•••>, .- - >•.•-•■ ,:4
Damask j
Dinner Sets
Only 76 sets; cloth 68x78
Inches end 6 matching
napkins. Hemmed, ready
to use Soft Ivory shade.
Cloth .12x68 and 6 nap
kins. 81.00.
Cloth 33xA2 and 6 nap
kins. (1.79.
Blankets *
Regularly StO.95. Made
of pure Virgin wool; dre
skrunk. Double napped
for extra warmth; doable
sire. Regular S12.9B St.
Marra blankets. S9.8S.
Linen Dish
5 yards
Retularly 25e a yard.
Imported linen that will
leave no lint. Very ab
sorbent. With cood-look
lct colored border*.
Filet Lace
Dinner Cloths
Only 75. size 72*90 Inches.
Very fine filet Isce weave
with medallion border:
ecru color. Retularly 13.59
Only 100: pure white linen
damask cloths, size 52x08
Inches. Hemmed and
laundered, ready to use.
SUe 62x82 cloth. >1.29.
mm: x-.v . f .w
Large alxe (22x44 Inches':
double thread, absorbent
construction. In solid
pastels with contrasting
border (pictured) or an
other smart style.
Dwight Anchor
Size 81x99 inches or
72x108 inches.
Size 81x99 inches or
72x108 inches.
Size 81x99 inches or
72x108 inches.
Linens mud Dtmisties . . . Second Floor
jt. t
On Wednesday the executives of the Palais Royal are abdicating in favor of their assistants, the Junior Buyers. On
this day we will have the opportunity to show our executive ability. To help make this a successful day, each of us
is offering an extra-ordinary value from our respective departments. These special values are marked throughout
this ad by stars. Look for the (★) values.
Linen Tablecloths-30C
Specially Priced
1,200 of these all white imported linen luncheon cloths, size
45x45 inches; attractive designs. (3 for $1.)
Linens . . . Second Floor
^ Dress Fabrics-V2 price
To dispose of all broken lines we are offering these and many
other items.
69c Printed Silks, now.—.-.,4e
88c Novelty Acetate*.4«c
81.29 Fancy Taffeta- 64c
81 Printed Silk*.—.-.98c
81.39 Pure-dye Prints.6“c
81.95 Fancy Velveteen.- 978
82.95 Fancy Velvets- v1-47
81.29 Wool Mixture*....-.-.64c
59c Eyelet Batiste-*9c
29c Fancy Cottons- *4e
39c Rayon and Cotton Suitings-*9c
39c Tissue Ginghams .188
Fabrics . • • Second Flpor
^ Broadloom Rugs.$5
Site 4.6x7.6 feet. Regularly 112.50
Handsome broadloom rugs by the makers of famous Guli
stan rugs. In a rich shade of walnut that will harmonize
with almost any color scheme. Because of a limited quantity
(only 33 rugs). NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS.
Rugs ... Fourth Floor
^ Lounge Chairs...$18*79
Very Special
English style. An outstanding value because the covers are
of expensive mohair, tapestry or velour. Deep, coil spring
under-construction; loose, spring-filled reversible cushion
seats. Designed with roll arms and comfortable height back.
Furniture ... Fourth Floor
^ Bucilla Cotton..3 for $1
Regularly 4Sc a Skein
Only 500 skeins of this fine knitting and crocket cotton for
making spreads, table mats, scarfs and other things. Each
skein has 800 yards.
Art Department . . . Fifth Floor
+ Boys’ Sweater Suits, $2*59
Regularly $3.95
Our complete stock of Tom Sawyer and Dunmore 3-piece
suits with wool jersey knit sweaters, broadcloth button-on
blouses and flannel shorts. Navy or brown. Sizes 3 to 10.
Boys' Shops ... First Floor
^ Pr. of Prism Lamps, $6*30
Very Special
Lovely polished brass bases with ten sparkling prisms and
frosted glass globes. Ideal for mantels over fireplaces, for
buffets or colonial bedrooms.
Lamps . . ■ Fifth Floor
^ Broadcloth Shirts_88c
Very Special
1.200 of a famous make pre-shrunk broadcloth shirts in
fast colors of blue and gray or white. Have smartly styled,
attached soft collor; tailored for fine fitting. Sizes IS1,* to
Men’s Furnishings ... First Floor
^ Pinaud’s Perfume .$1*49
Discontinued Package
Gardenia scent in 1-ounce crystall bottle. Boxed.
