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MASONIC AND EASTERN STAR SERVICE TOMORROW _ _ — —- ■■■ ~ ■■ ■ - —■ 1 - - - 4 Communities Join Program At Petworth Rev. B. L. Wood to Speak on Things We Know in Religion.’ i FA masonic and eastern star service will be held at Petworth M. E. Church tomorrow at 8 pm. to which all the Masonic organizations of Petworth and Brightwood commun ities have been invited. Grand Master Paul Cromelin will participate in the service. The minister. Rev. R. L. Wood, will preach on "Things We Know in Religion.” A committee, of which F. E. Blood is chairman, is in charge of the details of the service. During the day a special offering will be received for the new building fund which was started last Fall, look ing to the erection of additional space for the Sunday School. The minister will preach at 11 a.m. on "God’s Ring ing Assurance.” A meeting of the Official Board will be held Tuesday evening. The midweek service will be con ducted by the minister, who will give another study In "The Great Psalms.” He will be assisted In the service by H. O. Craver, W. L. Rickard. Mrs. Thomas Miner. Mrs. A. J. Marsh, Gene Otto end Margaret Koemer. ZION LUTHERAN ACTIVITY LISTED i "Bethany’s Belief” will be the sub ject of the sermon at Zion Lutheran Church at the 11 a.m. service by Rev. Edward G. Goetz. The Intermediate Luther League at 6 p.m. will be led by Peggy Burrus. The topic is “Helps for Prayer.” The Senior Luther League will meet at 7 p.m. and will be led by Miss Wilhel mina Krautwurst. The topic is •'Poise; Ready for Anything.” The Church Council will meet Mon day at 8 p.m. at the home of Adolf Ziese, 725 Gallatin street. The Sunday school teachers and of ficers will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Miss Lena Laue, 2021 Fourteenth street. A German dinner will be served by the Ladies’ Aid Society February 8 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Brightwood Masonic Temple, Colorado and Geor gia avenues. -• URGED TO ATTEND Members Asked to Ob serve Go-to-Church Day. Tomorrow will be go-to-ehurch daj at Brightwood Park M. E. Church. Every member is being asked to attend at least one worship service during the day. Rev. S. Carroll Coale will be the speaker before the Downs Bible class at the session of the church school. At 11 o’clock he will preach en "Companions in Work,” and will give the children’s story, “Working for Him." In the evening members of the ladies’ guild will attend in a body. The minister's topic will be “Some Things We Cannot Afford to Lose.” The Official Board will hold its monthly business meeting at the church Tuesday evening. f First Brethren Church. Rev. Homer A. Kent will preach at 81 o’clock tomorrow on “Back to Bethel.” At 7:45 p.m. there will be a Christian Endeavor rally in com memoration of the fifty-sixth anni versary of the organization of the Christian Endeavor movement. The service will be led by the pastor Wednesday at 8 p.m. Building fund «lay will be observed tomorrow. Church Federation ' 'Dr. W. L. Darby will preach tomor row morning in the University Park Church of the Brethren near River dale, Md. At night he will speak in Mount Tabor M. P. Church at a union meeting of the four Methodist churches in Georgetown. His subject will be "The Church Confronts Its Task Today.” A meeting of representative church leaders of the Southeast area was held Wednesday in the Washington City Church of the Brethren in the Interest of Christian service in Gal linger Hospital. Rev. Leslie L. Bowers presided and Dr. Stebbins of Gallinger, told of present conditions and needs there. Mrs. Murray explained what c&uld be done by church organiza tions for the patients. Mrs. L. E. Brown and Miss Pauline Davis gave accounts of their volunteer work there. Another meeting was set for February £4 in the Fifteenth street church. The Finance Committee met Thurs day to make further plans for the financial campaign February 21 to 28. The budget is $12,000, exclusive of the amount being raised by the Woman’s Council in their canvass for member ahips. The Building Committee will meet Monday to discuss plans for the work which needs to be done in the new house to prepare it for occupancy after a few months. The Committee on Arrangements for the annual meeting will meet Tues day to initiate plans for that gather ing. The date will probably be about the middle of April. The chief office will be moVed tem porarily on Monday, but continue to be in the McLachlen Building. The new room number 1s 610. Mftitp (drobb 1 White Crow Church of Christ 1627 Lamont N.W., Suite 2 > REV. JANE R COATES Services Sunday. 