Newspaper Page Text
1 ATTEND DINNER! OF ALFALFA CLUB; Senator Harrison Installed as President of Group—New Members Present. The Alfalfa Club held its twenty fourth annual dinner at the Willard Hotel last night and installed Senator Pat Harrison as its new president. More than 700 members and guests attended the affair. Brief memorial services were held for three members who died during the year—former Gov. Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland, Brig. Gen. William Mitchell and Philip St. Julien Wilson, former chief engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads. The dinner also was marked by a “national political convention,” in which former Senator James Watson of Indiana was nominated by Senator Harrison as candidate for President of the United States on the Alfalfa j ticket. Six new members were initiated. They are Dr. Malcolm Gibbs, president of Peoples Drug Stores; Senator White of Maine. Senator McNary of Oregon, Thomas McAdams, former president of the American Bankers' Association; Carroll Morgan of the G. M. P. Mur phy Co. and Stanton Peel, prominent Washington lawyer. Senator Harrison succeeded Cor coran Thom as president. Other offi- j cers who assumed their posts were | Edward J. Walsh, first vice president; Gene Buck, second vice president; Charles Porterfield Light, secretary treasurer; William Payne Meredith, sergeant at arms, and George H. I O'Connor, water boy. The list of invited guests and mem bers follows: The Speaker of the House of Rep resentatives. the Ambassador of Bel gium, the Ambassador of China, the the Minister of Siam, the Attorney General, the Postmaster General. A. Dean Acheson, Commissioner George E. Allen, James B. Alley, Earl M. Amick, Representative Walter G. An drews. former Representative Tim othy T. Ansberry. Representative Les ter (\ Arends. Alexander Armstrong, Harry Armstrong. Brig. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Jacob Aaronson, Charles W. Arth, Philip C. Arth. C. Rogers Arun dell, Clarence A. Aspinwall, H. F. Atherton, Albert.W. Atwood. Hugh D. Auchincloss, H. Thomas Austern, F. Gloyd Await and Edward Ayre. B. Former Representative Isaac Bach arach, Senator Nathan L. Bachman, Representative Robert Low Bacon, Richard H. Bailey, jr.; Bruce Baird, Charles H. Baker, Gibbs L. Baker, Representative William B. Bankhead, Senator Alben W. Barkley, Carter Barron, George H. Barrows, Robert Barry, John H. Bartlett, Sanford Bates, Norman W. Baxter, William L. Beale and Charles W. Beck, jr.; Former Representative uarrou i,. Beedy, Daniel W. Bell, John G. Bell, TJlric Bell, James B. Beller, Edgar Bergen, Donald M. Bernard, George L. Berry, Clifford K. Berryman, Paul Bestor, Dr. Gregg Custis Birdsall, George T. Bishop, Judge Oscar E. Bland, Representative John W. j Boehne, jr.; Everett J. Boothby, Har- | old G. Bowen, Dr. Walter W. Boyd, j Thomas W. Brahany. Harry M. Bra love, Raymond P. Brandt, Capt. Tay lor Branson. TJ. S. M. C.; William J. Bray, Benjamin H. Brewster, Jr.; Alan F. Bristor, former Representa tive Fred A. Britten, Arthur G. Brode, Frederick H. Brooke, Robert E. Brooke, John St. C. Brooks, jr.; George Roth well Brown, Norman C. Brown, Thad H. Brown, Norman C. Brown, Powell Browning, Charles E. Bryan, John Etewart Bryan, Eugene Edward Buck. Walker S. Buel, Dr. N. D. Buie. Barry Bulkley, Senator William J. Bulow, former Assistant Secretary of State Harvey H. Bundy, Senator Edward K. Burke, Dr. John W. Burke, Taylor Burke, Ebert K. Burlew, H. Ralph Burton, Harry C. Butcher, Charles Henry Butler, Senator Harry Flood