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MESSAGE 10 ASK President to Recommend Congress Action on Rich Mellon Gift. >T the Associated Press. President Roosevelt has prepared a special message recommending that Congress accept the costly art collec tion offered to the American people by Andrew Mellon. Secretary of the Treasury in the Hoover administra tion. Value of the collection has been estimated from $19,000,000 to $50, 000.000. In a recent conference with the President, Mellon offered not only to give it to the Nation but build a national art gallery here to house it. Mr. Roosevelt disclosed yesterday that, in addition to his recommenda tions on the Mellon offer, he has prepared two other special messages to Congress. These are on the re lated subjects of water conservation and a report by the Great Plains Drought Committee. Meetings Exploratory. Mr. Roosevelt emphasized at his press conference that his almost daily meetings with business, labor and con gressional leaders concerning labor and neutrality legislation were merely of an exploratory character. The President indicated approval of Secretary Perkins' proposal to empower the Labor Department to subpoena witnesses and records in labor con troversies to lay the groundwork for conciliation efforts. Talking to reporters on a diversity of Other matters, Mr. Roosevelt disclosed that: The State Department and Chair man Pittman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were in accord on permanent neutrality objectives. Flood Wake Survey. Plans had been made to send a Committee of five high officials to Memphis to start a sanitation and re habilitation survey in the flood's wake. He had discussed plans for improv ing the quality of Government per sonnel by holding more frequent civil service tests and restricting the num ber who take them. He is opposed to barring congres sional investigating committees from utilizing personnel of the executive de partments. He said he saw no reason for discontinuing this practice if it did not disrupt executive staffs. Bride, 9 Years Old, Given Doll On Honeymoon Husband, 22, Makes Plans for New Farm Home. gy the Associated Press. SNEEDVILLE. Tenn., January 30 — Honeymooning in a mountain cabin. 8-year-old Eunice Winstead Johns played happily today with her doll— a gift from her 22-year-old husband while he laid plans for their new farm home. Charlie Johns, 6-foot, black-haired mountaineer, said they would build a cabin about 15 miles from this little East Tennessee town, and "go to housekeeping" within a few weeks. The little bride told shyly yesterday ©f her marriage 10 days ago to the handsome youth. "We slipped it over on them,” she eaid, grinning, telling of tha ceremony conducted by Rev. Walter Lamb, elderly minister. Eunice spends most of her time playing with her doll, a gift from her husband, but is beginning to take Interest in her wifely duties, her mother, Mrs. Lewis Winstead, 33, said. "Charlie has several acres of land, gome cattle and other live stock," Mrs. Winstead added. "Eunice had claimed Charlie for her's ever since we lived here. Of course, we never had any Idea they had a serious thought about each other, and they were married before we knew it.” "I married for the same reason everybody else does, I reckon,” Johns •aid. “I wanted a home.” Parents of the couple showed no in clination to interfere with the mar riage. The girl bride cannot cook or sew, but showed interest today in quilt scrape a neighbor brought her. "I can make a bed," she declared With childish pride. Her mother added "she helps get dinner some times.” The bride's mother married at the age of 16 and a sister, now 18 and mother of a small baby, was married at the age of 13. _LOST. __ CORAL PIN with safety clasp: lost Wednes day p.m.. between 11th and E to 13th and F. Reward. Call Metropolitan 7146 until 6:30 p.m._•_ DOG—White, oart spitz, light brown ears and soots on back, curly tall: vicinity Cal vert st. bridge. Reward._North 6848. HOUND PUPPY, female, light brown: in Ashton Heights. Va.. January 26. Re ward. Phone Clarendon 1182-J._ POINTER POPPY, male, liver and white, lost 1st and M sts. s.e. Reward. North ,4560. PUPPY—Will man driving truck with Va. tags who picked up setter puppy. 5 months old. white with black spots, at Bladensburs rd. and District line, return same to 853 Forest drive, Hyattsville. Md.? Liberal reward RED CHOW. male, license No. 1412. lost a week ago: last seen vicinity 1200 16th st. n w Call District 4704._ ROSARY, with 16 decades, belonging to a religious, at St. Mary's Church or on G st.. between 8th and 10th sts.. Mon day. about 4:45. Call Adams 8127. 30* WATCH, man's. Initials "J. 8. C.” Re ward. Randolph 2945._ VRI8T WATCH—Lady’s. Bulova. White Eild: last Friday eight, vicinity 18th and onroe n.e. Phone North 9752-J. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR debts contracted by any one other than, myself CHARLES A. SCHANA. 3473 14th st. n.w.__1* THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STOCK - holders of the Union Co-operative Insur ance Association of Washington. D. C„ for te election of trustees and the transaction of any other business that may be properly brought before the meeting, will be held at the office of the company at 1200 Fif teenth st. n.w.. Washington. D. C„ on Thursdgy. March 4, 1937. between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 o'clock p.m. C. F. CROWDER. Secretary-Treasurer_ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR debts contracted by any one other than myself. NORMAN L. ROOKS. 1402 T st. a.e._81*_ DAILY TRIPS MOVING LOADS AND PART toads to and from Balto.. Phils, and New York. Freouent trips to other Eastern cities. "Dependable Service Since 1896.” THE DAVIDSON TRANSFER A STORAGE CO Phone Decatur 2500. ‘ ' ACCOUNTANT. , Systems, sects, kept: complete tax and aectf. seryiee. Latest method*, lew feet. Met. 2339,; A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 Provides s«m* service as one coating S500. Don't waste “insurance money." Can DEAL, wltb 26 Tears' experience LUi cotn 6200_ rilAMRFRQ t* o» ot tl» targeit LnnlrlOLItO undertakers m the world. Comniet* funerals as low as 176 op. Six chtnels twelve oarlprs. seventeen eerg. hearses, twenty-five undertaker* end assistants Ambulances now only S3. i4nn Chapin st n.w. Columbia (1432. 617 11th st. a.a. Atlantia §700. . : . 0 _ARTICLE VI. The New Fiscal Issue Recent Report on Fiscal Relations Overlooks the Real Sources of Federal Obligation to Support U. S. Capital—The Sources Named and Their Importance Emphasized. This is the sixth of a series of editorial articles discussing parts of the fiscal relations issue suggested by the recent re port of the so-called Jacobs Committee. Yesterday’s article discussed some past findings in connection with the local tax burden. Today’s article discussef the sources of the Federal obligation to its Capital City. According to the conclusions reached by the recent fiscal relations study, the little girl who lives in Arlington County and attends public school in the Dis trict and the locally omnipotent, ex clusively controlling National Govern ment, bear exactly the same financial obligation toward Capital City mainte nance—in principle if not in amount. The report does not put it exactly that way, although that is what it amounts to. The report held that the little girl, and all non-resident pupils, should pay tuition in return for educational services rendered by the District, while the National Gov ernment should reimburse to the Dis trict, through- Various departmental appropriation bills, whatever amount is reckoned by Federal officials as being due the District for services rendered. As far as principle is concerned, no difference In financial obligation to maintenance of the American Cap ital is noted as between, the non-resi dent pupils and the National Gov ernment. After their respective ob ligations have been met. according tc the report's complicated methods ol estimating the amount—about $2, 500,000 in the 1938 budget—the people of the District, with nothing to saj. about whether the little girl from Vir ginia is to be excluded because ot crowded conditions in the schools and without any voice in levying or spending their local taxes, or the na ture of services rendered for or by the National Government, are supposed to assume the remaining financial re sponsibility. Sources of the Federal Obligation. Incredibly, but unfortunately true, j the report ignores or overlooks the chief sources of the National Govern ment's obligation in support of its Capital, which might be summarized as follows: 1. The obligation based on ex tensive real estate ownership of the United States in the District exempt from taxation. 2. The obligation based upon the absolute control of the District of Columbia by the National Govern ment. 3. The obligations springing from demands of patriotic pride in the American Capital and the desire to make it one of the beautiful cap itals of the world. 4. The obligation based upon heavy national taxes paid by the people of the District. 