Newspaper Page Text
PRESIDENT SIGNS BELIEF MEASURE Bin Carries $789,000,000 Intended to Keep 2,580, .1000 on W. P. A. Jobs. Bathe Associated Press. President Roosevelt signed the $950,000,000 relief-deficiency bill to day. It carries *789.000.000 intended to keep at least 2,580.000 persons on W. P. A. Jobs. Other funds provided in the bill are: Civilian Conservation Corps. $95,000,000; 1937 seed loans. $50, 008,000; miscellaneous, $16,000,000. Should any W. P. A. money be Used for emergency flood relief. Con gress will be asked to reimburse the relief agency in a later deficiency measure. The bill ended its legislative career when Speaker Bankhead signed it last night in the National Theater box where he had gone from a House ses sion to see his actress daughter, Tal lulah. The Senate and the House, faced by the threatened suspension of relief payments, labored until late yesterday to adjust their diflerences over the appropriation. The chief dispute—whether con gressional committees should be allowed to use relief funds for investi gations—was compromised in a ban on borrowing certain personnel from . relief agencies, effective in 30 days. Representative Woodrum. Democrat Of Virginia, a member of the House Appropriations Committee which fought such use of the funds, an nounced the campaign for a complete £an on the practice would be pressed When the independent offices approp riation bill, now pending in the Senate, reaches the conference stage. Judiciary (Continued From First Page.) ^"Jtol Hill. II his proposal is adopted -.inly three Justices instead of six would y today fall under the retirement provi aions of the President's plan. Two Lahore. Including Chief Justice Hughes, y.Urill reach the age of 75 within a short r-time. “W Favors 75-Year Limit. fcy Senator Robinson said he believed j-the retirement age for all Federal ^Judges should be increased to 75 years. Representative Gayer of Kansas, ranking Republican member of the Judiciary Committee, issued a state smen t today in which he said: "I shall fight to the last ditch this proposal to * pack the Supreme Court and render It another pliant rubber stamp In the hands of the Executive. “There is a sinister danger in any administration regardless of party, in tampering with the Supreme Court of the United States. There is an irre sistible suggestion of an attempt to control decisions of the court by pack , Jng it with those whose opinions co incide with the admnistration's. The history of the Government of the ^United States under the Constitution think very clearly demonstrates that ~14he judiciary has been the outstand ing success among the branches of the Government. That success has de pended upon the Independence of the judiciary. Untrammeled by political influence, unafraid and unterrified, it has performed incomparable service to the country. if "There is no necessity for any in crease In the judiciary, either in the -District courts or the Supreme Court, ‘last year we created a lot or addi tional judgeships and we had to atretch our imaginations to make lome of them necessary. The office Of Federal judge is about as easy a Job as there is in the Federal service Of the United States. -■** Congestion in Dockets. turn ' “At times, on account of sudden in --greases of population at certain points, ’there is congestion in the docket; however, much of this has recently been caused by making the District -Courts sort of police courts, with a deluge of petty cases that really have no place in the Federal court. This condition arose by reason of the greedy grasp of power and jurisdiction by the Federal Government. "The President discounts age. ex perience and ripe wisdom when he would banish from the Federal judici ary men over 70 years of age. It is just one other example of the en croachment of the executive depart ment upon the other departments of the Government. We have a rubber stamp Congress now. and there is every indication in the President’s message that he wants a rubber stamp Supreme Court as well." Representative Miller of Arkansas, a Democratic member of the House committee, also anounced his strong 3position to President Roosevelt’s in to increase the membership of the Supreme Court. • Still the bill authorizing the volun tary retirement of justices of the Su preme Court was ordered favorably reported by a vote said to be “almost unanimous." Judge Sumners said the bill as drafted attempts to disturb as little as necessary the existing procedure in the courts. Berry Supports President. While opposition to the President's Judiciary reorganization plan continued to roll up in the Senate and House today, labor's