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LOSSES IN BANK CRIMES REDUCED F. B. I. Praised for Drive, i Decrease Brings Lower Insurance Rates. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Better times have brought a tre mendous decrease in losses by banks due to crimes, Sidney M. Price, Mas sachusetts banker, told the Eastern Regional Banking Conference at the opening of a two-day session at Pitts burgh today, according to dispatches. Representatives from 18 States and the District of Columbia were present the opening session. Mr. Price lauded the Federal Bu reau of Investigation for rare success In apprehending criminals, reviewed the past 13 years' work by the Ameri can Bankers’ Association along this line and declared that the drop in crime is being reflected in statistics of bank insurance. Decreases in losses are bringing decreases in premium charges, he asserted. Another forenoon speaker was S. H. Squire, superintendent of banks in Ohio, who said that overchartering of banks "paved the way for the banking debacle of the Spring of 1933,” adding that 90 per cent of the State bank commissioners are opposed to increas ing to any extent the number of banks In the United States. He told the financiers gathered at the William Penn Hotel that most of our States are now “overbanked ” He insisted that a new bank should Hot be chartered without an exhaus tive survey covering need for the in stitution, capital structure, compe tence of management, financial stand ing of incorporators and reasonable prospects for profits and growth in the territory served. The speaker urged closer co-operation between State and national supervisory au thorities, especially with the controller of the currency and the Federal De posit Insurance Corp. Arthur J. Linn of Washington will appear on the program later. Sev eral hundred bankers are in attend ance. today’s dispatches stated. Brown Again Credit President. At the annual meeting of the Wash ington Association of Credit Men, Earl A. Brown, an official of Thomp son's Dairy, was re-elected by unani mous vote to the presidency of the Washington Association of Credit Men for a second term, for the year 3937. Stuart S. Ogilvie, assistant gashier of the Second National Bank, was unanimously re-elected to a second term as vice president. Mr. Brown and Mr. Ogilvie have both been very active in the affairs of the asso ciation for several years, and their re-election was a particular tribute Sot the accomplishments under their direction in 1936. The following were re-elected to the Board of Directors: R. M. Harper of Smoot Sand & Gravel Corp., W. R. Little, Evening Star Newspaper Co.; G. H. Markward, Pittsburgh Plate (Class Co. Albert R. Glass, Crane Co., ■was elected a new member of the board. Other directors, whose terms Lave not expired, are J. A. Bossle, American Oil Co.: E. E. Downham, West Brothers Brick Co.; Humphrey Lloyd, Wardman Park Hotel and the Carlton Hotel, and Joseph Reichgut, Maloney Concrete Co. The directors re-elected J. H. Par Iter secretary-treasurer. According to Mr. Parker's report, there was a sub stantial net increase In association i membership during the year and j greater activity in the exchange of in- ; tformation between members. Plans j ^•ere outlined for a number of addi- ( tional committees for the coming year, all tending to cover a broader j field of activity of value to the mem- j bership. Two New Directors Elected. At the annual meeting of stock holders of the Lincoln Service Corp., industrial bankers, Washington, held yesterday, the following directors were re-elected: Ellsworth C. Alvord, Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, William J. ®yrne, Francis J. Crilley, William S. Culbertson, John F. Davies, Charles j Delmar, H. Rozier Dulany, jr.; Capt. I John P. Jackson, L. E. Pope, Frank B ^Severance and Durand W. Springer. Two new members of the board were Also elected, James H. Lemon and Walter R. Tuckerman. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: Charles Delmar, president; Francis J. Crilley, vice pres ident and secretary': L. E. Pope, vice president: Durand W. Springer, treas urer; Oscar C. Mitchell, assistant sec retary and assistant treasurer. The president reported an increase t<f 50 per cent in volume of loans for the year 1936 over the year 1935. Dur ing the past year four new offices were opened in Maryland and Pennsylvania. ! The corporation is contemplating opening several new offices this year j In Pennsylvania and Virginia. Ourisman on Bank Directorate. President Francis G. Addison, jr., announced today that Benjamin Ourisman had been elected a mem ber of the Board of Directors of the Eecurity Savings & Commercial Bank. Mr. Ourisman is a native of Wash ington. has been in the automobile business since 1917, and is president ef the Ourisman Chevrolet Sales Co. He is also president of the Jewish Community Center, member of the Washington Board of Trade, Mer thants & Manufacturers Association, Automotive Trade Association, Wood mont ''Country Club, member of the board of directors Community Chest and is a Mason, Shriner and Elk. Adding Contest Proves Lively. More than 30 contestants repre senting nine banks took part in the adding machine contest conducted by Washington Chapter, American In stitute of Banking, last night in the chapter rooms. After most exciting competition, the winners were an nounced: First place, William M. Of jutt, Washington Loan & Trust Co.; second, Charles M. Penn, Washington Loan & Trust; third, John Warner, Union Trust Co., and fourth, Smith Blair, Washington Loan & Trust. George M. Rowzee, Lincoln National, was in charge of the contest. Adding machine experts kept the records. Heard in Financial District. More than 110 members of the Bond Club of Washington and their guests will attend the Midwinter dinner this evening at the Mayflower Hotel. Presi dent Thomas C. Montgomery will pre side. John F. Hillyard. formerly assistant trust officer of the National Bank of Washington, has left the banking busi ness and opened a law office at 631 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. He has been a member of the District bar for some years. United States Steel thrilled broker age house visitors today when it opened at a new high and crossed 90 very quickly. It gave the market a much more cheerful tone. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 p.m. ! 1936-37 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge. 74% 69 Acme Steel (4>- 8 64% 64% 64%+ % 18% 9% Adams Exp (a55c>_. 15 18 17% 17%+ % 85% 17% Adams Mlllls (al«4) 1 26 26 26 - % 37% 22% Address'grapb t 11- 2 34% 34 34% + % 21% 1% Advance Rumley— 3 4% 4% 4% + % 86% 58 Air Reduction (tl). 8 75% 75 75 - Vi 6% 2 Air-Way Elec AppU 65 5% 4% 6 + % 17% 13 Alaska Jnn (t6nc). 10 14% 14% 14% 5% 2% Alleghany Corp—- 80 4% 4 4% 61% 12% Alleg pf w *30 w- 8 47% 46% 46% — % 60 12% Alleg pf xw (d) __ 1 46 46 46 —1 40% 26% Alleg Steel <al.65)_ 6 37% 37% 37% + % 245 157 Allied Chem I« i 4 235% 233 233 -1% 34 23 Allied Mills (b50c). 4 31 30% 80%-% 20% 6% Allied Stores(b20c). 35 17% 16% 17%+% 90 69 Allied Stores pi (61 1 81 81 81 83% 35% Allts-Chalm <tl%)_ 30 80% 78% 78% -1 37% 19% Alph PortCmt (1)-. 9 39% 38 39% +2 8% 4 Amai Leather _ 15 7% 7% 7% 125% 75 Amerada Corp (2).. 4 108% 107% 108% + % 101% 49 Am AgCh (Del) a4. 1 95 95 95 -% 55% 36 Am Bank Note (tl). 7 39% 38% 38%-% 71% 40 Am Brake Sh (t2)_ 2 71 70% 70% +1% 137% 110 Am Can < 14) _ 44 112 109% 110 -2% 64% 30 Am Car A Foundry. 7 63% 62% 62%+1 100 67% Am Oar A Fdrv nf 2 96% 95% 96% +1 80 31 Am Chain&Cab(a4). 3 75% 75 75 16% 7% AraColortype 4 15Vi 15 15 35% 20% Am Cornel A1 (a50c) 8 27% 27 27% + % 33% 16% AmCrysSug(b50c) 14 32% 31% 32 +% 101 89 Am Crys S 1st pf (6) 10s 98 98 98 12% 3% Am Encaustic._ 85 13% 12V* 12% — % 13a* 6% Am A Foreign Pwr. 38 12% 12 12 — % 58% 26 Am A Ftor Pw *6 pf. 2 55% 63% 55% +1% 68% 29% Am A For Pw *7 pf. 1 63% 63% 63V* -1% 38% 12 Am A For Pw 2d pf. 2 33 33 33 -2 21% 13 Am Hawaiian (1).. 5 19% 19 19% +1 9% 4% Am Hid# A Leather 13 8V* 8 8 - % 47% 31% Am Hide* L pf (S) 2 42% 42% 42%+% 51% 37 Am Home P (12.40) 5 50% 49% 50% +1 4% 2% Am ice 16 4 3% 3% 25% 16% Am ice pf (2) 15 25% 24% 24%-% 16 9% Am Intrnat'l (a40c) 9 15% 15 15 50% 28% Am Locomotive 29 50% 49 49 — % 122% 66 AmLocompf (a3)„ l 119 119 119 + % 29% 21 Am Mach&Fdvitl) 11 23% 23% 23%+% 15 10 Am Mach & Met 60c. 7 12% 12% 12% — % 65% 27 Am Metal -- 21 60% 59% 59% + % 16% 7% Am Power * Light. 36 14% 13% 13%-% 74% 36% Am PwrALt pf (6). 8 68 67 67 -1 87% 43 Am PwrftLt pf (6). 6 83% 81 81 -1% 28 18% Am Radiator! t60c) 214 28% 27% 28 37 23% Am Roll M ctl.20). 101 35% 34% 34'%+% 34A« 31 Am Saf Razor (t2), 1 33% 33% 33% +1% 28% 18 Am Seating (a2 Vi)_. 4 25% 25 25%+ % 45% 25% Am Shlpbldg • 2 > 20» 42 42 42 103 56% Am Smelt&Ref (3) x 35 91% 90 90 -1% 108V, 104 AmSm&Kef pf «6). 5 106% 106 106% + V, 153% 136% Am Sm&Hef pf (7). 1 154 154 154 +1%' 73% 67% Am Snuff <tS> ... . 6 67 66 66 -1% 1 74% 20% Am Steel Fdry (al) 16 69% 67% 68 + % 36 24% Am Storee (2)- 1 25% 25% 25%+% 63% 48% Am Sugar «*) _ 2 63V, 53% 53%+ % 26% 20% Am Sumatra Tob tl 2 24% 24% 24% 190% 149% Am Tei * Teleg t») 4 184 183% 183% 102% 87 Am Tobacco (5)_ 2 99 99 99 + % 104 88% Am Tobacco B (5). 12 99% 99% 99% + % 18% ' 8% Am Type Founders 9 17% 17% 17% - % 29% 19% Am Wat WW«e«0c_ 44 26% 26% 26% - % 14% 7% Am W oolen 14 13% 13% 13%+ % 79 52% Am Woolen pf <a4). 12 76 74% 74% — % 2 % Am Writ Paper id) 45 1% 1% 1% — % 10 4% Am Writ Pap pf (d) 85 8% 7% 8 — % 9 3% Am Zinc * Lead 14 8 7% 7% 67% 28 Anaconda Cop (tl)- 65 53% 52% 62V* — % 26% 15% Anchor Cap (60c) 15 24 23% 23%+ % 111 97 Anchor Cap pf (6%) 60* 108% 108% 108% + % 43 9 Andes Copper- 2 32% 32% 32% + % 9% 3 A P W Paper _ 3 9% 9% 9% *- V* 60 37 Archer-Dan-M (t2) 6 44 43% 41 +1 10% 4% Armour(lll) (bl5c). 157 9% 9% 9'* 90% 66% Arm'ri 111ipr pf <61 1 88 88 88 —1 63% 47V* Armstrong Ok tl % 8 64 63% 63% 18% 7% Arnold Const(b50c) 2 14% 14% 14% — V* 22% 8% Artloom'.orp 11 17 16% 16% — % 27% 12% Asso Urv (iood* 18 20 19% 19% + V* 112 102 Assoc DG lstpf<6) 3 101 101 101 +1 88% 59 Atcb To * S Fe a2 7 73% 72 72 -IV* 107 90% Atcb To&S Fe pf(6) 8 102 101% 102 +% 49 21% Atl CoasiLlne(al).. 10 45% 44% 44% 86% 26% Atlantic Kefln (tl). 38 35 34% 34%+ Vi 85 48 Atlas Powder (t2)_. 1 83 83 83 +1% 80% 14 Atlas Tack (1)- 1 17% 17% 17%+% 54V* 26% Auburn Auto _ 3 31% 31 31 10% 5% Austin Nichols_ 3 8% 8 8 — % 46% 29% Austin Nichols pf A 10* 43% 43% 43% +1 9% 4% Aviation Core (Del) 20 8% 8% 8% 11% 2% Baldwin LOCO <d) 14 9% 9% 9% + % 94% 29% Baldwin Loco pf <d> 4 95% 94% 95% +3% 9% 2% Baldwin Lotsd(d). 18 8% &v* 8% + % 94% 33% Baldw L pf asd(d). 2 95% 93% 95% +1% 26% 15% Baltimore* Ohio . 23 22% 21% 21%-% I 41V* 21 Baltimore * Ob pf 5 36% 35% 35% - % J i 106% 105 Bang & Aroos pf(5) 60s 106% 106% 106% + % 40% 21 Barber Co (a75c).— 13 38% 37% 37% — H 32 13% Barker Brothers _. 1 29% 29% 29% + % 34% 14% Barnsdall 011 (1)_ 106 34 32% 32%+% 22% 16% Bayuk Cigars t75c. 7 18% 18% 18% — % 113 110 Bayuk C 1st pf (7) 10*113 113 113 28% 18 Beatrice Cream(tl) 1 26 26 26 105 100 Beatrice pf »'» (6) 1 102% 102% 102% - V. 112 85 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4) 2 107% 107% 107% -1% 16% 13 Belding Hem > I » 2 13% 13% 13% — % 32% 21% Bendlx Artatial%) 7 271, 27 27% + % 25V. 20 Beneficial D <b45c 6 22% 22 22% 72 48 Best & Co (t2 %)- 2 58 57% 57% + % 80 46% Bethlehem Stlal% 254 81% 78 80% +3 20 16% Beth Sti 5% pro l 5 19% 19% 19%+% 135% 107% Bethlehe Stl pf<7» 2 126 125% 126 + % 68 23 Rigelow-San (bade) 1 65 65 65 +1 38 18% Black & Decker 25c 13 37% 36% 37% +1% 26% 14% Blaw-Knox (a80c)-. 43 25% 25 25% +1% 37% 16% Boeing* Airplane 152 39 37% 38V* +1% 63% 40% Bohn AlumABr (3) 5 44% 43% 44% + % 100% 80% Bon Ami (A) (4)_ 20* 92 92 92 +% 32% 25% Borden Co (1 60)_ 24 27% 27 27%+% 90% 64 Borg- Warner <*)._ 8 80% 79% 79%-% 11% 6 Boston & Maine ... 1 8% 8% 8% - % 5% 1% Botany Min A Id) - 7 4 3% 4 + V* 20% 12% Bridgp-t Brass t40o 21 20 19% 19% - V* 64% 43V* Briggs MIg i*2> 7 55% 54% 55 — % 69 47 Briggs & Strat (3) 2 48% 48 48 50% 41 Bristol-Myers t2.40 7 46% 45‘. 46% 68% 40% Bklyn Man Tr |4> 3 50 49% 49% - Vi 12V* 4% Bklvn «r (pueeiis 1 7% 7% 7% + % 51% 33% Bklyn&Queens pf a3 2 35% 35 35 + % 57 44% Bklvn I n Oas 13) 2 50 50 50 + % 65% 45 Brown Shoe (3) ... 3 48% 48 48 - % 24% 8% Brunswick-Balk# . 8 23 22% 23 + % 23% 8% Bucyrus-Erie 71 24 23% 23%-% 115 107% Bucyrus-Erie pf<7> 40s 114V, 114 114 - % 15% 9% Budd if, ill Mfg 96 13% 12% 12% - % 14 8% Budd Wheel <a20c). 