Newspaper Page Text
lBirtlj. O’DONNELL. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. O'Donnell (nee Roessler>. on January ‘JtJ. 1 at the Washington Sanitarium. Takoma Park. Md.. a son. WILLIAM KARL O’DONNELL. • Carh of afjattks. DARNES. SMI,IF E. The family of the late SALLIE L DARNES wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for every service rendered during her Illness and their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes at the time of her death. THE FAMILY. • fleathH. BERKLEY. LEAH JANE. On Wednesday. January 27. 19:t7. at her residence. 1004 Park rd. n.w.. after a brief illness. LEAH JANE BERKLEY. She leaves to mourn her departure a brother and many other relatives and friends Bony resting at Lewis’ funeral home. 1508 J»th st. n.w.. until Saturday. January 60. Funeral from Woodlawn Methodist Church January 60 at 2 pm.. Rev Horace Johnson officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 20* Brady, MARY. On Tuesday. January 26. 1067. at her residence. 424 Irving st. n.w.. MARY BRADY beloved wife of the late James E. Brady, mother of Mary Brady and sister of Daniel Miller of Ta koma Park Md.. and Truman Miller of Oakland. Md. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. January 28. at 8:60 p in. Relatives ar.d friends invited. Interment Oakland. Md. 28 BRANSON. HENRY. On Sunday. Jan uary 24. 1067. at his residence 1216 28th st. n.w. HENRY BRANSON, son of the late John and Martha Branson, bi other'of Lillie Beckett of Atlantic City. N J. He also leaves other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1462 U st. n.w. Funeral Friday. January 29. at C pm., from Mount Zion M. E Church. Rev Curry officiating Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. BRANSON. HENRY. Members of the Bu reau Relief Association are hereby notified of the death of HENRY^ BRAN SON, who died January 24, 1967. ROBERT TATE. President. SOLOMON JACKSON. Secretary. • BROWN'. JAMES GILBERT. Suddenly. r>n Wednesday. January 27. 1937. JAMES GILBERT BROWN son of the late James A. and Annie E. Brown. Funeral services at Kaiser's funeral parlors. Laurel. Md.. on Friday. January 29. at 1:3(1 pm. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Bl'TT. ALICE HENRIETTA. Suddenly, on Thursday. January 28. 1937. at 2:»>5 a.m.. at the home cf her daughter. Mrs. Harry Howes. Kensington Vi°w. Md . ALICE HENRIETTA, beloved wile of the late Thomas B. Butt. Funeral services at her late residence, near Rockville. Md. Saturday. January 39. at 2:30 D m. Interment Rockville Union Ceme tery. 29 CAMPBELL. EMMA .1. On Tuesday Janu ary 20. 1937. at her residence. 730 nth st. n.w • EMMA J.. beloved wife of Ed ward F. Camoboll. Funeral from the Win. E. Scott funeral home. 409 8th st. *.e. on Friday January 2!'. at 8:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Green Hill Cemetery. Luray. Va. 28 CAMPBELL. RICHARD. Departed this life on Wednesday. January 27. i937. at 4 1% a.m.. at Gall;n~er Hospital. RICH ARD CAMPBELL He leaves to mourn their lo^s a devoted wife. Mary Camp bell: two brothers. James anrl Phillip Campbell a sister. Denia Campbell: twelve nieces, five nephews and a host of other relatives and ft lends. Remains resting at Bent lev & Malloy’s funeral home. Notice of funeral later. -9 CARSON. MRS. DAVID B On Wednes day. January 27. lie 7 Mrs. DAI ID B CARSON. . mother of Mrs. Carson Dougherty and grandmother of David Carson Douehertv and Edward Dough erty. jr. Services, private at the !?. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2991 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. January 29. Please omit flowers. CARTER. THOMAS II. On Wednesday. January 27. 1937. a* his residence. 2949 1.7th st n.w . THOMAS H. CAR TER. beloved husband of Mrs. Kate Car ter father of Mrs. Evelyn Love. Mvron ami Wallace Curler: stcpiailier of Mrs. Marion V Wood. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. January 30. at 1:39 pm. from the above funeral church. Relatives ar.d friends invited. Interment Wocd’awn Cemetery. 