Program for Reorganization
of Federal-American Co.
Offered to Holders.
A plan for reorganization of the
Federal-American Co., which was
started in 1926 by the old Federal
American National Bank, to carry on
a real-estate loan business has been
placed before the stockholders for
approval, the directors and commit
tee on reorganization having already
passed on them favorably.
The chief aims of the reorganiza
tion are to eliminate the preferred
stock dividend arrears, which will
amount to $112,344 on December 31,
and eliminate a balance deficit which
technically exists at the present time.
The committee on reorganization is
made up of Herbert Corey and James
M. Johnston, representing the pre
ferred stockholders; G. Thomas Dun
lop and Dr. Charles Stanley White,
'representing the common stockhold
ers, and John Poole, president of the
The present plan contemplates the
Issuance of one share of new pre
ferred stock ipar $100) and the ex
change of eight shares of old common
stock of no par value for one share
of the new common stock of no par
value. It is intended to have out
standing 4,681 shares of preferred
stock and 4.681 shares of common
stock. The latest report shows that
the company is not now in a position
to meet the $112,344 back dividend
The committee recommends that
the dividend rate of the new pre
ferred stock be reduced to $5 per
share, but that the cumulative fea
ture of the old preferred stock and
Its redemption price of $110 a share
be retained. It is also recommended
that the feature of the old stock giv
ing the preferred shareholders an
extra $1 dividend after the common
Stock has received the same dividend
es the preferred be retained.
The directors fo the company are
Charles G. Abbot, Byron S. Adams,
Walter A. Brown, George WT. Harris.
Harry King, Ralph W. Lee. John
Poole. James Brown Scott, Leon To
briner and L. Perry West. The pre
ferred stock, now sold over the coun
ter. has acted favorably since the
plan was placed before the stock
holders. indicating that the proposals
are considered advantageous to them.
The latest bid on the preferred is 32
■nd on the common l1^.
Christmas Bonuses Increase.
There seems to be no let-up in the
flood of Christmas bonuses being paid
cut by brokerage houses as a result
of an excellent year's business, with
the New York stock market going
higher and higher, with practically no
W. B. Hibbs & Co. is distributing a
Christmas bonus of one month's salary
to all employes of the brokerage firm,
W. W. Spatd announced today. This
Is the second distribution of the kind
made during 1936.
G. Bowie Chipman, manager of the
Washington office of Laidlaw & Co.,
announced this noon that the com
pany is paying a Christmas bonus of
one-fourth of a month's salary to all
employes, at the same time the con
cern having granted a 10 per cent in
crease in salaries.
The managers of the Washington
Office of the G. M. P. Murphy & Co.
announced today that the broker firm
has voted a bonus to employes, largely
the clerical forces in the New York
office and all the branches. This
.Yuletide distribution does not reach
|he high officials.
Winthrop, Mitchell & Co., another
brokerage house with a Washington
office, also went down on the list today
as among the Christmas bonus dis
tributors. The firm paid a week’s
•alary to all employes.
Financial District Gossip.
William D. Hoover, chairman of the
board of the National Savings & Trust
Co., and for 25 years one of the city's ;
leading bankers, leaves here tomorrow
for Huntington, W. Va.. to pass Christ
mas with his daughter and grand
children. Incidentall?. Mr. Hoover is
most optimistic on the 1937 outlook.
He goes still further and says he be
lieves business and economic conditions
are going to be highly favorable for
•everal years.
Robert K. Carpenter, who is con
nected with the brokerage firm of
Henner & Beane, has gone to Florida
and will enjoy two or three weeks’ va
cation at Miami.
David Samakow, associated with the
local office of the New York Life In
surance Co., led the entire sales force
of the South Atlantic department in
business produced in November. The
territory includes Philadelphia. Balti
more and several other large cities.
Three Receiverships Combined.
Frederick J. Young, receiver of the
International Exchange Bank, will
take over the affairs of the Bank of
Brightwood and the United Savings
Bank on January 1. Claude H. Wood
ward, former president of the Mount
Vernon Savings Bank, has been in
charge of the Brightwood bank since it
Was closed on July, 1932, the bank
having paid 55 per cent of the deposi
tors’ approved claims Carter B.
Keene, a Washington lawyer, has been
able to pay 90 per cent as receiver for
the United States Savings Bank. It is
believed that one receiver can now
carry on the remaining settlement
More Business Gains Seen,
The powerful recovery momentum
Which has been generated will carry
trade volumes and industrial activity
to still higher levels, says the United
Business Service in its current report.
Large dividend disbursements, good
larm income and wage increases have
■welled consumer buying power. Im
proved earnings and expectations of
higher operating costs and selling
prices have stimulated Industrial pur
The favorable trends which are now
being recorded in most lines of busi
ness are likely to continue over the
near term, the review concludes, but
periodic setbacks, caused by legislative
threats, higher taxes, strikes, increased
prices and larger Inventories, must be
Today’s Trading on Exchange.
Riggs National Bank common stock
again sold at 322 on the Washington
Stock Exchange today. Washington
Gas 5s, 1958, appeared on the board in
a $1,000 transfer at 108%. Other bid
and asked prices were practically un
NEW YORK, December 22 (fP).—
The average price of flue-cured to
bacco, United States type 12, grade
B4F, In the week ended Saturday
was 29.0 cents a pound. H. A. Stich,
tobacco economist, estimated. In
the previous week the price was 20.7
cents, while in the like period a year
ago the figure was 17.4 oents.
By Private Wire Direct to The Star.
9:15 p m.
Prev 193b Stock and Salea— Met
High Low Dividend Rata. Add 00. Blah. Low. Closa. Chga.
74% 69 Acme Steel (4) ... 2 66 65 65
15% 9% Adams Exp <a66c>. 7 14% 14% 14%
*5% 17% Adams Mlllls(al%) 2 26 25% 25%-%
21%* 1% Advance Kumiey 2 3% 3% 3% + %
86% 58 Air Reduction itl) 8 77% 76% 76%
6% 2 Air- Wey Elec Appll 6 4% 4% 4% + %
17% 13 Alaska Jun <t60o). 10 14% 14% 14%+%
5% 2% Alleg Corp id) . .. 63 4% 4% 4% + %
61% 12% AlleR pf wSSOw (d) 7 47% 45% 45% -1%
60% 12% Alleg pf w»«0w <d>. 2 46% 46 46% -1%
60 12% Alleg pf gw <d)_ 1 46 46 46
54% 27 Alleg pr of Id) .. 6 44 42 42 -2%
40% 26% Alleg Steel (al.66).. 4 38 37% 37%-%
245 167 Allied Chero i6> .. 8 226% 225 226% +4%
34 23 Allied Mills laftOc) 1? 31% 31 31 + %
20% 6% Allied Stores(a20c). 16 17% 17 17
77% 35% Allls-Chalm itl%). 31 76 72% 74% +2%
34% 19% Alpha Pori Clal%) 2 29% 29% 29%+%
6% 4 Amai Leather .. 6 5% 4% 4% + %
125% 75 Amerada ( orp 12) 6 100% 100 100 +1%
89 49 Am As Ch (Del) a4. 1 83 83 83
55% 37 Am Bank Note (tl) 8 37% 36% 37% +1%
73 65 Am Bnk Note pf 13) 20* 65 65 65 - %
68% 40 Am Brake Sh t + 2)_ 3 68 67% 68 +1
137% 110 Am Can .mi ... 25 112% 111% 111% - %
69% 30 Am Car A Foundry. 7 66% 64% 66% + 2V»
78% 31 Am Chain (a4)_ 7 72% 71% 71% +1%
16% 7% Am Co.ortype 2 14% 14% 14% + %
35% 20% Am Cornel A1 (a50c) 4 27% 26% 26% - %
32 16% Am Crystal Sla&Oc) 6 27 26% 27 + %
7% 3% Am Kncaustlc _ 4 7% 6% 6% + %
9% 6% Am A Foreign Pwr. 16 7% 7 7% + %
60% 25 Am A For Pw |6 pf. 3 45 45 45
60% 29% Am A For Pw *7 pf. 4 66% 65 55% + %
22% 12 Am A For Pw Id pf. 4 21% 19% 19% - %
21% 13 Am Hawaiian (1) . 1 18% 18 18 — %
8% 4% Am Hide A Leather 9 6% 6% 6% + %
46 31% Am Hide A L Pf <») 1 37% 37% 37% - %
61% 37 Am Home P <t2.40). 1 49% 49% 49% +1%
4% 2% Am ice 2 2% 2% 2% - %
ze ic, mu ice ci izi 2 i#<, n% n% — %
15% 9% Am Intrnafl Ia40c) 3 13% 13% 13% - %
48'• 28% Am unriimotlH 10 44 42% 44 +1
122% 66 Am Locomo pf (13) 2 117% 117% 117% - %
29% 21 Am .MacliJiFdvitl) 11 22% 22% 22%+ *»
15 10 Am Mach & Mat 60c 3 12V. 11% 12%+ %
54% 27 Am Metai 33 51% 50 5(1% +1%
69 35% Am News (NY) (3) 2 66% 66% 66%
14% 7% Am Powei A Light. 4 11% 11% 11% + %
74% 36% Am Pwr&Lt pf (6). 2 68% 67% 68% +1
87% 43 Am Pwr&Lt Dt (6). 6 81% 80% 81%+ %
27% 18% Am Kadiatorlt60c) 48 25 24% 25 +1
37 23% Am Koli M itl 20). 37 34% 33% 34 + %
39% 31 Am Saf Razor (T2). 4 32% 32 32 -1%
28% 18 Am Seating tall %).. I 23% 22% 23%+%
45 25% Am Shipuidg • 21 1190* 44% 41 41 +2%
103 56% Am Smelt&Ref (3). 36 95 92% 93% +1%
152% 136% Am Sm&Ket nf <71 1 146% 146% 146% - 1%
61% 20% Am Steel Fdry (a 1) 47 661. 55% 56 +1%
145% 107% Am Steel Fy pf (7). 60s 111% 110% 111)', -1%
36 24% Am Store* 121_ 2 25% 25% 25%
63% 48% Am Sugar 12) 2 63% 53% 53% - %
145 129 Am Sugar pf (7)... 2 139% 137% 139'. +2%
26% 20% Am Sumatra Tob tl 3 23% 23 23 — %
190% 149V, Tel A Teles HI) 16 182% 181 182% +2%
102% 87 Am Tobacco (6) ... 8 94 93% 93%
104 88% Am Tobacco B (6). 5 96% 95% 96% - %
18 8% Am Tvpe Founder* 7 16% 16*. 16% — %
27% 19% Am Wat Wksa40c„ 11 25% 24% 25 + %
108% 92% Am Wat W lsl <6). 1101 101 101 +1
11% 7% Am Woolen 10 10% 9% 9% + %
70% 62% Am Woolen pf (34). 11 66% 64 64 +5%
2 % Am Writ Paper id) 11% 1% 1% + %
10 4% Am Writ Pap pf id) 4 7% 7% 7% - %
7% 3% Am Zinc A l,*»d 75 7% 7 7% + %
50 24 Am Zinc * L pr pf. 1 45 45 45 — %
65% 28 Anaconda Cop itl). 212 54% 6>% 64% +2%
87 35 Angconda Wir* t2.. 2 86 86 86 - %
26% 15% Anchoi Can '600 . 3 18% 18% 18% — %
43 9 Andes Copper 5 36 34 36 +2%
50 37 Archer-Dan-M (t2) 1 41% 41% 41% - %
7% 4% Armour i Illinois) 47 7 6% 6%
84 66% Arm’n 111 )pr nf '61 l 81% 81% 81%+%
62% 47% Armstrong C’k tl% 5 59 68% 59 +1
18% 7% Arnold Const 15i*C) 2 14% 14% 14%+ %
22% 8% Artloom Corp ... 3 16 15 15 — %
27% 12% Asso Dry Goods .. 8 22% 22% 22% + %
88% 59 A tch To A S Fe a2.. 24 68% 67% 67%
49 21% Atl CoastLlne(al).. 8 44% 43% 43%+ %
54% 13% Atl Gulf&WI pfd). 18 41% 41% 41% -1%
35% 26% Atlantic Kefln itl) 02 30 29% 29%+ %
131 112 Atlas Powder pf(5) 10* 129 129 129
30% 14 Atlas Tack is75cl 3 16% 16 16 - %
54V. 26% Anhurn Auto 4 30*. 29% 30% + %
46% 29% Austin Nichols pf A 10s 39% 39% 39', +1*.
