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RELIGIOUS SERVICES IN WASHINGTON CHURCHES _ , - ■ ■ !■■■■.■ . ■ - ■■■ ■■ -■ " - ' ' ■ — — Stockdale To Be Guest Preacher Mt. Pleasant Congre gational to Hear of College Work. TAR. ALLEN A. STOCKDALE will be the guest preacher at Mount Pleasant Congregational Church to morrow morning. His subject will be “Thy Kingdom Come.” At 8 p.m. the chorus will present the second musical service of the season. William G. Carr, research director Of the National Education Associa tion, will speak in the adult forum at 10 o’clock on "Teachers' Oaths, the Red Rider and Academic Freedom.” The discussion group has as its sub ject at 6 p.m. “The Negro and In dustrial Relations." Richard Hunter Will direct the discussion. The League of Service invites mem bers and friends to visit Newfoundland Tuesday evening, following the 6:15 dinner, with Dr. Earl Ingerson. a former professor at Yale, who is now with the Carnegie Institute of Wash ington. He will show slides which were made on a Yale expedition to Newfoundland. "Piedmont College and the Georgia Mountain Life” will be the subject Thursday evening, following the church supper at 6:15. Dr. George C. Bellingrath, president of Piedmont Col lege. at Demorest, Ga.. will speak on all phases of life in that area and will Illustrate his talk with pictures of the college and the mountain life. CLASS FORYOUNG COUPLES FORMED “Glowing Testimony” to Be Topic Tomorrow at Epworth M. E. “A Glowing Testimony” will be the subject of Dr. Harry M. Canter at Epworth M. E. Church South tomor row morning. Rev. John H. Blake more. jr., will assist. Mr. Blakemore Will preach at 8 p.m. The Minot Bible Class will have charge of the program for the open ing services of the adult department tomorrow at 9:30. A new class of young married persons is being or ganized. Mr. Blakemore will be the teacher for the present. The Sunday School Workers’ Coun cil will meet Monday evening. A business meeting and social of the Hummer Memorial Class will be held Tuesday evening. Dr. Canter and Mr. Blakemore will conduct the prayer service Thursday evening. A committee composed of Mrs. W. F. Lady and Mrs. Ray Morrison has been named to take charge of the matter of flowers for the church altar. Persons having floral memorials or other floral offerings may reach either at 130 Twelfth street northeast or 1503 Massachusetts avenue southeast. - • SERMON THEME IS ‘PREPARATION’ Georgetown Presbyterian to Hear Rev. Robert M. Skinner. At Georgetown Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Rev. Robert M. Skinner will preach on “Preparation." At 7 p.m. there will be a service, un der the auspices of the combined young people’s groups In observance of Presbyterian young people's day. Rev. Mr. Skinner, Frank Nattier and Miss Virginia Harris will speak. The Men’s Club will hold a dinner meeting Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Cissel Chapel. Movies will be shown. The women will meet Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. to hear a talk on the Chey enne Indians by Mrs. Florence Brewer, which will be followed by luncheon at 1 p.m. The annual turkey dinner will be held Thursday in Cissel Chapel from 5:30 to 7 p.m. There will be a fancy work and candy table. There will be the preparatory service Friday at 8 p.m. preceding communion 6unday. Rev. Mr. Skinner will speak. PASTOR WILL GIVE REQUEST SERMON Rev. R. Paul Schearrer, pastor of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on “Standing at the Door,” and at 8 p.m. on “Why I Believe in God,” by re quest. John R. Bovard will address the Brotherhood Bible Class at 9:45 o’clock on "Gearing the Bible Into Life.” The pastor will hold the first meeting of his annual communicants’ class at 10 o’clock. Janet Bovard, Gilbert Holt and Mrs. Margarita Fraser will be In charge of the young people’s group meetings tomorrow evening. The session will meet Monday eve ning at the home of Dr. R. A. Ramsey, 125 Willow avenue. The Takoma Park Chapter of the American Red Cross will meet at the church Thursday morning for sewing and to make aurgical dressings. B. Y. P. U. News National Union will be led by Edgar Bpeiden with the aid of the other members of the cabinet. A member ship campaign is on, each group is trying to bring up the average of the old members as well as bringing in new ones. On February 5, a party ■will be held at Frolic Inn, 10 Franklin avenue Rogers Heights, Md. The Seth Parker meeting will be at Walton Grubbs’ .house Sunday evening after church, 1810 Ingleside terrace. Fifth Union’s program will be pre sented by the Intermediate Union for the seniors. The subject relates to the spread of the gospel in Europe. The Intermediate president, Miss Helen Fisher will