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I REGISTER GAINS • Many Improve Fractions to More Than Point as Selling Stops. Bond Averages 20 in 10 10 Rails indust Util F'gn Net change. Unc. Unc. +1 Unc. Today, noon 96.7 104.0 102.0 71.4 Prev. day... 96.7 104.0 101.9 71.4 Month ago. 96.9 104.1 102.5 71.1 Year ago... 85.6 101.7 99.4 69.5 1936 high... 97.9 104.4 103.1 72.0 1936 low_ 86 9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1935 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low_ 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon-113.1 Prev. day. 113.1 Month ago 113.2 Year ago. 110.1 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 22.—Rally ing tendencies continued to hold sway in late trading in bonds today. Many corporate issues pushed up for gains of fractions to more than a point as recent selling gave way to increased buying. United States Treasury issues were etragglers in the movement, although . some perked up to show small gains and a better undertone in the Govern ment. bond market was noticeable. Among the late gainers were Alle ghany Corp. 5s, Baltimore & Ohio 4’js. St. Paul 5s. National Dairy 3%s, Southern Railway 4s and Youngstown Sheet & Tube 31 js. INSURANCE STOCKS , NEW’ YORK. December 22 —New York Security Dealers’ Association; Bid Asked. Aetna Cas (2a)_ 103% loi'a Aetna Ins (1.60)_ __51 53 Aetna Life (.80a) _ 26% 28 Am Equit (la* _ 40 Am Ins Newark (’2)_ 12*a 14 Am Reins (3) _-_ 76% 70*2 Am Reserve Pa) _ 32 34 Am Surety (2%)__ 56>2 58% Automobile (la)___ JM % 33*2, Balt Amer (.2ng)_... .. 8*2 O'a Carolina 0.20)_ 27% City of N Y (1.20)_ 28% 30% Conn Gen Life (.80) _ 31 33 Continent Cas (1) __ 28 30% Fid A Deo (3a)_121 124% Firemens Nwk_ 11% 13 Frank Fire (la) _ 31 % 33% Gen Reinsurance (2)_ 42% 44% Glen Falls (1.60) __ 44 46 Globe A Rep (%a) _ 20*4 22*4 Globe A Rut_ 75 78% Great Amer (la) _ 27 28% Hanover '1 6o>_ 36% 38*4 Rarmonia (1.20>__ - 20% 31% Hartford Fire (2)_ 75 78 Home Fire Sec_ 6% 7% Home Ins (la) _ — 30% 41% Homestead (1)_ _ 22% 24% L’ncoln Fire_ 4 5 Natl Fire (2) -_ _ 66% 68% Natl Liberty ( 20a» __ 0% 11 1* Hampshire <1 60) __ 41% 42% N Y Fire MW)a» _ 22% 26 Nor River (,8(*a* _ 26% 28% Phoenix «2a* 60 04 Prov Wash (la* _ - 38% 40% ft* Paul Fire «6a) 206 21 I ftpringfleld (4%a*-131 134 C'ln Life . _ 620 650 Traveler* pfl) ... _ 478 488 U 8 Fired.80) . __ __ 54 56 WeetChester Pa) __- 33% 3o% (a) Also ex»ra or extra*. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. December 22 OR.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid Asked. 4>',g Not 1958-38_loti3. KIT'. 4'«* May 1957-37_ 101 * a ini3, 4',s Jan 1957-37 _100 10o>» 4s May 1958-38- 104*, 105 4s Nov 1957-37 _10.3’b HC.»i 4s July 1946-14_ Ill's I 5*48 Mar 10.5.5-4.5 __10.5 105’ 4 Ss July 1955-45 _ 103 103', 3s Jan 1950-46 _ 103 103', Ss May 1956-46 _10.1 103', CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. December 22 (United States Department of Agriculture* —Hogs. 28.000 including 6.000 direct steady to (hade higher than Monday's average: weights above inn pounds getting best action: extreme too 10.30: bulk well-fin- ! ished 100-300 pounds. 10.ooa25: best j light lights 9.00; most good sows 0.50aS0; Jew o.S5. Cattle 9 000; calves. 2.000; common ! and medium grade steers fairly active: fully steady; such kinds selling mostlv at o RoaO.50; best strictly good and choice offerings slow, steady to around 12.75: sellers asking 12.0(>a50 for several loads: (he stock fully steady; bulls steadv to .‘■trong vealers steady to 25 lower: in between grade offerings showine decline after early round in selling at 7.00a9.0o; selected vealers up to 11.00: mostly J0.50 down: stocker trade continued nar row supply comprising warmed up and short-fed steers at value to ^ell at 8.00 down: mostly 7.25 down to 6 00. Sheep. 10.000. Including 200 direct: fat lambs opening slow: undertone weak to 15 lower: some bids 25 off: bids and sales (nod to choice natives and fed Westerns 8 75aP 00 mostly; few topny natives to small killers o^ioand 9.15: slaughter ewes (teady at 3.50a4.50: bulk Westerns at out tide; feeding lambs scarce. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK December 22 'Pi,—Foreign exchange steady Great Britain in dol lars. others in cents: Great Britain, de mand. 4.91,*.: cables. 4.91,*.: 60-day bills. 4.99,*.: France, demand. 4 673. cables. 4 673«; Italy, demand. 5.26'g; cables, B 26'2 Demands—Belgium 16.91: Germany, free. 40.2*1g: registered. 20.10; travel. 21.25: Holland 54.76: Norway. 24.68: * 8wed*n. 25 3.1: Denmark. 21 94; Finland. 2 17; Switzerland. 22.99: Spain, unauoted: Portugal 4.47'n: Greece 90'. Poland. 18 88: Czechoslovakia. 3.51’a: Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria 18.73n: Hungary. 19.80; Rumania. .75: Argentina 32.75n: Brazil. 9.80>«r.- Tokio. 28.61: Shanghai. 29 70; Hongkong 30.65: Mexico City. 27.88: Mon treal In New York 100.1011; New York in Montreal. 99.89 n—Nominal. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. December 22 ' AV— Live poultry, fowl, mixed colors, ordinary. 14al6; white Leghorns, fancy, 15al6; ordinary, llal.1: staggy young roosters. I3a14: old roosters 10al2; nullets. fancy. *lymouth Rocks. 21a22; Reds. 18at9: roasting chickens, fancy. 18al9; Reds. 17 al8: broilers, fancy. lfial7: Springers. Plymouth Rocks, fancy. 17al8: ordinary. 15al6: cross-bred Rocks. I4alt>; Red Springers. 15al6; ordinary. 13a 14: Spring chickens, mixed colors. 12al4: Muscovy ducks, white. 13al4: colored.' 10al2. Dressed poultry, turkeys, special marks. 25Vaa26; ordinary. 22a25: chickens, in boxes. 18,aa23,2: capons. 22a29: ducks. Western. 16al8- geese, fancy. Western. 19820: Maryland. I9a21. Butter unchanged. -a NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. December 22 UP).—. Egg*. 11«004: irregular Mixed colors, re frigerators. firsts. 28tya2ft: seconds. 