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3?atl?0. ASH. FANNIE B. On Wednesday. Janu ary 13. 11*37. at Dublin. Ga.. in her 87th year. FANNIE B. ASH. wife of the late James R. Ash. Funeral services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 21*01 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. January 16. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 15 BACKUS. CURTIS BEALL. On Thursday. January 14. 11*37. at his residence, lla West Walnut st.. Alexandria. Va.. CUR TIS BEALL BACKUS beloved husband of Eleanor Perkins Backus. He is also survived by three sons. Curtis B.. Jr.; Franklin C. and William M. Backus and one daughter. Louise Backus, all of Al exandria. Va.; two sisters. Miss Con stance Backus and Miss Hadassah Backus. Glen Colin. Va Funeral from his late residence on Saturday. January 16. at 11 a m. Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. BLACKSTONE, JOHN. Departed this life on January 11. 11137. at Galllnger Hos pital. JOHN BLACKSTONE. He leaves to mourn four brothers, one sister and a host of other relalves and friends. Remains resting at the J. L. Lowe fu nerai home. 913 Florida ave. n.w. Fa neral Sunday. January 17, at 2 p.m.. in Marshall. Va. BLAND. MARVIN LEE. On Friday. Jan uary 15. 1!>37. at his residence. 016 C at. s e.. MARVIN LEE BLAND, beloved husband ol Ida Bland and father of Em mett Lee. Ida May and Fannie Louise Bland. Funeral from the above resi dence on Monday. January 18. at 2 n.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by tne W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home. 1* BROWN. GERTRUDE HARDING. On Sun day, Januarv in.* 1037. In Philadelphia. Pa. GERTRUDE HARDING BROWN Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 380 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. lo BROWN. JENNIE. Suddenly, on Thurs day. January 14. 1037. at her residence. 1320 S st. n.w.. JENNIE BROWN, de voted daughter of Hattie Brown and the late Samuel Brown, sister of Amelia. Marie, Catherine. Grace. May. Earl and Herman Brown. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROWNE. JOSEPHINE T. On Thursday, January 14. 1037. JOSEPHINE T. BROWNE beloved wife of James B. Browne, of 1427 Chapin st. n.w.. and mother of Mrs. Mabel E. Cross and Miss Alice T. Browne. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. Jan uary 18, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. 17 BUTLER. CHARLES. On Thursday. Jan uary 14. 1037. at Gallinger Hospital, CHARLES BUTLER, the loving son of Charles and Grace Butler, devoted brother of Melvin. Jerome. Odessa, Vivian. Elaine and Windell Butler. He also leaves a devoted grandmother. Mrs. Estelle Liberty: other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w Notice of funeral later. 17 CHAMBERS. MART CHARLOTTE BEIT. On Thursday. January 14. 1037. MARY CHARLOTTE BELT CHAMBERS, in her 02nd year, wife of the late Beniamin Dill Chambers and daughter of John Lloyd Belt and Sarah Eleanor McGill Belt. She is survived by a daughter. Eleanor McGill Chambers, and three sons. Riev B Duvall Chambers. John Westlv Chambers and Alfred Coke Chambers. Funeral services at the home of her son. 2822 30th st. n.w.. Satur day. January 16. at 0:30 a.m Inter ment St. Paul's Cemetery. Point of Rocks. Md.. at 11:30 a.m. COLLIER. LOTTIE M. On Thursday. Jan uary 14. 1937. at 9:30 p.m., at her resi dence. 2310 Tunlaw road n.w . LOTTIE M. COLLIER, beloved wife of the late Val Collier and mother of Charles W. and Warner V. Collier. Funeral Satur day. January 16. at 2:30 D.m.. from the funeral home of George W. Wise Co.. 2900 M st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. COOPER. JAMES J. On Wednesday. Jan uary 13. 1937. at his residence 900 Independence ave. s.w.. JAMES J. COOPER, husband of the late Emma Lillie Cooper. Mass will be offered at St. Patrick's Church, loth and G sts. n.w.. on Saturday. January 16. at 10 a.m. 15 CRAWFORD. HATTIE. On Wednesday. January 13. 1937. at her residence. 1355 B st. he.. HATTIE CRAWFORD, daughter of Stephen and Marie Brown, sister of Stephen Russell Brown. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Brief services at the above funeral home. Saturday. Jan uary 16. at 8 p.m.. Rev. V. N. S. Hughes officiating. Funeral ' Sunday. January 17. 2 p.m.. from Shiloh Church. Charles County. Md.. Rev. Johnson officiating. Interment church cemetery. 16 DICK. EDWARD H. On Thursday. Jan uary 14. 1937. EDWARD H DICK, hus band of the late Lillian M. Dick and father of Leon C Dick. Remains rest ing at Saffell’s chapel. 5th and H sts. n.w. Funeral from the above chapel at 2:30 p.m.. Saturday. January 16. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. DIGGS. FANNIE J. On Thursday. Jan uary 14. 