Newspaper Page Text
Market Yields Fractions to Point or More as Equities Ease. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust. Util F'cn Net change. —.2 —.1 Unc. + .1 Today noon. 97.1 104.0 102.1 71.6 Prev. day— 97.3 104.1 102.1 71.5 Month ago— 96.6 104.2 102.4 71.1 Year ago— 85.6 101.6 99.5 69.6 1936 high— 97.9 104.4 103.1 72.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1935 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low_ 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _113.1 Prev. day. 113.2 Month ago 113.1 Year ago. 109.9 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9 1928 high- 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled By the Associated Press.) Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 21.—Weak ening In sympathy with a drop in shares, the bond market yielded frac tions to a point or so today. Losers included American & Foreign Power 5s, Baltimore & Ohio 4';s, Bethlehem Steel 4 Us, International Hydro Electric 6s. Missouri Pacific 5s. , Pure Oil 4Us with wararnts. Southern Railway 4s and Youngstown Sheet & Tube 3Us. U. S. Governments continued the Irregular pattern marked out during the morning. Modest gains in Treas ury 2Us of 1947 and 1959 contrasted With small losses in the 278s and the 3s of 1948. Pacific Lighting Boosts Dividend to S3 Annual Basis B? the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 21.—Pacifiic Lighting Corp. today announced a quarterly dividend of 75 cents a share on the common stock, placing it on a * $3 annual basis, compared with $2.40 previously. The payment will be made February 15 to holders of record January 20. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. December 21 i/P*.—Poultry, five, two cars, thirty-eight trucks, firm: hms 4pounds up. it»: less than 4'j founds. 13 Leghorn hens. 11: Springs, 4 pounds up. colored. 15: Plymouth Rock, 15: White Rock. 15V less than 4 pounds colored. 13*2: Plymouth and White Rock. vljV colored broilers. 15: white Rock. 3 Plymouth Rock. 10: Leghorn chick flS. 12: roosters. 12: Leghorn roosters. 31; turkeys, hens, 1HV voting: toms, 1BV old. 14: No. 2 turkeys. 14 V ducks, white. 4’j pounds up 17*2: colored. 1 *• V small white and colored. 13V Northern geese, 14V Southern geese. 13V capons, 7 pound up. 1 J*: less than 7 pounds, is. Dressed turkeys firm: hens, young. 21V old. 1J»V toms, younc is pounds up. 21: less than is pounds. 21*2: old, 1SV No. £ turkeys. 15V Butter, 6.408, steady: creamery-spe cials 103 score*. 3334a.'*4J4- extras. <f»2> 33V extra firsts <00-01 *. 3234-33: firsts, i s-8f*i 32-32*2: standards <0o central ized carlots). 33*4. Eggs. 5.075. easy; f':tr» firsts cars and local. 20 V fresh f aded firsts cars and loca!, 28 V current receipts. 27*2: refrigerator extras. 27V refrigerator standards. 27*2. Potatoes. 124. on track. 2B3: total U S shipments Saturday. 520: Sundav. 34; i eteady. supplies rather light, best Russets demand fairly good, other stock demand slow: sacked Der hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S No. 1. 2.4fta2.S5; mostly. 2.ftpa2.70: U. S. No 2. 2.00a2.o5: Washington Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 3. fine quality, large. 3.10; Colorado Red McClures, U. S. No. 1. cotton sacks. 2.00 partly graded. 2.42 V Wisconsin Round Whites. U. S. No. 1. l.Slo: U. S. No. 2,1 87V Futures: January. 2.75; March, No. I 1, 3.45; March, grade A. 3.17. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. December 71 (Jp.— (United Crates Department of Agriculture).—Hors. £8.000. including 7.500 direct; fairly active shippers and small local killers: mostly 3 0a 15 higher than Friday's average: top. 3 0.75: bulk well finished 190-7M) pounds. 10.00a 1 o.7o. bilk Rood sows. !* 50ao.S5. Cattle. 14.0(H): calves. 7.000: fed steers and yearlings steady to strong: trade rather slow: not much beef in run. middle grades predominating, only sprinkling toppy steers here: stockers and feeder? comprise warmed up and short-feds mostly, selling at 7.50 down: Eastern shippers paying 11.00 up ward for fat cattle: taking yearlings up to 37.50 and 1.400-pound averages to 17.75; dressed market still under adverse influ ence of poultry: live steer market sharply higher than week ago today, however: , mainly 50&1.00 over that low spot: she stock also steady to strong: bulls strong to 10 higher and vealers mainly steady »t 10.50 down mostly; lew shipper vealers making 11,00. Sheep 9000. Including 800 direct: fat lambs moderately active: early sales fully steady to stronger: aged sheep steady; Jood to choice native and fed Western ambs. 8.75a9.00; handyweights held up ward to 9.75 and above: slaughter ewes. $.50a4.50 mostly; feeding lambs scarce. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. December 21 iJb.— Cive poultry, fowl. Plymouth Rocks, fancy 1 Sa19; mixed colors. ]4alT; white Lee horns, Ida 15; staggy young roosters, rJa 33: old roosters, Wall: pullets, fancy. Plymouth Rocks. 19a20: reds. l?a!8; roasting chickens, HalS: reds. Wall; broilers, 15alO; Springers, Plymouth Pocks, yellow meated. 14a 17; crossbred Rocks. 13a 15; red Springers, llal5; Spring chickens, mixed colors, llal.’l; turkeys, fancy young hens. 2(1; fancy hens and toms. I8al9; fancy young toms, 17; ordinary young toms, 15ali>; old toms, 17; ducks, white Pekin. ldalH: mixed colors. J'-'al.'t: Muscovy ducks, inal.'i. Dressed poultry, turkeys. 20a25: near by. 23a25; old hens, 20a21: old toms. 2<ia21: fowl, fresh killed, in boxes. 15a22 chickens. In boxes. | 8a2d; smaller sizes. 38V4a20,/i; stags. Western. I4al7‘/*: old roosters, dry picked. Haiti; capons,' West ern, 22a28ta. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer. &s Feb.. 15-37_ 100 11-32 __ _ 8s Apr.. 15-37_101 7-32 101 9-32 I’.s Sep., 15-37_ 102 13-32 102 15-32 E'«s Feb., 1-38_ 102 17-32 102 10-32 8s Mar.. 15-38_ 103 8-32 103 10-32 S'rS June. 15-38_ 103 15-32 103 17-32 2’IS Sep., 3 5-38_ 103 8-32 103 10-32 11 is Mar., 15-39 ... 101 10-32 101 12-32 S’«s June. 15-39... 102 28-32 102 28-32 r»S Dec.. 15-39_101 1-32 101 8-32 Js»s Mar.. 15-40_ 101 23-32 101 25-32 l’js June. 15-40... 101 10-32 101 12-32 l'is Dec.. 15-40_101 10-32 101 12-32 I'is Mar, 15-41_101 10-32 101 12-32 Has June. 15-41... 