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/a UR Property Management Department is serving a host of the biggest property owners in the Nation's Capital —who find our organization especially well equipped. May we serve you? B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Si. Nal’l 2100 Mortgage Loans CURB LIST GOES TO LOWED LEVEES Specialties Suffer Losses of Fractions to About $2 Per Share. £r the Associated Press. NEW YORK, January 26—Curb market shares were unsure of footing today, specialties losing fractions to around 2 points. Losers included American Gas & Electric. Angostura Wupperman, Cord, Creole Petroleum, Babcock & Wilcox, Newmont Mining, Pan-Amer ican Airways, Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Sherwin-Williams and Wright Har greaves. Up fractions to a point or so were Aluminum Co. of America, American Light & Traction, Bunker Hill & Sul livan and Wayne Pump. High Water Cuts Freight Loadiugs Below Week Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, January 26.—Due to flood conditions, preliminary esti mates from rail circles indicate that last week's freight loadings dropped to around 670,000 cars from 700,238 In the preceding week. Carloadings on railroads reporting today for week ended January 23 in cluded: • Week Previous Last Jan. 23. week. year. Baltimore A Ohio 45.981 49.147 37,0(14 Santa Fe __ 27.193 27.055 23.027 St Paul 27.480 28.22S 23.834 Chi. & North West. 25.887 27.393 20.908 Bock Island 23.237 24.375 21.050 Southern Pacino 35.229 35.733 28.757 Wabash 15.347 15.311 13.873 CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4%s ’67 *»:»»• 93 93*. Ala Power 5a '51 _102% 102% 102% Am G A E 5s 2028 ... 106% 106% 106% Am P & L Hs 2016 __ 106 105% 105% Aopalach Pw 5s ’41_ins los ins Ark PAL 5s ’56 __ 104% 104% 104% As El Ind 4%S ’53 . 64% 64% 64% Aa G A E 5* '30 62% 62% 62% As G A E 5s '68 60% 60% 60% Bald L 6s *38 xw stp 152 150 150*4 Bell Te C 5s ’«n C . 123% 123% 123% Brood Rv P 5s '54 A lOO loo 100 can Pac 6s ’42 113 u:» 113 Caro Pw A Lt 5s '56 105% 105% 10.»% Cen I1PS 4%s '67 P 104 104 104 Cent 111 P S 5s '68 G 103*, 103% 103% Cent Pw A Lt 5S T.O . 98% 98 98% Cent St El 5s '48 70 To 70 Cent Si El 5',s '54 _ 70% 70% 70% Cen St PAL 5%s '53 74% 74% 74% Chi Di El 4%s '70 A 105% 105% 10.i% Cm Str Ry 6s '55 B—103% 102% 103% Cities Svc 5s '50_ <8% .8% <8% Cities S Gas 5%s 42—102 102 102 Cit 8 PAL 5%s '52_ 76 76 76 Cit S PAL 5%s '49_ 77 75% 75% Comw Ed 4s '81 F_105% 105% 105% Comw Sd 3%s '65 H— 105% 105 105 Cons G Bal 4%s '54— 124*. 124% 124*. Coni G A E 5s 58 A— 90% 96% 96*. Dallas PAL 6s 49 A.. 106% 106% 106% Dallas PAL 5s '52 C— 104% 104% 104*. Denver G A E 5s 49_ 107 107 107 Det Cit Gs 5s SO B._ lo.v% 105*4 105*4 Det Int Bg 6%s '52._ 12% 12 12 Det Int Be 7s '52_ 3 3 3 East G A F 4s '30 A— 94% 94% 94% El Pw A Lt 5s 2030— 96% 95% 96 Emp Dis El 5s '52. .. 103% 103% 103% Florida PAL 5s '54— 100 100 100 Gary EAG 5s 44 stp xw 10OH 100*4 100% Gatineau Pw 5s '56._ 103% 103% 103% | Gatineau P 6s '41 B—101 % ini % 10] % Gen Pub Sv 5s '53 _loo 103 in:i ! Oen W WAE 5s '43 A — 96 96 96 Georgia Pw 5s '67_164'% 104% 104*, Glen Alden Cl 4s '65— 88% 88s. 88*. Grand Tr We 4s '50— 104% In4% 104*. I Hack Wat 5s 38_109% 109% 109% i Hall iWFl 6s '47 stP— 100 99% 100 Hou Gulf G Hs '43 A— 104 104 104 I Hygrade Fd Hs ’49 A82 >4 82% 82% 1 111 Cent R R 6s ’37—101% 101% 101% 111 Pw A L 6s '53 A— 105% 105% 105% 111 PwAL o%s '54 B— 105% 105 105 j 111 Pw A L 5s ’56 C_104 104 104 111 Pw & Lt 5%S '57_98'i 98% 98% | Indian E C 6%s '53 B— 105% 105% 105% Indian E C 5s '5! C._ 97 97 97 Indiana Ser 5s 'H.'i A . 75 75 75 Inti Securities 5s '47._ 100% 100% loo% Interst Pw 5s '57_ 73% 72*. 72% : Interst Pw 6s '52_ 67 67 67 i Interst P S ns ’56 B 95% 95 95 Interst P S 4%s 58 P_8s 87% 87% ! Iowa-N LAP 5s 57 A_lot 103% 103% lowa-N LAP 5s ’6] B_104 104 104 Jackson G 5s '42 stp.. 55‘4 55% 55% I Jer C PAL 5s '47 B_102% 10.3% 103% i Kentucky Ut 5s '61 98 98 98 i Kentucky U ns '69 I 98 98 98 Ken U 5%s '55 F 102*4 102*4 111::1, 1 Ken U 6%s '48 D 106% 106% 106% Lehigh P S 6s 2026 A ]!H% 110% 110% Libby McNAL 5s '42 104 % 104 % 104 % 1 Long Is Lt Hs '45 105% 105% 105*2 La Pw A Lt 5s '57 106 ]OH 106 Mam PAL 5s 48 A 103% 102*4 102*, I Midlan VRR 5s '43 _ 94% 94s. 94s. j Mid S Pw 6s '45 A 98% 98% 98% ! Minn PAL 4%s "8 102% 102% 102% I Minn P A L 5s '55 104% 104% 104*2 | Miss Pow 5s '55 96*. 115% 95% I Miss Pw A L 5s '57 99 99 99 Miss River P 5s '51 107% 107% 107% Nat P A L Hs 2026 A 106s. 106s, 106s. Nat P it L 5s 20311 B 96% 96 96 Nevad Cal El 5s '56 9.8% 98s, 98*, New E GAE 5s '47 84 83% 83% New E GAE 5s '48 84% 84 84 New E GAE 5s ’50 83% .83% 83% New E Pw 5s '48 ion loo loo New E Pw 5%s '54 101 100s. 100*. New Or PS 6s '40 A 90% 89*, 89*. NY PA Lt 4%s '67 106% 106s, 106% N Y S EAG 4%s '80 104 104 104 Nor A LAP 5%s '56 loo loo loo No St Pw 5%s '40 . 103 103 103 Northw P S 5s '57 A 103% 103% 103'% Ogden G Co 5s '45 111 ill ill Ohio Edison 5s '60 . 104*4 104*4 104’, Okla N G 4%s '51 A 98*, 98*, 98% Pac P A L 5s '55 91s, 91*. 91s, Palmer C La 6s '38 102',a 102*4 102% Penn C LAP 4 %s '77 105 104% 104s, Penn El 4s '71 F 102 102 102 Penn WaAP 5s '40 110*4 110*4 110*4 Peop GLAC 4s '81 B 98',, 97*4 97’, Peop LAP 5s '79 29 29 29 Phlla El P 5%s '72 111 111 111 Pitts Steel Hs '48 105*4 105% 105% Portland G&C 5s '40 82*, 82*. 82*, Pw Ser Corp 6s '49 loi% ini % ini<. Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs 143% 143*4 14311 Pub S No 111 5s '56 111% 111*, 111*, Pub S N I 4%s '81 F 10.3% 103% 103% Pub S Okla 4s '66 A 104% 104’ , 101% Pug S PAL 5%s '49 A 96s, 96*4 96s, Pug S PA*L 5s '50 C 95*, 95% 95*, Pug S PAL 4%s '50 D 91% 91% 91% Roch Cn P os '53 A 87% 87% 87% Scripps 6%s '43 102% 107% 10-’% S E PAL 6s 2025 A 108% 108 108% Sou Cal Ed 3%s ’60 106% 106 196 Sou Cal E 3%s '60 B 106 106 106 Sou Caro 5s '57 10] 101 101 Std GAE cv 6s '35 cod 89 89 89 Std GAE cv Hs '35 mat 88% 88% 88% Std GAE Hs '51 A 88 88 88 Stand Inv 5%s '39 1<>0% loo% loo% Stand PwALt Hs '57_ 87% 87% 87% Tenn El Pw 5s '56_ 97 97 97 I Texas Elec 5s 'Hn 105*4 105% 105*4 I Tex Pw A L 5s '56 . 