1937. at Little Sisters’ Home. FANNIE J. DIGGS, wife of the late Patrick Diggs, devoted mother of Mary K. Hall and sister of Willen Dent and Marla Howard. She also is survived by four grandchildren, four great-grand children and other relatives and many friends. Funeral services at her late residence. 1313 22nd st. n.w., on Mon day. January 18. at 9:30 a.m followed by high reauiem mass at Sr. Augustine's Church at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 17 Dl NOLA. HENRY J. Suddenly, on Fri day. January 15. 1937. HENRY J. DI NOLA. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Cha pin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later DOWNEY. GEORGE FABER. On Wednes day. January 13. 1937. at Sewickley. Fa.. GEORGE FABER DOWNEY, beloved husband of Katherine Van Incem Downpy and son of the late Brig. Gen. George Faber Downev and Mattie Davis Downey of 2112 Leroy place. Services at Arlington National Cemetery on Fri day. January 15. at 3 p.m. EASE. ISABELLE M. Suddenly, on Thurs day. January 14. 19.37. ISABELLA M. EASE, widow of the late William H. Ease and mother of the late Hadassah I. Ease. Also surviving her are a son. W. Hubert Ease of Philadelphia. Pa., and a daughter. Helene E. Delaney. Notice of funeral later. 16 SSHMAN. MARY ELIZABETH. On Thurs day. January 14. 1937. at 4:30 p.m . at t.he residence of her niece. Mrs. Wade H Atkinson. 1402 M st. n.w.. MARY ELIZABETH ESHMAN. Funeral from the Nevius funeral home. 924 New York ave. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. at 11 a.m. Interment in Chestertown. Md. • FINNEY. J. MARTIN. JR. Suddenly on Wednesday. January 13. 1937. J. MAR TIN FINNEY. Jr., beloved husband of Ethel Finney and son of J. Martin Fin ney. sr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. tun. on Saturday. January 16, at 1 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 15 rORBES. MARGARET E. On Thursday. January 14. 1937. at her residence. 406 A St. S.e.. MARGARET E. FORBES, daughter of the late John and Ann Gross Forbes. Servioes at her late resi dence on Saturday. January 16. at II a.m. Interment Greenmount Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. GORDON. ISAAC O. On Thursday. Jan uary 14. 1937. at the Masonic and East ern Star Home ISAAC O. GORDON, beloved husband of Laura Gordon. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. GORDON. ISAAC O. A special communi cation of Hope Lodee. No. 20. F. A. A. M. . is hereby called for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, ISAAC O. GORDON, on Satur day. January 16. 1937. at'l o’clock p.m. RICHARD L. MERRICK, Master. Attest: PAUL B. ELCAN. Secretary. GRAY. EVA. On Tuesday. January 12. 1937. at Emergency Hospital. EVA GRAY. Remains shipoed to High Point. N. C.. Thursday. January 14. Services by the Frazier funeral home. 15 GRIFFIN. PATRICK FRANCIS. On Thurs day. January 14. 1937. at 4 p.m.. PATRICK FRANCIS GRIFFIN, beloved husband of Almira Ruber Griffin and father of Mrs. J. L. Parrish and Martin Griffin, of Arlington County. Va. Fu neral Saturday. January 16. at 11:30 a.m, from his late residence. 2029 H st. n.w. Relatives and friends Invited. In terment National Memorial Park Ceme tery. Fairfax County. Va. (Indianapolis. Ind , papers please copy.) ITNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F. Birch’s Sous (A. L. HAYCOCK Manager I Bg&SS* iTi 3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. ills Seventh St N.W. W A «.:_nj.| 247? todera Chapel. Tel.111 AIlonal * “ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R. Speare establishment. nAtiona°ne2882 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. IT VERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5200 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 817 lltb St S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. ~ GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 F St N.W. national 4270 GEO C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0104 Open Evenings . ... p - and Sunday* Cor. 14th fir Eye t Bratltfi. HEARD. MISS HARRIET G. Departed this life on Thursday. January 14. UMi. at 8:35 p.m.. at her residence. Ill 1 Columbia road n.w.. HARRIET O. HEARD, beloved sister of Mrs. Ames Heard Warrick. Funeral services Sat urday. January 16. at 111 am., at Jen ifer's funeral home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. Interment at Athens. Ga.. Sunday. * HENSON. BESSIE. On Tuesday. January 12. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. BESSIE HENSON, loving mother of Gertrude and Howard Henson. She also leaves three sisters one brother, other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts s.w. Funeral at 1 p.m. Sunday. January 17. from the Bethel M. E Church. T. B.. Md. Interment church cemetery 17 HENSON. RALPH. Departed this life on Thursday. January 14. 