Newspaper Page Text
ESTATE OF HIBBS GOESTO DAUGHTER Mrs. Helen Legg and De scendants to Share Trust Fund of Financier. William Beale Hibbs, late head of W. B. Hibbs & Co., who died January 21, left his entire estate in trust for his daughter, Mrs. Helen Hibb6 Legg of this city and her descendants, It was revealed when his will was filed late yesterday in District Court. No indication was given of the size ef the estate, which will be disclosed later In a petition for probate. In order to avoid possible embar rassment to his partners in the brok erage firm, Mr. Hibbs authorized his executors and trustees to delay for two years liquidation of his share in the business. The American Security and Trust Co., and John S. Flannery, local at torney, were named executors and trustees. They were directed to pay the income from the estate to Mrs. Legg in quarterly installments. After Mrs. Legg's death, the income Will go to her lineal descendants in equal shares until 20 years after the death of the last of the descendants who were living at the death of the testator. Then the principal will be distributed among Mrs. Legg's living descendants. Should she have no de ecendants at that time, the estate will go to Hibbs’ heirs at law and next of kin. The will was executed February 5, 1931, and was molded Into its final form by two codicils, the first dated November 5. 1932, and the second June 14, 1934. KENSINGTON OPPOSES GAS TAX DIVERSIONS ■rectal Dispatch to The Star. KENSINGTON, Md., January 27.— Opposition to any diversion of the State gasoline tax funds for any pur pose other than the construction and maintenance of roads or for debt on highway bonds was voiced in a resolu tion adopted by the Town Council at ft meeting in the armory here. Copies of the measure will be sent to State Senator Stedman Prescott and to the Delegates from this county to the Btate Legislature. The Council voted to support the plan to form a permanent association of officials in the county. Mayor Ed ward R. Saunders of Kensington has been named by the municipalities to supervise the preliminary work of organization. The council decided to adopt an or dinance to license all dogs within the corporate limits of the town. Mayor Edward R. Saunders an nounced that the trunk line sewer ex tension has been promised consider ation by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission in the next bond issue. Deaths Reported. #n,.ri.. R Haring 89. 2022 Perry st. n.e. Smna LB'Cubberlev. 84. 3829 Legation st. James H. Golden. 78. Gallinger Hospital. Adelle O. Williams, 77. 1424 Rhode Island John'j. Snlaiom, 75. Georgetown Hospital. Vila Tavlor 74 3720 Upton st. Maurice M. Smith, 74. 12IS Pennsylvania Edward *0." Compher, 67. 714 Farregut st. Katherine B. Cogan. 66. 1332 Webster John E"Lynch. 65. 5818 Sherrler pi. Marv Doolittle. 62, Garfield Hospital. Lena B. Saunders. 58. 55lo Sherrier pi. Judith Garner. 55. Garfield Hospital. Bethard K Bowsher. 54. 736 4th st. s.e. Melvin E. Graves. 52, 4520 Georgia ave. Walter A. Knott. 51. Gallinger Hospital. Anna Hatos. 50. Casualty Hospital. Earle W. Dimmick. 48. 4449 Q st Gertrude Fowler. 46. 3506 McKinley st. Ethel S. Miller. 43. Sibley Hospital. Robert T McGill. 4. Emergency Hospital. Isiah A. Boyd. 75. Freedmen's Hospital. Mary Sampson. 72. 2144 L st. Henry Brayson. 70, 1210 2Sth st. Charles A. Hamer, 66. 206 C st. s.w. India Savoy. 