11 A.M. "WHAT LIES AHEAD?" Wednesday, 8:15 P.M. MESSAGE SEANCE—All Reached Consultations by Appointment—Col. 6227. JFrfettitja FHIENDS MEETING "(ORTHOBOX) 13th and Irylnc Streets N.W. Sunday School. 0:45 a.m. yl a.m.—Meeting for Worship, All welcome. Friends Meeting of Washington. (Established 1030—3111 Florida Aye.) Meeting lor Worship First Day (Sunday) at 11 a.m Sunday School 0:45 a.m. AU interested are welcome. _________ Friends Meeting 1811 Eye St. N.W. •:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 :M un.—Meeting for JPorahlp. , ----- 78 TO JOIN CHURCH Group to Be Inducted Is Sherwood’s Largest. Seventy-eight persons will unite with Sherwood Presbyterian Church to-, morrow. Most of them are adults. This will be the largest group to join Sherwood Church at a single service in its history. A Hammond electric organ has been installed in the church. The public is especially invited to the evening services at 8 o'clock. The Brotherhood men's class is taught by W. B. Putman, the Alpha women’s class by Mrs. Elsie Osburn and Mrs. Mary Wingate, the Friendly women's class by Justin Paddleford, the Lookout class for women by Mrs. Jessie Coles and Miss Helen Jameson, and the young women’s class by Mrs. Hazel Engelbrecht. -. LENTEN SERVICE SERIES PLANNED Speakers Announced for Rites at Church of Epiphany. Lenten services, under the auspices of the Washington Federation of Churches, will be held each Wednes day at 4:45 p.m. at the Church of the Epiphany, of which Dr. Z. B. Phillips is rector. These services will continue 40 minutes. The following ministers will speak: February 10. Dr. H. S. Wilkinson of St. Thomas Episcopal Church: Feb ruary 17, Rev. G. E. Schnabel of All bright Memorial Evangelical Church: February 24, Dr. E. H. Pruden of First Baptist Church; March 3, Dr. J. H. Hollister of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church; March 10, Dr. G. Ellis Wil liams, district superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church; March 17, Dr. John W. Rustin of Mount Ver non Place Methodist Episcopal Church South; March 24, Rev. H. S. Anderson of First Congregational Church. HAMPTON INSTITUTE TO HOLD EXERCISES The annual exercises of Hampton Institute will be held tomorrow morn ing by the Hampton alumni of Wash ington and vicinity at Lincoln Con gregational Temple. Dr. R. W. Brooks will preach on "Unto These Least." Remarks will be made by the presi dent of the local group, Wesley D. Elam, principal of the Alexandria High School. The Memoranda will be read by the secretary, Mrs. Priscilla Wallace, and vocal selections will be rendered by Charles Flax of Hampton Institute. The vested chorus choir, directed by Ernest R. Amos, will ren der Negro spirituals arranged by Nathaniel Dett. , The Men's Brotherhood at 10 a m. will be addressed by J. E. Jackson. jr„ graduate School of Pharmacy. Howard 1 University, on “The Status of the | Negro in a Rapidly Changing World.” --• iTAKOMA LUTHERAN I INSTALLATION DUE i Installation of officers will feature ; the morning services at the Takoma : Lutheran Church. Rev. J. Adrian j Pfeiffer will preach on "Banner bearers.” The newly elected vestrymen are Ralph Mahr, Norman Gullickson. Philip Johnson. Charles Lustig. Fred Waterholter, Wayne Potter, Virgil Souder and J. J. Gruenbaum. The vestry will hold a meeting Mon day evening. The Sunday School Board will meet Thursday evening in the church rooms. The Junior Luther League will meet Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Culp has been named cradle roll superintendent by the Sun day School Board. I _.__ PECK MEMORIAL ! Rev. I. W. Ketchum to Dis cuss ‘On the River’s Bank’ "On the River's Bank" is the subject at Peck Memorial Chapel tomorrow of Rev. Irving W. Ketchum. There will also be a sermonette to the chil dren. The young people will meet at 7 p.m. for the formation of a young people’s society. The Ladies’ Aid Society will serve the annual public turkey dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday in the parish hall. The Highway Class will meet at 8 j p.m. Wednesday. Mrs. Mabel Wheaton, , the president, will be in charge. Goods for the Red Cross in connec tion with the flood sufferers may be left at the chapel on Sunday or other ; days. _%rgthreti_ Church of the Brethren 4th St and N. C. Ave. S.E. Rev. Rufus D. Bowman, Minister 1 —‘'The Everlasting Gospel.'’ 