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OFF MODERATELY U. S. Government Obliga ~ tions Also Under Pressure. Rails Decline. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls Indust OtlL P un Net change. —.3 —.1 Unc. Unc. Today, noon 97.9104.1 102.6 73.9 Prev. day... 98.2 104.2 102.6 73.9 Month ago. 97.2 104.0 101.8 72.0 Year ago... 90.9 103.4101.9 71.1 1936-7 high. 99.0 104.4 103.1 74.2 1936-7 low.. 88.9 101.8 99 3 67.6 1935 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low_ 76.4 92.2 84.5 6S.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high_101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_112.8 Prev. day. 113.0 Month ago 113.2 Year ago. 110.8 '36-7 high 113.7 1936-7 low 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. January 26.—United States Government and corporate loans slipped moderately in the bond market today. Treasuries were again under pres sure owing to current opinion in bank ing circles the Federal Reserve Board will increase reserve requirements. Around midday losses of around 1-32 to 8-32s of a point ruled in Treasury 4Vis. the 3Vis of 1946 and the 2\s of 1947. Rising flood waters hampering in dustry, damaging railroad property and halting shipments stood in the background of lower prices for some carriers and industrials. Down fractions to a point or so were Illinois Central 4%s, M.-K.-T. 5s, New York Central 5s, Texas Corp. 3 Vis and Hiram Walker 4V*s. -• INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. January 26 IIP).—New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Noon quotations ! Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2d Inc-1?.93 31.20 Am Business Shrs- 1.29 }-4» Am Oen Eq Inc- l-J‘2 1-5 Am Ins Stocks..,6.125 6 00 Bancamer Blair —-T— 121~o Bank Group Shrs 2.04 2.20 Bankers Nat Inv Corp_ 4.00 4.025 Basic Iadustry- 5.46 - Broad St Inv-36.11 38 §2 Bullock Fund _ 23.125 24.8-5 Corporate Trust . -- 3.13 - Corporate /Trust A A- 3.00 - Corn Tr A A mod - 3.82 -— Corp Tr Accum Ser- 3.00 - Corn Tr Acc Mod- 3.82 - Cumulative Tr Sh __ 6.80 -— • Depos Bk Sh N Y ,,A"„ 2.73 - Depos Ins Shrs "A’- 3.-9 - Depos Ins Shrs ”B”_ 3.58 - Diversified IT C - 5.35 . Dividend Shrs - 2.0* 2.18 Equity Corp S3 Pf- 41.5 44.75 Fidelity Fund Inc- 29.00 31.25 First Boston Corp-4,.12o 48.62o Fixed Trust Sh A_14.03 - Fixed Trust Sh B- 11.hi - Found Tr Sh A - 5.45 5.75 Fund Investors Inc- 25.89 27.33 Fund Tr Shrs A- 6.65 -.38 Fund Tr Shrs B - 6.07 - Gen Investors Tr _ 7.25 7.89 Group Sec Agriculture.- 1.90 2.0. Group Sec Automobile- 1.52 1.65 Group Sec Building - 2.34 2.53 Group Sec Chemical- 1.-2 1.8, Group Sec Food — 1.06 1.16 Group Sec Invest Shrs — 1.77 1.92 Group Sec Merchandise.- 1.47 1.60 Group Sec Minins - 1.75 1.90 Group Sec Petroleum- 1.52 1.65 Group Sec R R Equip — 1.72 1.8, Group Sec Steel _ 1.84 1.99 Group Sec Tobacco- 1.20 1.31 Huron Holding __ 1.05 1.3o Incorp Investors ,_26.76 Insurance Group Shrs- 1.78 1.92 Investors Fd "C" Inc - 16.46 16.80 Keyston Cust Fund B-3._ 24.15 26.51 Major Shrs Corp- 3.3,5 - Maryland Fund-10.44 11.41 Mass Invest Tr_29.81 31.63 Mutual Invest _17.79 19.44 Nation Wide Sec ,_ 4.88 4.98 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.16 2.32 N Y Bk Tr Shrs 4.375 North Am Bond Tr etfs 64.75 69.00 Nor Am Tr Shares_ 2.89 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 3.80 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1966_ 3.73 - Nor Am Tr 8h 1968_ 3.50 . _ - Plymouth Fund Inc_ .98 1.09 Quarterly Income 6h_ 19.03 20.86 Selected Am Sh _ 4.26 Selected Am Sh Inc_15.80 17.34 Selected Cumul Sh__ 11.15 _ Selected Income Sh _ 5.83 Selected Indus cv pf_ 27.75 29.25 Spencer Trask Fund_ 23.14 23.86 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.50 4.75 Stand Util Inc _ 1.13 1.22 Super of Am Tr A _ 4.30 _ Super of Am Tr AA—2.85 _ Super of Am Tr B_ 4.50 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.85 _ Super of Am Tr C_ 8.22 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 8.22 Supervised Shrs _14.90 16.20 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 3.33 _ Trustee Stand Inv D_ 3.26 Trusteed Am Bk ”B’’_ .98 1.08 Trusteed Industry Shrs_ 1.59 1.76 Wellington FUnd_21.41 23.46 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. January 26.—Dividends declared (prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp.): Increased. Pe- Stic, ol Pay Rate. riod. record, able. Copperwelt Steel _30c Q 2-15 3-1 Holophane Co ... _ 50c 2-8 3-1 Western Tab & Stat -50c Q 2-5 2-15 Norfolk & West Ry $2.50 Q 2-27 3-19 Extra. Northern Ins Oo $1.00 . 1-9 1-25 Accumulated. Ironrite Ironer 814 pf 20c __ 1-25 2-1 Kresge Dep Sts 8% pf $20 1-19 1-25 Regular. Armour & Co (Del) 7-„ gtd pf __ $1.75 Q 3-10 4-1 Do.. (Ill) $6 pr Pf $1.50 Q 3-10 4-1 Do.. (Ill) 7C„ pf $1.75 Q 3-10 4-1 Bklyn Edison $2 Q 2-5 2-27 Fatrey Avia Am Shrs 18c 1-28 2-4 General Metals_3744c Q 1-30 2-15 Golden Cycle . __$1 Q 2-27 3-10 Memphis Hat Gas $7 pf . $1.75 Q 3-20 4-1 Ninissmg Mines __ _25c2-5 2-20 Winchendon El L A P $1 1-21 1-29 Life Savers Corn 40c Q 2-6 3-1 Manhattan Shirt Co. 25c 2-10 3-1 Natl Lead ‘A” pf. $1.75 Q 2-26 3-15 Northern Ins Co_$1.50 S 1-9 1-25 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. January 26 OP).—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bank of Manhattan (144)-- 36 38 Bankers Trust (2) 7744 79‘4 Cen Han Hk & Tr (4)_137 140 Chase National (1.40)_ 64'/4 5644 Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 71 73 Commercial (8) 225 235 Cont Bk Ar. Tr (.80)_ 1944 21 Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 7044 71%. Empire Trust (1) 3044 31 Vs First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 56V4 6844 First National (10(1)_2300 2340 Guaranty Trust (12)_ 370 376 Irving Trust (.60) 17*4 18% Manufacturers' Tr (2) 6444 6644 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)-_ 57 59 National City (1) 50 62 New York Trust (5)_147 150 Public (144)_... _ 5144 6344 Title Guaranty * Trust.. 