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IMPRESSIVE AND NOTABLE WORK SHOWN IN ART EXHIBIT _ _- -i ■ ■ "Church in the Rocks,” by Alexis Many, on exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. By Leila Mechlin. THE Society of Washington Art ists’ forty-sixth annual ex hibit, which opens to the public In the Corcoran Gallery of Art tomorrow afternoon (the “varnishing day” private view was this afternoon) shows none of the frailties of ad vancing age, but, to the contrary, youthful vigor and enthusiasm. The works exhibited will be found to be exceedingly varied, sufficiently experi mental and distinctly up,to date. Ap parently the jury of selection was so open-minded as to find merit in many different forms of expression, with the result that a really stimulating and enlightening survey of contempo rary painting is given. The place of honor, midway of the long west wall of the gallery of temporary exhibitions in which this collection is hung, has been given, by common consent, to a painting by Alexis Many, for many years a teacher In one of the local high schools, an artist of great originality and fine taste, who could almost always be counted upon for distinguished achievement. The title of his work is "Church in the Rocks,” and, upon examination, a little church, Spanish in design, is seen to the left center, perched upon a narrow ledge on a mountainside; but primarily this is an imaginative composition, abstract, but very dec orative. The rugged, towering moun tains which are depicted might be anywhere—figurative rather than real—sculptured by the hand of God refined and finished by stern time through the foreordained processes of nature. It is a big and splendid conception which, while of today, is ► rooted in the depths of ancient tra dition. At no time has Mr. Many produced a more impressive and nota ble work. To the right and left of the Many canvas, at about equal distances, and In a measure as pendants, are to be seen two large figure compositions— one by Margaret Moffat Yard of this city, the other by Catherine Morris Wright of Philadelphia. Miss Yard’s is a double portrait of two young girls, singularly alike in appearance, both dressed in white and seated on the steps of a house or studio, with trees and foliage for background. The title is “The Artists.” The color scheme Is rather high-keyed, ti~ .reatment flat and the emphasis principally on line and repetition. Mrs. Wright’s composition, on the ether hand, is distinctly three-dimen sional. She pictures two small chil dren at a lunch tabic, waited upon by a competent-looking maid. Again the composition is good, and the qual ity of indoor atmosphere well inter preted. One may feel that the faces of the children might have been car ried a little farther to advantage, but undoubtedly the artist was concerned not with actualities, but effect—which, by the way, she renders admirably. 'THERE is an unusual number of interesting and well-painted fig ure subjects in this exhibition. Cath erine C. Critcher shows a strong, col orful painting of a Mexican woman and child, done, doubtless, last Sum mer while at Taxco; Hattie Burdette Is represented at her best by her portrait of Miss Helen Lippitt in white satin evening gown (reproduced and commented upon in these columns a few weeks ago): Mrs. Mathilde M. Leisenring shows a head of ‘‘Dolores," a middle-aged woman, very sympa thetically rendered, and Hans Schle reth contributes a portrait study of an ecclesiastic,- gravely and knowingly painted. Nor are these all. Edward Shorter of Macon, Ga., a former stu dent of the Corcoran School of Art, , chows here a portrait study of a “Mr. C." so strong in structure and co direct in handling that it is dis tinctly outstanding and full of promise: “The Banana Man,” by Catherine P. Melton, is an ambitious work worthy of commendation, as is also “Pete of Taos,” a sunny, outdoor portrait by Alleen Shannon. Other works in this particular field have been contributed by Gladys Milligan, Alice Elizabeth Stinson, Frances Carroll Todd, Julia Eckels and Mildred Hardy Taggart. To this exhibition C. Law Watkins, associate director of the Phillips Me morial Gallery in charge of educa tional activities, and also head of Studio House and its school, has sent a small painting of “Mary Drobak,” a three-quarter-length standing pose and about one-fourth life size, ren dered with great gravity, reticence and yet considerable spirit—a painting which seems' to miss by a very narrow margin being a very exceptional work. Certainly in this little figure one finds distinct individuality, vitality and re serve. In style and feeling this paint ing is distinctly conservative—In fact, “academic,” using the word in the true sense of “technically sound.” Mr. Watkins did not begin to paint until a few years ago, long after at taining maturity, and he has acquired the art by living with and studying the works of accomplished artists of this and other days. Turning to other subjects: Two essays by local painters are unique end engaging. These are “Europa ind the Maidens," by Omar R. Car rington—a most amusing still life—a white porcelain and somewhat dilapi dated bull an a studio table cur* rounded by gayly dressed dolls, or figurines, and painted with discern ment as well as directness and humor, and ‘‘Cray Awnings," by Roger M. Rlttase, painted from a high, bedlzsy lng polnt-of-view, with delightful dis regard of the force of gravity, but keen consciousness of the charm of pattern. Another canvas quite out of the ordinary Is a scene at the "Zoo,” painted by Alice Acheson, with per haps a keener sense of that which Is comic than that of beauty—but highly entertaining and, without question, clever. QUTSTANDING for artistic excel lence are two small convases, very different in character and style but alike In competence and understand ing. A Richmond artist, Jeanne Woods, Is accountable for one of these and Paula MacWhite. the wife of the Minister from the Irish Free State, for the other. Miss Woods' quality, also merits special attention. And more than a word of commenda tion should go to Howard E. Chapmen for an excellent landscape with figures, "In the Fields,” by which he Is rep resented. Sheffield Kagy Is perhaps best known for his work In the graphic arts, but he is admirably represented In this exhibition by a painting of the top of a "Coconut Tree.” with its fruit hanging beneath Its tuft of foliage, as seen against the deep blue of semi tropical sea and sky. Mildred B. Stone sends an unusual composi tion, somewhat conventionalized, of "Cypresses After Flood,” which once seen will not soon be forgotten. TV'O SMALL part of the favorable Impression which this exhibition makes upon the visitor at first glance Is undoubtedly due to the interesting and colorful still-life paintings in cluded in its catalogue. At least three “The Artists,” by Margaret Moffat Yard, on exhibition at the Cor coran Gallery of Art. ! painting is entitled “The Sapling ' Fence” and shows a little cottage perched on a hillside against the sky, meagerly protected by a very slight fence built with saplings. It is hard to say why this small canvas is so outstanding, but one knows at a glance that it is—it is so simple but so right, and assured; so altogether as it should be that it leaves nothing to be desired. Mrs. MacWhite’s painting—which is somewhat larger—is of “Piedra Lumbra, New Mexico," and was painted there a year or more ago. To those who do not know this country it may seem in color exaggerated, but it is really very true—and it is painted in such wise that it carries conviction. It, too, has that inexplicable "right ness” derived, in this instance, per haps, by unity in treatment, with emphasis placed precisely right. Al though in a high key, this painting is distinctly toneful—a combination which is rare. Edgar Nye, who in recent years has been somewhat given to extreme sim plification, is represented by a work which, while still in his characteristic manner, has finer quality than any which he has previously shown. It is entitled “Wind Clouds,” and while somewhat dreary and dramatic, is excellent in composition and does re veal beauty in no small measure through effects of light and color and in artistic treatment. Minor S. Jameson s "Tacomc Hills, Harold A. Roney's Quarry,” Helen P. Collison’s "Snow Scene,” and A. J. Schram's “Winter Road” all interpret, for seeing eyes, beauty in varying aspects of nature—and after all, how can an artist better fulfill his calling? Mr. Jameson has painted a broad landscape partly veiled with mist— very subtle and very lovely; Mr. Roney presents a symphony in browns pleas ingly patterned; Miss Collison inter prets delightfully the effects of sun light on snow regardless of design, while Mr. Sc hr am presents, with ut most realism, a Winter scene which epitomizes the convention of snow in the country. In this connection, mention may well be made of a painting by Eliza beth E. Graves of a “Cape Cod House” which, because of its strength and simplicity, deserves much more than passing note. With great skill she has painted the little white clapboard house behind a screen of tall trees, in such wise that it takes its place perfectly in the composition but at the same time retains its individuality. Marguerite Munn’s "Lonesome Road.” I for color, composition sad decoratjj* I of these show flowers or objects against the light of a white-curtained window—a difficult problem, but one