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(Sard of cltanko. LOMAX. ALLEN. Mrs. Sophia Lomax wishes to thank all of her friends lor their kind remembrances since the death of her husband. ALLEN LOMAX, on February 9. 1935. • Dratha. ALI.EV. ANNA ELIZA. On Monday. Feb ruary s. 1P.TT at her residence. Silver Hill. Md.. ANNA ELIZA ALLEN Serv ices at the chanel of Thomas F Murray * Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Wed nesday. February 10. at 2 p m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. ** ANDERSON. TAIITHA C On Monday. February 8. 1937. TALITHA C. ANDER SON. beloved wife of the late Lloyd An derson and aunt of the late Rev. Tim othey Keene. Funeral Thursday. Feb ruary 11. at 2 P.m.. from the residence of her niece. Mrs. L. K. Lloyd. 14.1]- D st. n.e. Relatives and friends invited. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. 10 ARTZ. PHILIP. On Monday. February 8. 1937. at his residence 38 V st. n.w., PHILIP ARTZ. beloved husband of Clara Artz and father of Mrs. John Weaver. Mrs. William C. Smith and brother of Mrs. Sallle Artz and Mrs. Laura Snyder. Fu neral from the above residence on Wed nesday. February 10. at 10 a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Williamsport. Md. Services by the W. W Cnambers Co < Williamsport. Md.. papers please copy.) 9 BATES. GEORGIA. On Monday February 8 1937. at 5404 D M. s.e GEORGIA BATES She is survived by a devoted husband. Thomas Bates: son. Robert Bates: daughter Katie Bell: a sister. Kate Artin; also other relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday. February 11. at one p.m . from Malvar A Schev s funeral home 4445 Deane ave. n.e. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. BRISCOE. JOANNE. On Saturday. Feb ruary 0. 1937. at Freedmen's Hospital. JOANNE BRISCOE, the loving daughter of Washington and Rebecca Briscoe, granddaughter of Bennet* and Georgia Briscoe. She also leaves two aunts, seven uncles, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. where funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. February 10. in terment in Woodlawn Cemetery. 9 BROUGH. EMMA A. On Monday. Feb ruary 8. 1937 at her residence. 1<1»> A at. s e . EMMA A BROUGH, the be loved wife of Charles A Brough, mother of Mrs. Lillian Coombs and grand mother of Elaine and Mildred Coombs, i Funeral from the W. W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 !lth at. s e. on Thursday. February 11. at s:30 am: thence to Holy Comforter Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. lor the repose of her soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment S*. Mary’s Cemetery. 10 BROWN. ALICE MAUD. Departed this life on Sunday. February 7. 1937, at 10:14 p.m. at her residence. 4307 38th st. n.w.. ALICE MAUD BROWN, beloved wife of Charles R. Brown and daughter of the late Martha Gray. Solemn re quiem mass at St Anns Catholic Church. 4400 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. at 10 a m. Wednesday. February 10. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 9 CARROLL. CHARLES MARTIN. On Mon day. February 8. itt:t7 at Providence Hospital. CHARLES MARTIN CARROLL beloved son of the late John and Cath CarJ°l1-, Funeral w-ill be held from Milburn-Zirkle funeral home. 510 c st. n e.. on Thursday. February 11. at 8:30 ami.: thence to St. Peter’s Church. Mud aPQ^c sts* 5 wbere mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repos? of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. (Bilti more. Md.. papers please copy.) 10 FORREST LOUIS. On Monday. February s 1!».J7. at Pro'id’nce Hos pital- FORREST LOUIS COOK the be loved brother of Mrs. Olive Mason Hen derson. Remains resting at tiie W W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home pj • l lth st. s.e. Funeral services at Uie above funeral heme on Thursday. February 11. at '2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bethel Cem etery. Alexandria. Va DAVIS. ARUNDEL THOMAS. On Mon day February s. 1937. at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W. A. Knotts. :tsi:i s St. n.w. ARUNDEL THOMAS DAVIS, husband of the late Sarah Ellen Davis. He is survived by two daughters Mrs. N. G. Elgin and Mrs. W. A. Knotts and a son. Eugene Davis. Services at the residence on Wednesday. February 10. At 11 a m. Interment Monocacy Cem etery. Beallsville. Md. !) DAVIS. RACHEL I.EFAUXE. On Mondav. February 8. 1937. at 8 p.m.. at 2332 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. RACHEL LAFAUNE DAVIS, daughter of the late S W and Wilhelmina Davis. Funeral service* at Hysong s parlors. 1300 N st nw . Wednesday. February 10. at 4 n.m. Services and interment at the Eciscopal Church Thursday. February II. at 2 o m.. Hancock. Md. DAY. HENRY F. On Sunday February .. 1937. at his residence. :;o3u Biaaens burg rd. n.e . HENRY F. DAY. husband of the late Martha Day and beloved father of Bernard F. Day. Mrs. Marion H. Fisher, Mrs. Violet Pippert and Mrs Geneva I. Hobson. Funeral services at the above residence on Wednesday. Feb ruary 1(1. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by W W. Cham bers Co.’s Southeast funeral home. DENHAM. JOHN A. On Tuesday Feb ruary 0. 1937. JOHN A the beloved husband of Emma E. Denham and fa ther of Mrs. Ida Perry and erandfather of Mrs. Dorothy McQuaid. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 llth st. *.e.. on Friday. February 12. at 2:30 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Congressional Cemetery. 11 DUFF. CLEMENTINE FARR. On Satur day. February 6, 1!I3T. CLEMENTINE FARR DUFF, widow of John J. Duff and daughter of the late William Mar tin Farr of Philadelphia. Funeral serv ices will be private. Please omit flowers. 9 ELLIOT. ELIZABETH. On Monday. Feb ruary 8. 1937. at her residence, in the Dupont Apartment 1717 20th st. n.w . ELIZABETH ELLIOT, beloved mother cf Gabrieile and Arthur Forbush. Serv.ces will be held at Gawler s chape! 175n Pa. ave. n.w.. on Wednesday February 10. at 3 D m. Interment Glenwood Cem etery. FAUNUE. MILDRED A. On Tuesday Feb ruary 9, 1937. at her residence. (114 8th ! st s.w.. MILDRED A. FAUNCE. beloved wife of the late Philip P Faunce. Fu neral from her late residence on Thurs day. February 11. at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 10 FLETCHER. MILDRED. On Sunday. Feb ruary 7. 1937. MILDRED r LEI CHER, the beloved wife of Ernest Fletcher and mother of Ernest. Shirley and Barbara Fletcher. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 llth st. s.e.. on Wednesday. February 10. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 9 FINNEYFROCK. SAMUEL. On Sunday February 7. 1937. at 0:30 pm. at his daughter's home. Mrs. Norman P. Hines. Gaithersburg Md.. SAMUEL FINNEY FROCK. aged 81. beloved husband ol the late Catherine Finneyfrock. He is sur vived by two sons. Oro F. Finneyfrock of Redland. Md.. and Samuel J. Finney frock of Olney. Md.. two daughters. Mrs. Norman P. Hines of Gaithersburg. Md.. and Mts. John M. Stains of Hagerstown. Md.; a brother. Charlie Finneyfrock of Baltimore; twenty-six grandchildren and thirteen grqat-arandchildren. Remains resting at Roy W. Barber's funeral home. Laytonsviile. Md. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday. February 10. at 2 p.m.. at Mount Prospect Church. Lewlstown. Md. Interment adioining cemetery. FORRESTER. ADELIA M. On Sunday. February 7. 1937. at Sibley Hospital. ADELIA M. FORRES IER. Funeral serv ices and interment in Erie. Pa. Services by W. W. Chambers Co. FRANCELLI, THOMAS. On Sunday. Feb ruary 7. 1937. THOMAS FRANCELLI. beloved husband of Mary Francelli. Funeral from his late residence. 2905 loth st. n.e.. on Wednesday. February 10. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. » GAINEY. WILSON O. On Monday. Feb ruary 8. 1937. WILSON O. GAINEY, beloved husband of Laura C. Gainey and father of Phillip A. Gainey and Mrs. E. M. Moyer. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. February 11. at 1:30 p.m. Funeral services in Fort Myer Chapel. Fort Myer Va . at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery With full military honors. 10 GALLAGHER. THOMAS. On Monday. Feb ruary 8. 1037. THOMAS GALLAGHER, aged 94. formerly of Elmira. N. Y.: brother of Miss Sara Gallagher and Mrs. James O'Connell of 2120 1st st. n w. Funeral services at St. Francis De Sales’ Catholic Church. Geneva. N, Y.. Wednesday morning. Remains resting at the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. until 7 p.m. Tuesday. lElmira and Geneva. N. Y.. papers please copy.) 9 GRAVES. HENRY. Departed this life on Friday. February 5. 1937. at Galllnger Hospital. HENRY GRAVES. He is sur- I vived by his wife. Rosa Graves: two brothers. William and Jackson Graves; two sisters. Eliza Louis and Ella Graves. Remains resting at R. C. Richardson & Co.’s funeral home. 1700 Vermont ave. Funeral and burial Wednesday. Feb ruary 10. at Spottsylvania County. Va. GUILFORD. EDWIN WILLIAM. On Fri day. February 5. 1937. EDWIN WILLIAM GUILFORD beloved husband of Eliza beth Guilford and father of Edwin. Melvin. Alvin and Naomi Guilford. Fu neral from the W. W. Chambers Co. fu neral home. 1400 Chapin st n.w.. on Tuesday. February 9. at 3:30 p m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. rUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the eucceuor to noi connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtio?.r .8OT 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium Ath and MassAre N S_Lincoln A200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons IA L HAYCOCK Manager i Phone West 009fl 2A2A M <5» N W Established 1841 JUOT Frank Geier’s Sons Co. UaSTSSA ",3;NAtional 2473 Ueatlja. HARRIS. HELEN LEBERTA. On Tuesday. February H. 1».17. at lier residence. N. Lexington st. Arlington. Va.. HEL£N LEBERTA HARRIS She is survived by three daughters. Mrs. John T. Bower. Mrs. Ida Shioley and Miss Violet Har ris: throe sons. Richard S.. Marlon J. and Wesley O. Harris. Funeral services Thursday. February 11. at :i bin., at her late residence. StitlB N. Lexington st.. Arlington. Va. Interment Fairfax Cemetery. 