be in charge. Bethany Senior Union will be hosts to the Intermediate. At the evening church service, the seniors will have charge. George Ruhl will be the speaker. Wisconsin Avenue will be led by Winston Hedberg. Tuesday evening will be Federation Board meeting at Central Union Mis •ion. ft Guest Preacher DR. A. A. STOCKDALE. VICTORY SUNDAY TO BE OBSERVED Chevy Chase Baptist Church Will Raise Cash to Pay Off Mortgage. “Victory Sunday” will be observed at the Chevy Chase Baptist Church tomorrow morning, when it is hoped to raise in cash contributions the bal ance of about $1,200 needed to pay off the mortgage indebtedness on the church. The Board of Trustees, of which George B. Fraser is chairman, is in charge. “The Christian and His Church" will be the morning sermon topic in the series "Rethinking the Christian Life." by the pastor. Rev. Edward O. Clark. At 8 p.m. he will speak on “The Life of D. L. Moody," in ob servance of the century of his birth. The Board of Trustees will meet Thursday at the church at 7:30 p.m. The pastor will lead a conference on | “Understanding the Child.’* The de , votional service at 8:30 p.m. will be led by George N. Wheat. Business meeting of the church will follow the service. ! -0 - ... - “A GOOD FINISH” SERMON THEME Rev. W. S. Abernethy Will Discuss Topic Tomorrow Morning. Rev. W. S. Abernethy, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on “A Good Finish” and in the evening on “Dangerous People.” The Junior Church will meet to morrow morning with Rev. Frank E. Johnston, jr., minister's assistant, in charge. E. G. Mason has been elected vice chairman of the Board of Deacons to succeed Dr. F. A. Swartwout, de ceased. The District Christian Endeavor will hold Its banquet Friday with Rev. Perry Mitchell of Clarendon as guest speaker. Mrs. L. C. Greene is in charge of arrangements. The president of the Burrall Class, Miss Katherine Bliss, and Mrs. W. S. Abernethy, teacher, will be hosts at a “tea” for the captains and aides of the class tomorrow afternoon. -• SPECIAL OFFERING FOR RED CROSS Ninth Street Christian Sunday School to Assist in Relief. A special offering for the American Red Cross for flood relief will be made at the Ninth Street Christian Church Bible School tomorrow' at 9:30 a.m. “Born of the Spirit” will be the sub ject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev. Clifford H. Jope. at 11 a.m. The Junior Church meets at the same time in the church house, directed by Mrs. Howard Thompson. "Thomas—Who Had His Ups and Downs” will be the subject of the seventh sermon in the series on the Apostles by Mr. Jope at 7:45 p.m. There will also be the ordinance of Christian baptism. The church program will be In charge of John L. Bateman Thursday evening. It will be “Every Man’s” night and the subject will be “The Layman’s Place In the Church.” The program will be presented by the men. --- SPECIAL CHURCH MEETING PLANNED “The Seed and the Sower” will be the subject tomorrow at 11 a.m. in Georgetown Lutheran Church by Rev. Harold E. Beatty. The adult classes of men and women, conducted by J. Prank Butts and Mrs. Lloyd McCord at 9:30 am., will dis cuss the Bible theme, "Jesus, Working and Teaching.” Miss Dorothy Snead will make a special appeal to all young people to assemble at 7 p.m. at an important meeting. Representatives of all church or ganizations will attend the council meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m. Joseph C. Wimmer will preside at the Sunday school business meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. "Jesus the Light of the World” will be the subject at the prayer service Thursday, 8 p.m. The ladles’ Bible class will give a covered dish dinner Friday at 6:30 p.m. "SERVICE” SUBJECT Dr. Taylor to Preach at Central Presbyterian. Dr. James H. Taylor will preach In Central Presbyterian Church Sunday morning on “Unselfish Service” and at night will continue the series on "The Witness in the Early Christian Church.” There will be a special call made for flood relief. The young peoples’ societies will meet In the afternoon. The fireside hour for young people will be held at 6:30 o'clock. Young people invited. f. SERVICE PLANNED Officers to Be Installed at Atonement Lutheran. A candlelight service and installa tion of officers of various organisa tions will be held tomorrow night at Atonement Lutheran Church. The musical service will be In charge of Prof. Emerson Meyers. • Rev. Howard Snyder will preach at 11 am. on “The Word of Ood With drawn." Beginning Wednesday the choir will give its second anual “Country Pair." The confirmation class meets Wed nesday. “Courage” Is Theme Of Sermon Dr. Blackwelder Will Preach Tomorrow Morning. AT THE Lutheran Church of the Reformation Dr. Oscar F. Black welder