Invariably engaging. Alexander Clay ton has so painted an arrangement of potted plants, the leaves of which make pleasing pattern; Clara R. Saunder, with greater subtlety, has pictured a little statue—a cast from the antique—daintily offset by foliage with her studio window as background and as seen on a gray day, and Gladys Nelson Smith has frankly painted a window, with dark-colored, still-life objects on the sill and in the fore ground making sharp contrast. Essentially naturalistic and very well rendered are a bunch of “Black eyed Susans” In a dark vase, by Eliza beth Muhlhofer, and an exquisitely delicate group of Iris, "Purple and Gold,” by Lillian M. Abbot. From California has come a charming still life—"Eucalyptus Leaves”—in a vase, as seen against a light background, by Lilia Tuckerman, and from Savannah, Ga., a bunch of flowers in a "Blue Vase,” by Mary Cabeniss. But none of these exceed in charm or in skill of rendering Lona Miller Keplinger’s fascinating “Winter Bouquet,” or the even more reticent "Single Dahlias,” by Lucia Hollerith; "Yellow Prim rosee,” by Ferol Sibley, and “Glox inias," by Katherine Rhoades. The jury of award, composed of Ed ward Bruce, Leon Kroll and, in place of Gifford Beal, who was unable to attend, Mrs. Forbes Watson gave the special prize of >100 for the most meritorious work in the entire exhibi tion to a bronze “Whippet,” by Ralph Humes, with medals of honor to the following painters:: C. Law Watkins, for figure painting; Garnet Jex, for landscape painting, with honorable mention to Edgar Nye and for still life to H. K. Wires. The name of Hans Schuler was added to the jury for sculpture, and the medal In this class was awarded to Betty Thomp son Clear for a head, "Eleanor,” with honorable mention to Eleanor Mulll ken for her "Atalanta.” The Watkins painting so honored was that of Mary Drobek, already described and commended; the still life by Wires was of a "Sunny Widow”—a small canvas much in the spirit of the three already de scribed; the landscape by Jex was characteristic, colorful and engaging —children "Sledding in Waterford, Va.,” on one of its steep, picturesque streets. It Is interesting to note that of the seven works singled out for distinction, three were in sculpture— 'blit Uu sculpture section ofLhls es Artists’ Society Here Gives Vigorous Survey Sculpture Takes Stronger Position and Shares in Recognition—Lectures to Cover Wide Art Range—Club Members Elect. hibitlon Is much larger than ever before and of higher standard. Twenty-seven pieces of sculpture in bronze and stone and other media are Included, while of paintings there are, all told, but 78. Owing to exigen cies of space and time, the sculpture section will not be reviewed until next week, when it can be considered more fully. The exhibition continues until February 23, approximately three weeks from the time of opening. Biennial Exhibition Of Works in Little. 'T'HE Washington Society of Minla x ture Painters, Sculptors and Gravers is exhibiting in the Corcoran Gallery simultaneously with the So ciety of Washington Artists, and is putting forth a most interesting show of works in little in various media. This society is the child of a much older and better known organization of similar name in London, of which for many years Alyn William, the distinguished miniature painter of London and Washington, was presi dent. Its purpose is to show minia ture works in painting, etching, sculp ture, bookmaking, illumination, bind ing, and other arts which, if exhibited with works larger and hence out of scale, would lose in effect and signifi cance—and at the same time empha size the charm and intimacy of sure creations. The local society has not exhibited for a couple of years, owing to the scarcity of exhibits in the class the organization desired to show. Further comment will be made on this fascinating exhibition later. Water Colors of Spain By Wells M. Sawyer. AT THE Arts Club. 2017 I street northwest, two exhibitions of ex ceptional interest open tomorrow afternoon with the usual tea at which Mrs. Ralph Graves and Miss Marie E. Walcott will act as hostesses. These will be both of water colors; the painters Wells M. Sawyer, formerly of this city, and Russell Train Smith of Chapel Hill, N. C. Mr. Sawyer's paintings, which will be shown in the gallery, are all of Spain and were painted in that country, now war racked and despoiled, during the past 10 years. They give glimpses of the coast of Mallorca, of scenes In Malaga, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and in the High Pyrenees, as well as in Granada, in Andalusia and Cataluna. These paintings found favor among the Spanish critics as well as public, and were exhibited by invitation in the National Gallery of Modem Art in Madrid and in the Gal lery of the Belles Artes Section of the Friends of the Country in Malaga. Some of them were shown here in the National Gallery and in the galleries of Milch and Ferergi in New York. They have most lately been exhibited in the gallery of transient exhibitions of the Telfair Academy in Savannah. At the present time, when all eyes are turned to Spain in fear and hope, they are of both sad and poignant interest. Russell Train Smith to Exhibit at the Arts Club. 