100 28-32 100 30-32 X 'is Dec.. 15-41... 100 10-32 100 21-32 ■ 1 ■ Washington Produce. BUTTER — Range of prices to stores fathered from wholesale dealers (prices to nearby shippers based on Philadelphia and New York prices): One-pound prints, car ton (01 score). 37; 1-pound prints, car ton (00 score). 36: ’/.-pound prints, carton (02 score). 30: %-pound prints, carton (00 •core). 37: tub <02 score). 37: tub (00 •core. 34: ’.-pound prints, carton (91 •core). 38: tub (01 score). 36. MEATS—Choice beef. 16: calves. 18; lambs. 14: fresh ham. 22: smoked ham. 87: pork. 20: bacon, slab, 27; bacon, slice. 33: compound. 13: lard. IS. LIVE STOCK—Pigs, sa.aOV.: light hogs. f)'.«9,'<: medium hogs. O’.alO; heavy 'hogs. paO*,; roughs. 6a8: calves. 5alota: lambs. 5a9. Prices paid shippers, net. f.o.b. Washing ton. By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: BOGS—Market full steady at unchanged prices. Dealers report improved undertone. Current receipts 28a30: hennery whites. 80*32. Government graded and dated white eggs (net prices paid shippers, f.o.b. Washington)—U. S. extras, large. 34: U. S. extras, mediums. 30V2; U. S. standards, large. 33. LIVE POULTRY—Market generally •teady at unchanged prices. Turkeys mov ing readily and undertone improved. Fowl: Colored, heavy. 14a]6: Leghorns. 7alO: No. 2’s. 7; guineas, young. 2 pounds and up 40 each; under 2 pounds. 25a30 each: eld guineas, 20a25 each. Turkeys: Young hens. 18ai0: young toms. 16al7: No. 2's, 12: old hens. 14: old toms. 14. Louisville ti Nashville R. R.—Com mon share earnings, 10 months ended Qctober 31, were $6.37, against $2.60, ^ BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bonds____. . 590.000 Foreign Bonds ______ 1,330,000 Domestic Bonds_ 8,550,000 TRfASU RY. High Low. Close. ms 1940-53_ 100.29 100.25 10U.25 ms 19 46-47____ 106.5 106.3 106.3 2 84 s 1948*61_ 103.25 103.25 103.25 284s 1961-64___ _ 102.22 102.18 102.22 2 84 s'66-69_ 102.5 102.3 102.4 2768 1966-60_ 103.22 103.20 103.22 is 1946-48_ 107.23 107.20 107.20 39 1951-66_ 106. 106.29 105.29 3Us 1946-49_ 108.18 108.18 108.18 3Us 1949-52_ 107.30 107.27 107.27 I Us 1941_ 108.26 108.24 108.24 3US 1944-46_ 109.21 109.21 109.21 3 84S 1940-43 Jun« 107.26 107.24 107.24 38»s 1943-47_ 110.22 110.19 110.22 4s 1944-54.. 115.22 115.21 115.21 4US-3US1943-45 109.24 109.22 109.24 4Us 1947-52 _ 121.15 121.10 121.15 4US 1947-52 reg. 121.8 121.8 121.8 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 38 1947_ 105.15 105.15 105.16 3s 1949_104.27 104.27 104.27 I Us 1964_ 105.23 106.23 105.23 HOME OWNERS* LOAN. 3U8 1942-44_ 102.17 102.17 102.17 28ts 1939-49_ 102.21 102.19 102.21 Is '1952_ 104.16 104.12 104.16 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltlbl PsAPw 6b '68.. 794 774 774 Adriatic Elec 7s'62.. 74 734 74 Agr Mtg Bk Col <• ’47 Febr coupon on. 244 244 *44 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s '48 April coupon on. 244 244 244 Alpine Mont S 7s ’55-. 93H 934 934 Antloqula 7s ’45 A_ 154 15 154 Antloqula 7s’46 B_ 164 16 15 Antloqula 7s '45 C__ 164 18 154 Antloqula 7s '45 D_ 164 15 15 Antloqula 1st 7s '57.. 13 124 124 Antloqula 2d 7s’67 new 13 124 124 Antloqula 3d 7s’67 IS 124 124 Argentina 64s ’62_ 102 102 102 Argentine 6a '57 A_ 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s'61 B_ 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s *69 June 1024 1024 102'* Argentine 6s'69 Oct. 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s’60 May. 103 102**103 Argentine 6s'60 Sept 102 102 102 Argentine 6s’60 Oct 1024 102*4 1024 Argentine 6a '61 Febr 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s 61 May. 1024 1024 102** Australia 44a‘66_ 1024 1024 1024 Australia 6»‘66_ 1104 HO 110 Australia 6s '67_ 1094 1094 109** Berlin Elec 6a ‘56__ 24 24 24 Berlin Elec 643'51_ 24V* 244 24'* Brazil 6 4s'26-‘67_ 38'* 38 38'* Brazil 64s ”27-’67_ 38 37»* 88 Brazil 7s ‘62_ S84| 374 374 Brazil 8s ‘41__ 434 424 434 Buanos Aires 4*4s-4 4s ‘76 April.. 80 4 80 80 Buenos Aires 44s-34s’77Pv .. 78'* 784 7M* Buen A 44s-44s '75 814 81V* 814 BuenosACS4s’61stPv 854 85.4 854 Bulgaria 7s '67 July coupon off_ 20 20 20 Bulgaria 74a '68 May coupon off_ 20 20 20 Canada 84s’61.___. 1034 1034 1034 Canada 4a 60_1104 II04 1104 Canada 5a-53_11*4 11*41144 Chile 6s '60 ______ 16*4 I6*n 164 Chile 6a '61 Febr_ I64 lbH 164 Chile 6s '61 Sept__ 164 16'4 16‘* Chile 6a 62_ 16'* 16.'* 16'* Chile 6s’63- 164 I64 164 Chile 7s 42 _ I64 16'* 164 Chile Mtg Bk 6s’61_ 14 134 134 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62 _ 184 134 134 Chile Mtg Bk 84*'67. 13»* 131* 13»* Chile Mtg Bk 6**a'61. 134 I3J* 134 Chilean Mun L 7s ’80. 13 13 13 Cologne 64s'50 _ 22 4 224 224 Colombia 6s ’61 Jan... 29 28 28 Colombia 6s’61 Oct... 29V* 28V* 284 Col Mtg Bk 7s ’46_ 224 224 224 Copenhagen «!*■ '53.. 97 4 97 4 97 4 Copenhagen 5s '62_ 994 99! s 99V* Costa Klca 7s A ’51_ 2«4 2t*-» 264 Cuba 64s 45 __ 66 6 5 4 56 Denmark *4s 62__ 99*4 99.4 99V* Denmark 5 4s’66_ 1004 1004 1004 Denmark 6s ’42 _ 105 4 105 105 Dominic 1st 64s'4*.. 744 735* 73V* Estonia 7s'67_ 97 97 97 Finland 6s’45_10b“* 1064 10o4 Frameric In 7 4s 42— 1074 1074 1074 Franklort 6 4s’53_ 21V* 214 214 Ger C Bk A 6s '38_ 294 29'* 294 Ger C Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct 25 15 26 Ger Gen Elec 6s '48 . 41 41 41 Ger Gen Elec 64s’40. 41 41 41 Ger GOT 54s'65 St 214 214 214 Ger Gov 6 4s '65 un at Z04 204 204 Ger Prv & City Bk ! Get Kep 7s 49 atpd_ 28 28 28 Greek Gov 6s ’68_ 26 26 26 Greek Gov 7s '64_ 3U 30 30 ! Haiti 6s 62 __ yytj yy yyk* Hamburg St 6s 46__ 22 22 22 Hungary 7 k*s '44 Febr coupon on_ 48 48 48 Italy la 61 __ 84 83?, 84 ltal Crd P W 7s ’47 B. 75?), 75*s 75?* Itsl P C Crd 7a '62_ 65', b4?* 66 Japan b Hs '66._ 7M?* 79?* 79?* Japan 6 Ss'64 .. y5kj 95.’* 96;* Jugos Altg Bk 7s '67 unmat coupon_ 30 80 3a Kreug&Toll 6s '69 cf s_ 444* 444* 444* Lombard fclleo 7s '62_ 66 66 66 AledsUn 64*s '64 - 14?, 13k* 184* Alex 4s *10-'46 asst_ 7?, 7k* 74* Alex 4s '54 asst _ 6?* 6?* 6|* Alex ire 44*s'43 asst.. 6k* 6k* 6k* Milan 64*s 61 ... 65 65 65 Mlnss Gers 64*s '68 Sept coupon off_ 23 2R 23 Mlaas Geras 64*s 89 Sept coupon on_ 22?* 22k* 22k* Montecatlnl 7s ’37___9y yy yy Montevideo 7s'62_ 65}* 65k* 65’* New So Wales 6s'57.. 