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Bralfa. ALLEN. EMMA MURPHY. On Monday. December 21. 1036: at her residence. 200 South Pitt st.. Alexandria. Va.. EMMA MURPHY ALLEN, azed 80 years, wife of L J. Allen. Funeral services on Wed neaday. December 23. at 2 D m., at the above residence. Interment Bethel Cem etery. BAZEMORE. LOUISE. On Sunday. De cember 20. 1036. at 1513 4th st. n.w.. LOUISE BAZEMORE She Is survived by three dauehters. Katie and Oeorzla Bazemore and Mrs. Bessie Sharp: a son. John Bazemore; one sister. Mrs. Mary Taylor; three brothers. Samuel. Ellja and Oeorze: also other relatives and friends. Remains restinz at the Malvan & Sehey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral notice later. BEVERIDGE. WILLIAM M. Suddenly, on Monday. December 21. 1036. at his resi dence. 624 M st. S.W.. In the 25th year of his age. WILLIAM M. BEVERIDGE, grandson of Mrs. Clara V. Chrlsman. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. BOLAND. OTT W. On Saturday. Decem ber 10. 1936. OTT W. BOLAND, beloved wife of John Boland. Remains resting at Gasch's Sons' funeral home. 46 Mary land ave.. Hyattsvllle. Md. Funeral (private) from the above-named parlors on Tuesday. December 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Evergreen Cemetery, near Bhtdensburg. Md. BOYLE. EDGAR WORTH. On Saturday, December 10. 1936. at his residence. HUlcrest House. Baltimore Blvd Ber wyn. Md.. EDGAR WORTH BOYLE, aged 56 years, the beloved husband of Mary Frances Boyle, nee Goetzinger. and father of Mrs. Evelyn Boyle Rhodes. Richard Burke Boyle and Mrs. Dorothy E. Ander son. He also Is survived by four grand children. Funeral from the above resi dence on Tuesday. December 22. at 8:J0 a m.: thence to Holy Redeemer Church, Berwyn. Md.. where mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends Invited Interment St. John* Cemetery. Forest Glen. Md. BRIGGS. MARY F. On Monday. Decem ber 21. 1936. MARY F. BRIGGS, widow of Edward Briggs. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROOKS. HANNAH FRANCES. On Sat urday. December 10. 1936. at 1.10 a.m.. at her residence. 927 18th st. n.w.. HAN NAH FRANCES BROOKS widow of the late John H. Brooks and beloved mother of Mary E.. Reginald F. and DarnelA Brooks of Germantown. Pa. Funeral services at her late residence Tuesday. December 22. at ]0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 21 CLARKE. ROSAMUNDE H. ^On Saturday. December 19. 1936. at her residence. 1673 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. ROSAMUNDE H CLARKE inee Strasser). beloved wife of Owen J. Clarke Remains resting at the funeral home of George W. Wise Co.. 2900 M st. n.w Funeral from the above funeral home Tuesday. December 22. at 11 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery. Bal timore. Md.. at 1:30 p.m. (Tuesday). 21 COOK. MATHEW E. Suddenly, on Decem ber 18 MATHEW E COOK, aged 77 years, brother of A. G. Cook. Remains restink at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Funeral from above funeral home Tuesday December 2*2. at 2 o m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 21* COX. MICHAEL J. On Saturday. December 19, 1936. MICHAEL J. COX. beloved son Ot the late William J. and Hanora Cox. Funeral from the residence of his brother, John F. Cox. 5425 8th st. n.w.. on Tues day December 22. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity, Brlghtwood D. C.. at 9 o'clocg. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Daly. CHARLES A. On Saturday. Decem ber 19. 1930. at his residence. 2033 Adams Mill rd. n.w . CHARLES A DALY, beloved husband of Catherine V. Daly. Funeral services at St. Matthew's Church. 1729 R I. ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. December 22. at 9 a m . where mass will be said. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery. 21 DALY. CHARLES A. The members of - - Washington Council. No. 224. Knights of Columbus are ad . vised of the death on Saturday. ^December 19. 1930. at his rest ydence. 