OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, February 18, 1937, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-02-18/ed-1/seq-18/

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Dollar Total for Stock Deal
ings Advances to $1,
588,732 in 1936.
Business transacted on the Wash
ington Stock Exchange during 1936
was far ahead of the total dollar value
of transactions in 1935, according to
a report issued by the Securities and
Exchange Commission covering all
registered securities exchanges in the
The sales value of stocks in dollars
on the Washington Stock Exchange
amounted to $1,588,732 during the year
1936 in comparison with $999,651 for
the 12 months in 1935, the report
states. There was a turnover of 24.749
shares in 1936, against only 17,937 in
the previous year.
The dollar value of bond transac
tions in 1936, however, was not as
large as in 1935. In 1936 total bond
sales were valued at $801,341, com
pared with *1,079,867 in 1935. The
drop in bond sales was more than
offset by the gain in stock turnover,
leaving the total dollar value of both
stocks and bonds at $2,390,073, against
the lower figure of $2,079,518 for 1935.
The dollar value of transactions on
all registered exchanges during 1936
amounted to $27,284,158,816, an in
crease of 42.7 per cent over the total
for 1935. The Baltimore Stock Ex
change reported the dollar value of
both stocks and bonds in 1936 as
$18,648,501, against $11,373,618 in
1935. Richmond also reported a
marked upturn during the year.
Insurance Organization Grows.
Twenty new members were intro
duced by President Laurance H. Rig
gles of the District of Columbia Life
Underwriters’ Association at the Feb
ruary luncheon at the Willard Hotel
yesterday. The organization is enjoy
ing remarkable growth. A report on
the recent sales congress showed that
Baltimore sent the largest delegation
here since these annual meetings were
started. The fact that all expenses
were paid and a balance left on hand
brought forth appaluse.
"National life insurance week’’ will
be held this year during the week of
May 17, it was announced. J. E.
McCombs is chairman for Washington,
Virginia, Maryland and Delaware and
Harold D. Kraflt for this city alone.
More attention is to be paid to in
surance education this year than to
new records in selling efforts, Chair
man McCombs announced.
Winthrop G. Batchelder stressed the
second semester of the Life Insur
ance Institute and James A. De Force,
president C. L. U. Chapter, called at
tention to the tenth anniversary din
ner. set for March 22 at the Shore
ham Hotel. The guest speaker was
Irvin Bendiner, Philadelphia, who dis
cussed "What Lie6 Ahead in Life In
surance,’* his remarks being among
the mcwt entertaining in many moons.
Noted Banquet Guests Listed.
Among the distinguished guests who
will attend the annual banquet of
Washington Chapter, American In
stitute of Banking, Saturday at the
Willard Hotel, will be:
James B. Alley, general counsel,
R. F. C.; Daniel W. Bell, acting di
rector budget: L. E. Birdzell. general
counsel, F. D. I. C.; E. H. Gough,
deputy controller of the currency;
Chester Morrill, secretary, Federal
Reserve Board; Henry A. Milligan,
treasurer, R. F. C.; M. S. Szymczak,
member, Federal Reserve Board; Hugh
Leach, president, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond; Leon H. Johns
ton, vice president. Chase National
Bank; William Prentiss, jr., deputy
controller of the currency, and
•Thomas B. McAdams, president, Union
Trust Co., Baltimore.
The Seating Committee, Robert H.
Lacey, chairman, is now struggling
with the difficult task of seating be
tween 900 and 1,000 members and
their guests.
Agency Wins National Honors.
The District of Columbia office of
the Mutual Benefit Life of New Jersey
led the entire United States in the
percentage of its agents qualifying
for the company convention to be held
In Atlantic City in April, according
to Herbert G. Kenagy, superintendent
of agencies. Convention qualification
Is based on production.
Ten out of the thirteen members of
the agency qualified, as follows: Ray
mond L. Bland. George C. Campbell,
James A. De Force, Joseph W. Gibson,
George T. Howard, Francis F. Miller,
Edwin P. Parker, Frank D. Roach,
Charles M. Schwab and Dwight T.
Convention Dates Announced.
The twenty-sixth annual conven
tion of the Investment Bankers’ As
sociation of America will be held at
the Greenbrier Hotel. White Sulphur
Springs, W. Va.. November 3 to 7.
The location and date, fixed by the
Board of Governors, were announced
today by Edward W. Hall, president
©f the association. A good sized dele
gation from Washington will attend
the sessions.
Sales of American Stores Co. for
January in 25 business days totaled
*9.440,019, against *10,193.697 in 27
business days In January, 1936, a de
crease of 7 per cent. Sales for De
cember, 1936, showed an increase of
8.8 per cent over December, 1935, to
day’s report said.
Ruling on Maryland Banks.
State banks organized under the
general laws of the State of Mary
land are not instrumentalities of the
State within the meaning of the social
security act, the Bureau of Internal
Revenue decided.
If, however, such banks are mem
bers of the Federal Reserve System
they are instrumentalities of the
United States within the meaning of
the act, the bureau stated.
"Free Riding” Ends March 1.
The machinery by which the New
York Stock Exchange will see that
members observe its new ruling
against "free-riding” in stocks through
taking advantage of the three-day
margin rule will become effective on
March 1, the Committee on Business
Conduct of the Exchange has decided.
Reports on the way customers respond
to calls for margin will be compiled
for each calendar week thereafter and
filed with-the exchange.
Financial District Notes.
Q. Bowie Chipman, manager of the
Washington office of Laidlaw A Co.,
reports from Mexico City that he is
having a very enjoyable visit.
The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
reports $2.31 a share earned on com
mon stock in 1936, against a net loss
Of over $2,000,000 in 1935.
The Baltimore & Ohio's earnings of
85 cents per share in 1936 greatly
pleased Washington stockholders. In
1935 the B. A O. had a net loss of
Sale of 23 shares of Riggs National
Bank common stock at 353 compared
with the last previous sale at 341, up
12 points.
By Private Wire Direct to The Star,
2: IS p.m.
Prev. 1937 Stock and Bales— Net
High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge.