104?* 104?* 1044* Nsw So Wales 6a ’68.. 104?* 104?* 104?* Norway 4 5*s '66-101;* 101 loiki Norway 4 4* s 61-102J* 102?* 102?, Norway 6s'61_101 101 101 Norway 6a '44_108k* 108k* 108>* Oriental Dev 64*8 '68. 70 70 70 Oriental Dev 6s 63... 78 72k* 73 Oslo 4 H*'66__ 99 yy yy Panama 64*8'63_ 105?* 105?* 105?* ParliOriKy bV*s’6S. 101?* 101k* 101k* Paulista Ity 7a '42_ 82k* 82k* 82k* Pernambuco 7s '41 Sept coupon oft_ 21k* 20?* 204* Peru 6s 60-lbk* lb 16k* Peru 6a '81-16?* 16 16k* Peru 7a'69- 174* 174* 174* Poland 6a'40_64k* 64k* 64k* Pound 7a 47_ 73k* 78k* 73k* Poland 8a'60_ 63 62 624* Psrto Alegre 7 4* s ’68 July coupon oft_ 23 23 28 Prussia 6 4* a'61- 21k* 21}* 21}* Queensland 6s '47_ 113}* 113}* 113}* Queensland 7a '41-1124* 112k* 112}* Rhine W El P 6a '63_ 24 24 24 Rio de Jan 6 He'S! Aug coupon oft_ 23 22k* 22k* Rio de Jan Ss *46 Aiiru soupon on__20 24 Z4 Rio Or do 8ul <• ‘69 Juno coupon off_ 21 21 21 Rio Ur do Sul 7b ‘69 May coupon off-2894 2891 2394 Rio Ur do Sul 7b ‘97 June coupon off_2294 2294 2294 Rom* 644 a‘62 ... 6894 68V* 689* Rumania 7a '49 Aug coupon off _2444 2494 3494 Sao Paulo C 8s ’63 coupon off. .. .... 3444 3444 >444 Sao Paulo St 9a '99 July coupon off_3344 2894 2394 Sao Paulo St 7a ‘40__ 9244 92 9294 Sao Paulo St 7a '69 Sept coupon off_ 3444 2444 2444 Sao Paulo St Sa ‘39 July coupon off.9694 ti>4 9694 Sao Paulo St 9a '99 July coupon off—8044 3044 8044 Serbs 7s'63 unm eo.. 3494 2494 2494 Serbs 8s *62 unm c o__ 26 26 26 Siemens ft H 6 Ha '61. 6894 >894 6894 Sydney 694a'66_ 104 104 104 Toklo 694 a '61 _ 71 71 71 Toktr E L Ltd 6a '63.. 72 7194 7194 Trondhlem 694*'67.. 10194 10194 10194 Un Stl Wk 694a *47 A. 2744 2744 2744 Uruguay Cs‘60__ 68 6744 6744 Uruguay fa '6*_... 6741 6741 6744 Uruguay Sa '49- 6894 6894 6894 Vienna 6s ‘63 May c o. 88 88 88 Wastphal B1 Pw 9a '6* 2344 2844 28H Yokohama 9a *61 7494 74 79 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s '49. 10444 10444 10414 . Alleg Corp 6a 44_loo 9944 9944 Alleg Corp 6a ‘49_ 9644 9694 98^ Sigh. Low. Close. Allag Corn *a 10 atp 634 634 634 Allied Stores «He ’60 1004 1004 1004 Am * For Pw 6e 1030 814 80 80 Am Ice OT 6s 18_ 87 86H 87 AmlQCft6Ha’4»_1094 109 109 Am T6T<Hl 19_ 1124 1124 1124 AmTAT6Ha*4l_ 1124 1114 112 Am T F 2Ha-6s 38-10 166 1624 1624 Am Wet Wlte 6» *73 .. 1104 1104 1104 Am Writ Paper 6e *47 72 714 714 Anaconda deb 4 Ha 10 1064 1064 106 Anglo-Chll Nit 7a’67. 36 36 86 ArmourlDelllet «a’66 99 934 934 A TAS Fe gen 4a ’96 1154 1164 1164 A TAS Fa adl 4a It at 1114 1114 1114 A TAS Fe 4Ha'43.. Ill 1104 HI A TAS Fee A 4HH! 113 113 113 A TAS F TCSL 4s *58. 113 118 118 Atlanta A Blrm 4a 13. 33 83 S3 AU Coast L 1st 4s 12. 1044 1044 1044 Atl Coast L clt 4a 13.. 974 974 974 AU CLun 4He *64_ 98 4 974 974 AU Coast Line 6s *46.. 106 106 106 AUantlO A D lat4s’48 60 594 60 Atlantic A D 2d 4a *48 63 63 63 Atl Refining deb 6a 17 1024 1024 1024 B A O 1st 4S ‘48 .. 1084 1084 1014 B & O 1st 4a *43 reg_ 1054 1064 1054 B A O 4 Ha '60_ 774 764 76.4 B AO let 6a *43_1154 116 1154 B A O ref 6a *96 A_ 904 884 884 B A O 6s *96 F_ 894 88 88 B AO ref 6a 2000 D_ 90 884 884 B A O ref 6s *95 C ... 1004 994 994 B AO PLEAW V4S’41 1034 1034 1034 a « yj awn oa ou _ iubt* tuo iud B & O Toledo 4s '69 ... 994 994 994 Bang & Aroos 5s ’43_ 1154 1154 1164 Bell T of Pa 6s '48 B.. 1204 1204 1204 Bell T of Pa 6a '60 C__ 1304 1804 1304 Beth Steel 3%s’66_ 984 984 984 Beth Stl 4 4s'60 if_105'* 1044 1044 Bos* Me 44*'61 J_ 79 774 78 Bos & Me 6a'66__ 84 84 84 Bos * Me 6a '67. .. 824 824 824 Boston N1AL4I ’65. 26 254 254 Bot Con M 6 4s ’34 364 344 844 Bot Con M 6 4s'34 ct. 344 84 344 Bklyn Ed con 31is'68. 104 4 1044 1044 Bklyn Man T 44s'66. 104 1034 103 4 Bklvn Un El 6s '60 ... 1144 1134 1134 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 'SO.. 1064 1054 1054 Bklyn Un Gas 6s '67 B 109 109 109 Bklyn Un Gas rf 6s '47 1314 1314 1314 Brown Shoe 34s'60.. 106 106 106 BuftG E 44B'81 B... 109 109 109 Buft K&Pcon 4 4s'67 90 884 88*1 Buff R&Pcn4 4s'67 rg 88 88 88 BCR&Ncl6s'34 ... 22 4 22 4 224 B C R & N 6s'34 ctfs.. 22 4 22 4 224 Busn Term 1st 4s'52.. 88 88 88 Bueh Term con 6s ‘66 734 73 734 Bush Term Bldg 6a -60 674 67 4 674 By-Prod Ck 64a’«6._ 101 101 101 Calif Packing 5s'40_1044 1044 1044 Camag Vs '42 ctfs _ 33 324 324 Can'dian N K 44s-61. 116'* lib', 1164 Can’dian N R 44s 67 115'* 115'* 115'* Can'dian N 6s’69 July 1184 1184 1184 Can’dian N H 6s’69 opt 1204 1204 12C», Can’dian N db 64s'46 1274 12,4 1274 Can'dian P db 4s oerp 99 4 994 994 Can'dian Pac 4 4a 60 1054 106** 1064 Can dlan Pac 6s’44 cfa 1154 116*» 115s, Can'dian Pac 6s '64.. 109 109 109 Caro Cl & O 5s *38 ... 106 106 106 Central Fdry cv 6s'41 160 160 160 Cant of Ga con 6s'45— 3o4 3o 30 Cent of Ga 6s 59 C_ 18 18 18 Cent of Ga rf 6 4s'59. 174 174 174 Cent Ga Mobile 5s'57. 26 26 26 •‘ent 111 E Sc G 6s 61 1044 1044 1044 Cent N England 4s ’61 68.4 67** 684 Cent of N j gen 6a‘87. 86 85 85 Cent Pac lat rf «a'49. 1124 112 112 Cent Pac 6s 60 _1024 1014 1014 Cent Steel 8s 41_126 1254 125>* Cert'd deb 64s '48 904 90 90** Champ P* F 44s ’60. 107 107 107 ChesapCorp6s 47 .. 1444 141 141 Ches * O S4s '96 D._ 101** 1014 1014 Ches &034»’96E._. 101 4 1014 1014 Chi & Alt ret 3a '49 .. 66 66 66 Chi B A Q gen 4a '68_. 1154 1154 115.4 CH B * y ref 6a ‘71 1184 1184 U84 Chi B&</ 1 div 34a '49 109*, 109 109 Chi &E 1116s 61 .... 344 33 33 Chi Grt West 4s’69... 454 444 444 Chi 1 & L gen 6s '66 .. 204 20 204 Chi Ind & L.OU 4s'47._ 36 35 35 Chi Ind & E gen 6s '66 20*4 204 204 CM&StP gn 3 4s ’89 B 644 544 544 CM&StP 48 '89 _ 604 60 60 CM&StP gn « 4s’89 C 64 6S4 634 CM&StP 4 4s 89 E .. 64 64 64 CM&StP 6s '76 .. 274 254 254 ClU&StPAP ad) 682000 9 84 8»* Chi A NW gen 4s'37.. 461* 444 444 Chi & NW 44s 2037 27 26 26 Ch) A NW 44s 1037 C 274 26 4 264 Chi Sc NW 4%*s -49 .. 14V* 14 144 Chi & NW rf 6s 2037 ._ 274 27 27 Chi & NW gen 6s'87.. 48 47 47 CANW Nr W 64s 36. 60 60 60 Chi R 1AP rf 4s'34 . 18 174 174 Chi R l&P rf 4B'34 ctX 17 16 16 Chi K 1AP gen 4s '88 384 37*1 38 Chi R l&P 4s '88 ctfs.. 37 36** 36** Chi R l&P 44S-52 194 184 184 Chi R 1AP 4 4s’52 Ctf 174 104 164 Chi K l&P 44a 60 .. 10 94 94 uni 1 MAS ISt 58 60.. 9714 97?4 97*4 Chi Un Sta 3*4s 61 . Iu8)4 108*4 108'4 Chi UnSt»J*,s 83E 111 110»4 110*4 Chi & W I con 4s *62 107*4 107*4 107*4 Chi A W lnd <*,■ '*2. 