Newspaper Page Text
HAD BONDS IMPROVE FURTHER Junior Issues Still Climb as Various Low-Yield Liens Ease. Bond Averages 20 lO 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F an Net rhange. tfnc —.1 .Unc Unc Today noon. 97.3 103.9 101.7 74.1 Prev. day... 97.3 104.0 101.7 74.1 Month ago.. 98 7 104 4 102.6 74.0 Year ago... 94.1 103.9 101.0 71.3 1937 high.. 99 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 97.3 103.9 101.7 73.0 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low_ 45 8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—101.1 98.9 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _110.7 Prev. day. 110.8 Month ago 113.1 Year ago. 111.5 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 110.8 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Presa.l 8r the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 18—Junior rails won further ground in today's bond market as various low-yield cor porate issues sagged. • In the latter group some losses ran from major fractions to a point, sug gesting investment sentiment was still confused on the question ol future money rates. On the other hand. United States Governments held to a fairly even line in spite of a few minor dips. 6ome of the lower coupon Treasuries edged up a little. , While certain of the rails were •kipped over in the buying movement, fairly broad improvement in values was registered in early trading. As W’as the case yesterday, demand was motivated by a modest upswing in the general run of carrier shares. Trading opinion was that both liens and equities were being helped by the currently favorable trend of car loadings. Detroit Brokers Face S.E.C. Charge Of Manipulation B? the Associated Press. The Securities Commission charged Dart <fc Co., a Detroit brokerage firm, today with manipulating Lakey Foun dry <fc Machine Co. stock. The firm was ordered to appear here March 8 for a public hearing on the charge. The firm's members are Harry’ A. k Dart. Meyer Steinberg, Nathan Stein berg. Abraham Koven. Herbert Lavigne • nd George Blumenthal. The commission's order directed them to show cause at the hearing why they should not be suspended or expelled from membership on national •eeurities exchanges. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK February IS -F.—New York Security Dealers' Association: > llfbon quotations.) . . , Bid. Asked. Admin Fd *2nd Ino _ 20.3:t Am Business Shr* 1 :tn i 4.1 Am Gen Eq Inc 1 IS l 28 Am Ins Stocks . 5.126 8 00 Bancamer Blair 12.T5 13.75 Bank Group 8hr» 2 14 2 31 Bankers Nat Inv Corp 4.00 4.825 Basic Industry 5 52 Broad St Inv 38 33 33.50 Bullock Fund __ "3.825 25.375 Corporate Trust _ 3.14 Corporate Trust A A_ 2 08 _ Corp Tr A A mod 3 82 _ Corp Tr Arcum Ser _ 2.08 _ Oorp Tr Acc Mod _ 3.87 _ Cumulative Tr Sh _ 8.77 __ Depos Bk -Sh N Y “A" _ 2 00 _ Depos Ins Shrs "A" 3.80 Depos Ins Shrs ' B”_ 3 80 Dtversined Tr C __ 5 3ft .Dividend Shr* _ 2.00 7.24 ^Equity Corp 53 Pf . 42.25 45.25 Fidelity Fund Inc 20.42 31.80 First Boston Corp _ 45.25 48.75 Fixed Trust Sh A _ 14.20 Fixed Trust 8b B _ 11.75 Found Tr Sh A _ 5.35 5.85 Fund Investors Inc 28 07 27 52 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 8 84 7.38 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 8.08 Gen Investors Tr 7.43 8 08 Group Sec Agriculture . 1 PS 2.14 Group Sec Automobile 1 8] 1.75 Group Sec Building 2.4ii 2.50 Group Sec Chemical _ 1.71 1.85 Group Sec Food 1.08 1 18 Group Sec Invest Shts 1 S3 1 08 1 Group Sec Merchandise 1.55 1.88 Group Sec Mining 1 8 1 1 PH Group Sec Petroleum 158 1.80 Group Sec R R Equip 1 .Rs 2 04 Group Sec Steel 2.00 2 23 Group Sec Tobacco 1 IP l..m Huron Holding * 70 1 no Incorp Investors 27.18 2P °0 Insurance Grono Shrs 1.73 1.03 Investors Fd "C" Inc 18.02 17.27 Kefston Oust Fond B-3 24.13 28 47 Major Shrs Corp .3.375 Maryland Fund 10.58 11.58 Mass Invest Tr 30.31 32.18 Mutual Invest _18 15 13 84 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.32 5.02 Nation Wide Voting_ 2.2 ft 2.41 N Y Bk Tr Shra _. _ 4.50 North Am Bond Tr etfs 84.25 88.50 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2 32 _ Nor Am Tr 8h 13ftft_. 3.73 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1358_ 3 72 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1358_ 3.5! __ _ Plymouth Fund Inc_ 03 1.10 Quarterly Income 8h_ 13.25 21.09 Selected Am Sh _ 4.32 Selected Am Sh Inc_18.24 17.70 Selected Cumul Sh_11.17 _ Selected Income Sh_ 5.85 . _ Selected Indus cv pf_ 27.25 28 75 Spencer Trask Fund-. 23.33 24 0ft 8tand Am Tr Shrs_ 4.50 4.75 Stand Util Inc_ 1.12 1.21 Buper of Am Tr A _ 4.43 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.34 _ Super of Am Tr B _ 4.83 _ Super of Am Tr BB_ 2.34 _ Super of Am Tr C_ 8.48 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 8 48 _ Supervised Shrs __15.30 18.83 Trustee Stand Inv C __ 3.32 _ Trustee Stand Inv D- 3.25 -- Trusteed Am Bk ,'B'_._ 1.03 1.14 Trusteed Industry Shrs . _ 1.82 1.80 Wellington Fund_21.51 23.67 . — -— m ■ ’■ — NEW YORK BANK STOCKS * NEW YORK February 18 UP.— New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock ! Bid. Asked. Bank of Man ' 1%) _ 38 40 flankers' Tr (21 _ 80% 82% Cen Han Bk A Tr (41 14*i 140 Chase Nat tl 40' _ «n% 02% Chem Bk it Tr (1.80)_ 78 78 Commerdil (8) 235 241 Cont Bk * Tr (.80! _ 20% 22% Corn Ex Bk A Tr <3>_ 73% 74% Empire Tr (11 - 35% 30% First Nit (Bos) (2)_ fid «•’ .First Natl (1001 2550 2.500 Guaranty Tr (12) 376 380 Irvine Tr (,«0> _ Id 20 Manufacturers Tr (2) 05% 07% Manufacturers’ Tr pf (2). 55 6. Natl City (D - 56% 58% N Y Trust (5)-154% 157% Fublle tl%! - n4% 50% Title OAT- 18% 19% TI. S. TREASURY NOTES. (Reported by Chis. D. Barney * Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer. II Apr. 15. ’37 _ 100 30-32 101 %* Sept. 15. ’37_. 102 102 2-32 US Feb. 1. '.38— 102 5-32 102 7-32 s Mar. 16. ’38— 102 23-38 102 25-32 %a June 16, '38— 103 2-32 103 4-32 %a Sept. 15 '38— 102 27-32 102 30-32 l%s Mar 16. ’3ft— 101 5-32 101 7-32 *%• June 15. ’39._ 102 17-32 102 19-32 Yus Dee. 15. '3d._ 100 20-32 100 31-32 lUa Mar. 15. '40— 101 10-3* 101 12-32 J%s June 15. '40__ 100 31-32 101 1-32 1%» Dec. 15, '40— 10027-32 100 29-32 l%a Mar. 16. ’41— 100 27-32 100 20-32 IS SS* It 41;: 'ESA 18ISF FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK February 18 UP.—Federal Land Bank bond* (Noon quotations.) 4>/«f May. 1058-36. 