Non-partisan League leaped into the fight with a strong statement supporting the President. It was issued by Maj. George L. Berry, president of the league. It said, “In submitting to Congress his program for reform of the Federal ju diciary. President Roosevelt has taken a step essential to the fulfillment of the most important of the pledges made during his campaign for re election. ‘fThe President's message is a masterpiece of unassailable logic. The Constitution itself makes the Federal judiciary responsive to the elected representatives of the people. Con guess has often acted under its con stitutional power to change the com position or the jurisdiction of the ■Faderal courts to fit them to the de vgjcfcjing needs of the country. y J*There have been few emergencies ULour national life when it was more ilgjKrative than it is now that the courts be brought into harmony with tHi' will of the people. Congress and the President owe it to the Nation, and the President has recognized his obligation, to modernize the Federal courts—not to pack them but rather to hinpack' a judiciary loaded by the fact that appointments of long years ago have put the America of 1937 in subjection to the America of 1897.” Telegraph company officials esti mated their Capitol forces had han dled more than 1.000 telegrams a day since the President’s message was read Friday. t Washington Wayside Tales Random Observations of Interesting Events and Things. GROUNDED. AN AIR CORPS officer now In Washington for the air safety conference. Maj. Charles M. Cummings, was telling a Way side operator about a trip he made to the West Coast on a commercial air line recently. There was a very pretty girl dressed in traveling clothes among the pas sengers when the ship took off. The next morning, while Maj. Cummings was still snoozing in his chair, he was astonished to find her, still hatted for travel, presenting him with a breakfast tray. "Why, if I may ask,” he said, “are you giving me my breakfast? There’s a hostess aboard." It seemed that she had Just been graduated from the air hostess school in Chicago and that this trip approximated her final examinations. Air hostesses, the young lady ex plained, get married so fast—12 in the last few months, for example— that it keeps the airlines busy train ing others to replace them. An air line hostess, it seems, accumulates very little time in the air before be ing grounded by matrimony. * * * * EXPERT. Robert gncin, who trenf hospital ing with the flu a while back, now considers himself highly efficient at estimating his own fever—when he has fever. He had flu for a week before he went to the hospital. Each day he had his temperature taken. It ranged from normal to 101. On his first day at the hospital the operative tasted a thermometer supplied by the nurse. When she took it out, he asked the reading. The nurse replied, "1 can t tell you." "Well, it’s about 101" said our’ man. "Just about right," admitted the nurse. Twice later he hit it accurately— 99 and 101. Science, what? * * * * VERBUM SAP. Y'ERBUM SAP. When George Bur nett King arrives at high school age that will likely be one of his choice Latin quotations. Some time ago he entered the Powell Junior High School and. incident thereto, his par ents were afforded at least one hearty laugh. The music teacher at the Powell School gave a tonal test to the new pupils to assign them parts in group singing and each was given a card with their name and a notation upon it. Muter George stuffed his In his pocket and proceeded with the daily routine of studies and recitations. When the evening study hour arrived he found the card and with an ag grieved countenance rushed to inform his mother. “Maybe I couldn't sing as well as some of the others, but there was no need for the teacher to write ‘sap’ on my card " His mother took one glance at the card and explained that the teacher had written "sop” to indicate he had a soprano voice. * * * * BONUS. TyjAYBE you think that the veterans have all been paid their bonuses now and that there’s no story in that any more. Don't be too sure. At the Treasury and elsewhere, they are still tearing their locks over strange and complicated claims for these same adjusted compensations. For example, two to three wives are often claiming a dead veteran’s bonds. The Treasury has to find out which one was really legally married to him at the time of his death. It involves the perusal of all sorts of documents and makes the Treasury a sort of postmortem do mestic relations court. Then one in teresting case isn't yet settled. An imposter with the same surname claimed the veteran's bonds and got them