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C. & P. PHONE NET (2A338M c Gain of $113,509 Revealed Over Previous Year in Annual Report. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Total net Income o* the Chesapeake A Potomac Telephone Co. In 1936 amounted to $2,026,338, In comparison with $1,912,829 in 1935, or an Increase of $113,509, according to the annual report just filed with the Public Utili ties Commission. Operating revenues in 1036 totaled $10,597,013, against $10,066,522 a year ago; operating expenses required $7,537,180, compared with $7,153,484; operating taxes called for $867,323, against $735,234, leaving a net income from operations of $2,192,510 in 1936 in comparison with $2,177,804 in the previous year. Non-operating income was about $14,000 more than a year ago. while Interest deductions took only $182,790. against $267,041. There was a net gain of 12.314 in the number of tele phones installed during 1936, not quite as high a figure as the 13,772 installed during 1935. Telephone calls were much more numerous. 279.178,000, against 257,691,000 in 1935, the report reveals. The Chesapeake & Potomac Tele phone Co. also filed the December statement, which showed an excellent month's business. Operating revenues totaled $915,383. compared with $873, 053 in December, 1935. Operating expenses were kept well in hand, standing at $646,332. while this item a year ago was $641,825. Taxes were slightly higher, leaving a net income from operations of $205,921, well above the $173,025 a year ago. Non-operating income was much better and total gross was higher than December. 1935. Interest deductions totaled $16,458, leaving a balance be fore dividends of $195,253, compared with $159,076 in December, 1935, a gain of $36,177. There was a gain of 1.652 installed telephones in De cember and a marked increase in calls over the same month in 1935, the statement reveals. D. C. Exchange Sales Lower. While total business on the Wash ington Stock Exchange in 1936 was well ahead of 1935, trading in Decem • ber was not as active as in Novem ber. the Securities and Exchange Com mission reports. The dollar value of stocks sold in December was $85,320 on a turnover of 2.043 shares, com pared with the dollar value in No vember of $207,191 and a turnover of 3.167. The sales value of bonds w*as $38,319. against $57,851 in Novem ber. Stock and bond sales together totaled $123,633 in December and $265,042 in November. The dollar value of sales on all registered securities exchanges in De cember. 1936, amounted to $2,676. 525.432. a decrease of 5.2 per cent from the value of sales in November, and an Increase of 16.7 per cent over the value of sales in December. 1935. Stock sales, including rights, had a value of $2,358,956,424. a decrease of 6.8 per cent from November. Bond sales were valued at $317,483,796. an increase of 8.1 per cent over Novem ber. j.oiai stock sales in uecemDer, in cluding rights, were 99,755.967 shares, or 5.8 per cent above November's total. Total principal amount of bonds was $446,393,325. an increase of 26.3 per cent over November. Business on the Baltimore and Rich mond exchanges was much better in December than in November, the same report shows. Roper Urges More Advertising. In periods of economic depression, advertising can and should assume a leading role in starting recovery processes, and once the recovery move ment has begun, efforts must be made *o sustain it on an ever-increasing .'evel looking to sound future develop ment, Secretary of Commerce Roper ■said in a speech before the Advertising Club of Baltimore. Mr. Roper said that the index of advertising activity increased from the low of 65 in 1933 to 89 in 1936. Frederick J. Young, receiver for the Bank of Brightwood, United States Savings Bank and the International Exchange Bank, has combined the three receivership offices in the United States Savings Bank Building at Fourteenth and U streets northwest. This move will reduce expenses and make possible sale or rental of the Bank of Brightwood Building and the International Exchange Bank Build ing. To date the United States Sav ings Bank has paid back 90 per cent of the money due depositors. The others have not paid as much. Business Gains 25 Per Cent. Charles W. O'Donnell, general agent of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co., reported today that the company's business in the Capital Increased 25 per cent during 1936, and that the agency stood in twentieth place among more than 100 agencies in the country in new policies writ ten. This gain in the Capital com pares with a national average Increase In new business of 3 per cent over 1935. During the year there was a substantial increase in assets, surplus and contingency funds. The Washington branch office of the New York Life Insurance Co. is planning a luncheon at the Shoreham Hotel next Monday in honor of Earl D. Krewson, the local manager, who is celebrating his 35th anniversary with the company. A committee made up of Arthur M. Ninner, W. S. Stone, Alma McCrum, Carl Reisinger and David Samakow Is making the ar rangements. Gas Office Gets Attention. The former office of the Georgetown Gas Light Co. has been redecorated since it was merged with the Wash ington Gas Light Co. on December 7 last. The Georgetown Gas Co. no longer exists as a separate concern, all assets and liabilities having been transferred to the Washington Gas Light Co. The operations of the two companies had been gradually unified before the merger finally took place, so that the most noticeable effect to the public of the consolidation has been the discontinuation of the name of the Georgetown company on gas bills and correspondence. The personnel In the Georgetown office has not been changed. Cus tomers in Georgetown are now using the office at Wisconsin and Dumbar ton avenues or the main office at 411 Tenth street northwest as they prefer. Net Income of the Washington Gas Light Co. in December totaled $131, 183. compared with $91,334 in De cember, 1935, a gain of $39,849, the company reported to the Public Utilities Commission today. For the year 1936 net Income of this company and the Georgetown Gas Light Co. amounted to $666,743, against $979. 