29 COLBERT. FANNIE. De parted this life on Saturday, January 23. 1937. FANNIE COLBERT of 113.7 1st st. n.w She leaves to mourn their loss a grand daughter. several sisters-in-law and cousins. Rema.ns resting at Frazier s funeral home. 3S9 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Funeral Friday. January 29. at 1 Dm from above-mentioned parlor. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 28 COI.MAN. ISABEIXF D. Oil Wednesday. January 27. 1937. at her residence. 3711 Kansas ave. n.w.. ISABELLE D. beloved wife of the late Arthur H. Col nian and mother of George W. Colman and Belie C. Jacomet. Funeral from her late residence cn Friday. January 29 at 8:30 a.m. Fmquiem mass at the Shrine of the Sacwrt He >rt at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 2S CONWAY. MARIE. On Thursday Janu ary 28. 3113 7 at her residence. 355 Eye st s.w. MARIE CONWAY the beloved wife of Shepherd Conway, loving mother of Earl Conway, devoted sister of Mrs Hattie Lend. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine' funeral chapel. :;rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. COOPER. JOHN BENJAMIN. On Wednes day January 27. 1937. at his residence. : 4202 Curtis rd . Chew Chase. Md.. j JOHN BENJAMIN COOPER, beloved husband of the late Corrcnne Corkrill CooDcr. Notice of funeral later. Serv ices by the W. W. Chambers Co. CROSGRAVE. WILLIAM. On Wednesday. January 27. 1937. at Sibley Hospital. WILLIAM CROSGRAVE. brother of Mrs. Martin Bustler ol Buffalo. N. Y. Late residence. Cairo Hotel. Remains rest ing at the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. until <: pm. Thursday. January 28. Interment Buf falo. N. Y. DANFORT!!. EDWARII E. On Wednesday. January 20. 3937. ai Gallinger Hospital. EDWARD E. DANFORTH. aged 78 years. Services at the Serceon Co. funeral home. 1011 7th st. n.w.. on Saturday. January 30. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Interment National Capital Memorial Park Ceme tery. 29 DECK. WILLIAM L. On Thursday. Jan uary 28. 1937 at his residence. II Drury rd.. Hyattsville Hills. Md.. WIL LIAM L. DECK, beloved husband of Geneva Deck. Services at the funeral home of Almus R. Soeare. 32U0 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. on Saturday, January 30. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 29 Doolittle, mary Stephens, on Tues day. January 20. 1937 at Garfield Me morial Hospital. MARY STEPHENS DOOLITTLE daughter of the late Wil liam H. and Eleanor L. Doolittle. Fu neral services at her late residence. 2135 California st n.w . on Thursday. January 28. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 2S Dl'NN. SARAH VIRGINIA. On Thursday January 28. 19.17. at her residence. 602 Pa. ave. s.e.. SARAH VIRGINIA DUNN, beloved wife of the late Edward L. Dunn. Funeral Saturday. January :su. at 1 n.m.. from the above residence. Inter ment Conercssional Cemetery. 29 Elliott, jerome c. suddenly, on Thursday. January 28. 1917. JEROME C. ELLIOTT cf 711 6th St. n w.. beloved i lather of Mrs. L. E. East. Mrs. F. B. Roach and Charles Elliott of Valley Falls. Kans. Funeral services at SafTell's chapel. 5th and H sts n.w.. Saturday. January 10. at 2 n.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 29 FILLER. GEORGE W. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. January 27. 1937. at his resi dence. 336 2nd st n e . GEORGE VV. FULLER, beloved husband of May R. Fuller. Remains restine at Zurhorst's funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. GIBBS. JAMES T. On Thursday. January 28. 1937. at his residence. 2918 Glover driveway. Weslev Height*. JAMES T.. beloved husband of Kr^tchen Kober Gibbs, father of Mrs. Florence Gibbs Johnson, grandfather of Richard Gibbs and Walter M. Johnson. Notice of fu neral later. GRAY. JENNIE. On Wednesday. January 27. 1937. at her residence. 933 Golden , st. s.w . JENNIE GRAY, devoted mother t of Leonard and Raloh Gray and Cath erine Wright. She also is survived by one grandson, two nephews one great granddaughter. two dauehters-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. 