105'* 106 4%i May. 1967-37_100% 101% 4s May. 1958-38_103% 103% 4s Nov.. 1957-37_102% 102% 4a July. 104H-44_ 110% 111 3%» May. 1955-45_ 103% 103% 3 s July. 1055-45_ 102% 102% 3* J»n.. 1956-46 _102% 102% Si Miy. 1966-46_102V* 102% A. h BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. TREASURY High. Low. 3: SB. 344*1949-53_ 10I.1S 101.13 101.1* 24*8 1945-47_ 106.16 106.10 106.16 2*8 1948-61_ 104. 104. 104. 2448 1961-54_ 103.8 108.7 108.8 2448 1956-69_ 108.7 103.5 108.7 244a 1950-60_ 104.18 104.17 104.18 4 3s 1946-48 _ 107.10 107.10 107.10 3* 1951-65_ 106.19 106.81 108.18 144 8 1 9 4 6-49_ 107.81 107.81 107.81 344s 1941 _ 107.33 107.28 107.28 3448 1944-46_ 108.14 108.12 108.14 3448 ]940-43June 107.8 107.8 107.8 344* 1943-47. 109.8 J.09. 109.3 4s 1944-54 .. 114.10 114.10 114.10 444S-S44I 1941-45 108.14 108.11 108.14 444a 1947-52_ 119.26 119.30 119.26 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3* 1947_ 106.4 105.4 105.4 3s 1949_ 105.5 105,4 105.5 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 1>4* 1942-44. 102.18 102.17 102.18 24*sl939-49_ 102.24 102.21 102.24 1* 1952_ 104.28 104.21 104.28 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:58. Abitibl Pa&Pw 6s *63. 94 93* 94 Akershus 6s 63 _ 99* 99* 99* Antloauia 7s 45 A_ 17* 17* 17* Antloauia 7s 45 D__ 17 17 17 Antwerp 5s ’68 _ 100* 100* 100* Argentine E *s '<2_101* lul* 101* Argentine 6s'67 A_ 102* 102 102 Argentine $s '58 B ... 101* 101* 101* Argentine 6s'69 June. 101*101 101 Argentine 6s'69 Oct . 101* 101 101* Argentine 6s *60 May. 101*101 101* Argentine 6s '60 Sept. 10244 102 102* Argentine 6s '60 Oct.. 101 w 101* 101* Argentine 6s'61 Febr. 101* 101* 101* Argentine 6s'61 May.. 101* 101* 101* Australia 4*s'56_ 101 100* 100* Australia 6a'55_ 107* 107* 107* Australia 5s '67_ 107 107 107 Belgium 6a '55_ 106* 105* 105* Belgium 6*s‘49_108* 108* 10S* Berlin 6s 58 . _ 22 22 22 Berlin Elec 6s ’55_ 22* 22 22 Berlin 6*8’50 ... 22* 22* 22* Berlin El ily 6 >2s’56.. 21 28 28 Brazil 8*s ’26-'57_ «7* 47* 47* Brazil 6*s'27-’67_ 4b* 45* 45* Brazil 7s'52_ 46 45* 46* Brazil 8s 41 _ 63 62* 62* Breda Ernesto 7s ’54_ 79 79 79 brisbane 5a'67_ 101* 101* 101* Buenos Aires 4*S-3*a'77Pv 79* 7** 78* Bue A1 4 *a-4*s '75_ 81 80* 80* Bulgaria 7s 67 July coupon off_ 24 24 24 Canada 2 Vis'4 5_100?) 1004) loot) Canada 3 14s t>i-loo?, hhi;4 too!) Canada 4s 60- 1074)107 1074) Canada 5s '52_111** 111*) 1111) Chile 6s ’60 _ 2PM 194) 19*i Chile 6s 61 Jan _ ]9»4 19!) 19?) Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 20 19?4 20 Chile 6s 62_ 19?) 19') 194) Chile 6s 63_ 20 19‘» 19?) Chile 7s 42 _ 2o 19') 194» Chile Mtg Bk 6V)s'57. 164) 15«4 16*) Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 . 16') 164) 164, Chile Mtg Bk 64)s 61. 174) 174) 174) Chilean Mun E 7s 60.. 164) 15 lit) Cologne 6’7s '50 _ 21’t 214) 214) Colombia 6s 61 Jan_ 37!) 364) 37 Colombia 6s 61 Oct... 3e4, 361* 364) Copenhagen tVis'53 — 994, 99?) 994) Copenhagen 5s'52 _100'4 100 >00 Copenhagen T Es '64__ 100 100 IPO Cordoba 7s 42 Prv_ 974) 974) 974) Costa Rica 7a A '51_ 314) 3l!( 314) Cuba 5 4)s 45 .. 69 58*, 68?) Czechoslovakia 8s '52. 1044) 104', 1044) Denmark 4 Via'62_ 994, 99?) 99?) Denmark 0 Vis'55_ 1()0*4 1004) loo?, Denmark 6s 42 106!) loh 106 Deut Bk 6s’35 ct stpd. So 60 60 Dominic 1st 6V,s 40__ 82 81 82 Dominic 1st 6 4)s 42_ 82 814) 82 Dominic 2d 6Vis 40... 82 81 82 Finland 6s '45 _1004) 1064) 1064) French Gov 7 Vis'41— 119V, 119 1194) Ger G Bk A 6s '38 43») 43?) 43?4 Ger C Bk A 6s 60 July 32 32 3; Ger C Bk A 7s 60 _ 43?, 43!) 43*4 Ger Gov 6 Vi s'65 st 25?» 26 26?) Ger Gov 5 VsS 65 un St 21?, 21') 21?) Ger Rep 7s '49 stDd .. 324-, 324-, 324) Ger Rep 7s 49 un st 264, 264) 26}) Grt C El Jap 6 Vis 50.. 45 86 85 Grt C El Jap 7s 44_ 93 92?) 92?) Greek Gov 7s '64_ 41 41 41 Hungary 71.4* 44 Febr coupon on 49M 49)4 48)4 Hung Con M 7)48 *45 unmat coupon on __ 2<!** ZiK\ 22** Italy 7s 61 _ 90), *0 90 Ital P U Crd 7s’52_ 81»* 81), 81)4 Japan 5*?s '65_ 81)* 8U* 81)4 Japan 6Vis'54 ... 95 95 96 Justus Mtg Bk 7s '57 unmat cuupon_ 40 40 40 Medelln 6 Via ’54 i6 la 16 Mex 4s 10-45 asst_ 6)4 6)4 6)4 Mex 4s 10-’45 asst am tj* 6), 6)4 Mex 4s 64 asst _ 6), 6), 6)4 Mex sf 5s 45 asst_ 9)4 » 9 Milan 6Vis 62 _ 78)i 78)4 78)4 Nord Ry 6 Vis '60_ 107)4 107)4 107)4 Norway • Via'65_101 101 101 Norway 4Vis'56_ 103)4 108 108 Norway 5s '63_ 100 100 100 Norway 6s 43- 107!, 107 107)4 Oriental Dev 6V4s ’58_. 74)4 74)4 74)4 Oriental Dev 6s '63_ 80 80 80 Panama 5s 63stpas.. 73)4 .3)4 73)4 Panama 5 V4»'53 . ... 105)4 108)4 105)4 Paris Orl Ky 6 Vis’68101)4 101)4 101)4 Periatnbuco 7s 47 Sept coupon oil_ 28)4 28)4 28)4 Peru 6s 60 - 25 24H 24)4 Peru 6s 61- *4)4 *4)4 24), Peru 7s'69- ._ 26)4 26 26)4 Porto Alegre 7 Vis '66 July coupon oft_ 80)* 80)4 *0)4 Porto Alegre 8s '61 June coupon oft_ 81)4 11)4 31)4 Queensland 6s 47_112 112 112 Rhein Main 7s’50_ 26)4 26)4 26)4 Rhein Hhur 6s 51_ 22 22 22 Rhinelhe L'n 7s '46 ... 27 26)4 27 Rhur Chemical 6s'48.. 23)4 23)4 23)4 Riode Jan 6V4S 63 Aug coupon oft_ 31 30)4 80)4 Rio de Jan 8s 46 April coupon oft_ 33 32li 33 Rio Gr do Sul 6s '68 June coupon oft ... 82 82 83 Rio Gr do Sul 7s '68 May coupon oft _ 32 SIM *1W Rio Gr do Sul 7a'67 June coupon oft _ 81)* 31)* 31U Rio Gr do Sul 8s '4* April coupon off_.__ 86 16 8« Rome 8V4s '62_ 81H 81 81 Rumania 7s '49 Aug coupon oft_ 32)* 32 32 Sao Paulo C6Vis ’67 May coupon off_ 89 10 80 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_„ 96)4 9SM 96U Sao Paulo St 7s '68 Sept coupon off_. 36)4 86)4 86)4 July coupon off_ 81)4 80)4 81M Sao Paulo St 8s 'If July coupon off__ 43)4 48 48)4 Sao Paulo St 8s '60 July coupon off_ 40 40 39 Ssrbs 7s 62 unm c o_ 29 27)4 *9 Serbs 8s '62 unm c o ... 29 29 29 Shin’su El P 6 Vis '62_ 84 84 84 Silesia Prov 7s’58_ 62)4 62)4 K2M Sydney 6 Vis'65_ 106 106 106 Toklo E L Ltd 6s‘61 . 81)* 81 II)* Un Stl Wks 6 Vis '61 A. 26)4 26)4 2*)4 Uruguay 6s 60_ 68 «7)4 68 Uruguay 6s 84..._ 88 87H 87** Uruguay 8s 48 - 68)* 68)* 68)* Warsaw 7, 41_ 63 6S 68 Yokohoma 6s 61_ 89)* 80)* 80)* DOMESTIC IONDS. Adams Express 4s ’48 1054 106 1054 Allen corp 5a'44_ 1004 1004 100H Allen Corpse 49- 944 944 944 Allen Corp 6s’60 stp.. 69 68 69 Allied Stores 44* ’60. 100U 10044 1004 Allied Stores 44* ’61, loo** 1004 100*4 Am & For PW 5s 2030 84 4 84 84 Am Ice 09 5s *68 - 934 984 934 Am 1 OCh 64s 48_ 108** 1084 108H Am Inti S4a‘49 . 1060* 1064 1064 Am Tel & Tel 8 4*'81 1004 100 1004 Am Tel & Tel 8 4a (6 1004 100 1004 Am TAT 44»‘39 ... 109 109 109 Am TAT 649 48 — 1114 1114 1114 Am Wat Wka 6s '76... 110 1094 1094 Am Writ Papar 6s 47. 