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POSTAL RECEIPTS Monthly Gains Indicate Marked Pick-up in D. C. Business. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Receipts at the Washington City Peat Office in the first 11 months of 1938, over the like months in 1935, five full support to the many other barometers disclosing unusual business progress in the Capital so far this year. Modest and In some instances sub gtantial gains in revenues are shown for every one of the 11 months, com pared with the individual months a year ago. The 11 months’ 1936 total stands at $8,428,622. in comparison with postal revenues in the same period last year amounting to $5,881,867, or a gain of $546,755 so far this year. The November total, Just reported, presents the largest, postal revenues of any month this year, receipts amounting to $636,586.56. against $580,619 a year ago, an increase of $55,967. Postal receipts at the Washington City Post Office in the first 11 months of 1936 compare as follows with the corresponding months in 1935: 1936. 1935. January __$612,593 $536,949 February _ 578.005 499.866 March _ 601.007 584,264 Abril "_ 634.837 541.295 May — 572.633 553,531 Juna___ 583.522 503.643 JUlv _ 525.260 483,047 AUCUM _ — 523.890 492.647 September__ 547.340 US October _- 612.949 610.9.3 November -_ 636.586 580.619 Total $6,428,622 $5 881,867 Daria for Low Money Rales. The Government should not aban don its easy money policy merely to iwmove the possibility of non-existent speculation. Chester C. Davis, a mem ber of the Board of Goveronrs of the Federal Reserve System, declared in • n address in California. •‘Under present conditions I cer tainly am not In favor of the historic method of attempting to check specu lative inflation by raising interest rates and tightening the money mar ket. all along the line," Mr. Davis, former A. A. A. administrator, de clared. ‘‘Until we reach a much larger na tional income than we have achieved, an abundance of cheap money to finance production and distribution Is required,” Mr. Davis asseretd. Rail Traffir Gains Amazing. One of the most encouraging factors In the present railway situation is the rapid acceleration of traffic gains, both freight, and passenger, says the Railway Age. The increasing rate of freight traffic Improvement is shown by the fact that while car loadings in the first . six months of 1936 showed a gain of per cent, over 1935. the correspond ing gain from July to mid-November was 19 per cent. Indeed, so rapid Vwas the traffic growth that scattered I car shortages, averaging less than 200 ear*, were reported in the last half of September—the first time such an oc currence has happened since Octo ber. 1929. Likewise, continues the Railway Age. the number of passengers carried by the railways showed a gain in the first half of 1936 of 8 per cent over the same months last year. This gain then rose to 12 per cent in July and to 16 per cent in August. For the first month since March, 1932. the railways carried In August this year a total of more than 43.000.000 pas sengers. In the first eight months of 3 936 the railways carried 28.000.000 more passengers than in the same months a year ago, a gain equal to almost one-quarter of our national population. Brokerage Firm Pay* Bonus. The New York Stock Exchange firm Of Auchincloss. Parker & Redpath, which has its head office in Wash ington. 1* distributing a Christmas bonus to all employes of the company. Approximately two weeks' pay is being presented to each Individual as a Yuletlde gift. Chauncey G. Par ker, jr., stated today. The firm also has offices in New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Wilkee-Barre. Washington banks appeared in their Christmas uniforms today, small trees and colored lights adding to the holi day atmosphere. Some of the lobbies were much more highly decorated this year than last, indicating the substan tial growth in banking prosperity dur ing the past 12 months. .Harry G. Meem, president of the Washington Loan & Trust Co., believes that business in the Capital during the remaining days of 1936 will con tinue to be the best since 1929. He has observed no recent hesitation in the steady advance which has been going on for many months. Mr. Meem is conservatively optimistic on the outlook for 1937, at the same time being mo6t gratified with the progress made in banking this year. James M. Johnston, head of the Investment firm bearing his name, commented today on the large amount of Interest taken recently in Wash ington bank stocks. There has been a lively demand lor thebe Issues at atrong prices. There have been more orders for bank stocks on the Wash ington Exchange than could be filled at the priees offered by investors. Other securities have also been In favor. Financial District Gossip. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad re ports for 10 months ended October SI, 1936. net income of 1902.928 after taxes and charges, equal after divi dends on 5 per cent preferred stock, to 81 08 a share on 823.427 shares of common stock. This compares with net loss of $1,#99,104 in first 10 months of 1935. The Baltimore Transit Co. has de clared a semi-annual Interest pay ment of l'/j per cent on the series 4 4 per eent debentures of 1975. and per cent on the series A 5 per cent debentures of 1975, payable January 1, to holders of record December 18. Ob July 1, an interest payment was made on these obligations at the rate of 1 per eent on the series A 4 per eent debentures, and 114 per cent on the series A 5 per cent debentures. Fred 8. Brynn, agency supervisor for the National Life Insurance Co. of Vermont, attended the last meet ing of the District Life Underwriters Association. He was much Impressed by the rapid growth of the association Bad the enthusiasm shown. . . Today’s Trading on Exchange. * Ten shares of National Bank of Washington stock sold on the Wash ington Exchange at 12# again today, the peak 1938 price. Washington Railway St Electric 4s figured in two 11,000 transfers, both at 10# S. The closing asked price gras 107 Vi. Capital Traction 5s also appeared on the board today, 81,000 changing hands at 93, around recent levels. No sales were recorded In Mergan thaler Linotype, but the stock was stronger than at the end of last week, 841b bid and N14 asked. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Mnti Wtr, Dtraei to The BUr. *:15 p.m. Prey. 198b Stock and Sale*— *•* Sikh. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Htth. Low. dost. Chge. 744 69 Acme Steel (4)- 1 67 67 «7 + V* 164 94 Adams Exp tainc).. 12 16 144 144 *64 174 Adams MUIlstalVA) 9 284 274 284 +14 374 224 Address'grapht 1). 2 344 844 844 — 4 214 14 Advance Runley... 6 34 34 34 +4 864 68 Air Reduction «tl). 4 79 784 79 + 4 64 2 Air-Way Elec Appll 20 4 4 4 4 44 +4 174 18 Alaska Jun (T60e>_ 10 144 144 144 +4 84 24 AUeg Corp (4)_ 76 44 4 4 44 +4 614 124 Alias pf wIlOw Id). 8 66 534 634 +4 604 12V* Allegpf w«40w (4). 6 634 524 624 +4 60 124 Allegpf is (d)_ 6 634 624 634 -4 644 27 AHagprpf(d)_ 4 474 46 47 +24 404 264 Alleg Steal (al.40). 16 384 374 384 + 4 246 167 Allied Cham («> ... 4 233 232 2324 -4 34 23 Allied Mllla (aSOo). 9 324 304 32 +14 204 64 Allied Stores_ 9 184 19 184-4 90 69 Allied Storaa pf (5) 1 854 864 864 -4 76 354 Allls-Chalm ttl4)- 19 774 754 774 +14 344 194 Alpha Port CtalVO- 3 30V* 304 304 64 4 Amal Leather .... 10 54 64 84 +4 89y* 32 Amal Leather pf- 3 374 87 374 + 4 1254 75 Amerada Corp U)_. 3 1024 1014 1014 — 4 89 49 Am AgCh (Del) a4. 1 86 86 86 -24 654 37 Am Bank Note (tl). 6 404 394 394 73 65 Am Bnk Note pf 4 3) 20a 66 66 66 +4 68 40 Am Brake Sh <t2)__ 2 664 66 664 +14 140 124 Am Brake S pf 6 4.. 60a 139 139 139 +1 1374110 Am Can (t4)_ 46 1144 1114 1144 + 44 1694 1624 Am Can pf (7)- 2 168 1674 168 66 30 Am Car 4k Foundry- 18 674 66 574 +14 734 31 AmChaln(al)- 21 764 734 764 +3 118 111 Am Chain cv pf (5). 1 120 120 120 +3 164 74 AmColortype 27 164 16 t6 +4 354 204 Am Cornel A1 taoOc) 7 294 284 284 - 4 82 16V* Am Crystal S(abOc) 2 29 284 284 -4 7Vi 34 Am EneausUe_ 34 74 64 7 +4 94 64 Am A Foreign Pwr. 101 84 74 74 60 25 Am * For Pw *« pf. 11 504 494 494 + 4 604 294 Am A For Pw *7 pf. 19 594 58 68 -14 224 12 Am A For Pw 2d pf. 23 224 214 214 -4 214 18 Am Hawaiian (1)_ 5 184 184 184 84 44 Am Hide A Leather. 71 74 7 7 +4 46 314 Am HldaA Lpf (3). 11 414 394 414 +14 614 37 Am Home P (12.40). 1 494 494 494 -4 44 24 Am lea_ 4 3 24 24 24 164 Am leapt <S). 1 194 194 194 154 94 Am lntrnat’1 (a40c) 7 144 144 144 + 4 45 284 Am Locomotive 15 46 444 46 +2 1224 66 Am Locomo pf (J3). 2 1204 1204 1204 + 4 294 21 Am Mach&Fdvltl) 14 224 22 224 + 4 15 10 Am Mach A Mat 60c* 1 114 114 114+4 544 27 Am Metal ..- 11 61 49 61 +4 144 74 Am Power A Light. 296 124 124 124 + 4 744 864 Am PwrALt pf (6). 9 694 684 694 +14 874 43 Am Pwr&Lt pf (6). 7 824 81 824 +24 274 184 Am Radiator(t60c). 75 244 24 244 + V. 87 234 Am Roll M (tl.20). * 61 86 354 354 + 11 394 324 Am Saf Razor <t2). 7 324 31 31 -14 284 18 Am Seating 182 4)— 5 24 2*4 24 + 4 45 254 Am Shlpbld* (2) .. 60s 394 39 394 + Vi 103 564 Am Smelt&Ref (3). 18 97 95 964 + 4 1084 10* Am Sm&Ref pf <*). 3 1064 1064 1064 — 4 1524 1364 Am Sm&Ref pf (7). 3 150 150 150 —4 73'., 574 Am Snuff <t»)_ 1 66', 66', 66'i - v, 614 204 Am Steel Fdry (al) 6 594 59 594 - 4 36 244 Am Stores (2)_g 2 264 264 264 + 4 634 484 Am Sugar (1)_ 4 55 644 644 -1 145 129 Am Sugar pf (T)_ 1 1404 1404 1404 + 4 264 204 Am Sumatra Tob tl 2 234 234 234 -4 1904 1494 Am Tel A Teleg <») a 18 188V, 186 1874 +14 1024 8R Am Tobacco (6)- 6 964 954 954 -4 104 884 Am Tobacco B (6)_ 6 97 964 964 -4 150 136 Am Tobacco pf («)_ 1 147 147 147 -4 174 84 Am Type Founders. 48 18 174 174 274 194 Am Wat WkaaiOe.. 109 264 264 264 + 4 114 74 Am Woolen .. 10 104 10 104 + 4 704 524 Am Woolen pf (24). 4 674 664 664 -4 2 4 Am Writ Paper td). 47 14 14 14+4 10 44 Am Writ Pap pf td) 35 8 4 7 4 84 +14 74 34 Am Zinc A Lead . 202 7 4 6 4 74 + 4 654 28 Anaconda Cop Itl). 186 534 504 534 + 24 | 87 35 Anaconda Wire t2.. 2 86 834 86 +34 ! 264 154 Anchor Cap tSOe) 6 194 194 194 111 97 Anchor Cap pf (64) 50e 108 108 108 +1 43 9 Andes Copper 5 34V, 32 34 +2 7 3 A P W Paper_ 2 54 54 64 60 37 Archer-Dan-M (t2) 2 44 43+ 44 4 + 7+ 4+ Armour (Illinois) 189 6+ 6+ 4+ 4- + 84 66V, Arm rUlllpr of («> 3 82+ 82 82 42+ 62+ 47+ Armstrong C'k tl + . 3 59 68+ 69 + + 18+ 7+ Arnold Const (60e>. 1 15+ 15+ 15Vi — + 22+ 8+Artloom Corp_ 5 16+ 16+ 16+ — + 27V* 12+Asso Dry Goods_ 5 23+ 22+ 22+- + 88V, 69 Atch ToAS Fa *2.. 17 72+ 71+ 72 4 + 107 90+ Atch ToAS F* of(6) 2 102+ 102+ 102+ - + 49 21+ Atl CoastLine(al).. 11 48+ 47+ 47+ 4 + 31+ 11 AtlGulfAWInd .. 2 24+ 23+ 24+ +1+ 64+ 13+ AUG A W Ipf(a3). 8 42+ 41 42 - + 36+ 26+ Atlantic Kettn (tl). 2(f 31 30+ 30+4 + AS1 112 Atlas Powder pf (5) 40e 129+ 129 129 •89+ 14 Atlas Tack (0760- 4 15+ 16+ 15+4 + 64+ 26+ Auburn Auto_ 6 33+ 32+ 33 + + 10v, 6+Austin Nichols_ 1 7+ 7+ 7+ + V, 46+ 29+ Austin Nichols pf A 80s 41 39 40 -1 7+ 4S Aviation Coro (Del) 60 6+ 6+ 6++ + 11+ 2+Baldwin Loco (d) . 19 9+ 9+ 9+ + + 93+ 29+ Baldwin Loco pf(d) 3 94+ 93+ 93+ - + 9+ 2+ Baldwin Lo asd (d>_ 17 8+ 8+ 8+ 93+ 31+ BaldwLpf asd(d). 4 93+ 92 98-4 + 26+ 15+ Baltimors A Ohio— 10 22+ 22 22 - + 41+ 21 Baltimors A Ob pf-. 2 36+ 36+ 36+ 4- + 49+ 41+ Bang A Aroos (2 + ) 4 43+ 42+ 42+ -1+ + + Ban* Arrts Dsc 2* 17 + + + 37+ 21 Barber Co (a75c> —.* 81 38+ 37+ 38 4 + 28+ 13+Barker Brotners... 10 27+ 26+ 26++ + 130 82+Barker Bros pf_ 80* 130 129+ 130 +1 21+ 14+ Barnsdall Oil (I0e) 71 22 21+ 22 4 + 22V, 16+ Bayuk Cigars tToe.. 2 19+ 19+ 19+— + 115 110 Bayuk C 1st pf (7). 10*112 112 112 -8 105 100 Beatrice pf ww (6) 1 103 103 103 106+ 85 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4). 2 108 106+ 108 +2 16V, 18+ Belding-Hem (1) 5 13+ 13+ 13+ 4 + 32+ 21+Bendix Atriat(al + ) 11 28+ 27+ 28+-*- + 26+ 20 Beneficial L (11 +). 3 22+ 22+ 22+ - + 72 48 Best & Co (2 +)_ 2 64 63+ 63+ -1 + 76+ 46+Bethlehem Stl al + . 71 75+ 74+ 75 +1+ 20 16+Both Stl 6% pf(l)~ 6 19+ 19+ 19+ 61 23 Bigelow-San (tl).. 7 59+ 58+ 59+- + 32+ 18+Black A Decker 25e 7 31+ 31+ 31+ 4 + 2 1+ Black&D rts Dec 23. 4 2 2 2 -I- + 21+ 14+ Blaw-Knox <a80c)-. 65 22+ 21+ 22+ +1+ 87+ 16+ BoelngtAlrplane- 18 35+ 34+ 85 — + 68+ 41 Bohn AlumABr (*). 7 43+ 43+ 43+- + 100+ 80+ Bon Ami (A) (a5)._ 10e 93 93 93 +1 + 47 39 Bon Ami (B) (S3).. 60s 43 43 43 -1+ 32+ 25+ Borden Co (1.60)— 10 26+ 26+ 26+ 90+ 64 Borg-Warner (4)_ 4 86 85+ 85+ + + 6+ 1+Botany Min A (d) ._ 1 3+ 3+ 3+— + 18+ 12+ Bridgp’t Brass t40« 14 16+ 16V, 16+ 4- + 64+ 48+ Briggs Mfg (tl) - 4 59+ 69+ 59++ + 69 47+ Briggs A Strat (3) 4 50+ 50+ 60+ - + 50+ 41 Bristol-Myers t2.40. 