7% 4% Aviation Coro l Del) 22 6% 6% 6% + %
11% 2% Baldwin Loco HI) . 7 9% 9% 9% + %
9% 2% Baldwin Loaedidl. 5 8 7% 7% + %
94% 33% Baldw L pf asd(d). 7 87 87 87 -3
26% 15% Baltimore A Ohio . 13 21% 20% 20%+ %
41% 21 Baltimore * Oh of 8 33% 32% 32% - «,
118 109% Bang A Arno«nfi7) 30s 109% 109% 109% + %
% % Ban A At rts Dec 23 16 % % %— %
38% 21 Barber Co (a75c> .. 19 36% 35% 35% +1%
28% 13% Barker Brothers 1 25 24% 24% -1%
22% 14% Barnsdall Oil HOel 34 23% 21% 23% +1%
22% 16% Bavnk Clears t75c 11 18% 17% 17% - %
28% 18 Beatrice Cream(tl) 5 ?5% 25% 25% +1
109 85 Beech-Nut Pkg(t<) 1 104% 108% 108% - %
16% 13% Renting Hem i I < 5 13% 13 13% — %
32% 21% Rendix Aviatial %) 20 26 25% 25%-%
25% 20 Beneficial I •♦!%> 10 22 21% 21%+ %
72 48 Best A Co (2*4) . 3 62% 61 61 - %
76% 45% Bethlehem Stl a1%- 43 73% 72% 73% +1%
20 16% Beth Stl 5% nf< 1 ) 2 19% 19% 19%+%
185% 107% Bethlehe Stl nf(7>- 2 128 127% 128
65 23 Blgelow-San <tll . 1 63 63 63 -%
34 18% Black A Decker 23c 2 31% 31% 31%+ %
23% 14% Blaw Knox ia80c)_. 10 22% 21% 22V. +1
37% 16% Boeing*Airplane 16 32% 31*. 82 + %
63% 41 Bohn AlumAPr IS) 6 41% 40% 41 - %
100% 80% Bon Ami (Al (a5>._ 20s 90 8R% 89 -1
47 39 Bon Ami (B1 (a3)._ 40« 45 45 45 +1
32% 25% Borden Co < 1 SO)... 10 26 25% 25% - V.
90% 64 Bore-Warner (4)_ 14 76% 75% 76% - Vi
11% 6 Boston A Maine 16 8% 7% 8% +1
18% 12% Brlden’t Brass t40o 26 16% 16% lfi% + ».
54% 43% Brice* Mfe i»2) 14 54% 53% 54 +1%
69 47% Brlecs A Strut (3) 7 48 47 47%-%
58% 40% Bklvn Man Tr (4). 11 52% 61% 51%-%
12% 4% Rklvn A Oneens 9 6% 6% 6%-*.
51% 33% Bklvn A Ons nflfS). 4 35 34% 34% -1*.
57 44% Bklvn I'n Gas <3)_ 5 49% 48% 48%+ V.
66% 45 Brown Shoe (3)_ 2 47 47 47
21% 8% Rrunswtck-Balk#_ 4 19 18% 18% - %
21% 8% Buevrus-Ene .. 14 19% 19'. 19% + %
15% 9% Rudd * F G) Mfe 15 13% 12% 12%
14 8% Budd Wheel (a20c). 1 10 9% 9%
34% 20% Bullard Co (a 1%).. 7 32% 32 32% +1%
69% 11% Rulova Watch . 9 53 52% 53 + %
84% 25 Burr Ad Mch(tSOc). 8 30% 29% 30%’+%
9 2% Bush Terminal (d). 2 7 6% 6% - %
33% 8% Rush Term deb Id) 1 27 27 27 + +
31% 14% Bush T Bides nf'dl 10s 27 25% 25% -2%
16% 7% Butler Bros (afiOc) 6 14% 13% 14%+%
33% 29% Rutler Bros nf 1 % 3 29% 29% 29% + %
6% 2% Butte Cop A Z(a5c). 35 5*. 5% 5% + %
29 16% Rver* i A M) 28 27V. 26% 26%
86% 54% Bvers (A M» pf 30a 83% 82% 82%-%
33% 22 Bvrnn Taekaon *1 - 1 27% 27% 27% - %
46% SO'. California Pack 1 Vi 16 46% 45% 46 +1%
3 % Callahan Zinc-Lead 30 2% 2% 2% + %
16% « Calumet A Hec a75o 254 16% 15% 16 + %
40% 30 Campbell Wy itl) 1 34% 34% 84% + %
25% 10% Canada Drv G A . 57 26% 25% 25*4 + %
16 10% Canadian Pacific 46 13% 13% 13% + %
9% 6% Carriers A Gen (30c 2 7 6% 6%
186 92% Case (J I) Co (4) 4 144% 142% 142% + %
143 11C Case (J 1) Co p» (71 50* 127% 127% 127%
91 54% Caterpillar Trae tj 4 88 87% 88 + Vi
32% 21% Celanese Com s1 Vi . 13 27% ’ON 26%+ %
116 106% Cel of Am pr pf A 7. 2 107% 107% 107% +1%
36% 19 Celotex Corp ... 2 36 36 36 + %
35% 25% Cent Aeulre (tl Vi 1 1 84 34 34 + Vi
9% 6% Central Foundry Co 33 8% 8 8 + %
57 35 Central R R of N J. 5 37% 36 36%+-%
12 6% Century Rib MU1«.. 2 10% 10% 10%-!