80k 63k Acme steel (4)- 2 79 78k 78k
18k 16 Adams Expr (a55c)_ 8 19 18k 19 + k
36 33k Addressograph (1).. 4 33k 82k 32k + k
4H 8k Advance Rumely- 1 8k 8k 8k - k
80k 75 Air Reduction (tl)_ 7 76 75k 76 — k
5k 4 Al'r-Way Elec Appli— IS 4k <k 4k M
15k 14k Alaska Juneau(t60c) 5 14k 14k 14k — k
5k 3k Alleghany Corp_ 502 6k 4k 5k + Vi
59k 43k Alleg pf ww *30_ 11 58k 67 57k - H
69 43k Alleg pf ww *40_ 1 58 58 58 - k
61 41k Alleg Corp pr pf_ 28 52k 48 60k +3k
41k 36k Alleg Steel (al.65)__. 2 38k »8k 38k + H
242 225 Allied Chemical (6)_. 8 235 233k 233k -lk
33k 28k Allied Mills (b50c)_ 8 28k 28k 28k - k
19k 16k Allied Stores (b20c)_ 17 19k 19 19 + k
84*,« 81 Allied Stores pf (5).. 4 82k 82k 82k - k
83k 75k Allis-Chalmers tlk- 11 74k 72k 72k -2
39k 30k Alpha Port Cem’t (1) 4 38k 87k 38k + k
8k 4k Amal Leather_ 1 6k 6k 6k
U4 ioi Amerada Corp (2)— 5 110 lost no + %
101% 83 Am Agr Ch (Del) (a4 ) 1 92 92 92 - %
75% 66 Am Bank Note pf (3). 60s 70 69% 69% -2%
79 69 Am Brake Shoe (12) _ 7 80% 80 80% +1%
155% 139 Am Brake Sh pf(5%) 60* 160 160 160 +4%
121 105% Am Can (t4)_ 18 109% 108% 109 + %
174 166 Am Can pf (7)_ 1 165 165 166 -1
71 56 Am Car & Foundry__ 6 66% 66% 66% — %
104% 93% Am Car & Fdry pf_ 1 100 100 100
87% 72 Am Chain&Cable(a4) 6 86 86 86
105% 100 Am Chicle ( + 4)_ 1 103% 103% 103% +1%
23 13% Am Colortype.. 2 21% 21% 21% - %
29% 26% Am Cornel A1 <A50c) _ 4 28% 27% 27% + %
33% 29% Am Crystal Sug (boOt 4 30% 30 80% — %
99 96% AmCrysS 1st pf (6). 10s 98% 98% 98%-%
13% 8% Am Encaustic _ 8 12 11% 11% — %
13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr... 75 13% 12% 12%
58% 49 Am & For Pwr |6 pf.. 2 54% 64% 54%
68% 58% Am & For Pwr *7 pf- 3 65% 65 65 - %
38% 20% Am & For Pwr 2d pf.. 24 35% 35 35
21 18 Am Hawaiian(l)_ 2 20% 20% 20%
9% 6% Am Hide & Leather.. 2 7% 7% 7%
47% 81% Am Hide & L pf (3)_ 1 42% 42% 42%
52 47 Am Home Pr lt2.40). 2 50% 60 60%
4% 2% Am Ice_ 40 4% 4 4
27 17% Am Ice pf (2)_ 4 26% 25% 26%-%
16% 13% Am Internatl (a40c). 4 16% 16 16
58% 43 Am Locomotive _ 12 56% 55% 65% — %
125 114 Am Locomo pf (a3>_. 4 121 120% 121 + %
25% 22% Am Mach&Fdry (tl). 2 23% 23% 23%-%
13% 11% Am Mach&Met (60c). 8 12% 12% 12%-%
65% 60% Am Metal _ 61 66% 64% 64% + %
129% 125 Am Metals pf (6)_...i 1 125 125 125 +2%
16% 11% Am Power* Light_ 41 14% 13% 13%- %
72% 64% AmPwr&Ltpf (5).. 2 65% 65% 65%-%
87% 78% AmPwr&Ltpf (6).. 1 79 79 79
29% 24% Am Radiator (t60c)_. 81 28% 27% 28 +%
88% 83% Am Roll Mill (tl.20)_ 68 37 36% 36% + %
36 32 Am Safty Razor <t2). 1 34 34 34 - %
28 23% Am Seating (all % )_ 8 27% 27% 27% + %
45 41 Am Shipbuilding (2). 60s 42% 41% 42% +1%
98% 89 Am Smelt & Ref (3).. 33 89% 88% 89 -3
107 105 Am Sm& Ref pf (6)- 4 106% 106% 106%
67% 63 Am Snuff (t3)_ 1 65 65 65 + %
148 143% Am Snuff pf (6)_ 40* 146 146 146 +1
73% 59% Amer Steel F (b50c). 7 67 65% 65% -1
115 111% Am Steel Fdvpf (7).. 70s 112% 112% 112%
56% 62 Am Sugar (2)_ 6 52% 51% 51%-%
25% 23% Am Sumatra Tob(tl) 1 24 24 24
187 179% Am Tel & Teleg (9)_. 26 178% 176% 176% -2%
99 93% Am Tobacco (5)_ 1 94% 94% 94%
99% 95% Am Tobacco B (5)... 8 96 95% 96
20% 16% Am Type Founders_ 14 19% 18% 18*4 — %
29% 25% Am Water Wks <80c)x 11 26 25% 25%+ %
107 102 Am Wat Wks 1st (6). 1 104 104 104 - %
14% 9% AmWoolcn_ 7 13% 12% 12%
79 64 Am Woolen pf (bl).. 8 76% 76% 76% + %
1% 1% Am Writ Paper (d>._ 2 1% 1%' 1% - %
9% 6% Am Writ Pap pf (d)_. 3 7% 7% 7% + %
15% 6% Am Zinc* Lead — 159 16% 15% 15% + %
63% 44% Am Zinc & L pr pf ... 4 65 64 64 +1
58% 52% Anaconda Copper(tl) 180 59 67% 58% -t-1%
24% 18 Anchor Cap (60c)_ 2 22% 22% 22%+%
37% 30% Andes Copper_ 4 34 33% 34 + %
10% 6% A P W Paper_ 1 8% 8% 8% - %
45% 41 Archer-Dan-M <t!)-i 1 46 45 45% + %
110% 107% Armour (Del) pf (7). 2 109% 109% 109% + %
12% 7 Armour I III) (bl5c) _ _ 165 12 11% 11% + %
95 81% Armour(llDprpf(6). 7 95% 94% 95% +1
68% 59% Armstrong Cork (2).. 10 69 68 68% +2%
17% 15% Artloom Corp _ 4 15% 15 15% - %
108 95 Artloom pf (17)_ 10* 97% 97% 97% —1
22% 19% Assoc Dry Goods_ 3 21% 21% 21%-%
56% 50% Assoc Invest (+2)_ 3 57% 56% 57% +1
106 106 Assoc Invest pf ww _. 1 106 106 106
77% 69% Atch To & S Fe (a2)_. 9 75% 74% 74%-%
51% 44Vj, Atl Coast Line (al)_. 6 50% 49% 49%-%
35% 30% Atlantic Refining(tl) 11 33% 33% 33% + %
18% 16% Atlas Corp 14 18% 17% 18 + %
52% 51% Atlas Corp pf 13) . . 3 51% 51% 51%
85% 72% Atlas Powder (b75c). 2 85 85 85 +1%
18% 16 Atlas Tack (1)_ 1 16 16 16
36** 30 Auburn Auto_- 1 33 33 33 + %
8% 7% Austin Nichols_ 3 8% 8% 8%' - %
62 39% Austin Nichols pf A- 20s 49% 49% 49%
9% 6% Aviation Corp (Del). 8 8% 8% 8% + %
114 8 Baldwin Loco (d) ... 1* 94 » » -4
»H 74 Baldwin Loco asd(d) 17 74 74 74 -4
120 884 Baldwin L pf asd (d) 11 115 1144 1144 - 4
264 204 Baltimore* Ohio. 180 274 264 27 +4
40 834 Baltimore* Ohio pf- 17 404 40 40+4
45 41 Bangor*Aroos (2 4)- 1 44 44 44
1104105 Bangor*Aroos pf (5) 50.110 1094 1094
404 354 Barber Co (a75c) 15 374 364 374 + H
42 39 Barker Bros pf (2 4) 80. 394 39 394 + 4
354 264 Barnsdall Oil (1) - 25 334 324 324 -4
204 174 Bayuk Cigars (t75c). 5 19 184 19 -4
111 105 Beech-Nut Pkg ( + 4)_. 1 108 108 108 +2
154 13 Belding Hemin (1)— 3 144 H4 144 + 4
304 25 Bendix Avia (b25c) — X 12 284 28 28
234 214 Beneficial Lo (b45c). 1 214 214 214
624 66 Best & Co (t2 4 ) 2 584 574 574 + 4
914 73 Bethlehem Stl (al 4) 75 89 874 884 +14
20 184 Beth Stl 5% pf (D— * 1» 184 184 - 4
1294 125 Beth Stl pf (7)_ 1 1294 1294 1294 +1
38 33 4 Black & Decker (25c) 2 354 354 354 + 4
284 224 Blaw Knox (a80c)._. 8 27 4 264 264 + 4
944 »2 Blumenthal pf (a21)_ 100. 924 924 924 +4
454 334 Boeing Airplane — 2 434 434 434 + 4
484 41 Bohn Alum & Br (3). 8 474 464 47.4 + 4
28 264 Borden Co (1.60c)_ 7 274 27 274 + 4
834 724 Borg-Warner (4)_ 8 824 824 824 + 4
104 84 Boston* Maine_ 4 104 104 104
44 34 Botany Mines A (dK. 8 34 34 34
204 164 Bridgp’t Brass(t40c). 60 204 194 194 + 4
694 614 Briggs Mfg (t2)- * 574 664 564 -4
534 48 Briggs* Stratton(3) 1 524 524 524 + 4
47 424 Bristol-Myers(t2.40) 13 454 45 45 - 4
53 464 Bklyn-Man Tr (4)— IS 484 464 474+14
8 64 Bklyn* Queens_ 28 74 64 74 + 4
384 344 Bklyn&Qpf (a3) ... 2 364 36 864 +2
524 48 Bklyn Union Gas (3). 8 48 474 474 - 4
50 474 Brown Shoe (3)_x 1 49 49 49+4
244 20.4 Brunswick-Balke_ 2 214 214 214 - 4
254 20 Bucyrus-Erie_ 17 234 23 234 + 4
1154110 Bucvrus-Erle pf (7)_ 90.117 116 117 +14
144 124 Budd (EG) Mfg_ 14 134 13 13
98 85 Budd (E G) Mfg pf— 1 *5 85 85 -4
124 94 Budd Wheel (a20c)„ 50 114 11*4 114
454 344 Bullard Co (al%)_ 1 424 424 424 -4
