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CURB LIST TAKES :sw Leaders Able to Score Small Gains—Utility Shares Down. the Associated Press. • NEW YORK, February 9 —Celling tetlvlUM shaped the Curb market's trend today, although a few leaders managed to score moderate gains. Utilities received indifferent sup port and showed losses of fractions | to around a point. Electric Bond & Share and American Gas & Electric were the heaviest losers. Pittsburgh Plate Glass was down about 3. Newmont, American Cyanamid "B," International Petroleum and Lake Chore Mines improved. , I Strong Demand Creates Scarcity Of Alloy Steels By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND. Ohio. February 9.— Daily Metal Trade today says: An active demand for alloy steels Is being encountered. Consumers are encountering difficulty in obtaining supplies in quantity from the mills and as a result are turning to dis tributors. Some jobbers have been virtually cleaned out of certain sizes. Some mills are unable to offer deliveries of ^loy bars before June. Shipments in other divisions of the reel industry also are deferred many weeks. The tone of the market is very Strong. Second quarter price advances are being talked in some directions, though nothing definite in this respect has yet developed. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4%s *o; 91 , :u-2 91% Ala Power 5s *5h 102 102 102 Jim P A L «s 2016 . 103% nt:s ]03 'Am Rol Mill 5s *48 lo:i", 103% 103% Ark P * L 5s 56 Ju4 104 104 As Ei Ind 4'as '.VI 64 63% 64 As GAE 4%s '49 59% a8'« 58', As G A E 5s '5(1 61 60% 60% As T A T 5%s '55 A 88 88 SS Bald L 6s '38 ww stp 205 205 205 Bald L 6S '38 xw stp 194 189 191 Bell T C 5S *57 B . 120% I2«% 120% Bell T C 5s '60 C 123 123 123 Beth Steel 6s '98 ___ _ 145 145 145 Can Pac 6s '42 112% 112% 117% Caro Pw A Lt 5s '56 . 105% 105% 105% Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 97 96% 96% Cen 8t PAL 5%s '53 73 73 73 Cities Svc 5s '50 _ _ 78% 78 7 8% -Cities S Gas 5%s '42 101%]01% 101 •% •tit S PAL 5%s *52 76'. 76% 76% Com* Edis 5s *53 A 111% 111% 111% Com* Ed 4%s '5« C 111 111 111 Comm Ed 4s *81 F - 106% 106% 106% Comuty PAL 5s '57 84 84 84 Con GU 6%s'43Awwmat 45 45 45 Cor.t G A E 5s 58 A 91 96% 97 Dallas PAL 6s '49 A 106% 106% 106', Detroit C G 6s *47 A 105% 105% 105% Det Int Ba 6%s '52 11% 11% 11% Det Int Bg 7s '32 3% 3 3 Det Int Be 7s '52 cd 2% 2% 2% East G A F 4s '56 A 94% 94% 94*« El Pw A Lt 5s 2630 95’, 95 95 Emu Dis El 5s '52 103% H'3% D'3% Emo OAR 5%j '42 91% 91% 91% Florida PAL 5s '54 loo 99% 99% Gatineau Pw 5s '56 _ 103% 103% !o3% Xieorgia Pw 5s ’67 102% 101% lol % ^Glen Alden Cl 5s '65 88% 88% n8% Hall iW Ft 6s '47 stp 102 102 102 Hotl W Ast 7s '54 ww 40', 4o% 40% Hygrade Fd 6s *49 A 88% 88 8*8 Idaho Pow Co 5s '47 . 107 lol 10. Ill Cent R R 6s '37 lol% lol% 101% 111 Pw A L 6s *53 A 106*, 105’, 106 111 Pw A L 5s 56 C 104 103s. 103% 111 Pw A la 5%s '57 99 98% 99 Indian El C 6s 47 A 104 104 1"4 Indinn E C 5s '51 C 98 98 98 Indnao P A L 5s '57 A 106 1u5"« 105% Int! Securities 5s '47 101 % 101 % 101 % Interst Pow 6s '52 68 68 68 Interst P S 5s '56 D 94% 94% 94% Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 10o% 105% lo5% Kan Pw Co 5s '47 A— 102% 102% 102% Midlan VRR 5s 43_ 96% 96 96% Minn PAL 4%s '78- 102 102 102 Miss Pow 5s 55- 94% 94% 94% Miss PwAL 5s '57_ 99% 99 99% Mo Pub S 5s '47 A_ 83% 83% 83% Nat P A L 6s 2026 A 106% 106% 106% iNat P A L 5s 2030 B - 95% 95% 95% Nat Pb 6 5s ‘78 cod_- 50 50 50 New E G&E 5s 47_ 8*2 New E G&E 5s 50_ 8*:»4 81*2 8i*4 New E Pw 5s '48 _ 100 100 100 New E Pw 5%s '54_101% 101 101 N Y S EAO 4%s '80.. 194 104 104 No Con U 5%s '48 A 67% 67% 67% Ohio Pwr 4%s '56 D . 103', 103', 103", Pac P A L 6s '55 68% 88% 88% Penn C LAP 4%s *77 104 104 104 Peop GLAC 4s '81 B 98% 98 98 i -Pitts Steel 6s '48 105s, ioS% lo5% : Potomac E 4%s '61 F . 108% 108% 108% ; Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs - 141s. 141s. 141s. Fug 8 PAL 5%S *49 A 96', 96 96 Pug 3 PAL 5s '50 C 94% 94 94s. Pug S PAL 4%s '50 D 89% 89% 89% Schul RE 6s '35 xw mat 30 29 30 ScriDPS 5%s '43 103 103 103 Serve! Inc 5s '48 . __ 106s. 106*. 106% Bhw WAP 4%s 'TO D _ 164% 104% 104% S E PAL 6s 2025 A.. 108 107s. 108 Sou Cal Ed 3s,s *80__ 104s. 104% 104% Sou Cal E 3s,s '60 B _ 104s, 104s. 104% Souw LAP 5s *57 A 102% 102’. 102% Std GAE cv 6s 35 cod 87 87 87 Std GAE cv 6s '35 mat _ 87% 87% 87% Std GAE 6s '51 A_ 86s. 86% 86% Std GAE 6s '66 B _ 85% 85% 85% Super of 111 4%s '68._ 104s, 104s. 104s, Tenn El Pw 5s '56_ 94 94 94 ?exss Elee 5s '60 ... 105% 105% 105% ex Pw A L 5s '56 — 105% 105% 105% Toledo Ed Is 5s 62 „ 107% 107% 107% twin C RT 5%S 52 A 92% 92% 92 V, ■ ten A Co 6a '44 in st 58 58 58 Unit Lt A Pw 6s '75 86% 86 86 Unit Lt A Pw 6*.is '74 91% 91% 91% Unit LAP. Ds 5%s 52 94', 94% 94% Unit LAR M 6s '71 A 87% 87% 87% Utah PAL 4%s 44 . _ 101 % 101 % 101 % Valvol 011 7s '37 __ 90% 09% 99% Va Pub Ser 5s '50 B - 101 % 101 % 101 % West T Ut 5s '57 A. . 98s. 98% 08% WlS PAL 4s *56 A _ 100’. 100% 100s. FOREIGN BONDS. Cuban Tob 5s *44 78% 78% 78% Fin R M B 5s '61 st.. 102% 102% 102% Hanover Pv 6%s *49.__ 19% 19% 19% fierce Hyd El 7s.'52__ 77 77 77 Ital Su Pw 6s '63 A„ 69s, 69% 69% Medeltn Col 7s *51_ 18% 18% is% Pied El 6 %s '60 A_ 75 74 74 Rio de Jan 8%s *59_ 30 30 30 Russian 6%s *19 mat_ 1% 1% 1% Ternl-Soc 6%s *53 A— 77 77 77 Unit Elec avc 7s *56 A_. 77% 77% 77% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. February 9 (/P\ <U. S De partment ot Agriculture*.—Hogs. 24.000. Including 5 000 direct: weak to 10 lower; mostly 5al0 lower than Monday's average: | stop. 10.30; bulk good and choice 170-300* pounds. 10.l5al0.25: comparable 140-170 . pounds, largely 9.50al0.20: best light weight sows. 9 75. Cattle. P.OOO: calves. 