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(Earhfl of Sliattfei. COX, ISABELLA. The family of the late ISABELLA COX wish to thank the rela tives and friends for the floral tributes and the many kind expressions of sym pathy at the loss of their loved one. THE FAMILY. • HOLMES. JAMES NATHANIEL. The fam ily of the late JAMES NATHANIEL HOLMES wish to express, with deepest, appreciation, their thanks for the many beautiful floral tributes and other kind expressions of sympathy during his ill ness and their recent bereavement. THE FAMILY. 13* THOMAS. EDNA HENRY. The family of the late EDNA HENRY THOMAS wish to express their deep appreciation and thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness during her illness; also Rev. Elmes. Rev. Jarvis. Mr. Smith. Mr. Williams and choir. Medi co Chirurgical Society. Pasteur Read ing Cluh. Society for (heir acts of kind ness; all other expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes in the pass lnc of our dear wile and daughter DR A O THOMAS. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE F. HENRY 13 Sralltu. BEASLEY. LOTTIE. Departed this life Thursday. December 10. 1?*36. at. 126 Webster st. n.w.. LOTTIE BEASLEY. 8he leaves to mourn her departure a de voted husband. Add Beasley; two sons Charles and Clifford Wrieht; two sisters Mary Susan Fry and Katherine Bea: three brothers. John. Lee and Phillio Wright: one nephew. Lewis Wright; a niece. Millie Carpenter, and also other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Fords funeral home 1300 South Canitol sr. Funeral Sunday. De cember 13. at l pm., from the Mount Coran Baptist Church, in Green County. Va. Rev. Andrew Taylor officiating. 12 BOERNER. MARIE CAMMON. On Friday December 11. 1036. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. MARIE CAMMON BOERNER. beloved wile of E. G Boerner. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will b# held on Saturday December 12. at 4 pm Relatives and friends invited. Interment. Minneapolis. Minn. CLEMENTS. MARY O. On Friday. De- i cumber 1J. 1036. at her home. Barnes-1 ville. Md.. MARY O. CLEMENTS, the be loved wife of the late Henry L. Clements and daughter of the late Conncton and Elizabeth Beall. Funeral Sunday. De cember 13. at 10 30 am., from St. Mary s Catholic Church. Barnesville. Md. Interment at aciiominc cemetery. COATES, CHARLOTTE STEWART. On Thursday, December in. J93»>. at her residence. 115 You st. n.w.. CHARLOTTE SIEWaRT COATES, the beloved sister of Dr Ralph B and Maud E Stewart •nd foster mother of Mabel Charlotte Jone« Funeral from her late residence Monday. December 14. at, 11 a m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. 13 tIORSEY. LOTTIE F. Suddenly, on Thurs day. December in. 19:10. at. her resi dence. i: 4th st. n e LOTTIE F DOR SEY beloved wife of James Dorsey. Re mains resting at Stewart s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e Funeral Monday. Decem oeb 14. at 1 p m., from the above fu neral home. 12 IWWNES. THOMAS H. Suddenly, on Thursday. December in. iy:i6. at his residence, dim Georgia ave. n.w. THOMAS H. DOWNES, beloved husband of Elizabeth A. Downes <nee Watson» and fathei of Mrs. Eleanor Davis 8nd Thom..s E Downes. Funeral from his late residence on Monday. December 14. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at the Churcn of the Nativity at 0 a m Rela tives and friends invited to attend. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 13 IH’RFEE, JEANIE M. On Thursday. De cember JO. 1038. at 9:15 n.m at Siblev Hospital. JEANIE M. DURFEE of 1328 Jefferson st. n.w. beloved wife of Nelson B. Durfee and lovine mother of Mrs. Harold F. Kless of New York City and Mrs. Inez D. Lohr and Joshua C Durfee of Washington. D C Funeral from the Nfevius funeral home. 924 Npw York ave. n.w. Monday. Decembpr 14 at 2 P.m Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. . 13* PBANTON. WILLIAM H. On Thursday December in. I'l.'sn ai the home ol his daughter. 919 Silver Spring avp Silver Spring. Md.. WILLIAM H FRANTON. beloved husband of the late Laura V. Franton and father of Lillie M Lang ley. John Franton and Bernard Fran ton Funeral Sunday. December 13. at -P.m . from Taylors funeral home. 147 Duke of Gloucester st Annapolis. Md. GILL. AUGUSTA E. On Friday. December 11. 1938 at her home. S824 Georgia ave ., 8ilver Spring Md . AUGUSTA E . wife of the late Levi C. Gill. Services •t her late home on Monday. December 14 at 2:30 Dm Interment Grace Episcopal Church Cemetery. Woodside. Md 13 GLASCOCK. WOODROW K On Thurs day. December in. 1938. WOODROW K. GLASCOCK beloved son of Marv E Glascock 'nee Lyles» and »he late Wil liam H. Glascock and brother of Joseph T. Glrfscock and Mrs. Naomi I Medford Remains resting at his late residence 25 Franklin s». n e. Funeral from his late residence on Monday December 14 at 2 pm Relatives and friends invited. Interment Union Cemetery. Alexandria. Va 13 GLOVER. MARY C. On Thursday D°cem ber 1ft. 1936. at Elkton. Md MARY C. GLOVER, beloved aunt of Miss Cath erine E. Wilson Mrs. Frederick T F. Johnson. Mrs. Thomas C Barr Dr Mer lin W. Glover. W. Barron Glover and George F. Glover Funeral services on Monday. December 14. at 2 P.m.. at Loudoun Park Cemetery. Baltimore Md. 1m GORDON-CIMMING. FRANCES CAMP BELL EAMES. On Friday. December 11 l»3rt. at her residence. FRANCES CAMP BELL EAMES GORDON-CUMMING. widow of Alastair Penrose Gordon-Cum mlng of Scotland. Funeral service at Church of the Epiphany Monday De cember 14. at 10:30 am. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 13 CRAVT. JOSEPHINE. On Friday. Decem ber 11. 1936. a: her residence. 906 Girard st. n e . JOSEPHTNE GRANT, be loved wife of the late Lpwrence J. Grant and devoted mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Grant Kelly and Joseph L. Grant. Fu neral services at the W. W Chambers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. December 14. at 9:30 a m.: thence to St. Anthony's Church, where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for ’ho repose of her soul. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery fiOLLANO. EDWARD. Departed this* life on Thursday. December lo 1936 a’ the Naval Hospital. EDWARD HOLLAND Remains resting ar E W. Bundy's funeral nrme. 6*? 1 Florida ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 12 glTKSTEP. ROSA JOHNSON. Dcnarted this life suddenly. Thursday. December 10. 1936. at 4:4n a m., at her residence. 34 G st. s w . ROSA JOHNSON HUCK STEP. wife of the late Henderson Huck atep. devoted mother of Warren Jerome and Lynwood Ernestine aunt of Mrs Martha Redd and Mr Loin* Redd She also leaves to mourn their loss a devoted friend. Mrs. Helen Cole, and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at 1 Barbour Bros.’ funeral home. 4s K st. n e. Remains may be viewed after 1 Dm. Sunday December 13. Funeral Monday. December 14 a! 1 pm., from the above funeral home Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Cl PSOV. CLARA B. On Friday. December 11. 1936. at. her residence. 1612 Cor coran st. n.e CLARA B . the beloved wife of Arthur Hudson, mother of Lucille Dickens. Also surviving are three brothers, three sisters, one grandson and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry s Washington Ar Sons’ funeral home. 46T N st. n.w. Notice of funeral later • HI FF. LUCY TAYLOR On Monday De cember 7. lfl.lfi. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Waller H. Pranks. New York City. N. Y.. LUCY TAYLOR HUFF hr loved wife of the late Walter P. Huff and mother of George T Huff of Phila delphia. Pa and Mrs. Waller H. Franks. New York City. Funerai services at the w W Chambers Co funeral home. MOO Chanin at. n.w.. on Monday. Decem ber 14. at 2 pm Fami'y stopping at Cairo Hotel. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. 13 KYLER. THOMAS. On Monday. December 7. IP.'ifi. at Casualty Hospital. THOMAS KYLER. son of the late Thomas and Maggie Kyler. husband of Mrs. Etta Kyler. father of Harold Kyler. Bernice Lyles and Arnetta Perry. He also is survived by two sisters. Mrs Maggie Butler and Mrs. Alice Ashton and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e.. until Saturday. December 12. at 12 noon: thereafter at his late residence. 1H44 Kramer st. n.e Funeral Sunday. De cember 13, at 1 p.m.. from Lanes C. M. E. Churrh. 14th and C sts. n.e.. Rev. Long officiating. IATTISAW. WILLIAM. Departed this life on Thursday. December 10. 103d. after a long Illness. WILLIAM LATTISAW. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Alice Lattisaw: four sons. Harry. George. Samuel and Sidney Lattisaw; four daughters. Mrs. Pearl Brown. Mrs. Viola Stevenson. Mrs. Elsie Bell and Charlotte Lattisaw; eleven grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. lour brothers in-law. four sons-in-law and a host, of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Harrison Brown. Rosaryville. Md. Funeral Sunday. December 13. at 2 p.m.. from St. Luke's Church. Meadows. Md. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Heither the successor to nor connected with the original W R. Speare establishment. HAttona?28M 1009 H St..N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 40 and Maas. Are. N R Lincoln WOO Joseph F. Birch’* Son* _ . (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) cssaiaw 3034 m st. n.w. CHAS. S. ZURHORST CO. ffOl HAST CAPITOL BT. LINCOLN 0373. Frank Geier’s Son* Co. ti&gT&Sff "iS NAtional 2473 Chamber^ Om at the LArgeat Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 617 lltk St S.E. Atlantic 6700 ^ 1 Baby Weighs 17*4 Pounds. ANDERSON, Ind., December 12 (jVs. —A baby girl bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cox here yesterday weighed 17*4 pounds, physicians said. The father ia a Delco Remy worker. Both the mother and the baby are in good con dition. the physicians said. loss » devoted wile. Rose L. Lewis, and six children, two sisters, a brother and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral 8uiiday. December 13. at 1 p.nv. from E, W. Bundy's funeral home, fl'll Florida ave. n.w.. Elder Beniamin of ficiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 13 MAYERS. MYRTLE R. Suddenly, on Fri day. December II. 1036. at her resi dence. 7405 Alaska ave. n.w . MYRTLE R. MAYERS, beloved wife of Charles H. Mayers and moiher of Helen M. Golden and Ruth M. Melroy. Funeral service «t the above address on Monday. De cember 14. at 2 p m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 13 MILLER. THOMAS. On Friday. December 11 1H3H. after a brief illness, THOMAS MILLER of 513 M st n.w. Remains resting at the J. L. Lowe funeral home. 013 Florida ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • 13 OSBORN. WILLIAM PRESTON. Departed this life on Thursday. ' December 10 1030. at his residence. 