92 914 92 Anaconda deb 44s’60 1064 106 1064 Armour & Co 4 4* *89. 1084 1034 1084 Armour!Del) 1st 4s’55 100 994 994 A T&S Fe 4s ’06-’55 108 108 108 Armour & Co Del 4s 57 984 984 984 A T&S Fa adj 4S 96 St 1064 1064 1064 A T&S Fe gen 4s ‘96.. 1114 1HM HIM A T&S Fe 44a •«» - 10» 1084 1084 Atl Coaat L lat 48 ’62. 1084 1084 1984 Atl Coast L Clt 4s 68.. 984 964 984 Atl C tun 44#’64 ~ 964 »54 964 Atl Coast Lin# 5s ‘45 ._ 106 106 108 Atlantic & D 2d 4S *48 . 514 514 614 B A O 1st 48 41_ 107 1084 107 t> Hilh Low. 2:85 B A O 454* '60- . 7914 79 79 Balto A O ref 6«'96 A- «4 *354 *354 Bang A Aroos6a*43-114 114 114 BA0 6s'96K_ »2*4 9154 9254 B A O ref 6a 2000 D— »254 •* •* B A O ref 6a ‘96 C — 10* 10154 10154 B A O PLEAW V 4a’41 104*4 10454 10454 B A O Toledo 4a '69— 9654 *6*4 9654 B A O Swn 6a '60 - 106 10654 1 06*4 Bang ft Aroos 4*’51— 10954 1 0954 1 0954 Bell T of Pa 6a 4* B— 11« H* U« Bell T of Pa 6a ’60 C_12**4 12654 12*54 Beth Steel 3*4* ’66- »7H »f *7*4 Beth Steel 454a’«0_104<i 104 10454 Bos A Me 4% s'61 J_ 84*4 8454 8454 Boa A Me 6a '86. 9054 *» *0 Bos A Me Be '67_ . 8854 *8 8854 Boston N T A L4s’6B. 34 32’4 3354 Bot Con M «Mie'34 .. 37*4 3754 S7»4 Bklyn Ed con 3 54a’68.. 10254 102 10254 Bklyn Man T 454*'**- 102 10054 102 Bklyn Un El 5a'60 ... 11254 11*54 11254 Bklvn Un Gas 6a '60... 10454 104K 104*4 Bruns A West 4a'28.. 102 102 102 Buff RAP con 454s'67. 9154 9154 BCRANcl5s’34_ 80 2954 »° Bush Term con 6a '55 68*4 88*4 *854 Bush Term Bldg 6a '60 68 68 68 Calif Packing 6a '40... 1044 1044 1<>*4 Canada So 6s'62 A_1164 U64 1164 ! Can dlan N R 44s'66. 112 1114 1114 Can'dianN R44s'67. 111*4 1114 1114 Can’dian N 6s'69 July. 1154 1164 H64 Can'dlan N 6s’69 Oct_116H 1164 1164 Can’dlan P db 4a perp 964 96 9«4 Can dlan Pac 44s‘46. 103** 1034 1034 Can dian Pac 44* «0 1044 1084 1034 Can’dian Pac Sa'44 cfs 1134 U*4 H84 Car * Gen 6s'60 ww.. 106 4 106 1064 Cent Br tl F <• 48_ 39 39 39 Cent of Ga con 6s '45_3* 3* *64 Cent of Ga 6s'69 C _ 21 204 204 Cant of Garf 64s'69. 21,4 204 214 Cent Ga Mobile 6s '67. 33 33 31 Cent 111 E & O 6s '611034 1034 1084 Cent N England 4s'61. 78 4 78 4 734 Cent of N J gen Ss '87. 854 86 864 C«nt Pac 1st rf 4s '49.. 1074 107 4 1074 Cent Pac 6s'60 ... 102410241024 Cent P Tr Sh 4s ’64 107 4 107 4 107 4 Cent RR BGa5s'37-_. 934 »34 984 Cent Steel Ss'41_ 124 124 124 Cert’d dab 6 4s '43_ 954 964 Chesap Corp 6a'47_ 160 149 160 CheS&O SV2s 96 D 984 984 984 Ches & O 34s 96 E... 984 »84 984 C&Ogen44s'92_ 120 120 120 C <5: O con 5s '39_ 1074 1074 1074 Chi & Alt raf 3a'49._ 67 4 574 674 Chi B & Q gen 4s'5S_112 112 112 Chi B & U 44s '77 . 114 1134 114 Chi B & Q 111 dv 4s '49. 1094 1<>»4 K'94 Chi A E 111 6s ’61 .. 444 44 444 Chi & E 1115s ’51 ctfa.. 444 434 44 Chi & E 111 con 6s '34.. IO04 1004 1004 Chi & Erie 1st os’82_121 121 121 Chi Grt West 4a ’59 494 49 4» Chi Ind & Lou 4s '47 ... 39 39 39 Chi Ind & L ref 6s'47. 41 41 41 Chi I & L gen 6s 66 244 244 24*4 Chi Ind & L gen 6s '6*. 2**» 244 2*4 Chi Ind & So 4a'66_ 105 105 105 C M St P 4s '89_ 684 684 «84 CM&St P 5s 75 _ 344 S3** 834 CM&StP&Pad) 6s2000 124 114 124 Ch &NW gen 34s *7- *74 *7.4 *74 Chi & NW gen 4s 87.. 60 50 50 Chi & NW 4 4» 2037 36 354 364 Chi & NW 4 4* 2037 C. 36 354 364 Cbl&NW44*49_ 244 24 24 4 Chi&NW 4*is '87 .. 63 62 63 Chi & N W gen 6s 87_ 65 61*4 644 Chi & NW rf 5*2037.. 38 374 38 Chi R l&P rf 4S'34_ 24*4 244 24*1 Chi R l&P rf 4a'34ctf. 21>, 21 214 Chi R l&P gen 4s 68_ 424 414 *2 Chi R l&P 44S '52 ... 244 234 23*, I Chl K l&P 4’,* '52*tf 22 21*» 214 Chi R l&P 44* 60 .. 164 14 154 Chl T H&S 1st 6s 60.. 99** 99 99 Chi Un Sta 3 4s '61 . 104*4 1044 104*1 Chi Un Sta 3\s 63 E. 1064 1064 1064 Chl & W in con 4a '52. 104*4 1044 104»* Chl & W ind 4 4* 62.. 1024 102 1024 Childs & Co us '43_ 91 91 91 Cm G & E 34s '66_ 101*4 1014 1013* Cin Un Ter 2 4a L) gtd I064 106 105 CCC&St L gen *s’33 1j3 103 103 CCC&St L rf 44s'77 E 9*4 9*** 964* CCC&St L ref 5a '63 D 10*4 1084 1034 CCC&StL StLdv 4s'9«. 103 103 103 Clev Un Tel 4 4* 77 iu4!« 104 1044 I Clev Un Term 6s '73 B 1064 lOB'l 1064 I Clev Un Ter 64*'72A 1114 1114 1114 Colo & So 44* '80 ... 734 734 784 Columbia G & E deb 5a 52 April_ _ 1034 1014 1014 Columbia G & E 6a '52 May _1044 1044 1044 Columbia G&E 6s '61.. 104 1034104 Colum Ry P&L 4S '65.. 106 1064 106 Cornel Credit 3 4s‘51. 98** 984 9»4 Com inv TT 34*'51... 102 102 102 Conn H & L 4%a ‘61_ 105 106 105 Cons Coal Gel us '60... 654 644 64** Cons Ed NY 3 4a 46 n 1054 1044 1064 Cons Ed NY 3 4s *56 n 103** 10*4 1034 Cons Gas NY 44*'51 1044 1064 106** Consol Oil 34s'54 . 1044 1044 1044 Ci nsum P un 34s'65. 1034 1034 1034 Cons Pwr 34a'70 _. 103 1024 103 Consum Pwr 34*a '65.. 1064 1064 1064 Container deb 6s'43_ 1024 1024 1024 Container (a '46_ 1044 1044 1044 Crane Co 3 4 a 61-101 1004 100*4 Crown C & S 4s ’60_ 1064 1064 1064 Crown Will P (a‘51_1044 1044 1044 Cuba RR 1st 6s'52_ 684 68 68 Cuba RR 74s'36 ctfs. 6* 64 64 Cuba N'orthn 6 4s '42. 604 60'* 604 Dayton PAL, 3 4*'60 __ 1044 1044 1044 Del A Hud ref *a '43 944 »3?-» 944 Del A Hud 54s'37_... 1004 1004 1004 Den G A E 6s ’51 et_ 106*. 1064 1064 Den A R G con 40'36_364 364 364 Den A RG 44a‘36_ 36 35 56 Den A R G W 6s'65... 28 22 224 Den A RGW 6s’55asst. 22 204 214 Den A R G ref 6a'78 .. 81*1 304 314 bes MAFt D 40-35 cfo. 9 6*1 9 Det Edison 3 48 66... 106 1044 106 Detroit Ed 4S '66 F_109 1084 109 Det Edison 6s'62_ 1074 1074 1074 DulSSA At 5a'37_ *9 68*1 69 Duques l.t 44a '57 B.. 106 1064 106 Elgin J A E 5s '41 ..112 114 112 El Paso NatG<4s'Sl. 1084 1084 1034 Erie ev 4s'63 A_ 924 924 924 Erie cv 43 ’63 B_ 924 924 »24 Erie cons 4s 96_ 102 102 102 Erie gen 4a'96_ 894 884 894 Erie ref 6a’(7_ *64 86 86 Erie ref 6a‘75_ 864 854 86 Falrbka Moras 4a '6#.. 1034 1*34 1034 FlaECRy 6a-74 _ 174 174 174 FlaECRy 6s'74 ctfa. 174 17 174 Francisco Sug 6s '66.. 814 814 814 Gen Am lnv 6s'62_1014 1014 1014 Gen Cable 64* 47_ 1064 1064 1064 Gan Mot Acc 3a 46 ... 1084 tog 103 Gen Mot Aaa 3 4a ’61.. 1024 1024 1024 Gen Stl Cast 64s ’49_ 94 4 94 944 Goodrich 4 4s'66_101 101 101 Goodrich 6s 46.-. 106 1064 1064 Goodyear TAR 6s ’67 1044 1044 1044 Goth Silk H 6s‘46 ww 1044 1044 1044 Grand Rap I 44*'41.. 1094 1094 1094 Great N Ry 4s 46 G_ 124 1234 i28*4 Great N Ry 4s 46 H .. 1094 1094 1094 Grt N Ry ref 44* ’61 A 1134 1134 118V Grt N R gen 4 4s’7« D 1074 1074 1074 Grt N R gen 4 4s’77 E. 1064 1064 1054 Grt N R gen 6a ‘73C— 1144 1144 1144 Grt NR 64a'62 B_ 1184 1184 1184 Green Bay 6s'62 B.... 184 184 134 Gtilf 64 A N 5s '50_ 1024 1024 1024 Gulf 61 A N 64a '60... 