2.000: strictly choice and prime steers scarce, fully steady: medium and good shortfeds slow, weak: she stock scarce, steady: bulls and vealers fully steady; few choice and prime Steers and yearlings. 13.50al4.25. letter price paid ior around 1 300-pound aver ages: best steers held around 14.50: few loads heifers mostly to small killers. R.SOa P.50: no strictly choice kinds offered: «*itter and low cutter cows mostly 4.00a C75: bulk beef cows. 5.25a0.25: sausage lulls. 6.50 downward: vealers largely '.PAOalO.SO: few selects to 11.00. Shflgp. 9.000. including 1.100 direct: fat lambs in fairly broad demand: under tone fully steady to stronger: asking higher: buyers taking around 10.05a io 90 on good to choice offerings now eld upward to 11.(hi and above: sheep about steady; scattered native ewes. 5.00a e.oo. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Cti&s. D Barney ft Oo.) BkT Offer. Am. Tel. ft Tel. 54s 1943,. Ill lliy« Auburn Auto Oo. 4*0 19.19. 874 California Packing 5s 1940. 1044 1044 faro.. Cllnfd. ft O. 5a 1938 105 1054 C'hes. ft Ohio Ry. 5s 193!*.. 108 109 Edison El. Ilium. 4s 1930 . 1054 Oen. Puro. Service 54s 1939 1024 103 Gr. Rapids ft Ind 4 4s 1941 1104 1114 Houston Oil 54s 1940 1024 1034 Inti. Merc. Marine 6a 1941. 784 784 Stl. Tel. ft Tel. 44s 1939 864 874 clede Gas Light 5s 1939. 994 994 Lehigh Valley Ooal 6s 1938 ion 1004 Lehigh V. Term. Ry. 5s 1941 107 4 IOR Long Island Oen. 4s 1938 . 1034 1034 Louisville ft Nash. 4s 1940 107 4 1074 Michigan Central 4s 1940 1044 1054 Midland R. R. N. J 5s 1940 88 90 Milwaukee ft Nor. 4 4s 1939 96 100 N. Y..C ft St L. 64 n 1938 994 994 New York Dock 5s 1938 064 68 N. Y.. Susa ft W 5s 1940 0n 644 N. York Tel Oo 44s 1939 108 10RH Nor 8tates Power 5s 1941 103 1034 Pae R R Missouri 4s 1038 1004 1014 Penn-DIxie Cement fis 1941 10i*>4 lo<*4 Penna R. R. Co. 4a 1943 111 4 1134 Rio Gr Western 4 s 1939 81 814 . Sou. Bell T. A T. 5s 194 1 1084 107 T. R. R As St. L. 4 4s 19.19 108 Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 . loi'A 102H Vertlentes Sugar 7* 1942 30 4 33 Wabaah Rwy. Co. 5s 1939 103 1034 Warner Bros. 6s 1939 994 994 ”"est. N. Y. ft Pa 4s 1943 109’'. 110*5 Western Union Tel. 6s 1938 1034 1034 NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to The Stae 2:30 Stock ana 8»Iea— Dividend Rat* Add 00. Hlxh. Low. Cw*. Acme W vto (2) — 200* 684 68 63 Aero Supply (B).. 8 64 64 64 Astfa Anseo _ 8 184 154 1® Ainsworth <*1)— 2 214 214 214 Air lnv Inc war ... 2 14 14 14 Air Inveators Ine. 2 44 44 44 Air Invest cv pf ._ 2 814 814 *>4 Ala Grt Sou (V3)_25# 754 784 754 Ala Pwr pf (6) -- ZOs 75 4 754 764 Allen Indus <t1). 8 274 274 274 Alliance Invest 7 6 44 6 Alum'n Co of Am. 150» 1*5 1644 164 4 Alum Good sa90c 2 174 174 174 Alum’n Ltd __ 60s 1084 1084 1084 Am Airlines. tne_. 2 284 284 284 Am Reverace 5 34 34 84 Am Box B’d tSOc.. 25 21 194 20 Am Capital IB) 6 14 14 14 AmCit P&LlXlS 26» 404 404 404 Am CltPSL B a20c 6 64 6*4 S3T Am C.vnam B tfifle 36 884 i2*4 33 Am Eqit iaZ24c) 1 44 44 4*< Am Fork & H (tl > 1 234 284 234 Am & For Pw ww 8 44 34 44 Am O&B (1.40) 39 424 '14 42 Am Gen C’p (a50ci 2 114 11 114 Am Gen C pf (2) iro« 354 '54 8‘4 Am Hard RubtalllOOs 28 *74 274 Am Lau Mch tROc 10 St 514 314 Am L ft T (11.20) _ 11 23 22 224 Am L&T of (1 H)_ 1 27 4 274 274 Am MftCo (al)„ 7Si 414 414 414 Am Maracaibo .. Ifi 2 14 14 Am Meter ia24). t 63 63 63 Am Pneu Service. 2 1*1 1*1 14 Am Superpower _ 48 ?4 24 24 Am Superpwr pf 1 60 ro RO Am Superpw 1st 6 2 #7 964 964 Anchor Post F 1 54 fit* 54 Aneostura <t2«c) 19 74 64 74 j Apex Electriclal) 3 42 4 424 424 Appalach E P pf 7 2n» 10J»( 109*1 1094 Arcturus Radio T 79 2 4 2 4 24 I Ark Nat Gas S3 124 114 124 i Ark Nat G eu pf . 14 104 10 10 Ark Nat Gaa (A). 1R4 124 124 124 ArkP* 20» 944 944 944 j Art Met Wks (*c) 3 14*1 144 144 I Ashland O&R t40e 33 74 74 74 Asso Gas* Elec 8 24 24 24 Asso G & E (A) .. 36 4 4 3 4 84 AssoGAEIopf 2 S24 S24 324 Assoc Invest (t2) 60s 654 66 654 I Asso Laundries 1 4 4 4 Atl Coast Fisher. 3 134 124 124 Atl Coast L 82*4 100s 63 53 53 Atlas Corp (80c).. 35 174 174 174 Atlas Corp war It 34 34 34 Atlas Crp pf A<3) 1 62 514 &2 Atlas Plyw’dl 14) 5 264" 2R 264 Austin Silver . 23 24 24 24 Auto Products 3 74 74 74 Auto Vot Mch 50c 3 8 8 3 Ax-Fishen3 20)A 160» *04 40 40 Bahcox ft Wll (4) 50. 14854 148 148 Raldw L bd rts(d) 100 354 34 S4 Barium Stain Stl 11 6*. f'i f'4 Rarlrvw&S( A )1.20 160. 19 19 19 Bell Aircraft_ 2 144 144 144 Bel la uea Aircraft 9 64 <*. 6*4 | Bell Tel of Can(6) 60. 165 165 165 Benson & Hedges 1 44 44 44 j Berkey&Gay F Co 79 35* 3*. 3"* I Rerk&OF nut war 3i 24 2 24 ; Bliss Co ( E W > 10 23 22*4 23 j Rlue Ridge C alOc 9 84 34 314 | Blumenthal S 2 *9 38»* 3*s» BohaeUiHC) 75. 104 104 104 Bohaek HP 1st pf 40» 51 51 51 Bower Roll B (2) 8 884 344 344 Bon man-RIltmore 1 24 14 24 Bowmn-BiW 2d pf 2 7 7 7 1 Brazil T1.&P 40c. S 24*4 24 4 244 Brill Corp (A)_ 12 154 154 154 ' Brill Corp (B)_ 24 7 6*4 64 Brill Corp pf 250* 724 71** 7154 | B-AT (B) b35 4-5t 2 32 32 82 I Ur,,w n Co pf 260. 61 60 604 Brown F&W bl5c. 8 15*4 15 15 Brown Forman 4 94 94 94 BulT N&E Pf 1 60 4 £54 IS*. 2i4 Bunker H & SIM) 76. 116 1154 1154 Cable El Prod vie 1 14 14 14 Cable & WlrelBl 1 4 4 4 Can Car&Fdry pf 25. 10 so s > Can Indus Alco A 7 64 6*. 6*4 Can Marconi 3 24 24 24 Capital City P 60c 2 23 2S 23 Carlb Svndieate 28 l4 24 24 ! Carnation Co n 1 11 33)t rsu 334 Carnegie Metal? - 35 £4 34 34 Carnegie Met rts 7 4 t* ?* ■ 'arner Con 18 4 25-. 4 1 4 4 1 4 Carter (J W) t60c 4? 124 114 124 Castle A M&Co 73 150. 64 6: 64 Catlin Corn (a4(io 12 £4 94 94 Celanese 1st of(7)20". 1094 10*)« 10?4 Celluloid Corp pf 60. 40 40 40 Cent Ohio S b25c . 20 204 194 20 Cen P&L pf 3.0654 60 . 87 4 874 874 Cent A S W I’tll 14 54 54 6*4 Cent States Elec . 