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CCarha n! {Thank*. ENNIS. SARAH. Tli" family of thv late Mrs SARAH ENNIS wish to thank the relatives and friends for their kind sym pathy during the illness and death ol Sirs. Ennis THE ENNIS FAMILY. ROSS. EDWARD. The family of Staff Serut EDWARD ROSS. U S A retired, wishes to thank their friends for their thoughtful kindness at a lime when It was deeply appreciated. • Deaths. ADAMS. EDWARD BECKLEY. On Thurs day. February is. 1!»:?T. at. f> a.m . at his residence. io:i Lelanri st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. EDWARD BECKLEY AD AMS a^d 0? vears beloved hushed of Sarah Godman Adams and father of Mrs. Dorothy Bowie. Mbs Sarah Margaret Adan> Edward G. and Donald H Adams of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Ruth Patton of Englewood. N. J. Funeral services Saturday. February ‘in. at ? D m . at his lat? residence In terment Woodlaun Cemetery. Baltimore. Md lf> BAILEY. ELIZABETH. On Tuesday Feb ruary 1H. 10.*l». at Georgetown Univer sity Hosnital. ELIZABETH BAILEY. She is survived by her husband. Wil liam Gray Bailey: two sisters. Louise Lewis Scingcr and Alice Lewis Balti more: one niece. Aurila Frances Paiee. Remains resting at R. C. Richardson A: Co. l?u<» Vermont avr n.w. Funeral Fridav. February li>. at 1 o.m.. from Jerusalem Baptist Church *!Mith and P *ts n.w . Rev. IiTwis officiating. Inter ment Lincoln Cemetery. Bf AMI R. FANNIE A. Wednesday. Feb ruary IT 1037. FANNIE A BEAMER. the beloved mother of George W. Reamer and sister of Mrs. Sarah Fagm and Mrs Clara T. Carr. Funeral serv ices at the residence of her son. ld*2l 33rd st. n.w.. on Friday. February 10. I at 1 pm Interment Glen wood Ceme tery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. BELL. DIANA ELIZABETH. Departed this life February IS. I'.io?. at 1*2: 10 a.m.. DIANA ELIZABETH FELL, da’ighter of the late Robert and Emma Event. She is survived by three daughters. Mabel Bell Jefferson. Louise Queen and Flor ence Cessor; two sisters. Catherine L Height and Mabel Brent Jefferson She also leave other relatives and friends. Remains resting at John Stewart's fu neral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of fu neral later. * BOONE. MARY. On Tuesday. February Id 1037. at her residence. *11 *23 N st n.w.. MARY BOONE, devoted mother of Alberta Boone, aunt of Wilhelmina Gar ner. sister-in-law of Carrie Watts She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jar vis funeral church. 113*2 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. February 10. at ‘2 pm., from the above funeral church Rev Kendall officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 18 BOWSER. SVSIE o. Departed this life on Tuesday. February lb. 1037. at the Home for the Aged and Infirm. Blue Plains. D. C.. SUSIE D. BOWSER, de- , voted mother of Mamie E Better. She also is survived by three sisters two , brothers and other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. February 30. at l p in . from the W Earl Better funeral home. 1-203 Walter st. s.e Rev F F King officiating. Interment Woodlawn Ceme?.erv. BROWN. JOHN H. On Tuesday. Febru ary Id. 1037. JOHN H BROWN, be loved husband of Blanche A. Brown. Funeral from the William H. Scott fu- i neral home 403 sth st. s.e on Friday. ! February 10 at 11 a m Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. BYRNE. MINNIE ADAMS. On Tuesday. February Jb 1037. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. James W Chaney, bit North Daniel st . Arlington. Va. MIN NIE ADAMS BYRNE Funeral Friday. February 10. at '2 D.m.. from the above residence. Interment. Fairfax. Va. 18 CANTWELL. JAMES. On Thursday. Feb ruary is. 1037. a: his residence 5 • L’ ; J bth St n.w. JAMES CANTWELL, be-, loved husband of the late Mary A. Cantwell and father of Thomas A. Cantwell. Funeral from the above resi dence on Saturday. February *Jo. at O. to n m thence tr> the Church of the Na tivity. HOOD Georgia ave. n.w . where mass will be offered at 10 a.m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 10 CARTER ROBERT. On Monday Febru arv l.Y 1937 at Gallincer Hospital. ROBERT CARTER • Sheet-Tackle '*. be loved husband of Peer! Carter devoted father of Mildred and Mamie Carter. Hp also leaves on® brother William Washington; one sister. Priscilla Carter; one aunt. Mis. Emma Ta>’U»r; one grandson and other relatives and friends Remains restint ai the John T Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye gts s.w where funeral services will ce held Saturday. February 2«>. at 1 3<| n.m. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. W COCHRANE. M. AMELIA. On Tuesday February 16. 