1064 1064 1064 Gulf Sta Stl 64a 42 . 994 99 99 Gulf States Util 4s '66 1084 1084 1084 Har KjPC lat 4a '64_. 964 MS X 964 Hoe »R> lstmtf '44_ 974 974 974 Hous BAT 1st 5s '37... 1014 1014 1014 Houston Oil 64s '40._ 108 1024 1024 Hudson Coal 6» '62_ 62 614 614 Hud A Man Inc 6s ‘67.. 844 334 844 Hud A Man ref 6s'67.. 834 824 834 111 Bell Tel 34a‘70_1064 1364 1064 111 Cent 3 4s'62 _ 874 874 874 111 Cent col tr 4s'£2_ 91 91 91 111 Cent col tr 4s'53_ 374 874 874 111 Cent ref 4s'66_ 924 92 924 111 Cent 4*s 66_ 79 784 784 111 Cent ref 6s '56_1024 102 1024 111 Cent St Lie'61_ 92 92 92 111 Cent W L 1st 4s '61 1004 1004 1004 ICCAStLN 044s'6*.. 86 84 84 ICCAStL NO IB 63... 904 90 904 111 8tee! deb 44s'40 1074 1074 1074 Ind A Loulsv 4s '66_ 404 404 404 Inland 8tl 14s 61_ 1034 102H 1034 Int R T 1st rf 6S 66... 96 954 964 Int R T is *2*__ ' 60 49 60 Interlake 6e ’61 _ 102 102 102 int Agr cl 6s 41 stp... 101 1004 1004 Int Grt Nr 6s 66 B_ 84 83 84 Int Grt Nr 6a ’66 C_ *84 834 384 Int Grt Nr is’53 A ... 874 364 37 Int Grt Nr adl 8s'62 a. f 144 1*4 U4 Int Hydro Eleo Is‘44.. 86 864 854 Int Mer Marins 6s ’41. 61 804 81 Int Pap 1st 6s 47A_1014 1014 1014 Int Pap ref 6s ’66 _ 100 984 994 Int Ry of C A 6s 41... 1024 1024 1024 Int By of C A 64S’47. 984 984 984 Int TAT 09 44a'19 894 884 884 Int TAT 44* '59_ 744 744 744 Int TAT 5a 56 . 804 794 794 lows Cant lstArf4s’61. 4 84 84 James F A C 4S ’89 - 99 99 9$ JonesAL Stl 4 4 s'61 A. 1084 1084 1034 Hirh. Low. 2:58. Kans C F SAM 4s '36 lib bb 66 Kan CFSAM rf4a'36ct. 62 62 62 KanaC So lat 3a 80 9054 90'4 9054 Kans City Bo ref Cs ‘60 98 9754 98 Kan C Term 1st 4a ‘60. 10654 >0654 10654 KansG&ElHa'IO_102H 10214 10214 Kings Co El 4a ‘49_ 106*4 10654 10654 Kres*e Found 4s’45_ 10854 10*!4 10854 Lacleda G 554* ‘63 C_ <854 <8 6854 Laclede G 5 54a '60 D_ 6754 6754 6154 Laclede Gas 6s‘42 A_. 66 66 66 Lake SAM So 3 54s‘97. 10854 10354 10854 Lautaro Nitr 6s ‘64 . 3854 *854 *8*4 Lautaro Nit 6a ‘64 cfa. 8754 8754 8754 Leh Val Coal 6s 64_ 6754 6754 8754 LV Ny 4Hs‘40gtd_ 10854 10254 10254 Leh Val Har 6s‘64-„. 10654 loe 106 Lah V P con 4a 1003 ... 6954 *954 *954 Leh V Peon 4Ha 2001. 76 7454 7* l,eh V Rlt con 6a 2003. 84 84 84 Leh Val Term Ks‘41_ 10854 IO814 10154 Llgg A Myera 7a ‘44_111 III 181 Loew s 154s 46_ 100 160 100 Lorlllard 7a 44_ 13054 **054 1*054 Lorlllard 7a'44 reg_ 12954 12954 12954 La A Ark 6a >69 _ 98 54 9854 9854 L A Nash 3 54 a 200*_ 9554 9454 »* LAN unlf 4s '40_ 107 107 107 L ft N 454s 2003 C_ 10654 10654 10654 L A N 6s 200* B _ 10254 108 10854 Mcurory storeB Ss ’51. 106 106 106 McKessARob 6 4a'5(l.. 1033* 1083* 10634 Me C RR clt 4b '45 A_ 104 104 104 Me C RR gn 4 4a'6UA_. 844 844 84)4 M»nhat Ry 4s’90 _ 68 62 62)4 Manhat Ry 48 ‘90 ctfa. 49)4 49 49 Marion St Shov 6a’47. 99), 99)4 #834 Market St Ry 7» '40 A. 102)4 102)4 102)4 Mead Co 6s Mo _108)4 109)4 109)4 Mil El RAL Ea *61- 1034 1084 108)4 Mil E R A S L rf Ea'71. 104 104 104 Mil Spa A N W 4s '47 . 4434 4 4 44)4 Minn A S L rf 4s‘49 __ 6*4 6)4 6)4 Minn ASt L 5s’34 ctfi. 14*» 14!« 1434 MStPASSM cn 4s'38_ 34*, 34 84 MStPASSM cn 5a '88 _ 26), 27*1 28 MStPASSM Es '38 std. 87 86)4 37 MStPASSM 534s '78 .. 93)4 93)4 98)4 MStPASSM rf 6s'46A. 26)4 26 26 Mo K A T 1st 4s'90_ 93 92 92 Mo K A T 4s '62 B_ 76 75 76 MoKAT4*4s>78_ 79 78 79 Mo K A T 6s '62 A__ 88 87)* 88 MoK A T adj 6s’67_ 79)4 78 7S)4 Mo Pac 49‘76 _ 22)* 21)4 22)4 Mo Pac 5s'65 A _ 47 47 47 Mo Pac Es’65A ctfi- 44)4 44)4 44)4 Mo Pac 5s '77 F _ 47 46)4 46)4 Mo Pac 6s'77 F ctfa... 4434 44*4 44'j Mo Pac 5a'78 G- 47), 46',* 471* Mo Pac 5s '80 H __ 47 46)4 47 Mo Pac 5s-SO H ctfs_ 45 45 4a Mo Pac 5s '811 _ 47 46>4 47 Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctfs_ 41*. 441, 44*4 Mo Pac 5**8 '49 A ... 18 17 )8 Mob A Ohio 4*4 s‘77_ 39)4 *8)4 3914 Mob A Ohio Ss'38 .. 39)4 3HQ *6), Mob A Oh M dlv 5s'47. 64 64 64 Mohawk & M 4s’91 ... 9414 94)4 944 Monong Pub S 6s'65 .. 108), 1084 108)4 , Mononp Ry 1st 4s '60 107)4 107), 107H Montana Cent 3?* s '66 96** 96)4 96*4 MorA Essex 3 34 s 2000 93)4 924 92)4 MorrisA Essex 4*4s'56 964 95[J #5 Morri»AEssex Es 'B5 .. 10l»* 101*4 101*4 Mutual Tel 6s’41. _110), 110*, 110)4 I NashvCASt L4a'7S . 97)* 97*4 97*4 1 Natl Dairy 3**«s'51ww. 105*, l.iS), lost, I Natl DIs PC 4<;a‘4E .. 10514 105'. 106)4 Nat R M 4)48 '26 asst . »>, 6'* 6*4 Natl RM lst4s'51 asst 4*4 4*4 4», Nat Ry Max 4Ha'57aa 4», 4'* 44 Natl Steel 4a 65 .. 105)4 1044 105)4 Naugatuck 1st 4a '54._ *94 694 *9*4 New ETAT 4Ha’61 .. 119 119 119 New Jer PAL 44s 60. 106 105*, 105*4 New OrIGNR 69'83 A. 964 96*. 96*, j New Orl A N 4 V,a '52.. 844 844 84*4 New Orl P S 5s 52 A_1004 1P04 1004 | New Orl P S 6a'65 B.. 100), 1004 100)4 j New Orl Ter 1st 4a '63 97), 97)4 47)4 , NewOrlTAJl 4*,4s’66. 534 3*4 63'* j New Orl TAM 6s '61 B 68 66*4 66 ! NY Central 33*a'48._. 103)4 103), 103)4 | NY Cent 4a 42 - 10734 107)4 107)4 j NY Cent con 4s'98_101)4 Wl 101 I NY Cent rf 4 348 2018.. 44*4 94 94 1 NY C rf 4 34 a 2013 n._ 94), 94 94 I NY Cent rf os 2013_101 100*4 100*4 NY Cent cv 6s 44 .. 118)4 112** 118)4 NYC Mich C 3 3)8'98._ 94*4 94*4 44), NYCASt L 1 at 4s '37_ 102 102 102 ; N Y Chi A St L 4s’48_ 103 108 103 j NYCASt L 434a '78 ... 94)4 944 94)4 . NYCASt L 6 34a'74 A.. 101), 108'* 108), j NY Chi A 8t L 6s '38.. 100 100 100 NY Dock 5s '38 . _ 68 87 68 NY Edison 3 <4 a '65 D. 102)4 102)4 102)4 NY Edls ref 3)*a'66.. 102*4 102 102)2 NY G El HAP 4a '49_*. 114 114 114 NY G El HAP 5a '48_ 123 123 123 NY A Green I, 5s '46 ... 100)4 100)4 100)4 NY LA W 1st 48'73 103', 103'* 10*14 NY I,E 3VD Imp 5s 43 IO64 106)4 10«u NY NH A H 3 3,9 47_ 46 46 46 NY NH A H 3 3,8 '64— 444 43*4 444 NY NH A H 3 *49'56... 45 43)4 45 NY NH AH 4s '55- 474 ««H 46** N Y NH A H 48 '56- 47 464 46*, NY NH AH 4s'57 874 864 37 NYNHAH44»'67._ 65 63 56 NY NH A H cl tr 6s'40 71 71 71 NY NH A H CV 6a 48 .. 684 68 68 NY NH A H 6s '48 rg 5*4 6*4 68)2 NY NH A H C R 48 '56 40 40 40 NY NH A H Cona Rya ’8 - . 401* 40 40U NY N'H A H Cons Rys 4f '55 J A J - 41 401* 40W NY O&W gen 4s'65... *74 to to NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 42 J91* 40 Cr J ?ys S* 65 A stP— 1064* 106** 1061* NY Steam 6s'56 _ 107 107 107 NYS&WK«n58.4o- M u #g vv to'j^oV,**’39- 108 1074* 1071* NYWAB44s'46 _ 22 21U 211* NiagFansPSUs'S*.. 104H 104 1044 Norf So 1st ref 5s'61.. *04 *0 go Norf S 1st rfos'61 cfa. 284 28 28U Norf & W 1st 4s'96 .. 1184* 1181* 1184* North Am Co 5s 61 . 