152 CENTRAL HIGH Dean of Junior College, G. W. U., Is Speaker at Exercises. Central High School presented diplomas to the 152 members of the mid-year graduating class at com mencement exercises last night. The principal address was delivered by Dr. William C. Johnstone, Jr„ dean of the Junior College of George Wash ington University. Robert A. Maurer, member of the Board of Education, presided. The graduates are: GIRLS. Allison. Sylvia M. Kone. Dorothy E. Atkinson. Helen A. Lambert. Sara F Bain. Virginia C. Ludwig. Catherine D. Barnes. Mary E. Mandes. Anastasia Bauman. Ruth Martin. Geraldine R. Bean. Joan L. Matheison. Florence Bederman. B. M. Mattingly. Josephing Berrey. Elizabeth M. McDowell. Margaret Bawley. Jeanne L. Milne. Marjorie E. Blumenauer. M. L. Morgan. Eleanor D. Braunstein. M H. Myers. Muriel turns. Elizabeth Neuleld. Frances E. urr Doris H. Nussbaum. Lucille O. Cohen. Evelyn J. Peart. Constance E. Cohen. Evelyn L. Popluder. Prances Darnall. K. H Qnldley. Betty J. Delaney. Anna E. Reaves. Virginia G. Dieus. Prances Reiver. Lillian Dunn. Anna E. Rice. Anna R. Eliades. Pauline D. Riley. Wilma Fisher. Sara Ross. Elizabeth frazler. Lucille A. Russell. Bette J. razier. Mary J. Sands. Mary F Garrett. Barbara A. Sartwell. Mary K. L. Gaub Gladys E Schiossberg. Esther Gilman Esther S. 8churman Nathalie Goldbeck. Clara G. Scopi. Olive M. Ooldberg. Margaret Shachtman. Sylvia Hamilton. Nell L. Shaffer. Leonore M. Harris. Ruth Smith. Jane Raye Harron. Esther Straughan. Virginia Heflin. Lucille C. Taylor. Libby D Hickman. Mary C. Thomas. Evelyn T. Hoffman. Eleanor C. Walburn. Mary A. Hoffman. Ethel P. Wernig. Frances M. Horn. Doris F White Madeline J. Israelson. Geraldine Willey. Marjorie Kalmans. Ethel T Wise. Nancy W. Kempton. Hildreth Wolverton Blanche Keyser. Dorothy T. Wyman Beatrice N. fincaid. Mary E. Zepp. Anna M. Och. Anne S. BOYS. Adair. Ralph G. Landsman. Harold Angerman. George E. Libert. Manuel J. Appelbaum. Bernard Lynch William F. Badtnl. Louis Mandis. William. Jr. Bast. Charles R. Marrow, James E. Baty. Harold B Martin. Julian C. Baumeister. Ted A, McAdams. John Beach, George J. Murrell. A. K . Jr. Clark George E. Neufeld. Arthur L Cunningham. PaulB. Nunn. Myers A. Dekdbaum. W. B. Owaroff. Philip Eidsness. Lars M .Jr. Palmer Richard E. Eudell. Edward J. Fapps. Plato E Fellers. R E .jr. Pearson. James B. Finnell. Charles R. Pickett. Roland W. Fisher. Gilbert C. Pigg. Everett Y Foster. George H. Raffell Donald H. Fusco. Edmond S Ritzenberg, Albert Gerstenfeld Sidney Rosendail. John P. Cevtnson. Harry Roumel. Arthur C. Goldblatt. H. W. Ryon David O Gray. Benjamin P. Schlesinger. Arthur Herbert. J. R.. jr. Sparks. Bayne A. Hill. R. C.. 2d. Staples. W. H.. jr. Hill. Vernon W. Thompson. W. B . jr. Hlser Frederick L. Urciolo. Joseph J. Hodge Eugene F. Veax Robert R. Hutchison. E. T . jr. Ward. Henry A. Janes. Constantine J. Weathersbec. D R. Jones. Luther B Weathersbee F B. Kane. Richard F Wtlle Robert A. Kinsey. Raymond H. Wolfe. Roscoe Klaben. Jacob Wolverton. W W Kligman. William Wootton. William S. Knox. Robert O. —-• STUART GRADUATES 135 MIDYEAR CLASS " ! 