74 47% Cerro de Pssco •«>. 21 73% 71% 73% +3%
19% 8% Certain-teed Prod . 11 14 13% 13%+ %
71 57% Certain-teed pf (6) 10s 63 63 63
38% 19 Champ PsdA Fill 3 35% 35% 35%-%
107% 101 Chamn Paper pf(C) 70*110 110 110 +4
100 59 ChesaoeaneCorpiIl 4 82% 82 82%—%
77% 51 Ches A Ohio (72 80) 26 62 61% 61%-%
8% 2% Chi A East 111 of id) 4 6% 6% 6% + %
2% Hi Chi Grt West (d) .. 1 2% 2% 2% + %
13% 4 Chi Grt W of Id) .. 19 12% 12 12 + %
33% 26%Chl Mall OrdltlVi). 3 31 30% 30%+%
2% 1% Chi MU St PAP (d) 15 2 1% 2 +%
5% 2% Ght M St PAP pf Id) 18 4% 4% 4%
4% 2% Chi A N W Id) .. 9 3% 3V. 3%
12*4 6% Chi A N W of Id)... 2 11 10% 10%+%
24% 12% Chi Pneumatic Tool 3 22 21% 21%+ %
65% 40% Chi Pn Tool of UV4- 2 61% 61% 61%
3 1% Chi K l&Pao id) 5 2 2 2 + %
8 3% Chi RIAPC* Of <d> 10 5% 5% 5% - Vi
8 8% Chi R IAP 745, nfld) 5 6% 6 6
30% 17% Chlekash Cot Oil .. 2 21 20% 20%+ *4
14% 7 Child* Co .. 11 13 12% 13 + H
50 25 Chile Gopper .1) 240s 51 47% 50% +4
138% 86% Chrysler Corpi *12) 114 117% 116 117%+1%
23 15% Cltv ice A Fuel i2> 3 18% 18 18% + %
13% 4% Cltv Store* 3 10% 10% 10% - %
46% 23% Clark Equip!tl.CO). 5 34% 33% 33%-%
47% 33 Clev Granh Br (2).. 3 37 35% 35% —1%
90 82 Clev A Pitts (3%) 10s 89 89 89 -1
74%. 48 Cluett Peabody (tl) 24 77% 74 75% +2%
21% 13 Colgate P-P (750e). 80 19% 18% 19%+%
106% 100 Colgate-P-P pf (6). I 103% 103% 103% + %
66% 39% Collins A Aik t» ... 16 60% 59% 69% -1%
116% 107% Collins A Aik of (V) 160*113 112% 113
48 28% Colo Fuel & Iron.... 2 45% 45% 45%+%
36% 21% Colo A Southern 60s 21% 21 21 - %
23% 14 Columb GAB a«0o 45 17% 17% 17% + %
108% 90% Col O A E pf A (•). 5 106 104V4 104% - 2*4
103 80% Col G A E pf 15).... 20s 99% 99% 99% - %
45% 31 Colum Plot vte (tl) 6 34% 32% 34% +2%
61% 24 Colum Piece pf 3% 2 41 39% 40 + %
136% 94 Colum Garb tteite) 4 118% 116 118% + %
84% 44 Comol Credit (74) 6 67% 65% 67%+2%
128 100% Cornel Credit pf 4 % 2 112 112 112 -2
91% 65 Com'l Invest T (t4) 15 76% 75% 75%+%
136 97 Cornel In l pt •«%> 2 115% 115 115% + %
24% 14% Comc'l Sols ItfOe). 127 19% 18% 18%+%
5% 2% Com, A southern 74 3% 3% 3% + %
82 59% Comw A Sou of (I). 4 68% 68 68% + %
16% 7 Conde Nast Pub 3 14% 14 14%+1
44% 20% Congoleum N tl.60. 41 37% 36% 36% + %
19% 8 Consol Cigar 2 17% 17 17
86 66% Consol Cigar At (T) 10s 78% 78% 78% + 14
*:16 p.m.
Prs*. lO.lfl Stock and Soles— Met
High. oow. Dividend Rete. Add 00. Hl«h. Low. Close. Ch«e.
4844 27V* Consol Ed N T tl.. 61 434. 424, 43 + T»
109 102 Consol Ed NT pf(6) 2 107(4 107(, 107(4 - (*
7(4 4(4 Consol Film _ 3 6 4*4 44, - (4
944 3(4 Consol CaundrlM.. 2 9 84. 8*.
16S 11(, Consol Oil <8Dc) . .. 140 144* 14 144. + 44
124. 5',4 Consol K K Cuba pr. 6 9‘. 9(4 94* + (4
It, 4, Consol Tsxtlls <d) 44 1(4 1 1(4 + (4
9(4 2 Cons Coal (Dsllwte 6 7 6*4 7 * (4
364* 12(4 Cons C (Del) of etc 350s 30(4 29V* 2944 + 44
•16V. 164* Container Corp (tl) 3 214* 21 21 + (4
354. 104, Conti Bakins (A).. 7 304. 29V4 29(4 + (4
4 14, Conti Baking • B)._ 6 31* 3 3(4 + (4
87(4 64(4 Cont’l Can <tl) _ 47 65(4 64 64(4 +14
46 35', Conti Insur <tl.60). 12 4IS 40S 41 + (4
4 2(4 Conti Motors 35 2(4 24* 24*
43V* 28(fc Conti Oil (Dallalti 60 42(4 40(, 42V* +1(4
46 25 Conti Steel Corp(l) 8 27 26S 27
69(4 65(4 Corn Ex HkftTr (2) 70s 63 621, 63 +4,
82(4 634. Corn Prod Ref (tJ). 15 67V* .664. 6644 - S
7S 4 Col* Inc . 10 6(4 6(4 64* + (4
60(4 24 Crane Co . 19 44(4 42(4 43*. +2(4
37(4.36 Cream of Wh't <t2 ) 2 3 6 35*. 354.
354. 15S Crosley Radio al (4- 10 26 25(4 254* + 44
91'., 43*. Crown C k& S (a4) 14 74S 734* 73(4 - 4*
68(4 46(4 Crwn t AS ww 2 44 2 64 63'+ 53V, - (4
19'* 7v* Crown /.elleb'k etc 21 18(4 174* 1744 + (4
60(, 28 Crucible Steel 11 62(4 61 61
125 95(4 Crucible Stl pf *144. 3 123 122 122(4 - (4
34* 1(4 Cuba Co ... 11 2H 2(4 2S
20 9 Cuba RKpt . ... 30s 14(4 13V. 14(4 + (4
14V* 6(4 Cuban-Am Sugar... 10 12 114* 12 + (,
44', 35'4 Cudahy Pkg 12(4).. 1 38*4 38*. 38*4 + S
24'* 16(4 Curtis Publishing. 13 19 18(4 18** + Vi
9(* 4 Curtiss Wright 35 6% 6'+ 6(4 - (4
217. 10', Curtiss-W (A) a50e 12 19*. 19'/. 19V. + (,
70', 36', Cushman Sons pt 80s 41', 41 41 —5
83 43V* Cutler Hammar tl. 2 82(4 82 82(4 +1(4
I9(. 74. Da vega Stores (11 . 1 17(4 17(4 17(4-44
108(* 107 Dayton P&L. pf 4(4 - 100s 108 107(4 107', - V.
107 62 Deere A Co . 17 102(4 100 103', +2(4
32% 27 Deere ft Co pft 1.40) l 30% 30% + %
33% 19% Delael- Wem-Q 4 Tl > 5 29 28% 29 +1%
54% 36% Delaware & Hudson 13 43 42% 42% + %
23% 14% Del Lack ft West 13 17% 17 17%+%
153 128 Detroit Edison tt4> 4 147 146 147 - Vi
63 42 Devoe & Rey (A) 13 2 60% 69 59 -1
40% 30% Diamond Mtch *1% 2 31 30% 30% — %
43 37% Dla Match pf tlH — 1 39% 39% 39%+%
34% 18% Dlst i orpSeag Ltd- 15 26% 26% 26% — Vi
25 19 Dixie Vortex 11H). 2 20% 20% 20%-1
61% 41% Dome Mines 4+21_ 1 49% 49% 49% + %
12% 7% Dominion Stores.2 10% 10% 10% — Vi
82% 60% Ltouclaa, Aircraft 14 70% 68% 68% —1
61 29 Dresser Mfgt A' a3. 3 60 50 50
36% 13 Dresser Mfc(B) al- 1 33% 33% 33%-%
8% 4% Ituniiill Intelnati 7 7% 7% 7%
184% 133 Du Pont de.N 86.10. 28 174 172V, 173 + Vi
136% 129 Du Pont deb 16) 1 134 134 134
116 111% Duquesne Lt 1st (6) 100s 115% 115% 115% — %
12% 5% Eastern Holt Mills. 21 11% 11% 11%+ %
185 156 Kastman Kod it6). 2 171% 170% 170% -1%
4U% 28% Eaton Mfg <t2)_ 11 34% 33% 34% + %
157« 5"* Ellington Schtid 2 12% 12% 12% + %
47% 30% Elec Auto Lite t2.40 17 40% 40% 40% + Va
17% 10 Klee Boat <a60c) .. 17 12 11% 11%
7% 5% El & Mus Ind alSc.. 20 5% 5% 5%
25% 6% Elec Pw * LI . 70 25 24% 24% + %
87% 29% Elec Pw ft Lt 86 pf. 2 84 83% 84 +1%
94% 32% Elec Pw ft Lt I? pf. 2 89% 89 89% +2%
65% 39% Elec Stor Bat a2%.. 5 40% 39% 40 + %
1% % Elk Horn Coal tdl.. 6 1% 1% Hi — V*
6% 1% Elk Horn C pf (d) 2 5% 5% 5% + Vi
29% 22% El Paso Nat G(l.60) 41 28% 28 28%+%
69 53% Endlcott-John <3 1 2 55% 55% 55% — %
16% 7% Eng Public Service. 2 15 14% 14% + V*
89% 48 EPS $5.50 ww til. 1 72 72 72 -4
10% 5% Equll Office B »2Uc. 3 9% 9% 9% + %
18% 11 Erie K K _ 13 14% 14 14%
34% 16 Erie R R 1st pf. 3 26% 25% 25% - %
29 11% Erie R R 2d pf_ 6 22% 21% 22% +1%
15% 12 Eureka Vac C < *0c) 2 12% 12% 12%
40% 23% Evans Product(tl). 2 28% 28% 28%+%