2633 Adams Mill rd. n w. of Brother CHARLES r A. DALY, an honorary life w member of the council, and ire requested to attend the funeral serv ices at St. Mathew’s Church on Tuesday. I>ecember 2*2 at O a.m. JU1JAN T. CROMELIN. Grand Knight. DR. A. D WILKINSON. F. S. FEARSON. THOMAS J. On Saturday. De cember 19, 1936. at Georgetown Hospital. THOMAS J. FEARSON aged 70 years, beloved son of the late Columbus and Mary Elizabeth Fearson. Funeral (private) Wednesday. December 26. at in im from the funeral home of Geo. W. Wise Co . 2900 M st. n.w. Interment Rack Creek Cemetery. FIREY. LUTHER H. Suddenly, on Satur day. December 19. 1936. at his resi dence the Commodore Hotel. LUTHER H. FIREY. husband of Kittle Selberllng Srey. father of Katherine F. Bass and wts M. Firey. Funeral services Tues day. December 22. at Akron. Ohio. In terment private. 21 FORD, ROSE LILLIAN. On Sunday. De cember 20. 1936. at Garfield Hospital. ROSE LILLIAN FORD, beloved mother of Aubrey G Miller, sister of Mrs Bessie Holmes and Mrs. Sally B. Lucas. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st n.w.. until Tuesday. December 22. at 7 a.m. Interment New Rochelle. N. Y. GETZENDANNER. FRANKLIN C. On Sun day December 20. 1936. at Homeopathic Hospital. FRANKLIN C. OETZFNDAN NER the beloved husband of Elizabeth M. Getzendanner of Old Georgetown road R. F. D.. Rockville. Md. Remain* resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Tuesday. De cember 72. at 11 a.m. Interment Rock ville Union Cemetery. GRIFFIN. CATHERINE. On Friday. De cember 18. 1936. Catherine griffin. the beloved wife of James Griffln. Serv ices at the W. W. Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Tuesday. December 22. at 3 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BAYS. JOHN R. On Friday. December 18. 1936. at Freedmen’s Hospital. JOHN R. HAYS, color sergeant. United States Army retired. great-uncle of Mrs. Amanda Carroll. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 Rhode Is land ave. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. De cember 22. at 9:30 a.m.. from above establishment: thence to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. New Jersey and New York aves. n.w.. where mass will be of fered at 10 a.m. for repose of his soul. Interment 11:30 a.m.. Arlington National Cemetery, with full military honors. 21 BEDGMAN. EDGAR B. On Monday. De cember 21. 1936. at Emergency Hospital. EDGAR B. HEDOMAN. the beloved hus band of the late Vivian Waters Hedg man of Rockville. Md. Remains resting at the Colonial funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Notice of funeral later. HIPP. MARY J. On Monday. December 21. 1936. at Providence Hospital. MARY J. HIPP (nee Gallagher), beloved wile of Fred E. G. Hipp of 912 Eye st. n.w.. and mother of Mrs. E. Ware of St. Louis and grandmother of Patricia and Mary Helen Ware of St. Louis. Funeral will be held from Timothy Hanlon’s funeral parlors. 641 H st. n.e.. on Wednesday. December 23. at 8:30 a.m. High reaulem mass at St. Patrick’s Church at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rel atives and friends invited. (Newark. N. J.. and St. Louis papers please copy.) 23 HOBAN. VERNARD. On Sunday. Decem ber 20. 1936. at Children's Hospital. VERNARIF HOBAN. devoted son of Nacy and Carrie Hoban. brother of Stewart Hoban. nephew of John and Rev. W. H. Stewart. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. December 23. at 1 p.m.. from the Third Baptist Church. 5th and Q sts. n.w.. Rev. J. O. Bullock officiating. 22 HI NT. JAMES. Departed this life Satur day. December 19. 1936. JAMES HUNT of 1540 9th st. n.w. He Is survived by A devoted daughter. Lucille Smith; two loving brothers. Charles W. and Na thaniel Hunt; a devoted niece, Jennie Kenton; also other relatives and friends. Remains may be seen at the Malvan Ac Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. ADOLPH B. Suddenly, on De cember 18. 1936, at his residence. 707 Vamum st. n.w.. ADOLPH B. JOHNSON, beloved husband of Daisy L. Johnson (nee Lusby). Funeral from his late residence on Tuesday. December 22. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St. Gabriel's Church, where mass will be said at 10 ^m. Relatives and friends are Invited. terment Glenwood Cemetery. Ar rangements by Wm. H. Sardo Ac Co. 21 LEARY, HARRY F. On Sunday. December 20. 