Newspaper Page Text
Letters Tell of W. P. A. Reveal Several Sources of Financing March on Capital. BT DAVID LAWRENCE. AN ORGANIZED drive to in fluence Congress to maintain the appropriations for W. P. A. is in progress. Those who are behind it are not necessarily re lief workers alone, but small busi nesses and Institutions which want to see tne Denems continued be cause of the large amounts spent by the Federal Gov ernment In the local communi ties. Recently, when the relief workers staged a demon stration in Wash ington, this cor rea p o ndent re ported the exist ence of a belief In many quarters that the source D»Tl« LAwrtnee. or the financing came irom pci owns other than those on the P. W. A. rolls and that there were rumors of com munistic influence. Letters received from various parts of the country since then convey in formation as to the financing, which Is of Interest at the moment because It may foreshadow even more in tensive efforts to make Congress keep up the expenditure. First is a com munication from Chester Watson, president of the Minnesota Workers’ Alliance: George Blake, State organ iser of the Farmers’ Union or Minne sota; Lee Casey, representing the Farm Holiday Association of Wadena County, Minn., and S. D. Davis, repre senting the Building & Laborers’ Union, No. 563, of Minneapolis. It says: ’’There Is no mystery about the source of funds of the delegates who came to Washington. Contributors Named. “With the exception of the writer (8. D. Davis), whose organization voted the funds to send him here, the others were sent here through collec tions of small amounts from the members of the organization and W. P. A. workers, but also by personal contributions of such individuals as Gov. Elmer A. Benson of Minnesota, Mayor Thomas Latimer of Minne apolis and other elected officials, as well as small business men and pub lic-spirited men and women who realize the need of continuing and enlarging the W. P. A. program. “The Independent merchant Is aware of the fact that his existence depends upon whether those In his neighborhood are employed or unem ployed. He. therefore, is interested in helping the W. P. *. workers effec tively to present their problems to Washington. Likewise, public officials, finding relief for unemployed a prob lem that they cannot solve alone, are also interested in seeing W. P. A. continued, as exemplified by the Con ference of Mayors. “In other words, financial support given the Minnesota delegates was similarly given hi the other 24 States from which the delegates came.” From Minneapolis comes a com munication signed by G. W. Walde man. who says: “I can tell you who are the workers’ Alliance of America. They are made up of Communists whose business it is to stir up trouble. Communists In this city are at the head of the or ganisation and I have no doubt they are everywhere else. They have gotten possession of the labor unions here and have instigated all the strikes that have cursed this community.” Communistic Idea Denied. An indignant denial that com munistic influence is in any way re lated to the W. P. A. workers’ march on Washington comes from Robert Keller, who says: “In my group we had 7 writers. 4 Artists, 4 musicians and 10 actors. We each chipped In from our ‘splendid’ weekly salary of *21.57 a week to pay for the cars. We also bought some bread, cheese, sandwich meat and some fruit, and coffee was purchased on the way. How would you like to subsist on that for one day, not three As we have done? And today we have exactly 15 cents to tide us over until we get paid Friday of this week. "Others came by truck, paid from the funds of their own treasury after selling ’on to Washington’ stamps. In other cases, unions whose member ship can’t get private employment and are working on W. P. A. dug into their treasury and contributed to the funds to send theirs either by train on excursion rate or else by truck. Yet many of them, such as Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Montana, South Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont. Maine, Massachusetts, Cali fornia, Washington, Connecticut and others came either by excursion or freight. "Many had little or no sleep, very little food, scanty clothes to keep their bodies warm while traveling In the truck.” , From David Walker comes this letter: "Since when do Government clerks parade the streets demanding Job6 and making slurring remarks about the President? If you noticed, after the American flag they carried aloft a large silk red flag. Why red. And every