8% 4% Exchange Buffet_ 6 5 4% 6 + %
5% 2% Fairbanks Co _ 20s 3% 3% 3% + %
25 8% Fairbanks Co pf.. 200s 20% 19% 20 + %
70% 34% Fatrb'ks-Morse<11) 1 66% 66% 66% - %
59 31% Fajardo Sugar 12). 4 55% 65% 55%+%
27% 18% Federal Lt ft Trae 7 27% .24% 24% -1%
101% 84 Fed Lt * Tr pf («) 60a 99 98% 98%+ %
12V* 7% Federal Mot Tr 40c 2 8% 8% 8%
5% 3 Fed Screw Works . 2 5 4% 4% + %
6 2% Fed Water Svc t Al 5 4% 4% 4% + %
46% 20% Fe.l d Dept S (al-1, > 1 42 42 42 +%
115'. 105 Fedtd DScu pf 4% 2 106% 106 106% - V*
49s* 38 Fidel rhoe F 1 Tl.60 3 45 44 44 +%
36% 24% Firestone T ft R (2) 11 33% 82% S3 + %
58% 40 First Nat Strs r2 V, , 1 60 50 50
45 30% Flintkote Co 11)_ 10 39% 39 39% + %
11% 3% Follansbee Bros td) 4 7% 7% 7% + %
47% 32 Food Machine 41)_ 2 46% 46% 46%+ %
44% 24% Foster-Wheeler .. 15 42% 40% 42 +1%
47% 30% Fourth Nat I «2.35.. . 5 44 43V* 44 - %
97% 63 Frank Sim pf 15%.. 80* 78 76 76 + %
35% 23% Freeport-Texas tl) 13 26Vi 26 26%+ %
53% 31% Fuller Co 2d of_ 20s 44% 43% 44% +1
7% 3% Gabriel Co <A)_ 2 5% 5% 5%
30 11% Gamewell Co _ 60s 26 26 26 -1
105% 100 Gannett cvr.f IS) -. 10s 105 105 105 +1%
17% 15% Gar Wood Ind a55c. 9 16% 16% 15% + %
14% 8% Gen Am Inv a7ac). 1 12% 12% 12%+ %
76 42V, Gen Am Trans <a3) 11 72% 71% 72 -1
20 10% Gen Baking <t«ue>. 9 17% 17% 17%+ %
155 141 Gen Baking pf (8).. 10s 148 148 148 +8
11% 7 Gen Bronze _ 14 9 8% 9 + %
26% 5% Gen Cable _ 24 27 25% 26% +1%
58 17 Gen Cable A ._ 8 57% 57 67% +1%
128% 70% Gen Cable pf (*7)._ 1 123 123 123 +3
59% 49 UenCtgai IM) ... 2 60 60 50 + %
152 140 Gen Cigar pf <7>- 10s 152 152 152
63% 34% Gen Electric (tl)_ 92 61% 50% 51%+%
44 33% Gen Foods tl.80)... SO 40 39% 39%-%
4% % Gen (las ft Elec i A) 21 2% 2% 2%
81 19V, Gen G*E8% pf A.. 10s 74% 74% 74% -5%
70% 58 Gen Mills <8) 4 60% 60 60%-%
77 63% Gen Motors <a4%). 182 66 65 65%+%
13% 5% Gen Outdoors Adv.. 19 13% 12% 13% + %
6 „ 3% Gen Pub Service_ 6 4% 4% 4% — %
65 32V, Gen Ry Signal tl)— 7 62% 51 62 +2
4'* _ lien rvrauv <k uiu .. oo ^-r
484 264 Gen Realty & r pf.. 2 44 44 44 +24
67 334 Gen Refrac «a3 4 •— 7 08 654 67 +14
89 324 Gen StM'aaiing pf 420a 794 764 79 +2
314 17 Gen Theatre E ia21. 13 304 294 294 -4
184 134 Gillette Saf R (tl>_ 8 154 154 154 -4
90 70 Gillettes K pf (6). 8 88 86 88 +14
274 64 Ulmhel Bros _ 29 234 224 224 - 4
92 84 Gimbel Bros pf <•». 1 884 884 884 -14
554 394 Gltdden Co 121 - 17 404 384 404 +14
65 524 Gllddan cv pf(24>- 2 544 54 54 -4
74 34 Gpbel (Adolf! .. 2 6 64 6
104 64 Goebel Brew <T2de) 4 64 64 64 +4
354 134 Goodrich (BF) (a11 82 324 314 314 +4
864 74 Goodrich(BF)pf(5) 1 824 824 824 +14
314 214 lioodvear ’1 * K 19 284 274 274 + 4
1064 100 Goody r T&R Df'5) 2 1014 101 1014+4
116 87 Goodyear J7 pf (4).. 2 1144 1144 1144 + 4
144 84 Gotham SliK Hob#.. 4 12 114 12
44 2 Graham-Palge 83 3 4 3 4 34
114 14 Granby (id *tp4)-_ 27 64 6 64 +4
64 34 Grand Union ctfa.. 1 44 44 44
254 16 Grand Un pf (*14) 2 224 22 22 -4
43 244 Granite ('tty Stl (1 ! 1 394 39 4 394 +4
524 284 Graflt(W T)(tl.40). 2 434 434 434 —4
464 32V* (in Norther n pi 25 40 394 394 +1
224 16 Grt North’n Ora (1) 9 184 184 184 —4
41 31 Grt West Sue (3.40) 1 39 39 39 +4
394 22 Green (H L)Co(tl) 7 344 334 344 +4
174 144 Greyhound (t80c) n 87 154 144 154 + S
44 14 Guantanamo Sugar. 5 34 34 34
194 9V* Gulf Mobile 4fc N 3 124 12 12-4
624 304 Gulf Mobile & N pf. 2 50 49 49 -14
63 284 Gulf Staiea Steel 3 584 574 58 +2
129% 105 Guir Sta Stl lat XZ1 80*129 129 129
15% 6 Halil Wir (Printing 6 14% 13% 14% + %
32 14 Hamilton Watch 1 27 27 27
125% 104 Hamilton W pf (6). l20e 104% 104% 104% + %
62% 30% Harb-Walker (t2)_ 16 52% 61 62% +1%
9 4% Hayes Bodv 3 6 6% 6% + %
133 100 Hazel Atlas U1 (t6) 1 100 100 100 -1%
21% 12% Hecker Prod (60c). 85 13% 12% 12% - %
41 26% Hercules Mot i+l)_. 20 35% 34% 35%+1%
135 126 Hercules P of (7) . 20* 129 128% 128% - %
80 58% Hershey Choc < t3). 2 64 63 63 —1
49% S0% Holland Fur («1 %) 2 45% 45 45% +1%
124 108 Holland Furn pf 16) 90s 122% 121 121
33% 9 Holland&Sons t50c. 4 25% 24% 24%
lfc 4i Holl&Son rta Dec28 81 l 1 1
42 19% Holly Sugar itZ) 8 40% 39% 40 + %
33 22% Hnud-Her (Bl tl% 18 25% 24% 24%+%
70% 54% House Fin new (t3) 3 68 67% 68
78 65% House Fin Dl t|%__ 1 75% 75% 75% + %
13% 6% Houston till etc ._ 88 12% 12 12% + %
63 48% Hows Sound (tl)_ 18 59% 67 59%+2%
5% 3% Hudson A Manhat.. 7 4% 4% 4% - %
17% 8% Hudson A Man pr— 1 12 12 12
22% 13% Hudson Motor Car. 8 19 18% 18% + %
3% 1 Hupp Motors ._ 8 1% 1% 1%
29% 18% Illinois central ... 16 23 22% 22% + %
64% 30 Illinois Cent of (A). 8 45% 45% 45% +1
15% 4% Indian Refln (al) .. 4 13% 13 13 + %
41% 26% Indu Rayon (tl.6S). 6 37% 37% 37% + %
147 106 ln«vrsoii KandirZ) 1 133 133 133 - %
122 88% InlandSteel < +3)_ 4 117% 117 117%+%
17% 6% inspiraiion Copper 286 20% 17% 19% +2%
18% 11% Inter Rap T vto id) 17 11% 11% 11%
6% 2% intercom! Rubber.. 2 4% 4% 4% — %
17% 9% imeriake iron _ 66 16% 16% 16% + %
5% 2% int Agricultural— 10 5 4% 5 + %
47% 22% int Agncui pr pf... 7 44% 41 44% +3%
194 160 int Bub Macb (»6).. 1 189% 189% 189% - %
104% 66% int Harvester l%- 17 100% 98 100% +2%
10% 2% int Hydro ifilec < A) 24 9% 9% 9% + %
8 4% Int Morcantllo Mar 7 7% 7% 7% - %
15% 10 inti Mining (a90c). 21 14% 14 14% + %
66% 43% Int Nickel ial.10) - 49 64% 63% 64% +1%
23% 3% int Paper A Pw (A) 28 18% 17% 17%-%
14% 2% int Paper A Pw <B) 16 12% 11% 11% - %
8% 1% int Paper A Pw iC> 21 6% 6% 6% - %
98% 20% Int P»i«r Pw pf 32 95 93% 94 + %
48% 37 Inti Print Iak (tZ).. 2 46% 44% 46% +1%
112 107 4nt Print ink pft61 20a 110% 110% 110% - %
10% 3 int Ry Cent Am vto 10e 7% 7% 7% - %
61% 19% int K wy Cent A pf 40s 62% 52% 52%
53% 47 int Shoe ItZ) -- 2 48 47% 48 + %
35 15 Int Silver ... 5 32 30% 31 + %
93 60 Int Silver pf (34)— 50* 88 87 88 + %
19% 11% mi Tel A lei 35 12% 12 12
87% 10% interstate D S a50e 5 33% 32% 33% + %
107 82 Int Dept 8tra pf(7) 10a 108% 103% 108% ♦ %
31% 24% Island Creek (*»—. 1 28% 28% 28% - %
93% 68% Jewel Tea (T4)- 1 M S3 *» + %
i »
2:15 D.m.
Prey. 1936 Stock and Sales— Net
Blah. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlib. Low. Close. Chge.
