 4 1* 106* 100 Colgate-P-P pf (6)_ 1 103* 103* 103* + * 47* 28* Col Fuel * Ir (now) 7 46* 46 46 + * 36* 21* Colo A Southern-.- 10a 24 24 24 -1 37* 19* Colo A South 1 at pf 40a 28 27* 27*—* 23* 14 Columb SAG a«0o- 68 17* 17* 17* 108* 90* Col Q A G pfA (6).. 1 103* 103* 103* - * 103 80* Col G A G pf (6)_ 20a 100* 100* 100* - * 46* 81 Colum Plot ate (tl) 4 36* 36* 36* - * 51* 42 Colum Plooapf 3* 1 42* 42* 42* 186* 94 Colum Curb rto(t4) 1 120 120 120 -* 84* 44 Cornel Credit (t4).. 14 69* 69 69*+* 91* 66 Com'l Inaeat T (t4) 6 78* 78* 78* +1* 24* 14* Como’l Sola (t60c)_ 1S7 18* 17* 17*-* 6* 2* Comw A Southern. 100 3* 3* 3* 82 69* Comw A Son pf (ft. 11 89* 68* 69*+* 44* 80* Congoleum N tl.80. 7 87 36* 36* + * 26* 16 Congreas Cigar (al) 1 20* 20* 20*—* 18* 8 Conaol Cigar 47 19* 18* 19* +1* 95 72* CobC prpf wwIH 20a 90 90 90 +1 86 66* Conaol Cigar pf (T> 20a 78* 78 78*-* 48* 27* Consol Bd NT t8— 16 46* 44* 46*+* 109 102 conaol Bd NT pf (6) 8 108* 108* 108* + * 7* 4* Consol Film .. 86 6* 6* 6* + * 20* 16* Conaol Film pf (33) 89 19 18* 18* + * 15* 11* Conaol Oil (tSOo).. 86 14* 14* 14*-* 12* 6* ConsolR R Cuba Pf. 2 10* 10* 10* - * 1* * Conaol Textile <d>. 168 X* 1 1* 9* 2 Cone Coal (Del late. 6 8* 8* 8* - * 36* 12* Cons C (Dal) pf ate 80a 84* 38* 88*-* 26* 16* Container Corp (U) IS 21* 21 21*-* 86* 10* Coatl Baking (A)— 4 30 30 SO 4 1* Conti Baking IB)— 20 3* 3* S* 87* 67*Conn Can (t»)_ 88 86* 86 66 - * 4 2* <’ontl Motors 6 2* 2* 2* 40* 28* Conti Oil (Del)al*. 46 40* 40 40*+* 46 25 Conti Steal Corp(l) 4 80 29* 30 + * 83* 68* Corn Prod Bat (t»- 8 68* 69* 69* - * Pre? 1:16 Stock and Sales— Met Blah. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00 Hich. Low Close. Chg* 168% 168 Corn Prod R pt <7). 1 168V* 168V* 168'/* + % 7% 4 Coty Inc- 15 7% 6% 7 50% 24 Crane Co - 3 48% 48% 48% - % 37% 35 Cream of Wh’t (t2) 1 36 36 36 85% 1M» Croeley Radio al%. 3 28% 28% 28% — % 91% 43% Crown C‘k& S (a4). 13 78% 77% 78%+ % 5 3S CPn C&S rts Dec 23. 58 5% 4% 5 + % 49% 44 Crown Ck pf iw 2%, 3 46% 46% 46%+ % 18% 7% Crown Zelleb'fe vtc. 15 18 17% 18 + % 60% 28 Crucible Steel . 10 53 52% 52% — % 124% 95% Crucible S pf 14.75.. 1 123 123 123 -1% 3% 1% Cube Co ... 3 3 2% 3 + % 14% 6% Cuban-Am Sugar.. 177 14 12% 13% + % 127 63% Cuban Am Bug pf.. 260* 128% 126 128 +2 44% 35% Cudahy Pkg <*%).. 1 38% 38% 38% — % 24V* 16% Curtla Publishing.. 6 20% 19% 19% - % 9% 4 Curtis* Wright 76 7 6% 6% 21% 10% Curtl»s-W (A) a50o 16 20% 20% 20%+ % 83 43% Cutler-Hammer 41. 3 81 80% 81 + % 19% 7% Da v ega Stores (D .. 4 19% 19% 19'*+% 101% 52 Deere & Co . 44 104% 100% 104 +3V* 32% 27 Deere & Co pf (1.40) 7 31% 30% 30%-% 33% 19% Delsel-Wera-Q (tl) 1 31% 31% 31%+% 64% 36% Delaware ft Hudson 8 47 46% 47 + % 23% 14% Del Lack ft West 5 19 18% 18%-% 9% 4% DenftRloGW pf (d) 3 7% 7% 7% + % 153 128 Detroit Edison 144) 2 145 145 145 61 42 Devoeft Rey (A) +3 1 61% 61% 61% + % 40% 30% Dlemond Mteh «1% 9 31 31 31 -% 43 37% Dla Match pf 41H . 1 39 39 39 -% 34% 18% Diet t'orp Heag 13 26% 25% 25%-% 95% 93% Distiller* C’p pf (a). 1 93% 93% 93% — V, 61% 41% Dome Mine* 142)_ 5 51% 61 51% + % 12% 7% Dominion Stores .. 2 12% 12% 12% 82V* 50% Douclags Aircraft . 85 75% 74% 74% + % 36% 13 Dresser Mfg(B) al_ 2 35% 35% 35% 8% 4% Dunhtll Iniernatl . 6 8 8 8 184% 133 Du Pont de N a6.10 7 181 180% 180% 116% 111% Duquesne Lt let (5) 20* 115% 115% 115% + % 10% 5% Eastern Roll Mills. 12 10% 9% 9% - % 185 156 Eastman Kod (46). 1 176% 176)* 176% + % 15% 6% Elttneton Schlld 9 13% 13% 13% + % 47% 30% Elec Auto Lite t2.40 1 43% 43% 43%-% 17% 10 Elec Boat (aBOcI .. 10 13% 12% 12%-% 7% 5% El ft Mus Ind alSc- 6 5% 5% 5% - % 22% 6% Elec Pw ft Lt . 225 23% 21% 23% 41% 87% 29% Elec Pw ft Lt *« pf. 5 87 85% 87 +1 94V* 32% Elec Pw ft Lt 17 pf. 10 93 90 93 +2 66% 42% Elec Stor Bat a2 %.. 1 42% 42% 42 %+% 1% % Elk Horn Coaltd).. 21 1% 1% 1% 6% 1% Elk Horn C pf tdl 34 6 5% 6 + % 26% 22% El Paso Nat G(1 60) 3 24% 24 24 - % 15% 7% Eng Publlo Service. 4 14% 14 14 — % 10% 5% Bault Office Ba20e. 7 10% 10% 10% — % 34% 16 Erie RR let pf 4 29% 29% 29%-% 40% 23% Evans Product(tl). 21 32 30% 30% -1% 8% 4% Exchange Buffet... 12 5% 5 5% + % 5% 2% Fairbanks Co _170* 4% 4 4% + % 25 8% Fairbanks Co pf. . 