placard they held in their hands had a picture of a tool on It: the tool was pictured by a clenched flst • • • Holds Cheek Is Needed. “After half the people become Com munists, and they have Representa tives elected to Congress, it will be too late to make bills or laws to check it. Kvery country that has been touched with communism has suffered greatly for It. Only for communism there Would be no war in Spain today.” Other letters are in similar vein. My awn impression is that the group from Minnesota stated the case very fairly and thAt while there may be in the movement Communist sympathisers here and there, the rumors of com munistic financial aupport, while wide ly current, are not borne out by the statement of any of the delegates who bsve volunteered Information. What is more important is the fact that persons are financing the relief workers’ demonstrations because they want the Federal Government to bear 'most of the burden rather than the local communities. The question arises whether the several States can finance the relief of their unemployed, and judging by the Improvement in tax receipts In many States, the contribu tions from the States to supplement those of the Federal Government might well be expected to increase. Wont of all is the fact that co operation between Government and Industry has not proceeded to the t> ■ h News Behind the News Strikes and Floods Curtail Trade, But Figures Belie Great Harm. BY PAUL MALLON. STRIKES end floods have disrupted the Nation's business progress. The figures in the month’s business chart show that. But they also show the effect is probably exaggerated in the public mind. Take the auto strike. No official figures on the effectiveness of the strike are being published. There are none. But there are two excellent private estimates which are dependable. You may accept them as semi official. These fix the car output of the big three in the pre-strike week of December 19 and the strike week of January 23 as follows: Pre-strike. Strike. General Motors. 53,000 9,750 Ford _ 27,000 29,000 Chrysler _ 27,000 22,500 Totals . 107.000 61,250 It shows John L. Lewis has tied up General Motors rather effectively. But more interesting is the point that Ford and Chrysler have not picked up the business General Motors lost. What has happened is the cre ation of a deficiency of about 45,000 cars in weekly auto produc tion. The market Is not being filled. If the strike Is settled within a reasonable time, it is quite possible that accelerated pro duction later will fill the deficiency, very little change in total output may be noticeable on the year as • whole. * At least. It is an cctmumu; /uu wm** m new car* tfti* year toiZZ fail to buy them later this year if they can get them. The only net loss in purchasing power seems to be among the strikers themselves. Sven they may be able to buy their new cars later by working overtime in accelerated production to meet the deficiency after the strike is over. * * * * Take the floods. The best advance Indication of January ateel output Indicates that the mills as a whole will turn out about as much this month as they did in the record month of December. When water flooded the Pittsburgh and Wheeling areas, all mills were operating at top speed on backlogs and January orders exceeding those of last year. They were hitting about 80 per cent capacity. The flood dropped them to about 75 per cent for the past week. They expect to make It up shortly. Floods likewise have made about a 5 per cent dent in weekly freight traffic, but this may be offset by rebuilding activities when the water sub sides. So will activities in most other affected lines. The main economic effect of floods is the destruction of wealth. Buildings and factories are being ruined. But as far as the national business activity and national income are concerned, the flood in fluence may not be as far-reaching as it seems. Substantially the same thing is true of strikes. If they are not general and not prolonged, and there is virtually unanimous opinion on the inside here that the restricted auto strike will not be prolonged. Three well-informed Government economists were guessing about It the other day. They agreed in the opinion It would not last six months or a year. One guessed a settlement would come “within a month," another “six weeks.” and the third "two months.” They just differed in estimating how long the managers and labor leaders would piddle around in negotl ations. Note—They also were unanimous on who would win. * * * * The present position of business progress is disclosed in the following figures, based on 1923-1925 averages as 100 and adjusted for seasonal variations. (The single exception is prices, based on 1926 as 100 > Each figure represents the percentage of business normality existing at the times stated. si *1 s ss l! S3 i ' II 8 si s 11 ij * ‘I : £1 II n l| • §2 1929 average. 