2 43 42 42+ -1 68+ 40+ Bklyn-Msn Tr (4). 4 53+ 63 53 -1 106 97+ Bklvn-Man T pf («) 1 101+ 101+ 101+ - + 12+ 4+ Bklyn A Queens_ 13 7+ 7+ 7+ - + 67 44+ Bklyn On Gas (1).. 4 50+ 49+ 50+4-1+ 21+ 8+ Brunswlck-Balks.. 14 20+ 19+ 20+ +1 19+ 8+ Buevrus-Erle 81 21 20 20+ +1+ 115 107+ Bucyrus-Erie pf (7) 50* 110 108+ 110 15+ 9+ Budd t E G> Mfg 26 13+ 13+ 13+ — + 14 8+ Budd Wheel (a20c). 17 10+ 10 10+ - + 34+ 20+ Bullard Co (al + )_. 4 32+ 32+ 32+ 4- + 69+ 11+Bulova Watch 4 68 67+ 67+- + 34+ 25 Burr Ad Mch(tCOc). . 6 29+ 29+ 29+ - + 9 2+ Bush Terminal (d). 6 7+ 7+ 7+ 4- + 33+ 8+ Bush Term deb <d). 1 30+ 30+ 30+ 4- + 16+ 7+ Butler Bros (a60e). 7 16+ 14+ 14+ - + 33+ 30+ Butler Bros pf 1+.. 6 31 30+ 31 4- + 6+ 2+ Butte CopperAZine 95 5+ 6 6+ 4- + 27+ 16+ Byars (AM)_ 29 27+ 26+ 26+ 4- + 86+ 54+Byers (A M) pf_ 140s 85+ 86 85+4 + 33+ 22 Byron Jackson tl_ 2 28V, 28V) 28+ 4- + 44+ 30+California P*g(l + > 46 45+ 43+ 45 +1+ 3 + Callahan Zinc 36 2+ 2+ 2+ 4- + 16+ 6 Calumet A Hsca7So 122 15+ 14+ 15+4-1 + 40+ 30 Campbell Wy (tl). 6 34+ 34+ 34+ - + 24+ 10+Canada Dry U A_ 67 24+ 23 24 4- + 16 10+ Canadian Paeine_ 82 13+ 13+ 13+ — + 168+ 37 Cannn Mills (S4>_ 4 66+ 66+ 66+ 4- + 18+ 12+Cap Adm (A) a60e 2 16+ 16+ 15+ - + 103+ 91 Car Cl in AO atpd(S) 20*103 103 103 9+ 6+Carriers A Gen (30c 10 7+ 7+ 7+- + 186 92+Case (J 1) Co (4).— 9 153+ 150 150 -3+ 143 116 Casa (J l)Cop> (7) 20* 127+ 127+ 127+ -2+ 91 64+ Caterpillar Trae t3. 9 90 89+ 90 4- + 32+ 21+ Celanese Corp al +. 16 28+ 28+ 28+ 4- + Cel of Am pr pf A 7- 3 110 109+110 36 19 Cslotex Corp .. 9 36+ 36+ 36+ 4-1+ 86 54 Calotax Corp pf J6_ 80s 76+ 75 76+— + 36+ 26+Cent Agulre (tl + > * 4 35+ 34 34 4- + 9 6+ Central Foundry Co 123 9+ 8+ 9 57 35 Central RK of NJ. 9 42+ 38+ 42+ 44+ 74 47+ Cerroda Pasco «4|_ 22 72 69+ 72 43+ 19+ 8+ Certaln-teed Prod.. 93 14+ 14 14+ 71 67+Certaln-tead pf (6). 60s 66 63 63 —1+ 87 19 Champ PapA F (1). 19 38+ 36+ 37+ 41+ 69+ 22+Chseker Cab Mfg_ 8 50 50 60 -1 lun UDtllDMIKL'OrpdJ i 91V, 87* 87* + * 77* (1 Chcs A Ohio (72.80) i 26 66* 64* 64*-* 8* 1* Chi AEaitilltd).. 1 2* 2* 2* - V* 8* 2* Chi A East 111 pftd) 2 7* 7* 7* + * 2* 1* Chi Grt West (d)_ 9 2* 2* 2* + * 18* 4 Chi Grt W pftd)- 11 12* 12* 12*+* .83* 26* Chi MallOrdttl*). 2 31* 31* 31* 2* 1* Chi Mil 8t PAP Id). 7 2 1* 1* - * 6* 2* Chi M St PAP pf (d) S 4* 4* 4* 4* 2* Cbl A N W <d)_ 11 3* 3* 3* 12* 6* Chi A N W pf <d)_ 16 10* 10* 10*-* 24* 12* Chi Pneumatic Tool 4 23 22* 23 + * 65* 40* Chi Pn Tool pf 334. 2 62 62 62 - * 3 1* Chi R lAPao td). 12 2 2 8 8* ChlRlAP6*pf td) 2 6* 6* 5* 8 3* Chi R (APT* pftd) 1 6* 6* 6* 82* 19* Chi Tallow Cab (t). 1 26* 26* 26* 80* 17* Chlckash Cot OU- 9 23 22* 22*+* 14* 7 Childs CO . _ 19 14* 18* IS* - * 50 26 Chlla Copper <1) 100s 49 46 49 +4 138* 85* Chrysler Corp(alS). 82 126* 124* 126 +2 23 16* City lea A Fuel {3). 2 18* 18* 18*-* 18* 4* City Stores - 2 10* 10* 10* + * 46* 23* Clark Equlp(tl.60). 8 34* 33* 34*-* 47* 33 Cle* Graph Br (2) 1 40 40 40 + * 74* 48 Cluett Peabody (tl) 8 68* 68 68*+* 129 124 Cluett Peabpf <T).. 40s 127 127 127 134 84 Coca-Cola <t3)- 2 123 122* 128 -* 68 56*Coca-Cola A (I)- 1 67. 67 67 + * 20* 13 Colgate P-P(t60e). 140 2114 20* 20* 4 * 106*100 Colgate-P-P pf <f). 6 108 103 108 -* 66* 19* Collins A Aik tl- 1 61* 614 614 + * 2:16 p.m. Pr*?. 1836 Stock and Sale*— Nat Sikh. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. 81«h. Low. Oloaa. Oh«e. 116*107* Collins* Aik pf Vn 40a 114* 113 113 -2 47* 28* Col Fual 4k Ir (B#w) 8 47* 46* 47 +1 87* 19* Colo* South 1st pf 40a 26* 26* 26* -1' 28* 14 Columb O * B a40o. 184 18* 17* 18*+* 108* 90* Col O * B pf A («>_ 1 103* 103* 103* 103 80* Col O* B pf (I)_ 10a 100 100 100 - * 46* 31 Colum Piet wte (tl) 18 36* 34* 36 -1* 61* 42 CrtumPleoTpf 3* 1 42* 42* 42* 136* 94 Colum Carb tte(t4) 3 122* 120 122* +2* 84* 44 Cornel Crsdlt 4t4)„ 10 69 68* 68*-* 91* 66 Com’l Invest T (t4). 10 78* 78 78* 24* 14* Come’l Solr (t(Oe). 36 18* 17* 17* 6* 2* Comw 4k Southern.. 610 3* 3* 3* + * 82 69* Comw A Sou pf (I). 13 71* 69* 70* +1* 13* 7 Conde Nast Pub .. 1 12* 12* 12* + * 44* SO* Congoleum N tl.60. 25 37 36* 36* + * 19* 8 consol Clear 15 19* 18* 18* -1* 85 65* Consol Clear pf (7) 60* 80* 80 80 +2 90 73* Cong Cie pf tw 6*. 20a 90 90 90 48* 27* Consol Ed N T tS_ 94 46* 46* 45*+ * 109 102 Conaol Ed NT prtl) 1 108* 108* 108* 7* 4* Consol Film . 23 6* 6* 5*-* 20* 16* Consol Film pf (12) 8 18* 17* 17*-* 9* 3* Conaol Laundries_ 3 9 9 9 + * 16* 11* Consol Oil (t60e)._ 47 14* 14* 14*+* 12* 6* ConsolR R Cubs pf. 8 11* 10* 11* + * 1* * Consol Textile (d). 820 1* 1* 1* + * 9* 2 Cons Coal (Del )Ttc. 7 8* 8* a* + * 36* 12* ConsC (Del) pf wte 100a 35* 33* 34* +1 26* 15* Container Corp (tl) 4 21* 20* 20* — * 35* 10* Conti Bseing (A)._ 4 30* 29* 29*-* 4 1* Conti Baking (B) 6 3* 3* 3* 109 67* Conti Baking pf(*9) 1 104* 104* 104* + * 87* 66 Cont’ICsn (tl). 68 66* 64* 66* +1* 24* 17* Conti Die Flbrs(Z>_ 4 21 20* 20*-* 46 35* Conti Insur (tl.20). 7 42* 42 42* +1 4 2* Conti Motors ... 12* 3 2* 2* 40* 28* Conti Oil (Del)al*. 30 41* 40* 41* +1 46 25 Conti Steel Corptl) X 9 30* 29* 29*+ * 69* 55* Corn Ex BkATr IX> 60» 64 64 64 +* 82* 63* Com Prod Ref (tJ). 14 71 69* 70* +1* 7* 4 Cotjr I no.. 3 7 6* 7 60* 24 Crane Co_ 2 47* 47* 47* -1 35* 15* Crosley Radio si*. 2 28* 28* 28*+ * 91* 43* Crown C’kAS <S4). 9 78* 78* 78* 6* 3* Cr’n CAS rts Dec 2J. 48 5* 4* 4* - * 49* 44 Crown Ck pf xw 2^4 4 47* 46* 47* + * 18* 7* Crown Zelleb’k wto. ini 19* 18* 18* + * 60* 28 Crucible Steel 24 55* 52* 54* +2* 124* 95* Crucible S pf J4.76-. 1 125 125 126 +2 3* 1* Cubs Co_ 7 3 2* 2* - * H UUMRKPI__3()s 17* 17 17*— V 144 64 Cuban-Aro Sugar... 24 14 134 134 1284 634 Cuban Am Bug pf__ 110a 129 127 129 +1 444 364 Cudahy Pkg (24)_. 4 384 38* 384 + 4 244 164 Curtis Publishing.. 8 20 194 194 —4 114 #94 CurtliPubpf <7)_3 1124 111 111 -2 94 4 Curtiss Wright. .. 60 74 64 7 +4 214 104 Curtiss-W (A) a56o 28 21 204 204 704 364 Cushman Sons pf_ 10» 48 48 48 +1 194 74 Davega Stores (1 > 1 19 19 19—4 Dayton PAI, pf (7). 60* 1074 100 107 1044 62 Deere A Co _ 12 106 1044 106 +2 324 27 Deere A Co pf(1.40) 1 304 304 304 —4 33* 194 Delsel-Wsm-Q (tl) 1 314 304 304 —4 644 364 Delaware A Hudson 10 474 464 464 — 4 234 144 Del L>ack A West— 6 184 184 18* + 4 94 44 DenARIoGW pf (d) 4 8 74 8 + 4 163 128 Detroit Edlaon (t4) 1 146 *146 146 +1 614 42 Devoe A Rey (A) t» 2 62 62 62 +4 404 304 Diamond Mteh 114. 