60S in 1935, a decrease of $312,862, due to lower gas rates and heavier exgeoAGie . 4 TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS IRREGULAR AT WTO CLOSE Steels Again Forge Ahead Briskly With Number of Specialty Issues. -fc Stock Averages 30 15 15 50 Indust. Ralls. Util Stks Net change. +.7 +.4 —.1 +.3 Today, close. 97 9 39 4 52.1 71.6 Prev. day... 97.2 39.0 52.2 71.3 Month ago. 94.6 38.0 51.1 69.4 Year ago... 77.9 34.4 47.5 59 4 1936-7 high. 99.3 43.5 54.0 72 8 1936-7 low.. 73.4 30.2 43 4 55.7 1935 high... 76 3 31.2 44.7 56.1 1935 low- 49 5 18.5 21.6 34 8 *• 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high_146 9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Assoclatea Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. January 30—Steels executed another brisk upward flourish in today's stock market, but, with the^ exception of a number of specialties, failed to pull the rest of the list in their wake. I U. S. Steel was again the leader, leaping across 97 to a new 6-year peak. At the same time automotive issues were inclined to give ground as the strike deadlock remained unbrok ! en. Prices were somewhat uneven at the close. Transfers approximated 1,100,000 shares. With high waters receding In the principal Midwest manufacturing territories, tension over the flood situ ation appeared to have lessened. Hitler's speech before the Reich | stag, in which the withdrawal of | Germany's signature from the Ver-^ sailles peace treaty was announced, was in line with board room expecta tions and seemed to have no particu lar effect on stock trends. A contra-seasonal drop In last week's freight loadings total, publica tion of which was delayed until today, , was also thought to have been a ' neutral influence. The recession was attributed largely to floods and labor interruptions. | Share gainers of fractions to around j 3 points at the best included U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Republic, Crucible, National Steel, Allegheny Steel, 4 I Wheeling Steel. Gulf States Steel, I Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Pitts burgh United, Montgomery Ward, Sears-Rcebuck. American Locomotive, Skelly Oil, Union Oil of California, Southern Railway and Goodyear. Backward were U. S. Rubber, Inter national Harvester. Standard Oil of New Jersey. Western Union. Consoli dated Edison. Anaconda, New York Central. American Can. Du Pont, Paramount, General Motors and Chrysler. ^ Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties < I FIRST DEED OF TRUST OWL? GEORGE I. B0RGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat'l 0350 ^ LAIDLAW A COMPANY. NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATE Notice Is hereby given that a new Limited Partnership has been formed to proceed with and continue under the firm name of Laidlaw & Company the business heretofore carried on by the Limited Part nership under the same name which wai terminated on December 31. 1036. and by its predecessors and that the following is a copv of the Certificate of Limited Partnership filed on January 9 1937 In the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia: . This is to certify that Edward Roesler. a Gilbert U Burdett Elliot C. R Laidlaw. Manuel J Johnson. Henry W Brower. Edward Roesler Jr. Lorraine F Pitman. Robert E. Hauser Isabella Wood Laidlaw and Henry McSweeney have hereto fore formed a Limited Partnership pur suant to the laws of the State of New York and desire to do business in the District of Columbia as a Limited Part nership: that th- firm name of said Partnership is Laidlaw A- Company: that I the business to be transacted bv said Partnership is the business of buying sell- ' ing and dealing in and with stocks bonds, notes securities negotiable Instruments and other evidences of debt or ownership, as brokers and agents and not otherwise: that the said Edward Roesler Gilbert U. 1 Burden Elliot C. R Laidlaw. Manuel J. j Johnson. Henry W. Brower. Edward • Roesler. Jr.. Lorraine F Pitman and Robert E. Hauser are General Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Laidlaw and Henry | McSweeney are Special Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Laidlaw has contributed ’ the sum of *500.990 and the said Henry ■ McSweenev has contributed the sum of *1.000.000 to the common stock of said I Partnership: that said Partnership was ; formed for a period commencing on Janu ary 1 1937 and terminating on December 31 1939. In Witness whereof the aforesaid Part ners have hereunto subscribed thetr names this "9th day of December. 1936. EDWARD ROESLER GILBERT U BURDETT ELLIOT C. R LAIDLAW MANUEL J. JOHNSON HENRY W BROWER EDWARD ROESLER. Jr. LORRAINE F. PITMAN ROBERT E. HAUSER General Partneri ISABELLA WOOD LAIDLAW HENRY MCSWEENEY Special Partners (The foregoing Certificate was duly ac knowledged by the several subscribers thereto)___ W INTHROP. MITCHELL A CO. Certificate of Limited Partnership. We. the undersigned, desiring to form a limited partnership pursuant to the laws of the District of Columbia, do hereby state and certify as follows: I. The name of the partnership Is WIN THROP. MITCHELL & CO. II. The names and places of residence of the members, general and special, are: General Partners. Name and residence: i Henry Rogers Winlhrop. New York. N. Y. ! Leeds Mitchell. Chicago Illinois, j Theodore E. Cunningham. Evanston. Illi nois _ A Woodward Babcock New York N. Y. ~ John J Fagan New York N. Y. ; Harry C Schaack. Chicago Illinois. George R Thornton Oak Park. IHInoti. Alfred I Preston, Jr.. New York. N. Y Richard F. Babcock. Woodbury, L. I.. New York. Henry F. Godfrey New York. N. Y. Richard P. Loasby Montclair. New Jersey. Richard B W. Hall. New York. N. Y. Thomas Miller. Chicago. Illinois Waller C Hardy. Charleston. West Vir ginia James J Masterson. Bergenfield. New Jer sey. Arthur J O Illian. Chicago. Illinois. Austin H Niblack. Lake Forest. Illinois - George N Buffington. Barrington Illlnol*. William P S. Earle. Jr.. Forest Hills. L. I., New York. Everett E. Melllnter. Highland Park. Illi nois. Special Partners. Walter Schuttler. Chicago. Illinois. Milton W. Holden. Palm Beach. Florida. III. The general nature of the business In tended to be transacted shall be a general brokerage and commission business dealing In securities and commodities. / IV. The partnership Is to commence Jan uary 1. 