8:00 p.m.—"When Life Is Over burdened.” 0:45 a m.—Church School. Kugiiha SELF.REALIZATION i FELLOWSHIP | BKAHMACHAB1 JOTIN •f India Louis E. Van Normas | will speak "SUCCESS IN FAILURE" 8unday, January 31. at 8 P.M. 1758 COLUMBIA HD. N.W. Cthurrtt o! (ZUfrtet 14th ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST 3468 14tb SL N.W. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Lord’s Supper." 8:00 p.m.—"The Great Invitation." HUGO MeCORD. Minister Unitttraalifit TwoSermons To Be Given By Chaplain Dr. Montgomery Will Take Place of Dr. Ball. AT THE Metropolitan Baptist Church, in absence of the pastor, Dr. John Compton Ball, Dr. James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of the House of Representatives, will preach tomorrow morning on “The Coming Aristocracy’’ and in the evening on ‘‘The Two Immortal Songs." The Philathea Bible Class will meet Tuesday evening. A Valentine party will be held. The Fldelis Bible Class meets Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clifton Harper will preside. The “Through the Bible” Study Class meets Tuesday at 7 o’clock. Mrs. William Hasker is teaching. Mrs. E. A. Kenyon, 1024 Eighth street northeast, will be hostess at the meeting of the officers and teachers of the primary department Tuesday evening. Prayer service Thursday at 7:45 o'clock. Zeb La Pelle will be In charge of the service. The "Live Wire" Bible Class will hold religious services at the Northeast Gospel Mission. 1340 H street north east. Downing Brown will be the speaker. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m - — YOUTH SUNDAY Christian Endeavor to Have Charge of Service. At Columbia Heights Christian Church tomorrow will be youth Sun day. The Christian Endeavor will have charge. In the morning the combined choirs will render the music. | John Beek and Wayne Bobst, Christian Endeavor alumni, will act as elders; Maynard Eicher will read the scripture lesson, and the minister. Rev. A. P. Wilson, one time State president for i Kentucky, will preach a youth sermon, "Your Life Story.” In the evening the Bagby Society is invited to tea at the parsonage, and in the evening service a youth quar i tette. consisting of James Waldo. Ethel 1 Whitlow, Marjorie Wilson and Donald Creech will sing. The Intermediate ' Society will give the play, "The Lady in the Window.” The evening service will be the first of a new series of services which ln ; elude special programs by different groups in the church. February 7 I will be Boy Scout Sunday, when part i of the evening service will be given by Troop 69 of the Boy Scouts of I America. DR. WILLIAM GORDON HONORED IN SERVICE i The School of Religion, Howard University, "in recognition of the dis ; tinguished service as professor and j friend,” held a Memorial day service last Monday in honor of the late Dr. William C. Gordon, for 14 years pro fessor of Homiletics in the School of Religion. The program included, music pre lude, Mrs. Howard Thurman; hymn, Scripture reading. Dr. William Y. Bell; prayer. Rev. Edward O. Clark; violin solo; addresses. Merrel D. Booker and Dr. D. Butler Pratt. Merrel D. Booker, a senior in the School of Religion, represented the student body in a brief address. At the All Religious service in An drew Rankin Memorial Chapel tomor row at 11 o'clock, the speaker will be Dr. Edgar Sheffield Brightman. pro fessor of philosophy, Graduate School, Boston University, Boston, Mass. St. Stephen’s Lutheran. At the 11 a m. service tomorrow Rev. Sam H. Kornmann will have as his subject ‘'The Parable of the Sow er,” and at 7:30 p.m. "A Song of Doubt and Its Solution.” The Luther League at 6:30 will be ' conducted by Miss Lois Basinger, the subject for discussion being “Our Lutheran Church in China and Our Opportunity.” Christian iHgHlira Order of Christian Mystics HARRIET B. MERCER, Leader Tuesday, 8 p.m., Theosophic Hall, 1216 H St. N.W. _ ■Utttnerfial Oesign The Fellowship of the Universal Design of Life WASHINGTON BRANCH 1 Stoneleioh Court. Conn. Ate. & L N.W. Services are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. Library seen Wednesday. 