1544 1644 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. January 20 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4>4l Nov.. 1958-38 _ 10644 444s May. 1957-37 _101 4s May. 1958-38 _103 4S Nov.. 1957-37 _102 4s July 1946-44 _111.. 3‘4s May. 1956-45 _104% 3s July. 1955-45 _10344 3s Jan., 1956-40 _103?4 is May. 1950-46 - 103% U. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chat. D. Barney St Co.) Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer. 3 Feb. 15. ’37.. 100 3-32 _ 3 Apr. 16. ’37.. 100 30-32 101 8ept. 15. '37.. 102 2-32 102 4-32 2H FeO. 1. ’38.. 102 8-32 102 10-32 3 Mar. 15. '38._ 102 26-32 102 28-32 2% June 15. ’38.. 103 5-32 103 7-32 2Vi Sect. 16. ’38.. 102 30-32 103 lVi Mar. 16. ’39.. 101 e-32 101 8-32 2Vi June 16. 3»._ 103 20-33 102 33-33 Hi Dec 16. 30.. 100 30-32 101 Hi Mar. 15. ’40._ 10115-32 10117-32 1 *4 June 15. 40.. 101 1012-32 Hi Dec. 15. ’40 _. 101 1012-32 Hi Mar. 15. ’41.. 100 31-32 101 1-32 lVi June 15. 41.. 100 18-32 100 20-32 IV* Dec. 15. '41.. 100 3-32 100 5-33 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.—Declared a dividend of 50 cents a share on common stock, pay able March 15. On December 15, 1936, a similar amount waa dlstrib- , uted on common, . 4 A BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. 214s 1949-63_ 101.11 101.6 101.6 2»i. 1946-47—— 106.14 lOt.18 106.14 244. 1948-51— 104.2 108.81 108.81 2*48 1951-64_ 103.8 103.1 103.2 294s 1956-69_ 103. 102.28 108. 2T4s 1955-60__ 104.0 104.6 104.8 3s 1946-48 _— 107.8 107.8 107.8 3S 1961-65 _ 106.16 106.12 106.12 3 94s 1946-49 re?- 108.6 108.3 108.3 394s 1949-62_ 108.8 108.4 108.6 314s 1941 _ 108.11 108. 108. 3 948 1944-46 regr-. 108.21 108.18 108.18 3 94s 1940-43Juns 107.7 107.7 107.7 394s 1941-43 March res_ 108.6 108.5 108.5 3 94s 1943-47 reg.. 109.14 109.11 109.12 S94s 1946-66_ 118.18 118.10 118.10 4a 1944-54. 114.8 114.8 114.8 4a 1944-54 reg ... 114.8 114.8 114.8 494s-3«4a 1943-45 108.23 108.16 108.19 4948 1947-52. 120.8 120.8 120.8 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947_ 105.6 105.6 106.6 8s 1949_ 105.3 106. 106.8 394s 1964_ 106. 106.30 106. HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2948 1942-44_ 102.19 102.19 102.19 29is 1939-49_ 102.23 102.21 102.21 3s 1952_ 104.23 104.21 104.23 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:55. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 6s *51- 98% 92% 92% Akershua 6s '63. 98*4 »» Antloqula 7s'45 A- 18 16*4 is Antloqula 7s'45 B._._ 1* 16% !• Antloqula 7s'45 D__ 1614 *8*4 18*4 Antwerp 6s '58_F99 99 99 Argentine E*4s'62_102X102 102*4 Argentine 6s'67 A_102*4 102% 102*4 Argentine 6s ’58 B ... 101*4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s'59 June 10H4 101*4 101*4 Argentine 6s'69 Oct 102*4 102*4 102*4 Argentine 6s’60 May. 102*4 102X 102% Argentine 6s’60 Sept 101*4 102*4 10**4 Argentine 6s '60 Oct . 102*4 10214 102*4 Argentine 6s '61 Febr. 102H 102% 102% Argentine 68'61 May. 102*4 !02*-i 102*4 Australia 4*4* '66.— 1024 102*4 ">2*4 Australia 6s '55_ 110 109% 110 Australia 5s'67_109*4 109)4 109*4 Austrian"*'57_101 101 101 Belgium 6s'56 _ 10**4 106*4 106*4 Belgium 64s '49_ 109*4 109*4 109*4 Belclum 7s '55. 116*4 1164 116*4 Berlin 6s'58_ 194 194 194 Berlin 64s'60_ 20% 20*4 20*4 Brazil 64s *26-’57_ 44*4 444 44*4 Brazil 6%s’27-’57_ 44*4 44*4 44*4 Brazil 7s'52_ 44*4 44 44*4 Brazil 8s'41.. 62 60*4 62 Breda Ernesto 7s’54_ 70 70 70 Buenos AC 6%s '55— 101*4 101*4 101*4 Buenos A C 3s '84_ 64 64 64 Buenos Aires 4*4.8-34*8'77 Pt_ 82*4 82 82 Buenos A 4%s'76 Aug 83*4 83'4 83*4 Buenos Aires 44*s-4**s'76 April.. 83*4 83*4 **% Bue A1 4 tis-4 s '75 ._ 86 86 86 Buenos A C 6s '61 Pv.. 101*4 101*4 101)4 Bulgaria 7s '67 July coupon oft_ 24 24 24 Bulgaria 7*4s '6* May coupon oft_ 24*4 24*4 24*4 Canada 2*4s’45_101*4 101 101 Canada 3*is'61-101*4 100*4 10U4 Canada 4s'60_ 109*4 109*4 109*4 Canada 6s '52_114*4 114*4 114% Chile 6s '60 _„. 20*4 20 20*4 Chile 6s'61 Jan__ 20*4 20 20*4 Chile 6s *61 Febr_ 20*4 20*4 20*4 Chile 6s '61 Sept_ 20*4 20*4 20*4 Chile 6s'62_ 2C*4 20‘4 20% Chile 7s'42 - 20*4 20*4 20*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61_ 17*4 17*4 17*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62 .. 17*4 16*4 16*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6*4s'57. 17*4 17% 17*4 Chile Mtg Bk 6*4*'61. 17*4 17*4 17*4 Chilean Mun L 7s'*0.. 16*4 16*4 16*4 Colombia 6s'61 Jan... 31*4 31 31 Colombia 6s'61 Oct_ 31*4 80*4 80*4 Copenhagen 5s ‘62_ 99*4 99*4 99*4 Cuba 5s'04-'44- 104*4 104*4 104*4 Cuba 5s ’14-'49_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Cuba 6%s '46- 61*4 60*4 60*4 Cuba 5Hs 53_ 104 103*4 104 Czechoslovakia 8s *51. 105 108 105 Denmark 4*4s'62_ion 89% 99*4 Denmark 6*4a'55...^. 100*4 loo*t 100*4 Frankfort 6*4s'53- 18*4 18*4 18*4 French Gov 7s '49_ 130 130 130 GerC Ag Bk 6s’60 Oct. 29 29 29 GerCBkA7s 50 ... 37 39 37 Ger Gen Elec 7s 45_ 39*4 89*4 89*4 Ger Gov 5*4s'65 at_ 26 24*4 24*4 Ger Ren 7s'49 stpd_ 31*4 30*4 31 Ger Rep 7s'49 un st_ 25 25 25 Hungary 7*4§ '44 Febr coupon on_ 60*4 60*4 60*4 Italy 7s'51 - 87*4 87*4 87*4 Ital Crd P W 7s ’47 B.. 86*4 861* 86*4 Ital P U Crd 7s '52 . 76*4 76*4 76*4 Karst6s'43 ct st prin.. 25 26 25 Lombard Elec 7s '52... 77*4 77*4 77*4 Medelln 6**s'54- 13*4 13*4 13*4 Met Wat 5*4s'50- 103*4 108)4 103*4 Mex 4s ]0-'45 asst sm 777 Mex 4s'10-45 asst_ 7*4 7*4 7)4 Mex sf 5s'45 asst_ 10 10 10 Mex Ire 4*4s'4 3 asst.. 7*4 7*4 7% Milan 6*4s '52 _ 74 74 74 Minas Gers6*4s '58 Sept coupon off ... 83 12*4 32*4 MlnasGers 6*4s ‘69 Sept coupon on_ 82 82 82 Nord Ry 6*4s'60- 104% 104*4 104*4 Norway '%s'65-101*4 101*4 101*4 Norway 4%s'56- 103% ip»% If8% Norway 5s’63 .. 