624 51 Bulova Watch_ 8 S14 604 604 - 4
354 314 Burr Adding M (80c). « 344 344 344 -4
114 74 Bush Terminal (d) ... 2 104 94 94-4
454 244 Bush T Bldgs pf (d). 80. 42 41 41 -1
174 134 Butler Bros (bl5c)_ 28 17 164 164
344 294 Butler Bros pf (14). 20 344 34 34
84 54 Butte Cop* Z (a5c)— 40 8 4 8 84 + 4
33 274 Byerg(AM)_ 8 2»4 284 294 + 4
91 834 Byers (A M) pf_ 10. 85 85 85 +1
304 27 Byron Jackson (tl)— 31 31 284 304 +14
48,4 424 Calif Parking (2)_ 2 444 44 44 4 +4
4 24 Callahan Zinc-Lead — 94 34 34 34 + 4
204 154 Calumet & Hecla (1)- 100 19 184 184 +4
374 324 Campbell Wy (tl)- 3 364 364 364 - 4
324 274 Canada Dry G Ale_ 10 30 29 29 -1
174 144 Canadian Pacific_ 60 164 164 164 + 4
18 15 Cap Admin (A) (al)— 3 164 164 164 + 4
84 7 Carriers & Gen(a35c) 3 84 84 84
1294 1244 Case (J I) Co pf (7)— 60* 126 125 126 +1
100 854 Caterpillar Trac(t2). * 994 984 984 -4
344 264 CelaneseCorp <al%) 66 334 324 334 + 4
111 1064 Cel Corp prpf A (7)- 4 1114 1104 1114 +74
454 364 Celotex Corp_ 8 474 464 474 +14
824 784 Celotex Corp pf <5)— 60* 814 80 814 +14
394 344 Centr Aguire (tl%)-. 3 344 34 34 -4
124 84 Central Foundry Co- 16' 114 11 11
1074 104 Cent 111 Lt pf (4%)„ 50* 104 104 104
244 174 Central Violeta Sug— 1 18 18 18-4
754 674 Cerrode Pasco (4)—. 80 724 704 714 +14
234 164 Certaln-teed Prod — 9 214 214 214 -4
82 674 Certaln-teed Ppf (8). 80* 774 77 774
524 854 Champ Pap* F (1)— 2 464 46 46 -1
894 8» Chesapeake Corp (3). 2 864 864 864 + 4
684 634 Chest Ohio (t2.80)— 16 664 654 664 +14
44 24 Chi & East 111 (d)- 80 44 44'44 + 4
13 64 Chi * East 111 pf (d)_ 18 134 124 124 -4
34 24 ChiGrt West (d)_ 38 34 34 34 -4
17 134 ChiGrt West pf (d)- 33 174 164 16*4 + 4
114 84 Chilnd&Loupf (d). 10« 104 104 104 +14
82 804 Chi MailOrder(tlH) 1 314 814 314
24 2 Chi Mil St P&P (d)—. 91 24 24 24+4
64 <4 Chi M StP&Ppf (d)_ 88 7 64 64 + 4
54 34 Chi & N W(d)__ 80 6 54 54 + 4
194 114 Chi& N W pf (d)- 17 194 19 194 +14
S3 23 Chi Pneumatic Tool— 2 314 31 314 + 4
704 614 ChiPneuTpf (a3 4). 1 66 66 66
24 24 Chi R1 & Pac <d) 92 3 24 3 + 4
74 54 ChlRI&P6%pf (d)_ 38 84 74 8 +4
94 64 ChlRI&P7% pf (d)_ 67 10 94 94 + 4
274 264 Chi Yellow Cab (2)— 2 244 244 244 -4
224 204 Chickasha Cot Oil_ 9 204 204 204 - 4
154 124 Childs Co_ 4 144 134 134 - 4
61 464 Chile Copper (1)_ 70s 62 52 52 +24
1354 1104 Chrysler Corp (blH)x 60 132 1304 132 +14
21 184 City Ice & Fuel (2)29 214 21 214 + 4
914 85 City Ice *Fpf (64)- 180. 92 91 92 +24
104 9 City Stores_ 4 94 94 94
884 824 Clark Equip (tl.60)— 2 864 35 85 -14
113 107 ClevElIllupf (44)- 10. 1084 1084 1084
404 35 Clev Graph Br (2)— 7 894 894 394 -4
984 78 Cluett Peabody (3)__ 3 95 944 95
180 126 Cluett Peabpf (7)_ 10. 1804 1804 1804 + 4
214 194 Colgate P-P(t50c)„. 95 214 304 214 +14
624 66 Collins&Aikman (t2) 6 694 *9 694 + 4
■614 444 Colo Fuel & Iron_ 4 60 494 494 - 4
244 21 Colo * Southern_ 160* 344 24 24 -4
30 24 Colo & Southn 1st pf. 80* 274 27 274 +4
29 25 Colo & Southn 2d pf — 20. 26 26 36
204 174 ColumbG&E (a40c). 105 184 174 174 1 *
108 1004 ColG&Epf (A)(6)- 8 1004 1004 1004 - 4
694 644 Come! Credit Ct4)- • UH - H
2 15 p.m.
Prev. 1(1,17 Block and Sales— Net
High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Clog*, chge.
114 109 Cornel Credit pf (4)4) 1 108 108 108 -1
80X 724 Cornel Invest T <t4)_ 10 76 78X 74 + X
120 112 Cornel InvTpf (4)4). 2 112X 112X 112X+1X
21) 4 18X Cornel Solv (t60c)_ 28 19X 18X 18)4 - X
4X SX Comw & Southern_ 60 8X SX 8X + X
76H 63 Comw & Sou pf (8)_ 5• 64*4 63X 68X - X
19X 13H CondeNast Publish.. 2 17X 17X 17X
43 86J4 Congoleum-Nairn (2) 18 4SX 48 4SX + X
22 18X Conn R & L pf_ 10s 20 20 20 - X
18X 15X Consol Cigar_ 13 16X 15X 16 + X
92 88X ConCprpf ww (6X) 10s 92 92 92 +1
85 80 Consol Cigar pf (7)- 20« 84 84 8*
49X 43X Consol EdisN T (|2). 58 44 X 43X 43X - X
6)4 4X Consol Film_ 6 4X 4X 4X - X
18X 16X Consol Film pf (a2)_. 2 16X 1«X 16X - X
12X 9)4 Consol Laundries_ 10 12)4 12)4 12)4 + X
17X 16X Consol Oil (80c)_ 88 18X 1«X 16X
10X 7X Consol R R Cuba pf— 2 9X 8X 8X - X
IX X Consol Textile (d) —_ 23 IX 1 1
10 8X Cons Coal (Del) vtc.. 7 8X 8X 8X - X
40)« 84 Cons C (Del) pf vtc . 180e 37 85 85 -2
I82X 20X Container Corp(l.20) 6 29X 29X 29X + X
87X 29 Conti Baking (A)_ 8 34X 83X 34X +1X
5)4 3 Conti Baking (B)_ 27 4H 4X 4X - X
109X 102X Conti Baking pf (8).. 2 109X 109 109 -X
69X 69X Cont’ICan (3).. 7 62H 62X 62X + X
25)4 20X Conti Diamond F (2). 2 24X 24X 24X - X
42)4 39X Conti Insur (tl.60)— 6 42X 41X 41X + X
3X 2X Conti Motors_ 12 3X 3X 3X ■
45X 42X Conti Oil of Del (tl). 23 45 44X 44X - X
77 63X Com Ex Bk & Tr (3). 110s 75 73X 73X -2X
71X 67 Corn Prod Ref (t3)_ 14 68X 68 68
171X167 Corn Prod R pf (7)—. 1 166X 166X 166X “ X
8*x 6 Coty Inc_ 13 7X 7 7 - X
56X 46 Crane Co_ 6 63X 53X 63X
121 119 Crane Co pf (7)_ 1 120X 120X 120X
37 35)4 Cream of Wheat (12). 2 36X 36X 36X
28*4 21X Crosley Radio (alX) 4 26X 25X 26X + X
100X 7«X Crown Ck & Seal (2) x 4 94 93 93 - X
66X 54X Crown C&spfwiv2)4 2 65 64H 64)4 - H
47)4 44)4 Crown Ck pf xw(2)4 ) 8 46 45X 46X + X
24X 17 Crown Zellerback vto 23 20X 19X 19X + X
71X 51 Crucible Steel_ 12 69 68X 69 + X
3 2X Cuba Co _ 2 2X 2X 2X
17X 12X Cuba R R pf_ 10« 13X 13*4 13X
14X HX Cuban-Am Sugar_ 6 11X 11)4 11X - X
127 110 Cuban-Am Sug pf_210s 120 120 120
42>4 39X Cudahy Pkg (2X).__ 1 41X 41X 41X
2OX 18 Curtis Publishing_ 13 19X 19X 19X
109X101H Curtis Pub pf <7)_ 1 105X 105X 105*4 — X
7X 6X Curtiss Wright_ 41 7X 7X 7X - X
22) 4 19X Curtiss W (A) (a50c). 12 20X 20X 20X
is* 17 Davega Stores (1) . 3 17* 16* 17 -*
24 22* Davega St cv pf (1 * ) 2 22* 22* 22* + *
128* 104* Deere* Co ... 7 126* 125* 125* -1*
29 26* Deisel-Wcm-G (tl).. 2 27* 26* 26* - *
53* 42* Delaware & Hudson.. 16 61 60* 60* + *
22* 17* Dela Lack & West .. 84 21* 20* 21 +*
10* 7* Den&RioG W pf(d). 22 10* 10* 10* + *
36* 81 l .'iam’d Match (b50c). 5 84 34 84
28* 24* Distil Corp seag Ltd. 16 26 25* 25* + *
94* 90 Distillers Corp pf(5). 1 90 90 90
25 20* Dixie Vortex (1*)... 5 24* 24 24
41* 39 Dixie Vortex A (2*). 70s 41* 41 41* + *
46* 37* Doehler Die Cast (2). 6 46* 45* 45* - *
61 47* Dome Mines (t2)_ 11 48* 47* 47*
77* 66* Douglass Aircraft_ 18 69* 68 68* — *
39* 34 Dresser Mfg (B)(al) 1 34 34 34 +1
1* * Duluth S S & Atl.. ... 3 1* 1* 1*
3* 2* Duluth S S & Atl pf__ 8 8* 8* 3* + *
8* 7 Dunhill Internatl _ 1 7* 7* 7* + *
180* 169 Du Pont de N (b75c). 8 174* 173 174* + *
16* 11* Eastern Roll Mills ... 6 14* 14* 14* + *
175* 167* Kastman Kodak 46 >_ 3 174* 173* 173* + *
163 159 Kastman Kod pf (6).. 10s 160 160 160 — *
