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PLANS FUND DRIVE Contributions From Million Jews to Aid Work in Pal estine Sought. Plans for a campaign to obtain con tributions from 1,000.000 Jews in the United States for the rebuilding of Palestine were outlined by Mrs. Sam uel Schulsinger, national board mem ber of the Senior Hadassah. at to day's meeting of the Junior Hadassah organization. In session at the May flower Hotel. The convention opened Friday and trill conclude tonight with election of new officers. Delegates last night heard Rabbi Edward L. Israel of Bal timore accuse Russian communism of failing to respect minorities and witn “sacrificing individual characteristics.” Mrs. Schculsinger urged all Zionists In America to "pay the shekel." which Is a tax to support the organization's activities throughout the world. Will Launch Campaign. “This year the Zionist organization, under the auspices of the United States Central Shekel Board, is launching an extensive shekel cam paign with a goal of enlisting 1,000, 000 shekel payers,” Mrs. Schulsinger said. "This campaign must become a mobilization of Jewish public opin ion for Zionist action. In this, the Zionist organization will demonstrate to the world its inflexible determina tion to carry forward with the work of building Palestine in the face of all obstacles and difficulties.” Mrs. Schulsinger said only 3 per cent of American Jewry is now pay ing the shekel, terming it the poorest showing of any major country In the world. She announced that this year, for the first time, the Senior and Junior Hadassahs will vote on a slate of dele gates from their own ranks, without affiliation with any other Zionist group, to represent them at the World Zionist Congress to be held next Au gust in Switzerland. $80,800 Raised in Year. The annual report of the treasurer of Junior Hariassah, made today, showed that $80,800 was raised dur ing the fiscal year ended July 1, 1936. for Palestine work and for adminis tration and education in the United States. Of this amount $63,000 was 6ent to Palestine for the support of three Hadassah educational Institu tions there. The budget, adopted yesterday, pro vided $75,500 for the Palestinian projects and the Jewish National Fund. Zionist land purchasing agency In Palestine. It represents a 26 per cent increase over last year's budget. Rabbi Israel. In his address, con trasted the Soviet form of govern THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Partly cloudy and colder, lowest temperature tonight about 38 degrees: tomorrow cloudy, probably followed by rain in afternoon or at night: moderate north to north vest winds. Maryland—Partly cloudy and colder tonight: tomorrow cloudy, probably followed by rain. Virginia—Cloudy tonight; probably rain tomorrow, and in southwest por tion tonight; colder tonight. West Virginia—Occasional rain be ginning late tonight or tomorrow; colder tonight. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers Clear today. Report for Last 24 Hour*. Temperature. Barometer. Saturday— detres. inches. 4 P.m- 61 30.38 s pm- 60 30.41 Midnitht _ 46 30.36 Bund ay— 4 a m.... 44 30.33 ' 8 a m. .. 45 30.34 Noon _ 61 30.25 4 o.m_ Ro 30.18 * p.m... «n 30.10 12 midnight _ 63 30.14 Todav— 4 a m_ 68 30 16 8 a m_ 57 30.22 Noon _ .. 60 30.27 Record for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Hirhest 65. at 3 o.m. yesterday. Year arc. 28. Lowest. 66. at 6 a m. today. Year ago. 18. Record Temperatures This Year. Hirhest. 105. on July 10 Lowest 0 on January 23 Humidity for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 80 per cent, at 5 a m today Lowest. 53 per cent, at 3:45 p.m. yes terday. Tide Tablet. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) _ . Today. Tomorrow. High —__ 7:55 a m. 8:47 a m. Lew- 2:18 a m. 3:08 a.m. High-— 8:17 p.m. P:07 p.m. Low - 2:31 p.m. 3:23 p.m. The Son and Moon. . Rises. Sets. Sun today _ 7:20 4:5.1 Bun tomorrow _ . 7:26 4:54 Moon today 5:43 p.m. 7:42 a.m. Automobile lights must be turned on ene-half hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in Inches tn the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1936. Ave'ge. Record. January -5.87 3.55 7.09 ’82 February- 3.83 3.27 6.84 ’84 Mareh.. 4 47 3.75 8.84 '91 April- 1.98 3.27 9.13 ’89 May - 5.78 3.70 10.69 '89 June - 2.29 4.13 10.94 '00 July - 4.07 4.71 10.83 ’86 August -3.61 4.01 14.41 '28 September- 1.98 3.24 17.45 ’34 October ...- 1.71 2.84 8.57 '85 November_ 0.76 2.37 S.6H ’80 December - 3.62 3.32 7.58 ’01 Weather In Various Cities. , Temp. Rain Stations BaroH'h.Low.fall. Weath'r Abilene. Tex . 30.08 rs 44 Cloudy Albany. N. Y.. 30.12 56 46 Cloudy Atlanta. Ga. _ 30.22 66 54 0.38 Cloudy Atlantic City _ 30.20 56 48 0.02 Cloudy Baltimore. Md.. 30.22 64 52 0.04 Cloudv Birmingham 30.16 66 58 0.34 Cloudy Bismarck. N.D. 30.22 6 0 . Cloudy Boston, Mass. 58 52 Clear Buffalo. N. Y. 30.34 56 32 0.06 Clear Charleston. S.C. 30.28 6K 54 Cloudy Chicago. 111. 30.40 54 32 n.20 Cloudy Cincinnati, Ohio 30.36 «o 38 o.36 Cloudy Cleveland. Ohio 30.40 64 34 0.38 Cloudy Columbia, S. C. 30.30 72 58 _ Cloudy ■ a Sonnvsayings «■ T I 'spect I woulda been a pretty tall feller by now if I hadn't kep’ my legs weared off runnln' errands! ment with Zionism and said the Rus sians adhere to some Hebraic Ideals. “In creating Blro-Bidjan as a Jewish autonomous state in Russia, communism subscribes to the Zionist dictum that there can be no solution to the Jewish problem without the Jewish possession of actual territory,” said the rabbi. “By its restrictions, however, communism nullifies the whole idea. We find that communism Joes not respect minorities except when they are willing to sacrifice their Individualist characteristics to adapt themselves to the Communist pat tern.” CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Meeting, Ladles’ Auxiliary. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. TOMORROW. Luncheon, Clvltan Club, Mayflower, 12:30 p.m. . Luncheon, Optimist Club, May flower, 12:30 pm. Smoker, Phi Alpha Delta law Fra ternity, Mayflower, 8:30 p.m. Luncheon, undergraduates. Dart mouth College, Harrington Hotel 12:30 p.m. Dance, Shepherds of Bethlehem, La Fayette Hotel 10 p.m. " Meeting, Delta Phi Sigma, La Fay* ette, 8:30 p.m. Party, Columbia Chapter, Women of the Moose. 1414 I street, 8 p.m. Florida Cotton Production. Florida farmers harvested 32,000 bales of cotton from 90,000 acres in cultivation last July 1. Report on Race Superiority . Is Suppressed in Moscow I 87 the Associated Press. MOSCOW, December 26.—A politi cal-scientific controversy between pro ponents and opponents of the theory that some races are superior to others —which orthodox Marxist doctrine rejects—attracted wide attention In Moscow today. It centered In the all-union congress of psychiatrists and followed suppres ■ion of a report to the congress deal ing with this theory. It was charged that G. N. Kaminsky, commissar of public health, had In fluenced congress officials to destroy the report to prevent circulation of an attack on Prof. Solomon G. Levlt, who was recently expelled from the Communist party and denounced as a “false scientist" by the official press because he defended the doctrine of racial superiority. Levit, head of the famous Medleo Genetlc Institute, and well known in American scientific circles, recently stirred up a controversy in scientific