1936. at 1:30 o’clock, at his resi dence. Hot Springs. Ark.. HARRY F. ' LEARY, beloved husband of Mary Evans Leary and brother of Mrs. Lee Moxley £d Annie L. Leary of Washington. D. Services and Interment In Hot rings. Ark. LE CLERC. EMMA H. On 8unday. De cember 20. 1936. at her residence. 226 Cedar ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. EMMA H. LE CLERC. beloved wife of Dr. J. Ar thur le Clerc. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co.’s funeral home. 2901 14th at. n.w. Funeral services at the Presbyterian Church. Takoma Park. Md., on Tuesday. December 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. LESTER. DAWSON A. Suddenly, on Sat urday, December 19. 1936. DAWSON A. LESTER, the beloved husband of Ma tilda M. Lester. He la also survived by two daughters and two sons. Pu Serai from the W. W. Chambers Co. outheast funeral home. 017 11th st. s.e.. on Tuesday. December 22. at 1 P.m. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend. Interment at Port Lincoln Cem etery. LOCKWOOD. LEILA LEE SHELTON Me GREGOR. Suddenly, on December 12. 1936. at Atlantic Olty. N. J.. of heart attack. LEILA LEE SHELTON MC GREGOR LOCKWOOD, former wife of Carl J. Lockwood>of Washington. D. C.: Nevada and California. She U survived by an only child. Mrs. Heyward Douglas _ of Columbia. S. C. _ • LONG, MICHAEL (JACK). Suddenly, on Friday. December 18. 1936. MICHAEL (JACK) LONO. the beloved son of John J. Long and the late Margaret Long (nee Craven). Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Funeral from the above funeral home on Tuesday. December 22. it 9:30 a.m.: thence to St. Paul's Church. 15th and V sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of bis soul. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment iggunt Olivet MARION. CLAUDE W. On Sunday. De cember 30. 1936. at his residence. 2601 Morris Diace n.e.. CLAUDE W. MARION, the beloved husband of Mazle A. Marlon. He Is also survived by five dauihters and three sons. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 Uth st. s.e.. on Tuesday. De cember 22. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. MAYES. FLOSSIE. Departed this life on Thursday. December 17. 1936. at Gary. Ind.. FLOSSIE MAYES, beloved daugh ter of Julia Butler and the late Simon Butler. She leaves a husband, one dauahter. two brothers and one aunt. Remains may. be seen after 5 o'clock today. Funeral Tuesday. Decem ber 22. at 2 p.m.. from Ruth Dabney it Co.'s funeral home. 453 O at. n.w.. Rev. J. O. Bullock officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 22 MAYNOR. ANNIE. On Sunday. December 20. 1936. at her residence. 2605 Brent wood road n.e.. ANNIE MAYNOR. the be loved wife of H. C. Maynor. Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday. December 22. at 1:30 D.m.: thence to Sherwood Presbyterian Church. 22nd st. and Rhode Island ave. n.e.. where serv ices will be held at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Inter ment Washlnston Memorial Park. Ar rangements by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. NELSON. WILUAM F. Suddenly, on Sunday. December 20. 1936. at his resi dence. 4432 Douglas ave. n.e.. WILLIAM F. NELSON, son of George and Mary Nelson. He Is survived by one brother. John Nelson, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 22 PARKE. HORACE W. On Sunday. Decem ber 20. 1936. HORACE W. PARKE, son of the late William P. and Virginia N. Parke and brother of Caroline E.. Milton T.. Nina V. and Mordecal M. Parke and Mrs. Effle Robinson. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 23 PARKER. JAMES WALKER. Suddenly, on Saturday. December 19. 1936. at his residence. 3337 17th st. n.w.. JAMES walker PARKER, beloved husband of the late Nel'le Parker and father of Mrs. Evelyn Jones. Mrs. Jane Clough. Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, Margaret. James. Ralph and David Parker. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. De cember 23. at 8:30 am.- thence to Sacred Heart Church. 1 nth at. and Park rd. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Ammendale. Md. Services by W. W. Chambers. 