Newspaper Page Text
POWER SHARES UP SHARPLY ON CURB Gains Extend Market Rise Led Earlier by Industrial Specialties. Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 14.—Utili tiea swung into a fairly broad advance In the late trading on the Curb Ex change today. Gains in this division extended an upward movement which had been led by industrial specialties. American :Gas & Electric and Elec tric Bond Si Share improved about a point, while fractional gains were "marked up for American Light & Traction, Niagara Hudson Power, and Cities Service. Pepperell Manufacturing, Aluminum Co. of America, Creole Petroleum, Pan American Airways. Newmont, and Wayne Pump were well supported fol lowing early advances. Sherwin-Wil liams fell back about 3. ■■ .9 -Baldwin Orders In November Hit $8,876,849 Mark 8? the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA. December 14 — The monthly report of bookings by the Baldwin Locomotive Works today states the company has on hand or ders for 136 steam locomotives and 41 extra tenders. The dollar value of orders received In November by the company and sub sidiaires including the Midvale Co., amounted to $8,876,849. compared With $2,311,739 in November, 1935. The total bookings for the first. 11 months of the year is $35,744,910, compared with $16,444,965 in the fame period last year. All figures are without Intercompany elimination*. CURB BONDS DOME8TIC BONDS High. Low. Noon. Alabam Pw 4%s '67 — 93 95. 93 .Alabama Pow 5s '"8-. 98;, 98’, 98’, ^Aluminum Co os -i7 _ 106% 106% 1"6% Amer G A- E 5s 2028 _ 107% 107% lo.'/a Amer P A L 6s 2016— 100 loo ioo Am Roll Mill 5s '48—.. 10.3% 10.7% 10.1% Am Seating 6s '36 st. 106 106 106 Appalch Pow 5s '56.. 103 104’, 104% Arkans P A L 5s '56 — 104% 104' ■ 104% Asso El Inri 4%s 55 . 61s. 61% 01% Asso GE 4 % a 48 . _ 5.1 57% 53 Asso GAE 4%s '49 C 53’, 57 53’, Asso GAE os '50- 59 57 59 Asso G(C5i '68_ 58% 56% 58% A G & E 5%s '.*18 In cf 74% 73% 74% Asso G A E 5'is '7 7 __ 6 ! 67% 63 Asso TAT 5%s A '55 84 84 84 Atlas Ply 5%s '43 —— It'ol, 105% 105% Bel Tel Can 5s B '57 _ 124 174 174 Binah L H A P 5* '46._ 106 lort 106 Brmngm E! 4's '68... . 98%. 98% 98% Brmham Gas 5s '59. 87% 87", 87% Canadian Pc 6s '47 __ 117'. 117% 112*. Carolina PAL ns '56. 105% 105% 105*', Cedar R M A P 5s '5.'!.. 117% 117% 117% Cent Pow 5s D '57_ 9<>% Oil3. 90% Cant Pw A Lt 5s 56— 96 96 06 Sent Sta Elec 5s '48— 68 6.’, 68 n St El 5%, C '54.. 68% 68% 68% Cnt St P A L 5%s '53. 73 73 73 Chi Rv 5s ctfs cod '77 83 83 83 Cln Str Rv 6s B '55_l".".3, 103*, 103% Cities Service 5s '50_74 % 74 74% Cities Service 5s '66_ 74% 74% 74% Cit. Srv Pw 5%s '57.. 73 77 73 CR Srv PL 5‘s '411—. 77% 77% 77s, Com Edis As A '53 ..111 111 111 Com Edis 4s F 'si ._ j n;' . in: % lo: ' • Comntv PAL 5s '57.. 87% 81% 87% Con Gs Blto 4s 81 104’, 1947, 194’, ►COOO'.s A '43 mat ww 31 31 31 Cont GAE 5s A '58—. 03% 97% 931', Det In Brd 6%s '52 9% 9% 9% Dei In Brde 7s ’52 .. 3% 3% 3% Elec PAL 5s A 7039.. 97% 97% 07% Elmira NL.t R 5s '36—110% lio 119% Erno OAR 5%s '47 — 97 91% 97 Federal Wt 5' s '54 97% 07% 97% Firestone Tire 5s '47 194% 101V, 104', Florida PAL 5, '54 99% 99% 99% Gatineau Pw 5s ’56 193', 193 193% Gatineau Pw 6s '41 _ 101', l nl % 1 "1', Georgia Pw 5s ’67 104% 104% 194% Glen Alden C 4, '65 88 87% 88 Guardn I 5s ’48 A . . 71 70 71 Hotel Waldorf 7s '54 47% 47% 47% Hvararte Fd 6s A '49 89 SO 89 Illns Cent RR 6s '37 197 107 197 111 Pw A L 6s A '53 106% 106 196 Til Pw A L 5* C '56 194% 104% 104% Indiana Ser 5s '59_ 76% 76% 76% i Indiana S 5s A ’63 . 76', 76% 76% Tndjip PAL 5s A ’37 105% 105% 105% Int Pw Sc 7s F '57 — 74 74 7 4 Int Pw Sc 7s F '57 - 74 77 74 Inlerata Pw 3s '57 . 73% 13 73 *lntersta Pw 6s '52_89% 60% 69% Inter P S 5s D '56 00% 90% 99% Interst PS 4%s '58 F 86', 86 86% lowt-N LP 5s '57 A— 105 104’, 105 Jers C PL 4%, C '61 106% 106% 106% Ken Util 1st 5= '69 96% 96% 96% Kentuck U 5s H '61. 97*, 97% 97% McCord Pad 6s '43_10'”, 1""’, 107’, Minn P A L ns 55 — 10.5% l".-,3, ]nv% Miss Pw A L* 5, '57.. 90'. 09 99 Nat PAL 5s R 7030 .. 93% 93'', 03% Nat P S 5s ’78 cod*_ 3 7 % 37% 37% 1 Nevada Calif 5s .36 _ 98% 98 98 New Eng GAE 5s ’47 . 78 77’, 78 New Eng GAE 5f ’.50 77 ’. 77 % 773, New Eng Pow 5s ’48 100' • 100% 109' . New Eng P 5%, ’54 1 «1 *i 101 % 1 ni % N Y Cent FI 5s '50 194 194 164 N Y P A L 4%s '67 195’ . 105% 105% N Y St E G 4%S ’80 103% 103', 103% N Am L A P 5Vs* ’.">6 - 93% 95% 95% N Con U 5%, A '48 67 67 67 Nor Ind G A E «s '57 I073, 107% 107% Ohio Pow 5s B '57— 105", 105", 105", Ohio P S 6S C '53 199' . 199% 109% Okla O E 6s A *9 191--. ]9j%]9!