Toiletries . . . First Floor
^ 25 Wool Snow Suits, $4*89
Regularly $698
Double-breasted lined jacket, ski pants with knitted cuffs,
and hat Navy, brown, green, and plaid trim. Sizes 7 to 12
Children’s Wear ... Third Floor
^ 30 Evening Dresses... $13
Regularly $1635 to $29.75
A real opportunity to save while this limited quantity of
evening and dinner gowns lasts. Crepes, chiffons, taffetas
and nets, in black, white and wanted colors. Women’s and
misses’ sizes.
Belter Drjsses ... Third Floor
^ Overnight Cases—$2*64
Regularly $3
Post handle, interlocked wood frame. Good, substantial lin
ing, with pockets in the lid and sides. Black and brown.
All sizes.
Lug gage . • . First Floor
^ Satin Nightgowns- _$1*88
Regularly $2.25 *
Pure dye satin gowns, with lace trim, laee applique, and
distinctive tailoring. Cut full with long flowing lines.
Mostly tea rose. Sizes 15, 16, 17.
Flannel Robes, 86% wool, in dark wine and navy blue.
Broken sizes, mostly small and medium. Were $2.95-. $1.88
Lingeries ... Third Floor ,
^ Sweaters and Dresses—$1
Regularly $2.50 and $2.95
All wool ehenille and angora slip-on sweaters. Scotch plaid
designs included. Regularly $2.95.
All wool twin sweater sets, with crew or V neck cardigan.
Regularly $2.50.
2-piece Chenille knit dream in light and dark colon. Sizes
12 to 16. Regularly $2.95.
Sports Shops ... Third Floor
^ Crepe Smoothie--.$5
Regularly $595 and $795
All the new style features appear In these beautiful ‘dresses,
of a soft new crepe. Prints, pastels And Paisleys Included.
Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44, 16% to 24%, and 46 to 62.
Thrift Dresses Third Fleer
^ Benberg Gloves _49c
Specially Priced
A good assortment of styles. Not all
sizes in all colors. Chaudron, wine,
blue, beige and .plum.
Gloves ... First Floor
^ Lovely Laces-$1
Regularly ft 25 and tl-50 yd.
Lovely all-over silk laces, nets and
lacquered materials. New Spring
shades, black and white included.
^ Colorful Flowers, 89c
Regularly tl
Gorgeous chiffon, velvet, and chiffon
and velvet combination blossoms, in
beautiful shades which add just the
right accent to evening frocks.
Trimmings , . . First Floor
Pearl Necklaces, 49c
Regularly tl
One and two-strand necklaces of rich
lrridescent pearls* with sparkling rhine
stone clasps. Wear them with daytime
or evening clothes. ‘Simulated.
Jewelry . .. First Floor
'JL- Pottery Bowl and
Specially Priced
A complete centerpiece ... a pottery
bowl in white, blue or green filled with
spring flowers (roses, daisies, cornflow
ers, apple blossoms or poppies).
China . . . Fifth Floor
X 1,000 Pairs Curtains,
79c pair
An extra special value because every
curtain is extra wide, excellent quality
and ready to hang. Priscilla, tailored
or cottage styles . . . styles for every
room in the house.
Curtains and Draperies ... Second Floor
^ Heating Bags-59c
Regularly 69c
Famous “Ever-Hot” chemical heating
bags . .. put only a tablespoon of water
in one and it stays hot 16 to 24 hours.
Women's Shoe Trees, were 12c; clear
ance ---
Snap Fasteners in black or white; as
sorted sizes. Were 5c; clearance, 3 for lie
Ideal Lastex Corselettes, sizes 32 to 38.
Were $1.50; clearance-31.39
Notions • • • First Floor *
Saucepan Sets__88c
Regularly $1J9
3-piece Wear-Ever sets that consist of
3 conveniently sized saucepans (small,
medium and large). Have double lip,
rolled edges and flat bottoms for quicker
Androck Scotch Bakers. Regularly 89c,
clearance -59c
Robert's Rug Cleaner Combination.
Regular $1, clearance price.69c
Chicken Fryers of cast iron. Regularly
89c, clearance -..44c
Enamel Covered Kettles. Regularly 59c,
clearance -*lc
Table-Top Gas Range. Regularly (34.50,
clearance -$28.88
Detroit Jewel Gm Range, fully
equipped; floor sample. Regularly
$89.50, clearance ..—.-$59.50
Wear-Ever Double Boilers, 1% quart
aize. Regularly $1.59, clearance...99c
Housewares • • • Fifth Floor
^ Winter Coats, $19.95
. Very Special
Only 33 coats in dress or sports models
of nobby woolens; silk lined and inter
lined. Pine fur trims; black, green,
beige or rust. Sizes 14 to 62.