50* 22% 22% 22% - % 704, 34% Falrb’ks-Morse(41) 4 65 64% 65 + % 59 31% Falerdo Sugar «2)_. 10 58% 57% 57% 4-1 27% 18% Federal Lt ft Trie.. 7 24% 24% 24%+ % 1(W 84 FedLt&Trpf <«). 150* 100 90*, 90**-** 12V 7V Federal Mot Tr 40o. 9 9V 9V 9'» - V 6 2V Fed tVater Svc (A>. 1 5 5 5 46V 20V Fed’d Dent St el 60. 4 43V 43V 43V - V 115*. 106V Fedtd DScupf 1*4 1 111V 111V lll'V +1 49V 38 Fid Phoe F I (tl.20) 4 43V 43V 43V - H 36V 24V Firestone T A R (2) 3 34V 34V 34V + V 10EV 100V Firestone nf A <«>. 1 104V 104V 104V + V 68V 40 First Nat Str* 2V- 3 S3V 53V 53*. + V 45 30V FllntkoteCo (1) 185 39S 36*. 38*. MV 11V 3V Follansbee Bros td) 5 7 7 7 -V 47V 82 Food Machine (1).. 2 44 44 44 - V 43V 24V Foster-Wheeler __ 6 42V 42V 42V + V 47V 30V Fourth Nat I n2.35.. 1 45V 45V 45V - V 35V 23V Freeport-Texas (1» 26 27V 26V 26V + V 135 108 Freeport-Tex pf(6) fids lit 111 111 -4 76 47V Fuller Co pr pf_30s 78 77V 77V +2V 53V 31V Fuller Co 2d nf_ 60s 45 45 45 + V 7H 3V Gabriel Co (A)_ 6 5V 5V 5V — V 30 11V Gamewell Co . 10s 27*. 27*. 27V - V 17V 16V Gar Wood Ind a.r,5c_ 4 16V 16 16V 14V 8V Gen Am Inv ia75c). 6 14 14 14 + V 76 42V Gen Am Trans (a3). 2 75 75 75 + V 20 10*. Gen Bakin* (tS0c)_ 4 17V 17V 17V + V 11V 7 Gen Bronze_ 7 9v 8V 9 23V 5V Gen Cable_ 10 22V 21V 22V + *» 51V 17 Gen Cable A. 4 49V 48 49V +2V 152 140 Gen Cigar pf (7)_ 60s 150V 150V 150V -IV 63V 34V Gen Electric (tl)_ 88 51V 51V 51V 44 33V Gen Foods tl.801... 8 40 39V 39V - V 4V V Gen Gas & Eleo (A) 3 2V 2V 2V 70V »8 Gen Mills (21 _ 1 61V 61V 61V + V 77 53V Gen Motors (a4V)- 40 68*. 68V 68V - V 123V 118 Gen Motors pf (5).. 1 121V 121V 121V - V. 10V 5V Gen Outdoors Adv.. 19 10V 9V 10 + V 53V 18V Gen Outdoor Adv A. 1 60V 50V 50V + V 6*. 3V Gan Pub Service_ 3 4V 4V 4V — V 6« 32V Gen Ry Signal (1)_. 2 54V 54 54 - V. 4V 2 Gen Resltv * Util.. 214 4V 4V 4V + V 47V 26V Gen Realty * TT pf- 6 46V 46 46V - V 62 33V Gen Refrac (a2V)- 1 61V 61V 61V +1 89 32V Gen Stl Casting pf 130* 85V 84 85V MV 30V 17 Gen Theatre E (a2). 31 28V 27 28V +1V 18V 13V Gillette SafR (tl).. 3 15V 15V 15V + V 90 70 Gillette S R pf 16). 1 84 84 84 + V 27V 6V Glmbel Bros _ 47 24V 24V 24V - V 55V 39V Glldden Co (2) ... 6 40*. 40V 40*. + V 55 52V Glldden cv pf(2%). 1 54V 54V 54V 7V 3V Gobel (Adolf) ... 46 6V 6 6 10V 6V Goebel Rrew (1200 10 6V 6V 6V 33V 13V Goodrich (BF) (a 1» 30 33V 33V 33V + V 86V, 74 Goodrich(BF)pf(5) 1 84V 84V 84V + V 31V 21V GoodvearT ft R 24 29V 28V 28V 105V. 102V GoodvrT&R nf >5) 11 105V 104V 105V MV 114V 87 Goodyear *7 pf (4).. 7 115 114V 115 MV 14V 8V Gotham 811k Hose.. 3 13V 13 13V + V 4V 2 Grahatn-Pelge _ 2 3 2V 2V 11V IV Granby (2d stpd)„ 23 6 6V 6 + V 6V 3V Grand Union ctf#.. 3 SV 5 5 25V 16 Grand Un pf (21V) 4 24V 24 21 - V 43 24V Granite City Sil (1) 2 41 40V 41 52V 28V Grant(W T)(tl-40). 8 48V 47V 48V + V 464 32V* Grt Northern pt .. 12 424 41 — ** 224 16 Grt North'n Ore (1) 8 184 184 184 + 4 41 31 Grt West Sug <2.40) 6 404 394 404+4 1494 136 Grt West Sug pf (7) 10* 146 146 146 +1 394 22 Green <H IHColtl) 1 364 364 364 - 4 174 154 Greyhound <t80c) n 9 164 164 164 44 14 Guantanamo Sugar 17 44 34 44 +4 66 24 Guantanamo Sug of 40* 66 65 65 — 4 624 304 Gulf Mobile ft N pf 1 534 534 534 -14 63 284 Gulf States Steel 1 594 594 594 -4 1294 105 Gulf StaStl 1st t21 120s 129 129 129 37 33 Hack W pf A 114 • - 30* 364 36 36 154 6 Hall< WF)Prlntlng 48 154 144 144 - 4 184 12 HatCorpof Am (A) 1 17 17 17 9 44 Hayes Body ... 8 64 64 64 -4 214 124 Hecker Prod <60c). *7 134 134 134 +4 494 *04 Holland Fur <al>i) 9 494 484 484 -4 1194 108 Holland Furtl pf<BI 10* 122 122 122 +24 834 9 Holland&Sons tSfle - 3 254 25 254 + 4 1 U Holl&Son rts Dec28 2 1 1 + -4i 42 194 Holly Sugar <t2)._ 2 414 414 414 -4 704 544 Houae Fin A <t»)_ 1 67v, 674 674 +1 1*4 64 Houston Oil etc_ 249 134 124 134 +4 63 484 Howe Sound <t*)_ 2 58 574 574 —4 54 34 Hudson ft Manhat.. 2 44 44 44 + 4 224 134 Hudson Motor Car. 11 194 194 194 -4 34 1 Hupp Motors _ 31 2 14 14-4 294 184 Illinois Central 9 244 234 24 -4 414 254 Indu Rayon <tl.68). 2 38 374 374 -4 147 106 Incersoli-KanditZ) 1 134 134 134 +1 122 884 XnlandSteel <13)_ 1118 118 118 -4 164 64 Inepiratlon Copoer. 