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OLD GOLDl AND SILVER will bring qou Mas si air.i t STREET N.W. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 PHILADELPHIA $3.00 Chaffer $3.00 Wilmington $3.73 leave Washington 7;40 a. m. or 11:45 a. ns. Choice of 7 trains mturninq some dov. BAITIMORK $1.23 Round Trip Saturdays end Sundays $1.30 found Trip Dai y - Good for 3 days D«*o Is from cny B & O Ticket Agent or Telephone: Diitiict 330) Notiono* 7370 LUMBER Prices Going UP If you're going to need lumber soon, or in the Sprint, it will pay 1 you to buy now and store it until you’re ready. Lumber prices are steadily advancing. We anticipated a price Increase and laid in a bit supply—-you can save real money if you buy from us. j We cater to small orders and make deliveries free of charge. Free estimates any time J. FRANK ELLY ISC. SUDDEN SERVICE Lumber and Millwork 2121 Ga. Ava. NOrth 1341 nOS t ST., S. W. WASHINGTON, D. C SLICED BOILED HAM lb. 40* LINK PORK SAUSAGE ib. 2©c I LEAN SMOKED HAMS 'b. 25* SMALL BACON SQUARES * 19c fi£5? DRESSING <» 25c BLEND* COFFEE - 17c HALF-POUND BOX BLACK PEPPER - 10c VAJOLLA Flavoring 10c SELL U. S. GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEATS"-““ 311 7thSt.N.W. ""shcuu" 3146MSt.N.W. Tender Beef Roast ~JM W0 Shoulder Lamb Chops lb. ■ - b * Fresh Ground Beef -M ROLL CREAMERY BUTTER «>• 37c .. -- --- BONELESS ROLLED RIB ROAST 23* LARGE JUICY FRANKS 15c SELECTED CARTON EGGS 25c SMALL SHOULDER SMALL Philadelphia STICK VEAL SMOKED STYLE BOLOGNA CHOPS Shoulders Scrapple 12> i/2c 17c b 18c «> 10* TENDER ROUND STEAK - »>• 25c LEAN PORK CHOPS »>• 2F SMALL FRESH Shoulders 17c STORE-SLICED BACON - - * 28c RIPENED Oranges «-■ 16c SWEET JUICY Tangerines, 3 *«• 28c GRAPE FRUIT, 4 - 15c gguCabbage, 310c OPEN TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY. GARBO’S (332,500 TOPS SALARY UST Wallace Beery Received $278,749 and Clark Gable $211,553. By tbe Associated Press. Movie stars topped their own bosses and many business men in a supple mental list of 1935 salaries reported yesterday to Congress. Greta Garbo's checks added up to $332,500. Metro-Ooldwyn Mayer, her employer, likewise paid $311,553 to Clark Gable, $278,749 to Wallace Beery. $238,750 to William Powell and $241,403 to Joan Crawford. Franchot Tone, Miss Crawford’s husband, received $73,124. These figures were made public In a Treasury report on salaries of $15,000 or more paid by corporations In 1935 or In fiscal years ending In 1936. Metro-Qoldwyn-Mayer salaries took up four of the more than 30 pages of the report and Included 71 of $50,000 or more to movie stars, writers and officials. Excepting the movie Industry, the biggest sum reported was $193,128, received by G. W. Mason, president of the Kelvinator Refrigerator Co. of Detroit. Next were $134,774 for James H. Rand, Jr., of Buffalo, president of Remington Rand, Inc., and $119,774 for Edward C. Stone of Lexington, Mass., general manager of the United States branch of the Employers Lia bility Insurance Co. Hamm Received $4Z,590. Among the prominent individuals in the higher brackets Was William Hamm, Jr., St. Paul brewer, kidnaped several years ago by the Barker Karpis gang. He received $42,500 as president of the Theo Hamm Brew ing Co. An even $100,000 was paid Floyd B. Odium, Jersey City, president of the Atlas Corp., and to J. J. Lynn, Kansas City, president of the U. 8. Epperson Underwriting Co. Barron Collier, president; Arthur Cohn, vice president, and W. B. Nes bitt, counsel, all of the Collier Ad