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MORGENTHAU GUEST OF JEWISH GROUP Democratic Government Held Necessary for Protection of Minorities. BT toe Associated Presa. BALTIMORE, December 21.—Henry Morgenthau, jr.. Secretary of the Treasury, told a joint meeting of the brotherhood* cf 16 Baltimore syna gogues last night that only under a Democratic system of government can the welfare and liberties of minority groups be preserved. Secretary Morgenthau spoke after being the guest pf the brotherhoods at a dinner. He urged his listeners to "shake themselves from their placid acceptance" and awaken to the fact that democracy, under “violent and persistent” attack, is in danger. He set forth that the American Government in recent years “has moved forward in the effort to guar antee economic security to its citi zens” and that it met its recent trial of "fire and starvation not by re stricting liberty but by enlarging It.” It therefore deserves the support of Americans, he said. The Secretary called upon Ameri can Jews to be loyal to America and said Jews "serve America best not by abandoning our Jewish tradition, but by maintaining it" as the Jewish contribution to the melting pot of the Nation. Birds Don’t Like Flying. Scientists show that birds fly only from necessity and that those living where there is plenty of food and no danger tend to lose their aerial abilities. Dog Which Waited 13 Years For Master Is Killed by Car By tne Associated Press. ROCK ISLAND, HI., December 21.— Shep died Saturday at St. Anthony’s Hospital where attaches said he waited nearly 13 years lor Francis McMahon to come back down the elevator. Shep was just a Scotch collie pup' when he followed his master, suf fering a fractured skull, to the hos pital in 1924. At the elevator, hospital sisters said, McMahon reached down from his stretcher and said: “Good-by Shep, wait here.” The dog, they recalled, crouched near the elevator door and fought off attempts to put him out. The next day McMahon died and hos pital attendants carried his body from the hospital through a rear entrance. At first, sisters and nurses said, Shep refused to eat and met every effort to get him to leave the ele vator door with bared fangs. Finally he made friends, but throughout the years he remained near the elevator door most of the time. Saturday, Shep, getting stiff with age and going blind, wandered out Into the street. An automobile struck him. A hospital orderly carried him back into the hospital, but he died. soon after. England now has about 350,000 stenographers. ROPER HITS ILLITERACY Points Out Blx Types to South Carolina Session. COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 21 (IP).—Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper told 1,200 men and women fathered here yesterday to discuss j ways and means of eliminating Illiteracy in South Carolina that “illiteracy, with its attendant evils of crime, delinquency, poverty and low social standards, is probably the great est potential internal enemy.” Classifying Illiteracy into six types— social, physical, political, cultural, r t industrial, moral and spiritual—Roper asserted that "economic disorders • • • are evidences of a lack nf understanding and, hence, a form 'of.' Illiteracy.” RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY December, ever delightful, R doubly bo during the Christmas New Year holidays. Write tor Special Family Rattt. WALTER J. BL'ZBT. *NC. rOnly 3 More Days! SAVING OUR CUSTOMERS A MILLION DOLLARS Ever; Article Guaranteed “Satisfaction or Money Back” y 728 13th St. 911-15 H St. Northwest Northeast 3113 14th St. 923-25 7th St. Northwest Northwest W« R.s.rro th. Right to Limit Quantities- Mall Order. Add 1»% Open Evenings Till 9:00——Saturday, 9:30 ‘Visit Your Local Western Auto Associate Store ... in ^_ Nfaaassas, Va.