Newspaper Page Text
RED CROSS FUND AT TENTH OF GOAL Gifts Through Star Climb to $11,458—President, D. C. Workers Aid. Now seeking $11,000,000 as the mini mum necessary for flood relief work, the American Red Cross had received $2,831,000 this morning, with contri butions late yesterday and last night $till unlisted. J. P. Morgan & Co. gave $25,000 and $10,202 was received from New York Stock Exchange members. Meanwhile, the contributions made through The Star to the District Red Cross, which has been given a quota of $120,000, had climbed to $14,193.86. President Roosevelt was the first contributor to drop a bill in a box set up in the main lobby of the White House executive offices today. Simi lar boxes are being placed In all Gov ernment departments. Employes of the District government ( have contributed $1,093 toward relief of flood victims, according to a partial report submitted to the Red Cross yesterday by A. R. Pilkerton, principal assistant District auditor. An addi tional $12 was reported in contribu tions by residents to the Police Depart ment and the auditor's office. It was announced the Japanese Red Cross had cabled an offer of assistance. District Employes' Donations. Members of the Police Department yesterday contributed $443.50 and members of the Fire Department $322.26. Other District departments reported: Assessor's Office. $71.25; Commissioners' Secretary’s Office, *29; Health Department, <47; water regis trar, <15.70; trees and parkings, <14; tax collector, <28.50; Highway De partment, $5; corporation counsel, <70; Purchasing Office, <16, and municipal architect, <31.50. The fund was Increased *15.40 when an employe of the Quartermaster Gen eral's Office In the War Department brought In two chickens as his con tribution. Since it did not seem practical to ahip two chickens into the Ohio River Valley, they were raffled off and net ted *10. One of the chickens was won by a widow who had not been able to make a large contribution. She presented the chicken to the Red Cross fund and it was raffled a second time, bringing $5.40. Contributions by officers and em ployes of the War Department to the relief fund rose to a total of $3,196, chickens included. Benefit Shows Scheduled. A children's benefit show for flood iufferers will be given at 10:30 am. Saturday, February 6, by the Rialto Theater in co-operation with the Red Cross. Joe Brown and his Radio Kiddies will put on the two-and-a half-hour show. Admission will be 25 cents for children and 35 cents for adults, with all proceeds going to the flood relief fund. The Juvenile Court has given the children special per mission to put on this performance. American University students are planning a “Flood Relief Frolic” in the school gymnasium Monday night. The program calls for dancing, a bas ket ball game, a minstrel ahow and various concessions. All receipts of the Strand Theater, Ninth and D streets, after 9 p.m. to night will be turned over to th* Dis trict Red Cross. --•-— Louisville (Continued From First Page) from as far South as Phoenix, Ariz., and as far East as Boston. Mass., have provided by air hundreds of police officers to join the 600 Federal troops aiding local authorities. Today, as th flood waters started to subside, and, despite a light rain and rising temperatures, promised to keep going down at the rate of a foot i or so a day for the next week, every power at the city's command was thrown into the fight