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RATES TO BE CUT ON BANK SAVINGS Reduction From 2!/2 to 2 Per Cent Announced by Clearing House. BT EDWARD C. STONE. Interest rates on savings accounts In Washington banks will be cut from 2>/i per cent to 2 per cent on March 1, H. H. McKee, president of the National Capital Bank and chairman of the Washington Clearing House Association, announced today. The maximum rate allowed by the Government is 2>2 per cent, but bankers here cannot find sufficient high grade investments for savings and time deposits to permit the con tinuance of the 2!2 per cent rate. Chairman McKee said, adding that similar action has been taken in prac tically all the other cities in the United States. Washington bank officials have given several months special study to the situation. Savings deposits, other wise known as thrift accounts, have been growing steadily in the Capital for more than a year. Bankers have hoped that earnings on the increas ing amount of loanable funds would be sufficient to prevent the need of any reduction in rates. Special Rule Adopted. Chairman McKee, in announcing the reduction in rates, stated that the Clearing House Association had adopted the following rule governing the payment of interest on time and savings deposits: Beginning March 1,1937, and there- j after the maximum rate of interest j that may be paid by members and 1 associate members on savings accounts1 eh all be as follows: Two per cent per annum on ac counts showing a balance of $2,500 or less. On accounts that show a balance of more titan $2,500. 2 per cent on $2,500 and 1 per cent on the remainder. These rates shall apply to all ac counts in existence March 1, 1937. i and to all new accounts opened after that date. The rates that are now paid on ■ certificates of deposit having a defl- I nite maturity are left unchanged, j They are: One-half of 1 per cent on certifi cates having a maturity of not less than 60 days. One per cent on certificates having j a maturity of not less than four months. One and one-half per cent on cer tificates having a maturity of not less than six months. Causes of Rate Cut. The reduction of the maximum rate from 2’« per cent to 2 per cent has been caused by the inability of the banks to use safely and profitably the large amount of savings and time de posits held by them which are con stantly increasing. Deposits must be ! Invested in sound loans and high-grade ' securities of a readily marketable character. Chairman McKee explained. The return on United States Gov- ! trnment and municipal bonds and other eligible securities in which sav ings deposits should be invested is lower than ever before in our his tory. it being impossible to safely | Invest savings deposits at rates which | will permit the continuation of the maximum of 2 Vi per cent allowed by Government regulations and. at the same time, meet the overhead ex penses Incident to operating savings departments. This is not a local condition. Chairman McKee stated, as an ex amination of the rates paid through out the country discloses that in only a few places is a rate higher than 2 per cent being paid on savings or time deposits. After careful study by the Clearing House Association over a period of several months the conclusion was reached that the maximum rate of 2 per cent on savings accounts, other- \ wise known as thrift accounts, is fair and reasonable in view of existing conditions, the clearing house official concluded. Small Estates Protected. Blaine B. Coles, president of the trust division of the American Bank ers’ Association, described the protec tion of the “little man’s estate” at the opening of the Midwinter con ference in New York today. The trend of business is toward the administra tion of small es tates rather than large estates, he said. Protection and conservation for small estates constitutes a so cial service of the highest order. Blaine B. Coles. ™er€iD >>es » future of the trust business, he added, reporting trust business on the upgrade every where. A sizable delegation of Washington bankers Is attending the three-day sessions. Reilly Talks to Credit Men. John A. Reilly, president of the Second National Bank, addressed the Columbia Regional Conference of the Association of Retail Credit Men at the Mayflower Hotel today on “Retail Credit Inflation.” He said in part: "This thing we call inflation is de signed to stimulate commodity prices. If historical precedents mean any thing at all we can safely predict that wages will not increase to the same extent as commodity prices in an Inflationary program. “Our greatest need today is a thor ough understanding of how credit fa cilities may be used as an aid to dis tribution. Credit as originally under stood was intended as an aid to pro duction. In this field it has performed a magnificent service. Heard in Financial District. Business associates and friends paid a rare tribute to Karl W. Corby, whose funeral was held yesterday afternoon from his Maryland home. Delegations from all the organizations in which he was moet interested, an attendance which crowded the residence, and flowers which spoke more than words added to the impressiveness of the ceremonies. Joshua Evans, jr„ vice president of the Hamilton National Bank, is taking a month's leave, following the tragic death of his son. Messages of sym pathy are still reaching the bank and his residence in great numbers. Directors of Peoples Drug Stores, Inc., have declared the regular quar terly dividend of 25 cents a share on the common stock, payable April 1 to stock of record March 8 and the usual quarterly dividend of $1.62% a share on the preferred, payable March 15 to shareholders of record on March X. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. 2:15 p.m. 1036-37 Stock and Sales— Net Hltth. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge. 744 69 Acme Steel 14) —_ 12 704 694 704 +14 184 94 Adams Exp <a56c)_ 4 174 174 174— 4 37V* 224 Address'graphl 1>_ 2 344 344 344 — 4 214 14 Advance Humley... 3 34 34 34 864 68 Air Reduction (tl). 8 764 764 764 + 4 174 13 Alaska Jun tt60c)_. 