6 144 144 144 + 4 74 5 InaSh Mdcfsa20c 8 54 54 54 184 114 Inter Rap T vto <d) 2 124 124 124 +4 54 24 lntercontl Rubber— 42 54 44 5 +4 164 94 (nterleke Iron _ 4 144 144 144 + 4 54 24 lnt Agricultural__ 40 5 4 5 4 64 —4 47 224 lnt Agrloul pr pf_ 26 474 454 46 +4 194 160 lnt Bus Mach < + «>_ 2 1894 189 1894 -4 1014 664 lnt Harvester *4 29 1034 100 1024 +2 160 1484 lnt Harvester pf (7) 1 158 168 158 104 24 lnt Hydro Eleo <A) 61 94 84 84 -4 8 44 lnt Mercantile Mar 1 6 6 6 —4 15V« 10 inti Mining <a90c).. 20 15 144 144 664 43y* Xnt Nickel <al *0).. 22 634 624 624 + 4 234 34 lnt Paper ft Pw <A) 64 22 214 214 - 4 144 24 lnt Paper* Pw <B) 19 144 134 134 -4 84 14 lnt Paper ft Pw <C) 29 74 7 4 74 974 204 lnt Paper Pw pf 29 97 944 944 -14 112 107 lnt Print Ink pf(6) 50. 1104 1104 1104 114 34 lnt Ry Cent Amer.. 100a 9 9 9 —4 614 194 lnt Rwy Cent A pf. 80s 554 55 55 634 47 lnt Shoe <tS)_ 1 484 484 484 194 114 lnt Tel * Tel .. 83 124 124 124 +4 374 104 Interstate D S aSOo. 6 34 334 34 +4 314 244 Island Creek <2> 4 29 29 29 144 88 Johns-Manvlllom) 8 145 148% 145 +1*. 138 75% Jones&L 7% pf 13% 60* 133 131 131 -% 28 13 Kana City Southern 19 21% 20% 21% +1% 48% 19% KansCSpf (ml) — 2 44% 43% 44% +2% 86% 17 Kaufnn D S tl.60._ 2 31% 31% 31%-1 28% 20 Kelsey-H (A) al%_ 4 21 20% 20%-% 24% 18 Kalsey-H (B) al%_ 2 18% 18% 18%-% 25% 14% Keivtnator (tioc).. 10 21% 21% 21% — % 63% 28% Kannacott (al.70)__ 14 59 68% 59 24% 17% Keystone SAW (8). 6 20 19% 19% 40 18% Kimberly Clark(l). 7 46% 45 46% +6% 7% 8% Kinney (O R> Co... 1 6% 6% 6% - % 61 30 Kinney to R) pf ... 20* 54% 54 54% 18% 4% Kraaga Dapt Itra... 3 12% 11% 12%-1 32% 20% Krssga IBS) <tl).. 15 29% 29 29 - % 28 19% Kroger OAB(tl.60) 7 23 22% 22%-% 60% 32 Laolada Gas St L pf 30s 40% 40% 40%-1% 26% 16% Lambert Co (1)_ 3 19% 19% 19% + % 18% 7% Lana Bryant_ 1 15% 15% 15%+ % 18% 12 Lae RubATlret 50c) 2 17% 17 17 - % 19 9H Lehlgb Val Coal pz. 8 18 17% 17% + % 22 8% Lehigh Valley R R. 8 19% 19% 19% - % 65 37% Lerner Stores <tl). 8 63% 62% 62%-% 80% 47% Llbbey-Ow Q1 aj%. 2 77% 77% 77%+% 116% 97% UggAMyera B (««) I 106% 106 106% + % 68% 25% Lima LooomotlTS.- 6 63 62% 63 + % 65 86 Link Belt <t3)_ « 64% 68% 64%+% 46% 82% Liquid Carb (8.60).. 5 46% 46 45%+% 66% 48 Loot's lno (ts> 14 68% 63% 68%+% 108% 104% Loew*a lno pf (6%) 1 106% 106% 106% + % 8% 2 Loft lno .. 4 2% 2% 2% + % 61% 35% Lone Star Cmt(tJ). 9 68% 58 58 + % 8% 3% Long Bell Luts IA) 81 6% 6% 6% + % 26% 21% LorlUard (P) tl.80. 8 28% 23% 28% - % 161 140 Lorillard <P) pf(7) 10a 142 148 142 +1 61% 18 LaOtl Ref pf <d>._ 10a 82% 32% 32%-% 86 22% Ludlum Steel (tl)„ 8 29% 29 29% + % 42 88 MaoAndA For (S).. 1 86 86 86 23% 12% MoCrory Storea 2 19% 19% 19% + % 101 92 MtlCrory Stra pf(6) 1 101% 101% 101% +2% 24 18 M/draw H1U Pub— t 28% 28% 28% + % A. Prey 1930 Stocs and Sale*— Met Tl*h i«w Dividend Kate Add 00. Hlsh. Low. Close. Cbge. 49% 38* McIntyre Porcu It) 4 40* 40 40 - * 118* 85 McKeespt TlnaS*. 12 87 86 87 -2 14% 8% McKesson ft Rob .. 82 14 13* 13* - * 49* 37* McKessftRob pf (S) 1 45* 45* 45*+* 49* 27* Mack Trucks (tl).. 6 45* 45* 45* 65* 40* Macy (R H> Co It). 3 57* 67* 57*+* 15* 8* Madison 8a G tIOa. 18 15* 16* 15* + * 57 34* Magma Copper (at) 1 53 53 63 — S 9 1* Manatl Sugar (d).. 11 7* 7* 7*-* 35* 7* Manatl Sug pf (d) 1280( 29* 27* 29*+* 23* 13* Man El md gtd <d>. 5 14 13* 13*-* 6* 2* Maracaibo Oil Ezs. 5 4* 4* 4* 12* 8* Marine Midl'd t40e. 16 10* 10* 10* 3* 1* Market St Ry . 30s 2* 2* 2* 7* 2* Market St Ry 2d pf. 40s 6 6 6 45 18* Market St Ry pr pf 10» 40 40 40 +1 25* 11* Marsball Field ft Co 7 20* 20* 20* -r * 12 6* Martin Parry 2 8* 8* 8* 42% 27* Mathleson Alk(lVa) 5 39* 39* 39* -1 70 43* May Dept Strs it).. 3 67* 66* 67 + * 21* 13* Maytag Co (a50c)— 2 16 16 16 +* 27% 12% Mead Corp _ 48 28* 27* 28* +1* 91 55* Melville Shoe (t5)_. 2 85 85 85 11% 6* Mengel Co . ... 3 11* 11* 11* 104* 50 Mengel Co pf 10a 103 103 103 45 31* Mereh&Min T t1.«0. 20s 40 40 40 -2 65 40% Mesta Mach at*... 7 61 63* 64 +1* 13* 6* Miami Copper 8 12* 11* 11*-* 30* 17* Mid-Cont 11 29* 29 29 - * 48% 21* Mid’ld Stl Prod (t2) 5 46 45* 46 +1* 1*1* 110 Mid Stl lat pf (I) 40s 122* 122* 122* + * 112 65 Minn-Hon Roe tl* 1 108 108 108 12% 6* Minn Moline Per 128 10% 9* 10* + % 81* 67* Minn-Moline pf(t3) 3 83 82 83 +3 6* 2% M St PASS M Is in 10s 5* 5* 5* - * 26* 16% Mission Corp(a45c) 35 26* 25% 26* +1* 9% 6* Mo Kans A l exis 2 7% 7% 7% 33% 14* Mo Kan ft Tex pf A. 5 27* 27* 27* — * 7% S* Mo Pacino of |d) . 