to prevent more •Offering. Evidently for fear of the effect the hews might have on a population already harassed, jittery, hungry, thirsty and dirt-stained, authorities were reluctant to admit that" there had been any great loss of life. As bodies seen piled in rough boxes in boats and trucks, heading for the trenches of the unidentified dead on the hills of the highlands, they still asserted before last night that only a few had died. There was still a heavy guard abound the big buildings of the Louisville Medical School, where the better pre served bodies were believed to be waiting identification and embalming, but there was no hesitation about the drvie to clear the last of the badly his section of the city. The clean-up in what is left above Water of the low west end account ed in that section for the last of the 20.000 originally marooned there. Many chose still to stay on and take their chances of receiving food and Water by boat. Fleets of rowboats, skiffs, Coast Guard boats from the Great Lakes, New York and New England turned to the south central section of the city, where it is estimated 50.000 of the 330.000 original population live in neat, better-class two and three story brick dwellings and small apartment houses. It is a "nice” section of the city, and though the water spreads through the area to ,a depth of half a dozen feet or more there has been no danger Of residents drowning. But the telephone exchange, Mag nolia by name, has been cut off since Saturday. Boats have not tried to penetrate there because of more des BELLOWS Imported Table Wines Bordeaux Blanc Superieura (White) Bordeaux Rouge Superieura (Red) *1.10 lorje bottle $11.50 Can of 12 Phono Ordert Delivered Dietriet 8250 “mW /W | mporters *” and wine merchants Sine* 1175 18th and M Sts. N.W. perate need elsewhere. Now calls for aid are seeping through, and it is feared that there may be much sick ness, due to lack of lights and heat, water and fuel. Today there starts a house-to-house canvass of the sec tion by boats carrying water, medi cines, food and aid in general. Once the river started going down last night, after rising steadily to a point over 11 feet higher than the previous flood top reported in 1884, tension eased all through the city, this despite the fact that dread of new deaths hung over all. Sickness was increasing, typhoid was still a possibility, electricity was shut ofT, water rationed and sanitation prob lems increasing by the hour. Drop in River Hailed. When the new* sped over the city last night—"She's going down! She's going down!"—drawn faces relaxed, every one rested for a moment, talked excitedly, and men who had not slept for days went home to shave and to bed, If they still possessed a bed above water. You could see the relief everywhere, Louisville knew the worst at last, and terrible though It was, it was better than uncertainty. A crowd of seamen from the U. S. S. Nakomma from Norfolk, Va., worn after a day of yeoman work evacuat ing the waterbound. found themselves a beer saloon, laughed and talked the situation over as authorities winked at the emergency rule that no alco holic refreshments be served during the crisis. "Never heard tell of nothing like this,” muttered one tall youngster over his seidel. "You know, some of those folks,” said another in awed tones, "some we handled were hungry, really hungry." Nearby double lines still were drawn up outside a fruit warehouse, await