22 PERKINS. LOUISE WRIGHT- On SunotJ. December 20. 1936. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Curtis Backus, 118 West Walnut st.. Alexandria. Va.. LOUISE WRIGHT PERKINS widow of CaDt. Frank R. Perkins. She Is sur vived by one other daughter. Miss Rachel • Perkins of Alexandria. Va.; two brothers Mr. W. W. Wright of Haymarket. Va.. and Mr. S. P. Wright of Springfield. 111. Funeral from the above residence Tues day. December 22. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Serv ices and interment private. (Buffalo papers please copy.) Arrangements by Demaine's funeral home. Alexandria. Va. PRICE. MART FRANCES. On Monday De cember 21. 1930. at her residence. Poolesville. Md.. MARY FRANCES PRICE beloved wife of the late Elias Price and daughter of the late Allen and Chrisie Carlisle. Funeral services at her late residence on Wednesday. December 23. at 11 a.m. Interment Monocacy Cem etery. Beallsville. Md. 22 RICHARDSON. ROSA J. S. On Sunday. December 20. 1930. at her residence. ROSA J. 8. RICHARDSON, beloved wife of William T. Richardson and beloved mother of Louise Richardson Bowen of University Park. Md. Funeral services at her late residence. 7H S st. n.w.. on Wednesday. December 23. at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 22 ROBINSON. EMII.Y E. On Monday. De cember 21 1936. at Homeopathic Hos pital. EMILY E ROBINSON, aged 88 years, beloved sister of Miss Mary L. Robinson. Funeral services Tuesday. December 22. at 2 p.m.. at Hysong’s parlors. 1300 N st. n.w. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. RYAN, THOMAS J. On Monday. December 21. 1936. THOMAS J.. beloved husband of Mary Ryan, father of Thomas W. and Louise Ryan. Funeral from W. Warren Taltavull's funeral home, 14th st. and Spring road n.w.. on Wednesday. Decem ber 23. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Gabriel’s Church, at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22 SALLY. PAULINE. On Sunday. December 20. 1936. at Gallinger Hospital. PAULINE SALLY, wife of Ulysses C Sally, sister of Planco. Blanche and Leona Saunders. She is also survived by other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 22 STRIBLING. ERNEST. On Saturday. De cember 19. 1936. ERNEST STRIBLING. beloved husband of Cora Stribling. lov ing son of Hannah Stribling. father of Agnes Stribling. brother of Robert Strib ling. Rhoda Corbin and Margaret Smith. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w Pu neral Tuesday December 22. at 2 p.m., from the Duffleld Church, Dufflela. W. Va.. Rev. Kent officiating. SWAN. FANNIE B. On Sunday, December 20. 1936. at her home in Stratford. Conn.. FANNIE B. SWAN, wife of the late Clarence Swan and mother of Mrs. F. A. Hunnewell of Washington. D. C. 22* TEDROW. ALFRED A. On Saturday. De cember 19. 1936. at his residence. 228 F st. n.e.. ALFRED A. TEDROW. Funeral from the W. W Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., Tuesday. December 22. at 9:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. TIDWELL. Fl.F.MON. Departed this life Sunday. December 2t(. 1936. FLEMON TIDWELL, of 918 O st. n.w.. a de voted husband of Maggie Tidwell. He also leaves to mourn their loss a daughter. Bessie Tidwell: one sister. Mrs Nina Gibson: a brother. John Tidwell, and many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Malvan & Schey fu neral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. TURNER, OSCAR. Departed thii life on Friday. December 18. 1936. at Garfield Hospital. OSCAR TURNER of 922 Barry place n.w. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Martha Turner; a son. Oscar Turner; a mother. Julia Turner: a father. Charles Turner: two brothers. Carl and James Turner: six sisters. Mrs. Ethel Farmer. Mrs. Alberta Mitchell. Florence. Helen. Mary and Jane Turner. Remains resting at the Malvan & 8chey funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. December 22. at 1:30 p.m.. from the above parlors. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. walls, henki iLAi. un Monday. u* cember 21. 1936. at his residence. 1438 G st. s.e.. HENRY CLAY WALLS, the be loved father of Henry Frank Walls and 1 Mrs. Mary Maude Ridgley. Funeral serv. Ices at the above residence on Wednesday. December 23. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. 10th and G sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m, for the reDose of his soul Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 22 WOLFE. JOHANNA A. On Saturday. De cember 10. 1930. at her residence. 1029 Harvard st. n.w.. JOHANNA A., the be loved widow of John O. Wolfe. Funeral from her late residence on Tuesday. De cember 22. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart, where mass will be offered at 9 o’clock. Relatives ana friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. 21 in HUmnrtam. HOLOHAN. MARTIN C. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband and father. MARTIN C. HOLOHAN. who de parted this life thirty years ago today. December 21. 1906. Gone, but not forgotten. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • HIHN. NELLIE. A tribute of love and de votion to the memory of our devoted mother, NELLIE HUHN (nee McAullffe). who departed this life four years ago. December 20, 1932. HER LOVING SON AND DAUGH TER. WM. C. HUHN AND MRS. A F. BAUER. • SIMMS. DANIEL. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear husband and father. DANIEL SIMMS, who departed this life two years ago today. December 21. 1934. Though the years be many or few. They are filled with sweet memories. Dear husband and father, of you. HIS LONELY WIFE AND DAUGH TER. FANNIE AND BEATRICE. • YOUNG. ROBERT. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear brother. ROBERT YOUNG, who departed this life one year ago today. December 21. 1935. So sad. so sudden was the call. His sudden death was a shock to all. But God In His wisdom knew what was best. • So He took him home to heaven to rest. THE FAMILY. Our brother la sleeping free from all pain. Oh. waken him not, sweet spirit, to suf fer again. . He slumbers so soundly, oh. let him sleep on; Hls sickness U ended and troubles all cone. SISTER, JENNIE BALL. » FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Gder’s Sons Co. VBMaafif "iS NAtional 2473 V. L SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor conn setae wtth the original V R Speare establishment. ■Atffifffa- 1009 H sTsTw. Chambers Om at the Larfegt Undertakers to the Warld 1400 Chapin St N.W. Cot 0432 S17 llth St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTOR* Crematorium 4tb and Maas, at*. H.R Unoeln WOO Joseph F. Birch's Sons ea£M’S®|f3rkw. MRS. PAGE MILBURN DIES AT AGE OF 77 Widow of Methodist Minister and Educator, Native of D. C., Ill Eight Weeks. Mrs. Nannie R. Mllburn, 77, widow of Rev. Dr. Page Mllburn, Methodist Episcopal minister and educator, died Saturday at her home, 3730 Kanawha street. She had been ill about eight weeks. Mrs. Mllburn was a native of this city and had spent most of her life here. Her father was the late William Ryland Woodward, prominent lawyer. Dr. Milburn, who died in 1938, at different times had been pastor here of the Union and North Capitol Meth odist Episcopal Churches here and pastor of the Woodside Methodist Episcopal Church in nearby Mary land. He also for a number of years was treasurer of the Baltimore Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the later years of his life he had been president of the Kee Mar Girls' College, at Hagerstown, Md„ and taught at West Virginia Wesleyan University. Mrs. Milburn had been active in church work. She is survived by a daughter, Miss Mary E. Mllburn, this city; three sons, Joseph W. Milburn, this city; WlUiam R. Mllburn, Mil waukee, Wis., and John R. Milburn, Cleveland, and two grandchildren. Funeral services are being held this afternoon at the residence, with Rev. Dr. J. L. Neff, pastor of Wesley Meth odist Episcopal Church, Chevy Chase, officiating. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. JOHN W. NORFOLK, 88, DIES IN FRIENDSHIP, MD. Well-Known Tobacco Grower Sur vived by Widow, 3 Daughter* and 4 Bon*. By tbe Associated Pres*. PRINCE FREDERICK, Md„ Decem ber 21.