Newspaper Page Text
Strike Leaders Hail Labor Board Ruling in Inter Union Strife. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. January lfi —A show down In the interunion maritime con troversy on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast* was predicted today by strike leaders a* a result of the National Labor Relations Board's decision to consider their charges of unfair labor practices. Jack Lawrensen. secretary of the Joint Maritime Strike Council, said “we welcome the opportunity to prove we are not conducting an outlaw •trike." The board notified 35 steamship companies and the American Steam ship Owners' Association, which have refused to negotiate with strike lead ers, that a hearing will be held in Washington Friday to establish whether the board has jurisdiction. Wage Contract Called Fraud. Representatives of three units of the International Seamen's Union filed charges that the wage contract negotiated last March between owners and International officers is ‘ fraudu lent'* and that union members had no opportunity to vote on it. The in aurgents voted in November to strike Xor wage parity with the West Coast. The three units are the Marine Firemen, Boilers and Water Tenders’ Union, which elected new officers sympathetic to the strike last October, and the Eastern Gulf and Sailors' Association and the Marine Cooks’ and Stewards’ Union. The last two groups were represented by trustees •lected at meetings December 14. “The seamen have not had a chance to honestly elect either international officers or officials of these two unions,’' said Lawrensen. “The cooks have not had an election in years. The trustees were chosen by dele gates from all East and Gulf ports to aerve until an election can be held.” Rap* Scharrenberg’* Record. Lawrensen said that Paul Scnarren berg, acting president of the I. S. U., who deplored the possibility of Gov ernment intervention to decide who •hall be the union officials, “has been expelled twice from the Seamen's Union on the Pacific by referendum." He said Scharrenberg was appointed by Ivan Hunter, secretary-treasurer of 'the I. S. U., as “political agent in Washington" because of the Illness of Andrew Furuseth, aged president Of the I. S. U. Hunter was named a defendant in the original action, charging the 1936 contract was “fraudulent,” filed lit the Supreme Court here in behalf of Joe Currant, strike leader, and oth ers. Justice Aron Steuer ruled the Labor Board had "exclusive Jurisdic tion.” NIAJ. BROWN TO GET AWARD JANUARY 28 Police Superintendent to Receive Service Medal for Boy»’ Club Work. M»j. Ernest W. Brown, superin tendent of police, will oe presented the Cosmolitan Club' s Distin guished Service Medal, which was recently awarded him for his work in organizing the Metropolitan Po lice Boys’ Cluba, at a special meet ing of the club at the Carlton January 28, It was announced today. Defendtrfer. I Committees for the year also were given out, by Arthur W. Defenderfer, newly elected president of the Cosmopolitan Club, along with a notice that an elaborate program of civic activities Would be planned. The chairmen are: Dr. Joseph L. B. Murray, membership: A. Hamilton Wilson, classification; Edmund Carl, entertainment: Henry Tait Rodier, publicity; William A. Edelblut, forum; Henry S. Owens, audit; P. A. Davis, special relief; Herbert Woods.sick; G. W. Bonnette, special reception; Fran cis M. Murray, menu; Owens, budget; James E. Colliflower, initiation; Fred J. Rice, lapsation; Dr. J. Rosier Biggs Distinguished Service Medal; Lewis T. Streiter. attendance: Lewis A. Payne, civic club relations. Also selected were Calvert E. Buck, chaplain; Raymond H. Norton, ser (reant at arms, and Pat Davis, song leader. I- ■ ■ 5g * r-r NEWS worth money to owners of VERY OLD Gorham Sterling PATTERNS ★ Additional