ing rations. But some of the men were whistling, many of them talked naturally, for the first time in almost a week. One of them told of running a motor boat ferry across Beargrass Creek, where more pontoon bridges are being built, all through the day. "There's a dead man there," he said. “Right in the middle of the creek, about 3 feet under water. He's got an overcoat on. We hit him twice with the bottom of the boat and he comes to the top for a minute, then sinks again and we can’t find him." Today starts a new system of check ing on the dead. Missing persons bu reaus have been organized through the city and refugees in ramps spread all over the highlands will be card in dexed and checked against those known to be missing. The problem if sanitation, great disease spreader, worried engineers still. Sewers are clogged in the inun dated sections, authorities say chiefly by bodies of hundreds of cats and dogs caught in the rising waters. -— « SECOND STRIKE TRIAL IS UNDER WAY TODAY Jury Still Deadlocked in First Cumberland Group Accused With Rioting:. By the Associated Press. CUMBERLAND, Md . January 2* — Although the Jury deliberating the fate of 21 celanese workers accused of rioting at the Amcelle station of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad during the strike at the Celanese Corp. of America last November, atill Is deadlocked, the trial of William F. Kelly, Textile Unian official and C. I. O. organizer, and 22 alleged strikers, Indicted for “inciting to riot, riot, rout and unlawful as sembly," growing out of the same strike, was expected to get under way later today. Only six of the regular panel was left when the trial was called, and it was necessary to summons additional talesmen. The jury in the first case returned to their jury room from their hotel at 9 a.m. today, and since then no in dications as to the outcome of their deliberations have been given. Flood Relief Fund. Money Received by The Star for the American Red Cross The Star will continue to receive and acknowledge funds for the Red Cross flood relief. Make checks pay able to the District Chapter, American Red Cross. Mall or bring to the cashier, The Evening Star. Previously reported_*9.000.22 Mrs. T. B. Mason _5.011 Mrs 8. E. Lelzear _ 2.00 Mrs. Leland O. Ritchie_ 10.00 Cove Point Bench. Inc._ in.00 Charlotte Jenkins - 2.tin J. 8. Warrington - 5.00 Mary T. Eastman — 1.00 Georte Briggs Colebeck and family 10.00 Baby Lockard-to-be 1.00 Columbia Heuhta Lutheran Ladles' Aid Society 5.00 Rev. and Mrs. c. H Butler_ 2.on Mrs. M. J. Menaert -- 1.00 Miss Lucretia D, Clark.- 6.nn James C. Simpson 6.00 Rev Charles B. 8parks_ 5.00 Mrs E. C. Burket 6.00 Nellie Sebastian Challlet- 5.00 8, Silna Curtis_ 1.00 Jimmy Fiedler _- 2.00 Victor KaufTmann _ lOo.oO Gertrude Freeman ___ 1.00 Ralnh R. Broadhurst - ' 5.00 Amy M. RudolDh - 2.>.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Slack- 2.uo A. O. Wilson 6.00 Sam Goldman - 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fischer 1.00 Baby Prances Fischer -- 2.00 Mrs. F. 8. Stitt _ 10-00 Louis Kronheimer - 5.oo Winifred M Pugh- 5.00 George B. Oner - 25.00 Bobov Terry . . - 1.00 Charles 8. Rice . . HMW Community of Brandywine. Md. Elisabeth Galvin in.on O. W. Holland „ „ jj.«» Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Van Slondl* 5.oo Ada F. Berry - 6 on S. C. C 1.00 James W Brooke-- M. A. W. - 1 ' E. and W. H. —.