10 144 144 144-4 64 24 Alleghany Corp- 39 4 4 4 4 44 +4 614 124 Alleg pfw $30 w_ 19 56V* 54 664 +24 604 12V* Alleg pf w $40 w_ 6 654 62 654 +24 60 124 Alleg pf xw_- 4 554 52 654 +24 414 264 Alleg Steel (al.65). 2 394 384 384 -4 245 157 Allied Chem'6> .. 1 236 236 236 +2 34 23 Allied Mills <b50e). 3 294 29 29 204 64 Allied Stores(b20c). 31 19 184 184 -4 834 354 Allls-Chalm ttl4)- 29 774 764 764 -4 394 194 Alph Port Cmt tl)_ 2 38 38 38 +4 84 4 Amal Leather.__ 8 74 64 7 — 4 1264 75 Amerada Corp 12).. 3 1101* 110 110 -14 1014 49 Am AgCh (Pel) a4. 1 91 91 91 -1 554 36 Am Bank Note (tl) 9 384 374 374 -4 754 65 Am Bnk Note pf (3) 40s 74 74 74 7S 40 Am Brak6 Sh < 12)_ 3 73 73 73 +4 145 124 Am Brake S of 64- 10a 144 144 144 1374 1054 Am Can (»4> 19 1064 1054 106 — 4 174 1624 Am Can pf (7)_ 1 1664 1664 1664 - 4 71 30 Am Car A Foundry. 8 694 684 684 - 4 1044 66 Am Car & Fdrv nf 3 1034 103 103 -4 844 31 Am Chain&Cab(a4). 6 84 4 834 844 -4 125 111 Am Chain &C pf (5). 1 1264 1264 1264 - 4 224 74 AmCoiortype 32 22V* 21V* 214-4 354 204 Am Cornel A1 (a50c) 13 294 28 28 - 4 834 16V* Am Crys Sug(b50c) 4 32 314 32 134 34 Am Encaustic _ 15 124 124 124 — 4 134 64 Am & Foreign Pwr. 62 12V* 114 114 584 26 Am & For Pw $6 pf. 5 644 64 644 + 4 684 294 Am & For Pw $7 pf. 6 644 634 64 +4 384 12 Am & For Pw *d pf. 7 334 324 334 + 4 214 13 Am Hawaiian «1)_ 4 20 20 20 -4 94 44 Am Hide A Leather 27 84 8 8—4 62 37 Am Home P <t2.40). 2 504 504 504 -4 44 24 Am Ice _ 15 34 34 34 254 164 Am Ice of (2) .. 1 234 234 234-4 164 94 Am Intrnat'l <a40c) 6 16 154 16 + V* 584 234 Am Locomotive 4 574 57 67 — 4 125 66 AmLocom pf (»3).. 8 120 1194 120 —4 294 21 Am Mach&Fdvi tl) 5 24V* 234 244 + 4 15 10 Am Mach & Met 6O0. 2 124 124 124 + 4 654 27 Am Metai .. 11 64 63 634 - 4 134 120 Am Metals pf (6)— 1 1274 1274 1274 -2 164 74 Am Powei A Light. 103 134 124 13V* - 4 744 364 Am Pwr&Lt pf (5). 10 65 644 65 - V* 874 43 Am Pwr&Lt pf (6). 1 784 784 784 294 184 Am Radialor(t60c>. 58 29 284 284 - 4 37 234 Am Roll M (tl.20). 72 354 344 35 36 31 Am Saf Razor (t2). 2 354 354 354 +4 284 18 Am Seating (a2 4)- 6 28 274 274 -4 454 254 Am Shipblde (4> . 120a 42 42 42 -4 103 564 AmSmelt&Ref (3). 24 934 924 93V* 1084 104 Am Sm&Ref pf (6). 7 1064 1064 1064 + 4 154 1364 Am Sm&Ref pf (7). 1 150V* 1504 150V* — 4 734 574 Am Snuff (t3) _ 1 63V* 634 634 -4 148 1334 Am Snuff pf (6) 10a 148 148 148 74V* 2U4 Am Steel Fdry b50c. 21 694 684 69 — 4 1454 1074 Am Steel Fy pi (7). 60a 1134 1134 1134- 4 634 484 Am Sugar (*>... 3 534 524 524 + 4 1904 1494 Am Tel * Teleg (8) 19 1814 1794 1814 - 4 102m 87 Am Tobacco (6) x 1 974 974 974 + 4 104 884 Am Tobacco B (6) x 17 984 96V* 96V* -14 1504 136 Am Tobacco pf (6) 2 1504 150 1504 + V, 20 4 84 Am Tvr.e Founder* 3 194 194 194 — 4 294 194 Am Wat Wks (80c). 43 26 25V* 254 + 4 1084 924 Am Wat (V 1st >(ii 1 105 105 105 —1 144 74 Am V\ ... er 6 134 124 124 — 4 79 524 Am Woolen pf tbl). 10 754 744 744 2 4 Am Writ Paper toi 5 14 14 14 + 4 10 44 Am Writ Pan pf td) 3 74 74 7V* - 4 134 34 Am Zinc * Lead 284 14 124 13 - 4 56 24 Am Zinc & L pr pf 9 574 56 56 574 28 Anaconda Cop (tl). 63 564 554 554 — 4 264 15V4 Anchor Cap'600 — 4 224 224 224 + 4 10 3 A P W Paper 3 84 84 84 + 4 50 37 Archer-Dan-M <12) 5 45 444 45 -6 4 124 44 Armour(111) (bloc). 340 124 114 114 -4 93 664 Arm r< III mi i>t .1.. 4 95 94 944 +14 684 47V* Armstrong Cork(2) 3 66 654 654 — 4 184 74 Arnold Const(boOc) 3 154 154 154 — V, 224 84 Ariloom Corp 3 164 164 164 — 4 274 124 ASSO Dry Goods 10 214 214 214 — 4 884 69 Atch To & S Fe a2 15 754 75 754 - 4 107 904 Atch To&S Fepf(6) 5 104 103 104 +2V* 514 214 Atl CoastLlne(al). 21 514 504 61 + 4 354 264 Atlantic Refin (tl) 21 344 344 344 + 4 854 48 Atlas Powder(bTSc) 3 824 814 824 +4 133 112 Atlas Powder pf(5) 10s 1284 128'* 128V* -14 394 14 Atlas Tack (1)_ 9 174 17 17 544 264 Auburn Aulo _ 3 34 33Vj 334 + 14 104 54 Austin Nichols_ 1 84 84 84— 4 50 294 Austin Nichols pf A 20a 484 48 484 + 4 9V* 44 Aviation Coro t Del) 102 9 4 8 4 84 - 4 114 24 Baldwin Loco (d) 44 9 4 9 4 94 -4 120 294 Baldwin Loco pf(d) 1 1144 1144 1144 -24 94 24 Bald win Lo asd id >. 25 84 8 8 —4 120 SS4 Baldw L Df asd(d). 3 115 115 315 -2 264 164 Baltimore & Ohio. . 105 254 25 25 — Vi 41V* 21 Baltimore & Oh pf 21 394 384 39 494 39 Bang A Aroos(2Vi> 2 4444 44 —4 1104 105 Bang & Aroos pf (5) 20s 1104 110 1104 404 21 Barber Co (a7oc> .. 15 374 364 364 — 4 42 39 Bark Bros pf (2s*)- 10s 40 40 40 —Vi 354 144 BarnsdallOll (1)—. 26 334 334 334 22V* 164 Bayuk Cigars t75c 15 194 194 194 284 18 Beatrice Cream (tl) 14 284 284 28V* + Vi 112 85 Beech-Nut Pkgit4) 1 105 105 105 -1 164 13 Heldine Hem 11) 18 154 144 144 — Vi 894 83 Belg NR pt pf (3.24) 1 854 854 854 +4 324 214 Bendix A»iattal4) 19 284 284 284 — 4 264 20 Beneficial L (b45c 2 224 22 22 -4 72 48 Best & Co (T24) — 4 57 564 564 + 4 854 454 Bethlehem Stl al Vi - 52 85 4 844 854 + 4 i 20 16V* Beth Stl 5% of (1 l... 5 194 194 194— V* 1354 1074 Bethlehe Stl nf<7> 1 129 129 129 + 4 38 184 Black & Decker 25c 2 36 354 354 — 4 274 144 Blaw Knox ia8uc> 17 274 2 7 4 274 — 4 384 18V* Bloominsrilale blOc 100s 304 304 304 — 4 454 164 lioejn - i*miar<» 40 454 424 43 — 24 1004 80V. Bon Ami <A) (4) -- 10s 924 924 924 -4 74 39 Bon Ami <B)b62 4c 10s 434 434 434 324 254 Borden Co (1.60)— 31 27V. 274 274 — 4 90V* 64 Borg-Warner (4)-_ 2 814 81 814 — 4 114 6 Boston & Maine __ 3 94 94 94 54 14 Botany Min A (d)-. 2 34 34 3V* — 4 204 124 Brldgp't Brass t40o 25 204 194 20 - V* 64V* 43V* Briggs Mfg *»2» 9 57 564 564 — 4 504 41 Bristol-Myers t2.40 1 45V* 454 45VA 58V* 40V* Bklyn-Man Tr (4).. 18 48V* 474 474 -1 106 974 Bklyn-Man T pf (6) 1 102 102 102 +14 12V* 44 Bklvn & Queens 4 74 64 64 — V* 514 334 Bklyn&Queens pf a3 3 344 344 344 — 4 57 444 Bklyn Un Gas 43)__ 2 484 48 48 -1 244 84 Brunswick-Balka— 3 22 21 21 -4 254 84 Bucyrus-Erie 12 24 234 234 1154 1074 Bucyrus-Erle pf(7) 60s 115 115 115 15V* 94 Buda (EG) Mfg 21 134 13 13 1154 85 Budd (E G) Mfg pf. 3 874 85 85 -24 14 84 Budd Wheel (a20c). 8 104 104 104 — 4 45V* 204 Bullard Co (al 4)-- 6 43 424 424 -4 62 114 Bulova Watch . 16 60 594 594 —1 354 25 Burr Adding M 80c- 46 354 344 35V* + Vi 114 24 Bush Terminal (d). 5 94 94 94 — Vi 39 8V* Bush Term deb <d). 3 35 33 35 +4 45Vi 144 Bush T Bides of<d) 60s 384 374 38 —4 164 74 Butler Bros (bl5c)- 6 154 154 154 — 4 324 294 Butler Bros pf 1 Vi . 