6 31 304 804 -4 43 374 Dia Match pf tlH— 4 394 394 194*4 344 184 Dlst I'orp Seag Ltd. 26 264 254 254 + 4 95* 934 Distillers C p pf<5). 4 944 934 944 +4 25 19 Dixie Vortex (14). 2 224 22 22 -4 614 414 Dome Mines (t2>_ 5 51 50* 51 —4 124 74 Dominion Stores._ 2 124 12 12 — 4 824 504 Douglass Aircraft.. 20 754 744 744 + 4 51 29 Dresser Mfg(A) al. 2 50* 504 504 + 4 364 13 Dresser Mfg(B) al. 1 35 35 35 -4 84 44 Dunhill Internal! .. 12 84 8 84 +4 1844 133 Du Pont de N a6.10. 11 1814 1794 1794 - 4 1154 1114 Duqueane Lt lat (5) 30s 1154 1154 1154 104 5* Eastern Roll Mills. 61 11 94 11 +14 188 156 FAStman Rod 4+6> 2 1764 175 175 -14 166 152 Eastman Kod pf<6) 100a 164 163 164 +1 404 284 Eaton Mfg (T2)_ 2- 37 364 37 +4 154 54 Eitlnglon Schlld 8 134 134 134 — 4 474 304 Elec Auto Lite t2.40 14 444 43* 434 -4 115 1104 Elee Auto Lpt «7>- 20s 113 113 113 +1 174 10 Elec Boat (sSOe)... 20 13 124 124 74 54 F.1& MuslndaUc.. 5 54 5* 54 -4 224 64 Elec Pw A Lt _ 315 25 234 244 + 4 87', 294 EleqPw A L,t $1 pf. 5 874 86^ 864 - 4 944 324 ElecTw A Lt *7 pf. 17 934 914 914 - 24 654 424 Elec Stor Bat a2 4 - 2 434 414 434 +4 14 4 Elk Horn Coal <d)._ 14 14 14 14-4 64 14 Elk Home pf (d) 14 54 54 54 -4 264 224 El Paso Nat G(I SO) 9 244 234 244 +4 | 116 110 Endlcott-J Pf (5).. 10*113 113 113 154 74 Eng Public 8ervlca. 53 164 144 154 414 | 844 454 Eng PS $5 pf (210). 1 734 734 734 -14 894, 48 EPS *5.50 ww ill. 1 76 76 76 +4 10’, 514 Eqult Office B a20c x 4 10* 94 94 — 4 184 11 Erie R R_ 4 154 154 154 344 16 Erie R R let pf_ 2 294 294 294 + 4 29 114 Erie R R 2d pf _ 1 234 234 234 -14 404 234 Evans Produet(tl). 5 314 314 314 +4 84 44 Exchange Buffet... 7 64 64 54 —4 54 24 Fairbanks Co_220* 44 4 4 —4 26 84 Fairbanks Co pf... 10a 24 23 234+4 704 344 Falrh'ks-Morse(tl) 6 66 64 65 59 314 Falardo Sugar (I)_. 4 68 67 57 —4 274 184 Federal L,t A Trac.. 26 264 25 264 +14 92 37 Fed Min A Smaller. 2 78 774 78 +1 124 74 Federal Mot Tr 40a. 6 ,94 94 94 +4 64 3 Fed Screw Works3 5 44 44 - 4 6 24 Fed Water Sto iA). 16 64 44 5 464 204 Fed d Dept St al.(0- 2 434 43 434 494 38 Fid Phoe F 1 (T1.20) 2 44 434 44 +4 364 244 FirestoneTA R (2) 11 354 344 354 + 4 1054 100* Flresmnepf A IS >. 2 1044 1044, 1044 584 40 First Nat Stra 24- 1 53 63 53 —4 45 304 Flintkote Co tl t . 73 404 39* 40 +14 Florence Stove 46 564 55 65 Florence Stove war 7 26 254 254 114 34 Follanabee Bros *d> 3 7* 74 74 + 4 474 32 Food Machine <11— 3 444 444 444 + 4 1134 106 Food Mach pfHVi)- 10a 1144 1144 1144 +14 434 244 Foster-Wbeeler . 9 424 424 424 - 4 474 304 Fourth Natl a2.25.. 11 464 454 464 +4 354 2.34 Freeport-Texas IU 18 274 264 264 + 4 135 108 Freeport-Tex pf (6) 20a 112 1114 112 +1 U 78 474 Fuller Co pr pf_ 20a 764 764 764 -4 " 684 314 Fuller Co 2d of_ 70a 46 464 464 +4 74 34 Gabriel Co (A)_ 10 54 6 6 - Vi 30 114 Gamewell Co .. 60s 284 27a, 274 174 154 Gar Wood Ind a55c. 9 17 16V* 17 +4 144 84 Gen Am Jnv ia75c) x 4 134 134 134 + 4 1044 97 Gen Am Jnv pf (6) x 1 103 103 103 +14 76 424 Gen Am Trans <a3) 3 74* 744 744 - V, 20 104, Gen Baking (t*0c)_ 30 18 174 174 +4 114 7 Gen Bronze_ 4 94 9 9 234 54 Gen Cable_ 18 234 224 234 + 4 514 17 Gen Cable A_ 3 494 49 494 + V* 69V, 49 Gen Cigar <t4)_ 3 604 60 50 -14 634 344 Gen Electric (tl)_ 28 524 514 524 + 4 44 334 Gen Foods tl.lO)— 11 39* 394 394 -4 44 4 Gen GasA Eleo (A) 136 3 24 24 +4 71 14 Gen GAE 6%c* pf A 10« 66 65 65 +1 77 19 Gen GasAEl 7% pf. 20s 704 704 70V, 704 68 Gen Mills (*) 1 614 614 614 123 116 GenMillepf(l) ... 10s 119 119 119 +4 77 534 Gen Motors <a4 4). 79 70 684 70 +14 1234 118 Gen Motors pf (6).. 2 122 1214 122 +4 104 64 Gen Outdoors Adv.. 80 114 104 114 +14 534 184 Gen Outdoor Ad* A. 19 64 4 604 644 +4 72 38 Gen Print Ink (a5). 4 704 70 70 110 106 Gen Print Ink pfU) 10a 109* 1094 109* + 4 64 34 Gen Pub 8*r*lC*--_ 19 6 44 44 +4 65 824 Gen Ry Signal (1 >_ 2 544 54 544 + 4 44 2 Gen Realty A Otll._ 99 44 4 4 44 + 4 474 264 Gen Realty A V pf.. 26 48 464 464 + 4 62 384 Gen Refrac (a2fc).. 1 63 624 624 +14 89 324 Gen Stl Casting pf 100a 854 834 83V, -14 | 304 17 Gen Theatre E <a2). 29 294 284 294 +14 ! 444 304 Gen Time In* U» .. 1 374 374 87* - Vi 184 134 Gillette Saf R (tl)- 10 16 1S4 154-4 274 64 Glmbel Bros . 14 244 244 244 — 4 92 84 Glmbel Bros pf (6). 1 90 90 90 -4 654 394 Gllddan Co (1)_ 16 41 404 404 -4 74 84 Gobelt Adolf)_ 66 64 64 64 + 4 104 64 Ooebe) Brew (tJOe) S 6»» 64 6S 334 134 Goodrich (BF) (all 69 36 334 35 +14 864 74 Goodrich(BF)pf(t) 2 844 844 844 - 4 314 214 Goodyear T AH 46 294 284 294 + 4 105’* 1024 Goody-r TAR of <5 ) 3 1054 1054 1054 - 4 116 87 Goodyear *7 pf (4).. 7 115 11*4 1144-4 144 84 Gotham Bilk Hose.. 10 134 13 134 + 4 964 77 Goth SUk H pt (1)-. 60a 96 4 96 964 + 34 44 2 Graham-Palge- 13 3 24 3 +4 114 14 Granby (Id stpd)— 28 6 4 6 64 +4 64 34 Grand Duion ctfs— 8 54 54 54 +4 264 16 Grand Un pf (*14) 2 24 234 24 48 244 Granite City Stl Ml 2 42 414 414 +4 6214 28V» Grant(W TMT1.40) S I 47 47 47 + % 46% 32% Grt Northern pt 14 41% 4114 41%+ % 22% 16 Grt North's Or* (1) 8 19% 18% 19 + % 41 31 Grt West Sug (2.40)s 8 40% 39% 3914 - % 39% 22 Gr**n (H LlColtll 2 36% 36 86 - % 65 60% Green Bay AW (5). 10s 62% 62% '62%-2% 96 65 Green*Caaanea (3) 10s 80 80 80 +2 17% 16% Greyhound (T80e) a 17 16% 16% 16% 4% 1% Guantanamo Sugar 6 4% 4 4 — % 66 24 Guantanamo Sug of 10s 65 65 66 62% 30% Gulf Mobile* N pt. 6 66 63 56 +1% 63 28% Gulf States Steel- 4 61 69% 61 +1% 37 33 Hack W pf A (1%). 20s 36 36 36 18% 6 HalHWK) Print lug. 18 15% 14% 14% 82 14 Hamilton Watch 2 28% 28% 28% + % 106% 100 Hanna (M A) pf (!) 20s 102 102 102 -1% 62% 30% Harb-Walker 173). 8 60 49% 60 + % 18% 12 Hat Corp of Am (A) 8 17 17 17 9 4% Hay** Body ... 6 6% 6% 6% 183 101% Haiel Atlas G1 <tl). 1 100 100 100 -1% 21% 12% HeckerProd (60c)_ 29 14% 13% 14% + % 41 25% Hercules Mot vtl)~ 3 36% 35 36% +1% 149% 84 Hercules Pow a5%. 1 148 148 148 80 68% Hershey Choc 13)— 2 66 64% 64%-2% 119 102 Herahey Cpf <T*>_ 1 107 107 107 -2 49% 80% Holland Fur <al 14). 8 48% 48% 48%-% 122 108 Holland Furs pf(61 20* 128 121% 123 +1 88% 9 HollandASons tSPc. 1 24% 24% 24%-% 14 % HolIASon rts Deer* 14 1 II tt - 4 42 19% Holly Sugar (t3) - 8 42 41% 42 + % 44% 39% Houd-H*reh(A)3%. 1 42% 42% 42%+% S3 22% Houd-Her (B) til*. 