will preach tomorrow morning on "Sources of Courage.” At 8 o'clock the series on "Music and Religion” will continue. Dr. Blackwelder will speak on "The Life and Work of Felix Mendelssohn.” The Intermediate and Senior Luther Leagues will hold a joint service at i 7 o’clock, with Mrs. Marian Tucker I Parsons, missionary to China, as a I speaker. Miss Lily Widule. missionary I secretary of the Senior League, will | preside. The young people’s department, under the leadership of Dr. Raymond J. Seeger. will hold a pre-Valentine 1 party Thursday evening in the parish hall. The annual banquet of the Lutheran Inner Mission Society of Washington will be held in the parish hall Friday at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. A. W. Stremel I of Pittsburgh is the speaker. ■ ■ ■ ■ — - • CALVARY M. E. Rev. Keene to Preach on “Church Going.” At Calvary M. E. Church South tomorrow at 11 am., Rev. W. D. Keene will preach on "Church Go ing." At 7:15 the young people will meet. At 8 p.m. there will be a joint service of the three branches of the Methodist Church in Georgetown at Mount Tabor M. P. Church. The Board of Christian Education will have charge of the worship serv ice in the adult department of the church school. On Monday evening the Board of Christian Education will meet. On Tuesday evening the Board of Stewards. Thursday evening the pastor will talk on "Gods Mes i sengers.” i __ — — New Series Of Sermons Announced Minister of Albright Evangelical Church Lists Topics. 'T'HE minister of Albright Memorial 1 Evangelical Church, Rev. George E. Schnabel, will begin a new series of sermons tomorrow at the 11 a.ip service. The general subject will be "God and My Life.” The subjects each Sunday will be: January 31, “God in the Life of Man”; February 7, "His Family and Ours”; February 14, "Like as We Are, Yet-Feb ruary 21, "What Are We here For?”; February 28, "The Miracle of Me”; March 7. "It Happened Once”; March 14. ••Sacrament”; March 21, “The Sin fulness of Sin”; March 21, 7:45 p.m., “Crucifixion’s Prelude.” The service at night begins at 7:45 o'clock, with a song from the screen. Between the songs pictures will be shown depicting the work of the church at home and abroad. Follow ing the evening service the fireside group will meet. At a congregational meeting last Monday the following were elected: Trustees, Emmette Jester and Mrs. Wilbur Snyder; Sunday school officers, superintendent, Wilbur Snyder; as sistant superintendents, J. W. Hollister and Leanard Bowen; secretary, El wood Spalding; assistant secretary, James Titsworth, Jr.; treasurer, Russell Bortz, and secretary of the congrega tion, Harry Garner. On Wednesday night the Queen Esther Class will present the "Wed ding Gown Review.” — —m ■■ — — ■ ■ ■'-a» CONTINUES GRACE LUTHERAN SERIES Pastor Speaks Tomorrow on “Meaning of the Apostles’ Creed.” Preaching on the “Meaning of the Apostles’ Creed," Dr. Gerhard E. Len ski. pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, will offer his second sermon In his series on this subject tomorrow at 11 am. Hus special subject will be: “I Believe in God the Father." The young people will hold a devo tional meeting in the hall at 6 p.m. under the leadership of Frederick Winkelman. president. Supper will be served at 7 p.m. Women of the Guild will give a congregational dinner in the hall Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. under the leadership of Mrs. Nicholas Miles. Lenten services will be held on Wed nesday at 8 p.m. throughout the sea son. Holy communion will be cele brated Ash Wednesday. February 10, ! 8 p.m. The pastor will preach on “The Renewed Challenge of Lent." Dr. Pierce’s Series Ends Tomorrow Unitarian Pastor to Discuss “The Place of Judgment.” 'T'HE last in a series of sermons on "Sayings of Jesus Not Pound in the Bible” will be given by Dr. Ulysses O. B. Pierce, minister of All Souls' Unitarian Church, at the 11 o'clock service. The special subject is "The Place of Judgment,” based on a quo tation by Justice Martyr. Speakers before the adult classes of the church school will be D. E. Mont gomery of the Department of Agricul ture, on "What Consumer Co-oper atives Mean to Business” and Dr. L. E Warren on "Proverbs.” At 5 o’clock, Lewis Atwater, organist, will be assisted In a program of Bach music by Charles Trowbridge Titt mann. The feature at the motion Picture Hour at 7:30 will be "A Feather in Her Hat.” At the meeting of the Laymen's League negt Thursday Dr. Paul F. Dickens, professor of internal medicine at the United States Naval Medical School and George Washington Uni versity, will speak on "The Endocrine Glands and Their Relation to the Physical and Mental Characteristics of Man." Monday and Tuesday eve nings have been set aside for Badmin ton in the new Recreation Center, and on Thursday evening, there will be on “open house” there for adults. At the foreign language cinema Saturday evening the feature will be the German picture, "Der Traum vom Rhein.” This evening the French picture, "Cessez le Feu” Will be shown wi*h "Visages de France” as a sub sidiary. LADIES TO SERVE. Society to Be in Charge of Luncheon and Dinner. R/>v. C. B. Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow at 11 a m. on "Liv ing Waters for Thirsty Souls,” and at 8 p.m. on “Mental Ghosts That Hinder.” Next Wednesday luncheon and tur key dinner for the public will be served by the Ladies’ Aid Society. Special service is scheduled Thurs day evening conducted by the Young People and the pastor. The topic is “Opportunities for Service." The F. I. Green Bible Class elected as officers for 1937: Teacher, Miss Emma W. Stevens: president, Mrs. Sarah T. Craig: vice president. Mrs. Norman B. Robertson: recording sec retary, Mrs. Evelyn B. Torreyson; cor responding secretary', Mrs. Adeline S. Hospital; treasurer, Mrs. John R. . Harris. Activities in Local Churches Fifteenth Street Presbyterian. ] Dr. H. B. Taylor will have for his ! subject Sunday at 11 a.m. "God's Plan for Youth and Age." It will be Pres byterian young people’s day. Zion Baptist, Southwest. “Positive Christian Living" is the subject of Dr. J. M. Ellison tomorrow morning. At 3:30 p.m. the Sunday j School Union of the District of Co lumbia will hold a mass meeting. James R. Moss, president, will preside. The C. E. Society meets at 6 pjn., with Mrs. Martha Saunders, chairman of the Missionary Committee, in charge. The guest speaker will be Miss Juanita Howard, whose subject Is “What Do I Know About My Church?” At 8 p.m. there will be a pageant, "Fellowship in the Life of Women.” sponsored by the ushers, with Miss Annie Lee as director. Congress Street M. P. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. William H. Harrison, president, will preside. Powell B. Bradfield will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, pastor, will give a short talk. Representative Morgan G. Sanders of Texas will be the guest speaker. The lesson theme is “The Financial Cost of Alcoholic Beverage.” Dr. Kester will preach at 11 a.m. on “Shaking Off the Vipers." At 8 p.m. the Young People’s Society will have charge of the service. _ Divine Science. "Divine Beauty” will be given its Divine Science meaning in a lesson sermon by Rev. Grace Lightfoot Patch tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the Grafton Hotel. On Wednesday, at 8 p.m., she will again conduct the Divine Science forum. Waugh Methodist. Dr. J. S. Montgomery, chaplain of the House, will preach tomorrow, 11 a.m. Dr. Chesteen Smith will preach at 8 p.m. Second Baptist. Rev. J. L. S. Holloman will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "The Strong holds of the Church” and in the eve ning on "Lessons From the Flood Disaster.” Presbyterian Ministers. Dr. W. L. Darby, secretary of Wash ington Federation of Churches, will address the Presbyterian Ministers’ Association of Washington and vicinity at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Monday at 11 a.m. on "Recent Developments in Church Co-oper ation.” Westminster Presbyterian. Rev. Harry V. Porter will deliver the morning sermon, on “A Searching God.” In the evening the congre gation will Join with other churches of the Southwest at the Kendall Bap tist Church to see the religious drama, "The Fool,” by Channtng Pollock, pre sented by Miss Gertrude T. Barker. Trinity Lutheran, Mount Rainier. Rev. Edwin Pieplow will deliver the sermon at 11 a.m. on “Will God Send a Spiritual Famine?” The Walther League will conduct an educational topic discussion beginning at 6:45 p.m. At 8 p.m. the sermon by the pastor is on the eighth command ment, “God’s Gift of Speech.” Unite the Youth and Executive Board of the Walther League meets Monday, 8 p.m.; Teachers' Institute, ijQuOKtafcitPda. i Potomac Heights Community. Holy communion and reception of members will be at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Rev. O. J. Randall will preach on “The Singing Christ.” At 8 p.m. his subject will be “The Divine Spark in Human Hearts.” The Sunday School Board will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Supt. M. H. Hess, 5404 Macomb street. Episcopal Women to Meet. The Women's Auxiliary of the Epis copal Diocese of Washington will meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. In St. Paul's Church. Mrs. Grayton Burke, wife of Dr. Grayton Burke of the Hudson Stuck Memorial Hospital, Fort Yukon, Alaska, will be the special speaker. Gorsuch Methodist. Rev. E. A. Ross will have for his morning sermon “The Challenge of Methodism to America.” There