10 324 314 32 84 24 Butte Cop & Z(a5c). 138 84 8'/* 84 + Vi 33 164 Byers (AM) - 32 304 30 30Vi - 4 3S4 22 Byron Jackson tl-- 9 27V-1 27Vi 27Vi — 4 48*4 30V* California Pack (2) 7 46'/* 45** 46 3% % Callahan Zinc-Lead 410 4 3% 3% + % 20% 6- Calumet & Hec a760 47 18% 18 18 — Vi 40V* 30 Campbell Wy vtl) 11 34 33 83% - % 32% 10% Canada Dry G A... 11 28% 28 28 — % 17V* 10% Canadian Pacltlc 52 17% 16% 17 18% 12% Cap Admin(A) (al) 1 16% 16% 16% — Vi 106 91 Car Clin&o stpd(o) 10s 105 105 105 + % 9% 6% Carriers & Gen a35c 13 8 7% 8 186 92% Case <J 1) Co (4> .. 7 176% 174% 176% +1% 100 54% Caterpillar Trac t2 6 98% 98 98% +1% 32% 21% CelaneseCorpal%. 115 30% 29% 30%+ % 116 106 Cel of Am pr pf A 7. 1 108% 108% 108% + % 43% 19 Celotex Corp 8 42% 42'/* 42% 86 54 Celotex Corp pf (5). 10* 80% 80% 80%-% 39% 25% Cent Agulre «11 % > 2 35 35 35 12% 6% Central Foundry Co 60 11% 10% 11% + % 67 35 Central R R of N J 1 39% 39% 39% - V* 24% 18V* Central Vloleta Sub 3 17% 17% 17% - % 12 6% Century Rib M blOo 2 11 11 11 + % 115 97% Century R M pf (7) 20s 111 111 111 +1 75% 47% Cerrode Pasco 44) 9 70% 70 70 + V* 21% 8V* Certain-teed Prod . 20 21% 21% 21% - % 80% 57% Certain-teed pf (6). 390s 81% 80% 81 +2 62% 19 Champ Pap* F tl> 2 48V* 48 48 — % 69% 22% Checker Cab Mfg — 1 46% 46% 46%-1% 100 59 Chesapeake Corp(S) 5 89 88% 88%+% .77% 51 Ches ft Ohio (t2.80). 14 67% 67 67 + % 3% IV* Chi ft East 111 (d) _ 4 3% 3% 3% 11% 2% Chi ft East 111 pfld) 3 10% 10% 10%+% 3% 1% Chi Grt West Id)_ 1 3 3 3 +% 16% 4 Chi Ort W pf Id).. 11 15% 14% 14%-% 33% 25% Chi MallOrd(tl%) z 1 31% 31% 31%+% 2% 1% Ch! Mil St PftP Id) 6 2% 2 2% 6% 2% Chi M St P&P pf Id) 6 5% 5% 5% 4% 2% Chi ft N W Id)_ 14 4% 4 4 -% 15% 6% Chi & N W pf Id)_ 3 14 13% 14 32% 12% Cht Pneumatic Tool 35 33 31% 32% +2 70% 40% Chi Pne T pf Ia3 % ). 1 67% 67% 67%-% 3 1% Chi R lAPao id) 4 2% 2V* 2% 8 3% Chi RIftP 6% pf id) 1 6% 6% 6% - % 8% 3% Chi R l*P 7% pf Id) 3 7% 7 7% - % 30% 17% Chlckash Cot Oil_ 1 20% 20% 20%- % 15% 7 Childs Co 11 14% 14 14 - % 138% 86% Chrysler Corp<al2) 175 130% 128% 130% +1% 23 15V* City Ice ft Fuel 12) 8 20% 19% 20%+% 89% 72% City IceftF of 16%) 40s 89% 89 89% +2% 13% 4% City Stores .. 6 9% 9% 9% 46% 23% Clark Eqnlp(tl.«0). 2 36 36 36 -1% 113 107 Clev El Ilia pf 4%.. 20* 107 107 *107 - %• 47% 33 Clse Graph Br 12).. 2 37% 37% 37%+% 90% 48 Cluett Peabody IS). 13 93V* 90 92 +3 136 84 Coca-Cola 112)_ 1 135 135 135 57% 65% Coca-Cola A II) ... 2 67% 67 57 - % 21% 13 Coinsts P-P It60c). 10 20% 19% 20 - % 106% 100 Colgata-P-P pf 16). 3 103 103 103 66% 39% Collins ft Aik ft_ 9 61% 60% 60% 116% 107% Collins ft Aik ot Vn 80s 112% 112% 112% + % 49 28% Colo Fuel & Iron_ 26 60% 49% 60 +1% 36% 21 Colo ft Southern . 140s 23% 23% 23% + % 37% 19% Colo ft South lstpf. 20s 27 27 27 ♦ % 36 16 Colo ft South 2d pf.. 20s 25 25 25 23% 14 Columb G ft B »40o- 68 17% 17% 17%-% 108% 90% Col O ft E pfA (•)_ 2 101% 100% 101% + * 8:16 p m. 1936-37 Stock and Sales— Net Hleh. Low. Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Hleh. Low. Close. Chee. 130 80% Col O & 13 pf (6)_180a 95 ;94 95 +2 45% 31 Colum Piet vto (tl) 20 38% 36% 37% + % 136% 94 Colum Carb rtc(t4) 1 123% 123% 123% . 84% 44 Cornel Credit <t4).. 12 66% 65% 165% 91% 55 Com’l Invest T (t4) 8 75% 74% 75 — % 136 97 Cornel In T pf (4%) 4 113% 113% 113% -1 24% 14% Comc’l Solv <t60c)_ S3 20% 19% 19%-% 5% 2% Comw & Southern.. 145 3% 3% 3% + % 82 69% Comw A 8ou pf (3). 3 65% 65 66 - % 17% 7 CondeNaatPub_ 30 18 16% 17% +1 44% 30% Oongeleum N tl.60. 12 41% 41 41% 25% 16 Congress Cigar (a2) 1 18 18 18 19% 8 Consol Cigar 6 16% 16% 16% 95 72% Con C pr pf ww 6H 40s 92 91% 92 +1% 85 65% Consol Cigar pf (7) 20s 85 85 85 49% 27% Consol Ed N T t2_. 50 45% 44% 45 - % 7% 4% Consol Film 7 5% 5% 6% 20% 15% Consol Film pf <a2). 8 17% 17 17 12% 3% Consol Laundries.. 15 12% 12% 12% 17% 11% Consol 011 (80c) .. 41 16% 16% 16%-% 1% % Consol Textile (d). 13 1% 1 1 10 2 Cone Coal (Dal)vto. 28 9% 9% 9% + % 40% 21% ConsC (Del) of vto 260s 38% 38 88 +% 32% 15% Container Corp 1.20 18 31% 31% 31%+ % 37% 10% Conti Baking »A> 6 35% 34% 34%—% 6% 1% Conti Raking (B) 42 4% 4% 4% 109 67% Conti Baking pf (8) 1 108 108 108 + % 87% 59%ConflCan (tl). 42 60 59% 69% 25% 17% Conti Dla Flbre(2>_ 2 24% 24% 24%+ % 46 35% Conti Insur (tl.60). 9 41% 41% 41%+% 4 2% Conll Motors 26 3% 3% 3% 45% 28% Conti Oil of Del(tl) 11 45% 44% 45 +% 46 25 Conti Steel Corp(l) 11 30% 30 30%+ % 76 55% Corn Ex Bk&Tr (3) 160s 76% 75 75 82% 63% Corn Prod Ref (t3). 7 68% 67% 67% - % 171% 158 Corn Prod R pf (7). 1 167 167 167 -1% 8% 4 Coty Ino _ 16 7% 7% 7% 56% 24 Crane Co_ 7 54% 63% 53% - % 37% 35 Cream of Wh't (tJ) 3 36% 36% 36% 35% 15% Crosley Radio al%. 7 25% 25% 25% 100% 43% Crown C’k&Seal (2) 9 96% 95% 96 -1 24% 5% Crown Zelleb’k vto. 39 23% 22% 22% + % 65% 28 Crucible Steel_ 23 66% 65% 65% - % 3% 1% Cuba Co_ 2 2% 2% 2% 14% 6% Cuban-Am Sugar... 20 11% 11% 11% — V* 129 63% Cuban Am Sug pf.. 210s 121 120 120 44% 35% Cudahy Pkg (2%)_. 2 41% 41% 41% 24V* 16% Curtis Publishing.. 31 19 18% 18%—% 114 99% Curtis Pub pf (7)__ 4 104% 104 104 -% 9% 4 Curtiss IVrieht 142 7% 7% 7% - % 22V* 10% Curtis Wrghl A 50c. 93 22% 21% 21%-% 88 43V* Cutler Hammer tl. 2 88 88 88 + % 127 52 Deere & Co _ 27 126% 124 125% +2 32% 27 DeePe & Co of (1.40) 2 31% 31% 31% + % 33% 19% Detsel-Wem-O (tl) 2 27% 26% 27%+ % 54% 36% Delaware & Hudson 11 52% 50% 50% —1% 23% 14% Del Lack A West 30 19% 19 19 9% 4% DenftRlo GW pf (d) 5 9% 8% 8% 153 128 Detroit Edison (t4> 11(0 140 140 71% 42 Devoe& Rey (A) t3 2 71 70% 71 +% 40% 30% Diam’d Match b50o. 4 35% 35% 35% - % 43 37% Dla Match pf m4_. 3 40 39% 89%—% 34% 18% DlstCorp Seag Ltd. 9 25 24% 24%—% 25 19 Dixie Vortex (1%). 5 25 24V* 24%-% 41% 40% Dixie Vortex A 2% 20s 41 41 41 — V* 43% 37V* Poehler Die Cas (2) 2 41% 41% 41% 61 % 41% Dome Mines it2>.. 6 49% 49% 49% — % 12% 7% Dominion Stores 1 10% 10% 10% 82% 50% Douglass Aircraft 46 72% 70% 70% -1% 55 29 Dresser Mfgf A»a3. 1 54 54 54 39% 13 Dresser Mfg(B) al. 1 36% 36% 36%-% 1% % Duluth S S Atl_ 6 1% 1% 1% 8% 4% Dunhili Internatl_ 1 7% 7% 7% 18% 13% Duplan Silk (1) ._ 1 16% 16% 16%+% 184% 133 Du Pont de N a€.10_ 9 174% 173% 173%-1% 136% 129 Du Pont deb (6) _ 1 133% 133% 133%+ % 21% 5% Eastern Roll Mllla. 