11 24 14 14 Cent St El 6<4 pf 26. 2.'4 285. 234 Cent St El 7% pf 200. 43 43 43 Centrif Pioe 740c. 1 6*4 54 54 Charts Corp(154) 1 16 16 16 Chi Flex Shaft »2 460. 63 62 62 Chi Riv *M (tl 54) 10 SS4 S44 864 Chief Consol ... 2 14 14 14 Childs Co nf_ 150. 85 85 85 Cities Service _ 153 454 454 44 Cities Service of . 2 S3*. 634 534 Cities SvcpfB ... 1 64 54 54 Cltv Auto S( tfifle) 19 144 1M» 134 Claude Neon Lts 11 24 Hi 24 Clev EII Ium(t2). 2 46 45*4 454 Clev Tractor _ 7 1? 117-4 12 CHnchfield Coal_ 4 4*1 4 4 Colon Dev Ltd ... 117 8*. 74 84 Colon Dev Ltd A.. 4 4*4 44 44 Colon Dev 6% pf.. 84 4 4 4*4 44 Colo Fuel*-Ir war 87 234 224 234 Colts PF A (tl54) 8 584 574 *84 Colum G&E pf(5) 600. 874 854 87 Columb O& G a20e 56 94 84 84 Co'wlth Dist alOc. 6 24 24 24 Com with Edis t4 . 8 1884 1324 1834 Com with & S war 41 % 4 4 Com'u’tv P&L 1st. 60 . 69 584 684 Community PS tl. 75. 82 32 32 Community W S_ 9 '4 14 14 Cons Aircraft_ 6 27 264 264 Consol Copper 14 9 84 9 CGELt&PBo 3.60 2 87 864 664 Cons MlnftSm t2 50. 764 764 764 Consol Retail Strs 3 94 9 9 Consol Steel Corp 212 IS 114 124 Coni 1 Roll ft S Fv 81 254 2«4 25 Cook P & Var t60c 1 204 204 204 Cooper Beasemer 5 34 33 33 Cooper Bess pr pf. 1 484 434 4*4 Cord Corp 8 64 64 54 Coaden Oil Me (d) 14 84 34 84 Cosden(Me)pfld) 2 304 80 30 Creole Pe- (a50c). 8 364 854 36 Crocker-Wh alOc. 4 174 174 174 Croft Brewing —18 % 4 % Crown Cent P a6c 4 *4 24 24 Crown C I(A)b50c 1 184 R4 134 Crown Drug blOc. 6 44 44 44 Crystal Oil Ref... 2 24 24 24 Cual Mez Mining. 94 4 4 4 Darby Petr <50c)_ 2 164 164 164 Dayton Rubber _ 12 244 24 244 Delay Stores t80c. 1 154 164 164 Derby Oil ft Kef . 7 64 64 64 Detroit Gasket tl- 1 18 174 174 Det Gray lr t20c . 18 164 144 144 Det (Mich) Stove. 8 10 10 10 Det Pap Prod t25e 8 94 94 94 Det Stl Prod al 54 6 814 604 61 Diamond Shoe(t2) 21* 274 274 274 DouglaslW L)pf- 76. 38 37 88 Dow Chem (2.40). 1 143 147 143 Draper C (t2.40).. 80. 844 844 844 Dubelier Condena. 8 44 34 44 Duval Tez 8 a50c. * 9 9 9 Eagle Pitch d a60c 80 27)4 27 27 East’n G&F Asso * 9 8)4 8)'s East Mall Iral.30. 25. 25)4 26)4 25)4 East’n States 1’wr 6 6)4 6)4 5)4 Easy W M(B)t50c 2 12)4 12)4 12)4 Eisler Elec (aSc> 10 ' 6)4 3)4 3?-k Elec Bond & Share 187 24)4 t-H 24*4 Elec B * S of (6). 1 78)4 78)4 78)4 Elec B & S of (6) 4 86H 86 86)4 El Pwr Assoc a26o * 9)4 9)4 9)4 El Pwr A«tAla26o 81 8 8 8 Elec PAL opt war 8 11)4 U 11)4 Elec P&L 2d pf A 20* 66 66 66 Elec Shareholding 11 6 6 6 Elec Sh pf ww (6)800» 94)4 »i 94 El Shov C 1st pf 100. 21)4 21)1 21)4 Electrographic tl 1 17 16)4 17 EmpG*F8H% pf SO. 71 71 71 Emp G&F 7% of 100 . 73)4 72 73)4 Emsco Derrick tl 8 1SH 17)4 18)4 Equity Corp(a25c) 14 2H 2)4 2)4 Eureka PL (4)-160. 47)4 47)4 47)4 Europ'n El bd rta. 8 1)4 1 1)4 Evans Wall Lead 288 2)4 2 2)4 Evans Wall L pf 800. 84)4 52 82 Ez-C-O A&T tSOo 4 26)4 15)4 28)4 Fairchild Aval5c. 4 8H 8)4 SH Ftlsuff Brewing. I »H 9*4 9)4 Fanny FC (t60c). 2 23)4 21)4 23)4 Fansteel Metal T 16)4 15)4 1* FED Corporation * )4 )4 H Ferro Enamt.S) • 46)4 45)4 4S)4 Ftdello Brewery .. « 1)4 1 1 Flak Rubber- 54 1» 18)4 14 Fla P&Lpf .... 100. 62)4 62)4 62)4 Ford (Can) A (1>. 18 .814 28)4 28)4 Ford Ltd al8l-10o 1 7)4 7J4 7H Ford M(Can)Bd) 60. 30)4 30)4 >0)4 Franklin Ray a60o 6 10)4 10 19 Froedt G&M(20c). 6 18 12)4 18 Froedt’t cv pf 1.20 100> 18)4 18)4 18)4 3:30 Stock and Bales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close. Gen Alloys *8 5* 6* 6* Gen Flrepr’f t40c. 7 io* SO* 10* Gen Invest Corp . 81 1* 1* 1* Gen Rayon Ltd A 1 IK IK IK Gen Tele C’p al.S5 2 21* 21* 21* Gen Tire ft Rub 44 26* 26* 26* Gen TftR pf A (6) lot 104 104 104 Glen Alden C < tl > « 18 12* 12* Oodchaux Sujr(B) 2 87 16* 86* Georgia Pw pf (6) 70. 87* 86 87 Goldfleid Consol.. 20 * * K Grand Natl Films 22 8* 8* 8* Gr Rap Var(T60c) 8 17* 17* 17* Gray Tel P S (1) . 6 20 * 20 20* Grt AftPTn v t«_ 10. 112 111 111 Greenfield T ft D... 16 14 18* IS* Groc Store Prod 1 6* 6* 6* Gulf Oil (Pa) b25c 16 61* 60* 60* Gulf St Ut pf 5* 60. 90 90 90 Hall Lamp <80c> 13 7* 6* 7 Harvard Brewery 2 8* 8* 3* Hat Corp (B) 2 14 18* 13* Hazeltine Corp a3. 8 17 16* 17 Hecla Min laROO. 18 19* 18* 18* Holltnser (t65r) . 8 16 14* 14* Horn & Har pf (a) 20. 109* 108* 109* Hudson BMftS (1) 10 33 32* 32* Humble Oil ttil . 21 87 86* 86* Huvler’si Del ltd) 4 1* 1* 1* Huylers 7% nt(d) 210. 25 24* 24* Hygraile Food 4 6* 6* ** Hvgrade SylT(t2) 400. 45* 45* 46* 111 P & L 6% pf 100. 67 67 67 111 Pwrft Lt *6 pf 300. 67* 67* 67* Imp Oil Ltd tSOc 4 *1* 21* 21* Indiana PL It40c) 4 9* 9* 9* Indiana Svc 6«S5,pf 60. SI SI 31 ind Service 7 % pf I0e 32* 32 * 32* Indus Fin vtc 1 2* 2* 2* j Indus F1n 7 % pf 25. 20* 10* 20* J Ins Co of No A t2 100. 71 71 71 lntl Cigar M ru 6 18* 28 28 lntl Holdftlnv Ltd R 3* 8* 3* I Int H ESep A war 8 2 2 2 lntl Hy Bl S ov pf IS 41* 3** 40* lntl Petr !♦!*)._. 4 34* 84* 64* lntl Products_ 1 6* 6* 6* lntl Util «A)_ 1 20* 20* 20*! | lntl Utli (B) .. . 61 2* 2* 2* I lntl Util war new. 1 ’» ’» '» | lntl VTitamin(50c) 1 6* 6* 6* j Interst H M t2* - 2 38* 38* 38*! I Invest Royalty 6c 5 * * Iron Fireman (1)_750. 25* 25 25* Irving Air Ch 41). 3 16 16 16 Ital Superpwr(A) 5 2 1* 2 Jacobs! FLICoil 1 76 16* 15* 16* Jeanette Glss a60c 3 11* 11 11 JerCen PftLpf 6 * 25. 85* 85* 86*, Jer Cent P&L pf 7 3u« 98 97 97 Jonas & Xaum bl5 1 7* 7* 7* Jones&Laugh Stl 1 111* 111 ill 1 Ken RTAL A a75c 2 2 4 23** 234 Kingston Prod 40o 74 *4 S 84 Ktrbv Petr (20ct 3 74 7 74 Kirkland LG (6c) 4 14 14 14 Klelnert CoCMOc) 2 124 12 12 i Koppera pf (6) 100* 1114 li»4 1104 j KressiSH) pf 60c 13 12 |2 12 j Kreuger Brew tl- 2 174 17*4 174 Lake Sh M it4) 1 57'i 674 674 j l.akev Fv A Mach. 13 84 84 8 | Leh Coal AN 30c.. 30 124 12 124 Leonard oil .. 