- J E. B. Swink - 2.00 Employes H^cht Co. t additional i _— 8.10 Florence tfynson - l oo Nelson M. Blake _ o!'< M. W. Marvin 2.00 Mrs. Annice L. Parker --- Employes. District Motor Co. — 21.00 C D W — ,.00 City Firefighters’ Association - 8".oo Adolph L. Moore — 2. »• p. L. C. _ 1 •O" Emoioyes. Brook's - 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Clarsnee W. Gros ner no Joseph Barnott -- Joe Specials -- Rev. and Mrs C. M. Wright— 4 00 D. C. Liquor Co Inc - JIM!!! Hub Furniture Co. - 65 00 M. Barkley Segbrook - 1-00 Mrs. James H. Lyles 2 00 Section 0010. Roosevelt High School --- - « 0(1 Mrs R L. Smallwood- 1 00 M. L. Goddard _ 6.00 Eleanor Prender - - 1 on Mrs. P. P Haas - - l-OI! Henry Calver - •> 00 Leonard P. Benner- 5.00 A friend - - 1 O'! Melvin Behrends - 25.00 Mr. and Mrs Nathan Fanarofl. 5.on Joseph M. Gaillrot . Jo.on M. E. Duncan 2.00 j Mr and Mrs. C. W. Corby - in.on M. Hampton . __ 6.00 J. A. Bartholomew - 6.0*) Byron Egeli _ i.oo R. G. Elam _ 3 0.00 Orrin W. Davia _ 5.00 M. L. Harding !.«« Dr. Leonard A. Vine_ 6.00 W N. Rivers John T Edmunds - 5.00 Robert Lincoln O'Brien_ lho.oo Mrs George Le Flohlc - 5.00 Ira T. Black - 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Elliott. 10.00 Mary A. Spry 5.«o Samuel Herrick - 2.1.00 Radio Joe and the Store Gangs 52.00 Mr and Mrs. William F. Och senrelter 10.00 Mrs G. E. Gexter 1.00 I Arthur H. Ross 2.00 Sherman C and Murl D. Shelton 5.oo August H. Plugge - 20.00 Gordon A Plugge 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fletchall 2.00 Use Itvo* 2-Coot Point System 922 N. Y. Ave. Notional 8610 ehecki CCC colds bob = HeodocKe, 30 LIQUID. TABLET*. SALVE. NOSE DROP* Iwnutes Trv ••Rub-M?-Tism”*Wr>rld'i Beit Liniment LEWIS & THOS. SALTZ INCORPORATED 1409 G STREET, N. W. LAST & WEEKS of the SALE OF NATIONALLY FAMOUS fpshoesrnir Leather and Labor Costs are advancing and prices are destined to go higher, but regard less of that, we are following our usual custom of offering reductions at this time CUSTOM GRADE MEN’S SHOES AS LOW AS $095 SHRINER SHOES $695 $795 LEWIS St TH°S. SALTZ IHCOEPOJtATED 1409 G STREET, N.W. NOT CONNECTED WITH SALTZ BROTHERS INC. SALE of fine Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats, Women's Man-Tailored Coats at.. Lewis & Thos. Saltz, Inc. _1409 G Street N.W,_ Nile* A. Pesrsoa_ 10.00 Elmer Tarnkln _ 1.00 M. J. Murray_ 6.00 C. R. H. . ___ 1 .oo Mr. and Mr*. R. J. Jones_ 3.00 Mrs. H. T. Brlnker _ 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. M._ 6.00 Wlnthrop A. Johns_ 2.00 Mr*. L M. Byron_ 1.00 L. M. Rice _ 2.50 Gertrude C. Bates__ 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Criswell-. 5.00 W. P Metcalf 100.00 Civil War Veteran. 05 years old 100.00 Shaffer Flower Shop _ 10.oo Mrs. Catherine Wldmayer_ 2.00 Mrs. G. M. Defflnbaugh_ - 1.00 National Lineal Society of the Spanish War S.00 Mr and Mrs. Harry Uhl_ 10.oo J. Goldstein 3.00 Mr. and Mr*. T. P. Nicholson.. 6.00 Thomas M. Colley 6.00 Helen. Jack and Edward Waters 1.50 Irene and Jimmie Sullivan . 5.00 8. C. E. D 20.00 Teachers of Sumner Magruder School - . _ 8.50 J. H Ingram B.OO Ellen Roone Swetnand _ 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hlle _ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. John E Tripp_ Dr. and Mrs. Earl B. Frank_ SB.00 Marguerite Larson _ in.on William F. Clack_ B.oo L. T. Oravatte _ B.oo James B Robinson _- B.oo William C. Jarvison_ 2.00 A friend ___•_ ln.oo Catherine V. McOee_ B.OO M. Posner 1.00 Noble F. and Clara I. Whyte 10.00 International Business Machine* Service Club . 