3 6% 6% 61. — * 30* 19* Mohawk Carp tl.20. 45 31% 30% 31 + * 103 79 Monsanto Chemi tl) 1 99 99 99 — * 68 35% Montgom Ward(t2) 21 66* 65% 65%+ * 59% 42 Morrell J ft Co X.40. 1 44* 44* 44*—* 71 #0* MorrteftEeeexlt*) 10s 67 67 67 2* % Mother Lode al2*c 19 1% 1% 1% 43* 28% Motor Prod 112) 4 39 38% 38% 27 15* Motor Wheel (1.60). 1 23% 23% 23% 39* 11* Mullins MftB)a60c. 1 36* 36* 36*-* 36% 21 Munsingwear (t3).. 6 35 34 35 +2 22% 14 Murray Corp (a50c) 7 18* 18% 18% + * 21* 15 Nasb Motors ill .. 21 16* 16% 16* 47* 20* Nashv Chat ft St L. 60s 40 39 40 — * 18% 12* Natl Acme (a75c)__ 2 17* 17* 17* + * 15% 9* Nat Aviation (al)._ 1 14* 14* 14*+* 38% 28% Nat Biscull 11 60).. 41 32* 32% 32%+* 37% 34% Nat Bd ft 1 35 35 35 +% 32% 21* Nat Cash Reg (al)_. 12 30% 30* 30*—* 28* 21 Nat Dairy Pro al*_ 8 23* 23% 23*+ * 24* 10 Nat Dept Stores .. 4 20% 20* 20V* - % 33% 25% Nat Dist Prod (t2)_ 10 29% 29* 29*— Vi 36* 26% Nat Lead <t60c> _ 5 35% 35% 35% + * 14* 9% Nat Pwr ft Lt leoc) 19 11% 11* 11* 1* * Nat Ry Met 2d pf.. 9 * * * 78 57* Natl Steel (t2%)_ 2 74* 74* 74*-% 75* 19* Nat Supply Co ... 3 71 70% 70% — % 127* 74* Nat Supply pf J3*. 2 130 130 130 +1 12* 7* Nat Tea I«(»c> „ 2 11% 11% 11%+ * 60 32 Neisner Bros < + 2)__ 5 58* 58* 58*+ * 39* 9 Newp't Indua a60c.. 45 39* 38* 39 + * 82 32* N Y Airbrake a’*.. 5 81 79% 81 +1* 49% 27% N Y Centra) K K 44 44% 44* 44* + * 63* 17% N Y Chicago ft St L 4 44 43% 44 29* lOVi N Y Dock Df _120s 25 24V* 24* -1* 2* 1 N Y Investors Id).. 69 2 1* 2 5% 3 NY NH ft H Id)_ 5 4% 4% 4% 14% 7% NY NH ft H pf Id). 22 12* 12% 12% 7* 4 N Y Ontario & Weet 9 4* 4* 4* + * 15% 9* X Y Shipbuilding . 2 11% 11% 11%-% 99 57 N Y Shipbldgpf (7) 80s 74 74 74 2* 1* Norfolk Southn (d) 5 2 1* 2 + * 13* 6% North Am Aviation. 206 13* 12% 12* + * 35* 23* North Am Co (tl)— 30 31 30% 31 + % 106* 98 North AmEdpf(6) 1 102* 102* 102* - * 36% 23* Northern Pacific . 25 27* 26* 26* + * 4* 2 Norwalk Tlre&Rub. 6 3* 3% 3* 17* 12* Ohio Oil Ia60c)_ 40 15* 15% 15% — * 64% 24* Oliver Farm Equip. 23 52 49* 51* +1* 25* 17 Omnibus Corp etc.. 6 19 18% 19 + * 115* 107 Omnibus Cp pf (8).. 3 110* 110* 110* +1* 19% 8 Oppenhelm Collins. 2 17 16% 16% — * 39% 24* Otis Elevator a75c.. 2 36* 36% 36*+ V. 20% 12* Otis Steel .. 3 17* 17* 17* + V. 120% 70 Otis Steel pr pf_ 1 119* 119* 119V. + * 22 13 Pac Am Fisher U). 11 214 204 21 15 34 Paclflo Coast_ 40s 144 14H 144 324 84 Pacific Coast 1st_ 30s 30 29 29 294 44 Paclflo Coast 2d ... 30s 254 254 254 — 4 394 32 Pacific Finan tl SO.. 4 314 30 30 -2 41 304 Pacific GAE (14). 5 37 364 364 - Vi 584 474 Pac Light <t2 40)„ 10 464 454 464 47V* 144 Pacific Mills <al)__. 5 47 464 464 - V* 152 118 Pac Tel A Teleg a7. 20s 152 152 152 204 114 Pac West'n Oil a65c 39 214 204 21 +14 134 64 Packard Mot(a45c) 44 114 11 11 204 124 Pan Am Petr (a60c) 2 154 15 154 44 14 Panhandle Pro A ft. 3 34 34 34 744 184 Panhandle PAR of- 10* 664 664 664 - 4 234 74 Paramount Plct 370 224 214 224 + 4 170 59 Para Pic 1st pf <6> 35 167 164V* 167 +3 214 84 Para Pic 2nd pf 60c 44 204 20 204 +4 54 24 Park Utah 30 44 44 44 S24 23 Parker Rust P tlV* 1 274 274 274 10 44 Parmelee Transp't. 8 64 6V* 64 114 64 Paths Film Corp_ 66 114 104 104 —4 174 104 Patino Mines_ 5 16 144 144 -4 34 14 Peerless Motor 2 34 34 34 1124 69 PenneytJ C) (s7*) 2 101 101 101 -1 64 34 Psnn Cost * Coke 2 54 54 54 - 4 104 44 Penn Dixie Cement 6 74 74 74 274 17 Penn Glass cfs a50c * 20 194 20 — 4 45 28Vi Penaa Rallroad(a2) 16 414 404 404 58 38 Peoples Gas Chi .. 3 51 504 504 - 4 89 56 Pere Marqustte of.. 3 83 824 83 —4 18 124 Pet Cpof Am s90c. 8 164 I64 164- 4 19V* 104 Pfeiffer Brew 11.20) 4 114 114 114 + 4 654 254 Phelps Dodge si 4. 12 544 544 644 + 4 544 464 Phils Co «* pf (t). 1 52 52 52 - 4 12 34 Phlla Rap Tr Id).. 70s "4 7 7 164 84 Phlla Rap Tr pf (d) 110s 134 134 134 34 14 Phlla* Read CAI. 11 24 24 24 1014 66 Phillip Morris <«).. 4 73 724 73 -4 494 384 Phillips Pst ts2H>- 27 474 474 47H 84 70 Phoenix H pf (3Vj)- 10s 76 76 76 +1 17 8 Pierce Oil pf_ 3 14 134 14 24 14 Pierce Petroleum.. 