865 *4 14 2** Lion Oil Ref (l>-_ 3 174 174 174 1 Lit Brothers _ 1 64 64 64 Locke Stl Ch t80c. 5 17** 174 174 Lockheed Aircraft 12k 1*4 164 1* Lone Star G afiOc 4 124 124 124 Lone island Ltg . k 64 64 64 Lour I L pf Alii 20* 91 904 91 Lone Isl Lt pf B 6 60* 784 784 784 Loudon Pk'n taOc. 12 64 6 54 La Land <40c> ... k 1ST* 134 134 Lucky T (t12c)._. 2 14 14 14 j McCord Rad (B).. 6 14 14 14 McWilliams D (t2 22 ««4 *64 434 JIaiestic RaATel. 2 44 44 44 Mangel Stores 1 94 94 94 Margay Oil a50c — 2 274 27 27 Marlon Steam Sh.. 1 17 17 17 Massey Harris 24 104 #4 104 Mem Nat G<a50c) 8 64 64 64 Mercantile Strs b3 2 42 414 4L Merritt Chao A S 28 104 94 94! Merritt C A S pf A 105. 77 714 77 Mesabl Iron 60 14 1 14 Metal Texiie(40c) 15 6 5 Mex-OhioOU _ 11 4 84 84 Mich Bumper C_ 81) 84 84 84 Mich Gas A 011 8 5 8>* 84* ' Mich Steel Tal.09 8 1?4 174 174; Mid Sta Pet 1 A).. 6 6% 64 64 j Mid Sta Pet <B)._ 10 14 14 14! Midvale Co (aa) 26* 87 87 87 M*d-W Abras alOc 2 44 44 44 1 Mid Oil cr pf al 4 lOo* 94 84 94! Mining Co (Can) 32 44 4 4 Minn MlnAMf(tl) 60* S94 894 394 1 Mock Judson 60c 1 14 14 14 Molybdenum Corp 10 104 104 104 Mont Ward A (7) 80. 165 156 155 Moody's pt pf (3) 12a* 414 40 40 ! Moore Dist (TSOc) 4 74 7 74! Mount Prod (60c). 9 74 74 74 j Mueller Brass Tl * 47 4 474 * 74 1 Murray Mfg al.40 . 4 26 24 4 26 Nat Aut Fib baOa. X 364 364 364 ; Nat Baking Co_ 2 84 8 841 Nat Bella Hess .. 64 3 4 8 8 Nat Fuel Gss (1). 2 184 184 184,' Nat Gyps A a24— 2 74*4 74 74 j Nat Investors . 6 34 SH 84 Nat Inv pf <al0)_. 10. 102?* 102?* 102?*; Nat Leather .12 2 2 Nat Mfg A Stores. 1 124 124 124 Nat OU Prod t6uc 2 46 48*4 45 Nat Rub Mch a20c 11 154 14*» 154 ' Nat Service — 14 4 4 4 1 Nat Service pf — 1 44 44 44 ’ Nat Union Radio.. » 24 24 24 Nebel (Oscar)- 8 14 14 14 Nehl Corp_ 1 414 614 414 Nelson(H) (a*5e) 6 19 18 19 NeptuneM(A)a60c 9 19 184 184 Nev-Cnllf Elec 60* 184 184 184 NEngTe!AT<8 ) 60* 1854 185 185 New HavCl (14) 7 27 26 27 .N J Zinc (T2) 1000 * 824 80,4 804 New MAA Ld ale 3 4 4 4 Newmont Min b75< 2 1274 1274 1274 N Y Pw&Lt p£ (7) 10* 1134 1134 1134 N Y Shipbldg_ 6 124 114 124 NY Steam_ 4 20 1 95* 194 N Y Tel pf (64)— 60. 1184 1184 U84 N Y Water Svc pf 120* 63,4 63 634 Niag Hud Pwr new 63 16 154 154 •Niag H P< A I war 9 4 4 4 Niag Hud 1st (5) . 100 . 97 4 97 97 Niag HP(B> war 7 24 24 24 Niag Sh Md B a60c 7 164 164 154 Nipissing (50c)-- 2 84 34 84 Noma Elec (a*0C> 6 84 84 85* North Am LAP 7 64 64 64 North AmLAP pf 200* 674 66 674 N A Ravon A tl 4 9 644 44 444 No Am Ray B tl4 « 434 43 434 N A Ray pr pf (3) 60s 494 494 484 North Am Ut Sec l 44 44 44 North'n Europ oil 39 4 4 4 North Pipe L a76c 2 84 84 84 North States P A 6 404 394 894 Nor Tex El 6% pf- 1 44 44 44 Nwest Eng (a25c) 6 364 864 864 Novadel Ag i2) 1 84 34 84 Ohio Brass B ttl) 275. 49 4814 <9 OhioOlicu pf (6) 111114 11114 11154 Ohio P S pf A (7). 10. 1115* 1115* 11154 OH StksLtd t40c.. 8 1414 1414 1414 Okla Nat Gas Co 2 1354 1314 1354 OklaN'Gcv6% pf 125. 106 105 106 Oldeivme Distil . 2 514 614 614 Overseas Sec 60c.. 1 1014 1014 1054 PacG&E 1st <1)4> 2 8214 3214 3214 Pac P&L pfalOli 20. 8654 8654 8654 Pac Public Servlet 3 75* 754 71* Pac Tin spec (t2) 100 . 4254 42!4 4254 Pan-Am Air (tl)- 2 7114 71 71 PantepecOll_*80 854 7J4 «K Param't Motors_ 3 654 *54 554 Pender G (A)*54- 60. «-54 4214 4254 Pender Gr(B)a50e 7 954 914 954 Peninsular Tel tl 100. *954 2954 2954 Pennroad <a25ci 16 454 454 454 Pa CL&P pf (2.80). 60s 4114 4114 4114 Penn P&L (6) — . 10. 109*4 109*4 1095* Penn P&L (7> *0. 111 1105411044 Penn Wat* P <4> 1 9*54 )9854 98*4 Pepperell Mfg t6 160. 187 13654 137 Phillips Pkg a50c. 18 1654 16 16 Phoenix Secur 7 854 814 814 Plon’r Gil Ltd 10c 6 614 654 «54 Pitney Bow(t40c) 2 9 *54 854 Ptttsbgh Forging. 86 *6)4 2614 2654 Pitts* LEM 14 -HO* 97 961« 9614 Pitts Plate Gl(a6) 6 144 143 148 Pneumatic Scale.. 18 8 8 Potrero Susai 11 854 814 854 Powdrell&A) t60c 7 1214 Id 12 Pratt & Lamb (a2; 2 89 8814 8814 Premier Gold *120 11 854 854 854 Pressed Met (t2)_ 1 8354 8854 3854 Producers Corp— 41 54 54 54 Propper-McC id). 2 54 54 54 Prosperity B al 54 2 1654 1614 1614 Prudential In a50o 2 1 354 1314 1814 Pub Svc Ind pr pi 40* 6414 6314 *414 Pub Sv Okla pl(6> 10.10214 10214 10214 Pug Sd P&L *6 pf 125. 62 6114 6154 Pyrene Mfg(«90c) 2 1 054 1 054 1054 Quaker Oats it4). 10. 12014 1*014 1*014 Quebec Power ll) 75. 2414 2414 2414 Ry &LtSecal.55 . 25 . 2454 24*4 24*4 Rainbow Lum (A) 1 154 154 154 Rainbow Lum <B> 1 54 54 54 Ravm'd Cone (tl) 25. 1014 WH *«H Red Bank 1* 1*54 1* 1>H Reed R B new t*0t 6 1954 *714 *914 Reiter-Foster- *1 154 1 54 154 INVESTING FIRM Electric Shareholders As sets at $21,403,096““$ 19, 970,263 Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 0 —Electric Shareholders’ Corp., an investing com pany, reported net assets as of De cember 31. 1936, of *21,403.096, equal to *218 35 a share on the *6 pre ferred and after allowing for amounts due the preferred in liquidation to $6.14 a common share. This com pares with *19,970.263, or $106 76 a preferred share and *4.82 a common share (on the same basis) December 31, 1935. Scott Paper Co. Scott Paper Co., Chester Pa., re ported for the year 1936 net earnings available for common stock of *951, 308, largest in the company's history. This is equal to *1.66 a share on 569, ■ 980 shares of common outstanding. In the previous year net earnings were $802,250, equal to $1.40 a share, as calculated on the same number of shares. Thatcher Mfe. Co. Thatcher Manufacturing Co. re ported 1936 consolidated net profit of $1,015,567, after Federal surtax on undistributed profits, equal to $3.92 a common share. This compared with $811,053, or $2.52 a share, In 1935. For the quarter ended December 31. j 1936, net profit was $208,195, or 67 i cents a share, compared with $247, 754, or 93 cents a share, in the like quarter of 1935. Best & Co. Best & Co. reported net profit for the fiscal year ended January 31, i 1937, of $1,281,458, after depreciation, Federal income taxes and surtax on undistributed profits, equal to $4.21 a common share. This compared with $1,133,953, or $3.73, In the previous year. Hvgrade Sylvanim Carp. Hygrade Sylvama Corp., Salem, Mass, reported 1926 net income, after all charges and taxes, of $1,034, 736, equal to $4,49 a share on the 1 average number of common shares outstanding. This compares with $776,851, or $3.31 a share, in 1935. __ 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add (Ml Rich Low Close. 