Newspaper Page Text
Flood Area Damage Held Not Great—Rails and Steel Move Up. Bond Averages "0 10 10 10 Rails Indust. Util. F en Net change, -f.l +.1 unc. +.2 Today noon. 97.8 104.3 102,0 73.7 Prev. day... 97.7 104.2 102.0 73.5 Month ago.. 98.2 104.2 102.6 73.0 Year ago_ 91.0 103.3 101.9 71.2 '36-37 high. 99.0 104.4 103.1 74.2 1936-7 low.. 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1935 high... 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low_ 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 T.ow-Yield Bonds. Noon_112.7 Prev. day. 112.6 Month ago 113.3 Year ago. 110.8 •36-7 high 113.7 1936-7 low 110.2 1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) Ex the Associated Press. NEW YORK. January 28—Buyers Were well In evidence in the bond market today and leading Issues moved Up fractions to a point or more. Published reports that damage in the flood area probably would not be as fieavy as had been feared had a stimu lating effect, and loans of companies affected enjoyed fair advances. Youngstown Sheet & Tube 3'is gained 3 points following publication of sharply higher earnings in 1936. Southern Railway 4s and Chesapeake & Ohio 44s advanced. Mo6t of the rails gained ground, al though there were a few soft spots. Wide fractions of the plus side were scored for Baltimore & Ohio 4>is. Rock Island General 4s, Erie 5s and Great Northern 412s. Receding issues Included New Haven 6s and St. Paul 5s. The industrial list participated pretty generally in the upswing, with Anaconda 4’2s, National Daily 334s, Pure Oil 4'4s and Studebaker con vertible 6s in demand. Utilities were stronger. American & Foreign Power 5s were up about a point and Corv solidated Edison 3'2s. International Telephone 5s and International Hydro Electric 6s were fractionally higher. United States Government loans de veloped a mixed trend, quotations ranging from l-32d lower to 3-32ds higher. Foreign issues moved irreg ularly upward, although some Ger man. Polish and Argentine bonds lost ! » shade. “-• Washington Exchange SALES—AFTER CALL. Capital Transit Co —10 at 15V Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY „ , , Bid. Asked Amer Tel. A Tel Vas _ 1113. Anacostta A Pot 5s 771 2 T8',a Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5s 110 CAP Tel of Va 5s ]04'2 Can. Traction R R os 04 05 City a Suburban 5s 88*. 8* Georeetown Gas 1st 53_j->i Pot. Elec Pow, :i*.s 104 105'.. Wash. Gas 5s 1058 ]ot;>2 J07V» * wa,»h. Gas 5s 1000 1"4'2 W ash Rwy. A Elec. 4s _ 106 _I MISCELLANEOUS Col Country Club S'-s 105 W. M. Cold Storase 5s 100 _ 1 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel. A- Tel. '»> JR.3% Capital Transit Co. 15% 15% N A- W Steamboat 'got 1H5% Pot. El Pow. 6% old (6.00) 112 Pot, El P. 5%'f of. (5.50) ll.3 _ Wash Gas Lt Cc <3.6<>i *R4% Rfi Wash. Pv. A El com <36) 725 Wash Ry. * El Dfd (5) 111 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec. A Tr. Co. 'eSi. 2R5 Bank of Bethescia th.75) 32 Capita 1 (4) _ 1.35 _ Com A Savings (aR) _ 2<U _ Liberty 14 * _ 1.30 _ Lincoln (ffi.25) . 200 _ Nat. Sav. A- Trust 140 Pr Georges Bk. A Tr. (.50) 1R 21 Riggs iRi .345 355 ; Riggs cfd. (5) b*l(M>% _ Washington (fi> 1.3.3 _ Wash. Loan A Tr. (eR> *250 _ FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. American <fi) *100 _ Corcoran (5> 1<R> _ Firemens il.fiO) ___ 4fi _ National Unicn (.60) 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia (.30) lfi 17% | Real Estate («) 170 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Caroel Corn (2.00) 25 27 Lanston Monotype (4) 00 Mergenthaler Linotype (f) 54 55 Peoples Dr. S. com. «♦ 1 (M)> 50 52 Peoples Dr. S. old. (6.50) 114 Real Est. M AG pf t**.70) 5% 6% ' Security Storage (5)_ 110 125 Ter. Ref. A Wh Corp. (.3) 6n Wdwd. A Loth com. (tl.5o> *70 *0 Wdwd. A Loth. Dfd. (7) 12.3 125 •—Ex dividend T—Plus extras 1—50c paid Mav 15. 1936. 50c Dild August 15. 19361 oOc paid Novimber 16. 19.36 a—4'« extra, b—Books closed, e—7% extra t—1%% extra, h—75c extra i—1% extra paid Dec. 15. 1936. •*25c paid June .30. 1936: 46c Bald December 22. 1936. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. January 28.—Dividends declared 'prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp.): Extra. Am Smelt - $0.75 Champ Pap Sc P_ .25 Hollander--- 25 Loew s pf-162% Ludlum Stl - --- .25 Mercantile Strs pf-1.75 Nash-Kelv _ .25 Norf Sc West pf- _1.00 Owens-Ill Ol - _1.50 Pac Gas & El On Df .- .37% Pac Gas A El 5%% pf_ .34% Penn Susar_ -SO., !enn Traffic _ .14% ■usker Oats pf _ 1.60 herwln Williams _1.00 tein tA.) Sc Co_ .25 amps Elec _ .50 hatcher cv pf_ .00 U 8 Steel pf_ _ 1.75 Increased. Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. Fits Simons Sc Con nell Dredge Sc Dock 25c q 2-18 3-1 Regular. Alpha Portland Cem 25c Q 3-1 3-25 8onn Pow 62%c Q 2-15 3-1 tem A Wing Paper sn pf new _ $1.25 Q 1-30 2-15 Dow Chem - 80c 2-1 2-15 Do.. 5n pf $1.25 Q 2-1 2-15 New Haven Clock «%n Pf $1.62% q 1-27 2-1 Rochester Gas Sc El «C, pf C_,$1.50 q 2-1 3-1 Do., D_’ll.60 q 2-11 .3-1 Do . E - _ $1.25 q 2-11 3-1 Tex Pac Coal & OH 10c 2-8 3-1 united Biscuit Am 7n pf - *1.75 q 4-15 5-1 Vnited Gas Corp *7 pf *1.75 q 2-11 3-1 Wesson Oil A Snowdrift 1 $4 cv pf —. $1 q 2-15 3-1 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on January 20:' Receipts. $10,387,205.03; expenditures. *24,834.819.18: balance. *1.738,817. 8S8.3M. Customs receipts for the month, *34.819.015.05. Receipts tor the fiscal year (since July 11. $2,410,209,395.50: expenditures. *4. 122 505.148.25 (including *1.089.933. 229.74 of emergency expenditures!; excess of expenditures. $1,712,235,752.09. Gross debt. $34,500,410,022.50. an Increase of SI ,742,229.50 over the previous day. Gold Jssets. $11,340,800,555.87. including 109 005.111 68 of Inactive gold. .Receipts for January 23, 1930 (com parable date las* year!. $7,481,903,58: egpendltures sjo 420.657.59: net balance, $2,091,528.814311: customs receipts for the month. $25,702,423.30. .Receipts for the fiscal year. *2.085, *37,110.75: expenditures. *4 143.502 - S«*.87. including *1.842.405.302.05 of emergency expenditures: excess of expendl to-es. * 12: gross debt. *30. 