119 108. 109. 106 111 117 95.3 1932 average. «* 66- 47- ®® *® ®“! * 1935 average. 90 86. 71. 63 79 37 ,80.0 1936. January. 97 89. 74. 70 81 61 80 6 1936. September..- 109 94. 83. 72 88 59 81.6 1936, October. 109 94. 89. 73 90 58 81.5 1936, November. 114 96. 90.5 80 93 58 82.4 1936, December. 121 98.2 94.5 86 92 61 84.2 1937, January*.. 114 96. 92. 81 89 59 85.2 More" important than the strike and floods in the national business picture at the moment is the change In price trend noted in the third week of January. _ ...._. _ rvi U wnacvuwvt that, prices had been rising. Sensi- | tive price charts for the period are > almost perpendicular. The more j heavily weighted Government chart rose from 81.3 at the first of December to a peek of 85.7 the sec ond week in January. The third week ahowed a small drop to 85.3. The rapidity of the rise was almost sensational and could not be maintained forever. No one will guess the trend of the Immediate future, out apparent!) a penuu u*. settlement and solidification is generally expected. (Copyright. 1937.) Air Headliners Domestic. ! 1:45 p.m.—WMAL,. "Siegfried-’ by Metropolitan Opera Co. 3:30 pm.—WRC, Week End Re vue. 6:00 p.m.—WMAL, Evening Star Flashes. Evening Programs. 7:30 p.m.—WRC, Question Bee. S:00p.m.—WRC. Saturday Night Party; WMAL, Ed Wynn. 9:00 p.m.—WRC, Snow Village Sketches; WMAL, Na tional Barn Dance; WJSV. Speed Show. 9:30 p.m.—WRC. The Chateau. 10:00 p.m.—WJSV, Your H11 Parade. 10:30 p.m.—WRC, Irvin 8. Cobb. 11:00 p.m.—WMAL, WOL and WJSV, President Roosevelt. Short-Wave Programs. .5:30 p.m.—GENEVA, League of Nations News; HBL, 31.2 m.. 9:65 meg. 6:30 pm.—LONDON. Musical Program, GSD, 25.5 m.. 11.72 meg. 8:30p.m.—CARACAS, Cuban Orchestra, YV2RC, 51.7 m., 5.8 meg. 9:00 pm.—LONDON, Musical Program, G8D, 25.5 m., 11.75 meg. point where enlargement of pay rolls in private employment can take on the bulk of those on W. P. A. rolls. The W. P. A. workers can hardly be blamed for wanting to continue to re ceive Government support if jobs are not available to them in private em ployment, and there is as yet no census of unemployed nor comprehensive data as to where shortages of labor exist which, with Federal aid for transporta tion expense, could be filled by W. P. A. relief workers. tcoprrtsbt. 1837.) LEGION TO GIVE MEDAL Emblem to Be Presented Outstand ing Private of Guard Unit Special Dispatch to The Star. KENSINGTON, Md., January 30.— Arnold Wilburn Post, No. 30, Ameri can Legion, has voted to present a Legion medal of merit to the outstand ing private or private first class of the Howitser Company, Maryland National Guard. The award is to be given for the most efficient and outstanding work as a guardsman for the year ending July 31, 1937. It will be made on the recommendation of a committee of three officers. k Local Radio Stations to Pick Up Broadcasts From Many Points. AMESSAGB from President Roosevelt and an Interna tional parade of 14 famous dance bands will feature the President’s birthday ball broadcasts tonight at 11 o'clock on all the net works. The program will be carried by WMAL, WJSV and WOL. The President and leaders of the national committee for the birthday ball will speak briefly, and dance mu sic will be heard in a gala parade of orchestras, ranging from pick-ups in Bermuda, many cities in the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. Dance bands scheduled to take part include those directed by Eddy Duchin, Guy Lombardo, Hal Kemp, Benny Goodman, George Olsen, Ted Fio Rito, Horace Heidt, Leo Reisman, Glen Gray, Ted Weems and Gus Amheim. Preceding the 11 o’clock broadcast WJSV will make a special tour of the seven Washington hotels where birthday balls are being held, pre senting interviews when possible with Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor, two Hollywood stars, who came to Wash ington to take part in the event. T UPE VELEZ, fiery star of the stage and screen, and Walter O’Keefe, radio and stage .» median, will assist Floyd Gibbons in presenting the “Speedshow” on WJSV at 9. Dr. William Martson, inventor of one of the lie decettors, in which crime experts have been interested, also is to take part in the broadcast. VflRS. SARA