Newspaper Page Text
CORPORATE BONDS IMPROVE QUIETLY Rails, Industrial Convertibles and Junior Utilities Gain Substantially. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. tJtii Pen [ Net change, unc. unc. A.l D.2 Today, close 97.5 104.2 102.5 71.6 Previous day 97.5 104.2 102.4 71.8 Month ago.. 97.0 104.1 102.6 71.5 Year ago... 85.0 101.7 99.6 69.6 1936 high... 97.9 104.4 103.1 72.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1935 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low_ 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high_101.1 98.9 102.9100.5 16 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_*113.5 Prev. day. 113.4 Month ago 113.1 Year ago. 109.5 1936 high. 113.4 1936 low.. 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 •New high. (Compiled dt the Associated Presa.) Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 12.—Rails. Industrial convertibles and low-priced utility liens turned in some sizable gains in a slow bond market today. United States Governments and foreign loans held* within narrow •wings, with prices showing mixed changes. Among corporate issues taking the lead in the first hour were Allis Chal mers 4s. American & Foreign Power 5s, Youngstown Sheet & Tube 312s and Pure Oil 4 t4s, up to around 2 points. In a few cases high levels estab lished today were records for the life of the issues, this applying particu larly to some of the convertibles. Ralls receiving the best support in eluded Baltimore & Ohio 4t2s. Great Northern 4s, Nickel Plate 4!2s and Southern Railway 4s. Loans of In ternational Telephone, International Paper, Anaconda, Walworth, Pennsy lvania. Dixie Cement and National Dairy Products also improved a little. Treasury 2\, 3%s and 4'ts and Home Owners’ Loan Corp. 3s were traded at slight advance. The balance of the list was unchanged to shade lower. ■ ■ - ■ • Washington Exchange SALES. Potomac Electric 5'2% pfd.—5 at 112. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 93',4. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. * Bid. Asked. American Tel. Ac Tel. 4taS 114'a Anacostia A Pot. 5s- 74 78 Ana. & Pot. Guar, ns— 109 - C. & P. Tel. of Va. 5s_103 - Capital Traction R. R. 5s 92 L City Ac Suburban 5s_ 84'a 88 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_121 - Pot. Elec. Pow. :t>.s_ 1053, - Wash. Gas 5s 1958 - 107s. 108V* Wash. Gar 5s 1960_ 124 - Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s-10b MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Club 5’8s_102 —— Col. Country Club 5‘as_105 - W. M. Cold Storage 5s_100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel. * Tel. (9)-188*. Capital Transit Co- 13'a 14'a N & W. Steamboat (61 __ *101 - Pot. Eiec Pow. 6r. pfd. (6i- lio'a - Po. El. Po. 5'2'r pf. (5.50)- lllli - Wash. Gas Lt. Co. 13.60) __ 78 81 Wash. Ry. & Elec. com. (36) 725 - Wash. Ry. & El. pfd. <5) llOVa BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec & Tr. Co. (e8>„ 270 280 Bank ol Bethesda ih75)_31 - Capital (4) -132 - Com. & Savings (aO)_ 200 - Liberty (3) 13o - Lincoln (6.25) 200 - Natl. Sav. Ac Tr.__130 150 Prince G. Bk. Ac Tr. (.50). 17Va 20 Riggs (Si - -315 Riggs pfd (5)_101 - Washington <6>-120 — Wash. Loan &r, Tr. <8) 243 260 FIRE INSURANCE. American i6» _ 3 00 - Corcoran (51 100 - Firemen's (1.60)_ 42 - National Union (.60)_ 16 TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) 10 - Ret: Estate (6)_140 - MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp. (1.60) 25la 27 Lanaton Monotype (4» 8.3V2 Mergenthaler Linotype < 51 . 52 53Va Peoples Drug com (tl.OO)_ *5312 - Peoples Drug Si. pfd. iH.SOiMHl'a 112'a Real Es. M. A G. pfd. (**25) *6 Security Storage (5) — — 118 - Ter Ref. & Wh. Corp (3) 57 Wdwd. As Loth com. (tl.50) 68 76 Wdwd. Ac Loth. Dfd. (7)__ 120 - •Ex dividend. tPlus extras. S50c paid May 15. 1936: 50c paid Aug. 15. 1936: 50c paid Nov. 16. 1936. a4% extra. e2" extra. h75e extra **25e paid June 30. 1936. BALTIMORE STOCKS •pecial Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. December 12.— ■ales. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 10 Balto Transit pf_ 9% PH PH 17 Consol Gas__ 88 88 88 115 Eastern Sugar Asso 27 27 27 10 Eastern Sue As pf 45 45 45 855 Houston Oil pi vtc 21 % 21% 21% 50 Mfrs Pin 1st pf__ 12s, 12H 12% 815 New Amster Cas _ 16V, 16% lot, 282 U 8 Fid A Guar 26% 26% 26% BONDS. 7000 Balto Tr deb 4s A 43 42% 42% *000 Balto Trans 5s A 51% 51% 51% CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO December 12 OPi.—Poultry, live. 22 trucks; steady: prices unchanged. Dressed turkeys weak hens, young. 21; old. 18: toms, young. 18 pounds up. 20; less than 18 pounds. 21; old. 18; No. 2 turkeys. 15 Butter. 7.010: unsettled; prices un changed. Eggs. 3.8PP: weak Extra firsts, ears and local. 30: fresh-graded firsts, cars and local. 29; current receipts. 28- re frigerator standards. 26%: refrigerator ex tras. 26%. Potatoes, 50: on track. 215: total U 8 Shipments. 50P; steady: demand fair for best stock: supplies light. Sacked, per ewt.. Idaho Russet Burbanks. II. S. No. 1. 2.40a65- O. S. No. 2. 1.95a2.02%: Wash ington Russet Burbanks. O. S. No. 1. 2.80; Colorado Red McClures. U. 8. No. 1. 2.45a 85: Wisconsin Round Whites. U. 8. No. 1, 1.87%aP7%; D. S. commercial 1 70a75; Michigan Russet Rurals. U. S. No. 1. 1.90; Green Mountains. U. S No. 1. 2.12'%. Butter futures, storage standards. De camber. 31%: January. 32: February. 3"%. Erg futures, refrigerator standards. De cember. 26%: January. 26%: fresh-graded firsts. Pebruary. 24%. Potato futures. Idaho Russets. January, *.71. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, December 12 OPI.—Crude rubber futures closed firm, unchanged to 8 higher. December. i8.87n: March. 18.07: May. 18.87al8.88. Smoked ribbed ■pot, 18.87n. n—Nominal. Central Reports $2,616,357 Profit During October Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 12.—Net in eotne after fixed charges of the New York Central Railroad Co. and its leased lines in October was $2,616,357, equal to 52 cents a share on the cap ital stock. This compared with $1, 264,102, or 25 cents a share, in the same month last year. Net Income after fixed charges in the first 10 months totaled $6,117,663, equal to $1.22 a share on the capital, compared with a deficit of $5,120,979 in the same period of 1935. BONDS ON N, Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bond*....... . 230,000 Foreign Bonds__. 950,000 Domestlo Bonds_ 4,630,000 TREASU R Y Htsh Low. Close. 