1 Rey barn Co a25c _ 1 6(4 5(4 64 Reynolds Intest 7 24 2(4 24 j Rice Stlx DG b50c 1 11 •« 11(4 lit* Rlchm'd Radiator 98 11% 7(4 74 Roosevelt field _ 1 3(4 3(4 3(4 Root Petrolm(l).. 10 114 11 11'4 Rossla IritlCorp * (4 % *4 Russks 5th Av (1) 2 31 31 31 Rustless Ir&Stl 7 16*4 16(4 164 Ryan Consolld'd 1 5(4 6(4 6*4 Ryerson & Haynes 3 6 6(4 6’< St Anthony Gold.. 16 4 4 4 St Reels Paper 15 9*4 9*4 9(4 St Reels Paper pf 50§ 116(4 116(4 116(4 Scvill Mf«(3) .... 60a 624 62 62'4 i Seeal Lock & H 25 8(4 3(4 3(4 Selberltn* Rubber 6 7(4 <74 674 Selected Indus 4 8*4 8(4 8(4 Sel Ind all cfs 5(4 <00. 100(4 1004 100(4 Sent Saf Control .1 % % % Seton Leath a 50c. 3 11(4 11(4 11(4 Seversky Aircraft 216 6(4 6 Shattuek Den Min 49 2474 24(4 24(4 Shawin W &P 80c 1 33(4 *3(4 S«4 Sherwln- Will (4 1 200. 16014 160 160 Shrev-El Dor P&L l 4 M H Sineer Mfe (t6) 20. S4( 845 345 Smith Cor v ext tl 26 40(4 89(4 40(4 SonotonaC (aide) 4 2(4 2 2 So Penn OIK tl 4 ) 1 464 464 464 So Royalty (a35c) 8 10(4 10 104 Southn Union Gas 1 2(4 2(4 24 Southwest P L(2) 60. 19 89 89 Spen Chain St 60c 8 9(4 9(4 94 Stand Dredging . 13 5(4 474 6 Stand Dr cv pf 350. 19 184 18*4 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 5 204 19(i 20 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 11 39*. 894 894 Stand Par A Lt_ 9 8(4 54 54 Stand PA L t B).. 1 64 64 6(4 Stand SilALd <4c) 10 (4 4 4 I Stand Stl Sp a2(4- 8 34 334 38*4 Starred Corp vtc 6 84 8(4 84 Sterchl Bros a30c 1 12?* 12?* 12?* Sterchl Bros 1st 3 fi0« 37V* 37V* 47V* Sterchl Bros 2d a 1 60s I ;v* 18^* 13V* Sterl'g Brew a75c 4 6*4 «(i 6*4 Sterling. lnc(20c) 12 64 6(4 54 SttnnescHueo) d 26 6 4*4 6 I Stroock & Co a2 4 650a 80(4 294 294' Stutx Motor 6 24 24 2(4 Sullivan Machine. 1 24(4 244 244 Sunray Oil (aide) 46 44 4?* 44 Sunshine Min (SI 9 204 194 20 Superior Port C B 25a 204 204 204 Swlss-Am Elec pf 100a 1064 1054 1064 Taggart Corp- lp 164 164 1«4 Tastyeastl Del) A. 4 24 2 24 Taylor D! at < 80c). 11 64 6 6 Technicolor a60a.. 7 214 >14 21H Tech Hughes t40c 19 6 64 6 Texon Oil & L 60c 2 74 7 74 Thew Shovel a50c 125a 664 65 65*4 Tilo Roof ct50c) . 10 174 174 174 Tob Prod Exp 16c. 2 14 »H 84 TolEdlspf A (7). 20s 1114 1114 U14 Tonopah Belmont. 2 4 4 4 Tonopah Min a6c. 2 14 14 14 Tr-Lux DPS t20c. 8 44 44 44 Trl-Contl C war _. 1 24 24 24 Tublze Chatilllon. 26 27 26 264 Tublze Chat! <A). 3 74 724 74 rung-Sol Lamp n 18 104 104 104 Tung-Sol L pf SOc 3 124 124 124 Twln-CoAh al.40 128 234 22 234 Ulen&Co5%pf 1 64 64 64 U len & Co 7 4 % pf 1 74 74 74, Unexcelled Mfg 6 84 34 34 1 Un G of Can a35c. 1 17 17 17 I Unit Air war 10 28 274 274 Unit Corp war t6c 3 14 14 14 Unit Gae Corp 42 IS 124 124 j UtdGaswar_ 7 34 34 34 I Utd Gas pf <alH>. 4 1324 1214 1224 i Unit Lt & Pw (A). 64 94 94 94 Unit Lt* Pw (B). 1 94 94 94 Unit Lt tit Pw pf 9 66 64 4 654 Unit Milk Prod(2) 75t 38 37 38 Unit Milk Pr pf t3 60a 75 75 ’ 75 Unit Shipyds B 10 4 34 4 Unit S Mch pf 1.50 20a 434 4 4 434 U S Foil <B) < 1 > — 8 174 174 174 U S & inti Secur.. 1 24 24 24 U S Lines pf 4 84 8 34 U S Play Cards tl 160s 32 82 32 U S Radiator .. 8 84 84 84 U S Radiator pf .. 26a 69 69 69 U S Rub Reclaim. 8 10 94 US Stores _ 1 1 1 , U S Stores 1st pf.. 20a 124 12 ig Unit Stores vtc .. 2 14 14 \u Unit Verde Ex (1) 14 34 34 34 Untt Well Paper_28 64 64 54 UniT Pictures ... 1 164 1*4 1*4 Utah Apex 161 64 64 64 Ut P&L pf a2.914 160s 794 784 78U Utilities P & L id) 52 14 14 14! UUlP&Lpf (d)..lC0a 24 4 24 24 1 Utility Eouittes 2 54 64 *4 1 Utility Eq pfb4H 60a 86 86 ** I Utilities lndust'l. 2 14 14 .4 j Utility & Indue pf. 2 64 54 54 Venezuela Max O. 7 94 84 84 i Venezuela Petrol.. 6 24 gu 1 Vogt Mfg (blOc).. 1 174 174 174 Waco Aircraft . 1 9 9 9 Watner Bak a2.35. 1 22 21U 22 Waitt&B'd A a50c 2 10* 10(4 inu Walker Mlnlnk 9 3* 3 3 . Wayne Pump «S0o 4 87* 36* 37 Wentw’h Mf tl.20. 4 25* 26* 25M WVa Coal* Coke 8 4* 41I 4?! Westn A E (a25c) 1 10 j0 Welt Au Sup A t4 660* 81* 81 81 Will OU-O-M a50e « n* 11 jjw Wll-low Cafeteria 2 iu i* iu Wll-low Cafe pf . I 7* 7* 7* Wilson Jon a* * . 1 61* 51* 61* Wolverine Port C. 4 1 4* i Wolv Tube (t40c) 18 18 17* 17* Woodley Pet t«oc 4 10* 10* 10* wrirht Hera ttoo T 7* 7* 7* Yffstn Stl Door<2) 2 72* 71* 71* Yukon Gold!al8c) 6 8* 3^4 314 Dividend rates m dollar* baud nn iu quarterly or semi-annual oayraeSt t*5‘ nual rate—not Including"M?r2v' cumulated dividends aVafd last 2i£r tSfXBU iwSSSs gvwae sssu% NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE] (Continued From Page 16.) 8:15 p.m. ' 1036-37 Stock and Sales— Net Slid LOW. Dividend Rece Add oo. Hl*h Low Close Ob(e 9(4 74 Utd St Yd (alZHc). 69 9'4 84 8H - V4 144 1294 US Tobacco It6) . 3 1314 1304 131 + 4 169 160 U S Tobacco pf <7). 10* 167 167 167 -4 84 5 (Tnttad Store* < A > 12 74 74 74 —4 102 674 Unit Sts pf al4.814 1 82 82 82 -14 92 674 Univ Leaf Too its» 1 80 80 80 -1 165 153 Unlv Leaf T pf 18). 20*161 161 161 -2 7 34 Util Pw & Lt A (d). 17 4 34 34 24 1 Vadaeo Salaa Corp. 12 24 2 2 344 164 Vanadium'"-orp 30 344 33 334 -4 116 1104 Van Ral latpf (7).. 10* 1144 1144 1144 94 4 Va-Ur Chemical . 16 9 84 84 — V* 614 284 Va-Car Cham** pf 8 584 684 584 -4 134 4 Va Iron Coal&Cokt. 70* 114 104 104 -4 414 14 Va Iron C A C pf . 