19 10% 10% 10% 45V* 20% Bullard Co tal % )6 42% 41% 41%—% 59% 11% Butova Watch 12 69 57 58% +1V* 36 25 Burr Adding »I 80c. 8 34 33% 33% 10% 2% Bush Terminal id i 80 11% 10% 11% + Va 33% 8% Bush Term deb (d i 7 36 34 35 +2 36% 14% Bush T Bldgs pf (d) 620* 37% 36% 37% +2 16% 7% Butler Bros <a60c) 18 15% 14% 14% - % 31 29V* Butler Bros pf 1 % . 4 30% 30% 30%+ V* 8% 2% Butte Cop & Z(a5c). 15 7 6% 6% 33 16% Biers i A Mi 44 31% 30% 30%-% 33% 22 Rvron Jackson »1 1 28% 28% 28% + % 48% 30V. California Pack (2) 13 46% 45% 45% - V* 3V» % Callahan Zinc-Dead 20 2% 2% 2% 20% 6 Calumet & Hec a7oo 20 17% 16% 16% — Vi! 40% 30 Campbell Wy itl) 2 32% 32% 32% - V* ! 32% 10% Canada Dry O A_ 33 30% 29% 29% 16% 10% Canadian Pacinc 32 15% 15% 15% — % j 53 45% Cap Anm of A <31 40* 52 52 52 + % ! 9% 6*4 Carriers & Gen a3dc 3 7% i% 7% 186 92% Case (J 1) Co U) 3 155% 151*4 151% -2% J 98 54*4 Caterpillar Trac t2 9 95% 94% 95 +1%* 32% 21*. Celanese Corp al % - 54 31% 30% 30%-%: 40% 19 Celotex Corp 6 39% 39 39 + % 86 64 Celotex Corp pf (5). 50» 79 78% 78% — % 39% 25% Cent aguire ttl%> It 36 35% 35% — % 12% 6% Central Foundry Co 262 12% 12 12%+% 67 35 Central R H of N J 2 38% 38 38 24% 22% Central Vloleta Sug 2 20% 19 19 -1% 12 6% Century Rib M blOc. 5 11% 11% 11% + % 115 97% Century R M pf (7). 10s 110 110 110 75% 47% Cerrode Pasco <41 8 68% 67% 67% 19% 8% Certaln-teed Prod 180 21% 19% 21 +2% 75 67% Certain-teed pf (5) 1340s 75% 73 74 52*4 19 Champ t'su * 111) i 3 49% 48% 48% +1% 100 69 Chesapeake Corpt 3, 1 88 88 88 + % 77% 51 Ches & Ohio <+2.80 > 10 65% 61% 61% - % j 11% 2% Chl & East 111 pftd) 7 11% 10% 10%—% 3% 1% Chl Grt West (d>... 11 3 2% 2%—%' 16% 4 ChlGrtWpftd) .. 8 15% 15% 15% 33% 25% Chl Mat i Ord ttl %). 2 31% 31% 31% + % | 2% 1% Chl Mn St PAP Id) 4 2% 2% 2% + % 5% 2% Chl M St P*P of Id) 16 5% 5% 5% - % 4% 2% Chl & N W Id) ... 6 4% 4 4% + % 15% 6% Chl & N W pf (d).. 1 13% 13% 13% 3214 12% Chl Pneumatic Tool 4 30% 29% 29%-% 70% 40% Chl Pne T pf (a3%). 1 68% 68% 68%+% 3 1% Chl R l&Pao id) 4 2% 2% 2% 8 8% Chl Ri*P«% pf td) 8 6% 6% 6% 8% 3% Chl R IAP7% pftd) 4 7% 7% 7% + % 32% 19% Chl Yellow Cab (2). 1 25% 25% 25%-% 30% 17% Chlckash Cot Oil... 11 22 21% 21% + % 14% 7 Childs Co 87 16% 14% 14% 61 25 Chile Copper (1) . 20s 46% 46% 46% 138% 85% Chrysler Corp(al2) 63 121 119% 120% +1% 23 15% City Ice A Fuel 42) 2 19% 19% 19%+% 80% 72% city IceAF of <«%> 230s 86% 85% 86 — % 13% 4% CttT Stores .. 16 10% 10 10 + % 46% 23% Clark Equlp(tl.«0). 1 34% 34% 34% - % 113 107V4 Clev El lltu pf 4%. 60s 111 111 111 47% 33 Clev Grach Br «2> 2 35% 35% 35%-% 90% 48 Cluett Peabody (3). 2 88 87 87 - % 134 84 Coca-Cola <t2) .. 2 130 130 130 — % 21% 13 Colgate P-P (tfiOc). 10 20% 19% 19% - % 106% 100 Colgate-P-P pf (6). 2 103% 101% 103% 66% 39% Collins * AIK ♦* ... 35 61% 60 61%+ % 48 28% Colo Fuel & Iron... 14 46% 46 46 — % 36% 21 Colo * Southern 30s 21% 21% 21% + % 37% 19% Colo* South ’stpf 80s 26% 26% 26%-1% 23% 14 ColumbGA Ea40o 38 18% 17% 18 108% 90% Col G & E pf A (6) 1 103% 103% 103%— % 45% 31 Coium Plot vto m) 6 37 36% 36% — % 136% 94 Coium Carb rtctt4) 1 121% 121% 121% 84% 44 Cornel Credit m)_. 13 66% 65% 65%-% 91% 65 ComT InreetT (t4) 2 77% 77 77 -1% 24% 14% ComoT Solv (t60c)_ 80 20% 19% 19%—% 6% 2% Comw A Southern.. 400 3% 3% 8% 82 69% Comw A Sou pf ill. 6 69% 69 69 - % 16% 7 Conde Naat Pub._ *6 17% 16% 17%+% 2:16 p.a. 1030-37 Stock and Sales— Net High Low. Dividend Hate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge 44% 30% Congoleum N tl.60. 41 40% 39% 40 + % 19% 8 Consol Cigar 3 17% 17 17 49% 27% Consol Ed N Y t2.„ 32 47% 46% 46%—% 109 102 Consol Ed NY pr<6) 1 107% 107% 107% + % 7% 4% Consol Film 4 6% 6% 6% + % 20% 15% Consol Film pf <a2). 2 17% 17% 17% + % 17% 11% Consol Oil <8(lci . 83 16% 16% 16%+% 12% 5% OonsolR R Cuba pf. 2 9% 9% 9% + % 1% % Consol Textile <d). 4 111 10 2 Cons Coal (Del)vtc 10 8% 8% 8% — % 40% 2m Cons r (Del) nf vie 130» 34% 34% 34% — H 29% 15% Container Corp 1.20 40 29 28% 28% + V, 37% 10% Conti Baaing .A».. 20 36 33% 35 +1% 5% 1% Conti Baking (B)„ 28 4% 4% 4%+% 87% 62% Cont’l Can (t*>_ 47 63% 61% 62 -1% 25% 17% Conti Dia Fibre(2>. 4 25% 24% 24% 46 35% Conti Insur (tl.60). 6 42 41 42 + % 4 2% ••oni i Motors 46 3V4 3% 3% 45% 28'+ Conti Oil of Del(tl) 26 44% 44 44 + % 46 25 Conti Steel Corptl > 7 30% 30% 30%+% 72% 55% Corn Es Hk&Tr <3 > 280a 71 70% 71 +1 82% 63% Corn Prod Ref (t3). 10 69% 68% 68%+% 8 4 Coty Inc 39 7% 7% 7% + % 54% 24 Crane Co _ 8 52% 51% 52 140 118% Crane Co pf (7)_ 1121 121 121 +2 37% 35 Cream of Wh t <t2) 4 36% 36% 36%+ % 35% 15% Crosley Radio al % 17 26 25 25%+% 93 43% Crown C'k&Seal (2) 9 91 89 89 -1% 49% 44 CrownCk pf xw 2% 4 47% 47 47 +1% 24% 5% Crown ZellebTi vtc 65 23% 22% 22% 59% 28 Crucible Steel 26 58% 57% 67% + % 125 95% Crucible Stl pfa4% 2 123 122% 123 3% 1% Cuba Co ... 2 2% 2% 2% — % 14% 6% Cuban-Am Sugar_ 6 12% 12 12 ♦ % 44% 35% Cudahy Pkg (2%).. 1 41% 41% 41%-% 24% 16% Curtis Publishing.. 11 19% 19 19% + % 114 99% Curtis Pub pf (7).. 2 106% 105% 105% - % 9% 4 Curtiss Wright 35 7% 7% 7% — % 22% lOVi Curtiss-w (A) a50o 22 21% 21% 21% - V* 90 59 Cushmans nf (3% > 10s 85 85 85 87 43V* Cutler Hammer tl. 1 85 85 85 19% 7% Da vega Stores (1 * . 1 17 17 17 — % 109 106% Dayton PAL pf 4%. 60s 106% 106% 106% — V, 123% 52 Deere & Co . 7 1!9«* 116% 116% —1% 32% 27 Deere A Co pf( 1.40) 1 30% 30% 30%+% 33% 19% Delael Wem-O Itl) 6 28% 27 27%+ % 54% 36% Delaware A Hudson It 50% 48% 48% — 1% 23% 14% Del Hack A West 25 18% 18% 18% 9% 4% DenARIo GW pf<0) 1 8% S’, 8 % — % 68 42 Devoe A Key (A) t3 2 68 67% 67% +2% 40% 30% Diamond Mich *1% 12 33 32 32%+ % 43 37% Dla Match pf tlH-. 1 40 40 40 34% 18% Dtsr < orpSeag Ltd 22 26% 25% 26 + % 95% 92% Distillers C'p pf (5). 1 92 92 92 —1 25 19 Dixie Vortex <*%>. 2 22% 22% 22% 41% 40% Dixie Vortex A 2%. 20s 41 41 41 + % 61% 41% Dome Mines «T2> 30 51 49% 49% — % 82'* 50% Douglass Aircraft-. 63 73% 72% 72% — % 1% % Duluth SS Atl _ 11 1 1 — % 8% 4% Dunhlll Iniernat) 3 7% 7% 7% — % 184% 133 Du Pont de V aC.10- 11 173% 171 171 136% 129 Du Pont deb (6) -. 2 133 133 133 -1 21% 5% Eastern Roll Mills- 27 15% 15 15% + % 185 156 Eastman Kod i«5). 3171'* 169 169 -3% 40% 28% Eaton Mfg (t2)_ 3 35V* 34% 35% + % 15% 5% Eitlngion Schlld 10 12% 12 12% — % 29'* 22% El Paso .Vat G(1 60) 12 27% 27 27 — V* 47',* 30% Elec Auto Lite T2 40 14 41% 41% 41% +% 115 110% Elec Auto L pt <7) 250a lit", 111% 111". 17% 10 Elec Boat (a60c) .. 16 13% 13V* 13', 7% 5 El A Mus Ind al»C— 8 5% 5% 5% 26% 6% Elec Pw A Lt ... 