84 to Enter Eastern High—Dr. Harvey Smith Presides at Exercises. Dr. Harvey A. Smith, assistant superintendent of schools, presided over the commencement exercises at Stuart Junior High School yesterday when diplomas were presented to the 135 midyear graduates. The members ot the graduating class are: TO CENTRAL. Marland. Albert E. Jr. TO EASTERN. Adams. Milton A. Cleaveland. Grace M. Alexander. Ernest B. Cooper. Constance A. Battenleld. George Courtney. Nellie G. Bennett. Andrew Daken. Virginia L. Binder. WiUiam J. Duty. Miriam J. Bowes. Charles Gillions. Gladys K. Bradshaw, Paul Gillions. Julia F Carter, Lewis T. Granger Geraldine Crescenzi. Willie R. Griffith. Edith M. Cuiffreda Salvatore Hancock. Mary M. Cole. Richard Harris. Lucille E DiPietro. Enrico J. Harrison. Sarah A. Dracos. James Jennings. Pearl J. Frame. Ralph W. Jr. Kintr Dorothy V Celrud. Samuel H. Lohmeyer. Dorothy Gibson. G. W.. Jr. TLl* r.;Sn Gilmore. Athol, jr. RrnV,1^ a 8 R' Gish. Curtis W. K Mastrorocmv^Louhfe Vainer Prn?st F McColley. Esther E. Khv pfpd81 F‘ McCormick. Kathryn L'bby. Frea Mills. Katherine L. « Montague. Elvie E. >JSia5eSn?h^ilky Moore. Pauline VaJioc' rmirlec T Nolan. Marie Nader. Charles T. Parish. Doris M. PersingerH. H. Pickens, Venetia M. Raff. Geonge A. Puliatti. Jennie Redden. William T. Richardson Dorothy Richardson. Alister Roberts. Margaret F. Ruffner. Melvin S. Sadtler. Frances A. Ryon. Joseph W. Schartner. Hilda Bchlosser. George R. Scuderi. Eleanor N. Turlington. T. E. Crawford. Beatrice Vehezky. Milton Shaw. Dorothy I. Weickhardt. C.. Jr. Shea. Doris Wise. Luther C. Shillingburg. Anne E. Work Billy Soper. Myrtle E. Zepp. Sterling E. Stull. Ruth J. tnderson. Betty A. Thompson. Mary E. aldwin. Ruth E. Thompson. Virginia L. iggs. Mary A. Trimmer. Rosemary Bond. Mardell Vlttum. Helen J. Brand. Ruby K. Walton. Ella M. Brown. Margaret V. Whitlock Irma J. Chatel. Alma L. Wilson. Colleen L. Chalkley. Margaret TO MeKINLEY. gaden. Winfield Petersen. M. A. Ibb. Herbert L. Rideout. Arnold B. Blttle. John. Jr Spllman, Wm. W. Boss. Edward G. Updyke. Wm. M. Burke, Charles Burchell. M'garet H. Catuccl. Angelo J. Gartner. Dorothy M. Chappell Wm. R. Hammond. Mary A. Cbumbris. James S. Levy. Evelyn L. Davis, Walter E. Magglo. Mary M. Dodson. Raymond G.Natella, Victoria P. Embrey. Randolph Patton. Viretta M. Erhardt. John H. Saldman. Selma A. Hoffman. Owen P. Partridge. M'g't P. Kaufman. Charles B.Shipley. June L. Kittredge, R. B Strlppy. Blanche M. Levin. Xsadore H. Thour. Helen W. Lewis. John W. White. Mary P. Pankey. Daniel T. Wood. Virginia A. Pappalardo. Jos.. Jr. TO ROOSEVELT. talinl, Anthony Breusch. Emma E. TO WESTERN, tames. Helen L. JEFFERSON JUNIOR CLASS GRADUATED A 4 ■ 73 Get Diplomas at Exercises j Presided Over by Henry I. Quinn. Henry I. Quinn, member of the Board of Education, presided at com mincement exercises at Jefferson Junior High School last night, when 73 boys and girls received their certifi cates of graduation. The members of the class and their high school assignments follow: TO MeKINLEY. Berry. Joe Wlnterfelt. Louis E. Benjamin. Homer Wise. Alice V. Cooke. Edward H. Young, Louis M. Corman. Norman Biafore. Marlon A. Davis. Frank Apostalakos. Jennie Gendleman. Samuel Castle, Dorothy Gilbert, Perry R. Clarke. Cecilia M. Hayden, Rustell Gartner. Frances A. He bert. Douglas Glbble. Ruth M. Ko iber. Charles Hollis. Norma Kr ner. Charles Jarboe. Elizabeth R. Me 3owan. James T. Johnson. Hazel M. Narrlngton, Richard Lltten. Helen I. Ficcione. Silvester Magner. Lorraine P. Powell. Harry J. Martin. Ella V. Higgle. Herschel V. Moore. Sara Stratos. Nick . Patrick. Caroline Svoboda. Herman J. Penn.,Irene A. Tapp. William Reese. Mildred I. Walterholter. George Sanford. June A. Wart son. Charles P. Sansbury. Annjen’tte Witten. Raymond P. Stevens. Millie C. Watson. Robert C. 8toner. Elizabeth Watzon, Pauline F. Vendemla. Prances TO CENTRAL. Calomerls. James Rice. Earl W. Drew. John Stoller. Ray Hawkins. RusseU Thrasher. Robert L. Letse. David Zlckafoose. Basil C. Lewis. Phillip Coleman. Lucy F. Lot an. Russell