I Byrd. Harry Flood Byrd, jr., and Senator James F. Byrnes. t. Dr. James A. Cahill, jr.; Robert P. Cahill, Louis G. Caldwell, Daniel J. Callahan, Daniel J. Callahan, jr.: W. B. Calloway, Michael P. Calnan, George M. Campbell, Ward Canaday, Austin F. Canfield. Robert Carey, John H. Carroll, jr.; Amon G. Car- j ter, former Public Printer George H. ! Carter, Norman Stanley Case. Col. Holland W. Case, U. S. A.: Claude D. Cass. Dr. Philip A. Caulfield. E. Taylor Chewning, Edwin F. Chinlund, Charles Chipman, George Bowie Chipman. Wallace W. Chiswell, George B. Christian, jr.: Melville Church, jr.: Senator Bennett C. Clark, Gaylord Lee Clark, Lawrence Clayton, James S. Clifford, jr.; Representative John J. Cochran. E. Randolph Cocke, Philip O. Cof fin. Charles E. Cohn, Frank J. Cole man, Maj. Gen. Frederick W. Cole man, U. S. A.; Edward F. Colladay, James E. Colliflower, Henry E. Collins, Representative William M. Colmer, Rear Admiral Charles Conard, Rear Admiral Hutchinson I. Cone, re tired, U. S. N.; Senator Tom Con nally. John C. Conover, Thomas Jeffer son Coolidge. Senator Royal S. Cope land, Thomas G. Corcoran, William C. Costello, Joseph J. Cotter, Robert J. Cottrell, former Chief Justice J. Harry Covington, Gen. Malin Craig, U. S. A.; Henry D. Crampton, Comdr. T. A. M. Craven, U. S. N.; John M. Crawford, John F. Crosby, Lewis M. Crosley, Dr. Jerome F. Crowley, Leo T. Crowley, Thomas R. Crowley, for mer Surgeon General Hugh S. Cum mings, Andrew Jackson Cummings, Attorney General Homer Cummings, Harry F. Cunningham, J. Harry Cun- : ningham, J. Maxson Cunningham. D. Walter Damm, Chester C. Davis, Ewin Lamar Davis, Floyd E. Davis, Howard Davis, John Harrison Davis, Manton Davis, Dr. William Thorn RESORTS. NASSAU, BAHAMAS. a&fwzzi To tha quaint lovoliaow ot Nanaa, Britain't gloriour winter playground in the. Bahama*; tha Fan Montagu Baach Hotal addi tha lafaw taint ol a thoroughly mod am hotal, tha unobrttunva aicatiat ot part act larvica, axcallant euiiiaa and a diitinguiihad ehantala Write for literature or contult your travel agent now/ Fori Momra Beach Mannish Beach Styles Favored by Socialites MRS. J. GORDON DOUGLAS. LOUISE M. I SELIN. MRS. HAROLD VANDERBILT. Mannish beach and lounge siyies are popular wun inese new yotk sociames sojourmny at Palm Beach, Fla., for the Winter. The comfortable polo shirt and slacks are being worn for shopping tours as well as for lounging around on the beach. —Wide World Photos, well Davis. F. Trubee Davison. J. F. Deasy, Frederic A. Delano, Repre sentative John J. Dempsey. Viscount J. Henri de Sibour, George A. De Witt, former Assistant Attorney Gen eral John Dickinson, Senator Wil liam E. Dieterich, Walter G. Distler, F. Joseph Donohue. William H. Dono van, Dwight D, Doty, former Director of the Budget Lewis W. Douglas, Charles D. Drayton, Representative Patrick H. Drewry, Arthur P. Drury, Andrew W. Duffy. Senator F. Ryan Duffy, George Thomas. Dunlop, Fred E. Dyer. E. Stephen Early, Frederick East, Mar riner S. Eccles, Clifton V. Edwards, Jesse B. Ellis. Milton H. Esberg, Milton H. Esberg, jr.; Dr. James W. Esler, J. Fred Essary, Silliman Evans, John U. Evers. F. James A. Farley, Postmaster Gen eral; James E. Farrell, J. H. Ferry, Carter Field. Charles K. Field. Robert B. Filley, Bernard F. Fitzgerald, Don ald Flamm, J. Spalding Flannery, Alfred Chester Flather, Robert V. Fleming. J. Clifford Folger. William P. Folger, Mark Foote, Samuel W. Fordyce, Maj. Gen. Samuel W. For dyce, U. S. A., retired; William E. Furey. G. Edwin W. Gableman, Michael Gal lagher, Charles