100*4 100*4 100*4 Norw Hy El 5*4a'57.. 103*4 103*4 103*4 Oriental Dev 6*4a’58.. 72*4 72*4 72*4 Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 76** 75% 76*4 Oslo 4*4a '55- 99*4 99*4 99*4 Pernambuco 7a'47 Sept coupon oft_ 28 27*4 23 Peru 6s'60- 21*4 20*4 21*4 Peru 6s'61- 21 2014 21 Peru 7s '59- 23 23 28 Pirelli 7s'52- 98 ys*4 gg Poland 6s'40- 60*4 60*4 60*4 Poland 7s 47- 78 7g jg Poland 8s '50 - 60*4 60*4 60*4 Porto Alaare 8s’61 June coupon off_[81 31 si Prussia 6s '52 _ 20 20 20 Prussia 6 *4s'51__ 20 19*4 20 Queensland 6s ’47-112*4 112*4 112*4 Queensland 7a ’41-112*4 112% 112% Rio de Jan 6*4a’5l Aug coupon off _ 31*4 31 *4 SIX Rio Or do Sul 7s '66 May coupon off _ 30*4 80*4 30*4 Rio Gr do Sul 7a'67 June coupon off_81 80M 80*4 Rio de Jan 8s '4$ April coupon off_ 88*4 88% 83% Rome 6**s'52.. 76% 74% 75 Sao Paulo St 6s ’<8 July coupon off_ 83*4 S3 83 Sao Paulo St 7s '40_ 97*4 97*4 9714 Sao Paulo St 7s '66 . * Sept coupon off_ 83*4 88 is Sao Paulo St 8s ’60 July coupon off_ 41 40% 40% Serbs 7s *62 unm c o_ 29*4 28*4 28*4 Serbs 8s'62 unm c o._. f29 29 29 3iemens & H 6*4s '61.. 68*4 63*4 63*4 Silesia Elec 6%s'46._. 21*4 21 21*4 Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 52*4 62% 62*4 3ydney6%s’55- 104*4 104% 104% roklo 6*4a'61 - 78*4 73 78% roklo E L Ltd 6s '63_ 74*4 73% 74*4 UJIgawa E P 7s'45- 87*4 *7*4 S7*4 Uruguay 6s '80_ 69 68% 68% Uruguay 6s '64- 68*4 68 <8*4 Vienna 6s'52 May co.. 18 98 98 Warsaw 7a *58- 49 48% 48% Tokoboma 6e'61_ 80 79% 79% DOMESTIC IONDS. Ala Grt South'n 4a '43 109)4 109)4 109)4 Allan Corp 6a'44_100)4 100 100)4 Allen Corp 6s 49 - 94)4 94)4 94)4 Allen Corp 5s’50- 88)4 87H 88)4 Allen Corp 6a '60 stp._ 68)4 88 88)4 Allen Valley 4a'4*-111)4 111)4 111)4 Am ft For Pw 6s 2030 .. 86)4 |B6 86 Am Ice ct 6s *62_ 98 98 98 Am 1 G Ch 6%s '49- 108)4 108)4 108)4 Am Inti 5)4s'49_ 108 106)4 108 Am Tel ft Tel 2 H s 'll. 101 100)4 101 Am Tel ft Tel 3)4 s '66. 101 100)4 100)4 Am T ft T 4Hs '29- 111)4 110)4 1111 AmTft T6))s 43- 111)4 111)4 111)4 Am T F 2H»-6s'38-’60 172)4 170 170 Am Wat Wks 8s ‘76_ll«t 110)4 110)4 Am Writ Paper 8s'47. 84H 88 84)4 Am Writ Pa 6s '47 cfs. 93 H 38 83 H Anaconda deb 4Ha *50 108)4 108)4 108)4 Annlo-Cbll Nit 7a '87.. 88)4 88)4 28)4 Ann A 1st ex In 4a '95 71 70 71 Armour!Del) 1st 48*55 100 99)4 99)4 Armstronn Ck 4s'60 . 107 108)4 108)4 A T&S Fe 4s ’09-’55 ... 108 108 108 A T&S Fe adj 4s '96... 109)4 109)4 109)4 A T&S Fe nen 4s ‘96 ... 118H 118)4 18)4 A T&S Fs 4Ha '48- 110)4 110)4 110)4 A T&S Fee A 4%s '62. 118 118 118 Atlanta ft Blrm 4s‘33. 87 87 87 AtlaftCh A L5s’44 116)4 116)4 116)4 Atl Coast L 1st 4a '62- 104 iosh 10314 Atl Coaat L clt 4a '62.. 97)4 98)4 96)4 High. Low. 8:55 Atl C L un 4H» '64— 99* 98* 98* Atl Coast Line 6s'46 . 106* 106* 106* Atlantic A Dl*t4»,48_ 68* 67* 68 Atl G ft W 1 6b ‘69 ... 181 80* 80* Atl Refining deb 5a’87. 101* 101* 101* B A O lat 4s 48_ 108* 108* 108* B A O 4*8 '60_ 76* 75 75 B A O 1st 6s '48.114* 114 114* Balto&Oref 6s’95 A. 91* 90 90* B&06S96F _ 90 89* 89* B & O ref 6s 2000 D_" 90* * 90* * 90* B & O ref 6s '96 C.101 loo* 100* B A O PLE&W V 48*41 108* 103* 103* B A O Swn 6b '60_ 105* 106* 106* B AO Toledo 48 '69_ 99* 99* 99* Bang A Aroos 4s‘51—. 110* 110* 110* Bang ft Aroos cv 4s'51 115* 116* 116* Bang & Aroos5s'43 .. 115* 115* 115* Battle Crk A St 3a ’89. 76* 76* 76* Bell T of Pa 6s '48 B... 120* 120* 120* Bell T of Pa 6s >60 C_131 ISO* 180* Beth Steel 3*8-66.^. 98* 97* 98* Beth Steel 4*s’60_ 105* 106* 106* Bos ft Me 4*s‘61 J-._ I 82* 81* 81* Boa ft Me Es '67. 87* 86* 86* Boston N Y A L 4s '65. (26* (26* 26* Bot Con M 6*s '34- 85* 84* 84* Bot Con M 6*s'34 Ct.. 85* 34* 84* Bklyn CRR 6s'41_ 100* 100* 100* Bklyn Ed con 3*8*66.. 103* 103 103 Bklyn Man T 4*s'66_ 103* 103* 103* Bklyn Queens C & S con 6s'41 stpd_ 80 80 80 Bklvn Un El 6s'60_114* 114* 114* Bklyn Un G 5s'45 rg__ 121* 120* 120* Bklyn Un Gas 5s‘50—. 104* 104* 104* Bklyn Un Gas 5s '67 B. 108* 108* 108* Bklyn Un Gref 6s'47. 132* 132* 132* Brown Shoe 3*8'60—. 105* 105* 105* Buff R&Pcon 4*s'57- 92 91 91 B C R & N 6s ‘34 ctfs.. 29* 29* 29* Bush Term Bldg 5s'60 66 66 66 By-Prod Ck 5Hs'45_10S 108 103 Camag 7s 42 ctfs _ 84* 34 84 Can'dlan N R 4*8'51. 114* 114 114 Can’dlan N R 4*s’67. 113*113 US Can'dlan N R 4*8 '65. 116* 116* 116* Can dian P db 4s 'perp. 98* 98* 98* Can dlan Pac 4*8'60. 106* 106* 106* Can'dlan Pac 5s’54 .. 119* 109* 109* Caro Cl ft O 6s '52 A_110* 110 110 earth ft Ad 4s 81 gtd. ms M2* MS Cent N England 4s’61. 72* 72* 72* Cent of Ga 5s'69 C_ 18* 18* 18* Cent of Ga rf 5*s *59. 19 19 19 Cent Hud G&E 6s'57— 108* 108* 108* Cent 111 E & G 6s'51 104* 104* 104* Central 111 Lt 3*s'66. 108* 108* 108* cent of NJ 48'87_ 78 78 78 Cent of N J gen 6a’87. 87* 87* 87* Cent Psc 1st rf 4s'49.. Ill* 111* 111* Cent Pac 5s'60_ 1037* 103 108 Cert'd deb 5*s’4S_ 94* 94* 94* ChesapCcvEs'44_ 182* 130 ISO ChesapCorp 5s'47_ 160 160 150 Ches ft O 8 Hs '96 D_ 101* 100* 100* Chea&03Hs‘96 E_ 101 100* 100* Cft O gen 4*s ’92 - 124* 124* 124* C&O R&A let 4s '89— 120 120 120 Chi ft Alt ref 3s’49_ 56 66 66 Chi B ft Q 4*s ’77_115* 115* 116* Chi B ft Q ref 6s ’71_118* 118* 118* Chi BAQI dlv 3*S'49.. 109* 109* 109* Chi B ft Q 111 dv 4s'49_ 112 112 112 Chi ft E 111 6s'51_ 38 37 87* Chi ft E 11158 '51 Ctfs— 35 34 85 Chi Grt West 4S’59 ... 49 47* 47* Chi Ind ft Lou 4s '47... 36 86 36 Chi Ind & L gen 6s '66. 22* 22 22* Chi Ind & So 4s '56_ 107 107 107 CM&StP *n 3%S '39 B. 66 66 6S CM&St P 5s '75. 83 82* 82* CM&StP&P adj 5s2000 10* 10* 10* Chi ft NW 4%s 2037 .. 81* 80 30 Chi ft NW 4*s 2037 C 31 81 31 Chi ft NW 4*8 '49 ... 17* 17* 17* Chi & NW gen 6s '87 .. 52 62 52 C&NW Nr W 6*8’36 . 58* 68* 58* Chi Rys 1st 5s'27_ 83* 82* 82* Chi R l&P rf 4s '34_ 21* 21* 21* Chi R I&P rf 4s‘34ctf. 19* 19* 19* Chi R I&P gen 4s'88— 40 39* 40 Chi R I&P 4*8 '52_ 21 20 20* Chi R I&P 4Hs '52 ctf 19* 19* 1«* Chi R I&P 4*s '60 .. 