3 15% 15% 15% - % 1S5 156 Eastman Kod (t6> 2 174 173% 173% - % 166 152 Eastman Kod pf»6). 10s 161 161 161 40% 28% Eaton Mfg (t2)_ 21 37 35V* 36% +1% 15% 5% Ellington Schltd 18 13% 13% 13% 29% 22% El Paso Nat G( 1.60) 2 26% 26% 26%-% 47% 30% Elec Auto Lite t2.40 11 44% 43% 44 - % 115 1105* Elec Auto L pf 17). 110s 111% 111% 111% + % 17% 10 Elec Boat <a60c)... 37 13% 13% 13% 7% 5 El & Mus Ind al8c_. 96 6% 6% 6% 26% 6% Elec Pw A Lt _ 42 22% 21% 22%-% 87% 29% Elec Pw ft Lt 16 pf. 2 77% 75% 75% -2 94% 32% Elec Pw ft Lt *7 pf. 6 81% 80 81 - % 55% 39% Elec Stor Bata2%_. 2 42% 41% 41%-% 2 % Elk Horn Coal (d).. 3 1% 1% 1% 8 1% Elk Horn C pf (d)._ 5 6% 6% 6% 69 53% findicott-John (3).. 1 58% 58% 58% 17% 7% Eng Public Service 2 145* 14% 14% + % 89% 48 EPS *5% pf ww all 2 80 79% 80 +3 97 55 Eng P S JS pf!al2). 1 86 86 86 +2 10% 5% Equit Oft Bldg blOc 3 9% 9 9 - V* 185* 11 Erie R R _ 13 16% 16 16%+ % 34% 16 Erie R R let pf_ 10 30% 30 30% 29 11% Erie R R 2d pf_ 11 24% 24 24 - V* 15% 12 Eureka Vac C (80c) 2 13% 13 13 - % 40% 23% Evans Product(tl). 14 31% 31 31 -% 85* 4% Exchange Buffet_ 2 6 6 6 — % 5% 2% Fairbanks Co_ 360s 4% 45* 4% 28 85* Fairbanks Co pf .. 50s 26 25% 25% + V* 71% 34% Falrb’ks-Morse(tl) 7 68% 67% 67% - 5* 70 31% Fajardo Sugar (bl) 5 59% 59 59 • 294* 18% Federal LI ft Hue 3 26% 26% 26% - % 103 84 Fed Lt ft Tr pf (6» 20* 100 100 100 123% 69% Fed M&S pf (al0%) 1 120 120 120 12% 7% Federal Mot Tr 40c 46 115* 10% 10% - % 95* 3 Fed Screw Works.. 10 9% 85* 85, + % 6 25* Fed Water Svc (A). 6 5V* 4% 5 — % 115% 1025* Fedtd DScupf 4% 2 106% 106 106 -% 49% 38 Fidel Phoe F 1 tl.60 5 44 43% 44 +% 365, 24% Firestone T ft R (2) 48 37% 37 37 + % 106% 100% Firestone pf A <6> 2 1075, 107% 107% + % 58% 40 First Nat Strs t2%. 5 61 50% 50%+% 465* 30% Flintkote Co 41 > 42 45% 44% 45% + % 11% 35, Follansbee Bros (d) 7 9% 8% 8% - % . 54% 32 Food Machine (1).. 1 51% 6b, 51%+ 5* 54% 24% Foster-Wheeler__ 8 51% 50% 50% — % 18% 14 Francisco Sugar... 2 14% 14% 14% — % 35% 23!* Freeport SulCo (1). 70 31V* 30 30% +1 53% 31% Fuller Co 2d of 20s 42 42 42 -1 7% 3% Gabriel Co <A)_ 1 5% 5% 5% 33 115, Gamewell Co 110s 31 305, 31 41 195, 15% Gar Wood Ind a35c. 13 18% 18% 18%+% 155, 8% Gen Am Inv a7f,c». 3 14% 14 14 — 5* 815. 425* Gen Am Trans't a3. 7 81', 80% 80% 20 10% Gen Baking (t60c). 6 18 17% 17% - V* 13% 7 Gen Bronze _ 32 13% 12% 12% + % 29% 5% Gen Cable.... 10 28% 27 27%-% 60% 17 Gen Cable A ._ 8 55% 54 54 -2 128% 705* Gen Cable pf(a7)._ 2 1165*116 116 -1 69% 485* Gen Cigar 114) — 3 47% 46'* 46% -1 64% 345* Gen Electric (tl)_ 74 62% 61% 62 -% 445* 33% Gen Foods (2)- 19 44V* 43% 43%-% 4% % Gen Gas ft Elea (A) 34 3 2% 2% 71 14 GenG&E 6%cvpfA 20s 63% 63% 63%-% 7054 68 Gen Mills <3> . 9 625* 6 1 61 -2% 77 5854 Gen Motors (b25c).. 104 67 66V* 66%-% 1285* 118 Gen Motors pi (5).. 8 121% 120% 120% 15% 6% Gen Outdoors Adv.. 3 14V* 14% 145,— % 80 38 Gen Print Ink (a5). 1 78 78 78 — % 110 105 Gen Print Ink pf(«) 10s 109% 109% 109% - % 6% 354 Gen Pub Service.7 4% 4% 4% - % 655* 3254 Gen Ry Signal (1). 4 63% 63 63%+% 5** 2 Gen Realty ft Util.. 92 5% 5 5% 485* 26% Gen Realty & P pf 2 45% 44 44 -1 71 33% Gen Refractor a3 %. 4 69 685* 68% — V* 98 32% Uen Sti < asiilig pi 120, 86 85 85 33% 17 Gen Theatre ^ (a2). 4 325* 31% 31% -1 445* 30% Gen Time In* (tl). 6 39 39 39 +1 20% 13% Gillette S*fR (tl)- 17 19% 18% 18%-% 90 70 Gillettes R pf (5). 1 87 87 87 + % 27% 6% Glmbel Bros .. 10 25% 2554 25% — % 92 83% Glmbel Bros pf (•). 2 865* 865* 86%+ % 5554 39% GUdden CO (2) .. 12 50 49% 49%+ % 585* 52V* GUdden cv pf(2%). 2 56 55% 56 — % 7% 354 Gobel (Adolf > ... 28 6% 6% 6% 10% 6V* Goebel Brew (t2(ic) 13 7% 7% 7% - % 35% 13% Goodrich(BF) (al) 114 37V* 36 37 +1% 86% 74 Goodrich (BFipf(5> 4 84% 8454 84% — V* 385* 21% Goodyear T&R b50c 398 40% 39V* 4054 +2 1145* 100 Goody T&R cu pf 5. 11122 117% 122 +75* 128% 87 Goodyear 2d pf (7). 3 138 136% 138 +9% 14% 8% Gotham Silk Hose 1 115* 11% 11%—% 4% 2 Graham-Palge 655 4% 4% 4% + V* 15 1% Granby Cons (new) 19 125* 115, 115* 6% 3% Grand Union ctfs . 12 4% 4% 4% + % 27% 16 Grand Un pf (b25c). 7 235* 235* 235*+% 485* 245* Granite City Stl 11) 4 47% 46% 4654 -15* 625* 28% Grant(WTHtl.40). 3 44% 44% 44%-H 48% 32% Grt Northern pf 37 48% 47% 48 22% 16 Grt Nortb’n Ore (1) 11 20% 20 20 42% 31 Grt Wt’n Sug t2.40. 4 36% 36% 365* - V* 1495, 136 Grt West Sug pf 17) 20s 143% 143% 143% 395* 22 Green (H L)(tl.60). 4 35% 35% 35%-% 175* 14% Greyhound <t80c)~ 68 16% 16% 16% - V* 4% 1% Guantanamo Sugar 6 3% 3% 3% — % 66 24 Guantanamo Sug pf 20s 46 46 46 62% 30% Gulf Mobile & N pf. 1 54% 54% 54% +1 80% 28% Gulf States Steel... 11 795* 79 79%-% 37 23% Hack w pi A (1%). 70s 35 35 35 + 1% 19% 6 Hall* WK)Prtntln* 54 20% 19% 20% + % 125% 104 Hamilton W pf <6). 10s 107 107 107 105% 100 Hanna <M A) pf (6) 30s 105 105 105 -% 57 30% Harb-Walker <72). 5 54 63% 54 -% 18% 12 Hat Corp or Am (A) 3 17 16% 16% 115 103V* HatCprww <6%). 60s 104% 104V* 104% 9 4% Hayes Body _ 71 7% 6% 7% - % 133 99% Hazel Atlaa G1 <76). 1 104% 104% 104% + % 21% 12% Hecker Prod <60c)_ 29 15% 15 16 — % 141 117 Helme(GH) <+5)— 1 126 126 126 +4 41 25% Hercules Mot (71)- 34 38% 36 38% +2% 185 84 Hercules Powa5%. 2 180 180 180 -2% 135% 126 Hercules Pdr pf (6) 60s 133% 133% 133% - % 80 68% Hershey Choc (t3)_ 1 67 67 67 +1 54 30% Holland Fur <al%). 4 51 49% 50 -1% 124 108 Holland Furs pf<6) 70s 116 115 115 —1 33% 9 Hollander &Son(l). 4 25 24% 24%-% 43% 19% Holly Sugar’«72).. 11 34% 33% 33%-1% 644 366 Homestake <712)... 1 399% 399% 399% - % 44% 39% Houd-Hersh (A) 2 % 6 41 40% 40% - % 33 22% Houd-Her <B) 71% 11 26% 26% 26% 73 64% Household Fin (4).. 4 70 69% 70 + % 17% 6% Houston Oil etc —. 88 15% 15% 15% — % 84% 48% Howe Sound 173)_ 5 83 81 81% -2% 5% 3% Hudson A Manhat.. 4 6% 5% 6% 17% 8% Hudson & Man pt._ 2 14% 14% 14% + % 23% 13% Hudson Motor Car. 38 22% 22% 22% - % 3% 1 Hupp Motors . 64 2% 2% 2% 29% 18% Illinois Central_ 18 26% 25% 26%-% 66 30 Illinois Cent pf (A) 1 56 66 56 73% 68 111 Cent Ise lines <4) 20s 67% 66% 66% +1% 22% 4% Indian Refln <al)... 3 17% 17 17 - % 41% 25% Indu Rayon <71.68) 7 37% 86% 37% +1% Indus Ray rts Mch 1 71 1% 1% 1% ♦ % 140 125 Ingersoll-Rpf (6)-100s 186 136 135 122 88% Inland Steel <4>_ 8 117% 117% 117% - % 2:15 D.m. 1036-37 Stock snd Sales— Net Blah. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Low. Close. Cbgs >2% 6% Inspiration Copper. 41 81% 30% 80% — % 7% 5 IneSh MdefsatOc. 1 6% 6% 6H - V* 18% 10% Inter Rap T vto <d) 2 12% 12% 12% - V« 6% 2% Intercontl Rubber.. 50 6% 5% 5% + % 19% 9% Interlake Iron_ 31 18% 18% 18%-% 8% 2% Int Agricultural_ 60 8 7% 7% - % 58 22% Int Agrlcul pr pt._ 3 57 56 56 —1 194 160 int Bub Mach tt6)_ 2 177% 177% 177% 111% 56% Int Harvester 2%.. 18 106% 105% 106% + % 162 148% Int Harvester pf(7) 1 162 162 162 16% 2% int Hydro Eleo (A) 148 16% 14% 16 + % 9% 4% Int Mercantile Mar. 7 8% 8% 9% — % 18% 10 inti Mining <a90cj_ 30 16V* 16% 16% + V* 66% 43% Inti Nickel (b50c)-_ 30 64% 64% 64% - V* 23% 3% Int Paper ft Pw t A) 4 18% 17% 18% + V* 14% 2% Int Paper ft Pvr (B) 3 12 11% 11%-% 8% 1% Int Paper it Pw (C) 22 6% 6% 6% + % 108% 20% Int Paper A Pw pf.. 6 100 99% 99%-%’ 48% 37 Inti Print Iak (t2)-. 3 44 43% 43% —1% 10% 3 Int Ry Cent Am vto 60s 8% 8% 8% 61% 19% Int Rwy Cent A pf. 30s 54% 64% 64% -1% 63% 47 Int Shoe (t2)_ 2 48% 48% 48V* 44% 15 Int Silver. 2 43% 41 41 -2 103 60 Inti Silver pf Ca4)_. 10a 98 98 98 -2 19% 11% Int Tel * TeJ . 489 14 13% 13%+% 87% 10% InterstaDS (b2%). 6 32% 32 32 - % 26% 15 IntertyneCorp (1)_ 1 25 26 25 31% 24% Island Creek (21_ 2 27% 27V* 27%-% 93% 58% Jewel Tea <»4>_ 4 80 80 80 155 88 Johns-Manville(t3) 18 147 144% 147 +1 126% 121% Johne-Manv pr (7) 10s 125% 125% 125% 133% 75% Jones&L 7%pf bl% 60* 132 132 132 -% 50% 39% Kalamazoo S ttll-. 4 44% 44% 44%+ % 26 13 Kans City Southern 7 22 21% 21% — V* 48% 19% KansCSpf (all__ 1 43 43 43 -% 33% 23% Kayser J & Co <2)_ 3 26 26 26 + % 28% 19% Kelsey-H (A) al%_ 18 22% 22 22 24% 16% Kelsey-H (B) al%. 4 18% 18% 18%-% 64 28% Kennecott »al 70) . 36 60% 59% 60%—% 28% 17% Keystone S&W bl5c 5 18% 18V* 18%+ % 7% 3% Kinney (O R) Co 8' 7% 6% 6% - % 67% 30 Kinney(GR)pf(al). 1240s 69 62% 64 -2% 32% 20% Kresge (SS) (tl).. 11 28% 28 28 28 19% Kroger G&B<tl.60) 8 23 22% 23 +% 33% 2074 Laclede Gas (St L). 40s 25% 25% 25% 26% 1574 Lambert Co (2)_ 53 23% 23 23% — 74 18% 7% Lane Bryant_ 2 15% 15% 15% — 74 25% 12 Lee Rur>ATlre(60c) 27 26% 25% 25% + % 51% 15% Leh Fort Cmt (112). 15 50% 50% 50%-% 203 9474 Lehigh Por C pf i«) 60s 201 196 201 +1 4 2 Lehigh Valley Coal. 11 3% 3 3% + % 19 9% Lehigh Val Coal pf. 14 1674 16% 16% + % 22 8% Lehigh Valley R R. 15 19% IS 19% - % 131 89 Lehman Corp <tS)_ 5 127% 127% 12774 - % 21% 12 Lehn & TinkalH— 10 21 20% 21 + % 65 37% Lerner Stores (t2>_ 2 56 55% 56 + % 80% 47% Libby-Ow-F G1 a3 % 4 76% 76% 76%+ % 14% 7 Libby. McN & Lai. 14 13% 13% 13% - % 31% 25 Life Saver <tl.60)_. 2 27 27 27 116% 97% Llvg&Yvers B tt41 6 11374 112 112 -1 23% 19 Lily Tulip Cup tl% 11 22% 22% 22% + 74 78% 2574 Lima Locomotive.. 11 77% 76 76% — % 61 36 Link Belt (t2)__ 4 60% 59% 59% - % 52 32% Liquid Carb (2.60)_ 3 48% 48 48%—% 78% 43 Loew s lno «tZ>_ 26 79 77% 78 +74 374 2 Loft Inc _ 9 3% 3% 3% 69% 35% Lone Star Cmt(t2). 48 69% 69% 69% 10% 3% Long Bell Lum (A). 6 10 9% 9% — V4 45 38% Loose-Wiles (2) .. 1 41 41 41 - % 28% 21% Lorillard (P) tl.20. 83 28% 27% 28 - % 151 140 Lorillard (P) pf<7) 140s 146% 146 146% + 7* 5174 13 La Oil Ref pf id).. 110s 29% 29% 29% 30% 20 Loulsv GAEpfA 174 2 25% 25% 25%-% 102% 57% Louisv & Nash b2% 8 93 92% 92% -1 35 2274 Ludlum Steel i tlJ 175 36% 34% 35% +1% 42 33 MacAndrew&F (12). 1 35 35 35 + 74 134% 12774 MacAnd & F pf <6)_ 10s 132% 132% 132% +1 37 29 McCall Corp <T2)._ 2 35 31% 34%-% 24 12% McCrorv Store* 18 23% 22% 22% — % 102 92 McCrorv Stra pf46). 1 103 103 103 +1 46 40% MeOraw Elec <t2> 3 42% 42 42%+% 28% 16 McGraw-Hill 612%. 1 26% 26% 26%-% 49% 38 McIntyre Porcu (2) 4 40% 40 40 — % 118% 83 McKeesp’tTP (t4). 2 83% 83 83%+% 14s. 8% McKesson A Rob _. 9 13% 13% 13% 49% 37% McKessARob of IS) 6 46% 46 46 — % 21s- 11% McLellan St (b"5e). 3 18% 18 IS + % 112% 97% McLellan Strs pf(6 FOs 108% 108% 10874 55 27% Mack Trucks (til.. 83 56% 54% 55%+ % 65% 40% Macv <R H) (t2)_ 10 52% 52 52 - % 15% 8% Madison Sq G (80c) 1 14% 14% 14% 35Vj 7% Manatl Sug pt (dl 70s 21% 21 21 —3% 23% 1274 Man El md gtd <d). 4 15 14% 15 + % 57% 32 Man Elev gtd <d)__ 20s 35 35 35 -3 29% 17% Manhat Shirt (1).. x 4 28% 28 28 -% 6% 2V* Maracaibo Oil Exo 8 5% 5% 5% 13% 8% Marine Midl'd t40c. 47 13% 13 13% + % 3% 1% Market St Ry _ 80s 2% 2% 2% - 7* 23 6% Market St Ry pf_ 20s 16% 16% 16% 45 18% Market St Ry pr pf 10s 37% 37% 37%+ % 25% 11% Marshall Field A To )g 22% 21% 22 -% 12 6% Martin-Parry ex rts 4 10 10 10—7* Martn-Par rts Mar 2 32 % % % 74 44 Masonite Corp (tl). 1 74 74 74 42% *27% Mathleson Alk<174) 8 39% 39% 39%+% 70 43% May Dept Str <t3)_ 4 62 60% 60S -1% 21% 13% Maytag Co (a50c>1 14% 14% 14% 50% 43'a Maytag Co xw pf 3. 10s 45 45 45 33% 12% Mead Corp 18 31% 30% 30% -1 122 95 Mead Corp pf (6)_20s 100 10(1 J00 +1 91 557* Melville Shoe (t5)_. 8 80 79% 79%-% 15% 67* Mengel Co _ 161 16% 15% 157* + % 140% 50 Mengel Co pf . 50s 145 141% 141 +3% 142 106% Mengel Co pfctfs _ 240g 147 141% 147 +5 67% 40% Mesta Mach (b75c). 21 67 66 66%-% 26 5% Miami Copper 109 25% 21 24% — % 32% 17% Mld-CTont Pat al.15 13 31% 31 31%-% 48% 21% Mid’ld Stl Prod (t2) 3 41% 41% 41%-% ISIIj 110 Mid Stllst pf * 8 * 100s 120 119% 120 +% 112 65 Minn-HonRos (2). 3 109% 108'-* 109% +1 120 114% M H’well R pf B<4). 10s 116% 116% 116% - % 15% 6% Minn Moline Pwr . 22 14% 14% 14%+ % 2% 1% M St P&S S Marie . 12 2 2 6% 2% M St P&S S M Is In 50s 5% 574 5% 29% 16% Mission Corp(a«5c) 7 287* 28 28% + % 9% 5% Mo Kans A Texas 35 8% 7% 8 33% 14% Mo Kan & Tex pf A. 29 28% 27% 27%-% 4 2% Missouri Pacified) 9 37s 3% 374 — % 9 3% Mo Pacific pf id) . 2 8% 8 8 — % 40% 19% Mohawk Carp tl.20- 4 38% 38% 3874 - % 103 79 Monsanto Chem tl. 2 94% 93% 94% +1 68 35% Montgom Ward (t2) 49 59% 59 59%+ 74 274 % Mother Lodeal274c 125 2 1% 17s 43% 28% Motor Prod (t2) 2 36% 36% 36% 27 15% Motor Wheel <1.«0) 18 23% 23% 23%-% 39% 11% Mullins Mf(B)a50e 2 357* 35% 35'* - % 101% 70 Mullins Mfg pf (7). 60s 96% 96 967* + % 36% 21 Munsingwear < 13»_. 5 34% 33% 34-74 79% 44 Murphy G C 4t2)_ 2 76 75 76 +1% 10874 102'4 Murphy GCpf (5). 10s 108 108 108 + % 22% 14 Murray Corp (»50c) 45 20% 19% 19%-% 24% 17% Nash Kelvlnator(l) 46 23% 22% 22% - % 23% 1274 Natl Acme (a75c)._ 12 2274 22% 22%-% 18% 9% Nat Aviation (al)— 6 1774 17% 17% + % 38% 28% Nat Biscuit (1 60).. 