29 GRIMES. EDGAR \V. On. Wednesday. January 27. 1937. at hiS residence. Oxon Hill. Md.. EDGAR W GRIMES, beloved husband of Clara V. Grimes • nee Hilli. Funeral from the chapel of Thomas F. Murray & Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e. on Friday January 29. at 2 p.m. Services at Bell’s M. E. Church. Camp Springs. Md.. at 2:30 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment church cemetery. 28 GROVES, ROBERT L. On Tuesday. Janu ary 26. 1937. ROBERT L GROVES, aaed 29 years, beloved husband of Louise Groves (nee Chialastrl). Funeral from the chapel of P. A. Taltavull. 436 7th st. s.w.. on Friday. January 29. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 28 BAMER. CHARLES A. Departed this life on Monday. January 25. 1937. at his residence. 206 C st. s.w.. after a brief Illness. CHARLES A. HAMER. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife Mrs. Mary E. Hamer; one sister. Hattie Hamer Williams: other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday. January 29. at 12 noon, from the Metropolitan Wes ley A. M. E. Zion Church. Intermant Arlington National Cemetery Arrange ments bv L. E Murray & Son. 28 HAMER. CHARLES A. A special com munication of Warren Lodre. No 8. F. , A. A. M.. Friday. January 29. 19.97. at 12 noon, to attend funeral of our late brother. CHARLES A HAMER. Fu neral from Metropolitan Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church. D st, between 2nd and 3rd sts. s.w. ERNEST R. JOHNSON. Master. W. H. WESTRAY. Secretary. • BEALEY. MARGARET A. On Wednesday. January 27. 1937. MARGARET A., be loved daughter of the late Bryan T. and Angeline Healey. Funeral from her late residence. 12 Chinning st. n.e.. on Sat-, urday. January 30. at 9:30 a.m. Re ouiem mass at St. Martin’s Church at in a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount OUvet Cemetery. 28 Sfatffd. IIEGARTY. FRANCIS B. On Monday. Janu ary 25. 1037 FRANCIS B HEGARTY. beloved brother of Morris Hegarty. Cath erine Acnes and Mary Ellen Hegarty of Paducah. Ky Funeral from the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chauin st. n.w.. on Monday. February i at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Stephens Church. 25th st. and Pa. ave. n.w.. where mass will be offered at o a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives aod Iriends invited. Intelment Arlington National Cemetery (Kansas City. Mo.: Paducah. Ky.. and Kansas City. Kans.. papers please copy.) 29 HUDSON. MILLARD F. On Wednesday. January 27. 1937. at the Emergency Hospital. MII.MHD F HUDSON, beloved husband ol Lillian Hudson. Remains resting at the Lee funeral heme. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Friday. January 29. at 4 D.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment private. HUTCHINSON. HANNAH L. On Tuesday. January 26. 1937. at her residence. 1809 24ih cl. s e., HANNAH L. HUTCHINSON, the beloved wife of James H. Hutchin son and mother of Fulton D Hutchin son. Funeral services at the above residence on Friday. January 29. at 10 am.; thence to Emanuel Episcopal Church, l.'ith and V sts s.e.. where services will be held at 10:30 am. .Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery (Baltimore. Md.. and Richmond. Va.. papers please copy.) Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 28 JACKSON. SADIE BELLE. On Tuesday. January 26, 10.37 at Gallinger HosDital. SADIE BELLE JACKSON of 2207 E st. n.w. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband Rev Randolph Jack son: a loving mother. Nancy Payne; five children Edyth. Garnet. Vernell and Daniel Jackson and Juanita Hamilton: one grandson Anthony Hamilton: one sister. Nellie Brown: two brothers. Nor man and Poultney Payne, and a host of other relatives and Iriends. Remains resting at R. N. Horton's funeral home. 1234 4th st. n.w.. until 1 n.m. Friday. January 29: thereafter at 812 2.3rd st. n.w. Funeral services on Saturday. January 30 at l pin., at the Nine teenth Street Baptist Church. Rev W. H Brooks officiating. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 29 KNELL. MARY M. On Tuesday. January 2t5. 1937 at her residence. 1219 D st. n r . MARY M.. beloved wife oi Andrew J Kneli and mother ol Charles. Blanche ant! Marie Knell. Funeral from her late residence Friday January 29. at 8:30 a.m Requiem mass at Holy Comforter Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 28 LOHNERT. ANDREW C. Suddenly, on Wednesday. January 27. 1 OUT. ANDREW C. LOHNERT of 122.'! N st. n.w.. beloved husband of Marie Lohnert. Remains restinK at Hysone's parlors. 1300 N st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. LOWREY. CHARLES BEVERLY. On Thursday. January 28. 1037 at his resi dence. 37 T st. n e.. CHARLES BEVER LY LOWREY. beloved husband of Mabel Lowrey. Funeral from the above resi dence on Saturday January 30. at 8:30 a in . thence to St Martin's Church. Ncrth Capitol and T sts, n.w.. where mass will be offered at 0 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 29 McGOWAN. ANNIE. On Tuesday. Janu ary 20. 1037. at Garfield Hospital. ANNIE McGOWAN of 2313 Sherman avc. n.w.. devoted wife of John A. Me Gowan. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains restinK at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church until 5 p in. Friday: thereafter at her late resi dence. Funeral Saturday. January 30, at p.m.. irom Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. C. T Murray officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 20 NEUMAN. MAJ. WAITER A. On Tues day. January li»3" . at his residence. Manassas. Va . Mai. WALTER A new MAN. Services Friday at 2:3(1 p.m. at Trinity Church. Manassas. Va. Inter ment Haymarket. Va. Ql IRK. MATTHEW B. On Wednesday. January ”7 1P37. at Walter Reed Hos pital. MATTHEW B. beloved husband of Lucy T. Quirk. Funeral from Safiell's chapel, nth and H sts. n.w Friday. January 29. at 9:15 a.m. Reauiem mass at St. Mary's Church at 9:30 a.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. REED. MARTHA A. On Wednesday. Jan uary 27 1937. at 1014 Potomac ave. s.e.. MARTHA A. REFD. the beloved mother of John C and Harry Walter of Phila delphia. Pa.: Howard Houston Reed. Mrs. Grace M. Fisher of Savage. Md.: Ann Elizabeth Szczesny. Mrs. Sue Dif i>ndarffer of Waynesboro. Pa : Mrs. M. Ellen Bed. Mrs. Maude Shank of ShiF pensburg. Pa Remains resting at the W W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. until Saturday. January 30. at 8 a.m. Services at 1 p.m. at Trinity Reform Church. Inter ment Fair View Cemetery. Mercersbr.rg. Pa. 29 RICHARDSON. FRANCES. On Suncay. Janu ry 24. 1937. FRANCES RICHARD SON belovtd wife of John Richardson, lovirv daughter of Helen < Dolly> Boyd, sister of Gertrude Boyd. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until 5 p.m. Thursday: thereafter at her late resi dence. 2021 Oth st. n.w. Funeral Fri day January 29. at 2 p.m... from Church ol Our Redeemer. Rev E E. Wiseman officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 28 SCHILTZ. PHILLIP EDWARD. On Tues day January 'hi. 1937. at his residence, Otwav ave.. Capitol Heights. Md.. PHILLIP EDWARD SCHULTZ, beloved husband cl Mary A. Schultz and father of Frank E.. Harry A. and Miss Ruth E. Schultz, Mrs. Anna Marie Asher. Mrs Edith E. Richer. Mrs. Lewis Brady. Mrs. William Holder and Mrs. Edward Sine of Philadelphia. Pa. Fu neral services at the above residence on Friday. January 20. at 2 p.m. Rela tives p.nd friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. '-8 SMITH. ROBERT H. On Sunday. January 24. 1937 at his residence, 2818 Georgia ave. n.w., ROBERT H SMITH, devoted husband oi Hattie Smith, father of Eeatr.ce Milburne and Dorothy Smith, father-in-law of Norman Milburne. uncle of William White. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 149,2 U st. n.w. until 3 P.m. Thursday, January 28: thereafter at late residence. USl S Georgia ave. n.w. Funeral Friday. January *Jf», at 8 p.m. from Third Bap tist Church. "»th and Q sts. n.w.. Rev. George O. Bullock officiating. Interment Harmonv Cemetery. 