104', 104*4 104*4 t'hllrts A <'o 6s -43 . 93 93 93 Cin Gas El 4s ’68 A lot 104 104 Cln Union Term 6s *67 108*4 108*4 108*4 CCCASt L, gen 4s *93 106'< 105*4 105*4 CCCASt L rf 4 M|S’77 E 96*S 95*« 95*4 Clev & Pitts 4Us '77._ 105*4 105*4 105*4 Clev Un Tel 4*»S *77 105*4 105 106*4 Clev Un Term 5s '73 B 111*4 111 111 Clev Un Ter 6*4S *72 A 113 112 113 Colo Fuel A lr 6s *70.. 91*4 91 91*4 Columbia OAEii *62 May_10414 104*4 104*4 Columbia GAB 6s *81 104*4 104 104 Colum RyP ALt 4s’65 108*4 108*4 108)4 Cora lnv Trust 3*4a'al 104 103*4 104 Conn A P Rys 4s'43—. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Cons Coal Del 6s'80 . 63*4 62)4 63*4 ConaEd NT 3Ha *48 n 106*4 106*4 106)4 Cons Gas N T 4*48*61 106*4 106)4 106)4 Consol 011 3*4 s *61_ 105*4 105 105 Cona Pwr 3 *4 a *70 _. 107)4 107 107 Consum Pwr 3%s *65. 108 108 108 Container deb 6s *41_102 101)4 101)4 Crane Co 3*4a *61_1.1 101 101 Crown Will P 6s "61_ 105)4 105)4 105*4 Cuba HR 1st 6s '63 60 68 68 Cuba RR 7*4s36' ctfs. 71*4 71*4 71*4 Cuba Northn 6*fca'42 62 69)4 69*4 Dayton PAD 3*4 s *80. 107 106)4 106)4 Del A Hud rax 48 43 . 88)4 88 88 Den A R G con 4a 38.. 30)4 30*4 30*4 DenARG W 5a'66... 17 16*4 17 Den A R G raf 6s '78 . 28*4 28 28 Den A RGW 6s'66 asst 17 15*4 15*4 Detroit Edle 4s *66 F 110)4 110)4 110)4 Der Edison 4*4s'61 D 115*4 115)4 115*4 Dul A lr Rg 6s'37_ 103*4 103*4 103*4 Dul 8 S A At 6s >37 ... 72 71 71 Duauesne Lt S*4s *66. 109*4 109)*' 109)4 East Cuba S 7*4s’37 . 42 41*4 41)4 E Cubs 8 7*48 37 Ctfs 40*j 89*4 39*4 B Tenn lien 5s *38 .. 104*4 104H 104*4 ET V AGacn 6s *68 115*4 115*4 116*4 El Paso Nat G 4)4 s'46 173 170*4 170*4 Brie cv 4s *68 A_ 92*4 81*4 91*4 Brie ev 4s *63 B_91*4 91)4 91*4 Erie cons 4a'9«__„_ 105)4 106)4 105)4 Erie gen 4s *96_90 88)4 88)4 Brie ref 6s *87_— 86 84*4 84*4 Erl* ref 6s *76 __85 84*4 84*4 Erie Pa col tr 4s ’51_ 105)4 106)4 105)4 barb ks Morse 4s 6#.. 1U4* 1*4* IU4* Fed Lt & Trac is '42._ 102* 102* 102* Fed Lt & Trac «s '4i„ 103 103 103 Fla C & Pen 5S'43_ T5* 75* 76* FlaBCRy 4*a’69 81* 81* 81* Fla B C Ry 6s *74 _ 17* 16* 16* Fla B C Ry 6S *74 ctfs 17 16* 16* Fond J A R 4s '82 Sled 4* 4* 4* Gen Am In v 6a'62_ 102 102 102 Gen Cable 5*a 47_ 106* 106* 106* Gen Mot Aco 3s "48__ 104* 104* 104* Gen Mot Aco 3*s ‘51-. 103* 103* 103* Gen Sti C 6*a '49_ 97* 97* 97* Goodrich 4*s'56_100* 100 100 Goodrich 6s'46 _ 106* 106* 106* Goodyear TAR 6s '67. 104* 104* 104* Great N Ry 4s 46 G-. 116* 116 116* Great N Ry 4s '46 H 108* 108 108 Grt NR ref 4*8'61 A 116* 116* 116* Grt N R sen 4Ha *76 C 107 107 107 Grt N R sen 4* "77 B. 107* 107 107 Grt N R sen 6s >76 C-. 114* 114* 114* Grt N R 6*8 '62 B_118 117* 118 Green Bey 6a '62 B_ 10* 10* 10* Gulf M ft N 6a '60 .. 100* 99* 99* Golf MAN 6*s *60 102* 102* 102* Gulf States St 4*a’61. 99* 99* 99* Hock Val 4*8 '99 126* 126* 126* Hoe <K> ACO 6*8'84 93 93 93 Houston on 6*a *40.. 102* 102* 102* Hudson Coal 6s *62 .. 62 61* 61* Hud A Man Ino 6s *67. 82 31* 31* Hud A Man rsf 6s'67. 81 80 81 111 Ball Tsl 6 * 8*70— 109* 109* 109* 111 Cent 3*S *62 - 88 88 88 111 Cent 4s '51-110* 110* 110* 111 Cent col tr 4s *62.. 88 86* 87 III Cont ref 4s'66- 92* 92 92 111 Cent 4*8*66_ 77* 76* J6* 111 Cent ref 6s '66- 104* 104* fl>4* HI Cent Lou 2*s *52.. 101* 101* 101* 111 Cent St L 2*8*61-. 97* 87* 97* 111 Cent W L 1st 4s *61 100* 100* 100* ICCAStL N O 4*s*68. 64 64 Hitch. Low. Close. ICC&StLNOE*’6*_89 8714 8714 111 Steel deb 4tt*’40_ 107 io«H 107 Ind ill & lows 4a '60.. 107 107 107 Inland Stl 844a 'Cl-10714 10714 10714 Int R T lat rf6a '(•_ 84*4 9414 9414 Int RT 6a’88.- 4714 4814 4614 Int R T 6a ’82 Ctfa_4414 4414 4414 Int K T 7a *82 ctfa- 9314 9314 9314 Int Agr cl 6a ’42 atp_100}« 10014 10014 Int Cement 4a’46_161 160 160 Int Qrt Mr 6s '62 A_ 8314 83 8314 Int Ort Nr ad] 6a’62 A. HH 1114 1114 Int Hydro £11 4s'44_ 8214 8II4 82 Int Mar Marina 6a *41. 7314 73 73 Int Pap lat 6a ‘47 A... 102 10114 102 Int Pap ref 6a '66_ 99 98*-4 99 Int Ry of C A 6s ’41... 10214 10214 10214 IntRy ofCA 6Ha'47. 99 99 99 Int TAT cv 414* '29_ 8114 80>4 80}* Int T&T 4Ha ’62_ 70 6914 6914 Int TdtT 6a '65 _ 7414 78*4 7814 Iowa Cant lat£rf4s’61 8 8a JonesALStl 414s’41A. 104 104 104 Kan C So lat 2a '60_ 9414 9814 9814 Kan C Sort In 6a ’60.. 9714 96H 9614 Kan C Term 1st 4a *66. 10914 10914 10914 Kendall 6%s’48 ww__ 10SI4 10814 10314 Kings County El 4k Pw pur mon 6s ’97__ 16214 16214 16214 Kresge Found 4s *46._ 11114 11114 11114 Laclede G 6 *s ’63 C-. 66 64 64 Lake E A W 1st 6a'37. 102* 102 102 Lautaro Nltr 6s '64 . 86* 36* 85* Lautaro Nit 6a'64 cfs. 36* 35* 86* Leh CAN 4*s '64 ▲ 106* 105* 105* Leh CAN 4*a'64 C_ 104 104 104 Leh Val Coal 6a *64_ 76 76 75 Leh Val Coal 6a *74_ 75 76 76 Leh Val Coal 6s *38_ 99* 99* 99* Leh Valley Har 6s *64. 104* 104 104* LV NY 1st 4S '46 gtd.. 91* 91 91 L V N i 4*8*40 gtd— 103 103 103 Leh V Peon 4s2001.. 68* 6744 68 Leh V Peon 4*s 2001 74 73 74 Leh V KR con 6s 2001 81* 81* 81* Llgg & Myers 7a '44... 186* 135* 186* Loew s 3*s ‘48 _ 100* 100* 100* Long lsl unlf 4a '49... 103 106 106 Lorlllard 6a 61_ 124* 124* 124* Lorlllard 7s'44_ 134* 134* 184* La A Ark 6a *69 _ 98* 98* 98* L & Nash 3*8 2003_ 97 96* 96* LAN 1st 48 2003_ 103 103 103 LAN unir 48*40_ 109* 109* 109* LAN 4*8 2001 C_ 107* 107* 1C7* L&N 5a'37_101* 101* 101* L & N St L 3s 'SO_ 96 96 96 L A N So Mon H 4a '61 99* 99* 89* McCrory Stores 6a ‘61. 106 105* 105* McKeasAKOD 6*s '60 104* 104 104* Me C HR clt 48 -46 A .. 104* 103* 103* Me C RR gh 4*s'60A. 80* 80* 80* Manstl Sug 7*8'42 . 77* 76 76 Man S 1st 7*s'42 Ctfs 77 76 76 Marlon St Shov 6s '4i. 98*' 88* 98* Manhat Ky 4s '90_ 62* 62* 62* Manhst Ry 4s‘90 ctfs. 60* 4976 49* Mead CO 6s'46 . . 106* 106* 106* Met Ed let rf 4*s *68. 108* 108* 106* Mex Jnt ft 4s '77 asst-. 3* 3* 3* Mid KR N J 6S 40_ 90* 90* 90* Mil E R A S L 68 '61 . 104* 104* 104* Mil E R A S L rf 6a'71. 104* 104* 104* Mil No 1st 4 *s 'ex ’39 92 92 92 Mil A Nor con 4 *s’30 87 86 87 Minn A S L rf 48'49_ 6 4* 4* MStPASSM cn 48 '38.. 367* 86' 36* MStPASSM 6*8'78... 92* 92* 92* Mo 111 6s’69. _ 49 47* 47* Mo K AT 4s‘62 B_ 73* 73* 73* Mo KAT 4*s'78_ 77 77 77 Mo K A T adj 6s ’67_ 70 69 69 Mo Pac 4S’76__16 14 14 Mo Pac 6s '66 A__ 40* 38* 38* Mo Pac 6s’77 F_ 40 38 * 38* Mo Pac 6s ’77 F ctfs.. 38 * 38* 88* Mo Pac 6s ’78 O _ 39* 38* 38* Mo Pacific 6s 80 H—_ 39* 39 39 Mo Pac 6s 81 1 —1 39* 38* 38* Mo Pac 6s '81 1 ctfs_ 38* 38 38 Mo Pacific 6*s 49 aZ. 12 11* 12 Mob A Ohio 4*S ’77._ 28 26 26 Mob A Ohio 6s'38.. 