W. Galloway, E. Gwynn Gardiner, sr.: Judge Finis J. Garrett, Hampson Gary, H. Prescott Gatley, John O. Gheen, Henry F. Gibbs., Malcolm Graeme Gibbs; Pub lic Printer Augustus E. Giegengack, Howard F. Gillette, Charles Carroll Glover, Senator Carter Glass, Thomas Plim Goodbody, Mark L. Goodwin, Albert H. Gordon. Adam R. Gordon, M. J. Gormley, Edward W. Goss, Emile J. Gough, Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, U. S. N.. retired; Thomas D. Green, Thomas E. Green, William Green, Louis S. Greene, Henderson B. Gregory, Charles O. Gridley. Col. F. Wharton Griffin, U. S. A., retired: Herman M. Grimes, Judge D. Law rence Groner, Thomas J. Groom, Gil bert Grosvenor, Melville Bell Grosve nor, Charles S. Groves, Senator Joseph F. Guffey, Bernard Gufler, John W. Guider, David Guyon. H. Harry J. Haas. Harry L. Hall, Wil liam F. Hall, William S. Hall, Carl s. Hallauer, Representative Charles A. Halleck, Edwin A. Halsey, George E. Hamilton, jr.; John D. M. Hamilton, Representative Clarence E. Hancock, Dr. Granville S. Hanes, John H. Hanna, Elisha Hanson, Karl J. Hardy, Ford W. Harris, Floyd R. Harrison, George L. Harrison, Senator Pat Har rison. A. V. Hart, Representative Ed ward J. Hart, Willard L. Hart, Nelson T. Hartson, H. O. Harvey, J. J. Hasley, Judge Charles S. Hatfield, Samuel W. Hauser, Jay G. Hayden, Charles D. Hayes, Edward D. Hayes, John C. Hayes William E. Hayes, Commissioner Mel vin C. Hazen, William S. Hedges, Fred A. Healy, Thomas P. Healy, J. E. Herberle, Ray Helgesen. Col. Joseph M. Heller, U. S. A.: Charles B. Hen derson, J. Thilman Hendrick, Michael E. Hennessey, Christian A. Herter, Jeremiah G. Hickey, Frank S. Hight, RESORTS. _FLORIDA._ Write for FREE copy of THE GIMLET Travel Magazine Tells where and how to go, to stop, to dine, to shop. Florida, the Sooth. Ha vana. the West Indies, Canada. New York. Maps. Send IOc to cover mailing. GIMLET PUBLICATIONS. Miami. Fla. BELLEAIR, FLA. nL EILEV1EW BILTMORE BELLEAIR.FIa. Frankly for the few . . who can really appreciate the aocial prestige, the charm and atmosphere of this superb Gulf Coast resort. Magnifi cent facilities including: Two championship golf courses. Enormous swimming pool Private island beach and ca bana colony. Yacht basin and dock. Tennis, riding, all land and water sports. For information and reaervariona, apply to Travel Af enta or Frank W. Ref an, Belleview Hotel, Belleair, Florida or New York office at Biluaore Hotel. All year, Carden Gty H©tel, Carden City,L.I. Summer, Hotel Champlain, Bluff Pt*v N. Y. Thomas Hlldt. Billy Hill, Joseph T. Hines, Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines, U. S. A.: Senator Herbert E. Hitchcock. Dr. P. L. Hodges, Edward Hoffman, George P. Hoffman. Father Aloysius J. Hogan, Frank J. Hogan, T. Stanley Holland, former Representative John B. Hol lister. George R. Holmes, George I Sanford Holmes, Charles E. Hood, J. ! Edgar Hoover, G. A. Horton, James A. Horton, Hilleary G. Hoskinson. Frank ; K. Houston; First Assistant Postmaster \ General William A. Howes. Edward F. . Howrey, Marcel Hubert, Stanley Hunt | ington, Carroll B. Huntress, Sam H. i Husbands, George W. Hutchison. Al ; bert D. Hutzler, Richard Washburn ! Hynson. I. Maj. Gen. Merritte W. Ireland, U. S. A. J. Assistant Attorney General Robert j H. Jackson, J. Wriley Jacobs, Eugene i R. Jacobsen. W. Edward Jamieson, | Waiter B. Jarvis, Frank R. JellefT, | Roval C. Johnson, former Circuit j Judge Thomas L. Johnson, Alexander F. Jones, Edmund L. Jones, Jesse H. i Jones, Sam M. Jones. H. Walter Karig. Edwin R. Keedy. As sistant