will be a baptismal service. At 8 p.m. members will join with four other Southwest churches and see the play, “The Fool," at Kendall Baptist Church. “White elephant party” Wednesday in the recreation room. Lincoln Road M. E. At 10 a.m. tomorrow the Baraca Philathea Class will meet in special session. Rev. R. H. Stone will speak from the topic, “What Is Christian ity?" at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. the theme will be “The Engraving Tools of Life.” Trinity Methodist. Rev. Dan L. Ennis will have for his subject at 11 a.m. “Religious or Chris tlon—Which?” At 8 p.m. he will con tinue his messages to young people, using the topic “Life’s Great Objec tive.” The Church School Board will meet Monday, 8. p.m. On Tuesday evening the Women's Missionary Societies will present a play, “Lady Minstrels From Dixie.” Prayer service, Wednesday night. The Butler Bible Class will have a business meeting and social Thursday, 8 p m. Wallace Memorial. Dr. C. E. Hawthorne, who was un able to preach last Sunday because of Illness, will deliver the two sermons tomorrow that he announced for last Sunday. At the 11 o'clock service his topic will be “The Lord’s Second Com ing,” which concludes his message on the Book of Zacharlah. At the eve ning service at 8 o'clock the sermon theme is “Nevertheless.” Mt. Zion-Cedar Grove Baptist. The pastor will preach Sunday on “The Great Deluge.” Services will be held at Mt. Zion at 10 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. at Cedar Grove. At 3 p.m. he will preach on "The Goal of Chris tianity.” Cabin John-Concord M. E. The sermon subject of Rev. Prank Edwards Sutch will be "The World Wide Need of the Gospel.” At Cabin John, Sunday school at 10 a.m.; Church service at 8 p.m. Turkey supper, Friday at Cabin John School House. At Concord, Sunday school at 2:15 pm.; church service at 3 p.m. Good Will Baptist. Dr. James L. Pinn will preach to morrow morning on ‘‘Some Lessons From the Flood." At 2 o'clock he will conduct services at the District Jail. In the evening his subject will be '“Punng to Be Singular* Chevy Chase M. E. Rev. Edward G. Latch will give a brief meditation on the Lord's supper at the 11 o'clock service. Communion will form part of the moning service. The Young People will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the church, with the minister leading the discussion period. St. Mary’s Episcopal. Holy communion will be celebrated 7:30 a.m., morning prayer and sermon 11 a.m. The organist will give an organ recital from 7:30 to 8 p.m. The evening service will begin at 8 p.m. Rev. J. E. Elliott, rector of St. Luke's, will preach. The music in this serv ice will be sung by the choir of St. Luke's Church. Theosophist*. “Human Solidarity” will be the sub ject of a free public lecture at 8:15 p.m. at the United Lodge of Theosophists, 709 Hill Building. Study class Wednesday at 8:15 also open to public. Free lending and ref erence libraries available Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5 to 6 o'clock, and Satur days from 1 to 4. Metropolitan Presbyterian. Presbyterian Young People s day will be observed tomorrow evening with a special program entitled “Master I Will Follow Thee.” The young people will conduct the service at 6 pm. It will be directed by Miss Jean Wertz. The main address will be made by Harold Davis on “How the Young People Will Meet the Crying Needs of the Day." At the morning service Dr. Freeley Rohrer will preach on “A Missionary Christian.” Fifteenth Street Christian. Holy communion at 11 o'clock. Ser mon by Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “As We Forgive.” The young people of the Alpha C. E. Society will conduct the evening service at 8 o’clock In celebration of Youth week, which be gins Sunday. Mount Bethel Baptist. The guest speaker tomorrow at 11 a.m. is Dr. R. L. Harrison of Oordens ville, Va. At 3 p.m. memorial serv ice the pastor will preach. At 8 p.m. Dr. R. L. Harrison will preach an evangelistic sermon, and he will preach each night through next week to Fri day night. Knox Presbyterian. Services will be held at the Bible Institute, 1316 Vermont avenue, to morrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. In the morning Rev. Leslie W. Sloat will speak on “Regeneration," and in the evening on “Bearing False Witness.” Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All persons are invited. Vermont Avenue Baptist. At 11 a.m. Rev. C. T. Murray will preach on "Elijah’s Brook Dried Up.” Baptizing and preaching at 8 p.m. Friendship Baptist. Rev. Roy Carter, blind evangelist, is conducting a revival. He will preach a special sermon Sunday at 11 a.m. A service for women only will be held at 3:30 pm. His farewell message will be delivered at 8 pm. Kehoboth Baptist. Rev. Johnson's topic in the morning will be "Is This Life Worth Living?” In the afternoon Rev. William Weaver will be the principal speaker for the missionaries. At 8 pm. the theme of the pastor's special sermon will be Missionary Alliance. "Sermon in Genesis” is the topic ot the afternoon service at 808 1 street. Evening evangelistic service in song and sermon, 7:45 p.m.; young people's hour, 6:45; Miss Ruth Horn, leader; Miss G. Boren, speaker. Tuesday at 7:45 Bible study. 5804 Colorado ave nue; Missionary meeting Thursday at 2028 North Capitol street, Mrs. M. B. Birrel, director. Plymouth Congregational. The subject of the sermon of Rev. Arthur D. Gray will be “The Pate of Religion in the Modem World.” The minister's class in Old Testament in terpretation will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. Third Christian. Rev. C. N. Williams will preach at 11 a.m.; Lord’s supper. The subject of the sermon is "Three Natures.” Bethesda Presbyterian. Rev. John L. Parkes will preach to morrow at 11 o'clock on "Pear, Duty, Love” and at 8 p.m. on “The Medicine of a Merry Heart.” Wednesday at 8 p.m. the midweek service will be held. The young people and the Pioneers will hold their .usual meetings at 7 o’clock. People’s Congregational. Rev. A. P. Elmes speaks tomorrow morning on ‘The Primary Stakes of a Man’s Ll'e.” The young people’s or ganisation meets at 5 o'clock. A midweek service, with the minister in charge and preparatory to the com munion, will be held Thursday night. Metropolitan Memorial M. E. Rev. William Andrew Keese will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on “A Charge Against the Church.” Prepa rations are completed for the fifth an niversary of the new sanctuary, the National Church of Methodism, Feb ruary 7. Evangelist Crowley. “Are Floods and Droughts the Be ginning of God’s Judgment on the Nation?" will be the subject of dis cussion tomorrow at 8 o’clock by Evangelist Dale Crowley, back-to-the Bible crusader, at 311 East Capitol. “A Nation Dances While Millions Are In Distress.” will be the theme at 11 a.m. and the special prophetic mes sage at 3 p.m. will be “The Catholic Church and Communism in Proph ecy.” The public is invited. Gun ton Temple Memorial. Dr. Bernard Braskamp will have as the subject of his sermon at the 11 o’clock service, “The Groups Around th’ Cross." The young people’s meeting at 8:45 p.m. will be led by Marion Hinkle and Lucius 8tee re. Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Rev. Clarence Ray Ferguson will preach tomorrow at 11 o’clock service on “Tested Foundations" and at 8 p.m. on “The Earth.” Prayer as found in the Bible book of Deuteronomy will be studied Thursday at 8 p.m. St. Mark’s Lutheran. At the 11 a m. service the message will be given by Page McK. Etchison, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. The subject for the Luther League at 6:30 is “Our Lutheran Church in China and Our Opportunity.” Leader, Miss Isabelle Bauserman. The church council will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. r jp, Afixsaxm, m m* ^ CLASSES PLANNED Confirmation Instruction to fee Given at St. Thomas Confirmation classes at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church will be held Satur days, at 9:30 a.m., beginning today, for boys and girls, and classes for adults will meet Sundays, at 8 p.m., beginning tomorrow. These will be conducted by the rec tor, Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, and will consist of an address and ques tionnaire of "The Episcopal Church— Her Ministry, Service and Sacra ments." “Religion At Home” Is Subject Dr. Rasmussen An nounces Sermon for Tomorrow Morning. r\R. CARL C. RASMUSSEN, pastor of Luther Place Memorial Church, announces "Religion Begins at Home" as the theme of his sermon tomorrow at the 11 o'clock service. Leo D. O. Wiemer, jr., president of the Intermediate Luther League, will lead the 6 o'clock group In its consid eration of the book "African Bridge Builders.” Mrs. Martha Eberly, president of the : Ladies’ Aid Society, announces a luncheon Wednesday at 12:30 in the ! church parlors. The Church Council will meet at the parsonage Wednesday evening. Rev. Edgar D. Ziegler, assistant pas tor, will continue his studies on "Prophets of the Old Testatment" Thursday at 7:50 p.m. His subject this week will be "Jeremiah, the Prophet of Personal Religion.” The Young People's Fellowship will meet in the church parlors Tuesday evening for an educational program. MONTH’S EVENTS TO BE REVIEWED ——— Dr. Miers to Sum Up Happenings at Fourth Presbyterian Church. On the last Sunday of the month at the evening service in Fourth Pres- ! byterian Church the minister. Dr. James H. Miers, will give a study of1 the happenings during the