1937. at Gal linger Hospital. RALPH HENSON. He leaves to mourn their loss a stepmother, six sisters Mary Hicks Edna Sprigcs. Florence Frederick Beatrice Dorsey. Esther Perkins and Miss Viola May Hen son: three brothers. Sherman. Edward and Melvin Henson. Remains resting at the Eugene Ford funeral parlor. 1300 South Capitol st. Funeral Monday. Jan uary 18. at 2 p.m . from John Stewart Church, between 3rd and 4th sts. on G st. s.w. 16 HERRON. J ANNIE. Departed this life on Monday. January 11. 1937. at Casualty Hospital. JANNIE HERRON, devoted wife of Granville Herron. She also leave* twelve children, two brothers, two sis ters. a devoted mother. Margaret Grig ory; other relatives and friends. Re mains were resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until 4 p.m. Thursday; thereafter at her late residence. 1215 4th st. s.w. Fu neral at 1 p.m. Saturday. January lfl. from the House of Prayer. 6th and M sts. n.w Body will be taken to Saluda. S. C.. for interment. HOUGH. LAURENCE COOPER. On Thurs day. January 13. 1937. at Savannah. Ga.. LAURENCE COOPER HOUGH of Wellesley Heights. Mass., beloved hus band of Jennie P. Hough and brother of Helen Y. Hough of Frostburg. Md.. and Philip R. Hough of Washington's birth place. Va. Funeral services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. January 16. at 10:45 a.m. JOHNSON. PATTIE. Suddenly, on Tues day January 12. 1937. at her residence. 423 Neale pi. n.w.. PATTIE JOHNSON, mother of Alice Fletcher, sister of Blanche Wiggins. She also leaves one brother, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. and may be viewed after 1 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Monday. January 18. at 2 p.m.. from the Tenth Street Baptist Church. Kith and R sts. n.w.. Rev. J. L. Henry, pastor. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 17 JORDAN. REV. ARTHUR CLIFTON. On Thursday. January 14. 1937. at his resi dence. 1703 Irvine st. n.w.. Rev. AR THUR CLIFTON JORDAN, beloved hus band of Rosa L. Jordan Funeral serv ices at the Francis Asbury Methodist Church. 16th and Lamont sts. n.w. Sat urday. January 16. at 2 P.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Oemeterv. JUNGKURTH. GILMORE G. Suddenly, on Wednesday January 13. 1937. at his residence. 2701 14th st. n.w.. GIL MORE G. JUNGKURTH Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w on Saturday January 16. at 7 p.m. Interment Pottsville. Pa. KEYS. JOHN. Departed this life suddenly on Sunday. January 10. 1937. JOHN KEYS. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving mother, one sister, an uncle, two aunts, a first cousin and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney Co. funeral home. 453 O st. n w. Funeral from the above fu neral home on Monday. January 18. In terment Rosemcnt Cemetery. 16 LEVY. MRS. NATALIE E. Departed this life Wednesday. January 13. 1937. at 2:45 a m . at the residence of her niece. 618 3rd st. n.e.. NATALIE E. LEVY She leaves to mourn their loss a mother. Mrs. Lizzie McLain of Camden. S. C.'. a brother George W. McLain of New York City: ten sisters. Miss Minnie L. Mc Lain. Mrs. Ertha Collins of Camden. S. C.; Mrs. Julia Douglas of Charlotte. N. C.: Mrs. Daisy Taylor ot Orangeburg. S. C.: Mrs. Bertha E Warren. Mrs. Idlean Levy of Washington. D. C : Mrs. Lillian Wilson of Florence. S. C.: Mrs. Mar Earette Fogg of Passaic N J.: Mrs. A1 wilder Schenk of Trenton. N. J.. and Mrs. Otis Dixon of Boston. Mass, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting et E W Bundy's fu neral home. 621 Florida ave n.w. Fu neral services Sunday at Camden. S. C. 15 LEWIS, CRONIN FILLMORE. On Thurg day. January 14. 1937. at Frederick City Hosnital. CRONIN FILLMORE LEWIS, aged 45. ftemains resting at Roy W. Barber's funeral home. Laytonsvllle Md. Funeral services will be held at the grave at Bethesda M. E. Cemetery, on Saturday, January 6. at 2 p.m. LEWIS. HARRY L. On Friday. January 15 1937. at Sibley Hospital. HARRY L. LEWIS, aged 58 years, beloved husband ot Belle Garner Lewis and father of Irma Lewis Burchell. Funeral from his late residence. 194 V st. n.e., on Mon day. January 18. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. Arrangements by P A. Taltavull 17 MAKEL. ELIZABETH. Departed this life on Wednesday. January 13 1937. ELIZ ABETH MAKEL iborn in Malcolm. Md ). She leaves to mourn their loss eight lov ing children, thirty-five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w., until 2 p.m Friday: thereafter at 2917 Eye st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. January 19. at 10 am., from St Augustine’s Catholic Church. Interment Waldorf, Md. Over my heart in the days that are flown. No love like mother love ever has shown; No other worshiD survives and endures. Faithful, unselfish and Datient like yours. MALLORV WALLER E. Passed on Fri day. January 15. at his son's residence, at Scottsville. Va., WALLER E. MAL LORY. father of Maude M. Ryan of Washington D. C.: O. W. Mallory of Richmond. Va.; Mrs. E E. Marshall of Eastham. Va., and Ross Mallory of Scottsville. Va. Funeral notice later. 