DELANO ROOSE velt, mother of the President, will be the guest of **• •” ^ during the Chateau ”■ ...» WRC at 9:30. Other .uests Include Clyde Beatty, far ^ animal trainer; Bozo, the wonder dog, a talking canine; Evelyn Tyner, pianist, and the Three Marshalls, a comedy and song trio. WALTER HAMPDEN, celebrated actor, and Mlscha Levitski, world-famous concert pianist, will contribute to the Saturday Night Party on WRC at I. Hampden will have the leading role In a dramatic sketc' A SPECIAL trans-Pacific broadcast from Japan, featuring the new Symphony Orchestra of Tbkio, is scheduled by WJSV at 12:30 a.m. The chorus of the Ueno . .cademy also will take palb i CTHE opinions of the writers on this page are their own, not necessarily The Star’s. Such opinions are presented in The Stafs effort to give all tides of questions of interest to its readers, although such opinions may be contradictory among themselves and directly opposed to The Star’s. Strike Technique in Court Revolutionary Decision 1 Battle BY MARK SULLIVAN. THE Court of Genesee County, Mich., will make history Monday. General Motors has asked the court to enjoin the leaders and strikers of the United Automobile Workers’ Union from con tinuing to occupy General Motors’ property. The hearing is set for 3 p.m., and what- imw> .. >.. m— ever train of ac tion ensues on the part of courts and law enforcement officials, will de termine the stat us of the "sit down” type of strike in Ameri can law. The action which General Motors has asked the oourt to take is of a kind which permits the labor Mark Sullivan. leaden to state their side or tne case in court. If the arguments bring out the far-reaching consequences of in corporating this type of strike into American usage the public will realize the importance of the event. The hearing Monday, and what follows, may be dramatic or not. It is desirable it should not be dra matic. But in either event, mere lack of dramatic Incident will not reduce the elevation of this court action. It would be true to say this is as extraor dinary as the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee in 1925. Yet one hopes that saying this will not attract to Flint, Mich., the host of volunteer lawyers and other outsiders, including publicity seekers, who flocked to Day ton. Tenn. Part of the essence of the dignity of Monday s event at Flint lies in the spectacle of an ordinary American court in a typical American community passing on a question of great national Importance. Indeei the question Is of more than national Interest. It has a bearing on the con troversy between conflicting concep tions of society. Many Side Issues. For understanding of the funda mental issue, it is desirable to trim away all aspects of the hearing and of the strike, except one. Whether Itoura In General Motors plants should be shorter is not here material. Whether pay should be higher is im material. Whether the "assembly line" In automobile factories moves so fast as to put excessive strain on workers is immaterial. Many other questions, as to which much Is to be said for the labor side, are not here material. To the principle of collective bargaining there is almost universal assent in America; the platforms of both po litical parties last Summer Indorsed that principle. Whether or not Gen eral Motors in the present case is re sisting "collective bargaining" is im material here. All these are ordinary issues familiar in any strike. All these, in the present care, are matters for negotiation and decision. But they are issues in a wholly different cate gory from the fundamental one. The fundamental issue can be put in the form of two questions. Are the "sit-downers” trespassers on private | property? If they are trespassers, will i the courts and agencies of law en i forcement eject them? The first question is hardly a question at all. Hardly any partisan of the strikers denies that the "sit-downers” in this strike are trespassers. The real ques tion is whether the courts and law enforcement agencies will remove them. May Be Revolutionary Change. If the courts should hold the ait down type of strike to be legitimate; or if at any point in the chain of iaw and enforcement there is refusal to eject the sit-downers; or if the sit downers successfully resis' attempts at ejection; in short, if this sit-down strike is successful in law or in fact, then a material change, indeed a revolutionary change, will have oc curred In aeveral areas. If the sit May Come From Auto Case. down strike Is declared legitimate, or