1534 T st. n.w . WILLIAM PRESTON OSBORN. He is survived by a loving devoted wife. Sarah E. Osborn: two nephews and other rela tives and friends. Remains can be seen at his residence after 3 p.m. Saturday. December 13. Funeral Sunday. Decem ber 13. from Bethlehem Baptist Church. Caroline County. Va. Interment church cemetery Funeral arranaements by Ruth Dabney & Co . 453 O st. n.w. 12 PAV.NE. JOHN w. On Friday. December 11. 1930. at his residence. 1239 C at. s.e.. JOHN W. PAYNE, beloved husband of Rosella Payne inee Carroll) and father of Mrs. Lydia Shoemaker and Mrs. Nancy E Lucas. Funeral from William J. Nalley's funeral home. 522 8th at. s.e.. on Monday. December 14. at 11 o'clock a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 rool.E. MARION CHARLES. On Friday, December 11. 1936. at his residence. 52S Minnesota ave. n.e.. MARION CHARLES beloved husband of Josie E Poole in e Howllnl and brother of Margaret H. Fowler. Funeral from William J Nalley's funeral home, 522 8th st. s.e . on Monday. December 14. at 2 om Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery Relatives and friends invited. 13 ROSS. JOSEPH BERN4RD. Departed this lile on Friday. December 11. 1936. at Gallinger Hospital. JOSEPH BERNARD ROSS He leaves to mourn his de parture a devoted mother and father. Bessie and Nathis Ross; one sister Ro berta Holden; four brothers. William. Richard. John Rnd Leon Ross; also other relatives and friends Rema'ns resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. until Tuesday. December 15. where funeral services will be held at 10 a m. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. 14 RUSSELL, HARRY J On Friday Decem ber 11. 1936. at the Tuberculosis Hos pital. HARRY J. RUSSELL. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Southeast fu neral home. 517 Uth st s.e.. on Mon day. December 14. at 7:30 a m.: thence to Holy Ghost Catholic Church. Issue Md.. where reauiem mass will be offered at 9:30 a m. for the renose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Issue. Md 13 RUSSELL. HARRY J. The members of Washington Council No 224 K. of C.. are advised of the dpath on Friday December 11. 1936, at the Tuberculosis Hos pital, of Brother HARRY J. RUSSELL and arf reouested to meet at Chambers' funeral parlors. 517 11th st. s.e.. Sunday. December 13. at 8 pm . for recitation of prayers for the deceased. Funeral services Monday December 14. at. 9:30 a m., at Church of the Holy Ghost. Issue. Md JULIAN T CROMELIN. G. K DR A. D. WILKINSON. F. S. 13 TIMES. JULIA GRAY. Departed this life suddenly on Friday. December 11. 1936. at Gallineer Hospital JULIA GRAY TIMES She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted daughter. Bernice Robinson: one brother. Robert Gray. Westmore land County. Va.: one son-in-law. one granddaughter and a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Cornish A* Corntsh Co.’s funeral home. 2121 19th st. n.w Remains mav be viewed Saturday. December 12. at the above-named funeral home at 8 pm. Funeral service Monday. December 14. at 2 p.m.. at the above-named funeral home. Rev Johnson officiating. Inter ment Payne's Cemetery. 13 TRAMMELL. MARGARET MAT. Departed this life on Friday. December 11 1936 at Herndon. Va.. MARGARET MAY. be loved wife of Charles A Trammell. She leaves to mourn their loss ten children. Remains resting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Bedford F. Groves, at Herndon. Va.. until Sunday. Services Sunday. December 13. at 11 a m. In terment Chestnut Grove Cemetery. Hern don. Va Relatives and friends invited. WARD. ESTE1.I.A 1.. On Thursday. De cember 10. 1936 at her residence. 2918 North Monroe st.. Cherrydale. Va.. ES TELLA L. WARD 'nee ShreveV beloved wife of John S. Ward and beloved mother of John S . ir . and William R. Ward. Funeral Sunday. December 13, at 2 p.m.. from the above residence. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. 13 \> atkins. JAMES. Departed this lire on Wednesday. December 0 193«. JAMES WATKINS of 44 H st. n.w.. beloved hus band of Mary Watkins He is also sur vived by two sons. Odell and Prince Albert Watkins a loving aunt. Lydia Thompson also other relatives and friends. Funeral from the Malvan A: Srhey funeral chapel, corner of New Jer sey pve. and R st. n.w. Sunday Decem ber 13. at 1 D.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery Monday. December 14. WEBSTER. LOUISE. Departed this life on Thursday. December 1<>. 19.3H. at 1:15 a m., at her residence. 141H C st. s.e.. in full triumph of Christian faith. LOUISE WEBSTER, daughter of the late Mar garet and Jerry Brcwn She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. John Webster: one sister. Mrs. Eliza beth Dorsey; two brothers. Frank and Peter Brown, and a host of other rela tives and friend*. Body can be viewed at Mason’s funeral home. *2500 Nichols av*. s.e.. afrer 4 p m. Saturday. Decem ber 1*2. Funeral services Sunday. De cember 13. at Oxon Hill M. E Church, at *2 D.m . Rev. H. R. Tomlin officiating. Interment in church cemetery. 13 WELLS. JOHN H. On Saturday. Decem ber 1*2. 1936. JOHN H. WELLS, husband of Mae Dice Wells. Services at his late residence Hi Rhode Island ave. n.w on Monday. December 14. at 1 D.