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COMTE BONDS TURN DOWNWARD Fractional Declines Appear. U. S. Government Issues Remain Narrow. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 * Ralls. Indust. Util. F an. Net change. Unc. Unc. Unc. Unc. Today noon. 98.0 104.1 102.1 74.0 Prev. day... 98.0 104.1 102.1 74.0 Month ago.. 98.5 104.0 102.6 73.4 Year ago... 93.4 103.9 102.1 70.5 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.2 1937 low_ 97.6 103.9 101.9 73.0 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low.... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 hlgh--101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_111.9 Prev. day. 111.9 Month ago 113.6 Year ago. 111.1 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 111.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Conwlled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 9.—-Corpo rate obligations slipped a cog in the bond market today, while U. S. Gov ernment issues held in a narrow rut. Losses of fractions were sustained by Santa Fe 4s, Baltimore & Ohio 41,2s, St. Paul 5s, Consolidated Edi son 3‘/is. Erie 5s. Great Northern 4'is, Missouri Pacific 5s, National Dairy 3\s with warrants, Pacific Gas 334s, Penn Dixie Cement 6s, Rem ^ington Rand 4'4s, Texas Corp. 3’^s, and Utilities Power & Light 5s. A handful of issues were slightly higher, including Illinois Central 43is. International Paper 5s, International Telephone 5s and Shell Union Oil 3'2S. Trading in the U. S. Government lector was quiet, with small gains in Treasury 278s of 1960 and the 2:l4s of 1954 contrasting with trifling losses in the 334s of 1945 and the 338s of 1943. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. February 9 Of,.—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon quotations.) Bid. Asked. • Admm Fd 2nd Inc_20.34 21 64 Am Business Shrs_ 1.32 145 Am Oen Eq Inc _ 1 15 1.2R Am Ins Stocks _ 5.126 6 00 Bancamer Blair _ 12.75 13 75 Bank Group Shrs .... 2.10 2.27 Bankers Nat Inv Corp _ 4.00 4.625 Basic Industry _ 5.55 Broad St Inv_ 36.82 39 38 Bullock Fund _ 23 625 25.375 Corporate Trust 3.16 _ Corporate Trust A A_ 2.99 _ Corp Tr A A mod_ 3.83 _ Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2.99 _ Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 3.8.3 _ Cumulative Tr Sh - . _6.80 _ Depos Bk 8h N Y "A”.. 2.85 _ l Depos Ins Shrs "A”_ 3.75 _ Depos Ins Shrs "B"_ 3.54 _ Diversified Tr C_ 5.40 Slividend Shrs . _ 2.08 2.23 quity Corp S3 Pf_ 41.50 44.50 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 29.30 31.57 First Boston Corp_ 45.50 47.00 Fixed Trust Sh A_ 14 24 Fixed Trust Sh B_11.82 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.40 5.70 Fund Investors Inc_ 26.02 27 46 Fund Tr Shrs A_ 6.65 7.38 Fund Tr Shrs B_ 6.07 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.38 8.02 Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.04 Group Sec Automobile_ 1.5ft 1.73 Group Sec Building_ 2.41 2.60 Group Sec Chemical_ J.60 1.83 . Group Sec Food _ 1.05 1.15 ■ Group Sec Invest 8hrs_ 1.70 1.94 Group Sec Merchandise _ 1.52 1.65 Group Sec Mining 1.79 1.04 Group Sec Petroleum __ 1.57 1.70 Group Sec R R Equip.. 1.87 2.03 Group Sec Steel _ 2.03 2.2o Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.19 1.30 Huron Holding _ 1.08 1.38 Incorp Investors 27.24 29.29 Insurance Group Shrs_ 1.76 1.90 Investors Fd "C" Inc _ 16 04 17.28 Kevston Cust Fund B-3_ 24.25 26.60 Major Shrs Corp_ 3.375 Maryland Fund _10.60 11.58 Mass Invest Tr_ 30.22 32.06 Mutual Invest_18.09 19.,7 Nation Wide Sec- 4 91 5.01 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.23 2.39 N. Y. Bk Tr Shrs . ... 4.50 _ North Am Bond Tr ctfa 64.625 68.8,5 Nor Am Tr Shares_ 2.96 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955_ 3.81 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1956- 3.,4 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1958.,_ 3.53 Plymouth Fund Inc- l.oi 1.12 Quarterly Income Sh.__- 19.29 21.12 Selected Am Bh . 4.31 Selected Am Sh Inc-16.20 17. ,0 Selected Cumul Sh_11.15 . _ Selected Income Sh __ 5.85 . - Selected Indus cv pf_ 27.50 29.00 Spencer Trask Fund- 23.50 24.23 Stand Am Tr Shrs- 4.50 4 , n Stand Util Inc - 1.11 1.20 Super ol Am Tr A-— 4.43 Super of Am Tr AA- 2.04 - Super of Am Tr B_ 4.63 - Super of Ar Tr BB- 2.94 - Super of Am Tr C—8.44 - Super of Am Tr D - 8,44 Supervised Shrs -In.'-3 I8.06 Trustee Stand Inv C- 3.33 _ _ Trustee Stand Inv D- 3.26 Trusteed Am Bk - 1.02 1.13 Trusteed Industry Shra_ 1.62 1.80 Wellington Fund_ 21.54 23.60 FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. February 9 UP.—Federal Land Bank bonds: (Noon quotations.) 4'/,* Nov.. 1958-38 _ 105 105% 4 ’is May. 1957-37 _101 101 Vi 4s May, 1958-38 _103% 104 4S Nov.. 1957-37 _102% 102Ta 4S July. 1946-44 _1119, 112 3Via May. 1955-45 _104% 105 SB July, 1955-45 _103% 103% 3s Jan.. 1056-46 _ 103% 10.3% 8* May, 1956-48 _103% 103% CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. February 9 —Poultry, live, 43 trucks; steady, hens over 5 pounds. 17; ft pounds and less. 1H; Leghorn hens. 121?: colored Springs. 