10a 30 30 30 -4 132 1144 Virginia Ry pf <«)_. 1 132 132 132 44 24 Wabasn id) _ 1 34 34 34-4 124 6 Wabasn pv A Id) .. 1 11 11 11-4 19 94 Waldorf Syatl.20.. 9 184 18 184 + 4 49 30 Walgreen Co <2 * _ 23 484 474 48 — 4 118 114 Walgreen pf 164)- 30s 115 1144 1144 -4 49*« 2«4 Walker iHMt)_ 4 474 47 474 + Vi 17 64 Walworth Co _ 78 164 164 164 - 4 52 104 Ward Baking A_ 1 47 47 47 -14 94 24 Ward Baking B ... 71 94 84 9 -4 18% 94 Warner Broa Plct 400 174 15 17 +2 694 44 Warner Bros pic pf. 1 68 68 68 +4 24 4 Warner-ijuin «d» . 1 14 14 14—4 124 4% Warren Bros (d).— 89 84 84 84 +4 384 154 Warrencv pf (d) 9 274 264 274 +14 434 21 Warren l-dy*l itl> 4 434 43 434 -4 394 194 Waukesha Mot 11). 19 38 354 374 +24 114 64 Webster Klsenlohr. 4 9 9 9 2% 1 Wells Fargo . ... 100s 14 14 14— 4 624 334 Wesson U&S(t»0c). 3 48 . 474 474 -4 107 914 West Pa Eleo A (7) 10s 1004 1004 1004 110 96 West Pa Eleo pf 171 10a 108 108 108 — 4 1164 1114 West Pa Pwr pf (4) 40*114 114 114 +4 2:1 A D m. 1036-37 Stock and Sales— Net Sign. Low. Dividend Rata. Add Ob. HUH. Low Close Cbge 12% 8% Western Maryland. 6 10 9v( 9% _ i„ 23% IB Western Md 2d pl_ 9 20% 20 20 + % 4 1% WMteni Psolflo.... 1 2% 2% 2%%% 9% 6% Western Pacific pf 3 7% 7% 7% _ % 98% 72% West’n Un Tel b75c. 40 76% 74*4 76% + *4 56% 34% Westlnghse A B (1) 16 65% 64% 65% 167% 94% Weathse Elec (bl) 9 160 168 160 +1% 170 123% Westlnghse pf (bl7) 10a 167 167 167 +1 33% 22% Weafn El Inst s85c 2 27% 27% 27% — % 39 36% Weston Eleo A (2) 20s 37% 37% 87%+% 37 19% WestvacoChlor <l)x 2 24% 24% 24%+ S 52 21% Wheeling Steel . . 29 61% 49 49% — % 109% 84 Wheeling Btlpf(a4) 1 108 108 108 30% 18% White Motor 153 30% 28% 29% + % 18% 13% White Rk M 8(140) 2 18 17% 17%+ % 6% 3% White Sewing Mch. 3 6% 6 6% 46% 16 White Sew Mch pf- 1 42% 42% 42%+1% 6% 2% Wilcox Oil ft Gas... 9 5% 5% 5% — % 11% 6% Wilson A Co I60c)_ 190 12 11% 11%—% 88 70 Wilson A Co pf (•). 1 87% 87% 87%-% 71 44% Wool worth »S.40) x 47 69% 68% 68% — % 47 23% Worthington Pump 7 45% 43% 44% — % 99% 56 Worth Pump pf A.. 80s 98% 97 97% — % 91 47 Worth Pump pf B.. 4 88% 87% 88% + % 140% 62% Wright Aero <kl)._ 10* 124% 124% 124% + % 79 63 Wrlgley W ir it3)_. 3 73 72% 72% 33% 8% Yellow Tr&Coach. 184 32% 31% 32%—% 65 42% Young SprAW itl). 1 45 45 45 - % 87% 41% Toungs tn bbeetAT 16 84% 84 84 + % 42% 21% Zenith Radio (b50c) 3 37V, 37% 37% - % 9% 6% Zonlte Products 14 8% 8% 8% + % Approximate sate* of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M.- 790.000 12:00 Noon_ 1 280,000 1:00 P.M- 1 600.000 2:00 P.M__1 920.000 Dividend rate* as given In the above table are the annual cash Daymenta baaed on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declarations. *Umt of trading legs than 100 shares, r Annual ra'e—not ■ iciudlng extra* * Accumulated dividends, a Paid this year, b Paid last rear d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganized x Ex dividend I Washington Exchange SALES. Georgetown Gas 5s—$1,000 at 125. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 951/j. $1,000 at 95 H. Potomac Electric Power 5Va% pfd.—1 at 113'2, 1 at 113'2. Carpel Corp.—10 at 26. AFTER CALL. Washington Gas 5s 1958—$1,000 at 105 Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked Amer Tel. A Tel. 4'.8 _ lift3. AniCQstia A Pol. 5* .. 77 79 Ana A Pot Guar. 5s _ lift C A P. Tel. r.f Va is . 104 Capital Traction I< R. 5s Hi 9ft City A Suburban 5s _ Ho PK I Georaetown Gas 1st 5s. _ l'.'ft Pm. Elec Pon . :t*.s . __ lo43. 105*4 ] Wash. Gas 5s 1H5S IftS'a 106 Wash. Gas 5s U'Hft 124'j . - I Wash. Rwy. A Elec 4s 106Vs - MISCELLANEOUS i Col Country Club o'.s 103 _ W. M. Cold Storacr 5s 100 - STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel. A Tel <01 181 *« Capital Transit Co I5'« 15', N. A W. Steamboat i*<ii 115 Pot. El Pow fie-, pfd »<3' 112 Pot El. P U,'. pf <r. 50) 112’a Wash. Gas Lt Co <3.601 R4 - Wash Ry. A E! com. >30) 725 - Wash. Ry A El pfd. <5) 111 '• - BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Tr Co. >e81 28.5 - Bank of Bethesda <h.75> 32 - CaDltal < 4) 135 - Com A Savinas ia*i 205 - Liberty <4 > 14o Lincoln <f«25> Coo . . Nat. Sav A Trust 150 Pr Oeorses Bk A Tr. < SO) 1R -1 Rites ,8) 340 360 Ritas Pfd. <51 -- 10! Washineton <o> 133 - Wash. Loan A Tr. <e*> 2,5 - EIRE INSURANCE American <61 10° - Corcoran (51 10<J - Firemen's <1 60> - — 45 - National Union < 601 - 16 - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia <.30i 1-3 17V. Real Estate <61 1<5 MISCELLANEOUS ' Carpel Corn <2 oo> 23 26 Lanston Monotype <4• *95 Meraenthaler Linotype <f» M's 55', i Peoples Dru* S. com 54 l peoples Dr. S. pfd (6 50) 114 Real Est. M AG. nf >•• 701 5>i 6’4 Security Storage <5> 120 1-5 Ter Ref. A Wh. Corn 'll 6<i Wdwd. A Loth com (tl.50) .0 ,8 ■Wdwd. A Loth. ofd. <7> . 120 125 •Ex dividend ♦—Plus extras. . ... §5<»e paid Me.y 15 1936: 50c paid Auk. 15. 1936; 50c paid Nov. 16. 1936. a—4'„ extra, e—2d- extra f—1 'a's extra t—Id extra paid Dec. 15. 1936. h—75c extra. ••25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid December 22. 1936. IT. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chas. D Barney &: Co > Rate—Maturity Bid. Offer. :t Feb. 15. it -- lOO Apr 1.V *:r. lol 4-:i'2 lol 34 8?rn. 1$ -.17 102 2-52 102 4-52 t •'4 Feb 1. '.If - 102 8-32 102 10-32 5 Mar. 15.318 102 27-52 102 20-52 24 June 15. 55 . 105 0-32 103 8-52 24 Sept. 15. ’58 _ 10.3 105 2-52 14 Mar 15. '.'If* lol 0-52 101 11-52 : 24 June 15. 2!9_. 102 25-52 102 25-52 : 14 Dec 15. '50 101 5-52 lol 5-52 1 1*. Mar. 15. '40 _ 101 18-52 101 20-52 14 June 15. 40 101 5-52 101 7-52 i 14 Dec 15. '40 101 5-52 101 5-52 14 Mar. 15. '41 __ lol 5-32 101 5-52 1*. June 15. 