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 13 WHEELER. SAMUEL HENRY. On Friday December J 1. 1 !•;{•» at his residence. 1 15 L st. n.w.. SAMUEL HENRY WHEELER the beloved husband of Dora Scott Wheeler and loving brother of Carrie Broome and Eliza Brooks: the eldest son of the late Daniel and Elizabeth Wheeler: brother of the late Charles Thomas 8nd Daniel Wheeler and Winnie Burke. Re mains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 143*2 You st. n.w. Fu neral Monday. December 14 at 1 p m . from St. Paul's Baptist Church. Bladens burg. Md. Relatives and friends are in vited. Rev. J. T Brooks officiating. 13 W'HEEI.ER. SAMUEL HENRY. Officers and members of the Biadensburg Union are hereby notified of the death of our late Brother SAMUEL HENRY WHEELER. Funeral Monday. December 14. 1936 at I p.m.. from St. Paul's Baptist Church. Bladensbure. Md. Please wear badges. B.v order of tlve union. PI WILLIAM WILD. CLEGGETT WILLIAM. On Friday. December II. lO.Sti. at Providence Hos pital. CLEGGETT WILLIAM WILD, be loved son of the late George and Ida May Wild. Funeral services at his late residence. 4529 Georgia ave n.w . on Sunday December 13. at fi o.m. Inter ment Mountainsbure. W. Va.. on Mon day. December 14, at 1 p.m. 13 In fflrmnrtam. HAWKINS. JOHN. In loving memorv of my husband. JOHN HAWKINS, who died eieht years ago today. December 15, 192R. At home, in the beautiful cltv of God. Bv the river of rest so fair. 8ome day. some time, when my task Is done. With ioy. husband dear. I will meet .vou there Forget you. I can never. It Is In vain for me to try; I will think of you forever And love you until I die. HIS LOVING WIPE. ELLA HAWKINS. • MUNDELL. LETT IE C. AND JACOR L. In memory of our beloved mother. LET TIE C. MUNDELL. who entered into eternal rest one year ago today De cember 12. 1935. and father. JACOB L. MUNDELL. who passed away two years a«o. December 9. 1934. If we could have our dearest wish ful filled. And take our share of life's treasures, loo: Or choose from heaven whatever we willed. Dear parents, we would ask for you. Tou are not forgotten, dear mother and father. Nor will you ever be. As lone sa life and memory last We will remember thee. TOUR DAUGHTER AND SONS. AL BERTA WILLIAM IRVING AND NA THANIEL MUNDELL. • RICHARDS. JAMES F. In memory of our son and brother. JAMBS P. RICHARDS, who left us one year ago today. De cember 12. 1935. The years may wipe out many things. _But thta they wipe out never— The memory of those happy days. When we were all together. TOE FAMILY. • TAYLOR. JAMES. In sad and loving mem ory of our dear, beloved husband and father. JAMES TAYLOR, who departed this life a year ago. December 12. 1935. Though death has taken us apart. You shall always live within my heait. YOUR LOVING WIFE. ELIZABETH TAY LOR._ • _FUNERAL DESIGNS._ GEO. C SHAFFER MOD ER ATeTpR fNAT® 0106 Open Evening! end Snndaya Cof. 14th 8C Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Flora! Piocos 1ZU F «. R.W. MAttOUI 4P7P Record of Social Activities in the Capital The President’s Wife Will Spend Sunday in Boston With Her Son Mrs. Roosevelt Is Expected Back at the White House Tuesday—Mrs. Swanson Honor Guest. RS. ROOSEVELT will return to Boston tomorrow to be with her son, Franklin, jr., who is at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where on Monday he will probably undergo an operation to relieve an acute sinus infection. Miss Ethel du Pont, whose engagement to Franklin, jr., was recently announced, arrived at the hospital yesterday. Mrs. Roosevelt is expected to return to the White House Tues day in time to greet the President, who is expected back from Buenos Aires that day. » The President’s wife spent yesterday shopping in New York. Among her purchases was a small black felt hat with a visor brim turning up smartly on the left side, which was the only thing she bought for herself. Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, wife of the Secretary of the Navy, was the honor guest at luncheon today of Mrs. Henry Flood, widow of the late Representative Flood of Virginia. . Mrs. Flood will entertain at luncheon Thursday In honor of Mme. Peter, wife of the Swiss Minister. Mr. R. Walton Moore, Acting Secretary of State, is spending the week end at Brandon on the James River, with State Senator and Mrs. Robert W. Daniel, who are the owners of Brandon, one of the best known and most beautiful of the old mansions in Virginia. The Austrian Minister and Mme. Prochnik went to New York yesterday to attend the Winter carnival and will remain several days. The Danish Minister and Mme. Wadsted with their small son went to New York last evening and will sail tonight for their home in Denmark. They will remain several weeks after the Christmas season. The United States Minister to Venezuela and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson are staying at the Mayflower while in Washington for a few days before leaving for Indianapolis. They were in New York for a week following their arrival from Caracas. » ■■■ ■ Representative and Mrs. R. Ewing Thomason of El Paso, Tex.. who arrived in Washington last week from their home, have taken an apartment at the Wardman Park Hotel where they will be in residence during the coming season. Mrs. Harold D. Cooley, wife of Representative Cooley of Nash ville. N. C.. and Mrs. J. T. Strickland, also of Nashville, are at the Wardman Park Hotel at the present time. The attache of the Argentine Embassy, Senor Don Ersato M. Villa, went to New York yesterday and will remain over Sunday. Judge Ernest H. van Fossan, member of the United States Board of Tax Appeals, and Mrs. van Fossan have as their guest the former’s sister, Miss Virginia Preston van Fossan, secretary of the Alumni of Oberlin College. Miss van Fossan came to Washing ton to attend the convention of the First National Conference of Educational Broadcasting. Judge and Mrs. David H. Kincheloe will sail Tuesday on the Ancon for the Canal Zone to spend Christmas with their son-in law and daughter, Lieut, and Mrs. James H. David. Judge Kincheloe was formerly a member of the House of Representatives. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Louis B. Bender entertained at the dinner dance at the Shoreham last evening. Their guests included Maj. and Mrs. Hardy P. Browning, Maj. and Mrs. John H. Gardner, Maj. and Mrs. James Watson, Capt. and Mrs. Rex W. Minckler. Capt. and Mrs. George A. Bicher, Miss Dorothy Bender and Mr. Robert Bielski. Maj. O. B. Trigg, U. S. A., and Mrs. Trigg of Fort Monroe, Va., are at the Martinique for a short stay. Capt. R. M. Neal. U. S. A., and Mrs. Neal of Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., are at the Martinique for a few days. Lieut. Alan Reed McCracken, U. S. N., and Mrs. McCracken, of Washington, will entertain at a cocktail party this afternoon to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The party will be at the Lafayette, where they are staying while in Boston. The guests will be officers of the U. S. S. Clark, on which Lieut. McCracken is executive officer, other officers on ships now in the Boston Navy Yard and their wives and a few additional friends. Lieut, and Mrs. McCracken will return to Washington to spend Christmas with their children. Mrs. Caldwell Will Present Daughter To Society Today Vf RS. GEORGE REARS LEY CALD WELL will present her daughter. Miss Kearsiev Caldwell, at a tea dance this afternoon at the Mayflower. As sisting the debutante will be Miss Hebe Reynolds, Miss Martha Talley, Miss Gertrude Pearson, Miss Hen rietta Talbott and Miss Jane Ram seyer. Miss Caldwell will wear a frock of white crepe made with a fitted jacket having a circulat peplum, and carry a bouquet of red roses. Her mother’s gown is black velvet made with a slightly draped neckline, and she will wear a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Caldwell will be assisted by her three sisters, Mrs. John Harman Snyder, Mrs. M. W. Stearns of Center Lowell, Me., and Mrs. A. L. Tunstall of Montclair, N. J. Also assisting her will be Miss Portia Oberley, Miss Ger trude Luts and Mrs. Howard Snyder. The debutante's brother, Mr. Davis Caldwell of New York City, and her cousin, Mr. Eckley Stearns of Center Lowell, Me., are here for the function, which will be given in the garden of the hotel. Red roses and stevia will be used for table decorations, Sorority Banquet This Evening The Washington Alumnae Chapter of Beta Sigma Omicron National Sor ority will give a founders’ day banquet at the Parrot this evening, to com memorate the sorority’s 4flth anni versary. All arrangements were made by Mrs. Judson Cobb, chairman of entertain ment, assisted by Mrs. Philip H. Grog gins and Mrs. Charles E. Barton. Mrs. Robert Mason De Shazo, pres ident of the local chapter, will con duct the founders' day ritual. Music, speeches and readings will be included in the celebration. Miss Veryl Schult will act as toastmaster. HIDDEN GIFTS VANISH Under Church Steps Unsafe Place for Tule Packages. PORTLAND, Or eg (/P).—Mrs. H. J. Jones wanted to make sure her rela tives wouldn’t see their Christmas gifts early. She hid them under the porch of a nearby church. Today she stopped worrying about relatives seeing the gifts and won dered if she ever would see them again. They had been stolen, she reported to police. Mrs. Reed Smoot Guest of Honor Mr*. Reed Smoot, wife of former Senator Smoot of Utah, wax the guest of honor for whom Mrs. Maurice R. Barnes and her sister. Mrs. Weston Vernon, jr., of New York City enter tained at a luncheon at the Shoreham today. Mrs. Vernon is spending a few days in Washington and Mrs. Smoot has arrived to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. Willard Marriott. Among the guests were Mrs. Wil liam H. King and Mrs. Elbert D. Thomas, wives of the respective Sena tors from Utah; Mrs. Marriner S. Eccles. Mrs. Montgomery B. Angell of New York City, Mrs. Logan Morris, Mrs. James H. Moyle, Mrs. Harold A. La Font, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Isaac M. Stewart of New York City. Mrs. George Romney, Mrs. Bert Paul, Mrs. Alfred K. Cherry, Mrs. Frank Creer of Detroit, who is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Moyle; Mrs. Gordon Sears, Mrs. Edgar B. Broasard, Mrs. Walter Moyle, Mrs. C. McDonald Swan and Miss Eleanor Eccles, Miss Walter Leaving. Mis* Helen Walter, well-known Southern society girl, who has taken up the study and exhibition of historic dolls, will conclude her present ex hibit in the lounge of the Shoreham Hotel this evening. She has been at the hotel all this week, and previously was at the Mayflower. Tuesday she exhibited a few of her dolls at the luncheon of the Women’s National Press Club at the Willard. Miss Walter is a native of Staunton. Va., and was educated at Stuart Hall and the University of Virginia. She recently gave an exhibit at the meet ing of the Virginia Educational Asso ciation in Richmond. Her exhibit at the Shoreham includes dolls of the historic periods beginning with the Elizabethan, and samples of Cavalier, Colonial and Negro dolls of the old South. Buffet Supper. The Washington City Club of Beta Phi Alpha Sorority will hold a buffet supper Sunday at 5 p.m., at the home of Mias Mary Lawrence, 401 Twenty third street. The supper is in honor of the pledges of Alpha Eta Chapter of the sorority. Miss Lawton Weds. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawton an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter Harriet to Mr. Harris Hamlin Hodges, on December 8, at West War W R. L T Recent Bride MRS. GEORGE C. BELT, Formerly Miss Katherine Barrick, niece of Mr. Charles M Barrick. Her wedding took place November 28. —Hessler-Henderson Photo. Old Families United Miss Mary Murray Hume Bride of Dr. Thomas Bradley. TWO families long prominent in Washington were united yes terday when Miss Mary Mur ray Hume, daughter of Mrs. Rawlins Hume and the late Mr. Hume, became the bride of Dr. Thomas Bradley, son of Mrs. Thomas Bradley and the late Mr. Bradley. The ceremony took place at 4:30 o'clock, in Christ Church. George town, the Rev. J. Gillespie Armstrong officiating. Easter lilies massed with cybodium ferns formed an effective background for the wedding and as the guests were assembling an organ recital was given. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle. Mr James B. L. Orme of New York. She was a striking picture in a gown of cream satin made on fitted lines with long sleeves and a neckline with lace inserted. Her tulle veil was held by a cap of rose point lace which was worn by her mother on her wedding gown. She wore the same necklace worn by her mother at her wedding and carried gardenias and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Frederick Hit*, sister of the bride was the matron of honor and the other attendant was Mrs. Joseph Kay McCammon. They wore gowns of white chiffon, made with fan shaped insertions of American Beauty velvet set in at the backs of the skirts. 1 They wore white lacquered wreaths in their hair and carried shower bou quets of white and red rubrum lilies. Mr. Fontaine C. Bradley, brother of the bridegroom was the best man and the ushers were Mr. Frederick M. Bradley, brother of the bride groom. Dr. Allan E. Walker, Dr. Alva Daughton, Mr. Charles H. Bradley, i jr.. Mr. Alfred T. Hobson, all of this city and Mr. Frank Dexter Cheney, i jr.. of Manchester, Conn. A small reception for members of the immediate families and a few close friends followed the ceremony at the Georgetown residence of the ' bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hitz. Later the couple left for a wedding trip, the bride wearing a green suit and hat trimmed with mink fur. Her accessories were in brown. Dr. and Mrs. Bradley will be at home after January 1, at 1601 Twenty-eighth street. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. James B. L. Orme, Mr. Edward de Selding Melcher of New York; Mr. I Nathaniel S. Clifford of Fitchburg. Mass., brother-in-law of the bride; Miss Virginia Randolph and Miss Hilda Hordern of Warrenton, Va. The bride attended Gunston Hall and the bridegroom graduated from the University of Virginia in the class of 1929. Residential Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Davidson Entertain at Southern Home. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD PORTER DAVIDSON enter tained at a house warming j in their new home, Dav hanna. In Weymouth Heights, South ern Pines, N. C., last night. Dr. Kurt Hetzel. pianL«t. gave the program Mrs. Davidson was formerly Miss Betty Hanna. Dr. Hetzel was the honor guest at luncheon yesterday of Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt. Lady Lister Kaye of London, who spends part of the Winter season in Washington, entertained at luncheon yesterday at the Ambassador in New York. Mrs. Henry R. Rea will arrive at Palm Beach. Fla., today to .iota her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oliver Rea. Mrs. de la Vergne of New York City, was guest of honor at a delightful luncheon given by Miss Fueritia Clark in the pall mall room of the Hotel Raleigh yesterday. Guests included Mrs. William Asptawall, Miss Helen I. Bailey, Miss Newgarden, Mrs. J. Miller Kenyon, Mrs. John W. Halcomb. Mrs. E. Rives Waters. Mrs. William A. Graham, Mrs. Albert Pike. Mrs. Wil liam Wheatley, Mrs. Charles C. Near bury. Mrs. O’Callaghan, Mrs. H. Fitz hugh Ward. Mrs. MacCubbin and Mrs. Baker, who has just returned from an extended trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Haliett will entertain this afternoon at the Wash ington Club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Green. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Peacock will be hosts at a supper dance this eve ning in their residence. Mrs. William E. Stroud entertained at a luncheon at the Shoreham today for Mrs. Clarence Shore of Raleigh, N. C.. who is her house guest. Among the guests were Mrs. J. Crawford Biggs, Mrs. Robert D. W. Connor, Mrs. Inder London, Mrs. William T. Joyner and her house guest, Mrs. Gerry P. Brown of Morganton, N. C.; Mrs. Garland S. Ferguson. Mrs. Robert McNeal, Mrs. Smith Blair, Mrs. Thomas A. Wadden, Mrs. Walter Clark, Mrs. John Nichols. Mrs. Nellie Brenizer, Mrs. Charles Council, Mrs. Albert Bauman. Mrs. W. C. Costello, Mrs. John W. Norwood, Mrs. Adrien S. Buslck, Mrs. John Small and Mrs. Charles H. Mandeville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Shinn will be hosts at a cocktail party this after* noon at their home on Brookside drive, Kenwood, Md. Mrs. Httcbeock Howard of Opper > I ville. Va„ has come to Washington and is at the Shoreham for a few days while visiting her father. Prof. Frank A. Hitchcock of George Washington University and Mrs. Hitchcock. Mr.' and Mrs. Hitchcock make their home in Chevy Chase, Md. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Street have come from a visit in New York and | are at the Shoreham for a few days before returning to their home in 1 Atlanta, Ga. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Willson have arrived at the Shoreham from their home in Reading. Pa., for the wedding of her daughter, Miss Eliza beth Caroline Goodrich, and Mr. j Charles J. Lar.ks. jr„ which will take place tomorrow afternoon. Miss Lucia W. Parker of Charles- , ton, S. C.. is staying at the Dodge for a few days. Mrs. W'eston Vernon, jr.. has ar rived from New York to join Mr. Vernon at the Shoreham ■ for a few days. Mrs. Vernon with her sister, Mrs. Maurice R. Barnes, will entertain at a luncheon at the Shoreham to morrow. Miss Crane Guest Of Honor Last Night Miss Mary Crane, daughter of Col. and Mrs. John A. Crane of For* Meyer, Md„ who made her debut at the Bach elor's Cotillion in Baltimore Monday night, was the guest of honor for whom Miss Virginia Randolph, debu tante daughter of Mrs. George A. Ran dolph, entertained at dinner at her home, followed by a supper dance at the Shoreham Hotel last evening. Miss Randolph’s guests for both parties included Miss Virginia Palmer, Miss Hebe Reynolds. Miss Helen Potts, Lieut. John Ott, Mr. Powell Blair. Mr. Douglas Smith, Mr. Cortland Grimm and Mr. Dashwood Darling. FLOWERS m _ OUPONT CIRCLE (edar Hill Cemetery 4 By the Way— Beth Blaine — , 'J'HI Sulgrave Club last night seemed almost as if it were a private debut dance—*o many of the younger set were in evidence. While the orchestra played waltzes, tangoes, jazz and blues. It wasn’t until after supper that the crescendo was reached, when the "shag” or "flea hop” became the order of the night; and did every one enjoy themselves? Stelita Stapleton confessed that she had never danced it before, yet she and Gordon Brown were enthusiastically applauded; not far away Ruth Tuckerman in a blue and wine gown manipu lated several breath-taking skyward hops with Eugene O’Dunn, who seemed to know what he was about; on the other hand, Mrs. John Reybum and Conny Orme ended their dance rather suddenly, but were promptly helped by sur rounding friends. All during the evening Mrs. John Williams sat In her favorite place near the ball room door while friends came and went. Betty Shouse was there in a black gown with red incrustations, and her sister Marion in henna taffeta tripping the light fantasique with James Sappinton, also Mary Cootes in white satin with an inter esting shoulder arrangement of chrysanthemums of tawny hue. In the rotunda room at a center table was a gay party given by Jock McLean and his brother, and we saw Mary Lou Marsh wandering about in a gold lace frock with Emmons Smith. The three loveliest white dresses of the evening were Audrey Campbell's white satin urith a net applique design, tall and graceful Angelica Loyd’s diaphanous white tulle over cloth of silver and petite and dainty Eleanor Roosevelt's plain white crepe. As the evening progressed more and more groups arrived. Mrs. George Pulver in a halter neck white satin dress with Natalie Campbell Pritchett in a black fringe frock with a flower in her hair, and at another large table we saw Prank Currie, Laura Tuckerman, Larry Knapp and the Morris Clarks. In the dance room we glimpsed Mr. and Mrs. Mathews Dick Shirley In dead black and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dewey, Mrs. Dewey as usual in a soft color—gray, to be exact—which makes an excellent background for her piquant brunette beauty, also Brinkley Smithers at whose table were Mrs. Sims Snow and Mrs. William Mann, David van Buren and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thorne. The honors for belles of the evening were divided between dainty little Ethel Worthington and Margo Garrett, whose swirling black lace frock was kept constantly in the swing, while Mrs. Jaspar Du Bose in black velvet threatened to put them all in the shade. Nancy Utter mixed business with pleasure and collected subscriptions most success fully for the Thrift Shop’s new magazine, the Thrifty Frolics. Black seemed the favorite color for the young set and Martha Davidge’s black taffetta with velvet bands was most becoming. Mimi Scott, also in black, was seen waltzing with Jimmy Parks. Others seen and heard were Dorothy Cassard, in white, chatting with Walter White and Ricardo Siri of the Argentine Embassy; Christine Long sitting on the steps with Giorgio Bombassei-Frascani, Italian vice consul from Pittsburgh, whom Billy Mitchell tried unsuccessfully several times to