27*20 28^4: other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 10.422: steady. Prices un changed. Cheese. 275.409: steady and un changed. Live poultry firm: by freight, turkeys. ducks, liial"; other prices un ouoted. * t ~ METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. December 22 UP.—Copper •trong. electrolytic spot and future. 11 .02Vg: export. 11.57Vj. Tin steady: spot and nearby. 52.05-15: future. 51.65-75. Ledid Arm: spot New York. 6.00-6.05: East St. Louis. 5.85. Zinc Arm: East St. Louis spot. 5.45: future. 5.55. Iron, aluminum, antimony. quicksilver, platinum and wolframite unchanged. , MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. December 22 IIP).—Call money iteady; 1 per cent all day. Prime commercial paper. V* per cent. Time loans steady: 60 days-6 months. 1V« per cent offered. Bankers' acceptances unchanged. Rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank. 1V4 per cent. RAILWAY INCOME. NEW YORK. December 22 OP!.—Rail roads reporting November net operating income (before Axed charges and other income) today Included: 1!).'(«. 11)35. tJnfcn Pacific_$3,377,128 $2,003,547 ■ ■ • NEW YORK EAR SILVER. • NEW YORK, December 32 VP).— Bar silver easy, 14 lower at 45. L ~ • V BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transaction* Today. U S Oor't Bond*..... 1.750,(too Foreign Bond* 1.880.000 rtomeatlo Bond*__ 9,7(0.000 B TREASURY HUh. bow. 2:45. 1 tja 1949-53_ 100.2? 100.24 1 00.24 2%e 1945-47_ 106.4 106.1 106.3 244* 1948 61_ 103.26 103.24 103.25 2 4* a 1961-64_102.19 102.18 102.18 2 44 a ‘66-69 _ 102.6 102.2 102.4 234* 1965-60_ 103.23 103.20 103.23 is 1946-48 _ 107.21 107.18 107.18 2a 1951-66 _ 106. 106.29 105.29 134* 1946-49_ 108.19 108.17 108.19 3 44s 1949-62_ 107.28 107.28 107.28 134a 1941 _- 108.22 108.20 108.20 134* 1944-48 __ 109.21109.19 109.20 3 44* 1940-43 June 107.24 107.23 107.24 3 44* 1941-43 Mar 108.2( 108.24 108.26 344* 1943-47 _ 110.20 110.18 110.19 144* 1946-58_ 114.9 114.8 114.8 4a 1944-64 . 115.21 115.20 115.20 4 34S-3 >4 a 1948-48 109.22 109.20 109.20 43ia 1947-52 121.12 121.10 121.10 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. ta 1947 _ 106.14 105.14 105.14 3s 1949 _105.00 104.26 104.28 8 34s 1964_ 105.24 105.24 105.24 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 234* 1939-48 102.20 102.17 102.20 Is *1962_ 104.16 104.12 104.16 FOREIGN BONDS. HiRh. Low. 2:45. Abltlbl PaAPw 6a '63 78 7'i4* 78 Alpine Mont S 7a‘56.. 83'-* 934* 934* Antloaula 7s'45 A_ 164* 164* 184* Antloaula 7s’46 B_ 164* 164* 164* Antloqula 7a 46 C.__ 164* 16 1 64* Antloqula 7a 46 D_ 164* 15}* 164* Antloqula let 7a'67__. 13 13 18 Antloqula 3d 7a '67_ 12'* 12** 12** Antwerp 6s ‘61 _ 974* 974* 974* Argentine 64*e'62_102}* 102 102 Argentine 6a'67 A_ 102 102 102 Argentine 6a '61 B_ 1024* 1024* 11)24* Argentine 6s’69 June 102'* 102t* I02t* Argentine 6a *69 Oct 1024* 102'* 102'* Argentine 6a ’60 May 103 1024* 103 Argentine 6a 60 Sept 1024* 102 102 Argentine 6s’60 Oct 1024* 1024* 102»* Argentine 6a'*1 Febr 102'* 102'* 1024* Argentina 6s 61 May 102»* 102»* 102'* Australia 44*a ’66_ 1024* 102 102 Australia 6a'56_ 1104* nov* iiP4* Australia 6s‘67_1P9»* 109»* 109*.* Austrian 7a’67_ 984* 984* «8'* Belgium 6s'66_ 1051* 105)4 105?* Belgium 7a'66 __115»* 1154* 115** Berlin Elec 64*a ’69_ 2i 237* 2.17, ■ Bratll 64*a '26-'67_ 384* 374* 374* Brazil 6 4*a *27-,67_ 38 364, 364* Brazil 7s '52_ 38 31*4 374* Brazil 8a ’41_43?* 43 434* Brisbane 6a’57 _ 103 103 103 Brads Ernesto 7a’54.. 61 61 61 Budapest 6s '62 unmat coupon on... 26 26 26 Busnoa A C 3a '84 __ f.54* 654* 65*4 Buenos A 4 4*a‘76 Aug 78 78 78 Busnoa Airs# 4 4*8-3 6*a'77 Py 78'* 774* 77»* Buenos A 6a ’61 at Py. 854* 85 85 Buenos A C 64*a'65... 101 101 101 Bulgaria 74*s '68 May coupon oil__ 204* 2«4* 204* Canada 2 44a 45_101 101 101 Canada 8 4*a'61_lost* 103 103 Canada 4a 60_ill", 1104* 1104* Canada 6a ’62- 1144, lw>4 1141* Chile 6s '60 _ 164, 164, 164* Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 164* 16 16>„ Chile 6s’61 Febr_ 164* 164* i6'4 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 16>4 16 16 Chile 6a 62 _;_ 16** 161* 164, Chile 6s '63 _ lb1, 16 16 Chile 7s 42 __ 164, 164* 164* Chile Mtg Bk 6s '61_ 144* 137, 144, Chlla Mtg Bk 6s 62 . 14 1S>4 14 Chile Mtg Bk 64*s’57. 13*, 13>4 13** Chile 61 tg Bk 6 4* a ‘61. 137* 13*4 13*4 Colombia 6s-61 Jan._ 284 284 284 Colombia «s’61 oct .. 284 28 284 Col Mtg Bk 6 48 ‘47_ 214 214 214 Col Mtg Bk 7s'47 ... 214 214 2l4 Copenhagen 44a ’51.. 98 98 98 Copenhagen 6a'62_ 994 994 994 Cuba 64s'45 . _ 664 654 664 Cuba 54s '63 _ 103 ion 103 Czechoslovakia 8a ’61 106 1064 106 Denmark 64a '65 ._ 1004 1004 1004 Denmark 6s '42 105 loa 105 Domlnlo 1st 64a *40.. 734 734 734 Domlnlo 1st 64s '4J._ 734 734 <34 Estonia 7s'67 _ 87 97 97 Frankfort 6 4s'53_ 214 214 214 French Gov 7s ’49_ 1284 1284 1284 French Gov 7 4s '41 1284 1274 1284 Qsr C Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct 26 36 26 Ger C Bk A 6s 38 ... 29 29 29 Ger Oen Elec 6s‘48_ 41 41 41 Gar Kep 7s ‘49 stpd... 284 28 28 Qer Gov 6 4s‘66 at 214 204 21 Ger Gov 64s‘65 un st 204 204 204 Greek Gov 6s ’68 _ 26 26 26 Haiti 6s 52 _ 99 99 99 Hung Con M 7 4s '46 unmat coupon on .. 204 204 204 Italy 7a '61 . 844 84 844 Ital Crd P W 7s ’47 B. 75 744 75 Ital P U Crd 7a ’63_ 664 65 664 Jauan64s’65 _ 794 794 '.94 Japan 64a'54 _ 96 964 96 Kreus&Toll Es '69 cfs 444 44 44 Low Aua H E 64» ’44 90 90 90 Medslln64a 64 144 134 144 Mex 4s *10-'46 aast 7*4 74 74 Mex 4a ’10-’46 asst am 74 7 74 Mex 4s '64 asst _ 74 7 7 Mex 5s ’45 asst Ige_ 94 94 94 Mex 6s'33 asst lge ... 10>« 104 104 Mex Ire 44s'43 asst.. S»8 64 64 Milan 64s 62 .. 664 644 <64 Minas Qers 6V<s '51 Sept coupon off . 23 23 28 Mlaas Geras 6 4s (> Sept coupon on .. 224 224 224 Montevideo 7a’52_ 66 66 66 New So Wales 6s ’ET.. 1044 1044 1044 New So Wales 5a ’68.. 