15*37. at Ludlow. Mass.. M. AMELIA COCHRANE of 1741 A st. se Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. February 10. at 2 D.m. Interm®nt Cedar Hill Cemetery Is COLEMAN. MARY E On Thursday Feb ruary 1937. MARY E COLEMAN of 1634 Monroe st n e beloved w ife cf the late Edward Coleman Funerai from the chapel of Frank Gear's Son? Co. 1113 7th st. n.w.. on Saturday February 2u. at. 8 30 a m Reauiem mass at St Anthony s Church af a m. Relatives ana friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. J9 COLEMAN. MRS. MARY E. Immaculate Conception Ladies' Auxiliary. No 165*. Knights of St. John, will assemble at the late home of Mrs. MARY E. COLE MAN. 1634 Monro.' st. ne. Friday eve ning. February !!». 1337. at s o'clock ELSIE M HART Presided. CATHERINE M. WALSH. Secretary. COUSINS. EMMA. On Wednesday. F®bru- : ary 17. 1937. EMMA COUSINS, beloved sister of Mary Alice Nally and William D. Cousins. Funeral from William J. Nalle.v s funeral home. 522 8tn st. s • . on Friday. February 19 a* *:3o a m thence to Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sts . where mass will be offered at 5* am for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. ] Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. CROU T. GERTRUDE O. On Thursday, i February 18. 1937. at Sibley Hospital, i GERTRUDE O.. the beloved wife of Edward F. Crofut. Funeral from 'he Wm H Sardo & Co funeral chapel. 4 12 H st. n e . on Saturday. February 20. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 DlSHlELL. ANNIE F. On Wednesday. February 17. 1937. at her residence. 152 Green st Annapolis. Md ANNIE F. DASHIELL. daughter of the late Rev. i John H Dashiell and Emily Irving Dashiell Funeral on Friday. February 19. at 2 p.m.. from her late residence. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 18 DUSTIN. ADOLPHENA C. On Tuesday. February 16. 15*37. ADOLPHENA C. DUSTIN beloved wife of Joseph A. Dus tin Late residence. Park Lane. Md. Remains resting at Harry M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 1 lth st s.e.. where funeral services will be held on Satur day. February 2o at 2 D.m. Relatives and inends invited Interment Forest ville Episcopal Cemetery. 19 EASTERLING. HENRY B. Departed this life Sunday February 14. 15*37. at his home. 1135 W st. n.w.. HENRY B. EASTERLING. Ha leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Rosa Lee Easter ling; four dauEhters. Mrs. Sally Hemp hill Alice Kosh. Arlithe Haith. Mar garet Allen; one son. Peter J. Easter ling, two brothers. Silas and Sip Easter ling. and a host of other relatives and friend?. Body resting at the R. N. Hor ton Co funeral home. 1234 4th &t. n.w . until 11 am Friday; thereafter at the above address. Funeral services Satur day at, J D in. at the Ephesus S. D. A. Church, dth and N sts. n.w.. Elder J. E. Johnson officiating. Interment Rose mont Cemetery. ESLJM. ANSA M. B Suddenly, on Tues day. February Hi. liLTT. ANNA M. B ESLIN (nee Stutz>, beloved wife of George Eslin of 11 la B st. n.e. Funeral lrom her late residence on Friday. Feb ruary 1(>. at t an D.m Services at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Kentucky ate. between E and G sts se. ai 3 rm. Relatives and triends invited. In terment Prospect Hill Cemetery. Ar rangements by P. A. Taltavull. IK Fairbanks. Charles weslev. On .January lll.T.. CHARLES WESLEY • FAIRBANKS, aged HU years, senior clerk. American Legation. Athens. Greece. Inierred Athens Cemetery. FARLEY. RICHARD A On Wednesday. February IT. 1 na7. at Mount Alto Hos pital. RICHARD A FARLEY, beloved husband of Anna Cock Farley. Funeral services at the w. W. Chambers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Saturday. February 20. at am.: thence to St. Martin's Church, where mass will he ottered at l* a.m. tor the repose of his soul. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 19 rUHRER. JOSEPH A. Suddenly, on Tuesday. February 16. 1937. at his resi dence. Roanoke. Va.. JOSEPH A. FLUHRER. formerly of Hyattsville. Md.. beloved husband of Laura I. Fluhrer (nee Johnson*. He also is survived by a daughter Mrs. Russell Coleman of i Washington. D C and a sister. Miss Mary Fluhrer of Edmonston. Md. Re- i mams resting at Gasch's funeral home. 1 46 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville. Md. ; Services at the above funeral home on ] Thursday. February 18. at 2:30 D.m. i Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Evergreen Cemetery, Biadensburg. : Md-I '_FUNERAL DIRECTORS. _ J. William Lee s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS . Crematorium 4th and i*lasa Avc N.E._Lincoln 6200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A. L. HAVCOCK Manager) Phone West 0090 *1034 M St N W Established 1841 IWOI. H.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St NJ( NAtifmnl 2473 Modern Ch a pel Tel. J V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlonaj1** 2893 1009 H St. N.