84 23 22% 22% - V* 87% 29% Elec Pw A Lt *6 pf- 4 82% 81 81 -2 94% 32% Elec Pw A Lt V pf- 3 85 84% 85 55V* 39% Elec Stor Bat a2% — 4 42% 42% 42%-% 8 1% Klk Horn C Pf id) 18 7 6% 7 + % 17% 7% Ene Public Service 1 16 16 16 -1% 89% 48 EPS $5% pf tvw all 2 79 79 79 10% 5% Equit Off Bldg blOc. 9 9% 8% 8% 18% 11 Erie H K 4 15 14% 14%+ Vi 34% 16 Erie R R 1st pf 2 27% 27% 27% 15% 12 Eureka Vac C (SOe) 2 13% 13% 13% 40% 23% Evans Product(tl). 3 30% 30 30 8% 4% Exchange Buffet .. 4 6% 6% 6% — % 5% 2% Fairbanks Co _ 7940a 5% 5 5 + Vs 264 84 Fairbanks Co pf 1070* 28 264 27 +1 714 34*4 Falrh'ks-Mcrsettl > 8 694 684 694 +14 210V* 1224 Falrbanks-M pf(6). 1 207 207 207 +3 70 31% FaiardoSugar (2). 20 644 624 644 +3 29% 18% Federal Lt * Trac 2 274 27. 27 -1 12% 7% Federal Mot Tr «0o. 8 10 94 94 8% 3 Fed Screw Works . 6 74 7% 74 + % 6 24 Fed Water Svc (A) 7 54 5% 64 + % 115% 1024 Fedtd DScu pf 4% 2 104 1034 104 +4 49% 3S Fidel Phoe F 1 tl 60 6 444 434 444 + % 36% 244 Firestone T & R (2) 6 344 34% 34% + % 58% 40 First Nat Strs t2%. 10 4S4 484 484 -% 45 304 Fllntkote Co 11 > 15 42% 424 424 56% 464 Florence Stove a4 % 3 524 514 524 +1% 11% 34 Follansbee Bros id) 8 74 74 7% + 4 54% 32 Food Machine 41)_ 3 60 49 50 + Vi 53 4 244 Foster-Wheeler_ 11 51% 494 50 -1 18% 14 Francisco Sugar- 5 15V* 14% 154 + 4 35% 234 Freeport SulCo (1). 13 294 29 294 +4 53 4 314 Fuller Co 2d pf 10* 43 43 43 +1 7% 3% Gabriel Co (A)_ 5 54 54 64 - % 33 114 Gamewell Co - 70* 304 29% 29% 106 100 Gannett cv r.f (6) . 40s 1064 106 106 18% 154 Gar Wood Ind a55c_ 29 19% 18% 18% + % 154 84 Gen Am Inv a~5c). 6 14% 144 144 105V* 97 Gen Am Inv pf (6) 2 1034 1034 103% + 4 79 42% Gen Am Trans’t a3. 3 78 774 774 -4 20 10% Gen Baking (t60c). 9 184 174 174 — V* 13% 7 Gen Bronze 49 13% 12% 12% 294 5% Gen Cable __ 8 27% 27 27 - % 60% 17 Gen Cable A -. 7 564 55 55 128% 704 Gen Cable pf 4a7)_ 1 1174 1174 1174 -34 594 49 Gen' tear it*) 2 60% 50V* 60% — % 644 344 Oen Electric (tl)_ 101 62% 624 62%+% 44 33% Gen Foods (2)_ 13 43% 43 43 + % 4% 4 Gen Gar- & Elec (A) 54 3% 34 3V* 71 14 Gen G&E 6%ev pf A 20* 64 64 64 +4 77 19 Gen Gas&El 7% pf. 30s 70 70 70 81 194 Gen G&E 8% pf A— 20s 77 77 77 704 68 Gen Milts (3) 6 65% 64% 65% — Vi 123 116 Gen Mills pf (6) 40s 123% 123% 123% + % 77 534 Gen Motors (a44)- 159 664 66 66% + V* 1234 118 Gen Motors pf (6) 1 121% 121% 121% 15% 5% f Jen Outdoors Adv 11 13% 13% 13% + % 72 38 Gen Print Ink (a5). 3 72 72 72 +14 6 . 34 Oen Pub service - 4 5 4% 4% 63 324 Gen Ry Signal (1). 6 63 62% 63 +1 5% 2 Gen Ream A Util 65 5% 5% 5% 484 264 Gen Realty & P of 2 46 45 45 71 33% Gen Refrac (a3%). 4 67% (6 67 + 14 98 324 Gt-n sn - a.-Mt + f 80s 824 80 80 -%| 33% 17 Gen Theatre E (a2) 11 334 32 32 -14 18% 13% Gillette SafR (tl). 161 184 18% 18% 90 70 Gillette S R pf (5). 2 87 854 854 -14 274 6% Glrnbei Bros _ 14 22% 21% 22 55% 394 Glldden Co (2)_ 37 514 604 50%+ 4 74 34 Gohel (Adolf) ... 23 6% 5% 54-4 10% 6% Goebel Rrew <t20c) 17 7% 7% 7% + % 354 13% Goodrich! BF) (al) 33 33% 32% 33% + % 864 74 Goodrich! BFipftS) 1 814 814 814 + 4 344 21% Goodyear 'I A K 97 33’* 32% 33% + 4 109 100 Goody T&R cu pf 5. 10 1084 108% 1084 + 4 124 87 Goodyear $7 pf (4)_ 8 124 1234 124 fl 14% 84 Gotham Silk Hose 8 12% 12 12%+% 44 2 Oraham-Palge 52 44 4 4 —4 15 1% Granby Cons (new) 19 10% 104 104 6% 34 Grand Luton ctfe 7 5 44 5 25% 16 Grand Un pf (b25c). 2 23% 23 23 - % 48 244 Granite City Sti 11 1 2 45% 45 454 + 4 524 284 Grant iW TXtl-40). 3 444 44 44 +4 46% 32% Grt Northern pr 36 434 424 424 — % 22 . 16 Grt North n ore < 1) 13 19% 194 19%+ % 42V* 31 * Grt Wfn Sug t2 40. 7 36% 364 364 +4 39% 22 Green (HL)(tl 60) 2 34% 34V* 34V* — % 174 14% Greyhound (t8uc) - 85 154 15% 154 — 4 4% 1% Guantanamo suitar 3 4 3% 3% 66 24 Guantanamo Sug pf 150s 49 484 48% -1% 62Vi 304 Gulf Mobile & N pf 1 524 624 624 -14 68 28% Gulf States Steel .. 15 684 66% 67% +24 37 23ft Hack W pt A (lft). 40s 34ft 83ft 34ft - ft 16 6 Halil WFlPrintlng 6 15ft 14ft 15ft + ft 82 14 Hamilton Watch 2 28ft 28ft 28ft + ft 125ft 104 Hamilton W pi (6)- 10s 106ft 106ft 106ft + ft 105ft 100 Hanna (M A) pf (5) 80s 104ft 103ft 103ft -lft 55 30ft Harb-Walker (t2). 14 64 53ft 53ft + ft 115 103V* HatCpr ww (6ft). 20s 104ft 104ft 104ft 9 4ft Hayes Bodv 6 7ft 7ft 7ft 21ft 12ft Hecker Prod (60c). 29 15ft 15ft 15ft - ft 41 25ft Hercules Mot t tl)_. 2 35ft 35 35ft + ft 182 84 Hercules Pow a5 >4 - 5 182 182 182 135 126 Hercules Pdr pf (6) 20s 133ft 138 133 +lft 80 58ft Hershcy Choc^t3) - 1 65 65 65 -2 49ft 30ft Holland Fur (al ft) 15 51ft 49ft 51ft + 2ft 124 108 Holland Fura pf(5l 60s 116 115 116 +2 33ft 9 Hollander & Son(l) x 6 23ft 22ft 23 + ft 43ft 19V* Holly Sugar iT2) . 11 35ft 34ft 35 — ft 644 366 Homestake itl2) .. 1 400 400 400 33 22ft Hornl Her <R>«lft 16 26ft 26 26ft + ft 73 54ft Household Fin (4).. 2 66ft 66ft 66ft + ft 17ft 6ft Huusion on Vt-C _ 228 17ft 16ft 16ft + ft 73ft 48ft Howe Sound <t3) — 12 71ft 70 70 - ft 5ft 3ft Hudson Sc Manhat-. 3 5ft 6ft 5ft 17ft 8ft Hudson & Man pf— 1 14 14 14 +1 22ft 13ft Hudson Motor Car 125 22ft 22 22 + ft 3ft 1 Hupp Motors-- 17 2ft 2ft 2ft — ft 29ft 18ft Illinois central_ 13 23ft 22ft 22ft - ft 66 30 Illinois Cent pf (A) I 60ft 60ft 50ft 73ft 68 IllCent Ise lines (4) 60s 68 68 68 -2 22ft 4ft Indian Refin (al) ... 21 19ft 17ft 17ft — ft 41ft 25ft Indu Rayon <tl.68). 4 38ft 37 37 -1 147 106 lngersoll-Kand(t2) 6 134 132ft 134 +2 122 88ft Inland Steel (4)_ 10 114ft 113ft 113ft + ft 82ft 6ft inspiration Copper 20 27ft 26ft 26ft — ft 18ft 10ft Inter Rap T vtc <d) 2 12ft 12ft 12ft 6ft 2ft Intercontl Rubber.. 4 . -5ft 5ft 5ft 19ft 9ft Interlake Iron ... 63 18ft 18 18ft*— ft 8 2ft Int Agricultural—. 23 7ft 7ft 7ft 68 22ft Int Agrlcul pr pf_ 16 58 56ft 57ft + ft 194 160 Int Bub Mach tt6)_ 3 182 180 180 -2 111ft 56ft Int Harvester 3ft.. 17 106 105 105ft 15ft 2ft int Hvdro ifilec iAl 221 16ft 14ft 14ft— ft 8ft 4ft Int Mercantile Mar 12 8ft 7ft 8ft + ft 18ft 10 inti Mining (a90ci. 23 16ft 16 16 66ft 43ft Inti Nickel (al.30).. 25 63ft 62ft 62ft + ft 136 125V* Int Nlck(Campt(7) 1 134ft 134ft 134ft - ft 23ft 3ft Int Paper * Pw iAI 4 19ft 18 18 -lft 14ft 2ft int Paper* Pw (B) 11 13ft 12ft 12ft + ft 8ft lft Int Paper & Pw (C) 31 6ft 6ft 6ft - ft 108ft 20ft Int Paper . Pw of 18 103ft 101ft 102 112 107 Int Print Ink pf<6) 60s 111 111 111 lift 3ft Int Ry Cent Amer 100s 8 8 8 -ft 61ft 19ft Int KwvCent A pf 180s 50ft 60!4 60ft + ft 30 23 Inti Salt (tlft)- 1 27ft 27ft 27ft + ft 38ft 15 Int Sliver .. 