2%S 1945-47.._ 106.27 106.22 106.27 2*s'56-69_ 102.19 102.18 102.19 2HS-1966-80_ 104.9 104.6 104.9 Js 1951-66_ 106.16 106.12 106.12 IHs 1946-49_ 108.31 108.81 108.31 3*8 1944-46_ 110.9 110.9 110.9 49 1944-54_ 116.4 116.4 116.4 4*s-3Ha 1943-46 110.16 110.12 110.15 4*s 1947-62 121.28 121.25 121.28 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2*B 1942-44_ 103.1 103.1 103.1 2*S 1929-49_ 103.6 103.3 103.6 Is ’1952_ 104.30 104.27 104.30 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbl PtAPw 5S 53 80* 78 80* Alpine Mont S 7s '56-. 92* 92* 92* AntlOQUia 7s ‘46 A_ 13 13 13 Antloaula 7s *46 B_ 13 12* 18 Antloqula 7a '45 C__13 13 13 Antloqula 7a‘46 D ... IS 12* 13 Antloqula 1st 7>‘S7... m Wi Wi Argentine 6He'62_ 102 102 102 Argentine 6a '67 A_ 102* 102* 102* Argentina 6s '61 B_ 102* 102* 102* Argentina 6a *69 June 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6a '59 Oct 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6a '60 May 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6a'60 Sept 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6s '60 Oot 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6s '61 Febr 102* 102* 102* Argentine 6s 61 May. 102* 102* 102* Australia 4*a‘56_ 102* 102* 102* Australia 6a *67_ 110 109* 109* Austrian 7a'67_loo loo ioo Bavaria S <Ha‘46_ 23* 23* 23* Belgium 6H» '49_ 108* 108* 108* Belgium 7a'66_115* 116* 115* Berlin 6s '68 __ 23* 28* 23* Brazil 6Hs 2t-'S?_ 36* 36* 36* Brazil 6Hs’27-’67_ 87 36* 37 Brazil 7s‘62_ 36 35* 36 Brazil 8a’41__ 40* 40 40* Budapest 6s '62 unmat coupon on_ 27* 27* 27* Buen A 4Ha-4*a‘75. 81 81 81 Buenos AC <HI'65-. 101*101*101* Buenos Alias 4 Ha-4 Ha *76 April 79* 79* 79* Buenos A 4Hs '76 Aug 77* 77* 77* Buenos Alraa 4He-3Ha’77Pv_ 76* 75* 75* Bulgaria 7s *67 July coupon oft.._ 20 20 20 Bulgaria 7Ha '68 May coupon oft_ 20* 20* 20* Canada 2He 45_101* 101* 101* Canada 8*s‘61_ 103* 103* 103* Canada 4i'60_111 110*110* Canada 6a’62_114* 114* 114* Carlsbad 8 s ’54___ 60 50 50 Chile 6a '60 _16* 16 16 Chile 6s '61 Jan_ 15* 15* 15* Chile 6a '61 Febr_15* 15* 15* Chile 6a '6S _ 15* 16* 15* Chile 7s'42 _ 16 15* 16 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 13* 13* 13* Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62.-. 13* 13* 13* Chile Mtg Bk 6Hs ‘67. 13* 13* 13* Chilean Mun L 7s ’60 12* 12* 12* Cologne 6*8'50_ 22* 22* 22* Colombia 6a'61 Jan.. 28* 2R 28* Colombia 6s’61 Oct . 28 27* 27* Copenhagen 4Ha’53.. 98*6 08* 98* Cordoba 7s’42 Prv_ 97* 97* 97* Cuba 6Hs 46 _ 64* 63* 64 Denmark 44* 62_ 994 99 994 Denmark R4«'65_ 101 100*7 101 Denmark 6a ’42 ..._ 105 105 105 Dominie 1st 64s‘42.. 74 4 744 744 Estonia 7a ‘67_ 97 96*. 97 Fiat deb 7s‘46_ 774 77 7774 Frankfort 6 4*'51_ 22*. 224 224 Ger C Bk A «s'38 .. 284 287? 284 Gar C Ag Bk 6s'60 Oct 254 264 254 Ger Go* 54s 65 at 22 217. 22 Ger Go* 64®'65 un st 204 204 204 Gar Rep 7s ’49 stpd 29 4 294 294 Hung LM 74s '61 A 22*. 22*. 22*7 Hung L M 74s *61 B 22*. 22*. 2z*. Hung Con M 74s '45 unmat coupon on 2277 227> 224 Italy 7s'51 ... 83 82 824 Ital P U Crd 7s '52_ 674 674 6?4 Japan 64s‘65 . . 824 82*, 824 Kreus&Toll 6s '69 cfs 44*. 44*7 44*7 Lombard Elec 7s ‘6 2 68 677. 68 Medelln 64*'54 114 117, 114 Milan 64s 62 654 65 4 654 Mlaas Geras 64s 69 Sept coupon on. 21*7 214 214 Montevideo 7*'52_ 667, 664 667, Norway 44*‘6s_ 1014 1014 1014 Norway 6s ’61 _ 10177 101 101 Oriental Dev 6s ‘53 77 77 77 Panama 6s‘63 atp as 72 714 <2 Peru 6s‘<0.. 1474 144 144 Peru 6a *61_ 14*. 144 14*7 Poland 6a‘40_...._ 57 56 57 Poland 7a 47_ 75 74 4 75 Poland 8s '60 ... 56 56 56 Porto Alsgre 8a ‘61 June coupon off_ 23*7 23!. 23*7 Prussia 6s ‘62 _ 22 22 22 Prussia 64»'61_ 22Ji 224 224 Queensland 7s'41_ 113 113 113 Rhine W El P 6s ‘52.. 2577 25)7 2577 Rio de Jan 6 4a -63 Aug coupon off . 194 194 194 Rio Or do Sul 7a ’67 June coupon off_ 234 234 234 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ‘41 April coupon off_ 29 29 29 Rom* 6 4a '62 _ 69 684 «8*7 sao Paulo St 7s ‘40 ... 92 4 924 924 Sao Paulo St 8s ’61 July coupon off_ 30*7 30*. 30*. Serbs 7s‘62 unm o o_. 23!, 237j 23*7 Serbs 8s‘62 unm e o 244 234 23)7 Shln’su El P 64s‘52. 80 80 80 Silesia Prov 7s '68 60 50 50 Sydney 64*‘55- 1044 104*7 1044 Toklo 676s '81._ 73 73 73 Toklo E L Litd «■ '** . 7574 7574 7 574 UnStl Wk 674a'61 A. 287* 28U 287* Un Stl Wk 6 74a ’51 C-. 287* 28** 28»* Urunuay 6s'60 __ 63*4 637* 63*4 Urunuay 8s '46 . _. 63*4 6374 «»74 Vienna 6s ’52 May e o. 88 8774 88 Yokohama 6a ’61 76*4 76*4 7674 DOMESTIC BONDS. Allen Com 6a 44 10174101 101 Alien Com 6a’4*. 98 9774 98 Allen Com 6e "60 ett) 6674 667* 6674 Allied Stores 474e >60 1017*1017*10174 Allis Cbalmera 4a *46 21674212 2i3<* Am ft For Pw 6s *2020 8874 *274 82*4 Am IO Cb 674a '49.. 110 109** 110 Am Inti 674a'49 _ 10574 10574 10674 Am T*T 474a **9__. 114 114 114 Am T ft T deb 6s ’«6 11074 11074 11074 Am T ft T 674a *41... 11274 1127* 11274 Am T F 274B-6S 3S-'60 177 174 176 Am Writ Paper 6a *47 78 77 77 Am Writ Pa 6s *47 cfs 7774 1774 7774 Anaconda dab 4 74a *60 106 10674 106 Annlo*Chll Nit 7a*S7 41 74 41 7* 41 74 Armour *Co 474a'*9 104*4 104*4 1044 Armour! Del list 4a’66 9974 9974 9974 Armstronn C*k 4a *60 10774 10774 10774 A T&S Fe adj 4s '96 111 111 111 A T&S Fe ad] 4a *96 at 11174 1117*11174 A T&S Fe nan 4s *96 1177* 117 11774 A T&S Fe C A 4 74* ’62 11374 11374 1137* Atl Coast L Clt 4 8 6 2 98*4 98 987* Atl C D un 474 s *64 987* 9874 987* Atlantlo & D 1st4s *48 6374 637* 6374 Atlantle ft D 2d 4s ’46 6674 6674 5674 Atl O ft W J 6a ‘69_ 86 86 85 B ft O tat 4a '48- 10874 10874 10174 B ft O 474a '60 - 81 80*4 81 B ft O rat 5a *96 A- 9274 924 9274 B ft O 6a *96 F_ 92*/* 9274 9274 B *0 ref 6a 20Q0 D_ 92 92 92 B ft O raf 6a ’96 C_ 102 102 102 B ft O Swn 6a '60_ 108 108 108 B ft O Tolado 4a '69 ... 9974 9974 9974 Bann ft Aroos 4a'51.. 1107* 11074 11074 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B. 121 121 121 Bell T of Pa 6a '60 C-. 131 13074 131 Beth Steel 3 w« 66.— 99k oo »» Beth St I 4 We '60 st_ 105k 105k 10&k Bos*Me4Ws'6lJ-- 81 81 81 Boa* Me 6*'56- 85k 85k 85k Bos * Me 6s *87. . 85 85 85 Boston N I A L. 4S *56 23k 23k 23k BotCon M 6WS*3« 38k 37k 37k Bot Con M 8 Wa *14 ct 38k 37k 37k Bklyn Cy RR 6s *41 100k 100k 100*' Bklyn Ed con 3 Ws'66 105k 106k 105k Bklyn Man T 4 W> '88 104 103k 104 Bklyn Queens CAB con 6s *41 stpd- 81k 80 8lk Bklyn On El 6a ‘60 114k ink M4k Bklyn Un Gas 0s *60 105 105 106 Bklyn Un Gas 6s *67 B 110 look 109k Brown Shoe 8We *60 106 106k 106k Buff RAP oon 4We'67 91k 91k 91k Buff RAP en4Ws*67ra 90 90 90 Bush Term oon 6s *66 71 71 71 Bush Term Bide 6s *80 66k 66k &6k Calif Packlns 6s *40.. 