vertising Co., drew $50,000 each. The peanut industry provided sub stantial returns for three individuals A. Obicl of Suffolk, Va., drew $62,500 as president of the Planters Nut Sc Chocolate Co. H. C. Smither of Lon don Bridge, Va., president, and J. B. White. Norfolk, Va., received $60,000 and $52,000, respectively, from the Columbian Peanut Co. Some of the salaries reported for the firm of 6amuel Ooldwyn? Inc., Ltd., of Hollywood, were $182,000 to Samuel Ooldwyn, president; 8150,000 to Eddie Cantor; $174,418 to Miriam Hopkins, and $78,000 to Joel McCrea. Seltnlck Got $194,600. M.-G.-M.’s highest paid director was David O. Selznick, who drew $194,000. These additional stars got $100,000 or more from the same company: Lionel Barrymore, Constance Ben nett, Jack Benny, Clarence Brown, Ronald Colman, Ann Harding, Jean Harlow, the Marx brothers, Jeanette McDonald and Robert Montgomery. Writers, song writers, supervisors and directors paid at least $100,000 by M.-G.-M. were Jack Conway, Tay Garnett, William K. Howard, Luclen Hubbard, Robert C. Leonard, Prank Lloyd, Prances Marlon, John Mee han, Edgar Selwyn, Hunt Stromberg, Ernest Vajda and W. S. Vandyke. Others In the Metro-Goldwyn-Msyer group: Philip Barry, writer, $54,000 ; 8am Berhrman, writer, $52,291; Richard Boleslawski, director, $69,750; Charles Butterworth, $56,124; Tod Browning, director, $61,000; Marc Connelly, writer, $56,666; Jackie Cooper, actor, $57,490; J. W. Consldine, jr, director, $64,000; Maurice Chevalier, $53,000; George Cukor, director, $71,750; John Emerson and Anita Loos, writers, 189,7*0: W. C. Fields, $50,000; Victor Fleming, director, *65,416; Jules Furt man, writer, *87,083; Cedric Gibbons, art director, *52,000; Edmund Gould - ing director, $72,000; E. H. Griffith, writer, (84,333. Albert Hackett, writer, $70,125; Oscar Hammerstein, song writer, $72,541; Helen Hayes, $52,750; B. H. Hyman, supervisor, $97,600; George Kauffman, writer, $78,749; Sam Katz, executive, $57,000; Jerome D. Kern, song writer, $78,000; Albert Lewln, supervisor, $65,000; Ted Lewis, $56,464; Herman Mankiewlca, writer, $65,000; Joseph Manklewlcz, director, $50,041; Her bert Marshall, (67,883; Frank Morgan, (70,055; Chester Morris, (56,260; Ra mon Novarro, (69,500; Edna May Oliver, $58,166; Charles Relsner, di rector, $83,925; J. Walter Ruben, director, $52,833; Norma Shearer, $80,000; Donald Ogden Stewart, writer, $84,500; Lewis Stone, $58,084; Henry Stephenson, $53,083; Gloria Swanson, $53,000; Lawrence Weln garten, supervisor, $78,000; William Wellman, director, $69,875. Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., Ltd.—How ard Hawks, director, $61,055; Jane Merlin, writer, $92,636; Norman Taurog, director, $80,000; William Wyler, director, $80,555. The compensation reported yester day was in addition, In some cases, to incomes made public several weeks ago In the Treasury’s original list of 1935 salaries. body who might have heard X won a little on the ponies yesterday after* noon,” Powell said. "I didn’t have that money long.” Powell said he would report the rob bery to police today, but that he would not mourn his loss so much If he gets the >14,000 he Is asking from the Yankees this year. “I figure I did all right last year and deserve a raise. If I get it I won't mind that $40 or $S0 they took from me last night.” BILL WOULD DELAY INAUGURAL RITES Resolution Anthonies President to Postpone Ceremonies if Weather Is Bad. Representative O’Leary, Democrat, of New York introduced a joint res olution yesterday authorising the