Item* matching practically any at the elder Gorham pat terse can be ordered any time up to /anuary Jltt lor dtlirary altar April 1st without par big lb* uiual extra dh-cbargg. ★ It will simplify natter* if you bring In a earn pie of (be piece* you want duplicated. ★ to day dalirarias can be bad at all time* by paying (be die-charge which amount* to tt par doien or lea* on each item. ★ SHAH&SHAH Jeweler* & Silverimitkt 921 F St. N.W* Awaits Decision HUSBAND FACES DISMISSAL FROM ACADEMY. MRS. GEORGE HAILS FOSTER. United States Naval Acad emy regulations provide for the dismissal of Midshipman George Hails Foster of Mont gomery, Ala., because of his marriage while he was on Christmas leave. The case of Foster, a first classman or senior, is before the Secretary of the Navy. Mrs. Foster tvq^ Miss Mary Helen Scott of Bes semer, Ala. —A. P. Photo. EMPLOYES URGE ADVISORY COUNCILL American Steel & Wire Co. Work ers at Each Plant to Decide on Matter. B» the Associated Press. CLEVELAND. January 16.—Jack Kelly, assistant industrial relations director of the American Steel -6s Wire Co., announced today the an nual employes' representative con vention proposed the establishment of an advisory employes' committee. The convention, in which emDloye delegates and management repre sentatives conferred Jointly, agreed. Kelly said, that final adoption of the proposal would be a matter for work ers at each of the company's 18 plants to decide. "It was the unanimous expression of the delegates to this convention,” said Kelly in a prepared statement, "that the vast majority of the em ployes at their local plants are en tirely satisfied with the present plan of employe representation." Topics discussed, h# added, in cluded vacations, hours of work, social security laws and pension plans. Rose Bush Is Typist. COLUMBUS, Ohio uP).—Ohio State University's botany department now has a rose bush. She is Miss Rose Bush, stenographer. DELI\ TODAY First of 13 Boeing Bombard ment Craft Goes to Wright Field. The first of 13 new Army four engined Boeing bombardment air planes, the largest land planes yet produced in the United States, was delivered to the Army Air Corps today at Wright Field. Dayton. Ohio, the •War Department announced. Further intensive tests on this type of aircraft will be carried on by the material division of the Air Corp6 be lore it is turned over to a tactical squadron, it was announced. As a result of failure to release control locks, the first test bomber of this type was de stroyed in a crash last year with the loss of three lives. Locked brakes caused minor damage to another experi mental ship of the same type. MaJ. Corkllle. Aitnougn the war Department nae I not announced formally the destina tion of the new air giants, it is thought likely they may be used to equip a squadron of the 2d Bombardment Group at Langley Field, Va. The big ship was flown from Seattle i ■■vMpNaMRiNn|i|i9n| i mltm111 rM jTiMI ■■WITH THIS COUPON* WATCH REPAIRING ANY MAKE WATCH Cleaned 1 and * Adjusted Guarantee One Tear | | The Uvstain Jewelry Stori Evl.‘* 812 V Fs,n.w. All Watches Carefully Taken Apart by Experts and Cleaned Thorouchly by hand. No Machines I'sed CMP THIS COUPON SALES—ELECTRICAL—SERVICE 517 10th St. N.W. NA. 2160 Third International Exhibit Today is your last opportunity to see this wonderful exhibit of Leica photographs at the Mayflower Hotel. We know that you will want to see the camera- that makes these pictures. We cordially invite you to visit our store where our experts will gladly demonstrate to you this remarkable and easily operated camera and gladly answer your questions— IZZY'S EXCHANGE, Inc. 905 DST.N.W. MEt. 8898 A Complata Lina of Leico Camaras and Accassorias ii) Stock to Dayton by Maj. John D. Corkllle, Air Corps, who has been the Army representative at the