cashed, too. Before the Secret Service could catch up with him. he had spent the money. They caught him all right and put him in prison, but that didn’t help the original veteran get his money. Of course, the officials say he will get it all right some day, but, down in his little Florida shack, he’s wondering when. * * * * NO VOTE. J^EPRESENTATTVE GRAHAM A. BARDEN of New Bern, N. C., known to his constituents as "Judge,” chuckled at length recently about a meeting with genial Senator Bob Rey nolds, also of the Tarheel State. Barden had In mind Reynolds’ fame for greeting voters. Carrying two newspaper men, the Senator was driving up Fifteenth street a while back. One of the re porters, frpm North Carolina himself, called the Senator's attention to a car at the corner with a N. C. license plate. “Let's go up and see who it is,’’ said the Senator. Up aoomed the Rey nolds car to the corner. The man in the N. c. car turned out to be Judge Barden. Everybody hailed everybody else between the two cars and then Reynolds drove on. “That was a disappointed look on Bob's face the other day,” commented Judge Barden later. "He thought he had found a voter from home it turned to be a Representative. * * * * DIALECT. An applicant for a Government job showed up not long ago at the office of Senator Caraway, Demo crat, of Arkansas. "I'm from ArKANsas," he an nounced, with emphasis on the middle syllabic and final "s," "and I’d like your help in landing a place." Unless he reads this he probably still is wondering at thfi lack of concrete results after such courte ous treatment by Garrett White side, Senator Caraway’s secretary, who surmised that if he didn’t know the native pronunciation, his claim of residence was more than doubtful. Bombs Not New to Them These little girls, loho have taken refuge in the mouth of a Madrid sewer during a Fascist air raid, appear to be more interested than frightened, by falling bombs. Weeks of bombard ment in the capital have made them familiar with civil warfare. —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. Spain (Continued Prom First Page.) the provincial towns before the ad vancing Fascist armies. In army trucks, wagons, on burros and on foot they went silently back to the homes that had been destroyed by the retreating government forces. The entrance of the Fascist soldiers changed the city into a military camp. Squadrons of airplanes settled down at the Malaga airport, abandoned less than 48 hours before by the govern ment ships. Anti-aircraft batteries were set up on the outskirts of the city to protect it from possible asqgult from govern ment planes. Warships patrolled the harbor front. Bridges along the highways still were strongly guarded and last night the searchlight from Ceuta. Morocco, across the Mediterranean, still swept the straits. Aspect of City Changed. The population found the entire as pect of the city changed when they took their evening promenade along the main street—the Passeo de la Ala meda. All Socialist and Communist bulletins and emblems had been tom down or plastered over with insurgent slogans by Fascist organisers who en tered the city on the heels of the con quering soldiers. "Malaga today! Madrid tomorrow!" was the cry of the troops, but the gen eral staff plans remained a secret. Most observers ixpected Generalis simo Francisco Franco to use his crack southern arm, with its enthusiasm now at high pitch, to drive northward against Almeria, Cartegena, Murcia and Alicante. It was thought he would finally un leash a double attack of the northern armies against Madrid and the south ern armies against Valencia. Their immediate attention, however, was directed to consolidating their po sition in the region around Malaga and rebuilding the damaged sections of the city. City Sacked and Burned. The entire central part of the Medi terranean metropolis of 400,000 resi dents had been sacked and burneo, they said, before the Fascist southern j army climaxed its drive with a tri umphal entry. Bands of anarchists, the leaders re ported, had roved the city after the sweeping advance threw them back into the provincial capital and bottled up Malaga’s exits by land and sea. More than 5,000 Rightists, they esti mated, had been killed during the So cialist occupation. As an indication of the sudden col lapse of the city’s resistance, however. Fascist officers said they found “nbt a single body in the streets” when they entered the city. Vaaish Into Crowds. When the first troops of Gen Gon salo Queipo de Llano's western tea board column marched through tne suburbs they found no preparations made to hold the defense positions— the Socialist defenders