8 *7 85ft 36ft +lft 95 50 Inti Silver pf (a4).. 170s 95 94 95 +1 19ft lift Int Tel 4k Tal.. 86 13 12ft 12ft - ft 2:16 p.m. 1936-3? Stock and Sales— Net Sigh Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Cbgf 37% 10% Intersta DS (b2%). 2 30% 30% 30% - % 107 82 Int Dept Strs pf(7>. 20a 105% 105% 105% 26% 15 Intertype Corp <1)_ 2 25% 25% 25%+% 31% 24% Island Creek (2)_ 2 26% 26% 26% + % 93% 58% Jewel Tea <t«>_ 1 79% 7914 79% 155 88 Johns-Manville(t3) 4 145% 144% 144% -1% 133 75% Jones&L 7%pf bl1!* 210* 130% 128 130 -I 2 60% 39% Kalamazoo S ttl) . 4 45 44% 45 + % 26 13 Kan* Cttv Southern 4 21% 21% 21%+% 36% 17 Kauf’nn D S tl.60._ 2 30 29% 29% - % 33% 23% Kayser J & Co (2>_ 1 26% 26% 26%+% 28% 19V* Kelsey-H (A> al%_ 6 21% 21 21%+% 24% 16% Kelsey-H (B) al %. 2 18% 18% 18%+% 64 28V* KenMcott 'a 1.70) . 65 58% 57% 67% — % 24% 17% Keystone S&W blDo 14 19 18% 18% 46% 18% Kimberly Clarktl). 1 43 43 43 -1 7% 3% Kinney iO K) Co 10 6% 6% 6% - % 61 30 Kinney<GR)Df(al). 380* 53 50 50V* -2% 32% 20% Kresge CSS) (tl) 6 27% 27% 27%+% 28 19 )* Kroger G&Bctl.60> 8 23 22% 23 + % 50% 32 Laclede Gas St L pt 70s 37% 37% 37% 26% 15% Lambert Co c*> 10 21% 21 21 +% 23% 12 Lee Rub*Tlre<60e> 49 24% 21% 24 +2% 45% 15% Leh Port Cmt (1%) 19 47% 46 47 +1 182 94% Lenigh For C pf u> 40s 185% 182 185%+3% 4 2 Lehigh Valley Coal 7 3% 3 3% + % 19 9% Lehigh Val Coal pr 1 16% 16% 16% 22 8% Lehigh Valley R K. 13 18% 17% 17% - % 130 89 Lehman Coro (t3). 2 127 126% 127 +1 21% 12 Lehn & TmkalVi 3 19% 19% 19% 65 37% Lerner Stores <t2) 3 53% 52 53% +1% 80% 47% Libby-Ow-F G1 a3% 22 77% 76% 76% +1 14% 7 Libby. McN & Lai 13 13% 13% 13%+ % 116% 97% LIvgAMvere B <t4> 3 114 113 114 +1 23% 19 Lily Tulip Cup tl% 6 22% 21% 22% + % 64% 25% Lima Locomotive - 10 61% 64 64% + % 61 36 Link Belt 4 +2) -_ 3 60 69 60 + % 52 32% Liquid Carb 12.60)_ 4 49% 49 49% +1 76 43 Loew s lno4T5) ... 19 73 71% 71% -1% 3% 2 Loft Inc .. 68 3% 3% 3% + % 63% 35% Lone Star Cmt(t2). 30 61% 63% 63%+% 10% 3% Long Bell bum lA) 71 10% 9% 9% - % 45 38% Loose- Wiles (2) . 2 42% 42V, 42% 113 107 Loose-Wiles pt (5). 10* 108 108 108 -1 26% 21% Lorlllard (PI tl.20. 7 23% 23% 23%+% 61% 13 La Oil He! pt id) 70s 31% 30% 30%-% 30% 20 Loulsv GAEpfA 1 % 15 24% 24 24%+ % 35 22% Ludlum Steel Itl). x 61 32% 30% 30% 57 29 Me Call Corp (T2).. 3 33% 33 33 - % 23% 12% McCrorv Stores .. 10 19?, 19% 19% + % 46 40% McGraw Elec 4T2)_. 2 41 41 41 -% 28% 16 McGraw-Hill 12%c. 2 27% 27% 27% 49% 38% McIntyre l orcu <2) 20 40% 39% 39%—% 118% 83% McKeesp’t TP (t4)_ 2 8i% 84% 84%—% 14% 8% McKesson A Rob .. 6 13% 13% 13% — % 49% 37% McKessARob pfi8) 2 46% 46 46 21% 11% McLellan St (b75c). 2 16% 16% 16%+% 112% 97% McLellan Strs pf(6: 20s 108% 108% 108% 49% 27% Mack Trucks 4 tl >_. 5 48% 47% 47% — % 65% 40% Macy (R H) 5 53% 52% 52%+1% 15% 8% Madison Sq G (80c) 2 14% 14% 14%-% 61 34% Magma Copper ia3) 1 55 55 55 — % 35% 7% Manatl Sug pt (d> 30* 25 25 25 + % 23% 12% Man El nid gtd (d). 3 15% 15% 15% + % 28% 17% Manhat Shirt (1)_ 9 28% 28 28V* + % 6** 2% Maracaibo till Exo. 16 6% 5% 5% — % 12% 8% Marine Midl’d t40c. 10 12% 12 12% 23 6% Market St Ry pt . 20* 18% 18% 18% 7% 2V* Market St Ry 2d p£. 60* 5 5 5 — % 45 18% Market St Ry pr pt. 10* 36% 36% 36% 25% 11% Marshall Field A Co 14 20% 19% 19% — % 12 6% Martin Parry . 3 10% 10% 10% — % 70% 44 Masonite Corp (tl). 2 69% 69 69 42% 27% Mathteson Alk< 1%) 4 38% 38% 38% + % 70 43% May Dept Str < +3)_ 2 62% 62 62%-% 21% 13% Mavtag Co <a50c> — 4 14% 14% 14%-% 55 43 Mavtag pf ww (3). 1 42% 42% 42%-% 111 103 Maytag 1st pf <6)_20s 110% 110% 110% 32% 12% Mead Corp 9 31% 30 * 30% 122 95 Mead Corp pf (6>._. 10s 99 99 99 + % 91 55% Melville Shoe (ta)-. 1 82% 82% 82% +1% 15 6% Mengei Co ... 10 13% 13% 13% 4 % 135 50 Mengei Co pf . 80* 127% 127% 127% 4 3% 134 117% Mengei Co pf ctfs . 20s 127 125% 125% -4% 65 40% Mesta Mach (b75c). 2 61% 61 61% 41% 26 5% ,'lianil Copper 61 21% 20% 20% — % 31% 17% Mld-Cont Pet al.15 9 31% 30% 30% - % 48% 21% MidTd Stl Prod <t2) 2 41% 40% 40% 42% 131% 110 Mid Stl isi pt tS> 303 118% 118% 118% 4l 112 65 Mlnn-Hon Ros (2). 2 108% 108 108% 42% 15% 6% Minn Moline Htt’r 22 14% 14 14 — V* 95% 57% Minn-Mol Pwr pf_ 1 91 91 91 5% 2% M St P&S S M pf 14 4 4 29% 16% Mission Corp(a45c) 2 27% 27% 27% + V« 9% 5% Mo Kans A Texas 3 7% 7 7 33% 14% Mo Kan & Tex pf A. 6 25% 25 25 4 2% Missouri Pacific id) 1 3% 3% 3% — % 9 3% Mo Pacific pf <d> 7 8 7% 8 + V* 40% 19% Mohawk Carp tl.20. 47 39% 38 38 -2 103 79 Monsanto Chem tl_ 12 96 96 96 + Vi 68 35% Montgom Ward(t2) 52 55% 54% 54% 59% 41% Morrell J & Co 2 40 1 44% 44% 44V, - % 71 60% MorrlsAEssex < 3 % > 20s 66% 66% 66% 2% % Mother Lode a!2%c 31 1% 1H 1% 27 15% Motor Wheel (1 60) 12 23% 23% 23% 4- tt 39% 11% Mullins MfiE)a50c 3 34 33% 33% 101% 70 Mullins Mfg pf (7). 20i 96 96 96 36% 21 Munslngwear <t3)_ 11 30 29 29% 41% 79% 44 Murphy G C Ct2>—. 1 72% 72% 72% 42% 22% 14 Murray Corp <a50c) 9 19 18% 18% 62% 43 MyersiFE) & Br(3) 2 61% 61% 61%+% 22% 17% Nash Kelvinator(l) x 193 24% 23% 23% 47% 20% Na-Shv Chut A St L 130s 39 38% 38% -1% 22% 12% Natl Acme Ia75c)._ 8 21% 21% 21%+% 18% 9% Nat Aviation (al)._ 5 17% 16% 16% + % 38% 28% .Nat Biscuit <1 6U) 10 31% 31% 31% — % 37% 30% Nat B d& lnval.ll. 3 31% 31% 31'*+% 35 21% Nat Cash Reg (al). 32 34% 33% 33%-% 28% 21 Nat Dairy Pro al% 9 23% 23% 23% - % 112 107 Nat Dairy P pf Bi7) 10s 109 109 109 24% 10 Nat Dept Stores 22 19% 18% 18% + % Nat Dept Strs pf (6) 7850s 10% 7% 10 33% 25% Nat Dist Prod (t2). 9 28% 28 28 37% 28 Nat En & stpg (2).. 2 36 35% 36 37% 26% Nat Lead (»5Uc) 10 35% 34% 34%+ % 61% 54 Natl Marble*Stla2. 13 60% 59% 60 — %| 14% 9% Nat Pwr * Lt t6"c) 46 12% 12% 12% - % ] 3 % Nat Ry Mex 1st pf.. 1 1% 1% 1% — % 78 57% Nat Steel it2%)_ 19 76% 75% 75% + % 75% 19% Nat Supply Co- 7 64 63% 63% + % 12% 7% Nat lea tsocl _ 4 10% 10% 10% 13% 10% Natomas mi'c) ... 2 12% 12% 12%-% 60 32 Nelsner Bros (+2)_ 1 54% 54% 54% +1% 41% 9 Newp't Indus a60c.. 38 37% 35% 35% -1% 83 32% N Y Airbrake a2%.. I 80 80 80 +1% 49% 27% N Y Cenual H K 62 42 41% 41% - % 61% 17% N Y Chicago & St L. 3 57% 66% 57% +1% 100 36% N Y Ch! & St L pf.. 5 95 94% 94% + % 15 3% N Y Dock _ 40s 11% 11% 11%-% 29% 10% N Y Dock pf. 250. 23% 23 23 2% 1 N Y Investors (d).. 