28* 27* 27* Mob A O M dlv 6a ’47.. 40* 39 39* Mohawk A M 4a‘91 . 97 96* 96* Monong Pub S 4 *a’60 107* 107* 107* Monong Pub Svc 6s'65 108 108 108 Monong Ry 1st 4a'60. Ill* 111* 111* Mont Pwr rel 6a '43.. 105 105 106 Mont Tram 68'41_ 104 104 104 Mor AEsaex 3 *s 2000 96* 96 96* Morris A Essex 4*‘66 93* 93* 93* Mor A Essex 6s ‘65 .. 101* 101 101 Nashv CASt L 48 *79.. 97 97 97 Nat Dairy »*a -51 ww 106* 106 lo« Nat Dia PC4*s‘45 105* 105* 105* Nat R M 1st 4s ’61 asai 3* 8* 3* Nat R M 4s '77 asst .. 8* 3* 3* Nat R M 4*8 ’57 asst. 3* 3* 8* Nat Steel 4S'66 . 106* 106 106* New E TAT 1st 6a ‘62 125* 126* 125* New Jer PAL 4*s '60 107* 107* 107* New Or GNR 6s 83 A. 94* 94* 94* New Orl PS 6s'62 A— 100* 100* 100* New Orl P 8 6s ’66 B . 10C* 100 100 New Orl Ter 1st 4a ’61 100* 10O 100 New Or TAM 4*s'56. 47 46 46 NSW Orl TAM 6s *64 B 48* 48 48 New Orl TAM 6*s’64 60* 60 60 N’OT&M S’iS'Sl B cfs. 48 48 48 N Y cent 3 4s’97 1044 104 1044 N Y Central 14s «6._ 1024 1014 1014 N Y Cent con 4a 48 . 101 1034 1034 N Y Cent rf 44a 2013. 934 984 934 N Y C rf 44« 2013 n_. 94 92 92 N Y Cent rf 6s 2013_ 1004 994 994 N Y Cent cvOa’44 ... 1104 1084 109 NYCLSnim'SI ._ 974 974 974 NYCA-St L 1st 4S'37.. 1024 1024 1024 N YC&St L. 44a’78 .. 924 914 914 NYC&St L 64* *74 A. 1014 1014 1014 N Y ChlA St L 8s'l*_ 1004 100 100 N Y Dock 1st 4s ’61 — 65 644 644 NY Dock 6a'38_ 65 65 65 N Y Edison S4a'66 D 105 105 105 N Y Ed Is ref 3 4a 66.. 105 1044 1044 N Y G El HAP 6a '48.. 1264 1264 1264 NY NH & H 34s ’64._ *34 834 834 NY NH & H 34s ‘66.. 834 834 834 NY NH AH 4a’47_ 364 364 864 NY NH AH 4a'66_ 874 87 *74 NY NH A H 4s '66_ 364 86 864 NY NH AH 4a'67_ 25 234 234 NY NH AH 44s'67.. 40 39 39 NY NH & H cl tr 6s '40 60 494 494 NY NH A H ct 6a '48 404 394 894 N Y N H A H Cons Rya 4S‘64... 32 82 82 N Y N H A H Cons Rya 4s’65JAJ_ 32 82 82 NY O&W gen 4a'66_ 414 41 41 NY O&W raf 4s '91_ 444 44 44 NY Putnam 4a‘93_ 984 »34 934 NY Rya lno 6s ‘66.._ 60 684 694 NY Stem 1st 6a '61.... 1064 1064 1064 NY Steam lat 6a'47_ 108 108 108 NY SAW 2d 44s'37.. 88 88 88 NY SAW 1st rf 6a *7. 934 984 934 NY Tel Ken 4 Ha ‘39_ 1094 1094 1094 NY Tr Rk 6s *46 atp_ 964 964 964 NYWAB«Ha‘46_ 174 164 164 Norf So 1st ref 6a'61. 17 164 17 Norf S 1st rf5s‘61 cfa. 16 16 16 North Am Co 6a ’<1 . 1064 1064 1064 North 3km Ed 6a '67 A. 104 104 104 North Am Ed 6a ‘69 C. 1064 1044 1044 North Am Ed 6Ha ’63. 1044 1044 1044 Nor’n Pac ften 3a 3047 814 814 814 Nor’n Pac «a’97 __1114 1114 1114 Nor’n Pac 6a 2047 C__. 109.4 1084 1084 Norm Pao 6s 2047 D_ 1094 109 109 Nor’n Pao 6a 2047 _ 1124 112 U2 North Sts Pw 4 Ha'll 1054 1064 1064 North S P 1st 6a ‘41 A- 1034 1034 1034 North Sta Pwr 6a '64 1084 1084 1084 Nor’n Sts Pw 6a '41 B. 1034 1034 1034 Ohio Edison 4s '86. . 106)4 106)4 106)4 Ore* W RR A N 4s '81 106H 10614 10614 OUs Steel 6s’41_101)4101 101 Pac O A E 3%* *81_ 107)4 107 107 Pac G ft & 4s *64 _ 110)4 10914 10914 Pao T&T rf 314s *68 B 106 106 ip6 Pan Am P C 6a ‘40 . 4814 49 49)4 Pan Am P C 6s ‘40 etfs 60)4 49 49 Parm Broadway 3s'55 72)4 71)4 72)4 Paramount Plo 6s ’66. 10014 100)4 100)4 Park'LiX 614s *63 etfs. 39 39 39 Parmelee 6a'44__ 72 72 72 Penn Co 4s '63_ 106)4 106 106 Penn Dixie C 6s '41_ 99)4 99 99)4 Penn Glass ft S '60_ 106)4 106)4 106)4 Penn P ft D 4lis '81 106)4 105H 106)4 PennRR3V4s*44Dasst 107)4 107)4 107)4 Penn RR 1% a ‘70 C .. 102 10114 10114 Penn RR 4Vts *81 D_11014 110)4 HOW Penn RR 4)48 14_110)4 110)4 110)4 Penn RR gn 4V4s *66.. 114)4 114)4 114)4 Penn RR deb 414 s'70. 106)4 106)4 106)4 Penn RR gen 6s '68 12214 12214 12214 People G LAC rf 6s'47 11614 11614 11614 Peoria ft B 1st 4s *40.. 98)4 98)4 98)4 Peoria A E tno 4a *90.. 16)4 14H 16 Pare Mara 1st 4s '86.. 100 100 100 Pere Mara 1st 6s '66.. 10514 106*4 10614 Phils Co 6s'67 ... 106)4 106 10614 Phils Elec Co 48 *71--. 104H 10414 10414 Phils Elee Co 414s *67. 106 106 106 Phils ft R Cftl 6s *78_ 4614 4414 «4K Phils A R Cftl 6s '49.. 23)4 21)4 22)4 Philippine Kt 4s *I7._ 19 18)4 1814 PCCASt L. 4Vis '68 I— 124)4 12414 12414 PCC*St Li 6s '70 A_ 122)4 122 122 PCCftSt L 6s *76 B .. 12214 122)4 122)4 Pltts&W Vs 4 Vis '69 B 96 96 96 PlttsAW Vs 4 V4S *60 0 98)4 98 98 Port AT CAD 6s '61 B- 106)4 10614 106)4 Port Gen El 4Vis'60.. 72)4 71)4 71)4 Porto Rico A T 6s'48. 81 81 81 Postal Tel AC 6s *88_ 41M 40)4 40)4 Pressed 8U Car Os’S!. 97)4 97)4 97)4 Ptot Beo deb 4s ‘67_ 16)4^16)4 18)4 ELECTRICAL GOODS Demand Undiminished for All Types—New Peak in 1937 Foreseen, Bnci«I Dispatch to Tha Star. NEW YORK, December 31.—Going ahead at a faster rate than many other industries, the electrical supply trade at the close of the third year of constant progress is confronted with a rapidly widening use for its products as 1937 is entered, according to a survey by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. “In spite of the new peaks estab lished during 1936 by sales of refriger ators, ironers, washers and electric out put their extension next year is fore seen. Plans for new building work have been set to a higher objective, rural electrification is expected to make more headway and Industrial re quirements will be more numerous as operating rates expand. "Wholesale distribution for the first 10 months of 1936 was at a six-year high, having advanced 30 to 55 per cent from the corresponding 1935 shoeing. Conservative estimates now place wholesale sales for the entire year at 40 per cent more than in 1935, when the Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce reported $16,287,000, 000. This would lift the 1936 total to $22,801,000,000 for the wholesale distribution of electrical goods, includ ing electrical appliances, radios and refrigerators. It would mark the third successive annual increase, after four years of decline. “Utilities have prepared expansion programs for 1937, several major sys tems planning to spend 30 to 100 per cent more than this year, when around $300,000,000 was expended. Prices, which started to rise in September, have prevented*the margin of profit from being commensurate with the rise in sales, and have hampered manu facturers in setting quotations on first quarter deliveries. Collections have been good.'