16* MATTHEWS. JOHN. DeDarted this life on Tuesday. January 12. 1937 at Galllnger Hospital. JOHN MATTHEWS, beloved son of Elizabeth Matthews, father of Edith Matthews, brother of Gertrude Sewell and Samuel Matthews. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st. Funeral Satur day. January 16. at 9:30 a m., from Re hoboth Baptist Church. 1st st. between N and O sts. s.w. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 15 McMORHIS. KATE WILLIAMS. Departed this life on Sunday. January 10. 1037, in Los Angeles. Calif.. KATE WILLIAMS McMORRIS. wife of the late George W. McMorris. mother of Mrs. C. D Ash more. Ma.’. Watson L. McMorris and Mrs, W. j. Barnes. Services at the home of Mrs. W. J Barnes 3733 Van Ness st. n.w. Saturday January 16. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme tery. 15 MILLER. CALEB STABLER. On Thurs day. January 14. 1037. at Homeopathic Hospital. CALEB STABLER MILLER, beloved husband ot Mary W. Miller and father of Helen Miller. Services at his late residence. 3335 18th st. n.w.. Sat urday January 18. at 2 p.m. Inter ment nrivate. 15 MULLINGS. VENTON H. On Friday Jan uary 15 1037. at Mount Alto Hospital, VENTON H MULLINGS. beloved son of Mrs J. H. Mullings and father of Mon ford V Mullings. Funeral services gt the residence of his mother. 028 Spring rd. n.w.. on Monday. January 18. at 2 nm Relatives and friends invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. 17 NETHERLAND. ROSA STOKES. On Tues day. January 12. 1937. at 11:05 p.m.. at Providence Hospital. ROSA STOKES, widow of the late Fred D. Netherland and daughter of Carrie Stokes and the late Thomas T. Stokes. Also surviving her are three sisters. Mrs. Bertha D. Boyle of Baltimore. Md.: Mrs. Florence E. Matthews and Mrs. Gladys E. Jack son; a brother. James T. Stokes, and other relatives. Funeral services will be held at the Lincoln Congregational Church. 11th and R sts. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. at 1 p.m.. Rev. R. W. Brooks, pastor, officiating. Remains may be seen at her late home after Friday at 10 a.m. 15* NETHERLAND. ROSA 8. The officers and members of the Teachers’ Benefit and Annuity Association are hereby notified of the death of Mrs. ROSA 8. NETH ERLAND. J. E. 3YPHAX. President. J. L. GRAY. Secretary. OSBORNE. EARL W. On Friday. January 15. 1937 EARL W. OSBORNE, beloved husband of Pearl J. Osborne and father of Mary E. Patzold. Earl W.. jr.: Ruth N. J*hn J . William G. and Gloria A. Osborne Remains resting at the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Cha pin st. n.w Notice of funeral later. FAULT. IRVING SWAYZE. On Thursday. January 14. 1937, at his residence. 403 Montgomery ave. Rockville Md.. IRV ING SWAYZE PAULL. husband of Arden Bennett Pauli. Services at Oawler’a chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Satur day. January 16. at 19:30 a.m. Inter ment (nrivate) Arlington National Cem etery. PEARSON. MART C. On Thursday. Jan uary 14 1937. Mrs. MARY C. PEAR SON. beloved mother of Mrs. Martin M. Watson (nee Pearson!. Funeral services at her late residence. 5330 41st st. n.w.. Saturday. January lfl. at 10 a.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 15 POOLE. CLARENCE H. On Thursday. January 14. . 1937. CLARENCE H. POOLE, son of the late Dorsey W. and Mary V. Poole. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. January 16. at 3:30 n.m. Interment Olenwood Cemetery. Funeral services nrivate. ROBINSON. NANNIE J. On Wednesday. January 13. 1937. at 7 p.m.. NANNIE J. ROBINSON of 1209 Que st. n.w.. widow of the late David A. Robinson, beloved mother of Harry J. Robinson and moth er-m-law of Edna Scott Robinson. Re mains resting at her late residence. Fu neral from Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. at 1 D.m. Rev. R. M. Williams officiat ing. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by Mcduire. 15 ROBINSON. NANNIE J. The officers and members of Alicia Royal Court. No. 1, Order of Cyrene. K. T.. are requested to attend the funeral of our late royal sis ter. NANNIE J. ROBINSON on Satur day. January 16. 1937. at 1 p.m.. from , Asbury M. E. Church 11th and K sts. n.w MARGARET KEY KELSON. Royal Commandress. WILLIAM CARMICHAEL. _ Chief Eng. MATUB L. STOW ART. fleuatarx. A < WAR REFERENDUM ASKED A constitutional amendment to re quire a referendum before the United States declares war went Into the con gressional hopper yesterday. Its author. Representative Ludlow. Democrat, of Indiana, said: "A matter which involves the wel fare and happiness of millions of the people ought to be submitted to the people.” Alkali Industry Planned. Plans are under way to establish at Adelaide, Australia, an alkali In dustry, the principal products to be soda ash. bicarbonate of soda and caustic soda. Eeatfa. ROBINSON. NANNIE J. John Marshall Relief Association announces the death of NANNIE J. ROBINSON of 1209 Que st. n.w.. Wednesday. January 13. 