15 31% 31% 31%-% 37 2174 Nat Cash Reg (al). 16 3674 35% 36 - % 28% 21 Nat Dalrv Pro a 174. 74 26% 25% 25%+ % 112 107 Nat Dalrv P pf B(7) 80s 108% 108% 1087* 247* 10 Nat Dent Stores 31 22% 21% 21% — 7* 1074 774 Nat Dept Stores pf. 390s 9% 9% 9% + % 33% 25% Nat Dist Prod (t2). 19 28% 27% 27%-% 3774 26% Nat Lead It50c)- 20 36 35 3574 — 7* 150 137% Nat Lead pf B (6) . 80s 146% 146 146 -1% 61% 54 Natl Mal’bleAStl a2. 11 59'* 68% 59+74 14% 9% Nat PwrA Lt <»0e) 37 12% 127* 12% 3 74 Nat Ry Mex 1st pf.. 1 1% 1% 1% 174 74 Nat Ry Mex 2d of— 2 % % % 83% 57% Nat Steel (t2%)- 17 84% 83% 84% + 74 7574 197* Nat Supply Co - 2 697* 69 % 69% — % 133 7474 Nat Supply pfa3 %- 1 126% 126'4 126% + 74 1274 774 Nat Tea (600 5 107* 10% 10%—% 13% 10% Natomas (t80c> 6 127* 12% 12% 67% 41 Newberry(JJ)t2.40 1 59% 59% 5974 — 14 110 10414 Newb’ry (J J )pf (5). 60s 109 109 109 43 107* New Orl T&M (d)._ 10s 25 25 25 —1 41% 9 Newp't Indus a60c- 86 40% 39% 3974- 7s 93 3274 N Y Airbrake a2 74- 4 95 94% 94% +1% 49% 27% N Y Central R K - 74 44% 43% 43% - % 61% 17% N Y Chicago & St L. 4 58% 58 58%-% 100 3674 N Y Chi A St L pf — 6 95% 94% 94% 15 374 N Y Dock _170s 11% 11 117* — 74 29% 10% N Y Dock pf- 20» 2274 22% 22% - % 2% 1 N Y Investor* (d)— 6 1% 1% 1% 674 S NT NH A H (d)- 6 6% 6 6 1874 7% NT NH A H pf (d)- 6 18 17% 17% - % 774 4 N Y Ontario A West 1 5% 5% 5% + % 16% 9% N Y Shipbuilding .. 9 14% 13% 137* + % 110 9374 N Y Steam 1st (7).. 50s 110 109% 110 + 74 31074 210 Norfolk W’nb2 74) 2 270 270 270 +5 17% 6% North Am Aviation. 117 17% 16% 16% — % 35% 2374 North Am Co (tl)— 57 S0% 30 30%-% 367* 2374 Northern Pacific . 43 30% 29% 29% - % 574 2 Norwalk Tlra&Rub. 28 5% 5 5% + % 40 19 Norwalk T & R pf— 30s 37% 37 37 +1 19% 12% Ohio Oil (a60c) — 46 18% 18% 18%—% 62% 24% Oliver Farm Equip. 11 62% 61% 61% + % 25% 17 Omnibus Corp vto.. 42 24% 24 24 19% 8 Oppenhslm Collins. 4 16% 15% 15% — % 45% 24% Otis Elevator a75c.. 5 42% 41% 42 — % 20% 12% Otis steel - 65 19% 18% 18%-% 119% 70 Otis Steel or pf 1 125 125 125 +5% 86% 75 OtisStlcvpf (5%). 7 87% 85 85%-% 28 26% Outb’d M & M b30c. 2 27 26% 27 + % 170 128 Owens-Ill Glass(6). 2 171 170% 171 +1 23 13 Pao Am Fish (tl)— 6 20% 20% ^0% 15% 3% Pacific Coast _ 80s 14 13 14 34 8% Paciflo Coast 1st_ 60s 34% 31% 34% +2% 29% 4% Paciflo Coast 2d ... 40* 24% 22% 24% +1% 41 30% PacGasAEleo (2). 9 33% 33 33 -1 68% 44% Pac Lighting (3)_ 15 47% 46 46 -2 47% 14% Pacific Mills (all... 4 40% 40 40r -% 152 118 Pac Tel A Tele* a7- 80s 147% 147 147 -1% 27% 11% Pac West O (a65c)_. 38 27% 27 27% + % 13% 6% Packard Mot(a45c> 61 11% 11% 11% 20% 12% Pan Am Petr <a60c) 1 16% 16% 16% 4% 1% Panhandle Pro tR 6 3% 3% 3% + % 88% 18% Panhandle PAR pf. 130e 72% 70 72% + % 97% 67 Paraffin* Co KtJj_ 3 86% 86 86 — % 28% 7% Paramount Piet 196 27% 26% 27% + % 200 % 69 ^ara Plo lat pf (C> 7 193% 187% 193 +6% 26% 8% Raramnt 2d pf a60c. 18 25 24% 24%+% 6% 2% Par* Utah 146 5% 5% 5% + % 50% 40% Parke Davis (al %» 21 43 43 43 + % 32% 23 Parker Rust P 41% z 3 28% 28 28% 10 4% Parmelee Transp't. 19 7% 7% 7% + % 11% 6% Pathe Film Com 67 10% 9% 9% + % 17% 10% Patino Mines! t«0c) 118 16% 16% 16 + % 6% 1% Peerless Motor .. U 6% 6% 6% 73 60 Penlek A Ford (tl). 1 61% 61% 61% 112% 69 Penney(J C) la7%) 8 99% 98% 98%-% 2:15 p.m. 1938-37 Stock and Sales— Net Sigh Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chg*. 6% 3% Penn Coal* Coke.. 9 5% 5% 5% + % 12% 4% Penn Dixie Cement. 15 11% 11 11% — Vi 76% 28% Penn Dixie C pf A.. 1 72 72 72 27% 17 Penn G1 S’d cfs a50o 48 28% 26V* 28% +2% 45 28% Penaa Railroad(a2) 26 42% 42% 42% — % 85 38 Peoples Oai Chi_ 16 63 61% 62% + % 9 4 Peoria & Eastern_ 8 9 8% 8% + % 46% 25% Pere Marquette_ 2 40 40 40 + % 20% 12% PetCp of Am a90c. 15 20% 20 20 — % 19% 10% PfelfTer Brew ■ 1.20) 16 12% 12% 12% 67% 25% Phelps Dodge(b35e) 32 56% 55% 56%+ % 64% 45% Falla Co 6% pf <S) 2 63'% 63% 63%+ % 12 3% Phlla Rap Tr (d).. 50a 6% 6% 6% — % 16% 8% Phlla Rap Tr pf <d) 130a 12% 12V* -12%+ V* 3% 1% Phlla* Read C* I. 8 2% 2% 2% 101% 66 Phillip Morris (I).. 2 74% 74 74% 20 7% Phillips Jones_ 1 18% 18% 18% 56% 38% Phillips Ptrolm (2). 22 56% 55% 56%+% 84 70 Phoenix H pf (3%). 10a 66 66 66 -4% 19% 8 Pierce Oil pf- 1 18% 18% 18%—% 3% 1% Pierce Petroleum_ 10 3% 3% 3% 87% 28% Plllsbury PI (1.C0). 1 31% 31% 31V* 18% 7% Pitts Coal _ 1 15* 15 15 190 176 Pitts FW&C pf (7)_ 10* 182 182 182 -5% 18% 7% Pitts Screw a52%c- 21 18% 18 18% - % 29V* 23% Pittsburgh Steel Co 9 29% 29 29% + V* 111 49 Pitts Steel pf _ 60s 110% 110 110% 4% 1% Pitts Term Coal 1 3 3 3 + % 30% 14 Pitts Term Coal pf. 20s 22 22 22 +1% 9% 2% Pitta United Corp.. 69 7% 6% 7 - % 137% 68% Pitts United C pf_ 20a 134 131 131 -3 41V* 21 Pitts* W Va_ 60s 36 35% 36 27% 11% Plymouth Oil (tl).. 9 26% 26% 26%-% 26% 18% Pond Creek Poc (2). 3 21 21 21 33% 12 Poor & Co (B)_ 1 31% 31% 31% 11% 4% Porto R Am Tob A.. 1 9% 9% 9% - % 3% IV* Porto R Am Tob B.. 1 3% 3% 3% 16% 6% Postal Tel*C pf (d) 9 14% 14 14% 29% 17% Pressed Steel Car.. 96 30% 29% 30%+% 29% 17% Press Stl 1st pf 25c. 6 30% 30 30% +1 78% 57% Press Stl 2d pf 2%. 6 80% 78% 80% +2% 65% 40% Proctor* Gam (t 2) 3 62% 61% 61% -1% 122% 115% Proc*Gam of <5) 10*117 117 117 52% 39 Pub Service NJ 2.60 6 51% 50% 50%-% H3 103% PubSvo M J pf (5). 1 112% 112% 112% 72% 36% Pullman Inc (1%).. 16 71 70V* 70% 24% 16 Pure Oil _ 94 23% 23 23% — % 133% 103 Pure Oil *% of 70s 111% 110% 111% + % 22% 9% Purity Bakeries 60c 12 21% 21% 21% — % 19V* 16% Quaker Sta Ref 80c 1 18 18 18 - % 14V* 9% Radio Corp _ 240 12% 11% 12 - % 80 68% Radio Corp pf A S% 2 78 78 78 + % 10% 5 Radlo-Kelth-Or <d) 102 9% 8% 8% + % 38% 28% Raybestos-M tl%_. 2 35% 35% 35% + % 50% 35Va Reading 12) 3 43 42% 42% -IV* 16% 9% Real Silk Hosiery _ 2 12 11% 11% 24% 12% Reliable Strsa50c.. 1 21% 21% 21% - % 27% 17% Hem Rand <t60c> ._ 23 26% 26 26% — % 94'* 80% Rm Rnd pf w« 4%. 1 88% 88% 88% -2% 8% 4% Reo Motor Car . . 248 9 8% 8% — V* 35% 16% Republic Steel . 161 35% 35% 35% — % 128 77 P.epub Steel pf al2. 3 118% 118 118% + % 108 78% Rep Stl pr pf A (6). 1 106% 106% 106% 39% 10 Revere Copper .. 3 37% 37% 37% 34 22% Reynolds Met ftlr . 10 28 27s. 28 36% 25 Reynolds Spring tl. 2 31 30% 30% — % 60% 50 P.evnolrts Toh H «Si 20 56 55% 55%— % 79% 32 Roan Antel (al .12). 