* -• MARKETS TO BE CLOSED. CHICAGO, December 21 <>P).—All Chicago security and commodity mar kets will be closed Christmas day, and In most of them business will not be resumed until the following Monday. The Board of Trade, however, will have its usual shortened trading ses sion Saturday. It was expected the Mercantile Exchange would be open, although officials have made no defi nite announcement. Hleh. Low. Clou. Pure Oil 4 Vi810 xw _ IO64 1054 1054 Pur* Oil 44« '60 ww. II64 1144 1144 R-K-O 4s '41_1154 116 116 Reading JerClall.. 104 1034 104 Reeding R 4 4s 97 A 1064 1064 1064 Rem-Rgnd 4 4*’66 WW 1094 1094 1094 Repub Steel 4 Vi*’66 ... 984 184 984 Republic Stl 44* *61.. 984 984 984 Republic Stl 4 Via 10.. 129 126 125 Ravers Cop 4 4* '64... 1064 106 105 Richfield Oil «s *44 .. 69 684 684 Richfield O Is '44 ctfs 694 684 684 Rutland Can 4s'49_ 284 28 28 Rutland RR 4 4a '41- 834 324 334 Saguenay Pw414a'«( 1044 1044 1044 St Jos* Grlsl 4a'47 1124 1124 11*4 at R IMAS RAO 4S 'll 814 804 804 St L-S Fran *a *60 A . 82 304 304 St L-S F 4s 10 A Ctfs. 284 274 274 St L-S Fran 4Vis *78 . 274 2*4 2«4 St L-S F 44s *71 efst 264 26 234 St L-S Fran 6s'60 B . 814 80 304 St L-S F 6s '60 B ctfs. 284 23 28 St LB W 1st 4*19 994 994 *94 St L S W gn rf 6s 10. 604 494 60 StLSff 1st t*r 6a*62 674 67 67 St P K C 8 L 4 Vis '41.. 21 204 204 St P MAM SXt 6s'41_ 104 1034 1034 St P Cn Dep rf 6s >71.. 1284 1234 1234 San A ft A Pass 4e '43. 102 102 102 San An P Svc «s '62 A 1124 1124 1124 Schulco 6Via ’48 A Stp 48 424 43 Schulco 64a ’46 B_ 42 42 42 Schulco 6Vis'46 R stp 424 424 424 Seabd A L 4s'60 atp._ 294 284 284 Seabd A L ref 4s '69 . 164 164 16«« Seahd A L rf 4s'69 cfa 16 164 164 Seabd A Lad) 6s'49.. 114 104 104 Seabd A L Is '46 A_ 184 174 174 Seabd A L 6s '46 ctfs.. 174 164 164 Seabd A-Fl 6s 86 A et. 134 12 124 Seabd A-Fla 6a*36 B ct 124 124 124 Sharon Stl ev 4V4* '61. 1134 113 113 Shell Un deb IVis 11. 100 994 994 Silesian Am Ts '41_ 19 69 69 Skelly 011 4a 11_102 1014 1014 Socony Vac IVis'60.. 1064 1064 1064 South Ball TAT 6s ’41. 108 108 108 So Colo Pwr ts *47 A.. 1064 1064 1064 Sou Pacific <%* *48_1004 1004 1004 So Pac col 4a **» 98 98 98 So Pao rsf 4s *86 1074 1074 1074 So Pao IVis IS_ 94 94 94 So Pao IVis 19_ 94 934 934 So Pao IVis 11_ 984 934 <34 So Pac (Cal) 6s’37_ 1084 1034 1034 So PaoOrsg 4 Vi a ’77 _ 994 984 »84 So Pao S F Tor 4a 10_ 1084 108 108 So Ry geo 4a’ll A_ 79 774 774 So Ry 6s 14-111 in in So Ry gen 6s '64_ 994 994 994 So Ry 8Vie 1*-- 1014 101 101 So Ry M A O 4s 11_ 934 93 934 Sou Ry St Ldlw 4s11. 1014 1014 1014 S W Ball Tel IVis 14 1094 1094 1094 Southw'n G A E 4s '60 106 106 106 Spokane mt 6a 16_ 834 834 SS4 Stand Oil N J la '81_1004 1004 1004 Studebaker cy ta'46_ 1144 112 112 Swift A Co Mis 10_ 1064 1064 1064 Symgn GAG'S6a xw_1214 1214 1214 TennCsnt 6a'47..__. 1044 1044 1044 Tsnn Cl Pw 6s '47 A_ 1004 1004 1004 Term As St L 4a *6*_111 4 1114 1114 Texarkana 6Via 10_ 1084 108 108 Texaa Corp t Vi * '61_106 1044 1044 Texas ft Pae 6a *77 B„ 106% 106% 106% Texas ft Pae 6a *79 C— 107% 107% 107% Texas ft Pae 6a *60 D— 107% 107% 107% Third ats ret 4a '60_ 69% 67% 67% Third Ats 1st 6s’87_101% 101% 101% Third As tfd ID ex 6s*6l 88 87% 87% Toronto H ft B 4s ’46-. 106% 106% 106% Trl-Contl Corn 6s ’68— 120 119% 119% Dn El Chicago 6s ’46_ 21% 21% 21% Un Oil Cal 4S‘47- 106% 106% 106% Un Oil Cal 6s ‘48 A__ 121% 121% 121% Un Pao 8%s‘71—100% 100 100 Un Pao 4a *47 ret-114% 114% 114% ud rao 1st rita zuua.. 109* 109* 109* United Biscuit is ’60„ 108 107* 107* United Drug 6s'ii. . 102*109*102* United Rys St 1*48*24 96* 86* 86* USPlpsAFy l*s*4f. 146 146 145 U S Rubber is *47__ 106* 106* 108* Utah P A L 6s *44- 108* 108* 108* Util P A It 6s *69 ww— 66* 66* 66* Util PAL 6*8 *47_ 66* 66* 66* Vanadium cy 6s *41 S7* 97 97 Vsr Sug 1st 7S *48 etfs 82* 81* 28 VtBAP 1st raf 4S *ii 109* 109* 109* Vs Ry 1st 3%a *64 A_ 106* 106* 106* Vasn eon 6s'Si_ 99* 99* 99* Wabaab 4*8*76 84* 84* 84* Wabash 4*s *78 ctfs.. 83* 88* 88* Wabash 2d 6S *83_ 97 96* 97 Wabaab 6*8*76- 87 87 29 Walksr HAS 4*s *4i 108* 108* 108* Walworth 4s ‘66_ 86 84 84* Walworth is *66 n- 96* 96* 96* Warner Bros ev Ss *89 99* 99 99 Warnei>Quln Is *29 64* 62* 62* Warren Br 6s *41 rots. 72 72 72 Wash Cant 4s *42- 102 102 102 Wash W P 1st is 109* 109* 109* WsstPsnnPIHs’SI. 109 109 109 W Sh 1st 48 2001 gtd 99 98* 98* West’ll Ud 1st 4S *63 106* 106* 106* WestnNTAPgn 48*48 111 111 ill Wsst*n Pao 6S *46 A 84* 88* 38* West*n Pao 6* *48 A as 88* 88 ss Wast’n Un 4*s*i0— ill* ill* 111* Waat'n Un 6s *61- 106* 106* 106* Wast*n Un 6s *t0_108*108 108* Wheel Steel «*s’68— 101* 1S1* 101* W SpStl lat 7s *36 et— M* as* ss* W Sp 8tl oon 7s ■« «t- >< 36 86 Wilson A Co 4s 16 . 108* 108* 108* Win Sal 8 B 1st 4s •••. 112* 112* 112* Wls Cant 1st ga 4a *49 82* 81* 82 Wls C SAD Trm 4s *20 22 22 22 rngsta SAT I*S *21. 12S* 127* 127* 1 r*ngsta SAT 4s *41- 104* 104 1*4* V New Business Advances Further for Fifth Con secutive Week. The lumber Industry during the week ended December 12, 1936, stood at 55 per cent of the 1929 weekly aver age of production and 56 per cent of 1929 shipments. For the fifth consecutive week, re ported new business increased over the preceding week. These orders In the’ week ended December 12 were more than 50 per cent above production and shipments, which are still restricted by the mari time strike. National production reported during the week ended December 12 by 2 per cent fewer mills was 3 per cent below (the output of the preceding week; shipments were 4 per cent below, and new orders 5 per cent above that week, according to reports to the Na tional Lumber Manufacturers' Asso ciation from regional associations cov ering the operation of Important hard wood and softwood mills. Keportea new Dusmess auring tne week ended December 12, 1936, was 52 per cent in excess of production; shipments were 4 per cent below and put. Reported new business of the previous week was 42 per cent above production; shipments were 1 per cent above output. Production in the week ended De cember 12 was shown by all reporting mills (handwood and softwood) 3 per cent below the corresponding week of 1935; shipments were 16 per cent above and new orders 50 per cent above shipments and orders of the cor responding week last year. During the week ended December 12, 857 mills produced 199,787,000 feet of hardwoods and softwoods com bined; shipped 198,511.000 feet; book ed new orders of 304.597,000 feet. Re vised figures for the preceding week were: Mills. 