—John W. Norfolk, one of Cal vert County’s best known and wealth iest tobacco growers, is dead at the home he recently purchased at Friend ship. He had been ill for about a month and his death was attributed to the Infirmities of old age. He was 88. He was twice married. His first wife, Mrs. Annie Griffith Norfolk, died approximately 18 years ago. Surviving are his second wife, Mrs. Ida Lane Norfolk; three daughters and four sons. His daughters are Mrs. Prank Hutchins, near Annapolis; Mrs. Joseph J. Harrison, Baltimore, and Mrs. Horace Ward, Paris, Calvert County, and his sons, Hamilton Nor folk, Baltimore, and Frank, Archie and Charles Norfolk, Calvert County. He was prominent in church and Democratic party affairs. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at the home at Friendship and burial will be at the cemetery of the Methodist Episcopal Church there. The Rev. John Grose will of ficiate. FORMER PRESIDENT OF STATE PILOTS DIES Capt. William D. Sanner, 78, Headed Maryland Association for 26 Tears. By the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, December 21.—Capt. William D. Sanner, head of the Mary land Pilots’ Association for 26 years, died last night at Union Memorial Hospital here. He was 78 and retired in 1930. Capt. Sanner, a veteran of the days prior to universal steam shipping, learned his trade In small sailing ships off the Virginia Capes. After relinquishing the presidency of the Pilots’ Association he served on the Baltimore Harbor Board until it was dissolved by Mayor Howard W. Jack 8011. In November, 1933, Capt. Sanner married Miss Carrie Woodfall of Glen Bumie, who survives him. ,His only other surviving relative is a grand daughter, Miss Brooke Sanner. Funeral services will be held at the Sanner home tomorrow. Inter ment will be in the Greenmount Cemetery. MRS. LILY B. SETTLE BURIED IN CULPEPER Mother of Park Commission's Sec retary Was Prominent Churchwoman. bpeclsl Dispatch to The Stsi. CULPEPER. Va., December 21.— Funeral services were held here yes terday at the Culpeper Methodist Church for Mrs. Lily Belle Settle, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Bragg of Culpeper. The service was in charge of Rev. J. O. Unruh, pastor of the church, and burial was in the Masonic Cemetery. Mrs. Settle, who was the widow of William Barbee Settle, an attorney of Washington, Va., had been making her home in Culpeper for almost 25 years. Besides her daughter, she is survived by two sons, T. Slater Settle, attorney, and secretary of the Na tional Capital Park and Planning Commission of Washington, D. C„ and William Barbee Settle, attorney, of South Boston, Va., and a brother, Charles M. Word of Harrisburg, N. C. Mrs. Settle, whose family is prom inently connected throughout Virginia and North Carolina, was well known for her activities as a churchwoman. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Fiord Pi««*» HU r 8t H.W WAUOOU w GEO. C SHAFFER MODKR VnEIVFR TCTBRipHO^ NAT° 0106 Oven Evenings ud 8nnds;s Cot. 14th 8C Eye F. C. GETZENDANNER DEAD AT ALTA VISTA Former Treasury Employe Was Native of Frederick—Serv ices Tomorrow. Special Dispatch to Tht Star. ALTA VISTA, Md„ December 21.— Franklin C. Getzendanner, 68, for 36 years a resident of this vicinity and for many years connected with the United States Treasury Department, died yesterday after a short Illness. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Moffatt Getzendanner; a daughter, Mrs. George Bonhag, and a step-daughter, Mrs. E. Winsor Offutt, both of Bethesda, and two brothers and two sisters, Capt. H. C. Getzendanner, Lewis Getzendanner, Miss Phoebe Getzendanner and Mrs. John Briscoe, all of Charles Town, W. Va. He also leaves four grandchil dren. The funeral will take place at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning from the funeral home of W. Reuben Pum phrey, Bethesda, burial to be in Rockville Union Cemetery. Mr. Getzendanner was born in Frederick, Md„ and was the young est son of the late Daniel G. and Margaret Winebrenner Getzendan ner. He spent most of his youth in West Virginia and before coming to this neighborhood lived on a farm near Rockville for a number of years. His farm on the Old Georgetown road Is known as Bethlyn. Mr. Getzendanner entered the Treasury Department in 1891. W. C. ARMSTRONG