Representative Honeyman
and Senator Pepper to
Speak at Capitol.
Representative Nan Wood Honey
man of Oregon and Senator Claude
Pepper of Florida will speak at the
celebration of the 117th anniversary
of the birth of Susan B. Anthony, to
be held at 4:45 p.m. tomorrow in the
crypt of the Capitol.
Mrs. Sarah Thompson Bell of New
York, national chairman of the Na
tional Woman's Party, will preside.
The ceremony, which has been ar
ranged by Marie Moore Forrest of this
city, will include the Madrigal Singers
and a special program by a Marine
Corps band under direction of Princi
pal Musician Henry Weber.
More than 25 national and local or
ganizations of women in varied pro
fessions and occupations will take
part in the laying of wreaths honoring
Miss Anthony. Elizabeth Cady Stan
ton and Lucretia Mott in the crypt,
the monument being the work of Ade
laide Johnson, now living in this
Organizations and Members.
The organizations and their repre
rentatives are as follows: Inter
American Committee of Women,
Minerva Bernadino of the Dominican
Republic: Democratic Women. Mrs.
Emma Guffey Miller of Pennsylvania:
Republican Women, Mrs. William
Fitch Kelley: Daughters of the
American Revolution, Mrs. C. C.
Haig, regent District of Columbia so
ciety, and Mrs. Charles Hoffman,
regent Eugenia Washington Chapter;
Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs.
Lloyd Biddle; Daughters of Union
Veterans, Mrs. Sylvia McLaughlin,
To Honor Susan B. Anthony
Senator Pepper of Florida (left) and Representative Honey
man of Oregon (center) will speak at the Susan B. Anthony
anniversary ceremonies tomorrow at 4:45 p.m. in the crypt of
the Capitol. Mrs. Sarah Thompson Pell (right) of New York,
national chairman of the National Woman’s Party, will preside.
president Ellen Spencer Mussey Tent;
National Association of Women Den
tists, Dr. Rosalind Moore Bain, na
tional president; National Women’s
Osteopathic Association, Mrs. Thomas
J. Howerton; National Association
Women Lawyers, Mrs. Martha Gold,
vice president for District of Co
lumbia; Women’s Bar Association,
Miss Florence Curoe; Women's Inter
national League for Peace and Free
dom. Mrs. Caroline Babcock; League
of American Penwomen, Mrs. Bess
Heath Olmsted, District president:
National Alliance of Teachers, Mrs.
Page Kirk.
Ladies of the G. A. R., Mrs. E. M.
Owry ■ District of Columbia Federation
of Music Clubs, Mrs. Eva Whitford
Lovett; Young Women’s Christian
Association, Mrs. George Winchester
Stone: National Associated of Col
; ored Women, Mrs. Mary Church Ter
I rell, honorary president; Women’s
j Christian Temperance Union, Dr.
' Izora Scott: Women Physicians. Dr.
j Elizabeth Kittredge; Wellesley Club,
Mrs. Harry B. Adams; American As
soclatlon of University Women, Mrs.
Noble Boaz; Soroptimist Club of the
District of Columbia, Miss Daisy Reed;
Quota Club, Mrs. Norma Hardy Brit
ton; Federation of Business and Pro
fessional Women. Miss Earline White,
national vice president.
Governors Fix Date.
Governors of many States have Is
sued proclamations fixing tomorrow
as Susan B. Anthony day, or have
Issued statements in praise of the
character and work of Miss Anthony.
Among the former are Gov. Herbert
H. Lehman of New York, Gov. Fred
P. Cone of Florida, Gov. Olin D. John
son of South Carolina, Gov. R. C.
Stanford of Arizona, Gov. Francis P.
Murphy of New Hampshire and Gov.
James V. Allred of Texas.
Other Governors who have issued
statements regarding the importance
of Miss Anthony’s work are Harold
G. Hoffman, New Jersey; Charles H. |
Martin, Oregon; Robert E Quinn. ;
Rhode Island, and Henry H. Blood.
Utah. This Interest on the part of
the Governors of the various States
has been part of the Nation-wide work
of Mrs. Robert Adamson of New Jer
sey, chairman of the Susan B. Anthony
Memorial Committee of the National
Woman’s Party.