5. The obligation to contribute in lieu of the hundreds of millions in grants, bounties and subsidies paid by the Nation to the States from national taxes to which the District contributes more than half the States, in a distribution of which the District is not treated as a State. Excessive Tax-exempt Holdings. The first obligation considered by many persons is the obligation based j on the large area of the District ex- i j empt from taxation because of its oc i cupancy by the National Government | or by agencies and institutions located I here because this is the Capital. The obligation has the advantage of being tangible and easily measured. It is, moreover, an equitable obligation that is generally recognized. Its single dis advantage, as far as the District is concerned, is that it injects the idea of taxing the United States Gov ernment—although that idea is not necessarily founded on fact. The United States Government already recognizes an obligation of the same sort in some other States or municipalities, where its agencies pay a sum "in lieu of taxation,” and there is no sound reason why the same principle should not apply, with great er force, in the District of Columbia— where the amount of tax-exempt prop erty is in excess of any other Ameri can city. Reasoning of the Report. It is interesting to note the curious reasoning by which the recent fiscal investigators ignore the obligation of the United States on account of its tax-exempt realty. The report sug gests a lamentable failure to see the woods because of such trees as the labored point that Federal property in the District should not be subject to the ad valorem tax or to any other tax; that some of the exempt property in the District is used "wholly or in part for the benefit of the District as a community,” with such examples as the National Training School for Boys, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Colum bia Institution for the Deaf, Smith sonian Institution and grounds, the United States Soldiers' Home, Walter Reed Hospital, the headquarters of the American Red Cross and the Pan American Union; that in other cities there has been a marked reduction in assessed valuations of taxable proper ties and a much smaller decline in the District. The points raised are largely irrele vant, although disclaimers might be entered at length in connection with the inference that such institutions as St. Elizabeth's Hospital, the Smith sonian, the Botanic Garden, the American Red Cross headquarters, the Pan-American Union, Walter Reed, etc., are maintained partly for "the benefit of the District as a commu nity.” Any free benefits from such in stitutions are purely Incidental to their essentially national or international character. And the statement that assessed values in the District did not decline during the depression years as much as assessed values in many other cities is in the nature of a taunt to the Federation of Citizens’ Associations and other civic bodies which found former Assessor Richards adamant in his refusal to lower assessments in proportion to the decline in property values. Overlooks Main Point. The main point, of course, which the report seems to ignore entirely is that the National Government and the tax-exempt agencies and institutions located here because this is the Capital are continually adding to the already large area of tax-exempt property and improvements, thereby placing a con stantly-increasing tax liability upon the constantly decreasing taxable area remaining. In the District approximately 41 per cent of the total valuation of property Is exempt from taxation; in total land area, about 55 per cent—including the streets—is exempt. Since 1930 the percentage of tax-exempt property has Increased from 33 to 41. This per* S centage is steadily increasing, with ad ditional acquisitions by the Federal Government and other non-taxable institutions. Even *if the immediate effect of acquisitions of land and the improvements is to increase the value of remaining private property, the long-range effect—already noticeable —is to drive property owners or pros pective purchasers of property beyond the boundaries of the District. Should Congress take the point of view out lined in the report, it is only a ques tion of time before it will be forced to choose between the alternatives of driving its own employes out of the District and witnessing the deteriora tion of the Capital City community or of offering compensatory inducements for them to remain as property owners and taxpayers. Bureaa of Efficiency Method. The Bureau of Efficiency reached the conclusion that the "solution of the problem (of measuring the na tional obligation) lies in determining the Federal Government's liability to ward the cost of operation and main tenance of the City of Washington along two lines—namely, (1) Its tax liability as a municipal taxpayer of Washington in connection with the ordinary cost of government of the municipality; (2) its liability on ac count of the loss of revenue and on account of the extraordinary expendi tures occasioned by the fact that Washington is the Nation’s Capital, as shown by the average experience of a group of comparable cities.” The Federal Government's liability as a municipal taxpayer was based not only on its ownership of real property, but of personality, including tangibles as well. This procedure was clearly equitable