1064* 105 105 North Am Ed 5s '57 A. 1044* 104 104 North Am Ed 6s'69 C. 106** 1064 1064 North Am Ed S4s*63_ 104u, 1044 1044 Nor n Pac 4s '97 __ 107** 107** 107** Nor’n Pao 44s 2047 . log** log** log** Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047. 78 774 78 North Pac 6s 2047 C... 108 108 108 North Pac *s 2047 . Ill** 1114* mi* North Sts Pw 44s ”61. 1064 1054 1054 North S P 1st 6s'41 A. I02»* 1024 1*24 North Sts Pwr 6s’84 . 1074 1074 107*,* North Sts Pw 6s '41 B. 1024 1024 1024 Ogden LC 4a'48 _ 29 284 29 Ohio Edison 4a '66_ 1044 104 1044 Ohio Pub Svc 7s'47 . 11I4 11I4 1H4* Ohio Pub Svc 74a '46. 1124* 112!* 1124 Oreg RR & N 4s '46 ._ 118 118 118 Oreg Sh L 5s'46 gtd_118 118 118 Oreg W RR 4s ’61-10«4 1064* 1061* Pac G & E 3%a’81_ 104 1021*1084 R»cGAE4s 64 . 107 106** 107 Pan Am PC 6s’40 ctfs. 664 644 664 Paramount Pie 6a’65. 1034 1024 10s Parmelee 8s ’44_ 76 764 76 Penn Co 4s '88 - 1034 1084 1084 Penn Dixie C 6s’41_1004 1004 1004* Penn PAL 44s'81_ 1064 1064* 106V* Penn RR 84s’70 C_loo 99* * 994 Penn RR 4 4s’81 D... 1064 1064 1064 Penn R R 4**s ‘84 — 106*4 1064 106»* Penn RRgn 4 4a’65._ 1104 1104 1104 Penn RR deb 44»’70. 103 102»* 108 Penn HR gen 6s'68 . 11*4 11*4 *1*4 People GL&C rf 6a’47. 114 llgj* 1114 Peoria A E 1st 4a'40.. 964 961* 964 Paorla A E Inc 4s '90 22 204 214 Peoria Pekin U54s’74 1194 1194 1194 Pere Marq 1st 4s’56_ 99 984 99 PereMarq 44s >80_1004 1004 loot* Per# Mara 1st 6s ’66_ 106 1054 1064 Phila BAW 44s >81... 114 114 *1* Phila BAWcn 5g’7«__ 125 125 125 Phila Co 6s 67 _1064 1064 tosw Phila Elec Co 4s ’71 ._ 102»* 1024 1024 Phila Elec Co 4 4a>67.. 105*3 1054 1064 Phila A RCA1 58*72... 444 44 44 Phila & R CAI 6s’49_244 28 29 Phlltnolne Ry 4s '37 ... 244 2414 2414 PCC&St L 44s '42 B._ 112 U2 n* PCCASt L 44* >77 C.i. IO84 1064 10«4 PCCASt L 5s *70 A- 1174 1174 117'* PCCASt L 5a >75 B_ 1174 1174 1174 Port Gen El 44s 60 .. 714 71 71U Porto Rico A T 6a ’42.. 884 86 86 Postal Tel A c Se >58 . 414 404 404 Pressed St) Car 6s '51. 88 97U *74 Prov Sec deb 4a’57 ... 28 264 28 Pure Oil 4 Us 60 xw__ I04*f 1044 1044 Pure Oil 4 Us'50 ww.. 1214 1204 1214 R-K-0 6B 41.... 12*H 120 1*0" Readlng R 4Ha '97 A.. 106H 10»H io«H Ram-Rand 4Ha’66ww. mH U4H U4H Republic Stl <Ha *0.. 166 1631* I66H Republic Stl 4Ha‘66.. MH MH MH Republic Stl 4Ha 61.. MH MH MH Republic Stl 6Ha'64.. 11*H lit 11* Richfield Oil 6a 44 ... 63H 68H 66H Richfield O 6a’44 etfa.. «3H <*H F6IH R O W lat ax in 4a '38. H 78H >0 Rio G W col 4a 48 A_60H MH MH R 1 A*L let « He'34_16H 24H 25H Rutland Can 4a'48_ 29 29 29 Rutland RR 4Ha'41._ 62H 31H 82 Saguenay Pw4H8*66~ 104 10IH 104 St LIMAS RAO 48'**. 8*H 88H 68H St L R M A P 6s ’65— 86 gu< 66 St L-S Fran 4a’60A... 66H 36 35H St L-S F 4a '60 A etfa. S2H 62 Mi St L-S Fran 4Ha’7*._ 81H S1H aiH St L-S-F 4Ha’76 ef ac_. M MH SSK B. & 0. Net at $4,538,975, Against $3,180,903 Loss in Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 18—Rail roads reporting earnings for 1938 In cluded : Baltimore Sc Ohio—Net income, $4,538,975; equal to 85 cents a share on the common stock, compared with net loss of $3,180,903 In 1935. Atlantic Coast Line—Net income, $1,915,155; equal to $2.31 a share on the common, compared with net loss Of $2,259,455 In 1935. Pittsburgh Sc West Virginia—Net income, $376,955; equal to $1.25 a share on the capital stock, against $95,496. or 31 cents a share, in the preceding year. Chicago Great Western—Net in come, $371,645; equal to 81 cents a share on the cumulative $4 preferred stock, on which there are accumula tions, against net loss of $518,252 in 1935. Gulf, Mobile St Northern—tPrellm lnary) net Income, $706,553; equal to $4.64 a share on the 6 per cent cumu lative preferred stock, on which there are accumulations, compared wtth $404,710, or $2.66 a share on the pre- ; fered, n 1935. CLEVELAND. February 18 (/Pi — ■ The Nickel Plate Railroad announced that net Income for January, 1937, after all charges, was $204,478.38. an Increase of $75,383.94 over the corre sponding month last year. CLEVELAND, February 18 (/Pi.— The Pere Marquette Railway Co. an nounced today loas of $149,925 during January, 1937. The surplus, after all fixed charge* for the comparable month in 1936, was $178,552. Gross revenue was $2,254,245, a decrease of $293,747 from January, 1936. and net railway operating income was $40, 692, as compared with $351,299. Washington Produce I ... BUTTER— 92 score, 1-pound prints. 38: '4-pnund print*,' 39; tubs 37: 90 score 1-pound prints 37: U-Pound print*. 38; tub. 30. Market strong MEATS- -Choice beef. 10: calves. 18: veal. 19: lamb 17; pork loin. 73: fresh ham. 23: smoked hams. 30 sliced bacon 33. slab bacon. 28; compound. 14: lard, l.V J8ld. LIVE STOCK -Pigs. light hog*. P*4a!*3« medium. 934a1o heavy hogs, o'aao'a; roimhs 0a8: calves 5a 10. lambs, 5a l n Prices paid shippers net f n b Washing ton By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market steady. prices un-1 changed Current receipts. 21a2l*» hen nery unites. 7112a27. Government graded and dated white eggs inct prices paid shippers fob Washington!: T? R extras, large. 7.1,j: U. 8 extras, medium*. 2I; U S standards. large. 23. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady price* unchanged Fowl: Colored, heavy. I 5al 8: Leghorns. Ilal3. Chickens Rocks and Crosses, fryer*. 20a21; broilers and roast ers at a ’2 to l cert premium Guinea*, young. 2 pounds and up 49 each, under 2 pounds. 75a3o each old guinea*. 20a25 each Turkey*: Young hens. 19a20; young toms, under 19 pounds, 19a IT 7<» pounds and over. 15: No. 2s. 12. old hens. 14. old toms. 14. .. ,—0 350 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK. February 18 i/P).—'The Bt. Joseph Lead Co. reports that 350 tons of pig lead from Southeast Mis souri mines were sold yesterday at $5.85 per hundred pounds St. Louli. I Hi8h. Low. 2:55 St T.I-S Fran 5* '50 B . 36 86 35 St 1.-8 F 6s 50 Bctft. 32 *2 32 St LS W Kn rf 6»'95 . 6m 51 §1 St I. S W 1st ter 6s'62- *26* 60*i 626* ?t P KCS L4'*l 41 26H 2*H 265* St P MftMEOT4H*’47. 35 *6 15 San A * A Pass 4s '43. 10214 10264 10214 Seabd A L. 4s '50 atp .. 32** 82*4 8264 Seabd A L ref 4s '59 18’* 18 18** Seabd A Erf 4s'59efs 18 17'4 18 Seabd A L. adj 5s'49— 12 111* 12 Seabd A L 6s'45 A ... 22 21*4 2114 Seabd A I. «■ 45 Ctfs.. 21 206* 21 Seabd A-Fl lt’35 A ct 18 12*. 1214 Seabd A-Fla 6s'35 B ct 126* 1264 1*H SharonStlcy 45§i’51. 113 118 lit Shell Un deb 3*48’61- 98*4 s*H #8*4 Silesian Am 7a '41- 74 72*4 72*4 Skelly OH 4a ‘51 — 10014 10014 10014 Socony Vac 3*4 s'50 - 105 104*4 106 South Bell TAT 5s '41. 