528.303.077.51; gold assets. Jl0.173i 541.S80.48. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By prirate wire direct to The ltu< TREASU RY Hllh. Low. 5:55. 2Hs 1949-53_ 101.16 lot.14 101.1* 2418 1945-47—— 106.24 106.21 106.22 2 418 1948-51_ 104.8 104.8 104.8 2418 1951-64_ 103.12 103.8 108.1* 2**8 1956-59_ 103.8 103.8 108.8 2%S 1955-60_ 104.16 104.14 104.18 38 1946-4*_ 107.16 107.12 107.12 38 1951-55 _ 106.22 106.18 106.2* 3 VI a 1946-49_ 108.10 108.5 108.10 S',48 1941 _ 108.5 108.4 108.5 3 *4 8 1944-46 ... lo*.24 108.20 108.22 3*is 1941-43 Mar. 108.8 108.8 108.8 3 44a 1943-47. 109.11 109.10 109.10 3448 1946-56_ 113.14 113.14 118.14 4s 1944-64 . ... 114.10 114.10 114.10 4 <4 8-314 8 1943-45 108.20 108.20 108.20 4 V4 a 1947-52 _ 120.7 120.7 120.7 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2 4*8 1942-47_ 104. 104. 104. 38 1947_ 106.7 106.6 105.7 3s 1949 ____ 106.7 106.4 106.8 3148 1964_ 106.2 106.1 106.1 HOME OWNERS* LOAN 21481942-44. 102.24 102.22 102.22 24*8 1939-49_ 102.28 102.25 102.2* 3* 1952.. 104*0 104.2* 104.S0 High. Low. t:6B. Armour(Del)l»t 4s’65 luo 99# luo Armstrong Ck 4«'80.. 107# 107 107# A TAS Fe 4s'60_ 105 105 106 A TAS Fa gen 4s '95._. 114 114 U4 A TAS Fa adj 4s’95 — 110 110 110 A TAS Fa ad} 4a '95 St. 108# 108 10814 A TAS Fa 4)48 '48 .. 110# 110# 110# Atl Coast L. 1st 4a '68-. 104H 104# 184# Atl Coast L. Clt 4a '63.. 97# 96 97# Atl C L. un 4#S '64 .. 99# 98# 98# Atlantic A D lst4s '43. 68 68# 67# Atlantic A D 2d 4s >48. 61# 61# 61# Atl G A W I 6a ’69- 80 80 80 B A O lit 4S 43_ 107 108# 107 BA04#s SO - 77# 78# 77# BahoAOref 5s'95 A. 91# 91 91# U AO 68 96 F ... 91# 90# 91# B A O ref 6s 2000 D— 91# 91 91# B AO 1st 5s’48 -114 114 114 B A O ref Ss ’95 C_101# 101# 101# B A O PLEAW V 4s’41 104 104 104 B A O Swn 5s 60 -. 106 105# 106# Bang A Aroos 4s'51 - 110# 110# 110# Bang A Aroos cv 4s'5X 116 115# 115# Bell T of Ps 5s 48 B . 120 120 120 Beth Steel 3^8’66- 98# *8# 98# Beth Steel 4148'60_106# 106# 106# Bos A Ms 4#s’61 J- 88 82# 88 Bos A Me Ss ’65.. 88# 88# 88# Bos A Me 68 ’67 . 87# 87# 87# Boston N Y A L 4a’65. 27# 2654 27# BotCOh M*#8’34- 86# 36# 36# BklynC RR6s’41-100# 100# 100# Bklyn Ed con 8‘48*66.. 108# 103# 103# Bklvn Man T 4#s ’6S. 103# 10354 10854 Bklvn un El 6s ’60 . 114# 113# 114 Bklvn Un Gas 6s '67 B. 108# 108# 10854 Brown Shot 3%8‘50. - 106 105# 106 Buff RAP con 4#s'57. 92# 91# 91# Bush Term con 6s'55 68 67# 68 Bush Term Bldg 5s’60 70 66# 70 Huh. Low. 2:61. Int TAT 6s '56_ 7#* 78* 7# James F A C 4s 'It_101 100* 101 Kans CF SAM 4s '18 .. 81* Cl* 61* Kans City So ref 5s '60 99* 98* 99* Kan C Term 1st 4s '60. 108 106 108 Kendall 5*a'48 ww... 108* 103* 103* Kings Co El 4S '49_ 107* 107* 107* Kress* Found 4s *45__ 109 10774 109 Laclede Gas 6a‘8^—_ 100 loo 100 Laclede Gas Ca '42 A- 86* 86* 86* Laclede G6*s'62 C-. 69 68* 68* Lautaro Nltr 8*'64 ... *9* 89* 89* uautaro Nit 6s’64 cfa. 89* 89* 39* Leh CAN 4*s '54 A... 106* 105 105 Leh Val Coal 5a ’44_ 100* 100 100 Leh ValHar6s 64._ 106* 106* 106* ^eh Val Coal 6a‘74._ 72* 72* 72* Leh Val Coal 6a '38_ 100 100 100 LV NY 1st 48'45 gtd— 94* 94* 94* LV NY 4*S '40 gtd — 108 103 10S Leh V Peon 4s 2003 .. 67* 67 87* Leh V P con 4 * s 2003 7274 72* 72* L V Pa en 4 74s 2003 rg 70 70 70 Leh V RR con 6s 2 0 0 3 . 81* 8174 81*4 Ligg A Myers 7s ’44—. 184* 134* 134* Long Isl gen 4s’38—. 10374 108* 10374 Long Isl ref 4s '49__ 106* 106* 106* Lorlllard 7s 44_ 183 133 183 La A Ark 6s’69_ 98 97* 98 LA Nash 3*• 2003_ 96* 96* 96* LAN unit 4s '40_ 107* 107* 107* LAN Ut48 2003- 102 101* 101* L A N 4 74s 2003 C_ 105* 10574 105* L A N 5s 2003 B_ 109 109 109 L A N So Mon Jt 4s '62. 100* 100* 100* FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:58. Abitlbl Pa&Pw 6s '52- 97 96 9b Adriatic Elec 7s’52- 89*4 8954 *94 Akershus 5s 63 - 984 984 984 Antioqula 7s'45 A- 174 1W4 H4 Antioqula 7a'45 B- 174 164 17* Antioqula 7s "45 C- 174 1*4 174 Antioqula 7s 45 D- 174 1* 174 Antioqula 1st 7s‘57— 14 1*4 14 Antloquia 3d 7s 57_ 144 • * '*4 Antwerp os'58 __ 99 99 99 Argentina f 4s 62-1024 i«2 102 Argentine 6s '57 A_1024 102 102 Argentine 6s’68 B .. 1015*1014 1014 Argentine 6s 59 June 10154 1014 1014 Argentine 6s 59 Oct 1042 102!* 1024 Argentine 6s’60 May. 1025* 1025* 1024 Argentine 6s’60 Sept. 102 102 102 Argentine 6s 60 Oct . 1024 1024 1024 ! Argentine 6s 61 Febr. 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s 61 May. 1024 1024 1024 Australia 5s’55 _110 110 110 Australia 4 4s'56_ 1024 1024 1024 Australia 5s 57_ 1094 1094 1094 Austrians’57_lot 101 101 ! Belgium 6a’56_1064 10654 1065* Belgium 6 4s-49_ 1094 1094 1094 Belgium 7s 55..116*4 1164 1164 Berlin 6s 58_ 19 184 184 Berlin 64s'60_ 204 204 204 I Berlin Elec 64s’61 .. 224 224 224 Berlin El Ry 6>*s’56.. 214 214 214 Brazil 64s’26*'67_ <5 444 44 Brazil 64s'27-’67_ 444 444 444 Brazil 7a’52.. 444 44 444 Brazil 8s 41 _ *14 604 *1 Brisbane 5s'58 _ 102 4 1025* 1024 j Buenos A C 3s '84_ 644 644 6*4 Buenos A C 64s'55_102 102 102 Buenos Aires 44a-3Hs'77Pv_ 824 *2 8^4 Buenos A 45ja'76 Aug 824 824 824 I Buenos Aires 4 543-4*15 '76 April . 834 8*4 834 Buenos A 6s '61 st Pv 884 88*2 884 Buo A C 6’js '61stPv.. 894 8#4 8SV* Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon off_ 234 234 234 Bulgaria 756s 68 May coupon off_ 24 2* 24 McCrory Stores 6s ‘51. 104 104 104 McKesa&Rob 6*s'60_. 104 104 104 Me C RR clt 4s ’46 A.. 104* 104* 104* Msnatl Sug 7*s 42 ... 80* *0* 80* Man Slat 7 *s'42 CtfS. 80* 80* 80* Manhat Ry 4s'90 - 65 64* 64* Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs. 61* 61* 61* Mead Co 6s’46 .. 106* 106* 106* Met Ed 1st rf 4*a '68_ 109 109 109 Met \\ S El Cr 4s '38_ 16* 16* 15* Mich Cent 4s’40 rg .... 102* 102* 102* Mich Cent 4*s'79 - 108 107* 107* Mil Spa & N W 4s'47. 