37* 32* Eaton Mfg (t2> _ 1 35* 35* 35* - *
14* 11* Eltington-Schild .. 4 12* 12* 12* — *
29 25* K1 Paso Nat G (1.60) . 4 26* 26 26* + *
45* 38* Klee Auto Lite (t2.40 9 43* 43 43*+*
14* 12 Klee Boat (a60c). 110 14* 13* 14*+*
7* 5* Klec&Mus Ind (al8c) 9 6* 6* 6*
26* 21* Klee Power* Light.. 20 23* 22 * 22* - *
87 75* Klee Pw & Lt 86 pf_ 1 80 80 80 +1*
92* 79 Klee Pw & Lt 87 pf_ 2 86* 84 84
44* 41* Klee Stor Bat (a2*). 2 43 42* 42* — *
2 1* Klk Horn Coal (d) .2 1* 1* 1*
8 5* Klk Horn Coal pf (d). 6 6* 6* 5* — *
60 55* Kndicott-Johnson(3). 2 59* 59 59 —1
17* 14 Kng Public Service... 3 14* 14* 14* + *
78* 70* Eng P S 85 pf (al0)_. 3 76* 76* 76* +1*
80* 77 E P S 85 * pf ww all. 1 80* go* 80*
9* 8* Kquit Off Bldg (blOc) 14 9* 8* 8* - *
16* 13* Erie Rfi._ 14 16* 16* 16*
31* 26* Erie P. R 1st pf_ 10 31* 30* 30* - *
24* 22 Erie R R 2d pf _ 8 25 24* 24* + *
14* 12* Eureka Vac Cl (80c). 2 13* 13* 13*
32* 28* Evans Product (tl).. 95 83 31* 32* +1*
6* 6 Exchange Buffet_ 3 6 6* 6* — *
54 34 Fairbanks Co_380, 44 44 44
28 214 Fairbanks Co pf __ 120i 264 254 254 + 4
714 624 Fairb'ks-Morse (tl)_. 6 624 624 *24 + 4
70 574 Fajardo Sug Co (bl)_ 8 574 56 57 —4
294 25s, Federal Lt & Trac_ 8 264 26 26—4
844 664 Fed Min & Smelter 8 89 844 89 +44
120 105 Fed Mln&Sm pf al0 4 5 120 120 120
114 84 Federal Mot Tr < 40c) 63 114 114 114 + 4
94 64 Fed Screw Works _ 28 94 84 9'4 + 4
6 44 Fed Water Svc (A)_ 6 54 54 54 + 4
424 364 Fed'd Dept Str (2) . . 4 384 384 *84
10741024 Fed’d D Sen pf (4 4> * 105 104 104 4 - 4
454 424 Fidel Phoe F In tl 60. 3 434 434 434 + 4
384 324 Firestone T&R <2) 7 374 37 4 374 + 4
1074 105 Firestone pf (A)(6).. 1 1064 1064 1064
614 484 First Natl Strs(t24) 4 504 50 604 — 4
464 41 Flintkote Co (1). 6 434 434 *34 — 4
58 4 48 Florence Stove(a44) 8 584 68 684
94 64 Follansbee Bros (d)_. 5 84 84 84+4
544 474 Food Machine (1). 1 514 514 *14 -1
122 1164 Food Mach pf (4 4).. 10« 118 118 118
544 43 Foster-Wheeler. _ 6 49 48 484 -24
135 124 Foster-Wheeler pf_ 40s 128 1274 1274 + 4
184 14 Francisco Sugar .. 2 144 14 14-4
324 264 Freeport 1*1 Co (1).. 14 294 29 29 —4
484 414 Fuller Co 2d pf_ 10s 414 414 414 - 4
64 44 Gabriel Co (A)_ 5 54 54 64 — 4
33 26 GamewellCo _ 220, 304 294 294 — 4
1064 105 Gannett cv pf (6) . in, 1054 1054 1054 + 4
194 154 Gar Wood Ind (a55c) 48 194 184 19 + 4
154 124 Gen Am Inv <a75c)_ 25 144 144 1*4 — 4
1054 103 Gen Am Inv pf(6> 1 103.4 1034 1034 + 4
864 704 Gen Am Trans’t (a3). 2 86 85 85 —14
194 164 Gen Baking (t60c)_ 12 174 174 174 + 4
H 11 Gen Bronze_ 11 134 134 134 + 4
294 254 Gen Cable_ 21 284 27 284 -e 4
604 54 Gen Cable (A). 7 584 57 684+2
123 1144 Gen Cable pf (a7)_ 1 1164 U64 1164 + 4
62 4 464 GenCigar(t4) _ 4 49 48 49
644 624 Gen Electric (tl)_ 98 604 594 604
444 394 Gen Foods (2). _ 14 434 424 *84 + 4
34 24 Gen Gas & Klee (A).. 12 24 24 24
654 604 Gen Mills (3) 2 614 614 614 + 4
704 604 Gen Motors (b25e)_ 94 674 67 4 674
1224 1194 Gen Motors pf (5)_ 1 1204 1204 1204 + 4
154 124 Gen Outdoors Adv_ 2 14 134 14 +4
80 69 Gen Print Ink (as)... 4 78 77 78 +2
54 44 Gen Pub Service_ 2 44 44 *4+4
654 564 Gen Ry Signal (1)... 6 624 62 624 +14
" 64 44 Gen Realty & Util_ 47 64 54 54
484 424 Gen Realty & U pf_ 3 44 4 43 43 —1
704 64 Gen Refractor (a3 4) 4 6*4 64 6*4 + 4
88 794 Gen Steel Casting pf. 70s 82 884 82 +4
334 294 Gen Theater E (a2)._ 26 33 314 324 +14
434 37 Gen Time Inv (tl) ... 1 424 424 424 — 4
204 164 Gillette Saf Raz (tl). '7 19 184 184 -4
*64 204 Glmbel Bros_ 2 26 244 244 - 4
514 434 GliddenCo (2)_ 11 604 49 494 -4
584 644 Glidden cv pf (24)— 2 654 564 554
64 64 Gobel (Adolf) 14 6 54 54
8 64 Goebel Brew (t20c).. 118 8 74 8 + 4
424 31 Goodrich (B F)(al).. 43 414 <04 404 -14
874 794 Goodrich (BF)pf(5). 4 874 874 874 + 4
424 274 Goody’r T&R (b50c) 45 404 404 404 -4
1274100 Goody’r T&R cu pf (5) 1 1214 1214 1214 -14
134 114 Gotham Silk Hose... 5 114 114 114 - 4
44 8 Graham-Paige _ 146 44 64 64 — 4
15 64 Granby Cons (new).. 18 124 114 124 + 4
64 6 Grand Union ctfs_ 61 44 4 *4 + 4
274 214 Grand Unpf (b25c)_. 11 244 224 244 +14
484 414 Granite City Stl (1).. 10 464 *64 464 + 4
474 434 Grant (W T)(tl.40).. 3 444 444 444 + 4
494 404 Grt Northern pf_ 23 484 474 484 + 4
214 19 Grt North’n Ore (IK. 8 204 194 194 -4
424 354 Grt West Sug (t2.40) 2 364 364 864-4
384 34 Green (H L,)(tl.60)_. 2 364 354 354 + 4
81 73 Greene Cananea (3).. 80s 804 78 804 +64
164 1*4 Greyhound (t80c) 11 16 154 154
*4 34 Guantanamo Sugar8 34 34 34
59 45 Guantanamo Sug pf.. 10s 454 454 464 + 4
15 13 Gulf Mobile&N. 5 15 144 15 +4
56 514 Gulf Mobile & NT pf_ 8 54 53 4 6*
814 554 Gulf States Steel- 6 784 78 78 +1
3S 82)4 Hack Wpf (A)(l%). 10s 34 84 34
20)4 13)4 Hall (W F) Printing. 8 1914 1814 19 - H
31 27)4 Hamilton Watch ... 1 30 80 80 - H
107)4 105)4 Hamilton Wpf (6)— 70s 108 108 108 +1
57 6C)4 Harb-Walker (t2)- 2 63 62)4 52)4
17)4 16)4 HatC'pof AmAblOci 2 17 1814 16)4 + H
8 514 Hayes Body -- 17 7)4 614 614 — )4
105 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (t5)._ 1 103 103 103 - H
15)4 13)4 Hecker Prod (60c)— 18 HM HH HH - K
166 160 Helme (G H) pf (7)... 10s 158)4 158)4 158)4 -1)4
8914 3314 Hercules Motor (11 >- 1 37)4 37)4 37)4 + >4
185 150)4 Hercules Pdr (a514)_ 1 175 175 175
111 107 Hershey Choc pf 4+4) 1 109)4 109)4 109)4 — )4
6214 48 Holland Fur (al >4)— 4 50)4 50 50 -1)4
120)4112 Holland Fur pf (5)... 60s 115 115 116 — )4
25)4 21 Hollander & Son (1). 1 24)4 24 24 t
415 366 Homestake (tl2) x 60s 402 401 402
41 40 Houd-Herah(A)(2)4) 1 40)4 40)4 40)4
27J4 23)4-Houd-Her (BHtl)*)- 17 26)4 26 26 - H
73 65)4 Household Fin (4)_ 1 6®H 69)4 69)4 - H
17) 4 12)4 Houston Oil vtc- 17 16 15)4 15)4 + H
84)4 62)4 Howe Sound (t3)- *7 84 80)4 84 +3)4
6)4 4 Hudson & Manhat_ 8 5)4 5)4 6)4 + )4
15)4 12)4 Hudson & Man pf- 8 14)4 18)4 14
2314 18)4 Hudson Motor Car— 52 22)4 21)4 22 - H
2)4 2)4 Hupp Motors- 22 2)4 2)4 2)4 - H
29)4 22)4 Illinois Central- 66 29)4 29 29)4 + H
68 46 Illinois Cent pf (A).. 1 69 69 69 +1)4
72 65 111 Cent lse lines (4)_. 10s 68)4 68)4 68)4 +1)4
22)4 12)4 Indian Refining (al). 4 17)4 17)4 17)4 - )4
40)4 36)4 Indust Rayon (t 1.68) 9 38 87)4 87)4 - )4
2 1)4 Indus Ray rts Mch 1. 83 2 1)4 1)4 - X
144 180)4 Ingersoll Rand (t3)_. 4 140 140 140 +1
124 112)4 Inland Steel (4)- 9 120 119)4 120 + H
82)4 22)4 Inspiration Copper... 77 81)4 80)4 81 +1
6 6)4 InsSh Md ctfs(a20c). 1 6)4 5)4 6)4 - X
18) 4 11)4 interb Rap Tr vtc (d) 11 12)4 1*)4 12)4 + H
6)4 4)4 Intercontl Rubber— 7 6 6)4 6 + )4
20)4 18)4 Interlake Iron- 87 20)4 18)4 80)4 + J4
2 :15 p m.