1H; Plymouth and White Rock. 2ft; colored broilers. 21%: White Rock, 22%: Plymouth Rock. 23'4: baraback broilers. 16: Leghorn chickens. 13: roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys, hens. 18: young toms, in: old. 13: No. C turkeys. 13: ducks. 4% pounds up. white and colored. 18: small white and colored. 16: geese. 14; capons. 7 pounds HP. 22: less than 7 pounds. 21. Butter. 8.632: steady: creamery, spe cial* (9.1 scorei. 33%a34%: extras (921. 3314: extra firsts <90-91), 33: firsts <88 89), 3114832%: standards <90. centralized carlots). 3314. Eggs. 7,965; steady: extra firsts. local. 21%: cars. 22%: fresh graded first*, local. 21%: cars. 22%: current re ceipts. 21%. Potatoes. 59: on track. 253: total 17. 8. shipments. 4flo: old stock. Idaho Russets firm, other stock steady, supplies moderate, early trading slow account cold weather; Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. medi um to large. 3.40a3.50: receivers holding best atock for higher prices: heavy to small. 3.30: car. 16-pound sacks, g.fio hundredweight; 17. S. No. 2. 3.05*3.10; practically free from cuts and clipped ends. 3.30: Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1. cotton sacks. 3.35: Wisconsin round whites. 17. 8. No. 1. 2.40*2.45; 17. S. commercial. 2.30: Michigan Russet Rurals. 17. S. No. 1, 2.46. New stock, slightly weaker, sup plies moderate, demand fair: Florida bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs. 17. 8. No. 1. 2.00a2.05; C. 8. No. 2. 1.86al.80 a crate Potato futures—Idaho Russets. March, No. 1. 3.95: March, grade A. 3.65; April, trade A, 3.95. KEW YORK PRODUCE. NIW YORK. February 9 OP).—Eggs. 18.807; unsettled. Mixed colors, speciel packs. 24*26%: standards. 23%a%: firsts. 22%a23; mediums. 20%a21; dirties. l»o. 1. 20%a21: refrigerators, firsts. 19%a21; seconds. 18*19. Butter. 12.502; steady to firm, dream ery. higher than extra. 34%a35%: extra ► (92 acore). 34%; firsts (88-91 scores). 32%a34■ seconds (84-87 scores), 31 %a 82%: centralised (90 score). 33%. Cheese. 355.002; steady to firm and un changed. Live poultry, steady to firm. By freight, ehlekeni. Rocks. 19: Leghorn. 13: fowl. Leghorn. 14al5: roosters 12: turkeys. 15a 23; other freight prices unchanged. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. February !> opt.—Although late dealings continued dull in the Stock Exchange today, a better demand for secu rities was in evldence.particularly for min ing and oil shares Trans-Atlantic, stocks held steady, with U. 8. Steel in fair re quest. Gilt-edged securities declined sharp ly on belief that new government financial operations were Imminent and the gloomy budget outlook. Reports that prices of television sets had been reduced sent elec trical and musical shares lower and home rails also cased. PARIS.—Firmness developed In the Bourse today following a generally heavy morning tone. Rentes closed 36 centimes lower to 10 hither, and Bank of France shares In fair demand finished 8ft franc up. International issues were mixed, while Citroen stocks advanced 30 francs. I l BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASU RY. Hi«h. Low. 2:58. 2>4s 1949-53_ 101.21 101.19 101.18 2 4*8 1945-47_ 105.26 106.28 106.26 2%s 1948-61_ 104.10 104.8 104.10 2448 1961-54_ ll'S.15 103.13 103.13 2 44 8 1 9 6 6-59_ 103.12 103.10 108.10 2748 1950-60_ 104.24 104.22 104.24 274s 1955-60 rep.. 104.20 104.20 194.20 3s 1946-48_ 107.12 107.12 107.12 3s 1961-65_ 106.23 106.28 106.28 1443 1946-49_ 108.8 108.6 108.5 3 44s 1941_ 108.4 106.4 108.4 344s 1944-46_ 108.23 108.22 108.22 31/4S 1944-46 rop.. 108.21 108.21 108.21 3%s 1940-43Juna 107.8 105.8 107.8 3%s 1941-43 Mar. 108.6 158.6 108.6 4s 1944-54_ 114.42 114.20 114.20 4 44 s-3 44 s 1943-45 106.28 108.23 108.23 4 44 8 1947-52_ 120.7 120.7 120.7 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 284s 1942-47_* 103.31 103.31 103.31 38 1947_ 105.8 105.8 106.8 3s 1949_ 105.11 105.7 105.7 3 44s 1964_ 105.81 105.81 105.81 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2448 1942-44_ 102.23 102.28 102.23 2*48 1939-49_ 102.28 102.27 102.28 1952_ 105. 104.30 105. FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:55. Abitibl Pa&Pw 5s’53.. 93 924 924 Adriatic Elec 7s '52... 994 994 1994 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s '47 Febr coupon on 27 4 274 274 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s’48. 274 26 274 Akershus 5s 63 ... 914 #94 994 Alpine Mont S 7s’55—. 984 98 4 964 Antioquia 7s 45 B_- 154 154 154 Antioquia 7s 46 D- 164 16 164 Antioquia 1st 7s'67— 134 134 134 Antioquia 2d 7s'57 new 134 134 134 Antioquia 3d 7s'57 74 184 134 Antwerp 6s'58- 994 995* 994 Argentine 6 Vis'62_- 10254 102 102 Argentine 6s'67 A_ 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s ’56 B_1014 1014 UU4 Argentine 6s'59 June. 10152 10152 1014 Argentine 6s'59 Oct . 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s '60 May.. 