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CAPITAL TRANSIT 11-Month Total of $2,162 Compares With $385,855 in 1935 Period. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Total net income of the Capital Transit Co. in the first 11 months of 1936 amounted to $2,162.85, compared with $385,855.38 in the like period in 1935, a decrease of $383,692.53, or 99.4 per cent, according to the November financial statement filed with the Public Utilities Commission this noon. While operating revenues in the 11 months revealed a gain of more than $951,000, or 11 per cent, operating expenses mounted still faster, with an Increase of $988,864.39, or 15 per cent, the figures revealed. Taxes were 10 per cent higher than last year and depreciation up 32 per cent, the latter showing an increase of $226,924.36. Revenue passenger traffic during the 11 months disclosed a very sub stantial increase. The number of rev enue passengers carried by the transit company totaled 155.233.893. against 138.689,503 in the comparable period In 1935, a gain this year of 16,544.390, or 11.9 per cent. Net income in November totaled $5,249.33. against $11,290.10 in No vember, 1935, a decrease of $6,041.77, or 53.5 per cent, today's report showed. Retail Trade Still Below 1929. Climaxed by Christmas selling closely approaching the 1929 volume, retail sales during the year 1936 will total between $37,500,000,000 and $38,000, 000.000. an increase of about 14 per cent over 1935. but still 24 per cent under the 1929 total, according to pre liminary estimates announced by the American Retail Federation, in the National Press Building. Statistics gathered by Federal Re serve Banks, Department of Com merce and other recognized agencies registered material increases each month in 1936 over 1935, and the Thanksgiving-Christmas sales, which taxed the selling capacities of many stores, lifted the closing months to high levels and boosted the year's total. Sales during November and December are expected to reach $8,000,000,000. Sales in those two months in 1929 totaled about $8,700, 000.000. Estimates based on statistics for the first 11 months of 1936. supplemented by regional reports on December busi ness. show that the dollar value of food store sales in 193S was within 20 per cent of the 1929 total; general merchandise group within 21 per cent; apparei, 30 per cent; automo tive, including filling stations. 20 per cent; furniture-household, 45 per cent; lumber-builriing-hardware. 40 per cent; drug stores, 22 per cent, and jewelry stores within 45 per cent of the 1929 sales volume. Department store sales in 1936 were Within 17 per cent of the 1929 total, variety stores within 7 per cent and catalogue sales of mail-order estab lishments within 9 per cent. On tonnage or quantity basis, merchan dise sold in 1936 will approach the 1929 total on account of lower price levels. The trend of most retail buying in dexes during the last three months fif 1936 has more sharply advanced than in the preceding months, the Federation statement said, indicating continued gains in the early months Of 1937. Bankers' Council to Meet. The December meeting of the Coun cil of Administration of the District | Bankers’ Association is called for to morrow afternoon at headquarters in the Bond Building. Among special matters to be considered will be final plans for the January open meeting of the entire association. Latest reports from Karl W. Corby, president of the association, who is .confined to his home with illness, are (highly favorable. He is improving Rteadily. First Vice President Thomas J. Groom is looking after association ► flairs and keeping in close touch with Mr. Corby in order to carry out all his plans for the year's activities. The bankers hold their weekly luncheon tomorrow instead of Friday which happens to be New Year day. (The Friday luncheon on Christmas day (was omitted, with the idea that the two holiday luncheons would be com bined in one this week. Directors of Woodward & Lothrop pave declared the regular quarterly (dividend of $1.75 per share on the Preferred stock and the regular 37 ’/a pent dividend on the common stock: also an extra disbursement of 6212 Cents a share on the common. All three dividends are payable December 29 to stockholders of record Decem ber 22. Notable Recovery Reported. Secretary Roper of the Commerce Department reports to Congreas through President Roosevelt that eco nomic recovery broadened very rap idly and substantially during the year ended June JO. He will issue another review covering the last six months in r few days. In the current report Secretary Roper pointed specifically to a 20 per tent increase in manufacturing dur ing the fiscal year; a 10 per cent in crease in freight traffic and a 75 per pent increase in construction contracts ►warded. Other increases were; In dustrial production, 17 per cent; cash Income from farm marketings, 12 per £ent; electric power production, 13 |>er cent; department store sales, 8 per cent; factory employment. 5 per pent; factory pay rolls, 16 per cent, ►nd wholesale prices, 2.5 per cent. Heard in Financial District. Following the three-day holiday, brokerage houses here were crowded before today’s opening of the New jyork Stock Exchange. Traders wit nessed a very active start, with prices generally higher than on last Thurs day. A new type of bond Issue for in stitutional investors is described in a brochure just issued by the Washing ton office of Harriman Sc Keech, piembers of the New York Stock Ex change. The securities are known as large-scale housing bonds, which are Insured as to principal and interest •t 3 per cent by the Federal Housing Administration. Average daily sales of chain drug stores in November were 1 per cent higher than those in November, 1935, the Department of Commerce reports. Average dally sales of chain men’s wear sales in November were about 20 per cent higher than those in No vember last year. Western Maryland Railway reports for 11 months ended November 30. 1936, net Income of $1,446,908 after taxes and charges, equal to $8.15 a share on 177,420 shares of 7 per cent first preferred stock on which there are dividend accumulations. This compares with $817,653, or $4.61 a Chare, on first preferred stock in 11 months ended November 30, 1935. .. - . • --- - - ■ TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Print# Wtre Direct to The Star. 2:15 PA Prev 1036 Stock end Sales— Net Blah. LOW Dividend Rate. Add 00. Big A Low Close, ohge. 744 69 Acme Steel (4) ... 