% Ok!» P W 5* A ’IS .... 93% .03% 93% Pac Pw A L 5s ’55 _ 88% 88 88% Pa C PAL 4' s ’7 7 1 04 % 194% 194 % Pen WAP 4%s R '68 196%. 196% 106', Peop G L 4s B '81 99 99 99 Peon L A P 5s ’7 9 79'' 79 79% Phila Elec 5%, ’7" 110% 11 n% 110% Phil S G E 4%s '.57.- 100% 106% 106', Pub See N .1 6, c'f 147s, 14"s, 147s, P S N 111 5s C ’66 ]04% 104% 104% Pc 8 PAL .Vis A '49 94’ 94% 94' . Ouebec P 5s 3 '«s 103% 103% 1031, St LG A C 6 ’47? mat 18 18 18 Schult RE 6s '35 xw mat 31% .31 31% S E P A L 6s A "075 106% 106% 106% So Cal E 3\s P ’00 108%10S«, 108’, Sou Inrf Rv 4s '51 87' > 87% 87% South N G 6s ’41 103% 108% 103% S W Pub Svs 6s A '45 105% 1 "5", 105% Stand O A F 6s ’5! 87% 873, 87% Stand G A E 6s '66 _ 86", 86 86 Stand P A- L 6s '57 86’, 86 86 Tenn Pub Ser 5s '79 87 87 87 Texas Elect 5s '60 _ 105% 105’, 105’, Toledo Ed 5s '67 _ 107 107 107 Twin CR 5%« A '57 — 94% 94% 94% TJIen Co 6, '44 st 3d _ 50 49% 49% Unit L A P 6s '75 .. 86 85% 8.5’, Un L A R 5%s ’57 91% 91% 91% Utah PAL 4%s '34—101 101 101 Wes Tex U 5s A '57 ... 97% 97% 97'i Wla Min LP 5s '44 197 107 107 ' FOR EION BONDS. Baden Con M 7s ’51 . 71 % 71% 21% Bg MB 7s '47 AAO . 21 71 21 Flnld RMB 6s '61 at.. 101*, 101% 101% Ger Con Mun 6.s '47 — 23% 73% 23% Ger Con Mun 7s '4 7_• 23% 73s, 23s, Hanov Pro 6%s '49 . 27% 22% 22% Isarco Hyd E 7s '52 . 63% 63% «.".% Ital 811 Pow fls A '63_ S3 53 53 Nippon E P 6%s '.VI .. 86% 86% 86% Bin de Jan 6%s ’59 . 23% 2'>% 23% Russ 5%s '21 mat _ 1% 1% 1% Rusa 6%s ’19 mat — 1% 1% 1% ww—With warrants, xw—Without war. rants, n—New. wl—When Issued. at (stp.i—Stamped. fNeaotlabllity impaired by maturity. tCompanlea reported In receivership. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chat. D. Barney ft Co.) Bid. Offer. Amer Tel ft Tel .Via ’43.. 114 lift Atlantic Refining fis'37 .. 102% 102% Calif Packing Corp 5s ’40 104% 105 Caro Clinch? & Ohio 5s ’38 10H 10«% Chest ft Ohio Rwy 5s ’30 1 ()'>>% 109% Chicago G U * Coke 5s ’37 102% Cumberland T ft T 5s ’37 100% 101V, Delaware ft Hudson 5%s ’.37 101% 101% Duluth ft Iron Ranee 5s '37 may, 104 Edison Elec Illumtn 4s ’39 107% 107% G#n Public Service 5%s '39 102% _ Grand Rapids ft Ind 4%s '41 111% Mbuston on 5%s 40 _ 102 102% Intarnatl T & T 4%s '39 . 82% 83% Laclede Oas Light 8s '39 90% 00% Lake Erie ft Western fis '37 102% 102% Lehigh Valley Coal 8s '38 09% 100 Long Island Gen 4s '38 104V, Louisville ft Nashville fis ’37 101% 102 Michigan Central 4s '40 - 104% Morris ft Co 4%s ’39 103'% 103% N Y, Chicago ft St L 4s ’37 102% 103'/, New York Dock fis ’38 HS% «8% N Y Susqueh ft West fis ’37 88% 91 Pacific RR of Missouri 4s ’38 102% Pacific T ft T fis ’37 100% 100% Penn-Dixie Cement 6s ’41 .. 90% 004, Pennsylvania RR 4s '43 114 115V, Rio Grande Western 4s ’30 80 80% Southern Bel! T ft T fis ’41 108 108V, Sou Pac RR of Calif fis ’3T 103% _ _ Vanadium Corp fis '41 _ 04% 00V, Wabash Railway fis '39 . 103% 104 V, Warner Bros fis ’39 . .. 99 99% Western N Y ft Pa fis ’S7_. 100 100% Western Union Tel fit ’38.. 104 104% ... ■ '0 . i ... FREIGHT LOADINGS. MXW YORK. December 14 (85.—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today (or week ended December 12 in Wk. Dec. 12. Prev. wk. Last.yr. ■wltlmore A Ohio. 50.307 50.5.35 40.088 NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to The Star. Stock end Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hich. Low. 2:65. Aero Supply (B)-. 10 S'* 5*4 5*4 Ainsworth (al)— 8 !4X MX MX Air investors Inc. 1 8X *H 8X Air Inv Inc war... I % % % Ala Pwr pf (6) 110» 78X 78X 73X Alabam Pw pf (7) 40r 82X 82 82 Allen Indus (tl). 2 26J4 26*4 2&X A lum'n Co Of Am . S60«I40 139 139 Alum'n Ind (tOci. 6o» S*4 9*4 9*4 Alum'n Ltd__ 4 80 77 80 Alum'n Ltd cu pf.. 1117 117 117 Am Airlines. Inc— 86 21H 19X 21X Am Beverage_ 18 8 3 Am Capital (B)... 1 X X X Am Cit P&L (A) 3 550» 39 88*4 88X AmCP4Lww2?i 18 48 44X 46 Am CitP&L B a20c 10 7X 7 7*4 Am Cynam B t60c 22 *8*4 82*4 88X Am & For Pw ww 38 8*4 8'* 3*4 Am Fork & H (tl) 7 28 22X 22X Am G&E (1.40)... 15 41*4 41X 41X Am G&E pf (6) ... 176a 112H 112 112X Am Gen C’p (a50c) 7 10X 10X 10X Am Gen C pf (2) 60a 85 85 85 Am Hard Rub(al) 150a 28 29 29 Am Lau Mch t60c. 2 26 26*4 25X Am Lt&Tr (1.20).. 26 22*4 21*4 21X Am Maracaibo_ 75 IX l*a IX Am Meter (a2*4) 8 47 46 47 Am Pot & Ch a2>i 150a S8X 8814 3»M Am Seal Kap a30c 4 9*4 9*4 9*4 Am Superpower 250 2X 2X 2*4 Am Superpw 1st 6 2 92 92 92 Am Superpwr pf.. 22 51*4 48*4 49*4 Anchor Post F_ 4 4*4 44 4*4 Angostura (20c).. 