W. Danofl. Marion A. Maddox. Jack L. _ Dant. Ethel N. ffiMSfer"“ *• 5K,MA Quick. Victor L. Rabtnowitx. Selma * TO EASTERN. Bowen. Cay lor X. Fowler. Jessie L. Mk Kart a Kesder. Bather Davis. Ruth v K Zoo Expedition Embarks These members of the National Geographic-Smithsonian Institution expedition to the East Indies were photographed as they embarked from Vancouver, British Columbia, for Hawaii several days ago aboard the Empress of Asia. Dr. William Af. Mann, Zoo director and leader of the expedition to collect animals for the park here, is shown receiving a phonograph record made at the Zoo of the “love cries” of Mrs. Jiggs, an orang-outang. For a publicity stunt it was suggested that Mrs. Jigg’s syn thetic cries might trap a mate in the jungle. Dr. Mann is on the left. The others are Dr. Maynard Owen Williams of the National Geographic Society and Mrs. Lucille Quarry Mann, who accom panies her husband on most of his expeditions. Traffic Convictions SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Edward J. Willey, 4409 Third street, $10. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Francis M. Coffey, 1828 Irving street. $5. William L. White, 2424 Seventeenth street, $5. Edward J. Disney, 4021 Foote street northeast. $10. Frank Shorter. Maryland, $5. Burton J. Litton, Virginia. $5. George R. Bryant, 2722 Courtland place, $5. . Osce H. Francis. Virginia. $5. Frank Luddley, Virginia. $5. David L. Dennis. Maryland. $5. John C. Jones, Maryland, $5. Walter C. Kirby, 1811 Irving street, $5. Shurby A. Wright, 2415 E strc:t, $5. Arthur E. Bonnet, 1927 Otis street northeast, $5. John G. Locke, 3700 Massachusetts avenue, $5. Oscar T. Harlow, Maryland, $5. PAUL JUNIOR CLASS OF 129 GRADUATED G. M. Whitwell, Board of Educa tion Member, Presides at Ceremonies. ” One hundred and twenty-nine boys and girls received certificates of gradu ation from Paul Junior High School at commencement exercises yesterday afternoon. George M. Whitwell. mem ber of the Board of Education, presided over the exercises. The graduates and the high schools to which they have been assigned follow: TO ALEXANDRIA. Biondi, Charles Norris TO CENTRAL. Altemiller. C. F. Dudley. Hudson L. Ayers. Jean A. Dunbar. Charles S. Cromwell. Frances J. Guy. Ernest C. Glaves. Dorothy E. Hawthrone. R M. Kirkman. Betty L Holman, John D. Klein. Marguerite A. Lasswell. Charles E. Lamnson. Jean I Neely. William H. Pailthorp. Mary E. O'Loughlln. R M. Park. Doris M. Payne Mason C. Parker. Helen O. Schmidt. Paul E Phipps. Aileen R. Smith. Matthew S. Weaver. Barbara J. 8nyder. John F. Williamson. Jane W. Tarason. Irvin Wilson. Dorothy J. Thompson. H. H. Beatty. Thomas E. Wilhelm. John R. TO EASTERN. Steele. Raymond Eugene TO McKINLEY. Cheeney. Elsie E. Money. Robert L. Ingles. Grace M. Phillips. John C. Lamore. June M. Thomas. Albert R. Larnach. Marie J. Vermillion. E. S. Jones. Samuel M. Vlllalon. Edward G. Lacey. Elmer H. Webb. James H. Miller. John B. Wolfe. Ralph E. TO ROOSEVELT. Bageant Margaret J. Smith. Catherine M. Barry. Margaret A. Stein. Hilda E. Bartow. Betty J. Tayman. Irene K. Battaglia, U. C. Waldron. Alice F. Bradford. Janie B. Wyatt. Sarah J. Brown. Dorothy M. Thomas. Frances Z. Buehler. Celeste I. Trout. Doris L. Burak. Rose V. Williams. Dorothy Carey. Ellen A. Adamson. George J, Davis. Adele E Allnutt. Ralph B. Duvall. Mary E. Aronson. Morris D, Edgar. Frances L. Bain. Robert K. Fankhauser E M. Baker. Richard O. Farwell Dorothy E. Boothe. Daniel U. Ferry. Anna M. Brill. Harold L. Fitzgerald. Shirley A. Carson. R. E.. Jr. Floyd, Avelene J. Chaconas. Louis