DIES; FRONT ROYAL LAWYER •_ Special Dispatch to Tha Star. FRONT ROYAL, Va., December 21. —William C. Armstrong, 67, of Front Royal, leader of Warren County bar, died this morning in Winchester Hos pital. He was a member of the local law firm of Weaver & Armstrong, having formed a partnership with State Senator Aubrey O. Weaver in 1922. He was chief counsel for the Virginia Commission on Conservation and Development in the acquisition of 176,000 acres of land in the Blue Ridge Mountains for the Shenandoah Na tlonal Park. Previous to his residence here he was clerk of the Rappahan nock County Circuit Court at Wash ington, Va., for 18 years. Mr. Armstrong was a native of WoodvUle, Rappahannock County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ringgold Armstrong. His mother was a member of the prominent Miller family of Rap pahannock. He married Miss Mary Moffett of Washington, Va., who sur vives, with a daughter, Mrs. Hanson Beall of Washington, D. C., and a son, William C. Armstrong, jr., Front Royal attorney. MRS. LOUISE W. PERKINS IS DEAD AT ALEXANDRIA By a Stall Correspondent of Tne Star. ALEXANDRIA. Va., December 21. —Mrs. Louise W. Perkins. 83, widow of Capt. Frank R. Perkins, a Civil War officer and former city attorney of Buffalo. N. Y., died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Curtis B. Backus, 118 West Walnut street. Mrs. Perkins, who lived here for the past 15 years, leaves another daughter, Miss Rachel Perkins of this city, and two brothers, W. W. Wright, Hay market, and S. P. Wright, Spring field, 111. Funeral services, which wUl be pri vate, will be held at 11 am. tomor row at the home. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Edgar W. Boyle Dies. B? a Stall Correspondent or THe star. BERWYN, Md., December 21.— Edgar Worth Boyle, 56, retired Wash ington policeman, died at his home here, Hillcrest House, on the Balti more Boulevard, Saturday. Mr. Boyle entered' the police force In 1904. Eleven years later he was promoted to the rank of detective sergeant, which he held until his re tirement In 1923. He was the son of the late Inspector Richard Burke Boyle and was the brother of Sergt. Emery Boyle of the | Capital force. In addition to his I brother, surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Frances Goetzinger Boyle; two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Rhodes and Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, and a son, Richard B. Boyle. Pour grandchil dren also survive. Services will be held at the resi dence at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow prior to mass in the Holy Redeemer Church here. Burial will be in St. John’s Cemetery, Forest Glen. FLOWERS _OMMNT CIRCLE HO. 7000 (edar Hill eWafkinqMmo5tBemdild 0mclcry DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY COlumbM 0432 Ob* of th* Urmt Ua«*rt*k*r* la tbo World. FACTS That Speak for Themselves! ! Positive proof that Joseph Gawler’s Sons superlative service is available to every one is shown by this tabu lation of the price ran|e of our last 1,000 adult funeral services. Joseph Gawler’s Sons, Ine. Chapel Funeral Direetare Since 1150 Cremation Alfred B. Gawler William A. Gawler 1750-2-4-6-8 Pease. Awe. N.W. Walter A. Oawler Joeepta H. Oawler NAfieoal S5I2 MRS. EMMA H. LECLERC DEAD AT TAKOMA PARK By • SUB Correspondent ot The Star. TAKOMA PARK, Md., December 21.—Mrs. Emma H. Le Clerc, promi nent In church and social affairs of Takoma Park, and the wife of Dr. J. Arthur Le Clerc, died yesterday at her home here, 225 Cedar avenue. Mr*. Le Clerc waa a native of Ware, Mass., where she taught school for •ome years after her graduation from Mount Holyoke College. She came here In 1903 with her husband and was active In affairs of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, especially In the Missionary Society, of which she was president. She was a mem ber of the board of managers of the Presbyterian Home. Among other organisations, she was a charter mem ber of the Fortnightly Club and a member of the Twentieth Century Club. Dr. Le Clerc is a chemist in the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, De partment of