1044 1044 1044 Norway 4 4s'65 _ 1014 101 1014 Norway 44s'6«- 1024 1024 1024 Norwav 6a ’63_ 1004 1004 1004 Norway 6a 44 _ 1084 1084 1084 Nuremberg 6s ’62__ 214 214 214 Oriental Dev 6s ’61_ 734 724 734 Oslo 4 4«'66 _ 994 984 984 Panama 6s’63_ 81 81 81 Panama 6s 'S3 atp aa 72H 724 724 PartsOrl Hy 64» '*8 1014 101 101 Pernambuco 7a '47 Sept coupon off_ 204 204 204 Peru 6s 'SO_164 16 16 Peru 6a‘61_I64 16 164 Paru 7a'69-174 174 174 Poland 6a *40________ 664 644 664 Poland 7a 47 _ 724 724 724 Poland 8a ‘(0 _ 634 624 634 Porto Alagra 8a ’61 June coupon off_ 254 254 254 Queensland 7a 41 __ 118 113 113 Rhine W El P 6a 63.. 234 234 234 Rhine W El P 6s '66_ 234 234 234 Rio de Jan 6 4a’6! Auk coupon oft_ 224 214 214 Rio de Jan Ss *46 April coupon off_ 244 24 24 Rio Or do 8ul 6s '6S Juns coupon off __ 21 204 21 Rio Or do Sul 7a '66 May coupon off_ 234 28 28 Rio Or do Sul 7a 'IT June coupon off_ 224 224 224 Roma 6 4s'62 . 684 68 «8 Ruhr Chemical 6s'48. 234 234 234 Rumania 7a'49 Auk eouoon off _ 25 244 2S Sso Paulo C 64s 'IT May coupon off 214 214 214 Sao Paulo St la *81 July coupon off 24 28 24 Sao Daulo St 7a'40._ 924 924 924 Sao Paulo St 7a fit Sept coupon oft 244 244 244 Sao Paulo St 8a '6t July coupon off ... 804 29 80 Serbs 8a '62 unm e o . 26 26 26 Siemens A H 14a *61. 684 684 684 Taiwan Elec 64a *71. 684 <84 684 Tokto 6 4a *81 _ 70 70 70 Toklo B L Littf 6s 'SI . 72 714 72 Un Stl Wk «4a *47 A. 284 284 284 Uruguay 6s 40__ 684 *8 684 Ururuay 6e 'I4.____ 684 674 «84 Uruguay 8a *41_ 694 194 l»4 Warsaw 7s *68 . 47 464 464 WuerttamberK 7s *51. 224 224 224 Yokohama 4s *S1 744 74 74 DOMESTIC BONDS. Allas Corp 6s 44 994 994 994 Alleg Corp 6s 48 964 964 964 Alias Corp ta 10 atp 644 6* 64 Allis Chalmers 4a '46 2124 209 2124 Am A For Pw 6s 1010 794 7*H 784 Am Ice er 6s *61_ 87 86 86 Am lntl 64s *49_ 1064 1064 1064 Am 1 G Cn 6 4 ■ '48 1094 108 108 Am TAT 44* 19._118 1124 1124 Am TAT >4*'49 ... 112 1114 1U4 Am T F J4*-6a 9S-*60 166 106 188 Hi»h I/iw. •; IS. Am Wit Wk» 6a *76 no no no Am Writ Paper 8a '47 7* 71 72 Am Writ Pa €s *47 efs 71* 7i* 7i* Anaconda dab 4 4a '60 106 ins'* ins* Anrlo-Chll Nit 7a'87 3b 3b 3b Armour A Co 44a ‘19 104 104 104 Armour) Dal list 4a’6b »** 98* ««•» Armstrong C*k 4a "60 107 107 107 A TAS Fa ran 4a '99 116 lib* lib* A TAS Fa 4Ha '48 110* 110* 110* Atlanta A Blrm I*'IJ 33* 32* 33* Atl Coaat L lat 4a 'b2 10414 10l'4 l#4'i Atl Coaat L elt 4a'81 97". 97* 97* Atl CLuo 4 Ha '64 97!A 96* 96* Atl Coaat Lins ba '4b 106* 106 106 Atlantlo A D ist4a 4* 60 60 60 Atlantlo A D 2d 4s '48 5314 53 53 Atl O A W I ba '69 83k, 8314 8314 Atl Refining deb 6s '27 1024 102-4 102* B A O lit 4S '48_ 108*4 108* 10t* B AO 44a‘60 76* 7b 75* B A O lat ba '48_116* 115 115 B A O raf Sa '86 A_ 89* 89 89* B AO 6s ’96 F _ 88* 88 88* B AO ref 6s 2000 D— 88* 88* 88* B A O ref be '96 C 100* 99* 100 B A O PLEAW V 4B'41 104 104 104 B A O SwD 6s '60 106 104* 10b B A O Toledo 4e '69 99* 9914 99* Bang A Arooa cv 4e *61 110* 11014 110* Bang A Arooa 6a '43 115* 115* 115* Battle Crk & St 3a'89- 77 77 77 Bell T of Pa ba '6o C— 130*4 130*4 130* Beth Steel 3*a '66- 98* 98* 981* Betb Stl 44s '80 af_ 105* 104* 104* Boa A Me 4*S '61 J__. 78 78 78 Bos A Me 6e'6b_ 83* 82*4 83*4 Boa A Me 6a '47 83* 82* «3* BOStOll NIAbll I! 39 to Bot Con M 6*8 *34 3.6 34* 36 BotCon M 6*S’34ct 34* 34 34 Bklyn Ed con Sfcs’66 105 104* 105 Bklyn Man T 4*1 66 104 103* 104 bklvn Ud El 6s ‘60 113 113 113 rtklyn Un Gas 5s *50 _ 105H 105H 105V4 Buff BAP con 4*8 57 89* 88* 88* BC RAN Cl 6s’34 .. 23 22* 22* Bush Term con 6s '66 75 74* 74* Bush Term Bldg 6s ’60 68* 68 68 By-Prod Ck 6*8’45 HU 101 101 Csmmg 7s'42 Ctta . 35 33* 35 Canada Sou 5s '62 A - 119* 119* 119* Can'dlan N B 4 *s ’66 116* 116* 116* Can’dlan N K «*• 67 116* 116* 115* Can'dlar N 6s’69 July T18* 118* 118* Can’dlan N it 6s ’70 121 121 121 Can’dlan N db 6*8 46 128 127* 127* Can’dlan P db is uerp 99* 99* 99* Can’dlan Pao 4*s 46 101* 101* 101* Can'dlan Pac4*s 60 105* 106* 105* Can'dlan Pac 6s’44 cfs 115* 115* 115* Carth A Ad 4s'81 gtd. 90* 90* 90* Cent ot Ua 6s '59 C - 18 17* 18 Cent of Ga rf 6*s’69 17* 17* 17* Cent Ga Mobile 5s’57- 26 23* 23* Cent Hud G&E os '57. 104* 104* 104* • ~nt III E A U 6a 61 104* 104* 104* Cent N England 4s '61 62 69* 62 Cent of N J 4B'87 _ 7 7 77 77 Cent of N J gen 6s '87 86 85* 85* Cent of N J gn 6s'87rg 82* 82* 82* Cent Par tst rf «a ’49 111* 111* 111* Cent Pac 6e 60 _101* 101* 101* Cert’d deb 6*a '48—_ 90 89* 89* Cheeap C CV OS 44_ 128 127 128 ChesapCorpba 47 „ 141 140* 140* Ches A p 3*s ’96 D._ 101* loi* lol* Chea A 0 3*s 'SB E—. 101** 101* lol* C A U gen 4*8 92 „ 128 128 128 Chl B A y gen 4s 58— 115*116 115 ChlB*y4*a’77 .. 114 114 114 Chl B&y 1 div 48’49— 113 113 113 cm B A y ref 6a’71—. 118 11* 118 Chl A E 111 6s 61 - 34 32* 33 Chl & E 111 6s’61 ctfs- 30* 30* 30* Chl Grt West 4s’69 46 44* 45* Chl 1 A L gen 6s ’66 20* 20* 20* Chl lnd A C gen 6s 66 21* o0* 21* Chl Ind & L ref 6s’47- 40 40 40 CMAStP 48 '89 59* 59* 69* CM&StP gl. 4*S ’89 C 64 64 64 CMAStP 6s *76 26* 26* 26* CMAStPAP Sdl 6S200O 9 6* 8* Chl A NW gen 3*s’87 41 4o 41 Chl A NW gen 4s *7— 43 43 43 Chl A NW 4*» 2037 28 26 26* uni ft iN w * **■ i u .---a Chi A N\V 44s’49 -- 14** 144 144 ChlftNW genli’87.. 45 45 45 Cht & NVV rf 6s 2037 . 28 2??* 271$ CANW Nr W «4a 88- 60 60 50 Chi R lAPrf 4s’34 17»* 17** 174 Chi R l&P rf 4s *34 etf 164 16 16** Chi K l&P (ten 4s '88 384 38?* 381* Chi K 1&P 4 48’6* 18*'* !«?* 18?* Chi R l&P 4 4s'62 Ctf 17 17 17 ChlKi*P4 4»«o 94 94 94 Chi T HAS 1st 6s «0„ 974 974 974 Chi T H&S Inc 6s '60.. 87*. 87?* 87?* Chi Un Sea 34s 51 - 1084 1084 108'* Chi Un Sts 34« 63 E 1104 1104 U04 Chi & W I con 4s '52 . 108 1074 lu74 Chi & W ind 4 4s 42. 104** 104?* 104** Childs & I’O 6S '43 .. 93 93 93 Cln Gas El 4s *68 A .. 103** 103** 103*, Cln Union Term 6a '87 1084 lo8Vj I084 Clev Un Ter 64*’72 A 113 112 113 CCCASt L gen 4s ’93.. 