Increase of Nearly 21 Pet. |n 18 Months Shown by Army Figures. The military population of Wash ington and it* immediate vicinity ha* increased by nearly 21 per cent during a period of 18 months, ac cording to Army figures released yesterday. The total strength of the mil itary forces In the Immediate vicinity of Washington, not including Fort Meade, Md„ has increased from JU6t a little mote than 4,000 on June 30, 1935, to nearly 5,000 as of December 31 last, according to station strength reports from the various posts. The strength of the Fort Meade organization during the same period has Increased from a total of 80 officers and 1.352 men to 81 officers and 2.067 men. Total Probably at 5,000. The midyear strength reports for 1935 show that at that time there were 437 officers and 3.644 enlisted men, or a total of 4,081, in and near Washington. At the end of last year there were 854 officers and 4,380 enlisted men. or a total of 4,934. By now it is likely the total has reached 5.000, as a result of minor increases at several posts, including the arrival of a new photo detachment at Boiling Field. Largest of the local Army posts is Fort Myer, Va. Its military popula tion has grown in 18 months from 59 officers and 883 enlisted men to 66 officers and 1,258 enlisted men. Second is Fort Belvoir, Va., home of the Army Engineer School. The military population there has In creased from 63 officers and 709 enlisted men to 77 officers and 1,033 men. The Army Medical Center, includ ing Walter Reed General Hospital, has grown in officer strength but little in enlisted personnel. Its strength June 30, 1935, was 100 officers and 608 enlisted men. At the end of the past year it was 132 officers and 613 enlisted men. Bolling Field showed relatively little change, increasing from 21 of ficers and 403 men to 22 officers and 463 men. Fort Humphreys. D. C., including the Army War College, increased its officer personnel from 68 to 127, but the enlisted strength increased only slightly, from 278 to 291. The increase in officer strength, however, was due to the fact the War College was not in session at the time of the first re port. Fort Washington. Md.. is the only local post showing a decrease. Its of ficer personnel remained unchanged at 22, while the enlisted personnel de creased from 496 to 486 during the year and a half. In War Department offices and the j miscellaneous Federal and District of- I flees in Washington there were 104 j officers and 267 enlisted men on June 30, 1935. The total grew to 118 offi cers last December 31. but the num- . ber of enlisted men fell off to 236. i In its gain of more than 20 per cent, I the National Capital has outgrown the rest of the country in military j population. The authorised increase in Army strength was from about j 145.000 to 165,000, which will not be reached until the end of the fiscal j year next June. This will be a total : increase of a little more than 13 per I cent. The present total Army strength. I however, is said to be about 157.000, ! making the proportionate gains here to date even larger. CLUB ELECTS CANHAM Christian Science Monitor Corre spondent Joins Gridiron. Erwin D. Canham, Washington cor respondent for the Christian Science Monitor, yesterday was elected unani- ! mously a member of the Gridiron Club, j Canham has been in charge of the ' Christian Science Monitor Bureau here for several years. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Meeting, National Educational Fo turn, 2230 California street, 2:30 p.m. Meeting, Bartenders’ Union. Old Local, No. 75, 720 Fifth street, 3 p.m. Meeting. Town Hall, speaker. James F. Warbasse. Shoreham Hotel, 8 p.m. Dance. Delta Lambda Sigma, Hamil ton Hotel, 5 p.m. TOMORROW. Card and bingo party, Die 8tauf facherin Thomas Circle Club. 1326 Massachusetts avenue, 8:30 p.m. Luncheon, American Military En gineers, Army-Navy Club, 12:30 p.m. Meeting. Newcomers’ Club, Carlton Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Meeting, Jefferson Parent-Teacher Association, Jefferson Junior High Echool. Sixth and D streets aouth west, 8 p.m. Meeting, Concord Club. Hamilton Hotel, 8 p.m. Dinner. Federation of Business and Professional Women's Club, Hamilton Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dinner-meeting, Five Hundred Club, Hamilton Hotel, 6:30 p.m. AMERICAN RADIATOR CO. wnaHEAT COMPLETELY INSTALLED IN 6 ROOMS Written Guarantee NO MONEY DOWN Cl to IS Tran to Par F. H. A. Rates let Paraient April IS. A Mate price Inelodet 18-ln. Bed Jacket Ba*r. a Radiator*. 