NEW GUARDS GIVEN TO MRS. SIMPSON Extra Precautions Taken Because of Abusive Let ters Sent Her. •r the Atsocltted Press. CANNES. France December 14 — New guards watched Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson today as/the result ef abusive letters criticizing her rela tion* with Edward, former King of England. A detective from the Surete Na tional* was designated as a special guard for th* American woman on all trips from the Villa Lou Viel, her haven since she left England. Scotland Yard Men Withdrawn. The other French guards on duty ■t the estate will remain, but de tectives from Scotland Yard. London, who accompanied her here, have been ordered home. A new chauffeur also was engaged to assist the detective in guarding Mr*. Simpson on trips away from home. He replaced George Ludbiook. rov»l chauffeur, who was ordered to return to London. Members of the household said they Were not worried by the "crank let ters." which they regarded as a natu ral consequence of the "Stirring days which saw Edward, now the Duke of Windsor, give up his throne because cf his love for Wallis. None of the letters. Mrs. Simpson's hosts said, contained a direct threat to her safety. Will Resume Customary Life. After a week end indoors reading and writing letters. Mrs. Simpson hoped soon to resume her customary active life, latest word from the villa said. If the weather improves, she hopes to play some golf. As far as could be ascertained, there had been no word from Edward since he reached Austria last night. All evidence indicated Mrs. Simpson was settling down to remain in the villa until after Christmas in accord ance with her original plans. Mrs. Simpson abandoned her vol untary seclusion inside the villa today and spent some time in the brilliant *unshine in the garden. Dressed in a dark blue suit with a bright collar, she walked«bout the grounds with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and a detective. Court (Continued From First Page ) Court decree was necessary so the case could be sent back to the trial court for new proceedings. Criticizing the ruling of both lower courts, the opinion said, in part: "We thus have a situation in which both courts below have failed to act In accordance with the standards of proper procedure. * * * In this in stance. the Circuit Court of Appeals could not leave in effective operation the final decree of the District Court (which held the monetary advances to be taivalidt and at the same time revest that court with Jurisdiction to re try the case. “The Appelate Court failed to make Its ruling with proper clarity and defi niteness. For that reason, the District Court failed to understand the essen tial purport of the order to remand. The District Court did not understand that it was revested with complete Jurisdiction and its proceedings were hot taken and its decision was not rendered with a consciousness of its power and its duty. "Delusive interests of haste should rot be permitted to obscure substantial requirements of orderly procedure. There is exigency here which demands that these requirements should not be enforced. The cause was heard in the Circuit Court of Appeals upon a record Improperly made up. That the cause may be properly heard and determined, we reverse the decree of the Circuit Court of Appeals and remand the cause with directions that the decrees entered by the District Court be va cated. that the parties be permitted to •mend their pleadings in the light of the existing facts, and that the cause lovely brocade fitted vanity bag *5.00 Other gift bags,* $3 to .