2 27% 27 27 - % 13% 6% Houston Oil Tte-. 79 18% 18% 18% - % 88 48% How* Sound »t3)._ I 68 87 68 + % 6% 8% Hudson * Marihat-. 1 4% 4% 4% - % 39% 18% fludoba Motor Car. 90 90% >0 90% + % V 3:16 p.m. I Prcv. 1036 Mock and Sale*- Ret Uch. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. OIom. Chge. 34 1 Hupp Motors_-_ 16 2 14 2 + 4 294 18H Illinois Conuml_ 10 244 234 24 ■ 734 68 111 Cent lee lines (4) 10* 68 68 68 414 254 Indu Rayon (11.6*). 4 374 374 374 -4 122 884 InlandSteel (tl)_ 1118 118 118 164 64 Inspiration Copper. 19 154 144 164 +14 74 5 InsSh Md efsaZOe. 2 54 54 54 +4 184 114 Inter Rap Tvto <d). 8 12V. 124 124 64 24 Xntarcontl Rubber.. 16 64 6 5 164 94 Interlake Iron 64 164 144 164 +14 64 24 Int Agricultural.._ 11 64 6 6 —4 474 22V* Int Agrleul pr pf_ 6 46 484 434 -24 103 4 664 Int Harroeter 31*.. 36 1044 103 1034+14 104 24 Int Hydro Elec (A). 69 104 9 4 94 + 4 8 44 Int Mercantile Mar. 2 64 54 54 — 4 154 10 jntl Minina (aSOcj.. 14 15 144 144 664 434 Int Nickel (al.30)_ 32 634 624 634 +4 234 34 Int Paper* Pw <A) 28 22 204 204 -14 144 24 Int Paper * Pw (B) 14 144 134 14 +4 84 14 Int Paper * Pw 1C) 60 74 74 74 -4 974 204 Int PaperPw pf„ 18 964 944 954 +1 48V* 37 Inti Print Ink (t2) — 1 464 464 464 -4 114 84 Int Ry Cent Amar_. 40s 94 84 84— 4 114 8 Int Ry Cent Am rte 40* 8 7 4 74 — 4 614 194 Int Rwy Cent A pf. 70s 66 564 66 +1 534 47 Int Shoe <tl)_x 1 474 474 474 -4 35 15 Int Silver - 1 124 304 32 +14 93 50 Int Silver nf (14)_ 30* 88 85 88 +24 194 114 Int Tel A Tel ... 36 124 124 124-4 374 104 Interstate D S a50o. 2 344 334 334 —4 107 82 Int Dept Strspf(7). 10» 1044 1044 1044 - 4 224 15 Intertype Corp (1). 1 194 194 194 -4 314 244 Island Creek (31... 1 294 294 294 + 4 145 88 Johns-Manvilledt) 2 14C 1454 1454 + 4 133 764 JonesAL 7% pf j3\ 20s 1284 1274 1274 - 84 604 894 Kalamazoo S (Tl).. 2 484 484 484 + 4 26 13 Kane City Souther* 64 234 22 23 +14 484 194 KansCSpf (el) .. 15 464 45 454 + 4 364 17 Kauf’nn D S tl.60_. 3 81 304 304 -1 334 244 Kayaer JACo(al4) 4 26 26 26 +4 284 20 Kelsey-H (A) al4 . 44 204 20 204 -4 244 18 Kelsey-H (B) al'A- 10 184 18 18 - 4 254 144 Kelvlnator (t50e)__ 61 214 204 21 —4 634 284 Kennecott (al.70).. 63 604 594 60*. +14 244 174 KeyatoneSAW (X). 32 204 194 20 +4 464 184 Kimberly Clark(l). 14 464 424 424 -4 74 34 Kinney (O R) Co_ 7 6 54 6 —4 61 30 Kinney (O R) pf_ 290s 55 53 634 - 4 184 44 Kreege Dept Stra_ 2 124 124 124 324 204 Kreege (S S) (tl)-. 18 284 284 284 - 4 1104 994 Kresge (S 8)pf(7>. 10s 994 994 994 -4 28 194 Kroger GAB(tl.60) 12 224 224 224 - 4 334 204 Laclede Gas (St L). 20s 264 264 264 504 32 Laclede Gaa8tLpf 20s 414 394 394 -1 264 154 Lambert Co IX)_ 34 204 194 194 + 4 184 74 Lane Bryant_ 1 164 164 164 + 4 184 12 Lee RubATlre(50c). 7 174 174 174 + 4 454 154 Leh Port Cem't(a2). S 39 384 384 +4 4 2 Leblgh Valley Coal. 6 34 3 3 —4 19 94 Lehigh Val Coal pf. 4 18 174 174 + 4 22 8|pLehtgh Valley R R- 4 204 194 194 -4 1234 89 Lehman Corp (tX)_ 1 122 122 122 214 12 Lehn A fink al 4 .. 3 19 184 184 65 374 Larner Stores (t2)_ 5 624 62 62 —4 804 474 Llbbey-Ow G1 s3 4_ 6 764 75 75 -24 18 7 Libby. McNALil. 14 104 10 104 + S 114 25 Life,Saver (tl.60)., 1 274 274 274 4 115 91 Llgg A Myers (t4)- 3 1044 104 1044 +4 1164 974 LlggAMvers B (T4). 15 1064 1054 1064 - 4 ’ 234 19 Lily Tulip Cup 114 2 214 214 214 +4 634 254 Lima Locomotive.- 12 624 62 624 — 4 55 36 Link Belt < + 2) .. 3 55 644 544 464 824 Liquid Carb (2*0) „ 11 444 444 444 —4 65j* 43 Loew i ino (t3)-_— 12 64 4 634 644 +1 34 2 Loft Inc . 12 24 24 24 -4 614 354 Done Star Cmt(t2). 11 584 674 574 — 4 84 34 Long Bell Lum (A). 47 74 64 74 + 4 4.6 384 Looae-Wllee (Z)_ 2 414 414 414 113 107 Loose-Wiles pf (5). 10s 110 110 110 264 214 Lorillard (P) tl.20. 15 234 224 224 -4 151 140 Lorillard (P> pf(7) 20, 142 142 142 514 13 LaOll Rsf Pf Id). 300, 324 304 31 -14 304 20 LoulsvGAEpfA 1H 6 26 254 26 +4 1024 574 Louis A Nash (aS)_. 3 95 94 95 -4 35 224 Ludlum Steel (tl).. 26 294 284 294 +4 37 29 Me Call Corp < 12> __ 1 354 354 354 + 4; 234 124 McCrorv Storea .. 4 194 194 194 - 4 1 46 404 McGraw Elec (t2)_. 1 444 444 444 24 16 McGraw Hill Pub . 3 234 234 234 + 4 494 384 McIntyre Poreu (X) 2 404 40 40 1184 85 McKeespt Tin a54. 11 86 854 854 -14’ 144 84 McKesson A Rob .. 74 144 134 134 494 374 McKessARob pf <X). 1 454 454 454 -4 214 114 MeLellan Strs*20e. 5 184 18 18-4 494 274 Mack Trucks (Tl) .. 12 464 454 464 + S 664 404 Macy (R H» Co (X). 11 574 554 654 -14! 154 84 Madison 8q G t*0o_ 8 154 16 154 -4 9 14 Manatl Sugar (d)_ 3 74 7 7 — 41 354 74 Manatl Sug pf (d)_. 180s 294 284 284 -14! 18 7 Mandel Bros_ 1 IS 15 15 - 4 234 134 Man El md gtd (d). 12 144 134 144 +4 574 324 Man Elevgtd (dl... 90, 354 33 36 +2 244 174 Manhat Shirt (1)_ 1 224 22*. 224 + 4 64 24 Maracaibo Oil El». 4 44 44 44 124 84 Marine Midl'd t40c. 16 104 104 104 34 14 Market St Ry 10s 24 24 24 254 114 Marshall yield A Co 21 204 194 204 -4 12 64 Martin Parry 2 84 8 84 424 274 Mathlesen Alk(14) 1 40 40 40 +4 163 1534 Mathleson pf A (7). 20, 163 163 163 70 434 Mav Dept Stra (3).. 5 674 664 664-4 214 134 Maytag Co (a50c)._ 3 154 154 154-4 284 124 Mead Corp_ 39 28*. 274 28 — 4 i 114 64 Mangel Co_ 13 114 104 104 -4 1044 60 Mengel Co pf _ 30, 1034 100 101 -2 65 404 Mesta Mach a3*i_._ 6 64 634 634 -4 134 54 Miami Copper .. 86 134 124 134 +14 304 174 Mid-Cont Petal.15 19 30 294 30 +1 484 214 Mid’ld Stl Prod <t2)x 4 44 43 434 -4 109 88 Mllw El KALpf (*> 10, 105 105 106 +1 124 64 Minn Moline Pwr 98 114 10** 11 +4 83 574 Minn-Moline pf(t3)x 4 85 83 844 +44 64 24 M St PAS S M Is In 250, St, 54 54 + 4 264 164 Mission Corp(a45c) 32 29 264 29 +24 I 94 64 Mo Kans A Texas 16 74 74 74 —4 334 144 Mo Kan A Tex pf A. 5 274 274 274 + 4 4 24 Missouri Padflc(d) 1 24 24 24 — 4 74 34 Mo Pacific Of (d) . 18 64 64 64 -4 314 194 Mohawk Carp tl.20- 17 314 304 304 -4 103 79 Monsanto ChemtTll 6 994 99 99'* + 4 68 354 Montgom Ward(t2) 26 664 654 654 594 42 Morrell J A Co 2.40 l 434 43*» 434 - 4 71 604 MorrlaAEssex(X4 ) 10s 67 67 67 24 ** Mother Lode al24e 14 14 1*4 14 434 284 Motor Prod it2> 1 374 374 374 -14 27 154 Motor Wheel (1.60). 4 234 234 234 + 4 394 11V* Mullins Mfi B)aB0c 4 37 364 364 364 21 Munsingwear (t3). x 2 32 314 314 -24 794 44 Murphy GC (t2> — 1 734 734 734 -1 224 14 Murray Corp (a50c) 23 184 184 184 — 4 214 15 Nash Motors (1)_ 48 164 164 164 — 4 474 204 Nashv Chat A St L- 20, 40 394 394 -4 184 124 Natl Acme (a75c)._ 36 174 164 174 +4 154 94 Nat Aviation (al).. 