1 to 3. Unitarian ii. < . . — <1 I ALL SOULS' CHURCH I6*»n<i Harvard * Minister Ulyiitt CBFirrce O.D 9:45 a.m.—Church 8chool. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "THE PLACE OF JUDGMENT/’ 5:0n p.m.—Protram of Bach Music. 7:30 p.m.—Motion Picture Hour. “A FEATHER IN HER HAT’’ A TRUTH CENTER HRS. APPLETON. Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sun. 8:15—"Glory." Tues. 8:15—"Studies in Affluence. Wed.. 2:30—Bible Interpretations. Thurs. 8:15—“Lessens in Truth.” Personal interviews Tues. A Thurs. 2-5 « RYLAND M. E. _ * Service for Reception of New Members. Rev. K. G. Newell will preach at Ryland M. E. Church on "Christian Devotion and the Joys ol Living" at the 11 a.m. service, which will be a service lor the reception ol members Into the church. In the evening at 8 o’clock the members will Join with the othir churches ol the Southwest to hear a dramatic Interpretation ol "The Fool,’’ by Miss Gertrude T. Barker, to be given in the Kendall Baptist Church. The Epworth League at 7 p.m. will be led by Miss Millie Stevens. The Intermediate League also meets at 7 p.m. The Junior League meets Thursday at 3:15 p.m. “BEGIN IT RIGHT” SERMON SUBJECT Rev. J. Hillman Hollister to Preach at Chevy Chase Presbyterian. Rev. J. Hillman Hollister, minister of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, will preach on “Begin It Right’’ to morrow morning. The young people's groups will meet for supper at 6:30. It v/ill be followed by a Youth day program. The subject for discussion will be “Has Christian ity Failed?” Dr. Howard A. Dawson, Miss Bertie Backus, James Marsden, Miss Isabel Wright. Miss Emma Shel ton and Howard Biggs will conduct the discussion. The Missionary Society on Wednes day at 11 o'clock will elect officers. The Nominating Committee announces the following slate: For president, Mrs. Wilbur La Roe, Jr.; for vice president, Mrs. W. Roy Breg; for recording sec retary, Mrs. W. E. Denton: for treas urer, Miss Emma Hays Heck. The final meeting of the evening study groups will be held Thursday evening. Dr. Lowell F. Huelster of American University will discuss "The Future Economic System,” Miss Bertie Backus will speak of “The School's Part in Guiding Adolescents” and Dr. Hollister will conclude the "Four Por traits of Jesus” wtih a picture from the Book of John. The annual turkey dniner will be held Thursday from 5 to 7 o'clock. CHRIST LUTHERAN Series on Lord’s Prayer to Be Continued. ] At Christ Lutheran Church of Be | thesda-Chevy Chase, meeting in the | State Theater, Bethesda, Md., Rev. j Henry J. Whiting will continue his series of sermons on the Lord's prayer tomorrow with ‘‘Hallowed Be Thy Name.’* The pastor will deliver a sermon at 3 p m. at the National Lutheran Home for the Aged. There will be a meeting of the Church Council Tuesday at the home of Rev. Mr. Whiting, 4331 Harrison street. i —--• Christian Science. I "Love" is the subject of the lesson sermon in all the Churches of Christ Scientist tomorrow. The golden text | is from Zephaniah 3:17: "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice j over thee with joy; He will rest in j His love; He will joy over thee with singing." Among the citations which comprise the lesson-sermon is the following from the Bible: “The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous.” Psalms 146:8.) Uititttf &rtettr* First Divine Science Church GRAFTON HOTEL Conn. Are. at Do Solti 11:00 a m.—"Divine Beauty." Wed. S p m —The Divine Science Forum. REV. GRACE LIGHTFOOT PATCH. Minuter. Euangpliuttr (Erntrr The Full Gospel TABERNACLE North Capitol and K St a. Sunday School. 0:00 a m. Morning Worship. 11 a.m. Evancelestlc, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday— Young People. 7:45 p.m. Friday—Prayer and Bible Study, 7:45 p.m. Public Cordially Invited. B. E. MAHAN, Pastor. Utonttipg (EfrriHtiamtg National Church of Positive Christianity Dr. G. F. Fraser. Pastor. 1726 H St. N.W. Sunday. January 31. 1937. 11 a.m.—"Christianity and Mohamet." 8 p.m.—“The Crusaders and Their Mission." Wednesday, February 3. 1937. 8 p.m.—"What Is Spirituality?" Free Classes Mon. * Thurs.. 7:30 p.m. This Church Is in no Way Connected With the Publication ot the National Bulletin. • Httttg Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye Street N.W. Re». George F. Sheldon. Gnegt Speaker. 