41 100 18-52 10«l 20-52 ; 14 Dec. 15. '41_ 100 8-32 100 10-32 Real Estate Loans 5% • 5'/*% Business Property and Resi dence . . . Construction or Re financing Loans. • • • {shannon & lochSI Mortpace Loan Correspondent* MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1505 H St. N.W. NAtl. 2345 Safe Investments g^ - . First mortgage notes, Qy_ well secured on con VI /fj servatively appraised, ^ r v new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6?6 per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Soathern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Established Nearly 40 tears SHORT LINE IS SOLD TO B. & A. RAILROAD ANNAPOLIS, Md.. February 9.—The Baltimore & Annapolis Railroad Co. today purchased the property of the former Baltimore «Sc Annapolis Short Line Railroad Co., from AnnapolLs to Shipley Station, for *25.000 at a pub lic auction sale held at the door of the Anne Arundel County Court House. The property, now being used by the Baltimore At Annapolis Railroad, was sold under foreclosure proceedings In stituted by the Fidelity Trust Co., trustee, of Baltimore, under a first mortgage covering $1,000,000 in 5 per cent 40-year geld bonds, issued by the old Annapolis Short Line. The mortgage and interest was in default by $1,207,490.66 on December 9, when Judge Lin wood L. Clark, in : the Anne Arundel Court, ordered the foreclosure sale. I BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTGN February 9 <p> <U fi Depart ment of Agriculture*.—The wool market here was \ery quiet today on domestic and foreign lines Asking prices were steady to firm on lots of domestic wools but mills showed nracticaUy no interest Mill de mand exhibited little urgency on most kinds of apparel wool for several weeks Large increases in receipts of foreign wool- since the middle of December has gregtly broadened the selection of lines available to manufacturers. * FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK February 9 'P .—Revenue frelrht carloadinks on railroads reportinc today for week ended February H included. Week Previous Last Feb 6. week year Ches A Ohio in (Mitt 16.16.1 33.(173 Santa Pe 76 376 77 ROT 71.067 Nickel Plate 16.627 1.1.176 14 27.1 Pere Marquette in 07tt K.76.1 in 15tt 3outhern Pacific 1.1.574 U p 12 7R.23P Wabash 14.»P» 14 *11 11.615 Chicaao & N. W. 25,197 26.624 22.1.13 Specialists for Business Records and Equipment ' POSTURE CHAIRS ^ValcotMaylorCal £k MILLS BLOC MEtro. 5646 ____ Property Management EFFICIENT manojement is most satisfactory to both owner end tenant WE specialize in the man agement of oil types of in vestment properties and are now Managing Agents for some of Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity of discussing your management problems With you. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Inrsreerited Real Estate 1321 Conn. Ave. N.VV. DE. 3600 Please See Page A-13 and B-8 Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGS 15 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK ANNOUNCE THAT ROBERT H. MENZEL PERCIVAL R. BAILEY. JR. HAVE BECOME ASSOCIATED WITH THE SALES DEPARTMENT OF THEIR WASHINGTON OFFICE - SHOREHAM BLDG. TELEPHONE: NATIONAL SIM PRIVATE WIRE CONNECTIONS FROM THEIR NEW YORK OFFiCS TO BRANCH OFFICES IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES: ALBANY CHICAGO INDIANAPOLIS POTTSVILLE ALTOONA DETROIT PHILADELPHIA TRENTON BRIDGEPORT HARRISBURG PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON FEBRUARY I. IIJT. __ NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK February fl i4Y—Raw sugar was auiet and unchanged early today at 3.5a for spot and forward Futures were Irregular. In the No 3 contract near months declined a point '• under further liquidation and hedge sell . ing encouraged by the continued liberal offerings in the spot market Later posi tions held relatively steady on trade buying. In the No 4. however, prices were firm er on renewed commission-house buying and covering encouraged by ihe firmness ' of London. No :t March sold down to 2.5S. or l point net lower Mav No 4 advanced from l lf, to j 14'-, and July from J.lffo, to 1.17. or 2 to 212 points net higher at midday. -• NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, February 9 C45).—Bar silver steady and unchanged at 44:',4. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties Prevailing Rates FIESl DIED OF IKUS1 OWLI GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Sndiana Are. N.W. Nat’l 0350 LAIDLAW A COMPANY. NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP „ , CERTIFICATE Notice Is hereby eiven that a new Limited PartnershiD has been formed to proceed with and continue under the firm name of Latdlaw & Company the business heretofore carried on by the Limited Part nership under the same name which was terminated on December 31 1936. and by i its predecessors, and that the following is a cooy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership filed on January 9 193? tn the Office of the Cleric of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia: ‘ This is to certify that Edward Roesler. Gilbert U Burdett Elliot C R. Laidiaw Manuel J Johnson Henry W. Brower. Edward Roesler Jr.. Lorraine F Pitman. Robert E Hauser. Isabella Wood Laidiaw and Henry McSweeney have hereto fore formed a Limited Partnership pur suant to the laws of the State of New York, and desire to do business in the [ District of Columbia as a Limited Part nership: that the firm name of said Partnership is Laidiaw & Company; that the business to be transacted by said Partnership is the business of buying, sell ing and dealing in and stocks bonds notes securities, negotiable instruments and other evidences of debt or ownership as brokers and agents, and not otherwise; that the said Edward Roesler Gilbert U Burdett Elliot C R Laidiaw. Manuel J Johnson. Henry W. Brower. Edward Roesler. Jr. Lorraine F. Pitman and Robert E. Hauser are General Partners: that the said Isabella Wood Latdlaw and Henry McSweeney are Special Partners, that the said Isabella Wood Laidiaw has contribute;, the sum of $500,000 and the said Henry McSweeney has contributed the sum of $1,060,000 to the common stock of said Partnership: that said PartnershiD was formed for a penod commencing on Janu ary 1. 