circles by his acceptance of what or thodox Communists call the "Fascist theory of race superiority." He wag attacked because his views on biologi cal determination among races, the role of heriditary traits and biological explahations for crime were contrary to Marxist doctrine. Prof. M. B. Krol in a contribution to the suppressed report denounced Levit and called for a "merciless fight against such false science." One thou sand copies of the report were seized at the printer's and destroyed. Scientists meeting In the psychia trists’ congress warned against ac ceptance and admiration for “such Fascist racial nonsense." Pravda, or gan of the Communist party, severely criticized Kaminsky for defending Levit. Accidents Kill 100,000 Yearly. Statistics show that each year some 100.000 persons are killed and 0.500,000 injured in accidents In America. esolved that we, owners and operators of District Grocery Stores, will ful fill your expectations as providers of quality foods during 1937. Our aims are united in one common goal, making our resolution another expression of service to. the community. Resolved: that we will foster the standards of "better living" to provide more enjoyment for every family. Resolved: that we will continue to offer you the con veniences of shopping by telephone and free delivery. Resolved: that we will be guided by the principles of fairness and individual economy in the prices of foods. Resolved: that we, YOUR NEIGHBORS, will help make 1937 a HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR ONE AND ALL! I . * D. G. S. All-Pork SAUSAGE MEAT A 100all-pork product made under U. S. Government supervi sion. Seasoned just right by expert sausage makers. Rushed to our stores FRESH DAILY! Fancy Flome-Dressed Fresh Hams PALACE BRAND Sliced Bacon -.. SUNSHADE COUNTRY STYLE Roll Butter * 39c The finest quality money can buy. Cut fro m corn-fed young porkers which have been locally killed and dressed. Bake a ham for Sunday’s dinner. Your family will enjoy the juicy white meat that is so appetizing. Fancy Home-Dressed A Fresh Shoulders lb C BRANDYWINE mWC - -lb 3 3 Sliced' / KRAFT'S Old English Cheese D. G. S. Butter.,b 41c Ayrshire Butter.n 43c Selected Eggs.iot- 39c IU S. Gov't. Graded & Dated Sunshade EGGS dM 4 7C U. S. Standard*, Large Retail Grad* B r“HS CRAPE JUICE a18‘ = 33‘ Unsweetened Pineapple Juice “r 9C -12‘ ORANGE JUICE ”.v 11‘ ?^cv Fruit Cocktail 17c £SS Plum Pudding ■£ 25e SSS APPLE SAUCE No. 2 AC - can FANCY, SOLID-RIPE, FRESH CUBAN FANCY U. S. NO. 1 DRY New Potatoes - - 4ib* 25c Yellow Onions - - - 2 5e Sweet, Juicy Florida MT HV ORANGES 0 7 U. S. NO. 1 FANCY DELICIOUS.OR CAPE COD EATMOR BRAND Stayman Apples 3 lbs. 19' Cranberries - - -19' ............. . ... OLD VIRGINIA , tar 1 *5 C SCHINDLER'S lh tar 71 C CAMPFIRE lh nlcr 17c MARSHMALLOWS - lb- pk*' I # LANG'S FRESH .. . 1 Ac CUCUMBER PICKLES_ 13 01 • J*r I U6 Fancy French ^ lbi. IQc CANDY MIX ^ 1 ^ Shurfine lb. COFFEE_ ** + SomZ.* 23* Wilkin* “ if: Orange Pekoe Tea_ j3b TRU-BLU 12 ox. lAc BEER OR ALE_«“ ■ W Arrow Boer or Ale-12 ox. eon lOe NEW YORKER A w* BEER_T ,ew,u) JLy Beer In Mart D. C. Staroa Bllchtly Hither 1b MS. bbS Vo. Stare* ROCK CREEK 3 l(C. hots. ^ CC GINGER ALE_3 (coats.) mm J SUBURBAN CLUB O GINGER ALE_9 <«■*>» CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICE_“B FLORIDA GOLD n«. * | ?c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE “B KRAFT'S *. 7Qc MAYONNAISE»r £.* SUNSHINE Edgemont Smacks^-*m- pkg 10c Martini Butter Wafers-pk*- 14c Notional Biscuit Co.'s Uneeda Biscuits-2 pk8® 9c Social Tea Biscuits-pk*- 10c KIRKMAN'S Soap Chips or ice. IQ Granulated Soap-***• ■ GOLD DUST •m. pkg. 5C Pkg- ] 9C SILVER 5 pkgs 57c