43 3 24 3 + 4 134 74 Pitts Screw *62 Vic. 7 124 12 12 — Vi 105 49 Pitts Steel pf ... 110s 1044 104 104 -1 44 14 Pitts Term Cosl ... 1 44 44 44 304 14 Pitts Term Cosl pf. 80s 294 29V. 294 + 4 94 24 Pitts United Corp.. 23 34 34 34 + 4 1124 68v* Pitts United C pf_ 30s 1094 109' 109 — 4 414 21 Pitts A W Vs 20s 344 344 344 +14 234 114 Plymouth Oil (tl).. 27 234 224 231. + 4 294 12 Poor A Co <B) 5 294 294 294 + 4 9*4 41, Porto R Am Tob A.. 10 9'-, 91* 9t» — 14 3S 11* Porto R Am Tob B.. 8 33t* 3*4 13U 6*4 Postal Tel AC pf Id) 8 124* 12 12 26*4 17(4 Pressed Steal Car 89 26S 264* 25*» — 14 26'i 174t PSClstpf alO 17-40c 1 26*» 26*» 264*+ 4* 704* 67'/4 PSC 2d pf(al.04>-*) . 12 694, 68 68 S S 54*4 404* Proctor A Oam tlH 21 544* 54+ 5414+4* 12214 11614 Proc A Gam pf (6). 110*118 11714 118 + 14 5014 39 Pub Svc N J 13.40). 4 47*4 4744 474*+ 14 130 1134* Pub Svo N J pf (6). 1121 121 121 -11* 66*4 3614 Pullman Ino ll 14).. 6 6214 6214 6214 24"+ 16 Pure Oil 62 19 1844 19 + 14 133** 103 Pure Oil »% pf .. 60s 108>4 1081, 10814 - 14 201, 94, Purity Bak (t40c) _. 10 1814 18 18 1414 9** Radio Corp . 77 1214 1114 12 +14 80 6814 Radio Corp pf ASH 2 79S 79 79 1014 5 Radio-Kelth-Or (d) 27 84* 8H 84, 20 11 R R Sec 111 Cent . 100a 151, 15', 1514+ 4* 384* 2814 Raybestos-M tlV4— 1 3544 364, 354* - 1, 60*4 3514 Reading »*> .. 1 431, 481, 43*4 -1(4 16*4 974 Real Silk Hosiery 4 124, 12(4 121, — 14 100 6514 Real Silk pf (flOH) 240a 100 100 100 + 14 4+ 114 Reie tKobt) 2 34* 34* 344 - H 241k 121, Reliable StrsaSOc— 2 20V* 20+ 20V* — H 25 1714 Rem Rand ItlOo).. 19 23 2214 23 + 14 8V* 414 Keo Motor Car_ 13 514 61* 514 2814 1614 Republto Steel . 89 284k 28 2814 + H 126 77 Repub Steel pf 112 _ 1 1271* 12714 127(4 +1V* 104(4 7814 Rep Stl pr pf A 16). 1 981* 981* 981* - 14 301* 10 Revere Copper .. 4 30 291* 2914 + 14 84 2214 Reynolds Met (tl) - 4 27 27 27 60'4 50 Reynolds Tob B Of 8 5844 5844 58»4 1014 544 Rutland R R Df- 1 614 64* 64* + 14 4944 27 Safeway Storea(tl) 6 44 4314 44 + W Pr.T 19.1*1 Stoct and Sales— Met Blah. Low Dividend Kata. Add 00. Rich. Low Close CQ(e. 114 108 Safeway Strs pf (•) 10a 110 110 110 44*4 22 St Joseph Ld (all — 4 4714 46*. 46*. 3*4 114 St L.-6an 8'ran id). 1 214 2H 2*% — H 6S 2*4 St L-San Rr pf (d). 6 6 6 6 651k 37*. Schanlay Diat (t3)_ 8 621. 6214 621k 101*. 871. Solisnley U pt (614) 6 97*. 971* 971, - H 41* 1*4 Sobulte R Strs <fi._ 6 2S 2V4 2*4+14 2014 7* Schultt RBpf (d)_ 3 17*. 17«» 17*.+ ** 1*. 14 Baa board Air 1, (d). 9 IS 11* IS 6K 2 Seaboard A Lpf(d) 1 414 414 414 + 14 43S 301* Seaboard 011 (11_ 20 40 39V. 3914 - S 714 314 Seagrava Corp _ 3 614 614 614 — S 1011* 59S Seara Roebuck (t2) 8 ,96i« 96'* 9614— S 6 2*4 Second Natl Invest. 8 4*4 4H 4*4 31% 15% Servel Xno (tl)_ 13 29% 29 29 32% 20% Sharon Steel (tl.20) 4 31% 31% 31%+% 10% 4% Sharpe & Dobme 49 11% 10% 11 28 14% Shell Un OU <a26c). 9 27% 26% 26% + % 127% 110% Shell Un OU pf 6%. 10 125% 125 125% + % 14% 8% Silver Kin* («0c)__ 15 12 11% 12 + % 48% 19% Simmons Co («2)_ 9 45% 44% 44%-% 42V* 19% Shelly OU _ 25 43 42% 42% + % 72 40V* Smith (AO).. 9 48% 47% 48%+% 28% 21 Snider Packing .. 3 24% 24 24 — % 17% 12% Socony Vac Oil a70o 38 15% 15% 15% + V* 7% 3% So Am O & P(a3Uc). 1 4% 4% 4% *2% 25 South Cal Ed H%). 8 30 29% 29%-% 47% 23% Southern Pacific... 17 43 42% 42%+% 26% 12% Southern Kali way.. 65 24% 24% 24%+ % 62 19 Southern By pf - 18 51% 50% 50%+ % 82 63V* Spaldlng(AU)lst pf 60s 76 75% 76 9% 5% Sparks* Wlthlngton 11 8% 8% 8% - V. 24% 15% Sperry C*P vto (al). 32 22% 22% 22% - % 37 13% Spicer Mf* (a3)_ 1 32% 32% 32% 63% 44 Spicer Mfg pf (3).. 10s 61% 51% 51%+ % 43% 21% Square D Co (al%). 1 42V* 42V* 42V* + % 18% 14% Stand Branda T*0c. 16 16V* 15% 15% — % 129 120% Stand Brands pf (7) 10s 124 124 124 -1 13% 9% Stand Com Tobacco 4 11% 11% 11V4 + % 9% 5% Stand Uaa * El td). 190 9 8% 8% + % 24% 9% Stand G&Ji) 84 pf (d) 154 25% 24% 25% +1% 68% 24V* Stand G&E 86 pf id) 9 58% 57% 58% 66% 26V* Stand G&E 97 pf (d) 37 68% 67 68% +2 47V. 35 Stand Oof Cal (tl). 19 40% 40% 40%+% 45% 32% Stand Oil of tnd tl. 12 44% 44% 44%+ % 70% 61% Stand OU of N J (tl 12 66% 66% 66%-% 40V* 24V* Starrett (LS) t.140. 