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RITES TOMORROW FOR MAINE HEROES Arlington Cemetery and Fort Kyer to Be Scene of Services JHJ to Honor 1898 Dead. The men who lost their lives in the H/flhking of the United States battle 'fy'Ittip Maine in Havana harbor Febru 15, 1898, will be remembered to morrow at special memorial services In Arlington National Cemetery and at the Riding Hall at Fort Myer, Va. President Roosevelt will present a wreath that will be laid on e' shaft of the Maine in the cemetery. This service will be held at 1 o’clock, under the sponsorship of the Ladles Aux iliary of the United Spanish War Veterans. Wreaths will also be laid on behalf of the commander in chief of the veterans’ group, as well as the Department of the District of Co lumbia, the president oi the National Auxiliary and the Department of Dis trict of Columbia Auxiliaries of the organization. With James B. Freeland, com mander of the Department of the Dts trlct of Columbia, as master of cere monies, memorial exercises will be held at 3 pm. in the Fort Myer Rid ing Hall. The Marine Band will play special selectldns; Maj. Ralph C. Delbert, chaplain, U. S. A., will give the Invocation; Miss Margaret T. League will offer a soprano solo, "There Is No Death"; Senator O. M. Gillette of Iowa will deliver an ad dress; Principal Musician Winfred Kemp of the Marine Band will play a cornet solo, “The Rosary"; Com mander in Chief Scott Leavitt of the veterans' organisation will deliver an address; Miss League will sing an other solo, “Recessional"; Dr. outlier mo'Patterson, the Ambassador from Cuba, will deliver an address; the Cu ban national anthem will be played and Mias League will sing “The Star Spangled Banner." The Marines will Are three volleys; “Taps" will be played and benedic tion pronounced by Rev. William M. La Roche, chaplain of the Depart ment of the District of Columbia of the United Spanish War Veterans. John M. Pamer, Jr., vice department commander, heads the Maine Me morial Committee. Irish Free State may require teach ers to register. BROWN GIVEN POST AS TOWN MANAGER District Employe Will Succeed S. S. Kea, Who Kesigned Hyattsville Position. Special Dispatch to The Star. HYATTSVILLE, Md., February 13. —Resignation of 8. S. Kea as town manager has been accepted, with re gret, by the mayor and City Council and William Brown of Edmonston, an employe of the District of Columbia government and a former resident of Hyattsvllle, has been selected to suc ceed him. Brown will begin his new duties Monday and will be employed on a monthly basis at a salary of 1125 a month. Mr. Kea submitted his resignation, asking that he be relieved as soon as possible. He has accepted a position at Galax, Va. It was announced a special meeting probably would be called within the next few days to levy the assessment for street Improvements recently com pleted here with the aid of a 45 per cent P. W. A. grant. It was decided that nothing further would be done toward obtaining a satisfactory contract with the Potomac Electric Power Co. for all-night street lighting until the new Council comes into office in May. Corporation Counsel H. Winship Wheatley, Jr., has submitted the county delegation in the legislature a bill seeking a referendum on the sale of hard liquor in Hyattsvllle. Longer school hours in Britain are urged by the associated chamber* of commerce. JOHN W. PAYNE DIES BT the Associated Press. RICHMOND, February 13.