President to postpone inauguration ceremonies in the event of inclement weather, such as prevailed In Wash ington last Wednesday. The President, however, would be required to take the oath of officer January 20, at provided In the Con stitution. but the parade and other ceremonies could be postponed until later. The Salvation Army vu organised in 1865 under the name of the Bast London Mission and adopted its present name in 1878. PSYCHIC CENTRE "CARLETTA" Group Readings Dally 84 years on Fourteenth Street Spiritual advice by “Carletta" NO OTHER READER §88 14th St. N.W. MEt. 4908 JAKE POWELL LOSES WINNINGS TO THUGS Yftnkes Outfielder Bobbed of Profit on Ponies at Silver Spring Home. ■a a Staff Corraipondant et Tha Star. SILVER SPRING, Md , January 38. —Good luck on the ponies turned to bad for Alvin J. (Jake) Powell, former Senator and star outfielder of the world champion Yankees, last nlfht when he was held up at his home, 768 Dale drive, and robbed of between $40 and $50. Powell returned home about 8 p.m. and had just opened the door of his garage when a rough voice ordered him to "keep his hands up in the air." A gun was pressed against his back to reinforce the demand. Jake complied and one of the men, held the gun against him while the other went through his pockets. When the searcher found his wallet, the pair fled back down the driveway. Powell ran inside the house and got a .35-callber pistol and attempted to pursue the pair, but all he found was his wallet. The bills were gone. “I guess it must have been some* END THAT 3-O'CLOCK LET-DOWN "Snap Oat at if—.Drink Hat BOVRIL “Mavragm Maafataak’* Brain m the latest* Mi n 4awne4 tt. At ftantalai. 14a a cut. Al»a la Jan. at ttaattr an4 4rat ataraa—tar haaa ait. Mattresses Remade | Faraltare an* Dra aeries naMiM, aa ■•litercd. rr»»tr«a. tmm hAAK Antique Chests of ^Drawers, Daven ports, Settees, Vic torian Sofas, Chairs, Rockers, Desks, Secretaries, Side boards, To blot, MeiiTuiD Lorge p|#r Mirrors, Console Tables, China, Glass ware, Pictures, Corner Cabi nets, Snap-Top Tables, Folding Top Card Tables, Spinning Wheels, Music Boxes, High Post Beds, etc. At Public Auction AT SLOAN’S 715 13th St. SATURDAY January 30, 1937 at 10 A.M. TERMS. CASH. C. O. SU.m a C... Ine.. Alcti. MrtablithU lltt STEIN BEDDING CO. 1M4 Eye St. N.W. ME. »4»# HolePTudor • la MIW TOK CITY • t U««b Mat •( Itaad Owkd Staltoa w4fa< SkMi. Ml rnmaa, B-ECZEMA Also externally caused pimplei and nshea relieved by soothing, fast-acting medication ofCuticura. Buy today. Stout Song for a Winter’s Day The most popular brow m tko world When that the chilling Norther blows, And Winter tells a heavy tale, When Pyes and DaWes and Rookes and Crows Do sit and curse the frost and snows, Oh give me stout brown ale! Adapted from u eld drifting ieag is “Merry Drollery Complest" IN olden times men sought the good cheer of stout brown ale in the coldest winter weather. Today the word “ale” has been dropped, but since 1759 Guinness has been brewed “stout brown** in the same unhurried way. Guinness is brewed in Dublin from barley malt, hops, yeast and water—nothing else. It is aged for a year, in oak vats,and in Bottle. Because of this natural brewing, Guinness brings natural enjoy ment. It’s a cold wind, indeed, that can chill your spirits, once you*ve developed a taste for Guinness. GUINNESS IS ENJOYED before or during meals, eftmr exercise or tehen tired, end before retiring. You should be eble to get it sehorover you buy good beer or ole. Guinness IS GOOD FOR YOU The ttcrr ef Ouinnut ti net It It: IMhim. 