Special Formula
There is nothing thot aids the
youthful oppeoronee so much as
a firm smooth throat. This cream
for preventing crepey skin may
else be used about the eyes.
Cosmetician—Miss Ida Hamit
self to
Max Factor Lipstick ->
Make your lips lovelier with this
Cream moisture-proof, super-indelible lip
. ca stick which imparts a uniform color. y
$1 Miss Gwen Strong
i of the Hollywood Make-Up Studio
This cream removes every vestige of W'H 9'vc free classes ond free beauty
eloging dirt from the pores, nour- advice and color charts all this
> ishes the skin, and mokes a rose week. Hear and see how the movie
petal foundation for makeup. stars apply their makeup.
Beautician—Miss Juanita Sams Beautician—Miss Dorothy Hein
__ .»•
Rose Cream
Special S *|
Eye Cream
Do not let your eyes give you away.
So quickly they show age, weariness,
nervousness and dissipation. This
eye cream will refine the skin about
the eyes and leave them rested and
Cosmetician—Miss Mary Mildermutk
The perfect salon mask and pick
me-up, now perfected for home use.
$2 value jar for $1 during the visit
Miss Georgia Price
of Richard Hudnut's Du Barry Salon
Miss Price will analyze your beauty prob
lems ond recommend just the treatment
for your individual need.
Cosmetician—Mist Georgia Sands
From the beginning of • guarded their
beauty and sought to in veliness. We at ,
The Palais Royal reali t vanity but iq
precious heritage of ' V \
Beauty is no longer pi a quality
within the reach of eve ossy hair,
smooth, soft hands and
We understand*#* ing>.
We know that they bkv in
cluded# **•*? budget.
In"mr Beauty Corner and Pc
line of the most promine
iy young women who thoroughly un
problems and the correct treatment.
During this week, in addition to our regulaAi
we have studio representatives of two famous
They will consult with you at absolutely no cf
Ttilelriti . . . Firtl Fltar
Wind and
Weather Lotion
Another boon to Washington
women in this lotion which pro
tects the skin from roughening
and chapping, and forms a finr
foundation cream to protect you;
\ complexion from exposure.
Complete introductory Make-up
Set, $1.
Cosmetician—Miss Mildred Barrett
Special Tonic, $2
Special Ointment, $1
No matter how radiant your skin is,
how beautiful your body, how
smooth and lovely your hands, you
cannot be at your best without well
groomed, glossy, healthy hair.
Oglivie preparations are designed
to help you make the most of hair
Cosmetician—Miss Haura George
Exotic Colors in This New
Linen-Like Weave Fabric ...
Spun Rayon "Yang Chow"
Looks, Wears and Washes Like Shantung
59c Yad
No fabric in our silk department this year has more news interest
than "Yang Chow." It offers uniqueness of weave and launders
beautifully. As interesting as the name, as glorious os the color
ings in a Chinese hand-painted vase, are the shades it comes in:
Tyrol Red
Spring Violet
Aqua ... Navy
Black ... White
SVELDA CHIFFON ... a fabric that has proven a decided success,
Out of the ordinary and luxurious in appearance, this is the thing
for your dressier frocks. Yard_
Cross Ruff....A New COTTON y^d 39c
A durable cotton in white, garden-pink, sun-down, bally-green, cop
per-beige, arcady-blue, sky-turquoise, flagship-blue and chocolate.
Corde Laces, New Designs . yard SI .15
Intricate patterns in these shades: Blue-bonnet, wistaria, aqua,
dusty-pink, rose-beige, peach, oxheart, navy, white and brown.
Dress fabrics . . , Second floor
Match Your Candlewick Spreads . . . MAKE a
Hand-Crocheted Rug
of Bucillo Floraltone Candlewick
Skein of O C C
100 Yards J J
This Bucillo Floraltone Candlewick is a heavy cotton that works
up quickly and economically, enabling you to have a stunning
handmade rug for surprisingly little. It comes in 27 beautifully
blended shades . . . every one boilproof. Below is shown one of
many smart patterns. Note how inexpensive the rug patterns are,
and they are of LINEN burlap.
28x40-inch Rug Patterns_69c
30x54-inch Rug Patterns_$1
Stamped Condlewick Spreads in Pastel Grounds, $3.95
Art Department . . . Fifth Floor
Spring Foundations
by WB
*5 to *1050
When you select your Spring founda
tion, be sure it is the one which gives
you the firm hips, smaller waist, and
higher bust essential for smartness this
season. W. B.'s are comfortable,
smoothly moulding, and made of fine
Foundations , , . Third Floor
$10 95
A brand new light-weight
yarn, knitted in charming
two-piece clossic styles with
hand sewn seoms. Lovely,
breath-taking pastels—Ar
cadia blue, coral rust, jon
quil yellow, dusty pink,
turquoise, Delmonte red and
tearose. Sizes 14 to 20.
•Sports Shop . • • Third floor
Cape Costumes and
Gigger Suits Are
New for Spring
Black wool
dress end greigj
redinget with
black suede la-,
pels and belt.-.
$19.95. |
Someone mixed grey and beige—the courtour
iers combined it withblack —and everyone is
talking about it. It is a soft shade, infinitely
becoming, in new novelty wools. Sizes 12 to 18.
Better Dresses ... Third Fleer