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS. CODE BROS. CO. Florel Piece* ■ 1312 P St N.W_NAnon*I 4278 GEO C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 01 OB Open Evenings _ .... r - and SnndaT* Cot. 14th & Eye Seatljfl. FOWLER. PHOEBE E. On Thursday. Feb luarv lb. lHiT. at her residence. JUS VV st. n.e.. PHOEBE E. FOWLER <nee Crown), the beloved mother of Mrs Bernadette P. Colvin. Funeral aervjces at the above residence on Saturday. February 20. at 2 cm. Relatives and mends Invited. Interment Cedar Hi 1 Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. 1'* FRAZIER. JOHN. Suddenly, on Saturday. February 13. 1037. at his residence. 723 Morton st. n.w.. JOHN FRAZIER, de voted brother of Samuel and Louden Frazier. He also leaves other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. February 1ft, at » a m., from the above funeral church. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 GLENN. W'HELLER. On Monday. Febru ary 15. 11)37. at Mount Alto Hospital. WHEELER GLENN, beloved husband of Moncura Glenn Remains resting at the W. W Chambers Co. luneral home. 140(1 Chanin si. n.w.. until Friday. February 11). at 1:30 p.m. Funeral services at Fort Myer Chapel. Fort Myer. Va. at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. In GOODE. EDMONI.V On February IS. 11137. at her residence. 2007 <0 sL n.w.. EDMON1A GOODE aged 70 years. Re mains resting at Hysong's parlors. 1100 N st. n.w. Notice of luneral later. GRAY. EMMA. On Monday. February 15. 100 7 EMMA GRAY, devoted daughter ol Olivia Gray, loving alster of William Gray and aunt of Helen Alters. Remains resting al the W. Ernest Jarvis luneral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Sat urday. February 20. from the abova funeral church, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends and rela tives invited. GRIMMNITZ. ANNIE M. On Wfflnesa»T. February IT I'.'aT. el ProWdence ,Hos: pual. ANNIE M GRIMMNITZ. beloved wife of Ludwis C. Grimmnitr end motn er ol Louise C end Harry W. Grlrnm nitz of 1400 Longfellow _st. nw Re mains resting at the W. Warren Talta vuli funeral home. 14th at., and 6prin* rd. n.w. Funeral notice later. 10 HERNDON. LAVRA. On Monday. Feb ruary 15. 11K1T. at Frcedmens Hos pital LAURA HERNDON, devoted wife of Joseph Herndon, mother of Mamie Jones, grandmother of Clifton Jones, sister of Pearl Grimes. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis tuneral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Fri day. February IP. at 1 D.m from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church R?v. C. T Murray officiating. Interment Payne s Cemetery. ** HOWSER. JOSEPH H. On Wednesday February 17 1937. at his residence. MO South Barton st.. Arlington. Va., JOSEPH H. HOWSER beloved husband of Nina E Howser (nee Stouffer*. He is also survived by one brother. Lester C». Howser of o6lK 6th st. n . Ar lington. Va Funeral from his late residence Friday. February IP at 11 a m Interment Union Cemetery, l*es bum. Va 1* JOHNSON. EDGAR. On Tuesday. February it; I'l.tT, at H.05 pm - at Mount Alto Hospital. EXXU AR JOHNSON beloved husband of Estella E. Johnson, devoted brother of Charles and William Johnson and nephew of Leroy Thomas of Phila delphia. Pa He also is survived by other relatives and many friends. Funeral services at his late residence, 2609 11th st. n.w . on Friday. February IP. at 1:30 p m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 19 JOHNSON. JAMES LEE On Wednesday. February 17 1937 JAMES LEE JOHN SON. hurband of the late Mary Johnson, uncle of Bessie Nelson. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, l 4.T2 You st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. Feb ruary 20 1 pm from the above funeral church. Relatives and friend* invited. 10 JORDON. ARTHUR. On Sunday Febru ary 14 1037 at Oallinger Hospital. ARTHUR JORDON son of Mrs 6usle Jordon. He also is survived by one uncle. Remains resting at Stewart'a funeral home. 30 H st. tie. Funeral Saturday February 20. at 1 p.m.. from the above funeral home. 19 LEE. SUSIE. On Tuesday. February 1*. 193 7. at her residence. 36 Defrees at n w . SUSIE LEE She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted daughter Mrs. Bessie Leak: a granddaughter. Ursuline Cook a neDhew. Isaac Johnson: a son in-law. George Leak and a ho*t of other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday. February IP at 8:30 a m.. from Fra zier s funeral home. 389 R I ave. n.w thence to th? Holv Redeemer Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m for the repos’ of her soul. In *<rment Mount Olivet Cemetery. LEVINSON. SAMUEL. On Thursday. Feb ruary is. 1037. SAMUEL LEVINSON aced 4H years, beloved husband of Anna Levinson and devoied father of Freda. Marie and Sylvia Levinson Funeral from the chapei of Bernard Danzansky. 