in measuring the national obligation that is based upon its ex emption of all its property from tax ation. Uncle Sam represents, for ex ample, the Capital's Henry Ford. If Ford were exempted from taxation the exemption would apply to his per sonalty, including intangibles, as well as to his real estate. The National Government’s liability on account of the loss of revenue and on account of extraordinary expenditures was deter mined by measuring the excess ordi nary real property exemptions—above exemptions in comparable cities—and the excess cost of park maintenance and development resulting from the system of National Capital parks. This total liability, at the time of its computation in the fiscal year 1932, has. of course, increased. Adoption of the method would prove a workable and generally satisfactory solution of the fiscal relations issue. True Basis of Federal Obligation. But the true basis of the Nation’s obligation of proportionate contribu tion to maintenance and development of the Capital is not solely, or even primarily, its ownership of District real estate—though a substantial and con tinuous obligation does exist In that connection. The strongest obligation resting on the Nation arises from the fact that political power and financial obligation are inseparably coupled in a manner which the late Senator Work? of Cali fornia. in his additional views in the report of the Congressional Joint Com mittee of 1915-16 succintly stated as follows: "That the Government should as* sume the attitude of a mere con tributor to the support of Its Cap ital is not only illogical and absurd in Itself, but is a violation of the Constitution, which gives Congress exclusive jurisdiction over and thereby makes it exclusively re sponsible for it." The recent fiscal report makes a formal but feeble gesture in the direc tion of some form of "local suffrage,” possibly in defense of otherwise illog ical, not to say inequitable, proposals that the unrepresented taxpayer of Washington assume practically the entire burden of maintenance and de velopment costs of the Capital, with incidental contributions by the exclu sively controlling National Govern ment. But the report lacked the grace to argue that power must follow responsibility, and that the equity of its recommendations placing finan cial responsibility with the local tax payers depended on a like delegation of power to the local taxpayers. Original Concept of the Capital. The general Government, by the fact of planning a magnificent Capital covering a large area and character ized by broad streets and avenues and reservations unsuitable for a self-sup porting commercial city and by found ing this Capital in a place compara tively uninhabited; by the terms of the bargain with the owners of the soil; by its advertised promises to pur chasers of the lots donated to the Government and by the declarations of its representatives at the founding of the city and afterward, plainly in dicated its intention to build up a national city at the Nation’s expense upon a grand scale Irrespective of the future population of the District. The Capital was to be primarily a center of Federal action and the expense of its support and adornment was not to be limited by the scanty resources of whatever permanent population It might acquire. Obviously, the primary obligation in the arrangement between the Nation and the District taxpayers should be upon the Nation, which controls every EDUCATIONAL._ i Accountancy \\ Pace Courser B. C. S. and I M. C. S Degree* C. P. A. I Preparation Dat and Eran I ing Classes; Coeducational, send for JOth Tear Boot. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY TRANSPORTATION BLPO. ME. 25 IS Clotfcs now formtnc for now oeacotor Claj* limited rKeNVrt to t student* THE BE BLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW Second Semester Befins February 1 New Ummb Bath Day nl ImlH Co-Educational 2000 G Street MEt. 4585 CIiihi Mf feralnt tot now umeoltt (Billl(II Clan limUed >rAffl l#V1 *o • rtudents Jffi fETM***-« IBffWi i MARITIME ME Leaders Cali Meeting Today to Prepare for Vote on Settlement. BJ the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, January 30.