1037. Funeral from Asbury M. E. Church, cor ner 11th and K sts. n.w., Saturday. Jan uary 16. at 1 p.m. GEORGE W COLE. Prasldent. J. W. ROBINSON. Financial Secretary. ROBINSON. NANNIE J. Members of Queen Victoria Household of Ruth. No. 1.711. G. U. O. of O F.. are reouested to meet tonight. Friday. January 15. 1937. at the Hall, to arrange for the fu neral of our late Inmate. NANNIE J. ROBINSON JESSIE JOHNSON. M. N. G. FRED A. SABBS. W. R. • ROBINSON, NANNIE J. Members of Emanuel Guild. No. 1. H. T. C.. meet at Asbury Church. 11th and K sts. n.w., at 12 o'clock, full uniform, to attend the funeral of Princess NANNIE J. ROBIN SON. Funeral Saturday. January 16. at 1 o'clock. All officers and members be Dresent. ROSA HAMILTON. Acting Prln. Capt. ALBERTA MACK. Sec. • ROBINSON. NANNIE J. The officers and members of Datcher Chapter. No. 7. O. E. S.. are requested to attend the fu neral of our late sister. NANNIE J. ROBINSON, from Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. 1937 at 1 o'clock. ROSA V. HOLLOMAN. W M. RAMOND COLBERT. W. P. M. E. C. LYLE. Sec. • ROBINSON. NANNIE J. Members of Oasis Court. No. 2. Daughters of Isis, are re quested to meet at Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K sts. n.w.. Saturday. January 16. 10.37. at 12:30. to attend funeral of Past Imperial Deputy Daughter NANNIE J ROBINSON. Order of GERTRUDE HARRINGTON, III. Com. PEARL GETT8 Rec. ROBINSON. NANNIE J. Columbia Temple. No. 422. I. B P O. E. of W.. held a session of sorrow Thursday. January 14. to arrange for the funeral of Daughter NANNIE J. ROBINSON. Funeral Satur day. January 16. 1937. at I p.m.. from Asbury M. E Church. PAULINE ROBINSON. Daughter Ruler. NAOMI E. WASHINGTON. Secretary. ROCK. MAY HVRLBURT. Suddenly, on Thursday January 14. 1937. at her resi dence. 1515 Park road n.w.. MAY HURLBURT ROCK, widow of Georse A. Rock and mother of George R.. Hazel L. May A Fred H. Rock and Mrs. Ida Rock Poole. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. January 16. at 10 a m. Interment private. ROLLINS. LEWIS F. On January IT 193”. at the home of his daughter 1855 Good HoDe rd.. Washington. D. C.. LEWIS F. ROLLINS. He Is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Anna Sowerbutts: one son. Alfred Rollins: two sisters. Mrs. J. R Meeks and Mrs. Alex Buchanan: one brother. John S. Rollins Remains resting at the residence of Mr. William Armstrong. 50(1 North Lincoln st.. Clar endon. Va Funeral services at Andrews Chapel. Va. on Saturday. January lit, at 11 a.m. Interment church cemetery. 15 RUDOLPH. DORIS ANNE. On Friday. Jan uary 15. 1937. at Children's Hospital, DORIS ANNE RUDOLPH, beloved daugh ter of Mahlon and Vivian Rudolph. No tice . f funeral later. Services by tha W. W. Chambers Co. SHAW. DELLA. On Thursday. January 14. 1837. at F'reedmen's Hospital. DELLA SHAW. Remains regtlne at the J L. Lowe funeral home 013 Florida ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. SHAW. DELLA. AU Inmates of Bethel Household of Ruth. No. 1.710. G. U. O. of O. F.. are notified to be present at the funeral services of Sister DELLA SHAW. Sunday. January 17. 1937. at 1 o'clock p m., at Nineteenth Street Bap tist Church. 19th and Eye sts. n.w. MAUDE JOHNSON, W. R. FRANCES HUNT. M N. O. • SHAW. DELLA. All officers and members of the Home Benefit Association are ad vised of the death of Mrs. Della Shaw. Funeral Sunday. January 17. at 1 p.m.. from Nineteenth 8treet Baptist Church. I9th and Eye sts. n w. MRS MARY BRYANT. President. MRS. ANNA C. COOPER. Secretary. SHELTON. SARAH GERTRUDE. On Tuesday. January 12. 1937 SARAH GERTRUDE SHELTON, devoted wife of George R. Shelton, sr.; mother of Carrol Alvin. Leon. George. lr.. Elmer. Charles. Howard. Esau. Jacob. Rebecca. Dorcas. Phoebe Shelton and Mary Parish. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jar vis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. January 16. at 1:30 n.m.. from the above funeral church. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 15 SMITH. LOUISA M. On Friday January 15. 1037. at her residence. 3204 Ala bama ave. s.e.. LOUISA M . beloved mother of Edgar R. Smith. Mrs. Edith S. Hopgood and Mrs. Barbara M. Lutz. Remains resting at the W. W. Chamber* Co. Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. a e. Notice of funeral later. SURER. JOHN. Departed this life on Jan uary 12. 