14th st. n.w. Friday. February IO. at 10 a.m LOCKWOOD. WILLIAM H. On Tuesday. February lfi 1037 at Mount Alto Hos pital. WILLIAM H LOCKWOOD, beloved son of Jennie Lockwood and the late Charles Lockwood: brother of Mrs Ethel Gibb and Mrs. Hetty Silvert Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Friday. February lti. at 10:30 a m Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery, lb LOCKWOOD, WILLIAM H. Comrades ol Richard J Hardin Camp No 2. United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st at 10:15 a m Friday. February 10. 1037. for the funeral of our late comrade, WILLIAM H LOCKWOOD Interment at Arlington. H. M. MANNING. H L. LESLIE. Commander. Adjutant. IE MACV F TIMPSON On February IT. 19.37, F. TIMPSON. beloved son of William D 3d. and Ruth Timpson Maey. Funeral from his parents' residence. Bushey Park. Glenwood. Howard County. Md.. on Fri day February 19. at 2 pm. Interment Oak Grove Cemetery. 'New York City papers please copy.) 10 McGINTY. GEORGE BANKS. On Tues day. February in. 1037. at his resi dence 3n:tn 44th st. n.w.. GEORGE BANKS MCGINTY beloved husband of Leone S McGinty and father of George F ana Sawtelle McGinty. Servicer at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. 3rd and E sts n.w.. Thursday. February 18. at 2 30 p m Interment Forsyth. Ga Re mains resting at the S. H. Hints Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w., until Thursday morning 10 o'clock. 18 MILLER. JANE WILSON. On Tuesday. February in. 1037. at New York City. N Y. JANE WILSON MILLER, beloved niece of Mrs. Alice Garner. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeial home 140n Chapin st. n.w ,on Friday. February IP. at 3 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. PENN. OSCAR. On Tuesday. February in. 1037 at his residence. 27 E st. s w . OSCAR PENN the loving husband of the late Evelyn Dunmore Penn, devoied father of Elizabeth Penn Marcus. He also leaves four grandchildren. Veronica. P. Cofer. Acnes Miles Henry and Beal Penn: a devoted son-in-law. Julius C. Ma.reus and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts. *.w.. until 2 p.m Thursday. February IS; thereafter at his late residence, where funeral services will be held Friday. February 10. at in a.m . Rev Millard F. Newman officiating. Interment In I* Plata. Md. IS PIERCE. MARY McAVOY. On Wednes day. February 17. 10.37. MARY McAVOY PIERCE, beloved wife of William A. Pierce Funeral from her late residence. 0210 Brookvllle pike. Silver Spring. Md.. on Saturday. February 20. at 0 a.m. Reoutem mass at St. Michael’s Church. Stiver Spring. Md at 0:30 a m. H>ter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 1" PIERCE. MARY McAVOY. Officers and members of Court Forest Glen. No. Pol Catholic Daughters of America, will assemble at the late residence of MARY McAVOY PIERCE. 0210 Brookvllle pike. Silver Spring Md.. on Friday. February IP. 1P37. to recite the Rosary, and also to attend the reoutem mass at Si. Michael's Church. Silver Spring. Md.. on Saturday. February 20. at 9:30 a.m. MARIE TUBMAN. Grand Regent LUCY BEALL. Historian. 1» PROCTOR. EMILY R. At the residence of her brother. Alex H. Proctor. Petaluma. Calif.. EMILY R.. daughter of the late Alexander H and Georgetta M. Proctor of Washington. D. C. Funeral Oak Hill Cemetery Saturday. February 20, 3 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. REID, JOHN T. On Tuesday. February lti. 1937. at 10:05 p.m.. at his home Bo.vds. Md.. JOHN T. REID, aged 73 years, the beloved husband of Nannie R. Reid. Funeral services Friday. February 10. at St. Martin's Catholic church. Gaithersburg, Md.. where requiem mass will be said at 10:30 a.m Interment Monocacy Cemetery. Beallsville. Md. SAGER. KATE. On Wednesday, February 17. 1037. at her residence. DASH st. n.e.. KATE, the beloved wife of tl^ late George J. Sager and mother of Pauline Zeller Gardner and Jeanette Sloan Thompson. Funeral from the Wm. H. Sardo A Co funeral chapel. 412 H at. n.e.. on Saturday February 20. at 8:30 a m.; thence to the Holy Ngme Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. Relatives and trlends Invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 19 SCHWARTZ. WILLIAM WARNER. On Wednesday. February 17. 1937. at hts residence. Lexington. Mo.. WILLIAM WARNER SCHWARTZ, beloved husband of Cliffle Dillingham Schwartz and be loved son of Mrs. Henry C. Schwartz of J 315 Columbia rd. n.w. He also is »ur vived bv one son. William Cameron Schwartz: a sister. Mrs. Edna S. Smith, and a niece, Harriet Rebecca Schwartz. Interment at Lexington, Mo.. Friday. SCHWERING. LAURA E. Suddenly, on Thursday. February IS. 10.37. at her residence. 