105 106 105 Camas 7a *43 etfs 40 3Sk 40 Can'dlan N R 4Hs *66. 116k ll<k U«k Caa'dlaaK A 4 W* *67. 116)4 116k 116k High. Low. Close. Can’dlan N R 6s’«9 Oci 1204 1204 1204 Can'dlan P db «s oert> 98 974 **74 Can'dlan Pao4Hs’46 1034 1034 1084 Can’dlan Pao 4 Ha *0 1054 106H 1064 Can’dlan Pao 6a '64 109 4 109 109 Cent BrU P4s’48... 344 344 344 Central Fdry cv 6s ’41 1054 1054 1064 Central Fdry cv 6s *41 180 172 180 Cent ot Qa 6s ‘69 C . 184 184 184 Cent 111 E * G 6s ‘61 1044 1044 1044 Cent N England 4s ’<1 564 554 084 Cent Pao let rf 4s >49 1124 112 H2 Cent Pao 6s '<0 _ 1034 1034 1034 Cent RR B Ga 6s '37.. 944 034 044 Chesan Com 6s’47 150 ISO 160 Ches A O I Ha '96 D.. 1024 1024 1024 Chea A O 3Ha '96 E_. 1024 1024 1024 Chi B A Q gen 4s ‘6S.. 1164 1164 1164 Chl B A Q ref 6s‘71... 1184 1184 1184 Chi BAQ 1 dlv 4s '49.. 1124 1124 1124 Chi A E III 6s‘61. .. 334 334 384 Chi A E 111 6s’61 ctfs. 324 314 314 Chl Grt West 4S'69 . 464 364 46 Chl I A Li gen 6s '66 22 22 22 Chi lnd A L ref 6s ’47. 40 40 40 Chl lnd A L, gen 6s ’66 224 224 224 Chl lnd A So 4s '66 1064 1054 1054 CMAStP gn 3Ha ’89 B 644 644 644 CMAStP 4a ’89 60 60 60 CMAStP gn 4He’89 C 654 664 664 CMAStP 4Ha *89 B... 664 66 66 CMAStP 4\s ’89_ 67 6«4 67 CM&StP 5s *75. 274 274 *74 CMAStPAP adj os2000 84 84 «4 Chl A NW gen 8Ha *87 40 394 394 Chl A NW gen 4s ’87.. 424 324 424 Chl A NW «Hs2US7 264 264 264 Chl A NW 44s 2037 C. 264 264 264 Chl A NW 44s '49 ... 164 15 154 Chl A NW gen 6s '87.. 454 454 454 Chl A NW rf 6s 2037 .. 274 274 274 CANW Nr W 6Hs'36. 494 49 494 Chl Rys 1st 6s ’27 ... 824 82 82K Chl R IAP rf 4s '14 ctf 164 16 16 Chl K IAP gen 48 *88.. S84 384 384 Chl R IAP «Hs ’52 184 184 184 Chl R l&P 4H* *62 etf 164 1«4 t«4 Chl R IAP 4HS'60 10 94 94 Chl T HAS 1st 6s '60 . 100 lOo 100 Chl Un Sta 34* '83 E 111 ill 111 Chl A W I con 4s ’62 1074 1074 1074 Cln Un Ter 3 4s D gtd 1084 1084 1084 Cln Un Terra 6s ’67 C- 1084 1084 1084 CCC&St L gen «s ’93.. 1064 1064 1064 CCC&St L rf 4Hs’77 E 984 984 984 CCC&St L. ref 6s ’63 D 1034 1034 1034 Clew Cliffs lr 4 4s’50 1074 1074 1074 Clew Un Tel 4He *77 105 105 105 Clew Un Term 6s'73 B 1104 1104 1104 Colo Fuel A lr 5s ’70.. 93 93 93 Colo A So 4 Hs ’80_ 764 764 764 Columbia Q A E 6a •52 May _ 1054 105 1054 Columbia GAE 6a’61. 1044 1044 1044 Cons Coal Del 6a'60 64 634 634 ConaEd NT 3Ha’46n 1064 1064 1064 Cons Gas N T 44s’51 1074 107 107 Consol Oil 3Hs’51 1054 105 105 Consum P un 3 Hs ’65 1074 1074 1074 Cons Pwr 3H*‘13 1084 108 1084 Consum Pwr 34» '65. 1094 1094 1094 Container deb 6s ’43 102*4 102*4 1024 Crane Co 3 H* ’31_ 1024 1024 1024 Cuba HR 1st 6s '62 . 654 65 654 Cuba Norths 6 Ha'32 66 65 66 Del A Hud ref «s '43 .. 894 894 894 Den A R G con «» II.. 33 33 33 Den A RG W 6»'65... 18 174 18 Den A R G ref 6s '78 28 28 28 Den A RG W 6s'65 asst 174 164 174 Dul A Ir Rg 6s’37_ 1034 1034 1034 Dul S S A At 6s '37 - 824 824 824 Duquesne Lt 3 He'66. 10»4 1094 1094 East Cuba S 7 4s'37 . 424 424 424 ECUba S 14s 37 ctfs 44 424 44 El Paso Nat G 4 4*31 1044 1044 1044 El P&S W ref 5s '65— 1114 lilt, 1114 Erie cv 4s ’53 B_ 92 92 92 Erie Ken 4s'96_ 914 914 914 Erie ref 6a '87_87** 87 4 874 Erie ref 6s '76-- 874 874 874 Fla E C Ry 6s G4 „. 164 164 164 Fond J & R 4s ’82 filed 44 44 44 Gen Mot Acc34s'51- 1044 1044 1044 Gen Stl C a4a '49_ 98 97 98 Ga A Ala 6s '46_ 35fl 35 35 Goodrich 6s'46_ 106 1054 106 Goodyear TAK 6s '57 1044 104.4 1044 Goth Silk B 6a ’46 ww 1064 1064 1064 Great N Ky 4s 46 G 1194 119.4 11»H Great N Ry 4e 46 H 1084 1084 10*4 Grt N R ref 4 4* '61 A 116 1154 US Grt N R Ren 4 4a "76 L 1084 1084 1084 Grt N R gen 4 4 '77 E 1084 108 108 Grt N R gen 6s '73 C- 1144 H«4 H«4 Grt N R 64k '52 B 1184 1184 1184 Gulf States Util 4s 66 1054 105.4 1054 tioe 1R) A CO 64k'34 954 944 954 Houston 011 6 4s'40 102 102 102 Hudson Coal 6a '62 . 534 534 534 Hud A Man Inc 5a '57 . 334 334 334 Hud A Man ref 5a '57 . 82 81 4 814 111 Bell Tel 34a'70 _. lli>4 1104 1104 111 Cent col tr 4e '56 ... 89'* 89 894 111 Cent ref 4a '56 944 944 944 iCCAStE N O 44S'6J 85!* 844 854 ICCAStE N O 6s '68 . 904 904 904 I Ind & Eoulsv 4s ’56 — 404 404 404 ! lnt K T 1st rf 6»'66— 95 4 95 954 lnt R T 6s '32 ctfa- 45V* 444 45!* lnt R T 7s '32 - 95 95 95 lnt K T 7s ’32 Ctfk- 95 944 944 lnt Cement 4s’46 _ 165 164,4 165 mt Grt Nr 6s '52 A_ 354 35 354 lnt Grt Nr adl 6s’52 A 13 124 13 int Hydro El 6s'44— 84 82'* 83 lnt Pan 1st 5e '47 A— 103 102** 102H int Pap ret 6* '66 — »»4 99,4 994 lnt R.v of C A 6s '41_1024 1024 1024 lnt TATcv 4 4s ’3»— 83 4 83 834 lnt TAT 4Ha '62- 724 714 724 lnt TAT 6# '65_ 76 754 754 Kan C So 1st 3a '60 — »2f* 92* 92** Kan C So rf In 6s *60.. 98 98 98 Kendall 6*b’4S ww_. 104* 104* 104* Laclede Gas 6s *9 — 99* 99* 99* Laclede G 6*8'63 C 68* 68* 88* Laclede Gas 6s '42 A 66* 66** 66* Lake E A W 1st 6s '37 102* 102* 102* Lauiaro Nltr 6s '64 33* 33** 33?* Leh CAN 4*8’54 A. 105* 105* 105* Leh Val Coal 6s '38... 99** 99?* 99* Leb Valley Har 6a '64 105 105 105 LV NY 1st 4s’4b *td 92 92 92 L V N Y 4*s'40 gtd 103* 103* 103* Leh V P oon 48 2003 72* 11* 71* Leb V RR con 6s 2003 86* 85 85* Leb V P con 4*8 2003 77* 77* 77* Llgg A Myers 6s '61_ 126* 126* 126* LlRR A Myers 7s '44.. 135* 136?« 135* Loaw’s 3*s '46. 101 100* 100* Lorlllard 7s'44- 134* 134* 134* Ls A Ark 6s '69 — 98* 98* 98?* L A Nash 3*S 2003- 97* 97* 97* LAN let 48 2003- 103* 108* 103* LAN 5s'37_ 101*101*101* L A N So Mon It 4s *62 100 100 100 Ms C RR Clt 4S '46 A- 104* 104*4 104* Manatl Sug 7 *B '42. 89 87* 88 Man Slat 7 *a'42 ctfa 89 87* 89 Manhat Ry 4S-9S. 51* 61 61* Manhat Rjr 4s ’90 otts 48* 48* 48* Marlon St Shov 6* '4'i 99* 99* 99* Market St Ry 7s '40 A 102* 102* 102* Mead Co 6s 45 *06* 10S* 106* Met Ed 1st rf 4*s'68 109* 109 109* Mil E R A S L 6S '61. 105 106 105 MlnnASLrf 48'49 4* 4* 4* Minn AS*1 6s'34ctf» 11* H 11 MStPASSM 6*e ’49— 29* 29* 29* Mo K A T let 4s ’90 ... 96?i 96* 96* Mo K A T ad) 6s ’67— 70* 70* 70* MO K AT 68 62 A_ 87* 87* 87* MO Pac 4. *76-16 16* 15* MO Pac 6i'66 A- 42 42 42 MoPac6s*77P-41* 41* 41* Mo Pac 6s*78 G__ 41* 41* 41* Mo Pacino 6. 80 H 41* 41* 41* Mo Pac 6s '80 H ctfs. 40* 40?