—John Winston Payne, 80. son of the Con federate Brig. Oen. Wiliam Henry Payne, died yesterday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Eppa Hunton, Jr. Ha was a native of Warrenton. Two years ago he retired from tha Library of Congress, where he held a position lor many years. Survivors Include Mrs. Hunton and C. Bland Payne, a brother, et Rich mond. See that robin? Time for Lansburgh's Spring Baby Sale—hundreds and hundreds of wearables, things to sleep in, furniture to live with. They're all as high style as Mother's new Spring suit—in their small way. From the very newest baby in his crib, to the family tryant aged 6, there's a wealth of shopping news waiting on Lansburgh's famous Fourth Floor—at man-size savings! . > • KLEINERTS RUBBER GOODS Stockinette Sheets: 39c Sheets, 18x18 inches-33c 59c Sheets, 18x27 inches-44e 1.00 Sheets, 27x36 inches-69c 1.50 Sheets, 36x36 inches-1.37 200 Sheets, 36x45 inches-1.67 225 Sheets, 36x54 inches-1.87 Plymouth Stockinette Sheets: 29c Sheets, 18x18 inches-19e 39c Sheets, 18x27 inches-29c 79c Sheets, 27x56 inches-58c 1.25 Sheets, 36x45 inches_--89c DIAPERS and DIAPADS Bird's-eye Diapers, dozen-94c 11 Dennison's Dtapads___250 for 84c 25c Dennison's Diopods_..—^50 for-19c UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Special Silk Slips with lace, embroidery or appli ques. Samples, too! Sizes 2 to 6.78c Muslin Slips, embroidered, ruffled, sizes 2 to 6, 38c 29c Knit Panties, yoke front, rib knit-19c 29c Rayon Panties, embroidered and oppii qued, sizes 2 to 6-19e SHIRTS, GOWNS AND BINDERS 79c Knit Gowns, excellent quality-69c 59c Vonta Shirts, 10% wool; single or double breasted, long or short sleeves_48e $1 Infants' Shirts, 10% wool; single or double breasted, long or short sleeves_78c All-cotton Binders_-_ -19c * Overalls, Coveralls. 59c ond 79c regularly. Chombray and novelty cottons in sturdy ploy clothes for boys A _ cr Oirls 1 to 6. Fine Wash Saits In piques, poplins, broadcloths. -| qq Sizes 3 to 6.. 8ises 3 to 8 Wash Suits_ • Cotton Dresses With or without ponfies, deep hems to grow on. Waistline, princess or straight line models, 23U_ »*« Easter Dresses New prints, solid color crepes. Some with Irish lace. Sizes 3 to 6 in these co ties_ BEDWEAR ACCESSORIES $1 "Bunny" Soft and Warm, Layette Blankets, 78c 1.25 Feather and Down Pillows_94c 69c Crib Sheets, 45x72 inches_53c 39c Bassinet Sheets, 36x54 inches-33c 19c Pillowcases__12c 39c Wrapping Blankets. Nursery patterns_33c 59c Blankets, plain or nursery_48e Bound Blankets, large crub size_88c 1.69 Satin-bound Large Crib Blankets_1.39 $2 All-wool Blankets, 36x50 inches_1.79 $3 Part-wool Crib Blankets, 42 to 60 inches—.2,79 1.95 and 495 Celanese Taffeta Crib Comforts _2.88 Keystone Brand Quilted Pads: 19c Pads, 17x18 inches_14c 39c Pods, 18x34 inches_28c 59c Pads, 27x40 inches-38c 79c Pads, 36x54 inches-68c Utka Brand Seamless Quilted Pads: 29c Pods, 17x18 inches- 23c 59c Pads, 18x34 inches-—-53c 89c Pads, 28x40 inches-83c $1 Pods, 34x54 inches-93e '• * « CANNON KNIT GOODS Fine Knit Towels, 16x22 inches-—-—19e Fine Knit Towels, 20x30 inches-33c Turknit Bath Towels, 36x36 inches—__53c Turknit Both Towels, 28x28 inches-43c Wash Cloths, in packages-2 for 12c INFANTS’ NOTIONS 50c Que Tips __200 for 38e 25c Que Tips___90 for 19c 50c Safety Pins, assorted_6 dozen, 31c 25c Safety Pins, assorted_3 dozen, 19e 20c Loco Castile Soap_2 for 25c 25c Johnson O Johnson Powder_17c 50c Mennen's Medicated Oil--___42c 25c Mennen's Medicated Qil___89c 25c Cotton Pickers, absorbent cotton_..19c 1.25 Large One-section Hot-water Feeding Plates _ 88e 1.75 Three-section Feeding Plate_1.59 59c Kleinert's Hot-water Bottle_43c $1 Diaper Bags, rubberized print...._7Se $2 Play Pen Pod, rubberized on both sides-1.79 $1 High Chair Pods _....