1937. and shall terminate at the close of business on December 31. 1939. unless sooner terminated. V. The amounts of cash actually con tributed by the special partners to the common stock of the partnership are:_ WALTER SCHUTTLER. $390,009 4 MILTON W. HOLDEN $300,000 ** Dated December 31 st. 1936. Henry Roger! Win- Henry F. Godfrey. throp Richard P. Loasby. Leeds Mitchell. Richard B W. Hall. Theodore E. Cun- Thoa. Miller. nincham. Waller C. Hardy. Woodward Babcock. James J. Masterson. John J. Fagan. Arthur J. Illian Harry E. Schaack Austin H Niblack. Oeorge R Thornton. George Buffington. Alfred I. Preston. Jr. Wm. P. S. Earle. Jr. Walter Schuttler. Everett E Mellinger. Richard F Babcock. Milton W Holden The foregoing certificate, duly scknowl- ^ edged, has been filed and recorded in tha V office of the Clerk of the District Court of ■ the United States for the District of Co- H lumbla. Washington. D. C.. and an affi- J davit duly verified by two general partners, stating that the specified cash eontrlbo tiona of the special partners hare in good By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 1938-37 Stock and Sales— Net Blab. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Blab. Low. Oloia. Chga 74% fill Acme Steel (4)_ 8 65% 65% 65%+ % 18% 9% Adams Exp Ia55c>- 32 18 17% 18 35% 17% Adams MilllalaHi) 1 26% 26% 26% + % 37% 22% Address'graDbl 1)_ 1 34% 34% 34% 21% 1% Advance Rumley... 7 4% 4 4 — % 86% *88 Air Reduction <fl). 6 75% 75% 75% 6% 2 Air-Way Eleo AppU 3 4% 4% 4% + % '17% 13 Alaska Jup ItftOe)- 3 14% 14% 14%-% 6% 2% Alleghany Corp__ 22 4 3% 4 + % 61% 12% Alleg pf w *30 w.._ 2 46 46 46 + % 60% 12% Alleg pf w *40 w.__ 1 43% 43% 43% -2% 64% 27 Alleg Corp pr pf._ 1 41% 41% 41% — % 40% 26% Alleg Steel (al.65). 100 40% 38% 40%+2% 245 157 Allied Chem (61 6 236 234% 236 +1 34 23 Allied Mills 4b50c). 4 31% 31 81 + % 20% 6% Allied Stores(b20c). 26 17 16% 17 + % 83% 35% Allls-Chalm (tl %). 36 78 77% 78 39% 19% Alph PortCmt (1).. 4 39% 39% 39%-% 8% 4 Amal Leather_ 3 7% 7 7 125% 76 Amerada Corp (2).. 7 107 106% 107 — % 101% 49 Am AgCh (Del) a4. 1 95% 95% 95%+% 65% 36 Am Bank Note (tl). 4 39% 39 39%+% 71% 40 Am Brake Sh (t2)._ 1 70 70 70 +1 137% 108 Am Can lt4>_ 26 109 107% 108 -% 174 162% Am Can pf (7)_ 1 168 168 168 -1% 64% 30 Am Car ft Foundry. 9 64% 63% 64% +2% 80 31 Am Chaln&Cab(a4). 1 75% 76% 76%-% 113% 87% Am Chicle (T4)_ 2 102 101 102 +1 16% 7% Am Colortype 19 16% 16 16% +1% 85% 20% Am Cornel Al Ia50c) 1 27% 27% 27% — % 83% 16% Am Crys Sug(b50c) 10 32% 32 32 -1 12% 3% Am Encaustic _ 21 13 12% 13 + % 17 9% Am European Sec._ 1 16% 16% 16% + % 13% 6% Am * Foreign Pwr. 68 12% 11% 12% + % 68% 25 Am ft ftjr Pw 16 pf. 1 63 63 63 —2% 68% 29% Am ft For Pw $7 pf. 5 64 62% 64 38% 12 Am ft For Pw Id pf. 13 33% 32% 33% + % 21% 13 Am Hawaiian (1)_ 8 20% 20% 20%-% 9% 4% Am Hide ft Leather. 15 8 7% 7% — % 51% 37 Am Home P (t2.40). 2 60% 60% 60%+ % 4*. 2% Am Ice - 2 3% 3% 3% 26% 16% Am Ice pf <2)- 2 24% 24% 24% - % 16 9% Am Intrnat’l (a40c) 6 15% 15% 15% + % 51 23% Am Locomotive .. 48 531* 61% 53% +2% 122% 66 Am Locom pf (a3)_. 2 121% 119% 121% +1% 29% 21 Am Mach&Fdvitl) 10 23% 23% 23%+ % 15 10 Am Mach & Mat 60a. 1 12% 12% 12%+ % 66% 27 Am Matal ...._ 7 60% 60% 60% + % 16% 7% Am Powar ft Light. 69 14% 13% 13% + % 74% 36% Am PwrftLt pf (6). 9 67% 66% 67% 4 % 87% 43 Am PwrftLt pf (6). 5 82 80% 82 +1% 28% 18% Am Radiator!t60e). 182 £9 28% 29 -1- % 37 23% Am Roll M Itl.liO). 61 35% 34V* 35% + % 34% 31 Am Saf Razor It2). 3 31% 31% 31% + % I 28% 18 Am Seatingta2Vft >— 2 25% 25% 25% 45% 25% Am Shlphldg 121 .. 80a 44 42% 41 +1 103 56% Am Smelt&Bef (3). 13 90% 90 90%+ % 74% 20% Am Steel Fdry (al) 18 69 67% 68% + % 36 24% Am Storea (2)_ 1 25% 25% 25% - % 63% 48% Am Sugar (2)_ 6 53 62% 62% — % 26% 20*4 Am Sumatra Tob tl 1 24% 21% 21%+ % 190% 119% Am Tel ft Taleg i»). 6 183% 183 183% + % 102% 87 Am Tobacco (6).._ 2 99 99 99 + V« 104 88% Am Tobacco B (6)_ 1 99% 99% 99%+ % 18% 8% Am Tvpa Founder!. 7 17% 17% 17% 29% 19% Am Wat Wk»alOc.. 82 26% 25% 26%+ % I 14% 7% Am Wooian 13 13% 13% 13% 79 62% Am Woolen pf (al). 6 75 74 74% 2 % Am Writ Paper idi 14 1% 1% 1% - % 10 4% Am Writ Pap pf Id) 42 7% 7% 7% - % 9 3% Am 7.1nc ft Lead . 10 7% 7% 7% + % 67% 28 Anaconda Cop (tl). 38 63% 52% 63%+ % 26% 15% Anchor Cap iSOci 1 23% 23% 23% — %l 111 97 Anchor Cap of (6%) 80s 108 107% 108 - %| ,10 3 A P W Paper .. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 10% 4% Armour(Ill)(bl5c). 66 9% 9% 9% l 65% 47% Armstrong Cork(2) 5 65% 64% 65% — til 18% 7% Arnold Const(b50c) 3 14% 14% 14%+ % 22% 8% Artloom Corp _ 2 16% 16% 16% + % ; 27% 12% Asso Dry Goods _. 2 20 20 20 88% 59 Atch Toft S Fee*.. 10 73% 72% 73% +1% 19 21% Atl CoaatLlnelal > 12 47% 17 17%+ % 31% 11 Atl Gulf & West Ind 1 26% 26% 26% — % 36% 26% Atlantic Itehn |tl< 29 35 34% 34% + % 30% 14 Atlas Tack (1)_ 1 17% 17% 17%+% 54V* 26% Auburn Auto ..._ 27 33 31% 32% +1% 10% 5% Austin Nichols_ 47 9% 8% 9% +1% ! 16% 29% Austin Nichols pf A 5Sn« 48% 44% 48% ^5% I 9% 4% Aviation Corp (Del) 19 8!« 8% 8% 11% 2% Baldwin Loco id) 227 11% 10% 10% - % 101 29% Baldwin Loco pfld) 2 106% 106% 106', +5% 9% 2% Baldwin Lo asdid). 82 9% 9% 9% 68 3S% Baldw L pf aadld). 2 106% 106% 106% +8% 26% 16% Baltimore ft Ohio . 28 22% 22% 22% + % 41% 21 Baltimore ft Oh pf 2 35% 35% 35% Vi 49% 39 Bang & Aroos (2% 1 3 44 44 44 +1 106% 105 Bang & Aroos pf (5) 10a 106% 106% 106% + % 40% 21 Barber Co (a75c)... 4 37% 37% 37%-%: 32 13% Barker Brothers 2 28% 28V* 28% - % 42 41 Bark Bros pf (2%). 150s 40% 29% 39% i- %i 34% 14% Barnsdall 011 (1)... 62 34 33% 34 + % 22% 16% Bavuk Cigars t75c.. 3 19% 19 19%+% 16% 13 Belding Hem 11 I . 2 13% 13% 13% + % ; 32% 21% Bendlx Avlattal %) 88 27% 26% 27% + Vi 26% 20 Beneficial L <b45c 4 22 22 22 81% 46% Bethlehem Stl al 54 125 83% 81% 83 +1% 135% 107% Beihlehe Stl pf(7. 3 127 127 127 68 23 Bigelow-San (b50c) 1 65% 65% 65% + Vi 38 18% Black & Decker 25c 2 37V* 37 37 26% 14% Blaw-Knox (a80c).. 33 26 25% 26 + % 39 16% Boeing*Airplane . 