106*4 106*4 108*4 Southn Pal Gas 4s '65. 104*4 104*4 104H So Colo Pwr 6s'47 A._ 106 106 1 06 South Nat G 4*4s'51_ 100*4 100 100 So Pac 2*48 46 _161 100*4 101 So Pac col 4s'49_ 9764 976* 97*4 So Pac ref 4s'65_1061* 104*1 106** So Pac 4*4s '68_ 96 96*4 »e So Pac 4*4* '59_ 9664 946* 96 So Pae 46*8 ’ll_ 956* 94*4 9664 So Pao Oreg 4*4s'77_ 9964 99*4 99*4 So By gen 48’56 A_ 85 84V4 8454 So Ry 6a '94 _ 11064 109*4 110 So Ry gen 68'66_ 104 10854 104 SoRr**4s’56 _ 1086* 108 108 SoRyMACMl'Jg_ 95*4 95*4 9664 So Ry 8t I, dlv 4t'81._ 100*4 100*4 100*4 S W Bell Tel I6*> '64.. 10654 10664 10664 Soutnw’n G*E 48'10.. 103*4 102*4 108 Spokane Int 6s '55_ 86 88 86 Staley A E 4s'46_ 106 106 106 Stand Oil N J 3s'll... 98*4 98*4 9854 Studebaker cv 6s'41.. 468 166 168 Tenn El Pw «a'47 A—. 994 99 994 Term AsSt L.4a’63 . 1084 1084 1084 Term As St L 44s *39. 1074 1074 1074 Term Asso con 5s '44.. 1164 1154 1164 Texarkana 64s’50 __ 1084 1084 1084 i'exas Corn 3 4s ’61 . 1024 1024 1024 Tex A Psc 1st 5s 2000- 1214 121 121 Texas A Pac Bs’77 B_. 10614 106 106 Texas A Pac 6s'79 C— 1054 1054 1054 Third Ay ref 4s ’60_ 72M 724 714 Third At 1st 5s ’37 1014 1014 1014 Third A ad In ex 50*66 424 414 414 Tol St L, A W 4s ’50 1024 1024 1024 Truax TC64s’4* .. 101 1024 1024 Un El Chicago 6s ’46 — 23 23 as Un OH Calif 6s *42 A— 119 119 119 Union Pac *4s’70_ 974 97 97 Un Psc 84* ’71 - 974 97 4 974 Un Pao 1st 4s'47- 1184 U*4 1184 Un Pac 4s'47 rex-1114 1114 1114 Un Pac 1st rf Es 2008.. 1124 1124 1124 United Biscuit 5s '60.. 1074 107 107 United Drux 6s'68 .. 1024 1024 1024 United NJ RR 4s ’44 ... 114 114 114 U S PineAFy 84s'46. 1504 153 1604 U 8 Rubber 6s'47 . 1074 1074 1074 Utah L ft T 5s ’44 (A). 1044 104 104 Utah P A L Es ’44_ 1054 105 1054 Util P AL 6s'69 ww_ 62 604 614 Util PAL 54*’47_ 68 624 «8 Vanadium ct 5s'41_1014 1014 1014 Ver Sue 1st 7s*42 cttm 384 88 4 834 V CeAPlst 4V4s '84 ast *4 44 44 Va E&Plstref 4S’66. 107 1064 10*4 Va Ry 1st 3 Vs *66 A — 104 1034 104 Va S W con Ea '66_1014 1014 1014 Wabash 44s’78_ 40 40 40 Wabash 2d 5s ’89_ 974 »7 97 Wabash 6s'76 B__ 414 404 404 Wabash Es 80 D-- 414 41 41 Wabash 6a *0 Dctfa.. *74 *7 *74 Wabash 64s‘75_ 42 414 414 Walworth 4s *6* .. .. 88 *74 88 Warnsr Broscv (s'*!. 984 984 9*4 Warner-Quin «s '89_f&3 624 524 Warren Br ct 6s ’41__ 704 704 704 W Pa P 1st 6s '63 E __ 1194 1194 1194 W fih 1st 4s 20(1 gt«._ 984 974 984 West'n Md 1st 4s *62— 1034 108 1034 West’n Md 6Ha’77_ 1064 1064 1064 West’n Pao 6s'46 A 394 *9 894 West’n Pac 6a 46 A aa 89 89 g» West’n Un 4H* 60 .. 107 1064 107 Weatn Unci tr6s’(l.. 1034 1084 1034 West’n Un 6a'61_IO64 1064 1084 Weat n Un la ’60_ 107 107 107 Wheel Steel 4Ha’66 _ 1024 1024 1034 W Sp Stl 1st 7s '36 ct. 894 *94 894 W Sp Stl con 7a '36 Ct- 894 694 *94 Wilson A Co *a ’66. .. 1024 1024 10*4 WlsCent lat *n 4i’4». 31 81 II Wia C 1st gn 4a’4* et.. 29 *9 19 Wla C 8AD Trm4s’l*.. 21 314 *4 rnxstnSATIHall— 134 132 1134 T*nrsta SAT 4a Cl-10*4 10* 10*4 b Steel Ingot Rate At Midweek Hits Peak Since 1929 BT tt.e Associated Press. CLEVELAND. Ohio. February 18.— Dally Metal Trade today says: With new business developing in such volume as to make it difficult for producers to cut down backlogs ac cumulated over recent months, steel making operations continue to rise. At midweek the national Ingot rate Is estimated at 82 per cent of capacity, an increase of one point over a week ago, and a new peak since 1929. A further rise Is expected. Resumption of active operations at General Motors plants has brought a general lifting of shipment suspensions and a resulting tighter pinch in de liveries. Most of the material now moving appears to he going Into im mediate consumption. BTII. S. LEATHER — Payment of $1.75 a Share Will Be Made on Prior Accumulations. BT the Associated Press. NEW YORK. February 18—The United State* Leather Co. has de clared a dividend of *1 75 a share on its prior preference stock on account of accumulations. It is payable April 1 to holders of record March 10. The company reported for quarter ended January 31 net profit of $256,873, equal after preferred dividend require ments to 57 cents a share on con vertible class "A” stock, against $281. 048 in like quarter last year, or 62 cents a share on the "A" stock. Utah Power & Light. Utah Power <5: Light Co. ordered dividends of 871 ^ cents a share on the $7 preferred and 75 cents on the $6 preferred, both payable April 1 to holders of record March 1. In De cember the company paid 5812 rents on the $7 preferred and 50 cents on the $6 preferred. Ex-Cell-O Aircraft. Ex-Cello-O Aircraft ii Tool Coip., Detroit, announced a dividend of 20 cents a share on the common stock, payable March 15 to holders of record March 1. The company paid a 45 rent special dividend in addition to 15 cents in December. Engineers Public Service. Payments of more than $1,700,000 were ordered today by director* oi Engineers Public Service Co. utility holding concern, in back dividends on its cumulative preferred stock*. On the $5 convertible preferred a pay ment of $3.75 was made, on the $5.50 cumulative preferred the payment wa* $4 12'2 and on the $6 cumulative pre ferred payment of $4 was made. After payment of these dividends arrearages will amount to one full year's require ment on earji series. All the dividends are payable April 1 to holders of record March 10. Link-Belt Co. Link-Belt Co., manufacturer of con veying and transmission machinery, reported consolidated net profit for 1936 of $2,221,377, equal to *2.97 a share of common stock, against *1, 092.360, or *1.28 a share, in 1935. Royal Typewriter Co. Royal Typewriter Co , with a fac tory at Hartford, resumed dividends on common stock with announcement of an "interim” payment of 75 cents, payable March 15 to stock of record March 5. It marked the first dis bursement on common since July, 1931, when a semi-annual of *1 was made. Oneida Bonus Voted. ONEIDA. N. Y., February 18 t/Pi.— Distribution of a *187.000 bonus to employes of Oneida. Ltd., manufac turers of silverware and other articles, was announced. The bonus is more than double the amount paid last year. —-m - ■ ■ - HOTEL FOOD COSTS GAIN IN JANUARY Month’s Average 3.36 Per Cent Above December—.20 Per Cent Above January. 1936. 