month. The morning subject tomorrow will be "Building for Eternity With God.” Dr. Miers will continue his discus sion Monday at 7:45 of the second : coming teaching of Jesus Christ. Wednesday evening the Session meets. Thursday evening there will be an old-fashioned prayer meeting, old hymns, testimony and prayer. Speaker REV. OSCAR BLACKWELDER, Who will be the principal speaker at the sixth annual banquet of the Yaden Men’s Class and the Philathea La dies’ Class of Petworth Bap tist Church next Tuesday, in the Sunday school auditor ium, Seventh and, Randolph streets. DR. DAUGHERTY SELECTS THEME “ Walking in Galilee ” Topic at Memorial United Church. At Memorial United Brethren Church tomorrow Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at 11 a m. on ‘‘Walking in Galilee.” Junior Church and C. E. at the same time. The young people will have a tea and get together at 6 o'clock with a brief busi ness meeting at 6:30 and the devo tional period at 7 o’clock. The Inter mediates will meet at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’clock the minister will preach on “What We Take With Us " The Nedla Class will sponsor an il lustrated travel talk on Greece and the Holy Land Tuesday. The speaker will be Miss Helen Le Fevre Lyon, a trustee of the International Society of C. E. Richard Wagner will give an organ recital from 8 to 8:15. Following the devotional period Thursday, members will study the book "When Love Dictates the Tithe.” A meeting of the Official Board will be held Thursday evening following the prayer service. DR. F. B. HARRIS SELECTS TOPICS “A Church of the Maxi mums” and “Good Earth” to Be Discussed. Dr. P. B Harris will preach tomor row at 11 a m. in Foundry M. E. Church on "A Church of the Maxi mums" and at 8 p.m. on "Good Earth.” Mrs. Harry L. Underwood is hostess for the luncheon meeting of the Hay wood Class of the church school at 1 p.m. Wednesday at her home, 2800 Ontario road. Dr. Harris will conclude the review of Dr. Henry Smith Leiper's book on "Christ's Way and the World's” at the service Thursday at 8 p.m. Be ginning with Ash Wednesday, a series of Lenten services, with guest preach ers. will be held on Wednesday, which will take the place of the midweek services. A supper, sponsored by the young people of the church school, will be held Friday in the main dining room. --• CHINESE CHURCH MANAGERS MEET The annual meeting of the Board of Managers of the Chinese Community Church was held at the Far East Res taurant last Wednesday. The follow ing officers, committee chairmen and trustees were elected: Executive Committee: Chairman, Rev. J. Raymond Mills; vice chair man. Dr. T. G. Ho; secretary. Miss Clara Borjes; treasurer. Mrs. W. A. McMillan; chairman of Finance Com mittee, Harvey Goddard; chair man of Building Committee. Eliot Thomson; chairman of Publicity Com mittee. Thomas S. Settle: chair man of Co-operating Council, Mrs. F. F. Holsopple. Board of Trustees: Charles Delmar, Wu Fong. Mrs. Eugene V. Pugh. Mrs. George A. Ross and Thomas Settle. A report was submitted by the pas tor, Rev. C. C. Hung. It showed there were more than 800 Chinese in Washington in need of church af filiation. For the first year 121 have been enrolled in the Chinese Sunday school, 13 have been received into the church. Services are held in the Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church South. MEETING OF BIBLE CLASS ANNOUNCED Rev. William E. La Rue, pastor of Takoma Park Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Spir itual Values.” Robert Sutton will present the sub ject ef "Baptism” at the meeting of the young people at 6:30 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. the service will be under the auspices of the Ladles’ Aid Society In recognition of its sixteenth anni versary. The Men's Bible Class will hold a social and business meeting at the home of John Walker, 336 Walnui street, Wednesday evening. The Seminary Singers, a male chorus of 40 picked voices, from Boston Uni versity, will give a concert at a vesper service at 4 o’clock February 7. CURATE SPEAKER Rev. W. C. White to Preach Two Sermons. At St. John’s Episcopal Church, Sixteenth and H streets, the preacher at 9:30 and 11 a.m. tomorrow will be Rev. William Curtis White, curate. The choir of men and boys, under the direction of Arthur Howes, will sing. An auxiliary volunteer choir pro vides the music for the 9:30 service. Rev. James F. Madison, curate, will ijSIlflh 4fc |M-MVUM tfndofc Presbyterian Topic by Dr. McCartney 'Whose Is the Battle?'' Is Sermon at Cove nant-First Church. "^THOSE Is the Battle?” will be the subect of Dr. Albert Joseph McCartney’s sermon tomorrow morn ing at the Covenant-First Presby terian Church. The Covenant Fellow ship will have a book review