69 38% 37% 37% — % 63% 40% Bohn AlumftBr <*)_ 2 45 45 45 + % 32% 25% Borden Co (160)._ 7 27% 27% 27%-% 90% 64 Borg-Warner (4)__ 6 80 80 SO + % nv b uoston & Maine__ l 8% sv *'« + % S'-j 1% Botany Min A <d>._ 1 3% 3% 3% 20% 12V Brldgp't Brass t40o 6 19V 19% 19% - V 64V 43V Briggs Mfg (t2) .. 6 56 55V 55% — V 69 47 Briggs & Strat (3) 4 49V 48% 49V 4IV 50V 41 Bristol-Myers t2.40 3 46% 46V 46% 4 V 58V 40V Bklyn-Man Tr (4)_ 1 49% 49% 49% - V 12V 4V Bklyn & Queens- 2 7V 7V 7V + V 67 44V Bklyn On (las (1).. 6 50 49V 50 24V 8V Brunswick-Balks_ 5 22V 22V 22V 24 8V Bucyrus-Erie _ 62 24% 23V 24V +1 15V 9V Budd (EG) Mfg . 33 13 12V 13 -V 14 8% Budd Wheel (a20e). 14 10% 10V 10% - V* 45V 20% Bullard Co <al%).. 2 42 41% 41% - V 59% 11V Butova Welch _ 1 68 58 58 35 25 Burr Adding M 80c. 4 33V 33V 33V— V 11% 2V Bush Terminal id) 19 11% 11V 11V — V 37V 8V Bush Term deb (d) 10 38V 37 37V + % 41% 14V Bush T Bldgs pf Id) .1020* 45 42 45 44 16V 7% Butler Bros <a60c) 3 15 14% 15 + V 31 29V Butler Bros pf 1V 6 31 30V 31 4- % 8% 2% Butte Cop & Z(a5c). 7 7V 6V 6V - V 33 16 V Byers (AM). 10 30% 29V 29%-% 91 64V Byers <A M) Pf_ 20a 87 87 87 +V 33% 22 Byron Jackson tl— 4 28% 28V 28% 4 % 48% 30V California Pack (2). 8 47 46V 47 4 V 3V % Callahan Zinc-Lead 21 2% 2% 2% - V 20V 6 Calumet & Heca76« 11 17V 17 17V 4 V 40V 30 Campbell Wy (tl)- 1 33% 33% 33% 4 V 32V 10% Canada Dry O A_ 10 30 • 29% 29% - % 16V 10V Canadian Pacific 62 15% 15V 16% + H 18V 12% Cap Admin(A) (all 1 16% 16V 16V - V 9% 6% Carriers & Gen a35c 9 8 7V 8 4- V 186 92V Case (J 1) Co (4) . 9 160 158 160 47V 143 116 Case <J 1) Copi (7) 20a 127V 126V 126V-1 98 64% Caterpillar Trac t2 2 99 98V 99 43 32V 21% Celanese Corp al %. 33 30% 30V 30% + V 41 19 Celotex Corp 18 42V 40% 40% 86 54 Celotex Corp pf (5). 10a 79 79 79 4- % 39V 26% Cent Agulre (tl%) 1 34% 34%' 34% — V 12% 6% Central Foundry Co 24 12 11V 11V-V 57 35 Central R Hot NJ- 2 38 38 38 75% 47% Cerrode Pasco (4). 12 67V 67% 68V + V 21V 8V CerUln-teed Prod . 62 21% 20V 21V 4- Vi 76 67V Certain-teed pf (6). 90a 74 74 74 52% 19 Champ Pap A 6 <)> 13 47 46V 46V -1 111 101 Champ Paper pf(«> 60s 109V 109 109V 100 59 ChesapeakeCorp<3) 2 86 86 86 —IV 77% 51 Ches A Ohio (t2.80). 11 64V 63% 63% - V 3% IV Chi & East 111 (d)._ 13 3 3 11V 2% Chi & East 111 pf <d) 1 10% 10% 10%—% 3V IVChl Grt West (d)_ 2 2% 2% 2% 16% 4 Chi Grt W pf Id)_ 4 15% 16 16 - % 33V 26% Chi Mill Ord(tlVi). 2 31% 31% 31% 4 V 2V IV Chi Mil St PAP (d). 6 2V 2 2 - V 5V 2V Chi M St PAP of (d) 2 5% 5% 6% + V 4% 2VChlANW(d)_ 13 4V 4 4 - V 15V 6% Chi A N W pf (d>... 3 13V 13V 13V 4- V 32V 12V Chi Pneumatlo Tool 2 30 29% 30 3 IV Chl R IftPao (d) .. 2 2% 2% 2% 8V 3V Chi R IAP 7% pf(d) 2 7V 7V 7V + V 15% 7 Childs Co 15 14 14 14 — V 138% 85V Chrysler Corp(all) 61 123V 121V 123V 4- V 23 15V* City Ice A Fuel (2). 13 20 19V 20 4- % 13V 4% City Stores .. 6 9V 9% 9% 46V 23% Clark Equ1p(tl.60). 3 36 35V 36 4- % 47V 33 Cle* Graph Br (2) . 8 37 36V 37 4-% 90V 48 Cluett Peabody (3). 1 87 87 87 129 124 Cluett Peab pf (7).. 20* 129 129 129 41 134 84 Coca-Cola <t2). 1 129V 129V 129V 21% 13 Colgate P-P (tSOc). 10 19V 19% 19% - V 66% 39V Collins A Aik t>_ 26 61 60V 61 — V 116V 107V Collins* Aik pf (V) 60s 111V 111V 11IV 48 28</4 Colo Fuel A Iron_ 3 46% 46V 46% 36V 21 Colo A Southern . 100s 22 22 22 23% 14 Columb GAB a40o. 39 18 17% 18 + % 103 80% Col G A E pf (6)_ 10s 92 92 92 45V 31 colum Ptct Tte (tl) 1 36V 36V 36V — % 51V 24 Colum Picev pf 2% 1 44V 44V 44V 4- V 1S6V 94 Colum Carb rtcitt) 1 120V 120V 120V -IV 84V 44 Cornel Credit (t4).. 1 65V 65V 65V 4- V 91% 55 Com’l Invest T (t4). 2 76V 76V 76V 4- V 24% 14V Como'l Sole (t60c) _ 17 19V 19% 19% 4- V 6V 2V Comw A Southern.. 86 3V 3% 3V 4 V 82 59V Corns A Sou of (2). 3 69 68 69 +1V 17 7 Conde Nast Pub .. 2 16% 16V 16% - % 44% 30% Congoleum N tl.60. 10 40V 39% 39% - % 19% 8 Consol Cigar 2 16V 16V 16% 95 72* Con C pr pr WW 6* 10s 89* 89* 89* + % 49* 27* Consol Ed NItl.. 3130s 46* 45* 46* 109 102 Consol Ed NT prt6) 1 107* 107* 107* — * 7* 4* Consol Film 2 5* 5* 5* 20* 15* Consol Film pf (a2> 3 17 17 17 - * 12* 3* Consol Uaundrlea.. 2 11* 11* 11* 17* 11* Consol 011 (330. .. 152 16* 16* 16* + * 12* 6* ConsolK H Cuba pf. 4 9* 9* 9* + * 1* * Consol Taxtlla Id). 9 1* 1 1 10 2 Cons Coal (Dellate 8 8* 8* 8*-* 29* 15* Container Corp 1.20 46 29 28* 29 + * 37* 10* Conil Basing iA) . 1 34* 34 34 — * 6* 1* Conti Basin* IB).. 7 4* 4* 4* + * 87* 61*Cont'l Can (t3)_ 38 62 61* 62 + * 25* 17* Conti Dla Fibred). 1 25 26 25 + * 46 35* Conti Insur (tl.60). 9 41* 41 41 — * 4 2* conil Motors 81 3* 8* 3* > 46* 28* Conti Oil of Del(tl) IS 44* 43* 44*+* 46.. 35 . CoaU Su^i Corall/ ft U * .30* 1936-37 Stock and Sales— Net Slcn Low. Dividend Hat*. Add 00. Hick. Low. Close. Chaa. 72% 66% Corn Ex BkATr <11 280a 72 71% 72 41 82% 63% Corn Prod Ref (tl). 9 70 69% 70 41 8 4 Ooty Ino_ 12 7% 7% 7% 4 Mr 64% 24 Crane Co_ 3 62% 62% 62% 4 % 37% 35 Cream of Wh't (t2). 2 36% 36% 36% - % 35% 15% Croaley Radio al%. 2 25% 25 26% - % 93 43% Crown C'kASeal (2) 14 92% 90% 92 4 % 111 102 Crown W P 1st al % 10a 110% 110% 110% 4 Vi 24% 5% Crown Zelleb'k vto. 20 23% 22% 23% 4 % 69% 28 Crucible Steel_ 16 69% 68 69% 41 3% 1% Cuba Co_— 12 2% 2% 2% 29 9 Cuba R R pf_ 230a 14% 14% 14% 4 V* 14% 6% Cuban-Am Sugar_ 39 11% 11% 11%-% 129 63% Cuban Am Bug pf._ 10a 110 110 110 -6 44% 36% Cudahy Pkg (1%).. 1 41% 41% 41% 24V* 16% Curtla Publishing.. 3 19% 19% 19% 4 % 114 99% Curtla Pub pf (7).„ 1 106% 106% 106% - % 9% 4 Curtiss Wright_ 47 7% 7% 7% 4 % 22% 10% Curtlsa-W (A) aSOe 10 21% 21% 21% 4 % 90 69 Cushmans of «*%>. 20s 85 85 85 87 43% Cutler-Hammer tl. 1 84 84 84 -1 19% 7% Davega Stores (1).. 1 17% 17% 17% 4 % 123% 62 DeereACo.. 13 119 117% 119 41 33% 19% Delsel-Wsm-O (tl) 2 28 28 28 4 % 64% 36% Delaware A Hudson 16 50 49% 60 4l% 23% 14% Del Lack A West... 14 18% 17% 18% 4 % 9% 4% DenAKIoUW pf <d) 4 8% 8 8% — % 153 128 Detroit Edison (t4) 1 142 142 142 -3 68 42 DevoeA Rey <A) tj 1 67% 67% 67% 4 % 40% 30% Dlam’d Match b50c. 4 34% 84 34 — % 43 37% Dla Match pf tl%.. 1 40 40 40 34% 18% DlstCorpSeag Ltd. 3 26% 26% 25% 61% 41% Dome Mlnea (tl)_ 11 50% 50% 50% 4 % 82% 50% Douglass Aircraft.. 84 72% 71% 72% 4 % 39% 13 Dresser Mfg(B) al. 1 38% 38% 38% 4 % 3% 1% Duluth S S& Atl pf. 1 2% 2% 2% 4 % 18% 13% Duplan SUk (1)_ 1 16% 16% 16% — V* 184% 133 Du Pont ds N S6.10. 