30.04 Friendship Lodge. No. 12. I. O. O. F. 60.00 J. S. Staples .. 1.00 Delta Chi Chaoter. slsma Phi Gamma sorority . 6.00 David H. Christensen_ 6.on Mellonas Bros. .. 6.00 Fidelity Council. No. 4. Daugh ters of America .. . _ _ 10,00 O. K. . _ 3.50 Bell's M. E. Church. Epworth League 3 00 Mt. and Mrs. Druell Huskerson. 6.fill Perry Goody . - 3.00 E. J. Graham _ 5 00 M. A. R.’’ _ 10 00 Betty C. Saline 2.0U Dr. and Mrs. Algernon B. Jack son 6.00 M. D. P ....... _ 6 00 P. C. Snyder_ 6.00 Miss L. B. B 5.00 Employes. Lansburgh & Bro. 215..*14 Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lisner _ Capt. and Mrs. C. B. Letdorn . Harry R. Raley . 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brawner _ 1.00 Julia H Sonneborn __ 6.00 Girard H. Child. Jr. _ 6.oo T. Homer Hall 2.00 J J. Cermak 6.00 Jack and Marv O Meyer-. 2 on George Bryant 2.00 Mary M McNamara_ 2.00 P. C H. _ 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Weiner 5.00 Mrs. Lydia Leecke- 5.00 Lillie M. Archibald _ loon Ida R. Thornton- 2.00 Roy R Clark_ 2.00 A. 8cott Pollock .. 2.00 Prentiss Alden Clark -— l.UU Employes. Packard Motor Car Co_ 65.00 Waldo A. Clark Co._ 5.00 Employes Southern Oxygen Co.- 100.00 Boys Club of Wash.. D. C- 10.00 Harry F. Knapp _- 16.00 Mr. and Mrs. D. M. K.__ 5.00 Max Hirsch_- 20.00 Mrs. C E N._- 2.00 Richard Ray _ - - 1.00 Members of Business Women's Council _ 42.00 Daughters of Scotia. Lodge No. 76...- 2“ 00 F. M._ _- 2 00 E Heidenheimer. Inc _ 25.00 Pet worth Women's Club_ 10.00 William J. Johnson 2.60 Mrs. William J. Johnson -_- 2.60 Miss Mary Ann Johnson_- 2.50 Lillian Turner_ 3.00 Alice Martin _- l.oo D L. J _ 1.00 Mr. and Mrs B A. Rock_- 2.00 Eloise C Waters ___ _ Employes Franklin & Co _ 7.00 Mr and Mrs. Arthur C. Aston - 6.00 Friend of Louisville_ 5.00 Mrs Maria Di Guiseppe _ 5.00 Employes. Browning Baines. Inc lo.on Frances L. Wilcox ^_ 1.00 D. L. B._ 1.00 & ___ 2.00 Florence G. Smith __ 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. H._ 2.on James Arthur_- l.oo S W _ l.oo Earl T. Ragan_- 5.00 ; Brickerd's Service Station _ 5.00 j Dixie Chapter. No. 1241. U. D of the C._ 20 00 t Mrs. Aren* ._ 1.00 | Miss Ivey_ 1.00 I H. C. and R. C. L._ 1.00 Cena _ l.oo Petworth Citizens’ Association_ 25.oo John C. McLaughlin_ 10.00 Flora Iannuccl_ l.oo Mr end Mrs. 8. W. King_ 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace P. Lynn_ 2.00 Mary Marlow_ l .oo Anonymous cash _ 147.00 Theodore W. Noyes_ 200.00 A. M, Wager _ :i.OO L. O. Slack . _ 15.00 J. W. Lambert_ 5.00 Nelson J. Tubbs _ 25.00 Members Washington Restau rant Association _ __ 1O1.R0 P. J. McDonald _ 10.00 Harvey 8. Clem _ 5.0o Adam A. Weschler_ 10.Oo Mary A. Roxrodes _ lo.oo Mrs. N. E. Mclndro _ 5.00 Weaver Brothers. Inc_ 100.00 J. R Ergood _ 10.00 W. F. Lacke _ 11.00 Joseph Ottensteln_ 20.00 B. B. K. » _ 5.00 Dorothy D. Marsh _ Mrs. Samuel 8. Dennis _ fin.On Catherine Olds Hamilton_ 5.On Ena Reamer 5.00 Mrs. A. Allen Howard_ 5.00 Zaldee M. Gardner _ 1 On Louis Conradi _ 5.00 Belle Ooldmnn _ 5.00 Theodora Brunlnger __ 25.on Bessie Farner _ lo.oo A. B. Keefer 5.00 E. D C. 5.00 Employes Armour & Co_ 37.00 J. B. Wagoner lo.oo George H. Dean _ 5.00 Albert W. Brown _ 7.00 Leonard H. Mitchell _ Miss Justine Roseman_ lo.oo John T. Moss 10.00 Janet E. Richards_ 25.00 T. 8. Bradshaw _ 5.00 A. T. Walker _ to Oil Charles H. Miller_ Alexander Ferrara _ 