Prev 18,17 Stock and Seles— Net
Ml*h Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlfh. Low. Close, chse.
*4 6 Inti Agricultural_ 17 *4 8 8
694 *2 Inti Agricul pr pf_ X 6« 654 654 - 4
189 176 Inti Bus Mach <t«)__. 8 178 176^ 1774 + 4
1114103 Inti Harvester (2%). 16 1064 104 1044 -4
162 158 Inti Harvester pf (7) 1 156 156 156 -2
164 84 lntl Hydro Elec (A)- 22 154 144 144 -4
*4 64 Inti Mercantile Marl- * 84 84 84 + 4
184 164 Inti Mining (a90c)_ 82 174 164 184 -4
67 624 Inti Nickel (b50c)--- 236 684 674 684 +14
214 164 Inti Paper* Pw (A)- 10 17 164 164 -4
144 114 Inti Paper & Pw (B)- 7 114 114 114
74 64 Inti Paper & Pw (C)_ 15 64 « 64
1084 904 Inti Paper & Pw pf—. 10 96 95 954 - 4
454 41 Inti Print Ink ( + 2)— 10 464 46 464 + 4
674 48 Inti Ry C Am pf (A). 80s 574 664 664 -4
494 48 Inti Shoe (t2)_ 7 484 484 <84
444 814 Inti Silver_ 16 46 43 46 +4
103 90 Inti Silver pf (a4)_100s 101 100 101 +3
164 114 Inti Tel & Tel _ 195 154 144 144 - 4
364 294 Interstate DS(b2%). 1 324 324 324 -4
106 1034 Inter Dept Strspf(7) 30« 104 104 104
284 264 Island Creek (2)_ 2 274 264 264 — 4
874 784 Jewel Tea (t4)_ 1 824 824 824 + 4
Johns-Man rts Mar 11 172 54 44 5
155 148 Johns-Man x rts(t3). 13 139 137 1384 -8
136 123 Jones&L 7% pf bl*i_ 240s 1364 1344 1344 - Vi
46 424 Kalamazoo S (tl)_ 1 44 44 44
234 20 Kans City Southern 7 234 224 224 + H
444 42 Kans City So pf (al). 1 43 43 43
274 25 Kayser J & Co (2) 1 254 254 254 — 4
234 19.4 Kelsey-H (A)(al%)- 2 214 214 214 -4
194 164 Kelsey-H (B)(al4). 4 184 l»4 184-4
1094103 Kendall pf (A)(t6> 20s 1074 1064 1064 -14
64 564 Kennecott Cop(boOc). 110 634 62 634 +14
20 174 KeystoneS*W(bl5c). 2 184 184 184 + 4
74 64 Kinney (G R) Co_ 2 64 64 64
154 114 Kresge Dept Stores.- 1 13 13 13 - 4
294 274 Kresge(SS)Co(b30c). 5 284 284 284 - 4
244 22 Kroger G & B (tl.60) 10 234 234 234 - 4
41H 86 Laclede Gas St L pf.. 30» 364 364 364 “ 4
284 1«4 Lambert Co (3) ft 224 224 224 - 4
274 17 Lee Rub & Tire (50c) 7 274 264 264 - 4
614 884 Leh Port Cmt (14)— 2 49 484 49 -4
34 24 Lehigh Valley Coal.. 7 24 24 24
184 134 Lehigh Val Coal pf... 2 144 144 144 + 4
214 174 Lehigh Valley R R... 23 214 204 204 +4
131 118 Lehman Corp (t3)_ 2 1264 1264 1264 + 4
214 18 Lehn & Fink (al 4) 2 194 194 194
79 674 Libby-O-FGl (b75c). 4 77 76 4 77 +4
144 94 Libby McNAL (al)_ 72 15 144 144 + 4
284 264 Life Saver (tl.60)_ 7 27 264 264 - 4
1134 108 LiggAMyers <t4)_ 11114 1114 1114+14
114 1064 Ligg & Myers B <t4) . 8 112 1114 1114 - H
224 214 Lily TulipCup(tl'i) 1 224 224 224 + 4
834 69 Lima Locomotixe_ 3 79 774 784 — 1
61 544 Link Belt (t2) 2 60 59 60 +2
52 434 Liquid Carb (2.60)_ 2 494 49 49
79 644 Loew s Inc (t2)_ 14 75 4 75 75 -4
34 24 Loft Inc_ ... 32 3 24 3
704 66 Lone Star Cmt b75c— 18 694 68 684 -4
104 64 Long Bell Lum (A)_ 11 94 »4 94 -4
434 10 Loose-Wiles (2) ... 6 404 40 40
1094107 Loose-Wiles pf (5) 10,107 107 107
284 224 Lorillard <P)(tl.20). 18 264 264 26'*'
1474 142 Lorillard (P)pf(7) . 60s 1464 146 1464
35** 28 Louisa Oil Ref pf (d) 10s 294 294 294 + 4
284 234 Louisv G&E pf A 14. 1 244 244 244 +4
94 4 884 Louisv A Nash(b24) 1 92 92 92
374 294 Ludlum Steel (tl)... 27 864 35 364 +14
36 324 McCall Corp (t2)_ 2 34** 344 34*,*
24 4 18'* McCrory Stores _ 4 23 22 4 224 — 4
284 234 McGraw-H (bl24c). 2 264 2«4 264 - 4
42 4 38 McIntyre Porcu (2) .. 9 414 41 41 —4
92>* 824 McKeesport TP (t4). 2 864 864 864 + 4
144 124 McKesson* Rob .. 83 144 14 144 - 4
474 45 KcKess* Rob pf (3). 1 474 474 474 +14
19 164 McLellan St (b75c)_. 2 18 174 174 -4
684 424 Mack Trucks (tl)_ 7 564 654 554 -4
66 604 Macy (RH)(t2) ..... 1 54** 544 54** + 4
154 134 Madison Sq G (80c)— 2 13‘, 13*« 13*» - 4
61 53 Magma Copper (2). . 4 5*4 584 584 + 4
74 64 Manati Sugar (d •_ 1 6 6 6 — 4
8" 21 ManatiSugpf (d)_ 20, 22*» 22*-* 224 — 4
164 134 Man El md gtd <d)__. 5 144 14'* 144 + 4
64 4** Maracaibo Oil Exp . 14 64 64 s'* — 4
14>* 104 Marine Midl'd (t40c). 22 14 134 13>* - 4
24 2 Market St Ry . ... 100. 2'* 24 24
39 35 Market St Ry pr pf... 10, 35*« 854 35** + 4
51 47 Marlin Rock (t2) .... 3 494 49 494 -4
23 184 Marshall Field & Co.. 9 224 214 214 - 4
114 * Martin-Tarry Corp 18 104 94 104 + 4
4 4 Martin-Par rts Mch 2 52 4 4 4 + 4
74 60 Masonite Corp (tl) - 6 704 70 704 — 4
414 384 Mathieson Aik (14). 5 39»* 894 394 +4
64 594 Max- Dept S(r (t3)_ 2 614 61 61+4
154 14 Maytag Co (a50c)_ 3 144 144 144 + 4
334 254 Mead Corp. ... _ 4 294 294 294
101 95 Mead Corp pf (6)_ 10, 99*,* 994 994 -1'*
164 114 Menget Co . 2 154 15 15
68'* 59 Mesla Mach (b75c)._. 7 68 674 674 -4
26 164 Miami Copper ...... 36 25 4 24 4 24 4
82** 294 Mid-Cont Pet (al.15). 10 31** 314 314 -4
464 384 Midl'd Stl Prod (T2)-. 41 464 45 464 +14
111 102 Mlnn-Hon Ros (2) . 2 1094 109 109
122 1144 Minn-Hon R pf B (4) ilOO, 1154 1154 1154 + 4 '
15*, 11 Minn Moline Power . 15 14 13»* 134-'*
954 884 Minn Moline Pwr pf.. 2 934 93 93 -4
24 14 M St PASS Marie . 2 24 24 24 + 4
44 34 M St r*S S Marie pf. 9 5 4** 44 +'*:
6'* 5 M St PAS S M Is line. 200, 64 6 64 + 4 i
29** 264 Mission Corp (a45c). 1 27** 27*.» 27**