* 40* Mo Pactnc 6*8 49 A- 13* 13* 13* MOb A Ohio 4*s '77 — 27 27 27 Mob A Ohio 6s'33- 27 27 27 Mob A O M dl» 6s *47 89* 39 39 Mor AEassx 3*s 20 0 0 97* 97* 97* Morris A Essex ♦ **66 »<* 94 94* Mor A Essex 6s'66 101* 101* 101* Nassau Else «s '61 gtd 64 6SH h i Nat Dairy 8%s'61 ww 107 106k 106k Nat R M 4%s'57 asst Sk ®H *k Nat Steel es'64 107k >07* 107« New Eng RR 6s'45. *8k «8k 63k NeS ETAT lst6s'62 126H 126k 126k New Jer PA1> 4%s *60 »» »" »« New Or GNR 6s ’18 A 94k »*H »<k New Or A N 4%s '62— «6 *4 84 New Orl P 8 6s '62 A 101 101 101 New Orl P 8 6s '66 B 99k 99k 99k New Orl Ter 1st 4s AS 100k 100k 100*4 New Or TAM 4ks*54 46k 46k 46k New Orl TAM 6Hs'64 oik 61k 61k N YCentYks -97 104k 104k 104k N Y Central 8%s 46- 103k 103k I08k N Y Cent eon 4s '98 104k 104k 104k N Y Cent rf 4 k* 2018 96k 96 96k N YC rf4*s80l8»- 96k 96k 96k N Y Cent rf 6s 8016- 101 100k 101 N Y Center6s,44- lUk IWi 114k NYCASt 1*4*0*78- **k 94 94 NYCASt L.6*s*74 A. 104k 104k 104k N Y Chi A St L 6s *88 100k 100 100 N Y Dock 1st 4s '61 69k 69k M N Y Edison Ska 66 D 106k 106k 106k N Y Edls ref 814s ’66 105k 106k 106k NYGE1 HAP 6s '48. 126k 126k 126k N YLAW 1st 4S *78 104 104 104 NY NH A B 4a '67 — 28k 22 22 NY NH AH 4*s’8T- 87k 87k 87k NY NH AH cl tr6s*46 47k 46k «k NY NH A B ea 6s '48 86k *«k 88k MTNHAH Cons Rys 4s *65 J A <!_- *6 «4 *6 A High. Low. Clow. N Y N H A H Cons Ry» 4s '68__ 25 28 26 NY OAW g«n 44 IS... 42 414 42 NY OAW rtf 4a'91_ 464 444 444 NY Putnam 4a ‘9*_ 934 984 934 NY Rys Inc «a ‘61 .. 594 694 694 NY SAW 2d 4%s 17.. 894 874 »»4 NY SAW 1st rt 6a'IT. 914 904 914 NY Tel *«n 44a *39.. 110 1094 1094 NYWAB44s'4« .. 144 >44 144 Norf A W 1st 4a *91... 1234 123 1234 North Am Co 6a 11 1064 1064 1064 North Am Ed 6a 17 A 1034 1034 1034 North Am Ed 6a 19 C 1054 1054 1064 Nor’n Pac gen la 1047 824 824 824 Norm Pao 44a 3047... 1054 1054 1054 Nor’n Pao 6s 2047 C_ 1094 109*4 1094 Nor’n Pao «e 2047 1124 112 112 North Sts Pw 44a 11 105*4 105*4 1054 North S P 1st 6a ‘41 A. 1034 I03*i 1034 North 8ts Pwr 6a 14 1084 1084 1084 Nor’n Sts Pw 6s 41 B. 1034 1084 1084 Ogden L.C 4S *46 .. 29 29 29 Ont Trans 1st 5s'45.. 1134 1134 11*4 Oreg RR A N 4a '46 II84 1134 H*4 Ores w RR A N 4S ’ll 107 107 107 Otis Steel 6s'41. 1014 1014 1014 Pac GAB 34s 11 ... 108 1074 1074 Pac RR Mo 2d 6s '31.. 1024 1024 1024 Pac TAT 1st 6S 17 .. 1004 1004 1004 Pan Am PC«a’4» 544 544 544 Pan Am P C la 40 cUa 544 54’* M4 Paramount Plofis 16 1004 1004 1004 Park-Lx 64s *53 ctfs. 37 37 37 Parmelea 6s ’46_ 74 74 74 Penn Co 6s ’63. 1064 1064 1064 Penn PAL. 4 4* 11_ 105** 1054 1054 Penn RR8%s’70C_ 1034 1034 1084 Penn RR 44s 11 D— 1114 HI H14 Penn RR 44a 14 ... 111411141114 Penn RR con 44 10— 1244 1214 1244 Penn KK gn 44s 15 115 1144 m Penn RR deb 44»'70. 106*4 1064 106*4 Penn RR gen 6a It .. 122 122 122 Pare Mara lot 4s II.. 101 1004 101 Pere Marq lat 6a II.. 106 1054 106 Phlla Co 6s 17 _ 1064 106 1064 Phlla Eleo Co 4a*71_ 105 105 105 Phlla A R CA1 6s *73.. 464 454 464 Phlla A R CA1 6s '49.. 25 244 25 Philippine Ky 4s'37.. 204 204 204 PCCASt L 44* '77 C. 1074 1074 1074 PlttsAW Va 44s IOC 94*4 94 944 Port Gen El 4 4s 10 . 734 734 734 Poetal Tel A C 6a II 43*4 424 424 Potomac El Pw 34*'66 106 106 106 Pressed Stl Car 5s 51. 984 »*4 984 PuraOII44a 6<!ww 117 117 117 Pure Oil 44 s 10 xwT 1054 1054 1054 Purity Bek 6s '46_ 100 100 100 R-K-O 6s '41.. 1184 1184 1184 Reading Jer C 4a 11.. 1044 104 4 1044 Reading R 4 4e ’97 A 1074 1074 1074 Rem-Rand 4 4s’66 ww 111 111 111 Republic Stl 44a 11 994 994 99*4 Republic Stl 4 4s'60 1304 130 1304 Republic Stl 64s *54 llo 1094 110 Richfield 011 6a '44. *3 62*. 624 Richfield O 6a'44 ctfs 63 624 624 RG W 1st ex In 48'39 804 804 804 Rio Q W OOl 4s '49 A.. 46 46 46 Rutland RR 44e'41 324 324 324 St L I MAS RAG 4a ’ll 84 84 84 StLRM&P6s’56 .. 83'» 83V* 83>t St L-S Fran 4S 'SO A 284 28 28 St L-S F 4a '60 A ctfa 264 264 26V* St LrS Fran 44a >7* 27 27 27 St L-S F 4 4a ’71 cf at 26 25V* 264 St L-S Fran 6a '60 B 284 28v, 28V, St L-S F 6a '60 B ctfa. 274 274 274 St LS W lat 4a’8» _. 99 99 99 St L S W 2d 4s '89 ... 704 7«4 704 St L S W gn rf 6a'90.. 51 61 61 St P K C 8 L 4 4 a '41 22V* 22 22 San A ft A Pasa 4a '43 103V, 1034 10:14 Schulco 64s 46 A atp 43 43 43 Schulco 64a '46 B 414 414 434 Schulco 64a'46 B atp 42'* 421, 42V, SciotoC&N E4a'89.. 122 4 122 122 Seabd A L 4a '60 atp.. 28 27'* 28 Seabd A L ref 4a'69.. 164 16 16** Seabd A Lad] 6a'49.. 94 91* 9, Seabd A L 6a '45 A ... 18 174 174 Seabd A L 6s'45 ctfa 174 17*1 17", Seabd A-Fl 6a 35 A et 13 12*, 13 Sharon Stl cv 44a'51 1144 1144 1144 Shell Un deb 34a’61 1004 1004 1004 Socony Vac 3 4a’50 1064 106', 106', South Bell T*T 6a'41 108 108 108 Sou Pacific 14a *4C_1024 1014 1024 So Pac col 4a‘49_ 984 984 984 So Pao raf 4a '66_1074 1074 1074 So Pac 44a'6*_ 96*. 95»* 95*, So Pac 4 4a’69_ 95V, 95 95V, So Pac 44a’ll. _ 95 944 95 So Pac (Cal) 5s ’37... 103»* 108*, 103>, so Pac Orag 4 4a ’77.. 99s, 994 99*, So Ry gen 4a’66 A_ 814 814 814 So Ry 6a '94.. 111*. Ill*, 111*, So Ry gan 6a '66_1004 100*, 100*, So Ry 64a '66_ 1034 1034 1034 So Ry M ft O 4s '38 . 91 91 91 S W Bell Tel 3 4a’64 110 110 110 Southw’n G & E 4s ’60 106 106 106 Spokane lnt 6s '65_ 364 36 4 364 Stand Oil N J 3s '61 . 101 100', 10a Studebaker cy 6a *45 1154 1154 1154 Symgn G&G’56s ww_148V, 148V, 1484 Tenn El P* 6s '47 A. 1004 1004 1004 Term As St L 4a '66.. 111*. 111*. 1114* Texas Corp 6 4a’ll-, loo*, 1054 1054 Texas ft Pac 6a *77 B 1064 1064 1064 Texas ft Pac 6a *79 C. 107>* 107 107V, Third Art ref 4e ’60 70V, 704 704 Third Ay ad in ex 6s'f> 384 384 384 Un El L A P 6s '57 . 1064 106 106 Un El Li P SHs '64_. 1054 1054 1054 ! Un Oil Cal 48 ’47 __ 106 103*4 105 Un Oil Cal 6s’42 A... 122 122 122 Un Pac 8 4a *71_ 101410141014 Un Pac lat 4s '47 1154 1154 1154 Un Pac 1st rf 4 s 2008 110 110 110 Un Pac 1st rf 6s 2008 1124 1124 1124 United Drug 6a '68 1034 103 108 U S PlpeAFy I4a'4l 149 142 148 U S Rubber 6a ’47 1064 1064 1064 Utah L A T 6s ‘44 A. 1044 1044 1044 Utah PAL. 6s'44 1054 1044 1054 Util PAL61 '69 ww 67 66 664 Util PAL 6Hs '47. 69 69 69 Ver Sug 1st 7s ’42 etfs 394 374 394 VC A P 1st 44s’34 SS 4 4 4 Vs Re 1st S4s '66 A. 1074 1074 1074 Vs S W con 6s '68__ 99 99 99 Wabash 44s *78_ 36 36 36 Wabasb 2d 6a '89_ 974 974 974 Walker HAS 44s *46 1104 110 110 Walworth 4s’66 864 86 86 Warner Bros ct fs *89 99 4 99 994 Wsrner-Quln 6s’89.. 684 624 68 W Pa P 1st 6s *63 E 1224 1224 1224 W Sb 1st 4s 2061 gtd 994 994 994 West'n Md 64* "77 1064 1064 1064 West'n Pae 6s *46 A 364 36 364 West’n Pac 6* *46 A as 354 354 364 Weat’n Un 4Hs‘60 112 112 112 Wsat'n Un 6a '61.. 107 107 107 Wast’n Un 6a *80 1084 1084 1084 Wheeling A L E 4s '66 1054 1054 1054 W So Stl con 7s 86 Ct 384 384 384 Wilkes BAB 1st 6s ’48 60 594 594 Wlllmar S F 5s '40 „ 1054 106*, 1054 Wllaon A Co «s‘66 1044 1044 1044 Wls Cant lat gn 4* ’48 334 324 334 Wls C lat gn 4s *49 ct 32 31 31 WiS C SAD Trm 4s ’38 24 24 24 7‘ngatn SAT 84* tl 133 132 1324 T’ngstnSAT4a'tl... 1044 1044 1044 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK December 12 <*>>.