8 6*4 6*4 6X Apex Electricfal) 5 8sH 88X 89X Arcturus Radio T. 62 l't 1*4 1*4 Ark Nat Gas _ 91 7*4 6*4 7*4 Ark Nat G cup*_ 11 10*» 10X 10*4 Ark Nat Gas (A).. 261 7*4 7>4 7*4 Art Metal W t60e 6 14*4 14'4 14*4 Ashland Oil & Ref 80 6*4 6*4 6*4 ASSO Gas & Elec.. II 2 1*4 IX Asso G & E (A)... 66 3*4 3!4 Asso G & E 85 pf.. 10 81 80*4 81 Asso Rayon.. 11 6X 5X 6X Atl Coast Fisher.. 15 11X 11X 1U) Atl Coast L a21,4_.10O» 48 47 48 Atlas Corp (a80c). 66 16*j itiX 16*4 Atlas Corp war_ i5 S*t 8*4 3*4 Atlas C pf A (3)_ 8 60*4 50 50)4 Atlas Plywd a50c. 8 19X 19 19'4 Austin Silver_ 88 IX 2*4 2*4 Auto Products_ 2 8 8 8 Ax-Fisher (3.20) A 100a 42*4 42*4 42X Bab & Wil a2.85 50a 130*4 128*4 128*4 Baldw L bd rts(d) 60 3*4 3*4 3'4 Barium Stain St! 30 4*4 4*4 4*4 Bau(L)7% 1st pf. 10* 100 100 100 Bellanca Aircraft 12 6*4 6 , 6 Berkey&Gay F Co 38 2)4 2*4 2J4 Berk&GF pur w ar 2 1*4 1*4 IX Bickfords pf( 2*4) 25* 37*4 37X 37X Bliss Co (E \V) .. 6 21 *4 21X 21X Bius Ridge CalOc 32 *X * 3 Blue Ridge cv pf 3 1 48 48 48 Hiumentnal s _ 3 3# 394 384 Borne-Scry al 4_60s 15 15 16 Botany Cons (d)_ 14 4 4 Bouriois <a75e) ... 1 64 64 6>« Bower R B 2 284 28'* 284 Bowman-Biltmore 7 24 24 24 Bowmn-Bilt 1st pfl00> 31 84 81 Bowmn-Bilt 2d pf 3 64 64 64 Brazil TL&P 40c.. 9 16*. 184 184 Brill Corp (A) .. 1 6(i 64 64 Bridgep't Meh al. 1 I84 184 184 Brit Celan Ltd res 1 24 24 24 Brown Co pf 260s 454 45 46 Brown V & \V aloe 1 114 114 114 Brown Forman_ 18 10 94 10 BuckeyePL (3).. 60s 46 46 46 Bunker H&S <U’) 150« 994 98.4 984 Cable & Wire(B) 2444 Can Hy El 1st pf 6 220a 764 784 744 Can Indus Alco A. 2 74 7 T4 Can Marconi _ 25 14 14 14 Carib Syndicate_ 45 :4 24 24 Carman & Co B_ 1 84 84 84 Carrier Corp__ 14 28 27 27 Casco Products .. 1 87,4 874 *74 Catlln Coro (a40c) 1* 9 84 84 Celluloid 1st pf t8 40a 964 96 4 964 Cen Hud G&E 80c 2 19 19 19 S3 204 194 194 Cent & S VV Util... 13 44 44 44 Cent States Elec.. 126 2 14 2 Cent St El cv pf 25 a 26 26 26 Cent St Kl cv pf n 200a 22 204 22 Cent St El 6% pf. 725. 224 2b 224 Cent St El 7% pf . 60» 474 47 474 Centrif Pipe t40c. 4 64 *4 64 Charls Corptl4) _ t 154 164 1»4 Chi Flex Shaft ti’.lOO. 654 664 664 Chief Consol_ 4 It* 14 14 Childs Co pf_60a 814 81 814 Cities Service_ 608 44 84 44 Cities Service pf.. 13 63 604 62 City Auto S(t60c) 18 154 144 144 Claude Neon Lis.. IS 4 *« S Clev Tractor_ 22 124 12 12 Club Aluminum—. 1 24 24 24 Colon Dev Ltd ... 23 24 24 24 Colon Dev Ltd A._ 1 44 44 44 Colon Dev 6% pf ._ 7 34 3 84 Colo Fuel&lr war. 26 19»* 19 19 Colt's P F A tl 4 2 55 644 55 Oolum G&E pf(5i 1976a 534 90 914 Columb OA G a20c 60 10 94 94 Com'W'lth Ed <+4 > 6 1134 113 1124 Com'wlth & S war 120 4 4 4 Com’u'ty PAL 1st. 26a 65'* 664 554 Community W S._ 1 14 14 14j Cons Aircraft- 6 234 134 234 Consol Copper_ 45 74 7 74 Cons GastBo)3.60 4 694 *9 89 Cons Jlin&Sm t2 225a 764 76 764 Consol Retail Strs 1 94 94 94 Cons Royal (2ftc) 3 34 34 34 Conrl Roll * S Fy 16 134 184 184 Conll Securities 100a 104 104 104 Cook P&Var t60c 6 214 204 204 Cooper Bessemer. 17 274 264 264 Cooper Bess pf A- 1 104 604 604 Copper Range_ 6 11** 114 114 Cord Corp _ 22 44 44 44 Corroon & Reyn .. 1 74 74 74 Cosrten Oil Me <d> 15 34 34 34 CosdenfMelpftd) 7 324 304 32 Creole Pet <a50c). 64 25 334 8*4 Crocker-Wh alOc. 7 134 13 13 Croft Brewing ..2 4 4 4 Crown Cent P a6c. 15 2 2 2 Crown C Inti A tl. 2 13 124 124 Crown Drug (40c) 24 44 44 44 Crystal Oil Ref_ 12 24 2 24 Cuban Tob vtc_ 10 154 15 164 Cuneo Press (2)„ 1 514 614 614 CuneoPpf (64). 100a 106 106 106 Curtis Mfg (a50c) 60a 174 174 174 Cusi Mex Mining.. 42 4 4 4 Darby Petr (50c). 10 174 164 164 Dayton Rubber 2 214 21 21.4 Dayton P.ub(A)tl 10Oa 82 32 82 Derby Oil A Ref 8 6 54 54 Derby Oll&R p£t4 S60« 734 73 4 734 Detroit Gasket tl. 2 164 154 154 Det Gas pf (1.20). 2 19 184 I84 Det Gray Ir t20c . 1 14s,* 144 144 Det Stl Prod al 4 1 484 484 4*4 Diamond 8hoe(t2) 60s 28 4 28 4 284 Dohler Di# C (al). 4 874 374 374 Dow Chem (2.40). 6 1394 1384 1384 Draper C (t2.40).. 140a 874 87 *7 Driver Harris (1 >_ 4 304 804 *04 Dubelier Condens. 2 34 84 84 Duke Power (3)... 76a 72 72 72 Duval Tex Sa50o. 1 74 74 74 East'n Mall# Ir 2 .. 25. 28 23 23 Eagle Pitch d a60c 61 184 174 1*4 East'n GAF pf(6) J6ii« 614 614 614 East G&F p of 4 4 126» 6<4 67,4 674 East'n States Pwr 26 64 64 64 East’n St Pw (A). 2 7*4 794 724 East’n St Pw (B). 3 78 78 72 Easy W M B tSOe. 4 184 is is Edison Bros tl.60. 1 <8 63 68 Elsler Elec <a6c). 6 84 34 24 Elec Bond A Share 747 234 22 4 224 Elec B A S pf (6).. 11 704 684 704 Elec B A S Df (6) . 