11* u a* Chi St L&N Me 4s '51.. 97* 97* 97* Chi T H&S 1st 5s'60.. 98 97* 97* Chi T H&S Inc 5s'60.. 88* 88* 88* Chi Un Sta 3H»'51—. 106* 106* 105* Chi Un Sta 3*s '63 E. 109* 108* 108* Chi ft W In con 4s'52. 108* 108* 106* Chi ft W Ind 4*s '62.. 104* 104 104 Childs ft Co 6s’4 3_ M2* 92* 92* ClnG&E3*s'66- 102* 102 102* Cln Un Ter 3 *a D gtd 108* 106* 106* Cin Un Ter 5s 2020 B 108 108 108 CCC&St Lrf 4Hs'77 E 97* 97* 97* CCC&8t L ref 5s '63 D. 104* 104 104 Clev El 111 3*a'65_110 109*110 Clev Un Tel 4Hs'77.. 105 104* 105 Clev Un Term 6s‘73 B 109 109 109 Clev Un Ter 5Hs’72A 113 112*112* Colo Fuel&Iron 5s’43. 107* 107* 107* Colo Fuel & Ir 5s TO— 92 92 92 Colo ft So 4 Hs'80 - 76* 76* 75* Columbia G ft E 6s 04 May- 105* 106* 105* Columbia G&E 6s'61 .. 104* 104* 104* Colum Ry P&L 4s'65.. 106* 106* 106* Cornel Credit 3*s'51. 99* 99 99 Com Inv Tr 3*s’51... 103* 103 103 Cons Coal Del 5s'60... 64* 63* 63* Cons Ed NY 3 *a 46 n. 105* 106 105* Cons Ed NY 3*s’56 n 104* 108* 104* Cons Gas NY 4*s'51. 106* 106* 106* Consol Oil 3*s'51 ... 105* 104* 104* Consum Pwr 3 *s 66 . 103* 103 103 C< nsum Pun 3*s'65. 104* 104* 104* Cons Pwr 3*s'70 .. 105 104 105 Consum Pwr 3*8'65.. 106* 106* 106* Crane Co 3*s'61. 101* 101* 101* Crown C&S4s'50_... 106* 106* 106* Crown Zell 6s'40 ww.. 101* 101* 101* Crown Will p 6s'51... 104* 104* 104* Cuba RR 1st Es '62_ 64 62* 62W Cuba RR 6s'36- 66* 66 66 Cuba RR 7*s '36 ctfs. 68* 67* 67* Cuba Northn 6*s’42_. 62* 61 61 Del & Hud ref 4s'43_ 94* 93* 94* Del & Hud 5*3 '37-101 101 101 Den & R G con 4s '36.. 38* 38* 88* Den & R G w 6s’65_ 20* 20 20 Den & RGW 5s'55asst. 19* 19 19 Den & R G ref 6s '78 .. 29 29 29 Detroit Ed 4s‘65 F .. 109* 109* 109* Det Edison 4%s '61 D. 116 116* 115’* Det Edison 6s'62 . 108* 108* 108* Det River Tun 4*s'61 117*117*117* Dul & Ir Rg 5s '37_102* o2* 102* Dul S S & At 5s '37- 64* «!* «* Duques Lt 4*s ’57 B_. 108* 107* 108 Ed El 111 NY 5s '95-139 139 139 Erie cv 4s'63 A_.... 98* 99* 991/ Erie cv 4s '63 B_" 5* 94 tc Erie gen 4a '96_ 90* 90 90 Erie ref 6»'67_ 87 m 8 Erie ref 6s'75- 86* M 86 Falrbks Morse 4s '56.. 104* 184* 104* Fla EC Ry 5s *74__ 16U i(»V4 Fla E C Ry 6s'74 ctfs. 16* 16* 16* Fond J&G 2s-4s'82 ct. 8* 8* |* Pen MIVi1V6„8 62.—* 10V/i 101J* 101* Ben Mot Acc 3s 46- 103* 103 108* Sen Mot Aas 3*8'51.. 102* 101* 102* Sen Stl Cast 6*s’19.. 97 96* 96* . 100J< I00^ 100* Goodrich 6s 46- 10#* 106* 106* joodyear T&R 6s '67.. 104 104 104* jOth Silk H 5s '46 ww. 106* 106 106 ^reat N Ry 4s 46 G... 121 120 .20 *r*aJ o RT 4* 46 H— lu9* 108* <09* C m 5y ref *'Aa ’61 A *1«H 116* m 5 geE 4%8’76 D ‘08* 108* 108* ^rt N R gen 4*s'77 E. 107* 108* 107 .»rt N R 6*8'62 B-118* 118* 118* 3uTMAyM6t8'?LB-“« WH 1«* iulfM&N6s 60_101* 101* 101* 3ulf M & N 6*s '50... 106* 106* 106* Bulf Sta Stl 6*s '42_ 99* 98* go Bulf States Util 4s ’66 108* 108* 108* Bulf States Ut 4*8*46 104* 104* 104* Hack Wat 1st 4s *52_10714 10714 10714 Hock Vsl 4*s'99.“.. 126* 125* 125* Hoe (R) lstmts’44- 88* 88 88 tfs&tonic con 6s '37— 86* 84* 81* Hudson Coal 6s '62-J64* f#4 64 Hud & Man Inc 6s '67.. 86* 84* 84* Hud & Man rsf 6a *57.. 81 88* 88* II Bell Tel Ska ’70 108 137k 107« III Cent 1st Ska '61_IOC 106 106 111 Cent col tr 48’52_ 98 91k 91k til Cent col tr 4a-68- 87k 82 [86k til Cent ref 4a ’66__98H 9lk 91J4 111 Cent 4*.'66- 7«k 78k 78k [11 Cent ref 6s ’65- 102k 102k 102k [11 Cent Cairo Br 4s’50. 108 108 108 g til Cent Omaha Ss’61_ 89k 88k 88k til Cent St L. Sa ‘61- 92k 12k 92k [11 Cent St L> 3k# ’61_. 97k 97H 97k ICCAStLN 04ks’63._ 82k 81H 81k ICCAStL N O Sa ’ll... 88k 86k 86k U1 Steel deb 4ka’40107k 107k 107k Lnd A Lioulav 4s ’66__ 88 87 88 tnd'polls U R Ska*88. 108k 108k 103k Inland Stl 3 % a ’61-108k 108 106k Int R T 1st rf 6a '66_9«k 96k 9«k Int RT«| ’82_68k *8 68 Int R T 7s 32- 89k 89k 89k Interlake 6a *51-102k 102k 102k Int Agr cl 68'42 atp_ 102 102 102 [nt Cement 4a ’45_ 166 166 166 Int Grt Nr 6s ’66 B_ 34k >4 84 [nt Grt Nr 6a’62 A_ 86k 34k 8«k [nt Grt Nr adj 6s'62 A. 12 Ilk Ilk [nt Hydro Elec 6a ’44..' 83 82 82k Int Pap lat 6a '47A_102k 102 102 [nt Pap ref 6a '£(._101 100k 101 IntRyofCAIi 41— 102k 102k 102K [nt Ry of C A 6ka’47. 101 101 101 IntTAT cv 4ks’89_87k **k 87 [nt TAT 4ks ’61_14 ?l II to . i HUh. Low. 2:65. Int TAT 6s '65_ 78 77*4 77*4 low* Cent lstArf4a’61. 8*4 IM 8*4 James P A C 4s 'll_100*4 100*4 100*4 JonesALStl 4*is’61A. 106*| 106 106 Kans C So 1st Is '60_ 83*4 |9S 08*4 Kan C Term 1st 4s ’(0. 108*4 108*4 108*4 KansG AE4tta‘S0_ 102*4 102*4 102*4 Kendall S*4s *48 ww ... 108*4 103*4 108*4 Ky&Ind T 4*4s'61 pl _. 100*4 100*4 100*4 K&ITer 4He’Slungtd- 108 108 108 Kings Co El 4s ’49_ 107*4 107*4 107*4 Kresie Found 4s'4S... 108 108 108 Laclede Gas 6* '39_ 100 100 100 Laclede G 6Hi '63 C_ 70M (944 6914 Laclede G 644s‘60 D.. 70 69 69 Laclede Gas 6s '42 A._ 67 6644 6644 Lautaro Nltr 6s '64_ 8941 8941 8941 Lautaro Nit 6s'54 efa. 8941 8941 8941 Leh CAN 4 Ha'64 A_ 10644 10644 10644 Leh Val Coal 6s'38_ 100 100 100 Leh &NERR 4s '65.. 10441 10441 10441 Leh Val Har 6s '54_ 10644 106 10644 Leh V Peon 4s 2003... 6744 <6 66 Leh V Peon 4Hs 2003. 71?i 7144 7144 Leh V RRccn 6s 2003. 82 8144 8144 Llgg & Myers 6s ‘51_ 128 12641 12641 Llgg & Myers 7s *44_ 186 186 186 Loew's 3 He '46_ 10041 10044 10044 Long Jsl ref 4s‘49_ 10644 10641 10641 Long Isl deb 6s ‘37_101 101 101 Lortllard 6s'66_ 128 12244 1*244 Lorlllard 7s '44_ 18241 182*4 182*1 La & Ark 6s *69_ 9944 98 9844 Lou & Jeff Bid 4s ‘45_111 111 111 L& Nash 341 s 2003_ 9641 96 96 L&N lst4s 2003_ 10244 1024{ 10241 L&Nunlf 4s'40_ 10744 10744 10744 L&N 5s'37_101 101 101 L & N So Mon jt 4s '52. 10041 10044 10044 L & N St L 3s ‘SO_ 9641 9641 »«41 Louv & N F&S 6s *37_10144 10144 10144 McKess&Rob 6Hs’E0_. 