300 ft. Radiation. CW|frr Plant* Proportionately Prieod. ^ed^le Installation. No Inter* ice with nrrsrnt heatlnr nlant While our installation is made. _ "fcELCO OIL BURNER i Estimates Free. Day or Nlrht ROYAL HEATING CO. 907 15th St. N.W. Natl. 3803 Nifht and Sun., AD. 8529 Official Photo of King This official portrait of King George VI of England is the first made since he ascended the throne. It s.iows him in the uniform of an admiral of the fleet. —Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. Traffic Convictions SECOND OFFENSE SPEEDING. William L. Torney. jr„ 1020 South Carolina avenue southeast. *10. John W. Pavne, 259 Valley avenue j southeast. *10. Myer M. Seroto. 1000 H street north east. *15. FIRST OFFENSE SPEEDING. John O. Clements, 1525 Nineteenth street southeast. *5.. Thomas C. Lancaster. Virginia, *3. Vernon E. Thomas. Maryland. $5. Clyde A. Bowles, 4898 Conduit road, *5. Ernest E. Porter, 1430 Corcoran street. $5. , Herbert S. Edward, 505 B street southeast. $5. Joseph W. Temey. Maryland, *5. William K. Billingsly, 1722 Hobart street. $5. William L. Porter, 1918 Belmont street, *5. John Savickas, Virginia. *5. Delos C. McClure, 719 Twelfth street southeast. *5. James W. Manning, 28 Eighth street southeast. $5. Lewis P. Beck, 4505 Illinois ave nue. *5. Burrell W. Cuppett. Maryland, *5. William R. Griffith, 2140 N street, *5. Jose De Gracia, 1523 Wisconsin ave nue, *10. Service Orders Witsell, Lieut. Col. Edward P„ Adju tant General's Department, Boston, to office the adjutant general, July 1. Reeder, Maj. William O.. Signal Corps, to office the chief signal officer upon completion of his present tour of foreign service. Goebert, Maj. Elmer C., Ordnance Department, Aberdeen Proving Ground. Md.. to the Panama Canal Department. May 4. Kelly. Maj. David C., Ordnance Department. Fort George G. Meade. Md., to the Panama Canal Depart ment. Brewer, Capt. John H.. Signal Corps, to Langley Field. Va.. upon comple tion of his present tour of foreign service. Regad, Capt. Eugene D., Ordnance Department, Nansemond Ordnance Depot, Va., to the Panama Canal Department. Caldwell, Capt. John M., jr., Medi cal Corps, Port Howard, Md., to Bal boa Heights, Canal Zone. July 8. Artman. First Lieut. Ralph Town send. Medical Corps Reserve. Phila delphia. to the Army Medical Center. ■WITH THIS COUPON" WATCH REPAIRING ANY MAKE WATCH Cleaned and Adjusted Guarantee tee Year The Upttmn Jeuelrv Store Eat. 19 Years F St.N.W. All Watches Carefully Taken Apart by Experts and Cleaned Tboronchly by Hand. No Machines Used. CLIP THIS COUPON 1 For Real Piano Values visit JORDAN’S ^ :v Winter Console The latest In Blanos. full key sard. yet It will lit on a 2x5 yus. Beautiful case de sltn (pictured at rltht) $219 $2 W—Uy New Baby Grand Jordan’s lead the town In offering this fine little Ma hogany Baby Grand at only $295 . . . unusually low in view of the fact that piano prices are rising fast. $295 | Pay $2 Waakly New Upright ■ ■% Just the piano for a tiny apartment Full key board and nice finish, and of sturdy construc tion throughout. $168 Pay $1.50 Waahly IAN B6 Street' T CnttSnWfiw. HH HOUSE & HERRMANN: • v •* ■ r “Furniture of Merit99 * We prepared months ahead to bring you these low prices—Select now for future delivery if you prefer 2-Piece Georgian Living Room Suite *164 A gorgeous creation. Beoutifully carved solid mahogany base. Reversible—feather and down filled seat cushions and built throughout to "FUR NITURE OF MERIT" standards expressly for those who went ultimate style and beauty at low cost. Brocatelle covering. 