1 36% 36% 36% - V* 78% 65 Sterling Prod t3.S0. 2 71% 71% 71% + V* 24% 16% Stew Warner 150c 5 19% 19% 19% 26% 14% Stone & Web (a25c) 22 25 24V. 24% - H 15% 9% Studebakei Corn 18 13V* 13% 13V* 60% 27 Superheater (a95c) 6 51 50 51 +1% 6% 3 Superior OU_ 49 5% 6% 6% + % 35% 9% Superior Steel __ 9 35% 34V* 34V* — % 26% 20V* Swift & Co (tl.20).. 2 24 24 24 -% 35% 28% Swift InU Dtd «2).. 4 31% 31% 31% — V* 19 15 Symgton*Gould ww. 6 17% 17% 17V* + % 14% 12% Symingtn Gould xw 15 13V* 13% 13V* + % 9% 6V* Telautograph (60c> 2 8% 8% 8% + % 11% 5% Tennessee Cop aloe. 18 10% 10% 10%+ V* 60% 28% Texas Corp’n ttl). 23 50 49% 50 + % 8% 4% Texas Gulf Pr (aoc) 36 8% 8V* 8% — % 44% 33 Tex Gull Sul <T2).. 19 40% 39% 39%-% 15% 7% Tex Pac C & O a26e. 10 13% 12% 12% - % 14% 9% Texas PL T (alOc). 31 11% 11 11% 48% 33% Thatcher Mfg (tl). I 39% 39% 39%-% 12% 8% Thermold Co _ 65 11% 11% 11% - % 13% 8% Thomp’ntJRXfcOc). 1 12% 12% 12V* + % 32V* 24% Thomp Prod (al%). 1 29 29 29 8% 4% Thompaon Starrett. 17 7% 7 7% + V. 39V* 26 Thompaon Star pt.. 2 34V* 34% 34% —1% 21% 14% Tide W Aaao O 40c. 6 19% 19% 19V* - % 27% 12% Timken Uetrolt(tl) 4 25% 25 25 74V. 66 Timken Roll B (T2) 8 73% 72% 72%—% 18% 11 Tranaamerlca t40c. 66 17V* 17% 17% 27% 14% Trans&W n Air a23c 7 18% 18% 18% 18 10% Transue&W (t60c). 31 18% 17% 18 + % 12 7% Tricontinental aoOc. 11 9% 9% 9% — % 110 83 Trl-Contl C pf 16)_ 1 105 105 105 -1 1 28 7% Truscon Steel. 6 21 20 20 -5 38% 22% 20tb Cent Fox (a2). 8 37% 36% 37 + % 17% 8% Twin City R T .. 1 15V* 15V* 15% 109 65V* Twin CRT pf 114 . 70s 105 104 104 -% 8* 24 Ulen A Co 4 4* 4* 4* + 4 99 74* Und-EU-Fish(a2%) 2 88* 88 88 + * 105* VI* Union Carb & C 3.20 9 103* 103* 103* 284 20* Union Oil Calif (1). 15 24* 24 24* 149*1084 Union Pacific <6) .. 2 1314 131 131 - * 32* 20* Unit Aircraft a50c.. 70 29* 28* 28*— 4 21 13 United Air Cine vtc 24 18 17* 174 + * 37* 16V, United Am Boech . 2 31 31 31 33* 24* United Btso <i.«u>.. 1 31 31 31 + 4 1 9* 5* United Corp (a20c). 179 7* 64 7*4- V* 484 40* United Corp pi i2> 6 45* 444 45* 4- 4 164 10* United Drug <a75c). 9 15* 15 15* 294 15 Unit Dyewood(l)_ 1 20 20 20 —4 8* 4 United Elec coal _ 4 74 74 74— 4 50* 324 Unit Eng A Fy <t2). 1 464 464 464 —4 87 664 United Fruit (t3)_ 3 83* 83* 83* + * 194 144 United lias imp tl) 29 144 14* 14* 13* 64 United Paperboard- 1 12* 12* 12* — 4 23* 10 US Distributing pf 90s 20* 20* 20* + 4 20 13 U 8 A Forn Secur.. 4 174 17* 17* — * 89* 24* U S Freight (til_ 2 31* 31* 31* - * 125* 80* U S Gypsum (T2)_ 2 120* 1204 120** + * 20* 84 U S Hoffman _ 10 18 17V, 18 . 59 31* U 8 Indus Alcohol.. 33 414 40* 41 + * 94 44 U 8 Ceather vtc__ 2 6* 6* 6* + 4 18* 10* U S Ceatber A Tto.. 6 14V, 14 14 — V« 60 214 U 8 Pipe A Fy(l*). 36 63* 60* 62 +2 19* 7* U 8 Realty A Imp.. 80 184 17* 18*-* 48* 16* US Robber- 36 47* 46* 464 —1 101 47 U 8 Rubber 1st pf.. 3 97* 96* 964, — 4 103* 72* U S Smelting (alO) 7 87V, 87 87*— * 79* 46* U 8 8tael . 60 77* 764 76*. + * 154*1154 U S Steel pf (7)_ 2 140 140 140 + * 8* 5 United Stores (A).. 13 74 7* 7V, + * 115 50 Unlv Plct let pf_ 20s 105 103 105 +14 7 3* Util Pwr A Ct (A).. 46 4* 44 4* + * 2* 1 Vadsco Sales Corp. 41 24 2* 2* - i, 57 30 Vadsco Sales Co pf. 10s 65 55 55 -2 27* 16* Vanadium Corp- 8 244 24* 24*— * 49* 28* Van Raalte (S44). 1 41* 41* 41* + V, 8* 4 Va-Car Chemical .. 103 84 7* 8 — * 67», 28* Va-Car Chem 6% pt 61 58* 55 56*— »» 10* 4 Va Iron CoalACoke. 20s 9 9 9 44 2* Wabaan (d)_ 1 24 24 2* + 4 10* 6 Wabaan pt A (d)_ 2 8 7* 7* - * 19 94 Waldorf Sya U.20-. 1 17* 17* 17* 39 30 Waigrean Co (1)— 1 384 384 384 + 4 49* 264 Walker (H) (2).._ 22 494 49* 49* 20 17* Walker (H) pf (1). 5 19* 19* 19* - 4 12* 64 Walworth Co-- 63 12* 114 12 7* 2* Ward Baking B_ 1 6* 6* 6* + * 18* 9* Warner Broa Plct 286 17* 16* 17* +1 66 44 Warner Bros pic pf. 2 66* 66 66 + * 24 4 Warner-yuln (d)... 6 1* l* i* 12* 4* Warren Broa _ 7 12* liv, 11V,— * 32* 21 Warren FdyAP(tl) 28 33 31* 32V, +1* 39* 194 Waukesha Mot (1). 2 34V, 34* 34* + * 11* 6* Webstar Elsenlobr. 7 9 84 9 + * 47 33* Wesson DA3IT60CC 13 464 46 46 —4 110 96 West Pa Elec pf 47 > 60s 1054 1054 1054 — * 1.16* 111* West Pa Pwr pf (6) 20s 116 116 116 124', 1164 West Pa Pwr pf (7) 20*121 121 121 -1 124 84 Western Maryland. 