3 1% 1% 1% — Vs 6% 3 NY NH & H (d) ._ 3 6 6 6 18% 7% NY NH A H pf <d). 9 17% 17 17 - Vs 7% 4 N Y Ontario & West 2 5% 5% 5% — V* 5% 2Vi N Y Rys pf <d) 6 5% 5% 5% + Vs 16% 9VS N Y Shipbuilding — 6 14% 13% 13% 104 83 N Y Steam pf (6) _ 10g 100% 100% 100% - V* 3% 1% Norfolk Southn <d) 14 2% 2Vg 2% + V* 310% 210 Norfolk W’nb2%) * 3 260% 260 260 115 105 Norfolk* Wn pf 14 > x 70s 112% 112% 112% - % 17% 6% North Am Aviation 40 16% 16 16 — % 35% 23% North Am Co (tl)— 46 31% 30% 30%—% 106% 98 North Am Ed pf c6) 1 104 104 104 + % 104% 97% Northern Cent (4).. 10s 105 105 105 +1% 36** 23% Northern Pacific _ 19 28% 27% 27% — % 5% 2 Norwalk Tlre&Rub 17 5% 5 5 + % 40 19 Norwalk T & R of.. 10s 35 35 35 -4 19% 12% Ohio OIMa60CS . 43 19 18% 18% + Vi 59% 24% Oliver Karm Equip 3 56% 56 56% +1 25% 17 Omnibus Corp vtc . 27 24% 24 24% 19% 8 Oppenhslm Collins. 4 16V. 15% 15% + Vi 45% 24% Otis Elevator a75c- 10 42% 41% 42 + % 20% 12% otls Steel 71 18% 17% 18 + % 83% 78 Otis Stl 1st pf(5%). 3 78 76 78 +1% 119 70 Otis Steel pr pf 1113 113 113 + % 28 27 Outb’d M & M b30c- 2 27 26% 27 — Vs 164 128 Owen-Ill G1 (a6)_x 1 159 159 159 +% 23 13 Pac Am Fish (tl)-- 2 21 21 21 + H 15 3% Pacific Coast _ 10s 12 12 12 + % 29% 4% Pacific Coast 2d .. 50* 23% 22% 23% +1% 41 30% Pac Gas & Elec <2). 13 36% 35% 35%+ % 68% 44% Pac Lighting (3)_ 4 50% 60% 50%+ % 47V* 14% Pacific Mills (al>:%. 2 40 39% 39%-% 152 118 Pac Tel & Teleg a7_ 20s 148% 148% 148% -1% 152 140 Pacific T&T pf<6> — 70s 148% 148 148%+% 26% 11% Pac WestO (a65c)- 10 24% 24 24 13% 6% Packard Mot(a45c) 63 11% 11% 11% — % 20% 12% Pan Am Petr (a60c) 1 16% 16% 16% + % 4% 1% Panhandle Pro & R 4 4% 3% 3% - % 88% 18% Panhandle PAR of- 80s 87 79 79 -6 97% 67 Paraffine Co <421 .. 2 81 81 81 28% 7% Paramount Plct 271 28% 28% 28% 198 69 °ara Pic 1st pf (6). 16 200% 198 199% 11% 25% 8% Param't 2d pf a60c- 6l 26% 25% 25% 37% 17% Park A Tilford (2)-. 3 30% 30 30 -1 5% 2% Park Utah 44 4% 4% 4% — % 60% 40% Parke Davis <al%) 6 44 43% 43%-% 32% 23 Parker Rust Ptl% 7 27% 27 27%+% 10 4% Parmelee Transp't- 1 7% 7% 7% + % 11% 6% Pat he Film Corp 4 9% 9% 9% + % 17% 10% Patino Mines(t60c). 5 14% 14% 14%-% 4% 1% Peerless Motor 6 4% 4% 4% — % 73 60 Penick A Ford (t3). 3 61 60% 60%-1 112% 69 Penney(J C) t*7%) 3 99 98% 99 +1 6% 3% Penn Coal A Coke . 2 5% 5% 5% 11% 4% Penn Dixie Cement. 112 11% 11% 11%+ % 75 28% Penn Dixie C pf A - 4 75 72% 73 +1% 27% 17 Penn G1 S'd cfs a50o 7 25% 25 25% 45 28% Penaa Rallroad(a2) 46 41% 40% 40% —1 58 38 Peoples Use Chi — 10 54% 54 64%+1% 8% 4 Peoria A Eastern—. 4 8 7% 7% + % 46% 25% Pere Marquette - 2 39 39 39 + % 20V* 12% Pfet Cp of Am »90c. 33 20% 19% 19% - % 19% 10% Pfeiffer Brew >1 20) 5 12% 12V* 12% 57% 25% Phelps Dodge (tl)- 21 62% 52% 52%-% 64% 45% Phi la Co 6% pf (3). 1 63% 53% 53% 3% 1% Phi la A Read C A l- 27 2% 2% 2% - % 101% 66 Phillip Morris <*>._ 4 78 77 77 -1 20 7% Phillips Jones . 1 17 17 17 52% 38% Phillips Pet 02%). 32 52% 52 52%+% 11% 6% Phoenix Hosiery— 1 8% 8% 8% 19% 8 Pierce OH pf _ 3 18% 17% 17% + V* 3% 1% Pierce Petroleum36 3% 3% 3% + % 87% 28% PUlsbury FI 11.80). 3 30% 30% 30%-% 62% 49% Pirelli Co A 03.11). 10s 52% 52% 52%-% 77. 35% Pitts Coal pf 1 75 75 75 17% 7% Pitts Screw *52 %c. 18 17 16% 16%+% 29% 23% Pittsbursh Steel Co 4 27 26 27 +2% 110 49 Pitts Steel pf_ 90s 106% 105 106% +3% 9% 2% Pitts United Com— 16 6% 4% 5% + % 127% 58% Pitts United C pf — 200s 128 125 128 +5% 2:16 D m. 1936-37 Stock and Sales—- Net Blah. Ujw. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Kith. Low. Clos*. Chge. 41% 21 Pitta * W V* ... 20a 33 32 32 -1% 27% 11% Plymouth Oil (tl)-. 21 25% 25% 25% - % 29% 12 Poor A Co (B)- 6 28% 27% 27%-% 11% 4% Porto R Am Tob A- 3 11% 11 11 15% 6% Postal TelAC pi (d) 16 14% 13% 13% - % 28% 17% Pressed Steel Car.. 44 27% 26% 26% 65% 40% Proctor & Gam (t2) 17 63% 62% 62%-% 52% 39 Pub Service NJ 2.60 8 52% 51% 51%-% 114 112 PubSvo E-AG pf(5). 2 113 113 113 -% 71 36% Pullman lno (1%).. 9 68% 67% 68% 24% 16 Pure Oil 191 23% 22% 22% + % 118 91% Pure 011 6% pf_ 1 104 104 104 -% 22% 9% Purity Bak (t40c>— 8 20% 20 20%+ % 19% 16% Quaker Sta Ref SOo. 2 18 18 18 + % 14% 9% Radio Corp . .. 153 12% 11% 11%+% 80 68% Radio Corp pf A 8% 3 79 78% 78%+% 10% 5 Radlo-Kelth-Or (d> 19 9 8% 8% 20 11 R H Sec ill Cent ... 60a 16 16 16 - % 16% 9% Real Silk Hosiery— 1 12% 12% 12%+% 4% 1% Reis I Kobt) .. 4 3% 3 3% + % 24% 12% Reliable Strs a50o- 1 19 19 39 + % 26% 17% Hem Rand <«60c) . 20 25% 24% 25% + % 94 80% Rm Rnd pf ww 4%. 2 94 93 94 8% 4% Keo Motor Car . 16 6% 6% 6% — % 32% 16% Republic Steel 886 32% 31% 32%+ % 128 77 Repub Steel pf al2. 7 117% 114 117% +4% 39% 10 Revere Copper . 4 36% 36 36 79% 24% Revere Copper (A). 1 73 73 73 +1 138 90 Revere CAB pfa3% 80s 133 132% 133 98 92 Revere C& B pf 6% 60» 95% 95 95%-% 34 22% Reynolds Met <tl). 6 29 28% 28%+ % 60% 50 Revnolds l ob B t»|. 18 56% 56% 56% + % 10% 6% Rutland R R Df 2 7% 7V. 7% + % 49% 27 Safeway Storesctl) 6 43% 42% 42% 100 96 Safeway Strs pf(5). 130e 99% 99% 99% 114 108 Safeway Strs pf t6> 10s 110% 110% 110% - % 114% 110% Safeway Sirs pf (II 10a 112% 112% 112% 50% 22 St Joseph Ld (al)— 9 45 44 44 -% 4 1% St L-San Fran td)_ 1 3% 3% 3% 8% 2% St L-San Fr pf Id)-. 5 7% 7% 7% 17% 11 Savage Armsal)... 8 16% 16% 16%+ % 55% 37% Scbenley Diat i*3). 5 44 43% 43% 101% 93 Scliemey U pf (6%) 2 97% 97% 97% - % 4% 1% Schulte R Strs (d). 7 2% 2% 2% 88 38 ScottPaper (1)_ 40* 41% 40 40 -1 2% % Seaboard Air L id). 16 1% 1% 1% — % 8% 2 Seaboard A E pftd) 2 6% 6% 6% + % 47% 30% Seaboard Oil (1»_ 8 45% 44% 44%—% 11% 3% Seagrave Corp_ 1 10% 10% 10% 101% 59% Sears Roebuck (tZ) 24 84% 83% 84%+% 32% 15% Servel inc <tl). 5 31% 31% 31% + V» 34 20% Sharon Steel (71 20) 34 34% 34 34 +% 107% 89 Sharon Stl H pf (5). 1 108 108 108 +% 13 4% Sharpe & Liohme . 46 13% 12% 13%+ % 65 43% Sharp* D pf (3%). 1 64 64 64 19% 11% ShattucK F G(t50c) 11 16% 16% 16%+% 29% 14% Shell Un Oil (a25c). 6 28% 27% 27% - V* 127', 102 Shell Un Oil of 5%- 4 105% »05 105%+ % 15V, 8% Silver King <60c).> 3 13% 12% 12% - % 65 19% Simmons Co (a3).„ 44 55% 54V, 54% — V* 6% 3% Simms Petrol-- 6 4 4 4 — % 47% 19% Skelly Oil _ 14 43% 42 43% + % 132 97% Skelly Oil pf (8)-.- 7 101% 100% 101% + % 138 54 Sloss-Sheftleld Stl.. 10* 133 133 133 118% 65% Sloss-Sheff pf (7)— lOOsllS 115 115 +1 72 40% Smith lA U) .. 