10 HAZELOCK. FRANK. On Saturday. Feb ruary H 11KIT. at Gallineer Hospital. FRANK HAZELOCK. He leaves to mourn a devoted wife. Charlotte Haze lock; one brother. Arthur; one sister. Mirah Vincent; two sons and one daughter. William. Leroy, and Alice Hazelock; also a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the J L Lowe funeral home. lll.> Florida ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. February in at 2 p.m., from the above-named establishment. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. •> HI ME. SEWARD L. On Monday. Febru ary X. unit at his residence. 151« 21st st. 11.W.. SEWARD L HUME, beloved husband of Anna W. Hume. He also is survived by a niece. Mrs. Paul Brocket!, and a nphew. Seward H. Rathbun. Fu neral .services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Wednesday. February 10. at 2 p.m. Funeral services private. INGALLS. REUBEN A. On Saturday. February O. 10.37. at 41.3 2nd st. s.e., REUBEN A. INGALLS aged 82 yenis. the beloved husband of the late Nettie Chick IiiRalls. Remains resting at the funeral home of William Reuben Pum phrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave. Bethesda. Md Funeral services at the Methodist Episcopal Church. Potomac. Md., on Wednesday. February 10. at 2 p.m. In terment church cemetery. 0 KELLY. JOSEPHINE AHERN. On Sunday. February 7. 10.3 7. JOSEPHINE AHERN KELLY, beloved wife of the late James Kelly. Funeral from her late residence, 132s Fanagut st. n.w., on Wednesday. February 10. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery, 0 KNIGHT. ANN. Suddenly on Sunday. Feb ruary 7 10.3 7. at her home. 2007 Mili tary id n.w ANN KNIGHT the beloved wife of the late Romas Knieht and mother of Ralph and Ruth Knight Fu neral services at the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Wednesday February 10. at 2 pm. Relative' and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 9 LACEY. SYLVESTER DELANEY. On Mon day. February 8. 10.37 at his residence. 802 31th st. n.w.. SYLVESTER DE LANEY LACEY, devoted son of Henry C. and Cordelia Lacey, brother of Harry C . Olive English. Miriam Fisher and Ethel Perritt. He also leaves three aunts, nine uncles, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 14.32 You st. n.w Fu neral Thursday. February 11. at l p :n.. from the Shiloh Baptist Church. Oth and P sts n w Rev. Harrison officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 10 LEWIS. BERTHA. Departed this life on Saturday February «». 1937. at Emer gency Hospital. BERTHA LEWIS, be loved wife of John W Lewis mother of Thomas E Lewis. She also leaves to mourn their loss one granddaughter, one grandson and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Cap itol st where funeral services will be held Wednesday. February 10. at 1 p in. Interment Payne s Cemetery. LEWIS. LOITSE R. On Sunday. February J. 1937. LGUISF R LEWIS, wife of J. H. Lewis, daughter of the late Charles H and Jane F. Wilson and sister of Eliza F W Ison. Remains resting at the McGuir*' funeral home 1820 9th st. n.w. Funeral sei vices Wednesday. F»b ru-ry 1 o. at 1 r.m . Dr. Arthur D Grav cfTiciating Interment Harmony Cem etery. Please omit flowers. 9 MACK. BEATRICE. On Tuesday February 9. 1937. at Gallmser Hospital BEA TRICE MACK, loving wife of Thomas Mack. devoted mother of Jennie Mack daughter of Mrs Sarah Dade She also leaves five brothers, four sis ters. other relative*: and friends. Re mains resting a:, the John T Rhines funeral chaDel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. MATTHEWS. EARL S. Suddenly, on Sun day. February 7. 1937. at his resi dence 508 Central ave . Capitol Heights Md. EARL S. MATTHEWS, beloved hus band of Marjorie Matthews, nee Bjtler. Funeral from his late residence on Wednesday. February lo. at 2 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburg. Md. 9 MrC.ARRY. DOROTHY G. On Monday. February 8. 1937. DOROTHY G. Me CARRY of 3ooo 22nd st. n.e . wife of Edward W. McCarry. Funeral services at the S H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. Feb- i ruarv lo. at 2 o.m. McCarthy. Florence nye. on Tues- 1 day February 9. 19.37 FLORENCE NYE MCCARTHY be’oved wife o? the late I Thomas V. McCarthy and sister of Mrs. I Louise B°nedict. Remains resting at | the W \V. Chambers Co funeral home Hoo Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral ! later. MILLER. WILLIAM HENRY. Passed away on Tuesday. February 9. 1937. at his res idence. Croom. Md.. after a brief illness. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife three lovmg children. Helen. William and Bernice; four stepchildren. Dorothy. Ralph. Lawrence and Joseph: two grandchildren. Doris and June; one son in-law. Carroll, and one daughter-in law. Edmonia. also a host of Icyal relatives and kind friends. After Wed nesday. « pm., the remains will be resting at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Helen Pinkney Croom Md. Fu neral services will be held at Union M. E Church. Upper Marlboro. Md.. Fri- , day February 12. at 1 p.m .. Rev. F. j D Myers, officiating. Interment fit. i Mary’s Cemetery. Croom. Md. 10* MITCHELL. WIL!JAM J. On Monday February 8. 