10 804 794 80U El Pwr As<A)a25e 15 74 74 74 Elec PAL opt war 17 104 94 104 Elec PAL 2d pf A 820■ 824 804 804 Elec Shareholding 4 64' 64 64 Emp GAF 6% pf.. 126» 624 60 614 Emp G&F 7% pf..100* 66 66 66 Emp G&F 8% p'_„ 60s 604 604 604 Emsco Derrick tl 1 134 134 Equity Corp(a25c) 47 24 24 24 Europ'n El bd rts. 2 4 4 4 Evans Wall Lead 26 14 14 14 Evans Wall L pf .300* 264 >44 >64 Ex-C-O A&T tSOc. 2 184 174 174 Fairchild Av new. 1 74 74 74 FalstaffBr <«1 Vi > 4 >4 >4 14 Feddera Mfg (at!). 2 844 »4 824 Ferro Enam(aS).. 6 404 394 404 Fldeilo Brewery_ 8 \ 4 4 Fisk Rubber _ 16 114 114 114 Fisk Rub pf (6)-. 26. 764 764 764 FlaPALpf. 300 . 62 604 62 Ford Ltd al81-10o 2 8 8 8 Ford (Can) A (1). 4 224 >14 224 Fox (P) Brew 80c. 6 114 11 114 Franklin Ray a60c 8 104 1<>4 104 Froedt’tcvof 1.20100. 184 184 184 Gen Alloys _ 3 8.4 84 34 Gen Firspr’f t40c- 14 >14 >04 >1 Gen invest Corp 8 14 14 >4 Gen Outdoor pf tl 176. 91 90 91 Gen Pub Sv pf 215. 20. 86 *S tl Gen Tele C’pal.3S 4 224 22 22 Gen Tire A Rub . 28 134 1«4 184 Gen TAR Pf A (6). 10. 1014 1014 1014 Gllb’t(AC)s624e- 1 104 104 1<>4 Glen Alden C (1>- 6 16 144 16 Godchaux (A)sl.l00» 43 424 424 Stock and S.les— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. Godchaux Sug(B> 2 314 204 804 Gorham vtc ex(l). 7 244 234 244 Gorham pf ww_ 10* 854 864 854 Grand Natl Films. 27 «4 84 <4 GrRap VarftSOc) l 184 184 184 Gray Tel PS (1).. 2 19 184 184 Grt AAPTn vt6. 60. 121 1184 1194 Greenfield T & D.. 4 »4 «4 94 Groc Store Prod.. 11 6 44 44 Guardian Invest.. 1 \ % % Gulf OllcFa) (tl). 6 1084 107 107 Hall Lamp (80c>.. l 64 64 *4 Hartman Tobacco. 19 8 14 14 Harvard Brewery. 6 8 I S Hazeltine (a2 4).. 2 164 164 164 Hecla Min <a60c). 45 19 184 1*4 Helens Rubenst'n 4 14 14 14 Hollinger G T65c . 10 134 184 114 Holophane (a90c) 3 16 144 144 HornAHard tl.60 176s 884 88 884 Horn & Hardt pf 5 20a 109 109 109 Hudson BM&S (1) 29 334 324 83 Humble Oil <tl).. 14 764 744 75 Huyl pf stpd (d)-.100s 17 164 17 Hygrade Food 18 64 f>4 64 Hygrade Sylv(t2) 6o. 49 49 49 111 Pwr & Lt J6 pf 650s 634 *1 58 JmpOil Ltd toOc. 7 204 20 4 204 Imp Oil reg (i 50c) 8 204 204 804 lnd’n Ter 111 O(B) 9 34 84 34 Indiana PL (t40c) 18 8 8 Ind’ap P&L, pf 6 4 26. 100 100 100 Indus Fin vtc_ 8 14 14 14 Inv Royalty (30 14 4 4 JnsC’oof NA (t2) 100s 744 744 744 lntl Cigar M T2 2 26 25 4 26 lntl Hy El S CY pf 30 364 834 86 lntl Petr ftlH)_ 7 844 844 344 lntl Products_ 1 64 *4 64 lntl Util (A)_ 12 is 144 144 lntl Util (B)_ 81 14 14 14 lntl Util war new. 6444 lntl Vltamtn(50c) 4 64 64 64 Interat PfDeDpf. 120s 214 214 214 Iron Firemen(tl). 60. 2.'* 244 244 Irving Air Ch <1). 1 174 174 174' ltal Superpwrf A). 1 4 4 4 Jacobs! FL)Co( l > 22 m* 1*4 1*4 JsrsCen P&L pf *. 10s 94 94 94 Jonas & Naum ... 11 84 84 84 Jones&Laugh Stl. 2 94 934 94 Kins City P S vte. 6444 Kan City P S pf A. 7 44 4 4 KansG&Epf (7). 50. 1134 1134 1134 1 Ken RT&L A a75c 3 264 25 25 Kingston Prod 40c 117 8). 74 84 Kirby Petr (20c) 46 5 s 5 Knott Corp (a40c) 11 16 144 144 Koppers pt (6) 25. Iu74 1074 1074 Kreuger Brew (1). 2 194 19 1» Lake Sh M (t4)_ 3 684 684 *«4 Lakey Fy & Mach. 3* 74 64 7 Lefcourt Realty _ 4 44 44 44 Lefcourt pf(a75c) 1 214 214 214 Leh Coal&N a6Uc. 23 104 94 #4 Leonard Oil _ 37 14 1 iu Lerner St pf(6’4) 10O, 1104 1104 1104 Lion Oil Ref (1).. 11 144 144 144 Lit Brothers- 1 44 64 *4 Lock# Stl Ch 80c6 144 144 144 Lockheed Aircraft 14 104 104 104 Lone Star G a60o_ 16 114 114 114 Long island Ltg._ 59 64 64 *4 Long 1 L pf A<7) 70, 914 904 914 Long I#1 Lt pf B 6 200, go 79 79 La Land (40c) .. 19 134 134 134 La Pw&Lt pf (6).. 60, 101 lot 101 McCord Rad (B) .. 2 12 12 12 McWilliam# D (12 2 314 *14 314 Mangel Stores _.. 1 94 94 94 Mangel Stores pf. 100, 76 76 76 Mapes Cons (2)_ 1 23 23 22 Marion Steam Sh.. 14 174 174 174 Masonite Corp tl. ft 61 69 61 Massey Harris_ 6 7 7 7 Mast#r Else (al).. 1 194 194 194 Mem Nat G(a50c). 30 74 6s, 74 Mercantile Stores. 2 46 464 454 Merch&M A aloe.. 2 64 *4 64 MerrittChap* S 8 7 64 7 Merritt C & S pf A 75, 63s, 624 *24 Mesabl I top _ ..24 4 4 4 Metal Texlle(40c) 10 64 6 64 Mich Bumper C_ 97 34 34 34 Mich Gas & Oil_ 6 34 3 34 Mich Sugar- 3 14 14 14 Mich Sugar pf_ 2 8.4 74 74 Mid Sta Pet (A)— 9 84 *4. 64 Mtd Sta Pet (B)__ 12 14 14 14 Minn Min&Mfttl) 100* 424 424 424 Mock Jud Voe 60c 3 14 184 1*4 Moh H F&L lst(7> 50, 1044 1044 1044 Mohawk H 2d pf.. 176, I184 1084 1084 Molybdenum Corp 123 114 104 104 Mont Ward A (7). 100, 156 156 156 Montr HLt&P 14. 1 344 34'f 344 Moore DIst (t50c) 7 74 74 74 Moore D rts Dec-'l 17 4 4 4 Mount Prod (60c). 13 64 « « Mueller Brass tl . 5 434 48.4 434 Nachman Spr(al). 2 22 21 22 Nat Auto Fib 14 _. 1 364 864 a«4 Nat Bell* Hess ._ 64 34 34 34 1 NatBd&Sh(a<4). 