146% 88 Johns-Manvlll«(t2> 40 142 141% 141% + %
133 76% JonesiL 7% pf 13% 160* 131 129% 131 +1%
60% 39% Kalamazoo S (tl)-- 5 46 46 46
26 13 Kins City Southern 3 20% 20% 20% + %
48% 19% KansCSpf (all — 2 40% 40% 40% -1%
83% 24% Kayser J&Coial%) 1 24% 24% 24%-%
28% 19% Kelsey-H (A) al%_ 8 20% 19% 20%+1
24% 17% Kelaey-H <B) al%. 6 18 17% 18 + %
25% 14% Keivinator (T60c»-. 11 21% 20% 21 + %
63% 28% Kenneiott <al.70)_. 139 61% 69% 61% +2%
24% 174* Keystone SAW ig). 21 19% 18% 18%-%
46% 18% Kimberly Clarktl). 2 43 42% 43
61 30 Kinney(GR)pf(a 1). 10s 49 49 49 - %
18% 4% Kreage Uepi Stra 2 13 12% 13 + %
135 74% Kresge Dept Strs pt 30s 132% 132% 132% +1
32% 20% Kresge IS S> (tl) 2 28% 28 28
28 19* Kroger GABlt 1.60) 18 22% 21% 21%-%
33% 20% Laclede Uas iSt L) 10s 24% 24% 24%
26% 16% Lambert Co (*l -- 4 18% 18% 18%-%
18% 12 Lee RuhATIrai 60c> 2 17% 17 17
45% 15% Leh Port Cem'tta2) 11 40% 39% 39%-%
4 2 Lebign Valley coal. 13 3 3
19 9H Lehigh Val Coal pi. 3 17% 16% 16% — %
22 8% Lehigh Valley It R. 10 18% 17% 17% + V*
123% 89 Lehman Corp (tl).- 2 121 121 121 -%
21% 12 Lehn & ^lnkalVi.. 4 18 17% 17%-%
65 37% Lerner Stores i»2)_ 3 59 65 59 +2%
80% 47% Llbbey-Ow G1 a3V4. 21 72 70% 70%
13 7 Libby. McNALll. 9 9% 9% 9% + %
116% 97% LlggAMvera B iT4) 5 105 104 104% - %
63% 25% Lima Locomotive— 1 69% 59% 59% +1%
55 36 Link Belt (t2). ... 1 62% 52% 62%
46% 32% Liquid Carb (2 60)- 10 44 43% 44 + %
65% 43 Loewslno (tti_ 16 62% 62% 62% + %
3% 2 Loft Inc ... 4 2% 2% 2%
61% 35% Lone Star Cmt(t2). 39 55 62% 54 +1%
8% 3% Long Bell bum iA> 9 6% 6% 6% + %
45 38% boose- Wiles (2) . 3 40% 40 40
26% 21% borlllard (P) tl.20. 11 22% 22% 22%+ %
151 140 Lormard tp> pm) bus I4.iv* i«z 143 — y*
61!* 13 La Uli Her pt id) 250s 29 27% 29 +1
30% 20 Loulsv UAEpf A IV* 1 25 25 25
102% 67% Louts* Nash (a6).. 3 91 90% 91 -3%
35 22% Ludlum Steel itl).. 17 30% 29% 29%+!*
42 33 MacAndrew&K (t2). 1 36 36 36 + %
23% 12% Mcl'rorv Stores . 6 18% 18% 18% — %
46 40% McUraw Elec I r 2»_. 2 42 41** 42 — %
24 16 McGraw-hill 12>*c. 6 24% 23% 24
49% 38% McIntyre t’urcu i2) 9 39% 39 39% + %
118% 83% McKeespt TinaoVi- 9 84% 83% 84% % %
14% 8% Mcrvesson Ik Hob 18 12% 12% 12% + %
21% 11% McLellan Stra a2UO- 7 17% 17% 17% -t- %
49% 27% Mack Trucks I tl).. 5 44 43% 43% — %
66% 40% Macy (H H) Co i2). 10 64% 53% 53% -1
15% 8% Madlaon SqO t«0c 7 15% 14% 14%
67 34% Magma Copper ia3) 6 56V* 65 561* +1%
9 1% Marian Sugar (dj . 3 6% 5% b% -8 %
36% 7% Man-tl Sug pf (d>. 200a 27% 26 27% + 1%
23% 13% Man El md gld td). 17 14 13% 13% - %
57V* 32% Man Kiev gtd (d>— 100a 33 33 33 -3
24% 17V, Manhat Shirt 11)_ 3 22 21% 21%-%
6% 2% Maiacslbo Oil Exo. 4 4% 4% 4% + V*
12% 8% Marine Midl’d t40c. 31 10% 9% 9% - V*
23 6% Market St Hy pt .. 40s 16V. 16V* 16%-%
45 18% Market St Hy pr pf 60s 37 37 37 — V*
25% 11% Marshall Field* Co 27 21% 19% 20%+%
12 6% Martin Parry 4 9% 9 9
42% 27% Mathleson Alk(lV4) 8 39% 39% 39%-%
70 43% May Dept Stre (3).. 2 62% 61% 62V, + %
21% 13% Maytag Co ta50c)._ 2 14% 14 14%+ V*
28% 12% Mead Col p — 13 26% 25% 26 + %
91 55V. Melville Shoe (t5)_. 1 80 80 80 -1%
12 6% Mangel Co 21 11% 11 11%+ %
106% 50 Mengel Co pf ... 190s 105% 104% 105 + %
65 40% Mesta Mach a3%_.. 7 60% 60 60
14% 5% Miami Copper 231 15V* 14% 15% +1%
30% 17V. Mid-Con t Pet al.lS. 9 29% 28% 29% +1%
48% 21% Mid'ld Stl Prod (t-) 8 40% 39% 39% + V*
1*1% 110 Mid Stl lat pi ik) 30* 122% 122% 122%
112 65 Minn-Hon Koa’lVi 1 104 104 104 +%
Minne Honey pf B . 30g 119 119 119
12% 6% Mum Moline I wr 29 10% 10% 10% + Vi
86 57% Minn-Mollne pf< *3) 1 82% 82% 82%-%
2% 1% M St PAS S Marie 1 1% 1% IV, - %
29% 16% Mission Corpta45c) 4 26% 25% 26% +1
9% 5% Mo Kaos A lexas 4 6% 6% 6%
33% 14% Mo Kan & Tex pf A. 11 24% 23% 23% - %
4 2% Missouri Pacihcid) 1 2:« 2% 2% — %
7% 3% Mo Pacinc Dt id> 7 6% 6% 6% -8 %
32 19% Mohawk Carp tl.20. 25 32V* 31V, 31% +1%
103 79 Monsanto Chemi * 11 3 98% 98% 98%
68 35% Montfrom Ward(t2) 68 58% 57% 57% + V*
2til 2% Mnt Wrd rts Jan 29 281 2% 2% 2%
69% 42 Morrell J & Co 2 4b 5 42 41% 41%-%
2% % Mother Lode al 2 V*c 31 1% 1% 1% + %
43% 28% Motor Prod iTZ) 5 35 34% 35 +1%
27 15% Motor Wheel (1 60) 10 22 21% 22
39% 11V. Mullins Mf« Blaai'c 6 34% 33% 33%-%
36'* 21 Munsingwear |t.3) 2 30% 30 30% — %j
22»* 14 Murrav Corn ia50c) 32 17% 16% 17 + %
62% 43 MyersiFE) & Br(3) 1 60 60 60 + V.
21% 15 Nash Motors il) . 26 16 15% 15% + Vi
19% 12% Natl Acme (a75c)._ 11 18% 18 18 + %
15% 9% Nat Aviatlon (al)1 12% 12% 12% — V,
38% 28% Nat Hist’Hi • I 60» 21 32% 31% 31%+ %
37% 30% Nat B d & lnv al.ll. 10 31% 30% 31% +1
107!, 103 Nat Bd&I pf A 1.15. 1 102% 102% 102% - V*
32% 21% Nat Cash lies (al). 9 30 29% 30 +1
28% 21 Nat Dairv Pro al %. 64 23% 22% 23 - %
112% 107% Nat Dairy P pi A(7) 30s 110 110 110 -%
24% 10 Nat Dept Stores 10 20 19% 19% + %
33% 25% Nat Dist Prod 4 + 2)_ 19 28% 28 28 - %
37% 28 Nat En A Stpg (2)-. 1 30% 30% 30%+ %
36% 26% Nat Lead (t.Micl 9 34% 34% 34% -r %
61% 54 Natl Mal'ble*Stl a2. 2 56 55 56 +1%
14% 9% Nat Pwr A Lt (6IIC) 38 11% 11% 11%-%
1% % Nat Rv Mex 2d of— 3 % % %
78 57% Natl Steel (t2 Vs)— 8 71% 71 71%+!*
75V* 19% Nat Supply Co 5 68 66% 68 +1
133 74% Nat Supply pf 13%. 1 129% 129% 129% + V*
12% 7% Nat Tea l6uc) .. 2 10% 10% 10%
13V, 10V* Natomas (tsocl .. 3 12% 12 12 - Vi
60 32 Nelsner Bros 4 +2) __ 3 56% 56% 56% + %
40 9 Newp't Indus a60c.. 49 33% 31% 33% +2%
83 32% N Y Airbrake a2Vi- 1 79 79 79 +1%
49% 27% N ¥ Cenual H H 121 40% 40 40% - V,
63S w»« n r cnicapo at u n an ,11 ai — a
95 36', N T Chi * St L pf - 2 76 754 76 -t-1
IS 34 N Y Dock _ 80a 9S 9', 9*. + *«
294 104 N Y Dock pf. 30a 2IS 204 204 - S
24 1 N y Investor* (d) — 8 IS IS IS + 4
54 3 N'T NH & H Id) „ 92 64 5S 64+4
164 7S NY NH * H pf ld> 191 18S 164 17S+1S
7l, 4 N Y Ontario * West S 4T» 4S 4S
15S 94 N Y Shipbuilding .. 37 12S Ills 12 + S
115 105 NorfolkAWn pf(4). 30s Ills 111 111
13S 6S North Am Aviation. 32 12S 12 12
35', 23S North Am Co «tl»_ 73 30S 30 304 +4
1064 98 North Am Ed pf (6) 1 103S 103S 103S + S
36S 234 Northern PacHle _ 48 26S 264 26S + 4
44 2 Norwalk TtreARub. 5 3S 3S 34 + S
17S 124 Ohio Oil U60c)- 28 154 15S 16S + S
59S 244 Oliver Farm Equip- 20 53S 53 63S +1S
254 17 Omnibus Corp vtc — 10 19 18S 18S + 4
1154 107 Omnibus Cppf(8).. 1 107 107 107 -34
39S 24S Otis Elevator a75c- 3 374 36S 36S - 4
20S 124 Otis Steel — 24 174 164 164 + 4
70 47 Outlet Co <t2) 20s 67 65 67 -1
164 128 Owena-Il! Gl <a6> — 2 156 156 156 + 14
22 13 Pae Am Flsnsr til- 3 19H 194 194 - V.