8.00 Margaret McL. Wilson_ Beatrice K. Sasnett_ 3.00 •'403" 1 no Miss Jessie Carter __ 2.on Employes. Electrolux. Inc._ .'1.00 Charles B. Holloway _._ 55.00 F. M. Cantey __ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Rogers _ 1 .">.00 Petworth Mothers’ Club.._ lo.oo Richard A. Fitzgerald_ B.oo A Fellow Christian_ ft no Simon Kinche _ 2.00 Mary Alice Sigllllto _ .50 Rose Marie Sigillito _ .All Mrs John MacKebee_ 1 .on N. V. M. _ 1 .00 C 8eyinour McConnell_ 1.00 Mrs. E. Judson __ 2.00 Mrs. L. Hamlin - 1.00 Fourleaf Clover Club _ "no M, Van R French 10 (10 Cipt. A Mrs David Hottenstein 5.0ft Mrs. L Herchebroth _ 3.00 Mr. and Mrs Lloyd O. Haag _ 5 nil Annette Hart Tatlow _ 3.00 Kirson’s Pharmacy__ 3.00 Adelaide Yates _ 5.00 John J. O Brien _ lo.oo R V B 5.00 Rebecca St. Clair 2 00 Mr, and Mrs Loren M. Herbert 10.00 Ladies' Auxiliary McKimmie Chatterton Police Fire post of the Veterans of foreign Wars _ BOO Charlotte M. Wardlow _ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tinsman _ 5.00 Ida M. Byrne __ __ 5 00 O M Byrne _ loon Bertha Livingston _ 5.00 Frederick William Wile_ lo.oo Bette and Nancy Ryder _ 25.00 Levy's Shoe Shop 5.00 G. McKay Johnson _ 5 no Bishop and Mrs. Freeman _ 20.00 Dtlleent Teachers Circle of Kings' Daughters 10.00 Matthew F Dermodv 5.00 Employes and Employers Maurice Beauts Salon 15.00 Tim and Oladys Guliek_ 30 (»o Mrs Louis K, Willis _ l.oo Marcus W. Lewis _ 5 00 RESORTS. _ ATLANTIC_CITY, N. J. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY Winter weeks and week-ends are de lightful at the 'Shore . . . doubly to ot Hotel Dennis. Attractive Ameri can Plan Rates. C. Gilbert__ 10.00 I Velma Love _ 1.00 Clifford M. Stoy_ 6.00 B. E. B. Warren_- 6.110 M. L. Ashby _ l.oo Mrs. Eva Warters ... 1.00 Vienna Council No. 12, Order Fraternal Americana _ 10.00 Charles A. McMahon_ 5.00 Mrs. Mary Tobin_ 2.00 A Friend 2.00 Harry M. Kaufman_ 25.00 W. R. Kelley _ 10.00 W. W. McCollum _ - 2.00 Electa Chapter No. 2. Eastern Star _ 25.00 B. A. L_ 10.00 M V. C. 1.00 Helen V. Robinson_ 5.00 Dr. A E. Kilns _ 5.00 Leslie W. Orr 5.00 Alfred F. W. Schmidt_ 5.00 Francis Garziglla _ 2.00 Fellan Garzla 5.00 Percy H. Rusaell Company_ 5.00 J. G. P. 1.00 George W. White_ 100.00 Mrs. L. Carrico_ 1.00 Joseph Smith _ 5.00 Employes. A. & P._ C. Clinton Jamea_ 10.00 Mordecai Ezekiel 30.00 Frances Raum Wslsky_ Lois Menne l.oo Elizabeth J Heisher_ 2.00 Mrs L. B Chaffee _ 6.00 M. A. Fera 6.00 Mrs. H. R Green_- 2.00 Ruth Peterson _ J on Mrs. Edna Bewley_- 6.00 D Alfred Manron_ 15.00 Carolyn L. Vogt _- *}«fl C. M. Huehes 6.00 Mrs. I. Mason Smith_ * 00 Fred H. Thomas * 5.00 Mrs. 81dney L. Hechlnger- Lillian C. Serfleld _ 1 00 Fred B Ltnfoot _- 2.60 Miss Stella Ransom_ 2.50 Paul D. Helser _ 2.00 Dr. and Mrs C. B. C. . - lo.oo Iota Chapter. Chi Slsma SororitT 3.00 Employes. Bqiiat Cafe . . 25.00 Rosa Pendleton Chiles - 1.00 Employes. Raleigh Haberdasher 87.00 Frederick M. Dolan , 10.00 Northrop Church's '‘Celebrities 0.00 Mr. and Mrs. Adams 1.00 R. E. Milor Company _ 60.00 Mrs. John C. McLaughlin_ ->.nn R. Mulholland 5.00 Emerald Toe Hosiery Stores_ 6.00 In Memory of Our Boy 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Lambert 5.00 Memory ol My Father and „ Mother 2o.00 Aleri Bible Class. Petworth M* E. Cnurch . »«n Mrs. D. St me __ 2 no A. E S. — 6.00 G S. _ 000 Third Order. St. Francis, Fi an tiscan Monastery - lo.oo H. H. Z. - 2 <>o M. B. |.