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Young Washington ■ ■ " ■ — I June Diven displays her pet, *'Frisk.” June is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diven, 811 Danville street, Clarendon, Va., and attends the Henry Clay School. Tomorrow: Glenn Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barlow Davis, at the Thomson School. _ —Star Staff Photo. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Meeting Southeast Business Men's Association, 314 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, 8:15 p.m. Dinner, Controllers’ Institute of America, Raleigh Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dinner Music Teachers’ Associa tion, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, Research Club, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Meeting, Treasury P06t, American Legion Auxiliary, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Board of Directors, Opti mist Club, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p m. Dance, Ohio State Socie! Shore ham Hotel, 9 p.m. I street and Constitution avenue, 8 p.m. Meeting. A. A. A. Lodge, American Federation of Government Employes, Lee House Hotel, 8:15 p.m. HAY \ SAFE, AND SAVE MONEY The odds are all against you, if you fail to use a dependable anti-freeze. Avoid costly freeze ups with Super Pyro. Made by the world’s oldest and largest manufacturer of anti-freeze. Used by 4,000,000 motorists last win ter. Proved in their cars—and in scientific laboratory tests—to in sure anti-freeze, anti-rust, and anti-corrosion protection at low eat coat per season. TOMORROW. Luncheon, Kappa Beta PI Legal So rority, Willard Hotel Coffee Shoppe, 12:15 p.m. Luncheon, Women's National Press Club, Willard Hotel, 1 p.m. Luncheon. Credit Men's Associa tion, Raleigh Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Civitan Club, Mayflower Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Optimists Club, May flower Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Dinner, Reciprocity Club, Mayflow er Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Kappa Gamma Sorority, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, Craftsmen Club, La Fayette Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dance. Georgia State Society, Shoreham Hotel, 9:30 p.m. Dinner, Lebanon Marching Club, Lodge No. 126, Loyal Order of Moose, 1414 I street, 5 p.m. Meeting, Monday Evening Club. Y. W. C. A., Seventeenth and K streets, 7 p.m. Dance. Massachusetts State Society, Wardman Park Hotel, 9 p.m. Dinner. Bons Vivants Club, Ward man Park Hotel, 6:30 pjn. Meeting, Georgia Avenue Business Men's Association, City Bank branch, 1608 Georgia avenue, 8 p.m. Meeting, Anthropological Society, room 43, National Museum. Tenth "SvTyoiir family* „ f i ORIDA HOLIDAY f OR CHWSTMAS! Miami 7 hrs. Jacksonville 4 hrs. 35 min. • i GIVE your family a big package of summer [sunshine this Christmas.. .whisk than off to Florida for the rest of the winter. Spend the holi days with them... and keep your healthy coat of tan by commuting via Eastern Air Lines! Florida is only a few hours away—not days-* when you travel with "The Great Silver Fleet”. Regular daily and overnight schedules enable you to spend entire-week-ends in the sunshine without loss of business time. You speed bade and forth in the world’s fastest, most luxurious transport planes with efficient, courteous stewards constantly at your service. You return to your office completely' rested and refreshed—not tired out by long, tedious travel. Plan your Florida holiday now! FOR RESERVATIONS: Phon« National 3646 or any hotel, travel bureau, Western Union or Postal Tele graph Office. NEW YORK • PHILADELPHIA • WASHINGTON • BALTIMORE Give Her Hose She Wants Them Come One— Come All— to the Big DRUM y MAJOR A PARADE 11 Of \ Super Sheer ROYAL PURPLE HOSE • *1 V l pair 2 Pair*, $1.95 _ * Sheer, filmy, ringfree, flawless chiffon hose. Guaranteed run-stop picot tops. Also service weight for those who prefer them. Sizes 8V2 to lO’i. Other Hoie 59c to $1.29 pair Give This to Man or Woman Billfolds 1.00 Genuine leather billfolds, with or without zipper, pocket for auto license, etc. Msnorrim PrM Othera 49c (• $2.95 She'd Appreciate a New ■HwiMt MfimtKmmnm Handbag 94c Top handle, back strap, pouch, en velope and other shapes. Some with zipper. Othtr* to $4.94 W Choose One or More at Special Savings Occasional Chairs Chairs styled in the modern manner to give your room a more sophisticated air. All made by master craftsmen who have a high regard for quality. Sturdily built walnut-finished frames, upholstered in tapestry or rayon velour. Gov. Winthrop Secretory Colonial design, grille on glass doors, fancy Q/i.95 tops. 72 inches high. Mahogany or walnut finish. ^ Governor Winthrop Desk Massive lines, serpentine front, 4 drawers, mahogany M tgJ or walnut veneer. Windsor Chan<-3.49 Hardwood finished in rich walnut inapla or mahocanr. Reinforced back. Walnut Smoker-5.95 Cedar-lined humidor compartment to keep his smokee fresh. Butt walnut veneer. 