10241 10844 108*1 Me C RR clt 4S '45 A_ 10444 10441 104*4 Me C RR gn 4Hs'60A_ 8244 8244 8244 Manatl Sug 7 44s‘42... 82 8044 8044 Man Slst7Hs’42 ctfs. 8241 8044 8044 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ... _ 64 44 6 4 4* 6 4 44 Marlon St Shov 6s'47. 9741 9744 9744 Met Ed 1st rf 444*’<>8. 10941 109 109*1 Met W S El Cr 4s'38._ 15 16 15 Mil El R&L 5s ‘61_ 10444 10444 10444 Mil E R & S L rf 5s’71. 10441 104*1 10341 Mil Spa& N W 4s'47. 48 48 48 Minn & St L6s’34 ctfs. 1441 1441 1441 Minn & St L 5s '62 A... 441 <51 <4 MStP&SSM cn 4s’38._ 35 86 85 MStP&SSM cn 5s‘38.. 8041 8044 8044 MStP&SSM 6s'38 gtd. 1844 8844 8844 MStP&SSM rf 6s'46A. 2644 ><44 2 6 44 Mo K & T 1st 4s '90_ 96 9444 9444 Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 7241 7442 7244 MoK*T4Hs’78_ 74 74 74 Mo K & T Es '62 A_ 86 44 8 444 8444 MoK & T adj 6a '67_ 704< 70 7041 Mo Pac 4s'75- 17 1644 18*1 Mo Pac Es '66 A- 4644 4644 4544 Mo Pac 6a'77 F- 4641 4644 <*44 Mo Pac 5a '78 G_ 4644 46 46 Mo Pac Es ‘80 H- 4644 <644 <644 Mo Pac 6s '811_ 47 46 46 Mo Pac 6s‘81 I ctfs_ 4444 4444 «44 Mo Pac 544s '49 A- 1444 1 841 1341 Mob & Ohio 4%s'77_ 8244 8244 8244 Mob & Ohio Es‘38_ 88 8241 8241 Mob & Oh M dlv 6s'47. 4641 44 44 Monong Pub S 4Hs’60 10744 107J1 10751 Monong Pub S 6s'65 . 108 108 108 Mor&Essex 244s 2000 9644 9644 9644 Morrls&Essex 4H«'55 9641 9541 9544 Morrls&Essex Es '65101V4 10144 10154 Mutual Tel 5s’41_111 111 m Nassau Elec 4r61 gtd. 60k 69k 6944 Natl Dairy 3\s’51ww 106k lo«44 1 06 44 Natl RM 1st 4s’51 asst 644 64* 64* Nat Ry Mex 4ks'57 as SH 6H 6H Natl Steel 4s '66 . 10644 106'* 1064* Naueatuck 1st 4s‘54._ 91k 90 so New Eng RR 4s‘45_ 73 44 7 3 44 7344 New E T&T 4 44 ■ '61 1244* 1244* 1244* New E TAT 1st 6a'62. 12644 12644 12644 New Jer PAL 4 44s '60. 10744 10744 10744 New OrIGNR 5s '83 A. 9644 96 96 New Orl A N 4)4s ‘62.. 8144 8144 8144 New Orl P S 6s '62 A-. 1024* 10144 '0144 New Orl P S 6s '66 B__ 102 10044 10044 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 'S3 99k 9941 9941 New OrlTAM 4 44s'66 49 49 49 New Orl TAM 5s'61 B 61 60k 61 New Orl TAM 6 44* '64 6144 61k 61k NewpACln B 444s ’45.. 112k 112H 112k NY Central 344s-97-.. 108H 10244 10SH NY Cent 3 44s'97 reg.. 99X 99k 99X NY Central 3%ls >46... 10844 108k 10344 NY Cent con 4s'98_ 106X 104k 104k NY Cent rf 4 44 s 2018.. 96 94 94 NYCrf 444s 2013 n_ 96 94 94 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_101H 10044 100k NY Cent cv 6s'4*_107k 106k 107 NY C L Sh 344* '98 - 9844 98 98 NYC Mich C 3 448'9*.. 96H 96*4 96H NYCAStL 1st 4s'37.. 101k 101k 101k N Y Chi A StL 4s'46_ 104 103k 103k NYCASt L 4 44s‘78- 9344 92X 92k NYCASt L 644s'74 A.. 104 10<X 10SX NY Chi A St L 6s'38.. 99k 99k 99k NY Conn lst 444s'63.. 107k 107k 107k NY Dock 1st 4s '61_ 71 71 71 NY Dock 6s'38_ 71 70 70 NY Edison 8 44s'66 D. 10344 108 10SX NY Edlsref 3 44s'66._ 108X 108 103k NY G El HAP 4s '49- 117 11644 11644 NY G El HAP 6s >48_ 124 124 124 NY L A W 1st 4s'73_ 104 104 104 NY & Long Br 4s'41.. 10844 108 108 NY NH A H 3 44s'64_ 87 86 36 NY NH A H S44s '66_ 36 86 86 NY NH AH 48 '66_ 40k 40 40 NY NH A H 4s '57- 2644 26X 26k NY NH A H 444s'67... 474* 46k 46k NY NH A H cv 6s '48.. 49 48k 48k NY NH A H Cons Rys 4s'64 - . |7k 87k *7H NY NH A H C R 4s '66 87k 87k 87k NY NH A H Cons Rys 4s'55JAJ.... 87k 37k 87k NY O&W ref 4s‘92_ 44k 43J4 44 NY Futnarn 4s >93_ 94k 94 94k NYQueens con3 448’6S. 107k 107k 107k NY Rys Inc 6s 65_ 66 64H 64H NY SAW 1st rf 6s'37_. 84 834* 834* NY Steam 6s'66- 106k 1064* 1063* NY Tel gen 4 44s >39 108k 108k 108k NY Tr Rk 6s *46 stp_ 97 96k 97 NY W A B 444s '46- 17k 174* 17k Nlag Sh 6 44s '50- 103k 108k 108k Norf So 1st ref 6s'61.. 284* 27!* 28k Norf A W 1st 4s '96... 119)* 1184* 1184* North Am Co 6s'61... 106k 106k 1064* North Am Ed 5s '69 C- 106 106k 106 Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047. 81k 80k 80k Nor'n Pac 4s *97- 10«H 108k 108k Nor’n Pac 4s >97 reg... 106k 106k 106k Nor n Pac 444 s 2047... 105 104k 104k Nor-n Pac 6s 2047 D— 1084* 1084* 108X North Pac 6s 2047- 1UH 1UH 111* North Sts Pw 4)48*61. 105k 106k 105k North Sts Pwr 6s ’«4._ 108 108 108 Ogden L C 4s '4*_ 28k 28 28k Ohio Edison 4a >65__105 104)4106 Ont Pwr Nlag 5s '43— 1144* 1144* 114k Oreg Sh Line 5s '46_120k 120 120k Oreg W RR 4s '61-106H 106)4 106)4 Otis Steel 6a '41_ 102 102 102 PacG A E Ska’61_ 105 104k 104k Eac2.*„.E4a'64- 109)4 107)4 108k Pac TAT rf 3ks *66 B. 104 103k 103k Pan Am PC 6s>40 ctfs. 60 60 60 Parmelee 6s'44 . .. 76 76 78 Paramount Pic 6a >65.. 100k 1004* 100)4 Park-Lx 6)4 s >63 ctfs. 46 46 46 Penn Co 4s 63.. 106k 106 105 Penn DixieC6#'41— look 100)4 100k PennOAD4)4a'77_106)4 106 k 105H Penn Glass AS'60- 106k 106k 106k Penn PAL 4)4s’81-106)4 105k 10644 Penn RR Ska'70 C_102X 101H 101k Penn RR con 48'48.... 116k 116)4 116k Penn RR cn 4s'48 atp.. 116k 116k 115k Penn RR 4)4 s‘81 D.,.. 109 109 109 Penn RR 4)*a >84- 109H 109 109B Penn RR con 4)4a >60.. 123 122k 122k Penn RR gn 4)*a'65._ 114 112k 112k Penn RRdeb 4t48'70. 106k 106 106 Penn RR gen 6s '68... 121k 120k 1*04* People GLAC rf 6s’47_ 116)4 118 U#k Peoria A E 1st 4s '40.. 97k 97k 97k Peoria A Elne 4a'90__ 19)* 19 19 Pere Masq 1st 4s‘66_ 99 99 99 Pere Marq 4)4s>*0_108 k 103)4 103k Pare Marq 1st 6s *56_ 106X 1064* 106k Phlla BAW 4s'43-113k 118k ll*k Phlla BAW 4)4s‘81-116k 116k 116k Phlla Co 6a’67- 106X 1061* 106 Phlla Elec Co 4s'71... 102k 102k 102k Phlla Elee Co 4%s’67_ 106k 106k 106k Phlla ARCAI 6s '7»„ 46)4 46k 46k Phlla ARCAI Cs'49_ 26 24)4 26 Philippine Ry 4s‘67_ 24 28k 28k PCCASt L 6a >70 A_ 122 122 122 3 PCCASt L 68 *76 B_ 122 122 122 PlttsAW Va 4)48*68 A. 96)4 96k 96)4 PlttsAW Va4)4a‘<0C 94)4 94k 94k Pitts YAAsh 6s '62 B.. 124k 124k 122k Port Gen El 4ka 60.. 76)4 78k 78k Porto Rico A'T (a‘42.. 88k 68 88 Postal Tel AC6a'61.. 4lk 40)4 40)4 Pressed Stl Car 5a '61. 