1 OF FLAGS IS OIF Indiana Representative Sees “Marked Resemblance” to Moscow. Representative Virginia Lee Jenekes of Indiana today told the closing ses sion of the Women’s Patriotic Con ference on National Defense that the new Federal buildings in Washington bear a “marked resemblance” to the buildings in Moscow's Red Square be cause of a mutual lack of flags. Speaking before several hundred women, assembled In the Mayflower Hotel for the final sess.on of their three-day meeting, Mrs. Jenekes urged a more general display of the United States flag on structures here. “This is a real attempt,” she said, “by the propagandists to remove from the gaze of the citizens the emblem which visibly reminds them of the blessings of the Democratic form of Government and makes it possible for a few evil-minded citizens to con trol the wealth and actions of the masses.” Urges Teaching of Communism. Miss Billie Murray. Baylor Uni- | versity law’ student, told the delegates | communism should be taught in pub- j lie schools and colleges because "I j don’t think communism can stand I the light of reasoning, and I think we are doing the worst thing in the world when we don't bring it out in the open and show what it is.” In a series of resolutions the con- i ference urged a strict neutrality j policy for the United States and en- ; actment into law of a universal serv- | ice bill to draft capital, industry and manpower in event of national cmer- i gency or war. A motion to include labor in the draft was defeated. The conference approved a pro posal to set aside a day in addition to Armistice day for furthering na- : tional defense propaganda. O thers on the program were Lieut. Col. Prank E. Lowe, past national president of the Reserve Officers' As sociation of the United States: C. C. Thompson, vice president and general manager. United Airlines, and Howard Pfeillip Allen, with a talk on “A Larger Citizens’ Military Training Corps." Senator Lee Speaks. “Neutrality and National Defense” was discussed by Senator Josh Lee of Oklahoma at the annual conference dinner held last night. Earlier the delegates’ stand in support of national defense was upheld by speakers rep resenting the War and Navy Depart ments and the United States Marine Corps, as well as members of Congress, j Leaders of campus "so-called peace movements" were charged with com munistic tendencies of strong central ized control in an address yesterday afternoon by James L. Layton, jr„ a member of Company L, 3d Regiment, University of Pennsylvania. Concentration on building up the personnel of the Navy was advocated by Senator Walsh of Massachusetts, Who declared: “In my opinion the Reserve force of the Navy is quite inadequate in i comparison to the size of the Navy.” , MAYFLOWER HOTEL NIGHT MANAGER DIES Illness of Six Weeks Fatal—Fu neral to Be in Buf falo, N. Y. William J. Crosgrave. 62. night man ager of the Mayflchver Hotel, died yes terday in Sibley Hospital. He had been ill six weeks. Mr. Cro6giave, widely known here, ' Was assistant manager of the Hamilton Hotel when it opened, and at one time was manager of the Lee House. He had lived in Washington for the j last, 20 years, except for several years, 1 during which he was manager of the Towers Hotel in Brooklyn. When the Mayflower Hotel first opened he was an auditor there. Surviving Mr. Crosgrave Is a sister, Mrs. Martin Busher, Buffalo, N. Y. The body will be taken there for funeral services and burial. Mr. Crosgrave resided here in the Cairo Hotel. Actress Learns Chinese. Louise Rainer mastered nearly 200 Chinese words and learned to write 80 Chinese characters while playing In •‘The Good Earth.”! THANKS! for this GRAND EGG WAFFLE MIX! | 6ay housewives everywhere! HOW many times have you said, “I’d like to have waffles but it’s so much ' trouble and eggs are so expen sive”? With FIXT Waffle Mix, ' you can forget both worries. FIXT is fully-prepared. Everything is already mixed. You just add water and bake I You can’t fail! Always delic ious, crispy waffles. Ask your grocer for FIXT WAFFLE MIX. Insist on seeing the name FIXT on the package and don’t accept a substitute! RITES HELD TODAY FOR M. B. HODGSON, JR. Millard B. Hodgson, jr„ 21, grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. j Gleason, 2505 Rhode Island avenue northeast, and a student at the Massa chusetts institute of