8 172% 171% 172% — % 21% 5% Eastern Roll Mills- 8 15% 15 15% 4 % 40% 28% Eaton Mfg (t2)_ 2 35% 35% 35%-% 15% 5% Ellington Schlld . 22 13% 12% 13% 4 % 29V* 22% El Paso Nat GC1.60) 5 27% 27 27% 4 % 47% 30% Elec Auto Lite T2.40 20 43 42% 42% 4 % 115 110% Elec Auto L pf 47)_ 20a 111% 111% 111% 17% 10 Elec Boat U60c)_10 13% 13% 13% 7% 5 El A Mus lndallc— 6 6% 6% 5% 26% 6% Elec Pw A Lt _ 85 22% 21% 22% 4 % 87% 29% Eleo Pw A Lt IS pf. 6 82% 80% 82% 41 94% 32% Eleo Pw A Lt 17 pf. 16 85 82 85 41 65% 39% Elec Stor Bata2%- 7 41% 41% 41%-% 2 % Elk Horn Coal (d).. 2 1% 1% 1% 8 1% Elk Horn Cpt (d)._ 8 7 6% 6% 69 53% Endlcott-Iohn (3) . 1 66% 56% 56% — % 84% 45% Eng P S *5 pf (alO). 1 78% 78% 78% + ** 10% 5% Equit OH Bldg blOc. 3 9 9 9 — % 18% 11 Erie H K. 3 15% 14% 15 34% 16 Erie R R 1st pf_ 1 28% 28% 28% 4 % 29 11% ErleRR2dpf_ 1 22% 22% 22% 4 % 15% 12 Eureka Vao C (10c) 1 13% 13% 13% 40% 23% Evans Product(tl). 2 30% 30% 30% 8% 4% Exchange Buffet_ 2 6% 6% 6% — % 6% 2% Fairbanks Co_... 290s 4% 4% 4% 28 8% Fairbanks Co pf_ 80s 26% 25% 26% 71% 34% Falrb'ks-Morse(tl) 2 70 69% 69% 70 31% Falardo Sugar (*).. 4 63V* 62 62 -3 29% 18% Federal Lt A Trao.. 6 27% 27 27%-% 12% 7% Federal Mot Tr «0o. 6 10 9% 10 4 % 8V* 3 Fed Screw Works.. 13 8% 7% 8% 4 % 6 2% Fed Water Svo iAI 3 5% 5% 5% 49% 38 Fidel Phoe F 1 tl 69 1 44 44 44 - % 36% 24% Firestone T A R i2> 5 34S 34% 34% 4 % 58% 40 First Mat Strs 73%. 5 48% 48% 48% 45 30% Fllntkote Co tl I 11 42% 42% 42% 4 % 66% 46% Florence Stove at % 2 53 53 63 4 V* 11% 3% Follanabee Bros <d) 122 8% 7% 8% 4l% 54% 32 Food Machine (1).. 1 50V* 50% 50% 63% 24% Foster-Wheeler- 6 50 49% 50 4 % 18% 14 Francisco Sugar_ 6 16 15% 16 4 % 36% -23% Freeport SulCo tl). 8 29% 29% 29% 4 % 7% 3% Gabriel Co (A)_ 2 5% 5% 5% 4 % 106%100 Gannett ev bf (6)_ 30s 105 105 105 — 1* 19% 15% Gar Wood Ind a55c_ 2 18% 18% 18% - % lc% 8% Gen Am Inv a75c). 1 14% 14% 14% 79 42% Gen Am Trans t a3. 2 79 79 79 20 10% Gen Baking (t60c). 7 17% 17% 17% 4 li 155 141 Gen Baking pi (8).. 10s 152 152 152 42 13% 7 Gen Bronze....__ 34 12% 12 12% — % 291, 5% Gen Cable_ 6 28 27% 28 4 % 60% 17 Gen Cable A_ 1 56% 56% 56% -rl% 152 140 Gen Cigar pf (7)_ 30a 147 147 147 -1 64% 34% Gen Electric (tl)_ 66 631* 62% 63% 4 % 44 33% Gen Foods (2)_ 19 43% 43% 43% 4 V* 4% % Gen Gas A Eleo (A) 23 3% 3 3% 71 14 Gen GAE «%cv bfA 40s 64 63% 64 77 53% Gen Motors <a4%). 154 68 66% 67% — % 123% 118 Gen Motors pf (6).. 3 122 122 122 4 % 15% 6% Gen outdoors Adr_. 21 14% 14% 14% 6% 3% Gen Pub Service... 6 5 4% 5 63 32% Gen Ry Signal (1)_ 3 63% 63 63% 4 % 5% 2 Gen Realty A Util.. 21 5% 6% 5% 48% 26% Gen Realty A V pf*. 2 451* 45% 45% - % 71 331* Gen Refrac (a3%). 1 66% 66% 66%-% 98 32% Gen Sli Casting pf 50* 81% 81 81 —1 33% 17 Gen Theatre E (a2). 1 32% 32% 32% 44% 30% Gen Time Inv (tl). 2 37 37 37 18% 13% Gillette Saf R (tl). 123 19% 19% 19% 4 % 90 70 Gillette S R pf (6). 1 86% 86% 86% -t- % 27% 6% Glrabel Bros_ 8 22% 22% 22% 4 % 65% 39% GUdden Co (2)_ 16 51% 50 51 4 % 7% 3% Gobei (Adolf)_— 6 6 5% 5% - % 10% 6% Goebel Brew (t20el 0 7% 7% 7% 4 % 35% 13% Goodrich(BF) (al). 25 33% 32% 33% 4 % 86% 74 Goodrich iBFjpfti) 1 83 83 83 - % 344 214 Goodyear'1 ft H 157 344 334 34*4 +14 110 100 Goody T&R cu pf 5. 5 1114 110 1114+14 124 87 Goodyear $7 pf ti). 4 1254 125 1254 4 1 144 84 Gotham Silk Hoae.. 3 12 114 114-4 44 2 Graham-Palf#_ 37 44 4 44 + 4 15 14 Granby Cons (new). 4 104 104 104 + 4 64 34 Grand Uulonclfe.. 64 5 4 4 4 64 + S 254 16 Grand L’n pf (b25c). 62 26 24 26 +24 48 244 Granite City Stl II) 4 45 44 444 -4 524 284 GrantlW TMU.40). 2 44 44 44 +4 464 324 Urt Northern pf_ 8 434 424 434 + 4 224 16 Grt North'n Ora (1) 6 194 194 194 + 4 424 31 Grt Wfn Sug t2.40_ 8 364 36 36 - 4 174 144 Greyhound lt80c) — 9 154 154 154 + 4 44 14 Guantanamo Sugar 5 4 34 34 — 4 66 24 Guantanamo Sug pf 10a 50 50 60 +14 684 284 Gulf States Steel 46 724 684 724 +4 344 30 Hackensack W tl 4) 1 34 34 34 —4 16 6 Halil WK)Prlntln*.- 3 154 154 164 32 14 Hamilton Watch 1 284 284 284 — 4 1054 100 Hanna (M A) pf 16) 10» 1034 1034 1034 + 4 55 304 Harb-Walker 1+2)_. 3 544 544 644 + 4 115 1034 HatC prww (6H)_ 10* 1044 1044 1044 +1 9 44 Hayea Body_ 7 74 74 74 + 4 21H 124 Hecker Prod (60c). 68 154 164 154 + 4 141 117 Helme (G H) (15) — 1 122 122 122 -34 41 254 Hercules Mot (tl)-. 3 35 344 344 -4 182 84 Hercules Pow a& 14. 2 181 181 181 +1 80 684 Hershey Choc 4 + 3)_ 1 67 67 67 +2 494 104 Holland Fur (al >4). 4 514 604 504 +4 124 108 Holland Fura pf(6) 10a 1164 1164 1164 -(24 334 9 Hollander* Son(l). 6 234 234 234 +4 434 194 Holly Sugar lt2>— 7 344 344 344 -4 544 366 Homestake ltl2>~. 1 400 400 400 +2 444 394 Houd-Hersh(A)24. 4 41 41 41 +4 33 224 Houd-Her (B) tl4- 6 264 264 264 -4 174 64 Houston Oil+tc_ 54 164 16 164 + 4 734 484 Howe Sound 113>_ 8 704 70 704 +4 54 34 Hudson ft Manbat— 9 54 64 54 224 134 Hudson Motor Car. 23 22 214 214 - Vi 34 1 Hupp Motors__ 7 24 24 24 294 184 Illinois Central_ 20 234 224 234 + 4 224 44 Indian Refin (al)._. 2 184 18 184 —4 414 264 Indu Rayon (tl.68). 13 364 364 364 +4 147 106 Ingeraoll-KandttS) 1 135 135 135 122 884 Inland Steel (4)_ 2 1144 1144 1144 +14 324 64 Inspiration Copper. 29 274 27 274 + 4 74 5 Ins Sh Md cfs a20c. 18 54 54 54 +4 184 104 Inter Rap T vto (d) 3 124 124 124 194 94 Interlake Iron__ S3 184 184 184 8 24 Int Agricultural... 13 74 74 74—4 1114 664 Int Har+aatar 3 Vfc16 1054 1044 105 — 4 154 24 tnt Hydro Elec <A). 78 164 164 ,154 — 4 84 44 int Mercantile Mar. 6 8 74 74 —4 184 10 inti Mining U90C). 4 164 16 16+4 664 434 Inti Nickel (al.30).. 23 634 624 634 +4 234 34 int Paper ft Pw iA) 2 184 184 184 144 24 Int Paper ft Pw (B) 1 124 124 124 G4 14 Int Paper ft Pw <C) 6 64 64 64 1084 204 int Paper A Pw pf.. 7 100 100 100 — 4 48% 37 Inti Print Ilk crzj— l 43 43 43 11% 3% Int Ry Cent Amer.. 20e 9% 9% 9% - % 10% 3 Int Ry Cent Am vto 20e 8% 8% 8% + % 30 23 Inti Salt <tl%)- 1 27% 27% 27% 39% 15 Int Silver —— 14 40% 38% 40% +1% 97 60 Inti Silver pf (a4)_. 90* 97 96 97 +1% 19% 11% Int Tel * Tel - 20 12% 12% 12% 37% 10% InterataDS <b2%). 3 31 304* 81 26% 15 Intertype Corp tl 1. 