1044 104'* 1044 CCC&St L rf 4 4s'77 E 96 96** 96 CCC&St L. ret 6s '63 D 102 101** 102 Clev Un Tel 4 4s *77 1054 1044 1054 CleT Un Term 5s'73 B HOT* 1104 1104 Colo Fuel & ir 6s 70__ 91 91 91 Colo A SO 4 4s '80 - 76*4 76 75?* Columbia G A E 6a •62 May _ 104?* 1044 1044 Columbia G&E 6s’61 104s* 104 104s* Colum RyP &Lt 4s'65 1084 108' , IO84 Conn R& L, 4 4s '51 1074 107s* 1074 Cons Ed N 7 3 4a 46 n 10o*» 105s* loo*« Cons Ed NV 34s 66 n 1067* 106V* 106!* Cons Gas N 7 44a’61 106", 106‘* 106s* Conaol Oil 34s 51 1054 1044 1047* Consum P un 3 4® *66 106?* 1064 1064 Cons Pwr 3 4a’70 .. 107 106'* 106** Container deD 6s’48 .. 101** 101** 101** Container 6s 46 _ 104 104 104 Crane Co 34* 51 .... 1014 1011* 1014 Crown C & S 4S’60_ 106!* 1064 1064 Cuba KR 1st 6s 62 . 59s* 59?* 597* Cubs Northn 64s 42 . 597 * 58 58 Cumb TAT 6s ’37_ 99,4 99,4 994 Del & Hud rel 4s 48.. 884 874 884 Del P & L. 4 V*8 ’69 - 102!* 1024 102!* Den A K G 44s’36.__ 324 324 324 DeD A K G W 6s 66 16** 16** 16** D«n & RGW 6s’65 asst 164 I64 I64 Den & R G ref 6s 78 27»* 274 27** Des M * Ft D 4«’35 cfs 64 64 ?i Det Edison 34s 66 . 1084 1084 1084 Det Edison 6s *62 — 1094 1094 1094 Dul S S & At 6s '37 . 70 694 694 Duquesne Lt 3 4s’66 1094 109 109 East Cuba 8 7 %S'27 42 41 42 E Cuba 8 116s *7 ctfa 41*4 40 4I>4 El Paso Nat G 4 Ha’51 104 103*4103*4 Erls cv 4s '63 A - 90«4 9o*i 90»« Erls CV 4S '62 B_ 9016 90 90 Erl* cons 4a '9* 106*4 10SH 106*4 Erie gen 4a '9*___— 88*4 88*6 88*4 Erie ref 6s-*67- 85 84*4 85 Erie ref Ss "76 - 85 94*4 84*4 Erie Pa col tr 4a '51— 10616 105*4 10516 Fla C & Pen 5a *43- T6 76 76 Fla Et: Ry 5e 7« 17*4 16*4 17*4 Fla EC Ry 6a G4 Ctfa 17 16*4 17 Fran Sug 716* 42 ctfs 120 120 120 Gen Cable 6*6s 47 n»5H 105H 10514 Gen Mot Acc 3s 46 . 10414 104 104 Gen Mot Acc 314*’51- 10314 103*4 103*4 • >en Sti ■ b*6s so 97»s 97H 9714 Goodrich 4*is 56 ... 100*4 100 IPO Goodrich 6s '46 - 106*4 106*4 105'4 Goudvear TAR 6s ’67 10414 104!* 104*4 Great N Ry 4s 46 U 1171? 11614 117 Great N Kv 4S 46 H 1081, 108 108*4 Grt N R ref 4*4a '61 A 11514 115*4 115*4 Grt N R gen 4V6 G7 E 107*» 107*4 107*4 Grt N R gen 6s *71 C 114*4 114*4 114*4 Grt N R gen 4Ha *7» D 107*4 107*4 107*4 Golf MAN 6s ’60 100 100 100 Gulf States Util 4s (6 104*4 104*4 104*4 Gulf States St 4'/4*’61. 99*4 98*4 98*4 Har Ry P C 1st 4s 64 93 91*4 93 Hoe (HI acorns 34 92*4 92*4 92*4 Houston Oil 6 44a *40.. 102*4 102*4 102*4 H'satonlc con 5s *37_ 79 75*4 .79 Hudson Coal 6a *62 . 51*4 50*4 60*4 Hud A Man Inc 6»’67. 32 3m 32 Hdd A Man ref 6a 67. 80 79*4 79*4 111 Bell Tel 3*4s GO_109*4 109*4 109*4 111 cant 3*48 *62 _ 88 88 88 HI Cent col tr 4s *62 ... 91*4 91*4 91*4 111 Cant col tr 4s '61 . 87 81 87 HI Cent ref 4s 66 92*4 92*4 92*4 III Cent 4% a '66 77*4 76*4 76*4 111 Cent Cairo Br 4s'50 108 108 108 111 Cent Lou 3 54 a *63 . . 101*4 101*4 101*4 111 Cent Ltch 3s ’61— 96 96 96 111 Cent St L tea'll- 97H »7*< 97*4 ICCAStL N O 4*4S’33- 84 84 84 ICCAStL NOiltl . 8« 87*4 88 Ind 111 A lows 4S ’6#-. 107 107 107 lnd A Loutsv 4a ’66_ 40 40 40 inland Sti 3%a 41... 107*4 107 107 Interlake 6s ’ll . 101 101 101 lnt R T ist rf ts ’<• 94*4 94*4 94*4 1 R T 1st rf 6s ’63 ctfa 93 93 93 lnt K T 6s *33 ... 4714 47 47*4 lnt R T 6s ‘32 Ctfs_ 44*4 44*4 44>4 lnt Cement 4s ’46 .. 156 149 165 lnt Grt Nr 6s *66 B .. 3m 31*4 31*4 lot Grt Nr 6s’66 C Slfi 81*4 3l»* lnt Grt Nr adl 6s’62 A 11*4 li 11 lnt Hydro Bl Is 44 82 81*4 81!4 lnt Mar Marins Is ’41 73>4 73 73*4 lnt Pap 1st 6s -47 A 102*4 102 102 lnt Pap ref «a *6« .. 99*4 98*4 »R*i IntRyofC AisGt— *6 96 96 lnt Ry of C A Is’41 .. 103 103 103 lnt Ry of C A 6*6s *4T. 99*4 99)4 99)4 Huh Low 2 43 Int TAT e* 4H»’ll 804 mo4 mu*, lntTAT4Ha’5l_ 70 68V, «• InlTAT l('K ... 74 7»H 734 Iowa Cant lstArf4s*61 *4 S’, S’, James F A C 4e'll 99»» 99 99 JonesALStl tea'll* 1044 1044 1044 Kan c F SAM 4a 'll... 69 69 69 Kan C So 1st la "60 .. »3*« 03 0»*i Kan C So rf In 6a ’60 96 954 96 Kan C Term let 4a '60 1094 1094 1094 Kan G A E «Hs 10 1034 1034 1034 Keith 6s 4* ... 984 984 984 Kendall 6Ha ’48 wW._ 1034 1034 1034 Kresfte Found 4a ’45.. 1104 1104 1104 Laclede G 6 Ha'63 C. . 66 634 644 Laclede G 6 4"’60 D 64 634 634 Lake E A W 1st 6s ’*7 102 1014 102 Lautaro Nltr 6s ’64 86 364 36 L.autaro Nit 6s '64 cfs 86 36 36 Leh CAN 4H" '64 A. . 1064 105 106 Leh Val Coal 6s'64 . 76 76 75 Leh Valley Har 6a *64 104 104 104 L V N J 4Hs’40 Rtd.. 103 1024 1024 Leh V P eon 4a 2001 684 674 674 Leb V Peon 4Ha 2003 734 734 734 LlRR A Myers 7a'44.. 1354 1364 1354 Loews 34* '44 1004 1004 1004 Lone lalref «s’4l_ 1054 1054 1054 Lorlllard 6s 6!_ 124** 1244 1244 Lorlllard 7s '44_ 1864 134'. 1344 La A Ark 6s *69 _ 98 98 98 L A Nash 3 4s 2003_ 964 964 964 LAN unit 4s '40 . 1094 1084 1034 LAN Atl KAC 48 ’55. 1144 1144 1144 LANPM4s’46 1114 1UH 111* L A N So Mon It 4a *52 99 4 99.4 994 McKessAROb 64s ’50 104 104 104 MeC RB Clt 4a 46 A 103 103 103 MeC RR gn 4Ha’60A 804 80 80 Manatl Sug 7 He '42 78** 78 784 Man 8 1st 74s'42 ctfa 78*, 761$ 78*4 Manhat Ry 4s '90 ctfa 60 60 50 Mead Co fis 46 lofi 105*4 105** Met Ed 1st rf 4 M>a 'fiS 109'* 109!4 109"-* Met W S El Cr 4s'38.. 1H* ll«* ll*« Mil ERAS I, 6a *81 101** 104** 101«* Mil ERftSLrf 6a’Tl. 104*,* 104*. 104«* Mil Spa A N W 4s’47. 37 36»* 36*4 MStPASSM cn «s-38 36s* 3*4 36*, Minn A S* 1 6s'34ctf» 12’. 11*4 12', Minn SSL fis '62 A .. 3»* 3*, 3*s MStP&SSM cn 5s *38.. 29** 29*4 29*4 MStP&SSM 54s'45 274 274 274 MO III fis'59 _ 47 47 47 Mo K A T 4s '62 B_ 734 72 734 Mo K A T 1st 4s '90_ 944 944 944 Mo K A T 4 4a '78_ 77 77 77 Mo K A T 6s 62 A_ 854 85 85 Mo K A T adl 6a ’67_ 71 66 71 Mo Pac 4e’75 14*4 14*4 I4‘* Mo Pac fie 66 A .. 38*. 384 38»* Mo Pac 6s '65 A ctfs__ 37 4 374 374 Mo Pac hs '77 F _ 38*, 38'* 884 Mo Pac 5s'77 F ctfa.. 38 36 38 Mo Pac fis'78 G . 384 38'i 38'4 Mo Pac 5s ’78 G ctfa . 374 374 374 Mo Pacific 6a 80 H 384 38 4 384 Mo Pac 6s'81 I .. 38*4 38', 384 Mo Pacific R4a ’49 A 11** 11'* 11'. Mob A O M dlv fis '47 40’, 394 40** Monone Pub S 44s’60 107** 107 107>* Mnnonc Pub 8vc 6s’65 108 108 108 Monnne Rv Is* 4s 60 111 111 111 Mont Cent 6s '37 . 