1 644 644 644 +4 154 94 Adams Exp <a55c). 43 16 144 144 + 4 854 174 Adams Milllstal4) 3 254 244 244 +4 374 224 Addreee'yrapbi 1). 1 354 354 354 + 4 214 14 Advance Rumley_ 2 34 34 34 864 58 Air Reduotlon <«1). 12 754 734 74 -2 64 2 Air-Way Eleo Appll 6 44 4 4 174 13 Alaska Jnn lt«0o). 61 144 144 144-4 54 24 Alley Corp <d>- 87 44 4 4 -4 614 124 Alley pfwISOvr «d). 11 474 464 464 -14 604 124 Alleg pf WS40W Id). 1 46 46 46 +4 544 27 Allot prpf(d) .. 4 43 40 40 -34 404 264 Allot Steel (al.65). 7 384 374 374 -4 345 157 Allied Cbemid .. 5 229 226 226 -2 34 23 Allied Mllle <eS0e). 13 32 314 314 -4 204 64 Allied Stores(a20c). 16 174 17 174 774 354 Allls-Chalm (T14). 15 754 744 75 -4 344 194 Alpha Port C<Al4) 1 304 304 304+4 ft** * Amai beatner-_ z » t> a 125% 75 Amerada t'orp (2). 13 103 99 99 —2 55% 36 Am Bank Not# <tl) 12 40 38% 39%-% 73 65 Am Bnk Note pf IS) 50t 65% 65 65 — V« 68% 40 Am Brake Sh (t2)_. 10 70% 69 69%+ % 140 124 Am Brakes pf 6Vi. 60. 141 139 141 +2 137% 110 Am Can <t41 _ 4575*115% 113% 113%-1 169% 162% Am Can pf (7>_ 1 173 173 173 +4 59% 30 Am Car * Foundry. 9 69 58% 68% 98% 57% Am Car * Fdry pf_ 1 97% 97% 97% -1% 78% 31 Am Chain (a4)_ 4 74% 73% 74 +1 16% 7% AmColortyp. .. 4 15 14% 14%—% 35% 20% Am Cornel A1 <a50c) 6 27 26% 26%-% 32 16% Am Crystal S(a5Uc) 6 27% 26% . 27 101 89 Am CrysS 1st pf(6) 30s 98% 98% 98%-% 7*i 3% Am Encaustic.:... 29 7% 7% 7% + % 9% 6% Am A Foreign Pwr. 15 7% 6% 6% — % 60% 25 An A Pur Pw (I pf. 2 45% 45% 45% +1 60% 29% Am A For Pw 17 pf. 7 67V* 55 55 - % 22% 12 Am A For Pw 2d pf. 2 20% 19% 19% 21% IS Am Hawaiian 11).. 4 17% 17% 17%-% 8% 4% Am Hide * beatber 22 6% 6% 6% 51% 37 Am Home P (t2.40). 2 48% 48 48 - V* 4% 2% Am lee _ 53 2% 2% 2% - % 24 16% Am Ice pf (2) 1 18 18 18 15% 9% Am Intmat’l (a40c) 11 14 13% 13% - % 48% 28% Am bocomotlve 4 45% 44% 44% —1% 122% 66 Am bocomo pf (J3). 1 117% 117% 117% + % 29% 21 Am Mach&Fdvttl) 8 22% 22% 22%-% 15 10 Am Mach A Met 60a 1 11% 11% 11%-% 54% *27 Am Metals pf(6) .. 9 63% 51% 53% + % 134 120 Ant Metals p( (116) 1 120 120 120 +2 69 35% Am News (NS) (1) 1 66% 66% 66%+ % 14% 7% Am Power A bight. 26 11% 11% 11%-% 74% 36% Am PwrAbt pf (6). 6 68% 68% 68% - % 87% 43 Am Pwr&bt pf (6). 4 82% 81% 81%+% 27% 18% Am Kadiator(T60c) 80 26% 24% 25 + % 37 23% Am Koll M itl.20). 41 35 34% 34% - % 39% 31 Am Saf Razor (t2)_ 3 32% 32 32% + % 28% 18 Am Seatingta2%).. 3 23% 23% 23% - % 45% 25% Am Shipblds < 21 S70e 45 44 44 — % 103 56% Am Smelt&Ref (3). 16 94% 93% 93% -1% 108V, 104 Am Sm&Ref pf (6). 2 107% 107% 107% + % 152% 136% Am Sm&Ref pf (7). 3 149% 147 149% +2% 73% 57% Am Snuff (tJ> 1 65 65 65 61% 20% Am Steel Fdry (al) 41 59% 57% 59% +1% 145V, 107% Am Steel Fy pf (7). lOe 112 112 112 +% 36 24% Am Storee (2)_ 7 25% 24% 24%-% 63% 48V* Am Sugar (1)_ 9 53 52% 52% — % 190% 149% Am Tel A Telag 49) 15 186% 184% 184% - % 102% 87 Am Tobacco (6)_ 9 94 92% 93%-% 104 88% Am Tobacco B (6)_ 14 96% 95 95 -% 150 136 Am Tobacco pf (6). 3 146 146 146 -% 18 8% Am Type Founder#. 34 17% 16% 16% + % 27% 19% Am Wat Wkse«llo_ 21 25V* 24% 24% - % 108% 92% Am Wat W 1st (6).. 1 101 101 101 11V* 7% Am Wootan _ 3 9’* 9% 9% — % 70% 52% Am Woolen pf (J4). 2 64% 63 63 -1% 2 % Am Writ Paper id> 6 1% 1% IV* - % 10 4% Am Writ Pap pf id) 3 7% 7% 7% - % 7% 3% Am Zinc A i*ead 23 7V* 7 7 — % 50 24 Am Zinc & b pr pf.. 1 45 45 45 — 1% 55% 28 Anaconda Cop (tl). 80 54% 53 53% + % 87 35 Anaconda Win T2_ 2 88 87% 88 -rl 26% 15% Anchor Cap .600 — 8 18% 18% 18%-% 43 9 Andes Copper_ 2 33% 33 33 7 3 A P W Paper _ 3 5 5 5 - % 50 37 Archer-Dan-M <t2). 1 42% 42% 42% — % 110% 105% Armour Del pf (7). 4 108% 107% 107% — % 7% 4% Armour (Illinois) 32 7 6% 6% — % 84 66% Arm'rl llllpr pf <«> 1 82 82 82 — V« 62% 47V* Armstrong C’k tl% 5 59% 59% 59% 18% 7% Arnold Const (60oi. 8 15% 15% 15% H % 22% 8% Artloom Corp _ 4 14% 14% 14% + % 27% 12% Asao Drv Good* 11 22% 20% 20% -1 1*2 102 Assoc D G lstpf(6). 1 100 100 100 -2 124 98 Asso D (j 2d pt -. 1 114% 114% 114% -1% 88% 59 Atch Toft S FeaJ 37 70V. 69%, 69%+% 107 90% Atch ToftS Fe pf (5) 1 103% 103% 103% - V* 49 21% Atl CoastLlne(al).. 10 45 44 44 + % 35% 26% Atlantic Itetin (tl). 46 31% 31V* 31%—% 84 48 Atlas Powder 1 73 73 73 34% 14 Atlas Tack ts75c>— 1 16% 15% 15%-% 54V* 26% Auburn Auto - 3 30 29V* 29% -1 7% 4% Aviation Core (Dell 34 6% 6% 6% + % 11% 2% Baldwin Loco (d) 17 9% 9% 9% - % 94% 29% Baldwin Loco pfld) 5 90 88 89% +2% 9V» 2% Baldwin Loasdid). 7 8 7% 7% 26% 16V* Baltimore ft Ohio _ 38 21% 20% 20%+ % 41V* 21 Baltimore ft Ob pf 6 35 34 34 + % 49% 40% Bang & Aroos <2%) 8 40 40 40 -1% 118 109% Bang ft Aroos pf(7) 90s 109% 109% 109% — V* 38% 21 Barber Co (a7ac)-— 25 36% 35V* 35% - V* 28% 13V* Barker Brothers 4 27 26 26% + V* 28V* 14% Barnsdall Oil (*0c) 115 28% 27% 27%-% 22% 16% Bayuk Cigara t75c 4 18% 18 18 — % 28% 18 Beatrice Cream(tl) 3 25% 26 25 - % 105 100 Beatrice pt ww (51 1 101 101 101 -1% 110 85 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4) 1111 111 111 +1 16% 13 Bevung Hem <11 2 1.3% 13% 13% 32% 21% Bendiz Avlat(al%) 36 26 25% 25%-% 25V* 20 Beneficial D itlVil. 1 22% 22% 22%+ % 72 48 Best & Co (2% ) .. 2 62 61% 61% — % 76% 45% Bethlehem Stl aIV*. 87 75% 74% 74%-% 20 16% Beth Sti 6% pfll).. 4 19% 19% 19%+% 135% 107% Bethlehe Stl pf (7»_. 2 127% 127% 127% - % 65 23 Bigelow-San (tl).. 1 62% 62% 62V, -1 34 18% Black & Decker 25e 11 34 33% 33% 23% 14% Blaw-Knoz (a80c).. 33 23% 23 23V* + % 87% 16% Boeing*Airplane _ 35 34V. 33 33% + % 63% 40% Bohn AlumftBr i3>. 18 41% 40% 40% - % 100% 80% Bon Ami (A) (a5)__ 20a 87% 86% 86% - H 32% 25% Borden Co (1 60)_ 34 26% 25% 25'.-% 90% 64 Borg-Warner (4)_ 6 77V* 75% 75V, -IV, 11% 6 Boston ft Maine_ 4 8 7% 7% + % 5% 1% Botany Min A (d).. 5 3% 31, 3V* + % 18% 12% Brldgp't Brass t40o 50 18 17V* 17% + % 64V, 43% Brlgga Mfg lt2) 19 56% 54% 54% -IV* 69 47 Briggs ft Strat (3) 2 48V* 48 48 -1% 50% 41 Bristol-Myers t2.40 2 42 41% 41%-% 58V* 40V* Bklyn Man Tr (4). 31 51% 60V, 51 — % 12V* 4% Bklvn ft yueena 4 6% 6% 6% - % 51% 33% Bklyn ft Qns pf(fS). 3 34% 34% 34% 57 44% Bklyn Un Uas t*»._ 7 47 46% 46% -1% 65% 45 Brown Shoe (3) 2 47 47 47 21% 8% Brunawlck-Balk*.