Technology, died at Westbury, Mass., Monday after a brief illness. Services were held at Joseph Gaw ler's Sons funeral home this afternoon, folowed by interment In Glenwood Cemetery. Born in Washington, Mr. Hodgson was educated at secondary schools In Highland Park, 111., and Rochester, N. Y. He received the Technology Club of Rochester scholarship to Massachusetts institute of Technology when he graduated from the Brighton High School at Rochester in 1935. At the time of his death he was president of the sophomore honorary society, a member of the class crew, a member of a student publication's staff, a class officer, a high-ranking scholar and a member of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. An article Mr. Hodgson wrote on the “Coolidge X-ray Tube Patent" ap pears in the current Issue of Technol ogy Engineering News. Besides his grandparents, he is sur vived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard B. Hodgson, sr., and a younger brother, Frederick. His father is a former Bureau of Standards scientist, now a New %York engineer. Members of Mr. Hodgson's fra ternity read a paper at the rites here and in Boston, which described him as "the most accomplished man in his class.” The population of the Philippine Islands is estimated at 13,636,000. Canberra Property Leased.* In Canberra, new capital of Aus tralia, land cannot be owned by indi viduals, but may be leased from the government for 99 years. National and municipal govern ments of Colombia plan many public works. IGiie vour cakes that ’ "professional” touch It is easy to ice them perfectly with Hip-O-Lite. Y take my tvord9 Madam" So that you may KNOW what you buy, Uncle Sam employs OFFICIAL’ GRADERS whose duty it is to class all BEEF and GRADE it accordingly. STEER BEEF is the best class and "PRIME" and "CHOICE" the best grades. That's the kind of beef you will find in your D. G. S. Store—THE BEST! The Government finds that LESS than 5% of ALL BEEF PRODUCED measures up to the D. G. S. QUALITY! U. S. i^THIS is CHOICE the only . CTcpn ONE : npp MARKING U.U.J. +olo,okfor . . q when u- '-x buying OFFICIALLY QUALITY GRADED BEEF Tender and Juicy • SS lb Chuck Roast...*-21* BUTTER - - Round Steok.39C CREAMERY BUTTER..... ">• 42c SiH0ill StOdk - - -.'b 47c Porterhouse Steok.,b 53c Brandywine .1 SLICED BACON- ‘PfG All cut from U. S. Govt. Graded “Choice” Steer Beef ROAST BEEF DINNER Grapefruit Cocktail Rib Roast of Beef Escal loped Potatoes Creamed Spinach Lettuce and Tomato Salad Ice Cream Cookies Milk or Coffee gutter ctNrr ! SMOKED ^ ^C! SAUSAGE ,k- X / j EVERY EGG A WHITE EGG! U. S. Government GRADED and DATED SUNSHADE EGGS -35' \ U. S. Standards—LARGE—Retail Grade B D. G. S. ALL-PORK SAUSAGE MEAT U. S. NO. 1 FANCY MAINE POTATOES10“33c Make delicious escalloped potatoes or a heaping dish of crisp French frys for that sizzling steak Crisp Golden Yellow Healthful GRIT FREE Help Move the Surplus of JUICY Fancy Western BOX CALIFORNIA Carrots bunch £ TEXAS Spinach k 7e FLORIDA Grapefruit DELICIOUS Apples 3 “ 25® ——————— 1 INSURE BAKING SUCCESS U*e Betty Crocker’* Failure-Proof Recipe* in Every Sack of Gold Medal Flour 5 1h. 31- 6 1b. bag 3*7- 12 1b. gz 34 bag 5IC inVa. 3/C bag 03C Sauer’* Pure v< oz r* A VANILLA EXTRACT. |Vc Pilltbury’a A ' 4 A PANCAKE FLOUR. Z pk«»- I VC PANCAKE SYRUP & 29c Dr. Phillip*’ No. 2 4) GRAPEFRUIT HEARTS can IJc Schindler’* 4 A PEANUT BUTTER_Sr 19c Brewer-Snyder A SARATOGA CHIPS- ZJC BANQUET TEA «16 *»• 23c Wilkin* TEA - «■>!*•• 18c TRU-BLU Beer or Ale_™ 10c NEW YORKER BEER_*25c Beer in Mott D. C. Stores—Higher in Md. and Va. Stores Sunsweet- Prune Juice- _qt. bot. 21c Suburban Club Ginger Ale-3 Ige. bots. conts. 25c ■■■ .. 1 »' " ■- — 1 I - SUNSHADE Early June Peas Cream Style Corn Stringless Beans ANY J - «n,2 23C SUNSHINE RAISIN COOKIES_».21c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW ASST. Pk*. 23c NATIONAL BISCUIT CO.’S PREMIUM FLAKE CRACKERS-ib.pkg. 18c GRAHAM CRACKERS_i*. pu- 18c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Cream of Tomato-i6«i. 1 O or Vegetable Soup- can \ Mm> Gold Bag Coffee-,b- 23c Shurfine Coffee-Ib 25c The Speed Soap A A F SELOX_Zpkg»-25c fvORY SOAP.. ‘ *Dv.c 2 ««k« 9 C Kirkman’e F SOAP POWDER.. Pkg-Dc TOILET SOAP - "1 v.c 2cak«9c Octagon F SCRUBBING CLEANSER.5c MOTOR OIL’_Vn*d'uV *1.59 CALO DOG FOOD 3*m- \ O Ige. ^ C C cant ■■V can* Mm uM '