—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan < 1 V«>_31 33 Bankers Tr (2) 85 87 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4) 116'4 118>4 Chase National <1.40)_ 44 48 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 58 80 Commercial <8> 204 210 Cont Bk & Tr (.80) _ 16'4 18 Corn Ex Bk & Tr <3>_ 83 84 Empire Tr (1) _ 2714 281a First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 5n>/, 52V« First National (100)_2085 2125 Guaranty Tr <12)_ 312 317 Irvin* Tr (.80) _ 14V. 15V« Manufacturers Tr (2) __ 50'4 6214 Manufacturers Tr pf (2) — 64 58 National City (1> —i_ 37 39 N Y Trust <5)_ 12714 130V4 Public (114) _ 58 HO Title OAT —_ 17 18 U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. O, Barney A Co.) Rate. Maturity. did. Offer. 3a Feb. 15. ’37.. 100 12-32 _ 3s Apr. 15. ’37.. 101 18-32 101 18-32 314s Sept. 15. ’37__ 102 19-32 102 21-32 2Ss Feb: 1, ’38.. 102 24-32 102 28-32 3s Mar. 15. '38 . 103 15-32 103 17-32 214 June 15. ’38._ 103 27-32 103 29-32 2*4* Sept. 16. ’38 103 21-32 103 23-32 l*4s Mar. 15. ’39.. 101 29-32 101 31-32 2V,S Jujae 15. ’39._ 103 15-32 103 17-32 1*48 D(f. 15. *39_ 101 22-32 10124-32 INs Mar. 15. ’40._ 102 8-32 102 10-32 1*4* June 15. ’40.. 101 29-32 101 31-32 l'4s Dec. 15, ’40.. 101 29-32 101 31-32 11 as Mar. 15. ’41— 10129-32 101 31-32 1*4* June 15, ’41. 101 18-32 101 18-32 1 V«s Dee. 15. ’41 wl 100 30-32 101 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. B! the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on Decem ber 10. Receipts. *41.554.838.06: ex penditures, *45,135.780.66: balance. *1, 450.604,335.59: customs receipts for the month. *14.166.865.17. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). *1,776.230.219.74: expenditures, S3. 079.126.490.63. lndudlnc *1.248.910. 082.07 of emergency expenditures; excess of expenditures. *1.302.896,270.89: crass debt. *33.906.847.112.41. an Increase of *22.214.878.50 over the previous day; ■old assets. *U.613.W0,667.82. Recent Trading Favorites Add Fractions to About Point to Advance. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 12 —The week’s gains in the curb market were extended today over a large section of the list. Recent trading favorites, like Alumi num Co. of America, Newmont and Utilities Power St Light "A,” added fractions to around a point. Jones St Laughlin Steel moved up more than 2 and Apex Electric climbed about 14. Electric Bond & Share, American Cyanamid "B” and Inter national Petroleum were moderately higher. Prices dipped slightly in American Gas & Electric, Wayne Pump, Gulf Oil and Cities Service. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS Hilh. Low Close. Alabama Pw 4',s '67__ 93 92% 03 Alabama Pow 5s 51_104% 104% 104% Aluminum Co 5s ’52_100% 106V, 106 V, Amer G ft Z 5s 2028 . 107% 107% 107% Amer P ft L 6s 2016. 100% 99% 99% Am Roll Mill 5s '48_103% 103% lo.’i% Appaich Pow 5s '56 . 105 104% 104V, Arkans P ft L 5s 104% 104% 104% Asso El Ind 4 %s '53_ 61% 61 61V, Asso GftE 41 as 49 C . 51% 51% 51*. Asso O ft E 5s ’50_ 56*. 55*, 66% Asso G A E 5s 68_ 56% 55% 56% Asso T ft T 5%s A '65 84 84 84 Baldn Lo 6$ ’38 xw._. 143 142% 142% Brmngm El 4%s '68 _ 08% 98% 98% Bull Gen El os '39 . 107V, 107% 107% Canadian Pc 6s ’42_112% 112 112 Can No P os A ’53 . 104% 104 104 Carolina P ft L 5s '56 105% 105V, 105% Cn I P S P L os E '56 104 104 104 Cent III P a 4%s F ’67 _ 103% 103% 103V, Cent 111 P S 5s O '68.. 103% 103% 103% Cent Pow 5s D ’57_. 90V, 90V, 90% Cent Pw A Lt 5s '56.. 96% 961, 96% Cent Sla Elec 5s '48.. 67% 67% 67% Cn St El 5%s C ’54 . 68% 68V, 68% Cnt St P A L 5%s 53 72% 72% 72V, Chi DIs El 4%s ’70 A 105% 105 105 Chi Ry 5s Ctis ’27 cod. 83% 81’, 83 Cin St R 5 v,s A ’52_101', 101', 101% Cities Service 5s '50_ 74’, 74% 74% Cit Srv Gas 5%s ’42 -. 102% 102% 102% Cit Srv Pw 5%s '52_ 72V, 72 72% Cit Srw PL 5%s ’49._ 72% 71% 72% Com Edis 4s P 81 _107% 107% 107% Com Sub 5%s A '48_103% 103’. 103% Comnt.v P&L 5s ’57... 81% 81% 81V, Conn LP 4%s C ’50 -. 105 105 105 Con Gs Blto 4s ’81_104% 104% 104% Com GftE 5s A ’58_ 92% 92% 92% Del El Pw 5%s ’59_104 104 104 Dei C Gas Hs A ’47_106% 106% 106% Det C Gas 5s B 50_106% 106% 106', Elec P&L 5s A 2030 .. 92% 92% 92% El Paso S3 5s A '50 _. 103’, 103’. 103’, Elmira NL ft R 5s ’56. 109% 109% 109% Emp Dist El 5s ’52. - 103% 103% 103% Emu O ft R 5',s ’42 _. 91’, 91% 91% Firestone CM 5s ’48.. 103% 103V, 103% Plorida P ft L 5s ’54 99% 99 99% Gatineau Pw 5s ’56 103 103 103 Gen Pb Ut 6%s A ’56 95% 95% 95% Gen Ray Hs A '48 70 70 70 Gen W G&E 5s A ’43 93% 93% 9.7% Georgia Pw 5s ’67 105 104** 105 Glen Alden C 4s '63 88*. 87*, 88 Grand Tr W 4s '50 10.7% 103% 103% Guardn I 5s 48.. 69% 69 69% Hall iWPi 5%s A ’47 st 98*. 98% 98% Hotel Waldorf 7s '54 49 48 48% Hots L ft P os A ’53 103% 103% 103% Idaho Power 5s 47 107% 107% 107% Illns Cent R R 6s 37 102 102 102 III Pw ft L 6s A '53 106', 106 106% III Pw ft L 5s C ’36 103% 10.7% lo.!*, Ind El 5s C ’51 93% 9.7% 931, Indiana Ser 5s '50 7 7 76% 76% Indnp P ft L os A 57 105% 105% 105% Intern Sc Am 5s '47 lol% loi % loi Intersta Pw 5s '67 74 73% 73% Interst P S 4%S 58 F 85% 85*. 85% Iowa-N L P os ’57 A . 104% 104% 104% Iowa Pb Svc 5s ’57 105*, 105% 105% Ken Util lat os ’69 . 96% 96% 96% Kentuck U os H ’61 97% 97% 97% Kimberly Cl os A ’43 104 104 104 Koppr GftC 5Vis .70 103*. 103*, 103% Lehigh P S 6s 2026 1 10% 110% 1 lo>, Libby McN ft L 5s ’42 104% 104% 104% Lone Star Gs os ’42 1 04% 104% 104% La P ft L 5s 57 105% 105% 105% Metro Ed 4s 71 E 105% 105% 105% Midland V R R 5s ’43 9.7 93 93 Mid St Pt «%s A ’45 loo 100 loti Minn P ft L os ’55. _ 106 106 106 Miss Power 5s ’55 92% 92% 92% Miss Pow ft Lt fts ’57 99% 99% 99% Miss Rv F 6s ’44 ww 105% 105’, 105’, Miss Riv Pw fts ’51 107’, 107’, 107’, Munson S S 6%s ’37 14 13% 14 Nat P ft L 6s A 2020 104 103% 104 Nat P ft L fts B 2030 93% 92% 92’. Nevada Calil fts 56 98 97’, 97’, New Eng GftE os '47 _ 77’, 76*, 77’, New Enit GftE fts '48_77’, 77% 77% New Eng GftE os ’50_77% 76% 77% New Eng Pow 5s 48_101 loo 101 New Eng P 5*.is '54_102 101% 102 New Orl Rs A '49 _ 88’, 88 K8% N V St EG 4' is ’80._ 103% 103 103 N Am LftP 5%s '56 . 95% 95% 95% No In PS 4%s E '70... 104 104 104 No Stat P 5i,s 4o_lo.7», 103% 103’, Norm- PS fts A ’57_104% 104’, 104% Ogden G 5s ’45_ 119% 110% 110% Ohio Edison 5s 'On_105% 105% 105’, Ohio Po 4'is D '56 . 104% 104% 104% Okla G ft E fts ’50_103’. 103% 103’, Okla G E 6s A '40_101*, 101’, 101’, OKI* r S OS A *X_ 9.1 9.1 9.1 Pac O & E «s B 41_lloVk 110*4 11li'4 Pac Pw A- L 5s ’55_8x 87’s 87*4 Pa C PAL 41 js 77 104*2 104*. 