if without being legitimate It Is never theless successful, then the sit-down will become the practically universal technique of striking. It Is far more effective than any other method. It puts power Into the hands of very small groups of workers, for half a doaen men or less, located at atrategic spots, can paralyze not merely a whole plant, but, as In this case, practically a whole country-wide Industry. If this Flint strike Is successful. It will give momentum to John L. Lewis and his Committee on Industrial Or ganization. It will promote his plan to get all the 20,000,000 or 30,000,000 workers of the country Into a tingle great organization. If Lewis achieves his one big union and If the sit-down type of strike Is Installed In American usage, Lewis or his successors will have more power over the economic life of the country than any other Individual has ever exercised. Opens Wide Door. Apart from the economic effect, If the sit-down type of strike Is sanc tioned by the courts. If trespass of this kind Is legal'zed, such a decision would become a legal precedent affecting all kinds of property. It would work a serious reduction In the prerogatives of ownership of every Individual everywhere — farm-owners, home-owners or what not. The clearness of the one issue In which there is a paramount public Interest—the Issue of trespass—Is clouded by the length and detail of the application which General Motors has made for an Injunction. Doubtless the General Motors officials and lawyers knew best what Is called for. But their application Is a sprawling, omnium gathering of many kinds of complaint and many reasons for In junction. They recite that the strikers use automobile seats and cushions for sleeping, thus “wearing, discoloring and otherwise rendering the same un suitable for use In new automobiles." They recite that since the factory was not built for housekeeping, strikers are creating unsanitary conditions. They recite that most of the strike leaders come from outside the State. The application for injunction, ac cording U> newspaper accounts, In cludes a request that the court pro hibit “picketing." Picketing, within limits, has long been an accepted fea ture of strikes, not outlawed by courts. A request for prohibition of picketing Injected In the same plea with a request for Injunction against trespass, weakens the lstter. Worst of all. It makes the fundamental Issue less clear to the public. (Copyright, 1837.1 U. S. WON’T APPEAL BIRTH-CONTROL RULING Decision Permits Physician to Transmit Information on Social Question. BJ the Associated Press. Justice Department officials said yes terday the Government would rest on a decision of the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upholding the right of physi cians to transmit birth-control infor mation. Notice that there would be no ap peal by the Government to the Su preme Court has been sent to the United States attorney In New York, officials revealed. Mrs. Margaret Sanger, birth-control advocate, whose office telephoned the ! news to her in New York, said: “The decision accomplishes more than any bill ever introduced.” As a result of the Justice Depart ment's decision not to appeal, Mrs. : Sanger said. "7,000 hospitals through out the United States can begin at once to give birth-control advice where It Is necessary, and doctors can give such advice not only in their private practice, but in all hospitals and dis pensaries as well." CAPITAL’S RADIO PROGRAMS THIS AFTERNOON’S PROGRAM JANUARY 30, 1937. P.M.I WRG 950k 12:00 A Capella Choir 12:15 Harold Nagel's Orch. 12:30 Rex Battle's Ensemble 12:45 1:00 i Whitney Ensemble 1:15 ! 1:30 Camegie Tech Orch. 1:45 1 _ 2:00 Democratic Forum 2:15 2:30 2:45 Campus Capers 3:66 Logan's Muslcale 3:15 3:30 Week End Revue 3:45 _ 4:00 Sundown Revue 4:15 4:30 Spelling Bee 4:45 _ 6:00 Spelling Bee 5:15 6:30 The Kindergarten 5:45 _ WMAL 630k Call to Youth Genla Fonarlova Farm and Home Hour H «« Farm and Home Hour •• u Listening Post Metropolitan Opera Metropolitan Opera •« M M N « M Metropolitan Opera «< N « M M M Metropolitan Opera « M M «• M M _ _ Metroplitan Opera M «l N M M M WOL 1,310k Studio Orchestra News—Music Organ Recital Howard Lanin’s Orch. Salon Music Child Welfare In the Music Room •S SS Wakeman's Sports Page SS SS International House as as Sammy Kaye’s Orch. SS SS Miami Handicap SS SS Miami Handicap * SS SS Sports Page SS SS The Pied Piper SS SS Cocktail Capers Canary Concert WJSV 1,460k H. B. Den News Bulletins George Hall’s Orch. Emma Ruschner Afternoon Rhythms