1937. at Galllnger Hospital. JOHN SUBER He leaves to mourn their loss six nieces, one nephew and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at R N. Horton A: Co funeral home. 1234 4th st. n.w. Funeral service will be held on Sunday. January 17 at 2 p.m.. at the above funeral home. Rev R D. Graham officiating Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Payne's Cemetery. THOMAS. WILL On Thursday. January 14 1937. at Freedmen’s Hospital. WILL THOMAS, loving husband ol Sarah Thomas, devoted friend of John F. Ngll. He also ’eaves other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. n w Notice of funeral later. 17 TILGHMAN. ELLEN. On Friday. January 15. 1937. at. her residence. 1761 Willard st. n.w ELLEN TILGHMAN beloved sis ter of Mar; Gray and Lottie Freeman. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Er nest Jervis funeral church. 1432 You it. n.w. Notice of funeral later. TYLER. JENNIE. Departed this life sud denly. Tuesday. January 12. 1937. at her residence, in Falls Church. Va.. JENNIE TYLER devoted mother of Mrs. Laura Tyler Barnes, sister of Lizzie Kess. Agnes Jackson and Cornelius and Isaac Wllkerson: grandmother of Laura. Madle. Clarence and Charles Gibbs. Funeral Sunday. January 17. at 1:30 p.m.. from the Second Baptist Church. Falls Church. Va.. Rev. W E. Costner officiating. Interment In church ceme tery. Services by the John T. Rhlnes funeral home. 17 WATTS. CUETTA. Departed thil life Wednesday. January 13. 1937. at her residence. 1955 4th at. n.w.. CUETTA WATTS beloved wife of William H. Watts. Remains resting at Bundy's fu neral home. Remains may be viewed at her late residence after 4 p.m. Friday. Funeral Saturday. January 16. at 1:30 p.m.. from Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Rev. Rov officiating. 15 WHILLDTN. ELLA. On Thursday. Janu ary 14. 1937. at her residence. 240 Madison st. n.w.. ELLA WHILLDIN Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. January 16. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Itt iHemnrtam. AMBROGI. LUCIA. In aad but loving re membrance of our dear mother. LUCIA AMBROGI. who departed this life eleven years aso today. January 15. 1926. Gentle mother, sainted mother. Loving mother, so kind and true; Resting now in peace with Jeeus. Loving hearts remember you. _ HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • BRENT. MARY ELIZABETH. In loving memory of our beloved mother and wife. MARY ELIZABETH BRENT, who left US cne yesr ago today. January 15. 1936. Beautiful memories of mother, dear. We’ll always cherish with love sincere> A day that comes with sad regret. A darling mother we'll never forget. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. WILLIAM BRENT. AND LOVING CHILDREN. EUGENE A. HUNN1CUTT MRS. MAR THA NORTON AND MRS. CATH ERINE HAWKJN8. KENNEY-CABEY. MRS. ANNA. Sacred to the blessed memory of my beloved moth er. ANNA KENNEY-CAREY. who depart ed this life twenty-one years ago today. January 15. 1916. In the 82nd year of her age. Rest, spirit, rest._ 4 HER SON. EDGAR L. KENNEY. • MUELLER. JACOB C. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear father. JACOB C. MUELLER, who departed this life two rears ago today. January 15. 1935. In our hearts your memory lingers. _You were faithful, fond and true; There Is not a day that passes That we do not think of you. HIS LOVING SON AND DAUGHTEP-TN. LAW. GEORGE AND MAYME MUEL LER. • O'DEA. STEPHEN B. In loving remem brance of our dear brother. STEPHEN B. O’DEA. who departed this life two years ago today. January 15. 1935. We will always remember you. The days would be blighter and happier for us were you here. _ YOUR BROTHER8. • WILLIAMS. ELIZABETH. In loving re membrance of our darling mother and grandmother. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, who departed this life nine years ago i today. January 15. 1928. A mother who gave us the best of her life. Who cherished our secrets, our sorrows and strife: Who taught us to love, who taught us to pray— Our mother In heaven* God Meta you HEr'lOVINO DAUGHTERS. MARVEE E. BROWN AND PRANCES THOMP SON: GRANDDAUGHTER. MILDRED MASON. ....-- ~ b JASON WATERMAN RITES . , HELD THIS AFTERNOON Master Masons of Washington Centennial Lodge Are Pallbearers. Funeral services for Jason Water man, 68, Public Health Service official, are being held this afternoon in the First Congregational Church, with Rev. Dr. Howard S. Anderson, pastor, officiating, assisted by Rev. Dr. Simp son B. Daugherty, pastor of the Church of the United Brethren. Pallbearers, all past masters of the Washington Centennial Lodge of Masons, of which Mr. Waterman was a member and past master, are L. P. Stewart, Dr. Howard Linton, Paul Lesh, Ernest Tate, Marx Kahn and Charles Le Foe. Mr. Waterman, who lived at 1603 Evarts street northeast, died Tuesday in his office of a heart attack. He was junior administrative assistant to the assistant surgeon general In the San itary Report and Statistics Division of the Health Service. CURTIS B. BACKUS, U. S. ENGINEER, DIES Alexandria Resident Directed Construction of Federal Prisons. E? a Star Correspondent ot The 8tar. ALEXANDRIA, Va„ January 15.