41* 41* 41* Minn & S L rf 4s 49 — 6* 6* «* Minn & St L. 6s'62 A - 4* 4* 4* Minn & St L 6s'34 CtfS. 14* II* 14* MStP&SSM cn 4s'38._ 84* 34* 34* MStP&SSM cn 6s'38 - 80* 80 80 MStP&SSM 6s'38 gtd- 87 37 87 MStP&SSM 6*S'78 .. 94* *4* 94* MStP&SSM rf 6s'46A. 26* 26 26 Mo K&T4s'62 B - 78 78 73 Mo K&T 1st 4s 90_ 94* 94* 94* Mo K & T 6s '62 A_ 86* 86 86* Mo 111 6s '69_ 61 61 61 MoPao4s'76-- 17 16* 16* Mo Pac 6a *65 A_ 46 44* 45 Mo Pac 6s'77 F_ 46* 44* 44* Mo Pac 5s'78 G—_ 44* 44* 44* Mo Pac 6s '80 H_ 44* 44 44 MO PacBs'81 1.- 46* 44* 44* Mo Pac 6*s '49 A_ HI* 18* 13* Mob & Ohio 4*s '77_ 34* 83* 84* Mob & Ohio 6s‘38 — 94* 3a* 34 Mob & Oh M dlv 5s'47. 46* 46* 46* Mohawk & M 4s'91 -. 97* 97* 97* Monong Pub S 4 *s'«0 10#* 106* 106* Monong Pub S 6s '65 108* 108 108* Montana Cent 3* s'6 6 99 98 * 99 Mont Cent 6s '37 . 102* 102* 102* Mont Tram os'41_ 103* 103* 103* Mor&Essex 3*s 2000 96* 96* 96* Morris&Essex 4’*8'55 96* 96* 95* Morris&Essex 5s'55 _ 101* tot* tot* Mutual Fuel G as '47— 118* 118 118 Can dian N R*44a’51. 1134 1134 1184 Can dian N R 44s'56. 1144 1144 1144 Candian N R44s o7. 1134 1134 11*4 Can dian N 5s'6'J July. 1174 1174 1174 Can dian N5s'69 Oct . 1194 1194 ll»4 Can dian N db 64» 46 1264 12*4 1264 Can dian Pdb 4s perp 99 »8!; 99 Can dian Pac 44s '46. 10*4 1024 10S i Can dian Pac Ss'54 . 110 110 110 Can dian Pac 4 4s 60. 105 105 105 Car A Gen 5s '50 ww_1054 1064 105!; Caro Cl & O 5s‘38 . 105 105 105 Central Fdry cv 6s‘41. 1264 124 125 Central Fdry cv 6s ’41. 2404 240 2404 Cent of Ga con 5s ’45_ 82 314 *2 Cent of Ga 6s'69 C_ 19 19 19 Cent of Ga rf 64s'69.. 19 19 19 Cent 111 E & G 6s '61 .. 1044 >044 1044 Cent N England 4s 61. 71 70 71 Cent of NJ 4s'87_ 774 774 774 Cent of N J gen 6s '87. 86 8s 86 Cent of NJ gn 6s'87rg. 80 80 80 Cent Pac 1st rf «s'49.. 1104 1104 1104 Cent Pac 5s'60 .. 1084 1034 10*4 Cent RR B Ga 5s '87... 95 95 95 Cent Steel 8s '41 _ 1254 1264 1264 Cert'd deb 6 4s '48_ 96 944 95 Cliesap C cv 5s 44_181 1*0 181 Chesap Corp 5s '47__ 1464 146 146 Ches & O 3 4s 96 D_ 1004 1004 1004 j Ches A 0 34a 96 E... 1004 1004 1004 C & O gen 44» '92_ 124 4 12* 124 Chi & Alt ref 3e'49_ 66 56 66 Chi B & Q gen 4s '58_U64 1164 11*4 1 Chi B & Q 4 4* '77-115 115 116 Chi B& Q ref 5s'71 _. 1184 1184 1184 | Chi B&Q 111 dv 4s'49. 112 112 112 . Chi & E HI 5s '51 ... 38 4 374 *74 | Chi & E 1115s'51 ctfs- *64 ;i6»; 354 J Chi Grt West 4s ’59_ 49 48 48 Chi I & L gen 5s 66 ._ 22 22 22 Chi Ind &L ref 6s'47 374 374 874 Chi Ind & L gen 6s'66. 22 214 22 Chi Ind & So 4s'56 . 1064 1064 1064 CM&StP *n 24»'89 B. 56 66 66 CMStP 4s '89 . _ 62!; 61*; 624 CM&StP gn 44* '89 C. 694 *8‘» 68»4 CM&StP6a 75 _ »*4 824 324 CM&StP&P adj 6s2000 104 104 104 Chi & NW 44a 2037 C. 30!; 30'; 30!; CM&St P 44a *9 E... 68!4 68*; 68*; Chi & NW 4 4s 49 — 184 17!; 174 Chi & NW rf 5a 2037.. 31 31 31 Chi R l&Prf 4a'34 ... 214 21 21 Chi R I&Pgen 4a'88.. 414 4«4 *1^ Chi R I&P44»’62 21 204 204 Chi R I&P 44»'62 Ctf 20 194 20 Chi R I&P *4* 60 . 114 114 114 Chi St L&N Me 4s '51. 984 984 984 Chi T H&S 1st 5a '60 _ 974 974 974 Chi T H&S Inc 6s'60 . 884 88'; 884 Chi Un Sta 3Us 63 E 1095. 109V* 10»4 Chi Un Sta 5s '44 . 106'; 106'; 106'; Chi & W In con 4S'62. 1074 1064 1064 Chi & W Ind 44a 62.. 104 1034 101 Childs & Co 5s’43 ... 924 »2'4 92'4 Cin G & E 3 4s '66 irs 1024 102*; Cin Un Ter 34a D gtd 108 107** 108 CCC&St L gen 4a'93 104 10* 104 CCC*St Lrf 44s '77 E 974 974 974 i Clev El 111 3*; s'65 . 110410941094 : Clev Short L 4 4S'61.. 115 115 115 Clev Un Tel 44a'77 105 1044 1044 Clev Un Term 5a'73 B 1084 1084 1084 Clev Un Ter 54s '72A US 113 113 Colo Fuel & Ir 6a'70.. 90 90 90 Colo & So 44a'80 _ 76!» 754 75!; Columbia G & E deb os'52 April . ... 1044 1044 104H Columbia G & E 5s I '52 May ... lo«4 io«4 1044 Columbia G&E 6s'61 . 105 10*4 10*4 I Colum Ry PAL 4s '65 10? 4 107 107 4 ! Cornel Credit 3 *4s’51. 100 994 100 I | Com Inv Tr 34a ’51... 1034’ 1034 1034 ' Cons Coal Del 6s'60 67 66 66 Cons Ed NY 34a 46 n 105!; 1014 1044 Cons Ed NY 34a’56 n 1054 105!; 1054 Cons Gas NY 44s'61 106'; 106 106 : Consol Oil *4s'51 1054 1044 1054 Conaum Pwr 3Us 66 1034 1034 1034 C< nsum P un 34s '65 1054 105'; 105V; Cons Pwr S4s '70 1054 lt'5 I05>; Consum Pwr 3*;s 651074 1074 1074 Container 6s’46_ 105 105 105 Crane Co S4s 61_ 1014 1014 1014 Quba RR 1st 6s'52_ 62 62 62 Cuba Northn 0 4s'42. 6l!; 61!; 614 Nashv C&St L 4S'78 _ 974 9?4 9754 Nassau Elec 4S'51 gtd. 61*4 594 6U Natl Dairy 3*js'51tvw. 106‘i li)#4 106*4 Natl Dls PC 44*'45— 105"i 10554 10654 Natl Steel 4s 65 _1064 1064 10654 New E T&T 4 ViS ’61_128*4 123*4 12344 New E T&T 1st 5S ’62. 125*4 125?* 125*4 New Jer P&L 4*4 * 60. 10754 107 107 New Orl & N 4V4s’52.. 8154 *154 8154 New Orl P S 5s 52 A - 99*4 99*4 9954 New Orl P S 5s ’55 B _ 100 99** 100 New Orl Ter 1st 43 ’53 9954 »» 99 New OrlT&M 4 54 8 '56. 48*4 4844 48*4 New Orl T&A1 6s'51 B. 61 51 61 New Orl T&M 5s 56 C. 51 6044 5044 New Orl T&M 5 4* '54 53 53 53 NY Central 344« 97... 10354 1 0354 10351 NY Central 3*4s’46—. 10354 1035* 10354 NY Cent con 4s 98 .. 104 1034* 1034* NY Cent rf 4 4* 2013.. 9654 95 9554 NYCrf 4 54s 2013 n __ 9554 95 954 NY Cent rf 5s 2013_ 102 10154 10154 NY Cent cv 6s 44_ 10754 10654 107 NY C L. Sh 3 4s'98 9754 9754 9754 NYC Mich C 34« 98.. 9654 9654 9454 NYC&St D 1st 4s '37.. 101 >4 101*4 1014 NYC&Sl L 4 5 ...a 78 ... 94 9354 03*4 N' Y Chi & StL 4s'46 10454 104 104 NYC&St D 54s 74 A.. 1045* 10854 10354 NY Chi & St L 6s'38 . 100 99** 100 NY Conn 1st 44* '53.. 107 54 1 0 7 54 1 0 754 NY Dock 1st 4s '51_ 71 71 71 NY Dock 5s 38 __ 70 70 70 NY Edison 3 54s 65 D. 10344 10354 103*4 NY Edis ref 3 4s '66 . 104 1034 104 NYGE1H&P4S 49... 11654 116*4 115*4 NY G El H&P 5s'48... 124 124 124 NY D& W 1st 4s 73.. 103?4 Its1* 103'* NY NH & H 34s 54_ 36?* 86** 36** N1 Ml & H 4s '55 ... 40 40 40 NY NH & H 454s '67... 47?4 474 4754 NY NH & H cl tr 6s 40 64 **H 64 NY NH & H cv 6s 48 . 49?i 4954 «>?) NY NH & H Cons Rys 4S 64 38 86*4 88 NY NH & H C R 4S '56 87 87 37 NY O&W pen 4s 55— 39 38 39 NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 44 4354 43*4 N Y 1 utnam 4S'93_ 944 944 9414 NY Rys Inc Ks 65 —. 