8r*ci»l Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK. February 18—Janu ary average hotel food purchase prices rose 3.36 per cent above prices in December, according to the latest Ginstead hotel food price index com piled monthly by R. M. Ginstead & Co., Inc., hotel analysts and account ants. Beef and lamb prices showed de cided increases during the month. Meat as a whole reached its highest cost level since January, 1936. Poul try continued its dowmward trend, started last May. Fish and sea food prices were somewhat higher than in December. Fresh vegetables and green salads continued their upward trend. Fruit increased slightly and dairy products decreased considerably because of an abundant supply of eggs at much lower prices. January. 1937, prices were .20 per cent higher than prices paid in Janu ary, 1936. The increases shown on vegetables, salads, dairy products and groceries more than offset the reduc tions In meat, poultry, fish and fruits. E. F. C. EXTENSION ASKED. The Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault 8te. Marie Railway Co. asked Inter State Commerce Commission permis sion today to defer repaying the bal ance of a Reconstruction Finance Corp. loan due February 27. The raUway said it would like to extend the time to July 1, 1938. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. February 18 OF.—Price fluc tuations'were mixed in the late dealings in the Stock Exchange. Long-term gilt-edged securities continued in large supply at lower prices, and the Investment group also declined. Buying orders were in evi dence in the mining and industrial group*. Trans-Atlantic stocks broght higher Drice*. while oils were featureless. PARIS.—The closing tone of the Bourse was firm, with banking shares in better demand. Rentes finished HO centimes higher to 5 lower and Royal Dutch loat ]S francs on the day. Bank of France atock closed with a net gain of 80 francs. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. February 18 (IP).—Revenue frelaht carloadines on railroads reporting for week ended February 13 included Week Previous Last Feb. 13. week. year. Burlington ... 24.379 25.354 22.895 NT Y. central .. 81.704 85.080 78,303 Pgh. A Lake Erie 16.095 16.317 11.707 Prices of bare and magnet wire were advanced 1 cent a pound and weatherproof wire \ cents a pound by several leading copper companies. BIG YEAH FACED AT AUTO PLANTS All-Time Output Peak Ex pected in Remaining Months of 1937. 8f ihe Associated Press. DETROIT, February 18—Barring some further Interruption, at present unforeseen, the production division of the automobile Industry faces the big gest year's activity in its history dur ing the remainder of 1937, in the opin ion of many authoritative observers. They take into account in this con nection the fact that in 1929 the in dustry produced more than 5,600.000 cars and trucks. General Motors, emerging from a 44-day strike that brought its produc tion down from a 225.000-units-a month average to almost nothing, is expected to reach a 250.000 level in March and hold that average until well into the Summer. While other producers were able dur ing the six weeks of the 6trike to main tain their output schedules, most of the statistical agencies expect much of the revised business resulting from the strike settlement to be reflected in in creased retail activity throughout the industry. A large backlog of orders has ac cumulated for General Motors during the strike shutdowns. Reports to dealer organizations indicated there was relatively little switching on the part of buyers who had placed orders before or during the earlier days of the strike. Rather, say some of the | retailing agencies, there was a ten ; dency to withhold some of the pur i chasing volume that otherwise might ! have been released because of the un l certainty as to how long the strike ’ might continue and what its ultimate I effects might be on other lines of em ployment. If the motor car Industry as a whole assembles 5.000.000 units as ex pected by most producers and dis tributors. General Motors will make at least 2.000.000 of them, with Ford and Chrysler close behind in the vol ume of output. Favoring dealers who felt the short age of cars during the recent shut downs the National Automobile Deal ers' Association asserts, Is the fact that most of them, lacking factory de liveries. were obliged to concentrate on used units and thus are in excel lent shape now to devote most of the sales pressure to new cars. JUMP IS PREDICTED IN TRAILER OUTPUT Special Dispatch u> Th« Star. NEW YORK. February 18 —Produc tion of automobile trailers in the United States this year may very well reach 100,000 units, according to an estimate issued by Minton M Warren in "A Study of the Trailer Industry.” published by Jackson fc Curtis. New York Stock Exchange firm. Furthermore a 50 per cent annual increase in output over the next few years is "not unreasonable to expect,” in the opinion of the study. Trailer production has been at least I doubling every year for four years, ac i cording to Warren, who places the number of trailers manufactured in I the United States in 1930 at 1.000. By | 1936 production had reached 60,000, I with at least 100,000 trailers then In : use. BOAT ORDERS CLIMB. MARYSVILLE. Mich . February 18 (Special).—Gar Wood. Inc., boat man ufacturer*. report unfilled order* as of February 1 of 111 boats, valued at $244,695. According to J. E. Clifford, general sales manager, boat show volume. in unit*, was 154 per cent larger this year than last. In dollar volume the increase wma 193 per cent. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON February 18 <United States Department of Agriculture).—The price situation in the wool market was very irregular and unsettled today Hold ers of most lines of spot domestic wools were willing to make moderate conces sions from the peak of selling prices of about a month ago. but moat mills were not showing any interest in the wools offered to them. The few who had some immediate requirements to cover from domestic wools were able to All the<r ! needs at prices below last week's Quo tations. METAL MARKET. NFW YORK February 1* on.—Copper steedy. electrolytic spot end future. 14 no: export. 14 10 Tin strong, spot end nearby. 52.25: future. 52.10. Lead strons: spot New York. fi.25-30: East 8t Louis H id Zinc strong East St. Louis spot and future. OHO Iron alummurfi. antimony Quicksilver. platinum and wplframre unchanged. FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . . Lowest Rotes . . . 3-Year Con struction Loans . . . 