P. Goode. J. E. Easton. John O. Graves. Mary H. Fahey. William F. Hackstaff. B. A. Gundersheimer. W. I. Hldnert. Frances E. Hord. Cletug T. High. Jane E. Jones. Thomas W. [den. Helen V. Kennedy. Paul J. Jeffers. Winifred E. Kramer, Willard W. Joy. Virginia H. Lambros. Peter H. Kazermersky. Helen Larder. Frederick A. Martin. Grayce E. Lewis. Hugh B. McAleer Esther G. Lingebach. Paul R. Miller. Sarahelen Moore. William L. Miiam. Eugenia F. Oliver. Neil E. Monahan. Margaret Proudley. George E. Nickels. Vera A. Rawdon. Richard H. D'Donnell, Janice Schrider. Charles J. Ralph. Marie-Louise 8chuler. E. H.. Jr. Redman. Dorothy E. Smith. Harold M. Robinson. Florence Spano. Ralph Floblnson, Ida M. Swart*. Richard A. 3aia. Annetta L. Twery. Elliott R. 3chiller. Lillian H. Turner. Robert H. 31mms. Biannie A. Yeatman. John N 3impson, Dorothy E. Whitlow. Howard E. TO WOODROW WILSON. Thorup. Oscar A. 69 GET DIPLOMAS AT RANDALL JUNIOR 45 Midyear Graduates to Enter Armstrong, 14 to Go to Cardozo. Diplomas were presented yesterday to the 69 mid-year graduates of Ran dall Junior High School at commence ment exercises directed by Dr. John H. Wilson, member of the Board of Education. Names of graduates and the schools they will enter follow: TO ARMSTRONG. Anderson. Charles P. Lewis. Elaine V. Branson. Doris 8. Hawkins. Wilbur W. Ashton. James M. Martin. Catherine E. Brawner. Mary V. Huraey. Preston Caldwell. W. H. Payne. Ruth B. Cofer. Ruby Jackson. Russell V. Carter. Stanley J. Jackson. William E. Dean. Eva M. Stewart. Vernet E. Chappelle. George C. Jenifer. Joseph P. Dean. Evelyn A. Thomas. Ardella M. Clark. William J. Jones. Harold L. Dodson. Alice L. Washington. Annie A. Cofer. Curtis J. Kilby. Theodore M. Poison. Edith E. Wilson. Rosa M. Diggs. Cornelius R. Lewis. J. Ottaway Dross. Dorothy M. Noble. Alfred O. Dordon. Jewett R. Peterson. Lorenzo 8. Dordon. Julius R. Pitts. Howard W. Holmes. Annie P. Smith. Theodore N. Hunter. Dolly I. Sumby. James P. Dreen. John Travers. Charles L. lessle. Liddell L. Wallace. James R. Hall. Bernard L. TO DUNBAR. Simenton, K. E. Johnson. Portia M. Anderson. Catherine Muse. Lucille :H. Simms. William J. Triplen, CeleRer A. Coldina. Etta M. TO CARDOZO. * □avia. Ellsworth R. Kelley. Anna P. Hall. Anna 8. Keys. Evelyn ‘I* Davis. Hubert 8. Parker, Louise JL Maher. Mabel 8. i Smith. Aldine II Prldle. Willmon Swann. Daisy E. lackson. Beatrice E. Toyer. Margaret C. Hudson. Theodore R. Wllkerson Lorr'ne E. T**4 4 ALICE DEAL CLASS OF 127 GRADUATED All but Nine of Midyear Grad uates to Enter Woodrow Wilson High. Alic« Deal Junior High School pre sented diplomas to a midyear graduat ing class of 127 at commencement exercises yesterday afternoon. All except nine have been assigned to Woodrow Wilson High School for the new term. The list of graduates follows: TO WOODROW WILSON. GIRLS. Baer Lois Leder. Beverly D. Barbee. Roberta Lenox. Marion D. Bratthwaite Edna L.Lewis. Jane Brown. Janet MacWilltams. Pat'la Burgess. Virginia L. Manning. Pauline Cave. Catherine Martin. Kathleen Clark. Virginia Martin. Pauline Claude. Katherine McNelr. Marjorie J. Sobb. Jane H Middleton Betty B. otter. Vivian Moseg. Betty Cook Phyllis Moye Dorothy Cromelin. Carol Noack. Betty Cummlnts. Dorothy Riggleman. Cathryn Cunningham. Helen Rogers. Winifred L. Dellett. Margaret L. Rountree. Jean Drury. Margaret Rubel. Constance Duncan, Betty Rutherford. K. Everett. Mary A. Sanford. Jean L. Ftherstonhaugh M Seitz. Henrietta Fuller. Katherine Senge. Jean Glffen Jean Shepherd. Georgle Gray. Ellen Sherman Adele Grosner. Geraldine Smith, Alice Marie Hankins. Zerelda W. Smith. Jean