- 12 20 19% 20 + % 21% 8% Bucyrus-Ena_ 29 21% 21 21 - % 15V. 9% Budd (EG) Mfg .. 18 13% 12% 12%-% 115% 85 Budd (EG) Mfg pf 1 100% 100>; 100% -3% 14 8% Budd Wheel (a20c). 8 10 9% 9V* - y* 84% 20V* Bullard Co (al Vi).. 2 32% 32% 32% 59% 11% Bulova Watch ... 2 53% 53 53 -% 34% 25 Burr Ad Mch(,60c) 31 32% 31% 31% - % 9 2% Bush Terminal id) 4 7% 7 7 + % 16% 7% Butler Bros <a60c) 4 14V. 13% 13% - % 33% 29% Butler Bros pf 1V4 7 29% 29% 29%-% 6% 2% Butte Cop & Z(a5c). 8 5% 5% 6% — % 29 16% Byers (A Ml 19 28 26V* 27% 86% 54% Byera (A M) pf ... 30s 85 85 85 +% 83V, 22 Byron Jackson tl.. 1 28% 28% 28% — % 48% 30% California Pack 1% 6 48% 46% 46% -IV* 3 % Callahan Zinc-Lead 10 2% 2% 2% + % 16% 6 Calumet ft Hec a7oc 20 15% 15 15 - % 40V* 30 Campbell Wy ttl). 2 34% 33% 34% + % 29 10% Canada Dry G A_ 17 28% 27% 27% - % 16 10% Canadian Pacific_ 71 14% 14% 14%+% 68V* 37 Cannn Mills (at)_ 3 63 61 61 -1 18% 12% Cap Adffl lA) a60(S- 4 15% 15 16 -% 53 45% Cap Adm pf A <3) 10a 52 52 52 9% 6% Carriers ft Gen (30c 12 7% 7% 7% - % 186 92% Case (J 1) Co <4)_ 6 142% 140 141 -4% 143 116 Caao <J 1) Co pi (7) 10s 127% 127% 127% 91 54% Caterpillar Trac f 8. 9 88% 88 88% 32% 21% Celanese Corp al%. 10 26% 26% 26%-'% 116 106 Cel of Am pr pf A 7. 1 108 108 108 + % 37 19 Celotex Corp . 1 36% 36% 36% - % 36% 26% Cent Agrulre < *1 %) 12 35% 34 36% +1% 9% 6% Central Foundry Co 11 8% 8% 8% + % 57 35 Central RRolNJ. 2 37 35% 35% - % 74 47% Cerro de Pasco •«) 6 73% 71% 71% — % 18% 8% Certaln-teed Prod . 122 16% 14% 15% +1% 71 57% Certain-teed pf (6). 100s 65 64% 64% +1% 38% 19 Champ Pap* f 11 > 2 35 34% 34%-% 110% 101 Champ Paper pf(6> 70*111 110% 111 + % 100 59 Chesapeake Corpit) 3 86 86 86 — % 77% 51 Chea * Ohio 112.80) 85 66 63% 63% -1% 3% 1% Chi * East 111 Id) . 1 2% 2% 2% 8% 2% Cbl * East 111 pf id) 9 7% 6% 7% + % 2% 1% Cht Urt West td)_ 2 2% 2% 2% -I % 13% 4 ChlOrt W pf Id)... S3 13% 13 18 + % 2% 1% Chi Ml) St PAP Id) 12 1% 1% 1% 6% 2% Cbl U 8t PAP of Id) 17 4% 4% 4% 4% 2% Cbl * N W Id) _ 22 3% 3 3 - % 12% 6% Chi* N W pf Id)... 6 11% 10% 10%-% 24% 12% Cht Pneumatic Tool 8 22% 22 22%+% 65% 40% Chi Pn Tool pf XI %■ 2 62 62 62 — % 3 1% Chi K UfcPao td> 4 2 2 2 8 8% Chi K1*F6« pf td) 13 6 5% 5% - % 8 3% Chi K l*P 1% pf Id) 3 6% 6 6 - % 30% 17% Chlckaah Cot OU_ 2 21 21 21 -1% 14% 7 Childs Co 4 14 12% 12% -1% 51 25 Chile Cooper ID 10a 60 50 60 — % 138% 85% Chrysler Corp(alS) 71120 116% 116% -3% 23 15% City ice* Fuel IS). 8 18% 17% 18%+% 13% 4% City 8torea . 7 9% 8% 8%-1% 46% 23% Clark Equip!tl.60). 9 83 32 32 — % 111% 107% Clev El llln pf '4%.. 60s 111% 111% 111% - % 47% 33 Clay Graph Br IS).. 3 37% 37 37 - % 77% 48 Cluett Peabody (tl) 16 74% 73 73% + % 134 84 Coca-Cola If8)_ 8 123% 123 123%+% 21% 13 Colaata P-P ItEOc). 29 20% 20% 20% 66% 39% Collins* *lk ft... '4 61 60% 60%-1 116% 107% Collins* Aik of IV) 10s 112% 112% 112% - % 48 28% Colo Fuel * Iron... 2 46 43 43 -2% 36% 21 Colo * Southern 170s 21% 20% 20% - % 87% 19% Colo* South lat pf 120s 26% 26 26 - % 28% 14 ColumhO* Ba40o 40 17% 16% 16%-% 108% 90% Col Q * E Pf A 16) 4 105 104% 104% - % 45% 31 Coium Piet yte If1) 8 35% 35 86% + % 61% 24 Coium Pie ay pf I % 4 41 40% 40%-% 186% 94 ColumCarb eteif4) 4 121 119 119 -1 84% 44 Cornel Credit 114)— 86 70% 68 68 -1% - -.-.I*. * *:16p.m. Pm 183n Stock and Sales— Net Blah. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close. Cbge. 91% 66 Com‘1 Invest T <t4) 13 78% 76% 76% —1% 136 87 Cornel In T pf *414) 1117 117 117 +1 24% 14% Comc'l SoIt <t60c)_ 100 20% 19% 19%-% 6% 2% Comw 4k Southern.. 60 3% 3% 3% + % 82 69% Coma £ Sou pf <I>. 6 70% 69% 70 — % 16% 7 Conde Naat Pub .. 1 15 15 15 + % 44% 80% Congoleum N tl.60. 5 37% 36% 36% —1% 33% 15 Conn H£ Lot- 60s 17 17 17 - % 19% 8 Conaol Clrar _ 6 19 18% 18% 95 72% ConC prof ww«% 160a 89 86 86 -2% 85 65% Consol Cigar pf (7) 10* 80 80 80 +1% 48% 27% Conaol Ed N T tl.. 19 43% 42% 43% - % 109 102 Conaol Ed NT or(C) 3 108% 108 108 7% 4% Conaol Film . 4 4% 4% 4% - % 20% 16% Conaol Film pf(J2). 4 16% 16% 16%-% 9% 3% Consol Laundries_ 2 9% 9 9 — % 16% 11% Consol Oil (83c) .. 274 15% 15% 15% + H 12% 6% ConsolK R Cuba pf. 7 10% 9% 10%+% 1% % Consol Taxtlla (d). 14 1% 1 1 9% 2 Cons Coal (Dnl)vtc 31 7% 7 7%.+ % 36% 12% ConaC (Del) of vte 930* 31 29% 80%+% 26% 15% ContainerCorp (tl) 15 21% 20% 20% — % 35% 10% Conn Baaing <A).. 3 31% 29 29 -1% 4 1% Conti Baking (R> 2 3% 3% 3% 109 67% Conti Baking pf<f9> 4 103 103 103 -% 87% 63% Cont I Can (tl) - 50 66% 64% 65 -1% 46 85% Conti Insur (tl.60). 11 41% 40% 40%-% 4 2% Conti Motors 18 3 2% 2% — % 44 28% Conti Oil (Dal)al%. 38 44% 43% 43%-% 46 25 Conti Steal Corp(l) 9 27% 26% 26% -1% 69% 65% Corn Ea BkATr 13) 60a 63 61% 61% -1% 82% 63% Corn Prod Ref 4+3). 36 68% 67% 67%+% 170 158 Corn Prod R pf (7). 2 170 170 170 <% 4 cotv tnc . __ 3 5% 5% 5% — % 50% 24 Crane Co .. 11 47% 47 47% + % 37% 35 Cream of Wh’t (t2) 1 36 36 36 + V* 35% 15% Crosley Radio *114. 4 25 23% 23% -1% 91% 43% Crown Cleft S Call. 14 77 75 75 -1% 49% 44 Crown Ck pf xw 2% 4 47 46% 47 - V* 19% 7% Crown Zelleb'k etc. 6 17% 17 17% - % 60% 28 Crucible Steel 4 53 51 51 -2 126 95% Crucible Stlpf 14%. 1 123 123 123 + % 3% 1% Cuba Co .. 5 2W 2% 2% - % 20 9 Cuba R R pf_ 290s 16 15 15%+ % 14% 6% Cuban-Am Sugar_ 12 12% 12% 12% + % 129 63% Cuban Am Sug pf.. 130* 122 120 122 +2 44% 35% Cudahy Pkg (2%).. 3 38% 38 38 -1 24% 16%Curtla Publishing.. 15 19% 18% 18% 114 99% Curtis Pub pf 47»_4 109 101% 104% -4% »'« 4 Curtiss Wright 44 6% 6% 6% 21% 10% Curtiss-W (A) a5Bo 63 20% 19% 19%+% 83% 43V* Cutler Hammer tl. 4 83% 83 83 — % 108% 107 Dayton T&L pf 4%. 100* 108 108 108 + % 107 52 Deere ft Co . 2231* 105 102% 102% -1% 33% 19% Deisel-Wem-Q 4 tl > 2 28% 28% 28%+ % 54% 36% Delaware ft Hudson 25 43% 42% 42% — % 23% 14% Del Lack ft West 19 17% 16% 16%-% 153 128 Detroit Edison <t4> 1 143 148 148 +1 11% 4 Det ft Mackinac . 10s 10 10 10 +1% 21% 13 Det ft Mackinac pf 150s 20 20 20 +3% 63 42 Devoe ft Rey (A) t3 3 60% 60 60%+ % 40% 30% Diamond Mtch tl% 3 32% 31% 31% — % 34% 18% Dlst t’orp Seag Ltd. 68 27% 27 27 95% 93% Distillers C'p pf(5). 3 93% 93 93 - V» 25 19 Dixie Vortex <i%). 1 20% 20% 20%-% 61% 41% Dome Mines (t2)_ 3 50 49% 60 -% 12% 7% Dominion Stores 2 10% 10% 10% - % 82V* 50% Douglass Aircraft 66 71% 69% 70% +1% 51 29 Dresser MfglAl s3. 1 50 50 50 1% % Duluth S S Atl _ 2 1 1 1 8% 4% Dunhlll interuatl .. 2 7% 7% 7% 184% 133 Du Pont de N 86.10. 