$65 If she goes out (formally) after dark ' here's just the gift for Her. This lovely brocade fitted vanity bog will add the proper sparkle and has such a fine way of going with any color gown or wrap. Fitted with compact, comb, cigarette case. All colors. Cjtfru from i jddnt 1314 F Street N.W. be retried upon the issue* thus pre sented. "We express no opinion on the rel Ne Opinion Expressed. evancy or effect of the evidence, or otherwise upon the merits.” The suit was filed by the power company for an injunction to prevent a loan and grant of nearly $3,000,000 to Greenwood County, 8. C„ for con struction of a power project known as Buzzard Roost. After the case had been tried in the District Court and remanded by the Court of Appeals, attempts were made to introduce'additional evidence as to a new. contract between P. W. A. and the county authorities and as to the intent of P. W. A. in making the loan and grant. The admissibility of this evidence resulted in considerable confusion dur ing the rehearing, which was ampli fied by ambiguities In the appellate court order remanding the case. In the Associated Press case, a unanimous decision delivered by Jus tice Roberts held that the bill of complaint should have been dismissed by the District Court on the ground the amount in controversy did not give the Federal Court jurisdiction. "The decree of the Circuit Court of Appeals is reversed,” the court or dered. "and the cause is remanded to the District Court with directions to dismiss the bill of complaint for want of jurisdiction.” The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals had granted an injunction enjoining broadcasting of the news until 18 hours after publication. The Associated Press, which filed ‘the original action, contended the sta tion was "pirating" news dispatches from the Bellingham Herald, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Seattle Times, all members of the Co-operative Press Association. Dismissal of the complaint was ordered by the Federal District Court, but it was reversed by the Circuit Court. John W. Davis, New York attorney for the Associated Press, contended the news was the property of the Press Association as long as it had commercial value. This was disputed ' by William H. Pemberton of Olympia, Wash., attorney for the radio station. : He asserted his client had a right to B FIRST approved by GOOD HOUSEKCPING f It takes a really successful V prepared pie crust to make ■ such a successful record. ■ Flako is the first product of I its kind approved by Cood I Housekeeping. 14 years of I perfect results. Used by ever* ! I increasing millions of wo I men. Makes light, flaky pie I crusts at every baking be* I cause the ingredients are 1 precision-mixed. a If Flako dors not please yon, a tend us empty carton and get % double money bark. Offer a limilrd to one parkage to a ■^fainilv. and expire* I >ec.30th. i i i 11_ If toko Co»» fivm N. k broadcast the news a* soon aa It was published In a newspaper. Inheritance Tax Sought. Before the court met today, the State of Texas started a move to collect an Inheritance lax from the huge estate left by Col. Edward H. R. Oreen, son of the famous Hetty Oreen. , Attorney General William McCrmw of Texas estimated the tax would be approximately $10,000,000 should the suit be successful. Texas asked the Supreme Court for permission to file a bill of complaint against the Slates of New York, Massa chusetts and Florida and against Hetty Green Wilks, sister of Green, and Ma bel Harlow Oreen. the widow. Col. Green died In New York last June, leaving an estate estimated to be In excess of 130.000.000. In Its complaint Texas aet forth that Col. Green In 1802 abandoned domiciles in other States and took up residence in Dallas, Tex. Texas Held Choice. “Thereafter/’ said the petition, “he continuously maintained auch domicile until his death, and repeatedly every year until his death he reaffirmed his choice of Texas as his choice of per manent domicile * * * and declared every other State, including New York, Massachusetts and Florida, not to be his domicile.'' Each of the other three States has claimed Green as a resident, and each has claimed that Hetty Green Wilks and Mabel Harlow Green should pay a tax in order to inherit any of Col. Green's property within the State’s jurisdiction. A petition seeking reconsideration of a 4-to-* Supreme Court decision up holding constitutionality of the New York insurance law also was filed to day with the court. It was presented by E. C. Stearns & Co.. W. H. H. Chamberlin, Inc., and Associated Industries of New York unemployment insurance law also was filed today with the court. They asked a reargument before all nine justices. The 4-to-4 ruling was due to tbs absence of Justice Stone, who is ill. The petition said a rehearing would "be in accord with precedent and long-established practice of this court in like situations,” would serve "the public Interest” and would "avert the possibility of grave injustice to these appelants.” PROF. BRYAN TO TAKE i NEW POST THIS WEEK Prof. Malcolm H. Bryan of the Uni versity of Georgia is expected to arrive here early this wee/ to take up his new post as an economist with the Federal Reserve Board. He previously served as a mem Prof. Bryan. ber of a special commission o n banking and tax ation in the Treasury Depart ment. Prof. Bryan, who is considered one of the South's prom inent economists, is author of “Fis cal Position of Georgia," “Con temporary Geor gia" and other works. He will serve on the staff of Dr. ; E. A. Goldenweiser. chief of the Dl ' vision of Research and Statistics of j the board. “ Use Deroe's Faints tor Best Results 922 N. Y. Aye. Natianal 8610 PLAN MATINEE A special matinee, to which children from every orphan home In Washing* ton will be Invited, Is. being arranged by the management of the Rialto Theater for the morning after Christ mas, It was announced today. Although the program has not been completed, it Is expected to Include the English version of Charles Dickens’ famous Christmas carol, the story of "All Baba and the Forty Thieves,” and other films of particular lntereit to children. fe iH pet Worth PHARMACY*' GtOMIA AVI U UPSHUR ST. N.W. I PHOHt C0UIM1IA 3>S» FREE LECTURE —ON— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE —BY— Mrs. Louise Knight Wheatley Cook, C. S. B. of Kibui City. Mo. Member of the Board of Lecture ship of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Massachusetts. In Constitution Hall, 18th, C and D Sts. N.W. Tuesday, December 15, at 8 P.M. I nder the Auapieeo pf First Church of Christ, Scientist - Ne Collection. All Wtleopae. * y* Washington’s First A & P “Serve-Self” SUPER-MARKET OPENS THURSDAY in the new Georgia Avenue Shopping Center 6205 Georgia Aye. N.W. LOWER PRICES IN THIS STORE ONLY CHECK THESE * HOLIDAY VALUES! Gloce Fruits Citron H 1 2# I 3C Lemon *4 Q Peel. lb. OC Oronge % 0 _ Peel_ lb. OC Gloce *4 1 3-. Cherries_lb. IOC Pineapple V« 1 I VC Orange, Lemon, 3 * J CT or Citron O pkp. ** J C Unshelled Nuts Paper She'l 20^ King Cole 7 2/* BfOZils__*®# dm3 C Walnut*___***’ 27c XZ?.■* 25c Thin Shell Pecans__ Nut Meats Pecon 7ac. ^ C Meets-banket M.jC Block Wolnut M Ik. | Meets- pkf. I / C Baking Needs tr..- 19c Package 1 Im. 1 Q Figs - Mm pkft- I 7C Dromedory Dotes, 2 1C. pitted or unpitted pkgs. dfc^C Morvin Unpitted Ik. 1 P. Dates_ pkf. ■ Currants __ 2 ^ 25c Del Monte Raisins, 2 1 Q _ seeded or seedless Rkft. ■ Dixie Fruit Cake pkf. 35c Peerless * Ik. Mincemeot__ Jar “ M t Keystone Byjk jk. 1 Og Mincemeot _ ■ Softosilk Lk. IF. Coke Flour MmjC Christmas Delicacies R & R Plum Pudding_,.__ • * * Mott'* or White H House Slder_jar ■ Coconut I*. 1 5C Chocolate Cream ,b 1 Drops--- * 1 V* lb. IOC Chocolate Covered lb. Cherries _box Stuffed lb. | r~ Dainties. be« I Brilliant Mixed * 1C. Candy_lbe. Chocolate Thin lb. Mints___bex *i JC £SU_>»• 19c Del May ,IK fiQ#» Chocolates_box © Prices effective in Washington and vicinity, 12 noon today until closing Wednesday. WE PLANNED THIS SALE TO HELP YOU SAVE MONEY ON YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING NEEDS STOCK UP AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES! One of the lorgest pur choses of flour we mode this season! Just in firrv# for you busy, thrifty housewives who ' ore preparing for the holidays. SUNNYFIELD—PLAIN OR SELF RISING We recommend these specie! quality eggs for every cooking purpose. These particularly low prices will help you keep the budget down on this big item in your household. WILDMERE SUNNYBROOK SPECIAL PURCHASE 12,000 CASES 23el jfflonte PINEAPPLE JUICE The pick of thi* *eoson'* crop. At a price we would be unoble to offer hod we not mode thi* jpeciol purchose. 3 ’ir 2 8c A&P FOOD STORES rjJNB IN EVERY THURSDAY NtGHT-A 9P RAND WAGOU COMMAND APPEARANCE FOR THE SSM HERO AWARD-STATION WJSVt u * PM.