R Harding. Ngncylee Smith, T. Louise Hatfield Virginia Snow. Barbara Ann Hayes. Dorothy Snyder. Dorothy Hoffman. Martha W. Spann. Helen R. Hollingsworth. Carol Swagart. Betty A. Holtman. Dorothy Swanson Anne E Hubbard Jane Woodring Jane H. Jones. Katherine Young. Alma B Kilburn. LllHan Young, Barbara Law. Louis* BOYS. Abbott. Jack Hurdle. Calvert Arnold Robert G. Hurley. Ronald A. Ashby. Clark Kennelly. Francis . Atkyns. Glenn C Lee. Jerome Bebermeyer. David C. Logan. J. Bronson Beckington. Bruce X. Marsh. James Birdsong. Merrill M. McGowan Robert Bogart, Ralph M. Mead. Harry K. Burch. James W.. Jr. Mitchell. Joseph M. Burnside. Bruce H. Neale. Fenwick i Burr. W. Norvell Neale. Wilbur A. Bush. William R. Notz. William Buyers. Archie G. Nye. Robert G. Carter, C. Dean Olden. John M. Clarke Howard Osborne. Henry. Jr. Columbus. Julian Parsons. Robert C. Coughlin, William J. Pollock. Richard Derrickson. Eugene Reid. Ralph O. Duncan. Donald Schneckloth. Barney Eaton. Jay W. Stockell. Charles W. Fleming. William Tossounian. Richard Foust. W. L.. jr. Vandergrlft. J. L.. Jr. Gibson. Richard 3d Wells. Joseph Gottshall. William Wheeler. Neil H Henry Lyle B . Jr. Whiteman. Thomas Hillock. N. A.. Jr. TO CENTRAL. Fletcher, Mary. TO WESTERN. Elmore. Churchill Wilson. Betty Jane TO ROOSEVELT. Barden Arnold Shotzberger. Dorothy Duck. Merle R. Shotzberger. Lola TO WASHINGTON-LEE (VA.l. Turner. Richard P. NOT ENTERING. Greet. Eleanor 34 ARE GRADUATED AT WOODROW WILSON Henry Grattan Boyle Addresses Midyear Class at Exercises. Woodrow Wilson High Schort, "youngest” of the city’s senior high institutions, awarded certificates of graduation to 34 boys and girls yes terday afternoon at commencement exercises, directed by Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools. Dean Henry Grattan Doyle of Columbian College, George Washing ton University, addressed the midyear graduates. The salutatory was deliv ered by Frances Viola Breg. Olive Celeste Belt was valedictorian. Arrlck. Eileen Zelma Belt. Olive Celeste Benson. Carl Wm. Brea. Frances Viola grown. Donald L. omann. Andra M. Cowan. Hannah B. Crossen. Elisabeth A. Dyer. Dorothy B. Kirk. Rebecca E. Leder. Melvin Levinson. R. M. Loomis, Valerie F. Lucas. Margaret P. McCoy. Dorothy J. Melton. Lawrence I. Merwln, Elizabeth More. Chester L. Mulligan, Mary A. Palmer. William C. Pruitt. Elizabeth P. Schneider. D’r’thyM. Senee. George W.. Jr. Sherman. Simon Shlmer. Virginia Shrode. Dorothy 1C. Sound. Zelda J. Stalker. Norma G. Sterling. James T. Sutphen. John H. Werner. Henr’ta F. Wheater. Frances A. Wheeler. Richard B. Wlldmar. John W. Marriage Licenses. William C. Lusby. 30. 6310 6th at., and Cornelia M. Qlrouard. 28. 2800 15th at.; Rev. J. F. Burns. Howard N. Ury. 27. 1550 3d at., and Ruth B. Wilkins. 19. 701 Harvard st.; Rev. G. O. Bullock. Clearance 8plnks. 26. 1402 Montello ave. n.e.. and Dorothy Washington. 22. 1910 Rosedale st. n.e.; Rev. I. N. Gooch. James F. Hill. 24. Welcome. N. C.. and Grace Osborn. 19. Qulcksbura, Va.; Rev. F. W. Johnson. June Smith. 29. 207 10th at. g.e.. and Thelma Clark. 23. 217-A 10th at. i.e.; ..Rev. J. H. Randolph. Albert V. Durand. 06. and Jean G. O'Hen. 50. both of Rochester. N. Y.; Rev. A. J. McCartney. William W. Moore, 46. and Plorrie A. Smith. 39. both of Richmond; Rev. Freeley Rohrer. Faul Byrd. 25. 827 New Hampshire ave.. and Annie L. Spells. 19, Orange. 8. C.; Rev. W. P. Avery. Jeisle Leach. 28. 1118 5th at. e.e.. and Eimens Crockett. 22. 1617 Church it.; Rev. Isaac Wright. Emanuel Stine. 26. and Dorothy Joffe. 23, both of Baltimore; Rev. A. Simon. Charles R. Walthall. 