3 50 49% 49%+% 30% 21 Snider Packing 2 27 26% 26% 17% 12% Socony Vac Oil a70o 456 18 17% 18 + % 7V, 3% So Am G & Pta3Uc; 65 5% 5% 5% — % 42% 26 South Port S <t2) . 5 38% 37% 37% 32% 25 SoCalEdis (UV4)-. 4 31 30% 30%-% 50% 23% Southern Pacific_ 53 47 45% 45% —IV* 27% 12% Southern Railway.. 39 27% 27 27V* — Vi 54% 19 Southern Ry pr_ 14 49% 48% 48% - % .11% 6% Spalding (A G)_ 3 10 10 10 + % 82 63% Spalding!AGllstpf 10* 72% 72% 72%+% 9% 5% Sparks-Wlthlngton 87 9% 9% 9% — % 27 6% Spear & Co (a50c).. 2 24 23% 23% - V* 364 294 Spencer Kell <1 60). 16 So*. 344 354+14 244 154 Sperrv C'p vte (al). 21 224 224 224 -4 37 134 Spicer Mfe <a3>_ 2 304 304 304 -4 534 44 Spicer Mfg pr <J)-- 10* 494 494 494 254 224 Spiegel, Inc (b23c)_ 33 24V. 23 4 244 + 4 454 214 Square D (B) al*4— 3 444 444 444 + 1 184 144 Stand Brands t80c. 28 16 15*. 154 - H 134 94 Stand Corn Tobacco 22 124 114 12 — 4 144 54 Stand Gas A El (d) 36 134 124 12H - 4 314 94 Stand GAE *4 pf <d) 19 284 27 27 -4 65 244 Stand GAE 16 pfld) 2 574 57 57 -1 724 264 Stand GAE *7 pf id 4 67 664 664 -4 474 35 Stand O of Cal (tl) 65 454 45 45 -4 484 324 Stand OH of ftld tl. 18 484 474 474 714 514 Stand Oil of N J (tl 48 704 694 694 +4 404 244 StarretUL S) tl-40. 5 384 374 38V* -r 14 784 65 Sterling Prod t3.80 3 734 73 73 244 164 Stew-Warner tBOe 6 184 184 184 -4 174 154 Stokelv Bros (b20c) 2 164 164 164 334 144 Sione & Web (a25c) 20 304 30 30 +4 164 94 Studebaker Corp . 36 164 164 164 + 4 91 70 Sun Oil (tl)_ 2 75 4 744 744 +1 125 118 Sun Oil pf (6) 10s 123 123 123 +1 604 27 Superheater (t50c) 13 58 564 564 — 4 7 3 Superloi 011 382 74 7 7 424 94 Superior Steel 5 394 374 374 —14 38V, 23 Sutberlnd Pap tl 40 2 374 374 374 —4 274 204 Swift A Co (tl. 10). 14 264 264 264 -4 354 28V. Swift Inti Ltd <2) 10 324 314 324 +4 234 15 Symgton-Gould ww 25 23 224 224 + 4 174 124 Symingtn Gould xw 15 164 164 164 — 4 15*4 134 Talcott (J)(bl5c)— 2 14 134 134 +4 94 6*. 1 eiauiograpn <60ci 18 8 8 144 5*s Tennessee Cop al5c 9 124 124 124 — 4 554 284 Texas Corp'n 4T1) 68 544 534 544 +14 94 44 Texas Gulf Pr (aoc) 42 9 84 84 + 4 444 33 Tex Gulf Sul It2 > 28 41 40 404 + S 164 74 Tex I’acC&OblOc 54 164 154 154 +4 15 94 Texas PLT (aloe) 213 154 14** 14** 49 28 Texas A Pae R R... 1 434 434 434 -4 16 84 The Fair_ 1 114 114 114 124 84 Thermold Co_ 34 12V* 114 114 - S 94 3V* Third Avenue _ 4 74 74 74 134 8V* Thomp'n (JR) tBOc. 1 124 124 124 - 4 324 244 Thomp Prod (al4) 1 27 27 27 + V* 104 44 Thompson Starrett 97 104 94 94 f 4 404 26 Thompson Star pf 21 394 384 394 +14 214 144 T-W A O 60c ex rts 29 204 20>a 204 108 1004 Tide Wat A U pf(6) 17 1064 1064 1064 + 4 274 124 TlmkeD DetroltCtK 9 244 244 244 744 56 Timken Roll B tt2) 5 73 72 724 +2 184 11 Transamerlca t«0c 17 164 164 164 + 4 274 144 Trans&Wn Air a25c 24 20 194 194 +4 274 104 Transue&W (t60c> 16 264 25V* 254 + 4 12 74 Tricontinental a:.0c 5 104 10 10 104 44 Truax-Tra C(a25c) 4 10 9** 94 — 4 28 74 Trusion Steel 4 224 22 224 384 224 20th Cent FF(tl4) 7 37 364 37 +4 474 314 20th Cent F pf 14 2 454 454 454 +4 174 8*» TwId City R T )4 164 15** 154 -4 109 654 TwinC RTpf(al4) 60s 90 90 90 -ly* 84 24 Ulen A Co 11 64 64 64 1024 74*8 Und-EU-Fish(a2%) 3 934 93V* 93V* 70 384 Union BagAPap I2> 6 644 64 64 -4 1054 714 Union Carb & C 3 20 26 1054 1044 1044 — 4 284 204 Union Oil Calif (1). 32 254 25*. 254 + 4 1494 1084 Union Pacino <6) ... 6 1294 1284 1294 + *« 100 904 Union Pacific pf (4) 2 98»* 984 984* - 4 314 224 Union Tank C 1.10 53 29V* 264 284 +1% 32 4 204 Unit Aircraft a50o. 60 304 294 294 -4 244 13 Utd Air L (a20c)-~ 19 234 224 224-4 334 244 United Biso < 1.60 1 1 29V* 284 284 -4 964 68 United Carbon 4+3>. 2 88 4 88 884 + V* 94 5% United Corp <a20c)- 65 74 74 7V* — 4 484 40V* United Corp pf it> 7 464 454 454 + 4 164 104 United Drug (a75c) 12 15 14*. 144 + 4 29!> 15 Unit Dyeirood(l).. 8 234 234 23% — % 84 4 Unlled Elec Coal 15 8% 84 84 504 324 Unit Eng A Fy < +2). 1 484 484 484 +4 87 664 United Fruit (t3) . 4 814 814 814 + 4 194 144 United Gas imp 11) 40 15% 154 15V*— V* 14V* 64 United Paperboard- 26 134 124 121* — % 5 2 U S Distributing 2 3% 34 3% + 4 234 10 US Distributing pf 390s 194 18% 184 + 4 20 13 U S A For'n Secur. 6 204 194 194 + 4 S94 24V. U S Freight (tl)_ 10 31% 31 31 1261a 804 US Gypsum (t2)_ 2 1284 127 1284 +2 20% 84 U S Hoffman 6 184 18% 184 + % 624 49 U S Hoffman pf 2%. 1 564 564 564 + 4 59 314 U 8 Indus Alcohol. 20 40 394 394 - V* 18*4 10% U S Leather A Tto.. 2 164 154 154 — V* 94 44 U S Leather vtc 2 84 7% 7% — 4 694 214 U S Pipe & Fdry (3) 8 684 66*. 67% +1 194 74 U S Realty A Imp . 30 18% 174 174 654 16% U S Rubber_ 91 544 53 634 +1% 101 47 U S Rubber 1st pf.. 7 974 96 964 +1% 1034 72V* U S Smelting (b2)— 2 864 864 864 + 4 884 464 US Steel 483 93 894 914 +34 1644 1154 U S Steel pf (7» x 6 148 147 148 +4 94 7*. Utd St Yd (al240 7 84 8% 8*4 84 5 United Store* iAi 19 74 64 64- 4 102 674 Unit Str pf 114.81% 1 824 824 824 - 34 7 34 Util Pw & Lt A (d). 16 44 4 4 -4 2% 1 Vadsco Sales Corp 15 2% 2% 2% 58% 30 Vadsco Sales Co pf 10a 55 55 55 —1 32% 16% Vanadium''orp . 69 31% 30Vi 30%-% 49% 28% Van Raalte (aj%). 2 41% 41% 41%—% 48% 40 Vick Chem it2) ... 4 43% 43% 43%-% 9% 4 Va-Car Chemical . *5 9% 8% 8% - % 61% 28% Va-Car Chem 8% pt 9 61% 58% 69 -1% 114% 109 Va El-4 Pwr pf (6) 30a 114 114 114 13% 4 Va iron Coal4Coke 040a 12 11 12 +2 ,41% 14 Va Iron C 4 C pf . 60a 33% 31% 33%+1% 131% 114% Virginia Ry pf <6)_ 1 129% 129% 129% - % 4% 2% WaDasn Id).. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 12% 5 Wabash pf A (d>... 36 11% 11% 11% 19 9% Waldorf Sya tl.JO- 3 16% 16% 16% + % 39% 30 Walgreen Co (>) — 2 38% 38% 38% 118 114 Walgreen pt 18% )_ 80s 118 118 118 +3% 49% 26% Walker (H) (2)- 2 46% 46% 46%+% 15% 6% Walworth Co —— 38 15 14% 14% + % 52 10% Ward Baking A- 2 46% 43 41 -1 7% 2% Ward Ha nine B — 75 7% 7% 7% + % 105 47% Ward Bak pf (a7)-_ 1 95 95 95 +1 18% 9% Warner Bros Piet-. 81 15% 15% 15% — % 2% ,% Warner-yuin id).. 3 1% 1% 1% 12% 4% Warren Bros 15 11% 11% 11% + % 38% 15% Warren Bros cv pf 1 33% 33% 33% + % 41% 21 Warren FdyAPitl) 5 40 39% 39% - % 39% 19% Waukesha Mot tl) 3 36 35% 35% + % 11% 6% Webster Elsenlohr 2 8% 8% 8% — % 52% 33% Wesson U4Sit60c) 4 49% 49% 49%+% 110 96 West Pa Elec pt (7) 30s 106% 106% 106% +1% 124% 116% West Pa Pwr pf 17) 20a 122% 122% 122% 12% 8% Western Maryland 6 9% 9% 9% 23% 15 Western Md 2d pf . 1 18% 18% 18% + % 9% 5% Western Pacific pf 1 7% 7% 7% - % 96% 72% WestUn Tel <a75c). 