84 64 Mo Kans A Texas _. 54 84 8*, '84 + 4
314 24'-* Mo Kans A Tex pf A. 114 33 824 324 +14
4 3 Missouri Pacific (d)_. 26 4 4 4 44 + M
104 7 Mo Pacific pf (d) 168 11'* 104 104 +1
404 304 Mohawk Corp (tl.20) 1 384 384 384 -4
101 934 Monsanto (them (tl). 5 974 964 964 —14
64 534 Montgnm Ward (t2). 46 64 634 63**
46 424 Morrell .1 A Co (2.40). 1 45 45 45 -1
2 14 Mother I.ode(al2 40 27 2 14 14
384 34 Motor Products ( + 2). 1 3«4 364 364 -4
26 214 Motor Wheel (1.60) x 6 25 4 25 25'*
364 324 Mullins Mfg B(aftOc). 9 35 34 35 +1
98 934 Mullins Mfg pf (7)... 20, 95 934 95 +14
364 27V* Mnnsingwear (t3)-— 3 32** 32», 324 + 4
1084107 Murphv G Cpf (5) 10, 107 107 107
204 17 Murray Corp (s50e>.. 22 194 194 194+4
66 584 Myers (F E)A Br (3). 2 64 4 64 64 -1
24‘» 17H Nash Kelvinator (1)- ZR 24 23** 23»*
23'. 18k Natl Acme (a75c> .... 4 211* 21'* 21k - **
18k 18k Natl Aviation (al)_ 1 16>* 16»» 16** + k
32»* 30», Natl Biscuit (1.60)... 90 32k 311* 31** + k
33** 301* Natl Bd&In (al.ll).. 1 3D* 3D* 3D* + k
87 294, Natl Cash Reg (al)._ 3 351* 35 35 - J*
261* 28V* Nat Dairv Prod al4* 27 24*» 241* 241*
1091* 1071* Natl Dairy PpfB(’) 10. 1081* 1081* 1081*
231* 171* Natl Dept Stores .. 14 22k 2D* 2D* - 1*
101* 7k Natl Dept Stores pf . 100. 9 81* 8k - 1*
29 271* Natl Distil Prod (12). 105 29k 281* 28 + lk
37k 39 Nall En&Stpg (2)._. 4 36 85 36 + **
87k 33k Natl Read (t50c) ._ 11 35k 34k 34k + k
111 168 Natl Read pf (A)(7).. 3 167 167 167 -1
150 144 Nalt Read pf (B)(6). 10. 147 147 147 +1
61k 54 Natl Mal’ble&Stl(a2) 12 58 67 68 + k
14k ID* Natl Pwr&Rt (60c)_. 11 12k 12k 12k - k
1 H Natl Ry Mex 2d pf_ 1 k k k + k
87k 70 Natl Steel ( + 2 k)_ 14 85k 85 85*i + H
71k 62 Natl Supply Co_ 2 70 70 70 •+- k
12k 10k Natl Tea (60c)_ » Ilk 10?* 11 + H
60 54k Newberry(JJ)(+ 2.40 ) 2 60 k 59 60,k +11*
41k 34k Newp't Indus <a60c). 69 38 k 36k 37
98k 78k N Y Air Brake (b50c)x 1 92k 92k 92k
45k 40 N Y Central R R ... 266 454* 45k 45k + H
61k 41 N Y Chicago & St L_ 2 69 68k 59 +k
100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf_ 2 97** 97k 974* + k
12k 10k NY Dock _ 40s 10k \ 10)* 10k
25H 21H NY Dock pf_ 60. 22 k 22 221* - k
2 lk N Y Investors (d)_ 10 lk lk Ik
9 5k NY NH & U (d) _ 59 9'* 8?* 8’* + !*
26t* 16k NY NH & H pf (d)_* 32 25k 241* 244* + H
6k 6 NY Ontario & West-. 22 6k 6 6 - **
5k 4k NYRyspf(d)_ 15 5 5
15k 12 NY Shipbuilding_ 34 14k 14 141* + k
101 98 N Y Steam pf (6)_ 10. 99 99 99 -1
110 108k NY Steam 1st (7).-. 10, 109 109 109
31* 2 Norfolk Southern (d). 22 2k 2k 24*
272 259k Norfolk&W’n (b2%). 1 265k 265k 265k -lk
17k 13k North Am Aviation— 21 16k 16 16
34k 291* North Am Co ( + 1)_ 36 30’* 30!* 30»*
82k 27J* Northern Pacific_ 61 32k 31‘k 31k + k
5k 3!* Norwalk Tire & Rub. 4 5 4J* 5 — k
19k 17k Ohio Oil (a60c) 31 19 18’* 18?*
62k 63k Oliver Farm Equip_ 2 59k 681* 58'* - 1*
26k 18!* Omnibus Corp vtc_ 15 254* 25 25 — k
16’k 13.'* Oppenheim Collins .. 2 15?* 15** 154*
46k 35k Otis Elevator (a75c)_ 8 41k 41 41k + H
140 185 Otis Elevator pf (6)_ 50, 140 140 140
21k 16k Otis Steel -- 72 21k 20k 20** + k
90'* 75 Otis Steel cvpf (5 k) 2 89?* 891* 89k
171k 150 Owens-Ill Glass (6)_. 2 171 170 171 +lk
23 Pac Am Fish (Tl)_ 6 22 21.4 22 + 4
164 114 Pacific Coast_130. 134 13 134 + 4
364 254 Pacific Coast 1st pf.. 180» 834 324 324 + 4
27>/« 214 Pacific Coast 2d._ 80« 234 23 234 + 4
824 304 Pac Finance (tl.80)_. 1 804 304 304 — 4
38 33 Pac Gas & Elec (2)_ 7 834 33'i 334 - 4
834 46 Pac Lighting (3)_ 7 48 474 474 -4
444 38 Pacific Mills (b50c).. 2 404 *04 404
152 1464 PacTel&Teleg (a7). 10* 149 149 149 -1
28 224 Pac West O (a65c)_— 13 27 4 264 27
124 104 Packard Motor(a45c) 251 124 124 124 + 4
884 60 Panhandle P & R pf.. 40* 65 64 65 -4
1064 105 Paraffine Corp pf (4). 2 109 109 109 +24
284 284 Paramount Pictures. 167 27 4 264 26*4
2004166 Param Pic 1st pf (6).. 2 190 1854 1854 -4
264 214 Param PJc 2d pfa60c. 11 244 234 234 + 4
54 *4 yark Utah_ 164 64 54 54 + 4
444 *2 Parke Davis (al%).. 2 43 43 43 -4
294 244 Parker Rust P (tl4) 2 284 274 274 -4
74 6 Parmelee Transport.. 6 7 64 7 + 4
104 84 Pathe Film Corp_ 7 94 9 9 -4
164 1*4 Patino Mines (t60c)_. 82 164 154 154+4
64 34 Peerless Motor - 61 74 64 74 +4
64 694 Penickft Ford (t3)_ 2 604 60 604 + 4
1024 97 Penney (J C)(4)_ 13 100 994 994 -4
64 *4 Penn Coal & Coke_ 8 5 5 5
124 74 Penn Dixie Cement... 9 104 104 104 - 4
294 22 Penn G1 S’d ctfs a50c. 6 284 274 28
484 894 Penn Railroad (a2)._ *3 44 484' ** +4
664 484 Peoples Gas Chicago. » 62 614 614
104 44 Peoria* Eastern_ « 114 104 114+14
48 34 Pere Marquette _ 6 46 44 444 +14
204 174 Petr Corp Am (a90c). 1 194 194 194 -4
18 114 Pfeiffer Brew (1.20).. 33 124 124 124 + 4
67M 62 Phelps Dodge (b35c) x 40 664 664 664 +1
74 64 Phila Rap Tr (d)_ 10« 74 74 74 + 4
14 12 Phila Rap Tr pf (d)— 20. 124 124 124 -4
84 24 Phila & Read C * I- 17 24 24 24 -4
81 74 Phillip Morris (3)- 12 80 78 80 +2
674 *94 Phillips Petrol (S)- •# 66 64 66 -4
A f
3 16 pm.
Prev. 1 037 Stock and Sales— Net
High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close, chge.