22. 1402 Massachu setts ave.. and Mary J. Lowe. 17. 516 Massachusetts ave.; Rev. S. E. Rosa. Robert J. Carrodus. 25. 1322 G at. s.e., and Annie M. Guthrie. 26. Galllnaer Hospital; Rev. H. M. B. Jones. Thomas Holland. 35. Fort Lauderdale. Fla., and Marion H. Murray. 28. Hot Sprints. Ark.: Rev. H. S. Anderson. Arthur H. de Franceaux. 21, 121 13th st. n.e.. and Marian F. Lehr. 19. Radiant, Va * Rev W C Rook Marshall W. Wll»n“21. 909 Florida ave, and Myrtle Johnson. 23. 2113 11th at.; Rev. W. D. Jarvis. Lewis E. Hesens. 31. 1124 6th et.. and Queen E. Tinsley. 20. 624 Crittenden st.: Rev. J. X. Graham. George E. Loses. 48. 2628 11th st.. and Jenny Peterson. 43. 921 19th at.; Rev. John Weidley. Film Star to Be Honored. Miss Grade Fields, once a Lan cashire mill girl, now the higheit paid British film star, la to be mad* a freeman of her native town of Roch dale, England. V—. L Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle Presides—Majority to Go to Central. All except IS of the 109 midyear graduates of Powell Junior High School will be assigned to Central High School for the new term begin ning Monday. The students received the certificates of graduation at com mencement exercises yesterday after noon. Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle, president of the Board of Education, presided at the exercises. The graduates were: TO CENTRAL. Aehle. Homer Jeffries. Warren Atwell. Eugene Jones. Claudine Baker. Murray Kesley. Georse Beene. Riddell Kocsls. Terras Behrend. Jack Kuhn. Leonobcl P. Bla ne. Lamdin Lelller. HarrU Ba ey. Dorla McKelway. Benjamin Ballenier Vlrtlnla MeKlllen, Ray Basham. Dorothy Miller, Harry Beach. L4111an Mosser Robert Bergthold Marjorie JtturninY LeV §?.» Jfcviaser. David Nevlaser. Morton nfSSi. w Parker. William Brown. Gladys E. Perros Theodore Burns. Annabelle Rirharrtiwilliam Buahong Virginia Robb William Carson. Buel R?hn.Mer Tn.r.n. Colton. Thomas Cox. Raymond. Jr. 8haSJPM»»? Crawford. Oeorga SSfjUvrvi?.. Crouch. Xleanor Crtgler. Richard S5*1“*ri5f?JIa”1.a gr.0vfit*°nH.J.Uhl?en luaair.itosellen ?urtMa Edmondson. CharlotteTfVjor. Amos. Jr. Parr. Richard Taylor. Mavis Fabrlzlo. Norma J*rr?' Fayman. Doris °lorJa . Fletcher. Mary ,Yaae?k- Herbert Gerber. Esther W»Pl* 8*l.ma Gerhardt. Dorothy Wag:ner, Warren Glanlny. Lyle Walker. Joseph Gladstone, william Wallis. Donald Glaacock. Burr Ward. Edward Glover. Clarence Weinberg. Elliott Grant. Harvey Weisner. Herman Beaver. Faye West. Matt Guerra. Louis Wldre. Isadora Gore wits. Shirley Wilt. William Hames Gary Williams. Morrison Hays. Raymond Wolfe. Helen Harris. Shirley D Avanzo. Dorla Hill. Donna M. Ryan. Leonora Hovermale. Cora TO EASTERN. Spradlin. Edith TO MeRINLEY. Bilbo. Gaorga Imlrie. Cbarlea TO ROOSEVELT. Holmes. Richard Kerr. Marjorie Amorous. Lenora Vitale. Ernest Comert. Mary Sevely. Rhode Neely, Charles TO WESTERN. Gaillaguet. Raymond Laredo. Dolores Hastings. June Luddy. Jack TO WOODROW WILSON. Bedell. Frances ■ — ■ • .. ~ — Births Reported. Herbert and Maude Thayer, airl. Charles and Ruth Hooper, airl. Benjamin and Belinda Nicholson, boy. Carl and Nedra Dorny. boy. Thomas and Margaret Egan. boy. William and Daisy Neuenhabn. boy. William and Marguerite Costltan. boy. Francli and Marian Gladding, boy. James and Vlrtlnla Tate. girl. Henry and Maria Murpby. girl. Robert and Edna Herrick, girl. Robert and Ruby Kaplan, girl. Roy and Nellie Sore. girl. Walter and Nora Heinrich, girl. Nicholaa and Helen Oluliano. girl. Bernard and Belle Foucault, girl. Paul and Katherine Powell, boy. Edward and Eva Marcey. boy. Robert and Virginia Kilpatrick