'T'HE paintings by Mr. Smith, who by the way is assistant professor and acting head of the lately organ ized Department of Pine Arts of the University of North Carolina, are recent works done to an extent In modern manner—not modernistic, but up to date, fresh, vigorous, significant. Some presumably will be souvenirs of a sojourn in Yucatan when the painter was a member of the Carnegie Institute's expedition and engaged chiefly in making measured drawings of the Maya masques and other works in sculpture. But others will be transcriptions of New England land scape, well seen and sympathetically interpreted—as were for instance his two Winter pictures included in the Washington Water Color Club's most recent annual exhibition. Russell Train Smith was born in Concord. Mass., in 1905, graduated from Harvard with a B. A. degree in 1927, and three years later from the Harvard School of Architecture. Winning the Nelson Robinson scholarship, he then had a year of travel and study abroad, when his Interest definitely turned to paint ing. This is his first one-man exhibi tion in Washington, but he has previ ously exhibited in Boston, New Or leans and other cities. Paintings by John Marin To Be Shown in Studio House. CTUDIO HOUSE, 1614 Twenty-first u street northwest, announces an ex hibition of 15 water colors and 3 oil paintings by John Marin, from February 3 to 21. A retrospective ex hibition of Marin’s work was held in the Museum of Modem Art In New York last October when the entire building was given up to the showing. The works to be set forth at Studio House were, for the most part, in cluded in the larger exhibition. John Marin is no stranger to those in Washington who follow the current exhibitions or present trends In art. For a good many years now, Marin has been represented, and at his best, in the permanent collection of the Phillips Memorial Gallery. In fact, Mr. Phillips was among the first to acclaim the greatness of this painter and acquire his works, and he has never deviated from his loyalty. One room in the Phillips Memorial Gallery is at present entirely given over to John Marin’s works. It 1s truly said in the Studio House announcement that, “always the cen ter of controversy, the paintings of John Marin have aroused bitter argu ment and opposition, as well as the unqualified praise of critics,” and there is every reason to believe that opinions will vary concerning the forthcoming display. Mr. Marin has developed a mode of expression all his own—a kind of hieroglyphics—an artistic shorthand—which to some is utterly lllegibile and to others full of mean ing. Alfred Stleglitz, the distinguished photo-pictorlallst, who has for more than a quarter of a century been the leading exponent of post-impression ism in this country, has exploited and backed Mr. Marin as agent and friend ever since he cast aside tradition and developed his own unique and distinc tive style—and it is through the gen erous co-operation of Mr. Stieglltz that the exhibition at Studio House has been made possible. The work of John Marin has. what is more, a peculiarly personal Interest for Washingtonians, Inasmuch as the painter is a stepbrother of Charles Bittinger, president of the Society of Washington Artists and past president of the Arts Club, whom Washington claims as a native son and in whose scientific work in color as well as paintings it takes pride. When Charles Bittinger and John Marin were lads Mrs. Bittinger of this city, long widowed, married Mr. Marin of New York, whose first wife had died when his son John was a very small child—henceforth the boys were as brothers growing up under the same roof and influence. Both determined to follow art as a career and were sent abroad to study—both returned with a good grounding in fundamen tals and an equal regard for tradition. If anything. Marin was at that time more bound by tradition than Bit tinger, who always had an inventive and inquiring mind. But how wide has since been the divergence! While Bittinger has interpreted things seen with great accuracy and sense of beauty, Marin has forsaken old paths and gone on flights to the unexplored in the realm of art. There could not be a greater contrast than in the works of these two men. Be that as it may, one strong cord binds these “brothers” together—devotion to the memory of she who was “mother” to both, with out distinction, and who was beloved and admired by all who were privi leged to know her—a musician and in the truest sense an art lover. The exhibition of paintings by Marin at Studio House cannot fail to attract exceptional attention. Drawings by American Artists From the Hatch Collection. 