8:45 a m.—Sunday School. ■11:011 a.m and 8:00 P.m.—Lecture. 6:45 p.m.—Good Words Club. 2:30 and 8:00 p.m.—Tuesday, "Ussoni in Truth.” 8:00 p.m.—Wednesday. "Prosperity." 5:00 p.m.—Thursday. “Concentration. 8:00 o.m.—Thursday. Master Class Ma sons Center Open Daily. Except Holidays Unity Literature for Sale Dr. Miller Announces Two Topics National City Chris tian Church Pastor Speaks Tomorrow. r\R. RAPHAEL H. MILLER will preach tomorrow morning in Na tional City Christian Church on "Such As I Am, Except-” and In the evening on "Minding Your Own Busi ness.” The preaching mission seminar type of meeting will be continued Thursday evening after the church fellowship dinner In the social hall. The subject for discussion will be "Obstacles and Helps in Personal Work for Christ.” There will be spe cial tables for members and friends from the Atlantic Coast States. In the social hall today at 6:45 a play will be directed by Mrs. Robert Martin, called “The Ways of God.” The public is Invited. The annual “world call luncheon” will be held Tuesday in the social hall at 11 a.m. The young people Invite strangers to attend a fellowship Tuesday eve ning in the social hall. -•-■ THEME SELECTED Rev. J. H. Garner Subject Is “Higher Obedience.” The morning service tomorrow in the Sixth Presebyterian Church will be centered about the theme of the sermon, “The Higher Obedience,’* by Rev. J. H. Garner. "The Second Mile,** a drama, will be presented at 7:45 p.m. under the direction of Mrs. Paul Craun. Young people who will participate are Nancy Lum, Jean Ingraham. Jean Barber, Yolanda Tlburzi, Harriet Burton and Margaret Lowry. Tomorrow evening is the last of the contest between the two Young Peo ple's societies. --- Salvation Army Meetings tomorrow are: Washington No. 1 Corps. 606 E street—11 am , Maj. W. E. Graham; 8 p.m., Brig. James Asher. Welcome meeting of Maj. and Mrs. W. E. Gra ham and Lieut. Eva Graham. Washington No. 2 Corp6. 1501 Seventh street—11 a m. and 8 pm., Maj. James Roberts. Washington No. 3 Corps, 733 Eighth street southeast—11 a.m., Capt. C. William Jaynes; 7:45 p.m., Adjt. Al bert E. Baldwin. Welcome meeting of Capt. and Mrs. C. William Jaynes. Washington No. 4 Corps, 1075 Jef ferson street—11 am. and 8 p.m,, Capt. Jackson Martin. Washington No. 5 Corps. 715 I street northeast—11 a m. and 8 p.m., Adjt. Charles Tritton. Mens Social Service Center, 526 First street—11 am, Capt. Walter j Needham. taller Bag ftatota CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 16th St. and Columbia Road Weekly Program: Sunday 10 a m—Sunday School.. 7 p.m—Worship-Preaching. Monday. 8 pm.—Genealogical Society. Tuesday. 4 p.m.—Primary Assn 8 p.m—Mutual Improvement Assn. Wednesday. 8pm —Women's Relief Society. — Organ Recital Daily, 7 P.M. (Except Sunday.' Edward P. Kimball. Organist. Public Cordially Invited to A11 Functions. (No Collections.) (Efyriatum Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The Firat Church of Chriat Scientist, Boston, Mast. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Scientist 111 C St. N.E. Third Church of Chriat Scientist 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Chriat Scientist 16th and Meridian N.W. SUBJECT “LOVE” ®^mdM?Ti A M. and 8 P.M. WEDNraDAy'0EVENINOM MEETING— 8 RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY. 11:16 A M. STATION WJSV. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St N.W. Hours, 9 to 9 (except Wednesdays, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 6:30). SECOND CHURCH—111 C St N.E. Hours, 12 to 5:30 p.m. week days, 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH—C o 1 o r a d o Bldg.. 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30, and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Tivoli Bldg., 3313 14th St, 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7; Sun days, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holi days, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend oar church eervlcet and ate oar reading rooms_ First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHURCH. VA. At Little Falls Street Station. Sunday Services and Sunday School. 11 AM. Wednesday services. 