1937. at his residence 1515 Good Hope rd. s e . WILLIAM J. MITCHELL, beloved husband of Laura Lee Mitchell (nee Wilkersom. Services a* the above residence on Thursday February 11. at 2 p.m. R»la»ives and friends invited. Interment EpiDhanv Episcopal Cemetery. Forestville. Md. lo MITCHELI.. WILLIAM J. Officers and — members of Anacostia Council. No. lti. Jr. O U A M are re- ■ ouesteri to assemble at 1515 Good Hone road s.e.. on Thurs day. February II. 1SUS7. at 2 Dm., to conduct the luneral services of our brother. WIL LIAM J. MITCHELL By order of the Councilor. H. B. COPENHAVER. E R THOMAS. Recording Secretary. 10 MURPHY, JAMES J. Richard J. Harden Camp. No. 2. United Spanish War Veterans, resrets to an nounce the death of our com rade. JAMES J. MURPHY. Sun day. February 7. 10,77. Funeral and interment Wednesday. Feb ruary 10. at Tiffin. Ohio. H M. MANNING, Commander. H. L. LESLIE Adiutant. NEAL. CLINTON. On Monday. February 8. 10,77. at Children’s Hospital. CLIN TON NEAL, the loving son of Robert and Rosa Neal, devoted brother of Wil liam. Robert. ir„ and Mary Neal. He also leaves other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. ORINDORFF. FRISBY NELSON. On Mon day. February 8, 19,77. at Georgetown University Hospital. FRISBY NELSON ORNDORFF. beloved husband of Ardith E Orndorfl. son of Leslie and Iva Orn dorfl and brother of Mrs. Gladys Jones. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th at. s.e . on Wednesday. February in. at .7 pm. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 10 OSTENDORF. WILLIAM C. On Monday. February 8. 1937. at Tuberculosis Hos pital. WILLIAM C. OSTENDORF. beloved husband of Alice G. Ostendorf and fa ther of Louise Ostendorf Remains resting at the W. W. Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n.e. Interment Dayton. Ohio. PADDOCK. EDWARD R. On Thursday. February 4. 1937. EDWARD R. PAD DOCK. beloved son of the late John R. and Sarah Sands Paddock and brother of Lawrence S. Paddock of Chicago. Services at the funeral home of Almus R. Speare 3200 Rhode Island ave. n.e., on Wednesday. February 10. at 8 p.m. Interment Cheshire. Conn. PAUL. LUCILLE LONG. On Tuesday Feb ruary 9. 1937. LUCILLE LONG PAUL of 229 8th st. n.e.. beloved wife of Charles C. Paul and devoted mother of Mary Katherine Paul. Services and In terment Salisbury. N. C. RALSTON. SARAH B. R. On Monday. February 8. 19.77. at her residence, 1055 Cowper st.. Palo Alto. Calif SARAH B R. RALSTON, beloved wife of Jackson H. Ralston. 10* RANDOLPH. HAROLD R.. JR. On Sun day. February 7. 19.77. at, Freedmen’s Hospital. HAROLD R RANDOLPH Jr 708 Columbia road n.w.. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Randolph sr. He also leaves a loving brother and many other relatives and friends. Fu neral Wednesday. February 10. at 1 D.m.. from Miles’ Memorial Chapel, on 3rd st. between L and M sts. n.w. In terment Lincoln Cemetery. Arrange ments by Malvan & Schey. RITTENOUB. RUSSELL WESLEY. Sud denly. on Sunday. February 7. 1937. at Culpeper. Va.. RUSSELL WESLEY RIT TENOUR. beloved husband of Marie Lowey Rlttenour. father of Marion and John Rlttenour. Services at his late residence. 3621 35th st. n.w.. on Wed nesday. February 10. at 2:30 p.m. In terment Presbyterian Cemetery. Alex andria. Va. 9 ROBERTS. THOMAS KENT. On Monday. February S. 1937. at his residence, near Collir-ton. Md.. Prince Georges County. THOMAS KENT ROBERTS, beloved hus band of Ellen Roberts inee Stonebraker). Punt-al from Holy Trinity Church. Coi lington. Md.. on Wednesday February 10. at 2 p m. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 9 ROLLER. FRANK MICHAEL. On Tues day. February 9. 1937. at his residence, fl] You st n.W.. FRANK MICHAEL ROLLER, beloved husband of Katherine R. Roller. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th at. n.w.. on Thursday. February 11. at 8 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Friday. February 12. Lancaster. Pa. 11 ROSS. EDWARD. On Monday. February 8. 1937. EDWARD ROSS, staff sergeant, retired, beloved brother of Lucretla M. Dorsey of 1526 Church st. n.w. He leaves to mourn their loss several nieces, grandnieces and nephews. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. February 12. at 11 a m.- from the above funeral church. Rev Ernest Green offlciatins Interment Arlington National Cemetery. | 11 33?att?0. SCHMIDT. REV. RICHARD O. On Mon day. February s 1937. at Philadelphia. Pa Rev. RICHARD O SCHMIDT, for mer pastor of Eton Lutheran Church. Remains at the chapel of Frank Oeiwr's Sons Co.. 1113 7th st. n.w.. after 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. February II. Funeral Xrom Zion Lutheran Church. N. H. ave. and Buchanan st. n.w . on Wednesday Feb ruary 10. at 3 p.m Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. SCHNEIDER. ERNEST PAUL. Suddenly on Monday. February 8. 1937. ERNEST PAUL SCHNEIDER, beloved husband of Mildred Gorman Schneider, devoted ton of RudolDh and Pauline Schneider and beloved brother of Elrie. Anna and Ru dolph Schneider. Remains resting at his late residence. 