602 B at. n.e.. LAURA E. SCHWERING. beloved wife of the late William Schwerin* and mother of Elsie Schwerin* of Oakland Calif., and Rob ert Schwerin* of San Mateo. C»llf. Re mains resting at Lee's funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of fu neral later. SMITH. EDWARD H. On Tuesday. Feb ruary 16.' 1937, at his residence. 609 Franklin st. n.e.. EDWARD H. SMITH, beloved husband of Clara E. Smith inee Kidwell). Funeral from his late resi dence on Friday. February 19. at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited, in terment Glenwood Cemetery. Arrange ments by P. A Taltavull. 18 STANTON. JAMES PATRICK. On Thurs day. February 18. 1937. at his resi dence. 55 Eye st. n.w.. JAMES PATRICK STANTON, beloved husband of Sadie Sarah Stanton (nee Galvin). Funeral from the Perry & Walsh funeral home. 39 H st. n.w.. Saturday. February 20. at 9:30 a.m.: thence to St. Aloysius Church, where solemn high requiem mass will be sung at 10 a.m. for tha repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 19 Dratiffi. STEPHENSON. LEE MINERVA. Sudden ly on Thursday. February IS. 183T. LEE MINERVA STEPHENSON, aaed AS years, beloved wife of Charles H. Stephen son of .1424 30th et. n w. and mother of' Harold R. Stephenson. Charles H. Stephenson. Jr., and Qulnten C. Stephen son. Remains restlnc at Hysons's par lors. 1300 N it. n.w., until Saturday. February 20. at l p.m. Funeral services at. Ingram Memorial Congregational Church. 10th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. Saturday at 2 o.m. Relatives and lrlends Invited to attend. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 10 STRAUSS. CHARLES DONALD. On Tues day February 16. 1037. CHARLES DONALD STRAUSS of 516 Old Orchard rd.. Baltimore. Md.. son of Nellie Hof frogge and the late Charles A. Strauss. Funeral services will be held at William J. Gicknor Si Son. at North and Penn sylvania aves. Baltimore, on Friday at 2 p.m. 18 SWANN. ROBERT W. On Wednesdap. February 17. 10.17. at Sibley Hospital. ROBERT W. SWANN of Landover. Md. He Is survived by his sister Mrs. Henry J. Gasson. Remains resting at Gasch's luneral home. 46 Maryland ave.. Hyatts ville. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Friday. February 19. at. 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Crtek Cemetery. SWEENEY. IDA REBECCA. On Tuesday. February 16. 1037. at her residence. 621 Alabama ave. s.e . IDA REBECCA SWEENEY i nee De Mam beloved wife of William F. Sweeney and mother of Mrs Marlon Cox and Lee Edward Sweeney. Funeral from the above resi dence on Friday. February 10. at 10 am Services at Esther Memorial Church of the Holy Communion. Con gress Heights, at 10:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill. 18 THORNTON. JOHN T. Departed this life suddenly. Tuesday. February lfi. 1P37. at his residence. 10 R st. n.w.. JOHN T THORNTON, the beloved son of the late Isabelle and Arron Thornton. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mrs. Lucy J. Thornton: one sister. Mrs. Mary Bank and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray * Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. Funeral Saturoay. February 20. at 1 Dm from Vermont Avenue Baotlst Church. Rev. C T. Murray officiating Interment in Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. IP TURNER. LARRY. Departed this life Tuesday. February 10. 19:17. LARPY TURNER, formerly of 44 O st. n w. He leaves to mourn tnelr loss a devoted mother and father and one brother. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney * Co.'s funeral home. 453 O st. n.w. Funeral Friday February IP. at 11 noon. In terment Rosemont Cemetery. VALLETTE. RALPH LEIDY. On Tuesday. February id. at his home. 1 Ml 1 .'list st. n.w RALPH LEIDY. husband of Estelle May Vallette. Body resting at the Tabler funeral home. 4117 Oth st. n.w. until Thursday. February 1 R when serv ices will be held at St Alban's Church at 8 o'clock pm. Interment Philadelphia, Pa. WALLACE. MrGRCDER. On Tuesday. February 16. lat Lanham. Md McGRUDER WALLACE five husband of Ida Wallace, father of Bessie Johnson and brother of Odie Wallace Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. .'189 R. I. ave. n.w Funeral Saturday. Feb ruary 20. at 1:30 pm. from the above funeral home. Interment Woodlawn Cemetcrv. IP WAPLE. DAVID L. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. February 17. lo::7. DAVID L. WAPLE beloved son of Mrs. Elisabeth J Waple. brother of Vernon James and Selma Waple. Mrs Evelyn Yowell. Mrs. Grace Wells. Mrs. Dorothy Russell. Mrs. Margaret Chasko and Mrs. Irma Rod erick Remains restira at the W W Chambers Co. tunersl home. 1400 Chap.n st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. WICKERSHAM. AGNES M. On Thurs day. February 1R. lp:t7. at her resi dence. the Wyoming. AGNES M WICK ERSHAM widow of Col. M D Wicker sham and sister of Mrs. John Wesley Smith. Services will be held ai the above address on Saturday February 20. at 2 D m Interment private. Please omit flowers. 