82 lilac tratlena. Write American Kenraaentatlr*: A. Galnneai. Sen A Ca. UA. Owl. <1-K. Ml Filth Aw., X. T. •UY AMERICAN: Whtrs Quality Counts and Your Monty Does furthest Large Juicy Florida Grapefruit YORK IMPERIAL APPLES 4 -■ 19c Red, Seur Pitied Pie CHERRIES 2 » 25 Marshall's Imported H RR1NG 2 !Z_29‘ Domestic Sardines, in oil or mustard, 2 cans 9c Dill or Sour Majestic PICKLES 2 E 25' m JRonte D E A C Garden wr C J 2 * - "* 2 5 ® 9*1 JRottl* Spinach 2 c«n. 27c Heinz Ketchup ur,« b»t. 17c Minute Tapioca *k*- 12c JSCO Golden Table Syrup Ne. 1 Vi con 10* Mother'* Joy Poncoke Syrup bot. 15* G0td Ssat Oat*; quick or reg. pkg. Sc Reg. 29c Well-Made Red Star ■■ BROOMS IJ KIRKMAN'S A k H LAUNDRY SOAP TP W* I #C KIRKMAN'S FLOATING SOAR eoke 5c (in D. C.) SOAR CHIRS large pkg. lie KIRKMAN'S CLEANSER ^ ft _ t SOAR ROWDER A YC TENDER YOUNG FRYING CHICKENS The entire family will enjoy a fried chicken dinner Fancy Spring LEGS of LAMB Shoalder Chops ft. 23c Shoalder Roast ». 15c Loan Stowing n>. 10c 1 Tuna In WBAL Evary Morning art I.W— Yom’U Find It Intoroating —CHEESE 25 Borden s Cheese in glass; 5 kinds glass 21 c I Fresh Baked Crisp Soda Crackers lb. pkg. 10« Borden's Chateau Cheese Vi - lb. pkg. 16e I 4'SCO Bread Crumbs 2 pkgs. 15c Princess Mustard pint jar 10s | 4500 Tomato Puree 3 cans 14c pidSnai Macaroni« Spaghetti 5c Armour's Corned BEEF HASH Potted Meats No. Vi can 9c; No. Vi con 5c I Jelly Eggs; soft center lb. 10c Treesweet Orange Juice 2 cans 25c I Crosse and Blackwell Date and Nut Bread con 15c Hi-Ha Prune Juice 2 cans 19c | N. B. C. Premium Flake Crackers pkg. 9c HERSHEY'S Chocolate SYRUP Reg. 10c 16>oz. can* Hom-de-Lite Creamy MAYONNAISE * 12* £ 19* r _37* Hom-de-Lite Snappy SALAD DRESSING U10* £17* £* 29* (tSCD Long-Cut Sauer Kraut 3 «^25* Glonwood Florid* 1 A GRAFIFRUIT ■ vt Try our "Hoot-Ho" roostod Win-Crest Coffee ,b 19e 4SC0 COFFEE n» 21c *te" coffee "Good to the ib. Last Drop” «“ 4500 Fruit Salad big 27c can 23c Jell-0 six flavors Ik pkg. 5c Bovril beverage beefsteak t oz. bot. 39c OSCO Prepared Pancake or Buckwheat Flour Chocolate Magnolia Cakes 2 lbs. 29c Farmdale Tender Sweet Peat 2 cans 25c Butter Kernel Corn . 2 cans 29c 10*Quart Galvanized PAIL And Large Quart Bottle AMMONIA g 25c Enjoy Quality MEATS,. .They Always Cost Less Here FRESH PORK LOIN ROAST n, 21c END CUT PORK CHOPS it 23c CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS n, 29c FRESH PORK SHOULDERS n. 19c Trader Juicy Round Steek n>. 31c Briffi fob! Seutfe Meet n, 28c Freeh Phile. SCRAPPLE ib. 12»/»c Tender Steer CHUCK ROAST a SHOULDERS - 19c 1 TO 5 LI. AVERAGE sss, Roast- 29c Freshly Ground BeefIb- 19c ®0/vS^Qrapefruit Sale The pick of the biggest crop ever grown, rushed to us by the trainload.- That's why we can offer this de luxe quality fruit at such amazing prices. Serve halved grapefruit or fresh grapefruit juice everyday—for HEALTH. A Grower-Consumer Co-operative Campaign Fresh Ripe New Green Repack Fresh Curly Green Strawberries CABBAGE TOMATOES KALE g 12c lb 3c 2lb‘ 29c 3 lb IQc PEA SOUP Ntmt und ttrvt “mt it” Phillips "Delicious" VEGETABLE SOUP Fram Oar Bmkary ..• ^ Victor Bread 16 oi. W ji loaf / V BREAD SUPREME 24 ... \ f\C Tfca Vain loaf I \J Snpromo Butt«r or Fruit BUNS 6 fw 9c SEMINOLE TOILET TISSUE 2,olu 13e BLACK FLAG Liquid y, pt. Ix.ctieid. can MARCO DOG FOOD 3 18" 25c cam ^ SEA FOOD SPECIALS g£& HADDOCK » 23c Halibut STEAK » 29c CROAKERS » 12c SEA RASS » 15c Spanish Hockonl >*• 18c Always Ready to Servo You— A Croat Housekeeper ____ You Should Know