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s '60 Sept.. 10252 1024 1024 Argentine 6s '60 Oct._ 1024 1024 1024 Argentine 6s '61 Febr. 10252 102 1024 Argentine 6s '61 May.. 1024 1024 1024 Australia 4 Vis'56_1014 1014 1014 Australia 5s'55_ 1094 1094 1094 Australia 5s '57_ 109 1084 109 Austrian7s'57_ 1024 102 102 Belgium 6s'55—__ 107 106V4 107 Belgium 64s'49_ 1084 10*4 1084 Belgium 7s 56_117.4 117 117 Berlin 6s 58_ 21 204 21 Berlin Elec 6Vis'59_ 224 2252 224 Berlin Elec 6 4s'51_ 2i»* 215* 214 Brazil 6 Vis *26-'57_ <4:. 44 4 444 Brazil 6Vis'27-'57_ 445. 44 444 Brazil Ts’52___ 444 44 444 Brazil 8s 41_ 61 505* 504 Brisbane 5s'57_ ini*. 1015, 1014 Brisbane 5s '58_102!* 1025* 1025* Buenos Aires 4 Vis-3 Vis '77 Pv_ 814 814 814 Buenos A 4 Vis'7 6 Aug 825s 8254 824 Buenos A 6s 61 st Pv. 87 4 87 4 874 Bue A C 6Vis 'filStPv.. 884 884 885. Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon of!__ 24 24 24 Bulgaria 7 Vis '68 May coupon off__ 26 26 26 Canada 3 4 s 61_ 100** 100 4 100*4 Canada 4s'60__ 1085* 10854 1084 Canada 5s'52_1124 1124 1124 Chile 6s’60_ 194 19’* 19'-* Chile 6s'6f Jan_ 195* 19 194 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 194 194 194 Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 19*» 19 195. Chile 6s'62_ 194 1* 1»4 Chile 6s 63_ 194 194 194 Chile 7s 42_ 19*i 19 194 Chile Mtg Bk 6s’61_ 17 17 17 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62... 164 164 U5» Chile Mtg Bk 6Vis'57. 16'* 164 164 Chile Mtg Bk 6V*s 61. 165* 164 164 Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 344 33 344 Colombia 6s 61 Oct- 34'4 32*. 345. Copenhagen 4Vis'53— 974 974 975. Copenhagen 5s 52 _ 100 995* 100 Copenhagen T 5s '54_ 93*. 995. 995. Costa Klca isA’51_ 29V. 28 4 294 Cuba 5s '14-43_ 1014 I015i 1014 Cuba 5 Vis 45 _ 60!. 594 584 Czechoslovakia 8s'52. 1045* 1045. 1044 Denmark 44*s 62_1004* 9S»4 994* Denmark 5 4s s'55_-_1005* 100sx 1004* Denmark 6s 42_1054* 10544 10644 Dresden 7s ’45_ 23 23 23 Fiat deb 7s’46_ 96 96 se Frankfort 64is’5S_ 19 19 19 French Gov 7s‘49_ 128 128 128 French Gv 7 s 49 un st 12344 12344 12844 Ger C Bk A 6s '38_ 41 41 41 Ger Gen Elec 7s 45_ 40 40 40 Ger Gov 5 44 s'65 st- 2544 25 2644 Ger Gov 5 44s 65 un st. 20«* 2044 2044 j Ger Rep 7s 49 un st_ 254s 254s 264s Grt C El Jap 6 44 s 50._ 15 85 85 GrtCEl Jap 7s 44_ 924s »2'4 8244 Greek Gov 7s'64_ 384S 8»4* «84* Italy 7s 51 — 904* !0 90 ItalCrd P W 7s'47 B.. 92 92 92 Ital P U Crd 7s ’52_ 80 80 80 Japan 544s'65_ 81 81 81 Japan 644s'64 — 974S 97 9744 Jugos Alts Bk 7s '57 unmat coupon- 35 36 35 Kreug&Toll 5s 59 cfs. 4544 4644 4 5 44 Lombard Elec 7s'52— 774s 7744 7744 Medelln 644* '54 - 1344 185* 1844 Mex 4s 10-'45 asst am. 6h 64* 64s Milan 644s'52 _ 80 7»4S 794S Minus Gers6 44* ‘58 Sept coupon off .... 82 32 82 MinasGers 6 44s '59 Sept coupon on—_ 3144 8144 8144 Montevideo 6s ’59_ 63 63 68 NordRy 6%s’50_ 10544 10544 10544 Norway ' 44s'65.__.__ 1005* 1005* 1004s Norway 4 44»'66--— JU34S 1035* 1035* Norway 6s'63- 1004s 1004S 10044 Norway 6s 43_ 107 107 107 Norw Hy El 5 44*'57— 103 103 103 Oriental Dev 544»’58.. 74 44 7 444 . 7444 Oriental Dev 6s '53_ 78 78 78 Oslo 4 449 55- 99J4 9954 9954 Panama 5s 63 stp as— 7644 7 644 7644 Pernambuco 7a '47 Sept coupon off-- 264* 2644 2644 Peru 6s 60_ 21H *044 2144 Peru 6s 61- 214s 204s 2144 Peru 7 s 59_ 224s 284* 224* Poland 6s 40_ 605* #04S «04S Poland 7 s 47_ 784* 784S 784* Poland 8s '50 -- 6144 60}s 6144 Porto Alegre 7%» '66 July coupon off- 2844 2844 2844 Porto Alegre ss '61 June coupon off_|294* *2944 2944 Prussia 6s '52 _ 20** 204* 204* Prussia 644s'61_ 2044 204* 204* Queensland 7s’41_ 1134* 1134* 11344 Rhine W El P 6s'53_ 2244 2244 2244 Rhine W El P 6s '55_ 23 23 23 Rio de Jan 64js 53 Aug coupon off..... 8054 294* 3054 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon oft_ 82 814* 32 Rio Gr do Sul 6s ’68 June coupon off_ 8044 2944 80 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '66 May coupon off_ 8044 29% 8044 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '67 June coupon off_ 80 294* 30 Rio Gr do Sul 8s '46 April coupon off__ 85 85 35 Rome 644s '62_ 804* 80 80 Sao Paulo C64*s ’57 May coupon off—__ 314* 8144 814* Sao Paulo C 8s '52 coupon off_82 82 82 Sab Paulo St 6s ’68 July coupon off_... 80 80 80 Sao Paulo St 7b’40_964* 964* 964* Sao Paulo St 7s ’56 Sept coupon off_ 8344 3844 8844 Sao Paulo St 8s ’36 July coupon off.._. 43 43 48 Sao Paulo St 8s ’50 July coupon off..__. 87 87 87 Serbs 7s '62 unm c o_ 29 2844 285* Serbs 8s '62 unm c o_ 2944 294i 294* Shln'su El P 6%s '62-_ 824* 8244 824* Siemens & H 6%s '61_. 644* 644* 644* Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 63'4 6344 6814 Taiwan Elec 544s'71.. 754* 7644 7644 Toklo E L Ltd 6s'58_ 775* 774* 775* Tyrol Hy El 7 44»’55_ 954* 964* 954* Ujigawa EP 7b 45_£8744 18744 8744 Uruguay 6s 60___ 68 67 68 Uruguay 6s'««- 6744 674* 6744 Uruguay 8a 46- 674* 674* 674* Vienna 6s '52 May co..[954* 954* 964* Warsaw 7s’51- 5244 52 624* Tokohoma 6s 61- 8154 81 81 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4a '47 105 105 105 Ala Grt South’n 4s’43 110 3 110 110 Alb Per WP 6s '48_ 76 76 76 Alb&Sus 3%s '46 etd-. 10614 10614 10614 Allen Corp 6a '44_10C54 10054 10014 Allen Corp 6a 49- 86 86 86 Allen Corp 5a '50 atP— 6814 66 <8 Allied Stores 414*'51.. 