___79c Nursery Chair Pods with back rests_.79c INFANTS’ DRESSES 79c $1 regularly! Handmade, hand-em broidered, with scolloped or hand needled hems. HANDMADE DRESSES 9 7C ♦. "i * • . . n* Infants and toddlers 1.59 and $2 Dresses! Batiste or broadcloth dresses, beautifully hond-embroidered. Bovs* and Girls’ 6.95 to 8.95 SPRING COAT SETS For Girls 3 to 6: Many coots and hats are samples’ See the navy serges with Irish lace trimmed over collars, the pin checks and novelty wools. Well lined, well tailored. For Boys 2 to 6: Sample coats se's included in new Spring fabrics. Plain tailored or with velvet collars. The cops are peaked in the mannish moa ner.' Good buys! Lonsburgh’o—Fourth Floor. \ Famous Moke! $2 ond $3 WASH FROCKS 1.39 Many samples from this very well-known maker! With cr without panties, waistline or stroightlme dresses, $och one cunningly designed. Sizes i to 6. Sale of MANUFACTURERS SAMPLE KNIT GOODS Sizes 3 to 6 Sweaters; Sizes 1 to 3 Sweaters; Layette Sweaters; Knitted Booties; Knitted Creepers; Hand made Sacques; 3-Pc. Sacque Sets; Coat and Beret Sets; Infants' Shawls. Were 79c to 4.95, Now 53c to 3.30 Lontburgh't—Fourth Floor, INFANTS’ WEARABLES 39c Hand-finished, well-made brood'Ictb or batiste infants' dresses, gertrudes or 1 to 3 creepers. i SOCKS OR ANKLETS 25c and 35c half socks or anklets, novel ty stripes or so;'d coiors with fancy tops. Sizes 5 to lOVi. FINE $1 BOBBY SUITS 78' Piques and broadcloth Bobby Suits, de signed to be os cute os baby is! Sizes l to 3. HANDMADE DRESSES 48° Remarkable buss at 48 c—Infants' ., dresses, creepers, gertrudes end tod dlers' dresses. See them! • 1 5.95 Little Girls’ Coats With matching hots, in Spring styles for little girls 1 to 4. Fine navies a nn and novelties. “*®0 Boys’ Eton Saits 3srbartex jacket suits for sizes 3 to 6. jauntily 1 OO belted 1 .OO Navy Flannel Jacket Suits with Eton O OO collars _ «•#»* Special Silk Coat Sets Fine smocking ond bond work, Silk lined Silk coots ond bonnets. Pink, blue or white •» ©o Very Eosteryl 0»00 Spring Hats Little misses 3 to 6 will dote on these poke, rol ler or brim hots for Easter.. New colors. _94c 13.95 STORKLINE CRIB New bow-end style, wide panels, large, roomy bed, nursery decorations on maple or ivory I I QQ finish. Fine furniture_,_ ■ • *00 19.9ft Storkline ChtRerobo to match, S 1 *T QC roomy drawer., larce hancinr ipace_ ■ I • * J 19.95 Sforklint Crib, lorge double drop sides complete with non-sag spring. Maple finish. 16.95 Hardwood Washable Tray. Complete with com mode _7.88 10.95 Stork line Dropside Crib-8.95 10.95 Beach Cart, converts into stroller, folds compactly _S.95 19.95 JUNIOR COACH Adjustable back, sun visor, storm curtain, large rubber-tired wheels, four-bow leatherette hood. Block or grey. A carriage fit for the I 7 QQ king of your house- * * Sturdy High Choir with removable tray-4.49 Storkline Strong Wooden Ploy Pen...-4.49 Baby Bathinette, heavy rubber tub, sturdy wooden frame, hose, safety strop, accessory pockets, dressing table _3 79 2.59 Nursery Chair with enamel commode..-1.97 4.98 Layer Felt Mattress_3.99 3.95 Baby Scales, weighs by ounces_2.99 Lansbur/h's Fourth Floor—Inf outs’ Fumitur*. District 7575