8 P.M. Beadlnr Room in Masonie Tempi* Bnildlnc on Lee Highway. Spiritual Srlrnrr Church of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wrif ht, Bishop 1012 9th St. N.w. (Pythian Tempi* J Sunday Service*—7:30 P3f. Addreis by Dr. Robert Mercer* “SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS** AuliM by the Clerfy. MESSAGES TO ALL By the Clercy of tho Che re h. Be*. B. Easley. Be*. A. Hefferessn. Bey. Mery A. McFarland. Be*. C. Blekerson. Dr. Bobt. Mercer. Dr. Z. A. Wrleht and as slstlnc Medians and others. Be*. P. Mansfield. "Divine Healer." Please Cone Early and Brin, a Friend. ken Are Cordially Invttod to Attend. Seances at the hone chapel. 4SO N. J. Ave. 8. E. Mon.. Wed. and Frl. at B *.n. Private Interviews DaUy. Lincoln lOtKT ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH Baptism to Follow Sermon by Rev. H. T. Cocke. Rev. Henry Teller Cocke, rector cf All Saints’ Episcopal Church, will speak on "A Portrait of Christ” at 11 o’clock tomorrow, after which there will be baptism. He is continuing the confirmation lectures through Feb ruary. Holy communion will be at 7:30 am. The young people will meet in the parish hall at 7 p.m. The rector and Rev. Edward O Clarke are arranging for a supper meeting to be given by the Chevy Chase Ministers’ Union at 6:30 Tues day in the parish hall. The men of the official boards of the Protestant churches have been invited for a dis cussion of tjie subject, "How to Awaken the Community Spiritually,” with Dr. Raphael Miller, pastor of National City Christian Church, as guest speaker. ■ ■ ■ -• ■■ - ■— CALVARY TOPIC IS ANNOUNCED Dr. Steelman to Speak on “Dwellers in Tents” Tomorrow. “Dwellers in Tents” will be the sub ject at the 11 o'clock service tomor row at the Calvary Church, by Dr. Frank Steelman, and at 8 p.m. "The First Coward.” “Old Testament Concepts of God and the Coming Messiah" will be the subject of the talk presented at the Young People's League at 6:45 p.m. Miss Frances Boss will be in charge and there will be a special speaker to present the subject. The High School League will meet as usual at 7 o'clock. The devotional service will be held Thursday evening with Dr. Steelman in charge. a.. • — CHURCHES UNITE Southwest Congregation to See Play. Five churches in the Southwest will have a united service tomorrow at 8 o'clock, to see a presentation of Charming Pollock's play, “The Fool." The service will be held at the Kendall Baptist Church, Ninth between B and C streets southwest. It will be interpreted by Miss Ger trude T. Barker, who has presented the drama in several Washington churches. The other churches participating are the Westminster Presbyterian Church, and the Gorsuch, the Marvin and the Ryland Methodist Churches. There is no admission charge. ^ptritualwl MRS. ZOE EGGERS Group Meetings Daily. Phone District 1519 _1434 K BT. N.W.. APT. Bl._ • Rev. Carol E. McKinstry 1343 Gallatin SI. N.W.. at 6000 Block 14th St. Under authority of The General Assemblv ol spiritualists. "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matt. B-4 Message Meetings Tues. and Fri. eves.. 8 p.m. Public welcome. All reached. Geor gio 9 THE MARGARET SPIRITUALIST' CHURCH OF IMMORTALITY, Incorporated 2809 14th St. N.W. Ker. Margaret R. Mandis. Minister. Mrs Caroline Mister. Mrs Mandis message service Wed 8 p m Ad 3281* _FREE-WILL OFFERING_• Fraternal Spiritualist Church 1329 N St. N.W. Healing. 7 p m. Services. 7:45 p.m. DR. H. ROBERT MOORE "Great Uornfarter." Independent writing. Messages on paper. A marvelous demonstration. Also ballot and clairvoyant demonstrations. After close of regular sermon a special demonstration will be held, proceeds to go to the Red Cross for relief of flood suffering. . . .. Social and bazaar will be given by the Ladies' Aid on February lTth. refresh ments and readings, legal Bingo, starting LONG LEY MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Place N.W. Between 13tb and 14th at Newton St. Sunday. January 31. at 8 p.m. Lecture by Rev. Elisabeth McDonald. "SPIRITUALISM—A POTENT FACTOR FOR GOOD." Soloist. Mr. Leonard. Midweek Service. Thursday. 8 p.m. Mrs. Zoe Eggers_in_Charge_ REV. ELISABETH MCDONALD—Meeting* Thursday. 2:30 p.m. Readings daily by appointment. 2809 14th St. N.W.. 2nd floor. Phone Col. 3394.__ Psychic Science Church of Christ 1379 Irvin* St. N.W. REV. G. D. KLINEFELTER. Pastor. Sunday. 8 p.m . Messages after Lecture. MESSAGE SEANCE EVERY WED . 