66** 66** 65*4 NY Rys 6s 65 A stp... 1054 1054 1064 NY Tel gen 4 4s'39 .. 108*4 108>4 108'4 NY W 4 B 45i« 46 . 18 175* 175* Niag Falls P 34s 66 107?* 10754 10754 Niag Sb 54s'60 .. 103 103 103 Norf So 1st ref 6s '61 29 28*1 29 Norf S 1st rfos'61 cfs 2754 27'4 2754 Norf & W 1st 4s '96 .. 119 1185* 119 North Am Co 5s 61 . 10554 10514 1054 Nfcrth Am Ed os '67 A. 104 103*4 101*4 North Am Ed 5s '69 C- 10654 106 106 North Am Ed 5 4s’63. 104 1084 103?4 Nor n Pac gen 3s 2047. 81 8054 81 Nor'n Pac 4s '97 ... 1094 108*| 1094 Nor'n Pac 4 4s 2047... 104*4 10454 1044 North Pac sa 2047 C_ 10854 1084 10854 North Pac 6s 2047 _ 11154 1114 1114 North S P 1st 5s'41 A. 1034 103 Its North Sts Pwr 5s '64 . 108 108 108 North Sts Pw 6s '41 B. 1034 1084 1034 Canada 2'is'45__ 1014 101 lol Canada 3 4* 61_101 iot.4 loo** Canada 4s'60_U'9H 1094 1094 Canada 5s'52___1144 114 114 ! Chile 6s’60 __. 20'* 2U 204 ! Chile 6s '61 Jan _ 26.4 20 i0.4 I Chile 6s '61 Fabr_ 204 204 204 ' Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 2lH .0 204 1 Chile 6e'62 _ 20 194 20 Chile 6s 63 _ ‘204 194 204 Chile 7s 42 . _-.20'.. 204 204 Chile Mt* Bk 6s'61 _ 174 164 174 Chile MtK Bk 6»«s 61. 17 17 17 Chile Mte Bk 6s 62 17 17 17 Chile Mts Bk 6>,is'57. 17 17 LI Colombia 6s 61 Jan .. 32** 314 324 Colombia 6s 61 Oct... 324 31', 324 Col MtK Bk 64s 47_ 26 26 2h | Col MtR Bk 7s '46_ 264 26 26 , Cordoba 7s 42 Prv_ 984 98 984 Costa Rica 7s A '51_ 234 2*4 274 Cuba 54s 45 ..._ 63 604 62 ; Cuba 5’is 53 _ 104 104 104 Denmark 4'is 62_11)04 leu 1004 Denmark 5 Vis'55_10(4 1004 ‘0<>4 Denmark 6s 42_ 105 105 105 Estonia 7a 67 _ 99 99 99 French Gov 7s'49_12*4 12*4 11*4 Ger C Ar Bk 6s’60 Oct 284 2*4 284 1 Ger C Bk A 6s '38_ 36 56 3* i Ger C Bk A 7s 50 _ 3* 88 :18 Ger Gen Elec 6s'43 .. 394 *94 394 Ger Gov 5Vis '65 st 244 2k 24 Ger Prv & City Bank | con Ar 64 8'58 26 26 26 Gar Rep 7a '49 stpd 304 304 8r4 Grt C El Jap 64* 50 . 64 664 >54 IlamburR St 6s 46 2i> 20 20 Helsinjrfors 6 Vis '60.. 106 106 106 HuriRary 74* ’44 Febr coupon on 604 604 604 Italy 7a 51 >8 *74 >* Hal Crd P VV' 7s '47 B *64 >«4 86 , Japan 64s'54 941* 984 944 KreuR&Toll 5s '59 cfs 464 4*4 4*4 Lombard Elec 7s '52 .. 77 77 77 Medelln 6 4*'54 144' :*4 144 Mex 4s 10-'45asatam 7 7 7 Milan 64*'52 .. 75 74 . 7* Minas Gers64s '51 Sept coupon oft' 32 814 314 MinasGers 64s '59 Sept coupon on ... 32 814 314 Naw So Wales 5s'57.. 105 105 106 KordRy64a'60_ It).. 1044 106 Norway '4s '65-1014 1014 1014 Norway 44a'56_)034 1034 lc»4 Norway 5s '63 _ 1004 1004 1004 Norway 6a 4*_107 >o«»« 1064 ! Oriental Dev 6 4a’58.. 714 714 714 Paris Orl Ry 64*'68.. 103 1024 103 Peru 6s'60- 214 21 214 Peru 6s 61- 214 21 21 Peru 7s'69- 224 22 4 224 Poland 7s 47_ 774 77 774 Poland 8s 60 ... . 604 604 604 Porto Alegre 74s ‘66 July coupon off_ 284 28 284 > Porto Alesre 8s '81 Jun# coupon oft...30 30 30 ! Dayton PAL 354s '60.. 106 106 106 Del A Hud ref 4s'43... 9454 9454 9454 Del A Hud 554s'37 ... 101 101 101 Den A R G con 4a'36.. 84*4 3354 3 354 Den & R G 4*48 36 ... 84 34 54B Den ARG \V 5s'66... 20*4 2054 2054 Den A RGW Cs'55asst. 19 1854 19 Den A R G ref 5a '7*... 3054 30 3054 Det Edison 3 54s 66_ 10754 10754 10754 Detroit Ed 4s 65 F . 11054 110 110L -Det Edison 4*48'61 D. 116 11454 11454 Det Edison 6s '52 10854 1085*4 10854 Det River Tun 454s'61 11754 11754 11754 Dul & lr Rg 5s*37 reg. 10154 10154 10154 Dul S S A At 5s '37 .. 64 63*4 63*, Duques Lt 4 54s '57 B .. 10854 10854 10854 ET V A Ga cn 6s'56 .. 11554 11554 11654 Ed El 111 NY 5s '95 ... 13954 13954 13954 El Paso Nat G4 54s'51_ 10454 10454 10454 Erie cv 4a '63 A_ 93 9254 9254 Erie gen 4s'96_ 90 895* 8954 Erie ref 6e 67_ 8654 8554 86 Erie ref 68 75_ 8654 8654 8654 Ogden LC 4i MS . 2854 2854 2854 Ohio Edison 4s'66_ 1055* lo5X 106X Ohio Pub Svc 7s 47.__ 112 112 112 Ont Pwr Xiag 5s MS_11454 11414 114*4 Ont Trans 1st 6s'45._. 11SX lll’i 113*4 OregShUnea* 46_ 12054 12054 120*4 Oreg W RR 4s '61_ 10654 10654 10654 Otis Steel 6s 41 _ 102 102 102 Pac G & E S)*s'61_ 106 104X 104 XacGAE4s64 ... 108X 108*4 108X Pac RR Mo 1st 4S ‘38 100X 10054 10054 Pac T&T rf 3Us '66 B. 104*4 10454 104*4 Pan Am PC 6s 40 ctfs. 60J4 50!* 6054 Paramount Pic 6s'65 . 10054 10054 100X Park-Ex 6Ha'53 ctfs. 46 4654 46 Parmelee 63 M4 _ 76*4 76*4 76)4 Penn Co 3 XsMl B_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 1 eno Co 4s 63 _ 106 10454 >06 Penn Dixie C 6s Ml_101 101 101 Penn O & D 4 54s '77... 106 106 106 Penn P&L.454I 81_ 106 106)4 106*4 Penn RR 354s '70 C_ 10254 102 102 Penn RR con 4s M3_ 112X 11254 H2X Penn RR cn 4sM8 stp.. 1155* U6U 116*4 Penn RRcon 4H« '60. 128!* 12*5* mi* Penn R R 454s '84 ... 10954 108)4 10954 Penn KR gn 4 54s 65.. 113 112 113 Penn RR deb 4 Xs‘70. 106 10554 105)4 Penn RR gen 6s '68 . 121 121 121 People GL.&C rf 6s’4T. 116X 116*4 11554 Peoria A E 1st 4s M0._ 97*» 87X V7X Pere Mara 4V48’80 ... 102*4 102*4 102X Pere Mara IX 6* *66_ 10654 10654 1 0554 Phils Co 6s 67 .... 106 106)4 106 Phlla Elec Co 4s‘71... 102)4 102)4 102*4 Phlla & R C&l 58'71.. 4654 46*4 45*4 Phlla & R C&l 6s 49.. 24X 2454 24!4 Philippine Rv 4s '37... 2454 2454 2«X PCC&St Ij 4s '45 D ... 113H 11SH PCC&St L 4X8 '64 J_122 121 12« PCC&St L 6s '10 A_12154 121 121 PCC&St L, 6S'76 B_12L 121 121 Pltts&W Va 4Hs'58 A. >654 >*H >654 Pltts&W Va 4)48'69 B 96 96 96 Pltts&W Va 4)4S‘60 C 96 9454 9654 Port Gen El 454s 60... 74 7154 7*54 Postal Tel AC 6a*6* . 43 41)4 42 Pigomte El PSlta’I*. 104)4 104*4 104)4 Pressed Stl Car 6s ‘(1. 985) 9854 98X Pure 011 4 5*9 '60 ft.. 128X 12654 12854 Purity Baking 6s Ml.. 99)4 99)4 99)4 R-K-Olt 41_-... 120)4 12054 120)4 Reading JerC 4a *61... 103 102*4 102)4 Reading R45ii‘97 A. 10754 10654 107X Ram-Rand 4 54s'66ww. 11254 112*4 112*4 Republic Stl 4 54S'56.. 9954 98*4 99X Republic Stl 4Xs 61- 99 98X 99 Republic Stl 4Xa 60.. 145 142X 144X Republic Stl 654s'64.. 108)4 108X 108X Revere Cop 4>4s 66... 106X I06U 106X Richfield Oil 6s 44 .. 60X 59*4 60*4 Richfield O 68*44 ctfs. 60 " 69 60 Rio G W col 4S 49 A— 60 49X 60 R 1 A&L 1st 454a'84.. 