18 174% 172% 172% -2 136% 129 Du Pont deb id 2 134 134 134 116 111% Duauesne Lt 1st «&) 250s 114 114 114 -1% 12% 5% Eastern Roll Mills. 3 11% 11% 11%-% 185 156 Kastman Kod it5> 4 172% 172 172 166 352 Kastman Kod pf(t) 30* 160% 160% 160% -1% 40% 28% Eaton Mfg (12)_ 2 35% 35 35 -% 15% 5% Eitlngion Schlld 6 13 12% 12% — % 47% 30% Elec Auto Lite t2.40 15 40% 39% 39'-* -1% 17% 10 Klee Boat <a60c) 24 12% 11% 11% — % 7% 5% El ft Mus Ind alSc.. 13 5% 5% 5% - % 25% 6% Elec Pw ft El . 44 24 23% 23% - % 87% 29% Elec Pw ft Lt S« pf. 1 84 84 84 94% 32% Elec Pw ft Lt »7 pf. 7 90% 89 89 -1 65% 39% Elec Stor Bat a2 %.. 10 42% 41% 41%-% 1% % Elk Horn Coal Id).. 1 1 % 1% 1% — % 6% l’j K>k Horn C pf <d 1 4 5% 5% 5% — % 29V. 22% El Paso Nat G(l.60) 11 27% 26% 26%-% 69 53% Endicott-John ttt) 2 55% 55 55 16% 7% Eng Public Service. 5 15% 15% 15% + % 84% 45% Eng P S *5 pf (110). 1 70 70 70 89', 48 E P S f5 50 wit til. 1 75 72 75 10% 5V4 Eqult Office B alOc. 6 9% 9% 9% — % 18V. 11 Erie R H 14 14% 13% 13% — % 34% 16 Erie R R let pf_... 7 27% 26% 26%-% 29 114 Erie R R 2d pf ... 1 224 224 224 154 12 Eureka V'ae C l*(le) 1 124 124 124 404 234 Evans Troduct <tl>. 4 284 284 284 -4 84 44 Exchsnce Buffo_ 3 44 44 44 54 24 Fairbanks Co __450* 34 3ij 34 _ (4 25 84 Fairbanks Co pf 60s 204 204 204 — 4 714 344 Falrb’ks-Morsel tl) 1 71 71 71 - 4 69 314 Falardo Sugar (2).. 4 674 574 574 + 4 274 I84 Federal Lt ft Trao.. 1 244 244 244 - 4 1014 84 Fed Lt ft Tr pf <«). 60a 1004 1004 1004 +24 124 74 Federal Mot Tr 400. 12 94 84 84 — 4 64 3 Fed Screw Works.. 6 54 54 54 — 4 6 24 Fed Water Sec 1 A). 6 44 44 44 464 204 Fed'd Dept S cal', ) 1 42 42 42 1164 105 Fedtd DScupf44 2 IO64 106 1064 + 4 494 38 Fidel Phoe F I +1 6.1 5 45 44 444 - 4 364 244 Firestone T ft R 12) 12 334 334 334 68-4 40 First Nat Strs ,2 4 . 4 494 484 484 — 4 45 304 Fltntkote Co «1) 25 404 39 394 — 4 26 16 Florence Stove war. 2 16 16 16 324 254 FlorshelmtA) <tl>. 2 324 32 ’324 +1 114 34 Follansbee Bros <d) 4 74 7 7 48 32 Food Machine (1).. 1 474 474 474 444 244 Foster-Wheeler .. 3 43 42 42 -1 474 304 Fourth Nat i s2.35.. 4 46 454 46 + 4 354 234 Freeport SulCo (1). 24 274 27 27 534 314 Fuller Co 2d of ... 50s 44 434 44 74 34 Gabriel Co I A)_ 1 44 44 44 - V4 30 114 Gamewall Co .. 10» 26 26 26 105', 100 Gannett (tv r-f (6) . 20* 105 103 103 -2 174 15Vi Gar Wood Ind a55c_ 2 154 154 154 -4 144 84 Gen Am Inv a75c). 12 13 124 124 — 4 76 42V* Gen Am Transp a3c. 3 73 72 72 —1 20 10*» Gen Bakina (t60c)_ 13 174 17 17—4 114 7 Gen Bronze__ 8 94 94 94 + 4 274 54 Gen Cable_ 10 274 264 264 -14 584 17 Gen Pa Me A - 3 584 574 574 - 4 1284 704 Gen Cable pf 4*7)_ 1 1234 123', 123', 59V, 49 Gen Cigar tt*» — 2 494 494 494+ 4 152 140 Gen Clear pf (7) ._ 10* 1504 1504 1504 -14 634 344 Gen Electric (tl)_ 106 524 52 524 44 334 Gen Foods tl.10)... 34 394 384 384 -4 44 4 Gen Gaa ft Elee (A) 44 24 24 24 -4 704 18 Gen Mills <S> . 4 604 60 60 -S 77 534 Gen Motors <a44). 152 674 644 654 -14 154 54 Gen Outdoors Adv 30 154 144 144 — 4 594 184 Gen Outdoor Adv A. .3 57 554 654 —24 64 34 Gen Pub Service ._ 10 44 44 44 — 4 66 32W Gen R? Signal (1).. 4 524 62 624 +4 44 2 Gen Realty ft Util61 44 4 44 +4 484 264 Gen Realty ft V pf.. 2 45 434 434 - 4 70 33V, Gen Refrac <a3 41 70 70 70 89 324 Gen St. t'astlre pf 210* 804 80 80 +1 314 17 Gen Theatre E <a2). 16 314 294 294 -4 184 134 Gillette SafR (tl). 26 15V* 154 154 90 70 Gillettes R pf (6). 5 87 83 83 -5 274 64 Glmhel Bros . 4 224 214 214 -1 92 84 GImbel Bros pf (C). 1 89 89 89 +4 55V, 394 Olldden Co 42 > . 36 42 404 404+ V, 65 52V, Olldden cv pf(214)- 1 544 544 544 + IV, 74 34 Gobel (Adolf» 10 6 54 64 - 4 10V4 6V« Goebel Brew <t20e) 3 64 64 64 + 4 354 134 Goodrich (BF1 <al » 24 344 33 334 + Vi 864 74 Goodrich (BF)pf (5 ) 2 824 824 824 - 4 314 214 Goodyear T ft R 29 284 274 274 -4 1054 100 Goody r T&R nf <5) 8 1024 102 102 -1 116 87 Goodyear $7 pf (4). 2 1164 1164 1164 +14 144 84 Oothsm Silk Hoe* 5 114 114 114-4 96Vi 77 Goth Silk H pf (7). 10* 96 96 96 +1 44 2 Graham-Pstk* ... 24 3 4 3 4 34 - 4 114 14 Granby (2d stpd)._ 6 64 64 64 — 4 64 34 Grand Dvlon etfs_ 3 44 44 44 -4 43 244 Granite City Stl tl) 7 42 41 42 +14 624 284 Gre.lttW T)(tl.40). 6 434 43 434 +4 464 324 Grt Northern pt 42 414 404 404 - 4 224 16 Grt North’n Ore (1) 38 204 194 20 +4 41 31 Grt West Sun <2.40) 2 394 394 394 —4 1494 136 Grt West Sug pf(7) 30s 145 141 141 -4 394 22 Grsen (H LlCottl) 8 36 354 354 -1 114 144 Greyhound (t80e) n 49 16 154 16 +1 44 14 Guantanamo Sugar 3 34 34 34 66 24 Guantanamo Sue pf 30s 544 54 64 63 284 Gulf Stste* Steel 5 59 584 584 + H a*!* au njcienwc* vyu^i x a» a* a» 15% 6 Hall f W F) Printing 2 14% 14% 14% + V* 32 14 Hamilton Watch 1 26% 26% 26% - % 125% 104 Hamilton W pf <«) 20a 105% 104% 104% - % 105% 100 Hanna (M A) pf (5) 80a 103 103 103 +1 63% 30% Harb-Walker <t2). 18 55 63% 63%+% 18% 12 Hat Corp of Am IA> 1 16% 16% 16% 9 4% Hayee Body 6 6 5% 6 + % 133 99% Hazel Atlas Q1 116) 1 100 100 100 21% 12% Hecker Prod l«0c)_ 40 13 12% 13 41 25% Hercules Mot (tl).. 3 35 34% 34% -1 149% 84 Hercules Pow a5>4. I 148 148 148 +2 135 126 Hercules P of <7 I - 20s 129 129 129 -1 80 68% Hershey Choc (t3). 2 65 64 65 +2 49% 80% Holland Fur (al %) 7 48% 48 48% +1 124 108 HollarnTFura pf«S* 80a 121 121 121 +1 33% 9 HollandftSons t50c. 8 25% 24 24% -1 42 19% Holly 8ukat <t2l— 14 40% 40% 40%+% (44 407 Homestake (t12) „ 1 410 410 410 -6 44% 39% Houd-Hershl A >2% 2 42% 42 42 33 22% Houd-Her <B> »1%. 11 25% 24% 24%-% 78 65% House Ftn pf ♦ !%-. 1 75% 75% 75% 18% 6% Houeton Oil vte 44 13% 12% 12% - % 63 48% Howe Sound i»3>_ 16 59% 68% 69 6% x 3% Hudson ft Manhat— 2 4% 4% 4% 17% 8% Hudson ft Man pf— 4 11% 11% 11% - % 22% 18% Hudson Motor Car. 59 19% 18% 18% - % 3% 1 Hupp Motors- 99 2 1% 1% 29% 18% Illinois Central_ 23 23% 22% 22%-% 64% 30 Illinois Cant pf (A) 2 44% 44% 44% - % 73% 58 niCent tae lines 14) 20a 72 72 72 +2 16% 4% Indian Refln (si) — 2 13% 12% 12%-% 41% 26% Indu Rayon <tl .68). 8 36% 36% 86%-% 122 88% InlandSteel <t8> — 2 115% 115 116 -1% 21% 6% Inspiration Copper. 60 21% 20% 21%+ % 7% 6 InsSh Md efssJOc. 4 5% 5% 5% 18% 11 Inter Rap T vte «d) 9 11% 11 11 - % 6% 2% Intercom! Rubber— 44 6% 6% 6% + % 17% 9% interlake Iron — 42 17% 16% 16% - % 5% 2% Int Agricultural— 1 4% 4M 4% 47% 22% Int Agricul pr of 2 43 43 43 — % (04% 56% Int Barreatar 8%— 17 100% 99 99 9:16».m. Pin. 1936 Stock and Salat— Net Blah. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Lew. Oloae. Chat. 104 24 Int Hydro Sleo (A) 13 94 9 9-4 8 44 Int MaroantUa Mar. 10 74 7 7 154 10 inti Mining <a90c)_' 14 16 144 144-4 664 434 Int Nickel (al.10).. 44 644 634 634 -4 234 34 Int Paper * Pw <A) 18 17 154 164 -4 144 24 Int Paper ft Pw (B) 9 114 114 114-4 84 14 Int Papar 4k Pw <C) 98 6 54 64 - 4 984 204 Int Paper .'(Pw pt.. 19 934 914 914 -4 112 107 Int Print Ink pl<8). 100a 111 1104 1104-1 114 34 Int Ry Cent Ame.- 10a 9 9 9 +4 104 3 Int Ry Cent Am vto 80e 74 74 74 614 194 Int Rwy Cant A pi. 20e 624 624 624 -4 30 23 Inti Salt (U4)_ 1 264 264 264 +4 634 47 int Shoe <tS>_ 2 484 484 484 36 16 Int 8tlver _ 1 314 314 314 + 4 93 60 Int Silver pf (14)_30a 89 88 88 194 114 Int Tel * Tel . 216 114 114 114—4 374 104 Interstate D 8 aSOo. 3 334 33 334 + 4 224 16 Intartypa Corp (1). 2 194 194 194 + % 314 24H I eland Creek (2) . 6 284 274 274 -14 126 113 Island Creek of (6). 10s 1204 1204 1204 - 4 93% 58% Jewel Tea <»4)_ 1 87 87 87 +1 146% 88 Johns-Manvllln(tJ) 17 146% 145 145% + % 126% 121% Johna-Mane of 17) 220e 124 123 123 -3 133' 75% JoneaAL 7% pf 13% 20* 130% 130% 130% +1 60% 39% KalamazooS 4T1»_ 1 45 45 45 -% 48% 19% KansCS pf (all_ 1 43 43 43 +1% 36% 17 Kaufnn DS tl.60._ 3 30 30 30 + % 33% 24% Kayser JACotal%) 7 24% 24 24 - % 110 80 Kelth-Alb.v O tl2%. 10*110 110 110 + 1 28% 19% Keleey-H (A) al%- 12 22% 21% 21%-% 24% 17% Kelsey-H (B> alV*. 4 19 18% 18%-% 25% 14% Keivlnator ttk0e>_. 16 22% 21% 21%—% 107 87 Kendall pf A <♦•>_ 20* 104% 104% 104% - % 63% 28% Kennacott <al.70)_. 62 61** 61% 61%-% 24% 17% Keystone SAW • 2>. 3 19 18% 18% - Vi 7% 3% Kinney <U R> Co . 2 5% 5% 5% 61 30 Kinney JGR)pf(al). 60* 47% 46% 47% +1 135 74% Kresge Dept Stra pf 10* 135 135 135 32% 20% Kresge <S S) (tl).. 21 28% 28 28%+% 51 35V KresstSHACottl). 2 45 45 45 — V, 28 19% Kroger GAB(♦ 1.60) 32 22 21% 21% - % 50% 32 Laclede Gaa St L pf 90* 39 39 39 -1% 26% 15% Lambert Co (1) .. 13 18% 17% 17%-% 18% 12 Lee RubATlra(60c). 1 17% 17% 17%-% 45% 15% Leh Port Cem’t(a2). 4 39% 39 39%+ % 4 2 Lehigh Valley Coal. 8 2% 2% 2% 19 9% Lehigh Val Coal pf. 2 16% 16% 16% - % 22 8% Lehigh Valley HR. 6 19 18 18 - % 123% 89 Lehman Corp (t*)_ 1 120 120 120 -1 21% 12 Lehn A 7'ink a 1 % 1 18% 18% 18%-% 65 37% Lerner Store* <t2>. 2 58% 58% 58% + % 80% 47% Llbbev-Ow G1 a3 %. 17 74 70% 70% -2% 13 7 Libby. McN A Lai. 10 10% 10 10 - % 31% 25 Life Saver (11.60).. 2 27 26% 27 + % 115 97 Llgg A -Vlvers <t4)_ 1 104 104 104 - V, 116% 97% LlggAMrera B <V4). 12 106 105% 106 +1% 63% 25% Lima Locomotive.. 1 60 60 60 v % 55 36 Link Belt <t2) ... 3 54 53% 54 +1 46% 32% Liquid Carb (2 «0)_ 3 44 43% 43% + % 65% 43 Loew’a Ino (til)_ 21 63% 61% 63 + % 3% 2 Loft Inc .... 6 2% 2% 2% - % 61% 35% Lone Star Cmt (t2). 26 57 56% 56% - % 8% 3% Long Bell Lum (A). 5 6% 6% 6% - % 26% 21% Lorlllard (P) tl.20. 44 22% 22 22 - % 151 140 Lorlllard (P) pf<7) 40* 143% 143 143% +1% 51% 13 La Oil Ref pf Id) 140* 30 28% 28%-% 30% 20 Louise GAEpfA 1 Vi 8 25% 25 25 - % 102% 57% Louis A Nash (a6)_. 2 92 90% 90% - V* 35 22% Ludlum Steel <tl)_. 15 31V* 30 30 -1% 42 33 MacAnilrew&Ft 12). 1 35’. 35(4 35(4 + (4 37 29 McCall Corp <t2)_ 3 35 34(, 34’,+ (» 23'i 12(4 McCrory Stores . 3 19 19 19 49K 38(4 McIntyre Porcu 'l> 14 39 38V, 38', — (4 118'4 83(4 McKeeap Tin (5*4)- 7 88(4 87 87 14*. 8*4 McKesson ft Kob .. 27 13 12’, 12’, 4- (, 49'. 37*. McKessftRob pf'») 2 44', 44', 44', -1 21S 11', MeLellan Strs aide 11 I7(* 17 17 - *4 108 97*, McLellan Strs pf(6; 20a 107(4 107(4 107'* +1 49(4 27*, Mack Trucks < tl»17 43*, 42>, 42(, - (4 65'. 40’. Macy < H H > Co U>. 13 53’, 52*. 52*. -1 15', 8S Madison Sa n t(fle 2 15 14’, 15+4 67 34'4 Magma Copper (a3) 4 561, 55'. 55'4 -1(4 9 1*, Manati Sugar (d)I 6', 6', St, 85(4 7(» Manati Sug pf «d) 160a 274. 26'. 26'. - (4 23'. 13', Man El md gtd (d). 24 14 13t, 13', - S 57'. 32’, Man Elewgtd <d>_ 60s 33 32 32 -2 24', 17!, Manhat Shirt tl)_ 7 24V. 24 24 6*. 214 Maracaibo Oil Kid. 2 5 4*. 4*. — t» 12'* 8(4 Marine Midl’d t40c. 29 10>4 10 10 3', It, Market St Ry . 100* 2'. 2(4 2(4-1* 45 18*. Market St Ry or pf 20s 37'4 37 37 - (4 251* ir» Marshall Field ft Co 15 20S 19H 19H-1 12 6', Martin Parry 5 9*. 9(* 9*. + *» 42', 27V, Mathleson Alk(l*4) 3 39V. 39 39V. + V. 70 43H May Dept Strs (3).. 2 63 62(4 62', - H 2K4 13H Maytag Co (a50e)._ 13 14'4 13'. 13’, - H 55 44(* Maytag pf ww »3)_. 2 43’, 43’, 43’,— *» 110'i 103 Maytag 1st pf 4«)_10s 109’, 109', 109t, 4-1 28*. 12*. Mead Corp _ 23 27', 24*. 25*4 -1 >4 91 65’/. Melville Shoe (t5)„ 3 81 79', 80 -2 12 6’, MengelCo 8 11(4 10’, 11 —14 106(4 50 Mengel Co pf _ 20s 105 105 105 65 40*4 Mesta Mach aS\_ 2 60 594 60 15*. 5*. Miami Copper 42 15*4 14*4 14*4 — (4 30’, 23 30 29', 29', - S 48*. 21S MidTd Stl Prod <t2) 2 40 39’, 39’, - *4 1311*110 Mid Stl latpt <l> 90a 121*4 120V, 121*. +1*. 112 65 Mlnn-Hon Rob *1*4 2 103 103 103 -1(* 120 119 MlnnHcr pfB(t).. 50s 120 120 120 12*4 6’4 Minn Molina 1'sr 34 10(4 9’i 9’, - *» 87 57V. Minn-Mollne pf({3) 2 84'. 84 84 -3 54 2V4 M St P&S S M pf . 2 3S 3*. 3Vi 6', 2*. M St PftS S M Is In 830s 4*. 4', 4’, - v* 29*. 16*. Mission Corpts45c) 9 28 27v, 27>4 — *. 9*, 6*, Mo Ka ns ft lexas 15 6*. 6', 6*, 33*, 14', Mo Kan* Tex pf A. 11 25 24'. 24', - ’4 4 2', Missouri Pacified) 3 3 2’, 2’, + 4 7*. S’, Mo Pacific pf Id) _ 9 6’, 6*. 6% + (* 33', 19’. Mohawk Carp tl.20. 2 33 33 33 + !» 103 79 Monsanto ''hem i »1) 8 98’4 98'4 9S'4 — *4 68 35*. Monteom VVardtt2> 73 564 53*. 54 —1’« 2« 2(4 Mnt Wrd rts Jan 29 235 2V. 1# 2-14 59'. 41 (4 Morrell J ft Co 2 40 2 42', 424 42*4 + *4 71 60tj MorrlaftEssex (3T4) 10a 65*4 65’* 65’* — V* 2'4 ». Mother Lode a!2Ho 11 1** 1*« IS 43% ZB's Motor Proa IT*) I 33% 33% 33% -I 27 15% Motor Wheel <1.80). 5 22% 22% 22% - V. 39% 11% Mullins MftB)#50c 3 35% 35% 35%+ % 101% 70 Mullins Mfs pf I7> 90s 98 96% 98 + % 36% 21 Mnnsinswear 143) 3 29 29 29 -1% 22% 14 Murray Corp (a50c) 40 17% 17% 17%-% 21% 15 Nash Motors 111 .. 32 16% 16% 16% - % 47% 20% NashvChat A St L. 10s 38% 38% 38%+% 19% 12% Natl Acme Ia75e)._ 3 18% 18% 18%-% 15% 9% Nat Aviation (al)._ 2 13 13 13 38% 28% Nat Biscuit • I «n» 49 32 31% 31%-% 37% 30% Nat B d & lnv al.ll. 5 33% 32% 32%-% 32% 21% Nat Cash Res (al). 6 30% 30% 30%-% 28% 21 Nat Dairy Pro al%. 67 23% 22% 23 +% 24% 10 Nat Dept Stores . 2 19% 19% 19% - % 33% 25% Nat Dist Prod <+2)_ 19 29% 28% 28% - % 36% 26% Nat Lead «t50c> 15 34% 34 34% + % 171 155 Nat Lead pf A 17).. 1 168 168 168 -3 147 137% Nat Lead pf B (fi) 10» 143 143 143 -% 61% 54 Natl Mal’bleAStl *2. 2 58% 68 58 -1% 14% 9% Nat Pwr A Lt <6nc) 36 11% 11% 11%+% 3 % Nat Ry Max 1st pf.. 2 1% 1% 1% + % 1% % Nst Rv Mex 2d nf__ 4 % % % 78 57% Natl Steel (t2%)._. 10 71% 70 70 -1 75% 19% Nat Supply Co ... 3 69% 68% 69%+1% 133 74% Nat 13%. 2 132 131% 131% -1 12% 7% Nat Tea (60c» .. 10 10% 10% 10%+ % 13% 10% Natomas ItgOe) .. 4 12% 12% 12% + % 60 32 Nelsner Bros (t24 - - 2 56 56 56 64% 41 Newberry<JJ)t2.40 1 57 57 57. -2 110 104% Newb'ry (J J)pf(S). 40s 107% 107 107 -% 40 9 Newp’t Indus a60c.. 82 35% 33% 33% —2% 83 32% N Y Airbrake #2%.. 3 77 76 76 -3 49% 27% N Y Central R K . 78 41% 40% 40%-% 53% 1.7% N Y Chicago A St L. 2 39 38% 38% 95 36% N Y Chi A St L Pf.. 4 81 77% 77% -2% 15 3% N Y Dock _ 980s 12 10% 11% + % 29% 10% N Y Dock pf- 480s 25 23% 23% + % 2% 1 N Y Investor# id).. 5 1% 1% 1% + % 6% 3 NY NH A Hid I .. 43 5% 5% 5% - % 18% 7% NY NH A H pf Id). 23 17 16% 16% 7% 4 N Y Ontario A West 5 5 4% 5 + % 5% 2% N Y Ryapf <d i ... 1 4% 4% 4% - % 16% 9% N Y Shipbuilding .. 7 12% 12% 12% - % 2% 1% Norfolk Southn id). 6 2 1% 2 + % 310% 210 Norfolk A W ft*) . 3 270 265 265 -1 115 105 Norfolk&Wn pf(4). 20s 111 111 111 13% 6% North Am Aviation 237 13% 12% 13% + % 85% 23% North Am Co (tl)._ 47 30% 29% 29%-% 59 52% North Am Co pf (S) 2 55 54% 65 106% 98 North Am Ed pf(6) 2 103% 103 103% 36% 23% Northern Pacific . 60 27% 26% 26% - % 32 19 Norwalk T * R pf.. 20s 28% 28% 28% -1 17% 12% Ohio OH Ia60c) .. 132 16% 16% 16%-% 69% 24% Oliver Farm Eonlp. 7 56% 53 63 —1% 25% 17 Omnibus Corn vte.. 21 18% 18% 18%-% 125% 107 Omnibus Cppf(8).. 1110 110 110 +3 19% 8 Otipenhalm Collins. 2 15 16 15 39% 24% Otis Elevator a75c- 9 37% 36% 36%-% 20% 12% Otis Steel _ 14 17% 16% 16% — % 164 128 Owens-11 G1 9 155 153% 153% -1 22 13 Tac Am Fish (tl)— 26 21% 20 20% -1% 15 3% Pacific Coast _ 20s 12% 12% 12% 32% 8% PacificCoaai 1st... 90s 25 25 25 -2% 29% 4% Pacific Coast 2d 20s 23 22% 22%-1% 39% 30 Pacific Finan tl.HO. 5 33% 33% 33% + % 41 30% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 10 36% 36 36 -% 68% 44% Pac Lighting < 3)_ 5 61% 50 50 -2 47% 14% Pacific Mills <al) 3 42% 41% 41%-% 22% 11% Pac West’n Oil «65c 12 22 21 21 -1 13% 6% Packard Mot(a45c) 168 11% 10% 10%—% 20% 12% Pan Am Petr <a60c) 1 18 18 18 - % 4% 1% Panhandle Pro A R 12 3 3 3 74% 18% Panhandle PAR of. 10s 61% 61 61 -1 97% 67 Paraffine Co (tZi_ 2 76 75 75 -3 23% 7% Paramount Piet 131 23% 22% 22% - % 170 59 "ara Pic 1st pf (6). 6 161 158 158 -8% 21% 8% Param’t 2d pf *60c- 29 21% 20% 20% - % 87% 17% Park & Tllford (2).. 2 34 34 34 -1 6% 2% Park Utah 24 4% 4% 4% 50% 40% Parke Davis <al%) 1 43% 43% 43% - % 82% 23 Parker Ruat P tl H 6 26% 26% 26%-% 10 4% Parmelee Tranap't- 16 6% 6 6 — % 11% 6% Pal he Film Corp 4 9% 914 9% - % 17% 10% PaUno Mines (60c). 6 14% 14 14 - % 3% 1% Peerless Motor 2 3% 3% 3% - % 73 60 Penick A Ford (till. 2 61% 61% 61% — % 112% 69 Penney<J C) <a7%) 6 98% 96% 96%-2 6% 3% Penn Coal A Coke 8 5% 5 6 - % 10% 4% Penn Dixie Cement II 7% 7% 7% + % 74 28% Penn Dixie Cpt A 3 66 64 65 -I- % 27% 17 Penn G1 S'd cfs a50« 1 21% 21% 21% 45 28% Penas Railroad <a3) 61 39% 39 39% 4 % 68 88 Peoples Gas Chi_ 12 48% 48% 48% — % 46% 26% Per* Marquette- 1 35% 36% 85% - % 2*15 p.a. Prtt. 103A Stock and Sales— Net Blah. Low. Dividend Rate V Addon Blab. Low Close. Chge. 18 12% Pet Cp of Am *90c 42 17% 17 17 + % 19% 10% Pfeiffer Brew < 1 10) 2 11% 11 11 66% 26% Phelps Dodge silt. 28 65% 53% 63% -1% 54% 45% Phlla Co S% of ill 1 52% 52% 52% 102% 81% Phlla Co pf <•> new 1 98 98 98 - % 16% 8% Phlla Rap Tr pf Id) 60s 13% 13 13 3% 1% Phlla * Read C * 1. 66 2% 2% 2% 101% 66 Phillip Morris (8).. 4 71% 70% 70%-% 16 7% Phillips Jonas .. 1 13% 13% 13%+% 50% 38% Phillips Pat <a2%). 39 60% 50% 50% % 11% 5% Phoenix Hosiery__ 1 8% 8% 8% «r % 17% 8 Pierce Oil pf .... 14 16% 15% 15%-% 3 1% Pierce Petroleum78 3 2% 3 + % 87% 28% PUlsbury PI 11.00). 10 28% 28% 28% - % 17% 7% Pitts Coal .. 3 16% 16V* 16%+ % 13% 7% Pitta Screw »52%o. 46 ,13% 13 13 + Vi 24% 23% Pittsburgh Steel Co 5 25% 25 25% + % 108% 49 Pitta Steel pt ... 200s 109 107 109 +3 4% 1% Pitts Term Coal_ 7 3% 3% 3% - % 9% 2% Pitts United Corp._ 13 3% 3% 3% 41% 21 Pitta* W Vs_ 20s 33 33 33 +1% 3% 1% Plttston Co .. I 2% 2% 2% - % 25 11% Plymouth Oil (tl).. 61 25% 25% 25% +1 29% 12 Poor* Co IB) 22 27% 26% 26% 11% 4% Porto R Am Tob A_ 6 9% 8% 8% — % 3% lVi Porto R Am Tob B.. 2 2% 2% 2% - % 13% 6** Postal Tel*C p' id) 2 11% 10% 10% - ». 28% 17% Pressed 8teel Car . 9 27% 27 27 - % 73% 57% Press Stl 2d pf 2 % 6 72% 72 72% + % 55% 40% Proctor A Qam tl % 7 54% 53% 53% - % 122% 116% Proc A Ham pf (5) 80* 116% 116% 116% -1% 50% 39 Pub Svc N J (12.40). 2 48% 47% 47%-% 113 103% PubSvo N J Df 16). 3 106% 106% 106% + % 66 36% Pullman Ino <1%). 11 65 64% 65 + % 24% 16 Pur# Oil _ 212 20% 20 20% 118 91V* Pur# 011 6% pf_ 2 9R% 9R 98 133*4 103 Pure O! I * % pf ... 40* 110% 110 110%+% 20% 9% Purity Bale <t40c).. 8 18% 18% 18%-% 14% 9*4 Radio Corp . 109 11% 10% 10% 80 68% Radio Corp pf A S% 9 76% 76 76*.- % 10% 6 Radio-Keltb-Or <d> 21 7% 7% 7% - % 20 11 RRSeo ill Cent . 100* 14** 14** 14% + % 38% 28% Raybestos-M tlV4„ 4 35% 34% 35%+ % 50*4 35% Reading <21 . 2 41 41 41 50 39 Reading 1st pf '21 1 48% 48% 48%-% 100 65% Real Silk pf <110%) 10s 85 85 85 -1% 4% 1% Reis <Koht) . 1 2% 2% 2% — % 24% 12% Reliable Strs a50o- 3 18% 18% 18%+ % 25 17% Rem Rand ItSOc)_ 12 22% 21% 21% — % 8% 4% Kao Motor Car _ 28 5% 5% 5% 29% 16% Repuhllo Steel . 8fi 28% 28 28%+ % 128 77 Repub Steel pf 112- 1112 112 112 -1 104% 78% Hep Stl pr pf A <6». 3 98% 98 98 39% 10 Revere Copper . 12 38% 37% 37% — Vi 78 24% Revere Copper <A). 2 77 77 77 -1 98 95 Revere C & B pf a % 10« 95% 95% 95%+ % 34 22% Reynolds Met Itl • 13 26% 25% 25%-1% 36% 25 Reynolds Spring tl. 2 31 30% 30%-% 65*4 58% Reynolds Tob <3 > _ 1 65% 65% 65% +1% 60% 50 Revnnid* Toh B <Sj 20 56% 55% 56%+% 35 19% Ritter Dental . ♦ 1).. 1 24% 24% 24% +t 70% 32 Roan Arne <tl.l2>_ 1 75 75 75 +4% 10% 5% Rutland K R pf ... 4 8% 8% 8% + % 494 27 Safeway Stores!t2) 18 434 42 42 -IS 98 96 Safeway Strs pf<5). 80a 98 4 974 98 114 108 Safeway Stra pf (6) 30a 110 110 110 — 4 1144 1104 Safeway Stra pf <7) 10a 111 111 111 - S 60 22 St Joseph Ld (al).. 16 504 49V 504 + 4 3S 1', St L-ban Fran id). 31 3 2S 2V 6S 2 , St L-San Fr pf (d>. 19 64 5** 5S + 4 45 74 St L Southw n id). 200* 12 104 104 -4 37 18 StLSownpfldl .. 10* 25 25 25 —3 554 37S Schenley Diat I +3)_ 10 44 42 4 4-14 101*» 944 Schenley D pf l&4) 13 94 93 93 -14 44 IS Schulte R Strs Id). 21 24 2 2 -4 204 7S Schulte R S of <d). 2 18 174 174 - S I 864 534 Scott Paper I + 2) . 260* 864 85 854 - 4 2 4 Seaboard Air L id) 112 2 14 14 84 2 Seaboard A L pfld) 81 8 74 74 +4 434 304 Seaboard Oil 111... 19 414 41 41-4 74 34 Sea grave Corp . 2 7 7 7 —4 1014 594 Seara Roebuck It2) 61 874 834 834-34 ltt 14 Sears P. rts Jan 15 .. 274 1 St 14 Ue - * 92 614 Sec Nat Inv pf (5) . 20a 874 874 874 -24 314 154 Serve! Inc itl) 7 284 28 284 + 4 324 204 Sharon Steel <tl.2(>) 5 30V 29 4 294 —4 114 44 Sharpe & Lotime . 9 104 104 104 — 4 60 434 Sharp* O pf i:<H > 2 61 604 61 +1 194 114 Shattuck F Glt50e) 9 164 164 164 - S 28 144 Shell Un OH ia25c). 23 27*. 274 27*.-* 4 127',102 Shell Un OH pf 6 4. 5 1024 1024 1024 + 4 I 144 8*. Sliver Kink (60c)._ 11 134 134 134 -4 484 19*. Simmons Co <a3)... 6 454 45 454 + 1* 6*4 31-* Simms Petrol _ 2 4 37« 3?« 44H Skelly Oil 15 4« 447. 451* + %4 I 132 97S Skelly Oil pf (6)... 16 100'4 99', 100',+2 1184 654 Sloss-Sheff pf (7).. 70*110 110 110 +1 i 72 404 Smith iA O) ... 4 50 48', 484 - 24! 304 21 Snider Packing 4 30 29 29 -4 174 124 Socony Vac Oil a70e 226 164 154 16 74 34 So Am G & PiaSOe) 15 44 44 44 —4 354 26 South Ports 42) 4 324 314 324 +1 324 25 South Cal Edis tl*4 12 294 284 284 -4 474 23', Southern Paciflc 74 434 424 424 - 4 26', 124 Southern Railway.. 59 244 234 234 - 4 544 19 Southern Ry pf__ 39 524 494 494 + 4 114 64 Spalding IA G)_ 8 104 94 94 -4 82 63V* SpaldlnglAGllst pf 30a 74*, 744 744 +4 94 54 Sparks-Wlthlngton 14 84 74 74 — Vi 364 294 Spencer Kell II 60). 4 34 34 34 + V. 244 154 Sperrv C'p »tc (al) 66 214 204 214 37 13 , Spicer Mf« (a3) ... 1 304 304 304 +4 534 44 Spicer Mfg pf (J). 150, 514 51 51 - 4 1144 63 Spiegel-Mav S (5) .. 9 104 1034 1034 +4 434 214 Square D Co (al % ) 2 404 40 404 +4 184 144 Stand Brands t*0c 104 154 15 15 129 1204 Stand Brands pf(7) 50, 1234 123 123 -4 134 94 Stand Com Tobacco 3 11 11 11 -4 94 64 Stand Gas * El id) 21 9 84 84 274 94 StandGAE»4 pf Id) 26 264 25 25 -4 62 244 Stand G*E *6 pftd) 2 574 574 574-4 72*. 264 Stand G*E »7 of Id; 3 68 66 66 -14; 34 2 Stand ln» Corp_ 17 34 34 34 — 4 j 474 35 StandOof Cal (tl). 85 424 414 42 + 4; 454 324 Stand Oil Of fnd tl. 38 454 454 454 -4 704 514 Stand Oil of N J (tl 98 694 684 684 * 4 784 65 Sterling Prod t3.»0 6 714 71 71 -4 24V, 164 Stew Warner t50c 34 184 174 17*. — V* I 294 144 Stone* Web Ia25c) 56 294 28V 28V - 4 154 94 Studebeker Corp... SI 13V 134 134 - 4 91 70 8un Oil (tl) _ 6 76 724 724 -24 125 118 Sun Oil pf 16) .... 30* 124 1234 123*. 60 27 Superheater <a95cl 5 57 56 564 + 4 6*. 3 Superior ull .. 25 5 44 44 414 94 Superior Steel 31 40’, 394 394 - 4 374 23 Sutherlnd Pap ti.»* l 33 33 33 + 4 264 204 Swift & Co (tl.20).. 18 254 254 254 354 28V. Swift Inti Ltd (2) 3 314 314 314 -4 204 15 Symgton-Gould ww. 7 194 184 184 — 4 154 124 Symingtn Gould xw 2 144 144 144 — 4 9% 6% Telautograph tSOei 7 7*. 7% 7% — % 12% 5% Tennessee Cop a!5c 72 12% 12 12% — % 64% 28% Texas Coro n itn 62 54% 53% 53% — % 8% 4% Texas Gulf Pr (s5c) 30 8% 7% 7% — % 44% 33 TsxGulf Sul (t2)._ 14 40 38% 39% - S 49 28 Texas* Pac RR . 2 44% 44 44 -V 15% 7% Tax Pac C * O a25«. 41 13% 13% 13% 14% 9% Texas P L T talOc). 12 ll»t 11% 11% 484 334 Thatcher Mfg (tl). 2 37% 364 364 -14 16 8*4 The Fair _ 1 114 114 114 110 85 The Fair pf (7)_40s 93 93 93 -2 i 124 84 Thermold Co _ 11 114 104 104 - % 94 3% Third Avenue . . 1 6 6 6 — Vi 41% 23% Third N’at Inv al.90 3 40% 40 40%+ 4 32% 24% Thomp Prod (al%) 9 26% 25% 254 -1% 84 44 Thompaon Starrett 3 64 6% 64—4 21% 14% Tide W AaaoO iOo. 72 21% 20% 21 +% 1064 100% Tide Wat AOpflO 11 105 104% 1044 - % 274 124 Timken Detrolt(tl) 5 24% 234 24 - 4 744 56 Timken Roll B <t2> 11 734 724 734 + 2% 18% 11 Transamerlca MOe 9 17% 17 17 27% 144 Trans*Wn Air a25e 34 18% 184 18% - 4 2% 1% Tr&Wn A rts.Jan 6 146 2% 2 2 224 10% Transue&W (t60c) 2 194 19% 19%-% 12 74 Tricontinental a50c 16 9% 94 94 —4 94 44 Truax-Tra C<a25c) 2 9 9 9 + % 28 74 Trusi on Steel 2 24% 24 24 —4 88% 224 20th Cent Fox F a2. 2 35% 35 35 -% 47% 31% 20th Cent Fpf 1% . 3 44 434 434 -1 174 8% Twin City RT . 2 14% 14 14%+% 109 65% Twin CRTpf tl4.. 20s 844 84 844 -1% 8% 24 U len * Co 3 44 4% 4% 102% 74% Und-Ell-Flsh(a24) 6 99 98% 98%-% 70 384 Union Bag*Pap C» 4 68 67% 68 + % 105% 71% Union Carb * C J.20 42 1024 101% 101% -1 284 20% Union Oil Calif (1). 23 254 24% 254 +% 149% 1084 Union Paclflb i (> 13 126 124 124 -1 100 90% Union Pacific pf <4) 2 98% . 984 984 —% 31% 22% Union Tank C 1.*0 9 26% 26 26 — % 32% 20% Unit Aircraft a50c- 52 28% 27% 27% 21 13 Utd Air L (a20c)_ 71 20% 19% 20 33% z«% united mac < i sui. z zt'% 29% 29% 117 111 United Btscpf i7l 20s 114% 114% 114% 96% 68 United Carbon (t3). 1 85 85 85 9% 5% United Corp (a20e). 206 6% 6% 6% — % 48% 40V* United Corp pf .*) 6 44 4.7% 43%-% 16% 10% United Drug <a75c> 20 14 13% 13% - % 8% 4 United Klee Coal 1 7% 7% 7% - % 60% 32% Unit Eng A Fy <t2). 2 46% 46% 46%+% 87 66% United Fruit (tl)-. 6 81% 81 81 - % 19% 14% United Gas Imp <1> 75 14% 14% 14% - % 113% 109 United O imp pf (6) 1111 111 111 +% 13% 6% United Paperboard. 2 12 12 12 5 2 U 8 Distributing_ 1 3% 3% 3% 20 13 USA For’ n Secur . 7 17 16% 16% - % 100 91 U S A For S 1st 16). 1 98 98 98 +1 39% 24% U S Freight 1 til— 14 31% 31 31 -% 125% 80% US Gypsum itj)_ 1 121% 121% 121% +1% 20% 8% U 8 Hoffman „ 4 17% 17 17 - % 69 31% U 8 Indus Alcohol.. 19 37% 36% 36% -IV* 9% 4% U 8 Deatner etc 9 6% 6 6 + % 18% 10% U S leather A etc . 14 13% 12% 12%-% 104 71 USLeathprpf t4. 2 90 90 90 -1% 63% 21% U 8 Pipe* Fy(l%) 13 62% 60% 61 -1% 19% 7% US Realty * Imp.. 17 17% 17% 17%-% 48% 16% U 8 Rubber — 67 47% 47 47% + % 101 47 US Rubber 1st pf 8 98 95 95 -3 103% 72% U 8 Smelting <al0) 21 87 85 86 -2 79% 46% O 8 Steel — 79 78 76% 77% - % 154% 116% U 8 Steel pf (T)- 4 141% 140% 140% - % 8% 6 United Stores (A) 11 7 6% 6% - % 92 67% Unit Leaf Tob «tj) 1 83 83 83 165 163 Untv Leaf T pf (•) 10a 162% 162% 162% 115 50 Unlv Piet 1st pf 10s 101 101 101 7 3% Util Pwr * M iA» 8 3% 3% 3% - % 2% 1 Vadaco Sates Corp 6 2 1% 1% - % 67 80 Vadsco Sales Co pf 10e 40 48 48 -1% SO 16% Vanadium Corp 18 29 27% 27%-1% (Continued on Fifteenth Page.) ‘m a STOCKS IRREGULAR AFTER EARLY RISE Some Hold Moderate Gains, but Downward Drift Starts Elsewhere. Stock Averages * . 30 1ft 1» 60 „ „ , Indust. Rail* OtU 8tks Net change Unc. -t-,3 —.1 Unc. Today noon. 94 6 37 7 50 9 69 3 Previous day 94 6 37.4 51.0 69.3 Month ago— 97.7 38 9 52.7 71.6 Year ago... 73.1 29.6 44 3 55.0 1936 high— 99 3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low- 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1935 high— 76 3 31.2 44 7 56.1 1935 low- 49.5 18.5 21.6 34 8 1932 low- 17.5 8 7 23 9 16.9 1929 high—146.9 153 9 184.3 157.7 1927 low_ 51.6 95 3 61 8 61.8 (Complied by the Associated Press » BY VICTOR El'BANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, December 28 —Stocks ran into difficulties today after se lected market issues had been given an early lift of fractions to 2 or more points. While some of the oils, rails, air crafts, rubbers and specialties man aged to hold moderate gains, the downward drift elsewhere helped to discourage bidders. Near the fourth j hour prices were ragged. Wall Street analysts again pointed to cross-currents having to do with year-end selling to establish both profits and losses for Income tax re turns. Share orders over the three-da” holiday piled up sufficiently to keep ! the ticker tape unusually busy for the j first half hour. The volume then began to dwindle as leading stocks were offered on a declining scale. Ahead during the greater part of ; the proceedings were Standard Oils of New Jersey and California. Plymouth i Oil. Amerada, Shell Union. Pure Oil, Santa Fe, New York Central. Seaboard Airline preferred. New Haven preferred, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, United Air* j craft. United States Rubber. Goodyear, National Lead, Anaconda. Greyhound Corp.. Pittsburgh Screw & Bolt and Yellow Truck. ! Down as much as a point or so most of the time were Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward. Woolworth, Macv, I Chrysler, General Motors, American Telephone, Consolidated Edison. United States Smelting and Continental Can. Backward also were United States Steel, Bethlehem. General Motors, . Nash, North American, Westinghoust, General Electric. Du Pont and Borden. The rails, on the whole, performed to the liking of shareholders. Capacity pasenger traffic for many of the roads j in the past several days was seen as A cheerful straw in the wind. In addi ■ tion. year-end earnings of the larger | transportation systems were placed at the highest since 1929 with net | operating receipts expected to top th« | 1935 period by at least 35 per cent. CANADIAN TRADE GAINS 14 PER CENT Bank of Montreal Review for 10 Months Predicts Further Progress in 1937. Special Dispatch to The Star. MONTREAL, December 28.—The Canadian business level has risen ! roughly 14 per cent from the begin I ning of 1936 to the end of October, according to the current monthly busi ness summary of the Bank of Mon treal. “The outlook for the coming months ' is propitious." the bank reports. "Noth in? resembling a spectacular boom is in progress, but improvement has been visible in almost every line of economic activity, and it is signifi cant that business failures in the first nine months of this year fell to the lowest point of the past 16 years. Among additional favorable Cana dian business conditions, the bank states that most manufacturing firms have ample orders in hand which promise to keep plants well employed throughout the Winter: primary iron and steel industries' operations are maintained at a good level; automo bile production for November was 5.451 units more than October: com modity prices remain remarkably stable, but the tendency is slightly upward, chiefly as the result of a further sharp rise in the price of wheat and other grains. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, December 28.—Cotton advanced today to the highest levels since last July on active foreign and domestic trade buying, influenced by active domestic mill consumption and apprehension over the situation in Germany. March rallied 12.47 to 12.54 with the list advancing to net gains of 15 to 19 points, but reacted partially under realizing. In midafternoon it sold at 12.50, with prices generally 10 to 12 points net higher. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. December 28 IIP.— Cotton advanced sharply at the opening here today, gaining more than 75 cents a bale under active trade and ipeculativa buying. March opened up 8 points at 12.40 and then moved to 12.40 before the end of the first half hour Ms.v reached 12.4.3. and advanced 17 points, while July at 12.35 was up a similar amount. The rally was attributed to atronaer foreign markets, bullish cotton cloth re» ports and threats of war in Europe. Today was ftrst notice day for January and tenders for non bales were issued in that position, but they did not weaken the option and It moved up with the rest of the market. Cottonseed oil opened steady; January, 11.05b: March. 11.13b; May. 11.20b; JiflT. 11.22b. b—Bid. Liverpool Quotations. LIVERPOOL. December 28 (IP).—Cotton, bales. American nil. Spot moderate business done; prices » points higher; quo tations In pence; American, strict good middling 7.85: aood middling. 7.55: strict middling. 7.25: middling. 7.10: strict low middling 8.85: low middling. A.38: strict good ordinary. 8.08: good ordinary. 5.78. Futures closed steady. December. 8 88; January. 8 84: March 8.88: May. 6.84; July. 0 79: October. 0.55. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. December 28 </P>.—Continued strength in commodity shares, especially in rubber issues, helped give prices a firm tone in the Stock Exchange today. In dustrials neld steady, with textile and oil shares in fair demand. Gilt-edged securi ties eased, but the mining group ad vanced. Trans-Atlantic shocks were steady# but home rails showed upward tendencies. PARIS.—Irregularity prevailed through out today’s session. Rentes weakened 40 to 65 points but international railroad ana « electricitv share* were firm. Bank or France shares lost ino francs, while Royal Dutch advanced 80 points. -• Goldblatt Bros.—President stated net of company for 1936 will be around $3.35 per common share; net in 1935 equaled $1.86 a common share.