«Nt B. E. A. _ Louis E Roberts_ 1 D. Nevitt _ -«><» T. R. Farrar - 2.00 John M. and Anna S. Castell 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews 2.00 A. A. Hart _ 1-00 M. A. W_ 2.00 J. V. A. -_ 1.00 O E. F. - _ 1.00 R. B. L. . ft'1" Employes. Pblllpsbom- l.nn B. C. M. ._ l.nn 8. W. F. —- — 2.(10 Mrs. P M. Came _ HUM! Miss Elolse B Moore_ 2.00 Elvin Van Horn _ 2.on J. Fred Porter_l.nn E. B. Stevens_ - 6.00 T. K. _ ft.on A.c. _ 1 .no Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Bieber . 5.nil j. c. s._ ft.on Stock ticker kirls. Evening Star Mr and Mrs. W. E. Bowman __ ft 00 R P Poak l.nn W. M. Poae _ 2 on Troon 77. Kenilworth. D. C. 2.00 Raymond Short_ _ _ l.nn J J. B_ l.nn i H C A. . .._ 8.00 ; Employes Globe-Wernlcke Co 15 00 \ I JEWELRY REPAIRED Brim it to a Arm you ran trust. Moderate prices. Skilled work* i manship. Easy credit terms. CASTELBERG’S 1004 F 34. H.W. Employes. Green Line Sight* zeeinz Co _ JO.on Gertruoe B, Davison _ 5.00 ; D. M. lo.oo Mrs. H H. Strine _ 5.00 I Mrs. Gloria Lee Slff_ w. L. R. —__ Mrs. R D. Terhune _ -a?."0 Havenner Bakery emp'oyes__ •rb.nn Citizens of Temple Hill. Md_ 80.4.1 Harry A, Shubin ■. Harry N. Sher_ 5.on Albert H. Tucker_ 1 .tin L. P. Vallario_ 5.on Samuel Katz __ 2.nn Robert M. Hardy_ 5.on Samuel Rosenblum_ 5.00 Harry Feldman _ 5.00 F. A. Dodae Ar Bro. _' il.oo Mrs Jas B. Wilkinson_ •’.on A Veteran . Mr. and Mrs. W. G Hall. 2d _ 5.00 Hazen. Albert and Dorothy Hui aonit 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. George F Gates 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A Haggerty lo.(to Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lippert 5,00 Mrs. N. C. 5 (10 Washington Friendly Club - ft 00 F. B. Grace „ u on G Collins_ _ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Clayton ft.on R- K. l.oo Mrs Jennie A. Garner and daughter ___ S no John Devine _ _ \ on Annie M Davison .. ._ 2 oo Mr* A B 8. Moseley_ I 00 B. H C- "0,00 A. Klakrlng_ _ •> on Albert Andrews __ 2.(to ! Mrs. L"e Allen __ _ « no Dr and Mrs A A. Cheney__ 5.on | Mrs L. B Shark_ son James B. Cornell_ ft no Clifton E. Anble_ _ 1 no \ Anna R. Tabler _ ft.oo Mr. and Mrs J. T. Brazero!_ ft.oo Mrs Sophie R. Helnzman_ 2.00 o H - - l on Mr. and Mrs P. W. Mayer_ Melvina Mattlack ___ 2 on 0. I. Augustine_ _ ft,no Mrs. Robert Hooe.__ _ 2.00 Petworth Methodist Church_ 52.SO Grace Johnson __ 2.00 H W. Lecse _ 1,2ft Mrs Lou1 s E. Kiel__ 3.00 A. B. McBath_ 1.00 F. W Palmer__ 2.00 P M _ ft.oo Mrs. Wade H. Wright, jr_ ft.oo Trico Windshield Wiper Service 1.00 Barbara Horwitz _ _ 1 no Miss Bessie Silverman_ 1.00 Margaret Warden _ 2.00 Col James 8. Pettit Auxiliary. D. B. W V. No « ft.00 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brown 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schofield a.on William O. Dawson . ' .00 1 Miss 8. A. _ ft.oo Mr. C. M Lew _ 1 OO 1 Mr and Mrs. N. 8. _ > 00 1. M. G. - _ 2.00 I W W. Club _ ft.00 I Gamma Chapter. Zeta Chi_ lo on j M. K. _ 1.00 Mrs. L. J. Mitchell _ 1 00 Nancy Kirby _ j Annette Orate _ l.ool Mr. and Mrs A H D. _ *!.O0 Mr and Mrs. NeU H. Bailey __ 2.00 Jack Danof ___ .5.00 I. 8 Sheckels _ 1.00 E M F. _ 1 oo 1 Ben N;vltt . I.on j A. Rupertua _ R.00 I Betty and Jessie_ ft.oo Fmolovei. Habn Shoe Btorei I" ofl Mr and Mo c. H. Bradley „ \Olt Ethel and Evelyn _ lO.nO Mrs. C. J. Z. «i pn and Mrs. William Hall ZIIZ Clyde Mlnner ___ "no Mr. Milford Smith_III 1 no V- ». 