— Curtis Beall Backus, 54, civil engineer in the Department of Justice, died at his home, 118 West Walnut street, yesterday, following an illness of six months. Funeral services were held this morning from the home. Mr. Backus was in charge of engi neering work in the construction of Federal prisons for the department. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan and was a member of the Theta Delta Fraternity and of the Kensington, Md., Masonic Lodge. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eleanor Perkins Backus; three sons, Curtis B., Franklin P. and William A. Backus; a daughter. Miss Louise Backus, and two sisters. Miss Con stance Backus and Miss Ha class ah Backus of Glencarlyn, Va. He was the son of the late William Mansfield and Constance Beall Backus of Wash ington. Officiating at the funeral were Bishop George M. Davenport of Eas ton, Md., and the Rev. George Vest, rector of ISnmanuel Episcopal Church. Burial was in Oakwood Cem etary at Falls Church. Active pallbearers were John Schaff. James A. Sherier, Gilbert J. Cox, R. H. C. Beverley, Charles J. Benedict and Wallace W. Wrignt. Honorary pallbearers were Repre sentative Howard W. Smith, Henry R. Burke, M. M. Barnard, Thomas A. Lee, Charles Henry Smith, Henry O’Bannon Cooper, W. T. Hammack, Arthur Herbert and W. Selden Wash ington. 300 AT WELCOME FOR NEW RECTOR Dr. Wilkinson, Wife and Daugh ter Given Reception by St. Thomas’ Chnrch. More than 300 persons were present last night at a welcoming reception at St. Thomas Episcopal Church for the newly appointed rector. Rev. Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, his wife and daughter. Madeleine. Chief Justice A. A. Wheat of the District Court, senior warden, and Comdr. Needham L. Jones, U. S. N„ junior warden, and the vestry and parish were hosts. Bishop James E. Freeman, other members of the Washington diocese, and visiting clergymen from Annapolis and Easton, Md, were among those present. Dr. Wilkinson will be guest preacher at the Naval Academy on Sunday. Dr. Anson Phelps Stokes will take over his place for the day at St. Thomas Epis copal Church. MAN HELD ON CHARGE OF ASSAULTING WOMAN Waives Extradition in Police Court on Fugitive Warrant From Maryland. Raymond Herbert Woley, 37, of 1634 B street northeast, arrested Wednesday on a fugitive warrant charging him with assaulting a young Washington woman near EUioott City, Md„ Satur day, waived extradition yesterday when arraigned before Police Court Judge Isaac R. Hitt. Woley first asked a 30-day contin uance, but when he was informed he would be held without bail, he waived extradition. Another man, arrested in connection with the case, did not ap pear in court. It is understood he agreed to return to the Maryland jurisdiction. According to police, the men forced the young woman, who is married, into a car at Twelfth and E streets southeast and drove to a tourist camp near Ellicott City, where the crime allegedly was perpetrated. Sheriff J. F. Curtis of Howard Coun ty and Detective Sergts. Richard Cox and Ouy Rone of the Metropolitan poUce made the arrests. REM C. JORDAN IS AT AGE OF C —mm Was Member of Virginia M. E. Conference 56 Years. Here 12 Years. Rev. Arthur Clifton Jordan, for Sfl years a member of the Virginia Con* ference of the Southern Methodist Church, died yesterday at his home, X703 Irving street, after an illness at lev. Jordan. several weeks. He was 82 years old. Funeral serv ices will be held at 2 p.m. tomor row at Francis Asbury Church, with the pastor, Rev. A. T. Shir key, In charge. Burial will be in Port Lincoln Cemetery. Surviving Dr. Jordan are his widow., whom Jie married 51 years ago. ana xour cnnaren: Mrs. Essie Hill, Mrs. Denton Reed and Miss Nancy Jordan, all of Washington, and Arthur Jordan, jr., of Detroit. Dr. Jordan, a native of Oates County, N. C., was widely known in Virginia, where he served many pas torates. He had resided In Washing ton since retiring 12 years ago and had taken an active part In the work of Asbury Church. LIEUT. COL. W. L. CLARK IS BURIED IN ARLINGTON Services Are Held in Port Myer Chapel, With Chaplain Ralph C. Delbert Officiating. With full military honors, Lieut. Col. Walter L. Clark, executive as sistant to the chief of the manufactur ing service, Army Ordnance Bureau, who died here Wednesday, was buried this atemoon in Arlington National Cemetery. Services were held in the Port Myer Chapel, with Chaplain Ralph C. Del bert officiating. Honorary pallbearers were Maj. Gen. W. H. Tschappat, chief of ordinance; Brig. Gen. Herman W. Schull, assist ant to the chief of ordnance; Maj. Gen. Thomas Q Ashburn, chairman of the advisory board of the Inland Waterways Corp.; Lieut. Cols. Charles A. Walker, jr.; William E. Larned, John Mather, Guy I. Rowe, Levin