Dancipators M H Los Angeles Symphony Loe Angeles Symphony m ss at m as sa Down by Herman’s SS SS Commerce Department ss ss Ice Carnival ss ss Ann Leaf, organist Andre Kaminker The Dictators M SS Evening Rhythms Safety Program P.M. 12:00 ' 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1*5 2:00 2:15 2:30 2*5 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:45 5:30 P.M. 6:00 The Top Hatters 6:15 6:30 Dinner Dance 6:45 The Stars Arrive 7:00 Jimmy Kemper 7:15 Hampton Singers 7:30 Question Bee 7*6 " _ 8:00 Saturday Night Party 8:15 8:30 8:45 8:00 Snow Village Sketches 8:15 8:30 The Chateau 8*6 _ 10:00 The Chateau 10:15 10:30 Irvin 8. Cobb 10:45 11:00 News—Night Owl 11:15 Night Owl 11:30 Midnlte Frolics 11:45 _ 12:00 Gus Amheim’s Orch. 12:15 12:30 Ben Bemie’s Orch. 12:45 , 1:00 Sign Oft 1:15 1:30 ■ A THIS EVENING’S PROGRAMS Evening Star Flashes Tony Wakeman Dinner Club Dinner Concert " “ News—Editorial The Stars ArriveThe 8tars Arrive Message of Israel Spelling Bee S4 44 it ti Evening Album “ " Rep. Fish of New York _ Ed Wynn Central Union Mission it ti u a Meredith Wilson’s Orch. 44 44 M 44 National Barn Dance Howard Orchestra « “ Chicago Symphony mm 44 44 44 44 MM News Bulletins Chicago Symphony Ice Carnival “ ” Strickland’s Orch. “ “ 44 44 MM _ President Roosevelt President Roosevelt Birthday Ball Birthday Ball M M 0 MM MM MM Night Watchman Shep Fields’ Orch? 44 44 MM “ H * Dick Jurgen's Orch. . MM 44 M iNight Watchman (I hr.) Stirling Young’s Orch. 4* 44 I * Ted Flo Rlto’s Oreh. J A1 Roth'* Orch. Arch McDonald A F. G. E. New* The Star* Arrive Swing Session Labor News Review Glenn Carow WJSV Varieties Concert Hall — •• Columbia Workshop ss ** Speed Show II M Saturday Serenaders *< ft Hit Parade «* s* Birthday Balls M ff President Roosevelt Birthday Ball M M m a* Hal Kemp’s Orch. <« il Toklo Symphony Orch. aa as Sign Oft j - P.M. 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 ' “iToo 7:15 7:30 _7i45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 "“*00 8:15 9:30 9.45 ' 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 1:00 1:15 1:80 • We, the People Strike Battle Pushing Roosevelt Into "Left” Position. BY JAY FRANKLIN. DURING the panic of yesteryear, whenever a ruined speculator fell from a twentieth-atory window, the police—ever charitable In the face of suicide—used to report that the deceased "jumped or fell.” Recent developments on the strike front suggest that the Roosevelt administration, far from indulging in a deliberate "swing” to the "left” of radicalism, is being "pushed” to the “left" by the scuffle of the great antagonists. Take, for example, the rising Indignation against the "sit-down" technique of contemporary strikers. The conservative press ominously refers to It as ”a French Importation," because It was first used on a big 1 scale in France when M. Leon Blum took power, and there is little rea son to doubt that John L. Lewis’ hasty trip to France last Fall was for the purpose of learning how this particular trick was worked. Yet the real objection to the "sit-down” Is not that It Is French, but that It is effective. There Is something Inexpressibly charming In the picture of our wistful Tories sighing for the good old-fashioned American way or sirures—wun picaei lines, sirise-oreaicers, not cans ana bloodshed. And there is something a bit ridiculous in the picture of General Motors’ solicitude for ’’the right to work.” All this, however, is incidental. What is really happening is that the heaving and the grunting, the wild cries of "Foul!" which arise from the industrial matmen are forcing Mr. Roosevelt out of his position of neutral umpire into one where he must, act against Gen eral Motors. * * * * Sovereignty is not debatable. So far as Federal and State authority is concerned, Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., is rapidly putting his corporation out of court. The G. M. officials walked out of Gov. Murphy s conferences in Michigan, on the plea that the union had violated the agreement. Sloan also walked out of the Secretary of Labor’s conference in Washington be cause Lewis had Issued a truculent appeal of President Roosevelt to side with the C. L O. politically, rather than deal with the situation impar tially and in the public interest. The President's "rebuke” to Lewis reaffirmed the administration's impartiality in the fight and Miss Frances Perkins, who is the President's legal representative in labor matters, formally Invited Sloan to return for a further conference. This Sloan refused to do, because he