5% 5*4% . BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE TO Loan Correanondent John Hancock Mutual Ufa las Co. 1417 K St. NW NA MOO Don’t Gamble With Your Investments at Any Time!! No matter what the condi tion* may be, you can't afford to take a chance on losing the money you have worked so hard to save! It isn’t necesaary to take risks when you can Save with SAFETY? Of all the Investments pos sible. the safest and soundest is unquestionably First Mort gages on Homes. This association, under the supervision of the United States Treasury, loans your money ONLY on First Mortgages in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. 913 Phon« BELOW YEAR AGO I Five-Day Week Compared With Full Period in February, 1936. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, February 18—Because bank clearings In the United State* during the latest period embraced only five business days tor some sections, the aggregate was narrowed from tho full week’s turnover of 1936 The total for twenty-two leading cities, as reported to Dun & Bradstreef, for the five-day week ended February 17 was $5,578,656,000, or a loss of 1.2 per cent from the $5,647,394,000 In the corresponding full week a year ago. This contrasted with an increase of 29 4 per cent in a similar comparison a week earlier. The five-day volume at New York City of $3,428,949,000 was 6.2 per cent below the $3,654,583,000 in the similar 1936 weekly period, while at outside centers the total of $2,149,707,000 roue 7 9 per cent above the aggregate of a year ago. Many of the individual cities showed sharp Increases. Among these weie Baltimore, Richmond, Atlanta. New Orleans and St. Louis. Small decline* appeared at Detroit, Omaha and Port land. Oreg. At Louisville the loss was greater, amounting to 17.6 per cent, as reclamation work had not advanced sufficiently to permit some concerns to resume full operations. There was a decrease of $42,210,000; from the total of the week preceding. Between the same two weeks of 1936 there was a gain of $1,302,249,000. Figures at leading cities, together with percentage gains and losses, com pared with those of 1936, follow, also, daily average bank clearings for De cember, January and February to date; iIn thousands of dollar* > Five Days Per Cent „ , Feb. It. ln.’ir. change. 8745 M9 15 l Philadelphia 309.noO - I l guflaj0 . -- 37.21 HI - 9 7 Pittsburgh 1311221 8* Cleveland _ _ H3.I*4 —15" Cincinnati HI.Ill" — r, " Baltimore oh is" — 1*i 4 Richmond 36 270 - 25.7 Atlanta 60.5011 —38 7 New Orleans 4i>17tl — 34 (I Chicago ... .. ... 37401111 - 60 Detroit J Oil 874 — 1 0 St. Louis an 810 —20 " Louisville 311 —11 ,i Minneapolis 50.24" 7 2 Kansas City - 33 Omaha 27.777 2.3 Dallas 52 non 7 3 San Francisco 150 200 — 8 it Portland. Oreg 27 030 — 4 2 Sea'tie 35 0114 - 1.5 Total $7.149.707 - 7.9 New York 3,478.949 — «5 Total all ... $5.578 656 -1.7 Average dailv February to date «t 044 047 4-47 0 January 108O027 -12.1 December ] 1 r>H 1 so —74 4 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE, PHILADELPHIA. February 1H Po— Live poultry—Fowls Plymouth Roc!;. l*ncy. 22; turkeys, fancy young tom*. 17. ^^Dressed poult ry_unchaneed_ Property Management EFFICIENT monogement is most satisfactory to both Owner and tenant WE specialize in the man agement ot all types ot in vestment properties and are ■ now Managing Agents tor some ot Washington's most important buildings WE would welcome the op portunity ot diSCUSSing your monogement problems with you Randall H. Hagner & Co., Incorporated Real- Estate 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. OE. 36#0 FIRST TRUST MONEY FOR REFINANCING LOANS AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS THREE-YEAR LOANS AND 15'j-YEArR MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS PAYABLE S8 PER $1,000 5% No Commissions or Extras EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 816 14th St. Met. 3437 WINTHROP. MITCHELL * CO. Certificate et Limited Partnership. We. the undersigned, desiring to form ■ limited partnership pursuant to the laws of the District of Columbia, do hereby state and certify as follows: L The name of the partnership is WIN THROP MITCHELL & CO n. The names and places of residence of the members, general and special, are; General Partners. Name and residence: Henry Rogers Winthrop New York. N Y. Leeds Mitchell. Chicago. Illinois. Theodore K. Cunningham. Evanston. Illi nois Woodward Babcock New York. N. ?. John J Pagan New York. N. Y Harry C Schaack. Chicago Illinois George R. Thornton Oak Park. Illinois Alfred I Preston, jr. New York. N Y. Richard F Babcock. Woodbury. L. I.. New York. Henry P. Godfrey New York N Y Richard P Loasby Montclair New Jersey. Richard B. W Hall New York. N. V. Thomas Miller. Chicago. Illinois Waller C Hardy. Charleiton. We»t Vir* ginia James J Masterson Bergenfleld New Jer sey. Arthur J G Illian. Chicago. Illinois. Austin H Nlolack. Lake Forest. Illinois. George N Buffington. Barrington. T.l.nols. William p S. Earle. Jr. Forest Hills. L. I New York. Everett E. Melllnger Highland Park. Illi nois. Special Partners. Walter Schuttler, Chicago, mmols. Milton W. Holden. Palm Beach, Florida. III. The general nature of the business in tended to be transacted shall be a general brokerage and commission business, dealing in securities and commodities. TV. The partnership is to commence Jan uary 1 1037. and shall terminate at the close of business on December _ 31. 1938. unless sooner terminated. Y. The amounts of cash actually con tributed by the special partner! to the common stock of tbe partnership are: WALTER SCHUTTLER, *300.000 MILTON W. HOLDEN. *300.000 Dated December 31st. 1936. Henry Rogert Win- Henry F. Godfrey. throp Richard P Loasby. Leeds Mitchell. Richard B. W Hall. Theodore E. Cun- Thoa. Miller nlngham. Waller C Hardy. Woodward Babcock. James J. Masterson. John J. Fagan. Arthur J. Illian Harry E Schaack Austin H Niblack. Qeorae R. Thornton George Buffington Alfred I. Preston. Jr. Wm P S Earle, ir. Walter Schuttler Everett E Melllnger. Richard F Babcock Milton W Holden The loregoing certificate duly acknowl edged. has been filed end recoraed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia Washington D C. and an affi davit duly verified by two general partners, etatlng that the specified cash contribu tions of the special partners have In good faith been actually paid Into the partner ship fund, has been filed therewith.