95* 7 Phoenix Hosiery_ 2 754 7 7
1954 1«5< Pierce Oil pf_ 7 1*54 1* 1854 + 54
354 854 Pierce Petroleum_ 10 854 854 854
8354 2854 Pillsbury Flour 1.60 . 1 *054 *014 8014 —54
1854 1354 Pitts Screw (aG2Kc). 26 1754 1754 1754-54
112 103 Pittsburgh Steel pf.. 10a 1085* 10854 10854 - 54
6 25* Pitts Terminal Coal,. 1 254 254 254 - 54
28 2054 Pitts Term Coal pf._. 40a 2154 2154 2154
■T8K 35* Pitts United Corp_ 12 654 *54 654
3854 3154 Pittsburgh & W Va_190a 8854 3754 8754 + 54
2754 2454 Plymouth Oil <tl)_ 11 2654 2654 2654
3354 2554 Poor* Co (B)_ 2 3154 31 81 - 54
1154 854 PortoR Am Tob (A).. 1 #54 »54 954
854 25* Porto Rico Am T (B).. 1 254 254 254
1554 1054 Postal Tel & C pf (d). 3 1 454 14 1 4 - 54
8154 2554 Pressed Steel Car . 10 30 2954 2954 + 54
81 2554 Press Stl 1st pf(25c). 1 30 80 80 + 5*
86 67 Press Stl 2d pf UK). 1 82 82 82 + 54
6554 655* Proctor & Gamb (t2). 10 6314 625* 63 — K
5254 4754 Pub SvcNJ (2.60)_ 16 48*4 485* 48‘* - 54
14054 188 Pub Svc N J pf <7)_ 1 138 138 138 -1
16254 15954 PubSvc N J pf (8).1 157 157 157 -2
7254 6654 Pullman Inc UK)_ 4 6954 6954 6954 - 5-4
2454 1954 Pure Oil__ 117 21 2054 2054 - 54
107 99 Pure Oil 6% pf_ 3 10554 10554 1 0554
11254 108 Pure 011 8% pf_100a 111 11054 111 + 54
22*4 1854 Purity Bakerles(60c) 13 205* 2054 2054 + 54
1854 17 Quaker State R (80c) 1 1754 1 754 1 754
1ZH 10;* Radio Corp_ 140 12* 114 ll7* - Hi
80 76'* Radio Corp pfA(3'*) 1 77?* 77?* 77?*-?*
974 774 Radio-Keith Or (d)_ 222 9?, 84 9 - 74
19?* 14?* R R Sec 111 Central... 130* 1974 1 974 1 974
377* 34 74 Raybestos M (tl1*)-. 3 3574 3574 3574
49 4774 Reading 1st pf (2)._. 2 48* 47?* 47?* - 74
43»* 43 Reading 2d pf (2)_ 1 43 43 43 - 74
3?* 3 Reis (Robt)_ 1 3 3 S
22*4 18?* Reliable Strs (a50c).. 6 21 2074 2074 - 74
28** 2174 Rem-Rand (t60c>_ 146 28** 287* 287, - 7*
947* 8O74 Rem-Rpf ww (4*4).. 4 9274 92 92 -1?*
108 100 Rensselaer & S (8)... lOi 110 110 110 +2
9‘* 5 Reo Motor Car. 248 »T4 ®74 974
37 2774 Republic Steel_ 182 35 34'* 35 + 74
11974 109 Republic Stl pf (al2). 2 1177*117 1177* +17*
108 99 Rep Stl pr pf A (6)... 1 105 105 105 - 74
407* 3374 Revere Copper_ 37 4374 40?* 4374 +3?*
81 71 Revere Copper (A)... 6 85 81 85 +3
135 12874 Revere C&B pf (a3 *4) 130* 132 13174 132 + 74
95** 9374 Revere C&B pf (5'* ). 10* 94 94 94
30?, 26*, Reynolds Metal (tl). 2 27*4 27*4 27*4 - 74
58 5574 Reynolds Tob B (3).. 11 65** 5574 5574
130 117 Ruberold Co (1 80)--. 1 127?* 127?* 127?* - ?*
974 774 Rutland R R pf_ 14 9J* 9 9'* + ?,
4 6 4 1 74 Safeway Stores (t2). 3 44 43?* 44 + »4
61*4 43*4 St Joseph Lead (al).. 29 51*4 60 51 +174
4'* 3 StL-San Fran (d).... 46 4 74 4 474 + 7*1
974 «’* St L-San Kran pf (d). 49 10*4 10 107* + ?,
22 14*4 Savage Arms (al) .. 4 20?4 20 20
45?* 42 74 Schenley Distil (t3).. 31 45 444 444 +U*
98 94?* Schenley Dts pf<5>4). 1 974 874 974 + ?,
3'* 2 Schulte R Strs <d)_ 5 3 2** 24
23?, 17 Schulte RS pf (d) — . 3 22 22 22' + ?*
45'* 38 Scott Paper (1)_ SO, 41 41 41 +1
24 14 Seaboard Air L (d) .. 41 14 1*4 174 + 4
84 « Seaboard A L pf (d)_. 52 87* 7?, 7?* + 7*
47'* 41 Seaboard Oil (1)_ 4 43 4 42'* 43'* +1
114 74 SeagraveCorp _ 2 8', 8 8'* + 7*
90*4 81 Sears Roebuck (3>_ 89 904 904 90*, + ?j
34 28 Servel Inc (tl) . .. 13 324 327* 324 + 7*
36** 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20). 10 36'* 354 36'*+?*
1094102 Sharon Stl H pf (5).. 2 108', 107 1084 +1*4
14 104 Sharpe & Dohme .. 16 12'* 11?< 11?*-*,
17*4 15*, Shatfuck (F G) (60c). 3 17 167* 164 + 4 j
334 264 Shell Un Oil <a25e) . 24 344 32'* 344 +14
1054 1024 Shell Un Oil pf (5 4). 2 1034 1034 1034 - 4
154 124 Silver King (60c)_ 126 154 14*4 144 + *,
554 444 Simmons Co (a3)_ 27 534 52 53 — 4 I
47* 34 Simms Petrol_ 1 34 3.4 34
47 42 Skelly Oil _ 2 44*, 44'* 44*, - ?*
54 4 48 Smith (AO)__ 1 48 48 48
404 274 Smith-Corona ctfs _. 2 38 4 38 38 4 + '« !
294 26>* Snider Pack (bl» - 6 28*, 28 284 + H
194 164 Socony-V Oil (b25c).. 73 19 184 19 +4
424 34 South Port Sug < T2>_ 2 36 36 36 —4
11341114 Snlvav Am pf (54 >-- 1113 113 113 -4
5*4 44 So Am G & P (a3C'c) .. 148 54 5 54 + 4
' 324 29 So Cal Edison (tl 4) - 6 294 294 294
51*., 424 Southern Pacific_ 66 50** 49** 50'* + 4
35'* 24 Southern Railway... 32 344 334 33*.* - 4
594 474 Southern Ry pf_ 15 584 574 58 +P,
104 9 Spalding (AG) . 2 10 9** 10 + 4
74 684 Spalding (A G) 1st pf *"» 75 73'* 75 +2
94 74 Sparks-Withington.. 17 84 84 84-4
304 23 Spear & Co (a50c). .. 1 294 294 294 - 4
23** 204 Sperry Corp vtc (al). 15 224 224 224 - 4
33 284 Spicer Mfg (a3). -- 15 334 324 334 +4
50 48** Spicer Mfg pf A (3).. 130* 484 484 484 - 4
284 224 Spiegel Inc <b25c) 17 26 25‘, 26 -4:
112 106 Spiegel Inc pf (64)-- 80. 1114 1114 1114 - '*
454 414 SquareD (B)(al7.)- 5 454 43** 45 +14
18', 154 Stand Brands (t80c). 44 15*, 154 154 -4
1284 126 Stand Brands pf (7). 100. 1274 127*/* 1274 + 4
124 104 Stand Com Tobacco.. 6 114 11 114 + 4
144 8** Stand Gas&El (d>._. 46 134 134 134
314 254 Stand G&E $4 pf (d). 21 30 4 29 29'* -4
65 55 Stand G&E $6 pf (d). 1 584 584 584 -4
724 60*» Stand G&E J7 pf (d). 4 66»* 66 66
4 34 Stand Inv Corp.. ... 1 3*, 34 34 + 4
494 43‘* Stand Oil of Cal (tl). 29 494 49 494 + 4
50 464 Stand Oil of Ind (tl). 20 49'* 484 48** + 4
734 674 Stand Oil of N J (tl). 198 75 73V* 744 +24
424 344 Starred! L S)(tl-40). 1 40 40 40 -14
75 71 Sterling Prod (t3.80). 6 714 71 71
21 17', Steward-War (t50c). 6 194 194 194 + 4
174 154 Stokely Bros (b2flc).. 2 164 16>» 16‘* + 4
33», 28', Stone & Web (a25c).. 16 304 294 30
20 134 Studebaker Corp_ 135 194 194 194 + 4
125 119 Sun Oil pf (6)_ 40. 122 122 122 -(-3
74 44 Superior Oil_ 81 7'* 7 74 + 4
45*» 37 Superior Steel_ 7 424 414 41»* + 4
204 13 Sweets Co of Am_ 3 184 174 174 - 41
28 254 Swift & Co (tl.20)... 21 28 274 27*,-',
324 31», Swift Inti Ltd (2)_ 1 314 314 314
23** 184 Symington-Gouldww 12 204 204 20**
17*, 14.4 Symington-Gould xw 2 154 154 15’, — 4
154 134 Talcott (J)(bl5c)_ 1 144 14 14-4
57 4 55 Talcott (J)pf(24) — 20 . 56*, 564 5644-4
8*, 7** Telautograph (6('c) _. 2 7»* 7** 7**
14', 114 Tennessee Corp alac. 7 134 134 13',
59*, 50*, Texas Corp (2) - 57 54*» 54', 54", + 4
24 2 Tex Corp rts Mch 19.. 268 24 24 24 + 4
9'* 74 Texas Gulf Pr (aoc).. 16 84 84 8*, + 4
43 38*» Texas Gulf Sul (t2)— 1* 40', 40 40-4
49 434 Texas & Pac R R _ 2 45 4 454 45', - 4
16*, 134 TexPacC&O tblOc).. 19 154 154 15', - 4
164 114 Texas P L T (al('c)._ 9 14 13», 134-4
45J, 374 Thatcher Mfg (tl)_ 11 454 444 444-4
64 62 Thatcher M pf (3.60). 1 62 63 63 +4
134 114 The Fair_ _ 2 124 12 12-4
934 *94 The Fair pf (7)_ 10. 89 89 89 -4
134 104 ThermoidCo_ 7 114 114 114 - 4
134 12 Thompson.! R (toOe) 3 13*, 134 134 + 4
28’, 25 Thompson Pr (al 4). 3 27 • 26*.* 27
104 64 Thompson Starred... 72 84 8 84-4
40** 32 Thompson Star pf 2 34 4 34 4 34 4
2tS 204 Tide Wat As Oil(60c) 18 21 204 21 +4
108 1054 Tide Wat AsOpf (6) 4 1064 106‘, 106'*
284 22 Timken Detroit (tl). 16 27*4 274 274 -4
79 70 Timken Roller B (3). 12 734 724 734
1*4 16 Transamerlca <t40c). 15 174 1*4 1*4 — 4
224 184 Trans&West Air a25c 6 20 194 194 — 4
104 9 Tri-Conti (aaOc). 13 94 9», 94 + 4
104 84 Truax-Tr Coal tb25c) 8 94 94 9V* - 4
24', 22 Truscon steel. _ 1 22 22 22 -4
384 344 20th Cent F F (tl4). « 364 36 364 + 4
174 13*/* Twin City RT. _. 1 154 164 154 + 4
94 85 Twin C R T pf (alt). 10. 89 89 89 +2
64 44 Ulen&Co _ ... 4 64 54 54-4