601; production. 205.039. 000 feet: shipments. 207,843.000 feet; orders, 291,102.000 feet. Brentano Profits Expected to Show Large 1937 Gain Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. December 21—Esti mates of an increase of 50 per cent in the profits of Brentano's Book Stores. Inc., for 1937, and the acquisi tion of the firm of Jacobs Si Co., oldest book store in Philadelphia, were re vealed today in an announcement made by Stanton Griffis, chairman of the board of the Brentano Corp. Groat sales for the fiscal year end ing May 31 amounted to $791,446 in 1934, $945,267 in 1935 and $1,100,967 in 1936; while net profits in 1936 amounted to $40,947, equal to $3.81 per share of class “A” stock. The increase in earnings anticipated by the company are due. Mr. Griffis stated, to the recent decision of the Supreme Court upholding the right of manufacturers to determine and maintain the sales price of their products. Price cutting, especially as it has been done in the larger cities, has been one of the most serious features of the book trade. The Brentano stores actually sold more editions of "Gone With the Wind" in Washing ton, where there was no price cut ting between retail outlets, than they did in New York City, where a price cutting war raged on this item. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK December 21 op..—New York Security Dealers' Association. » Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2d Inc__18.02 20 13 Anv Business Shrs_ 1.25 137 Am Oen Eq Inc_ 1 11 1.24 Am Ins Stocks _ 5 on 5*75 Bancamer Blair_ __ 9 7.5 jo 75 Bank Group Shrs_ 1 71 1 85 Bankers Nat Inv Corn_ 4.125 4.75 Basic Industry_ 5 •»;{ Broad St Inv_34 7-’ 37 13* Builock Fund__ 21 875 Corporate Trust _ 3 no Corporate Trust A A_ 2 HO I.. Corp Tr A A mod __ . 3 «H _ *1. Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.HO Corp Tr Acc Mod_ 3 fiH Cumulative Tr Sh _ fi 54 I .1 Depos Bk 3h N Y "A”_0 33 Depos Ins Shrs "A"_ 3 84 Depos Ins Shrs "B" 3 «1 Diversifled Tr C _ 5 05 _ Dividend Shrs__ 1 M7 ** 1° Eouity Corp $.1 Pr-40.75 4X75 Fidelity Fund Inc 28 41 30 fio First Boston Corp__ 43.H25 45 1°5 Fixed Trust Sh A_13.44 _ Fixed Trust Sh B_11.02 Found Tr Sh A - 5.30 5~.fiO Fund Investors Inc _ 24 48 25 87 Fund Tr Shrs A _ fi 58 7.25 Fund Tr Shrs B __ 6.03 __ Gen Investors Tr _ 7.08 7 fifi Group Sec Agriculture __ 1 si 1 97 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.47 1.60 Group Sec Building_ 2.13 2 30 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.65 1.79 Group Sec Food _ _ 1.05 115 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.59 1.73 Group Sec Merchandise _ 1.49 1.82 Group Sec Mining _ 1.74 1 89 Group Sec Petroleum _ 1.38 1.50 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.52 1.72 Group Sec Steel _ 1.75 1.90 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.17 1.28 Huron Holding _ 1.13 1.40 Incorp Investors ._25.47 Insurance Group Shrs 1.78 1.92 Investors Fd C Inc new _ 15.44 15.78 ICeyston Cust Fund B-3 _ 24.76 27.10 Major Shrs Corp__ 3 25 Maryland Fund_ 10.09 11.03' Mass Invest Tr_ 28.50 30 24 Mutual Invest _18.51 18.04 Nation Wide Sec_ 4.72 4.82 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.06 2.22 N Y Bk Tr Shrs. . . 3 50 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 64.375 68.825 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2.89 Nor Am Tr 8h 1955_ 3.76 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_3.71 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 3.73 Plymouth Fund Inc_ .95 1.08' Quarterly Income Sh_ 3 8.80 20.60 Selected Am Shares_ 4.16 Beiected Am Sh Inc_35.10 16.46 Selected Cumul Sh _10.56 Selected Income Sh_ 5.52 Selected Indus ev pf_ 27.125 28.375 Spencer Trask Fund_ 22.17 20.86 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.30 4.55 Stand Dtll Inc __ 1.03 1.11 Super of Am Tr A_ 4.16 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.87 _ Super of Am Tr a_ 4..16 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.87 _ . Super of Am Tr C_ 8.23 Super of Am Tr D_ 8.23 g Supervised Shr* _ 3 4.37 *15.62' Trustee 8tand Inv C_ 3.24 _ Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.17 Trusteed Am Bk "B"_ 1.09 1.20' Trusteed Induatry Shrs_ 1.54 1.71 Wellington Fund_ 20.30 22.23 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. December 21 OP.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid. Asked. 4V„s Nov.. 1058-38_106*4 107V, 4*4s May. 1967-37_101*4 101*4 4*/,a Jan., 1957-37_ 100 100*, 4s May, 1958-38_104*4 105 4s Nov.. 1957-37_- 103 V, 103*4 4s July. 1940-44_112*4 113 3*ia May, 1955-45_ 105 105*4 3s July. 1055-45_ 103 103*4 3« Jan.. 1956-48_ 103 103V, 3a May. 1950-id_ 103 103V, U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By tba Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on De cember 18: Receipts. *48.671,644.19; ex penditures. $38,101,55,.54: balance. $1, 902.188.634.96: customs receipts for the month. *25.328.552.85. Receipts for the fiscal year 'since July 1), #2.042,194.354.78; expenditures. *3. 117,158.984.29. Including #1.299.702, 386.Ho of emergency expenditures; excess )' expenditures. *1.274.904.629.51; gross Jebt. #34.305.793.329.91. a decrease of 11,735,244 under the previous day; gold tsaets, #11.225,899.492.76. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. December 21 OP.—Silver future# opened steady. 10 to 30 lover. Decemter. 46.40b; March. 46.50b: May. 16.65b. b—Bid. The Dalai lamas have lived in the treat palace of Potala at Lhasa, cap tal of Tibet, for centuries. Lockheed Orders Rise 400 Per Cent Above 1935 Level bpecial Dispatch to Tho Star. LOS ANGELES, December 21.