8 P.M. Dr. Klinefelter Gives Advice by APPOINT MEXT. Phone Adams 4977._ J. K. Simmons. 1341 Newton 8t. N.W. Message meeting every Thurs., 8 p.m. Readings by Appt. Col. 434-._ Rev. Nellie M. Holmes Meetings Tuesday. 2 p.m.: Thursday. 8 p m. Readings daily. 1 to 7 p.m. 4-0 Tenth 8t. 8.E. Atlantic 3874._ MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Service* Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. Healing and Consultation daily. 1- to 6 p m. Heading each meeting. 7 to 8 p.m. p DR F. L. DONCELL. Teacher. 1342 R. I. Ave. N.W. SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH. Rev. NIZA. trance medium. Message meetings Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Spiritual readings every day Fer ap pointment call Potomao 1595-W* 13~3 Vermont Ave. N.W. ___ Unity Spiritualist Church 1326 Mass. Ave. N.W. Sunday at 8 P.M. Lecture by Rev. Harry P. Straek. Spirit Greetings by Rev. Ida E. 8track Mr J K. Simmons. Mr. John Redmond Midweek message service. 800 Pa. ave. a.e.. Thursday, at 8 p.m.. by Rev. Ida *. Btrack._ The Church of Two Worlds INCOmFOBATED Hotel Continental facing Capitol Plaza Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs Minister Sunday, 8 p.m., Address by the Minister "THE MERCY STORE." ^ednesdmr, 8 p.m., Message Semce Dr. Rustin To Preach On ‘Shields’ Mt. Vernon M. E. Pro gram Announced for Tomorrow. DR JOHN W. RUSTIN will preach at Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church South on “Shields of Brass” at the morning service and on "Pull Yourself Together" at 8 p.m. The senior, young people’s and younger adult departments will hold evening services at 7 o’clock. A tea will be given for all young people in the church parlors at 6 p.m. An Epworth training conference will be held at this church Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, when young people of the Southern Meth odist Churches of Washington will at tend three classes, as follows: Mis sions, by Rev. Ralph Sharpe; leader ship, by Rev. Raymond Musser; sur vey of the Bible, by Rev. Samuel R. Neel. The Finance Committee and Board of Stewards will meet Wednesday at the church. The pastor will speak at the prayer meeting Thursday evening on the sub ject “The Holy Spirit.” RITES BY BISHOP St. Paul’s Episcopal Pro gram Arranged. At St. Paul's Episcopal Church near Washington Circle following St. Paul's day and the patronal festival tomor row Bishop James E. Freeman will perform a “Laying on of Hands," on a group who have been instructed and prepared The Bishop will address the confir mation class and preach to the con gregation. Bapttirt METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sts. NX. John Compton Ball, D. D., Pastor DB. JAMES SHEBA MONTGOMEBY Guest Minister. Mornln* Worship. 11:00 O'clock Sermon Theme: ‘The Coming Aristocracy’ Evening Worship. 7:45 O Clock Sermon Theme: “The Two Immortal Songs” 0:30 am.—Bible School. 6:45 p m.—B. Y. P. U. Midweek Prayer and Praise Service Thursday Evening. 7:45 O'clock. We Invite You to Worship With la. GRACE 9th and South Carolina Ave. S.E. PASTOB. F. W. JOHNSON 9:30—Bible School: classes lor all. SERMON TOPICS: 11:00—“A Marvelous Man.” 7:45—"A Great Woman.” 6:45—Young People Prayer Meeting Thursday at S. ALL WELCOME AT GRACE PFTWfYDTlI *‘h A Randolph SH. rnnuiun Her. Henry J. Smith 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Pastor, “I'n tested Life.” 8:00 p.m.—Sermon and Song Service. "God's Containers.” 9:30 a m—Bible School. 9:45 am.—Yaden Bible Class. Thursday—Prayer Service. Tuesday—Yaden-Philathea Banquet. FIFTH E Near 7th S^vT riT 111 Dr.J.E.Briggs,Pastor 11:00 a m—"The Prayer of a Penitant.” 7:45 pm.—“What Manner of Love?” Baptism. A Free-Will Offering for Flood Sufferers. 8:30 a m.—S. S Dr. Briars will teach the Beria Class and Rev. F. J. Lukens the Baracas. Woman's Missionary Society Tues. night. Rev. Jacob Gartenhaus. speaker. SECOND 17tb and East Cavitol Sts. Rev. H. M. R. Jones. D. D.. Fastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. ll:0ii a m—"Time to Awake.” 6:45 p.m—B. Y. P. 0. 8:00 r>.m.—"Th» Former l'eara.” CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. 1* A If AM A Plney Branch Road IAMSItIA and Aspen St. N.W. 11:00—"Spiritual Values." 7:45—Auspices of Ladies’ Aid. William E. La Rue. Pastor. _ Rational ^Baptist jWemorial 16th and Columbia Road N.W. Goto G. Johnson, D. D., Pastor 11 SJH.