1004 914 Und-Ell-Flsher (31 . 2 94 94 94 +4
68 64 TTnion Bag & Pap (2). 8 634 634 634 + 4
10941014 Union Carb&C (3.20). 11 110 1094 1094 + 4
284 254 Union Oil Calif (1)... 19. 264 264 264 + 4
1354 1264 Union Pacific (6)_ 7 136 1354 1354 - 4
994 98 Union Pacific pf (41.. 1 98 98 98 -4
314 264 Union Tank Car 1.60.. 5 294 29 4 294 + 4
324 274 United Aircraft a50c. 20 304 304 304 + 4
244 204 United Air L (a20c>.. 13 214 214 214
804 284 United Biscuit (1.60). 1 29 29 29
91 79 United Carbon 4t3)_ 1 87 87 87 - H
824 294 Unit-Carr Fast (t2>_ 2 324 324 324 + 4
84 64 United Corp (a20c)._. 70 7 6 4 64
464 434 United Corp pf (3)._. 13 444' 44 44 -4
164 144 United Drug (a75c)_. 6 144 144 144
254 184 1’nitedpyewood (1). 1 224 224 224 + 4
106 964 United Drew pf (7).. 200* 106 106 106
9 74 United Elec Coal_ 24 8 74 74-4
604 464 United Eng&Fy (t2). 3 594 584 564 -14
854 804 United Fruit (+3)_ 14 834 83 83 -4
17 144 United Gas Imp (1).. 91 154 154 154 -4
164 64 United Paperboard_ 18 144 144 144 + 4
34 * U S Distributing_ 2 3 24 3 +4
204 17 U S Distributing pf.. 190* 17 16.4 164 - 4
214 17 U S & For’n Secur_ 1 21 21 21-4
344 294 US Freight (tl)_ 2 304 30 304 + 4
137 122 US Gypsum (t2)_ 1 180 130 130 -1
172 167 U S Gypsum pf (7)... 40s 1684 168 168 -8
204 17 US Hoffman _ 12 204 20 20
434 374 US Indus Alcohol_ 21 41 394 394 - 4
174 134 U S Leather (A) vtc„ 10 164 154 154 + 4
714 604 USPipe&Fdry (3).. 11 684 «?4 684 +14
194 164 U S Realty & Imp_ 33 174 164 17 + 4
614 444 US Rubber_ .... 64 61 584 584 -14
111 924 U S Rubber 1st pf_ 61118 110 116 +8
924 834 u S Smelting (b2).._ 13 904 884 »04 +24
1094 75 U S Steel . 200 1074 1054 1074 +24
150 1394 U S Steel pf (7)_ 2 1474 146 1474 + 4
94 74 USStl Yd (al24c)— 6 84 84 84 + 4
84 64 United Stores (A) _. 14 74 74 74 +4
108 100 Univ Pictures 1st pf. 20s 1014 101 101 -2
44 34 UtilPw&Lt (A)(d). 20 84 84 34
24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp_ 2 24 2 2
84)^, 284 Vanadium Corp_ 26 824 *14 814 + 4
464 424 Vick Chemical (t2)._ 3 444 444 444 - H
94 74 Va-Car Chemical_ 11 84 84 84
614 544 Va-Car Chem 6% pf.. 2 564 564 664 -4
, 124 94 Va Iron Coal & Coke. 60s 104 104 104 + 4
87 30 Va Iron C & C pf_ 40s 27 27 27 -4
133 1274 Virginia Ry pf (*)... 11314 1314 1314-14
44 34 Wabash (d)_ 32 44 44 44
144 9 Wabash pf (A) (d)—. 87 144 1»4 134 + 4
12 44 Wabash pf (B)(d).._ 10s 12 12 12
194 16 Waldorf Sys (tl.20)_. 2 184 18 18 V
49 874 Walgreen Co (2)_ 2 464 464 46.4 - 4
484 454 Walker (H)(2)_ 8 47 464 464
17 114 Walworth Co_ 72 164 164 154 -4
94 64 Ward Baking (B)_ 41 9 84 84 + 4
18 144 Warner Bros Picture. 25 154 154 154 - 4
14 14 Warner-Quinlan (d). 12 14 14 14
124 »4 Warren Broa (d)_ 21 94 ,»4 94 -4
(Continued on Nineteenth Pace.)
U. S. Steel and Bethlehem
Gain About Two Points.
Rails Also Rise.
Stock Averages
:tn is is so
Indust. Ralls. Util. Stk*.
Net change. +.1 —.3 —.2 +.1
Today noon. 99.7 42 6 51.3 73 2
Prev. day... 99.6 42.3 51.5 73 1
Month ago.. 98.7 40.4 53.7 72 8
Year ago... 80.6 39.7 49.1 62 5
1937 high.. 100.8 42.4 54.0 73 8
1937 low_ 94.1 37.8 51.0 69 1
1936 high_ 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8
1936 low... 73.4 30.2 43.4 55 7
1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9
1929 high_146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7
1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8
(Compiled by tbe Associated Press.!
Associ.teo Press Fln»nci»i Writer.
NEW YORK, February- 18—Lead
ing steels sprinted out in Iront of a
rising stock market today.
Up around 2 points were United
States Steel and Bethlehem. Less
aggressive runners in this forward
group were Youngstown Sheet & Tube
and UnitejJ States Pipe <fc Foundry
Transactions approximated 2.100,000
Issues fractions to a point or more
ahead included Southern Pacific.
Santa Fe. Missouri Pacific preferred.
Western Pacific preferred. Kennecott.
International Nickel. Cerro de Pasco.
Howe Sound. United States Smelting,
Standard Oil of New Jersey, Westing
house, Byron Jackson, Wesson Oil,
Motor Products. National Distillers,
Distillers' Corp.-Seagrams, Philip Mor
ris. Evans Products. General Motors,
Chrysler. Packard. Sears Roebuck. In
ternational Telephone and Interna
tional Harvester.
Apparently lacking friends were
American Telephone. Western Union,
Du Pont and Montgomery Ward.
United States Rubber preferred
again took a broad jump, but the
common put on an erratic perform
ance. Alleghany preferred was an
other brisk rise.
Still in the dark over proposed steps
to check the inflow of foreign capital.
Wall Street examined the problem in
terms of a decline in British bonds In
The drop, it was said, was occa
sioned in part by Great Britain's
large-scale armaments program and
provided a symptom of the feeling of
insecurity surrounding complex inter
national tangles abroad.
A potential effect of these factors,
it was argued, was that American se
curities might by contrast seem all
the more attractive to foreign inter-,
ests notwithstanding possible efforts
to fence them off from funds from
Sterling and French francs were
steady. Cotton was mixed. Wheat
finished to 1'8 cents a bushel
higher. Corn was s8 lower to >4 up.
Government loans rallied In the bond
NEW YORK, February 18 t/PForeign
exchange steady; Great Britain in dollars,
others in cents Great Britain, demand.
4.89V cables. 4.89V. 86-day bills. 4.8**2
France, demand. 4.65’.?: cables. 4.H5V
Italy, demand, ft.28V cables. 5.26V
Demands—Belgium 18.88V Germany,
free. 40.23 V registered. 20.00; travel.
21.40: Holland. 54.69: Norway. 24.no.
Sweden. 25.25: Denmark. 21.88. Finland.
2.17: Switzerland. 22.81V Spain, un
quoted Portugal. 4.46. Greece. .96. Po
land. 18 96: Czechoslovakia. 3.49: Yugo
slavia. 2.34: Austria. 18.73n; Hungary.
19.80: Rumania. .75. Argentina. 32 63n
Brazil. 8.80*4n: Tokio. 28.57: Shanghai.
29.80; Hongkong. 30.45; Mexico City.
27.80: Montreal in New York. 99.96 V
New York in Montreal, 100.03V
LONDON. February 18 ■***.—The Bank
of England statement for the week ended
February 17 <in thousands of pounds*
Circulation 453.337. decrease 1.658
Bullion 314.172. increase 80. Reserves.
80.838. increase 1.718 Public deposits.
24.393 increase 12.89* Private deposits.
127.208. decrease 9.293. Government ae
curities. 83.1 tv increase 1.898 Other
securities. 25.848 decrease 178. The pro
portion of the bank's reserve to liability Is
40.10 per cent compared with 39.80 last
week. Bate of discount, 2 per cent.
For investment of
we recommend
Full information mil be
lurnighed on request.
A. S. Goilde.x & Co., he
Woodward Bldg. NA. 2000
Free to Executives
21 Bank and Trust
Company Statements
A reprint of reports of condi
tion of 21 Bonks and Trust
Companies of Washington D.
C., os of December 31, 1936,
which appeared in The Evening
Star. Invaluable reference
booklet. Free on request to
Executives and Investors Ad
dress Advertising Manager,
burning £>tar
From 1921 to 1929
gained 318% against
223% for rails, utilities
and industrials (Stand
ard Statistics indices).
(Our bulletin describing five
leading companies in the
industry which have paid
continuous dividends for 75
years will ba sent without
Robert C. Jones & Co.
Shoreham Bldg.
MEtropolitan 2922
"Complete Investment Service“

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