said it would not serve any useful purpose. General Motors' refusal to confer with the political authorities of this Nation amounts to a denial of American political sovereignty. For the first time since the controversy began, the great corporation is clearly in the wrong. To such a challenge there can he but one answer; a vigorous effort on the part of our Government to subdue the pretensions of Sloan and his colleagues to the purposes of self-government. There are, of course, the courts. Property rights, ‘‘due process," the fourteenth amendment, as interpreted by the Federal Judiciary, have habituated such economic potentates as Mr. Sloan to the idea that they can ignore me wm oi tnose political authorities whom they cannot control. So Sloan Is not altogether to blame. He finds himself in much the same position as the French nobility whose hereditary fortresses were being blown up by Cardinal Richelieu and whose feudal privileges were being transferred to Louis XIV. This column earnestly desires XTi OP To You ' MX V-l/j, '-ft peace and hold* no particular brier for Leais methods or personal ambitions. It sympathizes strongly with the desire of labor to stabilize employment. Income and collective security. And It advises Sloan—and those like him—not to snub the President of the United States, no matter how distasteful the New Deal may be to the great magnates who opposed It at the polls. (Copyright, 1837.) OF D. C. POLICE I - Members of Boys’ Club Tell Social Group How They Benefit. Maj. Brown’s policemen are just a ‘‘swell bunch of fellows” to four mem bers of the Metropolitan Police Boys' Club who volunteered to tell the Social Corrections Committee of the Council of Social Agencies about it yesterday at a luncheon meeting at the Harrington Hotel. “I grew up among boys who were all fellows of the streets and cops were considered our natural enemies.” Charles Maimone, 19, of 759 Sixth street southeast, declared earnestly on a program devoted to activities of the i club. ‘‘It was difficult at first for me to ; understand the teachings of the fine • people connected ith those clubs.” he : continued, ‘‘but I asked permission to speak here today because I’m trying to learn to help jthers as I've been helped.” Between trumpet duets rendered in the style cultivated at the Boys’ Club by Maimone and Lawrence Kidd. 3111 Twelfth street northeast, and a har monica solo — the "Maj. Brown Chorus”—given by 12-year-old Ed ward Lincoln of 421H Sixth street southeast, praise was heaped on the police force, which sponsors the club. The climax came when El Brook man of 1423 D street southeast, a Golden Gloves champion boxer and winner of the Cornwell placque for the club member contributing most to sports, explained that his boxing career began when he was sent to Club No. 5 after he found member ship fee* In other organizations too expensive. Brookman told also how the club helped him during an illness of his father and concluded: "They help you with all your troubles and make you a good citizen.” Sergt. John E. Scott director of the Boys' Club, in his turn, declared that the police know boys are good in herently—that they only need an op portunity to prove It. The clubs here enroll some 4,000 members, he de clared. and are open every day except Sunday. None has adequate facilities to care for their membership, how ever, he said. The Social Corrections Committee accepted an invitation to hold its next luncheon meeting at Lorton Re formatory’. in the first of a series of visits to District penal institutions. -- • GAMBLING EQUIPMENT IS SEIZED IN ARKANSAS jA> the Associated Press. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., January 30 - State revenue department raiders stripped palatial Hot Springs night clubs and other establishments of gambling equipment last night under Supreme Court warrants. Commissioner Dave L. Ford and 17 officers swooped down on the world famous resort city at dusk, loading roulette wheels, dice tables, chucka luck games and other equipment Into moving vans. Only two weeks ago State Rangers paid a surprise visit to the night clubs and establishments to summon offi cials and employes before a legislative committee investigating alleged law lessness at the national park health center. You Can’t Afford NOT to Renovize The Eberly Way ®The Definition of Eberly-ize: I Performing some 35 or more different, distinct types of renovizing and modernizing— An Out* with artisans skilled in each trade Standing and employing a technique that is Physician consistent—under