15 34 Paclflo Coast_ 290s 134 11H 13 + 14
324 8S Psclflc Coast 1st_ 50s 28S 25S 28 +24
294 4S Paclflo Coast 2d 270a 234 204.234 +2S
39S 30 Pacific Finan tl.*0_. 1 30 30 30
41 30S Tac Gas & Elec <2)_ 12 364 364 364
68S 44S Pac Lighting <3> ___ 6 514 50 514 +1S
474 144 Pacific Mills <al) .. 4 414 404 404
22S 11S Pac West'n Oil a65c 11 204 20 204 +4
13S 64 Packard Mot(at5c) 89 104 104 10S + 4
20S 124 Pan Am Petr <a60c) 1 14S 14S 14S —14
744 184 Panhandle PAR pf 20a 62 60 60
974 67 Paraffine Co (t2)_ 1 754 754 754 + S
23'/* 7% Paramount pict 21% 21 21% + *»
170 69 ”ara Pic 1st pf (6)_. 2 150V* 147 150% +3%
21% 8% Param't 2d pf 160c.. 9 19% 19 19%+%
37% 17% Park & Tilford (2).. 3 34 33% 33% -1%
5% 2% Park Utah 89 4% 4% 4% + %
32% 23 Parker Rust Ptl% 2 27% 27% 27% + »*
10 4% Parmaiea Transput. 7 6% 6% 6%
11% 6% Pai he Film Coro 9 9% 9% 9% + %
17% 10% Patino Mines (60c). 18 15 14% 15 +%
3% 1% Peer leas Motor 2 3% 3% 3% — %
73 60 Penick&Ford (t:i». 1 61% 61% 61%—%
112% 69 PenneytJ C) <a?%) 2 99% 99% 99%-%
6% 3% Penn Coal ft Coke 2 4% 4% 4V.
10% 4% Penn Dixie Cenient 5 7% 7% 7% + %
27% 17 Penn G1 S-d cfs a50o l 21% 21% 21%
45 28% Penaa Railroad<a2) 44 39% 38% 39 +%
•59% 30 Peoples Drug ttl)_. 2 51% 49% 49%-3%
68 38 Peoples Gas Chi .. 1 48% 48% 48V* — %
89 56 Pare Marquette pf.. 1 86 86 86
18 12% Pet C’p of Am a90c. 10 15% 16% 15%+%
19% 10% Pfeiffer Brew . l 20) 6 11% 11 11 - %
56% 25% Phelps Dodge al%. 69 56% 55% 56% +1%
64% 45% Phlla Co 6% pf ft) 1 62% 52% 52% + %
12 3% Phlla Rap Tr td) 160a 6% 6% 6%
16% 8% Phlla Rap Tr pf <d) 100a 13 12% 12% - %
3% 1% Phlla* Head C ft 1. 7 2% 2% 2%
101% 66 Phillip Morris (»).. 23 71% 69% 69%-2%
49% 38% Phillips Pet ta2%). 39 48% 47% 48 +1%
17% 8 Pierce Oil pf .. 13 16 14% 15%+%
3 1% Pierce Petroleum.. 7 2% 2% 2% + %
37% 28% Ptllahury FI <1.60). 3 28% 28% 28%
62% 60 Pirelli Co A (aJ.ll). 40s 50 49% 50 -%
17% 7% Pitts Coal 2 15% 15 15 — %
13% 7% Pitts Screw a62%e. 6 12% 12% 12%
24% 23% Pittsburgh Steel Co 3 24% 24 24% +1
108% 49 Pitts steel pf 10s 106 106 106
9% 2% Pitts United Coro.. 4 3% 3% 3%
112% 68% Pitts United Cpf.. 70s 106% 106% 106% + %
41% 21 Pitts* WV» ... 140s 32% 32 32% +1
3% 1% Plttston Co .. 5 2% 2% 2% + %
24V* 11% Plymouth Oil (tl)_ 16 23% 22% 23%+1%
29% 12 Poor ft Co <B) . 3 25% 26% 26%+%
11% 4% Porto R Am Tob A-. 8 9% 9% 9% - %
3% 1% Porto R Am Tob B_. 1 2% 2% 2% + %
28% 17% Pressed Steel Car . 36 27 26% 26%+1%
28 17% Press Stl 1st pf 25c. 4 27 26 27 +1%
73% 57% Press Stl 2d pf 2 % 4 70% 69% 69%
55% 40% Proctor ft Gam 11 % 3 53% 53% 53%
122% 116% Proc ft Gam pf 16) 10s 118% 118% 118%
50% 39 PubSvcN J (t2.40). 11 48 46% 47% + %
113 103% PuhSvc N J pf • »> 2 106% 106 106 -%
144% 128 PubSvcN J pf (7). 2 136% 136 136 -%
66 36% Pullman Inc <1%). 22 62% 61 62%+%
24% 16 Pure Ull 47 18% 18% 18% + %
118 91% Pure 0116% pf 2 97% 97% 97%
133% 103 Pure 011 1% of 20* 108 106% 106% -1%
20% 9V Purity Bak (t40c) — 6 18% 18% 18% ♦ %
19% 16% Quaker Sts Ref toe 2 17% 17% 17% — %
14% 9% Radio Corp.. 178 11% 10% 11 + %
f r
2:15 P.m.
Prey 1936 Stock trip Sale*— Net
Sigh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlfh. Low Close Chge
80 68% Radio Corp pt A •% 3 77 75% 75%-2%
10% 5 Rsdlo-Kelth-Or (d) 6 7% 7% 7% + %
20 11 RR See 111 Cent .. 20s 14% 14% 14% - V.
38% 28% Reybeetos-M tl%_. 7 35 34% 35 4 %
50 39 Reading 1st pf '2)_ 1 49 49 49 - %
16% 9% Real 811k Hoaienr __ 8 11% 11% 11%-%
24% 12% Reliable Strs aSOe.. 3 18% 18% 18% - %
25 17% Rem Rand <t60c)„ 15 21% 21% 21%
8% 4% Keo Motor Car_ 26 5% 5 5 - %
29% 16% Republic 8tesl. 186 28% 27% 27% +1
104% 78% Rep Stl pr pf A («). 2 98% 98 98 - %
35% 10 Ravere Copper 35 37% 35 37 4 2
67% 24% Revere Copper (A). 2 74 70% 74 46%
138 90 Revere CAB pfa3% 500* 129% 128 128
34 22% Reynolds Met (tl > 2 26% 26% 26% 4 %
36% 25 Reynolds Spring tl. 1 30% 30% 30%—%
60% 50 Reynolds Tob B 13) 14 56% 55% 56 -%
13% 8% Rhine Westphalia — 1 11V 11% 11%-%
35 19% Ritter Dental .tl)-. 1 24% 24% 24%-%
65% 32 Iloan Ante (tl.12)— 4 68 66 68 44%
10% 5% Rutland K R pf - 35 8% 7% 8%4l%
49% 27 Safeway StoresttJ) 16 43 41% 42% 41
97% 96 Safeway Strs pf(5). 240s 97% 96% 97
114% 110% Safeway Strs pf (7) 80s 111% 111% 111% 4 %
60 22 St Joseph Ld teal)_ 21 50 49% 49% 41%
3% 1% St L,-San Fran (d)_ 1 2% 2% 2% 4 %
6% 2% St D-San Fr pf (d)_ 4 5% 5% 5% + %
17% 11 Savage Arms al).— 2 14% 14% 14%-%
55% 37ti Schenlty Dist (+3). 15 44'. 43% 44% 4 %
101% 95% Sclienley D pf (5%) 1 95% 95% 95% — %
4% 1% Schulte R Strs (d)_ 6 2% 2% 2% - %
20% 7% Schulte R S pf td). 2 17% 17% 17% 4 %
85 53% Scott Paper 4t2)_ 1030a 86% 84% 86 42
2 % Seaboard Air L (d>. 36 1% 1% 1% — %
8% 2 Seaboard A L pf(d) 15 7% 6% 6% 4 %
43% 30% Seaboard Oil ll).„ 21 40% 37% 40% 4 2%
7% 3% Sea grave Corp _ 2 7 6% 6% - %
101% 69% Seara Roebuck <t2) 43 94% 92% 9.3% -tl
5 2% second isati invest. 2 4% 4% »*■ + %
31% 15% Servel Inc (tl)_ 4 27% 27% 27%+%
32% 20% Sharon Steel (tl.20) 2 30% 29% 29%
104% 89 Sharon Stl H pf (6) 1 100% 100% 100%
11% 4% Sharpe A Dohme __ 28 10% 9% 10 + %
60 43% Sharp* Dpf (3H) 1 59% 59% 59%-%
19% 11% Shattuck F G(taOe) 3 17 16% 17
28 14** Shell Un Oil (a25c). 15 26% 26 26% + %
127% 102% Shell Un OH pf 6%. 6 102% 102% 102% — %
14% 8% Silver King (60c>._ 63 13% 12% 13%+%
48% 19% Simmons Co (a3)_ 22 44 43% 43%-%
6% 3% Simms Petrol_. 9 4 3% 4
44% 19% Skellv Oil 4 42 41V* 41% +1
132 99% Skelly Oil pf (<) ... 8 99% 99 99% - %
118% 65% Sloss-Sheff pf (7).. 10* 109 109 109 -1%
72 40% Smith <A U) ... 4 49 47% 49 +1%
29% 21 Snider Packing 23 28% 27% 28%+1%
17% 12% Socony Vac Oil a70o 62 15% 15% 15% + %
7% 3% So Am G & P(a:soc) 14 4% 4% 4%
35% 26 South Port S It2) . 14 32% 32 32% +1
160 149 So Porto R S pf (8) 60s 155 155 155 +2
32% 25 South Cal Kdis tl% 10 29% 29% 29% — %
47% 23% Southern Pacific . 41 41% 40% 40%+%
26% 12% Southern Railway- 52 23% 23 23% + %