In the evening on Dr. E. Stanley Jones' ■’Victorious Living” under the leader ship of Robert Crites. The Westmin ster Club will discuss "What? Me? A Missionary?” under the direction of Alexander Drysdale. The intermediate group, which meets from 5:45 to 6:15, will discuss "What Is the Purpose of the Church?” led by John Van der Veer. The young people meet In the chapel for supper and social period from 6 to 7 o’clock. Miss Thurston’s Class for Women Will discuss "Stock-taking in Life” tomorrow at $:45 a.m. The Ladies’ Aid Society of Peck Chapel will serve a turkey dinner Wednesday from 5 to 7 o’clock. Midweek service Thursday from 5 to 6 o’clock. The usual monthly dinner has been dispensed with for the present. The Session will meet Thursday at 7:30 o'clock in the pastor’s study. LENT SPEAKERS AT ST. PAUL’S Annual Dinner Benefit for Home to Be Held on Thursday. Plans have been completed for the following laymen and clergymen at guest speakers at St. Paul’s Church, Rock Creek Parish, during Lent at the respective Wednesday evening serv ices, Sunday morning services and at the sessions of the adult Bible class: Canon Anson Phelps Stokes. Rev. A. R. Cartmell, Rev. D. W. Salford, Rev. J. P. Madison. Rev. H. Fairfield Butt, Rev. W. H. Plumley, Rev. Calvert E. Buck. Rev. Clyde Brown. Rev. A. C. Zabriskie. Mr. James R. Kirkland and Dr. W. Sinclair Bowen. The annual turkey dinner for th* benefit of the Episcopal Home for Children will be held in the parish house next Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. A reorganization of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be effected at thi parish house Monday evening of the young men between the ages of 11 and 25. The teachers and officers of the church school will meet Wednesday evening to make plans for the Lenten season. Rev. Dr. Bohanan will be the celebrant at holy communion tomor row at 8:30 and preach the sermon al 11 o’clock. The Young People's Fel lowship will meet at 7 p.m. Holy Comforter Chapel Mission will observe family Sunday with mornini prayer and sermon by Rev. Wllliart L. Mayo, minister in charge. At I o’clock in the evening there will be evening prayer and address. FRANCIS ASBURY FELLOWSHIP TEA -_ Social Event Will Follow Evening Service Tomorrow. Rev. A. P. Shirkey's theme tomor row morning at Francis Asbury M. E Church is “The Christ Way’’"and In | the evening “Transfigured Lives." I After the evening service the congre 1 gation is Invited to attend the fellow ship tea. The Board of Stewards will meet Monday at 8 p.m. The pastor will | leave Monday for Covington, Va„ j where he will hold a revival service i dally next week at Granbery Memo I rial M. E. Church South. He will be back Saturday and will preach both ! services on next Sunday. The Ladies’ Class will serve a turkey dinner Thursday from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Prayer service at 8 p.m. Thursday j will be sponsored by the Men’e Bible , Class. Its teacher, Tracy L. Jeffords, j will be the speaker. The Men's Bible Class will be ad dressed tomorrow by Charles West, i Undersecretary of the Interior, al 9:30 a.m. The young people meet at 6:45 p.m, j Sunday. -_~_ 1 DR. HENRY SNYDER SELECTS THEMES At St. Paul’* Lutheran Church to morrow the pastor. Dr. Henry W. Sny der, will use as the theme of his morn ing sermon "A Thom in the Flesh." At the evening service the topic o) the discourse will be “Half Salvation." The annual father-and-son dinner sponsored by the Men's Club, will b« held Friday at 6:30. Martin A. Mor rison of the Federal Trade Commis sion will speak and special feature! will be presented by Arthur Oodfrej and Arch McDonald. The annual dinner of the Inner Mis sion Society will be held at the Church of the Reformation Friday at 6:30. Christian Endeavor Dr. Perry Mitchell of Clarendon, Va.. will be guest speaker at the an nual Endeavor banquet Friday, Feb ruary 5 at 6 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church. Mrs. L. C. Oreene, In charge of arrangements, will receive all reg istrations up to Monday. Christian Endeavor week opens to morrow in the churches of Washing ton, with services in many churches, sponsored by the young people’s groups Observance of the fifty-sixth anni versary of the founding of Christian Endeavor will be climaxed next Sun day. Seniors of Keller Memorial Lutheran are planning a blind pig bowling match for next week. Particulars will be available at the society rail) tomorrow at 6:4$ .,.m. Richard Saunders will lead First Brethren seniors in discussing th« theme “Our Great Commission.” at 6:46 pm. The group will lead thi evening worship service of the churct* with Russell Bloi-iberg in charge. Rev. Whiting will address tlu young people's rally February 7 at 4BO, atttUMUoa,_