'T'HE exhibition of etchings, litho graphs and drawings by Clifford Beal, in the print rooms of the Phil lips Memorial Gallery, may be ex tended a few days into the coming week, but will then be replaced by a collection of drawings by American artists, past and present, assembled and lent by John D. Hatch, Jr., former ly of Seattle, now of New York, a special assistant of the Carnegie Corp. in the art field. Interest in drawings is undoubtedly increasing, as evidenced not only by the recurrence of exhibitions but by the prices brought in public sales. After aU, good draw ing is an essential part of good art. Weisz to Give Course of Lectures On the History of Art. 'T'HE Corcoran School of Art an nounces a series of 12 illustrated lectures by Eugen Weisz, to be given in the school on successive Thursday evenings at 8:30 o'clock, beginning February 4 and continuing through April 22. The entire history of art, from the days of antiquity to the present time, will be covered. One lecture, toward the end, will be given to consideration of technics and tra ditions in painting and sculpture, after which will follow lectures on "Modem Art and Art in America.” This course is very similar to if not Bulletin of Exhibitions CORCORAN. GALLERY OP ART—Permanent collection, American paintings and sculpture. Barye bronzes. Clark collection—European paintings, rugs, tapestries, lace, etc. Drawings by Sargent. Exhibition of sculpture by Paul Manship. Water colors by Conly Schnaetzel. The Society of Washington Artists’ forty-sixth annual exhibition and exhibition of the Washington Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM—Permanent collections, Evans, Gellatly, Ralph Cross, Johnson, Harriet Lane Johnson and Herbert Ward African sculptures. Two stained glass windows by John La Farge and other recent accessions. Oils, water colors and etchings by Thomas Moran, in celebration of artist's centenary. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, DIVISION OP GRAPHIC ARTS— Exhibition of etchings by John Costigan. FREER GALLERY OF ART—Permanent collections, Whistler paintings, etchings, drawings and the Peacock Room, Oriental paintings, bronzes, pottery, miniatures, etc. PHILLIPS MEMORIAL GALLERY—Permanent collection, paintings by old and modem masters; also works in sculpture. Drawings by American Artists, past and present. Recent acquisition, "St. Peter," by Goya. STUDIO HOUSE—Exhibition of paintings by John Marin, opening February 4. TEXTILE MUSEUM OP THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA—Permanent collection, rugs, tapestries and other textiles of the Near and Far East. Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 3 to 5 pm. Admission by card, obtainable at office of George Hewitt Myers, 730 Fifteenth street. ARTS CLUB OF WASHINGTON—Exhibition of water colors of Spain by Wells M. Sawyer and water colors by Russell Train Smith. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, DIVISION OF PINE ARTS—Exhibition of recent accessions: Pennell lithographs; drawings by American Illus trators. Exhibition of original illustrations by Walter Appleton Clark—recent accessions. Pictorial photographs of the Statue of Liberty by Jeanette Griffith. INTIMATE BOOKSHOP. LITTLE GALLERY—Exhibition of water colors by Philip Coffin, Frank Letts and Col. Fltsmaurice Gay. PUBLIC LIBRARY, MAIN BUILDING—Water colors by Roy Clark. SOUTHEASTERN BRANCH LIBRARY—Paintings by members of Landscape Club. LITTLE BLUE GALLERY, 3040 S street—Lithographs by A. G. Arnold. "Europa and the Maidens,” by Omar Raymond Carrington, on exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. the same as that given by Mr. Weisz at the Washington Club last Winter under the auspices of the Margaret Yard School, which proved very popu lar. It has been arranged primarily for the benefit of the students of the school, but subscription—$5 for the course—is open to the public, and tickets may be obtained at the school from the secretary. This course by Mr. Weisz should not be confused with the occasional Informal talks to be given, as oppor tunity affords, by visiting artists— such as that given this week by Leon Kroll, who came to Washington to serve on the jury for the Society of Washington Artists' annual exhibi tion. These Informal, occasional talks, Illustrated by