3-Piece Modern Bed Room Suite *109 This is the type of beautiful craftsmanship pro duced in the renowned Jamestown manufacturing center. Smart, new, conservative, modem design in walnut and gumwood with handsomely matched burl walnut frosts. Large round. mirrors and roomy drawer spoce. Dustproof interiors and center drawer guides. A very remarkable value. > Bed—chest and choice of vanity or dresser. Living Room Suito: Knuckle arm style. Mohair frieze covering. Wine, green or brow-. Reversible cushions. Sturdily built_ • Living Room Suito: Smorf looking suite of Lowson influence ond Grand Rapids construction. Mohair frieze Cl covering. Rust, green or brown I *v Living Room Suito: Loose pillow bock style with carved mohogory base. Re versible cushions- Covered in Cl /L“1 rich figured material__ " ■ • Club Chair: Roomy ond comfortable with large roll arms ond high bock. Reversible spring - filled $17.50 cushion. Friezette covering ■ » Occasional Choir: Queen Anne design with carved legs, turned stretchers ond mohogony arms. Topestry $8.50 covering. Nicely finished_ Simmons Studio Couch: The name guor ontees the quality. Opens to full or twin beds. Artistic covering $29.50 in rust, green or brown_ Coffee Table: Duncan Phyfe design in genuine mahogany or walnut. Remov able glass serving, tray in- JC 95 eluded . Modem Lamp Table: Beautiful matched butt walnut top 18x18 inches, 27 inches high. Well styled ond hand- $6.75 somely finished_- y Magazine End Table: Constructed of genuine burl walnut veneer and gum wood. Generous in size with $3.95 substantial rhagazine rock__ ^ Bed Room Suite: Plain, conservative de sign suitoble for any home. Mahogany or walnut veneer and gum- CQQ wood. Smoothly finished. 4 pieces Bed Room Suite: Modem design with handsomely matched burl wa'nut fronts O'd large round mirrors. 2Q Lovely walnut finish.4 pieces I » ’ Bed Room Suite: New, modern design in the populqr Bubingo venerrs and gumwood. Smart trimmings and unique features. 4 pieces • J • Dining Room Suito: Walnut and gum wood in a pleosmg conservative design. Heavy under construction. Large, comfortable chairs. Cl 10 pieces... ** + 0 Dining Room Suite: Beautiful adaptation of 18th century Englisn design in wal nut and gumwood. Deep walnut finish. Decorative and effective. Cl AQ 10 pieces_ * * ^ Dining Room Suito: Delightful Colonial suite in mahogany and gumwood with cabinet type china and choice of shield bock or ladder back chairs. Cl OQ 10 pieces.... Buy What You Want Now—Use Our Convenient Terms! FOUR-STAR FEATURE Monday Only! Walnut Cedar Chest * High-grade chest with thick, richly aromotic cedar interior and handsome walnut-veneered exterior. Can servo tire design, enhanced with fluted moldings. 45-inch else, Monday only! ■■O' Breakfast Suite: Mode of solid oak, choice of green or brown finish. Large extension table with filler $1495 board ond four sturdy choirs * • Porcelain Breakfast Suita: Very attrac tive table with stainless porcelain top and extension leaves Complete with four choirs. Green and $27.50 ivory finish. _ ■■ Inner Spring Mattress: Built for long service. Heavy lovers of thick, fluffy felt over o sturdy spring unit. Full or twin sizes. $11.50 Durable ticking_ ■ ■ Wolnut Bureau: Made of wolnut ond gumwood with large, adiustable mirror. Well proportioned ond nicely finished. Deep draw- $17.50 ers_ * ' Ladder Back Chair: Smartly designed choirs made of hordwoods and finished mahogony or walnut color. $3.95 Woven fiber seats_ ^ Governor Winthrop Desk: Authentic design with boll ond clow feet. Four drawers with locks ond escutcheons Wolnut or mahogony ond $27.50 gumwood__ “ * Alabaster Table Lamp: Three styles of bases, each o work of art. Stretched silk and rayon shades. Full $4.95 reading lamp size-- * Metal Linen Cabinet: Sturdily con* structed of heavy gauge steel with extra door support. 5 shelves. Green, white or ivory. 12x JJJ 55 Axminster Rugs: Closely woven, deep pile rugs in rich patterns and colorings. Mostly one of a kind. 9x12 550 50 or 8.3x10.6 sues. ouse&Herriy m ** Furniture of Merit” Since 1885 7th and Eye St*. N.W. s* 8433-35 Georgia Are. ^ - n ■ * ’ V- • ‘