11 26% 25% 26%+ % 155 88 Johns-Manville(tJ) 2 145% 145% 145% + % 133 76% Jones&L 7%pf bl% 90* 130 130 130 26 13 Kane City Souipern 2 21% 21% 21% 36% 17 Kauf’nn D S tl.60._ 2 29% 29% 29% 3JV* 23% Kayser J& Co (2) — 2 26% 26% 26%+% 28% 19V* Kelaey-H tAi al%_ 2 21% 21% 21% 24% 16% Kelsey*H <B) alVi- 2 18% 18% 18% 107 87 Kaildall pt A (T6)— 80a 103% 103% 103% + % 64 28% Kennacott ial.70) . 33 68% 67% 68% + % 28% 17% Keystone S&W bl6o 8 18% 18% 18% + % 46% 18% Kimberly Clarktl). 3 44 44 44 +1 7% 3% Kinney til R> Co - 1 6% 6% 6% + % 61 30 Klnney(GR)Pf (el)- lOe 60% 60% 60% + % 14% 4% Kreage Dept Stra... 1 13% 13% 13% — % 32% 20% Kreage IS S> (til— 8 27% 27% 27%+% 28 19% Kroger G4kB(tl.80> 10 23 22% 23 + % 33% 20% Laclede Gaa (St L). 30a 25 24% 25 + % 26% 15% Lambert Co (I)- 3 21 21 21 25 12 Lee RobATIre(IOo) 11 26 24% 24%-% 49% 16% LehPortCem't(2) 24 61 49% 61 +1% 186 94% Leblgh For C pt 14) 30e 201 200 200 +14 4 2 Lahlgb Valley Coal. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 19 9% Lehigh Val Coal pt. 1 16% 16% 16% - % 22 8% Lahlgb Valley R R- 3 18% 18% 18% + % 130 89 Lehman Corp (tl)_ 2 127 126% 126% — % 21% 12 Lehn A Tlnb al%-- 10 20% 20 20%+% 65 37% learner 8tore* ttl) 1 65 65 65 +1% 80% 47% Libby-Ow-F G1 a* % 4 77 76% 77 — % 14% 7 Libby. McN 4k Lai 9 13% 13% 18%-% 116% 97% LlesAMvera B IV4) 2 114 114 114 + % 23% 19 Lily Tulip Cup tl Vi 1 22% 22% 22%+% 65 26% Lima Locomotive-- 43 65% 65 65% + % 61 36 Link Belt (tl)- 2 60 60 60 52 32% Liquid Cerb (3.60). 2 49% 49% 49%+% 76 48 Loew*a ino (tl)—. 16 78% 73 78% + % 3% 2 Loft Inc .— *4 3% 3% 3% 66% 35% Lone Star Cmttfl). 7 85% 65% 66% 10% 8% Long Bell Lum (A). 23 10% 9% 10%+% *33%.Loo—,Wllo»Xl>-N * 4314 42% 42% -a* 1938-37 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Bleb. Low. Clot*. Cbge 26* 21* Lorlllard (P) tl.20. 4 28* 23* 23* + * 61* 13 La Oil Ret pf td)... 80s 30* 30 30*-* 30* 20 Louise UAEpfA 1% 1 24* 24* 24*-* 102* 67* Loulsv £ Nash b2% 1 88* 88* 88* -1* 35 22* Ludlum Steal itl).. 68 32* 31* 32*+* 42 33 MaeAndrew£F(t2). 1 34* 34* 34* - * 23* 12* McCrorv Stores . 13 21 20* 20* + * 28* 16 McGraw-Hill 12 *c- 4 27* 27 27 + * 49* 38* McIntyre Porcu ill 16 39* 39* 39* - * 118* 83* McKeeep’tTP (t<). 1 84* 84 84*+* 14* 8* McKesson A Rob . 18 13* 13* 13* + * 21* 11* McLellan St (b75c). 12 17* 16* 17*+1 112* 97* McLellan StrapflC 10a 108* 108* 108* 49* 27* Mack Trucks (tl).. 13 47* 47* 47* 65* 40* Macy (R H) 4t2)_ 6 63 52* 62*-* 16* 8* Madison SqG (80c) 1 14* 14* 14* 23* 12* Man El md ctd Id). 9 16 15* 16 +* 28* 17* Manhat Shirt (1)._ 2 28* 28* 28* 6* 2* Maracaibo (Jll Exd_ 11 6* 6 6* 12* 8* Marine Mldl’d t40o. 8 12* 12* 12* 25* 11* Marshall Field A Co 2 20* 20* 20*+* 12 6* Martin Parry . .. 4 9* 9* 9* - * 70* 41 Masonite Corp (tl). 10 71* 70 71*+1* 42* 27* Mathleson Alkl 1H) 3 39 39 39 + * 21* 13* Maytag Co (aSOc).'. 1 14* 14* 14*+* 111 103 Maytag 1st of («).. 20s 110* 110* 110* 32* 12* Mead Corp 41 32* 31 32* +1* 91 65* Melville Shoe (t5)_ l 82 82 82 + * 16 6* Mengel Co_ 18 13* 13* 13* 135 50 Mengel Co pf . 10* 133 133 133 +3 134 117* Mengel Co pfetfa . 60s 132 131 132 +2 65 40* Mesta Mach (b75c). 1 69* 69* 59*-* 26 6* Miami Copper .. 25 22 21* 21*+ * 31* 17* Mld-Cont Petal.15. 41 31* 30* 31 + * 48* 21* Mld'ld Stl Prod <t2) 5 42 41* 42 + * 131*110 Mid Stl lat pf (3)_ 40*118*118*118* 16* 6* Minn Moline Pwr_ 26 14* 13* 14 — * 95* 57% Mlnn-Mol Pwr pf... X 91 91 91 29* 16* Mission Corp(t46c). 1 27* 27* 27* + % 9* 5* Mo Kans A Texas . 7 7* 7 7% + % 33* 14* Mo Kan £ Tex pf A. 5 25* 25 25* - % ■4 2* Missouri Pacific id). 13 3 3 9 3* Mo Pacific pf Id) _. 4 8 7* 8 + * 40* 19* Mohawk Carp tl.20- 5 39* 39* 39* + V* 103 79 Monsanto Chem tl. 1 94* 94* 94* —1 68 35* Monlgom Ward(t2) 41 56* 65* 66* +1* 2* * Mother Lode al2*c 13 1* 1* 1* 27 15* Motor Wheel (1.60). 1 23* 23* 23* 101* 70 Mullins Mfg pf (7). 10s 95 95 95 -1* 36* 21 Munsingwear (t3)_ 1 29* 29* 29*-% 22* 14 Murray Corp ia50c) 28 19* 18* 19*+* 24* 17* Nash Kelvinator(l) 65 23* 23* 23%-* 47* 20* Nash* Chat A St L. 10s 38* 38* 38*+ % 22* 12* Natl Acme <a75c)._ 14 21* 21% 21*+* 18* 9* Nat Aviation (al).. 40 17* 16* 17 — * 38* 28* Nat Biscuit 11 60).. 14 31% 31 -31 — V. 37* 30* Nat B’d £ lnval.ll. 3 31% 31 31%-* 35 21* Nat Cash Reg (al).. 4 33* 33'i 33*—* 28% 21 Nat Dairy Pro al*. 20 23* 23* 23* 112* 107* Nat Dairy P pf A(7) 40s 110 110 111) -1 24V* 10 Nat Dept Stores 1 18% 18% 18% - * 10* 7* Nat Dept Strs pf(6) 490s 10* 10 10*+ % 33% 25% Nat Dlst Prod (t2). 4 28* 27* 27*-* 37* 28 Nat En £ Stpg (2).. 1 36 36 36 +1 37* 26* Nat Lead itsne) .. 8 36% 35* 36 61* 54 Natl Mal'ble£Stl a2. 3 60 60 60 14* 9% Nat Pwr A Lt 160c) 61 12* 12% 12* 78 57% Nat Steel 02*)_ 58 80* 78 80* 4 2% 75* 19* Nat Supply Co _ 13 65 63 65 +1* 133 74* Nat Supply pfa3*. 1 126% 126* 126* + * 12% 7* Net Tea i6oc) 1 10% 10* ID* - * 41* 9 Newp't Indus a60c.. 80 38* 36* 38% +1* 49% 27* N Y Central H K „ 61 42* 41* 42%+* 61* 17* N Y Chicago £ St L. 4 55 55 55 -2* 100 86* N Y Chi £ St L Pf.. 2 93 93 93 - 1* 15 3* N Y Dock_ 300s 12 11* 11*-% 29% 10% N Y Dock pf_ 180s 24% 24% 24% + % 6* 3 NY NH £ H (d)_ 2 6 6 6 18* 7% NY NH £ H pf Id).. 1 16% 16% 16* 7* 4 N Y Ontario A West 2 5% 5% 5% 5% 2* N Y Rys pf (d) _ 2 5% 5* 5% — % 16% 9* N Y Shipbuilding 2 14% 14 14 99 67 N Y Shipbuilding pf 10s 74* 74* 74* +1* 3% 1% Norfolk Soutnn *d». 3 2* 2* 2% + % 310*210 Norfolk W’n b2H) 1 260 260 260 + % 17* 6% North Am Aviation. 12 16 15% 16 + * 35* 23* North Am Co (tl).. 61 31% 30% 31%+* 106* 98 North Am Ed pf(6) 3 101 104 104 36* 23% Northern Pacific . 19 28* 28 28* + % 5% 2 Norwalk TlreARub. 2 5 5 5 19* 12% Ohio Oil (a60c) ... 14 18* 18% 18% 59* 24* Oliver Farm Equip. 2 56 56 56 25* 17 Omnibus Corp vtc .. 24 24% 23% 23* — % 19% 8 Oppenhelm Collins. 2 16 16 16 — % 45% 24% Otis Elevator a75c~ 5 42% 42 42% + * 20* 12* Otis Steel _ 135 18% 18 18% + * 119 70 Otl* Steel pr pf .. 1 114* 114* 114* +1* 83* 78 Otis Stl 1st pf(5H>- 2 79 78* 78* +1 164 128 Owen-111 G1 (a6)... 2 159 159 159 23 13 Pac Am Fish (tl)-. 4 20* 20* 20% 15 3* Pacific Coast_ 140a 13% 1.3 13* + % 32* 8% Pacific Coast lat__ 50s 30 30 30 — * 29% 4% Pacific Coast 2d .. 70» 24% 24 24% - % 39% 30 Pacific Finan tl.80. 1 30% 30% 30%-* 41 30* Pac Gas £ Elec (2). 7 35 34* 35 58* 44* Pac Lighting (3)... 10 49* 49% 49*4 — % 47% 14% Pacific Mills (al) .. 