28 SMITH. ROBERT H Columbia Lodge. No. 85 I. B P. O. E. of W.. is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother ROBERT H. SMITH from Third Baptist Church. 5th and Q sts. n.w., Friday, January 29. 1937 at 8 p.m. Session of sorrow at Elks' Home. 301 R. I. ave. n.w., Thurs day, January 28 at 7:30 p.m. HARRISON C. SMITH, E. R. LEE CAMPBELL. Secretary. SMITH. ROBERT HAMILTON. Suddenly, on Tuesday January 20. 1937. at his residence. 3901 Conn, ave n.w.. ROB ERT HAMILTON SMITH beloved hus band of Mae Clarke Smith ajid father of Mary Louise Smith. Funeral services at the above residence on Friday. Janu ary 29. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. TAYLOR. SARAH E. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. January 27. 1937. at her resi dence. 1213 Oth st. s.w., in the 45th year of her age SARAH E TAYLOR, be loved wife of Leroy Taylor and mother of Mrs. Helena Faust and Leroy Taylor, jr. Funeral from Gorsuch M. E. Church. 4th and L sts. s.w.. on Saturday. Janu ary 30. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. THOMAS. AMADEO LANDRY. On Wed nesday. January 27. 1937. at his resi dence. Southbrook Courts, loth and Newton sts. n.w.. AMADEO LANDRY THOMAS, husband of Anna P. Thomas. Services, private, at the above address j Friday. January 29. at 2:30 D.m. In terment Alexandria. Va. TOWLES. CLARENCE O. Suddenly, on Monday. January 25, 1937. near Miami. Fla.. CLARENCE O TOWLES, beloved husband of Anna Towles of Baltimore. Md : father of Mrs. Walter Fuller of Baltimore. Mrs. Grace T. Bass of Tulsa. Okla.: Mr. Robert C. Towles of Mount Rainier. Md. and brother of Mrs. Glenn Wood of McKeesport. Pa., and W. H. Towles of Chevy Chase. Md. Funeral services Friday. January 29. at Hysong s funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w.. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 28 TURNER. WILLIAM. On Tuesday. Janu ary 20. 1937, at Mount Alto Hospital, WILLIAM TURNER, husbartd of Virgie Turner, father of Vernon and William Turner, brother of Clinton and Edward Turner. Cinderella Jackson. Mary Nickens and Sarah Thornton. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Saturday. Jan uary 30. at 1 p.m.. from the above-men tioned parlors. Interment Chantilly, Va 29 WHALEN. JAMES OLIVER. On Thursday. January 28. 1937. at Walter Reed Hos pital. JAMES OLIVER, the beloved hus band of Rose Bennett Whalen. Remains resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. WILKER. WILLIAM WILBUR. On Wednes day., January 27. 1937, at his residence. 734 10th st. s.e.. WILLIAM WILBUR WILKER. beloved husband of Mary Jane Wilker, beloved son of Mary Elizabeth Wilker. father of Gertrude Baggott. Funeral from his late residence. 734 10th st. s.e.. Saturday. January 30. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 29 fit iJUmortattt. ABBOTT. EMMA MAY. In loving remem brance of my dear friend. EMMA MAY ABBOTT who departed this life six years ago today. January 28. 1931. MARY (KTE LA MONT. • BECKER. ANNIE. In loving remembrance of our dear mother. ANNIE BECKER, who passed away twenty years ago to day. January 28. 1917. Loved in life, remembered in death. _HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • rCNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) PI Efi Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh Si N.W NAlinnal 247^ Modem Chapel. Tel.l2"l,onaJ_r7/r V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R. Speare establishment. NAtlonaj1182892 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4tu ud mu Avt. nx rncoia um REBELS DEFEATED IN SURPRISE DRIVE Spanish Government Troops Take Strategic Positions at Madrid. Bv the Associated Press. MADRID, January 28.—Government militiamen, driving against Fascists in a surprise dawn offensive captured strategic positions in West Park dom inating University City, the Emer gency Defense Council announced to day. The Fascist insurgent forces were driven from the fortified zone of the Northwestern Madrid area to a ten uous position in trenches at the bot tom of a hill in the park, Gen. Jose Miaja said. The successful attack, Gen. Miaja said, was “one of the most important” since Socialist government troops temporarily dislodged insurgents from their intrenchments at the “Hill of the Angels,” 8miles south of the capital. in iHrmortam. BROOKS. JOSEPHINE. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my dear mother. JOSEPHINE BROOKS who entered into peaceful rest four years ago today. January 28. 1933. Gonp. but not forgotten. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. BESSIE CHASE. • Bl'RGESS. WALTER E. In loving memory of my devoted husband. WALTER E BURGESS, who went on five years ago today. January 28. 1932. Walter, that I may soon be with you Is my daily prayer: One that I will always offer Until we meet over there. LOVINGLY. LILLIE MAY BURGESS. • I BUSH. LILLIAN. In loving memory of our devoted wife and mother. LILLIAN BUSH, who entered into eternal rest eieht years ago today. January 28. 1929. I miss you now. my heart Is sore. As time goes by I miss you more: Your loving smile, your centle face— No one can fill your vacant Diace. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes lone past. Time rolls on. but memory lasts. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. JACKSON. JESSIE E. In loving remem brance of my dear daughter and our sister JESSIE E JACKSON who de parted this life two years ago today. January US. FATHER. SISTERS AND BROTHERS. • KERNS. CHARI.ES. In loving remem brance or our dear father. CHARLES KERNS, who departed from this life five years ago today. January UK. 193U. A day that comes with sad regret And one that we will never forget. HIS DAUGHTER LAURA DAVIS. AND GRANDCHILDREN. * LANE. VERONICA B. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. VERONICA B LANE, who died fifteen years aco today. January UK. 19UU. HER CHILDREN CATHERINE LANE HANLON AND DANIEL F. LANE. LEDERER. AMELIA A. In remembrance oi my dear mother. AMELIA A LED ERER. who departed tins lile five years ago. January 28. 1932. LOVING DAUGHTER, MAY. LEE. JOSEPHINE VIOLA. In loving mem ory of my dear daughter and sister. JOSEPHINE VIOLA LEE. who departed this life seven years ago today. January 28. 1930. A loved one departed, but not forgotten. LOVING MOTHER, SISTER AND BROTHER. LOWE. CAROLINE TURNER. In memory of our dear mother CAROLINE TUR NER LOWE, who departed this life fix years aco. January UK. 1031. HER LOVING SON. EDWARD TURNER: ADOPTED DAUGHTER. EVA DAB NEY. AND DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. SARAH TURNER. MILLER. ETTA DONLEY. A loving tribute to the memory of our devoted mother, ETTA DONLEY MILLER, who passed away seven years ago today, January 28. 1930. Seven years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away. God took her homo it was His will* But in our hearts she liveth still. Dear mother, you are not'forgotten: Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were betore. HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. ADELE AND REBA. • ONDUSKO. GEORGE. In loving memory of our dear father and husband. GEORGE ONDUSKO. who passed away one year ago today. January 38. 193(1. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. * RANDOLPH. MARIA. A tribute of devo tion to the memory of our beloved mother. MARIA RANDOLPH, who passed into the great beyond six years ago, January 28. 1931. This we know, death does not sever Love and memory, they live forever. HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. LEONORA C AND MARY E RANDOLPH. RACHEL A ARRINGTON. • TATE. SIMON G. AND ADA A. In loving remembrance of our devoted parents. ADA A TATE, who entered into eter nal rest eleven years ago today. Janu ary 28. I92ti. and SIMON G TATE, twenty-flve years ago. December 25. 1911. LEONARD A. AND GERALDINE L. TATE. WASHINGTON. MILDRED A. AND JOHN. In loving remembrance of our dear aunt. MILDRED A. WASHINGTON, who passed away one year ago today. January 28. J93«. and her husband. JOHN WASH INGTON, who passed away November 9. 1935.ALICE AND LULU. ♦ W. W. Chambers Here i» the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Ch mberi YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE $71? FUNERAL FOR f Q Otben *05. *125. *150. *105 Up. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT $Af COMPLETE—Low os For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1400 CHAPIN ST. N.W, Phone Colombia 0432 517 ELEVENTH ST. S.E. Phone ATlantie 0700 018 CLEVELAND AVE.. RIVERDALE. MD. Near Hyattsville. Md. Phone Greenwood 1221 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* 1213 P St N.W_NAtlOnal 4278 GEO C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0106 Cor. 14th & Eye G. M. C, to Protect Life Insurance Of All Employes Group Protection Will Not Lapse Because of Strike Conditions. BV the Associated Press. NEW YORK, January 28 OP).— General Motors Corp. has announced it would act to protect group life in surance of thousands of its employes who are idle because of strikes by making the necessary payments to keep policies in force. Strikers and non-strikers alike will be protected. In making the announcement, Wil liam S. Knudsen, executive vice presi dent, said that for employes who de sire to continue their insurance after returning to work arrangements would be made for repayment of the amounts advanced. Group life insurance carried by 219,974 General Motors employes, Knudsen said, totals $554,314,000. More than 98 per cent of eligible em ployes participate in the plan, under which, Knudsen said, employes pay a certain sum each month and the corporation adds a substantial con tribution. FUNERAL TOMORROW FOR ROBERT H. SMITH Deceased Was Native of Washing ton and Certified Public Accountant. Funeral services for Robert Ham ilton Smith. 49, certified public ac countant, will be held at 2 p.m. to i morrow at his residence, 3901 Con necticut avenue, where he died Tuesday night. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Bom here, Mr. Smith was edu cated in the pub lic schools, George Washing t o n University and Pace Insti tute of Account ancy. As an ac countant, he rep resented large financial institu R. H. Smith. uons ana ciuds. Mr. Smith was active in several or ganizations, being a member of the SignSa Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, the Washnigton Board of Trade, the Na tional Press Club and the American Association of Certified Public Ac countants. RITES WILL BE TODAY FOR COMDR. MAGRUDER Funeral services for Lieut. Comdr. Alexander Fitzhugh Magruder, 87, U. S. N. Medical Corps, retired, who died here yesterday, are being held at 2 p.m. today at the family residence, 1825 Jefferson place. Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Brooks of the Navy’s Chaplain Corps is officiating. Burial will be In Arlington National Cemetery. The Navy Department announced the following honorary pallbearers: Rear Admiral Reginald F. Nicholson, U. S. N„ retired; Laurence Benet, G. Tuttle, Comdr. Louis E. Mueller, Lieut, julian Love and Lieut. <j. g ) G. M. Perisho, all of the Navy Medical Corps. ■ L. E. Donaldson. HAHN Sue*. SL*. i . - -.—. DYNAMIC STYLE SHOES 2.69 FORMERLY 5.50 Closing out incomplete lots of Fall and Win ter Dynamics before inventory. Suedes, Kids and Calf. Dynamic Arch Shoes are not included. 1207 F St. Only HAHN SPECIALS 1.45 FORMERLY 2.95 850 pairs of Suedes, Calfs and Printed leath ers. Broken sizes in blacks to 7Vi; broken sizes in browns to 9. Better come in right away. 7th & K Sts. Only DONALDSON PICKED BY ODDFELLOWS Elected Unanimously as Grand Master of Dis trict Lodge. Linwood E. Donaldson was elected unanimously as grand master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the District at the annual session of the order last night at Odd Fellows’ Temple, 419 Seventh street. Other officers elected were Arling ton S. Custer, deputy grand master; Hiram E. Johnson, grand warden; Harry L. Andresen, grand secretary, re-elected for the fourteenth consecu tive term; Charles B. Lampe, re elected for the third term as grand treasurer; Wilfred E. Lawson, grand representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge; Lemel H. Windsor, representa