-DR. F. F. BBIGGS. “DISCOVERIES IN BIBLE LANDS AND HOW THEY CONFIRM THE BIBLE.” 8 p.m.—DR. ARTHUR J. BOWEN of the SOUTH AFRICA GENERAL MISSION. 9:30 Bible School: 6:45 B. Y. P. U. 8th and H Sts. N.W. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister II a m.—"A GOOD FINISH.” 8 p.m.—“DANGEROUS PEOPLE." 7:45—Organ Music—Thomas Moss. 9:30—Sunday School. 11—Junior Church. 6:45—Young People s Meetings. H|SIm 1 Jk »TX7 R. 1. Ait. and 2nd 81. N.W.. M. P. GERMAN. MlnUtar. nP. I rf T 11:00 a m.—"Ward* That t'phold." ’ * «:00p.m.-'"Address by Georce Rahl." The Stevenson Bible Class Invites Ten to Bear Senator M. M. LOGAN, an Earnrst Eaposltor of Bible Truths. ^irat Saptiat (Clyurrly, 1 fitly anil (0 &trppta 308. REV. EDWARD HUGHES PRUDEN. D. D., Pastor. 11 am.—"A WORD PICTURE OF A STALWART CHRISTIAN,” Dr. Pruden 8 pm —“A NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST JESUS,” Dr. Purden. Come to Sunday School, 9:30 am.; B. Y. P. U., 6:45 p.m. Swedish Services, 3:30 pm.—Dr. K. E. Carlson. The Baptist Bible School Waddell Hall, 715 8th Street N.W. SECOND SEMESTER BEGINS FEB. 1st, 1937 CLASSES ON THE BIBLE ' AND RELATED SUBJECTS ^rf^#S8ion^Aon^Tu#^Wt^on^Frh--5^30^0CMP|M^ CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30 A M —Bible School. 11 AM. “Not By Bread Alone” 6:45 PM.—B. Y. P. U. 8.00 P.M. “Why Jesus Was Baptised” Baptisms 8 P.M. Thursday Prayer and Bible Study Meeting. PBAYEB FOR THE SICK AT ALL SERVICES. KENDALL 91h Ne*rs r*p A" Len Franklin Stevens, Minister, 0:40 am.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—"Sense of Duly.” 7:00 p.m.—B. Y. P C. 8:00 p.m.—Drama. "The Fool." 8:00 p.m.—Thursday. Prayer Service. Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. Rev. W. A. Emmans, Pastor. 9:30 a m —Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Enemy of Man's Soul." 7:00 p.m.—B. Y. P. U. 8:00 p.m.—“Too Late.” Baptisms. Thursday, 8 p.m — Prayer Meeting. We Preach [ Christ < Coming Again. HIGHLANDS CHURCH Fourteenth Street at Jefferson Newton Mercer Simmonds. Pastel. 0:30—Church School. 11:00—"Our Church.” 8:00—“The Bread of Life.” WEST WASHINGTON Slat and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AVSTIN. Pastor. Worship. 11.00 am. and 8:00 pm. Peb. 3—Luncheon and Turkey Dinner. REV. E. P. HARRITY ' TO CELEBRATE MASS Solemn mass at 11:15 a.m. at Im maculate Conception Church tomor row will be celebrated by Rev. F. P. Harrity. The sermon will be given by Rev. Joseph E. Gedra. His topio is "The Church United in Christ, Its Head.” * Very Rev. Ignatius Smith will give the sermon at 5 p.m. on "The Com mandments Lived.” This is the last of his series for the 1936-7 broad cast season. On February 7 Rev. Spear Strahan of the Catholic University will begin a series of radio broadcast sermons. His general topic is “The Church of the Living.” The solemn novena in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes will begin in ths church next Wednesday. February 3, and continue through February 11. This novena is being preached by Rev. Thomas McMahon of the Paullsta of New York City. DR. A. J. BOWEN BAPTIST SPEAKER Dr. Arthur J. Bowen of the South Africa General Mission will preach * at the National Baptist Memorial Church tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the absence of the pastor from the city. At 11 a.m. Dr. Frederic F. Briggs will preach on "Discoveries in Bible Lands and How They Confirm the Bible.” A report will be presented at the Covenant meeting Thursday evening by the Committee on Additional Bible School Quarters. The Standing Com mittee meets at the church Friday at 7:30 p.m. Euangrliral daluarg($00p?l<ftl|urri} 1911 B St. N.W.. Waablngton. D. C. HARRY J. 8TEIL. Mlnlater. ! Preaching the Fearfold Gospel. Salvation. Divine Healing. Holy Spirit’s Power. Christ's Second Advent. Preaching 11 a.m. and 8 p.aa. EVERYBODY WELCOME._ 35mt-&*rtartan "THE GOD WITH NO ■ ■ CHANCE” W ■ 8 P.M. This great meeting satisfies V1R The old hymr.s and the Oospel BM message will warm your heart. ■ "The Christian Standard” ■TaB 11 A.M. 1 i-J WOL Broadcast, 2 P.M. ||J ' Bible School. 10 A.M. Ml Young People. 7 P.M. Bt l Tues. A Pri. Meetings. R P M ■nfl WELCOME TO PEOPLE OF Ml ALL FAITHS. fB| On. Clmk Foocey , Minister Wfm PlNEY Br.Rd. at Geobgia ftvc.N.W|"^| Sopttat