— Maritime strike leaders, forecasting an end to the 93-day, multimillion-dollar walkout, called a noon meeting today to prepare for a vote on ending the conflict. Henry Schmidt, president of the San Francisco longshoremen, said the meeting would prepare a ballot for the coaatwide settlement referendum, and added: "In my opinion the strike is over." His declaration found backing in statements by Harry Bridges, coast president of the International Long shoremen’s Association and a key fig ure in directing the bloodless but bit ter dispute. "There is a growing sentiment in the rank and file for settlement and nothing can change it now,’’ reported Bridges, who Thursday night an nounced a tentative agreement with shipowners on behalf of his 18,000 stevedores. Bridges announced last night strike chieftains had delayed action on call ing the referendum in hopes of reach ing better terms for two unsatisfied unions—radio telegraphers and the cooks and stewards. In Pacific ports, clogged with nearly 240 strike-bound vessels, attention was focused on the noon meeting. Some 40,000 workers are Involved. PROMOTION GIVEN TO FIRE SERGEANT • 0. L. Darling; to Be Lieutenant. Pvt. B. K. Thomas Also B,aised. Sergt. O. L. Darling, a veteran of 17 years’ service in the District Fire Department, will be promoted to lieu tenant Monday under orders issued yesterday by the Commissioners on recommendation of Fire Chief Charles E Schrom. Sergt. Darling, now at No. 14 En gfline Co., near Eighth and D streets, is promoted to fill the vacancy cre ated by the death January 16 of Lieut. G. G. Fletcher. Pvt. R. K. Thomas Is promoted to sergeant, to take Darling's place. At the same time the Commissioners appointed three new privates for a probationary peiiod of one year. They are William D. Boats. James G. Cohee and John P. Hill. jr. They take the places of Pvt. Thomas, who Is promoted, and S. O. White and C. R. Gough, retired. Sergt. L. B. Wilson and Pvt. G. W. Dove were (.ranted additional com pensation of $5 a month in recogni tion of their efficiency. -— Founder'i Day to Be Harked. Alumni and friends of Hampton In stitute will hold a founder's day pro gram at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning In Lincoln Congregational Church. Eleventh and R streets. Rev. R. W. Brooks will deliver the founder's Jay sermon. ' rent of the money contributed for Capital maintenance and which has undivided and despotic power to fix the amount of the local tax contribu tion, to decide by what method of tax ation it should be collected, to collect | it and to spend it. Certainly the pri i mary obligation should not be shifted to the Capital community, which has no power of control over its own tax money at any stage and whose sole function in respect to taxation and its financial status is to petition, to obey and to pay. The organic act took away territorial representation by voteless delegate in the House and nominal but delusive territorial "self-government” and "self taxation” from the District, and pledged the Nation to meet half of the approved expenses of Capital main tenance and upbuilding on a scale worthy of the Nation’s city. The spirit of the fiscal report is to repudiate the pledge (as modified by amendment and practice), and to offer an uncertain and by no means binding concession toward “local suffrage.” (Next article: Other Sources of the Federal Obligation.) ®B<&0 ANNOUNCES THE RESUMPTION OF TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN WASHING TON AND CINCINNATI, OHIO (OAKLEY STATION) VIA DIRECT LINE. The NATIONAL Limited Lv. Washington 6 P. M. Lv. Silver Spring 6:14 P. M. Ar. CINCINNATI (Oakley Station) 7 A. M. NATIONAL Limited to ST. LOUIS is temporarily rooted via Chicago with arrival at ST. LOUIS slightly later than normal. SHORT LINE WASHINGTON TO CHI CAGO IS CLEAR AND IS OPERATING REGULAR SERVICE "ON TIME" The CAPITOL Limited is Washington’s only allPn liman train to Chicago—Carries son-room observation and regular sleeping cars, dob ear and diners— also train secretary, maid-manicure, barber valet and other features. Lr. WASHINGTON 4.40 P.M. Lv.SILVER SPRING 4.54 P.M.—Ar. CHICAGO 8.15 A.M. ALSO OTHER RAO RISE TRAINS TO THE WEST AT CONTE. Ill ENT MOVES rn m m • NO EXTEA TAME ON ANT TEAIN. For tickets, rssaroationr and information call District 3300 or NAtional 7370 BALTIMORE & OHIO • . • v * : •* NEW ROW FOISTED ON PAN AMERICAN Tangle Over Location of Annex Renewed—Union Remains Silent. BT NELSON M. SHEPARD. The Pan-American Union appeared today In the role of Innocent by stander In the renewed controversy over the proposed location of Its an nex on a site that would obstruct the view of Secretary Ickes’ new *11,000, 000 Interior Department Building from Constitution avenue. With Ickes threatening to seek White House .ntervention a second time to keep the structure from im pinging upon his imposing new edi fice, Inquiries developed that the Pan American Union had no part what ever In precipitating this fresh row. The initiative seems to have been taken, without the knowledge of the union, by Chairman Frederic A. Del ano of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission and Chair man Charles Moore of the Fine Arts Commission, original sponsor of the plan. Pan-American officials, on the con trary, are quite apprehensive over the new turn of affairs for the reason there seems to be no compromise so lution wholly satisfying to all con cerned. Now have they any desire at this