supervision that writes: ;s meticulously critical—and at a been* e'nUre'fy moderate cost possible only through satisfactory. concentrated organization, which ISTTS shares its earned economies. t *fn We he only too glad to send prompt in attending to an Eberly Plan Supervisor to “me” consult with you—no matter how _ _—ml small a repair is needed or how elaborate a change you have in mind. A. Eberly’s Sons' Our 88th Year 1108 K N.W, DI. 6557 One Standard—One Responsibility—One Modest Profit A ' Headline Folk and What They Do Troyanovsky Repudia tion of Communism Is Sincere. BY LEMUEL F. PARTON. GETTING down to the nub of Alexander A. Troyanovsky's address at the Hotel BUtmore dinner. It is a repudiation of communism. He said: "I want to emphasize that the Soviet Union is not a Communist state.” When a lot of people are going to Alex. TrerxBfxskr. get snot over something or other it ceases .to be merely aca demic. Dr. Taraknath Das. lecturer on International af fairs at the Col lege of the City of New York, has been ding-dong ing to this chron icler for the last few months an apparently plaus ible theory of Russian goings on, into wmcn tne smiling, cryptic Ambassador Troyanovsky would lit ad mirably. In capsule form, the theory Is that, forgetting doctrinal wars, Rus sia was going to get in close with the nations which have credit and raw materials to dispense, and It hap pens that these, Incidentally, are the democratic powers—England, Prance and the United States of America. Therefore, these unbelievable con spiracy trials and confessions amount to a show-window repudiation of world communism and a fervent embrace of the democratic ideal—with a snappy follow-up by the Ambassador to the country which has the most and best of these requirements for modern statehood. It is straight, 190-proof Machiavelli. M. Troyanovsky has the most win ning smile in Washington. He is Just about the best chess player there, too. He is one of the old Russian aristoi. the son of a colonel in the Czar's army. Since his incumbency the dis tance between the grand salon of the old rococco Russian Embassy and Union Square has widened immeas urably. The swank of his opening re ception sat tea-cup juggling Washing ton back on its heels. As a youth he was an officer in the Russo-Japanese War. With other of ficers he became involved In anti czarist conspiracies. After the war he was sent to Siberia. He came Under the influence of Lenin. Hiding in Paris, at 11 Rue Vale de Grace, he corresponded with Lenin in invisible ink, and wrote pamphlets for circula tion through the European under ground. Woodrow Wilson's 14 points came from one of Troyanovsky's pamphlets —it is all there, "peace without vic tory,” "the self-determination of peo ples” and all the rest of it, written several years before Wilson gave It his world imprimatur. He was as immune from the fumes of proletarian dogma as if he wore an ideological gas mask. On the night of January 19, 1918. the great hall of the Tauride Palace was filled' with soldiers and sailors, flourishing guns and thirsting for the blood of the oppressor. A stocky man in uniform, with Mongoloid features, deep-set eyes and jutting eyebrows shouldered his way through the ruck and mounted the platform. "The Russian Revolution,” he said, "will triumph in its foreign as well as its domestic future only through democracy. Those who talk about the necessity of beginning to build at once the kingdom of Socialism are blind." That was Troyanovsky. It still is. Later, in 1918, he was arrested as a Menshevik, one of the now increasing number of Russians who have been jailed by both Czarists and revolu tionaries. In 1922 he was reinstated as a member of the Communist party, but he is nowhere on record as be lieving in Communism. Before Lenin's death, he had come in close touch with Stalin, and the two were firm friends. Prom then on, his place in the "macht politlk” wing of Russian diplomacy was fixed. He spent five years at Tokio. Before going to Washington, in 1933, he remarked to a friend: "Communism? Why the government wouldn't allow me to even speak to a Communist.” Years ago, he turned his controversial guns on Trotzky. There is nothing casual or desultory in his repudiation «of doctri naire Communism at this moment. (Copyright. 1937.) Gives $1 to Save Kitten. CHICAGO (£•).—Nine-year-old Molly Garvas earmarked the *1 she con tributed to the Red Cross for floo:; relief. 'T am sending the dollar to save the kitty,” the Aurora, 111., girl wrote. She had read of a cat marooned in a tree.