1 61 61 61 | Nat Contain aoOc. 1 134 134 134! Nat Fuel Gas (1)_. is 184 184 184 Nat Gyps A a24.. 1 624 624 624 Nat investors_ S 34 3 3 Nat Invest war_ 6 1 1 1 Nat leather_ 6 14 14 14 NatP&Ltpf(6) 200, 38 87 874 Nat Rubber Mach. 68 124 114 124 Nat Service_ 75 4 4 *» Nat Service pf_ 3 s 44 44! Nat Sugar N J (2 ) 8 264 2*4 264 j Nat Transit (7Sc). 5 11 104 11 j Nat Union Radio., in 14 14 141 Nebel (Oscar)_ 8 14 14 14 Nehi Corp - 1 284 284 28'* Nestle-Le Mur_ 12 2 2 N E TelATel aS4. 20, 1324 1824 132'*' New Haven Clock 1 214 214 21s* NJZlne(t2)._ 100, 834 82 82 New M&A Ld ale. 42 44 34 44 Newmont M *34 - 6 113** 1124 1134 N Y Auction a6 4c 1 84 64 54 NY* Hound (tl) 350, 29 28 29 N Y Te] pf (84) 125, 118 118 118 Niag Hud Pw *40c 99 17 164 164 Nlag H P(A) war. 14 4 4 4 Mag S Md B a60c. 21 144 134 14 Nilee-Bem-P (al). 3 46 434 46 Niplsslng (a50c).. 3 24 2s* Noma Elec (a4flc). 40 114 104 114 North Am L&P_. 9 44 4 4 North AmL&P pf 600, 664 654 66 North’n Europ^Il 45 4 4 u Nor Ind P S pf (3) 60, 964 944 96 Nor NY Ut pf (7). 60, 106 106 10*6 North States P A. 9 69 68'< 38!* Novadel Af (2)- 4 89 384 384 Ohio Bras* B (tl) 176* 444 45 4 45 4 Ohio Oil cu pf <6)_ 1 1094 I094 1094 Oil Stks Ltd ttoc.. 1 174 174 174 Okla Nat Gas Co.. 3 104 104 104 Oldetyms Distil... 11 64 «4 64 PacG&Elst (14) K *14 314 314 racGAEpf 1.374 2 234 234 284 Pac Public Servlc. 8 74 74 74 Pao Tin spec (T2) 160s 44 43*4 434 Pan-Am Air (1)_ 7 *0 so 6() Pantepec Oil ... 50 84 74 74 PeninsularTel(l) 60s 81 31 31 Penn-Max F a50c. 17 7 7 Psnnroad <a26c).. 99 6 44 5 < Penn P & L (7) . 40s 1114 1104 1104 Pepperell Mfg («) 25s 1434 1434 143*. Phillips PkK aoOc. 1 144 144 144 Phoenix Secur .. 2 «4 *4 64 Phoenix SpfA(S) 1 38 38 38 Piedm't ft Nor (3). 25s 834 «34 834' Pierce Gov (a50c). 2 194 194 1»4 Pines Wlntfrt(n). 13 3 3 Plon’rGM Ltd I0o 22 64 64 54 Pitney Bowss 40c. 15 84 84 24 Plttibgh Forging- 18 I64 154 154 Pitts* LEt24-_ 80s »14 914 914 Pitts PI G1 (a6)_ 2 130 130 130 Pleas Val Wins... 1222 Potrero Suiar .. ■2 34 34 34 Powdrl ft Alx 60c 19 124 124 124 Premier Gold tl2e 3 34 34 84 Producers Koyal.. 1 4 4 % Propper-McC (d). 4 4 4 4 Prosperity B a25e. 4 164 1*4 1*4 Prov Gas (80c)._. 400s 11 11 11 Prrd Inv (a50c)._ 2 114 114 1>4 PubSvclnd pf... *0. 244 844 >44 Pub Svc Ind pr pf. »0s 844 *4 «44 Pub Svc No II (2) 100s 7* 78 78 Pub Svc Util pr pf 60s 4 4 4 BU(t Sd PftLpf(6)82ts 924 >24 » pUfT Sd P&L 16 pf 1600s 484 47 474 Ry&Lt Secal.55 176s 24 284 234 Rwy&Util inv(A) 1 14 14 14 Rainbow Lum (A) 4 1 1 1 Rainbow Lum (B) 2 4 4 4 Raymond Con aSOdOOe 1S4 l»4 1>4 Rad Bank 12 194 184 184 Reed R B new tIOi « *84 *8 834 fUevea (Dan) 60c. t • V\ ( Reiter-Foster ... 66 1 4 1 Raybarn Co a25c.. 1 64 *4 *4 Rice Stlx DG bSOc. * 124 12 12 Richm'd Radiator. • *4 *4 *4 Roosevelt Field .. X 84 >4 84 Root Petrolm(l)— 1* 144 1*4 1*4 Royallte Oil <t2). 26s 48 48 48 Rustless IrftStl... 27 114 134 134 Ryan Consolid’d.. 23 44 44 44 St Anthony Gold.. 31 4 4 4 St Regis Paper... 1*6 104 94 10 Savoy Oil - 1* 34 *4 *4 Schulte R Eld).. * % 4 4 Scrant S B Wat pf 60s (1 81 91 SeeurCorpGen... 5 44 44 44 Segal Look ft H... 11 24 24 24 Selberling Rubber 1 *4 64 64 Selected Indtta > 34 14 34 Sel Ind all cfa 64 600s *8 96 *5 iJ LESS GOHON USED November Total Off Slightly From October, but Far Above 1935 Mark. By the Associated Press. Cotton consumed during November was reported by the Census Bureau today to have totaled 626,695 bales of lint and 63,767 of linters, compared with 646.499 and 72,546 during Octo ber this year and 512,312 and 59,373 during November last year. Cotton on hand November 30 was reported held as follows: In consuming esabllshments 1,792, 250 bales of lint and 193,190 of lin ters, oompared with 1,402,916 and 160,781 on October 31 this year, and 1.348,830 and 161,787 on November 30 last year. In public storage and at compresses 8,418,408 bales of lint and 54,762 of linters, compared with 8.028.140 and 52,780 on October 31 this year, and 8,629.078 and 51,778 on November 30 last year. Imports during November totaled 8 945 compared with 9,944 in October this year and 7,403 In November last year. Exports for November totaled 689, 815 bales of lint and 27,461 of linters, compared with 861,016 and 32,135 during October this year and 1,134,874 and 30.303 during November last year, Cotton spindles active during No vember numbered 23,805,520, compared with 23,638.270 during October this year and 23,193,538 during November last year. -m .mm FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. December 14 op, — Foreign exchange firm: Great Britain in dollara, others In cents: Great Britain, demand. 