Attorney General Joseph B. Keenan, John D. Keith, Edward C. Kemper, Harry W. Kerr, Milton W. King, Howard J. Klossner, Repre sentative Harold Knutson, W. E. E. Koepler and Milton S. Kronheim. L. George W. Laird, John T. Lambert, Rear Admiral Emory S. Land, U. S. N.: Representative Fritz G. Lanham, Philip H. Lantz, David L. Lawrence, I Admiral William D. Leahy, U. S. N.; ; Marshall O. Leighton, Fenton F. Leith, j Charles Leonard, Paul E. Lesh, Jus j tice F. Dickinson Letts, Charles L. ! Levy, William Mather Lewis, Charles P. Light, Gould Lincoln, Adgate A. Lipscomb, William Harold Lipscomb, James H. Littlepage, John M. Little page, Thomas P. Littlepage. Thomas P. Littlepage, jr.; Senator Augustine Lonergan, Fred Lowers, Justice OsCar R. Luhring, John P. Lynch. Father Joseph Lynch and David Lynn. M. Albert R. Mackenzie, Donald P. Mackenzie, Jeremiah D. Maguire, Wil liam G. Maguire, Senator Francis T. Maloney, Charles H. March, Joseph A. Marr, George G. Marshall, former ; Assistant Attorney General John Mar shall. Guy Mason. M. Joseph Matan, Charles H. Mathews, jr.: William A. Mayfield. Thomas Branch McAdams, former Controller General John Ray mond McCarl. William McClellan, M. j H. McCloskey. Malcolm S. McConihe, | Stewart McDonald, Joseph P. Mc j Garraghy, Simon F. McHugh, Dr. Ross T. Mclntire. Marvin H. McIntyre,1 John H. McKee, Frederick D. McKen ney, Thomas W. McKnew, Representa tive Donald H. McLean. Brien Mc Mahon. John R. McMullan, Robert j H. McNally, Martin J. McNamara, Senator Charles L. McNary, Thomas' A. Melton, John T. Menzies. Wil liam Payne Meredith, E. D. Merrill, Col. Raymond F. Metcalfe. U. S. A.: Ernst W. Meyer, Eugene Meyer. Karl B. Michelet, Charles Michelson, Maury Middleton, Allison N. Miller, William C. Miller, George S. Mills. Benjamin S. Minor, Frank K. Mit | chell. Dr. A. B Moore. Charles F. Moore, jr.; L. Gardner Moore, As ! sistant Secretary of State R. Walton Moore, Dr. William Cabell Moore. Daniel L. Moorman, Charles P L. i Moran, Howard Moran, Charles Gar roll Morgan. T. Frank Morgan. Dr. William A. Morgan. William Forbes ; Morgan. Felix Morlev. Frederick L. Moore, Edgar Morris, William Morris, Alan D. Morrow, Frank P. Morse, H. ' Tudor Morsell. Representative Harold D. M06ier. Claire R. Mudge. H. A. Mulligan, Edward P. Mulrooney, Dr. Joseph Mundell, Grayson M-P. Mur- | phy, James S. Murray and F. Ross Myers. N. Richard Nash, Alfred E. Neal, J. Gilbert Nettleton, Avon M. Nevius, i Fleming Newbold, Gov. Harry W Nice of Maryland, James Parker Nolan, J. Van Dyke Norman. O. Prince Alexis Obolensky, Daniel J. O’Brien, Robert Lincoln O’Brien. Dan iel P. O’Connell, Dr. Charles E. O’Con nor, George H. O’Connor, Repre sentative John J. O’Connor. Capt. Kenneth A. O'Connor, U. 8. A.; Dr. William Francis O’Donnel, Msgr. David T. O’Dwyer, John Callan O'Laughlin, Abner C. Oliphant, Nelson B. O’Neal, William D. Ord, Wilber Allen Owen. P. Frank Copeland Page, Chauncey G. Parker, Jr.; John E. Parker, H. A. Parr, Jr.; John B. Parrish, Duke M. Patrick, Alexander E. Patterson, Lewis A. Payne, Roger C. Peace, William E. Pearson, Stanton C. Peelle, John J. Pelley, Dr. Dunjap P. Penhallow, Frank M. Perley, Dr. Benjamin C. Perry, Julius I. Peyser, Arthur J. Phelan, H. Glenn Phelps, H. G. Phil lips, Dr. ZeBarney Phillips, Edward A. Pierce, H. H. Pike. Jr.; Senator Key Pittman, George Plitt, sr.; Claude R. Porter, George B. Porter, William A. Porter, Representative D. Lane Pow ers, Annlng 8. Prall, Ord Preston, Harry W. Price, Justice James M. Proctor. John Chauncey Pugh, Clifford B. Purse, Merlo