2 78% 78% 78% - % 10% 5% Rutland RRpf . 18 8 8+% 49 * 27 Safeway Stores(tZ) 7 4 5 42% 42% — % 100 96 Safeway Strs pf (6) 80s 99% 99% 99% — % 114 108 Safeway Strs pf (6) 20s 110% 110% 110%— % 50% 22 St Joseph Ld (al)_ 32 50% 49% 49% — % 4 1% St E-San Fran <d).. 7 3% 3% 3% - % 8% 2 * St E-San Fr pf <d). 11 8 7% 7% — % 15V* 7% St L South w’n <d)_. 10s 11 14 14 — ", 21 11 Savage Arms al 1_ 26 22 21% 21% + % 55% 37*, Schenlev Dist i '•'3)_ 19 44% 44 44 — % 4% 1% Schulte R Strs Id). 51 3% 3 3% + % 22 7% Schulte R S Df (d). 12 23% 22% 23% +1% 88 38 Scott Taper (1)_ 70s 40% 40% 40% + % 2% % Seaboard Air E (d). 6 l% 1% 1% 8% 2 Seaboard A E pf(d) 5 7 6% 6% + % 47% 30% Seaboard Oil (1»... 14 45 43% 43%+% 11% 3% Seagrave Coro . 1 9% 9% 9% — % 101% 59% Sears Roebuck (3).. 54 87 86% 86*, + V, 34 15% Servel Inc (tl) . .. 7 33% 33’J 33%+ % 35% 20% Sharon Steel <tl.20) 12 34% 34 34% - % 109% 89 Sharon Stl H pf (5) 2 108 108 10S 14 4% Sharpe & Dohme 19 13% 12% 12%+ % 19% 11% ShattucK FG(t50c) 25 16% 16% 16% + % 45 30% Sheaffer Pen (bl % ) 10s 43% 43% 43% 29% 14% Shell Un Oil (a25c> 9 29% 29 29%-% 127% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 6%. 2 105 105 105 15% 8", Silver King <60c)_ 68 15 14 14%+ % 55% 19% Simmons Co <a3)_ 8 54% 54 54% — % 6% 3% Simms Petrol- 5 3% 3% 3% + % 47% 19% Skelly Oil ... 16 45% 45 45%+% 132 97% Skelly Oil pf (6)... 1 102 102 102 - % 138 54 Sloss-Shettield Stl 20s 132% 132% 132% -1% 118% 65% Sloss-Sheft pf (7) 240s 115 115 115 + % 72 40% Smith (A Ol 2 50% 50 50 —1 30% 21 Snider Packing 3 27% 27% 27% - % 19% 12% Socony-Vac Oil b25c 211 19% 19 19%-% 7% 3% So Am G& P<a3Uc. 18 5% 5% 5% — % 42% 26 South Ports (t2) . 6 37 36% 37 32% 25 So Cal Edis (tl%)-. 17 30 29% 29%-% 51% 23% Southern Pacific .. 55 50% 49% 49% -1% 34% 12% Southern Railway. 120 35% 34 34 - % 59% 19 Southern Ry pf_ 35 59% 57% 57% -1% 11% 6% Spalding (A G)_ 7 10 9% 9% - % 82 63% Spalding! AG)lst pf 10s 72 72 72 +1 114% 101 Spang C C pf (al6). 20s 103% 103 103% +1 9% 5% Sparks-Wlthlr.gton 17 8% 8% 8% 30% 6% Spear & Co (a50c)— 3 28% 28% 28%-1% 24% 15% Sperry C'p vtc cal) 84 23% 22% 22%-% 37 13% Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 4 32% 32 32% + % 53% 44 Spicer Mfg pf (3) 50s 49% 49% 49% 27% 22% Spiegel. Ir.c (b25c) 38 28 27% 27% + % 112 106 Spiegel Inc pf (6%.) 10s 111% 111% 111% 45% 21% Square D (B) al% . 2 41% 44% 44%+ % 18% 14% Stand Brands tSOc. 47 16 15% 15% — % 13% 9% Stand Com Tobacco 3 11% 11% 11%+ % 14% 5% Stand Gas* El (d) 27 12% 11% 12 -% 31% 9% Stand G&E S4 pf <d) 9 27% 26% 27 -% 65 -24% Stand G&E *6 Df (d> 3 57 56% 57 -1% 72% 26% Stand G&E$7 pf (d' 3 64% 63% 64 -1 49 35 Stand O or Cal (tl) 94 49% 48% 4S% 49% 32% Stand Oil of fnd tl. 23 50 49% 49%-% 72% 51% Stand Oil of N J (tl 112 72% 71% 71% 40% 24% Starrett(LS) 41.40. 2 39% 39% 39%+ % 78% 65 Sterling Prod t3.80. 5 72% 71% 71% -1 24% 16% Stew-Warner t50c 7 19% 19% 19% + % 33% 14% Stone & Web (a25c) 13 31 30% 30%-% 17% 9% Studebaker Corp... 74 16% 16% 16%+% 91 70 Sun Oil (tl)_ 2 74% 73% 73% -1% 125 118 Sun Oil pf (6). . — x 10s 122% 119% 119% -2 61% 27 Superheater (toOc). • 8 60% 60 60% — % 7% 3 Superior OU_ 45 6% 6% 6% — % 42% 9% Superior Steel..;. 1 39 39 39 - % 39% 23 Sutherlnd Pap tl.»0 1 38 38 38 - % 27% 20% Swift & Co (tl.20)_. 35 28 27% 27%-% 35% 28% Swift Inti Etd (*).. 4 32% 32 32%+% 23% 15 Symgton-Gould ww. 12 22 21% 21% + % 1^% 12% Symingtn Gould xw 12 16% 16% 16% 15% 13% Talcott (J)(bl5c)._ 8 14% 14 , 14% 57% 55 Talcott (J) pf (2%) 110s 55 55 55 -1 9% 6% Telautograph (60c» 2 7% 7% 7% 14% 5% Tennessee Cop al5c. 33 13% 13 13 + % 69% 28% Texas Corp (2)_ 77 58 56% 57 —1 9% 4% Texas Gulf Pr <a5e) 29 8% 8% 8% — % 44% 33 Tex Gulf Sul (t2)._ 14 41% 41 41%+ % 49 28 Texas * Pac R R 1 45 45 45 16% 7% Tex Pac C & O blOc. 42 16% 15% 16 + % 15% 9% Texas PLT (alOc). 65 14% 14% 14%-% 48% 33% Thatcher Mfg (tl). 10 42% 41% 42 63% 59 Thatcher pf (3.60)_ 2 62% 62 62%+% 16 8% The Fair_ _ 2 12% 12% 12%-% 110 85 The Fair pf (7)_ 10s 91 91 91 13% 8% Thermold Co_ 30 12% 11% 12 9% 3% Third Avenue . 1 7% 7% 7%. — % 13% 8% Thomp’n (JR) tBOc. 1 12% 12% 12% + % 32% 24% Thomp Prod (al%) 19 28% 27% 28 + % 10% 4% Thompson Startett. 68 9% 9% 9% + % 40% 26 Thompson Star pf.. 3 38 37 37 + % 21% 14% Tide W Asso O 40e. 22 21% 21 21 -% 108 100% Tide Wat A Opf(6) 5 106% 106% 106% 28% 12% Timken Detroit(tl) 56 28% 27% 27% - % 79 56 Timken Roller B (3) 12 77 76% 76%-% 18% 11 Transamenca t40c 20 17 16% 17 27% 14% Trans*Wn Air a25c 20 21 20% 20% - % 27% 10% Transue&W (t60c). 2 23% 23% 23% — % 12 7% Tricontinental a5fie 4 9% 9% 9% — % 10% 4% Truax-Tr Coal a25e. 5 9% 9% 9% 38% 22% 20thCent FF(tl%>- 41 36% 36% 36% + % 47% 31% 20th Cent F pf 1%. 5 45% 45 45% +1% 17% 8% Twin City RT. 2 15% 15% 15%-% 8% 2% CJlen * Co 19 5% 5% . 5% 102% 74% Und-Ell-Flsh(a2%) 3 96V« 96 96 -% 70 38% Union Bag&Pap <2| 1 67 67 67 107% 71% Union Carb & C S.20 8 106% 105% 106% + % 28% 20% Union Oil Calif (1). 61 27% 26% 26%-% 149% 108% Union Paclflo «6) 6 133% 132% 132% -1 100 90% Union Pacific nf 14) 6 99% 98% 98% - % 31% 22% Un Tank Car (1.60). 7 30% 30% 30% 32% 20% Unit Aircraft a50c_. 159 32% 31% 31% - % 24% 13 Utd Air L (a20c)_ 12 23 22% 22%—% 37% 16% United Am Bosch... 1 30% 30% 30% +2% 33% 24% United Blso <1.60).. 2 28% 28% 28%-% 96% 68 United Carbon (t3). 1 88 88 88 35% 22% Unlt-Carr Fast(t2). 2 32% 31% 32% +1 9% 5% United Corp (a20c). 163 7 6% 6% - % 48% 40% United Corp pf IS). 9 44% 44% 44%-% 16% 10% United Drug <a7Sc> 25 15% 14% 15 — % 29% 15 Unit Dyewood(l).. 2 23 22% 23 + % 105 93 United Dyew pf (7) 20s 104 104 104 8% 4 United Elec Coal .151 9 8% 8% + % 56% 32% Unit Eng & Fy (t2). 18 59% 59% 59%+% 87 66% United Fruit 4tS)_ 3 82% 82% 82%-% 19% 14% United Gas Imp (1) 28 15% 15% 15%+% 113% 109 United O Imp pf (6) 1 111% 111% 111% - % 16% 6% United Paperboard. 43 15% 15% 15% — % 23% 10 US Distributing pf 60s 18% 18 18% — % 21% 13 U S & Foi-n Secur_ 9 20% 20% 20% 39% 24% US Freight (tl)_ 2 30% 30% 30%+% 137 80% US Gypsum (t2)— 2 133% 132% 132% -1% 20% 8% U S Hoffman ... 19 19% 18% 18% + % 62% 49 U S Hoffman pf 2%. 