— Representing & 400 per cent Increase over business on hand a year ago, the current backlog of unfilled orders on the Lockheed Aircraft Corp.'s books as of December 12, totaled more than $2,250,000, Robert E Gross, president of the company, reported. This Is the highest backlog recorded by the company since its Incorpora tion in June, 1932. “European conditions have been responsible for a decided stimulation In sales during 1936,” Gross said. "A number of foreign countries are placing orders with us and indications point to additional business from this source in 1937.”. Washington Exchange SALES. Riggs Bank com.—1 at 322. American Security & Trust Co.—10 at 285, AFTER CALL. Washington Gas 5s 1958—1500 at 108'i. Capital Transit Co —10 at 13 ya. Washington Rwy. & Elec. 4s—81,000 at 106 >4. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. _ , . _ , , Bid, Asked Amer Tel A Tel. 4'xs__ U3Vi Anacouia & Pot 5s_ 74 78 Ana A Pot. Guar. 5s_109 C AP Tei. oi Va. os_104 Capital Traction R R. 5s__ 92 83 City & Suburban 5s_ 84'/a 88 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_121 _ Pot. Elec. Pow, .'St.s_104*. _ Wash. Gas 5s 1958 _1071/. 10S>« Wash. Gas 5s 1900_ _ 125 _ Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s__ . 1061. _ MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Club Sts*_102 _ Col. Country Club 5*25- _ 105 _ W. M. Cold Storage 5s_ 100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel. & Tei. (9)_183 Capital Transit Co___ 13 14 N. A W Steamboat <H>_101 _ Pot Elec Pow. 07. Did. <6>_ llo>» _ Pot. El. Po SMi'V of. i5.50l 111 la Wash. Gas Lt. Co. 13.00 < _ 77 81 Wash. Ry. & El. com (30) _ 725 _ Wash Ry & El Did (5)_110 _ BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES Amer. Sec. & Tr. Co. (eK)_28o 290 Bank ot Bethesda (h.Ioi- _ •31 . _ Capital (4)_ 132 _ Com. A Savings <a8>_*20o _ Liberty (31 ____ 130 _ Lincoln (10.351_*200 _ Natl. Sav. & Tr.__130 _ Prince G. Bk. & Tr. i.50)_ Il>* 20 Rinas (8)_315 _ Rieas pld. (5>_ lol _ Washincton i0i_ 120 __ Wash. Loan A Tr i8>_ 345 _ FIRE INSURANCE American (fi) __100 _ Corcoran (51 100 _ Firemen’s (I.(iO> 43 _ National Union (.00)_ *10 __ TITLE INSURANCE Columbia 1.30)_ __*13 15 Rea; Estate (Hi_ *155 _ MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp. (l.ijo)_ 25'i 2* Lanslnn Monotype (4i _. „ 81 __ Mergenthaler Linotype i)>_ 53 50 People Drug S com. (*1.00) 5n _ Peeples Dr St old. (0.50) ll'I’a _ Real Est. M AG Did (•• i0> *0'« 6*. Security Storaee (5) -- 118 _ Ter Ref & Wii. Corp (3>__ "Sti'a _ Wdwd. A Loth. com. (U.50I *70 80 Wdwd. A Loth Dfd. 17)_’120 _ •Ex dividend. ♦Plus extras S50c paid Mg'1 15. 193«: 50c paid Aug. i »15. 1930: 50c paid Nov, 16. 1936. »4% extra e27» extra 11extra. h75c extra •*25c paid June 30 1936: i45c due De cember 22. 1936i -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. December Cl up —Crude rubber futures opened steady, unchanged to J lower Dumber unquoted. March. C0.40a41; May. 20.31. -• - ’ ■■ NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, December 21 (JP).— Bar silver steady and unchanged from Friday. December 18. at 451.. i LOANS On Washington Real Estate Current Ratet and Courteous Treatment HOME LOANS to build or refinance INTEREST at low at PAYMENTS -n a* low at / .JO par $1,000 " COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th St. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at 5% Monthly Payments if Preferred • Our Real Estate Officers Invite You to Confer The WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Member FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORF1* I ' Swift & Co. Reports Lower Net as Cudahy Profits Show Huge Rise. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, December 21—Swift ii Co. reported an 18 per cent decreasa in net profit for the 1936 fiscal year, which ended October 31. At the same time the Cudahy Packing Co. reported a 49 per cent increase in earnings. Thus two of the four big meat packing concerns showed widely di vergent results of operations In an unusual year in the live stock and meat industry. A third. Armour & Co., has announced net profit was some what in excess of the previous year, but has not made public the details. Wilson It Co. has not Issued any state ment. Swift's net profit was *12,103,750, equivalent to approximately *2.02 per share on the capital stock. This com pared with *14,767,302, or *2.46 a share, the previous year, which was the best profit the company had in seven years Sales increased sharply from $767, 227.000 in 1935 to *831,671.748 in 1936, largest since 1930. G. F. Swift, president, said tonnage was the greatest the company ever had, In creasing 7.4 per cent over last year. The report disclosed that Swift made no reserve for inventory price declines as has been done the past three years. Instead, the reserve was left unchanged at *16.767.000. Thus the full net income was carried to the surplus account, which, after payment of dividends, left a surplus of *77, 920.841, compared with (70,129,153 a year earlier. Swift said the company's earnings were equivalent to 1.46 per cent per dollar of sales. The previous year’s profit equaled 1.92 per cent per dollar sales. Cudahy's report showed net earn ings of $1,815,613. equal to $2 65 per share of common stock after provision for preferred stock dividends. This compared with $1,211,073, or $1.35 a common share, the previous year. Sales rose from $180,218,000 to $201, 605,000. STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. December 21 '£*■.—8teel prices per ion pounds fob. Pittsburgh: Blue Annealed sheets, hot rolled. 2.20; gal vanized sheets :j 20 black sheets, hoi rolled, 2.6(»; steel bars, 2.05. Safe Investments g% - y First mortgage notes, well secured on con 11 servotively appraised, v new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6°o per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia Nearby Maryland — and /irginia— 5 at Properties Terms from 3 to IS Years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York Lit* Insurance Co.. 1381 Conn. Ave. N.W. PE. S60S First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Termt ArrinrM on Euy Monthly Payment* MtMBt* But LOOM t LOU association council /ac NATIONAL T^&nrzcmeiiZ BUILDING ASSOCIATION UtfOCl SOPlRviStO* W w. B. TUtASUBY 1 Ug NINTH STRUT, /CV \ First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5%% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Netl. 2106