10054 10014 10054 Am & For Pw 6s 2030 _* 84 8814 8314 Huh. Low. 5:55. Am Ice cv 6s '61-»s *» “3 Am !GCh6Ha'49- 108* 108* 108* Am Xnt] SHa *49 - 106* 106 108 Am Tel A Tel 8Ha'81. 101* 101 101 Am Tel & Tel 3 Ha'66. 101 100* 101 Am TAT 4*8 '39_ 111 110*110* AmTAT6*s 43.... 118 111*111* Am T F 2*8-58'3t-'E0. 197 196 197 Am Wat Wks 6a '76... 110* 110* 110* Am Writ Paper 6s 47. 90* 89* 90* Am Writ Pa 6a 47 Cfa. 90* 90 90* Anaconda deb 4 H»’50. 105* 105* 106* Anglo-Chll Nit 7a'87 . 87* 37* 37* Armour! Del 1 lat 4s'6S 100* 100 100* A T&S Fe 4s '60 _10* 108 108 A T&S F edj4s'95st rg. 108* 108* 108* A T&S Fl ad] 41 96 it. 108* 108* 108* A T&S F# gen 48'96... 118* 118 H8* A T&S Fa 4 *i'4* .... 110* 110* 110* Atla&Ch A L, 4*s’44.. Ill* 111*111* Atla&Ch A L 6s'44 ..116 116 116 Atl Coast Lilt 4a'62.. 104* 104* 194* Atl Coast Lclt 48'62.. 98* 97* 98* Atl C L un 4*a *64 .. 98 »8 98 Atl Coast Line 6s '45._ 106* IDS* 106* Atlantic &Dlst4s '48. 69 69 69 Atlantic &D 2d 4s ’48. 62* 62* 62* B A O 1st 4s 48..._ 107* 107* 107* B&0 4H8 60 _ 79* 79* 79* B & O 1st 5s'48 reg_118 112*112* Balto & O ref 5s '95 A. 94 93* 93* BA0 6S96F ..... 92* 92* 92* B & O ref 5s 2000 D._ 98* 92* 92* B & O ref 6s '96 C_101* 101* 101* B & O PLE&W V 4S’41 104* 104* 104* B & O Swn 6s '60 ... 106* 106* 106* Bell T or Pa 6s 48 B_117* 117* 117* Bell T of Pa 5s '60 c_ 128* 128* 128* Beth Steel 3*8'68_ 98* 98* 98* Beth Steal 4Hs'60_ 106 106 106 Bos & Me 4Ha ’61 J_ 88* 88* 88* Bos & Me 6s’55_ 89 88 * 89 Bos A Me 6s '67_ 87* 87* 87* Bot Con M 6 i*s '34_ 39* 39 39 BotCon M BHs'34 ct.. 39 39 39 Bklvn Ed con 3*8*66.. 103* U'3 103 Bklvn Man T 4Hs’66. 103* 103* 108* Bklyn Un El 6a 50_114 114 114 Bklvn Un Gas 6s '50 .. 104* 104* 104* Bklyn Un Gref 6s'47. 131 131 131 Buff K&P con 4Hs'67. 92 92 92 B C R & N cl 6s ’34 ... 29* 29* 29* B C R & N 6s '34 Ctfs -. 29 29 29 ! Bush Term con 6s'55 71* 71* 71* I Bush Term Bldg 5s '60 11 71 71 I By-Prod Ck 5Hs '45... 103^ 108}* 103}* Calif G &E rf 5s '37... 1024 1024 1024 Calif Packing 5s ’40... 104H 1644 1044 Camag 7s 42 ctfs . 214 314 814 Can dlan N R 4%s'56. 113444 11 11*4 Can’dian N R5s 70_1184 11*4 1184 Can dlan P db 4s perp. 98 984 98 Can dlan Pac 44s '60 1044 1044 1044 Can’dian Pac 5s'44 cfs. 114 114 114 Caro Cl & O 5s’38 _ 1054 105 1054 Cent of Ga con 5s'45_ 83 33 83 Cent of Ga 5s '59 C_ 19 19 19 | Cent of Ga rf 54s'59.. 19 19 19 Cent N England 4s 51. 74 74 74 Cent of N J gen 5s’87. 854 854 854 Cent 111 E& G 6s'51._. 105 1044 106 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s ’49.. 1094 1094 1094 Cent Pac 5s '60 _ 1034 1024 103 Cert’d deb 6 4s'48_ 96 95)4 96 Chesap Corp 5s'47_. 151 1504 :504 Ches & O 3 4s '96 D_ 1004 100 100 Ches &O 34s 96 E_ 100*4 1004 1004 C & O con 6s ’39_ 1084 1084 1084 Chi & Alt ref 3s'49_ 674 674 674 Chi B & Q gen 4s '53_1144 1144 1144 ChlB&Q44s'77_114 114 114 Chi B&QI div 34s'49_. 1094 1094 1094 Chi B & Q 111 dv 4s '49. 1104 1104 1104 Chi & E III 5s’51 ... 39 89 39 Chi & K 111 con 6s '34_ 100 100 100 Chi Grt West 4s *59_ 48 474 48 Chi 1 & JL. gen 5s ’66_ 23 23 23 Chi ind & L gen 6s '66. 234 234 284 CM&St P 5s '75 . __ 884 33 4 334 CM&StP&p adj 5s2000 104 104 104 Chi & NW gen 4s'87... 61 504 51 Chi & NW 44* 2037... 32 4 314 324 Chi & NW 44s 2037 C. 324 314 324 Ch!*NW44s49_194 184 13 Chi & NW gen 5a'87.. 624 524 624 Chi & NW rf 5a 2037_34 S24 34 Chi R l&P rf 4s'34 - 204 204 204 Chi R I&P rf 4s'34ctf_. 19 19 19 Chi R I&P gen 4s'88_ 414 414 414 Chi R l&P 44s '52_ 20)4 20 4 204 Chi R I&P 44s'60- 114 114 114 Chi T H&8 Inc 6s'60_ 89 89 89 Chi Un Sta 3 4s'51 ... 1064 1064 10:4 Chi Un Sta 3 4s 63 E.. 109 lu84 io*4 Chi Un Sta 4s'44_ 106 1054 1054 Chi Un Sta 4s '63_1114 111 111 Chi Un Sta 5s ’44-IO64 1064 1064 Chi & W In con 4s '52.. 106 1064 106 Chi & W Ind 44B '62._ 1054 1044 105 Childs & Co 5s ’43 ..... 91 904 91 Cln G & E 3 4s '66- 1024 1024 1024 CCC&St L rf 4)4* ’77 E 974 974 974 CCC&St L ref 5s'63 D 104 1084 104 CCC&StLCW&M 4s’91 100 100 100 Clev Un Tel 44s’77 . 105 1044 1044 Clev Un Term 5s'73 B 1084 108 108 Clev Un Ter 54s ’75A. 1124 1124 1124 Coal River RR 4s’45.. 1114 1114 1114 Colo Fuel & Ir 5s'70_ 924 924 »24 Colo & So 4 4s’80_ 76 744 744 Columbia G&E deb 5s'52 April - 104 1084 104 Columbia G & E 5s '52 May - 1044 1044 1044 1 Columbia G&E 5s '61_1044 1044 1044 Colum Ry P&I. 4S '65.. 1074 1064 1064 Cornel Credit 3 !4s '51. 1*94 994 99U Com Inv Tr 34s’51... 103 103 103 Cons Coal Del 5s'60... 684 68 68 Cons Ed NY 3 4s 46 n. 1064 106 106 Cons Gas NY 44s '51. 10«4 io«4 IC64 Consol 011 34s'51 __ 1084 106 10*4 Consum Pwr 3 4s 66.. 1084 103 4 1034 Cmsum P un 34s '65. 1044 1044 1044 Consum Pwr 3\s'65.. 1074 1074 1074 Crane Co 34s'51-1014 1014 1014 Crown C & S 4s'50- 1064 1084 106*1 Crown Zell 6s 40 ww_. 1014 1014 101U Crown WHIP 8s '51— 1044 1044 1044 Cuba RR 1st 5s'52—— 604 694 694 CubaRR6s’36- 614 614 614 Cuba RR 74s ’36 ctfs. 644 644 644 Cuba Northn 54s'42_. 604 604 604 Dayton P&L 3 54S '60.. 1054 1064 1064 Del A Hud ref is'41... 944 04 uu Del & Hud 5 46’37—— 1004 1004 1004 Del P&L 44. ’71 .... 