1420 Parkwood place n.w. Notice of funeral later. SHOEMAKER. JOHN ELSWORTH. On Sunday. February 7. 1937. at 8 p.m.. at Montgomery County General Hospital. Olney. Md.. In his 73rd year. JOHN ELS WORTH SHOEMAKER, the beloved hus band of the late Alice C. King Shoe maker and father of Mrs. John F. Boose. James E.. John H.. Morris P. Shoemaker of Maryland and A. E. Shoemaker of Washington. Remains resting at the Colonial funeral home of William Reuben Pumohrey. 7003 Wisconsin ave.. Be thesda. Md. Funeral services at the above funeral home Wednesday. Feb ruary 10. at 11 a m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 0 SOPER. REV. DR. JULIUS. D. D. On Fri day. February 5. 1937. at his residence. Glendale. Calif.. Rev. Dr. JULIUS SOPER. D. D.. aged 91 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Samuel Polklnhorn of this city and father of Dr. Edmund Davison Soper, president of the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware. Ohio, and Miss Maud Soper of Glendale. Calif. Services and interment Tuesday. Feb ruary 9. in Glendale. Calif. TAYLOR. STANLEY B. On Monday. Feb ruary 8. 1937. at Garrett Park. Md STANLEY B. TAYLOR, beloved husband of Grace Shomo Taylor. Services at the chapel of Warner E. Pumohrey fu neral home, Rockville. Md,. on Tuesday. February 9. at 8 p.m. Interment But ler. Pa. iBeaver Falls. Pa., and Youngs town papers olease copy, i THOMAS. MARY. Departed this life on Monday. February 8. 193.. at her resi dence. 3910 8th street n.w.. MAPI/ THOMAS, beloved sister of Elizabeth B. Thomas. Mrs. C. W. Jones. John R. Samuel and Henry Thomas Funeral services at the residence of her brother. Samuel Thomas 1338 G street n.e.. on Wednesday. February 10. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 9 THOMAS. VERNON. Departed this life suddenly. Sundav. February 7. 1937. at his residence. 2004 13th st. n.w . VER NON THOMAS, the son of the late Fannie and George Thomas. He leaves to mourn their loss two sisters, one brother and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at L E Murray & Son s. 12th and V sts. Funeral Thursday. February 11. at 1 p.m.. Rev. Marshall of ficiating. Interment In Paynes Cem etery. THOMPSON. ABBIE W. On Saturday Feb ruary H, 1037. at her residence. 1731 C st. n.e., ABBIE W.. beloved mother ol Milton A.. Benjamin L. and Willis P. Thompson and Mrs. Agnes Perkins and Mrs. Eva Claire Smith. Funeral servers at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Tues day. February 9. at 7 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery S TYREE. JENNIE. On Sunday. February 7. 1937 at her residence. 913 South Rolfe at.. Arlington. Va,. JENNIE TYREE, daughter of the late Robert and Barbara R. Tyree. She leaves six nieces, six nephews and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. i Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1437 Ycu st n.w.. until 4 p m Tuesday: there- ; after at her late residence Funeral 1 Wednesday February in. at 1:30 pm. from St. John's Baptist Church. Rev. Marshall officiating. Interment Har mony Cemetery. TYER. CHARLES. JR. On Friday. Feb ruary 5. 1937. at Freedmen s Hospital CHARLES TYER. Jr., devoted sun of James and Louise Tyer. brother of Mary Frances Tyer and George Hill. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the W. Ernes: Jarvis funeral church 1437 You st n.w In terment Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday. I February y. VINSINGER, HI TH ELIZABETH. Sud denly. on Saturday. February 9 1937. at her daughter's residence in Jenkins. Ky RUTH ELIZABETH VINSINGER. beloved wife of Henry Edwin Vmslnger and daughter of the late William H. and Cora P Rupp. Funeral from the resi dence of her aunt. Mrs. John C. Pedrlck. 1730 Columbia rd. n.w . Apt. J01. on Wednesday. February 10. at 7 pm. Interment (private) Oak Hill Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 9 WADDELL. WILLIAM F. On Mondsy February s 193,. at his residence, '.no South Taylor st.. Arlington. Va.. WIL LIAM F WADDELL, beloved husband of ■ Marc a ret W Waddell and son of Lillie Waddell and the late Arm Waddell Funeral services at the VL W Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. on Wernfsday. February 10 at in in i Mi. R?,aUv?s ai!d friend? invited interment Union cemetery, Leesourg, !*«38aS>BK“? TS»«s^ reprwARoorwERTlNB?AKBr,WbL“u!d tfr 2f Mrs Marguerite W, Bugden Of Washington D C and Mrs E J of Hyattsville. Md. Remains KiV15 Si t?e funeral home of Perry I »,rQ Histu n w- Funeral from the SrS ,oun'.ra,uh.oma Wednesday. Febru 2,7....i0- J1 .**;31L 8 m-: thence to St ™rAncChurch where requiem wll> bf s»id at in a m. for the SL?| hi* *®ul Interment Con ?rr»Vnvit?draeterr RelatlvM ynd WESSON JAMES A. On Tuesda* Feb jJKi,1*-. ln«iio2i«?reeimen'5 Hospital. A . WESSON. Remains resting at Fraziers funeral horn". 3P9 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. : WICKS ELLEN J. On Sunday. February • 193,. at her residence. 