105*, 105*, 105*4 I Therm 6s '37 st ww 104% 104% 104% Toledo Edls 5s '62 107 106*4 106*4 Twin C RT 5%s ’52 A 93% 93% 93% Ulen A Co 6s '44 111 st 50", 50", 50% I Unit LtAP 6s '75 . 87 86*, 86s, 1 Unit LAR D 5" s '53 95*4 95*, 95*4 i Utah PAL 6s 2022 9 102% In'% 102*4 , Va Pb S 5Vis '46 A 103 103 103 Wash Gas Lt 5s '58 107 107 107 West News U 6s '44 74 74 74 West Pa 5s 2030 105 105 105 West T Ut 5s '57 A 99 99 99 Wls PAL 4s '50 A 1O0V4 100% 100% FOREIGN BONDS. Cuban Te 7%s '41 A 98*. 98*4 08*4 Danzig Port 6%s '52 66 66 66 Jtal 8u Pw 6s *63 A 64% 64% 64% Lima City 6%s '58 20*, 20% 20*, Mendoz P 4s '51 stp 92 92 92 Pied El 6%s '60 A 71% 7! 71% Btin Hug 2nd 4s '46 at 49*, 49*4 49*4 i Terni-Soc 6%s '53 A 71% 71% 71% SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Ret tried by Ohas. D. Barney * Co.i AmerTel a Tel. 5%s 1943 111% m*% Atl. Refining Co. 5s 1837 101% 10'> Calif. Packing Corn 5s 1040 104% loft Caro.. Clinch. A O. 5s WHS 105 105% Ches. A Ohio Rwv. 5s 1939 108% 109 Chi. G Lt. A Coke 5s 1937 102 Del. A Hudson 5%s 1937 101 101% Duluth it Ir- Range 5a 1037 102% 103% Edison Elec. Illu. 4s 1939 105% 10H Gen. Pub. Svc. 5%s 1939 102% G. Rap. A Ind. 4%s 1941 111 Houston Oil 5%s 1040 102% 102% Int. Tel. & Tel 4%s 1939 87 • 88 Laclede Gas Light Rs 1039 10O 100% L. Erie * W. R. R. 6s 1041 100 ghigh Valley Coal us 1038 100 100% n« Island Gen. 4s 1938 103% 104 uis. it Nash. R.R. 6a 1937 101 104 Mich. Cen. R. R. 4s 1940 106 105% N. Y.. Chi A St. L. 4s 1037 101% 102V, New York Dock 6s 1938 70% 71V, N. Y. Susa. A W. 5s 1937 50 85% PSC. R.R. of Mo. 4s 19.38 100% 102 Penn-Dlxle Cement 6s 1941 100 101 Penn*. R.R. Co. 4s 1043 113% 114% Rio Grande W. 4s 1039 81 S3 So. Bell Tel. A Tel. 6s 1941 107% 108 S. Psc. R.R. of Cal. 5s 1937 103% Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 loo 101 Wabash Rwy. Co. 5s 1939 103% 103*', Warner Bros. 6s 1939 100% 100% Western N.Y. A. Pa. 4s 1943 111% 111% Western Union Tel. 5s 1938 103% 103% MONET MARKET. NEW YORK. January 26 UP).—Call money steady; 1 per cent all day. Prime commercial paper. % per cent. Time loan, steady; 60 days-6 months. 1% per rent offered. Bankers' acceptances un-w changed. Rediscount rite. New York Re-4k serve Bank. 1% per cent. iv NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to The 8toe 2:30 Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Rich. Low. 2:55. Acme W vto (2).. 100* 82 *0 tl Aero Supply (B).. 7 #4 6 8 Agfa Ansco_ 1 18 18 18 Ainsworth (al)._. 1 204 W< 204 Air Investors Inc 8 84 6 6 Ala Pwr pf (6) lOOe 744 734 734 Alaham Pw pf (7) 601 86 H64 854 Allen Indue (tl ) 1 26 26 26 Alliance Invest 7 44 4 4 Alum'nCoof Am 860* 1684 161 1614 Alum Good sa90c 1 174 174 174 Alum'n Ind <40e) 100a 11 11 4 Alum n Ltd . ..800* 1054 1044 10*4 Am Alrllnea. Inc.. 1 28 28 28 Am Beverage .. 2 84 84 84 Am Box Board Co 6 184 18 184 Am Clt P&L IA) 8 160* 40 894 8:4 Am CP&L ww2% 1 444 444 444 Am CltP&L B a20e 1 7 64 64 Am Cvnam B t6flc 88 8S4 384 8S4 Am & For Pw ww 7 4 84 84 Am Fork & H (tl) 1 234 *34 2*4 Am GAE (1.40) . 22 464 444 444 Am G&E pf (6) 860* 1114 HO'* 110*4 Am GenC’oiaBOel 9 114 104 114 Am Hard FLihlal > B0* 284 284 284 AmL*T(tl.20 ) 9 24 4 24 2 4 Am Mfe Co laS) 100* S3 324 824 Am Maracaibo 112 24 14 14 Am Meter <a24>- 1 674 664 664 Am Pneu Service 1 14 14 14 Am Pot & Ch *2 4, 60* 404 404 404 Am Seal Kap a30c 3 »4 94 94 Am Superpower _ 76 24 24 24 Am Superpwr pf . 4 82 61 82 Am Thread pf 26c. 2 44 44 44 Anchor Poat F 8 64 64 64 Angostura (t20c). 7 64 64 64 Apex Electrlcltl) 2 884 864 864 Arcturus Radio T 28 2 4 2 2 Ark Nat Gas ... 16 *4 84 9 Ark Nit G cu pf __ a loti 104 104 Ark Nat Gaa (A). 126 94 84 9 Ark P & L pf (7).. 80* 96 96 95 Art Metal W t60c 3 14 IS** 13*< Ashland O&R t40c 28 8 ".** 74 As El I a29 7-10c 1 124 124 124 Asso Gas & Elec.. 10 24 2'* 24 Asso G & E IA) .. 22 44 44 44 Asso G & E 15 pf.. 1 334 334 3 = 4 Asso Laundries... l 4 a* 4 Asso Laund vtc ..6 4 4 4 Atl Coast Fisher. 31 124 12 124 Atl Coast La2*4_ 110* 484 484 484 Atlas Corp (80c).. 24 174 174 174 Atlas Corp war . 20 84 84 34 Atlas Crp pf A(3). 8 62 614 62 Atlas Plyw’dd’j) 7 274 264 264 Austin Silver _ 14 8 24 24 Auto Product*_ 1 74 74 74 Auto Vot Mch 50c 8 84 84 84 Ax-Flsher(3.20)A 140* 40 894 89*« Babcox & Wll (♦) ISO. 161V4 160 1614 Baldw L bd rtstd) 60 34 s'; 3'; Barium Stain Stl.. 8 44 d, 4*$ Bell Aircraft__ 1 It 14 14 Helltnca Aircraft. 8 64 61; Berkey&Uay FCo 87 4 3** 3’; Berk&GF pur war 221 2 14 14 Bickfords Inc 1.20 3 154 lb 16 Bickfords pf(2H) 100a 86 36 36 BMssColEW) 6 22 214 214 Blue Rldga C alOc 10 84 84 34 Blumenthal S 3 407; 40); 40'; Bohack HC 1st Df 20a 63 4 634 634 Borne-Srry al \ .150a 16** 164 164 Botany Cons (d).. 2 4 4 4 Bower Roll B (2), 8 80'. 30 SO Bow man-BUtmor* 1 24 24 24 Bowmn-Bllt 1st pll00« 27 27 27 Brazil T1-&F- 40c 1 214 2i«; 214 Bridgep't Mch al. 8 204 204 20'; Brill Corp (A)_ 12 94 9 9 Brill Corp (B)_ 4 44 84 34 Brill Corp pf 160. 6t’4 68*; 85*; Brillo Mfg (60c) 1 10); 104 104 Brown F&\\ al5t 2 144 144 144 Brown Forman 6 10'; 94 94 Bruok Silk M 40c 1 12 12 12 Buff Niac&E 1st 6 150.104 104 104 Bunker HAS 1 T2 I 326a 117 1154 116*; Burco Inc war 2 H H H Burma (a25 4-5c). S 4 4 4 'able* WtreiB) M 4 4 4 Calamba Su* Tl.60 1 814'81V; an; Can CarAFdry pf 126a II *04 804 Can Indus AlcoA. 6 84 8 6 Can Ind Alco (B). 1 74 74 74 Can Marconi _ 6 24 2)4 24 Carlb Syndicate.. 12 24 24 24 Carrier Corp .. 26 34*;' S4 S44 Casco Products 1 364 364 364 Catlln Corn ia4(ic) 32 104 1ft 10 Celluloid Corp pf 26a 43 43 43 Cellul’d Cist pf a8 20a 94 94 94 Ceil Hud G&E 80e 2 18 18 18 Cent & S W Util 19 64 o4 6*; Cent States Elec 8 24 24 24 Cent St El cv pf n 27.4 23'; 224 224 Cent St El ot -.00. 24 23 23 Centrlf Pipe f40c 1 64 64 54 Charts Corpd 4) 1 16' 164 1«4 Chi Flex'Shaft t2 160. 62); 61 61 Chi PJv&M (tl4) 2 31 31 31 ChtldsCopf 300. 82); 81 81*; Cities Service 117 44 44 44 Cities Service pf 6 634 *24 *24 Clt Svc P&L $6 pf 60» 70 70 70 City Auto S(t60c) 2 14 14 14 Claude Neon Lts 174 34 27k 274 Clav'n&Lam aTOc 4 104 104 104 Clev Tractor ._ 1 114 11 11 CHnchfield Coal__ 15 6 6 Club Aluminum... 8 14 2 24 Colon Dev Ltd .. 89 64 !*; 54 Colon Dev Ltd A.. 4 44 44 44 Colon Dev 6% pf 4 34 37. 34 Colo Fuel*11 war 6 19*4 19!. 194 Colts PF A (113.4 > 2 *» *84 ■ 84 Colum G&E pfla 1 125. 