2 144 134 134 -4 384 284 Nat Biscuit (1.60).. 61 334 324 324 164 153 Nat Biscuit pf (7) _ 1 1.684 1584 1584 + 4 374 344 NatR'd A lnval.ll. 3 344 344 344 -4 324 214 Nat Cash Bee (al).. 9 30*. 304 304 + 4 284 21 Nat Dairy Pro al4. 29 24 234 234 244 10 Nat Dept Stores .. 13 204 194 194 - 4 334 254 Nat Dist Prod (+2). 15 294 294 294 — 4 364 264 Nat Lead (t50c) 6 354 354 354 -4 Nat Malleable* Stl. 14 614 594 60 144 94 Nat Pwr A Lt (60c) 142 124 114 124 +4 14 4 Nat Ry Mex 2d of 6 4 4 4 78 574 Natl Steel (t2 4)_ 5 75 744 75 +4 754 194 Nat Supply Co _ 1 694 694 694 -14 130 744 Nat Supply pf J3 4 - 1 133 133 133 +3 134 10V* Natomas itxoc) .. 3 124 124 124 + 4 60 32 Nelsner Bros (t2)_ 5 594 59 594 +1 644 41 Newberry<JJ)t2.40 t 604 604 604 - 4 43 104 New Orl TAM (d>.. 30, 22 22 22 -6 394 9 Newp't Indus a60c.. 61 40 38 384 — 4 82 324 N T Airbrake a23 83 814 83 +2 494 274 M Y Central K K .. 43 444 44 44 -4 534 174 N T Chicago A St L*. 2 44 434 434 -4 95 364 N T Chi A St L pf— 2 824 824 824 - 4 16 34 NT Dock_210g 114 104 104-1 294 104 NT Dock pf_ 80, 244 24 4 244 +4 24 INT Investors <d)._ 34 2 14 2 64 3 NY NH A Hid)_ 37 5 44 44 +4 144 74 NT NH A H pf (d)-. 21 134 134 1*4 +4 74 4 N Y Ontario* Wait 3 8 6 5+4 154 94 NT Shipbuilding... 9 114 114 114+4 104 83 N V Steam pf (6) . a 20a 984 984 984 +14 24 14 Norfolk Southn (d>. 2 2 14 2 134 64 North Am Aviation. 131 134 124 124 354 234 North Am Co (tl)— 178 324 314 314 +4 59 524 North Am Co Pf (3) x 2 644 644 644 -1 364 234 Northern Paclde.. . 42 274 27 274 + 4 44 2 Norwalk TlreARub. 11 84 34 314 174 124 Ohio OH (aSOc)- 48 16 154 154 + 4 644 244 Oliver Farm Equip. 15 524 61 514 — 4 254 17 Omnibus Corp vte— 74 204 19 194 + 4 194 8 Oppenheim Collins. 4 164 164 164 — 4 394 244 Otis Elevator a75e.. 8 374 364 374 + 4 136 123 Otis Elsv pf («)- 20s 131 1SI 131 +4 204 124 Otis Steel ... —_ at l* i (*» + v, 1204 70 Otis Steel pr pf ._ 2 1184 1184 1184—4 164 128 Owene-lllOl (at).. 8 1664 165 1664 + 4 22 13 Pao Am Ftsner (1). 7 21 204 204 -4 15 34 Pacific Coast—260* 144 134 134 —4 824 84 Pacific Coast 1 at_ 20e 29 284 284 —4 294 44 Pacific Coast Id .. 160* 26 244 244 — 4 394 32 Pacific Finan tl *0- 2 314 314 314 +14 41 304 Pacific G A B (14 >- 22 364 364 364 +4 684 444 Pac Light <tJ.40)__ 16 47 464 464 +4 4714 144 Pacific Mills (al) .. 5 464 454 454 -1 214 114 Pac WesfnOllatSc 28 224 214 22 +1 134 64 Packard Mot(a45e) 66 114 11 114+4 204 124 Pan Am Petr U60c) 1 144 144 144 — 4 44 14 Panhandle Pro A R. 2 34 34 34 +4 744 184 Panhandle PAR pf. 10e 65 66 66 -14 974 67 Paraffin# Co <tJ)_ 2 764 76 764 +3 234 74 Paramount Piet 167 224 224 224 170 69 Para Pic let pf (t)_* 11 160 1674 168 +3 214 84'Para Pic 2nd pf tOc. 76 214 204 204 +4 854 174 Park A Tilford (8)_ 1 84 84 34 +4 64 24 Park Utah 94 44 44 44 +4 504 40H Park# Darla (al 4) 1 444 444 444 324 23 Parker Rust PtlVi 8 284 274 284 +4 10 44 Parmele# Traaep’t. 14 64 64 64 +4 114 64 Path# Film Corp_ 49 104 104 104 -4 174 104 Patino Hines_ 7 164 144 164 + 4 34 14 Peerleaa Motor_ 8 34 34 34 73 60 PenlckAFord 1 68 68 68 -1 1124 69 Penney(JC) (a74) 7 1014 1004 1014 + 4 64 34 Penn Coal A Coke. _ X 64 64 64-4 104 44 Penn Dixie CamenL. 4 74 74 74 — 4 74 284 Penn Dixie Cpf A.- 9 67 66 67 +14 274 17 PeM Glass af a sit*. 1 20 90 20 J !y 1:16 p m. Prtt J936 Stock end Sales— Met Ilkh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add on. Rich. Low. Close. Chte. 46 28% Penas Kallroad(aZ) 38 41% 40% 41% + % 68 38 Psoplss Gas Chi . V 52% 60% 51% 41% 89 6* Pere Marquette pf 6 86 83 86 43 112 64% Pere Marq pr pf 120 1 106% 106% 106%-1% 18 12% PetC'pof Am a90c. 16 16% 16% 16% 19% 10% Pfeiffer Brew il 20) 13 11% 11% 11%-% 65% 26% Phelps Dodge al % . 27 65% 54 55% 41 54% *5% PhilaCo 6% pf (3) 2 53 52% 52% 4 % 12 3% Phils RapTrid). 190s 7% 7% 7% 4 % 16% 8% Phils Rap Tr pf (d) 220a 14 13% 13%-% 3% 1% Phils * Rsad CA 1. 18 2% 2% 2% 101% 66 Phillip Morris (1).. 12 73% 72 73% 4 % 49% 38% Phillips Pat (s2 %). 13 47% 47% 47% 4 % 84 70 Phoenix H pf (3%). 20s 76 76 76 17 8 Pierce Oil pf_ 16 16% 14 16% 42% 3 1% Pierce Petroleum.. 120 3 2% 2% — % 37% 28% PlUsbur? FI (1.60). 1 29% 29% 29% 4 % 17% 7% Pitts Coal .. 3 17% 16*. 16%-% 13% 7% Pitts Screw »52%c. 13 12% 12% 12% 4 % 106 49 Pitta Steal pf ... 40a 104 104 104 4% 1% Pitte Term Coal_ 5 4% 4% 4% 80% 14 Pitts Term Coal pf. ]0s 29 29 29 - % »4 24 Fitts united corn— 14 34 34 34-4 11214 584 Pitts United Cpf_140a 110 108 110 +1 414 21 Pitts* W V*_ 50* 36 354 36 414 34 14 Plttston Co _ 2 24 24 24 - 4 234 114 Plymouth Oil (tl).. *8 24 4 234 24 +4 294 12 Poor * Co (B) _ 7 294 284 284 -14 94 44 Porto R Am Tob A.. 88 94 9 94 34 14 Porto R Am Tob B_. 13 34 34 34 134 64 Postal Tel*Cpf (d) 11 124 114 114-4 264 174 Pressed Steel Car . 44 27 254 264 +4 264 174 Press Stl 1 at pf 25e. 1 264 264 264 704 574 Press Stl 2d pf 2 4 5 704 694 704 + 24 544 404 Proctor * Gam tl 4 27 554 544 644 1224 1164 Proc * Gam pf (6)_. 10* 118', 118', 1184 + 4 604 39 PubSyeN J (2.40)_ 43 484 464 48 + V. 113 1034 Pub Sve N J pf <i). 3 1064 106V. 106'i - 4 1444 128 Pub Svc N J pf <7)_ 1 1364 1364 1364 - 4 654 364 Pullman Ino (14).. 7 624 624 624 + 4 244 16 Pur* Oil _ 76 19 184 164 — 4 1334 103 Pure 011 8% pf_ 40* 1084 108', 1084 204 94 Purity Bak (t40c)_. 13 184 184 184+4 144 94 Radio Corp _ __ 142 124 114 12 80 684 Radio Corp pf A 84 6 79 784 79 104 5 Radio-Kelth-Or <d) 27 8 4 8 4 84 - 4 20 11 RR Sec 111 Cent ... 10* 15 15 15 -4 384 284 Raybeatos-M tl4— 2 354 354 354 504 354 Reading (2) 1 43', 434 434 164 94 Real Silk Hosiery 1 124 124 124 + 4 100 654 Real Silk pf (U04) 170* 100 994 100 44 14 Reis (Kobt) . 3 4 34 34 244 124 Reliable Stra a50e.. 8 204 19V, 20 — 4 25 174 Rem Rand (t50c) _ 25 23 224 224 — 4 904 83 P.m Rnd pf ww *4. 2 85 844 85 + 4 84 44 Reo Motor Car 25 5 4 6 4 54 + 4 284 164 Republic Steel . 212 294 284 294 +1 1274 77 P.epub Steel pf J12. 1 126 126 126 -14 1044 784 Rep Stl pr pf A («). 3 974 974 974 -14 304 10 Revere Copper . 8 30V. 29 30 + 4 64 244 Revere Copper (A). 1 64 64 64 +1 98 974 Revere C& B pf 5 4 20s 96 954 96 + 4 34 224 Reynolds Met (til 8 274 264 264 -4 364 25 Reynolds Spring tl. 1 314 314 314-4 60V, 50 Reynolds Ton B is, 7 584 584 58',— 4 134 8*. Rhine Westpnalia . 