The Palais Royal . . . Basement.
^ New Dresses, $4.99
Regularly $5.95
Women’s and misses’ crepes, smooth
tone crepes, printed crepes. Navy, black
and high colors. With the new push
up sleeves and other interesting de
tails. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 52.
The Palais Royal... Basement.
^ Women’s Suede Shoes,
Regularly (5 to tS.75
Princess Royal and Air-Step Shoes, in black, brown, wine,
gray and green. Mostly high heels and narrow widths.
Broken sizes 3 Vs to 10.
Shoes ... Second Floor
Foundations and Girdles,
Regularly $5 83.27
Filmy satin lastex girdles for the youthful figure. Smooth,
seamless peach girdles, with two small bones in front.
12 and 14 inch lengths. Sizes small, large, medium.
Palais Royal special innerbelt foundations for the larger
figure. Figured peach batiste, well boned Innerbelt and back.
Sizes 36 to 48.
Lastex Foundations, some with swami bust, some emboidered
net. Peach only. Small sizes. Regularly $1.09, clearance 19c
Foundations ... Third Floor
^ Monogram Stationery, 29c
Recently 39c
Choice of two or three letter monogram, on good quality
note or letter paper. White and tinted, bordered and plain.
Gifts and Prizes, a large variety of useful bridge prizes and
home conveniences. Regularly 39c, clearance_85c
Stationery ... First Floor
^ Business Sheer Hose, 49c
Regularly ft
First quality hose made by a well known manufacturer.
Sizes 81,* and 9 only. Only 600 pairs.
200 Pain of Children’s Hose, a broken assortment of colors
and patterns. Sizes eti to 10. Regularly 25c to 35c.
Clearance _10c
First Quality Chiffon Hose, beautiful, ringless silk. Broken
sizes and colors. Regularly $1 and $1.15. Clearance, 2
pairs _$1
Hosiery .. . First Floor
^ Women’s Umbrellas, S1.49
Regularly $2
Fine quality Gloria or rayon 16-rib umbrellas, in black and
white, brown, and blue.
Umbrellas .. . First Floor
^ Rayon Undies.. _3 for SI
Regularly S9c to S9c
These are manufacturers' samples, not all sizes in all styles.
Vests, panties, step-ins and chemise included.
Rayon Panties and Vests, broken styles and sizes. Regularly
59c to 75c each, clearance-2 for $1
Rayon Underwear . • . First Floor
Classic Tailored Suits,
Regularly $19.95 $16.95
An unusually fine assortment of suits of the classic tailleur
type. All brand-new, with the newest style points—English
drape, nipped in waist, broad shoulders, softly flaring skirt.
Interpreted in men's-wear woolens, in light, medium and Ox
ford gray, brown, slate blue, and navy. Sizes 12 to 20.
Suits . . . Third Floor
^ Fur-Trimmed Coats.. $25
Regularly $39.75
Smartly styled coats of beautiful materials, trimmed with
Kit Pox, Red Pox, Cross Pox, Skunk, Raccoon, Wolf and
Beaver. Green, black, brown and red materials. Sizes for
misses and women.
Coats ... Third Floor
300 Women’s Spring Hats,
Regularly $3 $2.45
An outstanding group of brand-new hats in the soft Spring
shades. Pelts, fabrics, straws and combinations.
Millinery .., Second Floor
^ 800 Pcs. Infants’ Wear, 57c
Specially Priced
Infant hand crocheted sacques. Pink, blue, and white
trimmed with pink and blue.
Hand^maue dresses of fine quality nainsook. Sizes 6 months
to 2 years.
Hand-made Creepers of broadcloth. Pink, blue, yellow and
white with contrasting trim. Sizes 1 to 3 years.
Infants’ Wear . . . Third Floor
^ Velvet Ribbons_63c
Regularly 75c yd.
5-inch chiffon velvet ribbon which adds a smart colorful
note to your evening ensemble. Coronation red, fushia,
emerald green, coronation blue, navy, black, and pastels.
Ribbons ... First Floor
+ Womens Handbags.-84c
Regularly $1
Choice of two initials or a cosmetic kit. All the new styles
and a wide range of colors. Patent, plain and grain fabri
Bats . .. First Floor
^ New Cotton Frocks, $1«88
Specially Priced
These fresh, bright frocks are styled in the latest resort
fashions. Hand-drawn work collars, hand faggoting, and
other dainty details add to their charm. Attractive prints
on pastel and dark backgrounds.
Regulation Uniforms, broken sizes. White, blue, green,
black. Regularly $1.95. Clearance---fl.49
House Frocks .. . Third Floor