108 106 106 Den ft R G con 48'36.. S44 384 384 Den&RG44a'36-• 844 84 344 Den & R G W 6a ’65 204 204 204 Den & RGW 6s’65asst. 204 194 194 Den & R G ref 6a '78 80 so 30 Des M&Ft D 4s’S5 cf»_ 84 84 gu Det Edison 354s 66— 1064 1064 10«4 Detroit Ed 4s 65 F-1094 1094 1094 Det Edison 5s’52- 1084 1084 1084 Dul S S & At 5s’37__ 68 674 674 E T V’ & Ga on 6s ’56_ 1164 1154 1154 Erie cv 4s ’63 A- 92 4 924 924 Erie cv 4s '53 B.,._ 924 924 924 Erie pen 4s ’96- 904 904 904 Erie ref 6a'67 - 884 88 884 Erl# ref 6s '75 - 884 88 884 Erie & Jersey 6s'55 1184 H84 1184 Erie & Pitts 354s'40 B. 1054 1054 1054 Erie & Pitts 3 54s’40 C- 1064 1054 1054 Falrbks Morse 4s'66.. 104 184 104 Fla E C Rv 6s '74 ... 174 174 174 Fond J & R 4s '82 filed. 654 64 54 Gen Cable 6 4* 47-10« 1064 106 Gen Mot Acc3s'46-_— 1084 1024 1024 Gen Mot Ass 34s'61— 108 1024 1024 Gen Stl Cast 64s'49.. 964 964 964 Goodrich 4 4*'66_1014 1014 1014 Goodrich 6s 46_ 1064 1064 1064 Goodyear T&R 5s'67„ 1044 104 104 Goth Silk H 6s '46 wi. 106 105 106 Great N Ry 4a 46 G — 126 1244 >244 Great N Ry 4s 46 H_1104 1094 1104 Grt N Ry ref 4 54* *61 A 114 1184 1134 Grt N R gen 4 54s'76 D. 1084 108 108 Grt N R gen 4 54S'77 E- 1064 1064 1064 Green Bay 6s '62 B__ 144 144 144 Gulf M & N 6* *50_ 1034 1024 1034 Gulf M ft N 65ia'50_ 108 108 106 Gulf Sta Stl 656s '4299 994 994 Gulf States Util 4s '66 1044 1044 1044 Keith 6s '46 _ 98 98 98 Hock Val 4 54s '99_ 1234 1234 12*4 Hoe (R) 1st mt8'44_ 93 924 93 Hudson Coal 6*'52._(44 64 644 Hud ft Man lno 6a '67— 864 844 364 Hud ft Man ref 6s’67— 844 844 844 111 Cent col tr 4*'62_ 914 914 914 (11 Cent col tr 40 '63_ 884 * 884 884 111 Cent ref 4a ’66_ 924 924 924 111 Cent 4*s'66_ 78 774 774 111 Cent ref 6s ’66_1014 1004 1014 111 Cent Lou 34s'58.. 1014 1014 1014 111 Cent Ltch 3s '51_ 9» 98 |98 ICC&StL N 04 54s’63._ 864 >6 864 ICCftStL N O 6a'63_ 91 904 91 Inland Stl 8 4s 61_ 106 1064 1064 Int R T lat rf 6s 66 .. 96 964 964 1 R T 1st rf 5s ‘66 ctfa. 964 964 964 Int R T 7s 32 _ 884 884 884 Interlake 6s'SI-1024 1024 1024 Int Grt Nr fis ’62 A_ 86 36 36 Int Hydro Elec 6s ’44_ 884 86 864 Int Mer Marine 6s *41. 78 78 78 Int Pan 1st 5s 47A_ 1024 1014 1014 Int Pap ref 6s '66 100 994 994 Int Ry of C A 5s’72_ 94 94 94 Int T&T cv 4 54 s’39_ 884 874 884 Int T&T 4 56s *63_ 744 784 784 Int T&T 6s '65 _ 794 79 794 Iowa Cent lst&rfls’Sl. 84 84 84 James F&C 4s-39_ 100 994 100 Jonea&L Stl 4 54 s’61 A. 1044 1044 1044 Kan CFS&M rf 4s’3tct. 614 *14 614 High. bow. 2:48. (Cans C So lat 3a '80.. *8 82 82 Kana City So ref 6a '*0 99*4 99*4 *9*4 Klnga Co El 4a '49_10T j 107 107 Laclede Gaa 6s'89-{99*4 199*4 99*4 Laelede G 6Ha’63 C-_ 69 68*4 69 Laclede Gas 6a‘42 67 67 67 Lake S&M So 2H*'<7. 106*4 105*4 105*4 Lautaro Nitres'54.... >9 68*4 89 Lautaro Nit 6a‘64 ofa. 89*4 89*4 89*4 Leh C&N 4Ha 54 A_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Leh C&N 4Ha’64C_101*4 108*4 108*4 Leh & N E RR 4s '65.. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Leh Val Coal 6s 64_ 70 70 70 Leh Val Coal 6s'38_100*4 100 100 Lsh Val Har 6a '64_108*4 10* 106 LV NY 4*4■ ‘40 gtd_ 103*4 108 108 Leh V Peon 4a2003... 70 69*4 70 Leh V Peon 4Ha2003. 76*4 7»*4 76*4 L V Pa cn 4H* 2003 rg 72 72 72 Leh V RR con 6s 2003. 84*4 88*4 84*4 Llg* & Myers 5a'61_ 128*4 122*4 122*4 Llgg & Myers 7a '44_ 182*4 182*4 182*4 Loewa SHa '46_ 100*4 100*4 100*4 Long I si ref 4s '49____ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Lorlllard 6s '55_121*4 121*4 121*4 Lori Hard 7a '44-181*4 181*4 181*4 La & Ark 6s'69__ 98*4 98 98 L& Nash 3*4s 2008_ 96*4 96*4 96*4 L&N lst4s 2003_ 102*4 102 102*4 L&N unit 4s’40- 107*4 107*4 107*4 L&N 4H* 2003 C_ 108 106 106 L & N 5s 2008 B_110 110 110 L&N Atl K&C 4S ’55.. 114*4 114*4 114*4 L&N S&N Ala 5s '63.. 126*4 125*4 125*4 McCrory Stores 5s '51. 106 105 105 McKess&Rob 6*6»’60_ 104 103*4 108*4 Me C RR clt 4s '46 A_ 104*4 10414 104*4 Me C RR gn 4 Ha’60A.. 84*4 83*4 84*4 Manati Sug 7Hs'42... 77*4 77*4 77*4 Man Slst 7Hs'42 ctfa. : 77*4 76*4 77*4 Manhat Ry 4a'90. . 64 54 64 Manhat Ry 4a'90 ctfa. 60 60 60 Marion St Shov 6a'47. 98*4 98*4 88*4 Mead Co 6a *45_ 106 106 106 Met Ed lat rf 4Ha’68. 109*4 109*4 109*4 Met W S El Cr 4s ’38„ 15 15 16 Mich Cent 4H> '79_ 106*4 106*4 106*4 Mil El R&L 5a '61_104*4 104*4 104*4 Mil E R & S L rf 5a’71. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Mil & Nor con 4Ha'39. 91*4 91*4 91*4 Mil Spa&NW4s'47_ 44 44 44 Minn & S L rf 4s-49... 6 6 6 Minn & St L 5a‘34 ctfa. 18*4 13*4 13*4 MStP&SSM cn 4s'38.. 83*4 38 83 MStP&SSM cn 6S'38 .. 28*4 28*4 28*4 MStP&SSM 5s'38 gtd. 37*4 87*4 87>4 MStP&SSM 5Hs'49_ 21 21 21 MStP&SSM 6Hs'78... 94*4 94*4 94*4 MStP&SSM rf 6a'46A. 24*4 24 24 Mo 111 5a '69__ 66 66 6* Mo K & T 1st 4s '90_ 96*4 96 86 Mo K & T 4s '62 B_ 74 74® 74 Mo K & T 4Hs '78_ 77*4 77*4 77*4 Mo K & T Es '62 A_ 87*4 87 87*4 MoK & T ad] 6s '67_ 78*4 78 73 Mo Pac 4s'76- 18 17*4 17*4 Mo Pac 5a '65 A__ 46*4 46 46 Mo Pac 5a'77 P.. 46*4 46*4 45*4 Mo Pac 5s '77 P ctfa... 45 46 45 Mo Pac 5a ’78 G- 46*4 46*4 46*4 Mo Pac 6a’81 I-- 46*4 45*4 46*4 Mo Pac 5s'81 1 ctfa... 44 44 44 Mo Pac 5*4a'49 A__ 14*4 14*4 14*4 Mob & Ohio 4*js ’77... 87*4 87*4 87*4 Mob & Ohio 5s '38_ 88*4 88 88*4 Mob & Oh M dlv 6s’47.. 