54% 19 Southern Ry pf 22 49% 48 48% -e %
82 * 63V* Spaldlng(AG)lat pf 10* 73% 73% 73%-%
9% 5% Sparks-Wlthlngton 24 8 7% 7% ,
36% 29% Spencer Kell (1 60). 3 33 32% 33 -1
24% 15% Sperry C p vtc (el). 24 21% 20% 20% - V,
63% 44 Spleer Mfc pf (3) - 60* 51% 51% 51% - %
114% 63 Spiegel-May S (5)._ 3 101% 104 104%+%
43% 21% Square D Co (a 1 % ). 1 40 40 40 +V*
18% 14% Stand Brands ttdc. 92 15% 15% 15%
13% 9% Stand Com Tobacco 7 11% 11 11%+ V*
9% 5% Stand Gas A El <d>_ 15 9% 8% 8% - %
27% 9% Stand GAB $4 pf (d) 74 26% 25% 25%-%
62 24% Stand GAB $6 pf(d) 1 57% 57% 57% +1
72% 26% Stand GAE *7 of Id) 7 68% 67 67% +1
3% 2 Stand lnv Corp_ 2 3 3 3 — %
47% 35 Stand Oof Cal (tl). 43 38% 39% 39%+%
45% 32% Stand Oil of hid tl. 29 44% 42% 43% +1%
70% 51% Stand Oil of N J (tl 55 66% 65% 66%+%
40-% 24% Starrett <LS> t.140. 2 35% 35 35 — %
78% 65 Sterling Prod t3.80. 5 71% 71% 71%+ %
24% 16% Stew-Warner »50c 6 18 17% 17%+ %
26% 14% Stone & Web <a25c) 133 27% 26% 27 +%
15% 9% Sliidetiaket Corp 37 13% 13 13 — V*
60 27 Superheater (a35c> 6 56% 53% 56% +1%
6% 3 Superior Oil __ 5 4% 4% 4% + V*
41% 9% Surerlor Steel ._ 17 37% 36 36% +1%
26% 20V. Swift & Co (tl.20).. 15 25V. 24% 24%
35% 28V. Swift Inti Ltd •*» 12 32 31% 31% + %
20% 15 Svmgton-Gould ww. 17 19V* 18% 18% + %
9% 6% Telautograph i60e> 2 8 8 8 + %
11% 5% Tennessee Cop al5c 76 11 10% 10%+ %
60% 28% Texas Corp n (tl l 134 51% 49% 51% +2
8% 4% Texas Gulf Pr <a5c) 67 8 7% 8 + %
44% 33 Tex Gulf Sul <t2)._ 7 39% 38% 39%+%
49 28 Texas A Pec RR 5 45 44% 44%+ %
15V. 7% Tex PacCA O a26e 21 12% 12% 12%+ %
14% 9% Texas P L T lalOc). 12 10% 10% 10%+ %
12% 8% Thermold Co 7 10% 10V* 10% - %
41% 23% Third Nat lnv al .90. 2 40% 39% 40%+%
32% 24% Thomp Prod.tal %) 4 27% 26% 26%-%
8V* 4% Thompson Starrett 7 6% 6% 6% + % j
39% 26 Thompson Star pf . 4 32 31% 32 + %
21% 14% Tide W AseoO «0e. 26 19% 19% 19%+ %
27% 12% Timken Oetrolt(tl) 22 23 22 22% + %
74% 66 Timken Roll B (t2) 9 71 70% 70% -1%
18% 11 Transamerlca *40c 27 16% 16% 16%+ %
27% 14% Trans&Wn AiraZoc 6 17% 17% 17%-%
2% 1% Tr&Wn A rts.Jan 6. 64 1% 1% 1%
22% 10% Transue&W (t60c). 13 20% 19% 19%—%
12 7% Tricontinental a50c. 7 9% 9% 9% + %
38% 22% 20th Cent Fox F a2. 4 35% 34% 34%
47% 31% 20th Cent F pf m 3 44% 43% 43%-1%
17% 8% Twin City RT 2 14% 14% 14%-%
109 65V* Twin C E T pf tl4__ 10a 101% 101% 101% - %
8%. 2% Ulen A Co 3 4% 4% 4%
1024 744 Und-Ell-Flsh(a2%> 8 9y'« 974 994 -4
70 384 Union Bap&Pap <2 I 3 67 664 664 — 4
1054 714 Union Carb & C 3.20 26 1014 1004 1014 +14
284 204 Union Oil Calif (1). 16 24 23 4 234 +4
1494 1084 Union PaclOc <6) 19 1244 122 122 -14
100 904 Union PaclOc pf (4) 4 99 974 974 - 4
314 224 Union Tank C 1 20. 1 264 264 264 -4
32-» 204 Unit Aircraft aoOc.. 38 284 274 274
21 13 Utd AirL (a20c).._ 37 184 174 184 +4
334 244 United Bisc < 160 > . 1 304 304 304 + 4
964 68 Unltad Carbon <t3). 6 *5 85 85
354 224 Unit-Carr Fast(t2). 1 314 314 314 -2
94 54 United Corp ta20c). 85 64 6 4 64
484 404 United forp pt 'll 11 444 434 44
164 104 United Drug: (aTac) 16 14 134 14
84 4 United Electoai 6 8 74’ 74 + 4
504 324 Unit Enc&Fy < +2). 1 46 46 46
87. 664 United Fruit <t3) 3 814 81 814 + 4
194 144 United Uaa imp ill 49 144 144 144
1134 109 United Q Imp pf «6> 2 1104 110-4 1104 4
134 64 United Paperboard. 2 124 124 124 + 4
234 10 US Distributing pf 50a 20 184 184 - 4
20 13 U S A For n Secur.. 4 174 164 164 — V*
1254 804 U S Gypsum <t2)— 3 120 1194 1194 -4
204 84 U S Hoffman __ 5 174 174 174 + 4
69 314 U S indue Alcohol.. 17 384 374 384 +4
94 44 U S Leatder vtc .. 2 54 54 54 — 4
184 104 U S Leather A vie.. 4 134 134 134
634 214 US Pipe* Fy(lH). 26 614 594 614 +24
194 74 U S Realty * Imp.. 72 184 174 174 +4
484 164 U S Rubber _ 36 454 44 444 + 4
101 47 U S Rubber lit pf- 3 954 944 944 -4
1034 724 U S Smelting talO) 22 884 854 874 + 4
794 464 U S Steel ... 98 764 754 764 + 4
1544 1154 U S Steel pf (7)- 3 143 1424 143 -1
84 5 United Stores (A).. 3 74 74 74
7 34 Util Pwrt Lt IAI_ 17 34 34 34—4
24 1 Vadsco Sates Corp 9 2 2 2
57 30 Vadaco Sales Co pf. 10s 49 49 49 -2
30 164 Vanadium Corp .. 59 284 27 274 + 4
494 284 Van Raalte (SJ4)- 4 394 39 394
116 1104 Van Ral 1st pf (7).. 20*116 113 116 +24
484 40 VlckChem (Tl)- 3 42 414 42 + 4
84 4 Vs-Csr Chemical... 34 74 7 74 + 4
584 284 Va-CarChem 6% pf 33 554 514 55 +44
13% 4 va iron coai&coxe 220g 13% 12 12 - %
41k 14 Va Iron C A C pf — 70s 38 38 38
39k 30 Walgreen Co 111_ 2 38 "38 38
49% 26k Walker tB) (2) ... 11 48 47% 48 +1%
20 17% Walker (H) pf <1)_ 2 19% 19k 19% + k
12% 5k Walworth Co_ 40 Ilk 10k 11 +k
7% 2k Ward Baking B ... 2 6% 6k 6% + %
18% 9k Warner Broa Piet.. 73 17 16k 16k
2k k Wamer-uuln <d)_ 4 1% IS IS
12%. 4% Warren Broa _ 9 10V* 10 10 + S
38% 15k Warren Bros cvpf. 1 30 30 30 -2
86 21 Warren PdyAP(tl) 4 34k 34 34 4 S
39k 19k Waukesba Mot (1). 41 39k 38k 88k 4 %
11V* 6k Wabatar Elsenlohr. 8 8 7k 7k - k
49% 33% Wesson O&SitbOc). 19 48% 48 48k +1%
102 87 West Pa Eleo pf (•) 10s 96 96 96
110 96 West Pa Eleo Pf (7> 40s 106 106 106 +%
116% 111% West Pa Pwr pf (4) 20s 114k 114 114 — k
12k 8k Weatern Maryland. 3 9 8% 8%
23k 15 Western Md 2d pf.. 1 17k 17k 17k
4 lk Western Pacific ... 1 2k 2k 2k — k
96k 72k West'n Union i*2). 35 78 77 77k 4lk
49k 34%. West'h se A B Rl%. 17 47k 46k 47k +1%
153k 94k WesthseKl <a5%). 21 144% 143k 144 + 1%
160 123k Westh'e 1st pf »&k- 20s 154 152 154 —1
33% 22% West'n El Inst a85c 5 24k 23% 24k - %
32 19% Westvaco Chlor (1) 4 24k 24 24 + k
35k 31%. Westvaco 6%of lk 2 33 32% 33 + k
39% 21k Wheeling Steel_ 8 36%. 36% 36 + k
109k 84 Wheeling Stlpf (16) 1 103 103 103 +2
28% 18H White Motor 13 25k 24k 24k 4 %
17% 13% White Kk M 811.40) 1 15k 15k 15k
6% 3k White Sewing Mch. 1 6 5 5 — H
43 16 White Sew Mch pf- 1 36%. 36%. 36%. - Vi
5k 2% Wilcox UU A Gas— 6 4k 4k 4k 4 k
11 6% Wilson A Co i60c)_ 13 8k 8% 8%.