“Lavish Promises” of Schools
Held Fraudulent—Competitive
Exams Alone Qualify.
The Civil Service Commission and
the Social Security Board last night
issued a joint warning against “lav
ish promises made by self-styled ‘so
cial security correspondence schools’
and mall order ’training courses,
which prepare you for social security
jobs,’ ” branding them as “fraudu
Pointing out that positions under
the Social Security Board Itself must
be filled through competitive exam
ination. and that the Federal agency
has nothing to do with appointments
In the State organizations, the state
ment emphasized that "completion of
such private courses of instruction
does not eliminate the necessity for
meeting civil service requirements.”
The statement also made known
the intention of the Civil Service
Commission to report any “unlawful
misrepresentation” to appropriate
Federal authorities.
MUNICH, Germany, February 13
(/P) —Nazis announced today they
would open an exhibition. "The
Eternal Jew," in Munich next June
to answer Max Rheinhardt’s "Eternal
Road.” a spectacular pageant of
Jewish persecution now playing in
New York.
The exhibition, for the most part, |
will be made up of documents and
pictures from the collection of Julius
Streicher, Germany's No. 1 anti- j
Semite. 1
State Department Spokes
men Discuss Measure
With Committee.
B? the Associated Press.
An inconclusive discussion with
State Department spokesmen started
the Senate Foreign Relations Com
mittee yesterday on its study of per
manent neutrality legislation.
Despite the explosiveness of the
subject, committee members said
there were no fireworks in the Initial
executive session. Major point* of
controversy were not reached, they
Chairman Pittman forecast after
ward that the committee would act
“at a very early date.” He called an
other meeting for next Wednesday,
when he said he expected Secretary
Hull would appear.
Moore Leads Delegation.
Assistant Secretary Moore led the
State Department delegation. Pitt
man said his own bill was chosen by
them “for the purposes of discus
sion.” He did not say, however, that
they had indorsed it.
Pittman discounted differences be
tween his bill and a measure offered
by Senators Clark, Democrat, of Mis
souri; Vandenberg, Republican, of
Michigan; Nye, Republican, of North
Dakota and Bone, Democrat, of Wash
ington. He said he had amended his
proposal again to bring it in line with
the bill offered by these former mem
bers of the Senate Munitions Com
Pittman’s amendment would lift
insurance protection from goods
shipped during a war in violation of
the neutrality program.
In talking with reporters he con
tended his bill would prevent Ameri
can ships from going Into danger
zones, but that the other measure
only would prevent American cargoes
from entering such territory.
Says BUI Protects Seamen.
“Both my bUl and the Clark blU
protect against American citizens
losing their cargo,” Pittman said.
“My bill goes farther and attempts to
protect the lives of American seamen
on American ships by ‘prohibiting the
ships from transporting to belligerents
things that would probably cause the
sinking of the ship."
The former Munitions Committee
members have contended there was
a great difference in the amount of
discretion allowed the President un
der their bill and the Pittman
The committee chairman said the
controversy which bears promise of
being the most troublesome, over
“freedom of the seas,” was not men
tioned at today's session.
17 Fatalities Here in First Five
Weeks of 1937 Compare With
12 Last Year.
Only seven cities in the United
States have had a larger automobile
accident death toll since the begin*
ning of the year than Washington,
according to a survey by the Bureau
of the Census.
For the first five weeks of last year,
the survey shows, Washington had a
total of 17 deaths due to automobile
accidents within the city limits, as
compared with 12 during the first five
weeks of the preceding year. During
both years Washington ranked as the
eighth American city in point of auto
mobile deaths during the first five
The total number of deaths in
Washington due to automobile acci
dends, however, was even higher in
proportion. There were 10 additional
deaths here, due to accidents out
side the city, making a total of 27
deaths in five weeks. Only four cities
In the country had a higher total.
They were New York, 108 deaths; Chi
cago, 70; Philadelphia, 40, and Bal
timore, 39.
Lincoln Enlogy Missed.
the first time in 20 years State Senator
Abraham Lincoln Helmick tailed to
eulogize the President for whom he
was named. The veteran Republican
floor leader broke his precedent be
cause of the death of a fellow legis
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