4 81% 80 80 -1 62% 34% Westinghse A B (1) 25 61% 61 61% t % (Continued on Nineteenth Pace.) STEELS LEAD WAY IN STOMARKET Buying Surge Lifts Issues 1 to 5 Points—U. S. Steel Hits 6-Year Peak. Stock Averages 30 15 15 50 Indust Ralls, dtll 8tits Net change. +.4 unc. unc. +.2 Today noon. 97.5 39.2 52.7 71.6 Prev. day... 97.1 39.2 52.7 71.4 Month ago.. 95.4 38.5 51.3 70.0 Year ago... 76.9 33.9 47.2 58.7 •36-37 high. 99.3 43.5 54.0 72.8 1936-7 low.. 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1935 high— 76.3 31.2 44.7 56.1 1935 low_ 49 5 18.5 21.6 34.8 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high_146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. January 28—Steela ran away from the rest of the stock market today m a buying surge that lifted these issues 1 to around 5 points, many to new recovery peaks. United States Steel, turned over in large blocks, hit 93, and Bethlehem touched 81, both the best levels in more than six years. The ticker tape frequently lagged during the feverish buying sprint, but volume dwindled near the fourth hour and extreme gains were reduced substantially in many Instances. Brokers attributed the selective up turn to lessening of tension over floods and strikes and to expectations heavy industrial operations are due for a I sharp upturn soon. Bonds followed stocks on the for ward tilt. Commodities were uneven. Besides the two steel bellwethers, outstanding advances were scored by Gulf States, Crucible. National, Re public, Youngstown Sheet <fe Tube, | Ludlum, Central Foundry, American Rolling Mill, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texas Corp.. Barnsdall, Indian Refining, Houston Oil, Du Pont, Libby-Owens, Anchor Cap, Certain : teed, Boeing. Deere and Distillers ! Corp.-Seagrams. I Utilities and rails were inclined to mark time. A fair amount of im provement was shown by General Mo tors, Chrysler, Goodyear, United States Rubber, Montgomery Ward, Sears-Roebuck. Paramount, Douglas Aircraft, Loew's, Congoleum and Gil lette. Backward were Westinghouse, American Can. Johns-Manville, Penn ’ sylvania. Western Union. Kennecott, Anaconda. North American and Pennsylvania. Aiding rallying forces was the settlement of the Libby-Owens labor controversy with prospects some of the automobile manufacturers will get much-needed supplies of glass soon. Helpful also were estimates of only moderate water damage to factories in the Ohio River Valley. While re tail business has been hard hit, it was thought losses to the greater number of plants would include principally those occasioned by suspension of ac tivities during the inundation and necessary clean-up work. Steels continued to reflect last year’s earnings in this field and forecasts of a highly profitable 1937. Oils were again in the limelight on expanding consumption. Earnings in 1936 of Standard of New Jersey were figured by analysts at just under $4 a share, which would be the best since 1929. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, January 28 UP).—Late declines of prices carried the Chicago wheat market down a cent a bushel maximum today. Heavy movement of wheat from Ar gentina acted as a weight on values. It was asserted European importers had adopted a waiting attitude and were held off from purchasing as much as possible. At the close, wheat was 14a% ' under yesterday's finish. May 1.26*ga I 1.26*4, July 1.10*881.10’«: corn l3ga2 j cents down. May 1.067gal.07, July 1.01*«al.01?4; oats '2a34 off and pro visions showing 10 to 25 cents decline. Grain Future*. CHICAGO. January 28 <!P\.— WHEAT— Open High Low Close. May 1.26*4 1.S', 1.25s* 1.26'*-'i July 1.10*a l.ll’s 1.00s, 1.10*4-y« September 1.07s, 1.08', 1.07V, 1.074* CORN—■ May. new 1.08V, 108s* 1.00s* 1.0fls«-07 May. old 1.06s, 1,06s. 1.04*. 1.04'j July, new . 1.02** 1 o.'lVa l.ois, l.oiS-H July old l.oo ioo no1* oov« September ,97s, .98', ,96s. .96** OATS— May _ ,48s, ,49s* 48s* .48s/,-*/* July .43', 44 l.Ti .43'/* September 40s. .41',4 .40s, .40s* SOY BEANS— May 1.56s* 1.57V* 1.56V, 1.66*4 July 1.56'* 1.57 1.55*4 1.55'4 pyu_ May _ 1.08s* 1.09'i 1.08' * 1.08s* July .99'2 l.OO'* .99'* 99s. September .89'2 .90 .88*4 .88s, BARLEY— May - - - .84 LARD— January. 13.17 13.17 13.10 13.10 March . 13.22 13.22 13.10 13.1" May __ 13411 13.47 13.30 13.30 July 13.72 13.72 13.50 13.50 Sep!. 13.90 13.95 13.70 13.70 BELLIES - January 16-4*] May 16.55 16.55 16.40 16.40 July 16.92 16.92 16.77 16.<i Chicago Cash Wheat. Cash wheat. No 2 hard. 1.31'* Part car: corn. No 4 mixed. 1.07*4*08*4: No. 3 mixed. 1.03'aaOtt; No. 3 yellow. 1.12*13; No 4 yellow. 1.07‘s»10; No. 6 yellow. UKtVaaOH'*: No. 3 white 1.14: No. 4 white, l.l tall3*: No 5 white. 1.05*0884; sample grade. H5al «b: oats. No. 1 white. 52a53V4: No. 2 white. 52ao2*»: No. 3 white. 50s*a51: sample grade 49'*a51: no rye: buckwheat, No. 1. 2.65: barley. No. 5 80 feed. 80al.oo. nominal: maltln*. 1.00*45. nominal: timothy seed. 6.00*25 per hundredweight: new. 5.75*6.00 per hundredweight, clover seed. 27.00*34.00 per hundredweight. •-— NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, January 28 —Cotton advanced Into further new high (ground today on continued active trade and speculative buying on the flood news and strength at Liverpool. Realizing developed after the rallies had extended to net gains of 10 to 13 points and about $2 a bale above re cent levels. Offerings were readily absorbed and the undertone held steady. May, which had rallied from 12.62 to 12.68. was selling at 12.64 In late trading, when prices generally were 7 to 9 points higher. Cottonseed OIL Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady. March. 11.45b; May, 11.46b; July, 11.50; September, 11.46b. Sales. 217 contracts Including 4 switches, b—Bid. Cotton Yielda Increase. The Agriculture Department reported today an increase of 300.000 bales in its estimate of world cotton production for 193H-37. At the same time It said tho world cotton textile industry was operat ing at near peak speed. World production for this season was placed at 30.300.000 bales of 476 pounds net. compared with an earlier estimate of 29.000.000. The department said the Increase resulted from a gain in Russian production. American Smelting & Refining Co. Common share earnings, eight months ended August 31, were $4-17.