22X 22*4 22*4 Rutland RR 4HsMl — SIX 8154 »5i Saguenay Pw4 lie'll.. 10454 104*4 104*4 St fosAGrlsl 4s'47— 11*X 112X 112X St Law & Ad 1st 5s*96- 108 103 108 Si L 1M&S R&G 4s'S8. 87 6{X 87 8tLRM6P(i *66- 8SX MX 6854 St LrS Fran 4s-60A— MX *>X *2X Queensland 6a 47_1124 1124 1124 i Queensland 7s ’41_1134 1184 H84 Rhein Rhur 6s '£1_ 224 204 204 Rhine W El P 6s'52_ 22 22 22 Rio de Jan 6 4s 58 Aug coupon oft- 314 304 804 Rio ds Jan 8s 46 April coupon off_ 82 82 32 Rio Gr do Sul (s *68 June coupon off _ 80 28 4 894 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '61 May coupon off _ 30 294 80 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '67 June coupon off _ 80 80 10 Rio Gr do Sul 8s ‘41 April coupon off_ 884 184 884 1 Rome 64s'52 _ T6 7k 76 Sao Paulo C64s '57 May coupon off _ 82 II 82 Sao Paulo St 7a ‘66 Sept coupon off_ 88 88 88 Sao Paulo C 8a '52 coupon off _ 32 82 82 Sao Paulo St ?s 40_ #7 9T 9T Sao Paulo St la ‘86 July coupon off_ 44 64 44 Sao Paulo St Is '(0 July coupon off 89 89 89 Saxon St Mtg 64s '46- 22 22 22 Serbs 7s 62unmco _ 28'i 284 264 Serbs Ss '62 unm c o .. 284 26Q *614 Siemens* H 64s'51.. 574 *74 Silesia Elec 64s'46... 22 22 22 Taiwan Elec 64s‘71 „ 714 714 714 Toklo64s‘61 ... 78 724 73 Tokio E E Ltd 6a '53 __ 764 75 76(4 Tyrol Hy El 74s ‘55.. 93 98 98 Uruguay 6s 80_ 684 68 68 Uruguay 8s 41_ 70 6»4 70 Warsaw 7s 58_ 61 60 504 lokohoms 6a 81_ 78 774 78 Fairbka Morse 4a'6t.. 104% 1(4% 104% Fed Rt & Trac 5s '42.. 103% 103% 103% Fed R&Tr 5s '42 at ... 103% 103% 108% Fed Rt & Trac ts '4*.. 103% 103% 103% Fed R&Tr 6s 64 B ... 104 104 104 Fla EC Ry 6s'.74_ 16% 14% 16% Fla EC Ry 5a ’74 ctfa. 16% 16% 16% Galv H&H 6%s’3g_ 39% 90% 99% Gen Am inv 6s 62_101% 101% 101% Gen Cable 6%e 47_106% 106% 106% Gen Mot Acc 3a 46_108% 108% 103% Gen Mot Aas 3 % a '61.. 102% 102% 102% Gen Stl Cast 6%s'49.. 97 96% 96% Goodrich 4*48 '66_101% 100% 101% Goodrich (a 46 _106% 106% 106% Goodyear T&R 6a ’67— 104% 108% 104 Great N Ry 41 46 G... 121% 120% i21 Great N Ry 4a 46 H . 109% 109% 109% Grt N R gen 4%s'76 D 108% 108% 108% GrtN Rgen 4%s'77 E 107% 107 107 Grt NR gen 5s’72 C.. 114% 114% 114% Grt N R 5 %s '62 B_119' 118% 119 Green Bay 6s '82 B_ 16 14% 14% Gulf M & N 6s 60_102% 102% 102% Gulf M & N 5%a '50_106% 106% 106% Gulf SU Stl 5%i 42 . 99% 99 99 Gulf Statas Util 4s ’61 104 104 104 Ho* <R) 1st mt*'44— 89 8*4 *9 Houston Oil&4s'40_ 104 1024 1024 Hudson Coal 6s'02.... 65 66 66 Hud A Man lne 6s 'S7_. 864 *6 35 Hud A Man rsf 6s ’67.. 188 824 88 111 Cent col tr 4s‘62_*2 »14 02 111 Cant col tr 4s‘68_ 87 87 87 111 Cent rsf 4* 66_ 93 924 924 111 Cent 44s (0 ... 764 744 744 111 Cent Cairo Br 4s'50 107 107 107 111 Cent Lou 34* ’6*— >024 >024 >024 111 Cent St L 3s ’61- 924 924 924 111 Cent St L 3Hs ’61_ 97 97 97 ICCAStL N 04Hs’6t._ 884 *24 84 . ICCAStL N OSs 03 .. 88 87 87 III Steel deb 44a 40.. 1074 >074 1074 Inland Stilus 81 ... 1»84 1064 106.4 Int K T 1st rf 6s 86 . 964 964 96 1 R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs 944 944 944 Int R T 6s 82 _ 6* 63 63 Int R T 7s 32 _ 894 884 884 Int R T 7s'32 ctfs_ 89 89 89 interlaks 6s '51 _ 1024 1024 1024 Int Grt Nr 6s '62 A_ *6 344 36 IntGrt Nradl 68-52 A. 114 11 11 Int Hydro Elec 6s 44.. 90 87 874 fnt Mer Marins 6s '41. 764 7 6 4 754 Int Pan 1st 6s 47A ... 1024 1024 1024 Int Psp rsf 6s 65 _10*4 100 10« int TAT CT 44s '29_ *74 87 874 Int TAT ’61...... 734 784 784 DOMESTIC BONDS Adams Express 4s ’4S 1044 1044 1044 Ailes Corp 6s ‘44 _ 1004 loot* 1(K>4 Alloa Corp 5s 49 __ 944 444 944 Allen Corp 6s '60 stp . 63*, 884 «S<{ Allied Stores 44s'60 101410141014 Am A For Pw 6s 2020 86 864 864 Am Ice cv 5s’52 _ 934 284 984 AmlGCh 6 4s 49 1084 108 4 1084 Am Inti 6’As‘49 1064 106 1064 Am Tel A Tel 3 4s'41 1014101 1014 Am Tel A Tel 2 4s‘66 1014 I104 1014 Am T A T 4Hl *» 111 111 111 Am TAT 64a 4S 1114Iim 1114 Am T F 2 4s-6s'38-*40 172 172 172 Am Wat Wka 6s '76 1104 1104 1104 Am Writ Paper 6s 47 94 884 89 Am Writ Pa 6s 47 Cfs 92 90 94 Anaconda deb 4 4s *60 1064 1064 1064 Analo-Chll Nit 7s '87 .. 884 >84 884 Ann A 1st ex In 4s’96. TO TO To Armour* Co 4 Via •»- Mi >04 104 BANK OF FRANCE DISCOUNT!RAISED 4 Per Cent Rate, Doubling Former Charge, Hits Speculation. PARIS, January 28 (A*).—The Bank of France, attempting to discourage1 borrowing for speculative purpose*, boosted its discount rate from 2 to 4 per cent today. British bankers with whom the gov ernment is negotiating a (250,000.000 loan demanded the. curb on specu lative borrowing. French financial sources declared banks had been "dumping” collateral into the Bank of France for discount with a con sequent heavy drain on the national currency. The first changes in money rates since October 15—also applied to 30 day loans and loans on securities— followed disclosure by informed sources that Georges Bonnet, new French Ambassador to the United States, probably will *eck permanent stabilization of the franc, dollar and pound. The bank increased Us 30-day rate from 2 to 4 per cent and the rate on advances on securities from 3 Vi per cent to 5 per cent. The United States dollar closed offi cially in the foreign exchange market today at 21.461,4 francs (4.659 cents to the franc), which was unchanged from the overnight New York rat*. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound print*. 37; '«-pound prints. 38; tub. 30; HO score. 1-pound prints, 30. U-pound prints. 37; tub. 35. MEATS-r-Choice beef. 17: cslves. 21: veal, 20: iamb. 17; pork loin. 21; freih ham. 23: smoked ham. 20: sliced bacon. 33. alab bacon. 28; compound. 14’,a; lard. 10. LIVE STOCK—Pick HaH'i: light hogs P'aalO; medium hogs. lOalOU: heavy hogs. 9ft!0: roughs. 6a8!a; cslves, 6*12; lambs, Oslo Prices paid shippers net f. o b Wash ington. by the U. S. Bureau of Agricul tural Economics: EGGS—Market U lower on U 8. Gov ernment graded eggs, but otherwise un changed. Current receipts 21*22: hen nery whites. 22a23. Government graded »nd dated white eges inet prices paid shippers f. • b Washington): U. S ex tras large 24’j: U. S extras, medium. 