4 90%; cablet. 4.80%: 80-day blllg.4 89%; France, demand. 4.88%: cablet. 4.00%; Italy. demand. 5.20%; cables. 6.28%. Demands—Belaium,; Germany, free. 40.23%: registered. 70.25; travel. 21.40: Holland. 54.40: Norway. 24.60; Sweden. 25.31: Denmark. 21.02: Finland. 2.17: Switzerland. 22.ofl1..: Spain, un ouoted; Portugal. 4.40: Greece. .90%; Poland. 18.88 Czechoslovakia. 3.53%. Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.73a; Hun gary. 19.80; Rumania. .75: Argentina. 32.70n: Brazil. 8.80%n: Toklo. 28.53; Shanghai. 29.83: Hontkona. 30 oo: Mexico C tty. 27.88: Montreal In New York. 100.12% New York In Montreal, 99.87%. n—Nominal. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. December 14 .*>■ —Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid. Asked •4',« Not, 1958-38_10? 107% 4%* May. 1957-37_- 101% 102% 4%» Jan, 1957-37_ - 100% 100% 4* May. 1958-38_ 105 105% 4s Nov, 1957-37._103% 104 4s July. 1940-44. .. 112% 113V, 3%i May. 1955-45 _ 105H 105’. 3s July. 1955-45_ . 104,'. 104'/, 3a Jan, 1950-40_ 104,', 104% 3a May. 1950-40_ 104,'. 104% II. S. TREASURY NOTES. • Reported be Chas D. Barney 4c Co 1 Rale—Maturity Bid Offer. 3a Feb, 15. f37_. 100 12-33 _. 3s Apr. 15. '37 101 15-33 101 17-32 3>,s Sept. 15. '37_102 19-32 102 21-32 2»s« Feb 1. 33— 102 24-32 102 20-32 Ss Mar. 15. '33 103 15-32 10.3 17-32 2’s* June 15. '38_. 103 27-33 103 29-32 S'2s Sept. 15. 3R_. 103 21-32 103 23-32 I'as Mar. 15. '39-. 101 29-32 101 31-32 2's» June 15.'3»_. 103 15-32 103 17-32 l^s Dec. 15. ’39-. 101 32-32 101 24-32 l».s Mar. 15. '40- - 102 9-32 102 10-32 I!,* June 16 '40 . 101 29-32 101 31-33 1 ‘is Dec. 15. '40— 10129-32 101 31-32 l'ss Msr. 1.4, '41 - 101 29-32 10131-32 l*t8 June 16. '41.. 101-19-33 101 19-32 l*ia Dec. 15. '41. _ 100 31-32 101 1-32 Stock and Bales— Diwdend Rata. Add OO Hiah. Low. *:SS. Soveraky Aircraft 24 s>4 * *4 Shattuck Den Min 17 20 1» 194 Shawin W &P 90c 1 ib'i 254 2S4 Sherwin-Will (4) 560. 1414 1294 139 Shrev-Kl Dor P&L. *444 Smith-Cor <a25c). t 28 23 2* Sonotone C (alOc) 12 2 14 14 So Penn Oil(tl4> 1 4* 43 4* So Cal Ed pf R 1 4 1 284 284 284 South’n Colo P A— 2 54 5 64 Southn P L 20c — 1 84 54 64 Southl'd Roy 40c.. 8 84 84 84 Spen Chain St 60c 4 #4 *4 *4 Square Dpf A 2.20100 . 884 384 884 Stahl Mver Inc— S 34 84 84 Stand Brewing— * 4 4 4 Stand Dr ev pf. 100» 15 16 15 Stand Oil Kv 1.40. 6 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl- 28 8«4 *»4 3«4 Stand Pwr ft Lt... lift 64 64 64 Stand P& L <B)_. 4t 5 44 44 Stand P&L. pf... 250. 694 68 694 Stand Prod (aloe) U 294 264 2*4 Stand Sil&Ld (4c) 63 4 4 4 Starrett Corp vtc. 11 64 64 64 Sterchi Bros a30c. 7 10 94 94 Sterling Br a75c.. 1 64 64 64 Sterling lnetaSc). 22 44 44 44 Stetson (JB)_150a 20 19 19 Stroork*Co(2 4)l»0a 28 274 28 Stut* Motor ... 2 24 24 24 Sullivan Machine. 6 264 26 264 Sunray Oil (alOc). 84 44 * 44 Sunahlna Min (1). 24 204 204 104 Swlsa-Am Elec pf 60a 914 914 914 Taggart Corp_ 10 124 114 114 Tasty east (Del) A. 1 24 24 24 Taylor Diet (»0e). 11 44 44 44 Technicolor a50c_. 20 23 224 224 Tech HughM 7400 IS 5>4 6 64 Tenn Product* .. * 24 *4 24 Texon Oil ft L 90o 6*4 8 84 Thew Shovel aBOc 825. 494 484 494 Tlshman R & C . 4 104 10 10 Tob Prod Exp 16c. 8 8 * 3 Todd Shiovard(2) 60* 48 48 48 Toledo Edit pf (6) 60. 106 106 106 Trans-Lux DP 20c 12 44 44 44 Trl-Contl C war t 24 24 24 Trl S G1 al.14 2-5c 1 354 354 364 Trunz Pork S aoOc 175* 10 94 94 Tublxa Chatlllion. 2 124 114 124 Tublze Chatl (A). 6 514 604 501* Tune-Sol Lampr. 18 84 84 84 Tung-Sol pf a 1.40 6 114 104 114 Twin Coach(t40c) 41 18** 184 184 Ulen ft Co 5% pf 2 54 64 64 Ulan ft Co 7 4 % pf 8 74 74 74 Unexcelled Mfg 8 44 44 44 UnGasCana224c 2 154 144 144 Unit Corp war.... 62 14 14 14 Unit Gas Corp_615 104 10 104 Unit Gas C war... 15 24 24 24 Unit Gas pf (214) 6 119 II84 119 Unit Lt&Pw (A). 142 74 74 74 Unit Lt& Pw (B). 8 84 74 84 Unit Lt & Pw pf . 35 64 4 62 88 Unit Prof ShalOc 3 14 14 14 Unit Shoe M 724 375* 944 934 >44 UnltSMpf (14). 20* 42 42 42 US Finishing . 11 34 3 S U S Finishing pf.. 10a 2<> 20 20 U S Foil B <80c)-_ 22 17 184 184 u seines pi —_ a z>* * *y» ITS Radiator_ 4 9k » • U S Rub Reclaim.. 1* 7k 7k Tk U S Stores .. _15 k H k Unit Stores vtc_ * lk lk lk Unit Verde Ex (1) *2 Sk «k *k Unit Wall Paper— es »k 4k 4k Unlv Pictures — 1 Ilk 18k 18k Upiv Prod Ca2 V4) ■ 800* 88 27k 28 Utah Apex . ... 4 lk lk lk Utilities Pw A Lt. 11 lk lk lk Util Pwr ALtpf.,760* 28k 25k l«k Utility Equities .. 4 4k <K 4k Utility Eqpf (47). 25* 85k 85k S5K UtllAInd (new).. 