98 97k 97k Pure Oil 4ke‘60 wv„ 127 I2« 12s Purity Baking 68 >41.. 99)4 99k 99k R-K-0 <8 41.. Ill 120M 1WM Reading Jer C 4a *S1 108 108 108 Reading R 4%s '97 A- 106 k 106k 104k Rera-Rand 4>4e'56ww. 112k 112k 112M Republic Stl 4*4*'64.. 98k 98 98k Republie Stl 4Ha '61_98k 97k «8k Republic Stl 4ka‘60„ 141k 188k 188k Republic Stl 6H* '64-. 108k 108 t0«k Revere Cop 4 ka'86_106k 104k 104k Richfield OH 6s '44- 69k 69k 6>H Richfield O 8s'44 etfs— 69k 68k 68k Rio Q Wool 49 *414 MM MMIMM 1 Inadequate Transportation and Power Shortage Are Major Factors. B» the associated Press. CLEVELAND. Ohio, January 26.— Dally Metal Trade today says: Flood conditions at points all along teh Ohio River have forced some cur tailment of steel production. How ever, only a few plants have been hit so far and suspension at some works has resulted from Inadequate transportation and a shortage of pow er rather than from high water. Quick resumption Is assured at plants where suspensions have been found necessary just as soon as the electric power and transportation serv ices are again near normal. General manufacturing operations have been suspended over a wide area as a result of the flood and con siderable damage is reported. In Cincinnati, Portsmouth, Louis ville and other points along the river Industry has been brought to a virtual standstill. At Evansville, Ind., widespread in dustrial suspensions also are reported. Meanwhile demand for steel products continues active and except for the interruptions caused by the flood, steel production is being maintained. Washington Produce BUTTER—02 score. 1-pound prints. 36: 'y-Dound prints. 37. tub. 3S; «o score. tu?° 34d p^lnt*• 35; '.-pound prints. 36; MEATS- -Choice beef. 17: calves. 21; veel, 20; lamb. 19; pork loin. 23: fresh him, 23: smoked hem. 26; sliced bacon. .13: slab bacon. 2b: compound. 14‘s; lara. lo. UVJB STOCK—Pits. 9x9*4: Uaht hogs. 9'salO: medium hots. lOalOtc heavy hogs. 9tl0: roughs. Ba8'/4: calves. 6al2‘/4; lambs. SalO. Prices paid shippers, net f o b. Washing ton. by the U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGOS—Market steady to Arm. Prices „•> cent hither on U. 8. extras, large. Current receipts. 21a22: hennery whites. 22t23. Government graded and dated wh.te ears met prices paid shippers, f ob. Washington): U. 8. extras. Targe. 34*«: U. 8 extras mediums. 22; U. 8. standards, large. 23*4. LIVE POULTRY—Market about steady at unchanged prices. yowl: Colored, heavy. lflalS: Leghorns. 10al2. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers. 18a21; Delaware Crosses. 18a20. Guineas, young. 2 pounds and up 40 each: under 2 pounds. 23x30 each: old guineas. 20a23 each. Turkeys: Young hens 18alfl: young toms, under 10 pounds. 15x16: 20 pounds and over. 15; No. 2s, 12; old hens. 14; old toms. 14. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. B> the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on Janu ary 23: Receipts. $9.518.84.1.07: expendi tures. $12,405.87029; balance, $1,755. 424.285.49: customs receipts for the month. *31.551.467.03. Receipts for the fiscal year * since July 1). *2.387.555,022: expenditures. *4. 080.638,440.32 (Including $1,671,750 422.28 of emergency expenditures!: ex cess of expenditures. $1,693,083,418.32: gross debt. *34.505.683.079 31. an In crease of $607,088.50 over the previous day: gold assets. $11,335,523,044,03. In cluding $104,305,849 of Inactive gold. High Low. 2:55. RIASLllt4Hl'34.. 2244 22 22 Rutland Can 4s '4#-2944 2944 2944 Rutland RR4Ha'41 — 2144 31 81 Saguenay Pw4 Ha-66.. 10344 103H*I03*4 St Law & Ad «s'96_ 102 102 102 St L IM&S RAG 4s‘3>. 8744 8644 8744 StLP&NWSlM_44H 44H 4444 St L R M ft P 5a 56- 8244 8244 8244 St L-S Fran 4s'50A— 8844 »»44 *844 St L-S F 4S '60 A Ctfa. 10 2944 2944 St L-S Fran 4Ha’73.. 2»4i 2844 2944 St L-S F 4448*78 ct at. 2744 26)4 2644 St L-S F 5a '50 B ctfa.. 8044 80R 3044 St L S W 2d 4s '89- 70 59% 6»H StPKCS L4Ha'41.. 2844 2844 2*44 St P MAM P ext 4s '40. 106*4 10644 10644 St P MAM ext 5a '43... 10344 10344 10844 StPUn Deprf 5a'71.. 122 122 122 San AAA Pass 4a '43. 10244 10244 10244 San AnP Svc 6a'62 A. 11144 111*4 111*4 Schulco 644s'46 B atp. 8944 *944 8944 Seabd A L 4s '60 atp_ 81 8044 3044 Seabd A L ref 4s ’59_ 15)4 1444 1*44 Seabd A Ladj 5s’49_ 944 944 944 Seabd A L 6s’45 A_ 1944 1844 1844 Seabd A L6s 45ctfs._ 1844 1744 17*4 Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct. 1244 12 1244 Shell Un deb 3H*'S1-. 100 9944 99*4 Skelly Oil 4s'El_ 101*4 101*4 101*4 Socony Vac 3Ha'50... 106 106 106 South Bell TAT 6s '41. 107*4 107*4 107*4 South Nat G 4*4s'51_101 101 101 So Pac >Hs'46- 10144 101 10144 So Pac col 4s‘49_ 9844 9844 9844 So Pac ref 4a *55_ 10744 10614 10644 So Pac 4Ha '68_ 9744 9844 9644 So Pac 4Ha'69-9646 9644 9644 So Pac 4Ha'81- 95*4 9644 »*44 So Pac (Cal) 5s '37_ 10344 10344 10144 So Pac Oreg 4 H ■ ‘77 „ 100*4 9944 9944 So Pac S F Ter 4s *50.. 107 10644 10644 So Ry gen 4a'56 A_ 81 8044 80*4 So Ry 5s '94-111 11044 111 So Ry gen 6a *66- 10144 101 10144 SoRy6HB'66. 103*4 10344 10**4 So Ry Mem div 6a '96.. 10344 10*14 1 0844 So Ry M A O 4s '38_ 94*4 94*4 94*4 So Ry St L dlv 4s ’61_101 101 101 S W Bell Tel 3 Ha'64.. 10844 108 108 Southw'n GAE 4s'60.. 103 103 103 Spokane Int 6s ’55_ 36 36 86 Stand Oil N J 3a '61_ 100*4 10044 10044 Studebakercv 6s'46-. 13344 13144 13 1 44 Swift A Co 3Ha‘50_ 10644 10644 10644 Symgn GAG'66 xw_ 188 187 187 Tenn Cent 6s '47_ 10644 10544 10644 Tenn CAC 6a *44 B- 10444 104*4 104*4 Tenn El Pw 6s'47 A... 101)4 101)4 101*4 Term AsSt L 4a *53._ 11044 110)4 11044 Texarkana 6Ha'50_ 107*4 10744 107)4 rexas CorpSHs*61_10S 102*4 102*4 Tex A Pac 1st 6s 2000. 127 127 127 Texas A Pac 5s '77 B_. 106 * 105 io« Texas A Pac 5a '79 C-_ 106*4 10644 10644 Tex A P MPT 6Ha'64. 10844 10844 10844 Third At ref 4a '80_ 72 71*4 72 Third Av 1st 6s *37- 10144 10144 10144 Third A ad in ex 6a'6(. 41 40)4 41 Tol A Ohio C 3 Ha ‘60.. 106*< 10644 10644 Trl-Contl Corp 6s'63.. 121 121 121 Un El L A P 5s "67_ 106*4 106*4 105*4 Un Oil Calif 48*47- 102*4 102)4 10244 Un Oil Calif 6s *42 A._ 121)4 12144 12144 Union Pac 3H»’70_ 99*4 9944 99*4 UnPac3Ha'71-100 9944 9944 Un Pao 1st 4s'47- 114*4 11444 114*4 Un Pac 4a'47 reg-114 114 114 United Biscuit os *50.. 107)4 107*4 107)4 United Drug 6s'63-10244 102)4 10244 U S PipeAFy 3Hs *46.. 169 169 169 US Rubber6s'47-106*4 106*4 106*4 Utah P A L 6a ’44- 106)4 106 106 UtUPftLSs'tiww_ 66 6844 6844 Util PALlHi '47- 6744 6644 «644 Vanadium ct 6a '41_ 100 100 100 Ver Sug 1st 7a'42 ctfa. 84*4 84 84 Va E A P 1st rat 48*56. 108 108 108 VaRy lstSHs’66 A.. 106 104*4106 Va S W con Ea *68-101)4 10144 101)4 Wabaah 4Ha'71- 38 I7M 37*4 Wabash 4HB'78 ctfa.. 86 86 86 Wabaah lat 6a '88_ 108*4 10844 10844 Wabaah 2d 6s ‘39_98 < 97*4 9744 Wabaah Es’76 B_ 8844 8844 88)4 Wabash 6a '80 D_ 89 88)4 8844 Wabash 6Ha‘76-40)4 89*4 8944 Walkar HAS 4Ha’46.. 10744 107*4 10746 Walworth 4a'56_ 8644 *644 Warner Bros ct 6s *39. 100*4 89*4 100 Warner-Quin 6s *39_ 0144 50*4 60*4 Warren Br<s '41 rcta. 78 78 78 Wash Term 3Ha *45_ 11044 110*4 11046 W Sh lat 4a 2061 gtd._ 99*4 98*4 9944 W Sh lat 4a 2011 rer_ 9444 *644 94*4 Weat’n Md 1st 4a ’62_ 106 10644 10644 Weat'n Md 6Ha'77.— 106*4 106*4 106*4 Westn NYAP gn 40*43. Ill 111 111 Weat’n Pao 6s'48 A.— 87 8644 8644 Weat'n Pac 6s 4* A as 8646 86*4 8644 Weat'n Un 4Hs ’60_ 10746 107H 10744 Westn Un cl tr 6a ’IS.. 103*4 103*4 103*4 Weat'n Un 6a 60- 108*4 108*4 10« Weat'n Un Ea*61.... 106*4 106)4 10644 Wheellns A L E 4a '66. 106*4 106*4 106*4 Wheel Steel 4Ha‘66.. 101*4 101 101 White Sew M 6s '40 .. 10444 10444 104)4 W 8p 8tl con 7a'36 ct 66 67 87 Wilkes BAB 1st 6a'42. 68 68 68 Wilson A Co 48-66.... 10244 10244 102)4 WlaCent 1st gn4s'43. S3 82 88 WlsC SAD Tnn4s,3f.. 84 84 24 T’ngstnSAT 8H8'61.. 126 1*4)4 1*6 T’ngstn SAT 4a ’ll_ 104)4 104 10444 A $15,000,000 Issue Placed on Market For Otis Steel Co. Bt th. Associated Frau. NEW YORK, January 28.—Public offering was made today of $15,000, 000 Otis Steel Co. first mortgage sinking fund 4% per cent bonds, series “A,” due in 1962, at 98 and interest. Proceeds will be used to retire cur rently outstanding obligations, make additions to plants and for general corporate purposes. A. Q. Becker ti Co. heads the offering syndicate. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. January 2fl OPi—Crude rubber futures opened Arm. 25 to 35 higher. March, 21.40*65; May. =1.43-45; July. 21.40-45. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM'S FURNITURE HOUSE 141« Ere St. N.W. Phone NA *184 Immediate fanda far Bail Bnelneaa Property. Roma Balldlna ar Befloaneln*— aniek aetlan. dDDlleatlona Invited. ^MUNN0NjUJCH5| ISOS a St. N.W. Na. tMD For BmMinf, Refinancing, Purchasing Hones TEEMS AS tow AS S7.BO FEE SI.OOO FEE MONTH SAFETY FOB SAVINGS PRUDENTIAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1S31 Q SI. N.W. DL MH SMB >08 WINTHROP. MITCHELL A CO. Certificate at Limited Partnership. We. the underlined, desiring to form a limited partnership pursuant to the laws of the District of Columbia, do hereby state and certify as follows. I. The name of the partnership Is WIN THROP. MITCHELL & CO n. The names and places of residence of the members, general and special, are: General Partners. Name ana residence: Henry Rogers Winthrop. New York. N Y. Leeds Mitchell. Chicago. Elinois. Theodore E. Cunningham. Evanston, Eli nois Woodward Babcock. New York. N. Y. John J. Pagan. New York. N. Y. Harry C Schaack. Chicago. Elinois. George R. Thornton. Oak Park. Illinois. Alfred I. Pre6ton. jr.. New York. N. Y. Richard P. Babcock. Woodbury. L. I., New York. Henry P. Godfrey. New York. N. Y. Richard P. Loasby. Montclair. New Jersey Richard B. W. Hall. New York. N. Y. Thomas Miller. Chicago, Illinois. Waller C. Hardy, Charleston. West Vir ginia. James J. Masterson. Bertenfleld. New Jer sey. Arthur J. G. Elian. Chicago. Illinois. Austin H. Niblack. Lake Forest. Elinois. George N Buffington. Barrington. Elinois. William P. 8. Earle. Jr.. Forest Hills. L. I., New York. Everett E. Mellinger. Highland Park. Illi nois. Special Partner*. Walter Schuttler, Chicago. Elinois. Milton W. Holden. Palm Beach. Florida. XU. The general nature of the business in tended to be transacted shall be a general brokerage and commission business, dealing In securities and commodities. IV. The partnership is to commence Jan uary 1. 193". and shall terminate at the close of business on December 31. 1938. unless sooner terminated. V. The amounts of cash actually con tributed by the special partners to the common stock of the partnership are:_ WALTER SCHUTTLER. *300,000 MILTON W. HOLDEN. $300,000 Dated December 31st. 1936. Henry Rogers Win- Henry P. Godfrey. throp. Richard P. Loasby. Leeds Mitchell- Richard B. W. Hall. Theodore E. Cun- Thos. Miller. nlngham. Waller C. Hardy. Woodward Babcock. James J. Masterson. John J. Pagan. Arthur J. Elian. Harry I. Schaack. Austin H. Niblack. George R. Thornton. George Buffington. Alfred I. Preston, Jr. Wm. P. S. Earle. Jr. Walter Schuttler. Everett E. Mellinger. Richard P. Babcock. Milton W. Holden. The foregoing certificate, duly acknowl edged. has been filed and recorded In the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia. Washington. D C.. and an affi- j davit duly verified by two general partners, stating that the specified cash contrlbu- I tlons of the special partners have In goori faith been actually paid Into the partner shlp fund has been filed therewith. First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5%% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 PLEASE SEE PAGES A-4 ad A-6 A BEICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. January 26 MV—The Relchs bank statement as of January 23 <ln thou sands of reichsmarks): Notes In circulation 4.378.000; decrease, 128,000. Gold. 66. 861: decrease. 4. Foreign currency re serves. 6.721: Increase. 72. Other bills of exchange and cheques. 4.450.846: de crease. 148.3H3. Other dally maturing obligations. 763.911: decrease. 20.946. Advances. 38.135; decrease. 7.340. In vestments. 221.636: Increase. 316. Ratio of gold and foreign currencies to notes. 1.7 per cent. Rate of discount. 4 per rent. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. UP.—Silver .'u tures opened steady. 6 higher to 5 lower. January. 44.70b; March. 44.65b; May. 44.55b. b—Bid. REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and S VoY/n SMALL BUSINESS %J / Ct /U PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0303 1886 51st Year 1937 •f Procrfli SOCIAL SECURITY TAX RECORDS PRC 91 CREDIT and COLLECTION RECORDS c,lhe JA/a Icoft-la ylor Co. I MILLS BLDG. MEtro. 5846 Safe Investments g% ^'rat mertS°t* "otn, (/A. wall secured on con 11 /fJ servotively appraised, w now buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, BeaD & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Not. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears Property Management EFFICIENT manoQement is most satisfactory to both owner ond tenant. WE specialize in the man agement of oil types of in vestment properties and are now Manoging Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity Of discussing your management problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real Estate 1321 Conn. Are. N.W. DE. 3600 Money for Construction Loan* and Loans on Improved Properties %% FIRST DEED OP TEOST ONLY GEORGE L BORGER 643 Indiana Ava. N.W. _Nat’l 0350 LA ID LAW * COMPANY. NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATE Notice It hereby given that a new Limited Partnership has been formed to proceed with and continue under the firm name of Laldlaw & Company the buslnesa heretofore carried on by the Limited Part nership under the same name which waa terminated on December 31. 1930 and by Its nredecessors. and that the followlm la a cony of the Certificate of Limited Partnership filed on January 0 1937 In the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia: This la to certify that Edward Roesler. Gilbert U. Buidett. Elliot C. R. Laldlaw. Manuel J Johnson. Henry W. Brower. Edward Roesler Jr.. Lorraine F. Pitman. Robert E. Hauser. Isabella Wood Laldlaw and Henry Mc8weeney have hereto fore formed a Limited Partnership pur suant to the laws of the State of New York, and desire to do business In the District of Columbia as a Limited Part nership: that the firm name of said Partnership Is Laldlaw A Company; that the bualness to be transacted by said Partnership Is the business of buying sell ing and dealing In and with stocks bonds notes securities, negotiable Instruments and other evidences of debt or ownership, as brokers and scents, and not otherwise: that the said Edward Roesler Gilbert II Burdett. Elliot C. R Laldlaw. Manuel J Johnson. Henry W Brower. Edward Roesler. Jr.. Lorraine F. Pitman and Roberi E Hauser are General Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Laldlaw and Henty McSweeney are Special Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Laldlaw has contribute the sum of S500.000 and the said Henr: McSweenev has contributed the sum c' S>1.000.000 to the common stock of sal Partnership: that said Partnership w formed for a period commencing on Janu ary 1. 1937 and terminating on Decemb: 3L 1030. In Witness whereof the aforesaid Par ners have hereunto subscribed their nair thls 28th day of December, 1936. EDWARD ROESLER GILBERT U. BURDETT ELLIOT C R LAID LAW MANUEL J. JOHNSON HENRY W BROWER EDWARD ROESLER Jr. LORRAINE P. PITMAN ROBERT E. HAUSER General Partners ISABELLA WOOD LAID LAW henry McSweeney Special Partners fThe foregoing Certificate waa duly ac knowledged by the several subscriber, thereto ) SAVE MONEY on your mortgage I EARN the advantages of * our long-term, low in terest, monthly-payment plan for refinancing your mortgage. If you have a maturing mortgage, talk to ua now. WEAVER BROS in< REALTORS Mmi«/« L*an Ctrmfmdmi Mcnptlixa* Lift Insurants Csmfany WASHINGTON BUILDING • DISTRICT 94S6 PERCENTAGES IN IMPROVEMENT Federal Reserve Board reports show that for 1936 the residential building index stood at only 36 and freight car loadings at 71, whereas industrial production was at 103 and factory employment at 91. (J These instances illustrate the wide variation in recovery in different fields of business, and indicate the value of such facil ities as the “F. & B. Industries Service” in enabling in vestors to make comparisons covering all major indus tries, as the basis for well-timed selection of securities. FENNER & BEANE Metiers New Yerk Sleek Exchange and ether leading Exchanges Southern Bldg., 15th & H Sts. N.W, National 7000 READY FOR DISTRIBUTION Annual Survey of Leading New York City Bank Stocks especially prepared for us by nationally famous statistical organisation This neatly bound booklet covers the PAST HISTORY, CURRENT POSITION and FUTURE PROSPECTS of each institution as well as a general report on the banking situation. We shall have a few copies more than our customers’ requirements. We believe this booklet is of value as a permanent record. It will be sent to you free upon request. George M. Ferris & Co., Inc. Washington Bldg. Natl. 5925-26 Member Wathineton Stock Exchange I I To Purcliase tr |nter#jt at | S 1 or 1 Low at 1 K ■ Rcllnaa*® || ~^Qj 1B ■ 1 r»sy UonthlTj**^ | p ■ I !■ ■ *-** "T* I ■ MW ..ntwyjKfflU I j|B ii6u* 5