boy. William and Virginia Johnson, bo:. Fred and Naomi Garnett, boy. Lynn and Dorothy Henkel, airl. Hastings and Edwins Avery airl. George gnd Anng Russler, girl. James and Cora Goodson. airl. William and Teresa Barry, girl. Henry and Virginia Walburn. airl. Horace and Fannie Smith, boy. 8hlrman and Essie Terrell, boy. Earl and Mildred Baldwin, boy. Raymond and Mamie Stewart, girl. Ernest gnd Carrie Barbee, girl. Challea and Bernice Douglas, girl. Thomas and Lucia Herndon, boy Willie and Brownlee Clayburn. boy. Eugene and Edith McCannon boy. Ossie sad Evelyn Johnson, girl. Gorham and Almira Jackson, airl. Deaths Reported. Martha A. Reed. 89. 1814 Potomac ave. a.e. Michael Flaherty. 76. 220 H st. n.e. Millard F. Hudson. 76. Emergency Hospital. Charles T. Rivers. 71. Gallinser Hospital. James T. Gibbs. 71. 2918 Olover driveway. Lyda S. Armstrong. 68. 1864 Wyomins ave. Emma J. Campbell 68. 7.10 Sixth st. Ida B. Waple. 61. Providence Hospital. James O. Whslen. 46. Walter Reed General Hospital. Clyde O. Sprlnkel. 42. 2660 Wliconsin ave. Matthew B Quirk. 42. Walter Reed Gen eral Hospital. Infant Russell Jasper. Jr.. Children's Hos pital. Infant Robert Kins. Children'! Hospital. Adeline Jones. 99. 220 H st. n.e. Psnnie Corum. 69. 23 P st. n.e. Charles Mabrey. 67. Oalllnser Hospital. Thomas Palmer. 64. 1016 New Jersey ave. Jesse H. Robinson. 6o. Gallinser Hospital. Robert Bayles. 66. Gallinier Hospital. John Johnson. 62. Home for Aged and Infirm. Edward Williams. 46 Freedmen's Hospital. Orris Willis 41. 2112 Eighth st. Frank Mlckens 36. Gallinger Hospitil. Petri Jamila. 19 Garfield Hospital. Anna L. James 18 Tuberculosis Hospital. Ellen Holland 1. Children's Hospital. Infant John Brown. Children's Hospitsl. Infant Margaret Walker. Gallinger Hos pital. Wedding Guests Gorge. Five hundred guests were Invited to the wedding feast at Sombor, Yugo slavia, for Katerlne Shumer and Jakob Konrat, but over 1.000 came—and gorged. They consumed 10,000 pounds of fresh beef, 8,000 pounds of pork, 200 fat turkeys, 200 pounds of fish and 1,000 pounds of bread. This was washed down with 3,000 pints of wine and and 1,000 pounds of raklja, a native drink. WOMEN ARE URGED to uap a a vote I Practical Value of Capital Representation Cited by Jesse Suter. Citing the practical value of na tional representation for the District, Jesse C. Suter, vice chairman of the Citizens' Joint Committee for National Representation, yesterday urged mem bers of the District League of Repub lican Women to learn and spread the truth regarding the District at a meeting at 1600 Rhode Island avenue. People here and In toe States should be shown the facts to prove the Dis trict is the only voteless community In continental and contiguous United States; that It is not a tax-free para dise, but paid more In Federal In ternal revenue taxes for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1936, than any one of 35 States and more than the combined payment of nine, and that the District is a community In ltaelf, not simply a harbor of transients, Suter said. - - Speaking of the voteless delegate the District had in the territorial gov ernment of 1871-1874 and of the pres ent Clark bill, which proposes sub stantially the same thing, Suter said: “What we need Is representation like the others have, so we will have suf ficient bargaining power to draw at tention to our needs. Suter also pointed out that the Dis trict population of voting age is greater than that In aeven States and just under that In two others. He further listed the inability of District residents to use the Federal courts