Newspaper Page Text
TODAY! TOMORROW! Our Annual After-Christmas Now Open A C H A RG E ACCOUNT Poy in 30 days or use our Extended Payment Plan Women’s Millinery 73 RALEIGH ADD KNOX HATS. Were $5 to O $7.50, now !'_ *£.13 29 RALEIGH HaTS. Were $7.50 ond $10, now -4 79 KNOX HA'S; famous "Cruise and Travel" OC models. Were $8.75, now_ ^0.03 ( . -— — — - - - - - - --- - - _ _ Women’s Dresses Misses’ ant Junior Misses’ Dresses for street, sport and afternoon. Pine Crepes, lightweight Wools and a few Velvets. Black, brown and bright colors in cluded. Sites 12 to 20, but naturally not all sizes in every grrnp. 9 DRESJES; were $10.95 to $16.95, now_$4.95 20 DRESJES; were $10.95 to $16.95, now_$5.95 23 DRESJES; were $10.95 to $19.95, now_$7.95 31 DRESJES; were $14.95 to $25, now_$9.95 22 DRESES; were $16.95 to $25, now_$12.95 47 DRESES; were $16.95 to $29.75, now.$14.95 12 DREJSES; were $19.95 to $39.75, now___.$16.95 Women’s Suits 6 FUR-TFIMMED SUITS; 2 and 3 piece; sizes *0 I 7c 12, 14, II, 20. Were $35 to $49.75, now_„ ^ 1 4 THREE-PIECE SUITS with Raccoon or Wolf; green and brown; sizes 12, 16, 18, 20. Were 7R $69.75, now_1_ 1 LAPIN SUIT; size 20. Was $69.75, $59.75 Women’s Blonses $5, $5.95, $6.50 AND $7.95 BLOUSES; Satini, Silk Crepes and Metallic*; white and other shades. One and two of a kind; broken 63 QC $3.95 TO $5.00 BLOUSES; Silks and t? OR Satins; in a number of shades-** $2.95 TO $3.95 BLOUSES; Crepes and *1 AC Satins; various shades —.—1 ▼1 ,oa i ,/ Men’s Hats 16 RALEIGH AND DUNLAP HATS, $3.45 52 KNOX HATS. 4K Wot* $7.50, now.. 41 KNOX HATS. tL AC Were $8.50, now_-__ 44 KNOX HATS. *7 AC Wore $10.00, now_ f 32 KNOX HATS. tO OC Won $15.00, now_▼7*°3 DON'T be surprised to find a traffic jam around here—for Washington knows the fame of this event! It's an annual after-Christmas habit with us to close out all Fall and Winter goods that have sold down to incomplete assortments ... no matter how famous the brands ... no matter how new the fashions. This great store-wide sale gets under way today! It brings reductions of importance on apparel of in tegrity! . .. Reductions that are drastic—on fashions that are timely! These are broken sizes odds-and ends, and one, two or three of a kind items—but all of regular Raleigh quality! if (Note below.) if Women’s Coats 29 FURLINED TWEED COATS; belted and swagger; brown, wine, green, blue; sizes 12 to 18 Were * IQ QC $27.50, now_1_$17.00 7 IMPERIAL CAMEL'S HAIR COATS; super-tailored; belted models; sizes 12, 16, 18. Were $29.75. <£22 75 1 BROWN COAT WITH BLUE-DYED FOX; *70 7c size 16. Originally $65, now_ $00./O 7 WORUMBO FLEECE COATS; fitted types; gray, tan, rust; perfect for winter; sizes 10, 12, 16, 18. *OA 7E Were $35, now_ $ZO./0 4 FURLANA COATS of light, soft fleecy fabric; Va length; green, black, tan; sizes 12 to 16. *7 1 7C Were $45, now_ ■ *'5 4 REEFER COATS of Camel's Hair and Lizarda; fitted types; nude, wine, tan; sizes 12 to 16. Were *70 7C $39.75, now _ $ZO./D 1 CAMEL'S HAIR COAT; natural; Alix reefer *70 7E type; size 14. Was $49.75, now_ $<30./O 5 AQUASCUTUM TWEED COATS; sizes 14 *AQ 7E ond 16. Were $59.75, now_ $t0./0 6 COATS of Imported Tweed and Worumbo Tangier Fleece, with Raccoon collars; brown and gray; &AA 7E sizes 12 to 20. Were $59.75, now_$‘rt./0 1 BROWN SWAGGER SPORT COAT with *70 7c Roccoon collar; size 12. Was $49.75, now... 4 GRAY COATS trimmed with Bombay Lamb and Persian Lamb; sizes 