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IN NEW INSURANCE November Business Off Nine Per Cent From Like Period Last Year. BY EDWARD C. STONE. New life insurance written in the District of Columbia in November took the biggest tumble of any month this year, standing at 9 per cent be W. A. Willis low the record for November, 1935, the Life Insurance Sales Bureau of Hart ford reported to day. For the first 11 months of the year, however, the amount of new insurance written reached exactly the same total as a year ago. Virginia made the best showing of any nearby territory, reporting a pick-up of 6 per cent over November last year. Next came South Carolina with a 3 per cent gain. The average for the whole United States revealed a 3 per cent loss over the same period in 1935. November business in North Caro lina was 6 per cent under last year, In Maryland 7 per cent and in West Virginia 14 per cent. Nearly half the States in the Union failed to do as well as they did a year ago. How ever, in November the United States total in new insurance stood at $477, 569,000 and in the South Atlantic area at $43,104,000. New policies in Washington totaled $4,879,000; in Maryland, $6,719,000; Virginia. $6,448,000; West Virginia, $5,667,000; North Carolina, $6,085,000, find South Carolina, $2,543,000. Vir ginia stands with the Capital in do ing as much business as last year in the first 11 months of 1936. Among the cities, Washington out stripped Chicago, Cleveland and New York, but was behind Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and St. Louis, which stood atop the list with a 13 per cent jump over November, 1935 All these cities are behind the Capital in the record for the 11 months under review, failing to write as much new business as they did a year ago. Willis Wins Insurance lame. W. A. Willis, associated with the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, Thomas P. Morgan, jr., local manager, led the entire sales force in the United States in new paid-for business in November. Furthermore, this is the ninth time he has been on the company's list as a leading pro ducer. Long with this company, he has Just completed his twentieth year in the life insurance business, devoting his time to taxes, auditing of estates and other estate matters, coming in contact with many trust companies and lawyers. Mr. Willis comes from a prominent Virginia family whose members have resided in Fauquier County for six generations. He attended Randolph Macon and has traveled extensively. Further Bonuses Declared. The Washington office of the Dome Oil Co. announces that the directors have declared a Christmas bonus for all employes of the company, ranging from $10 to $75 each, depending on the length of employment. At the same meeting an extra dividend of 60 cents a share was declared, payable December 28, to stock of record De cember 20. This was in addition to the regular annual dividend declared last June. In addition to the regular quarterly dividend declared last week by the directors of the Security Storage Co., a Christmas bonus also has been voted to all employes of the company, it was announced today. Dry Goods Demand Tops List. The demand for dry goods topped five leading wholesale lines in the Fifth Federal Reserve District in No vember. the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond announced today, being 42.2 per cent higher than a year ago. Hardware sales were up 13 per cent, drugs 10.4 per cent, shoes 10 per cent and groceries 6.1 per cent. Wholesale trade in November, how ever. was not as heavy as in Oc tober of this year, when a great deal of advance Christmas buying was recorded. Wholesale trade in dry goods also headed the list in the first 11 months of this year, being over 16 per cent belter than a year ago. Groceries sales were 8.5 per cent higher, shoes, 10.7 per cent; hardware, 10.2 per cent, and drug sales, 8.7 per cent better than in the like period in 1935. The Richmond bank reported stocks on hand as somewhat higher than at the end of October, 1935. Groceries stocks were 1.6 per cent lower than at the end of October this year, dry goods were 16 per cent lower, shoes 2 per cent higher and hardware about 3 per cent lower. November collections were the best in wholesale groceries, standing at 101.2 per cent dry goods 44. shoes 69, hardware 47 and drugs 66 per cent of receivables due the first of the month. Insurance Leader Transferred. Loren L. Cluster, who has been agency organizer for the last four years in the Washington office of the New York Life Insurance Co., has been transferred to the company's Philadel phia office, it was reported today by Agency Director Earl D. Krewson. He has been very active in Capital insur ance circles, and is at present secre tary of the District of Columbia Life Underwriters’ Association. His asso ciates are planning to honor him with a testimonial luncheon tomorrow noon at the Olmstead Grill, the committee being made up of F. C. Jude, B. F. Satterfield and H. K. Long. A. B. A. Defines Policies. A statement of principles of com mercial banking, sponsored by the American Bankers' Association, was made public today in an announce ment by Tom K. Smith, president of the association. The aim of the state ment, which was prepared by the Bank Management Commission and approved by the Executive Council of the association, is declared to be to summarize the fundamental relation ship and responsibilities which exist between the commercial banks and the public. Tadayl Trading an Exchange. Two bank stocks appeared tn the Mondav trading on the Washington Stork Exchange Rl««» National Bank common changed hands at 121 and American Security A Trust Co reg istered a sale al 2M Washington (las Is. IMt. seM al ltd1! and idher bond and elork prkes wee* Arm B»ih Wmdward A isitniep common and nrelemd stork* have keen added Is Ike N dtndend h*i m an in in* nm «d me am* dm dm* * M pdM *«i| TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 p m. Prev lBbb Stock aoa Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge. 74V 69 Acme Steel (4) __ 1 65 65 66 154* 9V Adams Exp (a55c).. 