Boeing plant during construction of the plane. Plans to make the flight non-stop were abandoned because of bad weather en route and Maj. Corkllle made the trip with several intermedi ate landings. "These landings, on strange fields under varying conditions of altitude, surface and wind Intensity have demonstrated that many of the usual 'bugs,’ always present in complicated mechanical apparatus, have now been eliminated,” the War Department ex plained. The new bombers are expected to prove the most formidable aerial de fense weapon ever developed for tht Army. They will have far more speed and a substantially greater cruising range than any bomber ever before produced, it was explained. Lyman S. Brown Die*. DAYTONA BEACH. Fla, January 16 (/PK—Lyman 8. Brown, 81, former manufacturer of Springfield, Mass., and for 20 years a Winter resident of Daytona Beach, died at his home here today after a lingering illness. Brown was said to have been the first person in the country to sell charcoal in bags as a quick fire kin dling. MARGARET SANGER TOWN HALL SPEAKER “Overpopulation—A Cause of War,” Will Be Discussion Topic Tonight. Margaret Banger, birth control Ad vocate. will be principal speaker be fore the Town Hall of Washington tonight at 8 o'clock at the Shoreham Hotel. Her topic will be "Overpopula tion—a Cause of War." > Mrs. Sanger, In 1927 planned and promoted the first World Population Conference of economists and scien tists In Oeneva. as well as the second one In Zurich in 1930. She has been a leader In the movement since 1914. Dr. John W. Studebaker, commis sioner of education, will preside, and the panel members will include Leon E. Truesdell, chief statistician of the population division of the Census Bu reau: Lelfur Magnusson. director of the International Labor Office; Isador Lubln. commissioner of labor statis tics; Dr. Russell J. Cllnchy, member of the board of the Council of Social Agencies, and Frederick C. Howe, ad viser to Secretary Wallace. Departing from the usual practice of writing their questions on paper. member* of the audience will Interro gate the speakers by means of a mi crophone, which will be passed around the room. Oirl Television Announcer. Miss Jasmine Bligh, television an nouncer, is already seen almost dally by millions In the London television area. PIANOS for RENT S3 monthly and op. Rental paid applied to purchase price if you decide to buy later. VISITS DU PONTS BOCA ORANDE, Fla., January 16 C4>).—Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., arrived here today to be the guert of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene du Pont on a convalescent vacation. He was treat ed at the train by hi* fiancee, Mis* Ethel du Pont. Streptococcus infection delayed re covery of the President's son after a recent sinus operation in Boston. He came to Boca Grande from Washington. . ' ' ' ' - - - - rs n LUMBER BRICK 200.000 sq. ft. Lumber in all dimensions_$16.00 per M 500.000 Oversized Brick, eq. to 1 M_ 6.00 Wood Loth- 2.50 per M Metal Ceiling_ .02 per ft. Plotter loerd ■cover loord Sheet Reck Mopie Flooring Fine Flooring Shelving Doors and Frames Sash and Frames Oak Balustrades Fir# Escapes Slot* Building Stent HERFFRTH LIBRARY BUILDING HOWARD UNIVERSITY Matoriah can alio bo purchased at '/j and O Sti. S.E. I i I I 0 Super Specials $6.00 Simmon’s Metal Beds, 3-3 and 4-6 sizes -$3-9S $16.50 Walnut Server-*8 60 $42 Mahogany Buffet_—-*24 60 Odd Lot of Boudoir Lamps, leu than cost, choice_— 7Se **• $30 Twin Studio Couch-919-40 $10.50 Walnut Cabinet Radio Table-$4-40 $35 18th Century Walnut China Cabinet-*19" $17.50 Modern Desk, Walnut .t$M Table Lamps, Values to $15, Floor Samples, Choice_S2-4S $7 Hand-Made, Maple Ladder Back Chair.. $8 Glau-top Cocktail Table-$4-40 79c Sofa Pillows, Assorted Colors-S7e $16 Occasional Chair, solid walnnt, spring seat - - fy-90 Virginia Sofa, solid mahogany frame-*48-40 $44.50 New 1936 R. C. A. Radio (1 only) — .