455 Dela ».?7 *7- ' W . TLLEN J. the beloved r-L‘* , of „Pl£hard Wicks, mother of Chares Wicks daughter of the late Charles and Willie Jackson. She is also survived bv two brothers, two sisters m-law and other re’-tives and friends Remains resting at H-nry S. Washing ton & Sons' funeral home 4t;7 N st. n.w. until 4 d ro. today: thereafter at her late residence. Funera' Wednesday February in. at 1 D.m from Pilgrim Baptist Church. 3rd and Van sts. s w interment in Harmony Cemetery. • WILLIAMS. EMORY. On Sundav Feb ruary 7 1937 at 108 Mst sw E^ORY WILLIAMS, father of Joseph William?. He is also survived by one sister, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Fra zier s funeral home. ,380 Rhode Island ave. n.w until 4 p m Wednesday. Feb ruary 10: thence to his late residence, where funeral services will be held I Thursday. February 11. at I D.m. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. 10 WILLS. HENRY C. On Sunday. February '• Providence Hospital HENRY G. WILLS brother of Annie Hawkins. Funeral Wednesday. February Hi. at 10 a m., from Stewart’s funeral home. .30 H st. n.e. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. WINnELD. VIVIAN NANCE. Suddenly, on Sunday February 7. 1937. at her resi dence 120 Willow ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. VIVIAN NANCE WINFIELD, beloved daughter of Martha J. Nance and the late John F. Nance. Funeral from the Wm H. Sardo & Co funeral chapel. H st. n.e.. on Wednesday. February 10. at 11 a.m. Services private. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 9 WOOD. CARROLL. On Monday. February *•1937. at his residence Branchville. Md.. CARROLL WOOD, aged 15 months, the beloved son of M. J. and Maude Wood Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. Suburban funeral home. 918 Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md. Fu neral services at the Baptist Church. Berwyn Md.. on Wednesday. February 10. Interment in Hyattstown. Md. In i!?mnrtam. HAUCK. CHRISTINE. In memory of my dear lltrle sister. CHRISTINE HAUCK. who left us two years aco today. Feb •rvary 9. 1936. You'll live forever in my heart. ELIZABETH. HAUCK. CHRISTINE MARTIN. In mem ory of my darlinc daughter. CHRI8TINE MARTIN HAUCK. who died two years aco today. February 9. 1935. LILLIE MARTIN. HAUCK. CHRISTINE J. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my sister. CHRIS TINE J. HAUCK. who died two years aco today. February 9. 1936. ANNICE MCCULLOUGH HENDERSON. WILLIAM. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM HENDERSON who passed away February 9. 1934. at his residence, in Falls Church. Va. And tlu tear that we shed, thouah in secret it rolls. Shall long keep his memory green in our souls. THE FAMILY. • KLAWANS. LENA. In loving memory of our dear mother LENA KLAWANS. who passed away live years ago today. Feb ruary 9. 1-932. THE FAMILY. • LOMAX. ALLEN. Sacred to the memory of my dear husband. ALLEN LOMAX, veteran of the Civil War. 1861. who de parted this life two years aao today. February 8. 1035. Not cone from memory, not tone from love. But gone to a heavenly home above. And while you rest in peaceful sleep Your memory I shall always keep. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. MRS. SOPHIA LOMAX. • McGUIGAN. JOHN P. In loving remem brance of our dear father. JOHN P. McOUIOAN. who departed this life one year ago today. February 9. 1930. DEVOTED WIFE AND SONS. • SCHEUCH. LUDWIG W. In sad but loving remembrance of our loved one. LUDWIG W. SCHEUCH. who entered Into rest eight years ago today. February 9. 1929. 'Tis sweet to remember him who once was here: Though absent to us he is just as dear. The midnight stars shine on the crave Of the one we loved, but could not save. DEVOTED WIFE AND SON * TANIEL. EFFIE E. In memory of our dear mother. EFFIE E. TANIEL. who depart ed this life two years ago today. Feb iuary 9. 1936. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN MOLLIE T. TOWLES HELEN T. CAMPBELL. AL BERT L. TANIEL. THOMPSON. MARTHA. In sad and lov ing remembrance of MARTHA THOMP SON. who passed away February 6. 1931. She had a smile for every one. A heart as pure as gold; To those who knew and loved her Her memory will never trow old. LOVING SON. JE66E. • OLDEST GRADUATE Of GIB DEAD Rev. Dr. Julius Soper, Re tired Methodist Mission ary, Succumbs. Georgetown University’s oldest liv ing graduate, Rev. Dr. Julius Soper, a retired foreign missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for mer resident of Washington, died last Friday at his home in Glendale, Caiif. Funeral services are being held there this afternoon, it was announced here. Dr. Soper, who would have been 92 next Monday, was living with a daughter, Miss Maude Soper, at the time of his death. A son, Dr. Ed mund Davison Soper, is president of Ohio Wesleyan University. In Wash ington, he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Samuel Polkinhorn, who resides with her daughter, Miss Blanche Polkin horn, 2627 Adams Mill road, and a nephew. Dr. Henry A. Polkinhorn. His wife, the former Frances Davison of New Jersey, died in 1927. A record of Dr. Soper at George town University shows that he was born in Poolesville, Md., Februarv 15, 1845, and entered Georgetown College in 1862. His family lived just three blocks from the college. As a student at the college, he re ceived many scholastic awards, in cluding the medal in Second Humani ties and premiums in French, Algebra and English. He received his B. A. degree July 3, 1866. from the hands of President Andrew Jackson, who had been invited to award the Georgetown diplomas. At the exer cises Dr. Soper was one of the com mencement orators, speaking on • Lit erature.” In 1867 he was awarded a master of arts degree. Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, but then, as now, a great many of its students were non-Catholic. In 1872 Dr. Soper entered the Drew Theo logical Seminary to prepare for the foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The following year he was made a bachelor of di vinity and was appointed a mission ary to Japan, where he worked for 35 years. In 1892, while on leave of absence, he was awarded the degree of doctor of divinity by Western Maryland College. Lead Used More. Lead is finding new use as a ma terial for outdoor signs and markers. The metal is permanent, does not stain j adjacent materials and needs no polishing. 0de,r mil *U mliuKjtinii matBeautikl (cmeteru Frazier's —service, quality and reverance In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C. Camp. N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. ■ ■ ■■■■ r FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 r 8t N W_NAtlonal 42TB_ GEO C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 010B Open Evenings _ . ... - - and Sundays Cor. 14tn & Eye OUTSTANDING QUAL kBEER ,■=' ALE Since 1875 these popular Brew* have maintained their reputation for a satisfying taste and flavor.. • uniformity and dependable quality. ... h»tl*t and thirty-two ounc.i...and EE6LINED earn. CHRISTIAN FEIGENSPAN BREWING CO. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY KILL THAT COLD Give It No Chance to Survive Thru the Use of Half-way Measures! Treat a cold to kill it, not to coddle it! Many a cold lightly treated turns into something worse. Hit a cold “where it lives”—in the system! That means to take an internal treatment. Hit it with a cold medicine, not with a preparation good for all kinds of ailments. Grove’s Laxative Bromo Quinine is the treatment you want. First of all, it is a cold tablet, made expressly for colds. Second, it is internal medication and of fourfold effect. Here’s what it does: First, it opens the bowels, an ad visable step in the treatment of a cold. Second, it checks the infection in the system, a vital step. Third, it relieves the headache and lever. Fourth, it tones the system and helps fortify against further attack. That’s the fourfold treatment a cold calls for and in Bromo Qui nine you get it in the form of a single tablet. Bromo Quinine tablets now come sugar-coated as well as plain. The sugar-coated are exactly the same as the regular, except that the tablets are coated with sugar for palatability. When you feel a cold coming on, don’t ‘‘monkey around” with half way measures. Go right to your druggist for a package of Grove’s Laxative Bro mo Quinine tablets. Start taking the tablets immedi ately, two every four hours. Used in time, Bromo Quinine will usual ly break up a cold in 24 hours and that’s the speed you want. ... I MRS. KNIGHT’S RITES Funeral of Native of England to Be Held Tomorrow. Funeral services for Mrs. Anne Knight. 82, who died Sunday at the home of her son, Ralph Knight. 2607 Military road, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the parlors of W. W. Chambers. Fourteenth and Chapin streets. Rev. G. E. Lenskl, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, will officiate at the funeral and at burial rites in Glenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Knight, a native of Little Blngton, Northhamptonshire, Great Britain, came to this country in 1919 to join her son. Surviving, besides her son, are her daughter, Ruth Knight, and six grandchildren, two in England and four in Washington. LISTER AGAIN ELECTED C. B. Lister, 6608 Thirty-second place, has been re-elected secretary treasurer of the National Rifle Asso ciation for his eleventh consecutive term, it was announced yesterday. The election was held at the board of di rectors’ annual meeting at the May flower Hotel. Maj. Gen. M. A. Reckord, adjutant general of Maryland, also was re elected to his eleventh consecutive term as executive vice president. Other officers elected were Gus tavus D. Pope, Detroit, president; Lieut. Col. L. W. T. Waller, Phila delphia, first vice president; Lieut. Col. N. B. Nash, jr., Boston, second vice president. Storm Hits Alabama Town. BRIDGEPORT, Ala., February 9 HP).—A severe windstorm struck Bridgeport late last night, demolish ing several homes and unroofing half a dozen business and industrial build mgs. No loss of life was reported. W. W. Chambers Here it the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Ch mbm YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE $^P FUNERAL FOR / 3 Others *98 S123. *1.3®. SIRS (Jo. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT SAP COMPLETE—Low -a 43 For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famout Undertaker 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1400 CHAPIN ST. N W. Phene Colombia 0432 BIT ELEVENTH ST. B E. Phone ATIantie 6700 • 918 CLEVELAND AVE.. RIVERDALL. MD Near Hvattarillr Md Phone Greenwood 1221 WILSON 0. GAINEY DIES HERE AT 41 Was Superintendent of Laundry Department at Gallinger Hospital. Wilson O. Gainey, 41, of 423 Mas sachusetts avenue, for the last six years superintendent of the laundry department at Gallinger Hospital, died in the hospital yesterday after an ill ness of 12 days. A native of Darlington County, 8. C., Mr. Gainey was a World War veteran, serving overseas as a second lieuten ant in the 51st Infantry, 1st Division. He was a member of Lincoln Po6t, American Legion, and Harmony Lodge of Masons. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Laura C. Gainey; a son, Philip A. Gainey; a daughter, Mrs. E. M. Moyer, and his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Gainey, all of this city, and a brother, Herbert A. Gainey, Columbia, 8. C. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Chambers’ funeral chapel, 1400 Chapin street. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery, with full military honors and Ma sonic rites at the grave. Preceding the funeral, the Lincoln For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR $75 No Extras! For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTONS LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 Post of the Legion will hold a special service at 8 p.m. tomorrow In Cham bers’ funeral parlors. WILLIAM J. MITCHELL, LONG ILL, DIES AT 67 William J. Mitchell, 67, formerly employed as flower grower by Gude Bros. Co., florists, died yesterday after a long illness at'his home, 1515 Good Hope road southeast. For many years a resident here, Mr. Mitchell belonged to the Junior Or der of United American Mechanics, the Daughters of America, the 1m proved Order of Red Men and tha Pocahontas. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Laura Lee Mitchell; a daughter, Mrs. Esther Whelan, and a brother. Ar thur H. Mitchell, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm. Thursday at the residence. Burial will be in Epiphany Episcopal Cemetery, Foreatville, Md. Weddings Avoided. Sociologists estimated the United States accumulated a “deficit” of 750. 000 weddings in the depression years between 1929 and 1935. A million po tential children, they say, went un born. SEARS KOOK-KWICK PRESSURE COOKING DEMONSTRATION All This Week Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bersch, from our Educational Depart ment, will be here all this week to tell how to prepare an entire meal in TEN minutes on these marvelous pressure cookers. 911 Bladensburg Road N.E. FOR EVERY PURPOSE AND EVERY PERSE! THE UNBELIEVABLE LOW PRICES ARE BASED ON A TIMELY PURCHASE IN A LOW MARKET—PLUS W. B. MOSES* ADDI TIONAL SAVINGS AT THIS LOW RENTAL ADDRESS. THE UNUSUAL PRICES MAKE IT ADVISABLE TO SHOP EARLY FOR COMPLETE SELECTION. Herein are but a few of the many desk bar gains in a complete price and style range— to be found in our Greatest February Furni ture Sale. OPEN ’TIL 9 P.M. EVERY NIGHT I f ttnte nrillt trite avpen ranft «| individual pane# of glatt. . Chntct ol woods—combination mahogany or walnut and gum wood. A real fbO'd lacauer finish. Carefully essrmb'ed ewe. Tongued *and grooved—.’mplv clue blocked. Built tor lifetime service. Governor Winthrog 2-drc-cer interior and 2 secret pockets. L-beral dimensions. bu< right sif for average homes. Height htf". width M'i". New type h:ng* operat** e*>io ma/*c l*at supports. Working pf-rts of h-nge countersink in sides a-d desk bed. Old-fash ioned hinges and support arms are removed *o clear writing surface-completely. Authentic brass drawer pulls. Escutcheon plates a^d lock on each n* $ drawers Fo*>r r'chly carved claw-and-ball f*et. double doweled lor added strength. GOV. WINTHROP SECRETARY *29” Sketched Below Lett Governor Winthrop Desk Choice of mahogany or wal-' nut, and selected gumwood. Four claw-and-ball feet. Three large drawers with lock and brass plate on each. Governor Winthrop interior.. 823.95 Sketched Directly Below Kneehole Desk Top 42x21 inches—standard height. Walnut or mahogany top. solid walnut or mahogany drawer fronts. Balance se lected hardwoods. 7 drawers, with 9-drawer effect. 2 double file drawers in base or eacn Pedestal. 823.95 Buy on the Budget Plan You can now secure the lowest carrying charges in our history. DONT FOR-, GET: Extra salesmen to help!’ /ou—plenty of free park ing space. Windsor Chairs Fiddle -back, ladder - back and comb - back. Ideal for desk or dinette. Strongly built of solid bitch. Fiber seats—ma hogany, walnut or maple finish.ea. $6.95 W. Mioses Co. FINE FURNITURE SINCE 1861 804 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E.