24 14V 14V 14V — Vi 37V* 2214 Address'graphi 1)_ 3 3414 34V* 34V» + W 21V IV Advance Rumny... 6 3V 3 3 — V 86V 58 Air Reduction ttl) 7 78V 76V 76V -Hi 6V 2 Air-Way dec Appll 3 4 4 4 — Vi 17V 13 Alaska Jun (t60c). It 14V 14V 14V + V 5V 2V4 Alleg Corp (d). 28 4V 4V 4V 61V 12*» Alleg pt w*30w (d> 4 484* 461* 46V - V 60V 12V* Alleg pf w#40w <d> 2 49 48 48 - V 60 12V Alleg pf xw (d)_ 2 48 46 46 -2V 54V 27 Alleg prpt(d) _ 2 4414 44 44 + 4* 40V 26V Alleg Steel (al.65). « 1 37V 37V 37V + V 245 157 Allied Chem (6) . 7 223V 222 222 -3V 34 23 Allied Mills tsBOc) 3 30V 30V 30V -1- 44 20V 6». Allied Stores(a20c). 14 17V 17 17 - H 90 69 Allied Stores pt «6> 2 85 85 85 —1 77V 354* Allis-Chalm (T1 Va ). 34 72V 71 71V 34V 194, Alpha Port C(a 114) 2 29V 284. 284,-1 64* 4 Amai Leather .. 3 5V 4V 4V — 4* 391* 32 Amal Leath pf (3)_ 1 35V* 351* 351* -14* 125V 75 Amerada > orp iZ)_. 7 100 98V 98V —24, 89 49 Am AgCh (Del) al. 1 83 83 83 -1 55V 37 Am Bank Note (tl) 20 38V 36 36 -34* 73 65 Am Bnk Note pf (3) 40a 65V 65',i 65V + Vl 68V 40 Am Brake Sh (t2)_ 1 67 67 67 -1 137V 110 AinCauito _ 17 112V 111V* 112V* +lli 69V 30 Am Car * Foundry. 9 55!i 63V 64 —IV 96V 57V Am Car & Fdry pf. 2 94V 93V 934* -2V* 781. 31 Am Chain (a4)_x 5 72V 701* 70V* -2 120V 111 AmChaincv pf (5). 1118 118 118 -2 113V 87V Am Chicle (tl)_ 1X01 99V 100 -IV* 161* TV AinCoiortyps 8 15V 14V 14V— V 35V 20V Am Cornel Al (a50c) 12 274* 26V 26V + !i 32 16V Am Crystal S(abuc) 2 27 261* 261,— V 74* 3+ Am Encaustic_ 8 6V 6V 6 V 9** 61, Am & Foreign Pwr. 18 7V 7 7 — V 50V 25 Am & For Pw {6 pf. 1 45 45 45 -2V 60V 29*. Am & For Pw $7 pf. 4 57V 54V 54V' -2V 22V 12 Am & For Pw 2d pf. 13 21V 20 201*+ V 21V 13 Am Hawaiian (1)_ 4 18V 18!i 181*- V 84. 4V Am Hide A Leather. 3 6V 61. 61* — V 61V 37 Am Home P (T2.40). 7 49 48 48 -V 44, 2V Am ICO . 3 2V 2V 2V + V. 24 16V Am Ice pf (Z) . 1 17V 17V 17V 15V 94, Am Intrnat‘1 (atOc) 4 13V 13V 13V — 1* 48'. 231, Am Locomotive 7 44V 43 43 —IV 29V 21 Am Mach&Fdvitl) 4 22V 22V 22V - V 15 10 Am Mach & Met 60c. 7 12V 114, 114, — V. 54V 27 Am Metai 6 50V 49V 49V 69 35V Am News (NY) (3). 1 661* 66V 661. +31* 14V 7V Am Power ak Light. 19 11V 11V 11V — V 74V 36V Am Pwr&Lt pf (5). 7 68 67 67V + V 87V 43 Am Pwr&Lt pt (6). 6 81 80 81 +2V 27% 18*t Am Kadiatorit60c). 54 24% 24 24 - V. 37 23*4 Am Kell il lti.20). 20 31% 33% 33%+% 39% 31 Am Sat Razor <T2). 1 33% 33% 33% - % 28% 18 Am Seatingia2%).. 3 23*4 22% 22% — V* 45 25% Am Shipping <2# 910s 41% 40 41% +1 103 56% Am Smelt&P.ef (3). 21 92% 91 91%+ % 108% 104 Am Bm&Kel pi (6). 2 106% 106% 106% 73% 57% Am Snuft (T3) .. 1 65% 65% 65% — % 61% 20% Am Steel Fdry (al) 26 56 54% 54%-2% 145% 107*4 Am Steel Fy pf (7). 10a 111% 111% 111% + % 36 24% Am Store* (2)_ 6 25% 25% 25!. — % 63% .48% Am Sugar (2). 2 63*4 63% 63%+% 26% 20% Am Sumatra Tob tl 1 23% 23% 23%-% 190% 149% Am Tel * l'eles (9) 15 183% 180 180 -3 102% 87 Am Tobacco (6)_ 4 94% 93% 93% — 1% 104 88% Am Tobacco B (6).. 11 96% 95% 96% + V. 18 8% Am Type Founders. 13 16% 16% 16% — % 27% 19% Am Wat Wksa40C- 33 25% 24% 24%-% 11% 7% Am Women 11 9!. 9% 9'.. - % 70% 62% Am Woolen pf (J4). 12 65% 63% 63% -1 2 % Am Writ Paper id) 5 1% 1% 1% + % 10 4% Am Writ Pap pt id) 2 7% 7‘« 7% + V* 7*4 3% Am Zinc 4r Lead .. 26 7% 6*4 6*4 50 24 Am Zinc & L pr pf.. 1 45% 45% 45% + >4 55% 28 Anaconda Cop 1 tl). 172 53% 51% 51%+ V* 87 35 Anaconda Wir« t2 — 2 86% 86% 86% 26% 15% Anchor Cap i60C) . 4 19 18% 19 — Vi 111 97 Anchor Cap pf (6Vi) 10* 107 107 107 43 9 Andes Copper 3 34 32% 33% +1% 7 3 A P W Paper 1 0% 5% 5% 50 37 Arcber-Dan-M (t2) 1 42% 42V. 42% 122 118 Arch-Dan-Al pi (7) 10s 119 119 119 -% 7% 4% Armoui (Illinois) 332 7% 6% 6% 84 66V4 ArmTl ill )pr pf (6) 1 82 82 82 +1 62% 47% Armstrong C’k tl Vi 3 58% 58% 58% + % 18% 7% Arnold Const (50o. 1 14% 14% 14% — % 22% 8% Artloom Corp _ 10 16% 15V. 15% 27% 12% Asso Dry Goods. ... 6 22V. 21% 21% — V. 88% 59 Atch To & S Fe a2.. 31 69% 67% 67%-1% 107 90% Atch To&S Fe pf (5) 4 104 104 104 49 21% Atl CoastLlne(al).. 20 44% 42% 42%+% 31% 11 AtlGult&W (no 2 26% 26 26 -1 35% 26% Atlantic Ketin (tl) 13 29% 29% 29%+ % 131 112 Atlas Powder pf la) 20* 129 129 129 —1 30% 14 Atlas Tack ia75c).. 4 17 16% 16%-% 54% 26% Auburn Auto .... 7 30V. 30% 30% + Vi 10% 6% Austin Nlchola_ 3 7 6% 6% - % 7% 4% Aviation Corp (Del) 33 6% 6% 6% — % 11% 2% Baldwin ooco td) 36 9% 9% 9% - % 94% £9Vi Baldwin Loco pf(d) 4 90Vi 85 85 -5** 9% 2% Baldwin Loasdid). 8 8 7% 7% - % 94% 33% Baldw L pf aad(d)_ 4 90 90 90 -2% 26% 15% Baltimore * Ohio 64 21% 20% 20% — % 41% 21 Baltimore & Ob pf- 8 35 33% 33*1-1% 49% 41% Bang & Aroo* (2%) 3 42% 42 42 - % % V* Ban & Ar rts Dec 28 21 *i Vi Vi 38% 21 Barber Co (a75c)~. 22 36 34% 34% - Vi 28% 13Vi Barker Brothers .. 1 25% 25% 25% + V. 22% 14% Barnsdall 011 (10c) 23 22% 21% 21% + % 22% 16% Bayuk Cigars t75c_. 2 18V* 18% 18% — % 28% 18 Beatrice Cream(Tl) 5 25 24% 24% 16% 13% Held mg Hem 111 1 13% 13'% 13% 108 85 Beech-Nut Pkg<t4) 1 109 109 109 +1 32% 21% Bendix AviatialVi) 15 26Vi 26 26 — Vi 25V* 20 Beneficial L 1 f l Vi ). 6 22 21% 21**- Vi 72 48 Best & Co (2%) ... 1 61V. 61% 61%+% 76% 45% Bethlehem Stlal Vi- 50 74% 71% 71% -2% 65 23 Bigelow-San (tl) . 4 63% 63 63% +1% 34 18V* Black 4: Decker 25c 4 32% 31% 31V. - V. 2V4 1% Black&D rts Dec 23 6 2% 2 2 23V. 14V. Blaw-Knox (aSuci 25 22V* 21 Vi 21Vi -1 120 7iv* Blumentnai piu-W zu* an no no —i 37% 16% Koenig* Airplane 7 33V* 31% 31% —1 100% 80% Bon Ami (A) (ao) — 50* 90 90 90 -2 63% 41 Bohn AlumABr • 3) 12 42% 41V* 41%-% 47 39 Bon Ami (B) (a3)._ 40* 44 44 44 32% 25% Borrten Co 11 60)... 17 26 25% 26 — % 90% 64 Borg-Warner <4)_ 4 79 76% 76% -3 11% 6 Boston & Maine _ 4 7% 7% 7% + % 18% 12% Brldgp’t Brass t40o 11 16% 15% 15**— % 64% 43% Briggs Mfg tt2)— 28 54% 52% 52% -2% 69 47% Briggs & Strat (3)_. 1 48% 48% 48% -1% 58% 40% Bklyn-Man Tr (4)-. 5 52% 52% 52% - % 106 97% Bklyn-Man Tpf (6) 1 101% 1011* 101% + V* 67 44% Bklyn Un Has <3)_.‘ 4 49V* 48V. 48%—% 65% 45 Brown Shoe (3)_ 1 47 47 47 21% 8% Bruns wick-Balks... 