21U: U. S standards large. 23U. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady; price* unchanged. Fowl—Colored, heavy. 10al8; Leghorns 10*12. Chickens—Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers. 18*21. Dela ware* 18*20. Guineas—Young, 2 pounds and up. 40 each: under 2 pounds. 25*30 each, old guineas, 20*25 each. Turkeys—Young hens. lsalH: young toms under 10 pounds. 15ale;. 2i» pounds and over. 15. No. 2’s. 12. old hens. 14, old toms. 14 Sales In large lots by original receiver* tip to 8 a m. today: APPLES—No carlo! arrivals: one un broken car on track Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steady Bushel baskets. U. 8. No 1’ Virginia Hubbard stons. 2'«-inch minimum. 90*1.00; 2’a minimum 1.15*1.25: 21a minimum, 1.35* 1 50 U S. Utility. 2’. minimum. 7o: 2'a minimum. 1.00: 234 minimum. I.10al.25: Staymans. 2*,4 minimum. 1.15*1.25: 7‘a minimum 1 35*1.50: 234 minimum l.oOa 165. few higher: Yorks. 3'4 minimum. 90*1.00; 2’a minimum. 1.3a*1.40: 25« minimum. 1.40*1.60: 3 minimum. 1.65. Grimes. 2’« minimum 90*1.00: 2’a mini mum. 1.35. few higher: Golden Delicious. 2'4 minimum. 1.25; 2*i minimum.1.50* 1.65: 2’4 minimum. 1.85*2.00; Del clous. 214 minimum. 1.40*1.50: 2'a minimum. 1 05*1.75: 234 minimum. 1.00*2.00; Para gons. 2'4 minimum. 1.15*1.25: 2’a mini mum. 1.35*1.40 24e minimum 1 40*1.60. 3 minimum 1.60*1..6: U. 6. Utility, - 4 minimum. HO: 2>i minimum. 1.25. -5. minimum. 1.35 3 minimum. 1.40*1.50. Black Twits. 2!4 minimum, 1.00*110 «u minimum 1.35: 234 minimum. 1.40* l'.SO: :t minimum 1.50*1.00: Limber Twig*. 2’ 4 minimum, ooal.oo: 2’j minimum. 1 25*1.35: Ben Davis minimum. <b» 85- 2’a. minimum. Hoal 00: '.34 minimum. 1.00*1.45: Winesaps. 2‘4 minimum. 1.35* l 4n minimum l.tiOal ♦»•». •.« mini mum T05*16™ U 8 Utility Winesaps. 2'. minimum 1.15*1.25: 2>, minimum. 1.35: 244 minimum 1.40*1.50. GRAPEFRUIT—No csrlotarrivalt one broken car on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1-LEMONS—California, boxes. 8.09*9 00. as to grade and siie. Hitch Low. 2 55. St L-S F 4B’50 A CtfS *» *0 30 St L-S Fran 4H* '* 29*4 2384 -*14 St L-S F 4H»'7* cf at. 2714 27 27 St L.-S Brin 6e '50 B - 32** »2,i 32 4 St L-S F 5s SOB ctfa, »0 *0 »0 StLSW lst4»'S8- ••’§4 9*14 96 * StLSW:a4l 89- 6*!4 «*'■* 88l4 StPKCSL4‘,jl 41.. 2414 28!* 24 St P MAM ext 5a ’43 . 1031* 103'* 103 4 St P MiM 4f '87 101*4 10114 10114 San Diego CG*E4s’S5 109 109 109 Ceabd A L 4s'60 atp — 3114 80H 3114 Seabd A L ref 4s 59 — 1714 17 17 Seabd A Ladj 5s 49- 9*. 9*4 »M Seabd A L6s 45 A — 20'i 19>4 19** Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs 19'* 19 19^* Seabd A-Fl 6a’35 A ct 12H U84 12»» Sharon Stl cv 4’is’51 US'* 1121* US’4 Shell Un deb 3H*’51 100*4 1C014 loot* Silesian Am 7s’41- «» *9 69 Shelly Oil 4s 61 --- 102 10114 102 Socony Vac SHs'50 . 106 10514 10s South Bell T&T 6s ’41. 108 107H 108 So Colo Pwr Ss '47 A— 106*4 106*4 106*4 So Pac S*«e '46_10184 101*4 101*4 So Pac ref 4a'65_- 106*4 10614 1061* So Pac 4H* '6S- 96»i 96 88 So Pac 4 *4 a ’69- *6 95*4 96*4 So Pac 4Ha 81_ 98 96)4 9684 So Pac Oreg 4Hs'77 10014 100 10014 So Pac S F Ter 4a ’50 .. 107H 107 10714 So Ry gen 4s’56 A.,__ 81*4 8114 8184 So Rv 6a’94 _U1'4 111 11114 So Rv gen 6s ’56_ 1021* 102 10214 So Rv *H* '56 . _ 105 10484 105 S W Bell Tel 3Ha'64.. 108H IO8I4 10814 Soutnw'n G&E 4s'60_. 103H 103H 10314 Stand Oil N J 3s 61— 100H I00J4 100'4 Studebaker c» 6a’46_ISS14 132 1 *2 SvmgG&G 6H» ww... 181 181 181 Tenn El Pw 8a'47 A - 101 101 101 Term Asso con 5a’44.. 118*4 118*4 118'4 Texarkana 5*28’50 — 107*4 107*4 107*4 t'exaa Corp 3He'61 .. 101*4 108*4 108*4 Texas A Pac 5a 77 B.. 106 106*4 105*4 Texas & Pac 6s '79 C— 106** 105*4 106*» Texas* Pac 5a’80 D . 107** 107*4 107*4 Third Av ref 4a '60 72 71*4 71*4 Third A ad In ex 6a'66. 41*4 41*4 41*4 TruaxTC6*4a'43_101*4 101*4 101*4 Un El L A P 5s *67_105*4 105*4 106*4 Un El L, A P 6*4#'64— 106*4 106*4 106*4 Un Oil Calif 4a 47 .. 102*4 102*4 102*4 Un Oil Calif 6a‘42 A.. 121 121 121 Union Pac 1%»’70_100 99*4 99*4 UnPao2**s‘71 _ 99*4 99*4 99*4 Un Pao lat 4a‘47 ... 114*4 114*4 114*4 Un Pac let rf 4a 2008 108*4 108*4 108*4 United Rys St L 4s ‘24 86*« 85*8 86*4 U S PIpeAFy l*4a '48. 160*4 169 1 60*4 U S Rubber 6s'47_ 107 106*4 107 Utah LA T 5a‘44 (A). 104*4 104*4 104*4 Utah PA L 6s'44 _ 106 106*4 106 Util PAL, 5s 69 ww_ 63 68*4 68*4 Util PA L, 6 *s a'47- 66 66 66 Vanadium cv £■ 41 — Ml 100*4 101 Vcr Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfa. 34*4 31 3«*A Va E A P 1st ref 4s'5S. 108*4 108*4 108*4 Va Ry 1st 3 64a'66 A . 106*4 106*4 105*4 Va S W con 5a'68_101*4 101*4 101*4 Y\ abash 4Hs'78_ 37)4 37*4 37*4 Wabash 6s ’76 B_ 19>4 88*4 89*4 Wabaah 5a 80 D_ 39*4 89 <9*4 Wabash 6*ia'78 —— 40 89*4 39*4 Walker HAS 4 *4 a'48.. 108 108 108 Walworth 4a'66_ 87*4 «7 87 Walworth 8a'85 n_ 98 98 98 Warner Bros cv 8a '19. 100 99*4 99*4 Warncr-Quln 6a'39_ 63 62*4 88 Warran Br cv 8a'41... 74 78 74 Warren Br 8a'41 rcta. 78*4 78*4 71*4 Weatcheiter LSs'BO.. 127 127 127 W8h lat 4a 2061 gtd.. 99*4 99*4 99*4 Weat'n Md lat 4s '62.. 105*4 108 108 Weat’n Md 5*4a'77... 106 106 106 Weat’n Pac 5a 46 A as 87 86*4 86*4 Weat'n Un 4Hs (0 .. 108*4 107*6 108*4 Westn Un cl tr 5a 'll-. 103*4 101*4 101*4 Weat'n Un6a'61_10«'4 106*4 106*< Weat'n Un 6a '60 _ 108*4 101*4 108*4 Wh ALEcon 4s’49... 113 111 111 West Penn P 1*4#'88. 108 108 108 W Pa P 4a'61 H ... 107*4 107*4 107*4 W Pa P 1st 5s'63 E — 12! 121 121 Wheel Steel 4*4a ‘Cl . 102*4 101*4 102*4 W SpStllst7a'S5ct. 8**4 88*4 *9*4 W SpStl con 7a'36ct. 89*4 88 88 Wilkes BAE lit 5a '41. 85*4 55*4 65*4 Wilson A Co 4S 65 . 103 102**108 Wia Cent 1st gn 4a '49. 