J. Pusey. Q. Dr. Martin A. Quirk, Robert E. Quirk. R. Senator George L. Radcliffe, H. E. C. Rainey. Henry Ravenel, Repre sentative Sam Rayburn, William F. Raymond, Daniel J. Read, Solicitor General Stanley F. Reed, Hugh Reilly, jr.; Dr. Henry Reining, jr.; Algernon P. Reeves. James B. Reynolds, John B. Reynolds, Rear Admiral James O. Richardson, U. S. N.: William M. Richardson, Donald R. Richberg, Andrew D. Ring, George William Ritter, James S. Robb, W. C. Robbins, Frank Roberson. Bertrand H. Roberts, James O'Connor Roberts, O. Stanley Roberts, Roy A. Roberts, Nathan W. Robertson, Bernard M. Robinson. Senator Joe T. Robinson. Robert Ridgway Rodenberg, William A. Rodenberg, Lieut. Col. James Roose velt, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve; Manheim Rosenweig, Horace D. Rouzer, Mefford R. Runyan. Frank M. Russell, Hal L. Rust, jr.; Col. Henry H. Rutherford, U. S. A. S. Representative Leon Sacks, Wheeler Sammons. Everett Sanders. Andrew Saul, John Saul, V. F. Scholen, Emil Schram, W. J. Scripps, Corporation Counsel Elwood Seal. Kurt Sel', Earl F. Sells, James McD. Shea. Joseph C. Sheehy, George C. Shepard, Swagar Sherley, Thomas R. Shipp, Edward Shippen, George M. Shriver, Frederick P. H. Siddons, Reuben D. Silllman, Dr. H. E. Simons, David A. Skinner, Norfleet R. Sledge, Alan B. Smith, Dr. Howard C. Smith. John Lewis Smith, Judge Joseph L. Smith, Kirby Smith, J. W. Rixey Smith, Robert P. Smith, Tom K. Smith, Wal ter H. Smith, Representative Betrand H. Snell, Edgar C. Snyder, Harry P. Somerville, Hugh M. Southgate. Oley Speaks, William H. Speer, Henry Benning Spencer, Marey L. Sperry, Marcy L. Sperry, jr.; Louis A. Spiess, John A. Stalfort, A. Owsley Stanley, Dr. Camp Stanley, Col. David S. Stanley, U. S. A.; John Boyd Stanley, Dr. William J. Stanton, George A. Starke. George A. Steele. Edwin C. Stefle, E. J. Steichen. Senator Frederick Steiwer, Dr. William Cal houn Sterling, John A. Stevenson, Frederick Stohlman, Frank J. Stryker, John H. Stutt. Engineer Commissioner Dan I. Sultan, A. Burks Summers. Jesse L. Suter, Henry Suydam, Eugene O. Sykes. T. Sidney F. Taliaferro, Dr. Lewis H. Taylor, Orville J. Taylor, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Wayne Chatfleld Taylor, Corcoran Thom, Cor coran Thom, jr.; Charles M. Thomas, Dr. Edward P. Thomas. Francis D. Thomas, Representative R. Ewing Thomason, Col. Ernest Thompson, U. S. A.; Dr. Hans Thomsen, Gerald Thorp, Merle Thorpe, Benjamin H. Thurman. Bascom N. Timmons, G. Carroll Todd. Clyde A. Tolson. Rep resentative Allen T. Treadway, Ernest T. Trigg, Joseph P. Tumulty, Law rence Turnure. V. Robert C. Vance. Senator Frederick Van Nuys, George O. Vass, Represent ative Fred M. Vinson, Harry Von Tilzer. W. Edward J. Walsh, Ben Scott Whaley, Edward K. Walsh. John Walsh. Rich ard T. Walsh, Lieut. Col. Robert L. Walsh, U. S. A.; Franklyn Waltman, jr.; Justus S. Wardell, Albert L. War RESORTS. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. RESORTS. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. RESORTS. MIAMI BEACH. FLA._ r MIAMI BEACH ' is unique in every way See Miami Beach this winter. See it in its new glory ... the vacation* wonder oi the world, created to be Just that according to the vision of its founders. Thousands of people from every part of the country helped to build Miami Beach. They spent more than $54,500,000 on new homes, hotels and apartments since 1926. They spent $22,000,000 of that sum during the past two years. All for the ioy of living under ideal conditions. You can share in that Joy ... for Miami