7 19% 19 19 21% 8% Bucyrus-Erte_ 15 19% 19% 19%-% 15% 9% Budd (EG) Mfg... 26 13% 12% 12%-% 14 8% Budd Wheel (a20c). 10 10% 9% 9% - % 34% 20% Bullard Co <al%)-. 3 32% 31% 31Vi - % 59% 11% Bulova Watch _ 4 53 62% 62% -1% 34% 25 Burr Ad Mch(t60c). 2 30% 29% 29%-% 9 2% Bush Terminal (d). 2 7 7 7 33% 8% Bush Term deb id). 1 26% 26Vi 26% -1 31% 14% Bush T Bldgs of(d) 10* 27% 27% 27%+% 16% 7% Butler Bros <a60c) 12 13% 13V* 13V* — % 33V* 29% Butler Bros pf 1 % 7 30 29% 29% — % 6% 21* Butte Cop & Z(a5c).x 16 6% 5% 5% + A 29 16% Byers tA M). 25 27% 25% 26V* - % 86% 54% Byers (A M) pf- 70* 84 83 83 33% 22 Byron Jackson tl— 1 28% 28% 28% — % 46% 30V* California Tack 1%. 14 45% 44% 44% + % 3 % Callahan Zinc-Lead 31 2% 2V* 2% + % 16% 6 Calumet & Hec a75o 82 15% 14% 15 + % 40V* 30 Campbell Wy ttl>- 3 34% 33% 33% — % 25% 10% Canada Dry O A_ 143 25% 24% 25V* + % 16 10% Canadian Paclho_ 32 13% 13 13 — % 68% 37 Cannn Mills (a«)... 2 60% 60 60 -2 9% 6% Carriers & Gen (30c 13 7% 6% 6% - % 186 92% Case (J 1) Co (4) _ 2 143 142% 142% -2% 91 64% Caterpillar Trac t2. 4 88 87 87% + ** 32% 21% Celanese Corp al %. 10 27% 26% 26%+% 116 106% Cel of Am pr pf A 7- 1 106 106 106 -% 36% 19 Celotex Corp .. 3 35% 35% 35% +1 86 54 Celotex Corp pf *5. 10* 77 77 77 35% 25% Cent Agulrs itl% > 4 33% 33% 33% 9% 6% Central Foundry Co 12 8V. 7% 7% - % 57 35 Central R R or N J_ 7 37% 36V* 36V* — % 74 471* Cerrod# Pasco i«). H 71% 69% 70 19V. 8V. Certaln-teed Prod-. 8 13% 13V* 13% - % 71 57% Certaln-teed pf <6). 10* 63 63 63 1UU by ( nesa pe* •>* i orpi i) 3 33 83 83 77% 51 Ches & Ohio <t2.80) 34 62% 61% *61% - % 3V* IV* Chi & East HI (d) .. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 8% 2% Chi & East 111 pf (d) 1 6% 6% 6% + % 2% IV* Chi Grt Weat (d)_ 3 2 2 2 -% 13% 4 Chi Grt n Dt Id)_ 12 13 11% 11%-% 33% 25% Chi Mall OrdltlVb). 3 30% 30% 30%-% 2% 1% Chi Mil St PAP Id) 22 2 1% 1% - % 5% 2% Cht U St P&P pt <d) 16 4% 4% 4% - % 4% 2% Chi * N W Id)_ 12 3% 3% 3% - % 12% 6% Chi & N W pf <d)_ 3 10% 10% 10%+% 24% 12% Chi Pneumatic Tool 10 22% 21% 21%—% 66% 40% Chi Pn Tool pf 13%. 4 61% 61% 61%+% 3 l%Chl K UkPac idl 1 1% 1% 1% - % 8 3V* Chi R1*P€% pf id) 3 6% 5% 6% - % 8 8% Chi R l*P 7% Of id) 6 6% 6 6 -% 32% 19% Ch1 Tallow Cab (t). 1 25% 25% 25% 30V* 17% Chlckash Cot OH .. 2 20% 20% 20% -2 14% 7 Child* CO 10 12% 12% 12% + % 138% 85% Chryalor Corp(all) 100 119 115% 115% -8 23 15% City 1c# A Fusl it). 3 18% 18 18 - % 89% 72% City IcsAP of <•%) 60s 86 86 86 18% 4% Cltv Stores . 4 10% 10% 10% - % 46% 23% CUrk Equlp(tl.tO). 11 83% 82% 33% +1% 47% S3 CIS* Graph Br it) 1 37 37 37 + % 74% 48 Cluett Peabody <tl> 14 74 70% 78 +4 134 84 Coca-Cola Itt) ... 1 122 122 122 + % 21% 13 Coluat* P-P It(Oe). 22 10% 18% 18% - % 68% 39% Collins* Alb *» ... 20 62 60% 60%-IS 48 28% Coin ruel* Iron... 10 4»S 44% 44% -1 88% 21% Colo * Southern 10s 21% 21% 21% - % 21% 14 Columb O * ■ A4#s 20 17% 16% 14% - % 1M 80S CM U * ■ pf lb) 80s I Ml M 100 ♦% 48% 81 •'alum Ptat at* Mil UMs Its 81% •« - te 81% 14 Calum Piss* pfIS • 40% 80% MS IMS t« (Slum earn etaits) I Ills Ills Ills -•% M . 44 Comal OraAH «MI II M MS MS ♦ S Cam I Inaasi T K4) I* T* t$S TJS - % I Cam# I HOI* 14*001 (A 14% 11% It . - S •it rill 2:15 P.m. Prey. 1035 Stock and Sales— Net 81th. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Hlsh. Low. Cloea. Chge. 95 724 Con C pr pf wvr (V* 20a 89 884 884 + 4 85 654 Consol Cigar pf <7) 10s 78 78 78 -1 484 274 Consol Ed N Y t*.. 48 434 424 424 -1 109 102 Consol Ed NY on 6) 1 1074 1074 1074 + 4 74 44 Conaol Film . 6 6 44 44 - 4 204 154 Consol Film pfU2). 1 164 164 164 +4 154 114 Consol OH (83c) .. 13 144 144 144 -4 124 64 ConaolK R Cuba pf. 3 94 94 94 14 4 Conaol Textile <d>. 13 14 1 1-4 94 2 Cons Coal (Del)rtc 47 7 4 6 4 64 -4 364 124 ConsC (Dsl) of vte 1360a 314 29 29 -1 26V* 15% Container Corp (t.l) 3 22 204 204 - 4 354 104 Conti Baking tA>— 6 294 29 29 -4 4 14 Conti Raking (B) 8 34 3 3 -4 109 674 Conti Baking pf (19) 1 103 103 103 -1 874 644 Cont’l Can (tl > .. 30 644 1634 634 — 4 46 354 Conti Insur (tl.60). 12 41 404 404 4 24 Conti Motors 28 24 ; 24 24 -4 434 284 Conti Oil (Del)alH 37 414 f41 .'414-14 46 25 Conti Steel Corpil) 2 284 27 27 -1 694 554 Corn Ex BkATr (8) 60s 63 624 624 -4 824 634 Corn Prod Ref (t3). 13 684 674 674-14 74 4 Coty Ino . 16 6 64 64 -4 504 24 Crane Co . 19 46 414 414 -44 374 35 Cream of Wh’t <t2) 3 354 354 354 354 154 Crosley Radio al 4. 21 25V* :254 254 -4 914 434 Crown C kA S (a4). 7 744 74 74 54 34 Cr’n C&S rts Dec 23. 34 44 34 34 - 4 194 74 Crown Zelleb'k yte. 28 184 174 174 - 4 604 28 Crucible Steel 11 524 61 61 -4 125 954 Crucible Stlpf 24%. 2 123 123 123 -4 20 9 20s 14 13 134-4 144 64 Cuban-Am Sugar.. 16 124 114 114 129 C34 Cuban Am Sug pf.. 150a 121 120 120 -5 444 354 Cudahy Pkg (2V4)_. 1 384 384 384 +4 244 164 Curtla Publishing.. 7 184 184 184 - 4 94 4 Curtiss Wright 44 64 64 64 +4 214 104 Curtlss-W (A) a5Bo 18 194 194 194 - 4 704 364 Cushman Sons pf . 30s 46V* 46 46 —4 83 434 Cutler-Hammdr tl. 1 81 81 81 -4 194 74 Da vega Stores (1).. 1 174 174 174 -4 1084 107 Davton PAL pf 44- 10s 1084 1084 1084 107 52 Deere A Co . 14 103 101 101 - 4 324 27 Deere A Co pf (1.40) 2 30 30 30 - 4 334 194 Delael-Wem-G (tl) 2 284 274 274 -4 544 364 Delaware A Hudson 11 44 424 424 -14 234 144 Del Lack A West 31 174 17 17 - H 94 44 DenARIoGW pf <d) 1 7 7 7 -4 404 304 Diamond Mtch tl 4 2 31 30% 31 +4 344 184 Dlst corp Seag Ltd. 20 264 264 264 + 4 954 934 Distillers C'p pf (5). 1 934 934 934 -14 614 414 Dome Mines (t2)_ 8 494 49 4<» + 4 124 7% Dominion Stores ._ 2 104 10% 10% — V« 82V* 504 Douglass Aircraft 35 71% 69 694 — 4 51 29 Dresser Mfg( A > *3. 2 50 50 50 364 13 Dresser Mfg(B) al. 1 34 34 34 3 14 Duluth SS ft Atl pf 1 24 24 24 84 44 DunhlM Intsrnstl - 1 74 74 74 1184 114 Duplan Silk pf (8)_. 10*118 118 118 -4 1844 133 Du Pont de N a6.10. 34 1754 1714 1724 - 2*. 1364 129 Du Pont deb (61 4 1344 r34 134 1154 1114 Duauesns Lt 1st (5) 60s 116 116 116 +4 124 54 Eastern Roll Mills- 23 114 11 114-4 185 156 Kastman Kod i*6). 