initiate into the great American custom of “cutting in,” but from which he shied doubtfully; Mike McConhie and Margurite Hagner heading for supper; Alice Graeme, tall, distinguished and attractive, with tall Maury Hansen; Maj. and Mrs. Heywood of the British Embassy, also British Philip Broad and Benjie Plunkett; while in one corner of the room Tommy Moorehead and vivacious Louise Alexander monopolized the rights of • first come” in a hectic tempo. In the stag line were the familiar faces of Jimmy Mitchell. Sammy Biddle, Frederic Drum Hunt, Henry Whitney, Hector Leguizamon, Lieut. Bunch, the Marquis of SanfOrsola, Nathan Bartlett and Harold De Voe, as well as a hundred others, who danced to the wee small hours and left, re gretting that the next meeting is scheduled for January 8, which literally seems eons away. Maryla nd And Virginia Social News Mrs. Knapp Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. MR. AND MRS. ALLEN H. GARDNER of Woodside Park, Md., have visiting them for several weeks Mrs. Gamder's sister. Mrs. H. G. Knapp of Palm Beach, Fla. Miss Lillian E. Scheller of Silver Spring. Md., whose engagement to Mr. Raymond S. Schweitzer of Washing ton has been announced recently, was the guest of honor at a surprise shower given Wednesday evening by Mrs. John Quinn, jr., and Mrs. Nor wood Alvy of Washington. The party was given at he home of the bride elect. Among those present were Miss Scheller's mother, Mrs. William F. Engel of Silver Spring, Mrs. William Schweitzer of Washington, mother of the bridegroom-elect; Miss Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Robert Holcomb. Mrs. William Frederick, Mrs. Alice Berry, Miss Rose Henderson. Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Alvy, all of Washington; Miss Elsie Engel of Glen Echo, Md., and Miss Margaret Brown, Mrs. Charles Friedrich. Miss Mildred Friedrich. Miss Carolyn Engel and Mrs. Gus Ar nold of Silver Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Lam km of Silver Spring, Md.. announce the birth of a son, John Edward Lamkln, Saturday, December 5, at Sibley Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sloan have returned to their home in New York after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Felix Spurney at their home in Kensing ton. Md. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Vannoy of Takoma Park, Md., have as their guest, Mrs. Vannoy's father, Mr. O. S. Sked of Willke-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Ella Stuart of Takoma Park entertained at a luncheon and bridge Thursday in honor of Mrs. Thomas W. Marshall and Mrs. William Stuart as a farewell party. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will sail January 2 on a two months’ cruise to Panama and Cali fornia while Mrs. Stuart and her husband will leave January 1 to spend the Winter in New Orleans and Florida. The guests were Mrs. G. Albert Scott, Mrs. Samuel J. Dantzic. Mrs. Paul P. Pierce, Mrs. W. W. Dyar, Mrs. J. J. Skinner, Mrs. Elsie Miller, Mrs. Moving Is Our Hobby No job it too »Rial 1—none too large to get the full benfit of Merchants long experience, modern facilitiee, unfailing courtesy, and mod erate charges. Let us esti mate on that next job. Phone Nat. 6900. 920-922 E Street N.W. HBOUHTS mmmuTWABK c& Elizabeth Metcalf. Miss Grace Van Allen and Miss Agnes Carleton. Mrs. Elsie A. Davis, Fairfax County elementary supervisor, is spending the week end with her mother, Mrs. Winfield S. Armstrong at Aber deen, Md. Miss Mary Hurst entertained at a bridge party Wednesday evening at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Harold F. Weiler of Herndon. Va., when their guests included Miss Hazel Kirk. Miss Willie Kirk, Mrs. Harold F. Weiler, Miss Alice Bready. Miss Jean Bready, Miss Emilie Robb, Mrs. Horace Turner. Mrs. John McDaniel, Miss Roberta Anderson. Mrs. Russel Gillette. Miss Mary McCarty, Mrs. William S. Blanchard, jr. High scores were made by Mrs. McDaniel and Miss Willie Kirk. Mrs. Silas F. Hutchison of Hern don, Va., has been the guest this week of Miss Marcia Boynton of Wash ington. Dr. and Mrs. William Van Vorst Parramore of Cochran, Ga.. spent a few days here as guests of Mrs. Parramore’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Scott Crown. Dr. Parramore also spent a few days in Baltimore attending a medical convention. Dr. Parramore has been superintendent of the Georgia State Hospital in Alto, Ga, Both Dr. and Mrs. Parramore are graduates of Maryland University and during their visit they attended a class reunion. Mrs. N. Peyton Young of Fairfax, Va.. will go to Washington tomorrow to spend a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Love. W. W. Chambers Her* is the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of tho LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT YOU HAVE THE BIO FIRM IN UNDERTAKINB THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE $7r FUNERAL FOR f D Other* *95. 5125. 5150. *1*5 0>. THINK THIS ONE OVERI A CEMETERY PLOT $«)r COMPLETE—Low as LO For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undsrtaksr 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1406 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phene Colorable 043* ■17 ELEVENTH AT. BA Phene ATlestle B7BB SU CLEVELAND AVI El VI ED ALE. KD. Hear Hrattirin*. M4, Phene OreeaweeB 1**1