68*4 63*4 53*4 Monong Pub S 4Ha'60- 106 105*4 106 Monong Ry 1st 4s ’60 10874 108*4 108*4 Montana Cent 3*4s’66 88*4 98 88 Mor&Essex 3 *4> 2000 86 84 84 Morris&Essex 4*4s'65 86*4 86*4 86*4 Nassau Elec 4S'51 aid. 62 62 62 Natl Dairy 3Hs'61ww. 1064 US 1064 Natl Steel 4a'65- 106 105J* 1054 Nau«atuck let 4S ‘54_ 86 88 88 New E T&T 4He'61— 1214 1214 1214 New OrlGNR 6a ‘83 A. 96>4 964 964 New Orl & N 4Hs '62.. 864 85 85 New Orl P S 6a'52 A.. 1014 1014 1014 New Orl PS 5a ‘55 B._ 1014 1014 1014 New Orl T&M 6H»‘64. 684 684 684 NY Central 3Ha'97_ 1024 1014 1014 NY Central 3 Ha *46_ 1034 1P34 1034 NY Cent con 4a'98_ 108 103 103 NY Cent rf 4H« 2013.. 954 95 95 NY C rf 4Hs 2013 n_ 964 95 954 NY Cent rf 6a 2013_1014 101 1014 NY Cent cv 6a'44- 1104 1094 no NY C L Sh 3H*'98 974 974 974 NYC Mich C 3H«'98._ 964 95 9SU NYC&St L. 1st 4s'37_ 102 102 102 N YC&St L 4 Hs ’78- 9&4 95 9SU NYC&St L 5H«'74 A.. 106 1044 105 NY Chi * St L 69'3* . 994 994 994 NY Edison 3 Hs '65 D. 1034103 1OS4 ■ NY Edla ref 3Hs '«8„ 1084 1024 1024 EI h*p«»'<9— 1114 1154 1154 * Green L 5s'48— 1014 1014 1014 NY L & W 1st 4S '73_ 1034 1034 1034 ^ W 4^* 73-108*4 1084 1084 NY NH & H 3 H a *54_ 884 S84 384 NY NH & H 4s '55.._ 40 40 40 NY NH & H 4s '57- 274 27 27 NY NH & H cl tr 6a’40 . 64 4 64 4 644 NY NH & H ev 8a ‘48.. 604 60 804 NY NH & H Cons Rya ->«« *®4 NY O&W sen 4s'55_ 88 f 87 38 NY O&W ref 4s'9*_ 414 40*< 404 NY Putnam 4s ’93_ 95 95 95 NY Rvs lnc 6s'65_ 65 644 «44 NY Rys 6s 65 A stp_ 1054 1054 1054 NY Steam 1st 6s '47_ 1074 107 107 NY Tel een 4H» '39_ 1084 1074 1074 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp- 984 93‘J 934 NY W & B 4Hs '46 ._ 174 164 164 Nias Falls P 3Hs'66.. 1064 106 106 Nias Sh 5H*'50 - 1084 1034 1034 Norf So 1st 5s'41_ 814 814 814 Norf So 1st ref 6s'61.. 294 f29H f294 Norf S 1st rf5s’61 cfa. 28 28 28 Norf & W 1st 4s’96_ 1194 1194 1194 North Am Co 5s '61— 1054 1054 1054 North Am Ed 5s'69 C. 1064 1064 1064 Nor n Pac sen 3s 2047. 80 794 80 Nor’n Pac 4s '97- 1084 1084 1084 Nor’n Pac 4s'97 ref- 1074 1074 1074 . Nor’n Pac <H» 2047— 1044 1084 1044 North Pao 6s 2047-1114 1114 1114 North Sta Pw «Hs ’61. 1054 1064 1064 North S P 1st 6a '41 A. 103 1024 1*8 North Sta Pwr 6s'64 . 1074 1074 1074 North Sts Pw 6s '41 B. 1084 1084 1084 Ohio Edison 4s *65_ 1054 1044 1044 Ohio Pub Svc 7s’47 112 112 n* Ores’ RR & N 4s ’46_118 1124 118 Ores W RR 4s '61- 1064 1064 io«4 PacG*E384s'61_. 1044 104 104 Pac G & E 4s ’64 - 108 1074 1074 Pac T&T rf 3Ha *66 B. 104 1034 104 Pan Am PC 8s'40 .. 664 68 4 564 Pan Am PC 6s'40 ctfs. 56 ’654 54 Paramount Pic 6s'55.. 1004 1004 1004 Park-Lx 6Hs'63 ctfs. 604 494 494 Parmelae (a '44 . _ 7S 76 76 Penn Dixie C 6a'41-1004 1004 1004 Penn P&L4Hs'81- 1064 1054 1054 Penn Co 4s'63 —1064 1044 1044 Penn RR 3H« '37 A-1014 1014 1014 Penn RR34a'70C-1014 1014 1014 Penn RR 4Ha’*l D— 1094 1084 1084 Pmn R R4tis'l4- 1084 1084 1084 Penn RR con 4Ha'60_. 1224 1224 1224 Penn RRfn4Ha'65.. 1124 1124 1124 Penn RR deb 4Ha'70.. 106 1044 1044 Penn RR fen 6s‘88 ._ 120 1194 1194 Peoria & E 1st 4a '40__ 97 97 97 Peoria & E lno *a’90__ 19 19 19 Pere Marq 1st 4s‘56_ 994 '99 99 Pare Mara 4Ha >80.— 1024 1024 1024 *La£Ulst Bs ’B#— 108 >054 1»6 Phlla B&W 4s'43_ 1184 1134 lisu Ok!!* em B* *7-1064 156 1m4 £5 a^e0C°«a,71._. 1024 1024 1024 p£ sSo0^4^*’*7- 10B* ,0B« !054 Phlla & R CAI 6a 73_444 43^ 441* Phlla & R C4I 6a'49_ 284 234 234 Philippine Ry 4s *J7 __ 25* £* PCOMtT^lf4 — lW/i 108M 10tii PCC&St L 4^s 42 B_112V4 112V4 112U PCC&St ti 6s -70 A_1214 lio iso4 PCC&St L 5. -75 B_1204 iio 1204 Pltts&W Va 4Hs'69 B 964 95 Pltta&W Va4Ha'60 C 97 964 964 Port Gen El 4 Ha 60 724 724 724 Prt an 1st 5s 35-60 ext. 1084 1084 1084 Postal Tal &C6.*63.. 424 414 42 Pure OU 4H* '60 xw__ 1044 1044 1044 Pure 011 4He '60 ww_ mu 1284 Purity Bakin; 6s >41.. 1004 loo'* 100* R-K-0 6s 41..128 ijo i8a - Readme Jer C4«-81._ 10814 108)4 108)4 Reading R4Ha'97A-. 10714 10714 107H Reading R 4He'97 B_. 107 107 107 Rem-Rand 4He’56ww. 115 114)4 116 Republic Stl 4Hs-61_ 9914 99 mu Republic 8tl 4He'60_ l«OH 169 160« Republic Stl 4He '66.. 99U 99)4 99U Republic Stl 5 H e '64.. 118 H2« 118 Revere Cop 4He‘56_106)4 IO654 106U Richfield Oil le'44_ 64)4 84 *4 Richfield O 6s>44 ctfe.. <4 68)4 84 ROW let ex in 4e ’39. 80 ' so so Rio O W col 48 49 A_ 60)4 60 50)4 Rutland Can 4s >49_.. 28)4 28M 28)4 Rutland HR 4He'«l— 82)4 82 82 Saguenay Pw4Hs>66.. 104)4 104 104)4 St Jos&Gr lal 4s’47.. 112 112 112 St L IM&S R&G 4s’tS. S9g 88 89 St L P & NW 6s '48_ 46 46 46 St L-S Fran 4s '60A__ 88)4 33)4 88)4 St L-S F 4s '60 A ctfe.. 31Vi 81)4 81)4 St L-S Fran 4He’78_ 80)4 29)4 80 St L-S F 4He'78 cf et_. 27)4 27)4 27)4 St L-S Fran 6s *60 B_ 84 84 84 St L S W 2d 4s‘89_ 70)4 70)4 70)4 St L S W let ter 6s’52_ 62)4 62 62 St P& Duluth 4a >68_ 109 109 109 StPKC8L4Hs 41_. 24)4 24 24)4 St P Un Dep rf 6s *72_ 122 122 122 San AAA. Pass 4s'48. 102)4 102)4 102)4 DAILY OIL OUTPUT HITSJEW HIGH Oklahoma and Texas Totals Show Large Increases Over Week Ago. By the Aisocleted Press. TULSA, Okla., February 0.