4 172', 172 172 404 284 Eaton Mfg <t2)_ 6 344 334 334 -4 154 54 Ellington Schlld 13 124 124 124 474 304 Elec Auto Lite t2.40 21 42 40 40 -1 174 10 Elec Boat (a60c) .. 21 12 114 1)4-4 74 54 El & Mus Ind allc.. 42 54 64 54 -4 254 64 Elec Pw A Cl . 140 25 234 234 - 4 874 294 Elec Pw ft L« IS pf- 7 84 824 824 + 4 944 .324 Elec Pw ft Lt *7 pf. 21 904 87 87 -1 654 394 Elec Stor Bat a2%„ 9 40 394 394 -4 14 4 Elk Horn Coal (d).. 1 14 14 14 64 14 Elk Horn C pf tdl 9 54 54 54 + 4 284 224 El Paso Nat G(1 60) 102 294 274 274 + 4 104 54 Eqult Office B *2Uc. 2 94 94 94 184 11 Erie R R _ 7 144 144 144 +4 344 16 Erie R R leppf_ 10 264 26 264 - 4 29 114 Erie R R 2d pf ... 3 224 214 214 -4 154 12 Eureka Vac C line) 2 124 124 124 - 4 404 234 Evans Product(tl). 5 29 28 28 -1 84 44 Exchange Buffet... 7 5 44 44 - 4 54 24 Fairbanks Co _ 380s 34 34 34 - 4 25 84 Fairbanks Co pf 120s 204 1*4 194 -14 704 344 Falrbks-Morsettl) 2 674 664 674 + 4 59 314 Falardo Sugar (2).. 4 554 544 544 — 4 274 184 Federal Lt ft Trac . 7 274 26 26S - 4 92 37 Fed Min ft Smelter. 1 76 76 76 -1 124 74 Federal Mot Tr 4('o 5 84 84 84 - 4 54 3 Fed Screw Works . 4 54 44 44 — V, 6 24 Fed W ater See i A) 3 44 44 44 - 4 464 204 Fed d Dept S (al*,) 16 424 414 414 1154 106 Fedtd D S cu pf 4 4 1 1064 1064 1064 +14 494 38 Fidel Phoe F I +1.69 3 434 434 434 + 4 364 244 Firestone T ft R (2) 7 34 324 324 -14 584 40 First Nat Strs (2 4. 4 50 49’. 50 -4 45 304 Fllntkoie Co (1» . 21 394 384 384 - 4 564 474 Florence Stove 4’i. 2 48 48 48 +4 26 174 Florence Stove war. 2 17*4 174 174 — 4 324 254 Florshelm(A) (tl). 1 324 324 324+4 114 3’. Follansbee Bros (d) 7 54 74 74 -4 474 32 Food Machine (1).. 3 47 46 46 +14 444 244 Fester-Wheeler .. 6 424 404 404 -1 47’. 304 Fourth Nat 1 a2.35.. 4 444 44 444 - 4 35*. 234 Freeport-Texas (1) 16 264 264 264 -4 78 474 Fuller Co pr pf_ 10s 73 73 73 634 314 Fuller Co 2d of_120s 44 43 434 -4 74 3*» Gsbrlel Co (A)_ 1 54 64 54 +4 30 114 Gamewell Co .. 40s 27 26 27 +1 174 154 Gar Wood Ind a53c_ 6 154 154 154 - V, 144 84 Oen Am Inv 'a75c>. 2 13 124 124 — 4 76 424 Gen Am Trans (a3). 3 734 73 73 — 4 20 104 Gen Baking (t60c). 6 174 17 17 114 7 Gen Bronze_ 6 84 84 84 - 4 264 54 Gen Cable_ 27 264 244 254 +4 58 17 GenCahleA . — 2 564 56 56 +4 1284 704 Gen Cable pf(t7)._ 2 121 120 120 -1 594 49 Gen Cigar (»4) .. 2 504 494 494 -4 534 344 Gen Electric (tl)... 118 514 504 51 -4 44 334 Gen Foods tl.80)... 11 404 394 40 + V, 44 4 Gen Gas ft Elec (A) 6 24 24 24 -4 704 58 (Jen Mills (3) 2 61 604 61 +1 77 534 Gen Motors (S44)- 234 664 644 644 -14 1234 118 Gen Motors pf 15).. 2 121V, 1204 1214 - 4 13% o% uen outdoor* aov zs j.ihi iz1** iz-» 594 18% Uen Outdoor Adv A.. 3 564 544 544 -2 72 38 Gen Print Ink (a3). 1 644 644 644 —14 6% 34 Gen Pub Service_ 4 44 4% 4% — 4 65 324 Gen Ry Signal < 1 >_ 8 514 50 60 - % 44 2 Gen Realty A Util.. 47 44 34 4 484 264 Gen Realty A P pf„ 5 424 41 41% + % 67 334 Gen Uefrac (a3% 6 654 654 654 89 324 Gen Stl Casting pf 360» 78 77 77 -2 31% 17 Gen Theatre E <a2). 18 30% 29% 29% 18% 13% Gillette Saf R (tl»_ 12 154 154 154 -4 90 70 Gillettes R pf (6)- 4 86% 84 86% +34 274 6% Glmbel Bros_ 9 234 22% 22% + 4 554 39% GllddenCo (2) ... 6 40V* 394 394 -4 55 524 Glldden cv pf(2%). 1 54% 54% 64% - 4 74 34 Gobel (Adolf) -. 14 6% 5% 6 -4 10V* 64 Goebel Brew (t20c) 9 64 6% 6% — V* 354 13% Goodrich (BF) <aJ » 41 32% 314 31% - 4 864 74 Goodrich (BF)pf( 5) 2 814 814 814 314 21% Good yes r TA R 46 28% 27% 274-% 1054 100 Goody r T&R of <5 ) 4 1014 1004 100 4 -1 116 87 Goodyear $7 pf (4). 1114 114 114 -2 14% 84 Gotham Silk Hose.. 5 124 12 12 44 2 Graham-Palge _ 192 3% 34 34 +4 114 1% Granby (Id stpd)_ 16 64 5% 6 + % 6% 34 Grand Onion ctfs_ 2 44 44 44 25% 16 Grand Un pf 1*14 ) 2 23 224 224 -4 43 244 Orenlte City Stl 111 2 38% 384 384 + 4 524 284 GrantlW T)(tl.40). 6 444 44 44 -4 46% 324 Grt Northern pt .. 27 39% 384 884 -4 22% 16 Grt North’n Ora (1) 3 19 18% 18% - 4 41 31 Grt West Sug (2.40) 6 394 384 38% - % . 1494 136 Grt West Sug pf (7) 10* 145% 145% 145% +14 394 22 Green (H L)Co(tl) 20 34% 334 334 -4 95 65 (2) 40s 80% 80% 80%-% 174 154 Greyhound <T80c> n 60 15% 14% 14% — % 4% 1% Guantanamo Sugar 4 34 3% 34 66 24 Guantanamo Sug pt 60a 554 55 554 — 4 19% 94 Gulf Mobile AN 4 124 124 12V* — % 624 304 Gulf Mobile A N pf. 4 53 504 504 -4 63 28% Gulf States Steel .. 6 57 56 56 -1 154 6 Halit WFlPrlntlng. 3 13% 134 134 32 14 Hamilton Watch 4 274 27 27 - % 1254 104 Hamilton W pf <6). 10* 1044 1044 1044 624 304 Harb-Walker (t2)_ 2 60% 504 50% + 4 184 12 Hat Corp of Am (A) 5 16% 164 164 — 4 115 104 Hat C pr ww (64). 20* 1064 1064 1064 9 4% Haye* Bodv 6 6% 6% 6% — Vi 133 100 Hazel Atlas G1 <t6) 2 102% 101% 101% — % 21% 12% Hecker Prod <60c)_ 22 13% 13 13% 41 25% Hercules Mot t'tl).. 2 35% 34 34 - % 149% 84 Hercules Pow a5VI. 2 146% 144% 144% -3% 80 68% Hershey Choc tt3>_ 1 64 64 64 - % 49% *0% Holland Fur (al%). 6 46% 43% 43% -1% 124 108 Holland Fura pf<6> 10s 121 121 121 33% 9 Holland&Sons t50c. 1 24% 24% 26% 4 % If, ft Holl&Son rts Dec28 3 1 # 1 — % 42 19% Holly Sugar <t2> . 9 40% 89% 39%-% 44% 39% Houd-Hersh(A)2 % 1 42 42 42 - % 33 22% Houd-Her IB) tl%. 29 26% 24% 24%-% 13% 6% Houston Oil vto ... 42 12% 11% 11% — % 63 48% Howe8ound (tl)_ 8 67% 55% 66% 41% 6% 3% Hudson A Manhat.. 2 4% 4% 4% - % 22% 13% Hudson Motor Car. 20 19% 18% 18% — % 8% 1 Hupp Motors_ 21 1% 1% 1% 29% 18% Illinois Central- 32 23% 22 22 - % 64% 30 Illinois Cent pf (A) 6 46% 44% 44% -2 73% 68 UlCent lee linee 14) 40a 68 68 68 -1 15% 4% Indian Refln (al) .. 1 12% 12% 12% 41% 25% Indu Rayon 01.38). 2 87% 37% 37% 147 106 lngeraoll-Kand'**> 1 188% 183% 138% 4 % 140 126 InferaolNR'd pf(«) 10s 140 140 140 122 88% InlandSteel (tl)... 4 118 116% 116% - % 16% b% inspiration Copper. 239 17% 16% 17 41 7% 6 Ina 8h Md efsafOe. 10 »% 6% 6% 18% 11% Inter Rap T trtd (4) 14 11% 11% 11%-% 17% 9% inieriaae iron ... 60 17 10% 16% - % 2% lot Agricultural... 4 4% 4% 4% - % tat Agrteui pr pf... 3 41 41 41 ♦ % Hit Bua Mam <«0>. 3 1*0% 100% 130% +1% Ini Hormnior 1% II •* 66 to lit Horveeier pf(T> I 166% IM% 1M% 4|% int H*6m Bio# iAi 8% IS - H ibi Moron Mile Mar f man ■ml M'amo lafoe). 13% 18% Ini Nlobei ml M - % IM POpei B PW >AI IT% IK 4 % ini Paper • Pm (■) 11% l»% ♦ % % ini Paper B hr 'Cl N M - ** im P» Pf -8% tail print Ink MM Mm im pf«6l l____ 2:15 p.m. Prey. 11*38 Stock and Sales— Net Olch. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlfh. Low. Close Chge. 37% 10% Interstate D S a60c 3 33% 32% 32% - % 22% 15 Intertypa Corp <1)_ 1 19 IS 19 — % 31% 24% Uland Creek (21_ 9 294) 29% 29%+% 93% 68% Jewel Tea lt4>_ 2 87% 87% 87%+% 146% 88 Johns-Manvllle(t*)x 2 143% 141% 141% -2% 126% 1214) Johne-Menv or (7) 20* 126 126 126 +1% 133 75% Jones&L 7% pf f3% 190* 129% 129% 129% + % 50% 89% Kalamazoo S (tl). 2 46% 46 46 -1 26 13 Kan* City 8outnerB 6 20% 20 20 86% 17 Kauf'nn D S tl.6p_ 1 29 29 29 33% 24% Kayser JACo(al%) 2 25% 25 25 - 44 28% 20 Kelsey-H (A) al%. 5 20% 19% 19%-% 24% 18 Kelsey-H (B) al4). 1 18 174* 17%-% 25% 14% Keivlnator itfrOC)— 13 21% 204s 20%-% 63% 28% Kennecott fal.70)— 65 60 68% 69% + % 24% 17% Keystone SAW «X)_ 9 19% 18% 18%—% 46% 18% Kimberly Clark(l). 1 43 43 43 + 44 7% 3% Kinney fO R) Co . 1 5% 5% 5% - % 61 30 Kinney(GR)pf(a 1). 90s 61 49% 49% -1% 18% 4% Kresge Dept Stra 3 13 12% 12% + % 131 74% Kresge Dept Stra pi 20* 135 131 131%+% 32% 20% KreSKS <S S) (til 4 28% 28 28 - % 28 19% Kroger GAB(tl.60) 11 224* 22 22 264* 15% Lambert Co (8)_ 10 18% 18% 18%-% 18% 74* Lane Bryant_ 1 16% 16V* 16% 184* 12 Lee Ruh*Tlre(60c> 5 17% 17 17-44 45% 15% Leh Port Cem't(a2) 3 40% 40 40%+ % 4 2 Lehigh Valley Coal. 15 3 2% 3 + % 19 9% Lehlgb Val Coal pf. 11 17% 17 17 + % 22 8% Lehigh Valley R R_ 10 18% 174* 17%-% 123% 89 Lehman Corp (t»>_ 3 122% 121% 121% + % 214* 12 Lehn & +lnk al 442 18% 18 18 65 37% Lerner Stores (t2). 7 57% 66% 56% -2% 80% 47% Llbbey-Ow G1 a3 44. 18 72% 70% 70%-2% 13 7 Libby. McN & Lai. 5 9% 9% 9% — V* 81% 25 Life Saver (tl.60).. 4 27 26% 26%+% 116% 97% LlggAMyers B It4). 8 106% 105V* 105% - % 6344 2 5% Lima Locomotive_ 4 69 58% 68% + 4* 65 36 Link Belt (2) ... 2 524) 52% 52% +1 46% 32% Liquid Carb (2.60).. 5 41 43% 43% - W 65% 43 Loews (no (t2) ... 14 63% 62 62 -1 34. 2 Loft Inc ... 2 2% 2% 2% 61% 35% Lone Star Cmt(t2). 24 53% 62% 52% - 4* 8% 3% Long Bell Lum (A). 16 644 6 6 — % 45 38% Loose-Wiles (2) .. 3 40 40 40 - 4* 2644 21% Lorlllard (P) tl.20. 13 22% 22% 22% 151 140 Lorlllard (P) pf(7) 10* 142% 142% 142% + 4i 514-4 13 La Oil Ref pf Id) 60* 30 28 28 -2 30% 20 LoulsvGAEpfA 144 2 25 25 25 -% 35 224) Ludlum Steel (tl).. 13 30% 29% 29% - 4* 37 29 McCall Corp <t2)._ 2 34% 34% 34V* - % 23% 12% McCrorv Stores .. 3 18% 18% 18% — 44 46 40% MCGraw Klee ttZ).. 1 42% 42V* 42%+ % 24 16 McGraw-Hill 12 %c. 6 24 23% 24 + % 49% 38% McIntyre Porcu <2) 18 39 38% 39 118% 84% McKeespt Tlna5%. 4 84% 83% 83% - % 14% 8% McKesson A Rob .. 17 12% 12% 12% - % 49'. 37% McKessARob pf iS). 1 45 45 45 — % 21% 11% MeLellan Strs «2«o 7 17% 17% 17%-% 108 97% MeLellan Strs pf(6: 10s 104% 104% 101% -3% 49% 27% Alack Trucks (til.. 6 44% 44 41 65% 40% Macy <R HMtO <>>. 13 54% 54 54%+% 15% 8% Madison Sq O t«nc 4 15% 14% 14%+% 67 34% Magma Copper <a3) 2 54% 53% 54% +1 9 1% Manatl Sugar (d)._ 3 5% 5% 5% + % 35% 7% Manatl Sug pf (d). 250s 26% 25 25%+ % 23% 13% Man El md etd Id). 5 14% 14 14 -% 24% . 17% Manhat Shirt (1)_ 1 21% 21% 21%-% 6% 2% Maracallm (Ml Exd. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 12% 8% Marine Mldl’d t40c. 13 10% 10 10% + % 3% 1% Market St Ky 200s 2% 2% 2% 45 18% Market St Ity pr pf 30s 37% 87% 37% — H 25% 11% Marshall Field * Co 39 21% 20% 20% 12 6% Martin Parrv 6 9% 8% 9 — % 42% 27% Mathleson Alk(lH) 5 40 39 40 +1 70 43% May Dept Sire < 3)_ 2 62% 61% 61% +1% 21% 13% Maytag Co (a50c)._ S 14% 11% 14%-% 28% 12% Mead Corp.. 13 26 25% 25%+% 12 6% Mengel Co. 14 11% 11 11 -% 106% 60 Mengel Co pf _130a 105% 103% 104% - % 65 40% Alesta Mach a3»i_ 2 61% 60 60 -1% 13% 5% Miami Copper 130 14% 13% 13%+ % 30% 17% Mld-Cont Petal.IS 5 29 28% 28% -1 48% 21% Mid ld Stl Prod (t2) 4 40% 39% 39% -IV 131% 110 Alld Stl 1st ot i*l 40s 123% 122% 122% - % 112 65 Alinn-Hon Hoe tl% 1 103% 103% 103% -2% 12% 6% Minn Moline Pwr 32 10% 10 10 + % 6% 2% M St P&S S M Is In 60s 6 5% 5% - ». 29% 16% Mission Corp(a4 5c) 2 25% 25% 25% — % 9% 5% Mo Kans A Texas 5 6% 6% 6% 33% 14% Mo Kan & Tex pf A- 12 24% 23% 23% - % 4 2% Missouri Pacified) 13 3 3 7% 3% Mo Pacific of (d) . 6 6% 6% 6% % 31% 19% Mohawk Carp tl.20. 24 32 30% 30%+% 103 79 Monsanto i hemi r 11 5 98% 98% 9S% 68 35% Mont Ward t2 exrts 69 59% 57% 57% -2 Mnt Wrdrts Jan 29 305 2B 2% 2% 59% 42 Morrell J *1-0 2 01 2 43 42% 42% -1% 2% % Mother Lode al2Hc 29 1% 1% 1% - % 43% 28% Moior Prod .«2) 10 35% 33% 33%-1% 27 15% Motor Wheel (1 60) 7 22% 21% 22 39% 11% Mullins Mf i B)a50c 7 33% 33% 33%-% 101% 70 Mullins Mfg of (7). 10a 96% 96% 96%-% 36% 21 Munsingwear <t3)_ 1 30% 30% 30% + % 79% 44 Murphy G C (+2) ... 5 73% 73 73 - % 22% 14 AlurrayCorp laoOc) 29 17% 16% 16% — % 21% 15 Nash Motors tl) .. 38 16 15% 15%—% 47% 20% Nashv Chat * St L. 60s 38% 37% 38% +1 19% 12% Natl Acme fa75c)._ 12 18% 17% 17% - % 15% 9% Nat Aviation (al)_. 2 12% 12% 12%+% 38% 28% Nat Biscuit (1 60).. 36 32% 31% 31%-% 164% 153 Nat Biscuit pf (7) .. I 163% 163% 163% -1 37% 31% Nat B d & 7 31% 30% 30%-% 107% 106 Nat Bd&I pf A 1.15. 7 103 103 103 -3 32% 21% Nat Cash Keg <al) . 27 29% 29 29 — % 28% 21 Nat Dairy Pro al%. 25 23% 23 23%-% 112 107% Nat Dairy P pf Bt7) 50s 108% 108% 108% 24% 10 Nat Dept Stores 6 20% 19% 19% - % 33% 25% Net Dist Prod (t2>. 21 28% 28 28%-% 37% 28 Nat En A Stpg (2).. 2 30 30 30 -1 36% 26% Nat Lead itSdci 9 35 33% 33% — % 61% 64 Natl Mal bleiStl a2. 5 55 54% 54%—% 14% 9% Nat Pwr A Lt 160c) 5 11% 11% 11%—% 1% % Net Ry Mex 2d pf— 6 % % % f>7% isat steel taz *41_ tu iz it it —i 75% 19% Nat Supply Co 2 68 67 67 -1 133 74'. Nat Supply pf 1 129 129 129 -1 12% 7% Nat Tea i6»c» 8 11 10% 10%-% 60 32 Neisner Bros <t2)_ 1 56 56 56 + % 110 104% Newb'ry (J J)pf(5) 50* 107% 107% 107% - % 40 9 N’ewp't Indus a60c.. 68 32% 31 31 — % 83 32% N Y Airbrake a2%- 2 77% 77% 77% 49% 27% N Y Central H K . 109 41% 40% 40% -1% 63% 17% N Y Chicago ft St L. 3 39% 39 39 - % 95 36% N Y Cbl ft St L pf... 6 76% 75 75 -4 15 3% N Y Dock_ 60s 10% 9 9-1 29% 10% N Y Dock Dt- 70s 22% 21% 21% + % 2% 1 N Y Investors <d)._ 3 1% 1% 1% — % 5% 3 NYNHftH(d)- 53 5% 5% 5% + % 16*4 7% NY NH ft H pf (d). SO 16% 15% 16 + % 7% 4 N Y Ontario & West 3 5 4% 4% - % 1S% 9% N Y Shipbuilding .. 7 11% 11% 11% 104 83 N Y Steam pf (6)— 30a 95% 95% 95% -2% 109% 93% N Y Steam 1st (7).. 20s 108 108 108 310% 210 Norfolk ft W <tS> — 1 269% 269% 269% -2% 13% 6% North Am Aviation. 58 12% 12 12 — % 35% 23% North Am Co (tl)— 40 30% 29% 29%-% 59 52% North Am Co pf «3> 5 54% 54% 54%+% 36% 23% Northern Pacific . 43 26% 25% 25% 4% 2 Norwalk Tfre&Rub. 3 3% 3% 3% — % 32 19 Norwalk T ft R of— 10a 29% 29% 29% - % 17% 12% Ohio Oil <a60c)_ 53 1 57* 15 It — % 59% 24% Oliver Farm Equip. 14 64 52% 52% -1% 25% 17 Omnibus Corp ptc— 25 19% 18% 18% - % 19% 8 Oppenhalm Collins. 1 14% 14% 14%-1% 39% 24% Otis Elevator a75c- 6 37% 37 37% 20% 12% Otis Steel — 88 17% 16% -16% - % 120% 70 Otl* Steel pr pf . 2 119 119 119 -1% 83% 82% Otis Stl 1st pf(5%). 1 82% 82% 82% - % 70 47 Outlet Co 02) 20a 68 68 68 22 13 Pac Am Ftshar tl). 10 20% 19% 19% — % 15 374 Paclflo Coast_ 190a 12% 11 11% — % 32% 8% Pacific Coast 1st- 100* 26 25 25% +1% 297* 4% Paclflo Coast 2d 180* 21% 20% 20% - % 39% 30 Pacific Flnan tl.80. 4 30% 30 30 -1 41 30% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 28 37% 36 36%-% 58% 44% Pac Light 112 40>„ 11 50% 49 497*+1% 47% 14% Pacific Mills (al)._. 11 41% 40% 40%-1 152 140 Pacific T&T pf<*> 10a 149% 149% 149% +1 22% 11% Pac West’n Oil a65c 1 20 20 20 + % 13% i-acKaiu aiuuaioci so luy. iu% luy* — y* 74% 18% Panhandle P&R of. 60s 60 60 60 —3 97% 67 Paraffine Co (t2j_ 1 74% 74% 74% -1% 23% 7% Paramount Plot .. 112 21% 20% 20% + % 170 69 ’’ara Pic 1st pf (6)_ 7 147 145% 146V, +3% 21% 8% Param’t 2d pf t60c_. 86 19% 18% 18% + % 87% 17% Park & Tllford (2).. 2 35 35 35 6% 2% Park Utah 38 4% 4% 4% 50% 40% Parke Do via (al% ) x 1 44 44 44 32% 23 Parker Rust Ptl% 4 27% 26% 26%-% 10 4% Parmelee Transp’t. 2 6% 6% 6% — % 11% 6% Pst he Film Corn . 14 9% 9% 9% 17% 10% Patino Mines (60c). 4 15% 14% 14%-% 3% 1% Peerless Motor .. 8 3% 3% 3% 73 60 PenlckAFord (til). 2 62% 62 62% 112% 69 PenneytJ C) ia"%) 6 100% 99% 100%. 6% 3% Penn Coat * Coke . 6 5% 4% 4% 10% 4% Penn Dixie Cement 4 7% 7 7 — % 27% 17 Penn G1 S'd cfs a50o 5 22% 21% 21%-% 45 28% Penaa Railroad <a2) 66 39% 38% 38% -1 (8 38 Peoples Uas Chi — 3 49% 48% 48% - % 7% 4 Peoria A Eastern... 2 6 4% 4% — % 46% 26% Pert Marquette 1 35% 35% 86%-2% 89 56 Pare Marquette nt.. 1 86 86 86 —1% 18 12% PetCpof AmeSOc. 7 15% 16% 15%-% 19% 10% Pfeiffer Brew < I 19) 8 11% 11% 11%-% 66% 26% Phelps Dodge al%. 27 66 66 66% 4- % 64% 46% PhlloC«S« pf II). 8 62% 62 62 - % 12 8% Phila RapTr Id). 60a 6% 6% 6% - % 1S% 8% Phtle RapTr pf (d) l«0a 13% II 18 t% 1% Phtle* Read C A1. 10 2% 2% 2% 101% 66 Phillip Mortis (I).. 8 78% 71% 71%-!% Id 7% Phillips Jones I 11% 12% 12% -1% 40% sate Phillips Pet team. IS 47% 44% 46*.- % 84 TO Phoenix H of 11% I 10a 72 72 78 -8% 17% a Pieros INI of ... T 11% II l» 4 % I |% Pieros Petroleum . t 1% >% 1% - % •7% *0% Mllehorr PI 11 dot h IBS 20% *8% - % BBS SO Pirelli Co A tdl III. 90s 90% 90% 90% .9% 19% Tie Pliioisoi I 19 19 19 19% »t* PIUS Berow 091190 19 19% 11% 19% ♦ % Itllefcureti IMeelVs • 19% |S% M% note 00 Pine 0100.0« .. 00* 100 too lit -a I k 2:15 p.m. Prev 193ft Stock and Sales— Net Sikh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlth. Low Close. Chge 29% 12. Poor A Co (B ) _ 23 26% 25% 25% - % 11% 4% Porto R Am Tob A. 9 10% 9% 9% + % 3% 1% Porto R Am Tob B. 3 2% 2% 2%—% 13% 6% Postal TelAC pf (d) 3 11% 10% 10%-% 28% 17% Pressed Steel Car.. 31 26% 25% 25% + % 28 17% Press Stl 1st pf 25c. 2 26% 25% 25% - 1% 73% 57% Press Stl 2d pf 2% 3 70 69% 69% -2% 65% 40% Proctor A Gam tl% 8 54 53% 53% - % 50% 39 Pub Svc N J (t2.40). 8 48 47 47 — % 113 103% Pub Svc N J pi (5). 2 106% 106% 106% - % 66 36% Pullman Inc (1%).. 36 62% 61% 61%-% 24% 16 Pure Oil _ 22 18% 17% 17% - % 118 91% Pure 011 6% pf_ 2 97% 97% 97%-% 133% 103 Pure Oil H% pf _ 80s 108 108 ! 20% 9% Purity Bak (t40c).. 12 18% 18% IS,t - % 19% 16% Quaker Sts Ref SOo 1 17% 17% 17%—% 14% 9% Radio Corp _ 863 111. K*% '(!% — % 80 68% Radio Corp pf A 8% 7 78% js% 78% — % 10% 5 Radlo-Keltb-Or <d) 34 7% 7% 7% - % 20 11 RH Sec 111 Cent ... 60s 15 l3 15 -% 38% 28% Raybestos-M tl%-. 13 34% 34 34% - % 50% 35% Reading 12) . ._ 1 42% 42% 42% - a, 50 39 Reading 1st pf ‘2)_ 1 49% 49% 49% 16% 9% Real Silk Hosiery— 2 12 11% 11% -% 4% 1% Reis (Kobt) — 2 3% 3% 3% 24% 12% Reliable Strs a50c— 1 19 19 19 25 17% Hem Rand ItGOc)_ 19 22% 21% 21%+ % 8% 4% Reo Motor Car__ 14 5% 5 5% 29% 16% Republic Steel. 221 28% 26% 26%-1% 104% 78% Rep SU pr pf A (6). 1 98% 98% 98% 35% 10 Revere Copper 9 35% 35 35 +1% 138 90 Revere CAB pf a3 % 110s 130 128 128 -2 34 22% Reynolds Met (tl) . 2 26% 26% 26%-% 60% 60 Reynolds Tob B K) 11 56% 56% 56% — % 117% 744* Ruberold Co (tl)_ 2 110% 110 110 10% 5% Rutland R R of ... 6 7% 7% 7% + % 49% 27 Safeway Stores(t2) 2 41% 41% 41%+ % 97% 96 Safeway Strs pf (5). 80s 97% 97 97 — % 114 108 Safeway Strs pf (6) 30* 110% 109% 109% + % 114% 110% Safeway Strs pf (7) 10s 111 111 111 50 22 St Joseph Ld (al).. 27 49 46% 48 +2% 3% 1% St L-b&n Fran (d)_ 3 2% 2% 2% — % 6% 2% St L-San Fr pf (d)_ 17 5% 5 5 55% 37% Schenley Dist (+3)_ 18 45% 44 44 -1 101% 96 Schenley L» pf (5%) 3 96 95% 95%-% 4% 1% Schulte R Strs (d)_ 7 2% 2% 2% 20% 7% Schulte R S pf id). 2 17% 17 17 -1% 79 53% Scott Paper 412)_1170s 85 83 84 +6 2 % Seaboard Air L (d>. 35 1% 1% 1% + % z aeauuara A L. pit a). Zl b*» b!. b', + 4 434 304 Seaboard OI1 (1)_ 14 38 374 374 74 34 Seagrave Corp_ 1 7 7 7 + V, 1014 594 Sears Roebuck (t2) 46 954 924 924 -34 5 24 Second Natl Invest. 2 44 44 44 — 4 314 154 Servel Inc <tl)_ 5 28 274 274 — 4 324 204 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 6 31 294 294 —4 1044 89 Sharon Stl H pf (5). 1 1004 1004 1004 - 24 114 44 Sharpe & Dohme . 8 104 94 94 — 4 194 114 Shattuck F G(t50c) 6 17 164 17 + 4 28 144 Shell Un OU (a25c). 9 264 264 264 -4 1274 1024 Shell Un Oil pf 6V*_. 