19 WOODING. SARAH. On 8unday. Febru ary 14. 1937. at the home for the Aged and Infirm SARAH WOODING friend of Mrs. Ellen Dixon of 1514 Church si n.w. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis luneral chuich. 1431 You st. n .»■ Funeral Sunday. February 11. at 1 p m., from tne above funeral church. ZACHARY. CAROLINE MACENTYRE." On Tuesday. February 10. 1937. at West Orange. N. J . CAROLINE MACENTYRE ZACHARY beloved wife of Walter 8. Zachary, mother of Julia May Zachary and sister oi Mav Macentyre Brane. Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home IPO 1 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. February 10. at 2 p m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. in iifipmnriam. BOND. CH.ARLOTTIF. M. In loving mem ory of my sister and our aunt CHAR LOTTIE M BOND who departed this life three years ago tod»y. February IS. 19:14. Peaceful be thy rest dear sister: Tis sweet to breathe ihy name: In life we loved you dearly. In death w» do ’he same HER SISTER AND NIECES Bl’NDY. ANN ELIZABETH. In loving re membrance of my dear mother. ANN ELIZABETH BUNDY who passed away nine years ago yesterday. February II. 19*18. 8he had a smile for every one. A heart as pure as gold To those who knew and loved her heat Her memory will mver grow old. DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MAUDE H. BUNDY. CRAWFORD. ELLIF E. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother ELLIE E CRAWFORD who de parted this life thirteen years ago to day. February 18. 1914 Loving and kind in all her ways. Upright and lust to the end of her days; 81ncere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory she left be hind. HER HUSBAND WILLIAM 8. CRAW FORD. AND FAMILY. * BARNAUL. ANNIE A. In memory of rut beloved mother. ANNIE A. DARNALL. who died one year ago today. February 18. 1936. HER CHILDREN. * FREEMAN. ADELE. In sweet and loving memory ol our devoted mother. ADELr FREEMAN who entered into eternal sleep three years ago today. February 1R 1934. We sometimes think when life seems drear And gloom and darkness gather here When hopes bright star forsakes our skies And sorrow In our pathway lies. It would be sweet. It would be best To fold our tired hands and rest: But then God sends an angel down Who sweetly says. No cross, no crown. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN LULA U. LEWIS. MINERVA F. CUPID. LLOYD B. FREEMAN GRAHAM. SARAH E. In memory of our dear mother and grandmother. HARAH E. GRAHAM, who passed away Febru ary 18. 1930 Time moves on. but will never erase The memory of one so dear. _ DAUGHTERS AND GRANDDAUGHTER. MRS M ETTA MULLEN. MISS BERTHA E GRAHAM. MIS8 PAULINE E MULLEN W. W. Chambers Here is the LARGEST UN DERTAKER in WASHING TON and one of the LARG EST IN THE WORLD. WHEN YOU SELECT Chamber YOU HAVE THE BIG FIRM IN UNDERTAKING THINK OF THIS A COMPLETE WP FUNERAL FOR f 3 Others SBB. 1128. 8180. 8168 Ob. THINK THIS ONE OVER! A CEMETERY PLOT SAP COMPLETE—Lew •« £,V For Funeral Service Consult CHAMBERS First World Famous Undortakor 3 FUNERAL HOMES 1408 CHAPIN ST. N.W. Phene Columbia 8432 812 EUVKNTH 8T. S.E. Pfcena ATlantle 6788 818 CLPV*LAND AVI RIVER DALE. MD. Near HrattseTne. MS. Phoae Greenweed 1281 In HUmnriam. HELLER, FREDERICK. In loving memory ofmy dear huaband. FREDERICK HEL LER. who departed thla life lour yeari ago today, February 18. 1933. My heart cannot tell how I mlaa you. My lips don’t know what to say. But Goo only knows how I miss you loving'°WIFF* ROSE A. HELLER. • JOHNSON. HENRY P. In ssd but loving remembrance ol our dear husband and father. HENRY P, JOHNSON, who de parted this life three years aao today. February 18. 1934 Friends may think I am not lonely . , When at times they see me smile: Little do thejr know the heartaches That I suffer all the while HIS LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTER. KLINE. MARY A. In sad. loving memory of our dear devoted mother. MARY A. KLINE, who departed this life six years ago today. February 18. 1931. LOUISE. NELLIE AND HARRY. • MAGRUDER. MARY R. Sacred to the memory of our beloved wife and mother. MARY R MAGRUDER. who departed this life six years ago today. February 18. 1931. Mother of ours, the years roll on. Six long years since you have gone: Yet your dear presence seems ever near To help and to guide us, year by year. Oft on wings of fancy free We all can feel It is true. That while you are thinking of ua We are thinking here of you. JAMES MAGRUDER AND DAUGHTERS. IMOGENE SCOTT MABEL BARKER LOUISE SMITH. MOLIS BROWN AND I OLA WADE. • McCarthy. WILLIAM M. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and ’’daddy’’ WILLIAM M McCarthy. who died ont year ago today. February 18. 193fi. HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. MOORE. JOHN E. A token of remembrance for my husband and my father JOHN E MOORE who departed this life one year ago today. February 18. iP:m. HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER. • ROTUNDO. CONCETTA. In loving remem brance of our drar wife and mother. CONCETTA ROTUNDO who departed thta life one year ago today, February 18. 1998. This day comes with sad regret And one that we will never forget. We will always cherish with love sincere Beautiful memories of one so dear. What Is home without a mother? with ever a helping hand to lend, And when we lost you. mother. We lost our dearest friend. We miss your kind and cheery ways. With you we spent our hapnlest days. We miss you when we need a friend. In you. dear mother, we could always depend. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN THOMPSON. BERTHA. A tribute of love in the memory of our wife and aunt. BERTHA THOMPSON who deoarted this life one year ago today. February 18 1998. This day comes wilh sad regret For one that we love and never will foraet. HUSEAND AND NIECE • THOMAS. JAMES AND WILLIAM H. A tribute of love to the memory of our be loved ones. JAMES THOMAS, who left us two years sao. January 11. 1998. and WILLIAM H. THOMAS two years aao fodav February 18 i;i95. MOTHER MARY ORMES. SISTERS AND BROTHER. WILLIAMS. JAMES A. In loving remem brance of our dear husband and father JAMES A WILLIAMS, who departed this life five years ago today. February 18. 1092. Loved In Ilf' remembered in dea'b. LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. WILLIAMS. PATTIE. In loving remem brance of mv dear mother PATTIE WILLIAMS, who parted away fourteen years ago today. February 18. 1023. I loved my precious mother. And I miss her more each day. Hut God knew she was suffering. So from me he took her away. But tome sweet day we ll meet again beyond the toil and strife I hope to meet her some day and clasp her hands once more DEVOTED DAUGHTER EMMA HILL. * Zl'CK. FRANK. To the memory of my be loved husband FRANK ZUCK who passed to the great beyond February 18. 1032. and a tribute of admiration for his unselfish devotion to his family. HIB LOVING WIFE. EMMA P ZUCK « Itt IRrmarimn. BUCK. FRANK. To our father. FRANK ZDCK. departed five reara aao today. The memory of hia allegiance. Integrity and prelecting lore growa brighter with the yeara. Our dad will be with ua al HI65 SON AND DAUGHTER KO*Nt ZUCK AND PEARL LUCAS. * FOR “WAR PUN” Opposition Press Joins La* borites and Liberals in Attack on Proposal. By the Associated Press. LONDON. February 18.—Prime Min ister Stanley Baldwin planned to take the floor in the House of Commons to day to defend Great Britain's $7,500, OOu.OOO “war plan in time of peace” against the concerted attack of gov ernment opponents. The opposition press joined Laborite and Liberal members of Parliament in attacking the plan for enlargement of the nation's land, sea and air forces by a $2,000,000,000 loan and increased taxation. Baldwin was slated to wind up the government's defense at tonigh.’s ses sion after Sir Thomas Inskip, defense co-ordination minister, elaborated on the policy outlined by Chancellor of the Exchequer Neville Chamberlain. The House of Commons planned to get a vote by II p.m. on the defense loan resolution moved by Chamber lain, who said he felt "disgusted and ashamed" of a civilization which forced the program of his country. | The News Chronicle bitterly char acterized the defense plan as "a sur render of hope for peaoe in the fu ture” and accused the government of saddling the taxpayers with a colossal burden. The Daily Herald declared "Europe is led back to pre-war conditions" and lamented the government showed “no interest in rebuilding the League of Nations." The building program, it was esti mated, although increasing taxation, would pour a half billion dollars directly Into the pockets of British wage earners from naval construction alone. 0d©,r Hill “U ]aAliuujtini) mat Beaulihd (emetery DEATH OF YOUTH IN WOODS PROBED Note to Father Indicate! Suicide of “William Jerome Flanni gan, Jr., New York.’’ Coroner A. Magruder MacDonald today was conducting an investiga tion into the death of a 23-year-old youth who was found shot late yes terday in the woods near Fifteenth and Evarts streets northeast. The youth, tentatively identified as William Jerome Flannigan, Jr., of New York, was found shot through the temple. In one hand was clutched a .22-caliber rifle, according to De tective Sergt. John C. Dalglish. The detective also discovered a note which read: "Dear father: I am about to shoot myself. I am not worried, but slightly nervous.” It was signed "Junior.” A receipt found in the clothes showed the youth had purchased a .22 caliber rifle and a quantity of bullets at a downtown store Tuesday, inves tigators said. Police believe the body had lain in the woods several hours before It was discovered by a dog being exercised by Lester Brown, 2952 Mills avenue, who notified police. $7,500 DAMAGES WON IN AUTOMOBILE DEATH — A District Court Jury yesterday awarded $7,500 damages to Elzie E Lampen, 1355 Massachusetts avenue southeast, administratrix of the estate of William P. Cannon, who was killed August 31, 1835, In an automobile ac- ! cident on the Marlboro Pike, near Meadows, Md. John E. Donnelly, 7056 Eastern ave nue. was defendant in the suit. Through Attorney Bernard I. Nord- I linger, the plaintiff contended Don nelly's car was negligently operated, i The case was tried before Justice Jesse C. Adkins. Frazier's —service, quality and reverance in conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Undertakers for col. ored U S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C. Camp, N. P. 11. Company 1360, Washington, D. C. So Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Fret Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. MT. PLEASANT AREA PRAISED BY ROVER Former District Attorney Ad dressee Columbia Heights Group on Development. Former District Attorney Leo A. Rover last night commended the Co lumbia Heights Business Mep’s Asso ciation for the fine co-operation they have shown in building up the Mount Pleasant area. He spoke at the as sociation’s twelfth annual dinner in the Shoreham Hotel. Rover, serving as guest speaker in the place of Senator Harry Flood Byrd of Virginia, who was unable to be present, stated there was no organ ization of business men in any city that exceeded the Columbia Heights Association in spirit, in vitality or in co-operation. After the dinner L. E. Breuninger acting for C. Marshall Finnan, super intendent, of the National Capital porks, presented to President George A. Ford a gavel made from the part* of the timbers removed from the roof of the White House when it was re modeled in 1927. , The dinner featured Gordon Hlt tenmark as master of ceremonies end ' included several singers from the hotel's floor show. Numerous prise\ donated by association members, were given to the guests. Psychic Message Council 11M Twelfth St N.W. Corner of 12th and "L" Circlea Daily, 2:30 & 7:30 P.M. Grace Gray DeLens. Reader Personal Interviews for spiritual neip and guidance may be arranged by a visit ta the Council House or Telephone Mci.vaolitan b'Z'.H Consultation hi I I I Woffles? Why, soy— a child can turn out perfect batch after 1 perfect batch with these electric waffle irons. Toast ? Another | cinch with an electric toaster. Cold night, cold bed ? Wed, do you own an electric heoting pad ? You certainly should. And if you detest crawling out of bed into a chilly room, get an electric heater. As in all other departments, liggett's selection of electrical appliances is complete—and priced i to save you money I SALE OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ELECTRIC TOASTER * Sale Price 98c Spteial l ELECTRIC CURLING IRON COLORED HANDLES AC OR DC with Switch . . . Jr*' ELECTRIC I STOVE SINGLE BURNER AC OR DC Complete ^2 with cord ELECTRIC CORD SET FULL LENGTH APPROVED CORD Special Price ..... ELECTRIC CORD SET FULL LENGTH WITH SWITCH Special E* — Price.JC ELECTRIC GRILLETTE SALE PRICE Special! VIBRATOR VIM IMH AMUC4TOM mmovid cMrvucnoN, no oadio 0 MTtOfEBCNCI / A STMAATMA O A09Y »UHXC* $2.49 Electric Heating Pad Underwriter Approved _ SALE PRICE / SPECIALl Electric Curling Iron SALE PRICE Colored Handles 00D@@99DD9 ELECTRIC IRON / $1.79 Electric Hair Dryer SALE PRICE $|.59 SPEC1AU Miller Electric Wall Clock Green, Ivory, red. SALE PRICE $1-79 I * SPECIALl BKDBdBld SAHDUJICH njsim^-v ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRON . . . $1.49 ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR . . 7£;: $1.09 i“ifliSPR HEATING PAD . . . $4.95 ELECTRIC MILKSTER • • Warmer $1.09 BIUOWY SUDS • 7C1EAR WATER RINSE V IUSTROUS HAIR s» ELECTRIC HEATERS.98c Tli* N*w**t Gam* for Adults aad Children "4-5-6" PICK UP STICKS 25« HEADQUARTERS FOR CUT-RATE DRUGS 'The Nation's Neighborhood Drug Store" Friendly service... low prices .. free delivery ... money-back guaranteed ... Registered Pharmacist always in at tendance. Mail orders promptly filled (add 10% for mailing). Address: 801 14th St. N. W. REFER TO YOUR LOCAL TELEPHONE BOOK FOR ADDRESS OP THE NEAREST LIGGETT STORE