104*. Perm Elec 4s '71 F_loi*. 101*. 101*. Pen O E Os '50 _ 105*. 105*. 105*. Penn P S Os C '47_ 107 107 107 Peon G L 4s B «l_105*4 105*. 105*4 Peop LA P 5s '79_ -JH*. IS*. IS*. Phil a Elec 5s OH _ 111 •*, 111 *. 111 *» Phil SC.S 4'is '57_100', 100*. IoO', P C Cn 4'js B '59_101 101 101 Pow Sec Corp Os '49_100*4 loo's 100*4 Pub Sec N J Os ctf... 141 141 141 P S N 111 5s '50_110*4 110*4 110*4 P S N Til 5s C OH_104'. 104V. 104*. P S N 111 4'as F 'XI_ 104 104 104 Pi S PAL 5*-,* A ’49__ 94*. 94*4 94*. Put S PAL 5s C '50 - 91*2 91*i 91*2 Pit 8 PAL 4*25 '50 D— 80*. 85*. 80*. Qnsb O .Vis A '51 — 100*2 100',, IOO*. San An PS 5s B '58... 100'., 100*. 100', Scripps 5*is '4:1 _101'. 101*. 101', Servel Inc 5s *8_ 107*,. 107*4 107*. Sh WAP 4'2s B ‘08_ 104 104 104 Sh WAP 4*25 D '70... 104 104 104 SE PAL «s A 2025_ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Sou Calif Ed 3*.s '00.. 109*. 108*. 109*4 So Cal E 3*.s B 00 _ 108*. 108*. 108*. So Carolina 5s '57_100 100 100 Sou Ind Ry 4s '51_ 87*4 87*4 87*4 South N G Os '44_10.V, lO.V, 103*2 Souw A T 5s A ’01 __ 103*2 103*2 103*2 Std GAE Os '.351 cv mat 89*. 88*. 89*. Stand G A E Os '51_ 88*. 87', 88*. Stand G A E Os 00 __ 8fl'j 8(1*4 80*2 Stand Inves 5*2S ’39_101 *, 101 *■, ini *i Stand P A L Os '57_ 80 85*. 80 SUD of 111 4'2s 08_ 105*4 105*. 105*4 Texas Gas Os Os 45... 40 40 40 Tex PAL Os A 2021... 115 115 115 Therm Os '37 stpd_ 104 104 104 Tide W Pw 5s A '79... 103*2 103*4 103*4 Toledo Ed 5s ’01_ 107*. 107*4 107*2 Twin CR 5Vis A ’53— 95 94*i 94*4 Ulen Co Os '44 st 3rd . 50 4950 Unit L A P Os ’75_ 85V. 84*. 85*4 On L A R 5*21 '51_ 91 Vi 90*. 91*2 On L A R Os A '73... 85V, 85*. 851', Utah PL Os A mil_101 V, 101 Vs 101 *t Vaivol OH 7s '37_ 99*. 99*. 99*. Va Pub Serv Os '40_97V. 97V, 97Vi Va Pb S 5*aS A ’40_102V4 102*2 101*2 Va P Serv 5s B ’50_IOO** loo*. 100*4 Wash W A P 5s -HO_105V2 105*2 105*2 Wes Tex V 5s A ’57 -- 97*2 97*» 97*i Wise P&L «s E ’50 4». 1014, 1oi*s 101S York Rwy 6s '37-101 101 101 FOREIGN BONDS. Baden Con M Ts ’51__ 21V4 21'4 21V, Cen Bk Co Hs B ’51._ 24V, 24Va 24Va Cm & Pv B .VaS ’•'17.. 56 55 55 Den Mtg Bk 5* ’72 1* 9834 98'-* 98*4 Ger Con Mun 6s ’47__ 23*. 2.1V, 2.2V, Oer Con Mun 7s ’47.__ 2.1V, 2.1V, 2.1V, Hanov Pro 6V4s '49- 22Vi 2214 22V4 Isarco Hyd E 7* ’62... 6.1 6.1 63 Ital Su Pow «s A ’63— 52V4 52V4 5214 Mendoz Pr 4s '51 st 90 90 90 Parana Braz 7s '58- 20 20 20 Pted Elec «'4s A ’60 62 62 62 Russ 6'as '19 mat_ 114 1 ',4 lVi Unit El 8 7s ’56 ww__ 60Vi 60 floy« ww—With warrants, xw—Wfthout war rants. n—New. wl—When issued, st <stp>—8tamned. (Negotiability Impaired by maturity. tCompanles reported in receivership. DOLLAR GOES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS By the Associated Preas. LONDON, December 12.—The United States dollar gained 3-16 of a cent in the quiet foreign exchange market today, closing at 4.90 3-16 to the pound, which compared with the overnight New York rate of 4.90V4. The French franc finished un changed again at 105.15 franca to the pound. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. December 12 MV.—Foreign exchange steady; Great Britain In dollars, others In cents: Great Britain—Demand. 4.90V«: cables. 4.9U‘«: 60-day bills, 4.8Hy„. Prance—Demand. 4.66A: cables. 4 66A. Italy-—Demand. 5.26V,: cables. 6.26Vi. Demands—Belgium. 16.91: Germany, free. 40.24: registered. 20.10; travel. 21.20: Holland. 64.45: Norway. 24.63: Sweden. 25.28; Denmark. 21.89; Rnland. 2.17: Switzerland. 22.99: Spain, unquoted: Portugal. 4.46: Greece. .9014: Poland. 18.88; Csechoalovakia, 3.5314: Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.73n: Hungary. 19.80; Rumania. .76: Argentina. 32.70n: Brazil. S.SOVin: Tokio. 28.62: Shanghai. 29.85: Hongkong. 3065: Mexico City. 27.88: Montreal in New York. 100.09*4: New York In Montreal, 99.9084. n—Nominal. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. December 12 MV_Sliver futures closed steady. 5 to 15 lower. De I camber, 46.05b; March. 46.20b; May. 46.30b. b—fid. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct te The Star. Stock end Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Dow. Close. Ainsworth (al) — 1 24*4 2454 24*4 Air Investors Inc. Z 8)4 *54 *54 Allen Indus (tl). Z 26*4 2554 26*4 Alum'n Co of Am. 700»141 139 139 Alum'n Ltd _ 2 75 7454 7454 Am Airlines. Inc.. 4 1944 19)4 1954 Am Beverage Z *54 S *54 Am Olt PAL (A) I 76e 19 39 89 Am CitP&L B a20c 20 7 6*4 7 Am Cynam B t«0e 18 8454 8854 **H Am A For Pw *». 48 854 2*4 Am GAR (1.40)... 22 4154 4054 40*4 Am GAE pf (8) . 60* 11*54 11254 11254 Am Gen C’p (a50c) 1 1054 1054 1054 Am Gen C pf (2).. 60s 36 36 35 Am Gen pf (254) 60s 40 40 40 Am Hard Rubral ) 60s 29 29 29 Am Inv (111) rt2). 1 28 28 28 Am Lau Mch t(0c Z 2654 2654 2654 Am LtATr (1.20). 1 2154 2154 2114 Am Maracaibo 18 154 15a 154 Am Pot A Oh a254 60s 3*54 *854 8*54 Am Seal Kap a*0c 21 954 9 954 Am Superpower 84 254 *54 254 Am Superpw 1st 8 1 92 92 92 Am Thread pf 25c. 16 6 6 Anchor Post F_ 8 4 4 4 Angostura (20e)_. 16 6 6 Apex Electric (al) * 8854 3*54 8854 Appalach E P pf 7 80* 107)4 107 107 Arcturut Radio T. 10 IK IK IK Ark Nat Gas_ 88 t 84 84 Ark Nat Gcu pf__ 6 104 104 104 Ark Nat Gas (A) US 7K *K 7K Art Metal W t60c t 14K 144 UK Ashland Oil A Ref 19 64 64 64 Asso Gas A Elec_ 8 14 14 14 Asso G & E (A) .. 12 84 84 84 AssoGA E 85 pf_. 2 2*4 2*4 294 Assoc Invest (t2) 50s 87 57 57 Asso Rayon ... 6 64 64 54 Atl Coast Fisher.. 1 114 114 114 Atlas Coro (a80c). 21 184 l«4 164 Atlas Corp war ... 8 84 84 84 Atlas C pf A (3)— 4 604 604 604 Auatin Silver _192 24 24 24 Auto Products_ 4 84 74 8 Auto Vot M(t50c) 2 74 74 74 Ax-Fisher (3.20) A. 10* 42 42 42 Barium Stain Stl 18 44 44 44 BarlowAS(A)1.20 60. 184 184 184 Bau(L)7% 1st pf. 10* 98 98 98 Rellanca Aircraft 11 8 64 54 Bell Tel of Can(6) 10. 1684 1684 1684 BerkeyAGay F Co 19 24 24 24 Bliss Co <E W) . 1 21K 214 214 Blue Ridge C alOc 8 34 74 84 Blumenthal S 1 394 394 394 BowerRB(a2 4) 2 28 28 28 Rowman-Biltmor* 4 84 8 84 Brasil TLAP 40c.. 11 18 174 18 Bridgep’t Mch al. 4 18* 174 18 Brill Corp (A)_ 4 6'*' 6 6 Brill Corp pf 80* 474 474 474 Brit-Am O rg t80c 1 224 224 224 Brown Co pf 750* 464 45 45 Brown F 4 W alii 1 114 114 114 Bunker HAS <t2) 275# 994 874 994 Burma(al2 9-10c) 1 54 84 54 Calamba Sue tl.60 2 81 31 81 Can Hy El 1st pf 6 60* 78 73 13 Can Indus Alco A. t 74 74 74 Can Marconi 1 14 14 14 Capital City P 60c 1 16 15 15 Carib Syndicate . 74 24 24 24 Carrier Corp 8 284 28 28 Catlln Corp <a40c) 11 84 84 84 Cen Hud GAE 80c 2 19 )9 19 Cent Ohio Stl 13 19 184 1*4 Cen PAL pf 3.064 50. 