ss a situation requiring equitable cor rection. Mrs. William Fitch Kelly, president of the league, in conjunction with Suter, deplored the apathy of the people here to*those problems which vitally affect them. TWO FARM PRICE RECORDS ARE SET January 15 Level Is Peak for Six Years—131 Per Cent of Pre-War Period. By the Associated Press. Soaring prices of farm products chalked up two records yesterday at the Agriculture Department. Officials said the general level of farm prices on January 15 was the highest in six years—since June 1930. It added the level of prices peid to fanners was above the level of prices paid by fanners for the first time in more than 10 years. The Bureau of Agriculture Eco nomics said farm prices on January 15 were 131 per cent of the average for the pre-war period of 1909-1914. This was five points higher than a month earlier and 32 points above January, 1936. Things the fanner buys remained at 131 per cent of pre-war levels, so the ratio of prices received to prices paid was 103. "Price parity was reached and a 2-point advantage recorded for the first time since August, 1925," the bu reau said. The price climbs extended to nearly all farm products, with grains and live atock leading. Railway communication has been established between Khabarovsk and Komaomolak-on-the-Amur In Far Eastern Russia. USED OVER DO YEARS TO FIGHT COLDS ffje ftienma SJfaf ADVERTISEMENTS Received Hei^e » California Pharmacy—2162 Calif. St. N.W. Is An Authorised Star Branch Office V\QU don't have to search after some one to yfw supply that want—a Classified Advertise ^ ment in The Star will find him or her for you. It is doing it every day for hundreds of people—that's the best proof that Star Classified Advertisements DO Bring Results To save your time and for your greater con venience, authorised Star Branch Offices are located in practically ovary neighborhood in and around town—ready to accept copy—forwarding it to the Main Office to appear in the first avail able issue. Make use of these facilities—for there is no fee for authorised Branch Office service, only regular rates are charged. Authorised Star Branch' Office$ Display the above sign WOODWARD l i &, L.OTHROP BOLERO—otop a misses' swirling frock of Castilian black net, flower- • i Q.75 sprinkled_ Formal Room, Thud Floor. TURBANS—Oriental flattery In black or navy spiced with red, or in black **7 50 with royal blue_ */ i Millwsry, Third Floor. • sombrero brims • turbans—slashed with color • shoes—high-throated, color-drenched • suits—closely allied to frocks • bright tweeds • flowers—especially in wide-spaced prints • volatile fabrics by night • beige—smartest with black • gray—stabbed with gala accents ORCHIDS — broadcast over gray in a frock gashed low in front. Also in black or navy pure - dye silk. q Misses' sizes_ Masts’ Dresses, Thud Floor. BRIGHT TWEEDS—by Kenwood, in o suit that buttons its beautifully fitting jacket throat-high. With gored skirt. In aquo, tan or powder blue—or, to order, in beige and other smart hues. $TC Misses' sizes_^ Three-Quarter Coats to Match, $35 Sportswear, Third Floor. "DRESS SUIT"—knight blue skirt strik ingly contrasted with yellow jacket— topped importantly with boxy swagger coat—an Echo scarf as fur- c,7Q.75 ther fillip_ #/ -7 Suits, Third Floor. HIGH-THROATED, grounded rainbow—in a doeskin sandal that is reason enough r\ 7* for dancing_*IU*/J Woui'i Shoes, Hass Ttocm. SOMBRERO BRIM—inter preted by John-Frederics in black felt underlined with coral suede—high drama in its veil—comedy In its floating rib bons — Mxllxnuy 8alow, Thtkb Flooe.