Beach was built for you. by thousands like you. R ? Miami Beach is the one retort in the world that did not "Just grow." • i v It has been larishly laid out to be exactly what it it ... a place to forget care and worry, to grow healthy, to hare a good time. f Miami Beaeh it bigger, more fascinating than it ever was. There is more to do and see ... more healthful pleasures, more entertainment more splendidly comfortable places to stay. Yet it's the sparkling beauty of Miami Beach, the gorgeousness of its setting, that constitutes its chief attraction. That was the reason its founders, with the world to choose from, picked the spot in the beginning ... along with its per* feet winter climate. That is the reason, too. why so many people bars established their residence here. A Miami Baach is smart ... Miami Baach is magnificsnt ... bat a vaca* tion bar* aaad ba no aora axpaasiva than you cars to maks it. J According to JOHN OLIVER LaGORCE, Auodatg Editor, National Geographic Magazine— ** ... the compelling charm of Miami Beach to truly unique.** FLORIDA * i ♦Write to the Miami B Beach Chamber of H Commerce, Miami B Beach, Florida, for H Illustrated Booklet I WS 33 and com- H plete information. XB m Arerag* Winter Temperature 69.6° £; Avg. Min. 63.3° Arg. Max. 75.8° ■ Average number of daya par year M with SUNSHINE.359 ij|: (U. 8. Weather Bureau Record*) ’v&iWSf ..w^.«JVT^r5Kjft>Rd!S. Cumberland, 150 Years Old, Will Celebrate Next August Site of Town Named for Fort First Called 66Walnut Bottom99—Entire Tract Bought for $7,000. Br tne Associated press. CUMBERLAND, Md., January 1(5 — Although this city will not celebrate its 150th anniversary until the week of August 8. next Wednesday is really its sesquicentennial. For on that day, January 20, 1787, the Maryland Legislature passed an act to authorize the erection of Cum berland Town, "at or near the mouth of Wills Creek in Washington County.” The site of the town at that time was owned by Thomas Beall and was called “Walnut Bottom.” It comprised that area now occupied by the busi ness district, totaling about 200 acres. Laid Out Lots. Beall had purchased the Walnut imately t7,000—a sum which today would not buy many of the original lots. He laid out lots in 1785 and sold many of them under the name of Washington Town, in honor of George Washington. In the year of the Legislature’s au- ! thorization of a town here, the settlers 1 petitioned the Assembly to change the ' | name to Cumberland, in honor of the old Fort Cumberland, abandoned since 1765. On this date 150 years ago. the total I population was less than 100 families. ! | They all resided on the west side of 1 Wills Creek on streets now known as Green and Washington streets. Dent First Child. To Frederick Dent has been given i the honor of being the first child born to a family in Cumberland after the town's new name was authorized. Th:s j event was in the Fall of 1787. and occurred in the Dent home on Green street. In the decade following Cumber- I land's establishment, about twoscore ! new families settled here and were j ■__- __ ner, Harry Wardman, Charles Warren, i Everett C. Watkins, Col. Edward M i Watson. U. S. A.: former Senator James E. Watson, John Wattawa, Wil lard I. Webb. Willard I. Webb, jr.; i Orlando P. Weber, William Weisman, j A. Weiss. Capt. Chester Wells, U. S. N., I retired: Maj. Gen. Oscar O. Westover, U. S. A.: Warren W. Wheaton. Sena tor Burton K. Wheeler, Francis White, Roland L. White, Senator Wallace H. White, Representative Richard B. Wig | glesworth. Admiral Henry