2 9* 9* 9* 4 IV, Western Pacific_ 2 2* 2* 2* + 4 94 54 Western Pacific pf. 19 7* 64 64 96* 724 Wesfn Union ca2). 24 834 824 83* + 4 48V, 34* Weet'h's# A Bal4- 13 454 45* 45*-* 153', 944 WesthseEl (a5*>. 9 147* 146 1464 33* 22* Wesfn El Inst a85c 1 25 25 26 + * 32 19* Westvaco Chlor (1) 1 26* 26* 25* 35* 31* Westvaco 6% pf 1 * 1 33* 33* 33*+ * 120 99 Wheel ACE pf 6%. 50s 113 113 113 374 214 Wheeling Steel 24 364 86 35*+ 4 28* 18* White Motor _ 17 25* 25 25*+ * 17* 13* White Rk M Sd.40) 1 16* 164 164 + * 43 16 White Sew Mcb pf.. 1 39* 39* 39* + 4 5* 2* Wilcox Oil A Gas... 3 4* 44 4* 11 6* Wilson A Co (60c).. 22 8* 8* 8* + 4 71 44* Woolworth (2.40).. 11 65* 65* 66* + * 36* 234 Worthington Pump 1 33 33 33 - 4 85* 56 Worth Pump pt A.. 70s 844 844 844 + 4 80* 47 Worth Pump of B.. 2 77 77 77 -1 22*4 8* Yellow Tr A Coach. 214 174 16* 174 + 4 34 2* Yellow TAC Dec 24. 416 34 2* 34 + * 1634 834 Yellow Tr&C pf 135 120s 160 160 160 -34 87* 41* Youngs'tn SheetAT 7 81* 81* 814 42* 114 Zenith Radio 4 39* 384 89 + * 9* 5* Zonite Products 47 8* 8 84 Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. X. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M. 620.000 12:00 Noon_1.240,000 Dividend rates as given in tbs above table are tbs annual cash oayments batso on tbe latest quarterly or nall-ysariy declarations s Unit ot traoins .ess than 100 shares, t annual rate—not including extras 1 Accumulated dividend!, a Paid this rear a Paid last rear d Oomoanles reDorted In rsctlvtrshlp or being reorganised, x Ex dividend. NEW YORK COTTON B> tbe Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 12.—Cotton futures opened steady, unchanged to 4 points advance with higher Liver pool cables partly offset by week end liquidation and realizing. December, 12.60; January, 12.31; March, 12.29; May. 12.14; July. 11.97; October. 11.56. Buyers were less aggressive follow ing yesterday’* reaction, but some trade and foreign buying absorbed the early offerings. Prices fluctuated ir regularly, however, in a narrow range.. After rallies of a few points, the mar ket eased to the initial levels under local and New Orleans selling. The volume was smaller and prices were readily influenced by orders either way. March, which recovered from 13.29 to 12.33, was again selling at 12.29 at the end of the first half hour when prices generally were 1 to 9 points net higher. A private estimate of the cast In dian crop was increased 150,000 bales (of 400 pounds) from an earlier indi cation because rain damage was leas than expected. Liverpool reported a better tone with the removal of political uncer tainties. Bales of cotton goods this week were •V estimated at around 50 per cent of production in the domestic market. rutum closed very steady, 7 to IS higher. _ _ , High. Low La.t December- 12.70 12.55 12.68-70 January -12.45 12.31 12.45 March -12.30 12.2* 12.3S-39 May-12.22 12.13 12.22 July -12.07 11.08 12.00-07 October - 11.65 11.66 11.63-64 Soot steady; middling. 12.08. Cottonseed OU. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed firm. January, 11.08b; March, 11.31; May, 11.34; July, ll.37all.38. Sales, 381 contracts, b—Bid. Liverpool Quotation*. , December 12 OP).—Cotton. 1S.OOO bales. Including 11.700 American. ■Pot quiet; prices 1 point lower. Quo Jatlong In pence: American, strict sood m ddl ng, 7.72; good middling. 7.42; strict middling, 7.12; mlddllns. 8.92; strict low middling, 6.67; low middling. 6.20: strict good ordinary, 6.80; good ordinary. 5.60. Futures dosed steady; December, fl.72; January, 8.70: March, fl.70; May. fl.«8i July, 8.88: October. 8.38. FOREIGN MARKETS. ^ LIVERPOOL. December 13 (JTt advancin* about one-half pel asSfevnssft h»»rr owing to the bonk hi__ . peg Monday, and there waa alao aoma *° Cottoa*future»*edvanced 1 to 3 point, and the tone waa much better. light hedging waa met with good trade ealung tiona*°m* Bomb*7 burin* of diatant poal* £onden and Part—Closed. <5, Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improred Properties %% FUST DEED OF TttUST OlttY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Are. N.W. Nat’l 0350 5‘/2% MONEY AVAILABLE For Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties in the District of Colombia. Prompt Action on Appiicmtionc Real Estate Mortgage 4 Guaranty Corporation 1UI ft at M.W. Mfttt IMS Farm Implements, Amuse ments f Lead Specialties 1 to 5 Points Higher. Stock Averages . 