82 S1H 81*4 Wia C lat gn 4s '49 et.. SO 10 80 rngstnSAT 8 Via'51_ISO 128*4 12**4 Y’ngatn SAT 4a '81- 104*4 104*4 *04*4 Mid-Continent Chiefs Show Disposition to Make Light of Situation. B) the Assocl&tea Press. TULSA, Okla., January 28 —Having muddled along for nearly a month with an incongruous price situation, Mid-Continent oil operators showed a disposition today to make light of the situation. “Your guess Is as good as mine,” was the inevitable answer around the oil offices to the query of what likely would be the way out of the quandry which finds Continental and Bamsdall paying 17 cents more for crude oil than the rest of the majors. There was no more indication of what the majors eventually would do than there was December 4 when Continental announced the advance, effective January 4. Production hit a new peak of 3,200, 000 barrels daily but there was no no ticeable slackening in the demand for crude. The Bureau of Mines’ estimate of market demand for February of 3,068,600 barrels daily, 70,200 barrels daily higher than the December esti mate, was taken as an indication of continued good business. A further weakening in the demand for motor fuel was expected to result from the floods in the Ohio and Miss issippi valleys. There was no change in the gasoline price structure. A brisk demand for kerosene resulted in fractional increases in the tank car price. In the Mid-Continent, drilling work was held up by bad weather, but a number of new pools were opened in Texas. Oklahoma had an active leasing campaign in progress in western and northwestern counties. The Oil and Gas Journal's survey showed 411 wells were completed dur ing the week, 11 more than the week before. ADVERTISING INDEX UP. NEW YORK. January 28 —The gen eral Index of advertising for 1936, re ported by Printer’s Ink, today indi cated a gain of 12.4 per cent over 1935, doubling the gain of 1935 over 1934. The advance was steady throughout the year, the magazine said, except for minor recessions in February, July and August. FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rates . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% 5V2% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE 'JO Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Life In* Co. 141? K St N W NA 83(X> Real Estate Loans 5% • 5'/*% Business Property end Resi dence Construction or Re financing Loans. • • • [Shannon & luchSI Mertsese Lean Cerreseendents MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 505 H St. N.W. NAtl. 2345 LAIDLAW * COMPANY. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATE Notice 1* hereby riven that • new Limited Partnership hts been formed to proceed with and continue under the firm name of Laidlaw & Company the business heretofore carried on by the Limited Part nership under the same name which was terminated on December 31 193(1. and by Its predecessors, and that the followin* is a cony of the Certificate of Limited Partnership filed on January 9. 193" In the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia: This Is to certify that Edward Roesler. Gilbert U. Burdett Elliot C. R. Laidlaw. Manuel J Johnson Henry W. Brower. Edward Roesler Jr.. Lorraine F Pitman. Robert E Hauser Isabella Wood Laidlaw and Henry McSweeney have hereto fore formed a Limited Partnership pur suant to the laws of the State of New York, and desire to do buslnesa In the District of Columbia as a Limned Part nership: that the firm name of said Partnership is Laidlaw Sc Company: that the business to be transacted by said Partnership Is the business of buylna. sell ina and dealing In and with atocks. bonds, notes securities, negotiable Instruments and other evidences of debt or ownership, as brokers and agents, and not otherwise: that the aald Edward Roesler Gilbert U. Burdett. Elliot C. R. Laidlaw. Manuel J Johnson. Henry W. Brower. Edward Roesler. Jr. Lorraine F. Pitman and Robert E Hauser are General Partners: that the aald Isabella Wood Laidlaw and Henry McSweeney are Special Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Laidlaw has contributes the sum of *500.000 and the satd Henry McSweeney has contributed the turn of SI IH10.000 to the common stock of said Partnership: that said Partnership was formed for a period commencing on Janu ary 1. 193" and terminating on December 31 193H In Witness whereof the aforesaid Part ners have hereunto subscribed their names this 28th day of December. 1936. EDWARD ROESLER GILBERT U BURDETT ELLIOT C. R LAIDLAW MANUEL J. JOHNSON HENRY W BROWER EDWARD ROESLER. Jr. LORRAINE F. PITMAN ROBERT X. HAUSER General Partners ISABELLA WOOD LAIDLAW henry McSweeney Special Partners (The foretolna Certificate was duly ac knowledged by the eeveral subscribers thereto ) Is your present MORTGAGE COSTING TOO MUCH! FIND OUT how you can car ry your home at lower cost .. how you can rearrange your principal payments on a mors convenient basis. Tell us about your mort gage situation — we’ll tell you how we can help you. WEAVER BROS .n< REALTORS Marl gaga Laan Carratpaadmt Matrapilium Li/a hamranta Lam pant WASHINQTON BUILDIM DISTRICT MR* NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK January 28 —New York Security Dealers' Association. (3 P M. Quotations ) Bid. Asked. Bk of Man (IV*)_ 35% -t; *., Bankers' Tr <21- 74% 7R% Cen Han Bk A Tr (4).._141% 144% Chase Nat (1.401_ 55% 57% Chem Bk A Tr (1.80)_ 72 74 Commercial (8)_22R 233 Cont Bk A Tr (.801- 10% 21% Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 70% 71% Empire Tr (1)_ 31% 32% First Nat 'Bov (2)_ 55% 57% First Natl (100)_242(i 24«u Guaranty Tr (13)_380 371 Irvin* Tr (.80)- 17% 18% Manuf'ct r* Tr (2i_ 83% 85% Manuf'rs Tr pf (2)_ 51 60 Natl City G)_ 49Vi 51% N Y Trust (5)_150 153 Public (1%)_ 61% 63'i Title GAT_ 14% 15% FEDERAL LAND BANKS <2 D m auotatlons.) 4'is Nov., 1058-38 _ 105 lOS^i 4'is May. 1057-37_lm 101'4 4s May. 1058-38_ lo.'i'i lo.l’a 4s Nov.. 1057-37_102 Vs IOC’. 4.« July. 104H-44_ 111 *.4 111«, 3 Via May. 1055-45_ 104'a 1041. 3s July. 1355-45_103 V4 103', a 38 Jan.. 1050-40_ 103 >4 103'A 31 May, 1938-46_ 103V« 103'a CARLOADINGS. NEW YORK January 28 —Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for week ended January 23 in cluded: Week Prevloua Last Jan 23. week year New York Central 80.785 88.44(1 6«.