paintings in the perma nent collection of the Corcoran Gal lery of Art, are free and tickets to a limited number issued upon request. A very live spirit seems to be anl ! auer. At the same time a revised constitution and by-laws was adopted, vesting governing power in an execu tive committee. This committee will consist for the current year of the regular officers and two mem. ere— Rowland Lyon and Robert E. Motley. The following appointments were made: Benson B. Moore, chairman of Membership Committee: Rowland Lyon, chairman of Exhibition Com mittee, and H. W. Moore, chairman of Banquet Committee. It was also voted to hold an exhibition in the Pall of the year, at which a purchase prize, with medal to the winner, would be instituted and awarded. Former Washingtonian Exhibits in New York. ("VRREN LOUDEN, a former pupil of the Corcoran School of Art,; is holding an exhibition January 25 ... TW"""*' ■ •‘Coconut Tree" by Sheffield Kagy. on exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. i mating the Corcoran School this Win ter. Officers Are Elected By the Landscape Club. rTHE Landscape Club of Washington A at its annual meeting this month elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Henry Wads worth Moore; vice president, A. J. Ted Meurer; secretary. Omar R. Car rington: assistant secretary, Roger M. Rittase; treasurer, C. F. Witten to February 6 in the Progressive Arts Gallery, West Fifty-seventh street. New York. After attending McKinley High School and the Corcoran School of Art, Mr. Louden went to New York and entered the Art Students’ League. Among his teachers have been Thomas Benton, John Steuart Curry and Klmon Nicolaides, the last also one time of Washington. The ma jority of the paintings now- on view were painted in France, while a few were made in Illinois, and among American Airships ———.——————^» (Continued From Page B-l.) Inventive talents, has interested him self to an extraordinary degree in the potentialities of American designed and constructed airships. He is Ro land B. Respess of Cranston, R. I., who first conceived the idea of an air ship built upon principles employed in suspension bridges. This was seven years ago and Respess has devoted himself in these seven years to per fection of his plans, spending in ad dition about *100,000 of personal funds for construction and testing of his models and for authoritative opinions of American engineering and scien tific experts, This he has done with a view to offering something to the United States Government that will serve at least as a starting point and inspiration to other inventors and engineers of this country who may have suggestions for improvement on his design, for it is an American air ship that is being encouraged, rather than the Respess or any other model, and it is the desire of those members of Congress who are enthusiastically in support of the O’Connell bill to In vite the best brains of the Nation In developing such an airship. It soon appeared, however, that the Respess airship was more satisfactory than its designer’s modest first judg ment Indicated, for when plans and models had been submitted to repre sentative engineering firms and had been tried out and tested from every angle in the laboratories of the Gug genheim School of Aeronautics, at New York University, and in other laboratories, it was universally pro nounced superior In every degree to the existing Zeppelin model. In co operation with the Guggenheim school, Respess had developed his airship following standard procedure, and with their advice a scale model was made and tested with very satisfactory re eitth * __ One of the most famous suspension bridge organizations in the world, that of Robinson & Steinman, was next consulted. These consulting en gineers, headed by the eminent Dr. Stienman whose bridges are known in every section of America, as well as In Brazil, Germany and in other sections of the world, were employed to design the suspension-type frame of the airship, which was to be con structed upon specifications prepared by the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy Department. Vl/TTH the knowledge and experience fitting him to analyze the Zep pelin arch-type frame, the aerody namic and load stresses Imposed on an airship in flight, and to design an airship structure with the application of the suspension-bridge engineering principles, Dr. Steinman, once the new model was built, rendered his judgment, after it had been submitted to the severest tests to which such a structure would be subjected in actual service. He said, i^ part: “Whatever may be said of the performance of the Zep pelin airship will apply equally to the Respess airship, but the Respess air ship would have, in addition, the fol lowing advantages: Greater strength and safety, greater inherent strength, increased length of life, decreased maintenance costs, more efficient use of material, reduction in cost of con struction, reduction in time of con struction, ease of construction, sim plicity, accuracy and definiteness of calculation.’’ He stated further, of this American designed ship: "The stresses of this airship never reverse, thereby remov ing all fear of failure in the hull through fatigue and crystallization. The net pay load will be unusually high, facilitating economical commer cial operation.” Thn— interested in Amer them—very timely—one of a heavy rainstorm, not lovely, but very real istic. Water Colors by Artists From Abroad Shown in Corcoran. A COLLECTION of 17 water colora by May Conly Schaetzel, a visit ing artist from Paris, may be seen in the southeast gallery of the Cor coran Gallery of Art until February 7. The most interesting of these are of colorful flowers in vases placed against the light, as, for Instance, the one of "Dahlias.” reproduced on the cover of the catalogue. The artist shows a colorful sense and courage, but not great proficiency in the han dling of her medium. Her work, which has a certain charm, is rather thin and immature. Great changes have taken place in recent years in the handling of water color as a medium and such superb work has been done that a heavy demand is put upon all contemporary water colorists. lea’s building American ships for our commercial advancement and military protection will be interested in this re port as one that emanates from an international authority, fully cognizant of the construction of Zeppelin frama airships as built by Germany, and of details of British airship construction; thus the conclusions were for tha American design as against the best •production of other nations which had designed, constructed and successfully operated large airships. AT ABOUT this time a further ex pression of faith in our American engineers and their ability to oopa with and surpass existing lighter than-air craft designs came from a German who had been an authority on the subject in his own country and is now an American citizen—Dr. Theo dor von Karman. In the press of California, Dr. von Karman was quoted as urging the United State* to push ahead in commercial airship construction, for, he said, “trans Atlantic air service will be accom plished only by dirigibles." The press dispatch from California stated fur ther that Dr. Von Karman, who had been director of the German Aero nautical Institute at Aachen before coming to the United States, praised American aircraft builders’ skill and said American ships had been sub jected to unfair comparisons with Ger man aircraft. "It is not quite fair,” Dr. von Kar man stated, ‘‘to compare the Navy’s record of three military airship disas ters with the successful record of the Graf Zeppelin, a commercial transport. Because of their construction and use, military aircraft present greater prob lems. Germany lost more than 50 Zeppelins during the World War through enemy bullets and disasters such as those that overcame the Ma con and Akron.” Lette-s have been received by Rep resenta’ ive O'Connell from profession al societies and engineering organiza tions til over the United States indorsirg the American-designed air ship anl the report of the Stelnman engine*: •s. After two weeks of independent study o! designs, data, computations and stri ctural details, the Connecticut Society of Professional Engineers re ported to interested members of Con gress that the Respess design possessed structural merit over the conventional type of airship for its inherently greater strength with less material, its lower construction cost, the greater factor of safety in storms, at anchor and in maneuvering, its greater pay load and the greater strength of its bow and stem. This was the con sensus among representatives from all branches of professional engineering who were involved in the study. TTHUS there is bountiful evidene* that Americans can design air ships that will, in actual operation, equal and exceed the proved success ful flights of such dirigibles as tha Graf Zeppelin and the Hlndenburg, It Is proposed, however, should Con gress pass favorably upon the project, to assure an even greater measure of safety than that resulting from su perior construction by using helium gas, which is non-explosive, instead of the explosive hydrogen gas used In th* Hindenburg and similar type airships. Exhibition Japanese Wood-block Prints ASIAN ARTS 1143 Connecticut Avenue ABBOTT SCHOOLS FINE AND COMMERCIAL Life Portrait Etching Lithography Oil Pointing All Typee of Commercial Art 1143 CONNECTICUT AVE. 1 J