—The third new high-production mark of (he year, 3,210,794 barrels daily for the week ending February 6, was re ported today by the Oil and Gas Journal. The average daily output figure was 30,574 barrels higher than a week ago and compared to the last high mark of 3,197,487 for the week end ing January 26. Oklahoma's dally production in creased 4,000 barrels to 591,750 bar rels, East Texas increased 623 to 452,986 barrels daily and the dally total for Texas showed a Jump of 30,346 barrels to 1,301,474. Louisiana showed a daily increase of 21 barrels to 251,545 barrels. Cali fornia was up 1,000 barrels to 585,000 and Kansas decreased 8,500 barrels to 165,125. Eastern fields, Including Michigan, decreased their production 532 bar rels to 143,610, and in the Rocky Mountain area there was a decrease in daily production of 1,070 barrels to 65,970 barrels. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints, 38; *4-pound prints, 39; tubs. 37: 9u score. 1 -pound prints. 37: »4-pound prints. 38; tub. 3d. Market strong. MBAT8—Choice beef. 17: calves. 21: veal. 19; lamb. 17: pork loin. 23; fresh ham. 23: smoked ham. 2H; sliced bacon. 33. slab bacon* 28; compound* 14*a: lard. id. qj LIV* 8TOCK—P1.6, «3,an>4: light hogs, » ,aflV medium hogs B>.ain; heavy hog*. R'-iaB**. roughs. 6aR. calves, flallfi: iambs. 6alU. Prices paid »hlppers. net f o b. Washlng culturB.[ Economics: Btate! Bure‘u of A«r‘* EGOS—Market steady to firm. Prices on nearby ungraded eg«s '2 cent higher Current_ receipts. 21*2a,221'2 hennery whites. _ a,2'2 Government graded and dated white tags inet prices paid ship pers. fob. Washington): U ft extras, large. -‘•'a; V S extras, mediums. 22; U. S. standards, large. 2:t'*. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady at Un cnanged prices. Fowl: Colored, heavy. 16 5.*^; L«ginorna 10x12 chickens Virginia Rocks broilers and fryers. I8a21: Dela ware crosses. 1Re20. Guineas, young. 2 pounds and up. 10 each: under 2 pounds. -oa.10 each: old guineas. 20*25 each. Turkeys, young hens. ]9a2o* young tom^ under ,!* Pounds. 16al6 *2o pounds and over. 16: No. 2s, 12; old hens. 14; old toms. 14. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK February !t i/Pi —New York Security Dealers' Association: . . „ , Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a) _105 10B Aetna Ins (l.Roi _ *~3't 4B5« Aetna Life ‘ .Mia) _ ;il ;i;( Am Eouit (1 Rot __ _ usi 4 4] ’4 Am Ins Newark ('-»> _ in 14'-. An> Reins (3) _ 62>a 65>a Am Reserve da).__ 30*4 :V”4 Am Surety 12'3 >_ _ _ H3 05 Automobile da»_ _ 3d, 32*4 Balt Amer (,20a 1___ *>2 B'2 Carolina d .301 __ 3*3» ■’(O, City of N Y <1.20> _ 2**4 Conn Gen Life <60)_ 35'.- 37 Contln Cas (150) _ 3o»4 33*4 Fid A Deo <2a> _127 130 Firemens Nwk _ 13 14'i Frank Fire da)_ 321 2 34'4 Gen Relnsur i3> _ 44'a 4R'i Glen Falls (l.KOl_ 44‘a 4R'a Globe & Rep (.80)_ 2n>4 2?>4 Globe A Rut _ 75' a 76 Great Amer da).... 2R'a Sanover (1.60) _ 3R 36 armonla d.snt _ 2*’a 2n*4 Hartford Fire <2)_ 77‘a 74!i Home Fire Sec _ 5*» 7 Home Ins (la)_ 3R'a 4r>': Homestead (1)_ 21s* 23 c, Lincoln Fire _ 4H 5*4 Mass Bond <3>-»)_ 60 72 Natl Fire <2) _ 63 «5 Nat! Liberty (20a)_ Id's 11*4 N Hampshire d.60>_ 43*4 44*4 N Y Fire i.ROa'_ 23'4 26>,i Nor River '>'»a)_ 2T',a 2a Ph0*niT (2») _ 04 OS Prov Wash (la* _ 37*4 30*4 St Paul Fire ■«) _213*a 216 ta Sprinafleld (4>aa)_126 'a 131'a Sun Life 600 030 Treveleri (16) _ 504 514 U S Fire (2) 54 56 Westchester (1.20a) _ 35 37 a—Also extra or extra*, r—Declared or paid *o far this Tear. -.—•-— Walgreen Co.—January sales were up 12.8 per cent. Hieh. Low. 2:55 Schulco 64s’4fi A Btp 41 41 41 Schulco 64S'46 B Btp. 404 404 404 Seabd A L ref 4s'59... 164 164 164 Seabd A L ad] 6s '49_ 94 94 94 Seabd A L 6a'45 A —. 194 194 1»4 Seabd A L6s 45ctfs._ 184 184 184 Seabd A-Fl 6a'35 Act 124 12 124 Seabd A-Fla 6s'35 B ct 12 114 12 Sharon Stl cv 44*'61. 112 11! 112 Shell Un deb 84* '51.. 1004 100 1004 Silesian Am 7s‘41_ 76 7S4 744 Socony Vac S%s'50--. 1054 1064 1064 South Bell TAT 5a'41. 1064 1064 1064 So Colo Pvr 6s ’47 A.. 1064 1064 1064 So Pac 34s’46_1014 1014 1014 80 Pao col 4s‘49_ 984 974 974 So Pac ref 4s'55.__. 106 106 106 So Pao 44s'68_ 964 964 964 So Pao 44s *69_ 96 964 96 So Pao 44s '81_ 96 964 954 So Pac Oreg 44s'77.. 1004 100 1004 So Pac S F Tar 4s '50.. 108 1074 104 So Ry gen 4s'66 A_ 8&4 *44 <>54 So Ry 6s'94-1114 1114 U14 So Ry gen 6s '56_ 105 1044 106 So Ry 6%s'66...- 110 109H 109* So Ry Mem div 5i'96.. 1054 105 106 So Ry M A O 4s '38 _ 95)* 964 954 So Ry St L div 4s'61_ 101 100)* 1004 8 W Bell Tel 3 4s'64.. 1074 1074 1074 Southw'n GAE 4s'60.. 1044 104 104 Stand Oil N J 3s '61... 1004 1004 1004 Studsbaker cv 6s‘45_ 1854 135 185 Swift A Co 3)*8'50_ 106 106 106 Tenn Cent 6s'47_ 1064 1064 1054 Tsnn El Pw 6s '47 A .. 100 994 100 Term As St L 44s'39. 108 108 108 Term Asso con 5s ’44_. 1174 1174 1174 Texas Corp 84s’61... 1014 1044 1044 Texas A Pao 6s'77 B._ 1054 1064 1054 Texas A Pac 5s'79 C.. 1054 1054 1054 Tex A Pac 1st 5s 2000. 1244 1244 1244 Third Av ref 4s'60 .. 734 78 78 Third A ad in ex 6s*66_ 444 484 434 Tol St L & W 4s '60__ 1024 1024 1024 Un El LA P 5s ’67_ 1064 1064 1064 Un El L A P 5 4s '54_1064 1064 1064 Un OH Calif 6s '42 A_ 120 120 120 Union Pac 3Hi*70___ 994 994 994 Un Pao 8 4s'71_ 994 99 99 Un Pao 1st 4s '47-1144 1144 1144 Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008.. 