65. 1413 9th st. Mary Quander. 55. Freedmen's Hospital. Eva 8. Davis. 54. Gallinger Hospital. Anna Bean. 52. Gallinger Hospital. Estelle Harris. 52. 400 O st. Gertrude Lewis, 51. St. Elizabeths Hos pital. Grace Kennev. 48. 980 Florida ave. Chester Bryant 46. Freedmen’s Hospital. Marie Brown. 45. Gallinger Hospital. Rov Munson. 36. 1328 Q st. n.e. Eddie Triplett. 35. 1914 Bohrer st. Maggie Warden, 33. 72 F st. s.w. Arthur Parker, 30. Gallinger Hospital. William Montgomery. 29, Gallinger Hos pital. Heal Murray. 29. Gallinger Hospital. Mary Murray. 3. Children's Hospital. • Infant Vivian Montue. Children's Hospital. Infant Alneth Thomas, Children’s Hos pital. Infant Flora Kelley, 4928 Avers st. n.e. ! RESORTS. MIAMI, FLA. TEMPER ATUREI N Miami Beach II / VESTERDAYWAS W fcl | STEAMSHIPS. BERMUDA VIA FUP.N'ESS. S60 UP. round trip, with private bath on Monarch of Bermuda and Queen of Bermuda. Fre quent sailings. Ask your travel agent. Southern Routs TO.ALL EUROPE REX FEBRUARY 6 Also Fob. 27 and Mar. 19 Express Sailings to Gibraltar, Naples, French Riviera and Genoa. S AVOIR FEBRUARY 13 Also Mar. 6 and Apr. 3 Express Sailings on the world's only gyro-stabilized liner. To Gibraltar, Naples, French Riviera and Genoa. NEWLY REMODELED SATURN1A FEBRUARY 20 Also Mar. 27 To Azores, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Algiers, Palermo, Naples, Patras, Ragusa, Trieste. Apply to Travel Agent or 1601 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. ITALIAN LINE AM Births Reported. Seth and Bella Boswell, twin boys. Michael and Prances Gonchar, boy. Murdock and Catherine MacDonald, boy. Dana and Jessie Brockway. boy. Leon and Georgle Canellis, boy. Harry and Mary Davis, boy. Vincent and Rose Benedctte, boy. Earl and Margaret Pace. boy. William and Mary Griffith, boy. Alton and Grace Henderson, girl. Herbert and Teresa Reynolds, girl. Arthur and Ella Best. girl. Fred and Susan Gilbert, girl. Paul and Veronica Rosasco, girl. Michael and Elga Rich. girl. David and Ethel Shriver. boy. John and Mary Brady, girl. Matthew and Jane Moss, girt. George and Marguerite Higgins, boy. Roy and Lena Manley, boy. Elmer and Wortlev Welch, boy. James and Margaret Wilson, boy. Adelbert and Gladys Lee. boy. Joseph and Audrey Bowes, boy. Charles and Gertrude Tartaglta. boy. Effective Feb. 1st New Store Hours—9:30 to 5:13. . Last 2 D ays at These Prices! —maybe NEVER AGAIN so low! That’s not mere chit-chat either! Cotton prices are soaring daily. Every sheet listed here is due for a decided price increase when this sale ends! _ FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM Extra Weight Sheets 72x1121/2 and 81x1031/2 OTHER SIZE FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM SHEETS 63x103% Sheets .1.39 42x38% 63x112% Sheets_1.45 Cases-39c 72x103% Sheets..1.45 45*38 Cases_39c 81x112% Sheets -_1.59 45x38% 80x112% Sheets..1.69 Cases.42c (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) PEQEOT SHEETS 72x108 Sheets .39 42x36-in. Coses. 35c OTHER SIZE PEQUOT SHEETS 63x99-in. Sheets_1.25 81xl08-in. Sheets-1.49 63xl08-in. Sheets..1.29 90xl08-in. Sheets..1.59 72x99-in. Sheets_1.29 45x36-in. Cases_37c (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) MOHAWK SHEETS 72x108 or 81x99 OTHER SIZE MOHAWK SHEETS 63x99-in. Sheets_$1 81xl08-in. Sheets_1.29 63xl08-in. Sheets_1.09 90xl08-in. Sheets_1.39 72x99-in. Sheets...1.09 45x36-in. Cases.32c (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) PEPPERELL MUSLIN 72x108 or 81x99 1.09 42x36-in. Coses, 27c OTHER SIZE PEPPERELL MUSLIN SHEETS 63x99-in. Sheets_99c 81xl08-in. Sheets_1.19 72x99-in. Sheets_1.05 42x36-in. Cases ... 