90 894 894 Columb O* G a20e 70 10 9!, 94 Co wlfh Dist alOc 8 24 2); 24 Comwlth Edis t4 6 183- 1324 1324 Com with &S war 144 4 *6 4 Oom'u’ty P&L 1st 150; 61 69!; 60 Community PS tl 76; 84 3?4 334 Community W S 7 •; 1); i«; ComSM stc vtc tl. 1 164 1*4 16»; Cons Aircraft 24 264 26 26 Consol Biscuit 60c 3 104 104 104 Consol Copper 17 8 74 74 Consol GELAP Bo 2 88 874 8* Cbns Mln&Sm t2 26a 76 75 75 Cons Royal(20c) 7 84 3 3 Conti OH (Mex) 17 24 24 24 Cont'l Roll * S Fv II 23 214 214 Cook P & Var t60c 2 204 20|; 204 Cooper Bessemer 3 80>; 30 804 Copper Range __ 1 14 14 14 Cord Corp _ 16 6!; 6 6 Corroon & Reyn . t 74 7,4 74 Coaden OH Me (d) 19 34 94 34 Cosden(Melnftd) 1 «.) 32 32 Crampr W&Sona). 1 14 14 14 Creole Pet ia50c) 5 374 S64 S64 Crocker-Wh alOc 18 184 177; 174 Croft Brewing 82 4 4 4 Crown Cent P a6c 21 24 24 24 Crown C I(A)b50c 1 1*4 134 1*4 Crown Drug blOc. 11 44 44 44 Cuban Tob rtc 1 13 13 13 Cual Mex Mining 48 4 % % Darby Petr i60c). a 184 174 174 Dayton Rubber . I 284 2*4 234 Dayton Rub(A)bl 100a 804 304 804 Derby Oil & Kef 8 7 64 «4 Detroit Gasket tl. 8 16 16 16 Det Gas pf (1.20). 2 l.“4 19 19 Det Gray Ir t20c . 1 1«4 144 144 Detroit M St Co . 2 84 74 84 Det Pap Prod t25o 2 94 94 94 Det Stl Prod al 4 2 56 66 66 Dlstill's a74 9-10c 1 294 294 29.4 Dohler Die Cas(2) 1 394 3*4 384 Dow Chem (2.401 2 166V. 164 164 Driver Harris 14. t 404 40 40 Duhelier Condens 1 «4 84 84 Duval Tax 8 a50c. 1 974 94 94 Eagle Pitch d a60o 43 244 <*4 284 East'n G&F Asao It 94 94 94 East'n G&F Df(6) 60. 67 664 66)6 East G&F o pf 4 4 800. 78 77 77 East Mall Iral.30 26a 244 244 2*4 East'n States Pwr 8 64 64 64 East'n St Pw (B). 1 77 77 77 Easv W M B fSOc 4 124 1.4 114 Economy G Sal4 l»0a 214 214 214 Eisler Elec (a5c> 2 84 84 84 Elec Bond & Share 129 264 244 244 Elec B & S Df (5) 2 76 78 78 Bier B & S pf (6) 3 86V; 864 864 El Pwr AstA)a2So 1 84 84 84 Elec P& L 2d of A 60a *94 694 694 Eler Shareholding 16 6 6 Elgin Nat W 824 *0« 874 874 Emo G&F 7% pf 160a 6»4 694 *94 Emsco Derrick f 1 2 1* 1* 18 Equity Corp(a26c) *1 24 34 24 Burop'a El bd rta. 2 % 4 ' % Evans Wall Lead S3 14 14 14 Evans Wall L of 60a 28 37 27 Ex-C-O A*T *S0c IS 23 284 224 Fairchild Av alSc. t 74 7 74 Falstaff Brewing. 8 *4 94 94 Fanny FC itSOc). 1 234 234 234 Fansteel Metal .. 2 124 i:4 124 Ferro EnamiaS).. It 4 404 41 Fldello Brewery 64 14 1 14 Flak Ruhbei 12 124 124 124 Flak Rub pf (6) 75- 86 St 82 Ford Ltd al81-10c 1 74 74 74 Ford (Cam A (1) 22 274 274 274 Ford (France) .16 b 6 Fox <P> Brew 80c 2 104 104 104 Froadt G*M(20e) 2 114 II IS Froedt't ct pf 1.30160e 1*4 184 lMf Sen Alloys_ 28 44 «H 44 2:30 Stock and Bales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. Low. 2:65. Gan invaat Corp 4 lk lk lk Gan Rayon Ltd A. 4 2 Hi lk Gen TalaCpal.16 6 22 12 22 Gen Tire ft Rub 12 2Sk 23 23 GUb't(AC)a62kc. 4 8k 8k 8k Gllbortl AClpf Hi 20. 44 48k 48k Glen AldenC (tl) 8 18k Ok Ok Godchaux SA(bl)lt0i 44k 44 44 Godchaux 8u»MB) 10 80k 29 >0 ' Goldfield Consol.. 18 k k S Gorham <A> 1 7k 7 7 Gorham pf ww 100* 86 35 85 Gorham Mfvtctl 1 24k 54 24k Grand Natl Films 21 4 8k 8*. Gr Rap Var(tlOc) 11 1«H 16k 16k Gray Tel PS (1> . 7 20k 19k l»N Grt AftP T n v t6. 50. 116k 115 116 Grt Nor Pap (tl). 100. 42 41k 41k Greenflald T ft D. . 7 12k HH Hk GrooStora Prod.. 2 6k 6k 6k Guardian Invest.. 1111 Gulf Oil Pa new... 14 68k 61k 61k Gulf St Ut pf (6). 60. 96 95 96 Hall Lamp (80c).. 17 7k 6k 6k Haloid Co (tl).... 1 23 23 23 Hartman Tobacco It 2 2 2 Harvard Brawery 1 Hi 5k 8k Hat Corp IB) 1 14 18k 13k Hazel tine Corp a3. 2 16k 16k l*k Hecia 61m tabOc) 16 18k 17k 18 Helena Kubenst'n 4 lk lk lk Hevden Ch <t2)... 1 40k 40k 40k ■olllnvei G t65c 6 16 16 16 Holopbane ia90C) b 81 29k 29k Hudson BMftS (1) 26 aHi 8lk 82k HumbleOU (tl) . » 86k 84 S4 Huyler'a(Del) id). 2 lk lk lk HVKrade Food 4 6k 6k 6k Hygrade Sylv(t2) 60. 46k 46k 46k Ill Pwr * Lt pf (60* 67 65 65b ilium Share* A t2 26i (lb (lb dH imp Oil Ltd »6(lc S 21b 21b 21b Imp Oil reg (t50c> 1 21b 21b 21b Ind'n Ter HI O(A) 1 4b 4b 4b Indiana PL i»40c) 1 9b 9b *b Indus Kin 1% pf 100a 19 18b 18b ins Co of No A t2 160* 73b ™ 1* lntl Cigar M t2 9 26 25b 26 lntl Hold&lnv Ltd 17 i> 8 a lnt H E Sep A war 2 lb lb lb lntl Hy HI S ev pf 4 87 . 6 36 lntl Petr (Tib).. 25 35b 35b 35b lntl Products_ 8 6b 6b 6'| lntl Util tA)- 8 18 17b 17b lntl Util (B)- 4 2b 2 2b lntl Util war new. 1 b b b lntl Vitamin(uOc) 2 6b (b 6b lnterat PiOellpf 2o« 21 21 21 Invest Royalty 6c. 18 % b b Irving Air Ch (II. 8 1Tb 17b 17b ltal Superpwrt A). 19 lb lb lb Ital Sup'pw d rts.. 4 S b b Jacobs'FL)Co(l) 6 14b 18b lib Jeanette G1 (80c). 8 12b 1* 12 JersCen P&L pf S 30a 92 91b 91b Jer Cent P&L pf 7 20a 99b 99b 99b Jonas & Naum 8 8't 8 8 Jones&lAugh Stl. 4 101b 101b 101b KansClty PS vtc 10 b H H Kan City PSpfA 14 4 4 Ken ItT&L A aiac 5 22b 2 b 22b Kingsbury Brew 2 8b 3 8b Kingston Prod 40o 31 7 6b 6b Klrb\ Pstr due).. 20 7b 7b ‘b Klein (DEXtl)—. 2 19b 19*4 I!*b Koppers pf t 6) ..126a lu8 108 108 Kreuger Brew tl- 2 18b l»b l»b Lake Sh M (T4) .. 8 66b 66*4 66>t | Lakey Ky & Mach. 40 7b 7b 7b Lefcourt Realty 6 4b 4b 4b Lefcourt priaTaC) 1 19b 19b 19b Leh Coal &N 30c.. 19 I2t» lib 12H Leonard Oil .. 882 2 lb lb Lion Oil Ref (1).. 7 18 17b 17b Lit Brothers _ 4 6b 6b 6b Locke Stl Ch t80c. 26 18 17b 17*6 Lockheed Airafaft 9 11*« 11)4 lib Lone Star G affile 13 18b 13b 13*4 Long island Ltg 49 6*4 6b 6b LonglLpfA(7> 40a 9p 89 90 Long Isl Lt pf B 6 126. 78 76b 75b Loudon Pk'n t50c. 8 «b 6b «b La Land (40c) ... 7 16 14b 14b McCord Rad (B) 8 12b 12b 12b McWilliams D <t2 25 36 33b 33b Majestic Ra&Tsl. 2 4b 4b 4b Mangel Stores 1 lo 10 10 Margay Oil a50c.. 4 23b 22 22 Mass iJtll Assocla 1 8b 8b 8b Massey Harris ... S 8*« 8b 8b Master Elec (1)— 2 19b 19b l*b Mead John <t3)_ 2 109*1 1C6 106 Mem Nat G(a5oc) 12 «b 6b «b Mercantile Strs b3 8 40 40 40 Merch&Mf A a30c 1 «b #b *b Merrm Chap & S 28 lob 9b 10 Merritt C & S pf A 126s 76 73 74b Mesabi Iron 147 lb 1 lb Metal TexileHOC) 2 &b 6b 6b Mich Bumper C_ 16 3b 3 3 Mich Gas & Oil_ 24 fb 6 6b Mich Sugar — 1 lb lb lb Mid Sta Pet 1 A)._ 6 6b 6b 6b j Mid Sta Pet (B) 1 lb lb lb Mid-W Abras alOc 6 4b 4b 4b Mldl'd Stl Prod(2) 1 22b 22b 22b Mining Co (Can) 6 3*4 8*4 3b Minn Mln*Mf(tl) 60a 40 40 40 Mock Judson 60c 1 14 14 14 Moh H P&L lat(7)2»Oa 100b 10o 100 Molybdenum Corp 28 10h 10b 10b Moore Dist (t50c) 9 6b 6b 6b Monroe L S(A)32c 8 4 4 4 Mount Prod 160c) 8 6b 6b 6b Mueller Braaa tl 7 46»» 44b 44b Nat Bella Hess . 20 34 3 34 Nat Contain a50c. 3 1*4 134 134 Nat Fuel Gaa tl). 10 194 19 19 Nat Investors .. 7 34 34 34 Nat Invest tvar .2 4 4 4 Natlnvpf (alO) 40> 103 102 103 Nat Leaihei 12 2 2 Nat Mfg & Stores 2 104 104 104 Nat P A Lt pf (6) 160s 904 894 894 Nat OH Prod t60c 2 41 404 404 Nat Rub Jlch a20c 23 164 14 144 Nat Service - 82 4 4 \ Nat Service pf -. 3 44 44 441 Nat Transit (75c). 2 114 114 114; Nat Onion Radio.. 9 24 2 24 Nebel (Oscar)- 8 14 14 14 Nestle-Le Mur_ 1 24 24 24 Nev-Callf Elec 60s 194 194 194 N Eng Tel & T (8) 50s 135 135 135 New HavCl (I!)) 2 21 21 21 NJ£lnc(t2) 60s 81 804 804 NewM&ALdalc 2 4 4 4 Newmont M m34 8 126 1264 1264 N V * Hound (tl) 60s 82 314 014 N Y Merch (2.40) 1 44 44 44 N Y Pw&l.t pf (6) 10s 104,4 10*4 10*4 N X Ftv&Lt pf (7) 10s 1134 "34 1134 N Y Shipbldg 1 11)4 "4 "4 N Y Tel Of (64) 100s 1184 1184 "84 N Y Transit t30c 2 64 64 64 N Y Water Svc pf 30s 62 604 *2 Nlag Hud Pw a*0o S3 17 164 164 Nlag HP(*| war 8444 Nlag H P (B) war 1 24 24 24 Nlag S Md B a(Cc. 2 144 144 "4 Niles-Bem-P (al). 1 4P4 494 494 Nlpiaslng (a&Uc).. 2 84 34 34 Noma Elec <a40e) 10 94 54 94 North Am LAP _ 10 64 64 64 North AmL&P pf 60s 70 70 70 NoCen Tex Oal5o 2 64 64 64 N A Rayon A tl4 6 434 424 434 N A Rayon B tl 4 2 424 424 424 North n Europ OH 96 4 \ \ North Pipe L a75c 1 74 74 74 North States p A 2 164 -44 864 Nor Tex El 6% pf. 6 44 34 44 North at Em al4 7 29 28 29 Novadel Ag (2)... 3 344 84 84 Ohio Pwr pf (6).. 60s 1114 1114 1114 Okla Nat Gas Co.. 6 134 "4 124 Okla Nat Gas pf_. 160s 814 31 81 Oldetyma Distil 30 64 64 64 Overseas Sec 60c.. 2 104 94 94 Pac GAE 1st (14) 2 824 824 824 Pacific Ltg pf (6). 26s 1064 1064 1064 Pac Tin spec (t2). 60s 404 404 404 Pan-Am Air (tl). 3 70 67 67 PantepecOl) ... 49 84 84 84 Parker Pen (2).— 60s 284 28 28 Peninsular Tel tl 100s 294 294 294 Penn-Mex F a50c. 2 7 64 64 Pennroad ta'25c>. 80 44 44 44 Penn P A L (7) .. 90. 1114 1114 1114 Penna Salt (t4)_76s 1694 1664 1664 Penn Wat A P (4) 1 904 904 904 Pepperell Mfg t6 26s 187 187 187 Perfect Circle t2 60s 36 35 36 Phillips Pkg a60e. 3 184 134 184 Phoenix Secur 9 74 74 74 Phoenix 8 pfA(t) 1 374 >74 >74 Pierce Gov (a&Oe). 6 144 2>4 >>4 Pines Wlntfrt(n). • 24 24 24 Plon'r GM Ltd SOo 4 64 84 64 Pitney Bow(t40c) 16 84 84 84 Plttsbgh Forging S 23 224 224 Pitts ALE b24.180. 98 91 93 Pitts Plate Gl(a6) 1 148 1424 1424 Pleasant VWb5. 2 24 24 24 PotreroSuiar 7 84 >4 »4 PowdrellAAI t60c 4 11 104 104 Pratt A Lamb (a21 1 39 39 .9 Premier Gold 1120 2 44 44 44 Producers Corp 48 % 4 4 Prosperity Bat1* 1 I64 I64 164 Pub Svc Ind pt 70s 36 36 35 Pub Svc Ind pr pi 10» 6h 66 66 •ug Sd PAL pf(5) 150. 86 86 86 Pug Sd PAL 86 pf 660» 534 624 534 Quebec Power <1) 100s S24 224. 224 Rwy Lt See(l.56 ) 76. 254 234* 264 Rainbow Lum (A) 21 14 #4 14 Rainbow Lum (B) 29 4 ) H 4 DAILY OIL OUTPUT REACHES NEW HIGH Week’s Total Rises 31,927 Barrels Above Record of Previous Period. By the Associated Press. TULSA, Okla., January 26—The second new high mark in the national production of crude oil in as many weeks was reported today by the Oil and Oas Journal. During the week ending January 23, according to the Journal's computa tion, the output of the Nation’s wells was 3,197,487 barrels of crude oil daily. 31.927 barrels dally greater than the previous record, reported a week ago. Oklahoma production showed an In crease of 5,625 barrels daily to 604,275 barrels; the production of East Texas was 451,798, an increase of 9 barrels over the previous week, and the total State of Texas increased 16,008 barrels dally to 1,264,834 barrels. Louisiana’s production Jumped 3,745 barrels dally to 244,885; California de creased 5,500 barrels dally to 586,000, and Kansas increased 9,850 barrels dally, to 178,875. Eastern fields. Including Michigan, Increased 54 barrels daily, to 144.588, ; and in the Rocky Mountain section production rose 2.980 barrels dally to ; 67,640 barrels daily. BALDWIN ORDERS SOAR. NEW YORK, January 26 (/P).— Dollar value of orders taken in De cember by Baldwin Locomotive Works and subsidiary companies, including Midvale Co., was $11,183,894. com pared with $1,650,577 for December, 1935. This brought total bookings for the consolidated group for the year to $46,900,726 against $18,095,891 in 1935. 2:30 Stork »na Sale*— Dividend Rate Addon. Hieh Low. 2:55. naym’d Cone (tl) IOC* 104 80 304 Raytheon Mfg vtc S 6V» 64 54 Red Bank _ 7 114 114 114 Relter-Foater_ 9 \ \ \ Reybarn Co a25e„ 1 64 64 64 Reynolds Invest - 2 24 24 24 Rlchm’d Radiator. IS 64 6** 6 Root Petrolm(l).. 6 114 114 114 Rossla lntl Coro.. 2 4 4 4 Rustless Ir&Stl .. 84 154 144 184 Ryan Consoltd'd 9 64 64 54 Rverson & Haynes 16 6 6 St Anthony Gold 87 •» 4 4 St Lawrence Corp 2 lot* 104 104 St Regia Paper 41 lu,4 94 »4 St Regia Paper pt 100* 1164 1164 116)1 Savov Oil 4 4)1 4)1 44 SchlfftThe) CottS) S 88 8* 38 Schulte R Eld).. 2 4 4 4 Kcvill Mf((3) ... 100 . 64 62 4 84 Secur Corp Gen... 2 44 44 44 Segal Lock A H— 11 34 84 84 Selberlin* Rubber S 74 74 74 Selected Indus 19 4 4 Sel Ind all eta 54 310» 994 »94 »*4 Sel ind pr pf <54) 60« 994 994 994 Sent Saf Control.. IS 14 14 14 Seton Leath aSUo. 1 114 114 H4 Seversky Aircraft 44 64 «4 6>* Shattuck Den Min 18 214 204 20*« Shawin W &P 80c 8 804 *04 804 Sherwln-Will < 4 > 400. 1884 1874 18*4 Sher-WIll (Can) 100. 264 264 264 Shrev-EI Dor P&L 17 4 4 4 Smith Cor v ext tl 6 324 8.4 824 Sonoton* C (aloe) S 24 24 24 So Penn OIK tl 4> » «74 674 47)4 SoCal Ed pt pf 14 10 * 40 40 40 So Cal Ed pf B 14 1 284 284 284 So Cal Ed pfClH 1 274 274 274 So Royalty (a3»c) 8 t-4 94 94 Southn Union Gas 6 84 3 3 Spamsh&Gen rcte 14 4 4 Spen Chain St 60c 2 9 9 9 Stand Brewing ..3 1 1 1 Stand Dredging 2 54 5 6 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 16 194 194 194 Stand O Neb a25c. 8 124 124 124 Stand Oil Ohio tl- 7 344 3,4 844 Stand Pwr ft Lt .. 86 64 64 64 Stand PftLfB) -6 6 64 54 Stand Sll&Ld t4c) 17 % 4 4 Stand Stl Sp a2 * j . 8 34 84 84 Stand Prod ia25c) 10 204 20 204 Starrett Corp vtc 12 84 84 84 Stercbl Bros a30c 4 124 124 124 Sterchl Bros 1st 3 26a 884 38?j .84 Sterl’g Brew a"5c 4 64 64 64 Sterling, Inc(2Uc) 12 64 64 64 Stetson! JBJbiOc 160a 24 24 24 StinneslHugo) d 27 44 84 44 Stroock & Co a2 4 660 a 294 28*» 294 Slutz Motor 20 24 24 24 Sullivan Machine 1 24 24 24 Sun Ray Dr t80c . 1 184 184 184 Sunray oil taloc) 104 4 4 4 4 44 Sunr'y O cu pf 26. 2 49 49 49 Sunshine Min (3). 9 20 D4 20 Swan Finch. 1 14 14 14 Taggart Corp_ 14 164 164 164 Tasty east! Del) A. 2 24 24 24 Taylor Dlat 1300 . 6 4 4 4 4 44 Technicolor a50e 17 214 214 214 Tech Hughes T40c 26 6 4 6 4 64 Texon Oil ft L 60o 41 74 74 74 Tiahman H & C . 8 10 10 10 Tob Prod Exp 16c 3 *4 84 *4 Tonopah Belmont 14 4 4 4 Tn-Conu C war 9 24 24 24 Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 4 4H 44 44 Tublze ehattllion. 13 204 194 194 Tublze Chat! (A). 8 664 t54 654 L’ung-Sol Lamp n. 2 84 84 84 Twin-Coach al.40. 9 184 l»4 l»4 Ulen ft Co o% pf 8 64 64 (4 U len ft Co 7 4 % pi 16 84 8 8 Unexcelled Mfg... 2 34 84 34 Unit Air war__. 2 26 24 24 Unit Corp war_ 3 14 14 14 Unit GaaCorp- 66 114 114 114 Unit GaaC war... 12 84 8 34 Utd Gas pf (a3%). 6 122 1214 1214 Unit Lt ft Pw iA). II *4 94 94 Unit Lt ft Pw (B). 2 104 104 104 Unit Lt ft Pw pf 6 694 684 684 Unit Milk Prod(2) 100a 814 30 314 Unit Prof ShalOc 8 14 14 14 UnltSblpydaB 42 44 4 44 Unit Shoe M t24 26a 964 964 964 Unit 8 Mch pf 1.60 270a 474 464 464 U S Foil iB) (1) .. 11 IV4 164 164 U S & Inti 1st pf ww (bl'A) - S 934 92 92 U S Llnea pf 1 24 24 24 U S Play Cards tl 60* 314 814 314 U S Radiator 2 84 8 8 U S Rub Reclaim. 2 94 9 9 U R Stores - 1 4 4 4 U S Stores 1st pf.. 40e 14 12 12 Unit Storea vtc_ 1111 Unit Verde Ex (1) » *4 84 84 Unit Wall Paper.. 128 64 64 54 Univ Inaur (1)__ 60s 204 204 204 Utah Apex ... 10 04 84 84 UtahP&Lpf 12.91* 76a 794 784 794 Utilities P& L (d) 18 14 14 14 UtilPftLpf(d) 360. 264 244 244 Utility Equities 8 64 64 64 Utility Eqpfb44 60. 88 87 88 Utilities lndust'l. 1 14 14 14 Utility ft Indus pf 6 6 64 64 Venezuela Mex O. 6 74 74 74 Venezuela Petrol. 90 84 84 84 Va Pub Svc pf(7). 20a 994 994 994 Waco Aircraft 2 94 84 84 Warner Bak a2.36. 1 20 20 20 Walt ft Bond (B). 1 24 24 24 Wayne Pump <60o 68 »4 184 19 W Va Coal ft Coke 4 4 4 4 Weatn AE (a25c). • 10 94 94 West Au Sup A 74 160a 80 784 784 Weatn Md pf (a7). 10a 994 994 994 Will OU-U-M a60o 2 104 10 104 W11-low Cafeteria 28 14 14 14 W11-10w Cafe pf < »4 84 9 Willson Prod 1 tl) 1 14 14 14 Wolverine Port C. 48 74 74 74 Wolv Tube <t40c). 6 16 164 16 Woodley Pet t40c 8 114 104 >04 Woolw F W Ltd A 1 214 214 214 Wright Harg vauc 6 74 74 74 Ygstn Stl Door(2) 8 724 72 72 Yukon Gold (al 30 10 24 24 zM Dividend rates In dollars baaed on last Quarterly or semi-annual payment, tAn nual rate—not includinc eztraa. tAc cumulated dividend. a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported as being in bankruptcy 0r in receivership, er being reorganised under the - bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by\ such com panies. *, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued From Page 12.) *:i» pat. 1936-37 Stock and Sales— Net Slch low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Slab. Low. Clot* Cbge 9* 4*0 8 Leatbu vtc 4 8 7* 7* — * 18* 10* U 8 Leather A rtc 11 16* IS* 16*-* 69* 21* USPipeAFdry (!) 10 68* 66* 66*-* 19* 7* U 8 Realty * Imp 18 17* 17* 17*-* 65* 16* U 8 Rubber ... 43 62* 61* 62 - * 101 47 O S Rubber IP* pf.. 6 96 95* 95*-* 103* 72* TT S Smelting (b2)_. 8 87 86 85 -2 75* 68* U S.Smelting pf 3* 2 72* 72* 72*-1* 88* 46* US Steel 204 87* 86* 86* -1* 154* 115* U S Steel pf <7> 2 149* 149 149 -* 9* 7* Utd St Yd (al2*c). 6 8* 8* 8*-* 8* 6 United Storee iAi 17 7 6* 6* — * 7 8*UtilPw ALt A (d). 31 4* 4 4 -* 2* 1 Vadsco Sales Corp. 9 2* 2* 2* 82* 16* Vanadium 'Jorp .. 26 30* 29* 29* - * 49* 28* Van Raalte (ai*). 2 43 42* 42* 48* 40 Vick Chem Its)_ 8 44* 43* 48* -1* 9* 4 Va-Car Cbemlcal... 56 9* 8* 8* + * 61* 28* Va-Car Chem «% pf 22 60 67* 68* 41* 14 Va Iron C A C pf 10s 32 32 32 137* 119* Vulcan Detln of (7). 10s 118 118 118 -3 4* 2* Wabaab id) ... 8 3* 3* 3* — * 12* 6 Wabaan p'A id)... 18 11* 10* 10*-* 39* 30 Walgraan Co il).— 1 38* 38*' 38* 49* 26* Walker iH) (2) .. 1 46* 46* 46*-* 20 17* Walker IH) of <1>_ 1 19* 19* 19* 15* 5* Walworth Co .... 63 14* 13* 13*-* 62 10* Ward Baking A ... I 44 44 44 -2* 7* 2* Werrt Hakiuv H .. 16 7* 6* 7* + * 106 47* Ward Bak pf (a7)_. 1 94 94 94 -2 18* 9* Warner Bros I'lct 69 16* 15* 15* - * 69* 44 Warnar Broa pic pf. 1 67* 67* 67* — * 2* * Warnar-yuln td)_ 21 1* 1* 1* - * 12* 4* Warren Broa - 60 12 11* 11* - * 38* 16* Warren Broa ev pf- 1 34 84 84 - * 41* 21 Warren FdyAP(tl) 6 40* 39 89 -1 39* 19* Waukeaba Mot (1). 2 35* 85 86*-* 11* 6* Webster Blsenlohr. 6 8* 8* 8* — * 62* 88* Wesson OASltSOc). 2 49 48* 48*-* 107 91H Wait Pa Eleo A (T) 100a 101* 101* 101* +2 9:16 pa 1030-37 Stock and Sales— Net Sica Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Riga Low. Gloa*. Cbs*. 102 87 Waat Pa Blac pf (9) 10s 99% 99% 99% +1% 110 96 Waat Pa Elaopf <T> 120# 107% 106% 105% -2% 124% 116% Waat Pa Pwr pf <7> 120a 122% 122% 122% + % 12% 8% Waatarn Mainland. 2 9V4 9 9 - V* 4 1% Western Paolflo- 3 2% 2% 2% + % 9% 6% Western Pactfld of 10 7% 7% 7% - % 96% 72% West Un Tel (a75c) 34 81% 79% 79% -1% 60% 34*4 waitlochsa A B (1) 38 62% 51% 51V*-** 167S 94% Wasth a* El ia6ty i 13 163% 158 158 -6*4 170 123% Westhse E 1st t3% 40* 167 166 166 -4 33% 22S Westn El Inst aS6c 6 29% 28% 29 - % 37 19% Waatvaco Chlor 11 > 2 26% 24% 24% — % 35% 31% Weatvaoo 6 % Df 1 % 3 34 33*4 34 + % 43% 21% Wheeling Steal 18 39% 38% 39 -1 109V* 84 Wheelint Stl pf(a6) 1 105% 105% 105% + % 28% 1SS Whlta Motor . 14 26% 26V* 26V* - % 18% 13% Whlta Rk M S( 1.40) 1 18% 18% 18%-% 6% 3% White Sawing Mch. 1 6% 6% 5% - % 46% 16 Whlta $ew Mcb pf.. 2 41 40V* 40% -2% 6 2% Wlloox OU 4 0as._ 81 6% 5% 5% - % 11 6% Wllaon ACO l40c)_ 49 9% 9% 9% - % 87 70 Wilson * Co pf (•). 1 83 83 83 - % 71 44% Wool worth 12.40).. 42 64% 63 63 -1 47 23% Worthington Pump 6 45 43% 43% -2% #9% 66 Worth Pump Dt A.. 70s 9i 94V* 94V* -4% 91 47 Worth Pump pf B.. 1 88 88 88 -2% 79 63 Wrlglav W ir itg). 1 73% 73% 73%-% 66 33% Yai* & Town* t(0c. 3 66% 66 66 29% 8% Yellow Tr A Coach 118 27% 26% 27%—% t 163% 83% Yellow Tr&C pfa35 20* 140 140 140 66 42% Young Spr&W <T3) 1 44 44 44 87% 41% Younnsm bhrat&T 10 78 76% 76% -1% 42% 21% Zenith Radio <b50c) 14 35 34% 34%-% 9% 5% y*onilr Product* 4 8% 8% 8% - % Approximate sales of Stock* on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A M._ 530.000 12:00 Noon.-. 900.000 TOO P.M.. 1430.000 2:00 P.M.-.1 620.000 Dividend rate* aa given In the above table are the > r.nual caih payment# baaed on the lateit quarterly or half-yearly declaration!. s Unit 01 trading lev than IOO aharei. t Annual rate—not including extra* * Accumulated dividend*, a Paid thla year, b Paid laat vear. d Companlea reported In receivership or being 1 reorggnlted x Ex dividend. N. & W. EARNINGS MOUNTSHARPLY 1936 Net Hits $32,909,524, Against $25,355,852 in Previous Year. ZJ the Associated Press. NEW YORK. January 26 — Norfolk Si Western Railway Co., in a prelim inary report for 1936. showed net in come of $32,909,524, after charges and Federal Income taxes, including pro vision for surtax on undistributed profits, equal to $22.74 a common share. This compared with $25,355, 852, or $17.37 a share in 1935. Directors at Philadelphia declared a quarterly dividend of $2.50 a share, instead of the regular dividend of $2. The payment will be on 1.406,483 shares. The disbursement will be made March 19 to stockholders of rec ord February 27. The directors said their action did not commit them to continue the advanced rate in future quarters. The road, principally a carrier of bituminous coal, has its main system running from Norfolk. Va.. to Western Virginia, Southern West Virginia. Eastern Kentucky and northward to Ohio. Alton Railroad Co. Alton Railroad Co. (controlled by Baltimore & Ohio), operating In Illinois and Missouri, in a preliminary statement ^>r 1936 reported net loss of $944.79™ compared with net loas of $2,142,168 in 1935. Atlantic Refining. Atlantic Refining Co. and subsid iaries, in a preliminary statement, re ported 1936 net profit of $7,347,900, equal, after preferred dividends for three quarters, to $2.59 a common share, compared with $3,970,600. or $1.49 a capital share in 1935. The company charged all three dividends on the new preferred against 1936, but only two were paid in that year and the other, declared last year, was pay able in i937. Gulf Oil Co. Directors of Gulf Oil Co. declared a dividend of 24 cents a share on the capital stock, payable April 1 to hold ers of record March 15. It was the first dividend since December 21, when a stock dividend of 100 per cent was paid. On December 10 a dividend of 25 cents and a special dividend of 50 cents a share were disbursed. Illinois Central. Illinois Central Railroad Co. re ported preliminary net earnings of $745,000 in 1936 after deducting allow ances of approximately $540,000 for unemployment taxes and *1.579,000 for retirement taxes. Total revenues for the year were $14,921,000. an in crease of 18 per cent over 1935, L. A. Downs, president, said. Total ex penses. on the other hand, Increased only 4 per cent. Pennsylvania Coal. Pennsylvania Coal Sc Coke Corp. re ported for the year ended December 31 net loss of $55,825, after charges, compared with net income of $77,007, equal to 46 cents a share of capital stock, in 1935. For the quarter ended December 31 net loss was $10,150, against income of $23,914, or 14 cents a share, in the like period of 1935. INSUBANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. January 26 (/Pi.—New York Security Dealers’ Association: _ , Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a) _112 llH Aetna Ins (1.60) _ 47% 49% Aetna Life (,80a)_ 31 33 Am Eqult (1.60) _ 38 41 Am Ins Newark (%)_ 13 14% Am Reins (3) _ 8H% 89% Am Reserve (la)_ 32 34 Am Surety (2%)_ 59 61 Automobile (la) _ 30% 32% Balt Amer (,20a)_ 8% 9% Carolina (1.30) _ 29% 30% City of N Y (1.20) _ 28% 20% Conn Gen Life (.80)_ 36% 38% Contin Cas (1)_ 29% .31% Fid & Dep (1«)_126% 131% Firemens Nwk _ 12% 14 Frank Fire (la)_ 33% 35% Oen Reinsur (2)_ 44s, 46% Glen Falls (1.60)_ 47% 49% Globe & Ren (.80)_ 21 2.3 Globe & Rut _ 76 78% Great Amer (la)_ 27% 29% Hanover (1.60) _ 35% 37% Harmonla (1.20)_ 30% 32% Hartford Fire (2)_ 72% 74% Home Fire Sec_ « < , Home Ins (la)- 30% 41% Homestead (1) _ 22% 24 Lincoln Fire_ 4% 5% Natl Fire (2) - «5% 67% Natl Liberty (,20a)- 10 11% N Hampshire (1.60)- 43 44% N Y Fire (,80a)_ 24 27 Nor River (>/««). 27% 29 Phoenix (2a) - 95 99 Prov Wash ila)- ••<% 39% St Paul Fire (0) -213 218 Springfield (4%a)-129 132 Sun Life _«50 1000 Travelers (16) - U 8 Fire (2) _ 54% 56% Westchester (1.20a)-- 36% 37% a—Also extra or extras. «—Declared or paid so far this year. . --1 — — TOBACCO MARKETS. RICHMOND. Vs., January 28 «•).— Although conditions of some rural roads made it difflcult for farmer* to get their tobacco to market, demand continued good at both dark-flred and flue-cured (bright) warehouse*. . Lynchburg's dark market reported all grades appeared to be In good demand and prices were continuing firm, at Farm vllle a heavy sale was expected today. Blackstone markets paid as high aa ISO for good quaUty wrappers. On the bright market Danville * ealei stayed above the million-pound mark. Poundages and prices yesterday: Lynchburg _ 222.851 $14.89 Bedford -II... 89.000 14.25 Parmvllle _ 245.010 1.H.88 1 Blackstone _ 10:1.285 15.80 Drakes Branch_. 50.352 iO jO Danville (x) 1.089.008 19.81 ; (z) Plue cured. ,j Agriculture authorities aay a single barberry bush can harbor 64,000,-1 000,000 spores of graA-ctestroying black stem nut. .■ Further Increase In Rubber Export Quotas Revealed By the Associated Preas. LONDON, January 26.—The Inter national Rubber Regulation Committee today fixed export quotas of crude rub ber for the third quarter of 1937 at 85 per cent of basic tonnages. The quota for the first quarter had been set previously at 75 per cent and for the second quarter at 80 per cent. (The International rubber restric tion agreement affects exports from, j but not the production of, Malaya, j Ceylon. India, Borneo, Sarawak. Siam and French Indo-China. Export quo tas are fixed from time to time in ac- ; cordance with demand.) C„ 6. & Q. REVEALS NET AT $4,980,000 LEVEL By the Associated Pres*. CHICAGO, January 26.—Net in- J come of the Chicago. Burlington & ,t Quincy Railroad in 1936 was approxi mately <4.980,000, equivalent to <2.92 a capital share, Ralph Budd. presi dent. said. This compared with <1, 842.844, or $1.08 a share, in 1935. December estimated net income was $710,000, compared with $462,461 m the corresponding 1935 period. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$2,000 at 94%. Capital Transit Co—5 at 15%, 10 at! 15%. Potomac Electric Power 6^ pfd.—10 at 113. 5 at 113. Real Estate Mtge. Sc Guar. pfd.—70 at 6. AFTER CALL. Capital Traction 5a—$1,000 at 94%. Mergenthaler Linotype—56 at 54. Washington Gas 5s 1960—$1,000 at 126%. $4,000 at 126%. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY _. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel. It Tel. 4'is_111 Anacostia Sc Pot 5s _ 77% 78% Ana Sc Pol. Guar. 5s_ 110 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s __ 104% Capital Traction R. R. 5l _ 94% 95 City A Suburban 5« _ 87 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s ___ 121 Pot. Elec. Pow .1%s _104 105% Wash. Gas 5s 1958 _106% 107% Wash. Gas 5s 1960 _125 127 W’ash. Rwy. St Elec. 4s_106 _ MISCELLANEOUS Col Country Chib 5%s_105 _ W. M. Cold storage 5s _100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Tel <9l . 184% Capital Transit Co. _ 15% 16 N. Sc W Steamboat tgfl) 105% Pot. Elec Pow. 0T Did (61 112 _ Po. El. Po. 5%Cr Did. 15.501 113 _ Wash. Gas Lt Co. (3.60) *83 _ Wash. Ry. & Ei. com. <36> 725 _ Wash. Ry. A El. Did. <5> 111 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. Sec. Sc Trust Co. <e8> 285 - Bank ol Bethesda (h75>— 31 _ Canltal (41 -- - 135 - Com. Sc Savings <a8)- 200 - Liberty (3) 130 - Lincoln if6 24> 200 - Nat. Savinas A Trust 140 Pr Georges Bk. Sc TV. (.50) 18 21 Riggs 18) 345 - Riggs Pld. (5)- b*100% ■ - Washington tH) 133 - Wash. Loan & Trust <e8> *260 - FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. American (6) *100 - Corcoran (5) 1(8) - Firemens tl.HO)' - 46 - National Union i.BO) 16 --- TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia (.30) 16 17% Real ^MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Carpel Corp <2.00) 25 27 Lanaton Monotype <4> H9 - Mergenthaler Linotype (|) 54 55 Peoples Drug S. com. it 1.00 50 ol% Peoples Drug S. old. (6.50) 112% Re. Es. M Sc G. Pld (**.70) 6 6% Security Storage (5) 119 125 Ter. Ref. Sc Wh Oorp (3) 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. <tl.60> *70 80 Wdwd. Sc Loth. pfd. 17)-121 125 •Ex. dividend. bBooks closed. J50cS paid^May 15. 1936: 50c paid, Au gust 15. 1936. 50c paid Nov. 10. 1938. a4% extra. e2*r„ extra 11 %% extra. gl''extra paid December 15. 1936. •*26c paid June 30. 1930: 45c paid De cember 22. 1936. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. January 26 (3P>.—Poultry, live. 40 trucks: firmer: hens, over 6 pounds, 17*4: ft pounds and_ less. 17*4; Leghorn hens, 12: colored Springs 17: Plymouth and White Rock, 19: colored broilers. 21: Plymouth and White Rock 22 Leghorn chickens. 12: roosters. 12: Leghorn roosters. 11; turkeys, hens. 18; young toms. 16: old. 13: No. 2 turkeys. l:f ducks. 412 pounds up. white and col ored 17*4; small white and colored. 1**4; geese. 16: capons. 7 pounds up, 20; less than 7 pounds. 19. . , Butter. 7.911: Arm: creamery, specials (93 score) 33'4a34: extras (92). 33: ex tra firsts 190-91). 32*4a%»: firsts (88-891. 3114*32*4; standards (90. centralized car lots). 33, Eggs. 8.106: firm: extra firsts, local. 22*4: cars. 23: fresh graded firsts, local. 2aft: cars. 22*4*23: current re Celpotatoes. 66: on track. 273: total U. S. shipments. 663: old stock steady, supplies liberal, demand and trading very slow account of cold weather. Sacked, per hundredweight: Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S. No. 1. few sales. 3.30*3.60; Colorado Red McClures, O S. No. 1. 3.26; Wis consin round whites. IJ. 8. No. 1. 2.36. D. 8. commercial. 2.26: Michigan Russet Rurals. 13. 8. No. 1. few sales. 2.35*2.40. New stock steady, supplies moderate, de mand light: no sales reported, receivers not opening cars account cold weather. Potato futures: Idaho Russets. January. 3.32: March. No. 1. 3.82; March, grade A. 3.60. BOSTON WOOL MABKET. BOSTON. January 26 Mb (United States Department of Aarleulture).—Very lew sales were closed today on domestic wools In Boston. Small lots of territory wools moved at Kentucky wools the price of 57 cents was j considered about on a parity with 62 to I 54 cents in the crease quoted recently in ; the Boston market for combine, three eichths and quarter blood Ohio fleeces. Stroock (S.) & Co.—1936 common share earnings 93.16. Commodity Prices Suffer First Setback Since Mid-October. Commodity prices suHere : the first setback last week since the middle of October. The sustained advance which had occurred in the last three months had resulted In a rise of 7 per cent in i the weekly wholesale commodity price index compiled by the National Fer tilizer Association. The decline registered by the index last week of 0.6 per cent was due en tirely to lower prices for farm products and foods, with other commodities showing a continuation of the recent j rise. The index was *5 5 per cent of the 1926-1928 average for the week ended January 23, compared with 85.5 in the preceding week. 83 1 a month ago and 78.0 a year ago. The largest decline in the week took place In the farm product group; the only exceptions to the downward trend were cotton and wool, which advanced slightly. The farm product index is now 10 per cent higher than a year ago. Due largely to lower quotations for meats, butter, eggs, lard and po tatoes, a moderate decline was shown by the index of food prices. Textile prices continued to advance during the week, with higher prices for cotton, cotton textiles, wool and woolen goods, resulting in the fifteenth consecutive weekly rise in the group index. Higher lumber prices resulted in the building material index moving up to a new high point for the recovery period. The small advance in the index of metal prices also took it to the highest point reached since the recovery be gan. Advances in the prices of am monium sulphate, cyanamid and cot tonseed meal which more than onset a decline in tankage were responsible for the upturn in the fertilizer material index. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. January 28 UPi (C. S De partment of Agriculture).—Hogs. 28.000. including 8.Boo direct: generally oalo lower than Monday's average: pigs and underweights off more in instances: top. 10 110- bulk good and choice 180-300 pounds. 10.15al0.25; few good sows, 9.35* 9.85. Cattle. 10.000: calves. 2.000: fed steers and yearlings weak to 25 lower than early Monday: largely steer run. killing quality medium to strictly good with moderate supply choice and prime kinds: too much beef here considering shipper and local demand: few early sales 9 50a 11 25 with good gnd choice offerings 12.0(ial3.U5. load or so held around 14.50, but all buying Interests bearing down Stockers and feeders scarce but weak: beef cows weak: cutter grades and bulls steady: weighty shipper vealers steady at 11 5()a 12.00: 115-14)) pound vealers dull at 11.00 down to 9 50. 8heep. 13.000 Including 200 direct: fat lambs opening slow, undertone weak to lower: few Initial bids downward from 10.80 on handy-weight lambs now held 10.75 and above: clipped lambs and veerings scarce: sheep about steady: scattred native ewes. 5.00*8.00: Westerns as yet unsold. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. January 28 OP).— Eggs. 23.857: steady Mixed colors, firsts. 23'« a’a: refrigerators, seconds 18'jal9'2: other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 14.120: firmer: creamery, higher than extra. 34*34 3«: extra <92 score). 3334: firsts 188-91 scores). 3214*33 *2. seconds (84a87 scores). 31*32: centralized (90 score). 33V». Cheese 328,879: steady to firm and un changed. Live poultry steady to firm: by freight, chickens. Rocks. 18*19: fowls, colored. 19*21: Leghorn. 14*18: roosters. 11: turkeys. 15*23: other freight prices un changed. _ _ ft Operating Profit Reaches $1,524,893, Excluding Security Gains. Special Dispatch to The star. NEW YORK, January 26.—Th* Maryland Casualty Co. made a net operating profit in 1936 of *1,524, 893.51, after adding *873,933.28 to premium reserves and excluding any appreciation in value of seouritles, it was announced today by Stillman Evans, president, in his annual report to the stockholders. Including appre ciation in value of securities held by the company, amounting to $978 - 496.60, the total operating profit was $2,503,390.11. There was added to the surplus of the company $910,685.62 of net operating profit, equivalent to $1.39 for each of the 640.665 shares of com mon stock outstanding, after provid ing all dividends on all classes of preferred stock. The report shows that the company made a good gain In volume of premiums written, that its expense and loss ratios were reduced, that the 90-day overdue premiums were at the lowest ratio ever and that a considerable addition has been made in the surplus to policyholders. Gross Premiums Up. Gross premiums of $28 280.445.85 were written by the company, an increase of S2.478.692.61. or 9.6 per cent, over 1935. The increase in net rremiums written, after reinsurance, was $2,108,056.85, a gain of 8.9 per cent. The ratio of 90-day overdue premi ums was reduced In 1938 from 7.9 per cent to 6.95 per cent, the lowest in the 39 years of the company's history, Mr. Evans reported. Dividends amounting to $614,207.89 were paid on first preferred series A and B stocks, leaving $910,685.62 of net operating profit to be added to sur plus. Of this, only *112,359.22 was profit from the sale of securities. The surplus to policyholders at the year end was *8.275,384.20. In 1935 It was $7,360,878.58. The Maryland s assets Increased $2,174,960.91 in 1936 to a total of $38 - 664.112.83. In the Investment portfolio of th* Maryland, schedules of which accom panied the president's report to share holders, there has been a considerable shift to bonds of higher rating. Real Estate Improves. The mortgage guarantees made, and will continue to make, substantial financial demands on the company, Mr. Evans said in his report. He added that the real estate market seems to be considerably Improved and that there was reason to hope for further improvement in 1937. The company's expense ratio was decreased by 0.6 per cent. Loss ratio was 56.18 per cent for 1936. as com pared with 58.54 per cent in the pre vious year. The aggregate ratio was 94.1 per cent, as compared with 97.06 per cent in 1935, an improvement of 2 96 per cent. ----•— - , FOREIGN EXCHANGES. ln c£Pts Great Britain, demand J*2o ! -cabIea* 4.0011: no-day bills. 12? j : tonaujd. 4 6611: cables. T 52 «• demand 5.26*2: cables. ; Demands—Belgium. J6.85*a Oer fr^1114o?: registered. travel. -O.lo. Holland. Norway. 14 68: Sweden lo.'ll; Denmark, ll.ui: Finland. -1 * Switzerland. 1.88'j: Soain unquoted fsru«e*^ 14H, <dre*Cf .»*>• = - Poland. 18.98; Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia. 1.14; Austria. lS.TUn Hungary. 19.80; Rumania. 75: Artennne 31.73n: Brazil. 8.80*in: Tokio. 18.81: Shanchai. 19.0:; Hongkong. 30 85: Mexico City 17.8o; Montreal in New York. 99 0.3’,: New York in Montreal. 100,08 ■,«, n—Nominal. Property Management Mclochlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. V. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit. Insurance Corporation -IS PLEASED TO AKKOUHCE inauguration a£ a new aeries of advertise ments in this paper devoted to “Questions that are asked about Banking” together with brief answers. In this aeries we shall endeavor to give, in simple, understandable terms, interesting infor mation about banking services and about prin ciples snd practices of management which in our opinion "»lr» for sound, useful banking. We believe that the mare the people of this community know about our bank the better we shall be able to serve both the people and the community as a whole. You are cordially invited to read this series— and to ask us, at any time, further questions about banking, or our services. We shall do our best to answer them for you.