1 59 59 59 +1% 59 31% U S Indus Alcohol- 75 43% 42 42 - % 9% 4% U S Leather vtc — 3 8% 8 8% — % 18% 10% U S Leather A etc 7 16% 15% 15% — % 104 71 U S Leath pr pf(a4) 2 101% 101 101%+1% 71% 21% U S Pipe & Fdry (3) 8 70 69% 69%-% 19% 7% U S Realty 4k Imp. 83 18% 17% 17%-% 57% 16% U 8 Rubber_ 98 58% 57% 58% +1 101 47 US Rubber 1st pf.. 54 100% 98% 99 + % 103% 72% US Smelting (b2)„ 6 89% 89% 89% + V* 102% 46% U 8 Steel — 190 102% 100% 101% - % 164% 115% U S Steel pf (7)- 3 149% 148% 148% -1 (Continued on Page 17.) Potential “Squeeze” in War ner Bros. Brings Buying Wave in Afternoon. Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indust. Rails. Util. 8tks. Net change- +.1 —.2 —.1 —.1 Today noon. 9.7 41.6 51.6 73.0 Prev. day... 99 6 41.8 51.7 73.1 Month ago.. 97.2 39.7 53.9 71.9 Year ago— 79 6 36.4 50.2 61.4 1937 high... 99.9 41.8 54.0 73.1 1937 low... 941 37.8 51.0 69.1 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16 9 1929 high—146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. February 9— A po tential “squeeze” of shorts in Warner Brs. stock helped to Inspire a late rail’, in today’s markets and many early losses of fractions to 2 points were re duced or canceled. Selected steels, motors, rubbers and specialties were ahead throughout, but the rails, coppers and utilities w-ere under water most of the time. Prices were still a bit mixed at the close. Transfers were around 2.650, 000 shares. The bv-play in the Warner issue ; followed announcement of the com i pany it had called off its plan to put ! out additional common shares. Trad | ing in the stock was temporarily^ j halted when a “covering” rush swamped the specialist’s books. Trans actions, when eventually resumed, were marked by a sale of 20,000 shares at 17, up 2 points. After a speedy opening, the list spent the greater part of the day trudging along indifferently, with many of the recent leaders inclined to give ground on comparatively light i offerings. United States Steel, down until the final sprint, came back with vigor. General Motors tripped over con tinued troubles in strike negotiations. Chrysler, however, developed strength. Offsetting labor handicaps were many business items encouraging to buying forces. At the same time the cashing in of profits, following the upturn of the past several sessions, lured many. Among the better acting stocks were Ludlum Steel, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Graham-Paige, Waukesha Mo tors, White Motors. Mack Truck, I Goodyear, United States Rubber, Goodrich. Lee Rubber, Firestone. J. 1. Case, International Telephone. Inter ; national Hydro-Electric, Allied Chem | ical. Armour. Loew's. Pathe. Para j mount, Callahan Zinc and Celanese. Difficulties were encountered by : American Telephone, Western Union, Consolidated Edison. Santa Fe. New i York Central, Pennsylvania. Southern ■ Pacific. Montgomery Ward, Boeing, | United Aircraft. Du Pont, American 1 Tobacco “B." Anaconda. Kennecott, International Nickel. American Smelt ing and Texas Corp. NEW YORK COTTON Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 9.—Cotton moved irregularly over a narrow range today. Near months continued under pres sure, while a slightly better demand developed for new crop positions in fluenced by proposals at Washington for agricultural legislation. May fluctuated between 12.53 and 1 12.50 and at midaftemoon was sell ing at 12.52, with prices generally 2 points net lower to 5 higher. Futures closed steady, unchanged to 8 j htcher. High Lo» Close. 1 March _ lC.e.T IC.iil li.titi May _ r: 54 11.5(1 11.51 | July _ It!..IK IS.*! Id.UK 1 October _. 1 ! !>:i 1 1 >.» l ] tel December _ 11.sw 11 «5 11 sun January ll.'tn il.s.i 11.So Soot steady: middline. in.lti. n—Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed steady. March, 11.21-22; May, 11.23b; July, 11.28b: September, 11.21b. Sales, 41 contracts, b—Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. February 0.—Late rallies j in Chicago wheat prices today vir tually overcame earlier losses. Reports current toward the last in | dicated new formations of solid ice in many Kansas wheat fields. A stimu lating influence, too. was advances in j corn values owing to sustained de mand for cash here. At the close wheat was unchanged to 3s lower compared with yesterday s finish. May. 1.3478al.35; July. 1.17’,a 3g; com unchanged to % up. May. j l.lOlsa1!; July. l.04>»a't: oats un j changed to ’4 off. and provisions show ing 5 to 10 cents decline. WHEAT— Open High. Low Close May l .t.m i.:j5 l.:us, 1 34%-rt:. July 1.10'a 1.17\ l.lli 1.171,-', Sep. 1.12s. l.l.'tS 1.121. 1,13'.-'. CORN— May. new 1.09 I 1li>4 iris’, l.lo',-'. May. old 1.90’. 1 <I7’4 1.(ik’« 1.07s4 July, new 1 n:t'« ini'. 102’. 1.04'.->4 July, old', Kil", l.oi l.nm Sep .97 .971 a .OH'i 97,.-'2 OATS— May .59*4 .51 .59'4 .51 ' July .44’, .45 44s, .45 ! Sep 42 .42'4 41*. 42U SOY BEANS— May 1.58 1.58'a 1*8 1.58'a July . .1.57*4 - - 1.57*4 RYE— May 1.11'a 111", 1.10’, 111s. July 1.01'a 1.02V, l.oi '4 1.02'4 Sep .9114 .91s, .00*4 .91'a BARLEY— May _ _ _ .85 LARD— Mar 12 02 12.02 May 13.15 13.17 13.12 13.17 July 13.37 13.37 13.35 13 37 Sep 13.60 13.60 13.55 13.57 BELLIES— May _ _ 16 35 July ... 16.70 _ 16.70 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat, no sales reported. Corn, No. 3, yellow. 1.14-1.14%; No. 4. yel low. 1.11-12%: No. 4. white. 1.1344-14. Oats, No. 1, white, 55%-%; No. 2, white, 55-551/2; No. 3, white, 54-54%. No rye. Barley, sample grade, 84-85. Peed, 80-1.00, nom. Malting, 1.00-46, nom. Timothy seed. 6.00-25 hundred weight; new, 5.75-6.00 hundredweight. Clover seed, 28.00-35.00 hundred weight. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE February li i.p,.—Wheat. Np 2. red. Winter, garlicky, spot domestic. 1.45%; February. 1.45%. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN February 9 (IPi.—The Relchs bank statement as of February 8 (In thousands of reichsmarks i: Notes in circulation. 4.560,000; decrees*. 239.000 Gold tfti.9;i9: increase 36. For eign currency reserve. 5.701: Increase. 110. Other bills of exchange and cheoues. 4 540. 715: decrease. 311.347 Other daily ma turing obligations 074.990: decrease 31, 672. Advances. 47.150: decrease. 17.AM. Investments. 222.520; decrease. 121. Ratio of gold and foreign currencies to notes. 1.6 per cent. Rate of discount, 4 per cent.