2 114 11 114+14 65 32 Roan Ante Cal.12.. 22 64 6.3 634-4 1174 744 Ruberoid Co (tl)--. 3 110 110 110 +2 104 54 Rutland R R pf . 3 6s. 64 64 494 27 Safeway Stores(t2) 6 444 434 44 114', H04 Safeway Stra pf (7)i 10a 112 1114 112 +t 474 22 St Joseph Ld (al).. 13 494 47 49', +24 34 IV) St b-San Fran (4).. 6 24 24 24 64 24 St LcSan Fr pf td)_. 18 54 5 5V. + Vi 174 11 Savage Arms al)_ 1 154 154 154 — 4 554 374 Sellenlay Diet < tl). 27 524 52 52*. + V. 1014 97V. Sclienley D pf <54) 2 974 974 974 -4 44 14 Schulte R Stra (d).. 39 2*. 24 24 + 4 204 74 Schulte R S pf (d). 18 194 184 194 +14 76 634 Scott Paper <t2)_ 50* 69 68'.. 684 — *, 14 4 Seaboard Air L )d>. 89 14 14 14 34 2 Seaboard A L, pf(d) 79 54 5 54 +4 434 304 Seaboard 011 <11... 42 404 394 404 +4 74 34 Sea grave Corp _ 3 64 64 64— 4 1014 694 Sear* Roebuck (tZ) 25 97 96 96-4 5 24 Second Natl invest 3 44 4*, 44 90 614 Sec Nat Inv pf 74 65 go* 884 88 884 + 4 314 154 Servel Inc (tl) . 7 29 4 294 294 +4 324 204 Sharon Steel (*l. »i) 8 324 314 32 +4 104 89 Sharon Stl H of (6) 1 103 103 103 +4 114 44 Shame A Dohme 48 114 104 114 + 4 194 114 Shattuck F G(t.50c) 2 174 174 174 -4 28 144 Shell Un Oil U25e) 10 27 264 27 + 41 127', 1101, Shell Un Oil pf 61* , 4 125 1234 125 +14 144 84 Silver King (60e)__ 36 124 12 124 +4 484 194 Simmons Co <a3)__ 5 45 444 44’. + 4 64 34 Simms Petrol- 2 4 34 34 43 194 Skelly OU . ... 24 44’, 424 44 +14 85 54 Sloss-Sheflleld Stl.. 20s 65 84 85 72 404 Smith (AO) _ 39 54 48 54 +54 284 21 Snider Packing 42 264 25 264 +24 17vy 124 Socony Vac OU a70e 49 154 154 154 74 34 So Am G A P(a30c) 34 6 44 44 + 4 .354 26 South Port S (+2>_ 4 314 304 31 + 4 324 25 South Cal Ed (lfc) 1ft 30 294 294 - 4' 474 234 Southern Pacific_ 92 434 424 424 — 4 254 124 Southern Railway. 104 254 244 254 +1 52 19 Southern Ry pf 93 524 504 514 +14 59 34 So Ry M&Oetfs (4) 1 67 S7 67 +1 114 64 Spalding (A G)_ 2 11 11 11 94 54 Sparks-Wlthlngton 21 84 84 84 244 154 Sperry C’pyte (al). 13 224 224 224 +4 *7 134 Spicer Mfg <*3) ... 2 314 314 314 -14 1144 63 Splegel-Ma.v-S (3) 1 107 107 107 -1 434 214 Square D Co (al *.). 3 424 424 424 —4 184 144 Stand Brands t80c 46 154 154 154 — 4 129 120’, Stand Brands pf (7) 2«« 1234 1224 1224 -14 134 94 Stand Com Tobacco 44 124 114 12 + 4 94 54 Stand Gas* El (di 210 94 84 94+4 254 94 Stand G*E#4 pf (*) 122 264 244 254 +4 684 244 Stand G&E 16 pf(d) 41 62 60 614+3 684 264 Stand G*E 87 pf (d: 70 724 69 704 +14 3a* 2 Stand Jnv Corp_ 16 34 3 34 +4 474 36 Stand Oof Cal (tl). 23 41 404 404 45V* 324 Stand Oil of 2nd tl. 27 444 444 444 +4 704 514 Stand Oil of N J (Tt 24 664 664 664 -r 4 404 24V* Starrett (LS) 1.140. 1 36', 36 4 364 + 4 784 65 Sterling Prod T3.SU. 6 714 704 714 24V, 164 Stew-Warner T50c 15 194 194 194 264 144 Stone & Web < a 2 50 83 254 244 254 +4 154 94 Studebaker Corp 110 144 134 144 + 4 91 72 SunOll(tl) _ 3 77 76', 77 + t, 125 118 Sun Oil pf If) 40a 123*. 1234 1234 - 14 51 27 Superheater (a95c) 8 524 514 524 +14 64 3 Superior Oil _ 92 54 6 5 —4 354 94 Superior Steel 44 36 344 354 +1 374 23 Suthertnd Pap tl.80 2 354 35 35 -4 264 204 Swift* Co (tl.JO).. 41 254 244 264 +14 354 284 Swift lntl Ltd i*) 5 324 32 324 +4 19 15 Symgton-Gould ww. 20 18 174 174 — 4 144 124 Symingtn Gould xw 9 13*. 134 134 - 4 94 64 Telautograph (60c> 1 84 84 84 — 4 114 54 Tennessee Cop a 15c. 20 10*. 104 104 604 284 Texas Corp'n (tl) 66 504 494 494 — 4 84 44 Texas Gulf Pr (a5e) 45 84 84 84+4 444 33 Tex Gulf Sul (t2)— 18 394 384 394 -4 49 28 Texaa A Pec R R - 1 42 42 42 -4 154 74 Tex PaeCAO*25e. 21 134 124 124 144 94 Texas P L T (alOc). 19 114 11 114-4 484 334 Thatcher Mfg (tl). 4 39 38 38 -14 16 84 The Fair 1 12 12 12-4 110 85 The Fair pf (7)_ 30s 954 95 95 124 84 Thermold CO 17 114 114 114+4 414 234 Third Nat Inv al.9U. 2 404 39 404 +14 324 244 Thomp Prod (al4 ) 2 29 29 29 84 44 Thompson Starrett. 28 7 4 64 64 — 4 394 26 Thompson Star pf.. 8 344 344 344 — 4 214 144 Tide W AssoOOOe. 11 20 194 20 +4 1064 1004 Tide Wat A Opf(«> 1 105 105 105 +4 274 124 Timken Detrolt(tl) 32 244 234 244 - 4 744 66 Timken Roll B (t2) 11 734 724 734*+ 4 184 11 Transamerlc* T40e 44 174 174 174 + 4 274 144 TransAWn Air a25c 66 194 184 19 + 4 184 104 TransueAW ItSOc). 27 194 174 184 + 4 12 74 Tricontinental a50c. 14 94 94 94 + 4 94 44 Truax-Tra C(a25c) 7 9 84 84 -4 28 74 Truscon Steel .. 3 22 22 22 +2 *84 224 20th Cent Fox (*2). 81 374 37 374 +4 474 314 20tn Cent F pf 114. 3 464 464 464 +4 174 84 Twin City R T .. 7 154 144 15 -4 109 654 Twin C RT pf 214.. 20* 1054 1034 105 +1 84 274 Ulen * Co 8 44 44 44 +4 99 744 Und-Bll-Fi»h(a2Ti) 7 90 88% 90 +2 70 384 Union BagAPap (2) ft 694 69 694 +4 1054 714 Union Carb AC 3.20 9 103*. 1034 1034 - 4 284 204 Union Oil Calif (1). 9 244 24 4 244 +4 1494 1084 Union Paclflo (*)... 1 1314 1314 1314 + 4 100 904 Union Paclflo pf (4) 1 974 974 974 - 4 314 224 Onion Tank C 1 20.. 5 274 274 274 +4 32 4 204 Unit Aircraft a50e.. Ill 294 284 294 +1 21 13 United Air L,ln* vte 164 194 174 184 +1 374 164 United Am Bosch_ 1 314 314 314 + 4 334 244 United Bleo (1.00).. 3 304 30 30 -1 117 ill united Blsc pr «7) — bus 114 n« — v 9«V 68 United Carbon <tS). 1 88 88 88 + 1V 9V 5V United Corp «a20c). 255 7V 6 V 7V 48V 40V United corp pt IS). 4 45V 45V 45V + V 16V 10V United Drug (a75c). 11 15V 14V 14V - V 29V 15 Unit Dyewood(l)_ 2 20V 20 20V + V BV 4 United Elec coal - 11 8 7V 7V + V 50V 82V Unit Eng A Fy <t2). 3 46V 46V 46V - V 87 66V United Fruit (73)._ 5 83V 82V 83V + V 19V 14V United Uea Imp *1) 806 15V 14V 14V + V 113V 109 United O Imp pf (5) 2 111 110V 110V - V 13V 6V United Paperboard 12 12V 12V 12V + V 23V 10 U 8 Distributing pf 160s 21V 20 20 - V 20 IS O 8 A For'n Secur_. 7 18 17V 17V + V 39V 24V US Freight <tl>—_ 2 32V 31V 32V+1 125V 80V US Gypsum Ct2)— 4 120»* 120V 120V 20V 8V U S Hoffman .. 2 18V 18V 18V + V 69 31V U S indue Alcohol- 7 40V 39V 39V -IV 9V 4V U 8 Leather etc .. 13 6V 6V «V 18V 10V U S Leather A etc — 26 14V 13V 13V - V 63V 21V U 8 Pipe A Fy(l V). 80 62V 61V 62V + V 19V 7V U 8 Realty A Imp— 46 18V 17V 17V - V 48V 16V U 8 Rubber - 35 47V 46V 46V + V 101 47 O 8 Rubber latpf- 3 88V 97V 98V +1V 103V 72V O 8 Smelting (alO) 22 89V 87 88V + IV 79V 46V U 8 8teel ... 181 78V 76V 78V + IV t54V 115V U 8 Steel pf (T).— 1141 141 141 +1 144 131 US Tobacco «t*) — 1 182V 132V 132V -6V 168 160 U 8 Tobacco pf (7). 10* 160V 162V 160V-2 8V 6 United Stores (A) 16 7V 7V 7V - V 92 8TV UnlT Leaf Toh (tt) 2 87V 87V 87V - v 7 8V UtllPwr ALt <A»- 1.09 4V 4W 4V + V 2V 1 Vadaeo Satea Corp- 10 2V 2V 2V + V 27V 16V Vanadium Corp — 30 26V 24V 26V -t- IV 49V 28V Van Raalte (aiV>- » 42V 42 42V VIV 48V 40 Vick Cham (t») - 2 42V 42V 42V -IV (Continued on Pace 17.) X Steels, Utilities and Wide Variety of Specialties As sume Lead. < * Slock Averages so ii it w Indust. Ralls. Util. Rtks Net change. +.4 +.2 +.4 +.3 Today, noon. 96.6 39.1 51.9 10.9 Previous day 96.2 36.9 51.5 70.6 Month ago.. 97.9 39.5 51.7 11.8 Year ago... 10.9 2*4 42.3 53.2 1936 high... 99 3 43.5 53.7 12.* 1936 low_ 13.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1935 high... 76.3 31.2 44.7 56.1 * 1935 low- 49.5 1*.5 21.6 34 * 1932 low- 17.5 * 7 23.9 16.9 1929 high...146 9 153.9 1*4.3 157.7 1927 low- 51.6 95.3 61.* 61.S (Compiled by tht Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Assoclatea Prees Financial Writer. NEW YORK. December 14.—Pivotal issues, led by the steels and utilities, together with a wide assortment of * specialties, pumped up a substantial recovery in today * stock market. The pace was fast at Intervals, when the ticker tape lagged. Despite occasional period* of selling, gains of fractions to 2 or more point* were prominent at the close. Transfer* were around 2.850.000 share* An upward push in staples prices was a bolstering Influence for the share list. Lead and xine moved to six-year highs and wheat jumped the limit at Chicago on European short age advices. Rubber futures registered new tops. Steel leaders responded briskly to the report of the American Iron and Steel Institute placing this week's mill operations at a peak level since Feb ruary. 1930. up 2.6 points from tha previous week. The utilities were given a run fol lowing action of the Supreme Court in returning the Duke Power case to the lower court for retrial. Most of these shares bacvked away from their best when it was realised the consti tutionality of Public Works Adminis tration lending to municipal power plants has yet to be decided. CHICAGO GRAIN Bs the A*ftocia'ed Pr^a*. CHICAGO. December 14—Wholf sale smashing of top-price records for all grains swept the Chicago wheat market up late today an extreme of 7% cents a bushel. Surprise estimates were current that Germany would need to Import 37.» 000.000 bushels of wheat this season and Italy perhaps more than double that amount. Moat of the big advance of prices was held at the last with new waves of buying overcoming the effect of immense profit taking. At the close, Chicago, wheat futures were 5 to 63« above Saturday's finish, December. 1.35-1.353,: May. 1 297i; corn, 234-3'2 up: December. l.OS3,-1*: May, new, l.0534-l 06; Oats. l'a*2*» advance, and provisions varying from 5 cents setback to 25 cents gain. WHEAT— Open. Hiah. Low. Close. • Der _ ..1.32 136', 1.3i* 1 35-3 A", M»v __ 1.26% 1.29% 1 ”6% J.»p% Julv_—1 14'. 1.17', 1.14’. 1.17',4 COR N — Der ...l.OT'a 1 in'. 1,07% 1 OP’,-’-. Mav. new_i 113', 1.116 1.03', 1 05%-n« May. old 1.01% 104 l.ol', 103*,-’. July n w.JW, 1.02% .93% 1.02%-% July old . .37 .33’, 96% .99'a-tt O A3 8— Dec _ .. ,43’. .52 49% .*1% M«y - 43% .51% 43% .51%-% July 45 .46'/, .44% ,45%-49 SOY BEANS— Der - - 1.4*’, Ma* _1.46 1.43’, 1 46 1.43% July _1.46 1.4* 1 46 1.48 R YE— Der _ ..1.05 1.00’, 1 05 1.03% Mav .....1.03 1 06 1.02% 106 July . . .38% 1.01 .37% 1.01 BARLEY— Der __ . ... 94 Mav _.*6% .87 ' .*6% .8? LARD— Der._ 13.55 13.55 13.50 13.58 * Jan. __ 13.42 13.55 13.42 13 58 Mar._ 13.70 13.87 13.70 13.S2-SI May — 13 97 14.10 13 97 14.05-07 July . 14 20 14.35 14.20 14.32 BELLIES— Der. . . 16.40 Jan. ... 16 80 16 SO 16.75 16.75 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No. 1 dark, hard, 1.36%: No. 1 hard. 1.34%a38; No. 2 hard, 1.34%a35: No. 2 mixed. 1.30'2a 32: corn. No. 4 mixed. 1.06: No. 1 yellow, 1.11: No. 3 yellow, 1.06a07; No. 4 vellow, 1.01%a07: No. 2 white, 109'2al0%: No. 3 white. 106%a08; No. 4 white. 1.04*05; oats. No. 1 white, 52a.54'2: No. 2 white, 51%a 52%; No. 3 white. 52a53: rye. No. 2, 1.10%; soy beans. No. 2 yellow, 1.47%a 48%; No. 3 yellow, 1.47a48: barley feed. 60*88. nominal: malting. 1.00a 37. nominal: timothy seed. S.85a6.10 per hundredweight: new. 5.60a85 pei hundredweight; clover seed, 24.00a 31.00 per hundredweight. Winnioca Prices. WINNIPEG. December 14 14*.—Gram ranae today ”rev WHEAT— Hiah. lew Close, close Dec. holiday. . -_ 1.16% May _ 1,1*’. July _ 1.14% OATS. Dec- -- .... .80 Baltimore Quotation’. BALTIMORE. December 14 ,4V—Wheal No. 2. red Winter, eartickr. spot do mestic. 1.38%: December. 1.38%. NEW YORK COTTON E* the Associated Press NEW YORK. December 14.—Cotton continued to climb to new high ground for the movement today on more active Wall Street and Western buy ing. prompted partly by strength of grain* and stock. Fairly active profit-taking on bulge* accounted for partial reaction*, but trade buying imparted a Arm under tone. March rallied from 12.42 to 12 4ft and sold at the high in midaftemoon. when price* generally were $ to 14 point* net higher. Future* closed steed? a lower to IT hither. Hi«h. Low Close December _ 12.74 12.«n 12.82-83 Janusry_ 12.51 12 45 12.48-47 March - 12.48 12.42 12.43-44 Mey -.... 12 35 12.27 12.32 July -- 12.21 12.11 12.19-20 October _ 11.8? 11.89 11.80-83 Spot steady; middling. 13.03. I Iverpeel Qaeletiens. LIVERPOOL. December 14 iA»i.—Colton. 7.0(H) bales: American nil Spot, small business done: prices 7 points hither: quo tations in pence: American, strlet tooo middlint. 7 79: good middling. 7.49. strict middling. 7.19: middlint. 8.99: strict low middlint. *.74: >*• middling. 8.27: strict good ordinary. 5.97: good ordinary. 5.87. Futures closed steady. December 8 7*: January. 8.78: March. 8.75: May. 8.77: July. 8.87; October. 8.42. RUBBER CONSUMPTION WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO fry the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 14.—»*► vember crude rubber consumption in the United States was estimated by the Rubber Manufacturers’ Associa tion today to have been 50.303 >** tons, an increase of 1.6 per cent over October and 18.9 per cent over No vember last year. Crude rubber im ports for the month were estimated at 44496 lone tons. ti