27c 45x36-in. Cases_29c (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) WAMSUTTA SUPERCALE 72x108 Sheets 2 OTHER SIZE WAMSUTTA SUPERCALE SHEETS Plain Hem Hemst. 72x108 Sheets.2.95 3.25 81x108 Sheets_3.35 3.65 90x108 Sheets.3.65 3.95 42x38% Cases_70c 85c 45x38% Cases_75c 90c (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) life John and Beulah Souther, boy. Robert and Louise Andrews, boy. Charles and Anna Beck. girl. William and Helen Poole, girl. Aubrey and Margaret Oakley, girl. Charles and Mildred Phtlllns. girl. Richard and Rebecca Griffith, girl. Antonio and Sarah Natolt. boy. George and Dorothy Hamlet, boy. James and Louise Turner, girl. William and Mary Robinson, girl. Donnie and Melissa McKethan, boy. Harold and Anita Kyler. girl. Hosea and Mary Williams, girl. Arthur and Evelyn Davis, boy. Ernest and Ruth Bruce, girl. William and Ruth Washington, girl. John and Annie Thompson, girl. Forestry Work Begun in 1876. Forestry wort: by the Federal Gov ernment began In 1876, with adminis tration of forest reserves placed under the Secretary of the Interior in 1897. Marriage Licenses. Sydney c. Kennedy. Jr.. 24. Dallas. Tei., and May E. Pendleton. 28. Henderson. N. C.; Rev. J. W. Kennedy. Edward H. Cohen. 26. 2210 Pennsylvania ave., and Ethel M. Dotson. 28. 2217 14lh st.; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Milton E Johnson, 20. 143 11th it. and Edith E. McCully. 18. 2017 Newton st. n.e.; Rev. R. C. Fitzgerald. 8tanley M. Jarrett. 32. 70S 18th at., and Ila F. Richardson. 23. 2028 1 st.; Rev. J. E. Port. William Burnett. 24. 1032 New Jersey avenue and Odessa Kelley. 20. 020 3rd st.; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Harold A. Short. 42. Baltimore, and Loulaa Gulraud 46, Shepherdstown, W. Va.; Rev. William De Vries. Clarence E. Creamer, 32. and Edith B. Fletcher 21. both ot Baltimore; Rev. J. K. Cartwright. Webb D. Southworth, 21. Fredericksburg, Va.. and Ruth V. Farmer. 18, Millord, Va.; Rev. J. H. Dunham. William Lee, jr.. 21, and Vivian K411am, MOHAWK M*Vf M! 0»f'CC L8IXI99 SHEET s?« I vbv Quality guaranteed TOftHSttt 72xl0& KRPEREll H*NUFACTURJHt COHRUNY; BOSTON,HASS 70x80 Wool BLANKETS 4 44,, Mighty little to ask for a pure wool blanket with thick, fleecy nap and close underweave. Green, rose, or chid, blue, tan, rust or brown. Wide satine bindings. (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co.) 21. both of 8842 18th at.; Rav. A. P. Shirker. Charles Roatnberg, SB. 6100 7th at., and Leah Fleck, 21, Jamaica. N. Y.; Rev. J. T. Loeb. George 8. Davidson. 29. 1407 Buchanan at., and Mildred L. Llndblom, 24. 2018 Rhode Island ave. n.e ; Rev. A. M. Motter. William O. Cockrell. 24. 1780 Kllbourne pi., and Virginia D. Patterson. 18. 149 R at.; Rev. L. W. Albert. Leon Rochklnd. 26. 1420 Chapin it., and Edith Michaels. 22. 1418 20th at.; Rev. 8. H. Metz Paul c. Marth. 27. Beltavllie. Md . and Margaret E. Bowling. 28. 2000 16th at.; Rev. C. J. Daoey. Alfred R. Yancey. .32. Hyattsvllle. Md.. and Theora A. Bubb, 25. 3380 18th it.; Rev. C. B. Austin. China Cnrba Narcotics. China has a new patent medicine law to help prevent distribution of narcotics. k OVERCOATS & TOPCOATS Friday Pottern Suits,..