A. Wiley, retired: James C. Wilkes, John F. Wil I kins. William B. Willard, A. Rea Wil- j liams, J. Harlan Williams, R. Gray j Willalms, F. E. Williamson, George H. j Wilson, Lloyd B. Wilson. Lloyd B, Wil- I son, jr.: Lyle C. Wilson. Otis T. Wingo. I jr.; Garrard Winston, Bernard M. j Wise. Dr. Allan Scott Wolfe, Leads | Wood. Waddy Butler Wood. Urey prominent enough to have their names recorded In history, but it is interesting to note that their descendants are few in this community. • W. H. Lowdermilk, whose history of Allegany County provides the most complete chronicle of history of this section, attributed this fact to the pioneer spirit of these settlers, a spirit that urged them to keep moving west ward. Cumberland, however, continued to grow, and in 1815 the Maryland Legis lature again took notice of the com munity and by an act, again passed on January 20, provided for the in corporation of the town. Charter Changed. Nineteen years later this act was amended to provide seven councilmen, these to meet and choose a Mayor from among themselves. Under this amended charter the city operated until 1874, when a new charter, embodying material changes, was obtained from the Legislature. For 36 years the city was operated under the ward system until, in 1910, the present commission form of gov ernment was established. Cumberland has had only four Mayors in the last 26 years. Mayor TVW. Koon has been elected 10 times and today heads the committee pre paring for the sesquicentennial of the city's founding. COGSWELL TO ADDRESS WOMEN’S BAR GROUP Proposed Change in District Pro bate Law Subject of Register of Wills. Maj. Theodore Cogswell, register of wills for the District of Columbia, will address the Women’s Bar Association at a dinner to be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, January 25, in Wesley Hall, 1703 K street. He will speak on proposed changes in the District pro bate law. A panel discussion will be led later by Mrs. Pearl B. Klein, chairman of the association’s legislative com mittee. Other speakers will be Mrs. Elizabeth Cox, Mrs. Jean Howitz, Mrs. Bumita Shleton Matthews and Mrs. Mable B. Sakis. Miss Beatrice A. Clephane, president, will reside. --• Potash Output Resumed. Potash production has been re sumed in Spain. STEAMSHIPS. Woodson. Robert Wicklifle Woolley, Dean K. Worcester. Frank W. Wozen craft. Col. Clark C. Wren. Daniel Thew i Wright. James Lloyd Wright, MaJ. i Gen. William M. Wright, U. S. A., re tired. X. Henry Xander. Y. Donald A. Young. J. Russell Young. Z. George P. Zouck. RESORTS. I_ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. _ MOCOLO MOSES (AINU FEW MOSE-COLUS!] AT j I I :! ...IM ATLAMTIC CITY World-famous for its health ful climate. Come to the Ambassador for your mid season holiday. See how quickly taut nerve* and muscles relax, how much better you feel. Delicious food. Economy w inter rate;. V ilham Hamilton, Managing Dtract** Write today for illqstrated booklet— Hotel Ambassador/ Atlantic City Everything i for ‘IQ. YES. a full week-end by the sea .. delicious meals .. pleasant surroundings.. sea water baths .. vita glass solarium .. sun decks overlooking the ocean. , Friday-Satanlay - Sunday / MUON. ROOM^ATH MEALS/ winter ^ is no guest here The tropic Gulf Stream and the bright sun over the aea temper winter with warmth! And at Bay-windows ■!••»* he room*, oholtarod aaa daeka, aaeloaod Vita Gtaeo ao* arisen, •hiidrao’a aUyiiia. the Seaside, with good food and genuine hoe* pitality added, the gra cious environment of both season and aerv ice makes a vacation a real enjoyment at this time of year Come along —and bring tbc family. Maintaining the standardi of 35 years' continuous Ownership Monogement ID JOSIAH WHITS * SONS CO. WISCONSIN U. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FORMED Plans Made for Celebration Feb ruary 6 of University's Diamond Jubilee. University of Wisconsin alumni last night organized a local alumni asso ciation at a meeting at Sholl’s Restau rant, 1219 G street. Acting Chairman George Worth ington discussed activities of the New York chapter and plans for a meeting on February 6 in celebration of the diamond Jubilee of the founding of the university, were made. Officers elected were Frederick P. Mett, president; George Worthington and Lynn Eldridge, vice presidents; Mrs. Herman McKaskle, secretary, and Benjamin J. Free, treasurer. Elected to the Executive Committee were Robert Bennett and Dr. Mary Reid. Salary Cut* Restored. The government of Northern Ire land has restored the 15 per cent cut made In the salaries of cabinet mem bers in 1931. _STEAMSHIPS. jiianCTW®*? ! «s2tt ’gZl*** | "■■"SSSSr 1 c....,»""""' 1 I G«br.»Uf- I I w l^^AU^V^. I “"HPSSft Co. 1 **$%&*&* Enjoy the most popular pleasure vessels afloat.. . the gracious, brilliant “Monarch" and “Queen". . . plus the golf, beach life and hotel gayrty of America'* favorite mid*ocean resort I LOW ALL,EXPENSE RATES 6 DAYS .. *74 »i> 13 DAYS.. ‘123 19 DAYS.. *165 or aimilar trip* of varying duration including PRIl ATE RATH aboard *bip and accommodationa at a leading Rermuda hotel. Round Trip $M up '#6.1 tip, effective Feh. . ROOK EARLY for choice accommodation*. Current Sailings: Jan. 23. 30. Feb. 3. S. ». 11. 13. IS. 19. 20. 24. 27. L0CALONTRATVELOlAGENT 1?Uimis s s or Furness Bermuda Line. 3i White- ■- " “ Bermuda m FLORIDA BOUND? Then sail from Baltimore Go by sea and enjoy every minute of the way—aboard a luxurious liner, with excellent cuisine and comfortable stateroom accommodations. Bridge parties, teas, dancing, deck sports and a host of other activities are included in the low round trip fare. Jacksonville - ’38 Miami - - - ’54 (Round trip --18 dty rotum limit) Longer limit fares on request. Sailings from Baltimore every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Through fares quoted to all points in Florida. Auto mobiles carried at low cost. Also all-expense tours, including hotel reservations, sightseeing, etc. Apply M. & M. Travel Bureau, 1418 H St., N. W., i ,4 jj Washington [National 46uJ —or authorixad tourist agents. HER<HAMT51HIRER!EIRE THE sea-going cruise * of a lifetime—and ell the informal ease of a sea rover's life. You'll sail to enchant ing Guatemala on fine while liners with all 19 DAYS *228 Al(-Exp«n**t outside staterooms, real beds, permanent out door pools, deck sports and the fomous intimate, personalized- service of the Great White Fleet. And you'll spend o full week in mile-high Guate mala City, including spectacular rail trip, com prehensive sightseeing, motor tours to ancient ruins, magic lakes and colorful pueblos, as wall as hotel and inn accommodations throughout the entire trip. 12 Da VS $150 A shorter crvse e» th» seme ” V famous ships at the Greet White Fleet, with all facilities tot goad times ot tee, piv* iise o full day oshore in Puerto barrios, Guotemele. QUEST CRUISES /reel NEW YORK 17 end 1» DAYS . . . SSI A Dp variously to Havana, iomoica, b. W. I., Panama Canal Colombia, j A , Casta Pica _Soilings Thursdays ond Soturdoys._ Apply any authorized Travel Agent cr UNITED FRUIT CO. Pier fl. North Whs ryes, Philadelphia