18 lk lk lk Utility A Indus pf. se 6k 5k 5k Venesuela Mex O. 10 8 7k 8 Venezuela Petrol. 42 2 2 2 Va Pub Sve pf (7). 10s 88k 88k 98k VoatMfaCo (Tl). 8 86 84 85 Waitt & Bond A—. 2 11 11 11 Walt 6 Bond (B).. T 2k 2k 2k Walker Minins ..12 2 2 Wayne Pump (50o 12 85 24k I4K Wentw'tb Mf 1.20. 5 88k 27k l*k W Va Coal A Coke 5 4k 4k 4k Westn AlrEx a25c 8 *k 9 9k West Au Sup A t4 400s 70 70 70 Will Oil-O-M *60o 9 Ilk U it W1 Mow Cafeteria 1 lk lk lk Wll-low Cafe pf... 1 SK 8k 8k Wilson Jon a2k_ 1 40k 40kf40k Willson Prod (tl) 1 15*4 16k 15k Wolverine T t40c. 2 18k 12k l*H Woodley Pet t40c. 2 8k 8)4 8k Wrtirht Her* t40o 84 Tk 7k Tk Ygatn *tl Door tl 8 Tlk 89k 88k Yukon Gold(alle) 7 2k 2k 2k Dividend rate* u dollar* Baaed on, last SuaP^t^TuieitiSSne *K5F* 2 Mss 1/ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued From Page 16.) 2:16 p.m. Prav. 1986 Stock .no Solo*— Not Sikh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlfh. Low. Oloee. Chge. 84 4 Va-Car Chemical.-. 24 8 74 74-4 684 284 Va-Car Cham 4% pf 29 874 624 644 -14 104 4 Va Iron CoalACok*. . 110* 114 94 114-424 40 14 Va IronCftCpf.... 10a 36 36 86 86 70 Vulcan Datln (a«)„ 70a 78 76 7* +1 44 24 Wabaah (d). 2 I 24 24 104 6 W aba on pt a (d)_ 7 8 74 74 19 94 Waldorf Syatl.20.. 2 18 174 18 +4 89 80 Walgreen Co (l>_ 4 39 884 384 -4 118 1144 Walgreen pf <«V6)_. 160a 1164 116 116 - 4 494 264 Walker (H) (2)_ 12 494 484 494 + 4 124 64 Walworth Co_ 66 124 114 114-4 74 24 Ward Baking B_ 2 64 64 64 184 94 Warner Brea Piet.. 36R 184 174 174 664 44 Warner Broa pic pf. 2 674 67 674 +14 24 4 Warner-Uuin <d)_ 2 14 14 14 124 44 Warren Broa_ 28 12 114 114-4 13 21 Warren FdyBP(tl) 47 844 38 344 +14 894 194 Waukesha Hot (1) . x 13 864 364 864+14 114 64 Wabatar Klsanlohr. 7 9 84 84-4 47 334 Wapaon 0*8(7600 x 17 464 464 46 +4 107 914 WaatPa Elec A (7) 100s 101 994 101 -*1 102 87 West Pa Elao pf (I) 60a 974 97 97 +1 124 84 Western Maryland- 4 94 94 94 4 14 Western Pacific_ 2 24 24 24 +4 94 54 Western Paclfle pf_ 7 74 7 74 +4 964 724 Wapt'n Union (e2>_ 17 844 8-4 834 - 4 484 344 West’h’ae A B al4- 16 464 45 454 1534 944 Weeth'seKl <a54>- 9 148 147 148 +14 334 224 Weat’n El InstaSac. 3 264 254 264 +14 32 194 Westveco Chlor (1) 2 254 254 254 +4 2:15 p m. Prev. 1936 Mock and Sale.— Net Blth. Low Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Blah. Low Close Ch*e 35*4 31*4 Weatvaco 5%pf 1 33t* 33S 83*4 — *» 37*4 21*4 Wheel Steel <t*K - 37 37 34*» 87 +1S 109*4 84 Wheel (fO) 1 103 103 103 +3 28*. 1**4 White Motor 45 28*4 25*4 2**4 41*4 17*4 18*4 Whit# Rk M 8(1.41) 2 16*4 1**4 16*4 - *4 6*4 3*4 Whit* Bawlnc Meh. 1 5*4 6*4 6*4 43 16 Whit* 8*w Ucfa of- 1 39 89 39 - Vi 5*4 2*4 Wlleox Oil ft Uaa.— 7 4*4 4*4 4*4 11 6*4 Wllaon ft Co t60et_ 49 9*4 8*4 14 4 4 87 70 Wllaon ACo pf (<). 1 79'. 79*4 79*4 -41*4 71 44*4 Wool worth 13.40).. 14 65*4 65*4 65*. 36*4 23*4 Worthington Pump 26 34*a S3'4 33*4 4 *4 85*4 66 Worth Pump pf A— 280a 84*4 83*4 88*4 — *4 80*4 47 Worth Pomp of B_. 3 78 78 78 41 140*. 62*4 Wright Aero (al).. 120a 126 124*4 124*4 -1*4 79 63 WrtKlav W tr <V8).. 8 76 74 74 -1 51 33*4 Yale ft Town* tfOc. 1 48 48 48 22*4 8*. Yellow TrACoact^. 400 19*4 18 19*4 4 2*4 3*. 2*4 Yellow T&C Dec 24. 232 4 3*4 4 4 14 163*. 83*4 Yellow TrAC pf J35. 30a 162 160 160 65 42V* Younic SprAW lt*)_ 4 47*4 47 47 — *4 87*. 41*. Younga'tn bhealAT 26 82*. 81 82 4 *4 42*4 11*4 Zenith Radio_ 11 39*4 3814 38*4 - *4 9*. 5*. Zontt* Products_ 16 8*4 8*. 8*1 4 *1 Approximate Salee of Stock* on the N. X. Stock ExfhaafO. 11:00 A.M.- 740.000 12:00 Nooo._1 270.000 1:00 P.M- 1 890.000 2:00 P.M._2 240.000 Dividend rate* aa atven in the aeov* table ar* .ha *nnu.i ceab payments eaten on the lata.t Quarterly or baU>y*ariy deciaratlona » Uri't ot tradiea .ess than LOO shares t Annual rate—not Including extra* t Accumulated dividends a r-ald ..bis year, o Paid last d Comnanlea reportad In raeaivaranlp or being reorganised, x Ex dividend. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. B* the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on Decem ber 11: Receipts, $18,584,032.24: ex penditures. SI#.877.772.82: bslsnce. $1. 449.510.6U5.01: customs receipt* lor the month. S15.778.678.48. Receipts lor the fiscal rear (since July 11. Sl.7M2.7Oft.885.0H; expenditure*. $3. 099.420. 908.4H. including S1.S50.027.. 728 21 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $1.308.711.021.40: gross debt. S33.0O5.178.8H5.Pl. a decrease of $1,670,248.60 under the previous day, told assets. $11,216,267,904.64. CRUDE OIL PRICES. TUXJBA. Okla December 14 'A*).