2 39% 39* .39*— % 152 118 Pac Tel & Telega7_ 10s 149% 149% 149% + * 26% 11* Pac West O (a65cl- 2 24% 24* 24%+* 134 64 Packard Moiia(5ci 23 114 114 114 - 4 44 14 Panhandle Pro A R 3 44 4 4 —4 884' 184 Panhandle PAR Df. 60a 794 77 77 —4 974 67 Paraffine Co (t2)_ 3 824 824 824 284 74 Paramount Plct .. 171 284 274 284 — 4 200 4 59 ”ara Pic 1st pf (6). 3 197 1964 197 -4 264 84 Param’t 2d pf a60c.. 9 254 254 254 54 24 Park Utah 14 44 44 44 - 4 324 23 Parker Rust Ptl4 3 274 274 274 10 44 Parmelea Transp't. 4 7 7 7 114 64 Paths Film Corp . 8 94 94 94 174 104 Patino Mines(t60c). 2 144 144 144 -4 44 14 Peerleas Motor 2 44 44 44 + 4 1124 69 Penney(JC) (a?4) 3 1024 1014 1014 + 4 64 34 Penn Coal A Coke. 1 54- 64 54 +4 124 44 Penn Dixie Cement. 26 114 114 114+ 4 75 284 Penn Dixie C pf A 1 74 4 74 4 744 + 4 274 17 Penn G1 S d cfs*50c 1 25 25 25 -4 45 28Vi Penaa RallroadiaZ) 15 414 414 414 + 4 58 38 Peoples Use Chi_ 2 544 544 54', — 4 84 4 Peoria A Eastern... 7 9 84 84+4 464 254 Pere Marquette _ 1 38 38 38 -1 204 124 Pet Cp of Am a90c. 9 194 194 194 + 4 194 104 Pfeiffer Brew 11 20) 3 124 124 124 +4 674 254 Thelps Dodge (tl)-. 2 53 4 534 534 +4 544 454 Phlla Co«% pf tl). 4 534 534 634 12 34 Phlla Rap Tr id)... 160s 7 7 7 164 84 Phlla Rap Tr pf Id) 230s 134 134 134 - 4 34 14 Phlla A Read CAI. 12 24 24 24 1014 66 Phillip Moms (»).. 2 774 77 774 20 74 Phillips Jones_ 2 174 174 174 + 4 524 384 rhillips Ptrolm (2). 22 53 4 534 634 +4 194 8 Pierce on pf_ 2 184 184 184 -4 34 14 Pierce Petroleum_ 68 34 34 34 + 4 174 74 Pitts Screw a524c. 30 174 174 174 +4 294 234 Plttsbureh Steel Co 16 284 274 284 + 4 110 49 Pitts Steel pf_150s 109 1074 109 +2 94 24 Pltte United Corp.. 302 74 64 74 -f IS 132 684 Pltte United Cpf-_ 830s 1374 135 1374 4 64 414 21 Pitts A W Va. _ 30s 334 33 33 +1 274 114 Plymouth Oil (tl)-. 2 254 254 254 +4 284 12 Poor A Co IB)_— 12 284 27 284 +1 114 44 Porto R Am Tob A_ 2 11 11 11 + 4 34 14 Porto R Am Tob B-. 1 34 34 34 —4 154 64 Postal TelAC pf Id) 4 134 134 134 -4 284 174 Pressed Steel Car.. 12 264 264 264 — 4 734 574 Press Stl 2d pf 24.. 2 70 70 70 +1 654 404 Proctor A Gam (t2) 7 634 634 634 624 39 Pub Service Ni 2.60 2 514 514 614 + 4 130 1134 Pub Svc M J pf (6). 1 1234 1234 1234 - 4 71 364 Pullman Ine I1H). 10 684 68 684 244 16 Purs OH _ 80 23 224 23 +4 118 914 Pure OH 6% pf_ 6 105 1044 105 +1 1334 103 Pure Oil •% pf- 20s 111 111 111 224 9H Purity Bak (t40c).. 6 204 20 204 144 94 Radio Corp _ 66 12 114 114 80 684 Radio Corp pf A 14 3 784 784 784 104 5 Radlo-Kelth-Or Id) 16 84 84 84 604 354 Reading (2) 4 434 414 414 - 24 164 94 Real Silk Hosiery.. 2 124 12 12-4 44 14 Rele (Robt) ... 1 34 34 34 244 124 Reliable StreaSOe.. 2 19 19 19—4 264 174 Kem Rand (t60c>.. 11 23S 254 254 94 804 Rm Rnd pf w* 44. 1 944 944 944 + 4 84 44 Keo Motor Car_ 20 64 6S 64 — 4 324 164 Republic Steel 420 344 324 344 +14 128 77 Repub Steel pfall. 1119 118 118 -14 1044 784 Rep Stl pr pf A (•). 11014 1014 1014-4 394 10 Revere Copper-- 9 364 36 364 + 4 34 224 Reynolds Met (tl) . 2 284 284 284 — 4 364 25 Reynolds Spring tl. 8 334 324 334 + 4 604 60 Reynolds Ton B IS}. 11 564 664 564 — 4 35 194 Ritter Dental .tl).. 3 27 264 27 +1 127 744 Ruberotd Co (tl)... 3 125 125 126 -2 494 27 Safeway Stores! t2) 3 434 434 434 + 4 100 96 Safeway Strs pf 16). 10e 994 994 994 + 4 114 108 Safeway Strs pf (6) 10e 111 ill m +4 1144 1104 Safeway Strs pf (71 70s 1124 1124 1124 NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. January 30 OPi.—Butter, 5.055: easy. Creamery, extra (98 score), 32\aJ.): other prices unchanged. Cheese. 190.715: quiet and unchanged. &BI, 29.090: easier. Mixed colors: Standards. 23Ha24I/«: firsts. 22Via2:ty«: refrigerators, seconds. 17^al8ls: other mixed colors unchanged Dressed poultry slow, all fresh and frozen prlces_unchanged. _ J)% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage ft Guaranty Corporation 161# K St. N.W. NAtl. 1461 I Second Trust Notes We will bay monthly noyment deferred purchase money second treat notes, secured on owner-oeenpied dwellinrs In D C. end nearby ltd. * Va. Union Finance Co. 916 Woodward Bldt. NAtl.' 7936 REAL ESTATE LOANS y jw RESIDENCE And SVo% SMALL BUSINESS t C PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 9302 OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Sales BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 ITS at. W.W. rt«M WA S184 i _ 1038-37 Stock and Sales— Net Tlan. cow. 'iivideno uaie Add oo. Hith. Low Close, enge. 4 1% St L-San Frau (d). 3 3% 3% 3% 8% 2% St L-San Fr pf (d). 3 7% 7% 7% - % 17% It Savage Armsal)_ 60 18% 16% 17% + H 65% 37% Scbenley Dlat <»3). 9 44% 44 44%+% 4% 1% Schulte RStra (d>_ 38 3 2% 2% - % 20% 7H Schulte R S pf (d). !2 21 20% 20%+% 88 38 Scott Taper (1)_ 20a 41% 41 41%+% 2% % Seaboard Air L (d). 17 1% 1% 1% 8% 2 Seaboard A Lpftd). 1 6% 6% C% + % 47% 80% Seaboard Oil 111_ 6 45% 44% 45 + % 11% 3% Seagrave Corp_ 1 10% 10% 10% — % 101% 59% Sears Roebuck <tZ) 81 84% 83% 84'* +1% 32% 15% Servel Inc (tl). 3 31% 30% 30% - H 36 20% Sharon Steel <tl.20) 14 35% 34% 35%+% 108% 89 Sharon Stl H pf (6). 1 109% 109% 109% + H 13% 4% Sharpe* Dohme_ 64 13% 13% 13%+% 65 43% Sharp* D pf (»%). 1 64 64 64 + % 19% 11% Shattuck FG(t50c) 4 16% 16% 16%+% 29% 14% Shell Un Oil (a*oC). S7 28% 27% 28% 127% 102 Shell UnOll Df 6Vfc_ 1 105 105 105 +% 15% 8% Sliver King (60c)_ 3 12% 12% 12% — % 65% 19% Simmons Co (at)_ 23 65% 64% 64%-% 6% 3% Simms Petrol_— 2 4 3% 4 47% 19% Skelly Oil.. _ 20 44 42% 44 + 1V* 132 97% Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 1 101% 101% 101% - % 138 64 Sloss-Sheflleld Stl.. 80a 136 136 136 +2 72 40% Smith (A O)_ 4 49% 48% 49% 30% 21 Snider Packing_ 2 27% 27% 27%+ % 18 12% Socony Vac Oil a70o #6 18 17% 18 + % 7% 3% So AmG* P(a30c). 9 5% 5 5 42% 26 South Port S It2)._ 6 37 36% 37 -% 32% 25 SoCalEdis (tl%)- 1 30 30 30 -% 60% 23% Southern Pacific30 46% 45% 46%+1% 27% 12% Southern Railway- 93 28% 27% 28% +T% 64% 19 Southern Ry pf_— 12 60% 49 60% +1% 11% 6% Spalding (A G)_ 7 9% 9% 9% - % 82 63% Spaldlng(AG)let pf 40* 70 70 70 -2% 114% 101 Spang CCpf (al6). 20s 102% 102% 102% 9% 6% Sparks- Wlthlngton. 34 9% 9% 9% + % 24% 15% Sperry C'pvto (el). 15 22% 22% 22% 26% 22% Spiegel. Inc (b25c). 29 24% 24 24% 4 % 45% 21% Square D (B) at 1 44% 44% 44%+% 18% 14% Stand Brands tlOc-. 