109 109 109 United Drug 6s'63 .. 1034 1024 1024 United Hys St L 4s'34. 884 384 384 U 8 PlpeAFy 34s *46.. 163 163 163 U S Rubber 5s '47_1064 1064 1064 Utah L A T 6g’44 (A). 1044 1044 1044 Utah P A L 6s ’44_ 1054 106 1054 Util PAL 5s *69 ww_ 634 624 624 Util PAL 64* *47__ 664 64 644 Vanadium cv 6s ’41__ 1024 102 1024 Ver Sug 1st 7S*42 ctfa. 82 82 22 Va E AP lit ref 4t'65. 1084 1084 1084 VaRy lstJ4s’66A— 106 106 106 Wabash 2d 6s'39_ 984 964 964 Wabash 6s *76 B______ 894 894 894 Wabash 6s *80 D___ 394 3gu 3314 Wabash 64s*76__ 40 40 40 WalksrH4kS44«’45_ 1074 1074 1074 Walworth 4s *66__ 98 884 89 Warner Bros cv 6s *89. [ 994 984 99 Warner-Quln 6s '39_ 624 684 624 Warren Br ov 6s *41_71 70 71 Warren Br 6s'41 rets. 71 70 ' 71 Wash Cent 4s'48- 1024 1024 1024 W Pa P 4s '61 H- 1074 1074 1074 W Sb 1st 4s S061 gtd._ 994 99 994 West'n Md 1st 4s ’52._ 1064 1044 1044 West'n Md 64s’77_ 1064 106 106 West'n Pac 6s ’46 A_ 874 S74 874 West’n Pac 6s 46 A as 364 864 864 West’n Un4%s'60 .. 1084 1084 1084 Westn Un cl tr 6s '88.. 1034 1084 1084 West'n Un 6s '60 _108 1074 1074 Wheel Steel 4Hs'66.- 1024 1024 1024 White Sew M 6s 40.1044 1044 1044 W Sp Stl 1st 7s *35 ct. 404 404 404 W Sp Stl con 7s ’36 ct. 404 894 404 Wilkes BAE 1st 6s ’42. 63 62 62 Wilson A Co 4S-66_ 1024 1024 1024 Wls Cent 1st gn 4s '49. 81 804 81 rhgstnSAT8%s'61__ 186 1184 186 T’ngstn SAT 4s'61_ 1044 1044 1044 REAL ESTATE LOANS P1 . M RESIDENCE mad SMALL BUSINESS V/4 /W PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0300 For Building, Refinancing, — i Purchasing Homes TERMS AS LOW AS S7-80 PER SI .000 PER MONTH SAFETY FOR SAVINGS PRUDENTIAL iMBi17,oLD.70n^80C,adTC7, Room 308 GlLLET X CO. ¥ INVESTMENT SECURITIES ¥ Woodward Building National 2460 Direct Wire* to New York Baltimore Philadelphia Wllliamspoit Property Management U R Property Management w Department brings to the service of owners of apartment house and residential properties its experience and facilities, of which they can avail themselves for a very nominal fee. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loans How to PAV OFF Your Present MORTGAGE ”■ z r,re«t cost*, and it may an "“U.o,,,,,-"'*'”"'1’ WEAfR BROS ih« BEAL-TOR* JSSSn—c—s WASHINGTON BUILD*"® district There Are Lots of Very Attractive Investments But to the average person who is limited in the amount he has available for investment purposes it is sometimes diffi cult to separate the good from the questionable, and often costly mistakes are made. Save with SAFETY! Of all the investments pos sible, the safest and soundest is unquestionably First Mort gages on Homes. This association, under the supervision of the United States Treasury, loans your money ONLY on First Mortgages in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. PRICE TRENDS IN 1937 Many unusual factors now guide security and commodity prices. International unsettlement, trade restriction*, labor problems, crop and credit control and other influences today affect the trend of corporate earnings and commodity prices. Fenner & Beane has developed extensive sources of in formation regarding specific industries and commodities, making available tc customers and other accredited indi viduals facts which may prove helpful in shaping their course with a view to fundamental developments. FENNER & BEANE Mtmbtn Sttf Ytri Snci Extbsmy amd ttktr kmJtmg Fw4»^«r Southern Bldg., 15th & H Sts. N.W. Nations! 7000 LOANS DISTRICT of Columbia or VIRGINIA property 5% Interest Rates 6% Prompt attention On applications To buyers Remodeling Refinancing Monthly payments as low as $7.50 per thousand No Commissions No Renewal Charges American Building Ass’n 300 PENN. AVE. S.E. » home loans I rj0 purchase I or . Refinance I ■ Your Saving* Here Ar*T $5,000 I I 3 716 1 nh Street LONG TERM H w Mortgage Loans O 7° Monthly Payments of $6-6° on each $1,000 borrowed, include interest and pay off loan in 20 years. • Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. • Amount loaned—up to 60% of appraised value. • Valuable prepayment privi leges. Other plans of financing first mortgage loans available H. L. RUST COMPANY 1001 fifteenth St NAtiooal 8100 | QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKING J f 1 1 A*m term/. ? Your bank assumes important obligations when it accepts your money for deposit. In return it asks from you: —Tour confidence—for without the con fidence of depositors no banj( can operate successfully. —Your support of its policy of mailing only sound loans of your money and that of other depositors. —Tour understanding and endorsement of the fundamental banJpng principle that in order to give you and the community a sound, well managed banl( it must avoid operating losses in conducting its accounts. It does this through moderate service charges where circumstances require. A bank ia primarily a community enterprise. While good management and good service are essential it cannot operate successfully with out the confidence and aid of its depositors. McL^ichlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. W. S. W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation