*«»»■» be van allk prmt. Misses' ereoe A with clever & •or ding Jr l To stimulate our after-Christ::jas business! GREAT SALE OF FUR COATS After Christmas is normally a slow period —but it won’t be dull .in our Fur Shop when coats like these are marked 49.99! We handpicked a group from our higher priced stocks, and gave them real “come* hither” ,at this price. Black or brown Lapins, Sealine Dyed Coney—even the linings look costly! Twelve handsome furs in this group! Not I a single one was born to sell for only 87.99. Come for Persian Lamb, Raccoon, brown or black Caracul, Mole, Eel Gray Caracul, brown or black Pony, Lapins, Ombrey brown or grey Lapins, or Silver Muskrat. Handsome savings! LANSBCRGH’S—SECOND FLOOR—FUR SHOP 0 Accessories for a Merry * j New Year's EVE! A SALE THAT ALMOST DIDN'T COME OFF Our buying plans were based on previous dress sales—at the 12.97 < price we’ve made famous in Washington. But when we got to mar ket our troubles began. Fabrics are higher, labor costs more. Sev eral times we thought we'd have to call off the sale, but our per sistence finally won out. It is a major achievement that brings you, once again, a Lanshurgh sale of advance fashions! 12-Button Kids in snowy white. They’re such partified /i K A gloves! Party Purses as festive as your dress. Beads, brocades, 9 AA sequins. Rhinestones glitter on your bracelets, clips, buckles, 1 AA earrings, pins. • W 1-Thread Hose extra sheer—they’re 60 gauge, exhilarat* 1 AST ing at a cocktail. ***** Dance Sandals in silver or gold brocade, kidskin; tintable crepe with St, Cunnin* 6.50 ACCESSORIES—STREET FLOOR SHOES—SECOND FLOOR • Pure Silk Prints • Diagonal Alpacas • Brilliant Satins • Border Prints, too 0 • Triple Chiffons • Street Length Laces • Crepe intrigues • Crepe Espinados Don’t come for left-over Winter wools—there’s not a one in this salel Each dress is new, forward lookin'* in fabrics and fashion. Such costly details as hand drawn work, lavish shirrin embroidery, scallops, lingerie touches. Quite a few of the important redingote effects, too! For street, dress-up or formal. Sizes 12 to 20,36 to 52, W/t to 26'/2. LANSBVROH S—SECOND FLOOR—BETTER DRESSES i SEVENTH, EIGHTH and E STREETS - District 7575 l lD BOOKS CLOSED! ALL CHARGE PURCHASES MADE THE BALANCE OF THE MONTH PAYABLE IN FEBRUARY ....