1024 1024 K124 Mont Pwr ref 6s '43 105 105 105 Mont Power fie '62 A 104 104 104 Mor AEssex S4» 2000 95*, 95*4 95** Morris A Essex 44*65 934 93', 934 Mor A Essex fis T>5 1004 1004 IO04 Nashv CASt L 48 Mi 96** 96«* 96«* Nassau Elec 4S'61 Kid 62'* 60** fio», Nat Dalrr 3«ls '61 ww 106' 106 1054 Nat Dis PC 44s 45 10.54 1054 1054 Ns* Creel 4s '66 .. 107 106', 107 New Ene P.R 4s’45— 6fi 66 66 New Enc RR fis’45 .. 67 66 67 New E TAT 4 4s'61 124 124 124 New E TAT 1st fis'fi? 126 126 126 New .Ter PAT. 44s '60 107>'« 1074 1074 New Or GNR fis 83 A 934 934 934 New Orl P C fis’R2 A ion'* mot; inn'* New Orl P S fis 'fifi B ion 99*. inn New Orl Ter 1st 4s '62 100 99** 99** New Or TAM 4 4e’R6 <44 4<4 444 Now Orl TAM 1ncfis’3R 47*4 47*4 47*4 New Orl Tft-M 58 '54 B 484 484 484 N Y Cent 3 4 s '97 1044104 104 N Y Central 3 *4* 4t 1024102 1024 N Y Cent eon 4a'9* 104 1034 1034 N Y Cent rf 44s 201J 934 93 93'; N Y C rf 44* 2"13 n 9SU 93 934 N Y Cent rf Rs 2011 lorn; 904 100'; N Y Cent cTSa'44 1 to 1091. 109'; NY C I. Sh 34s'98 97*4 97"; 974 NYCASt L 44s’78 924 91"; 924 NYCASt I. B4a'74 A 102 102 102 N Y Cht A St T. 6s ’3 * 994 904 99U N Y Conn 1st 44a'53 109 10341094 N Y nock 1st 4a '51 _ 654 *54 654 N Y Pock Rs '3* 6S*t f3*; 68*; N Y F*1son »V4s'*R n 105 1044 105 N Y Rrlls ref 3 4s'66 105 1044 104'; N Y A Oreen L 5s ‘46 10| 101 mi N Y L A W 1st 4s ’73 103 103 103 NY NH A H 34s *54.. 35 34 35 NY NH A H S4s '56... 344 344 344 NY NH A H 4s '55 ... 374 374 374 NY NH A H 4s '66_ 39 36 88 NY NH A H 4s *57 .. 274 244 264 NY NH A H 44s'67 43 394 414 NY NH A H cl tr 6s *40 504 49’; 50'; NY NH A H car «* 48 44 39*; 43 NY NH A H 6s M8 rs 42 42 42 N Y N H A H Cons Rys 4 s'54 334 334 334 NTNHAH Cons Rys 4s '55 J A .T 324 324 324 N Y N H A H Cons Rys 4s'56 .. 334 334 374 NY OA TO ren 4s’55 404 404 404 N'Y OAW ref 4s'9J 44 434 43»; NY Queens eon 3Hs’6f 109 109 109 NY Rvs1nc6s 65 59 59 59 NY Stem 1st 5s'51 .. 1064 1064 106*; NY Steam 5s '56 106*; 106*; 106*; NY SATO !st rf 5s'IT 94 93 4 94 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp 974 964 97',' NYTOAB44s'«6 174 164 174 Nlac Falls Pw 3Hs'66 108 108 108 Mar Sh 54s'50 1034 1034 1034 Norf So 1st ref 6s ’61 174 17 17 Norf S 1st rfRs’61 efs 164' 164 164 Norf A TO 1st 4s "9* 1214 121^1214 North Am Co 5s '61 105»; 1054 105»; North Am Ed 6s *9 C 1044 1044 1044' Nor'n Pac ren 3s 2047 814 8H; 814 Nor’n Psc 4s '97 112 1114 112 Nor'n Pac 44s 2047 . 1054 1054 1054 Nor’n Pae 5s 2047 D 109 109 109 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 112 112 112 North Sts Pw 4 4s’(1 105** 1054 105 4 North S P 1st 6s'41 A 1034 103*; 1034 North Sts Pwr 5s '64 1084 1084 IO84 Ogden L C 4a 'IS 30 28'< 30 Ohio Edison 4s '85 „ 1069, 106*4 1061, Ont Pwr Mae 6l 4* . 115 115 115 Oree RR A N 4a '46 .. 113>4 113'4 113>4 OreeSh Line 6s 46 1211, 1211, 1211, Oree W RR A N 4s 61 107 107 107 Pac GAG 3*48 "61 . 107 107 107 Pac G A E 4s '64 110*4 109U 109*, Pac TAT rf 314s '66 B 1049* 104*4 104*4 Pan Am PC 6s’40 61 49'4 61 Pan Am P C 6s'40 etfs 61 49<4 61 Paramount Pto «s ’56 innv, 10014 loo1, Park-Lx 69,s'53 ctfa 37*, 379, 37*, Penn Co 4s 63 ... 105*. 106», 10644 Penn I Hue 1 6s 41 98*4 98*4 »8»4 Penn PA L 4s '81.. 105*« 105*, 105*, Penn RR 394s 70 c 102 101V, 101*4 Penn RR con 40 48 __ 11694 116V, 11KV, Penn kh «v4« si d lin*, llo‘, 110*4 Penn RR 4*40-84 111 110 110V, Penn KK en 4V,s 66 114’, 1141, 1141, Penn RK deh 4 V,* '70 10514 104*4 104*4 Penn RR een he '68 122*, 122*, 122*, People G LAG rf 5s'47 116*4 116*4 116** Peoria A E Inc 4s '90 t6'4 15 IS1, Pare Mara 49,a'So . 103 103 103 Pere Mara 1st 6a '6( . 1061, 105*, 106*, v>hlla RAW 4s *48 .. 11314 118>4 11314 Phlla BAW 49,8 ’81... II6V4 116*4 ll«l, Phils Co 6s '67 .. 106 106 106 Phlla A RCAI 6e*7t„ 46 44*4 46 Phlla A RCAI 6s '4».. 229, 22 221, Philippine H, 4, *37 18«i 18V, 18*4 PtTARt L4H»’77C-. 10614 106', 106>4 PC< A St L 6s 70 A 122*, 122*, 1229, Port A C A D da 68 A 10M, lO&H 105H Pori Gen El 4 94a 60 719, 71 71 Porto Rico A T 6s '4* 81 81 81 Postal Tal A < be '51 41 401, 409, Prov Sec deb 4s '57 . 18 16*, 18 Prov Term 1st 6s '58 .. 85V, 85V, 85V, Pure 011 4 >4s 6" ww 116 11614 1159, Purity Rak 6a '48 999, 99*4 909, R-K-O 6s '41 _116 1159,116 Readme Jer C 48 '61.. 1031, 103 103 Raadlng R 49,8 97 A 107 107 107 Rem Rand 4*4S'6« ww 1099, 109*4 1099, Repub Steel 494s’56— 9894 9814 989, Republic 8U 4 9,8 '«1. 981, 989, 989, Republic Stl 49,e *60 1279, 1259, 127 Republic 8U 69,3 *64. 108«4 1081, 1089, Revera Cop 494a *66.. 104*4 1049, 1049, Richfield 011 6a *44 S0V, 689, 6OI4 Richfield O 8a’44 ctfa 6014 68 6OI4 Rich Term Ry 5s ’52 1089, 1039, 1039, Rio <9 W col 4B '49 A 450 449, 4694 Roch GAE 6s '62 E - 108*4 108*4 108*4 R I AAL 1st 49,8'84- 18 18 18 Rutland Can 4a 49 . 3»H 309, 309, Rutland RR 4 Via'41 35h :>39, 361, Saguenay Pw 4H»’®f 104 103J4 103'4 St L I MAS RAG 48 II 79*, 79h 79), St L P A NW 6a ’48 40 40 40 St L R M A P 6a *66 .. 8314 83*4 8314 St G-8 Fran 4B '60 A 319, 301, 309, St G-S F 48 '60 A Ctfa 27’, 269, 279, St G-8 Fran 4Ha *71 27 2«H 269, 8t G-S F 4Ha *71 af at 24)4 2491 X4H 1 Fields Produce 3,137,340 Barrel Average, or 33,373 Above Last Week. B1 the Associated Press. TULSA, Okla.. December 22.—An other new high in the Nation's pro duction of crude oil, the second in as many weeks, was reported today by the Oil and Gas Journal. The compilation showed oil fields produced 3,137,340 barrels dally during the week ended December 19, a total of 33.373 barrels daily more than the week before. Every major producing area in the midcontinent and the West showed an increase. Oklahoma jumped 5,175 barrels daily to 597,375, East Texas 5,851 barrels daily to 450,798 and all Texas 20,284 barrels daily to 1,216.386. Louisiana’s production was up 1,595 barrels daily to 241,450, California 1.600 barrels daily to 594.100 and Kansas 700 barrels daily to 173,600. Eastern fields, including Michigan, decreased their production 920 barrels daily to a total of 141,315, and the Rocky Mountain area increased 680 barrels daily to 65,390. Washington Produce BUTTER—Range of prices to stores gathered from wholesale dealers 'prices to nearby shippers based on Philadelphia and New York prices* One-pound prints, car ton <!»| score'. 37: 1-pound prints, car ton <J»o score), 36: *4-pound prints, carton «!*•' score*. 3h; *4-Pound prints, carton <9n score*. O': tub *9*2 score*. 37. tub <90 .score. 34: 14-pound prints, carton <91 score). 38: tub <9L score), 36. MEATS—Choice beef. 16: calves. 1»: lambs. 14 fresh ham. 2!2: smoked ham. pork. ‘lo. bacon, slab. '27, bacon, slice, 33: compound 13: lard 15. LIVE STOCK -Pigs. yahU: light hogs. 9,4a934 medium hogs !i34al<»: heavy hoes, hah3*: roughs, 6*8*2: calves. 5all*2: lambs. 5ah; old sheep. 3a3. Prices paid shippers, net f.o b. Wash ington by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGGS—Market steady to firm Prices 1 cent higher on nearby hennery whites and l1. cents on U. S. extras, large and IT S standards, large Current receipts, "Ka.'tn: hennery whites. 31a33: Govern ment graded and dated white eggs «net prices paid shipper*, fob. Washington). U. S extras, large. 35*2: U 8. extras me dium. 30’** U S standards, large. 34*2. LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady at unchanged nrice*. Fowl: Colored, heavy. 14a lrt Leghorns. 7a in No. 2s. 7; cu.neas. young 2 pounds and up 4«> each under 2 pounds *25a3<» each: old guineas. ‘.’))r*25 each Turkeys: Younc hens. 18a 19: young toms 16a 17: No. !2s. l*Zl old bens i4; old toms it Fruits and Vegetable*. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to * a in today: CARROTS —Two California arrived one broken and three unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate demand mod erate. market steady. California. West- | »rn lettuce crates. H dozen ‘2 7.V Penn-j sylvama. bushel baskets, topped, washed. l.<»< . . , CAULIFLOWER- -No carlot arrival*: two broken cars on track. Supplies mod erate riemana .moderate- market steady i Ca.iforr.ia. crates. 1.75. CELERY—Two California arrived; five broken and five unbroken cars on track ! moderate: demand light, market ste«-riv California 1 * crates individually washed and pre-cooled. 22.5m: few higher. LETTUCE—One California arrivfd six broke and two unbroken cars on nark Supplies liberal demand light, m^ritet stead v Western crates. Iceberc t'pe. dozen. Arizona 2 75a3.04»; California. lair condition t! *25a*2 5»» ONIONS One Indiana, two Michigan arrived- one broken and one unbroken ears on track. Supplies moderate demand moderate: market steady Fifty-pound sack>. U a No 1 Michigan and New York vellovs. 75a>*5: Uta£. Valencias. 3 niches and larger 11 nal.JTv PEAS—Two California arrived, two broken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate demand modera/e; mar ke- neadv California, bushel hamP'r^ Telephones, large size. 2.85a3.00; small * ^SPINACH—No carlot arrivals: two bro ken cars on track Truck receipts mod erate: supplies moderate demand llkht market weak _ Bushel baskets. Texas. ,oa 8JSWEUT POTATOES— No carlot arrivals, no cars on track Supplies li*hc de mand licht: market steady. North Caro lina bu she! baskets. Puerto Ricans poor v graded. 75a85: few best. 90 Maryland Anne Arundel County bushel hampers. U. 8. No. 1. 00: lew. 1.00. Hi eh. Low. 2:45 St LcS Fran Ba *60 B 3(i*» 294 304 St L-S F 6s ’60 B CtfB 284 28 284 St LS W 1st 4a’89 »9*i 994 994 Si L S W en rf li 10- 494 494 49* St P K r S L 44s’41- 20 20 20 St P MAM ext 6s ’48 1034 1034 103*4 San A * A Pass 4s ’48 1024 1024 1024 San An P Svc 6s’62 A 112**1124 1124 Schulco 64s 46 A Stp 424 424 424 Schulco 64s ’46 B 414 414 41*J Schulco 64s’46 B Stp 414 414 414 Seal'd A L «s ’50 stp 284 284 284 Seal'd A L ref 4s’59 164 16 164 Seal'd A Ladj 6e’4»._ 12 11 12 Seabd A L 6s ’45 A - 18*4 174 184 Seabd A L. 6s’46 ctfs 17*4 17 174 Seabd A-Fl 6s 15 A et 134 124 134 Seabd A-Fla 6s’35 Bet 13 12 124 Shell On deb 34s’61 994 994 99** Silesian Am 7s’41- 684 684 684 Skellv Oil 4i *51 — 1014 1014 1014 Socony Vae J4a,60~ l"64 1064 1064 So Colo Pwr 6s ’47 A— 1064 1064 1064 Sou Pacific 84a*4«— 1004 100** 1004 So Pac col 4a’49—- 974 974 974 So Pao raf 4a *66—.--. 108 1074 1074 So Pac 44a’6*- 94 98 4 94 So Pac 44B’*9_ 934 #*4 934 So Pac 44a ’ll_ »34 93 93 So Pac «*rec 44»’7T— "U *6 «* So Pac S F Ter 4a *60. 108 108 108 So Rv Ken 4s ’66 A —- 794 784 794 So Ry 6a’94 _ 1114 111 1114 So Ry *en 6a '#•—— 994 994 99V* So Rv 64a’66 - 1014 101 1014 SO Rv M * O 4a *1* - 93 924 924 Sou Ry St Ldlv 48’Si- 1014 1014 1014 S tv Bel) Tel 3 4* *«* 1094 1094 1094 Southw'D GAB 48 ’60 106 106 106 Staley A B 4a’46 - 106 106 106 Stand OH N J la ’61— 100** 1004 1004 Studebaker cv «a ’46— 113 1124 1124 Swift* Co Mia '60 „ 1054 1054 1064 Symen G*G’56a xw— 121 1194 1194 Tenn Cent 6a ’47 — 104 104 104 Tenn El Pw 6a ’47 A— 1004 1004 1004 Term AsStL*a'6l„ 1114 1114 1114 Texarkana 6 4a’60 — 1084 108 108 4 Texas Corp 14a’61.. 106 1044 1044 Texas* Pac 6a’79 C— 107 107 107 Third Ave ret «a'80.. 674 674 674 Third Ave 1st 6s ’37 1014 1014 1014 Third Av sd in ex 6s*6< 384 374 384 Un Oil Cal 4t’47 _ 1054 105 105 Un Oil Cal 6s’42 A-12l*4 1214 1214 Un Pac 34s'71-1004 1004 1004 Un Pao 1st 48 '47 -116 11&4 116 United Drug 6a’61 1024 102 1024 United Rya St L 4a *14 854 864 864 U 8 PlpeftFy 14a ’!•- 145 142 145 U S Rubber 6a '47 1064 1064 1064 Utah L * T 6a '44 A_ 103 103 103 Utah P * L 5a ’44 — 1044 1084 1044 Util P * L. 6a ’69 mt.. 66 654 654 Util P* L64B’47.„. 68 67 68 Vanadium <T M'41 »s»4 Ver Sub 1st 7s '4* ctfs 34 32*4 34 VeESPlat ref 4e '6k 109*4 109*4 109*4 V*lrC*Cl«t6«'49 66m 65 66 Vs Rv 1st 8%s '66 A. 106*4 106 106*4 Vs 8 W eon 6s *66_ 89** 99*4 99*4 Wabash 1st 6s ‘69- 103*4 10354 103*4 Wabash 2d 6s 19_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 Wabash 6s'76 B_ 86 36 36 Wabash 6 V4a'76 _ 87 86*4 87 Wabash T A C 4s ’41.. 97*4 97*4 97*4 Walksr H *8 4*4e'46 108 107 *t 107*4 Walworth 4s ’66 84*4 84*4 84*4 Warner Bros er 6s *St 99*4 ><*4 98*4 Warner-Unln 6s '89 68*4 62*4 62*4 Warren Br 6s '41 rets. 72 72 72 Wash Csnt 4s *48 ... 108 108 108 W Sb 1st 4s 2061 res.. 94*4 94*4 94*4 West’ll Md 1st 4S *68 106*4 106*4 106*4 West's Md 6Hs '77 10«*4 106*4 106*4 West’ll NTAP Ist6s’l7 99*4 99*4 99*4 West’s Pao 6s *4S A 84*4 88*4 84*4 West’s Pao 6s *4S A as 83*4 82*4 88*4 West's On 4*4s '60 111*4 111*4 111*4 Westn On el tr 6s *88 104*4 104 104*4 West's On 6s ‘61 _ 106*4 106*4 106*4 West's On 6s *60 .. 108*4 108*4 108*4 Wheel Steel 4*)s ‘66.. 101*4 101*4 101*4 W SoStl Ist7e16et.. 35*4 86*4 86*4 W So Stl COO 7s 16 flt. 36*4 86 36*4 Wilson A Co 4s '66 102*4 102*4 102*4 WIs rent 1st gn 4s'49 81*4 81*4 81*4 WIsC 1st gn 4s'49 et 81*4 81 81*4 Wls C SAD Trm 4s’8« 88*4 28 28 T’ngatn SAT SHs tl. 129 127*4 127*4 T’ngsta SAT 4a *41_ 104 108)4 108)4 t lion iim* Loo**-Wile* BineuK. NEW YORK. December 22 <4*1.— Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. announced today It will pay employes who have been In service one year or longer a bonus equal to one week * pay. while those in the service for six months or more will receive $10. About 10,000 workers arc affected. Seagram-Distiller*. Seagram-Distillers Corp. has paid a bonus to members of the sales staff ranging from one week's pay to 10 per cent of the annual salary, according to length of service, It announced today. Employes of the accounting, adminis trative and clerical staffs and workers at the distilleries at Lawrenceburg and Louisville, Ky., were also paid a bonus based on length of service. WESTERN ELECTRIC ORDERS DIVIDEND — A. T. & T. Holders Stand to Gain Nearly $9,000,000 Through Payment of $1.50 a Share. B» the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 22 —Stock holders of American Telephone & Telegraph Co. stood to gain nearly $9,000,000 today through the declara tion of a dividend of $1.50 a share of capital stock by Western Electric Co., 99.18 per cent of the outstanding stock of which is owned by the telephone company. Western Electric paid a dividend of 50 cents a share June 30 and one of 75 cents September 30. Today's dividend is payable Decem ber 28 to stock of record December 24. ■ —t Extended Holiday Will Be Observed By Most Markets By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 22—Fi nancial and commodity markets throughout the world will close Cnristmas day and most of them will extend the holiday-making through the following day, Saturday. Decem ber 26. a survey today showed. The principal exception to the Sat urday closing rule will be American gram markets which, led by the Chi cago Board of Trade, will do the usual abbreviated Saturday business. Cash grains will not be traded in New York, however, and the markets at Winnipeg and Liverpool will re main closed. U. S. SMELTING BOARD DECLARES DIVIDENDS Br the Associated Press. BOSTON, December 22 —Directors of the United States Smelting. Refin ing & Minging Co. today deciared a 1 \ per cent, or 86'2-cent, dividend on preferred stock and a *2 dividend on common stock. The declaration meant a total divi dend payment of $7 per share on com mon stock for 1936. The company es timated common shares earned *9.73 during 11 months of 1935. •'Earnings this year have been af fected bv lower price of foreign silver,’’ the company reported. It also expressed the opinion the company would not be subject to Fed eral surtax on undistributed profits. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL, December 22 (JP> — Silver futures opened steady, un changed to 15 lower. December, 46.25b: March, 46.35b; May, 46.45b. b—Bid. Gamewell Co.—Net income. 6 months ended November 30. was *77.526. equal to 11 cents a common share, against deficit of *44.410. 1886 1936 50th Year of Procress PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS PRODUCINO STATIONERS 019 C 9T* >N • W LOANS On Washington Real Estate Current Rater and Courteous Treatment A Christmas Gift That Will Last Thra the Years What a novel suggestion for a Christmas Gift? Invest some of your spare money in First Mortgages, secured by us and arrange to have the interest paid regularly to your wife, mother, daughter or other designated person. Save with SAFETY! Of all the investments pos sible. the safest and soundest is unquestionably First Mort gages on Homes. This association under the supervision of the United States Treasury, loans your money ONLY on First Mortgages In Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. C I | I Sale* of Plumlmi" AimI Heating Firing Rise 35 Per Cent Bj the Associated Press CHICAGO. December 22.—Rehabili tation of American homes mushroomed 1936 plumbing and heating equipment sales $1,300,000,000, including instal lation costs, Plumbing and Heating Industries Bureau estimated today. Sales volume was approximately 35 per cent greater than in 1935. Leaders in the industry, expecting accelerated construction in 1937, pre dicted next year's turnover will in crease at least as much again to near boom-day proportions, the bureau said. Individual companies reported gains ranging from 25 to 200 per cent. A breakdown on the industry's total sales showed a turnover of about $800,000,000 in plumbing and $500, 000,000 in heating and air-condition ing equipment, including installation. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK December 22 OP).—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon Quotations.) Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_. 18.71 19.9(1 Am Business Shrs_ 1.24 1.36 Am Oen Eq Inc_ 1.2:1 Am Ins Stocks__ 5.(10 5.75 Bancamer Blair_ 9.825 10.825 Bank Group Shrs_ 1.71 1.84 Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ 4.125 4.75 Basic Industry_ 5.18 _ Broad St Inv _ 34.13 38.50 Bullock Fund ._ 21.50 23.25 C01 porate Trust _ 3.04 _ Corporate Trust A A 2.XT _ Corp Tr A A mod_ 3.85 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.87 .. _ Corp Tr Acc mod_ 3.85 _ Cumulative Tr Sh_. 8.45 Depos Bk Sh N Y A_ 2.32 Depos Ina Shrs A_ 3,x| _ Depos Ins Shrs B_ 3.58 _ Diversified Tr C_ 5 no _ Dividend Shrs _ 1 04 2 no Equity Corp S3 pt_ 40.75 43 75 Fidelity Fund Inc ___ 2X.07 30.2X First Boston Coro __ 41 50 4300 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 1.7.20 Fixed Trust Sh B__ in 02 Found Tr Sh A _ 5 25 5 55" Fund Investors Inc_ 21.25 25 82 Fund Tr Shrs A ___ 8 52 ? "5 Fund Tr Shrs 8_ 5 08 Gen Investors Tr_ 8.05 7 58 Group Sec Agriculture.. 1.70 19.3 Group Sec Automobile.. 1 43 1 58 Group Sec Building . 2.00 2 "8 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.83 1.77 Group Sec Food ... 1 04 114 Group Sec Invest Shrs_. 1.55 1 88 Group Sec Merchandise. 1.48 1 HI Oroup Sec Mining _ 1 78 1 01 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.37 1 40 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.58 1 on Group Sec Steel_ _ 1.7.3 ] »a Group Sec Tobacco_ 1 17 1 ’s Huron Holding _ I 1.7 1 :'tx Incom Investors_ 2i87 "8 74 Insurance Group Shrs _ 1.77 To] Investors Fd C Inc new 15.77 15 77 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 24 85 "n os Major Shrs Corp _ _ 3 "5 Maryland Fund_ o so To 81". Mass Invest Tr _ 28 18 "n on Mutual Invest _ 18.33 17 85 Nation Wide Sec_ 4.7n 4 xn Nation Wide Voting_ 2 n" "is N V Bk Tr Shrs_ 3 n"5 North Am Bond Tr ctfs. 64 25 '68 50 Nor Am Tr Shares. 2 85 Nor Am Tr Sh 1055_ 3 71 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3 88 Nor Am Tr Sh 1058_ 3 88 Plymouth Fund Inc__ 04 105 Quarterly Income Sh .. 18 40 ”n 15 Selected Am Sh__ 4.1] Selected Am Sh Inc.. _ 14 00 16 Selected Cuniul Sh_ 10 44 ' Selected Income Sh_ 5 45 Selected Indus cv pf_ "8 50 Spencer Trask Fund_ "1 7" ""'30 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 30 "4 55 Stand Util Inc . _ I no 1 08 Super of Am Tr A_ 4 1 1 Super of Am Tr AA_ " 84 Super of Am Tr B _ 4 .71 - i Super of Am Tr BB__ 2 84 Super of Am Tr C_ 8 j 5 HI Super of Am Tr D _ x 15 1 Supervised Shrs __ 14 18 ~15 42~ Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3 10 Trustee Stand Inv D _ 3 12 "HI Trusteed Am Bk B __ 1 .no 1 "O* Trusteed Industry Shrs. 1 51 ’ 67 Wellington Fund _ 2n.!8 22 09 Texas <fe Pacific Railway—Common share earnings. 11 months ended Nov ember 30, were $2.24. against 13 cents. P roperty Management EFFICIENT monogement is most satisfactory to both owner end tenant WE specialize in the man agement cf all types of in vestment properties and ore new Managing Agents for seme of Washington's most important buildings. WE would welcome the op portunity cf discussing your management problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real Estate 1321 Conn. Ate. N.W. DE. 3600 AFTERHESITAHCV Shows ^More Vi£ During" November, Accoi lg to Hamilton Institute. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. December 22.—Build in 7 activity, after some hesitation dur ing September and October in extend ing Its upward movement, showed more vigor in November, according to the Alexander Hamilton Institute. While contracts awarded were below the October volume, the decrease was much less than the usual seasonal amount. This year, the decrease amounted to only 3.6 per cent, whereas the average decrease during the past 11 years was 12.9 per cent. The decline in total contract* from October to November was entirely the result of a drop in residential con tracts. Nop - residential contracts showed a slight increase. As compared with the volume In November last year, both residential and non-residential contracts were much larger this year, the former showing an increase of 63.1 per cent and the latter an increase of 25.1 per cent. Total contracts in November were 44.5 per cent larger than a year ago while, for the first 11 months, the in crease over last year amounted to 70.7 per cent. It is now apparent that 1936 will represent the biggest building year since 1930, although contracts will be less than half the volume at the pre depression peak in 1928. - ■ ■- 0 -■. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. December 22 UP).— Crude rubber futures opened barely steady, 7 lower. December unquoted, March, 20 26-20.27; May, 10.15b. b— Bid. Safe Investments g% - . First mortgage notes, L well secured on con 11 /fj servatively appraised, v new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6?o per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 fears First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 TEMPORARY INCOME For many investors, 1936 has been a year of good for* tune in bringing extra dividend payments, or other additional income. How to employ surplus funds safely for the future is a task that calls for constant study of economic trends and careful appraisal of security value*. This firm is assisting many clients to solve their in vestment problems. Other accredited individuals are invited to discuss their requirements with a representa tive of this office. FENNER & BEANE Menken New York Stock Exchange and ether leading Exchangee Southern Bid*. lftth & H St*. N.W. National *000 Provide* fund* for • Burchaiing a home • Building • Refinancing existing truite I Making deeired improvemente BUILD through the H 0 M E BUILDING SERVICE PLAN, a new service that relieves the pros pective builder of all details of construction and provides a com plete architectural ad visory and supervisory service. Home designs prepared by the Archi tects Small Home Serv ice are on display at our offices. Real Estate Loans now being made on terms in most eases as low as PER MONTH PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION Corner 11th at E Sts. IV. w.