—Culpeper, Va-Rockville, Md. DeLuxe Electric Lighter ■WaSb.W* ooes on Bash or Steering Post 1 Gift Sure of Appreciation. L 49* ^ ONK HAND CONTROL STEER WO AID A BrauW |1 VaJnt 48c , Adds t» !M-« dtd»i L : ini, ala Hr (Vklx •«* It.tnlfW. lit ttric fan Defroster Keep* ¥find*ht*ki*M8f I $ k Ideal for cart with heaters DeLuxe $2.75 Remarkable Values! Hurry—Hurry ... Stocks Limited! Ball-Bearing Streamline Strong stool from so. Bike Frame “Super” Trikes 16 in. sise $8-25 20-in. aiae $9-25 On* of th* b«rt mon.y can buyl Streamline Tot Wagon I I $1.10 Safety All steel body 23” xlO**". At tractive finish. W&mufFinns• - America's Finest/ Single Bar <29& Value Double bar >$2» Value Streamline ♦352? Value Girls •»ZB Value Every Western Flyer • is fully guar anteed Packed with Quality Features:— “Western Flyers” have gen- “Western Flyer” frames are uine Troxel saddles; New De- of patented construction — the parture Coaster Brakes; Big strongest, most shock-resisting full-size Balloon Tires and every ever produced. Finished in flash other feature that makes quality ing baked-on enamel with in a bicycle. chrome trim. It’s our enormous, co-operative buying and direct-frotw factory distribution (NOT skimping on quaUty) that makes these values possible Alio FOUR new "DeLuxe" Western Flyers: $25.95 to $38.95 Pay as low as $1 par waak ' Streamline “Royal Flyer” FuU-etre uteel body. Big. itrong. flMhy! Large artillery roll er-b earing wheel* “Red Flyer Junior”. Me “Wait*™ Flyer” Sidewalk Bike Regular S22.S0 ^ value For young cyclist*! Troxcl saddle. New Departure Chester Brake, solid-rubber tires, a real bikel 1 - Genuine "Cafex" Coffee Maker Built of genuine PYRE3C with an unconditioned, unlimited guarantee against breakage from heat. Full 8 Cup Capacity ( $1.1$ COMPLETE WITH HOTPLATE I At lttvtlTOtti) Door-Hing« Mirror An «c«tait ufrtr aM. Lifetime Quality Packet Kmvm Two Blade 3-Blade 35c Give - an Auto Clock Finest quality ^ Guaranteed o year rnrr] ondBdb.rttCL wtfh Flashttefife 2- Cell . . X4C * 3- Cell ......84e 5-Cell.$1.10 $1.25 Chrome Fender Guide 49« Make hinlmme gift* in PAIRS. * Ful!-Sir« 14-inch Electric Drill rTnderwriter ass?1 J0.65 ▼*loe. ~ Lifht. compact. taiy to handle. AII-luriiM. G uiriRtctd Mil lift. Wi' chuc^. A “ fin- I ttdH I Genuine G.E. Automatic DeLuxe, Automatic Electric Iron Roaster-Cooker Finest quality. Cooks en tire meal at once tor as roll «-lb. flu as 2 cents Guaranteed Guaranteed 1 Full Year 1 Full Tear r-A-T n m TTS 5Shm— Greatest Radio Value Ever Offered? _ 100 Witt.Elictric Soldering $2.00 Value $1.19 | 'E«sy~Reach"^ Hand-Brake Laver Extension I twin fir "mm" nlMM ntekH. ‘J& 1 vaiue •1.25 Plu I chromium or I Bakellte. On l in 2 minute*. World-Wife ^Sj. TRUETONE ^ 7 Super-power Tubes (with out'< Dual-purpose) gives 8-tube Power and Tone 0* Luxe - in <i j every I w*»' ! Hand- ' rubbed J walnut ' cabinet, i Kaaleet ] tunlna. 1 $I Per Week ^Ef M Buy* It M FREE Home Triol 6-Tube TRUETONE 3-Band Foreign Reception ' srar*20-95 J ■ Out-performs radios at doublo our price! More features! Bigger! Handsomer! An outstanding example of the amazing values made possible by scientific production, enormous cooperative buying and direct from-the-factory distribution. Eleven (11) Tubes— Not Just 6 or 7—but 11. including gen uine all-metal and new dual-purpose. World-Wide All-Wave— Not just police, amateur or American, but stations all over the world (even weak ones). Loud, clear. Easiest to tune. 41 Vk’lnch Walnut Cabinet— ... Not gumwood — but selected hand rubbed veneers. Substanial! Fine craftsmanship. EASY PAYMENTS ^ per week. FReT Hem* Trial What could please your family more than to find this marvelous new TRUKTON* near the tree Christmas morning? No money down! No obligation 1 If everyone is not 100% satisfied the trial oosts you not one cent. VMyitic Kay 1 TUNING EYE ^(NET-WORK DIAL ^>Tur>e either by station (letters or by Kilocyles. I j I_ 6 Super-Power Tubes (1 Dual Purpose) giving 7-Tube Power and Tone 3-Band Foreign Reception *28-»s $1 per Week Bays H . Big aymphonle speaker. Fully Guaranteed. Finest Quality. FBEE Heau Tria'f 7 super-rower Tubes (1 Dual Purpose) giving 8-Tube Power and Tone Cledr, World Wide Reception »36’s $1 per Week Super-Dynamic Speaker. Aoouatlc Tone Resonator. Automatic Aerial Tuning. FIEE Howe Trial I Mala AH-wava Traataaa “Sapar" Unsurpassed at Any Price! Finest Tone Quality! Greatest Power! 42- Walnut Cabinet. ' Olant Symphonic Super-1 Dynamic Speaker. 4 $1 Nr Wask Raya N FREE NtaM TrM Unexcelled all-around performance. ■ Greater power and finer tone than other sets selling at twice our prices. I l .4 * i Sava Sit ta SIS Expert Instal-1 lation. I Fully Guar anteed* I LSC’l***. 1 “DeLu»e” $26.95 “Senior” $51.95 aerials. With transformer. t Battar than many 1 I4 M aata. j *1.79j