87 87 87 Cent A S W Htll 15 44 4 44 Cent States Elec 10 14 14 14 Cent St El cv pf n 100* 194 194 194 Cent St El 6% pf ino. 194 194 194 Cent St El 7% pf 26* 454 * 54 454 Centrif Pipe t40c 1 54 64 54 Chesebrough (t4) 160* 112 112 113 Cities Service . 97 34 34 S4 Cities Service pf .. 2 504 50 504 City Auto S(t60c) 20 154 144 154 Claude Neon Lts 18 4 4 4 Clev EII Ium(t2). 1 48 4 48 4 484 Clev Tractor _ * 124 12 124 Clinchfield Coal... 2 64 54 54 Colon Dev Ltd_• 1 24 24 24 Colon Dev Ltd A.. 17 44 44 44 Colon Dev 6% pf .. 2 *4 34 84 Colo FttelAIr war. 6 1*4 184 184 Colt’s P F A 11 4 1 54 54 64 Colum GAE pf (5) 046. 8*4 874 *74 Columb OA G a20c 63 104 104 104 Com’wlth Ed <t4) 2 113 il24 113 Com with A S war 11 % % % Com’u’ty PAL 1st 200* 64 64 54 Community W S 8 14 14 14 Comoo Shoe M tl 1 16*« 184 164 Cons Aircraft_ IT 284 38 234 Consol Copper 27 74 7 7 Consol Retail Strs 4 94 94 94 Cons Royal (20c). 2 84 84 34 Conti Oil (Mex) 1 14 14 14 Cont’l Roll & S Fy 8 184 184 184 Cook P & Var t60c 8 214 21 214 Cooper Bessemer. 16 274 254 274 Cooper Bess pf A. 1 694 694 594 Copper Range- 4 11 11 11 <-ora «jorp _ 7 44 44 44 Corroon & Reyn 2 74 74 74 Cosden Oil Me (d) 8 S4 *4 34 CosdenfMe)pf(d) 7 314 304 S14 Creole Pet (a50c) 6 334 324 334 Crocker-Wh alOc 10 134 124 124 Croft Brewing 2444 Crown Cent P a6c 3 2 2 2 Crown Drug (40c) 2 44 44 44! Crown Drug pf 14 76. 244 244 244 Crystal Oil Ref 2 2 2 2 ] Cusi Mex Mining. 48 4 4 41 Darby Petr (50c). 8 17 1«4 164 Dayton Rubber . 2 214 21 21 Dejay Stores t80c. 2 174 174 174 Derby Oil A Ref 8 64 64 54 Derby OilARpfM 126. 744 74 4 744 Detroit Gasket tl. 1 16 16 is Det Pap Prod t25c 1 9 9 9 Distilled Liquors 2 104 104 104 Dohler Die C (al). 6 .774 384 -»74' Domln SAC (B) . 2 114 104 114 DowChem (2.40). 1 1394 1394 1394 Draper C (t2.40) 130. 86 854 86 Dubelier Condens. 8 34 34 84 Duval Tex S a50c. 2 74 74 74 Kagle Pitch d a60c 27 184 174 174 East'n GAF Asso 1 64 64 64 East’n GAF pf(«) loo. 614 *14 *14 East GAF ppf 4 4 25. 674 *74 *74 East'n States Pwr 26 6 64 & Easy W M B t50c- 2 1*4 1*4 134 Edison Bros tl.«0 2 *6 63 63 Eisler Elec (a5c). 16 84 84 84 Elec Bond A Share 226 21*. 204 214 Elec B A S pf (5).. 7 694 *94 *»4 ElecBASpf (*). 6 794 794 794 Elec PAL opt war. 6 94 9 94 Elec PAL 2d pf A . (0. 80 80 80 Elec Shareholding 1 64 64 64 Emp GAF 7% pf ISO. 66 624 *6 Emsco Derrick tl 2 19 184 184 Equity Corp(a25c) 56 24 24 24 Europ’n El bd rts. 2444 Evans Wall Lead 10 14 14 14 Evans Wall L pf 200i 26 24 4 244 Ex-C-0 A&T t«0c 1 184 184 184 Fairchild Av new. 1 74 74 74 FalstaffBr <al 4) * 84 84 84 Fansteel Metal __ 8 134 134 134 Ferro Fnam (a 3 ) 1 884 884 384 Fire As(Phlla.)t2 12i>a 81 81 81 Fisk Rubber . 11 114 114 114 Fisk Rub pf (8).. 176* 76 76 76 Fla P & L| pf_ 600 a 804 694 694 Ford Ltd al81-10e 9 8 74 8 Ford (Can) A (1). 8 22 22 22 Ford (France)_ 1 24 * 24 24 Fox (P) Brew 80c 2 114 114 114 Franklin Ray a80c 8 104 104 104 Oen Alloys .. 8 34 34 84 Gan Firepr*f t40c. 1 204 204 204 Gen Invest Corp 8 14 14 14 Gen Tele C'p al.16 1 224 224 224 Gen Tire & Rub .. 6 18 174 1* Gllb’t(AC)a82Vic. 1 11 11 11 Glen Alden C (1). II 16 144 16 Godchaux (A) al. 100a 484 484 484 Godchaux Sug(B) 2 814 814 314 Goldfield Consol— 8 4 4 4 Grand Natl Films. 10 84 84 84 Gr Rap Var(t80c) 1 184 184 184 Gray Tel P 8 (1).. 8 19 184 1«4 Greenfield T * D.. 6 94 94 94 Groo Store Prod_ 20 64 44 44 Guardian Invest.. « X K K Gulf Oil(Pa) (tl) 6 1074 107 107 Hall Lamp (80c).. 4 «4 « «4 Hartman Tobacco 8 14 IK 14 Harvard Brewery. 1 24 *4 *4 Hecla Min (a«0c). 22 184 18 184 Holllnger G t65c. 6 184 184 184 Hudson BM&S (1) 14 824 >24 824 Humble Oil (tl)- * 744 744 744 Huyl pf stpd (d)..100s 164 164 1«4 Hygrade Food I *K *4 *4 Hygrade 8ylv(t2) 60a 484 684 484 111 Pwr * Lt 86 pf 200a 624 62 624 Imp Oil Ltd t60c. 9 204 204 204 Ind’n Ter 111 O(A) 2 84 84 84 Ind’n Ter 111 O(B) 2 84 *4 84 Indus Fin vte — 1 IK IK IK Indus Fin 7 % pf 60a 164 1«4 1«4 Inti Hy III S cv pf. 14 884 88 SS4 Inti Petr (tlH)— 6 96 844 *44 Inti Products - 1 W *K *4 Inti Safety RasB. 2 14 14 14 Inti Util (A)_ 1 164 16K 16K Inti Util (B) .... 89 14 14 14 Inti V1tamin(60e) 8 64 «K *4 Interat Ho M f 2 - 1 8*4 864 864 X Stock and Sale#— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rith. Low. Close. Interat P(Del)pf. 100. 21 21 21 Inv Royalty <3c). 2 H H H Iron Firemen(tl) 160. 26 24»* 26 Jacobs (FL)Co(l) *3 18)4 16)4 16J* Jeanette G1 a40c.. 19 9 9 JerCen P&Lpf 5 Vi 100. 90 90 90 JaraCen P&L pf I. lo» 94 94 94 Jonas 4k Naum_ 18 8)4 8)4 8)4 Jones&Lauch Stl. 2 92H 92*» 92 H Kans Cltv P S vtc. 1 74 74 74 Ken RT&L A a75c 10 25)4 24)4 25 i Klnfston Prod 40c 26 7)4 7 7)4 Kirby Petr (20c) 19 6 4)4 5 Knott Corp (a40c) 10 16)4 16)4 16 Lake Sh M (t4) .. 2 59'* 59 69 Lakey Fy& Mach 4 6‘, 6)4 6»4 Lefcourt Realty 8 4J4 4*4 4)4 Lefcourt pf(a76c) 2 21)4 21)4 21)4 Leh Coal&N a60c. 7 9!* 9*» 9)4 Leonard Oil ... 6 1H 1)4 1)4 Lion Oil Ref (1)— 4 14)4 14h 14)4 Locke 8tl Ch 80c.. 8 14)4 14 14)4 Lockheed Aircraft .7 10)4 10)4 10)* Lone Star Ga60c. 7 11)4 11)4 11)4 Long Island Ltg.. 80 81* 674 «H Long 1 L pf A(7) 100. 91 91 91 Long Isl Lt pf B < 60. 80)4 801* 80)4 La Land (40c) ... 36 18H 13H 13)4 Mangel Stores pf- 70. 108 106*4 106*4 Master Elec (al). 1 19*4 19*. 19*4 Mem NatG(aaOc). 10 6*. 6*4 6*4 Mercantile Store*. 1 46 46 46 Merritt Chap &S. 18 7*4 7*4 7*4 Mesabi Iron 8 *4 *i *4 Metal Texile(40c) 2 6 6 6 Mex-Ohio Oil _ 6 2 2 2 Mich Bumper C_ 46 8*4 3*4 3*4 Mich Gas & Oil_ 2 3 2*4 3 Mich Sugar_ 5 1*4 1*4 1*4 Mich Sugar pf- 1 8*. 8*4 8*4 Mid Sta Pet (A)._ 6 6*4 6*4 6)4 Mid Sta Pet (B).. 85 2 1*4 2 Mid-WAbras alOc 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 Minn Min&Mf(tl) 25s 42 42 42 Moh H P&L, l»t(7)175. 105 104*4 104*4 Mohawk H 2d pf . 50. 110 1 09*. 109*. Molybdenum Corp 93 10*4 9** 10*. Moore Dist (folic) 11 7*4 7*4 7*4 Moore D rts Dec21 30 *4 ’« \ Mount Prod *60c). 16 6 6 Mount St T&T18). 10. 157 157 157 Mueller Brass tl. 11 43*4 43*4 43*4 Nat Bella Hess 11 8*4 3** 3*4 Nat Fuel Gas *1)_. 1 18 18 18 Nat Gyps A a2ti — 1 *0 60 60 Nat Invest war..; 1111 Nat Leather 1 1)4 1*4 1*4 Nat Rubber Mach 20 11)4 11*. 11*4 Nat Service - 104 *4 X H Nat Service pf_ 13 5*. 5 5 Nat Sugar N J (2) 1 -5*4 25*4 26*4 Nat Union Radio.. 1 1 '* l'» It. NehiCorp_ . 1 28*4 28*4 28*. Neisner Br pf (7) 25. 112*4 112*. 112*4 Nelson *H> <a45c) 1 14t* 14'. 14*4 Nestle-Le Mur... 2 2*. 2 2>. Nev-Callf Elec . 80. 15 15 15 New Brad OalOc 3 4)4 4)4 4*. New Haven Clock 1 21*4 21*4 21*4 NJZinc*t2) 200. 85 84V. 85 New M&A Ld ale. 17 4*4 3*4 4 Newmont M as*. 