time, it war learned, to enter into another dispute with Secretary Ickes, and maybe the White House, involv ing international embarrassments. Liaison Fails. There appeared today to have been a lack of liaison work in connection with the action of the Planning Com mission to locate the Pan-American annex on the Constitution avenue triangle, bordering Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets and Virginia ave nue. Without knowledge of this intend ed action, Representative Fritz Lanham of Texas, chairman of the House Com mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, had reintroduced a bill some days ago offering another proposal. This is the same bill he introduced last year at the request of Ickes and with the consent of the President. It was the compromise suggestion of Delano, the President's uncle, who now seems to have discarded it alto gether. Under this plan the Interior Sec retary would be authorized to close Eighteenth street from C street to Virginia avenue, thus adding to the existing ground of the Pan-American Union, enough land to accommodate the new structure In a location im mediately adjacent to the old ''an nex'' and the famous Aztec garden. Lanham said today he had reintro duced the bill in expectation of an other request being made. He has no plans for hearings and it was not known today whether the administra tion would try to press for its passage. Union Dissatisfied. While the bill offers a way out, It is not satisfactory from the viewpoint of the Pan-American Union. The union had received authority from Congress some years ago to build on Constitution avenue, long before Ickes ‘invaded” the adjacent area. That was the case made out for the Pan American Union by the Fine Arts chairman in opposing Ickes In the dis pute last Spring. The union had expended $30,000 to tunnel under Virginia avenue to the proposed annex site and had made preliminary payments to Paul P. Cret of Philadelphia, the designer of the building. The Lanham bill would provide a $70,000 reimbursement to the union for these and other neces sary expenditures Involved in relocat ing the annex on the existing grounds. That reimbursement, it was suggested today, isn’t large enough. There is one objection to the com promise offered by the Lanham bill. With the congestion soon to be caused by the opening of the new Interior Building, there is strong opposition to closing Eighteenth street or hang ing its course so as to provide addi tional ground for the union. More than ever before, it was claimed, is there a need for uninterrupted flow of traffic along Virginia avenue and Eighteenth street. Dissatisfaction Forecut. The modified plan now proposed by Delano throws the whole question back to where it was a year ago. un satisfactory to Ickes and also to Mr. Rooseveit unless the President has had a complete change of mind since then. It wu the President who first pro Soon to Marry Vittorio Mussolini, eldest son of the Italian premier, and his fiancee, Miss Orsola Buvoli, young Milanese girl, photographed while attending the games in the Milan Arena recently. The couple, who became secretly engaged shortly before Vittorio departed for the East African campaign, will be married in Rome on February 6. —Wide World Photo. posed building the annex on the Pan- 1 American ground* and leaving a smaller triangle facing C street, di rectly opposite the Interior Building, for the development of a memorial to the great Latin American liberators. The latter Idea was discarded. It may yet be necessary for both President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull to unravel what now seems to be a hopeless tangle, unless either Iclces or the Planning Commission yields. Hull Is an Interested party because he Is chairman of the Gov erning Board of the Pan-American Union. Prom Ickes’ attitude there seems lit tle likelihood that he will cease his opposition unless persuaed by the President. He made no concealment 1 of his chagrin over the action taken by the Planning Commission. Explanation Leaves Problem. An explanation by Delano of the commission’s action on Thursday failed to clarify the situation. “That action was the vote of the commission, and until that is changed it will remain so,” Delano commented. “It was not my personal opinion.” He did not elucidate the point to suggest that the action had been taken as a result of demands from “higher up.” His only comment on Ickes' indigna tion over the proposed location was to add that the Interior Secretary “has a right to his opinion.” The innocent cause of all the trou ble is a 1600.000 building designed by the same architect who planned the beautiful Pap-American structure and the Folger Library. Its erection on Constitution avenue was favored by the Fine Arts Commission in carry ing out the line of monumental struc tures facing the avenue. Under the modified proposal the Pan-American Annex would not be smack against Ickes' Interior Build ing. for there would be an intervening triangle, now occupied by a temporary , Army building. The roof of the an- I nex. however, would reach the main cornice of the Interior Building at a ; point about opposite the windows of Ickes’ new offices. Ickes wants all the space between the Interior Building and Constitution avenue kept clear as a Government park. BAL DECORATIONS NEARLY COMPLETED To Be Installed Monday for Show That Night in May flower Hotel. The elaborate decoratons for the Bal Boheme Monday night in the Mayflower Hotel are nearly completed and will be installed Monday after noon by the committee, according to Hugo Inden, who has painted four special back drops for the pantomime, ‘ French Pastry," one of the features of the show. The show will start at 10 p m. Mon day and continue until 3 a.m. the following morning. Tickets are avail able at the Mayflower. Shoreham and Willard Hotels and the Arts Club. Gordon Hittenmark and Jim Mc Grath, N. B. C. radio announcers, will broadcast the main features of the program using a "micro-hat” transmitter, which will enable them to mingle with the crowd, it was an nounced. Aiding Inden on the committee are Frank Neipold, William I. Deming, C. H. Stratton. Robert Le Fevre, Miss Patty Hodgkins and Miss Marie Wal cott. Nevada Backs Amendment. Nevada's ratification of the proposed child labor amendment to the Federal Constitution yesterday brought to 26 the total States thus having acted. 1 Ten more States must act favorably to j make the proposal a part of the Con- j stitution. It was submitted In 1924. Men and Women Praise Tolman's Dry Cleaning A spotless, sanitary, up-to f the-minute cleaning and dyeing establishment— equipped with every device of modern cleaning science —run by experienced, skilled operators . . . cannot help but produce the finest dean SUCH IS TOLMAN TOLMAN dry cleaning retains the newness of your wardrobe by scientifically treating fabrics in addition to thoroughly cleaning them . . . and you'll notice that clothes cleaned the Tolman way will stay clean longer. PROMPTLY CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. MEN'S SUITS—75e MEN'S OVERCOATS—$1.00 LADIES' DRESSES—$1.00 (Plain Stales) We alw> clean Gloce*. Hat*. Tie*. Far*. Home Farnishinti. etc. "Tolman's Way" Week-End ,-—i LAUNDRY SPECIAL Nothing like the way Tolman Laundry gets things clean! —returns EVERYTHING COMPLETELY FINISHED / —ready to use. Flat pieces are expertly ironed and folded—body pieces beautifully hand ironed—men's shirts and collars perfectly Tolmanized to please any man to a "T"! By having your laundry done the LAST HALF of the week, for delivery the first way Tolman L^ndlJ <* *• ,ollo,i"5 w«k' ,h* ra,e “ completes low for the quality—24c a pound for Wearing my shirts! Apparel and 10c a pound for all Flat Work. TRY IT! JUST USE THE "PERFECT CLOTHES LINE"—CLEVELAND 7800. ! €&UfU&W ESTABLISHED 1S79—"FOR HEALTH'S SAKE, SEND IT ALL TO TOLMAN" 5248 Wisconsin Ave. Cleveland 7800 I Senate Group Declines to Alter Relief Cash Ban in Future Probes. Et the Associated Press. A Senate subcommittee yesterday approved the *900,000.000 deficiency appropriation bill without altering It* provision prohibiting use of relief funds for congressional Investigations. The Investigation rider was re tained despite President Roosevelt's statement at a press conference earlier In the day that he would regret to see any of the congressional inquiries slowed up. The committee eliminated an ap propriation of *14,000,000 for new subsistence homestead projects, In cluding $1,000,000 each for projects at Greenbelt, Md ; Greendale. Wis , and Oreenhills, Cincinnati. Likewise stricken out was *1,000, 000 of the Resettlement Administra tions *13,000.000 administrative fund. The committee added *50,000,000 to provide funds for seed loans under an act signed by President Roosevelt yes ‘ terday. The revised bill will be taken up today by the full Appropriations Committee. Consideration of the measure by the Senate Is set for Monday. Senator Bone. Democrat, of Wash ington has proposed an amendment requiring that the Navy complete its current building program in Govern ment shipyards and factories. Museum Employe Honored. Prank H. Cole, foreman of the Na tional Museum carpenter shop and employe there since March, 1893, who is to retire in February, was pre sented with a purse by fellow em ployes yesterday in the museum building at Tenth street and Consti tution avenue. WHERE TO DINE._ ’’‘■IBM Sunday Special “Country Style” STEWED CHICKEN and Dumpling* Mr*. K s “Tavern Made” JHlIe*. Relishes—Bread and Pastries OTHER DINNERS: Steaks—Chons— Chicken—Smithfleld Ham Sunday Breakfait Phone Shepherd 3500 ■awroHUMUH——HMiHimM——muhim—iWBfl——