*!i4 Pltts'h & Lake Erie 14.412 14.310 8.758 Burlington 24.640 24,903 21.6119 Builder has ground, plans and eon struction loan promised for IMW.flflO Apartment House Project. Want part ner with $10,000 to complete same. Should sell at big profit or show a very large return on investment. Address Box 485-B, Star Office. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Ers St N.W Phone NA 3184 1886 Slat Y*»r 1937 •( PrMrtn SAFES STOCKETT FISHE CO PRODUCING mTIONM* OI0 C OTP* *N « W Safe Investments g% First mortgoge notes, LnjT well secured on con ■ J /fj servotively appraised, ” ' v new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Not. 0271 EatabHtbeO Nearly «e Tear* Property Management EFFICIENT monogement is most satisfactory to both owner and tenant WE specialize in the man agement of oil types of in vestment properties and ore new Mcnoging Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity of discussing your monogement problems with you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., IncorDoratee Real Estate 1321 Conn. Are. S.W. DE. 360# For Building, Refinancing, Purchasing Hones Trims as low as S7.50 ran rt■ MONTH SAFETY FOB SAVINGS PRUDENTIAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1SS1 O St. N.W. DI. St70 Boom SOS — | .... — ■ ' ' . I ■ ’ , Which Bonk Stocks for 1937? OUR Annual SURVEY of LEADING NEW YORK CITY BANK STOCKS Will HELP ANSWER This QUESTION We have had this booklet especially prepared for us by a leading statistical organization, and we will have a few extra copies for those desiring them. The survey covers past history, current position and future prospects of each institution as well as a gen eral survey of the banking situation. We will be glad to send this booklet free upon request and believe it will be of value as a permanent record. George M. Ferris tr Co., Inc. Washington Bldg. NAt'l 5925-26 Members Washington Stock Exchange PROPERTY MANAGEMENT YOU KNOW EXACTLY What the interest will be through out the entire term when you invest in our FIRST MORTGAGES Over And you have the assurance Forty Years that the principal is safely se cured in improved real estate, r F^!^l B. F. SAUL CO. First Mortgage REAL ESTATE Investments National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. mortgage loans INVESTMENT ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Thu firm ha* always emphasized the importance of careful and oeriodic examination of investment accounts. flThose interested are cordially invited to make u*e of our Investment Research Department Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath 710 Fifteenth Straat, Washington Mtmbrri Niw You Sroet Eicmamoi Cmicaoo Boaib of Tiaoi Niw Yen Cottow Eicmamoi Cmicaoo Miicaktili Eicmamoi N. Y. Cull EichamoiIAkioc ) Commobitt Eicmamoi, Imo. Niw Ymi Piobuci Eicmamoi MVhimotom Stock Eicmamoi New Yark Baltimore Wilkei-Barre Philadelphia REAL ESTATE LOANS |»1 / M RESIDENCE and 1 V0z/n SMALL BUSINESS K//&/U PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0301 REAL ESTATE LOANS 51/ 0/ IMPROVED /2 /O REAL ESTATE RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROPERTY HARRY LUSTINE 8I» 11Ih St. X W. NA. 28H Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties 51/2% FIRST DIED or TBUST ONLT GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Ava. N.W. Nat’l 0350 WINTHROP, MITCHELL A CO. Certificate af Limited PartnerghfP. We. the undersigned, desiring to form a limited partnership purauant to the laws of the District of Columbia, do hereby state and certify as follows _ I. The name of the partnership ll WIN THROP. MITCHELL <t CO II. The names and places of residence of the members, general and special, are: General Partners. Name and residence Henry Rogers Winthrop, New York. N Y. Leeds Mitchell. Chicago. Illinois. Theodore E. Cunningham. Evenston, II.1 1 nois I Woodward Bibcock New York N Y. John J. Began New York N Y Harr.v C Schaeck. Chicago. Illinois. George R Thornton Oak Park Illinois. Allred I Preston, jr . New York, N Y Richard F Babcock. Woodbury, L. I.. Now Henry F Godfrey New York N. Y Richard P Loasby Montclair New Jersey. ; Richard E W Hall. New York. N. Y. Thomas Miiler. Chicago. Illinois Waller C Hardy. Charleston. West Vir gmia . ,. „ , James J. Masterson. Bergenfleld New Jer 1 Arthur J. G Illian. Chicago. Illinois. Austin H NiDlack. Lake Forest Illinois. George N Buffington. Barrington. Illinois. William P S. Earle. Jr.. Forest Hills. L. 1.. New York ^ _ . .... Everett E. Melllnger. Highland Park. 1111 nois. Special rartner*. Walter Schuttler. Chicago. Illinois. Milton W. Holden. Paim Beach. Florida. ttt The general nature of the busineas in tended to be transacted shall be a general brokerage and commission business dealing in securities ana commodities. , IV. The partnership is to commence Jan uary 1 1937. and shall terminal* at the close of business on Decembet :t) unless sooner terminated. V. The amounts of cash actually con tributed by the special pa-tners to the common stock of the partnership are: ! WALTER SCHUTTLER. *300.000 I MILTON W. HOLDEN *300.000 Dated December 31st. 183t>. Henry Regers Win- Henry F Godfrey. throp. Richard P. Loasby. Leeds Mitchell. Richard B W. Hall. Theodore E. Cun- Thos. Miller. ninghem. Waller C. Hardy. Woodward Babcock. James J Masierson. John J Fagan Arthur J. Ulian. Harry E. Schaack Austin H Niblacfc George R Thornton. George Buffington. Alfred I. Preston, ir. Wm. P. 8 Earle. Jr. Walter Schuttler. Everett E Mellinger. Richard F Babcock. Milton W Holden. The foregoing certificate duly acknowl edged. has been fiied and recorded in the ! office of the Clerk of the District Court of I the United States for the District of Co lumbia Washington. D. C and an affi davit duly verified by two general partners, stating thet the specified cash contnbu , tions of the special partners have in good faith been actually paid Into the partner ship fund has been filed therewith._