5 111*. 110 111 N Y Auction aS*4c 1 5*. 5*4 5*4 N Y & Hound (tl) 150. 27 27 27 N Y Steam_ 1 18*. 18 V. 18*4 N Y Tel pf (6*4 ) 175.119*4 118 118 Niag Hud Pw a40c 30 16V, 16>. 16*4 Niag HP(A) war 2 X h H Niag HP (B) war 1 2V4 2'4 2V. Niag S Md B a60c 11 13*. 13*. 13*. Niles-Bem-P (al) 1 47 4" 47 Noma Elec (a40c) 13 10s', 9*4 10*4 North Am L&P . 4 3*. 31, 3*4 North Am L&P pf SO. 65*. 55*4 AS*. N A Rayon A tl*2 1 87'. 37', 37'. No Cen Tex O al5c 1 6'4 6‘. North’n Europ Oil 137 ■„ *j *4 Nor Ind P S pf (3) 100. 83*. 93*4 93*. North Pipe L aTic 6 8 8*4 8*4 North States P A. 10 39 : 8*. 38*4 Novadel Ag *2)_ 3 38*. 38*. 18V. Oil Stks Ltd t40c. 4 17*4 17!» 17*. Okla Nat Gas Co.. 3 10*. 10*. 10*. Okla Nat Gas pf.. 50. 27*. 2 7*. 27*4 Oldetvme Distil 5 6*4 6*. 6*4 PacG&E 1st (1)4) 1 31*4 31*4 31*4 Pac P & L pfalOV, 60. 91 90 90 Pac Public Servlet 1 7'4 7'4 7*4 Pac Tin spec (t2) 15U» 45 43*. 43). Pan-Am Air (1).. 5 61)4 60 60 PantepecOU _ 34 8*4 7*4 7)4 Pat Plym M(a2)._ 10. 60*4 sow 60*4 Pender Groc (B) 1 7*4 7*. 7*4 Peninsular Tell 11 ions 304 304 304 Pennroad (a25c) 20 5 44 PennG*ElA)14 2 164 1*4 164 Penn P & L (6)_20a 1084 107 107 Penn P & L (7) Soa 1114 1114 1114 Pepperell Mfg (6) 375a 143 139 142 Phila Co (60c) 1 16 16 16 Phoenix S pf A(3) 1 384 384 384 Pierce Gov (a50c). 2 194 194 194 Pion'r GM Ltd 80c 8 54 54 54 Pitney Bowes 40c_ 1 84 84 84 Plttsbgh Forging 2 154 154 154 Pitts* LEt24 100s 914 914 914 Pitts PI G1 (a6)__ 8 130 129 13o Poyero Susar 2 34 34 34 Powdrl & Alx 60c. 17 124 124 124 Pratt* Lam al4 1 364 364 364 Premier Gold tl2c 9 34 34 34 Prosperity B a25c 1 154 154 154 Prov Gas < 80c) 250s 114 11 11 PubSvclndpf . 50, 334 334 33 4 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. HUh. Low Cin e Pub Svc Ind pr pf *0. 83)4 «2)4 asu Pub Svc No II (2) 100s 79 T9 79 PubUtSecprpf 100s 4'4 4'4 44 Pug Sd PAL pf(S) 80s 87 87 87 pug Sd P*L 38 pf 850s 47)4 48 46'4 Pyrene Mfg(a90c) 19 9 9 Rainbow I,um (A) 2 1 1 t Raymond Con a5ocl00s I8V4 18)4 18)4 Red Bank . 3 19>i 19 1914 Reed R B Dew YIOi 1 32)4 82)4 32)4 Reiter-Foster_ 1 % % Reynolds Invest.. 1 2)4 2)4 2)4 Rice Stlx DG b50c 1 12)4 12)4 12)4 Richm'd Radiator. 1 6)4 5*4 Root Petrolm(l).. 1 14)4 14)4 14)4 Rossla Inti Corp.. 8 H H *4 Royalite Oil (+2). 25. 41 41 41 Rustless Ir&Stl... 21 18'4 13)4 13'* Ryan Consolid’d_ 8 44 3H 4>4 St Regis Paper... 18 9)4 9*4 9)i Savoy Oil_ 8 8 2)4 3 Schift(The)Co(3 ) 8 38'4 37)4 38 ScrantSB Wit pf 50s 82 8D4 82 Secur Corp Gen .. 2 4 3J4 4 Segal Lock & H _. 9 2)4 2)4 V/i Seiberling Rubber 4 5)4 3)4 5)4 Selected Indus 2 3)4 9)4 3)4 Seversky Aircraft 20 6)4 6 5 Shattuck Den Min 8 18)4 18)4 18)4 Singer Mfg <t«> 30. 376 371 376 Smlth-Cor (a2Sc) 2 28)4 2*)4 28), Sonotone C ialOc) 3 2 22 So Cal Ed pf B 14 1 2*H 2*4 2*4 So Cal Ed pfC 14 2 274 274 274 Southn Union Gas 2 2 2 t Southed Roy 40c.. 3 *4 8 • Spen Chain St $0c 3 »4 9 9 Square D pf A 2.20100. 374 374 *74 Stahl Mver Inc . 4 34 84 84 Stand Oil Ky 1.40. 1 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl- 2 35 35 35 Stand Pwr& Lt 153 54 6 *4 Stand P& L (B)__ 19 44 44 43* Stand P & L pf 600. 63 67 63 Stand Prod <a25c) 15 264 254' 2*4 Stand Sil&Ld <40 178 4 4 4 Starrett Corp vtc- 13 *4 8 6 Sterchl Bros a30c 2 94 94 94 Sterling Br a7oe2 64 64 64 Sterling InciaSc). 7 43$ 44 44 Stetson (.1 B)_ 175. 204 2° 2" Stroock&Co al 4 - 150 . 274 274 *74 Stutz Motor _ 1 3 3 3 Sunray Oil (alOc) 30 44 44 431 Sunshine Min (3) * 204 204 203, Sw iss-Am Elec pf 60. *14 914 >*14 Taggart Corp 9 124 124 123. Taylor Dist <300. 14 44 44 44 Technicolor Inc 10 224 224 223, Tech Hughes T40c 4 54 54 63, Tenn Products 4 24 24 24 Texon Oil A L 60c 1 *3. *4 *4 Tilo Roof <t50c).. 2 133* 134 134 Tishman R & C . 1 103* 1034 10*« Tob Prod Exp 15c 11 3 * 3 Todd Shipyard(2 ) 50. 484 48 4 484 Tonopah Min a6c 1 14 14 13* Trans-Lux DP 20c 3 44 44 44 Tri-Conti C war 1 ZVs 24 24 Tubize Chatillion 1 124 124 124 Tubize Chatl <A) 1 504 504 60 * Tung-Sol Lamp n 29 83. 8 84 Twin Coach al.40 28 183* 184 184 Unexcelled Mfg 31 44 44 43, Un GasCan a223»c 4 154 144 164 Unit Air war _ 3 20 4 20 204 Unit Corp war_ 15 14 14 14 Unit Gas Corp .. 186 94 9*. 93, Unit Gas C war 64 24 24 24 Unit Lt & Pw (A) 112 73* 64 7 Unit Lt & Pw (B) 1 74 74 74 Unit Lt & Pw pf__ 21 61** 59 613. UnitShipydsB . 1 23* 24 24 Unit Shoe Mt2 4 25. 94 94 94 Unit S M pf (14) 20. 41** 41** 41** U S Finishing 4 4 3‘* 3', U S Foil B (60c) __ 3 16*4 164 164 US&lntlSecur_ 2 24 24 24 U S Bines pf _ 3 24 24 2}, IT S Radiator J2 94 » 94 U S Radiator pf 175, 72 70 70 U S Rub Reclaim 14 74 74 74 U S Stores . 18 4 4 Unit Stores vtc 2 14 14 14 Unit Verde Ex (1) 4 34 34 Si, Unit Wall Paper. 19 6 44 6 Univlnsur(l) 50* 214 214 214 UtahPALpfJ2.914 75* 644 64 64 Utilities Pw & Bt 3 14 14 14 L'tilPwr&Btpf 200- 25 24*, 24*, Utility Equities 2 4*, 44 41, Utility Eq pf (aT) 50« 864 864 864 Util & Ind (new) 17 14 14 14 LTtilitv & Indus pf 16 & 44 6 Venezuela Mex O. 9 74 74 7», Venezuela Petrol 63 2 lj, 2 Vogr Mfg Co (tl) 8 344 33 344 Waco Aircraft 1 7*, 74 74 Waitt & Bond A 2 104 10** 10*, Wayne Pump (50c 4 35', 35 5 Wentw'th Mf 1.20 9 284 284 .8’, W Va Coal & Coke 3 44 44 44 Westn AirEx a25c 6 9 84 8’, West Au Sup A T4 50» 69 69 *9 W'n Tab&Sta (1) 3 3f*, 304 304 Wil-low Cafeteria 6 P, 14 p. Wolverine T 140c 4 15*, 134 13*, ! W oodley Pet T40c 2 8*, 8*, 8*, | Wright Harg t«0c 10 74 74 74 j Vgstn Stl Door Tl 6 72 71 72 i on?JtiSr.D «.rRI*s.lD aollars oasea on last r It f s f ra.'' * ,n 'i11 *1 °*rmen! ♦ An ,"cludln* extras 1 Aceu du«ivldends * p»l<l this resr i mRrA», **'h?e,r 0 Companies reported ,n receivership or being reorganised Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance Fire and Automobile Insurance You can be sure of protection when you place your Fire and Automobile Insurance through us. Our Companies are notably strong ones—and our service guards your interests. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE 925 15th St. N.W. ncPhlriolf’sauart National 2100 Provides funds for * ® Purchasing a home 9 Building 9 Refinancing existing trusts 9 M king desired improvements BUILD through the HOME BUILDING SERVICE PLAN, a new service that relieves the pros pective builder of all details of construction and provides a com plete architectural ad visory and supervisory service. Home designs prepared by the Archi tects Small Home Serv ice are on display at our offices. Real Estate Loans now being made on terms in most eases as low as PER MONTH PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION Corner 11th & E Sts. IV. W.