$15 Regulars 1/35, 2/36, 1/38. 1/39, 1/40. Shorts 2/34, 2/37, 5/38, 2/39. Stout 1/40. Friday Type Tweed Top coats _$15 Greys In Raglan Models. Regulars 2 33, 1/35, 1/36, 1 Men's $30 Tan Gabardine Suit, $15 44 Stout. 17 Men's 29.75 Sheldon 2-Trouser Suits _$15 Regulars 3 35. 1/36, 2/44. Shorts 1/36, 1/37. Longs 2/35, 1/38, 1 39, 1/40, 1 42, 1/44. Short Stouts 1/39, 1/46. 23 Men's $25 Sheldon Overcoots -.$15 Regulars 1/35, 1/38, 2/40, 3/42, 2. 44. Shorts 3/36, 1/37, 3/39, 2/40. Long 1/40; Stouts 2/40, 1/42, 1/44. 1 Men's 34.75 Sheldon Tweed Over coat -$15 Grey herringbone, Gaglan Model. 34 Regular. 3 Men's $25 Ton Covert Cloth Top coots _$15 Regulars 1/32, 1/36; Short 1/34. 1 Men's $25 Raglan Velour Top coat _$15 Grey check in 40 short. 4 Men's 29.75 Scotspun Topcoats, $15 Grey Raglan Model. Regular 1/38; Short 1/36, 1/37, 1,38. 3 Men's 29.75 Sheldon Tuxedos_$15 . Short 2 36, 1 42. Enjoy the Convenience of a Charge Account at The Hecht Co. 18 Men's $30 Sawyer Spun Suits_$20 Desirable Dark Shades. Regulars 1/40. 1/44; Shorts 1/35, 1/37, 1/39. 1/40. Longs 2/39; Stout 1/38, 3 39, 3/40, 1/42, 1/44, 1/46. Limited Quantities, You'll Have to Hurry! 2 Men's 29.75 Sheldon Melton Overcoots, $20 Oxford Grey. Regular 1/44; long 1/42 1 Men's $30 Cricket-Spun Suit...$20 40 short. 4 Men'* 29.75 Fine Worsted Sheldon Suits _$20 Regular 1/39; Long 1/36; Stout 1/39, 1/46. 3 Men's 37.50 Society Brond Suits, $20 Stouts 3/39. 8 Men's $35 Kapreeno Fleece Over coats -$20 Brown only. Regulars 1/39, 2/40, 2/42, 1/44. Shorts 1/37,1/40. 1 Men's $40 Society Brand Over coat ----$20 Brown, overplaid fleece fabric. 37 regular. Broken Sizes! Broken Lots! Tuxedos and Full Dress Included i 5 Men's 29.75 Style Spun 2-Trouser Suits_$25 Regulars 1/36, 3/37, 1/38, 1/44. 2 Men's $40 Society Brand Overcoats, $25 Blue Fleece. Regulars 1/42, 1/44. 28 Men's 34.75 Sheldon 2-Trouser Suits ___$25 Fine Worsteds in neat dark patterns. Regulars 1/39, 1/44. Shorts 1/35, 1/37, 1/39, 1/42, 1/44. Longs 1/38, 2/39, 2/40, 2/42, 2/44. Stouts 2/38, 3/39, 1/40, 1/42. Short Stout 1/40, 1/44, 2/46; Long Stout 1/42. 13 Men's Society Brand Suits..$25 Regulars 1/87, 1/40, 3/42, 1/48; Shorts 1/36, 2/40. Long 1/40; Stouts 1/39, 3/40; Long stout 1/42. • 27 Men's 32.50 and 37.50 Famous Make Suits-$25 Regulars 1/35, 2/36, 1/37, 2/38, 1/39, 1/44. Shorts 1/36, 1/37, 2/38, 1/39, 2/40, 1/42, 1/44. Longs 1/36, 1/39, 1/40, 3/42. Stouts 1/88, 1/39, 1/46; Short Stout 1/44. 9 Men's 37.50 Worsted Overcoats $25 Regulars 1/35, 437, 2/40, 1/42, 1/44. Stouts 1/42, 2/46. 3 Men's $40 Vicunq-Sun Overcoats, $25 Regular 1/42; Shorts 1/36, 1/40. 12 Men's 37.50 Society Brand Chief Overcoats _$25 Blues only. Regulars 2/40, 1/42, 1/44, 2/46. Shorts 2/39, 1/40, 1/42. Stouts 1/39, 1/46. 5 Men's 37.50 Society Brand Overcoats -$25 Brown check patterns. Regulars 1/42; Short 1/39. Long 1/40; Stouts 1/40, 1/46. 19 Men's 29.75 Hair-Blend Fleece Overcoats _$25 Brown shades, full celanese lined. Regulars 2/37, 2/38, 2/39. 2/40, 1/42, 1/44. Shorts 1/37, 1/38, 1/39, 1/40, 1/42. Longs 1/38, 1/39, 1/40, 1/42. 3 Men's $50 Society Brand Tuxedos.-$25 Regular 1/44; Shorts 1/37, 1/39. 1 Men's $50 Famous Make Dress Suit, $25 * Coat and Trousers. 36 regular. 10 Men's $35 Sheldon Full Dress Suits, $25 Regulars 1/36, 1/39, 1/46; Shorts 1/37, 1/38, 1/42. Longs 1/38, 1/44; Stouts 1/40, 1-44.