H. Campbell, jr.; D. C. K. Bullens and Maj. Miles W. Kresge. FLOWERS rOUPOWT CIHClt JL HO. 7000 Milburn T. Z1RKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 Narth Side ef Stanton Park. (edevr Hill ‘M'adliitujtmii mat Beautiful (emeteru DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Ckamben, $ 3 any pl°ce ^ in the city Columbia 0432 One at the Lamest Undertakers in tke World. For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR *75 No Extract For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 & Any Family Can Afford Ryan Funeral Service Our facilities afford every refinement in presenting the ideal funeral service. The efficiency with which every responsibility is executed is made possible by our long experi ence, our capable, courteous personnel and most modern equipment. Remember to call Ryan Service. Ryan Ambulance Service New De Luxe Ambulance for Local or Distant Calls at Reasonable Rates James T. Ryan Funnel Director ** 317 Pa. Are. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 THIEF WHO SNATCHED $6,700 IN GEMS HUNTED Baltimore Criminal Believed to Have Headed for Capital. Leaped on Running Board. A colored purae-snatcher who robbed a Baltimore woman of $6,700 worth of Jewelry la being sought by Washington police. The robbery was reported Wednes day by Mrs. Dorothy Ruhl, who told police the colored man leaped on the running board of her automobile in Baltimore and reached in and took the pocketbook while she was riding with her 6-year-old twin nephews. The jewelry consisted of a platinum diamond ring valued at $3,000, an other diamond ring worth $2,500 and a $1,200 wrist watch studded with 75 diamonds. Baltimore police believe the thief left that city after the robbery and headed for Washington. SCREEN WRITER DIES PASADENA, Calif., January 15 UP).— William M. Ritchey, 55, an outstanding scenarist In the days of silent films, a former newspaper man and onetime film producer, died yesterday alter a week’s illness. He Joined the Paramount writing stair in the early 1920's, and later was made head ol the Paramount scenario department. Recently he has been a free lance screen writer. Ritchey was bom in Evansville, Ind. ghs due to colds often relieved with ■ I one swallow of Tlioxine. Help protect sleep. Only35<. Guaranteed. e-wTHQXINE P. J. NEE CO. “TWIN STORES” I I At a time like this—when the prices of the furniture offered ore soaring—P. J. Nee offers you a Storewide Floor Sample Clearance. Really fine merchandise that any homemaker would be intensely proud of, at low prices in a rising market—and THAT is a SALE! Each item is from our regular stock, fully guaranteed quality furniture. We urge you to take advantage of these unusual bargains while they last. FROM "OUR 7th AND H ST. STORE! Htm Formerly Xow Modern Wing Chair, green Swedish tapestry cover-$95.00 $27.50 2-Pc. English Lounge Type Living Room Suite-$95.00 $74.50 2-Pc. Modern Living Room Suite, wine shade-$275.00 $132.50 2*Pc. Lounge Living Room Suite in green-$169.00 $1 19.00 Nationally known Radios-$125.00 $19.75 Table Lamps (group of 24)-$2.95 to $4.95 $1.50 Dresser and 3-3 Bed in bone-white, both pieces-$79.00 $39.50 Chippendale Vanity and Mirror in Solid Mahogany-$49.50 $29.50 Mahogany finished Vanity and Mirror-$24.50 $16.50 Studio Couch - $32.50 $26.85 Sheraton Dining Room Suite, 10-pc. solid mahogany—,_$249.00 $199.50 Full Size, Modern Satinwood Bed-$37.50 $9.75 Maple Dresser, fine quality---$29.50 $19.95 Maple Ladder-Back Chair, rush seat- $6.45 $4.75 4-Pc. Maple Bedroom Suite-$119.00 $74.75 Item Formerly Now 2-Pc. Solid Mahogany Living Room Suite, green frieze- 5215.00 $172.00 2-Pc. Mohair Living Room Suite, Chas. of Londonstyle _ 129.00 $109.00 2- Pc. Modern Living Room Suite, mohair covering-$149.00 $119.00 Chippendale Sofa, blue velour covering -$139.00 $114.00 Loose Pillow Back and Seat Sofa, down filled-$188.50 $149.50 Duncan Phyfe loose cushion style sofa-$96.50 $82.50 4-Pc. Colonial Mahogany Bedroom Suite-$217.00 $179.00 4-Pc. Solid Philippine Mahogany Bedroom Suite-$169.00 $138;00 4-Pc. Butt Walnut Front Bedroom Suite---$149.00 $126.00 7-Pc. Ivory Bedroom Suite, a Grand Rapids make-$286.00 $244.00 Studio Sofa Bed, convertible type, high back-$46.00 $39.50 * Large Overstuffed Chairs in green or brown-$19.75 $1 5.50 3- Pc. Solid Maple Bedroom Suite, double bed-$89.00 $59.50 4- Pc. Solid Rock Maple Bedroom Suite, Colonial style- $110.00 $88.00 7-Pc. Maple Dinette Suite, buffet, china closet, 4 chairs-.$169.00 $144.00 10-Pc. Mahogany or Walnut Dining Room Suite-$245.00. $219.00 10-Pc. Walnut Dining Room Suite, Burl Walnut Fronts. $187.50 62.00 10-Pc. Modern Dining Room Suite in Walnut-$212.50 $179.00 4-Pc. Modern Bedroom Suite, Burl Walnut „ Front _ $189.00 $149.00 4-Pc. Modern Bedroom Suite in Hardwood finish-$198.00 $139.00 “THE TWIN STORES”