21 15% 15% 15% — % 14% 5% Stand Gas A El Id). 29 12% 11% 12%+ % 31% 9% StandGAE*4 pf (d) 12 27 26% 27 +% 65 24% Stand G*Et6pf(d) 2 56 55% 56 -% 72% 26% Stand GAE87 pf (d) 8 66% 65% 65% -1% 4 2 Stand Inv Corp_ 1 3% 3% 3% + % 47% 35 Stand O or Cal (tl). 65 46% 45% 46%+% 48% 32% Stand Oil of fnd tl. 12 47% 47% 47% + % 71% 61% Stand Oil of NJ (tl 26 70 69% 69%-% 24% 16% Stew-Warner t60c. 4 19% 19 19% — % 17% 15% Stokel.v Bros (b20c) 1 16% 16% 16% 33% 14% Stone A Web (a25c) 13 30% 29V* 30% + % 16% 9% Studebaker Corp__ 41 16% 16% 16% + % 91 70 Sun OU (tl)_ 2 76 75% 76 +1 125 118 Sun Oil pf (6)_ 10* 123 123 123 7% 3 Superior Oil.—.. 143 7% 6% 7% 42% 9% Superior Steel_ 21 40 38% 39%+% 27% 20% Swift* Co (tl.J0)_. 10 26% 26% 26%+% 35% 28% Swift lntl Ltd »*>-. 3 31% 31% 31%—% 23% 15 Symgton-Gould ww_ 6 22% 22 22% 17% 12% Svmingtn Gould xw 3 16% 16% 16%+ % 67% 55% Talcott (J) pf (2%) 10a 56% 56% 56%+% 14% 5% Tennessee Coo al5c 3 12% 12% 12%+ % 65% 28% Texas Corp (2). .. 25 55V* 55 55% + % 9% 4% Texas Gulf Pr (a5c) 13 8% 8% 8% + % 44% 33 Tex Gulf Sul (+2» . 10 40% 39% 40%+% 16% 7% Tex I’acC&O hide. 17 16 15% 16 +% 15% 9% Texas PLT (alOc). 6 14% 14% 14% 16 8% The Fair. 8 11% 11% 11%+% 12% 8% Therroold Co .. 6 11% 11% 11% 32% 24% Thomp Prod <al54). 5 27% 27% 27%-% 10% 4% Thompson Siarrett. 17 9% 9% 9% l 21% 14% Tide W AeeoO lOo. 9 20% 20% 20%+% 108 100% Tide Wat A O pf (6) 16 106% 106’* 106% 27% 12% Timken Detrolt(tl) 5 24% 24% 24% 74% 66 Timken Roll B (+2» 16 75 72% 75 +2% 18% 11 Transamerlca *40c- 9 16% 16% 16% — % 27% 14% Trans&Wn Air a25c 14 20% 19% 20%+1% 27% 10% Trsnsue&W (t60c). 3 25% 25% 25% 12 7% Tricontinental a50c. 20 9% 9*. 9% 10% 4% Truax-Tra C<a25c) 3 9% 9% 9% — V, 28 7% Trusron Steel 3 23% 23 23% +1% 38% 22% 20th Cent FF(tl%). 12 37% 37% 37%-% 17% 8% Twin City RT_ 1 15% 15% 1.5% — v* 8% 2% ClentACo _ 3 6% 6 6 — % 70 38% Union BagAPap (*> 4 67 67 67 105% 71% Union Carb A C 3.20 h 105% 104% 105% + % 28% 20% Union OU Calif (1) 522 27’. 2.5% 27 41% 149% 108% Union Pacific <61 1 129% 129'. 129% 100 90% Union Paclfle pf (4) 5 98% 98% 98% 31% 22% Union Tank C 1*0.. 1 28% 28% £8% - % 32% 20% Unit Aircraft a50c.. 27 30% 29% 29% 24% 13 Utd Air L <a.0c)_ 11 23% 23 23 + % 33% 24% United Blso < 1 Co) .. 2 28% 28% 28% 96% 68 United Carbon (t3). 2 89% 89% 89%+ % 9% 5% United Corp <a20c). 62 7% 7 7% 48% 40% United Corp pf i3). 8 46% 45% 45% 16% 10% United Drug <a75c) 8 14% 14', 14% + % 29% 15 Unit Dyewood(l)_ 3 23 22% 23 8% 4 United Elec Coal. __ 8 8% 8 8 87 66% United Fruit (tS>_ 4 83 83 83 19% 14% United Gae Imp il) 55 15% 15% 1,5% 113% 109 United G Imp pf (6) I 112 112 112 + *, 14% 6% United Paperboard 19 12% 12% 12% + % 23', 10 US Distributing pf 80* 20% 20 20V* + a, 20V* 13 USA For’n Secur.. 7 20% 19% 19», — v» 39 , 24% U S Freight (tl)... 3 31 30', 30% 130 80% U S Gypeum <t2)— 1 131% 131% 131% +1% 69 31% U S indue Alcohol— 12 40% 39% 39% _ a, 9% 4% U S Leather etc_ 18 8 8 18% 10% U S Leather A etc 3 15% 15% 15% — % 69'* 21% U S Pipe & Fdry (3) 12 67% 67'* 67% — «, 19', 7% U S Realty * Imp.. 17 17% 17% 17% — % 55% 16% U S Rubber- 39 55% 54% 55V* + V* 101 47 US Rubber let pf.. 10 97 96% 97 103% 72% rs Smelting <b2>_ 2 86 86 86 +% 75% 68% U S Smelting pf 3% 20s 72% 72% 72%+ % »«'4 4t>». u a steel 3SH 97% 93% 96% +2% 154% 115% DSSteelpf (7)_ 1 149% 149 149% 9% 7% Utd St Yd <al2%c). 3 8% 8% 8% 144 131 O S Tobacco 4t6>_ 1131 131 131 -1% 8% 5 United Store* IAI 86 7% 7Vi 7% + % 102 67*4 Unit Str pf tl 4.81% 1 82% 82% 82%+ % 115 60 Unlv Plct 1st pf . 10* 105 102% 105 +4 7 3% Util Pw A Lt A <d)_ 11 4 4 4 2% 1 Vadsco Sales Corp.. 2 2% 2% 2% + % 32% 16% Vanadium Corp_ 27 31% 31 31',+ % 49% 28% Van Raalte (ad %)_ 2 40% 40% 40% 48*4 40 Vick Cham 112) — t 43% 42% 43% + t, | 9% 4 Va-Car Chemical .. 1 8% 8% 8% 114% 109 Va El-A Pwr of (6) 20*114 114 114 13% 4 Va Iron CoalACnk*. 20s 11% 11% n% — % 41% 14 Va Iron C A C pf— 20s 33% 33% 33% +1% 4% 2% Wabash (d)- 4 3% 3% 3% + % 12% 5 Wabash pe A (d)_._ 1 11% 11% n% 19 9% Waldorf Sya tl.20— 2 16% 16% 16% _ % 39% 30 Walgreen Co (2)... 4 38% 38 38% + % 20 17% Walker (H) pf <1)_ 4 19% 19% 19% — % 15% 5% Walworth Co__ 27 14% 14% 14%+ % 62 10% Ward Baking A_ 8 47% 45 47% +1% 7% 2% Ward Baking B_ 75 8% 8 8% + % 18% 9% Warner Bros Plct._ 64 15% 14% 15 69% 44 Warner Bros pic pf. 2 67% 67% 67% + % 2% % Warner-CJuln Id)_20 1% 1% 1% + 14 12% 4% Warren Bros_ 25 11!* 10% 10',— % 38% 15% Warren Bros cv pf_ 1 32 32 32 +1 41% 21 Warren KdyAP(tl) 1.39% 39% 39% — % 39% 19% Waukesha Mot (1). 2 36 36 36 52% 33% Wesson OASItfiOc) 2 49% 49 49% + % 102 87 West Pa Elec pf <•) 20s 99% 99% 99% 124% 116% West Pa Pwr pf (7) 30s 121% 121% 121% - % 12% 8% Western Maryland. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 23% 15 Western Md Zd pf__ 1 17% 17% 17% — % 9% 5% Western Pactflc pf 2 7% 7% 7% — % 96% 72% West Un Tel (a75c). 22 79% 78 79%—% 52% 34% Westinghse A B (1) 32 52% 52 52 — % 167% 94% Westhse Elec (bl). 12 160 159 159 + % 33% 22% West'n El Inst a8oc 3 28% 28% 28% — % 37 19% Westvaco Chlor (1) 2 25 25 25 — % 43% 21% Wheeling Steel_ 54 46% 44 46% +2 28% 18% White Motor _ 21 27% 26% 27% + % 18% 13% Whit* Rk 51 8(1.40) 2 18 17% 17% 6% 3% Whit* Sawing Mch. 1 5% 6% 5% + % 46% 16 Whit* Sow Mch pf_ 1 41% 41% 41% +1% 6% 2% Wilcox Oil A Oas... 3 5% 5% 5% 11 6% Wilson A Co (60c)_ 32 10% 9% 10 71 44% Woolworth <2 40).. 23 62% 61% 62 + % 47 23% Worthington Pump 4 46% 46 46% + % 99% 56 Worth Pump pf A.. 130s 95 93% 94 91 47 Worth Pump of B._ 2 89 88 88 +1 140% 62% Wright Aero (al)._ 10s 118 118 118 — % 79 63 Wrlgley W 1r «»*>_ 1 73*, 73^ 73^ _ Vt 29% 8% Yellow Tr A Coach. 49 28% 27% 28 "— % (5 42% Young SprAW ttJ). 1 45 48 45 87% 41% Youngs'tn SheatAT 41 83% 80% 83% 42 42% 21% Zenith Radio (b50c) 19 37% 36% 37% +1% 9% 5% 'Aonlts Product* 8 8% 8% 8% + % Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M. 490.000 12:00 Noon.1,190.000 j Dividend rates as alvrn in the above table are the i.r.nual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or halt-yea'-iy declarations. 1 s Und 01 trading less than ion shares, r Annual rve—not including ::xtrs« 1 Accumulated dividends, a Paid tnis year, b Paid last vet', d Companies reported In receivership or being reorsanlzed x Ex dividend.