14 to 16. Were $69.75, now _ 1 GRAY COAT of Forstmann's fabric; Moire Lamb col lar and pockets; size 16. Was $98.75, $65 00 4 CAMEL'S HAIR SWAGGER COATS natural; Beaver collar and pockets; sizes 12 and 14. Were <CQ 7E $69.75, now ___*0O./9 1 BROWN COAT with lustrous Beaver collar; <70 7C size 39 Vi. Was $6$, now_ 1 BLACK COAT of Forstmann's woolen with Silver <QC Fox collar; size 40. Was $125, now_*7D 1 BROWN SWAGGER of Monotone Tweed <7A 7C with Lynx-dyed Fox; size 18. Was $65, now.. 1 GREEN COAT with gray Bombay Lamb col- <7L 7C lor and pockets; size 18. Was $65, now_yJO./O 7 CAMEL'S HAIR COATS in natural. Were < I 7 QC $19.95 and $22.75, now _^lO.OD 1 TWEED COAT; brown, size 16. Was <17 QC $29.75, now _JIO.OD 1 CAMEL'S HAIR COAT; navy; size 12. Was < 17 QC $19.95, now_^IZ.OO 1 CAMEL'S HAIR COAT; navy; size 20. Was < 17 QC 3 SWAGGER COATS of fleece fabric; gray; < 17 QC size 18; blue, size 16. Were $19.95, now_^1 J»OD Men’s Shoes 97 PAIRS RALEIGH "6“ SHOES; black and tan OC Calfskins and Scotch Grains___ 47 PAIRS RALEIGH "8" SHOES; Scotch Grains *A QC and Suedes; broken sizes___ 193 PAIRS RALEIGH "8" SHOES; Norwegian dx 7C Calf and black and tan Calfskin__^3.03 62 PAIRS STA-SMOOTH SHOES; Cordovans and Scotch Grains; broken sizes. Were $8.50 7C and $10, now_ */.30 35 PAIRS HANAN SAMPLE SHOES; sizes 7 B *7 fiE and 7Vk B only. Were $12.50 to $14.50, now.. */,0° Men’s Overcoats 7 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER. COATS; regular, 1 (39), 2 ( 42), 1 (44); long, {17 7C 1 (40), 2 ( 42), 1 (44). Were $30 and $35, now’*'1 ' ^ 5 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; regular, 1 (42); long, 1 (42), 1 (44); stout, 1 (40), 1 (42). Were $30 ond J2 | yg 12 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER. COATS; regular, 1 (38), 3 (40), 3 (42), 1 (44); long, 1 (38), 1 (40), 2 ( 42). Were {OA 7C $30 to $40, now_ ^7./3 89 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; regulars, shorts and longs. Were {07 CO $30 to $40, now_ 117 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; regulars, shorts, longs and 40 and 44 {OO RA stouts. Were $35 to $45, now--^ * 113 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; imported and domestic fabrics; reg- {OL CQ ulors, shorts and longs. Were $40 to $50, now ^ 46 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; imported and domestic shetlands, fleeces and tweeds; regulars, shorts, longs. Were $50 and {00 7C $55, now--— ^ 79 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVER COATS; imported and domestic fabrics; reg- {44 RO ulars, longs, shorts. Were $50 to $60, now._ ▼ * '* 27 OVERCOATS; imported velours, shetlands and fine Worumbo chinchilla finish. Were $65 and {40 RA $75, now... Men’s Suits 7 BROOKSTREET SUITS for young men; sport bock models, mostly light shades; regular, 1 (37), 1 (39); short, 1 (37), 2 (38), 1 (39); Jong, 1 (37). £|7 7C Were $25 and $29.50, now __ *1 / 4 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; regular, 1 (48); stout, 1 (39), 1 (44), 1 (48). £|Q7C Were $30 and $35, now_ *17./3 16 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; regular, 1 (38), 1 (40); short, 1 (38), 2 ( 40), 1 (42); long, 1 (40); stout, 2 ( 39), 1 (40), 1 (42), 1 (44); long stout, 1 (40), 1 (42); short stout, 1 (39), £91 7C 1 (44). Were $30 and $35, now_ *Al./J 21 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; regular, 1 (34), 1 (36), 1 (38), 1 (40), 1 (42); short, 1 (37), 2 (38), 2 (39), 1 (40), 1 (42); stout, 3 (39), 1 (40); long stout, 1 (44), 1 (46); short stout, 1 (40), 1 (42), 1 (46). Were $35 to $23.75 $40, now —..