had vanished Into the crowds lining the sidewalks, , seeking to merge their identity witn throngs welcoming the invaders. The only continuing resistance came from bands of anarchists armed with pistols and hand bombs, who sniped at the army of occupation from house tope and upper windows in a futile at tempt to harass the parading Fascists. One of the first acts of the victori ous commanders was to reclaim Ma laga Cathedral, which had been used as common living quarters by Social ist refugees. Whole families had been doing their cooking and sleeping under the shadow of the high altar in the almost mod ern Renaissance style cathedral. To facilitate rehabilitation of the ancient seaport, whose history has been one of recurrent sieges. Gen. de Llano restricted -he movement of all non-military persons. It was expected, however, full free dom of movement would be restored later today. City Officials Fled. Facing the Insurgent commanders was the probleL of organising the city government, as no municipal authori ties remained even to proclaim sub mission. One group of government leaders was captured by the cruiser Almirane Cervera while attempting to escape by sea under cover of darkness. Another got away by way of Velesmalaga to the east before the Insurgents closed their circle of steel to isolate the city. The occupation from land was com plete when the insurgent columns con verged in the Plaza da la Constltucion In the brilliant morning sun. A few hours later the Insurgent fleet steamed Into the harbor. All was not joy, lowever, in the wild scenes that marked the capture. Some who sought their loved ones found only grief. A broad-shouldered Fascist regular, his rifle slung across his back, stood hi the midst of a crowd of old neighbors, sobbing with tears rolling down his -iheeks, as they told him how his father had been executed hy Socialist*, BOY, 10, INJURED RUNNING INTO CAR Doctors Have to Puncture Spine to Restore His Consciousness. Eldon Root. 10. fifth-grade pupil at Emory School, was in a serious condi , tion in Sibley Hospital today, sufTer | ing from injuries received when, police reported, he ran into the side of an automobile on Lincoln road ; northeast yester Idav. He received t other hurts, and ! a skull injury and physicians found it necessary to puncture hu spine in an effort to bring him bark to consciousness. The driver, ‘Raymond J. Eld.. Root, ?^D™U 24' ff 1940 Summit place northeast, was not held Eldon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Root, 28 Todd place northeast. His father is a street car motorman. Clayton A. Carmichael. 41, of 624 Ninth street southwest was cut when his car collided at Seventh and G streets southwest with an automobile driven by J. R. Shorter, 248 Eighth street southeast. Donald Wright, 17. of 1224 Sixth street southwest was injured when he fell or jumped from the spare tire of an automobile driven by Wilson Brad shaw', 1209 Fourth street southwest. The csr was being pushed by another at Fourth and E streets southwest. The motor started, police said, and Wright dropped to the pavement. He was removed to Emergency Hospital, suffering from a severe head injury. Lulu E. Walts. 55. of the 1700 block of Kenilworth avenue, Beaver Heights, Md.. was taken to Casualty Hospital by the Bladenshurg Rescue Squad after an accident on Defense High way, directly in front of the fire company building that houses the rescue apparatus. He suffered a fractured right leg and possible in ternal injuries. FUNERAL TOMORROW FOR MRS. C. R. BROWN Mrs. Alice Maud Brown, 58. wife of Charles R. Brown, secretary of Thomas J. Fisher & Co., Inc., died Sunday night at her home, 4307 Thirty-eighth street. She had been 111 about a month. Mrs. Brown, who had been active in Catholic charity work, was a member of the Christ Child Society, the Cath olic Daughters of America and St. Ann's Catholic Church. She was an alumna of Holy Cross Academy. Her husband is her only immediate relative surviving. Her mother, the late Mrs. Martha Gray, was one of the first graduate nuraes in the District. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow In St. Ann's Church, following brief private services at the residence. Revs. Russell A. Phelan and J. Maurice King, both of St. Ann's, and Rev. Dr. John K. Cartwright of Immaculate Conception Church will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Congress in Brief TODAY. Senate: In recess. Civil Liberties Committee continues investigation of Pinkerton Agency’s labor inquiries. Special Joint Committee studies re organization of Government. House: Acts on proposal to extend Presi dent's authority to negotiate recip rocal trade agreements. Judiciary Committee studies Presi dent’s court reorganization program in executive session. Committees resume hearings on farm tendency, proposal to repeal the ‘‘long-and-short-haul” clause of the interstate commerce act and bill to take the profits out of war. Considers miscellaneous bills on the calendar. Immigration and Naturalization Committee meets at 10:30 am. Rivers and Harbors Committee meets at 10:30 a.m. Peat Office Committee meets at 10:30 am. District Committee meets at 10:30 am. Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee continues hearings on Dis tzlnt supply bill at 10 aa. A - LENTEN SERVICES OPEN TOMORROW Long Island Bishop to Give Sermon at St. Thomas’ Church at 8 P.M. Tbe first of a aeries of evening Len ten services will be conducted at • p.m. tomorrow in St. Thomas’ Epis copal Church, with the sermon to be delivered by Right Rev. Frank W. Creighton, S. T. D., of Garden City, Long Island, present Suffragan Bishop of Long Island and recently elected Bishop Co-adjustor of Michigan. Other Ash Wednesday services at St. Thomas will be holy communion at 8 a.m. and Litany, penitential office, address and holy communion at 10 a.m. Address Each Thursday. During Lent, there will be a cele bration of the holy communion and address by the rector, Dr. H. S. Wil kinson, at 10 a.m. each Thursday. Every Tuesday at 5 p.m. there will be a brief service and address by Dr. Miller, assistant to the rector. Other Lenton pruachers Friday eve nings. beginning February 19. will be Dr. Hart of St. John's Church, Rev. Frederic F. Bush, Garden City <N. Y.) Cathedral; Rev. Calvert E. Buck, Washington; Dean Kinsolving. Garden City Cathedral, and Rev. J. G. Arm strong. 3d, Georgetown. Every Monday at 10 a.m. during Lent a volunteer group of ladies will meet in the parish house for Red Cross sewing. Bishop Creighton is a native of Philadelphia where his lather was a prominent artist. After a brief busi ness career as a young man he en tered the Philadelphia Divinity School and was ordained by Bishop Rhine lander, now warden of the College of Preachers here. After brief but successful rector ships in Philadelphia. Albany and Brooklyn Bishop Creighton was elected missionary bishop of Mexico. In Mexico he worked with the late Ambassador Dwight W. Morrow to cement friendly relations between tbe United States and its Southern neigh bor. He returned to this country after Mexico enacted a law forbidding BISHOP FRANK W. CREIGHTON. —Harris-Ewing Photo. j foreign clergymen to remain beyond a definite period of time and was given charge of all domestic missions of the church in the United States. | Pour years ago Bishop Creighton | was elected suffragan bishop of Long Island. During the last week of Jan- . uary this year he was elected bishop ! coadjutor of Michigan. If he accepts this bishopric he will have charge of all independent and eelf-supporting parishes in Michigan, except the Ca thedral. and will succeed to the dio cesan bishopric upon the retirement of Bishop Page. -—————— MOSES HERMAN RITES HELD THIS AFTERNOON Co-proprietor of Shoe Store Dies of Injuries Received When Hit by Car. Funeral services for Moses Herman. 5«. for 27 years co-proprietor of Her man's Shoe Store. 717 H street, are being held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at his late residence, 1729 Webster street. Burial will be in Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery. Mr. Herman died Saturday at his home of injuries received three days earlier when struck by an automoble. The funeral rites will be accom panied by Masonic services by the My ron M. Parker Lodge of Washington. Mr. Herman is survived by his widow, Mrs. Margaret Herman; a aon, Harold Herman; a brother, Lewis A. Herman, with whom he was associated in the shoe business, and a sister, Mrs. S. Optenheimer of Baltimore. Bus Marooned on Brink by Sinking Highway Passengers of this bus walked to safety across the sinking road just before this motor coach was marooned on a link of the Oregon coast highway south of Portland during the heavy rain and snow of this wash. There wars no injuries, , —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. *•'. % •• 4 A - A Dr. Townsend in Court Dr. Francis E. Townsend fright), old-age pension advocate, shown leaving District Court with his attorney. Joseph A. Cantrel, after denying he was guilty of contempt of the House. He said he is ready to carry on the work, of his organization from jail if necessary. —Star Staff Photo. ‘SENTIMENTALITY’ HELD PRESS SIN Sir Willmott Lewis Speaks at the Churchman’s An niversary Dinner. Sentimentality is “the great sin of the press,” a