*24 80 $79 New 1936 R. C. A. Radio_*44.80 $17 Solid Maple 4-6 Bed (2 to Sell).-*9 «0 $35 Frieie London Club Lounge Chair-*22 80 80 Down Filled Tapestry Lounge Chairs, Floor Sample __*39 78 $5.00 Hand-Hooked Rugs__*3-98 Values to $5, Odd Lots Hanging Shelves-*J-90 $43 Reclining Chair and Ottoman. Spring Upholstered Suit and Bed-*28-88 $40 Lounge Chair and Ottoman-*29 90 $1.00 Folding Camp Stools, ideal for the parade. Cash and carry. Each- 48c $150 Imported Chinese Hand-carved Camphor Chest _*68 $32.50 9x12 All-wool Axminster Rug-*jg $25 Box Spring, 3-3 sixes-*l4-*° $25 Inner Spring Mattress, 3-3 sixes-814-78 $34 Twin Six* Inner Spring Mattress, With Never-Wet Tick_ $27.50 Inner-Spring Mattress, 3-3-$15-40 $22.50 Inner-Spring Mxttresaes, Fall Sis*_$14-30 $27 Solid maple Desk-Chest_$18 36 $22.50 Roller-Bar, Metal_SJ.9S $5 Unfinished Kidney Shape Powder Table_$2-$° ■ $8 Solid Maple High Chair, 1 to Sell.$4.26 $30 Walnut Corner Cabinet_$18-00 $22.50 5-pc. Maple Breakfast Set, .Extension • Table .. '.$15-80 $7 Dinner Set, 32 Pcs.-$4-0S $30 Genuine Mahogany Chest of Drawers_$19-70 $3 Modern Jr. Lamps-I/.M $95 Oriental Walnat Vanity, 1 to SeD_$49-80 $20 Solid Maple Dressing Table with Mirror ..........-..._$9-70 Lanstyle Suites Reduced • Format Sola Price Priea George Washington Dining Room Suite, authentic repro- SfLZfi C47C duction, in crotch mahogany _ OoU O'TlO 3- Piece Modern Walnut Bed Room *110 S79 4- Piece Bed Room Suite, solid mahogany, Colonial *275 $195 Grand Rapids Make, Moderne Bed Room Suite, 4 piece* j JVf PI QC (floor sample) _ *7 vd 3-Piece Modern Bed Room Suite in fine Oriental Walnut.Mn/i PI 04 7A Bed, chest and vanity_ Genuine Walnut Veneer Bed Room Suite, 4 pieces, handsome tinr PI 90 waterfalls fronts_ 1/0 Oldfa 2-Piece Kroehler Modern Living Room *100 $68 2-Piece London Club Living Room f105 $72 2-Piece Custom Built Living Room Suite, in figured *140 $107 Solid Walnut Frame 18th Century Living Room Suite. 2 11 Lfi PI AQ pieces in tapestry_ lOU OlUO Modern 2-Piece Living Room Suite, two-tone *149 $105 18 th Century Crotch Mahogany 10-Piece Dining Room f295 $195 2-Piece Genuine Figured Friese Kroehler Living Room *145 $97 SO 10-Piece Modern Dining Room Suite, in genuine walnut ve- $118 Solid Del Ray Mahogany Dinette Set, 2 benches, 2 chairs, SSfl C4C table. Ideal for apartment, breakfast room_ -_ vtO 2-Piece Medern Kroehler Bed-Davenport *12^ $97 20 18th Century Mahogany Dining Room Suite, 10 pieces, a J195 $154 $575 Louis XV 2-Piece Living Room Suite. Antique velvet. SC7C COQC Down seats.. d/d OOoO ODD PIECES PRICED FOR CLEARANCE $46.50 Maple Arm Studio Couch_$29.30 $42.50 Walnut China Cabinet. 1 to tell_$22.80 $4.75 3-Fold Screen*_$2.40 $27.50 Tapestry Lounge Chair, a splendid value-$18.75 $40 Tapestry Lounge Chair, 2 colors _$27.50 $22.50 Value Genuine Lane Cedar Chest_$18.20 $15 Georgian Design Coffee Table, mahogany veneer_$9.40 $7 Priscilla Sewing Cabinet-$3.95 $12 53-Piece Dinner Set-$7.40 1 only, Gate-leg Table, maple.. $9.40 $40 Solid Maple Bed_$17.80 $27.SO Modern Walnut Twin Bod_$ 14.80 $8.50 Solid Maplo Coffee Table, Removable Trajr-$3.98 $2.20 Magazine Rack-$1.28 $18 Solid Oak Server, now-$7.40 $10.50 Figured Walnut End Table _$4.95 $30 Colonial Mahogany Tea Table _$I4M $13.95 Coil Spring-$5.25 $80 Governor Winthrop Secre* tarjr. Butt walnut veneer*. A real buy_$34.80 $12.50 Queen Anne Oceational Chair. Walnut frame - $7.20 $S0 Solid Rock Maple Che*t.„$28.70 IMPORTANT! Beam of the dretfie redaction* end limited quantities, ell Heme •abject to prior *el*. No esehenpee. All mice final. Open » 'JX* Bodpet eeooant. 1 Open a “J. L” Budget Account V1H.IUS VANS3URGH 909 ¥ STREET N.W/ WHERE MOST SMART PEOPLE SHOP