——_ 44 BROOKSTREET SUITS for young men; regular, 35 to 42; short, 36 to 40; long, 37 to 42; sport £99 CA models. Were $25 and $29.50, now_**A.w 12 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; regular, 1 (37); short, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40), 1 (42); stout, 1 (39), 1 (40), 1 (42), 1 (44); short stout, 1 (39), 1 (44). Were $35 to $25 75 $45, now 106 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; 1 and 2 trousers; all sizes. Were $30 £97 CA to $40, now...—— 36 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; 1 and 2 trousers; regulars, shorts, longs, stouts, short stouts, long stouts. Were $35 £99 CA to $45, now_ *34.3U 158 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; 1 and 2 trousers; regulars, shorts, longs, short £94 CA stouts, long stouts. Were $40 and $45, now__ 7 * 5 RALEIGH BENCH-MADE SUITS; regular, 1 (37), 1 (38); short, 1 (38); long, 1 (38); stout, £90 7C 1 (39). Were $50, now___ 72 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX BENCH-MADE SUITS; regulars, shorts, longs £AA CA and stouts. Were $50 to $60, now-^ 1 " 25 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS; bench-made, fine worsteds; regulars, shorts, longs. Were £4Q fsA $60 to $75, now_*-t/.*a/ • \ QUANTITIES LIMITED and subject to prior sole. No Mail, Phone or C. O. O. Orders. No Exchanges. No Refunds. All Sales Final. BOOKS CLOSED All Charge Purchases Will Be Billed February 1st Mm’s Topcoats 2 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER b MARX TOP COATS; long, 2 (42). Were $25 and $30, £ | 7 75 2°RALeTgH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX TOP COATS; long, 1 (40), 1 (42). Were $30 $71 7C and $35, now__•_ 11 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER b MARX TOP COATS; regular, 1 (34), 1 (40), 1 (42), 1 (44); short, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40); long, 1 (39), $77 7C 1 (40), 1 (42). Were $35 to $40, now,_^ 73 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER b MARX TOP COATS; regulars, shorts and longs. Were £27 61 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER & MARX TOP COATS; regulars, shorts and longs. Were $32.50 $35 to $40, now_ ■ 82 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER b MARX TOP COATS; regulars, shorts and longs. Were $7A 50 $40 to $50, now _,——--—————— 34 RALEIGH AND HART SCHAFFNER b MARX TOPCOATS; hand tailored. Were $50 tAA Cf\ to $60, now... Men’s Furnishings MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS; white, pure Irish C for $ | linens. Were 25c eoch, now- ▼1 MEN'S FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS. Were Afor 6\ 35c each, now- ▼ * MEN'S INITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS; Irish linen, broken range of initials; slightly soiled. Box of 3 were 7Q/» $1.15, now___ /TC 193 SILK TIES of hand-made, resilient construe- 70 tion. Were $1.00, now---. 34 FANCY SUEDE MUFFLERS. Were $1.50, OCc 6 WOOL SHIRTS; heavy wool in solid colors. C9 AC Were $3.50, now_ 263 MANHATTAN SHORTS OR A for &. I CA 53 PAIRS MEN'S HOSE; rayon and lisle. Were 9A 35c, now _ *OC 94 WHITE SHIRTS; collar attached and neck- *1 AC band styles. Were $1.75, now_ *1 RALEIGH HABERDASHER % 1310 F STREET