—Base crude oil prices: Midcontinent area-— Oklahome-Kenvas, gravity scale, 8flal.l8 North and North Central Texas—gravity scale. 84al.08. East Texas. 1.15. West Texas (Permian Batint—Gravity scale 75al 1U: North Loulslana-Arkansas. gravity scale Rocky Mountain area—Balt Creek, Wyo.. gravity scale, Mai.18. Eastern area- Pennsylvania grade 'Brad ford-Alleaanyi. 1.46: same grade In South west Pennsylvania lines. 2.17: same trade In Eureka lines. 2 12: same grade In Buck eye lines. 1.P7: Cornlnt. 1.52. R. F. C. LOANS EXCEED OCTOBER REPAYMENTS By tht Associated Press. Loans of $27,393,926 and repay ments on loans of $22,745,375 during October were reported today by the Reconstruction finance Oorp. Banks and trust companies repaid *10,117,588 on their borrowing*, while new loans to banks totaled (4,245,261. New railroad loans amounted to $8, 183,000. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. December 14 0P<.—Copper firm electrolytic spot and luture,; export, in.tin. Tin barely steady: spot and nearby. 61.65-80; future. 51.35-60 Lead strong: spot New York. 6.40-56; East 8t. Louis 5 25-35. Zinc Arm: East St. Louis spot and future. 5.26 Iron aulet. No. 2. fob Eastern Pennsylvania. 21 60: Buffalo. 20 60; Alabama. 15.60. Aluminum, JO no. 22.00. Antimony, spot. 12 76. Quick silver. P3 Platinum. 48 on. Wolframite. 18 00-15.60. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK December 14 0P>.— New York Security Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 3 o'clock.) _ . Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan fl Vi) 3] 33 Bankers' Trust 14) xd_ 85Vi 87Vs Cen Hsn Bk & Tr (4)_Jlfl'/s UOVb Chase National )1.40) . _ 44's 4«Va Chem Bk dc Tr (1.801 xd__ 58 00 Commercial f»> . _ 203 20D Cont Bk dr Tr f.80)_ ] 8V* 18 Corn Ex Bk dt T *3) _ Mil's 8414 Empire Trust fl) _ 274. 28’. First Nat (Bos) f2» . 50V. 52V. First National (loot xd 205.5 20115 Guaranty Trust f 12)_ 314 310 Irving Trust f.HO) 1414 is** Manufacturers' Tr <2) -- 51 53 Manufacturers’ Tr pf (21 54 58 National City fl) __ _ 37'1 3314 New York Trust <61 _ 127 130 Public UK> _ _ SBti 80), Title O * T_ 17 18 I BOND PRICE SETS RECORD, j CUMBERLAND, Md.. December 14 (&).—The city of Cumberland sold $100,000 of bond* to HaUey, Stuart & Co., New York, for $104,044 today The price 1* the highest ever received by the city for 2'/* per cent bond* T011-CENT MARK Foreign Red Metal and Lead Also Advanced by For eign Demand. BJ the Aatoeltted Pren. NEW YORK, December 14.—The price of domestic copper was advanced, '4 cent a pound to 11 cents a pound by leading producers today. This la the highest level recorded since 1930. The rise was part of a general up ward move In non-ferrous metals. Spurred by heavy demand, much of. It said to have come from European armaments makers, the price of lead advanced to the highest level aince May, 1930, while copper for ex port was quoted at a figure equaling the high for the year and the best since December, 1930. St. Joseph Lead Co. set the new price of its product at 5.55 oenta a pound in New York and 5.35 cents in East St. Louis, an increase in each case of .20 of a cent. American Smelt ing & Refining Co. followed with a boost of .10 of a cent a pound to 5.40 cents In New York and 5.25 cents in East St. Louis. Transactions in copper for export were at 10.90 cents a pound, which compared with 10.72al0.80 cents last week. The metal was in good demand. Heavy trading in lead took place last week on the London Metal Ex change, where It was said speculative and armament Interests bought In quantity. LONDON TRADE DATA. LONDON. December 14 UP}.—The following ere the Board of Trade figures for the month of November: Total imports, £78.670,000; exports of British products, £38,440,000; re-ex* ports. £4.340.000; total exports, £43,* 780.000: excess of imports. £35.890.000. 85 hp. for high speeds or heavy duty 80 hp. for light delivery service I ^ >«««* « I Individual I • ••" improved v.g . •nfl/n* ,1*,, / -«ty «rvlM wd up » «nd heavy. I *"d *" •Sii^yp.w 60 h r*epow#r • • • I andlTW*r V'* for ' I T* «PP>y power aconoZn n H*ht »•*. I J dMdua"o»d raqulramants * ^ * "** I I '• maZZT;rIOn" / -or on* Job —* * touch that's I oolon-oo--. Staajl B Tr-n»OOot*(lob| —t Wu,. I '"Oiwau.i ^-SS»2a -«o I • “l“‘„,»(.atl,r ,,ba. rucl1 Owlgn ... I •'"y and »on8.r Ufp An •**u^flreat. r econ- I, d'trlbut/on, fr,^ ^ fl#t for"»'d l..d K •*'«y brakes and all th. ^ ‘»U,efc-et/on B err# I o..1.*abJ I °Wn 0p#r*'»8 condition,. ‘"’d*P *>«" IH NEW 1937 FORD 0-8 TRUCKS .AND COMMERCIAL CARS *