26 Inches high. Mech. Fighters Cleaning Set 98c 2 husky fellows out on a sood fight. 10 rounds to one winding. 1.00 Toy Kenmore Vacuum cleaner and other im plements for the little housewife. Toy Laundry Set Reed Rocker 1.00 Metal tub, aajhboard. Pina, Ironing board, bench, etc. 1.49 Well padded hardwood seat, cretonne covered. Broad back. Floor Toys Popeye Jigger 1.00 ♦ Truck*. Diane*, van*. Ore truck*, with dummy headlights. 49c Clever wind-up toy of PoDeye and Olive Oyll bright colors. ★ ★ ★★Doll 2™ She has long curls of human hair, the cutest open mouth with pink tongue, pearly teeth showing through. Or gandy frock, shoes and stockings. Other Dolli. 4»r to 9M Trace Set Doughboy Tank 95c A sparkling toy that will appeal to any boy. U> inwhes long. 4 Inches high. Lighted Airport 95c Field landing light, beacon. H planes various types and radio click. 47c Tra-C-Rase act. with non-warp lng llxl♦ white card board. H colored crajom. Racers 10”’ Adjustable pedals, rubber padded. 20-gauge genuine auto steel; formed fenders; dome hub caps, French type horn, steel front bumper. 39 inches long, 17‘/2 inches wide. Table Tennis Black Boards 1.19 37x14 writinc surface: 4 cray ons. 3 chalks, eraser and 3 colored charts. Pedal Car [ 59c f Four 3-ply bits. [ 4 sides sanded. I others plain. R 60-in. net 3 I metal upruhts. 1 2 balls. 1.29 8-inch front wheel; saddle seat, rubber grins For tot* to 2 Vi rears. Projectors 24» Nickle-plated moving parts, tension plates, double-claw finger movement. Adjust able lens. Heavy gauge steel body. Size liy2 inches long, 1034 inches high, 53,4 inches over all. Dealer Pin Game “Snow Bird” Sleds 98c " game* In one. Spring dealer shooter, patented p 1 n const ruction; steel frame. 1.15 Patented braced kneet. ateerina bar aet well back. 30 - inch aue. - ToV» Also Soli at 71* 12th St. N.w. ana Georgetown store f.' Give Her a New Kenmore De Luxe Carpet Sweeper Bell bearings, polished end plates, adjustable, pure Chinese bristle brush. Split rubber bumper. 1 ★★★★Jubilee Feature 6-Way Reflector Lamp-9.90 Really worth $14.95. 5-ineh onyx base, complete with corded trimmed ailk ■hade. Glass reflector bowl. Approved I. E. S. Silk Shades 1.69 Fluted o r 11 r * tched. reron lined. Atiorted color*. Desk Lamp 1.19 Bronxe fin is h cast metal base; pencil rrooves. 12 inch soose neck. FREE! Your Monogram on Cannon Towel Sets A most acceptable gift—color ful. smart and very practical. 2 bath towels. 2 hand towels and 2 wash cloths. Pastel tones. Other seta from 59c to $1.98 Bedspreads Choice or rayon tailored, Jac quard rayon, cotton or candle wick styles. Lovely 0% QA colorings. Others M i7U from 89c to 4.95. mm Hurry! Tuesday Last jRnjVKVjnjnV!l|VnnnnKT^ Day of Free Puppet Show! CM911 Bladensburg Rd.—at 15th cr n Sts. N.fc. Open Nights Until 9:30 3995 Also Sold on Easy Terms Buys an Underwood Typewriter Rebuilt by factory experts. Guaranteed for one year. Looks like new. Other Rebuilt Machine* *10 0.1 and *51..10. Standard Portable*, at *10.50 Manicure Sets I | Includes liquid polish, polish re | mover, cuticle re mover and other | incidentals. Zipper | case. Assorted I colors. A Dainty Gift— Evening in Paris Set A gift of this kind is always sure of instant acclaim. Large bottle of Eve ning in Paris Talcum and Cologne. Gift boxed. Others $1.75 to $5 50. Mixed Nuts Fresh crop just re ceived. to help make your Christmas more 1 enjoyable. , Stuort Pecons lb. 33c Brazil NutS-.Jb. 25c Pecans _lb. 19c Diamond Budded Wal nuts _lb. 29; Baby Walnuts lb. 22c A Fine Set of Silverware, 50 Pcs. Fine nickel - silver base piated with standard A-l pure silver. Knives with hollow handles. Complete service for eight. Packed in anti-tarnish box. Other sets at $19.90. Hard Candies Glace Fruit* ...39c lb Chocolate Drops, 10c lb. Candy Canes, 5c each 5 lbs. Assorted Choco lates _89c Ribbon Candy, 15c lb. Clear Candy Toys, 15c lb. Fitted Cases I Black lizard grain fabricoid over wood frame, nickle-plated locks, 2 end pockets. 7 VI Q? attractive fittings; 15- •*-*** inch size. W W Lizard grain fabricoid over sturdy wood frame. Rayon taffeta lined. Six streamlined fittings. Sturdy basswood, padded top of moleskin backed sateen drill that resembles cowhide. f| T 8 fittings. Black or brown. Q^F