6 1024 1024 1024 - 4 144 84 Silver King <60c)._ 62 13 124 124 +4 484 194 Simmons Co (a3)__. 10 444 434 434 — 4 64 3'a Simms Petrol__ 4 4 4 4 444 194 Skelly OU _ 6 414 404 404 132 112 Skelly Oil pf (6)_a 3 994 994 994 +4 85 54 Sloss-Shefheld Stl.. 60s 84 81 84 +2 72 404 Smith (A O) . 3 494 474 474 -24 294 21 Snider Packing 7 28 274 274 - 4 174 124 Socony Vac OU a70o 113 154 154 154 -4 74 34 So Am G & PtaliOc) 19 44 44 44— 4 354 26 South Port S 112) . 2 32 314 314 — V, 324 25 South Cal Kdis U4 19 294 29 294 + 4 474 234 Southern Paclflc _ 64 414 394 394 —14 264 124 Southern Railway.. 62 24 22". 224 — 4 544 19 Southern Ry pf_ 44 494 474 474 —24 114 64 Spalding <A U)_ 2 94 94 .94'— 4 94 5"* Sparks-Wlthlngton 17 84 74 74 — V» 244 154 Sperry C’p vte lal). 19 214 21 21 —4 534 4i Sptrer Mfg pf (3) . 10s 514 514 514 1144 63 Splegel-May S (»)._ 2 105 104 101 —4 43*4 214 Square D Co (al*i). 2 404 394 394 184 14*. Stand Brands tSOc. 71 154 154 154 —4 129 1204 Stand Brands pf(7) 50a 123 123 123 13*, 9'a Stand Com Tobacco 2 1114 11 11 —4 94 54 Stand Gas ft El Id) 37 94 84 84 — 4 274 94 Stand G*E$« pf (d) 68 264 254 254 -4 62 244 Stand G*E 36 pf (d) 1 564 564 564-14 724 264 Stand G&E *7 pf (d) 8 674 664 664 -14 34 2 Stand Inv Corp_ 2 34 34 34 — 4 47". 35 Stand O of Cal 4tl). 16 404 39 39 -1 454 324 Stand Oil of fnd tl- 28 434 424 424 — 4 704 514 Stand OU of N J <»1 70 664 654 654 - 4 I 404 244 Starrett <LS) t.140 . 2 354 354 354 - & 784 65 Sterling Prod t3.SU 2 704 70*. 704 + 4 244 164 Stew-Warner t50c 7 18 174 174 - 4 264 144 Stone & Web (a25c) 116 264 254 264 +4 154 94 Studeoaker Corp 39 134 13 134 91 70 Sun OU 411)_ 2 71 704 704 + 4 1 125 118 Sun Oil pf 16)_ 50s 1234 1234 1234 60 27 Superheater (a95c> 1 544 544 544 -14 ] 64 3 Superior Oil _ 16 44 44 44 — 4 ! 414 94 Surerlor Steel 22 37 35 354 — 4 374 23 Sutherlnd Pap tl «0 2 34 33 33 -1 264 20V, Swift & Co (11.20 )_. 22 • 254 244 244 - 4 ! 354 28V* Swift Inti <2 > 4 324 314 314 - 4 j 204 15 Svmgton-Gould ww 40 194 184 184 — 4 154 124 Symingtn Gould xw 10 144 134 134 — 4 114 54 Tennessee Cop al5c. 25 104 94 10 — 4 504 284 Texas Corp'n (tl) 30 504 494 494 + 4 84 44 Texas Gulf Pr (a5c) 20 74 74 7Vs 444 33 Tex Gulf Sul <t2)_ 8 39 384 384 + 4 1 49 28 Texas ft Pec RR .. 4 414 44 44 +24 i 154 74 Tex Pac C ft O a25c. 12 124 12*. 124 — 4! 144 94 Texas P L T (alOc). 14 104 104 104 — 4 124 84 Therrnold Co _ 13 104 104 104 94 3V* Third Avenue 2 64 4>4 64 — Vi 134 84 Thomp n (JR) t50c. 4 114 lit, 114-7, 324 244 Thomp Prod (al 4) 4 274 274 274 — 4 84 44 Thompson Starrett 11 64 64 64 394 26 Thompson Star pf-- 1 314 314 314 -14 214 144 Tide W Asio O «0c. 10 194 19'* 194+ 4: 1064 1004 Tide Wat A Opfi6> 4 1044 1044 1044 - 4 277, 12V, Timken Detroit!tl) 48 224 22 22 -1 ,4% f>6 Tlmlcen Roll B (tz) 6 71% 71 71% 18% 11 Transamerlca t40c 51 17% 16% 16% — % ! 27% 14% Trans&Wn Air a25c 9 18 17% 17% — %i 2% 1% Tr&Wn A rts.Jan 6. 77 2 1% 1% - % ^ 22% 10% Transuc&W (1600- 12 20% 19 19% _ *4 12 7% Tricontinental a50c 11 9% 9% 9% — % 110 93 Tri-Conti Cpf (6) . 1 105% 105% 105% — % 9% 4% Truax-Tra C(a25c) 9 9% 8% 8% — % 28 7% Trusron Steel ... 3 24% 21% 21% +1% 38% 22% 20th Cent Fox (2)— 9 35% 34% 34% -1 17% 8% r»m City RT .. 2 14% 14% 14%-% 109 65V* TwinCRTpf J14.. 60» 103% 101 102 8% 2% Ulen&Co 11 4% 4% 414 — % 99 74% Und-Ell-Fish (a2%) 24 102% 98 102 44 70 38% Union Bag&Pap (2t 8 67 64% 66% 43 105% 71% Union Carb&C 3.20 32 101% 100 100 -J% 28% 20% Union Oil Calif (1). 16 23% 23% 23%-% 149% 108% Union Pacino «6 >_ 12 126 123% 123% -2% 32% 20% Unit Aircraft a50c— 37 28% 27% 27% — % 21 13 Utd Air L (a20c)_ 28 18% 18 18 -% 37% 16% United Am Bosch 4 28 26% 26% —1% 96% 68 United Carbon <t3). 2 86% 85 85 -1% 9% 5% United Corp (a20c). 61 6% 6% 6% — % 48% 40% United Corp pf 13)- 6 44% 44 44 — % 16% 10% United Drug (a75c) 15 14% 14 14 — % 29% 15 Unit Dyewood(l)_ 8 19% 18 18 -1% 8% 4 United Elec Coal . 49 8% 7% 7% — % 50% 32% Unit Eng & Fy (t2). 2 46% 46 46 — % 87 66% United Fruit (t3)._ 2 81% 81 81 4% 19% 14% United Gas Imp (1) 39 14% 14% 14% 13% 6% United Paperboard 2 12V* 11% 11%-% 23% 10 U S Distributing pf 60s 19 19 19 20 13 U S & For’n Secur.. 1 17 17 17 — % 39% 24% U S Freight (tl)- 1 30% 30% 30%-% 125V* 80% US Gypsum (t2) 2 120 V 120 120 -1 20V 8% U S Hoffman _. 3 17% 17 17 - % 69 31V* U S Indus Alcohol.. 17 38V 37% 37% 9% 4% U S Leather vtc ... 6 6% 6 6 — % 18% 10% U S Leather A vtc . 6 13% 13% 13% — % 104 71 U S Loath prpf t4. 3 92 91% 91% -1% 63% 21% U S Pipe* Fytl%). 20 61% 59 59%-% 19% 7% U S Realty * Imp.. 64 17% 16% 17 4 % 48% 16% U S Rubber.. 39 46V 43% 43% -2% 101 47 U S Rubber lat pf .. 7 96% 95 95 - % u s smelting <aiuj n soft »;>'* 86ft +i", 797* 46% U 8 Steel ... 160 77 76 75ft + % 154% 115ft U S Steel pf (7)_ 5 144 143% 144 - ft 168 160 U S Tobacco pf (7). 60s 167 167 167 +6% 8% 5 United Stores (A I 17 7ft 7ft 7ft 92 67% Unlv Leaf Tob ItJ) 1 84 84 84 -ft 165- 153 Unlv Leaf T pf (8). 20* 164ft 164ft 164ft +2ft 115 60 Unlv Plct let pf ... 10s 102 102 102 -1 7 3% Util Pwr A Lt CA1-. 19 4 37* 37* 2% 1 Vadsco Sales Corp.. 14 21* 2 2 30 16ft Vanadium Corp .. 37 28ft 26% 27 - ft 49% 28% Van Raalte (alft). 4 40 39% 39%-% 116 110ft Van Kal 1st pf (7).. 10s 113ft 113ft 113ft 48ft 40 Vick CPera 4T2>- 2 42 41% 41% - ft 8ft 4 Va-Car Chemical... 12 7ft 6ft 6ft - % 68% 28% Va-Car Cham a % pf 11 62% 50% 50% - ft 114ft 109 Va El-A Pwr pf <*> 30s 113% 113% 113% + ft 13% 4 Va Iron CoalACoke 100s 12ft 12ft 12ft-r ft 41ft 14 Va Iron C A C pf__ 20s 38 38 38 +2»t 10% 6 Wabash pf A Id)... 18 8ft 7ft 7ft - ft 19 9ft Waldorf Sys 6 17ft 17 17ft + % 391* 30 Walgreen Co (I)_ 2 38ft 38 38 49% 26ft Walker <H) (8)_ 3 47 46ft 46% + ft 12% 5ft Walworth Co_61 lift 10% 10% 62 10ft Ward Baking A_ 1 41 41 41 -St* 7% 2ft Ward Baking B.... 7 6ft 6ft 6ft — % 18% 9ft Warner Broa Plot.. 79 17 16ft 16ft - ft 27* ft Warner-Uuln (d>... 4 IS 1% IS 12% 4ft Warron Broa .... 16 9ft 9% 9ft - ft 86 <1 Warren rdyAP(tl) 3 84 33% 33'. - ft 89ft 19ft Waukesha Mot (I). 85 38 86ft 17ft ♦ 1ft lift 6ft Webster UKenlohr. 10 8% 6 8 - ft 2ft 1 Welle Pargo. 