193? and terminating on December 31 193H. In Witness whereof the aforesaid Part ners have hereunto subscribed their names this 118th day of December 1936. EDWARD ROESLER GILBERT U. BURDETT ELLIOT C. R LAIDLAW MANUEL J JOHNSON HENRY W BROWER EDWARD ROESLER. Jr. LORRAINE F PITMAN ROBERT E HAUSER General Partners ISABELLA WOOD LAIDLAW HENRY MCSWEENEY Special Partners (The foregoing Certificate was duly ac knowledged by the several subscribers hereto >__ FIRST TRUST MONEY FOR REFINANCING LOANS AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS THREE-YEAR LOANS AND 15'i-YEAR MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS PAYABLE $8 PER $1,00Q 51/2% No Commissions or Extras EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 816 14th St Met. 3437 ESTABLISHED 1800 Alex. Brown & Sons BALTIMORE Members New York Stock Exchange Members Baltimore Stock Exchange A Representotive Selection of Investment Securities Our offerings currently include United States Government, Federal Land Bank, State and Municipal, Public Utility, Railroad and Industrial Bonds, as well as a selection of high grade Preferred Stocks. Send for a copy of our Daily List UNION TRUST BUILDING, WASHINGTON Telephone: National 1053 New York Representative: 2 Wall Stree. KRESGE DECLARES LARGER DIVIDEND Payment of 30 Cents a Share Compares With 25 in Last Quarter. By the Associated Presa. NEW YORK. February 9.—S. 8. Kresge Co., chain store concern, to day announced a dividend of 30 centa on capital stock, payable March 13 to stock of record February 23. A quarterly dividend of 25 cents waa paid on December 21, last. G. C. Murphy Co. G. C. Murphy Co., chain store or ganization, with headquarters at McKeesport, Pa., declared a quarterly dividend of 65 cents on common stock, payable March 1 to stock of record February 19. In December the com pany paid a 50-cent dividend and extras of *1.30 and 75 cent*. Iron Fireman Mfg. Co. Directors of Iron Fireman Manu facturing Co. increased the annual dividend rate to $120 from $1 by ordering four quarterly dividends of 30 cents each. They are payable March 1, June 1, September l and December 1 to stock of record Feb ruary 19, May io, August 10 and. November 10, respectively. 150 Tons of Lead Sold. NEW YORK. February 9 UP)._The St. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 150 tons of pig lead from Southeast Mis souri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per 100 pounds, St. Louis. OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinet* Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE Ere S» N.W Phone HA 2181 „ WIN THBOP. MITCHELL * CO. Certificate of Limited Partnership iiJXV»e undersigned to form * limited partnership pursuant to tha laws Mate^and^certHy °»? Follow?1*' d° L 1THRo“eMrrCHELf.r&ec01P “ ^ II. Th* names anti places of residence of tne members, general and special, are: General Partners. Name and residence Henry Rogers Wir.thrnp New York. N Y J>eds Mitchell Chicago Illinois. Theodore E. Cunningham. Evanston, nil nois Woodward Babcock New York N Y John J Fagan New York N Y Harr.v c Schaack. Chicago Illinois George R Thornton. Oak Park. Illinois. Alfred I Preston, jr New York N Y Richard F. Babcock. Woodbury. L. I.. New York Henry F. Godfrey New York. N Y. Richard P Loasby. Montclair. New Jersey. Richard B W. Hal!. New York N Y Thomas Miller. Chicago, Illinois waller C Hardy. Charleston. West Vir ginia James J Masterson Bergenfteld. New Jer Arthur J. G. Elian. Chicago. Ellnols. Austin H Niblack. Lake Forest. Illinois. George N Buffington Barrington. IUinoli. William p S. Ear.e. jr.. Forest Hill*. L. E. Nevi York. Everett E. Melllnger H.ghland Park. Ell no is. ... _ . Special Partner*. S3!1" Schuttler. Chicase Illinois. •Llton W. Holden, palm Beach. Florida, ill. The general nature of the business in tended to be transacted shall be a general brokerage and commission business dealing in securities and commodities IV. The partnership is to commence Jan 1 , ana shall terminal# 3t. the close of business on December ,, unless sooner terminated v. The amounts of cash actually con tributed by the special partners to the common stock ol the partnership are WALTER SCHL’TTLER. $300.0(10 MILTON W. HOLDEN $300,000 Dated December 31s:. 1936. Henry Rogers Win- Henry F. Godfrey. threp. Richard P. Loasby. Weds Mitchell. Richard B W. Hall. Theoaore E. Cun- Thcs. Miller ninghe.m Waller C. Hardy. Woodward Babcock. James J Masteraon. John J. Fagan. Arthur J. Hilan. Harry E. Schaack Austin H Niblack. Oeorse R Thornton George Buffington. Alfred E Preston, jr. Wm. P. S. Earle, jr 2iHter i^h=WJer .. E'-eeett E Mellingeir. Richard F Babcock Milton W. Holden. The foregoing certificate, duly acknowl edged. has been filed and recorded In the ?hffl,c'rMesSIe,rk thi Distrlct Court of the United States for the District of Co aiTb, a„i'kast,:l1KI0Y1 D c »nd *n affl davit duly verified by two general partners the, f,PKlfled cash contribu tions of the special partners have In good been actually paid into the partner ship fund has been flled therewith_ First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY io the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Low Rate Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street NatL 2100