tive to the board of trustees of the I. O. O. P. Temple, and William H. McConnell, representative to the Grand Lodge board of trustees for a three-year term. There were no contests in the office of grand master, deputy grand master and grand warden. Donaldson was said to be probably | the youngest grand master in many j years. He is 33. His seven brothers are members of Amity Lodge of ; OddFellows. Edwin. Albert, Franklin and Wallace Donald son are all “past grands” of this lodge. The new grand master, initiated into the order in September, 1925, became noble grand of his lodge, serving for' two successive terms. He also was Its | secretary for three terms and was ' degree master and instructor for two ’ years. Appointed as grand herald of 1 the Grand Lodge in 1932, Donaldson j rose through the chairs until elected j deputy grand master of the Grand i Lodge last year. Donaldson has been connected with j (edevr Hill \u>liui£jtcn) moSt Beautiful (cmetery Frazier's —service, quality and reverance in conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C. Camp. N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. the Department of Agriculture since 1917 and is now chief of the mails and files section of the office of the Secretary of Agriculture. Reports submitted to the annual session last night included those of Retiring Grand Master Roscoe Jen kins, Grand Secretary Andresen, Grand Treasurer Charles B. Lampe, Grand Representatives W. W. Millan and Wilfred E. Lawson and President W. W. Millan of the I. O. O. F. Home Association. xSOLD MEDAL''' Kitchen-Tested FLOUR 5 lb.. 12 lb.. 29‘ 59c FANCY Rib Roast ">• 27c ESSKAY FARM STYLE ALL-PORK Sausage Meat Ib 25® NANCY HALL SWEET POTATOES 3 ,bs* 10c CLEAN TEXAS SPINACH 3 ,bs 20c MEALY MAINE POTATOES 10 ,bs- 37c STAYMAN WINESAP APPLES 4 ,bs 25c MILITARY COMMITTEE TO SEE DRILL AT FORT — Chairman Hill and members of the House Military Affairs Committee will be guests of Col. J. M. Wainwright, commandant of Port Myer, at an ex hibition drill by the officers and en listed men of the 3d Cavalry and 16th Field Artillery at 2:45 p.m. to morrow In the Port Myer Riding Hall. X WEEK-END SPECIALS X DEL | SPINACH.2 X 29c MONTE i EARLY GARDEN PEAS - 2 X 29c j DEL MONTE “jf ; Early Garden \ ASPARAGUS M | can^lC | \ C PETER PAN SALMON_^ 23c Sundine Grapefruit Juice-3 cans 25c Chase & Sanborn Coffee-lb- 27c ^ Libby’s x Tomato Juice White House Apple Sauce No. 2 - cans w BRER RABBIT MOLASSES -fj. I "SUNSHINE" CHOCOLATE OOa Green Lobel_1 V2 can I*tC 1 MARSHMALLOW CAKES - pKg~ feOC Uneeda Bakers Premium Flake Crackers - - pks 18c Uneeda Bakers Graham Crackers.pkg 18c Fresh Meats GOETZ Smoked Hams-Ib 27c Fresh 25c FANCY Rib Lamb Chops lb 35c AUTH'S Pork Roll ,b 37c CRISCO $10,000 lb. can I $5,000 First Prize p A. Silver Anniversary C |||1v fcfc yy Gold Dust..Ige pkg 17c Silver Dust. 2pkga 27c GUEST IVORY SOAP 2 cakes 0C *---: . ' .."...ST NEW-PACK FANCY LARGE New Florida POTATOES, 4lbs 23c RINSO 20c & CRISP CALIF. CARROTS - - - 3 b“b“ 19c ...: NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2 ,bs 9c FREE—7-Piece ROSE CRYSTAL Cake Set With Only 50 Octagon Coupons Giant Octagon Soap 4 cakes JQC Octagon Soap Powder 2 pkg*' 9c Octagon Cleanser 3 cans 14c Get This Beautiful Gift at Premium Stors 909 H St. N.W. TENDER WHITE TURNIPS bunch 5c SOUND YELLOW ONIONS 3 ,bs 10c FANCY D' ANJO PEARS 3 lbs 25c FANCY RED FLORIDA - STRAWBERRIES - ■ 2 »•— 25c THIN-SKIN FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT.3 '« 17c The House members will be greeted' on arrival at the military post with a 17-gun salute and will be escorted to the commandant's quarters by a machine gun troop guard of honor for luncheon. As a special exhibition feature the three gun batteries of the field artil lery will parade with their full com plement of guns, remaining in posi tion during the concluding ceremony of "Retreat" and the firing of the sunset gun. Aunt Jamima Pancake Flour Pk8- lie COCOMALT Vz lb. can 1 ">•can 39c JELL-0 ALL FLAVORS pkg- Re IWHifESTAlT TUNA FISH 2 can. 33C