40s 2 I 2 e ft 49% 89ft Weeaoa OAMMIte) II 48ft 47ft 47ft- ft 102 87 West Pg Klee pf <•> IOa i>6 88 88 el 110 P6 Wear »•■ Klee pf Hi l"a Him. loa% mat. - ft 116ft 111% Weal Ift Pwr pf 161 M*e 114ft 114% 114% - % 114% 116% Weil Ift rw» pf ill loa III III III « I 18% 8ft Weeiora Maryland 18 9 8% 8% - ft 98ft tl Weeiera Md id 9*.. I lift lift lift - ft 4 Ift WaMero Htm .. 9 Ift Ift Ift 8% 4% Weeiera ifteiAe pf a as a, 6% - % 94% If*. Wee« • Upmp 'til 88 18% 18% 18ft -1% 44% 44ft West a ee a H al ft *8 41% 48% 48% -|% 144% 44% W 8»'b ee fcl <et ft i 8*148 141% 'lift - Ift Ifs IM% s lei pf . % Me 18* 18* I*. y ', w... a »»m.. elf I *1*4 ** I* - % # llkbu —aft^srsiGrin— i STOCKS SELL OFF FRACTIONS TO 13 Motors and Steels Leaders in Decline—Coppers, Spe cialties Resistant. Stock Averages 30 15 15 00 Indust Ralls. Ctll 8tks Net change. Unc. 4-.1 —.1 Unc. Today noon. 94.0 37.1 50.7 688. Prev. day... 94.0 37 0 50.8 68.8 Month ago.. 95 6 37.8 51.0 69.8 Year ago_ 72.0 28.9 43.1 54 0 1936 high... 93.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low_ 73.4 30.2 43 4 55.7 1935 high... 76 3 31.2 44 7 56.1 1935 low_49.5 18.5 21 6 34 8 1932 low_ 17.5 8 7 23.9 16.9 1929 high—146 9 153 9 184.3 157.7 1927 low'_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled oy the Associated Press » BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, December 21 —Led by the motors and steels, recent stock market favorites, today dipped frac tions to around 3 points. Coppers and specialties were re sistant and a little buying support arrived for several of the more de pressed issues just before the finish, but losses predominated at the close. Transfers approximated 1.800,000 shares. Offerings expanded in the final period following word from Detroit that union forces had taken the first step toward organization of General Motors workers by asking for a con ference with company executives. The steels were in a retreating mood as fears were expressed labor prob lems might spread to this industry. The American Iron & Steel Institute placed the current mill operating rate at 77 per cent of capacity, oft 2.2 points from last week. The decline will be largely because of shutdowns for the Christmas holidays. The rails seemed to feel better for a time, following their Saturday's set back due to the Interstate Commerce Commission's adverse decision on ex tension of emergency freight charges. They followed the rest of the market later. Ahead the greater part of the ses sion were Anaconda. Kennecott. Calu met & Hecla. Inspiration. Miami, American Smrlting. Canada Dry, Gra ham-Paige, Waukesha Motors. Mo hawk Carpet, Stone & Webster. Elec tric Power & Light and Newport Industries. On the down side weVe General Motors. Chrysler. United States Steel, Bethlehem. Republic. Montgomery Ward. Sears-Roebuck, J. I. Case, American Telephone. Western Union, Consolidated Edison. American Water Works, Westinghouse. General Elec tric. Du Pont. Goodyear. Allied Chem ical. Briggs Manufacturing. Union Carbide. Santa Fe. New York Central, Union Pacific. Chesapeake & Ohio and Southern Pacific. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 21—Cot ton was quiet and slightly easier to day. Selling was moderate, including scattered commission house pre-holi day liquidation and some hedging. Demand was limited mostly to trade scale-down buying. March sold off from 12.24 to 12.18 and was ruling at 12.19 in midafter noon when prices generally were 1 to 4 points net lower. Futures closed steady. 1 -*> lower. Hish. Low Close. January_ __ i2.2o 12.14 12.14 March -12.24 12.17 12.18-19 May -.-12.1.1 12.oH 12.07 July - 12.07, 11 98 11.98 October __ 11.72 11.HI 11.H4 December_ 11 HS 11 HO II. >54 * Spot steady; middhna 12.78. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed easy. January. 11.13b: March. 11.21; May. 1133: July, 1.36. Sales, 102 contracts, b— Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, December 21—All fu j ture deliveries of com climbed more than 2 cents a bushel today, reaching I new peak prices for the season and helping lift other grains. December corn contracts led the upturn of prices, with active buying on the part of previous speculative j sellers. The buying spurt, however, | failed to last, and gains mostly failed | to hold. At the close com was unchanged to j ■% higher, compared with Saturday's j finish. December. 1.0938a’2: May. j new, 1.05al.051«; wheat, Ha3* down; I December. 1.38V*; May, 1.32’ia**; I oats unchanged to !4 up, and pro I visions varying from 15 cents set back to a rise of 2 cents. WHEAT— Open High. Low. Close. Dec.- 1..171.. 1.39', l.37>j 1,3K*4 May l.:«l>, 133’, 1.31', 1,324,-’. July l.lH’a J.18'4 1.Ill's 1.17*4-*, CORN— Dec. - l.OK'a 1.10’, l.i»8*i 109’,-’.. May new 1.04*, l.oo’, 1 04'., 1 n5-n.v„ May. old_1.03', l.o-i’., 1.0.3 1.03*,-’. July, new_1.01103 1 01*4 1.01*4-’, July. old.. .98’, 100’. .UK’, .994,-1 0(1 OATS— Dec. _ .51’, .52% .51*. .51*4 May _.50‘j .51’, .50*. 1 .51-82', July _.45 .45*, .45 .45% SOY BEANS— Dec. _l.SH*, 1.58', |.5(1*4 15**4 May _ -.1.57*2 1.58', 1.5«», 1.57*4 July _1.55% 1.50*2 l.SSia 1.56 RYE— Dec. _1.17 1.17*4 1.1544 1.15*4 May __1.11 1.13s* 1.10’, 1.1"4, July ..1.05*2 1.07*2 1.05*4 l.(W*, BARLEY— Dec. __ _ _ .94 May __ _ _ .86 ’ LARD— Dec._ 1345 13.45 Jan._ 13.45 13 50 13,40 13.45 Mar. ... 13.62 13.7(1 13.62 13 70 May_ 13.00 13.97 13.85 13.95 July_14.12 14.20 14.12 14.15 BELLIES - Dec._18.25 16.25 Jan _16.30 16.30 C hicago ( ash Market. Cash wheat. No. I, hard, 1.40%a 41%; com, No. 3, mixed. 1.10, mainly white: No. 4, mixed. 1.03al 03%; No. 2, yellow. 1.10%; old. 1.14; No. 3. yel low. 1.07al.l0; No. 4. yellow. l.02'4a 108: No. 3 white. 1.10%al 12%: No. 4. white. 1.08al.l0%; oats, No. 1, white. S312^5%: No. 2. white. 53a55%; No. 3. white. 52%: rye. No 1. 1.28'2: soy beans. No 2. yellow. 1 58%; No. 3. yellow, 1.57: No. 4. yellow. 1.57; barley feed. 80s88 nom: malting. 100a 140 nom; timothy seed. 5 85a8 10 hundred weight; new. 5 80a85 hundredweight; clover seed. J4 OOaJl 00 hundred weight.