sin that has led to the writing of news as features rather than news. Sir Willmott Lewis, Wash ington correspondent of the London Times, said last night in an address at the Raleigh Hotel before a dinner ob serving the 133rd anniversary of the founding of the Churchman, oldest English language religious journal. “I don't mean sentiment.” said Sir Willmott. “Sentimentality is an emo tion for its own sake, not for the worthy object. This sentimentality in the press is exempiified by the feature. It works like Gresham's law. Gresh am's law says that bad currency drives out good currency. And so it is with the feature, which causes a progressive deterioration of the news. News is no longer written as news, but as a fea ture. “The desire for sentimentality,” de clared the speaker, “is in part an ex pression of the confusion that besets th« individual in this day and age. The machine has standardized. It has taken away the individual's initiative and individuality. It has minimized the creative effort, imposed upon men and women the doing of the same thing, in the same way and at the same time every day. It has brought uniformity, centralization and monot ony. "What la the press doing In our countries to help the individual to capture and hold the essential dignity of the human being?” The press, said Sir Willmott In answering the question, "is feeding him sentimentality.” “A hundred years ago man made the conquest of nature,” he asserted. "But he has not yet made the conquest of himself. That is where the church- : man can help.” Right Rev. James E. Freeman, Bishop of Washington, presided at | the dinner. He urged the dinner j guests to support the Churchman, stressing the Importance of the church journal in strengthening the church. Other speakers were Rev. Howard S. Wilkinson, D. D., rector of St. Thomas' Church; Mrs. Mary T. Ban nerman, national chairman of the | Motion Picture Research Council; i Oanon Anson Phelps Stokes of the Washington Cathedral staff, Rev. W. [ SPONSORS SOCIETY ADJOURNS TODAY Reception at White House Tonight to Be Climax of Convention. Looking to the Army and Navy re ception at the White House tonight as the unofficial wind-up of their convention here, the Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy met in executive session today at the Carlton Hotel to conclude a two-day meeting. Resolutions, not ships, were to be launched this morning as the Navy a official ‘•bottle breakers" settled down to prosaic business matters in con trast to pest colorful ceremonies at tending the naming of Navy ship*, which is the requirement for member ship in the exclusive organization. Of 300 living women in the Nation wrho have christened Navy vessels, some 75 are in Washington for the convention, Mrs. Franklin D. Roose velt. who was guest of honor at a luncheon yesterday, became one of the newest members of the society when she christened the naval plane carrier Yorktown last Spring. Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, wife of the Secre tary ol the Navy, is another new comer. Mrs. Evelyn F. Pooke of Washing ton. 75-year-old daughter of the Con struction Corps captain who built the Navy's first iron-clad ship, is the oldest sponsor present. She was only 12 years old when she smashed a bottle over the U. S. S. Intrepid. Mrs. George Buist Rivers. 25. of Charleston. S. C., who christened the Charleston, is the youngest member here. The society dates back to 1906, with Its membership scattered over the world. Reminiscences at the meeting recall prohibition days when a few sponsors used ginger ale instead of champagne to launch ships. Others like Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. used water. The society carries on charity work in behalf of various naval causes and helps with the education of sons of deceased Navy and Marine officers who wish to attend the Naval Acad emy. Mrs, Russell C. Langdon is president. E. Rollins, D. D., dean of the Virginia Seminary; Dr. Thomas F Opie, gen eral chairman of the dinner; Mrs. Richard Boekel. peace advocate and author, and Dr. Guy Emery Shipley, editor of the Churchman. HIDING BEGUN IN GREAT VALLEY Mississippi Levees Hold in Crisis and Authorities Say Worst Is Over. Br the Associated Press. MEMPHIS, Tenn., February 9—A wave bombardment helped ponderous crests sustain flood perils along the mid-Mississippi today, but strained levees held and the Red Ooss began mapping rehabilitation plans for the valley. Winds up to 38 miles an hour out of the northwest rolled combers against the sturdy dikes, but Army engineers reported no major damage and. with the peaks past Memphis, reiterated belief the worst was over. Red Cross officials’ faith in this view was reflected in shaping of a tentative, months-long rehabilitation program for 75,00f refugees in Ten nessee. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Western Kentucky. While the fight went on in the val ley, Washington surveyed the prob lem of floods and flood damage from all angles. Bulkley Outlines Bill. Senator Bulkley. Democrat, of Ohio, said President Roosevelt is sympa thetic toward Bulkley> bill to set up an Ohio Valley authority empowered to reforest river slopes, build dams and check soil erosion. The President's Flood Relief Com mission. headed by Harry L. Hopkins, reported after a tour of the flood sec tor an urgent need for housing to re place v#ter-wrecked homes, liberalized credit and increased health protec tion. The death toll reached 430. as addi tional refugees succumbed in relief depots. The refugee list dropped * steadily from its peak of nearly a million, but hundreds of thousands still were homeless. Cairo. 111., grew more cheerful hour ly as the Ohio's fall gained momen tum, but guards patrolled the seawall and kept sharp eyes on sand boils. Paducah. Ky., felt better when a rain and windstorm subsided after threatening 50 boats engaged in rr i lief work and driving W. P. A. work ers to shelter yesterday. In the Mis sissippi sector at Memphis a drop in the wind last night eased some of the tension created by 24 hours of wind wave action. The winds and - hard rain were general in the terri j tory and disrupted some communi cation lines, but Lieut. Col. Eugene I Reybold. district engineer, said later there were no points "considered crit . ical at this time." Rehabilitation Under Ray. Rehabilitation took great strides in the Ohio Valley—at Cincinnati, Portsmouth, Ironton and other points —where streets were cleared of debris and public services began to function normally. Five thousand workers strove to clean up Louisville. The river crested here at 48.53 on the Weather Bureau gauge, and a fqpt of this water was due to winds which reached a velocity of 38 miles on hour. In Arkansas tributaries, except at their juncture with the Mississippi, were receding and refugees were be- • ginning the trek home. South of Memphis the Mississippi was rising all the way to New Orleans. All leveee were believed strong enough to hold the water In sight, . BLAME SET IN DEATH Or tl Coroner** Jury Say* New Madrid Vic tims Were Negligent. NEW MADRID. Mo., February 9 <>P>. : —A coroner's jury, at an inquest yes terday. blamed "contributory negli gence” of the 24 known dead and “in j efficiency" of those in charge for the sinking of a barge loaded with levee workers in the Birds Point flood way the night of January 30. Coroner L. A. Richards, who con ducted the inquest, said, "As far as I am concerned, the case is now closed.” Prosecuting Attorney J. V. Conran, who questioned the witnesses at Rich ards’ request, commented. "There will be no further investigation into the | matter.” In its verdict the jury said the Ohio-Mississippi floods created an emergency responsible for the "lneffl i ciency of the organiaation in charge ! of the ao-called quarterboat headquar ters” and for the "necessarily hurried and inadequate set-up” of bosses and ! foremen. It declared the "contributory negli i gence" of worker* "crowding upon the barge when • • * it was being over loaded” also was 'excusable under the circumstances.” The "headquarters” referred to in the verdict was maintained by the United States Army engineers on an anchored quarterboat to direct sand bagging of a levee guarding the rear of the 131.000-acre spillway. The basin was purposely flooded to relieve pres sure of the water on the sea wall at Cairo, 111. The barge had brought a fresh crew of 130 men to the levee and was tak ing workers who had been relieved to New Madrid when it sank, throwing its passengers into the icy waters about 30 feet from shore. P. W. A. AUDITOR KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH Hubert B. Cooley, Brother of Bep resentative, Fatally Injured Near Warrenton, N. C. Hubert B. Cooley, 45. for two year* assistant project auditor for the P. W. A., was killed instantly in an au tomobile accident near Warrenton, N. C , last night. Cooley was connected with the Farm Credit Administration here lor over live years, but has lived In New York SUte since his association with the P. w. A. He is a brother of Representative Cooley of North Carolina. LENTEN SERVICE Under the Auspices OF The Washington Federation of Churches Epiphany Episcopal Church TOMORROW AT 4:45 P.M. Preacher: DR. H.S. WILKINSON St. Thomas' Episcopal Church THE PUBLIC IS INVITED