71 44% Woolwortb ig.40>._ 16 63k 63% 63%. + k
36% 23k Worthington Pump 2 35k 34%. 34% + %
86%. 56 Worth Pump pt A.. 260s 83k 81k 83k +1%
80%. 47 Worth Pump pf B-. 2 75k 75k 75k— %*
140% 62% Wright Aero (al)— 20s 119 117 119 44
79 63 Wrigley W )r <tl>. 1 73 73 73 - k
61 33% Yale A Towns t60c. 2 49 48k 48k - S
22%. 8% Yellow Tr A Coach. 210 21S 21 21k 4 k
5k 2% Yellow TAC Dec 24. 168 5 4% 4% 4 k
163k 83k Yellow TrAC pf *35 80s 158 157 158 + 5
65 42k Young SprAW IT*). 1 44k 44k 44k 4IS
87S 41S Youngrtn bheetAT 17 78 77 77k 4 k
42S Ilk Zenith Radio - 13 .34k 33k 33% 4 S
9% 5%. Zontto Product*- 24 7% 7S 7k
Approximate Salt* of Stocks mi the N. T. Stock Exchaage.
11:00 A.M. 400.000 12:OU Noon._ . 830.000
1:00 PM. ... 1.040.000 Z:00 P.M.. 1 250.000
Dividend rates as even in .ns %nov» .able art he .oousi cash
oarments baker on tbe itte.t ouertenr or balNreariy declaration.
» Unit i»i traenu eu than 100 aharea. t Annuel rate—not
Ineludlns extras * Accumulated dividends a Paid -.hi* rear.
a Paid last veer_dComneniae reported la receiver thin or be in*
reorganised, s At dividend.
Regain Fractions to Two or
More Points of Losses
Suffered Monday.
Stock Averages
. 30 15 15 60
Indust. Ralls OMI 8tks
Net change.+ 1.0 +.6 +.5 +.8
Today, noon 93 9 36 9 50.6 68.7
Prev. day... 92.9 36.3 50.1 67.9
Month ago. 96.9 38.5 51.7 70.8
Year ago... 72.5 29.0 43.2 54 3
1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8
1936 low_ 73.4 30.2 43 4 55 "
1935 high... 76.3 31.2 44 7 56.1
1935 low_ 49.5 18.5 21.6 34 8
1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9
1929 high...146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7
1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8
(Compiled by the Associated Presa.)
Associated Press Financial Writer.
NEW YORK, December 22—Stocks
pranced over a recovery route in to
day’s market and retrieved fractions
to 2 or more points of their Monday's
While concern was still shown over
strikes in motor parts plants and other
lines, less nervousness was displayed
regarding the chance of serious walk
outs in major automobile factories and
steel centers.
With the exception of occasional
flurries which pressed the ticker tape,
dealings were comparatively light.
Transfers were around 1,750,000 shares,
A sharp upturn of copper issues co
incided with briskly advancing prices
for the staple.
Steel stocks were well out in front,
as were favored oils, rails, utilities and
Prominent share gainers included
Anaconda, Kennecott, Phelps-Dodge
American Smelting, International
Nickel, Inspiration, Calumet & Herla,
United States Steel, Bethlehem. Re
public. Youngstown Sheet & Tube,
Vanadium, Sears-Roebuck. Santa Fe
Southern Pacific. Northern Pacific,
American Telephone. Western Union,
Deere, International Harvester, Texas
Corp , Barnsdall. Seaboard Oil, Stand
ard Oils of Indiana and California,
Westing house. Allied Chemical,
Goodrich, Virginia-Carolina Chemi
cal. Commercial Solvents, Canada
Dry. Wesson Oil & Snowdrift, Yellow
Truck, Tennessee Corp., American
Shipbuilding, New Haven and United
States Industrial Alcohol.
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. December 22.—With
pre-holiday influence restricting fresh
trading, cotton was quiet today and
prices slightly lower. Commission
house liquidation and foreign selling
supplied contracts for the demand,
limited principally to trade account.
March eased from 12.18 to 12.14 and
sold at 12.15 in midafternoon, when
prices generally were 1 to 4 points net
Futures closed steady. 5-9 lower.
. High low Close.
January _12.14 12.07 12.oh
March .. _12.1* 12.In 12.11-12
May - 12.06 12.01
July _ _ 11.9* 1190 11.on
October - 11.61 11 53 11.55
December_11.5* 115; 11.57-58
Spot steady, middling. 12.Tl.
New Orleans Prices.
NEW ORLEANS. December 22 up..—Cot
ton sagged a lew points at the start ot
trading today and some pre-holiday liqui
dation found few takers.
The losses were held to less than 25
cents a bale. March opened at 12.lo.
May at 12.02 July at 11.90 and October
at 11.57.
Liverpool was steady. English traders
expected prices to remain fairly well
stabilized until after the first of the year
New Orleans business consisted almost
entirely of long liquidation taken by trade
buying. There was a little hedging in
later months.
Cottonseed oil opened steady: Decem
ber 10.6Kb: January lo.67b: March.
10 74b: May. 10 87b. July. 10.90b.
Liverpool Quotations.
LIVERPOOL. December 22 —Cotton.
•>0.000 bales, including 23.700 American.
Spot, moderate business done: prices 3
points lower. Quotations tn pence Ameri
can. strict good middling 7.73: good
middling. 7.43: strict middling. 7.13;
middling 6.93: strict low middling 6 6S;
low middling. 6.21: strict good ordinary.
5 91: good ordinary. 5.61. Futures closed
steady. December. 6.69: January, vi.*>7 :
Marcn. 6 68: May. 6.66: Juls-, 6.61; Oc
tober. 6.37.
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. December 22 —Jolted by
the United States Government re*
port indicating unprecedented huge
seeding of wheat, prices for that cereal
plunged down 3% cents a bushel maxi
mum today.
July wheat, which represents the
new 1937 crop, was under the great
est selling pressure, and led the
break in prices. Despite the heavy
selling, however, there was strong ab
sorbtion of offerings on each fresh
At the close wheat was 2%-3%
cents under yesterday’s finish, Decem
ber. 1.35%-38; May, 1.2978-1.30; corn,
•>4-114 off. December. 1.08%-%; May,
new, 1.04%-%; oats, 1%-1% down,
and rye showing 3%-3%. loss. Provi
sions results were 12 to 22 cents lower.
Open High. Low. Close.
Dec. __ 1.3H% 1.37% 1.35% 1.35%-%
May_T.30% J.31% 1.29% 1 29%-3o
July 1.15 1.15% 1.14 1.14%-%
Dec. -- 1.09% 1.09*2 1.08 1.08%-%
May. new 1.04% 1.05 1.04% 1.04%-%
Old . 1.03% 1.03’, 1.02% 1.02%-%
Juiv. new l.oi% 101’, l.oo% i.oo%-’.
Old .90% 4*9’, .98% .98%
Dec. _ .51’, .51% .50’, .50’,
May _ .50% .50% .49% .49%-%
July .45 .45% .44 .44%
Dec. 1.51
May 1.57 1.57 1.53% 1.53%
July 1.53% 1.53% 1.52 1.52
Dec.YET. 1.14% 1.15% 1.12'/, 1.12%
May 1.11 J.11% 1.09 1.09
July 1.05 1.05% 1.03 1.03
Dec. _ __ .94
May . _ _ .85
Dec. 1340 13.40 13.30 13.30
Jan._ 13.37 13.40 13.27 13.32
Mch. __ 13.05 13.H5 13.52 13.52
May 13.87 13 90 13.72 13,72-75
July 14.07 14.10 13.97 13.97
Dec. 10.12
Jan._16.15 _ _ 16.15
Chicago Cash Market.
Cash wheat, No 1 dark hard, 1:41:
No. 2 mixed, 1.35%. Corn, No. 4
mixed, 1.05; yellow, 1.10; No. 3 yel
low, 1.06 Vial .08; No. 4 yellow. 1.02% a
1.06%; No. S white, l.lQal.ll: No. 4
white, 1.07Vial.10. Oats. No. 1 white,
53%a54%; No. 2 white. 52;,a53%;
No. 3 white, 51'2a52. Rye, No. 2,
1.19. Soy beans. No. 2 yellow, 1.53a
1.55%. Barley feed. 60a88 nominal;
malting, 1.00al.40 nominal. Timothy
seed. S.85a6.10 hundredweight; new,
5.60&5.85 hundredweight. Clover
seed, 24.00a3l.00 hundredweight. .
Winnlpe Price*.
WINNIPEG. December 22 (Ab —Grain
range today: Prev.
WHEAT— High. Low Close. cloae.
December 1.23% 1.21% 1.22 124%
May 1.23% 1.21% 1.21 ’*-22 1 24%
July . 1.19V, 1.17% 1.17’*-18 1.20b*
December .51 .50 .50% .514*
Baltimore Quolatiops.
BALTIMORE. December 22 'Ab.—Wheat.
No 2 red Winter, garlicky, apot. domeettp.
1.40%; December, 1,40V*.
/ J