Agriculture. Her remains are now resting at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Four teenth street, Washington. Funeral services will be held to* morrow at 3 p.m. at the residence, with interment in Fort Unco In Cemetery. Buried at lake Placid. John Brown’s body is burled on a farm he owned two miles east of Lake Placid, N. Y. FROM THE MARKETS OF L,*. ^EWORLD* i. HE delicacies associated with Christmas dinner and l Christmas giving come from the market places of the entire * world. Most of them are imitated. To be SURE you are getting the genuine, come to Magruder for them. Our commis sionaires scour the original sources and select only the best for us to offer you. CANDIES (tO ATTEMPT to list all of them is impossible. Everything from the gayly colored hard candies to the most luxurious bonbons, and prices suit ing the modest as well as the ample budget. ALL CHRISTMAS WRAPPED ulawe rnui l 2 lb. baskets_$1.50 1 lb. baskets- .90 5 Vz oz. baskets- .25 1 lb. wooden boxes_1.00 Whitman's Sampler— 1, 2, 3 lb_lb. $1.50 WHITMAN 5 Fairhill— 1,2,3, 5 lb_lb $1.00 All Creams_lb. $1.00 Chocolate-Covered Nuts— 1, 2 lb_lb. $1.50 Nut and Chewy Centers lb. $1.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES Locum Figs (cello packed)-lb. 30c Dotes, Stuffed-lb. 35c Brandy Hard Sauce_jar 80c Cluster Raisins_pkg. 25c R. £r R. Plum Pudding Sauce.. 35c NUTS IN SHELL English Walnuts_lb. 35c Brazils_lb. 28c Almonds, paper shell_lb. 38c Pecans (oversize Schleys)_lb. 50c Pecans (Stewarts)_lb. 35c Filberts, extra large_lb. 40c PLUM PUDDINGS Magruder's Old English, 1,2,3,4 1b_lb. 45c R. & R., lb. 33c;_3 lbs. 90c R. & R., 2 lbs. 60c; —-4 lbs. $1.25 Brondied Mince Meat, qt. jor $1.10 Holly Brush (in bowls)_$1.25 FRUIT CAKES Old Missus_5 lbs. $4.90 Greer's-2 lbs. 1.75 ' Greer's-5 lbs. 3.50 Rich's_1 lb. .60 Rich's_2 lbs. 1.20 CRACKERS Rhum Baba _ -box $1.50 MELBA TOAST_box 18c Celery Chips, H. & P_70c Red-Hot Potato Chips_25c Assorted Short Cakes Peak Freen_40c Hors d'Oeuvres F. F. V_38c Kraka Nuts_Vz lb. tin 35c 400 Others From Which to Choose CHEESE America makes some excellent cheeses ... many of which we are proud to handle, but the American versions of such delicate imported cheese as Stilton, Roquefort, Camembert, Gruyere and many others resemble the genuine only in name and superficial flavor. Therefore we feature only the genuine ... the finest made. Holland Edam_$1.65 Holland Gouda_45c Swiss Gruyere—solid_35c Kaukana Club Cheese_jar 45c Imported Roquefort, finest that can be bought-Jb. $1.00 Imported Camembert—solid 65c Canadian La Trappe_lb. 75e Crosse & Blackwell Salmon and Anchovy Paste_18c Cresca Antipasto Paste_18c Stuffed Olives-2*/» oz. 12c Fresh Caviar-]A lb. jar $3.50 CIGARS For Gifts Give Xmas wrapped Chesterfields, Old Golds, Lucky Strikes, Camels, per carton_$1.20 CORONA CIGARS: BELVEDERE SIZE (box of 25)-$3.50 PERFECTO SIZE (box of 25)__—$4.00 CORONA SIZE (box of 25).--$8.00 PRICES - that compare with all others -SELECTION . . . the most comprehen sive in Washington DELIVERY of railroad promptness GIFT BASKETS A colorful, tempting, satisfying compliment to a friend ... a basket of selected fruits, candies, nuts, wines and liquors. We can make up a basket for any price you want to pay. *3-°0 Up WINES E SAY without reservation ... OUR SELECTION OF WINES IS UNEQUALED IN WASH. INGTON. You can find vintages from almost any of the good years you can mention, as well as liquors to flavor the mince pie or to fire the plum pudding. You'll find your favorite brand at your favorite price. For your Christmas dinner or special gift, select sherry or port. Choose with confidence BELLOWS Bottle Com Cocktail (extra dry) _$2.85 $30.7$ Dinner la dessert Sherry)_$3.05 $32.75 Rare Amoroso < sweet with dry finish) _$3.80 $40.75 Vino dc Pasto (pale med. dry) _$1.75 $18.75 Red Label Port (mellow and full bodied)...$2.85 $30.75 In Wa$hington Only at JTL ClCfhAJLcL&l Champagne Perrier Jouet • 1926 or 1928 Vintag* *4 25 Bo,H. *4600 c„. We Also Recommend Bottle Com Williams & Hum bert Dry Pack .$3.10 $31.00 Duff Gordon Amontillado ..$2.95 $29.05 Saccone Speed Amontillado ..$2.45 $23.10 □ Call District 8250