5?rli?r _- i»o J W. Jackson 1 no Mr. and Mrs Edward T. Cahill 2 00 Mrs. Lula Youna _ 1 no " L. P. _ o pf) Ruth Daniels _II 3 no Hamilton E Gr#cory_ZZZZ 5 00 AdolDh Klin# _ i no Cash contribution*_ZZZZ H.TOO Total - im.inri.snj Goat a Hitch-Hiker. FREMONT, Ohio (A”).—A truck driver backed his trailer up to the police station an dunieaded a goat. "X have no use for goats." he told Chief Schneider, "and I can't figure out how this hitch-hiker goat got aboard." ROAST BEEF is RICHER with LEA & PERRINS CAlire THE ORIGINAL OMWWC WORCESTERSHIRE | • ESTABLISHED 1865 • f | MOULDINGS | | A Barker Specialty f | Over one million feet always on hond; over two hundred ^ ^ patterns ready for imropdi ate, free delivery at Wash ington's lowest prices. BoA* 0 er moulings ore clean end dry. GEO. M. B ARKER 1 • COMPANY • I i # LUMBER W MILLWORK I 649-651 N. Y. Ave. N.W. I 1523 7th St. N.W. InA. 1348 "The Lumber Number"^ ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. When You Neglect Colds You Risk Serious Illness Fight Them From Within With Father John’s Medicine If you are subject to one cold after another, don't get discouraged, but keep on treating it, because a neglected cold can lead to more serious conditions. Do as millions have done for over 80 years —take Father John's Medicine. It fights the cold from within, and helps build your strength at the same time. The reputation of Father John's Medicine as a treatment for eolds is backed by 80 years of use. No endorsement could be stronger than this fact. Keep it on hand at all times. That "Rexall" toothpaste Bill uses is made from a formula that took tireless years to perfect. Our research Chemist travelled over 7,000 miles and checked daily with the accurate Vitameter tests to make sure that "Puretest" Cod Liver Oil hos the vitamin content little Susan needs for sturdy growth. Thot "Bisma> Rex" which relieved your indigestion so quickly last night measures up to a standard exceeding that of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A staff of physicists, <.,■* chemists and technicians, with an unsurpassed record of achievement, is working in research laboratories equipped with every facility known to modern science keeping vfgilant guard over avtrything you buy at liggett's. SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH at BISMAREX Safe—Prompt—Efficient A pleasant-tasting Antacid Powder. Aid* digestion. Neu tralizes excess acid. Soothes irritated membranes. CARA NOME FACE POWDER Newest shades now obtainable in this popular Face Powder. Visit the Cara Nome testing table at all Liggett Drug Stores. MI 3 1 ANTISEPTIC • 3 * MOUTH WASH KILLS GERMS—Harmless to the most delicate tis sues. Antiseptic when di luted with an equal quan tity of water. Pint bottle, 49c ILASOL ■ SKIN LOTION —Softens, smooths and cools rough, chapped skin. Base for face powder and after shaving lotion. 25e & 50e HALIBUT Liver Oil Capsules Each one eoual In Vita min A potency to 4 tea spoonfuls of Cod Liver Oil. Box of 50 capsules. 79c BRITEN TOOTH PASTE Refreshes the mouth and yums and keeps teeth cleaner and briyhter by a special inaredient. 25c Rexoll NASAL SPRAY With Ephedrina For Relief of Head Colds. With Atomizer, 75c Rexoll EYELO A sooth in* g'S, B and clcansina Eye Lotion for iijSS* comfort and Irritation. with Ey« Cup 50c National Dairy Molted Milk Chooolato Flavor 2-Pound Six* 49c Kantleek Hot Water Bottle and Icc Bag Combination A 2 in 1 Bottle. Guaranteed 5 Year*. 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