30 15 15 50 Indust. Ralls. Otll 8tks Net change. A.2 D.l A.2 A.l Today, close 96.2 38.9 51.5 70.6 Previous day 96.0 39.0 51.3 70.5 Month ago.. 97.1 39.2 50.7 70.9 Year ago... 71.5 28.9 42.6 53.7 1936 high... 99 3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low_ 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1935 high_ 76.3 31.2 44.7 56.1 1935 low- 49 5 18.5 21.6 34.8 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9 1929 high—146.9 153.9 184 3 157.7 1927 low 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, December 12.—Farm implements and amusements carried the buying banner for specialties in today's stock market, with favored issues pushing up 1 to around 5 points at the best. Some of the recent leaders appeared a bit more resistant, but most merely nibbled at recqyery, and here and there sizable losses were in evidence. Transfers approximated 1,100,000 shares. The list got off to a fast start on the upgrade. The rising tide was stemmed later as customary week end offerings began to present obstacles. At intervals the ticker tape fell behind floor dealings. Large blocks of the more popular stocks changed hands in the first hour. There was a single transfer of 21,000 shares of Paramount common at a slight ad vance. Corporate bonds displayed improv ing tendencies, while commodities were mixed. European currencies were quiet. In the share division it was noted the low-priced performers were in clined to quiet down somewhat. The moving picture group found comfort in expanding box office receipts. A few of the sugars, utilities and steels responded to earnings hopes. Well out in front during the greater part of the brief proceedings were J. 1. Case. Deere. International Harvester, Paramount, Warner Bros., U. S. Steel, Central Foundry, U. S. Pipe & Foun dry. Republic Steel, Douglas Aircraft, North American Aviation. Standard Gas. Anaconda. Cerro de Pasco. West inghouse. Fajardo Sugar. Cuban-Amer ican Sugar, Great Western Sugar, Crown Cork. Canada Dry, Flintkote, Consolidated Cigar and Barber Co. American Can yielded about 2 points at another new low for the year. In a restricted area were Chrysler, Gen eral Motors. Bethlehem. Montgomery Ward. Sears-Roebuck, Schenley, Na tional Distillers, American Telephone, Western Union, North American. Con solidated Edison. Santa Pe. New York Central and Southern Pacific. With England apparently feeling better over settlement of the King problem, commission houses with for eign connections reported London was again on the buying side of American securities. ■-» -.— , NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK December IS <4»>.—Eggs. 16.023: irregular. Mixed colors: Re IrigerjitorB special packs. 29's: standards. 29: firsts. 2712a281>a: seconds. 26V*a27; other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 6.518: easier Creamery, higher than extra. 333ia34‘2: extra (92 score*. 33‘»: firsts (88-91 scores*. 32a33V«: sec onds <*4-87 scores). 30J«a31s..: eentralued (90 score). 33 Cheese. 167.873: steady to firm and un changed. Investments 51/0/ First Mortgage /2 /o Real Estate Note* Secured by new dwellings in N.W. section of Washington. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Established Nearly to Years NA. 0271 Southern Bid*. Second Trust Notes We will boy monthly payment deferred purchase money second trait notes, secured en owner-occupied dwellings In D. C. and nearby Md. A Va Union Finance Co. 816 Woodward Bldg NAU. 7986 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia Nearby Maryland — and Virginia— Homes Apartments Business Properties 5% Terms from 3 to 15 Years Also Monthly Poyment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incarporatpd MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York UU Imuranct Co,. 1381 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. S60S First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 21M